JACC Vol. 17. No. 2 February 199I27A k A. rd. tive inticator of predicted time for LV p Tau measurements(rnsj were: Dobulamine (DOB) 0.5 mg/oc was circulated through the chamber which was applied to ths epicardial surface of the infarcted area for 10 mln. IONTO ddivery was compared to passive dtffusion (PASS). using the seme chamber and concentrations, and 10 min of IV administration of DOB at a concentration of 4 pgm/kg/min. easurements were taken at 10 min during and 10 min post DOB appkatlon using epicardial echocardiography (5 Data=% change In wall thickness from control. IV IONTO PASS During DOB 17292 160+120 13967 MS ai11B9 X+SD, *p~o.f.Ei vs. IONTO. 08 kit0 non-transmural infarcts results Psistsforalongerlperiodoftimethan work Is to develop an iontophoretic delivery system which can enlshd transcutaneously, and will be programmed to deliver ino%ropic agents in tttratable concentrations directly Into ing myocardium. The impact of age-related changes in arterial stiffness n ventricular-vascular func ntil tirterial viscoela rterial chamber compli iscous resistance (W)J ntil recently, values for t e acquired by invasive tech tudies to quantitate normal awe not been performed. Ret NI) techniques were used to index (WEI) which incorporates both nd W. WE1 was defined as the ratio of W/C. rom NI measurements of inst calibrated subclawian pulse Doppler) in 76 normotensiwe Using a 3-element model of t 79227 118+40 133+,29 Significant linear correlation MS found between WEI and age (r=0.54, pcO.001). Vhis e-WE1 relation can as a reference for assessmen physiologic states. The WEI is a WE contribution to ventricular-vascular function. LEFT VENTRICULAR RELAXATION AND REGIONAL NONUNIFORMITY OF EARLY DIASTOLIC GEOMETRIC CHANGES IN HYPERTROPHIC NONOBSTRUCTIVE CARDIOMYOPATHY lida, Toshiaki Kumada, Fujimasa Kohno, Michiyo Noda,Noboru Ishikawa, Chuichi Kawai Kyoto-University Kyoto, Japan To study the relation between LW relaxation and early diastolic regional geometric changes* left ventriculography was conducted simultaneously with LW pressure micromanometry in 10 normal controls(C) and 11 Pts with hypertrophic nonobstructive cardiomyopathy(HCM). LV silhouettes in the right anterior oblique projection were divided into 8 areas(Figure) and regional wall stress (S; Janz’s method) during isovolumic relaxation (IR) was determined. In HCM, both the IR time(IRT, 84+13ms) and the time constant of LW pressure fall(Tp,51iBms) were significantly greater than in C(66+3ms, 3625ms. respectively: p<.Ol), indicating impaired LW relaxation in HCk End-systolic S was lower and the time constant of stress fall(Ts) was greater for each region in HCM than in C. Area 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ts k&i 38+ 5 38t 6 409 9 40+10 379 5 35+ 5 57712a 58714a 6%20b 53711b 54711a (ms) ( a=oc.Ol an2 b=p<.fi5 between C and HCM 7 57712a ihe koefficient bf variation (CW) for Ts values in 6 areas of LV was calculated in each subject. This CW was greater in HCM than in C(13i7 vs 7+3X, p<,O5), indicating regional nonuniformity in Ts. The CW was correlated with Tp (r=.80, pc.01) and IRT (rr.79, pe.01) in HCM. Thus. in HCM one of the causes of impaired global LW relaxation appears to be the regional early diastolic geometric changes. nonuniformity of

Viscosity:Compliance ratio — A new moninvasive age-sensitive index of arterial viscoelasticity

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JACC Vol. 17. No. 2 February 199I27A

k A. rd.

tive inticator of

predicted time for LV p Tau measurements (rnsj were:

Dobulamine (DOB) 0.5 mg/oc was circulated through the chamber which was applied to ths epicardial surface of the infarcted area for 10 mln. IONTO ddivery was compared to passive dtffusion (PASS). using the seme chamber and concentrations, and 10 min of IV administration of DOB at a concentration of 4 pgm/kg/min. easurements were taken at 10 min during and 10 min post DOB appkatlon using epicardial echocardiography (5 Data=% change In wall thickness from control.

IV IONTO PASS During DOB 17292 160+120 13967

MS ai11B9

X+SD, *p~o.f.Ei vs. IONTO.

08 kit0 non-transmural infarcts results Psistsforalongerlperiodoftimethan work Is to develop an iontophoretic

delivery system which can enlshd transcutaneously, and will be programmed to deliver ino%ropic agents in tttratable concentrations directly Into

ing myocardium.

The impact of age-related changes in arterial stiffness n ventricular-vascular func ntil tirterial viscoela rterial chamber compli iscous resistance (W)J ntil recently, values for t e acquired by invasive tech tudies to quantitate normal awe not been performed. Ret NI) techniques were used to

index (WEI) which incorporates both nd W. WE1 was defined as the ratio of W/C.

rom NI measurements of inst calibrated subclawian pulse

Doppler) in 76 normotensiwe Using a 3-element model of t

79227 118+40 133+,29 Significant linear correlation MS found between WEI and age (r=0.54, pcO.001). Vhis e-WE1 relation can as a reference for assessmen physiologic states. The WEI is a WE contribution to ventricular-vascular function.


lida, Toshiaki Kumada, Fujimasa Kohno, Michiyo Noda,Noboru Ishikawa, Chuichi Kawai Kyoto-University Kyoto, Japan

To study the relation between LW relaxation and early diastolic regional geometric changes* left ventriculography was conducted simultaneously with LW pressure micromanometry in 10 normal controls(C) and 11 Pts with hypertrophic nonobstructive cardiomyopathy(HCM). LV silhouettes in the right anterior oblique projection were divided into 8 areas(Figure) and regional wall stress (S; Janz’s method) during isovolumic relaxation (IR) was determined. In HCM, both the IR time(IRT, 84+13ms) and the time constant of LW pressure fall(Tp,51iBms) were significantly greater than in C(66+3ms, 3625ms. respectively: p<.Ol), indicating impaired LW relaxation in HCk End-systolic S was lower and the time constant of stress fall(Ts) was greater for each region in HCM than in C. Area 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ts k&i 38+ 5 38t 6 409 9 40+10 379 5 35+ 5 57712a 58714a 6%20b 53711b 54711a (ms) ( a=oc.Ol an2 b=p<.fi5 between C and HCM 7


ihe koefficient bf variation (CW) for Ts values in 6 areas of LV was calculated in each subject. This CW was greater in HCM than in C(13i7 vs 7+3X, p<,O5), indicating regional nonuniformity in Ts. The CW was correlated with Tp (r=.80, pc.01) and IRT (rr.79, pe.01) in HCM. Thus. in HCM one of the causes of impaired global LW relaxation appears to be the regional early diastolic geometric changes.

nonuniformity of