VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY BOARD IN THE MATTER OF VSB DOCKET NO. 18-000-111546 JACOB LEON PARROTT AGREED DISPOSITION MEMORANDUM ORDER FOR A SUSPENSION On Friday, March 16, 2018 this matter was heard by the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board upon the joint request of the parties for the Board to accept the Agreed Disposition signed by the parties and offered to the Board as provided by the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The panel consisted of Lisa A. Wilson, 1st Vice Chair, Tambera D. Stephenson, Lay Member, Yvonne S. Gibney, Jeffrey L. Marks, and Sandra M. Rohrstaff. The Virginia State Bar was represented by M. Brent Saunders, Senior Assistant Bar Counsel. Jacob Leon Parrott was present and was not represented by counsel. The Chair polled the members of the Board as to whether any of them were aware of any personal or financial interest or bias which would preclude any of them from fairly hearing the matter to which each member responded in the negative. Court Reporter, Tracy Stroh, Chandler and Halasz, P.O. Box 9349, Richmond, Virginia 23227, telephone (804) 730-1222, after being duly sworn, reported the hearing and transcribed the proceedings. WHEREFORE, upon consideration of the Agreed Disposition, Rule to Show Cause and Order of Suspension and Hearing, the arguments of the parties, and after due deliberation, It is ORDERED that the Disciplinary Board accepts the Agreed Disposition and the Respondent shall receive a suspension for a period of nine (9) months, as set forth in the Agreed Disposition, which is attached and incorporated in this Memorandum Order. It is further ORDERED that the sanction is effective February 28, 2018. It is further ORDERED that: The Respondent must comply with the requirements of Part Six, § IV, ¶ 13-29 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The Respondent shall forthwith give notice by certified mail of the Revocation or Suspension of his or her license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia, to all clients for whom he or she is currently handling matters and to all opposing attorneys and presiding Judges in pending litigation. The Respondent shall also make appropriate arrangements for the disposition of matters then in his or her care in conformity with the wishes of his or her clients. The Respondent shall give such notice within 14 days of the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension, and make such arrangements as are required herein within 45 days of the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension. The Respondent shall also furnish proof to the Bar within 60 days of the effective day of the Revocation or Suspension that such notices have been timely given and such arrangements made for the disposition of matters. It is further ORDERED that if the Respondent is not handling any client matters on the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension, he or she shall submit an affidavit to that effect within 60 days of the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension to the Clerk of the Disciplinary System at the Virginia State Bar. All issues concerning the adequacy of the notice and arrangements required by Paragraph 13-29 shall be determined by the Virginia State Bar

VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

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Page 1: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of



On Friday, March 16, 2018 this matter was heard by the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board upon the joint request of the parties for the Board to accept the Agreed Disposition signed by the parties and offered to the Board as provided by the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The panel consisted of Lisa A. Wilson, 1st Vice Chair, Tambera D. Stephenson, Lay Member, Yvonne S. Gibney, Jeffrey L. Marks, and Sandra M. Rohrstaff. The Virginia State Bar was represented by M. Brent Saunders, Senior Assistant Bar Counsel. Jacob Leon Parrott was present and was not represented by counsel. The Chair polled the members of the Board as to whether any of them were aware of any personal or financial interest or bias which would preclude any of them from fairly hearing the matter to which each member responded in the negative. Court Reporter, Tracy Stroh, Chandler and Halasz, P.O. Box 9349, Richmond, Virginia 23227, telephone (804) 730-1222, after being duly sworn, reported the hearing and transcribed the proceedings.

WHEREFORE, upon consideration of the Agreed Disposition, Rule to Show Cause and Order of Suspension and Hearing, the arguments of the parties, and after due deliberation, It is ORDERED that the Disciplinary Board accepts the Agreed Disposition and the Respondent shall receive a suspension for a period of nine (9) months, as set forth in the Agreed Disposition, which is attached and incorporated in this Memorandum Order. It is further ORDERED that the sanction is effective February 28, 2018.

