Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording

Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

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Page 1: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording

Page 2: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General


Table of benefits 3Introduction 4

Eligibility 4

Insurer 4

General definitions 4

General conditions 5

General exclusions 6

Section A. Purchase Protection 7

Srction B. Extended Warranty 8

Renewal of Benefits 10

Claims 10

Complaints Procedure 11

Data Protection and Marketing Rights 11

Statutory notice to short-term insurance policy holders 12

2Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196.

Page 3: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 3

Table of benefits

Benefit Table Benefit Amount

Section A. Purchase Protection

- Limit per 365 day period US$ 20,000

US$ 5,000

US$ 1,500

US$ 100

US$ 50

- Limit per incident

- Single article maximum limit

- Single article minimum limit

- Per item excess

Section B. Extended Warranty

- Limit per 365 day period US$ 5,000

US$ 1,500

Double the original manufacturers’ warranty period, upto a maximum of 24 months

US$ 50

- Single item maximum limit

- Extension period

- per item excess

Page 4: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 4


This Policy records the terms under which ChubbInsurance South Africa Limted (“Chubb”)have agreed to provide cover to Visa InternationalService Association (“Visa”) as policyholder for thebenefit of Cardholders.

Visa is the sole policyholder of this Policy; it willhold the Policy; and all rights under it. Theobligations of Visa as policyholder of this Policywill extend to all rights under the insurancecoverage provided by the Policy from time to timebut Visa is under no obligation any Cardholderto maintain this Policy or the insurance it providesand accordingly Visa is free to exercise any rightsto terminate the Policy or to agree with Chubb toamend, restrict or terminate the Policy at any time.

Visa is the policyholder and Visa recognises thatthe Cardholders have risks that Visa wishes toinsure. Cardholders have access to the benefitsof the Policy by virtue of of holding a specific typeof card issued to them by Visa.

Cardholders are only entitled to accept thebenefits under this Policy by lodging a claim withUs. Cardholders are authorised by Visa aspolicyholder to contact Chubb directly on itsbehalf for the purpose of notifying a claim underthe travel protection benefits.

Visa is responsible for the payment of the premiumunder this Policy.

Where anything in the Policy relates to aCardholder or anything is to be done by aCardholder, benefits will only be payable for thebenefit of the Cardholder if the Cardholdercomplies strictly with the requirements of thisPolicy relating to the Cardholder.

Nothing in this Policy will give any right to anyCardholder or other person other than Visa.

Visa has authorised Chubb to make all paymentsdue under this Policy other than payments due toservice providers to the Cardholder.

Any undertaking by Chubb to pay any benefitunder this Policy is an undertaking made to Visa aspolicyholder. The Cardholder does not have anydirect or indirect claim against Chubb.

Only Visa has any rights to enforce this Policy.Payment by Chubb of a claim direct to theCardholder on behalf of Visa will discharge

Chubb’s obligaton to Visa or the Cardholder forthe incident that is the cause of the claim.


The benefits summarised in this document aredependent upon the Cardholder being a validCardholder at the time of any incident giving riseto a claim.

Visa International Service Association will give theCardholder notice if there are any materialchanges to these terms and conditions or if thePolicy supporting the benefits is cancelled orexpires without renewal on equivalent terms.

This Policy contains details of benefits, conditionsand exclusions relating to valid Cardholders andis the basis on which all claims will be settled byChubb.


Benefits under this Policy are underwritten byChubb Insurance South Africa Limited, registeredon the following address: Ground Floor, TheBridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda RoadWest, Wierda Valley, Sandton, South Africa.

General Definitions

The words and phrases below will always have thefollowing meanings wherever they appear in thePolicy in bold type and starting with a capitalletter.


Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited


The holder of a Visa Platinum Card issued by a VisaInternational Service Association member bank,the card being valid and the account being in goodstanding.

Commencement Date

1st June 2018

Country of Residence

The country in which the Cardholder legallyresides.

Page 5: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 5


The Cardholder’s usual place of residence withinthe

Pair or Set

Items of Personal Property or Valuableswhich are substantially the same, complementaryor designed to be used together

Period of Insurance

12 months from 00.01 on the CommencementDate (local standard time in South Africa) andeach subsequent 12- month period for which VisaInternational Service Association shall pay andChubb accept a renewal premium.