It is further ORDERED that: The Respondent must comply with the requirements of Part Six, § IV, ¶ 13-29 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The Respondent shall forthwith give notice by certified mail of the Revocation or Suspension of his or her license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia, to all clients for whom he or she is currently handling matters and to all opposing attorneys and presiding Judges in pending litigation. The Respondent shall also make appropriate arrangements for the disposition of matters then in his or her care in conformity with the wishes of his or her clients. The Respondent shall give such notice within 14 days of the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension, and make such arrangements as are required herein within 45 days of the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension. The Respondent shall also furnish proof to the Bar within 60 days of the effective day of the Revocation or Suspension that such notices have been timely given and such arrangements made for the disposition of matters. It is further ORDERED that if the Respondent is not handling any client matters on the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension, he or she shall submit an affidavit to that effect within 60 days of the effective date of the Revocation or Suspension to the Clerk of the Disciplinary System at the Virginia State Bar. All issues concerning the adequacy of the notice and arrangements required by Paragraph 13-29 shall be determined by the Virginia State Bar

Page 2: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

Disciplinary Board, which may impose a sanction of Revocation or additional Suspension for failure to comply with the requirements of this subparagraph.

The Clerk of the Disciplinary System shall assess costs pursuant to ¶ 13-9 E. of the


It is further ORDERED that an attested copy of this Order be mailed to the Respondent by certified mail, return receipt requested, at his last address of record with the Virginia State Bar at Law Office of J. Leon Parrott, 360 McKendree Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579, and a copy hand-delivered to M. Brent Saunders, Senior Assistant Bar Counsel, Virginia State Bar, Suite 700, 1111 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Enter this Order this 16th day of March, 2018 VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY BOARD ____________________________________________ Lisa A. Wilson First Vice Chair

Page 3: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of





Pursuant toPart 6, § IV, 1[ 13-6(H) and 13-24 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of

Virginia, the Virginia State Bar, by M. Brent Saunders, Senior Assistant Bar Counsel, and Jacob

Leon Panott, Respondent, hereby enter into the fiollowing Agreed Disposition.


1. Respondent was licensed to practice law in Soutfa Carolina on November 15, 1984

and in the Commonwealth ofVirgmia on November 15, 2012.

2. In May 2017, Respondent entered into an Agreement For Discipline By Consent

with the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel to the Supreme Court ofSoutfi Carolina

("Agreement"), pursuant to which he admitted fliat he had: i) engaged in criminal conduct in

2016 that reflects adversely on his honesty, trustworthiness, aiid/or fitness as a lawyer; and ii)

failed to report his an-est to the South Carolina Commission on Lawyer Conduct, all in violation

of multiple provisions of the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct. In the Agreement,

Respondent also consented to the imposition of discipline up to the suspension of his license to

practice law in South Carolina for a period ofnue (9) months with the tenn that he enter intoand successfully complete a two-year monitoring agreement with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

See Exhibit "A" attached hereto.

3. On September 14, 2017, the South Carolina Supreme Court accepted the

Agreement and suspended Respondmt*s license to practice law in South Carolina for a paiod of

nme (9) months with the tenn that he enter into and successfully complete a two-year inonitoring

agreement wilfa Lawyers Helping Lawyers. See Exhibit "B" attached hereto.

4. The suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in South Carolina for a



Mar 14, 2018

Page 4: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

period of nine (9) months is final and non-appealable,

5. On February 23, 20 18, the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board "(Board") issued

a Rule to Show Cause and Order of Summary Suspension and Hearing against Respondent

summarily siispending his license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia effective

February 28, 2018 and ordering him to show cause why the same discipline imposed in South

Carolina should not be imposed by the Board.

6. Respondent agrees that the same discipline imposed in South Carolina should be

imposed by the Board and waives all rights he has under Part 6, § IV, ̂ 13-24 of the Rules of the

Supreme Court of Virginia.


Accordingly, Bar Counsel and Respondent hereby tender to the Board for its approval an

agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the

Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of nine (9) months, effective February 28, 2018.

If the Agreed Disposition is approved, the Clerk oftiie Disciplinary System shall assess

an administrative fee.


'N7'^ --'7


M. Bren Saun' eSenior Assistant Bar Counsel


/// ."7

JacobLeon arrott. JR.pspondent

Page 5: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of




Jacob Leon Rarrott, Lawyer.

Matter Number: 16-DE-L-1535



the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel to the Supreme Court of South Carolina

(Disdplinary Counsel) and Jacob Leon Parrott (Lawyer). Pursuant to the provisions of

Rule 21 of the Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement (RLDE), Rule 413, SCACR,

the parties hereto agree that:

1. Lawyer is licsnsed to practice law in South Carolina and is subject to ttie

jurisdicyon of the Commission on Lawyer Conduct (the Commission) pursuant to the

provistons of RLDE.

2. This Agreement relates to a complaint pending against Lawyer belbre ttie

Commission bearing Case Number 16-DE-L-1535 (the Proceedings) tiiat was made by

Disctplfnary Counsel (the Complainant).

3. Lawyer conditionally admits the occurrence of the following specific factual

allegations (the Allegations) as alleged by Disciplinary Counsel:

Lawyer was arrested on August 16, 2016 and charged with Voyeurism, in

violation of S.C. Cwte 16-17-0470(B), While in a grocery store, Lawyer used his cell

phone to take a photcgraph up the victim's skirt. Copies of the incident report and arrest

Exhibit A

Page 6: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

warrant from the Myrtle Beach Police Ctepartnent are attached and made a part of this

Agreement. Lawyer failed to inform tie Commission on Lawyer Conduct, in writing,

within fifteen days of his arrest. Lawyer represents that he renewed the rule regarding

self-report'ng an arrest and that he consulted with an attorney. Lawyer represents that,

at that time, he did not believe that he had a duty to self-report his airest. On January

13, 2017, Lawyer's criminal chaige was remarried to ttie Myrtle Beach Munteipat Court

contingent on Law^r pleading guilty to A^ault and Battery ThW Degree. A copy of the

remand fetter Is attached and made a part of this Agreement. On Februaiy 22, 2017,

Lawyer pled guilty to a charge of Assauft and Battery Third Degree and was sentencsd

to pay a fine of $776.00. Lawyer has paid the fine. A copy of tie disposition sheet (rom

the Myrtle Beach Munteipal Court »s attached and made a part of this Agreement.

Lawyer admits that his criminal condud reflects adversely on Lawyer's honesty,

trustworthiness, and/or fitness as a lawyer and that his criminal conduct involved an

action against moral turpitude. By his criminal conduct, Lawyer admte that he violated

Rules 8.4(b) and 8.4(c). RPC. Lawyer further admits that his faBure to notify ttie

Commfesion on Lawyer Conduct of his arrest was a viotation of Ryte 8.3(a), RPC.

Lawyer further admits that he is subject to disdpline for this conduct pursuant to Rules

7(a)(1). (4). and (5). RLDE.

4. Lawyer conditionally admits violating the specific portions of the Rules of

Professional Conduct, Rule 407, SCACR, or other rules that govern Lawyer's wnduct

that are set fortii in paragraph 3, above, and any rther rules the Commission on Lawyer

Conduct or the Supreme Court of Sou \ Carolina might find violated by the Allegations.

5. Lawyer consents to the imposition of a public reprimand up to a definite

Page 7: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

suspension not to exceed nine months as set forth in Rule 7(b), RLDE, as a final

disposition of the Proceedings if this Agreement is flinaily accepted and a sanction is in

fart imposed. Lawyer requests that sanction be made retroacUve to the date of interim

suspension, but understands that jf the Court declines to apply sanction retroactively,

the validity or enforc^abitity of this agreement is not affected, Disciplinary Counsel joins

in this request. Within thirty days of imposition of discipline, Lawyer agrees to pay the

costs incurred in the investigation and prosecaution of this matter by Disciplinary Counsel

and the Commission. As a condition of discipline. Lawyer agrees to enter into a two-

year monitoring contract wfth Lawyers Helping Lawyers. Lawyer further agrees to file

wfth ttie Commission on Lawyer Conduct annual reports of his cwnptiance with that


6. Inasmuch as Formal Charges have not been filed by Disciplinary Counsel

against Lawyer in connection with the Proceedings, this Agreement shall be submitted

to an Inv^tigative Panel erf the Commission for its determinatfon as to whether this

Agrewient should be accepted and. if it so finds, ttien the Panel must submit thfe

Agreement to the Supreme Court of South Carolina for final approval.

7. Attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference is an affidavit of Lawyer

(the Affidavit) as required by Rute 21. RLDE.