A terrorist act(s), including but not limited to theuse of force or violence and/or the threat thereof orby means of a cyber attack, of any person orgroup(s) of persons, whether acting alone or onbehalf of or in connection with any organisation(s)or governments, committed for political, religious,ideological or similar purposes including theintention to influence any government and/or toput the public, or any section of the public, in fear.


Where the Cardholder is not in full view of or notin a position to prevent unauthorised taking orinterference with that Personal Property,Money or vehicle.


Cameras and other photographic equipment,telescopes and binoculars, audio/video equipment(including radios, iPods, mp3 and mp4 players,camcorders, DVD, video, televisions, and othersimilar audio and video equipment), mobilephones, satellite navigation equipment, computersand computer equipment (including PDAs,personal organisers, laptops, notebooks, netbooks,iPads, tablets and the like), computer gamesequipment (including consoles, games andperipherals) jewellery, watches, furs, leather goods,precious and semi-precious stones and articlesmade of or containing gold, silver or other preciousmetals and any other item worth USD 2,500 ormore.


Armed conflict between nations, invasion, act offoreign enemy, hostilities (whether war declared ornot), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrectionor military or usurped power.

We, Us, Our, Ourselves

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited

General Conditions

The Cardholder must comply with the followingconditions in addition to the items listed underSpecial Conditions in Sections A-B below to haveaccess to the benefits provided for under thePolicy. If the Cardholder does not comply Wemay at Our option refuse to deal with theCardholder’s claim, or reduce the amount of anyclaim payment made under the Policy issued toVisa.

1. This Policy is governed by the law of theRepublic of South Africa.

2. The Cardholder must take all reasonablecare and precautions to safeguard theirproperty against loss, theft or damage. TheCardholder must act as if they were notentitled to any benefit of Visa’s cover andmust take steps to minimise loss as much aspossible and must take reasonable steps toprevent a further incident and to recovermissing property.

3. We require that the Cardholder notifies Uswithin 28 days of the Cardholder becomingaware of any incident or loss leading to aclaim, and must return a completed claimform with any required additional informationto Us as soon as possible.

4. The Cardholder must report all incidents tothe local police in the country where it occursand obtain a crime or lost property report,which includes an incident number.

5. The Cardholder must not abandon anyproperty for Us to deal with or dispose of anydamaged items as We may need to see them.

6. The Cardholder or their legal representativesmust supply at their own expense allinformation, evidence, medical certificates,original invoices, receipts, reports, assistancethat may be needed includingdetails of other insurance policies that maycover the loss. We may refuse to pay for anyexpenses for which receipts or bills cannot beprovided. The Cardholder must please keepcopies of all documents sent to Us.

7. Neither Visa nor the Cardholder mustadmit, deny, settle, reject, negotiate or makeany arrangement for any claim without Ourpermission.

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Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 6

8. We have the right, if We choose, in the nameof Visa or the Cardholder but at Ourexpense to:

a. take over the defence or settlement of anyclaim;

b. take legal action in their name to getcompensation from anyone else for Ourown benefit or to get back from anyoneelse any payment that has already beenmade;

c. take any action to get back any lostproperty or property believed to be lost.

9. If Visa or the Cardholder or anyone actingfor them in any respect, attempts to gainfunds, information or other assets bydeception or any other illegal means,including deliberate misrepresentation oromission of facts in order to misrepresent thetrue situation, this Policy shall become void inrelation to the benefits which thatCardholder may have access to under thisPolicy. We may inform the police and theCardholder must repay to Us any amountalready paid under the Policy issued to Visa.

10. If We pay any expense for which theCardholder is not covered, the Cardholdermust pay this back to Us within one month ofOur asking.

11. We may at any time pay to a CardholderOur full liability under the Policy for a lossevent after which no further payments will bemade relating to that event.

12. If at the time of any incident which results in aclaim under this Policy, there is anotherinsurance covering the same loss, damage,expense or liability We will not pay more thanOur proportional share (not applicable toSection J. Travel Accident).