8. All admissions and consents made by Lawyer in this Agreement are

conditioned upon the final approval and acceptance of this Agreement. tf this

Agreement is rejected, then this Agreement and the Rute 21 Affidavit shall be deemed

withdrawn and shaEI not thereafter be used for any purpose by or against Lawyer in frie

Proceedings or any other proceedings; hcmrever, this Agreement and tti® Rule 21

Page 8: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

Affidavit may not be withdrawn by Lawyer unless so rejected. This Agreement is not

binding on Disciplinary Counsel unless and until it is fully executed by all parties.

9. If this Agreement is finally accepted in accordance with the provisions of Rule

21, RLDE, then the Procealings shall be terminated upon imposition of disdpline. 'TTie

parties understand and agree that, if ttiis agreement is finally accepted and a public

sanction is imposed by the Court, ttiis agreement and all attachments thereto will

become matters of public record.

10. Lawyer is not represented by legal counsel in connection w ttie


11. Lawyer and Disdpiinary Counsel waive any and all rights to oral aiguments

in connection with this matter.

12. Lawyer's disciplinary history includes a Definite 4-Morrth suspension in

January 1997 - SC Op. 24568.

13. Attached hereto, but not made a part hereof, may be an affidavit m

mtt^ation which the Lawyer requests be taken Into consideration in determining

whether this Agreement should be acx^pted and/or what would be the appropriate

sanction to be imposed in connection with this matter. Dfedpfa'nary Counsel has not

inctependently investigated the information contained m the aflRdavit in mitigaUon except

to extent consistent with the Allegations. Dfeclplinary Counsel reserves the right to

reject any submissions that asntradict or attempt to ft^rther explain the admissions in the

Agreement. Any conftfet betw^n the affidavit and this Agreement shall be resolved in

favor of this Agreement.

Page 9: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed and delivered this

Agreement as follows. Alt prior negotiations bebween Lawyer and Disciplinary Counsel

concerning ftie Proceedings and the matters ̂ t forth in this Agreement are merged into

this Agreement. This Agreenrwt contains the entire understanding between the (^rties

concerning the matters set forth herein. There have been no promise or inducemente

made to Lawyer by or on behalf of Disciplinary Counsel related to this Agreement

except for ttiose sp^iificalty set out herein,


As to Dlsct nary unsel


Lesley M. Ce^igtotaCMsclplinary CounselDate: - - ^)



As to Lawyer:


C. Tex vts, Jr.Senior As^lStent^iisci inDate: Sf'i^iin

JacjStTL n rrottLavftyerDate: ^ - "5


Page 10: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

STATE OF ^«^ M^^- \)


PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned affiant, Jacob Leon Parrott, who,

upon first being duly sworn, says that:

1, The Affiant consents to a public neprimand up to a definite suspension not to

exceed nine monfts as set forth in the attached Agreement for Disdpline by Consent in

connection wth case number 16-DE-L-1535 pending before the Commission on Lawyer

Conduct as a final disposition of that matter;

2. The consent of the Affiant to a sanction in the above-stated range is

voluntarily given; and

3. The matters admitted in the attached Agreement and the facts stated in this

Affidavit are true.

a b Leon Parrott

SWORN TO AND SIGNED in my presence

V^ . ^^\-1on

Signature of tary Public f _

Printed Name

My commission expires:

,., MAIWM.KMIW;f-"- WtfiSwwmjsi


OKien*ar31. 2022

Page 11: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

&tats of &ottt^ CarolinaWtitt of (lie S»ol(ctor

^ffteentli Intimal Ciraitt

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T. IQrkTrt^w, EajdreAttorn^ at LawroBCTEZWN. MSWBB Beach, SC 29597

Re: Stetows JteieobtjBBinPanrettCNBg8(s): 20t6ft&^WS£0&B'Sv9dV<iymtf«nv^iw{ww^Inificsttnent 201^8SCT4S^ fTnta BIIItri YES»


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©W.TYPLEA ONLYTO ^^^UJLT& BATTERY SmilWrm A RB^INHNENDHI SBtlTENCE OFm me B^afflenoaa OF nie ©eHifflr.

Tto dlrtmtait te wrwflyCotter.

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IfyMisliiMjUtw^qu^ltoflsetmcCTn^fttom^^. ^^feelftiBetocontBffitnyassWartorrai^tfatSIS-eesS.

^-.^' ..Oskfn


ec 16H04434

Page 12: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

weQOfs&fmfsmsUCICTNEOTWaffleR: OOCOQS28

war. t. iyu i^2UmMyrtle Beach Municipal Court

CAS6 MtSTORfroR CASE 2018A282»e02088TbaStataofStwjUiCarelbw VS Jacob U>on Panott

&iy»r E:CWE%mMM^©4ED JUEMS; WteM, JwnfKwl^n

MB'OSmON fUWse: atwwton, Glwm WorAlWCTTWQ^^WSr; l^rlk tea* Polto l^>a*BWI


Oefendant Panctt. Jaa?b Lean

Myrtt88e«A, ro 28570

Officer Mcmahon, MIKMOak Sre^, M^tls Beach. SC 2857?'.

BwdBtflty B« hBo)utt®Rh(8tito^nnCheamrt3683 H«sy 7W N, Conway, ̂ 298^735

8o. 1?41 P. 1

SWWS-. Ot'tfoasS

^eflin OBffan. WmPtorti Myrte EhBseh, SC 29582

DrtiaNtartAUant^ Tnritaw. Tlmrity KirkR3 Beix2 . NCT Bf^tte Bc»A, 86 ̂ ^7


Parretfe Jacob Uwm Age; 57KA

Myrtle B^ch. SC 29579


3414 AsWtK/AKMtteABataiySnlibgne 8/9/2016 PMOtily

008: 8®9SSN: (CTMMMiWO




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334. 13





8/17/MM ^00 AM CautmaifeBinnil&^is^^PttitDate: oawaeoirPrtltTnm: l252Efc»WuaRawiBstBtlBy: WBKWQWe

SO.OO »77e.£»

Cis^Wciiyj ftVe.1 Page 1 of 2

Page 13: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of





CASE NO.: I6-DE-L-I535


Respondent would res^<rtfoUy submit the following stetement in mitiption to this

Honorable Ccnut:

I am an alcoholic in active Tscxsvery. As of the date ofAis writing I have been sober for

approximatety 235 days. I attend AA meetings 5-7 times a wedc and I am actively working wth

a wonderfiri qx>ns<w (BI the 12 steps of the AA progrun of recovery. Additiwially, I attend a

follow up care program at the Coastal Recoveiy CecffiKt in Myrtle Beach wfaidi supports my

completion of their fausnaive Out Patient Program. A iettw from my coiBKeIw and treating

physician there ^scompi nte niy mitigtfion submission.

I have besaa active on an off in AA smcs 2013 whai my drinking became alcoholic firm

A^ of a more sodal nature. From 2013 until the date of my arrest in August of 2016 I did enjoy

some periods of sobriety (up to 20 months En one stretch). I was living in NoiAan Vurgiaia and I

was happy wifli a ffXtd support sj^em ofsoba- irioEtds and a good sponsor, bi Au^ist of 2015 I

had to pelocate here to Myrtle B«ich to care for my 85 year old mother who has tfweariy stays

ofdemwtia. I took a job here with a law firm practicing criminal defense and all seemed to go

well at first. Unfortund:eiy promises made regarding my empJoyment proved to be fUse and I

Page 14: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

left my employment in January of 2016. At the same time, I neglected to engage in AA here and

grt a new sponsor and I soon relapsed. Periods of on ̂ ain/offa^in drinking aisued culminatmg

wiA binge driiridng in the sumaner of 2016.

My family notic«l my relapse and at their msistence, I wheduled myself to check into

"The Lighthouse" an inpatlimt tFeatmait fitcillfy io Conway, SC. It was oa &e day ofAe offiais»

fluat I was to check in. I vf^ U^ily intoxicated (hat day, and quite fianldy Ac events stMTOundiag

my ofifcnse are sketchy but I do know that my ability to control irrational tetpulsps was not them.

When I ch< lced into the Li^ithouse toer on the day of the offense (a fataily maEaber

dro-ro me to fte ftdlity) th^ took a breath sample from EBC and it re^daed a J 1.