13. If the Cardholder possesses multiplemember bank cards the Cardholder mayonly claim and We will only pay up to thehighest limit of the cards, the benefit valueswill not be cumulative.

14. Whenever coverage, benefit or claim paymentprovided by this Policy would be in violationof the United Nations Resolutions or the tradeand economic sanctions, laws or regulations ofthe European Union, United Kingdom,Republic of South Africa or United States ofAmerica, such coverage, benefit or claimpayment shall be null and void.

General Exclusions

These exclusions apply throughout the Policy inaddition to the items listed under ‘What is notcovered’ in Sections A-B below. We will not payfor claims arising directly or indirectly from:

1. Any act of Terrorism.

2. War or any act of War whether War isdeclared or not.

3. Ionising radiation or contamination byradioactivity from any nuclear fuel or fromany nuclear waste, from combustion ofnuclear fuel, the radioactive, toxic, explosiveor other hazardous properties of any nuclearassembly or nuclear component of suchassembly.

4. Loss, destruction or damage directlyoccasioned by pressure waves caused byaircraft and other aerial devices travelling atsonic or supersonic speeds.

5. Suicide, attempted suicide or deliberate self-inflicted injury regardless of the state ofmental health.

6. Needless self-exposure to danger or whereacting in a manner contrary to visible warningsigns except in an attempt to save human life.

7. Any drug not prescribed by a Doctor, beingaddicted to any drugs, or abusing solvents,drugs, or alcohol, or being under the influenceof drugs, solvents, or alcohol.

8. Any claim resulting from involvement in afight except in self-defence.

9. Any illegal act by the Cardholder.

10. Any claim where the Cardholder is entitledto indemnity under any other insurance,including any amounts recoverable from anyother source, except in respect of any excessbeyond the amount which would have beencovered under such other Insurance, or anyamount recoverable from any other source,had these benefits herein not been effected.

11. Any other loss, damage or additional expensesfollowing on from the event for which theCardholder is claiming. Examples includebodily injury, property damage, loss due tonot being able to use the item, punitivedamages, exemplarary damages and legal fees.

12. Operational duties as a member of the ArmedForces.

Page 7: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 7

13. Any costs the Cardholder would have beenrequired or been expected to pay, if the eventresulting in the claim had not happened.

14. Any circumstances the Cardholder is aware ofthat could reasonably be expected to give riseto a claim under this Policy before it arises.

Section A. Purchase Protection

Specific Definitions


The holder of a covered card, the card being validand the account being in good standing at the timeof the incident.

Eligible item

An item purchased by the Cardholder on or afterthe Commencement Date during the Period ofInsurance solely for personal use (includinggifts), not used for business purpose, which hasbeen charged fully (100%) to the covered card andis not listed under ‘What is not covered’ in thisSection.

Purchase price

The lower of the amounts shown on either thecovered card billing statement or the store receiptfor the Eligible Item being at least US $ 50.

What is covered

In the event of theft and/or accidental damage toan Eligible Item within 90 days of purchase, Wewill, at Our option on behalf of Visa and indischarge of any obligations to the Cardholder,replace or repair the Eligible Item or credit theCardholder account an amount not exceedingthe Purchase Price of the Eligible Item, or thesingle item limit shown in the Table of Benefitswhichever is lower. We will not pay more than theamount shown in the Table of Benefits for any oneevent, or more than the maximum amount shownin the Table of Benefits in any one 365 day period.

Special Conditions

1. Purchase Protection provides cover only forclaims or portions of claims that are notcovered by other applicable guarantees,warranties, insurance or indemnity policies,subject to the stated limits of liability.

2. Claims for an Eligible Item belonging to aPair or Set, will be paid up to the fullPurchase Price of the Pair or Set,

provided the items are not useableindividually and cannot be replacedindividually.

3. If the Cardholder purchases the EligibleItem as a gift for someone else, We will if theCardholder wishes, pay a valid claim to therecipient.

4. The Cardholder must exercise due diligenceand do all things reasonably practicable toavoid any direct physical theft or damage to anEligible Item.

5. The Cardholder will need to transfer to Us,on Our request and at the Cardholder’sexpense, any damaged Eligible Item or partof a Pair or Set, and assign the legal rights torecover from the party responsible up to theamount We have paid.

6. The Cardholder must document that theclaim has not been sent to other insurancecompany.

7. The Cardholder must provide Us with theoriginal sales receipt from store, original ofcard receipt, original of account showing thetransaction and the police report.

What is not covered

1. The excess of US$50, applying to each andevery item.

2. Events not connected to theft, fire or damagecaused by accident.

3. Mysterious disappearance of Eligible Items.

4. Events caused by fraud, mistreatment,carelessness or not following themanufacturer’s manual.

5. Eligible Items which were used beforepurchase, second-hand, altered, or boughtfraudulently.

6. Damage to Eligible Items caused by productdefects or error during production.

7. Theft not reported to the police within 48hours of discovery and a written reportobtained.

8. Eligible Items left Unattended in a placeaccessible to the public.

9. Theft of or damage due to Eligible Items in amotor vehicle as a result of theft of the motorvehicle.

Page 8: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 8

10. Theft from any item of any property, land orpremises unless entry or exit to the propertyor premises was gained by the use of force,resulting in visible physical damage to theproperty or premises.

11. Mobile telephones.

12. Jewellery, watches, precious metals andgemstones and any item made from preciousmetals and gemstones

13. Motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, boats,caravans, trailers, hovercraft, aircraft andtheir accessories.

14. Service, cash, travel checks, tickets,documents, currency, silver and gold, art,antiques, rare coins, stamps and collector’sitems.

15. Animals, living plants, consumables,perishable goods or permanent installations.

16. Electronic items and equipment, including butnot limited to, personal stereos, MP3/4players, mobile telephones, computers orcomputer-related equipment whilst at theCardholder’s place of employment anditems used for business purpose.

17. Damage due to normal wear and tear, normaluse or normal activity during sports andgames (example golf or tennis balls).

18. Theft or damage when the Eligible Item isunder the supervisor’s, control or safe keepingof, a third party other than required accordingto safety regulations.

19. Eligible Items not received by theCardholder or other party designated by theCardholder.

20. Mail order items or courier delivered item(s)until item(s) are received, checked for damageand accepted at the nominated deliveryaddress.

21. Expenses due to repairs not performed byworkshops approved by Us.

22. Damage due to water, damp or earthquake.

23. Loss caused by declared or undeclared war,confiscation order of any government orpublic authority, or arising from illegal acts.

24. Theft or accidental damage to any EligibleItem where there is any other insurancecovering the same theft or accidental damage,or where the terms and conditions of such

other insurance have been broken or for thereimbursement of any evident excess.

Srction B. Extended Warranty

Specific Definitions

Brown Good(s)

Audio and video equipment including televisions(LCD and plasma), DVD players/recorders, homecinema projectors, HiFi systems, MP3 players,iPods, cameras, video cameras, GPS systems.


The holder of a Visa Platinum Card issued by a VisaInternational Service Association member bank,the card being valid and the account being in goodstanding at the time of the incident.

Eligible Item

A Brown Good or a White Good with aminimum purchase price of US$50 including VAT,purchased new by the Cardholder on or after theCommencement Date during the Period ofInsurance solely for personal use, which has beencharged fully (100%) tothe covered card, in a storelocated in the Country of Residence (other thana Duty-Free Zone) or via an Internet site where thesales company is registered in the Country ofResidence and the item is meant for use in theCountry of Residence market and is not listedas an item which is not covered. The manufacturermust provide an original warranty of no less than12 months in respect of the Eligible Item in thecountry of purchase.

Extended Warranty Period

The period starting the day after the originalmanufacturer’s warranty expires. The extendedwarranty period will match the original warrantyperiod up to a maximum of 24 months.

Mechanical Breakdown

An internal malfunction of an Eligible Itemwhich would have been covered by the terms of theoriginal manufacturer’s warranty, which is duesolely to a defect in material or workmanship andwhich results in a failure of the Eligible Item tooperate for the purpose for which it was designed.

White Good(s)

Electrical household appliances including washingmachines, tumble/washer dryers, dishwashers,

Page 9: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 9

cookers, ovens, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners,clothes-irons, toasters, electric toothbrushes.