I successfally completed Ac 28-day inpatient prograni at Tlie Li^bthou% followed by

2 mondis of intensive outpriient tttaMfficnt at Coastol Recovery CCTfter in Myrtle Beaeft, Soutfi

Carolina. A tette- fiwn my coiuiselor there is attached hereto for isview.

While I acknowledge my previous disciplinary history, I would point otf to fee Court th^

I have had no fiatitcr nstances ofsudt behavior since the prior ofFaise dtate in 1994 (over 23

yems ago). Since Iwas last before ftis court, my cweer and {Xireona! life have been rewariuig. I

am <fte proud fitfhea- of Awe daughters (<»e a teacher and two stHI m coUe^} who I lar^ly

rmsed on my own daring their yoaHgw years. I am very active in Aeir lives.

My wffirie in Ae DC/ No. Virginia area was highly succe»fiit. I eftcclled m my positions

witfa Thomson Reuters CWestfaw), rising to the management level, vnmiing many awads

(President's Club, MVP for Southan Division and others) and piloting nafional pn%rsm

mitiEttives later implcmwtai company wiele. My teaitt was resptmsible fw sales and account

mana^sment for many offte lar^st law firm and govenunent KscouBts in the company and the

tens of millions in revenye they prcriuced.

Page 15: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

Downsizing took aiy position at TTiomson and in anticipation of that I too^e and passed

the Virginia State Bar and estafelished a suaa^sfi. tl solo pactice in Northera Vuginja while at the

same time maintainu^ my license here in South Carolina. It is worth noting, I think, that in my

almost 34 years of practice as an Assistant SolicitM- and private practitionffl- that I have never had

a client or any other party lodge any type ofcmnplaint against me related to Ae woric I

perfimned fts- them. Wien it came to my cliraits, I always conduetei myself in the most

professional way possible.

May 15, 2017By

fy submitted,

acob3 Mckeadree Lane

Myrtle Beach, South Carolba 29579

State of South Carolina )Cowty ofHony )

SWORN TO AND SIGNED in my presence

on May 15, 2017.

u Ertary Public for the Stete of Soufh Carolina


My Coomai^ioa E

WWfABOWMr-^" NOTMiy'PUBLtt1-1 .;.

'.w , -'. MyCteniriistatBijftaioawriwsi. aaa

Page 16: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of


May 22, 2017

Mr. C. TexDavis

Office offte Supreme Court of South CarolinaOflfice ofDiscipliaary Coimse!PO Box 12159Columbia, SouA Carolina 29211

Re: Fi]e#l6-DE-L-l535

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing on behalf of Leon Parrott. I am familiar with Ae facte andcircumstance sarroiadtdg his cufTmt cirwm^nces and Ae (ieeision AM aiusaE be maderegairiiBg his ability to practice law m the state ofSouflt Carolina.

I have known Lwn since the late 1970s, as we attended the University of SouthCarolina togdher. We also attended law sshool together at Ae Univeraity of SouftCarolina Schcxil of Law. While I am swase of bis isssses wA alcohol, I am ̂ uslfyknowlalgeable of his good heart, wild edtics and his reputatkm as a goal tswyer. It isunjfortunate, but understendabl® Aat many people would see only bb addiction anddiSECgird Us overwhelming pwitive attribirtes that he possesi^ however, he is a goodfather, having raisai dwee dau^tere, all ofvAom are succ^sfiil. Leoa cares for his a^ngmothff on a daily basis. In feet part of the reasoning for his return to South Carolioa topnatire law was to be more proximate to his mother. Leon is kuidh^rted andcompassionate

I taiow him to be a r^ponsible lawyer who has never neglected a client's matte-.He has never cieated a problem for a client He has always represented his clients to thebest of his ability.