What is covered

The repair costs of an Eligible Item afterMechanical Breakdown during the ExtendedWarranty Period are covered.

Repair expenses will be paid up to the originalpurchase price paid for the Eligible Item, up tothe limit shown in the Table of Benefits. If repairexpenses exceed the original purchase price paid,We will replace the Eligible Item with anequivalent model of similar specification with avalue of no more than the original purchase price,up to the limit shown in the Table of Benefits. If noequivalent model of similar specification isavailable,the Cardholder will be credited with anamount equal to the original purchase price, up tothe limit shown in the Table of Benefits. Themaximum paid per 365 day period is as shown inthe Table of Benefits.

Where an Eligible Item is part of a Pair or Set,cover will extend only to the Eligible Item inrespect of which there has been a MechanicalBreakdown and not to the rest of the Pair orSet.

In the event of a claim

If an Eligible Item breaks down, theCardholder must please [email protected] , giving theirname, first 9 digits of their covered card number,Eligible Item brand, model and the MechanicalBreakdown date. Visa will confirm that theEligible Item is covered and the Cardholderwill be directed to an authorised service centre.Visa will also send the Cardholder a claim form.Please retain the repair receipt from the servicecentre specifying the Mechanical Breakdownand price for repair. Claim forms and alldocumentation must be sent to Us within 90 daysof the repair date. All payments due to Visa to bemade by Us will be made to the Cardholder. Wemay appoint an expert or investigator to assess thecircumstances of the claim and the amount to bepaid to the Cardholder.

Special Conditions

1. The Cardholder must keep the original salesreceipt from store, original of card receipt,original of account statement showing thetransaction was paid in full with the coveredcard and the original manufacturer’s warrantycard.

2. Extended Warranty only covers MechanicalBreakdown repair expenses if the productbreaks down after the manufacturer’s originalwarranty has expired.

3. If We replace the Eligible Item at Ourelection, the item becomes Our property andthe replacement item will not benefit fromcover under these benefits.

What is not covered

1. The excess of US$50, applying to each andevery item.

2. Non-electrical items.

3. Items without a serial number.

4. 4. Boats, automobiles, motorboats, airplanes,or any motorized vehicles &/or their integralparts.

5. Mobile telephones.

6. Electric gardening tools.

7. Boilers or furnaces.

9. Genuine goods sold through unauthorizedchannels in direct competition withauthorized distributors.

10. Items which do not have an originalmanufacturer's warranty valid in the Countryof Residence.

11. Items which do not have a Country ofResidence specification or that are notavailable in the Country of Residence.

12. Items not bought as new, or modified, rebuiltor refurbished items.

13. Items which are purchased for resale.

14. Items that are specified by supplier as aconsumable item or items that shall be thrownaway after usage, included, but not limited tobulbs, fuses, batteries, filters, belts, bags andprinting cartridges.

15. Installation expenses or changes on an item.

8. Tablets and iPads.

Page 10: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 10

16. Cleaning expenses, including but not limitedto filter on a washing machine, video andcassettes.

17. The cost of rectifying blockages (except in thecooling system of refrigeration equipment).

18. Costs incurred in disposing of an item.

19. Any costs incurred in gaining access for repairto any appliance that has been incorporatedinto fitted units.

20. Expenses linked to supplier’s withdrawal of aproduct.

21. Expenses linked to rebuild.

22. Items used for business, professional orcommercial purposes.

23. Items permanently affixed to the Home oroffice.

24. Expenses linked to repairs caused by routineservice, inspections or installations, or call outcharges and other expenses where anauthorised repairer cannot find any fault withthe item.

25. Computer software and other accessories tocomputers not fully assembled by themanufacturer.

26. Damage caused by not following the supplier’smanual, instructions or installations, or theuse of unapproved accessories.

27. Corrosion.

28. Damage caused by mistreatment orcarelessness.

29. Lightning, storm or flood damage.

30. Expenses due to supplement equipment.

31. Expenses due to repairs not performed byworkshops approved by Us.

32. Any costs other that those specifically coveredunder the terms of the original manufacturer’swritten repair warranty.

33. Any costs associated to the disposal orremoval of the items regardless of whether theitem can be repaired or replaced.

Renewal of Benefits

The benefits provided under this policy will bereviewed by Visa on an annual basis. Visa willwrite to the Cardholder advising of any changesto the benefits at least 30 days before the benefitsunder this Policy expire.

Cover begins on the Commencement Date andwill continue annually until the earliest of thefollowing:

1. The covered card is cancelled; or

2. Visa withdraws the benefits attached to aCardholder’s Visa Platinum card; or

3. This policy lapses without renewal


Note the limitations and conditions relationing tothe Cardholder’s right to claim in theIntrodcution.

How to Make a Claim

Please read the appropriate section in the benefitsto see exactly what is, and is not covered, notingparticularly any conditions, limitations andexclusions.

Making a claim

In the event of a claim please email Our ClaimsHelpline at: [email protected]

The Cardholder will need to provide:

their name,First 9 digits of the covered card number,the Cardholder’s address, andThe section under which the the Cardholderwishes to make a claim

Brief details of the claim

We ask that the Cardholder notifies Us at theabove addresses within 28 days of theCardholder becoming aware of an incident orloss leading to a claim and to return the completedclaim form and any additional information to Usas soon as possible.

Additional Information

The Cardholder must supply all original invoices,receipts and reports etc. The Cardholder shouldcheck the section under which the claim is madefor any specific conditions and details of any

Page 11: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP No. 27176),Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196. 11

supporting evidence that the Cardholder mustgive Us. It is always advisable to keep copies of allthe documents that are sent to Us.

Claims Handling Agents

To help Us agree a quick and fair settlement of aclaim, it may sometimes be necessary for Us toappoint a claims handling agent.

Complaints Procedure

We are dedicated to providing a high qualityservice and want to maintain this at all times. If theCardholder is not happy with Our service, pleasecontact Us, quoting the first 9 digits of theCardholder’s card number and/or claimnumber, so we can deal with the complaint as soonas possible. Our contact details are:

Chubb Insurance South Africa LimitedPO Box 1192,Saxonwold2132

Data Protection and Marketing Rights

The Personal Information the Cardholderprovided: Chubb is the data controller and Weaccept fully Our responsibility to protect theprivacy of persons and the confidentiality andsecurity of Personal Information entrusted to Us.In this notice, where We refer to PersonalInformation, this means any information thatidentifies an individual and includes any sensitivePersonal Information (e.g. information abouthealth or medical condition(s)). This will includeany information that identifies another personwhose information has been provided to Us by theCardholder (as We will assume that they haveappointed the Cardholder to act for them). TheCardholder agrees to receive on their behalf anydata protection notices from Us.

We will use the Cardholder’s PersonalInformation for the purpose of providing insuranceservices. By providing Personal Information, theCardholder consent that their PersonalInformation, will be used by Us, Our groupcompanies, Our reinsurers, Our serviceproviders/ business partners, and Our agents foradministration, customer service, claims handling,assistance services, customer profiling, and formanagement and audit of Our businessoperations. We may also pass the Cardholder’sPersonal Information to other insurers andregulatory and law enforcement bodies for theprevention of fraud, financial crime or where the

law requires Us to do so. Chubb Insurance SouthAfrica Limited Registration Number1973/008933/06, is an authorised FinancialServices Provider (FSP:27176) with its registeredoffice at The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196.25

We will not share the Cardholder’s sensitivePersonal Information unless We have eitherspecific consent from the Cardholder or We arerequired to do so by law. We may transferPersonal Information to other countries which maynot have the same level of data protection as thehome country, but if We do, We will ensureappropriate safeguards are put in place to protectthe Personal Information. For questions regardingthe Cardholder’s Personal Information, pleasecontact Arnold Schoombee: Email:[email protected] Tel: +27 11 7225700.


Unless the Cardholder has informed Usotherwise, We may contact the Cardholder to letthem know about any goods, services orpromotions that may be of interest. If theCardholder decides they would prefer not toreceive promotional information from Us, they cancontact Arnold Schoombee([email protected]), but then theCardholder may miss out on special promotions.