I truly betiefve AM tfac mlstate he made was te»d an an iridiction issw aid n<^ achauacter i^ue. I trsst Ast the decision-naakeis m this matter would understand tflat he isiweaving mfaintfonal and consistent tt'Mfaiient for his addiction which I beliwe will allowhim to return to fte practic® of law as a conttibutfng member of the South CaieoHia bar. Ian confident that he has his circumstaaces under control and with the help of Us nwitoramd counselcHRS he can oveiwme ftis unfortunide circumsteiee. I qipreciate youconMdering my reKHnmaidation and would be available for further inforanatitm shouldyou deem that qspropriate. I am,

Very truly yours,


Paul L. Reeves


tis27 Slci-0'f.g St'wt Cc tsilb'o. SC TJ201 ; >.-A",."<'?.'Ciai><;lyh?co"- ;>'rt<i;l80JJU-^.;UO; Is h-r<; (8y/)liu--. U';>J)

Page 17: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of


To: Whom it may concern

Subject: Jacob Leon Parrott

Please be advised that Jacob Leon Pa rrott successfully completed 80

hours of Intensive Outpatien I: Treatment program on 12/13/2016. He is

continuing with our Aftercare program as evidenced by weeklyattendance and partJcJpation. He has demonstrated Intellectual and

Emotional Acceptance with ful! compliance to the requirements fora

positive outcome of ongoing recovery for a Substance Use Disorder. Heprovides weekly evidence of active participation in Self Help recoveryand is reported to be working with a sponsor in Alcoholic Anonymous

program. It is my perception that he is committed to life-long recoveryin abstinence based recovery principles.


^,, /^.-/^fw^Jad-ies F. Graham Jr. M. D.

/U c^^7'u^^^.KWilliam P. Mobley ICADC

*' A..S'6'̂ // t'is SG^ c'^A //A. ^ //A33. /^^/ W^ 'i3 , ^33 iV-^ed. <f (ucA.., ^.'^

. ^ ... "" -»^... .. ^»... ^-_ . -^.-^_ . ^--- -. -- - - (/

RXECUTIVB n]Rr;<:T('R'.Villi;ii, -. I'. MiililL -''

MiiDfL'Ai. ll|l<r:<"l'(h;la,. ic, F. ^.^h. i!. -, Jr, MJ].

J. l). ;.;;)lil\vi<i, , >,..Konatfl ";. 1'icnd'

J.im'-. I". Gr;;'-i, m. Jr. !>;t I'l.

l V) AIUU1»L lltK ?y"T<"!ES

Jiin (. ;. Ii>rtv;II

Ni-il W. Tr. rl.. lit M-l^.Kret II. f -nvis

.!!. Hcl SIu-li-y. Ji. M. D.

D";in" U. Alorris

Lcwi.. K. But. lpr

Chirlt.-s D. Fl'"'d

Page 18: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

October 14, 2016

t'u \\'liom T!iis Ma\' Concern:

Mr. Jacob Parnni \\as adinitted voluiitar:i\ to the Li.̂ luhousc Care Center 01-1 9/16,'Idunder the care of Dr. Adi;dapo Oduwole and the C'liemical Depcn«.lcncy I'nil .Stal'f. He is

being discharged today 10/14/16 to follo\\ up in Uie con'u-iniiiil;' with uuipyiivnt care,

Jacob altciidcd and pitrticipatcd in all aroups tlKtl \<. vre fi'fcTtfd ;t.s \\clt a& 12 .step

meetings each e\cnitig, Jacob has been cooperative \\illi alf slalfand ha& been siipporti\-clo 1'iis peers, tie has good insight into liis relap.st." and his nicntal health issui.is and is

aware of llie need to folluvv up mth a coniisitmity jiim idcr as well .JLS to aitend 12 stepincelinys. Jacob will Ibjlow up with an 10P proyram and AA.

We feel strongly that as long as Jacob coiitinues daily niectiitys and works \villisuppnrfive people he has an dpportunity 1o acquire luny-lcrm recovery.

Ifiherc are any questi<ins or concerns plcusc do tiot licsitalc lu cuiitacL me and I thank youin ad\unce for your consideration in this matter.