Page 12: Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording - SBM Group Platinu… · Visa Platinum Insurance Policy Wording. Contents Table of benefits 3 Introduction 4 Eligibility 4 Insurer 4 General

1. Notice to Short-Term Insurance Policyholders

1. Disclosure and Other Legal Requirements

1. Important – please read carefully(This notice does not form part of the Insurance Policy or any other document)As a Policyholder, or prospective Policyholder, you have the right to the following information:

Statutory Notice InformationYour insurance advisor should provide thisinformation to you when you are provided with aquotation or take out a policy. If your advisor doesnot do so after you have requested it please contactChubb Insurance South Africa Limited who will assistin obtaining it.

1. About the intermediary (insurance broker orrepresentative)a. Name, physical address and postal address and telephone

number.b. Legal status and any interest in the insurer.c. Whether or not in possession of professional indemnityinsurance.d. Detail of how to institute a claim.e. Rand amount of fees and commission payable.f. Written mandate to act on behalf of insurer.

Contact Details:Chubb Insurance South Africa LimitedReg No: 1973/008933/06PO Box 1192, Saxonwold, 2132

Located at:Ground Floor, The Bridle,Hunts End Office Park,38 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, SandtonTel: 011 722 5700FSP No: 27176

Compliance Officer:Arnold SchoombeePO Box 1192Saxonwold2132Tel: 011 722 5700Fax: 011 783 0812

2. About The Insurera. Name, physical and postal address and telephone numbers.b. Telephone number of compliance department of the insurer.c. Details of how to institute a claim and/or complaint.d. Type of policy: refer to your policy schedule.e. Extent of premium obligations, manner of payment ofpremium,due date of premiums and consequences of non-payment:

refer topolicy schedule.f. Fees: The premium displayed on your quote, policy scheduleor renewal will be payable.

g. Complaints procedure: visit our website www.chubb.com/zah. Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited is in possession of

Professional Indemnity Cover.

3. Other Matters Of Importancea. You must be informed of any material changes to theinformationreferred to in paragraph 1 and 2.b. If the information in paragraphs 1 and 2 was given orally, itmust beconfirmed in writing within 30 days.c. If any complaint to the intermediary or insurer is not resolvedto your satisfaction, you may submit the complaint to the

FinancialSector Conduct Authority.d. Polygraph or any lie detector test is not obligatory in theevent of aclaim and the failure thereof may not be the sole

reason forrepudiating a claim.e. If premium is paid by debit order:

i. it may only be in favour of one person and may not betransferred without your approval; and

ii. the insurer must inform you at least 30 days beforethe cancellation thereof, in writing, of its intention to

cancelsuch debit order.f. The insurer and not the intermediary must givereasons forrepudiating your claim.g. Your insurer may not cancel your insurance merely byinformingyour intermediary. There is an obligation to make sure the

noticehas been sent to you.h. You are entitled to a copy of the policy free of charge.

Should you have any complaints about the availability or adequacy of information herein, or about our claims or underwriting service, please bringthis to the attention of our compliance officer.

Our Complaints resolution procedure can be viewed at our website: www.chubb.com/za

Your policy document contains the details of procedures to follow in the event of a claim. Should anything not be clear, please contact your insuranceadvisor or Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited for assistance.


Do not sign any blank or partially completed application form. Complete all forms in ink. Keep all documents handed to you.

Make note as to what is said to you.

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Don't be pressurised to buy the product. Incorrect or non-disclosure by you of relevant facts may influence an insurer on any claims arising from yourcontract of insurance.

PO Box 32334BRAAMFONTEIN, 2017Tel: (011) 726-8900Fax: (011) [email protected]

4. Particulars of Short term Insurance Ombudsman who isavailable to advise you in the event of claim problems,which are not satisfactorily resolved by the insuranceintermediary and/or the insurer.

PO Box 35655MENLO PARK, 0102Tel: (012) 428-8000Fax: (012) 347-0221

5. Particulars of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority(FSCA)

PO Box 74571LYNWOOD RIDGE, 0040Tel: (012) 470 9080Fax: (012) 348 3447

6. Particulars of the FAIS Ombud

Sasria Soc LimitedReg No: 1979/000287/06FSP: 3911736 Fricker Road, IllovoPO Box 653367, Benmore, 2010Tel: (011) 214 0800Fax: (011) 447 8630

7. Particulars of SASRIA

(You may be required to sign a copy of this document)

Other important information:

Procedures for the submission of claims and your responsibilities are detailed in the policy document inthe section of the policy headed GENERAL CONDITIONS. In the event of a possible claim you must notify youradvisor or Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited as soon as reasonably possible and submit a completedclaim form as soon as practicable but within 30 days. When we are dealing with any claim you must give usany information and help we reasonably ask for.


The policy wording and schedule must be read as one document. If you need advice on any aspect of yourpolicy, first amounts payable [excesses], claims procedures or your responsibility to pay premiums, pleasecontact your insurance advisor or Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited.Should you at any time suspect fraudulent dealings on the part of the Insurer or any other person dealingwith your insurance claim, please contact the Insurer on 011 722 5700 or the Insurance Fraudline on0860 002 526.


Consent to the Disclosure of Private Underwriting and Claims InformationBy acceptance of this policy of insurance the Policyholder acknowledges that the sharing of claims information and underwritinginformation (including credit information) by Insurer(s) is essential to enable the Insurance Industry to underwrite policies and assessrisks fairly and to reduce the incidence of fraudulent claims, in the public interest and with a view to limiting premiums.The Policyholder, on his own behalf and on behalf of any person he represents herein, hereby waives any right to privacy in anyinsurance information provided by him or on his behalf in respect of any insurance policy or claim made or lodged by him and heconsents to such information being disclosed to any other insurance company or its agent.The Policyholder, on his own behalf and on behalf of any person he represents herein also acknowledges that the information providedmay be verified against other legitimate sources or databases and waives any rights of privacy and consent to the disclosure of anyinformation relevant to any insurance policy or claim concerning him.In particular and without limiting the foregoing, the Policyholder consents to the Insurer(s):

1. Performing a credit search on the Policyholder;

2. Monitoring the Policyholders payment behaviour by researching his/her/its record at one or more of the Credit Bureau;

3. Using new information and data obtained from Credit Bureau in respect of the Policyholder;

4. Recording details of how the Policyholder has performed, in terms of the policy;

5. Disclosing to one or more Credit Bureau any information regarding credit worthiness, defaults in payment to the Insurer(s), and details ofaccount or payment behaviour or any matter in connection with the policy (including any dispute) with the Insurer(s) is conducted;

6. Any reference to the masculine gender shall include the female gender

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Contact Us About Chubb

Chubb Insurance South Africa LimitedGround Floor, The Bridle, Hunts EndOffice Park, 38 Wierda Road West,Wierda Valley SandtonSouth Africa

T +27 (0) 11 722 5700www.chubb.com/za

The new Chubb is the world’s largestpublicly traded property and casualtyinsurer. With operations in 54 countries,Chubb provides commercial and personalproperty and casualty insurance, personalaccident and supplemental healthinsurance, reinsurance and life insuranceto a diverse group of clients.

The company is distinguished by itsextensive product and service offerings,broad distribution capabilities, exceptionalfinancial strength, underwritingexcellence, superior claims handlingexpertise and local operations globally.

The insurance companies of Chubb servemultinational corporations, midsize andsmall businesses with property andcasualty insurance and services; affluentand high net worth individuals withsubstantial assets to protect; individualspurchasing life, personal accident,supplemental health, home and carinsurance and other specialty insurancecoverage; companies and affinity groupsproviding or offering accident and healthinsurance programmes and life insuranceto their employees or members; andinsurers managing exposures withreinsurance coverage.

Chubb’s core operating insurancecompanies maintain financial strengthratings of AA from Standard & Poor’s andA++ from A.M. Best.

Chubb’s parent company is listed on theNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) andis a component of the S&P 500 index.

Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1973/008933/06) is an authorised Financial ServicesProvider (FSP No. 27176), Ground Floor, The Bridle, Hunts End Office Park, 38 Wierda Road West, WierdaValley, Sandton, 2196.