^M-t^'^^Katllicen M. Buhl MSrACTI'I'hcmpi&t LL'C843-234-6606

1;2 Wnccamaw :i:edical F-.ttk E nvc "onw . if. Siiiith Ganklin. i 29S2(>

Cfficc (W3) 347-K871 "ix (84.!) U4.hKW

Page 19: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of

Dennis Pettengill4TOO FsSTway Ld^ DrMyrte Beach, SO 295T7(teool&iBnefifetoud. caEffia843-457-8070

C. Tex DavtsOfffta of Dteslplinary CcninselSouth CsvoiSna Supreme Court.

Dear Mr. Daris

I have h»l ttt® pte^ure to warte wftii Leon Paraott on his wxjwefy tn Atoohotira Anonymous. Wehwe woriied cm Ws 12 step® (sw attadied) which are essertiaMy ttie foumfaito of ttw programand we imperatiw for m^riafcilr^ of Iffis of ̂ >twiety. I haw bww &i Alcoholli^i ̂ tonymats siwe1988andh8whadtooRpwtonitytovrorkvrf »<tas'»nsofN<»ho(k^. Some haw cBi^I andofters sro sc*w. AteylralIeatoristheeifertanElttwrougFmessffiieirtepsarewM'lwl. LsonIs one of ttie torbinato Uiat have dewk^ed a retethw^hlp wUh ̂ ad stroi^ erou®h to feu» Msp^t twms he has done cttnew. He has adnA^I thow to me suid his l^twr power. Mr. Parrotthas teientlflwj hfe diaraetor dsfacts that resulted In his harmful toel'wtor and (»mmllied to &xito s®^< refiei m a daily bssta.

Lfion has woriwd 1t» steps more ttiroughty tfian most own ttat I tew menteMml andconsequently has a &«»me a gwd, sobar man aid is in yrod stoidtog InAA.

If t (an 1^3 with fttrther infeuntatton about /UcohoBcs Anonymous with regardsto Mr. Parrott orwith ottiera tfistt need hefe. It v^U be my pteasa.iire to be of wrvtw.



CC: Lew Panott

Page 20: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of





In the Matter of Jacob Leon Parrott, Respondent.

Appellate Case No. 2017-001451

Opiaten No. 27736Submitted August 25, 2017 - Filed September 14, 2017


Lesley M. Coggiola, Disciplinary Counsel, and C. TexDavis, Jr., Senior Assistant Disciplinary Coujisel, boQi ofColumbia, for Office of Disciplinary Counsel.

Jacob Leon Parrott, of Myrtle Beach, Pro Se.


PER CURIAMs In this attorney disciplinary matter, re^mdent and t£he Officeof Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) have entered into an Agreement for Disciplme byConsent (Agreement) pursuant to Rule 21 of the Rules for Lawyer DiseiplmaryEnibrcenient (RLDE) cofltained m Rule 413 of the South Carolma Appellate CourtRules (SCACR). In the Agreement, respondent admits misconduct and consents todiscipline ranging from a public reprimand to a definite suspension not to exceednine months. Respondent requests the sanctioai be made retroactive to the date ofinterim suspensioii, ' but understands that if the Court declines to apply the sanctionretroactively, the validity or enforceability of the Agreement is not affected. ODCdoes not oppose the request.

Respondent has agreed to pay the costs incurred by ODC and the Commission onLawyer Conduct in the investigation an<d prosecution of this matter. Respondenthas also agreed, as a con<}ition of discipline, to enter into a two year monitoring

' Respondent was placed on interim suspension fay order dated December 29, 2016. In reParrott, 419 S.C. 1, 795 S.E.2d 457 (2016).

Exhibit B

Page 21: VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA STATE BAR DISCIPLINARY …agreed disposition for the suspension of Respondent's license to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of


contract with Law>-ers Helping Lawyers and file annual reports of his compliancewith the contract with the Oxmnissicm on Lawyer Conduct.

We accept the Agreement and suspend respondent from the practice of law in thisstate for nine months, not retroactive. The facts, as set forth m the A@-eement, areas follows.


In August 2016» respondent was arrested and charged with voyeurism pursuant toS.C. Code Ann. § 16-l7-470(B) (2015) after he used a cell phone to take a pictureup a woman's skirt in a grocery store. He was 56 years old at the time.Respondent failed to infomi (he Commission on Lawyer Conduct in writing widunfifteen days of the arrest. Respondent represents he reviewed the rule regardingself-reporting an arrest and consulted with an attorney, but concluded he did nothave a duty to self-report.

In January 2017, the charge was remanded to the municipal court contingent uponrespondent pleading guilty to assault and battery, third degree. The followingmonth, respondent pled guilty as agreed and was sentenced to pay a fine of $776.

By way of an affidavit In mitigation, respondent states he is an alcoholic in activerecovery and attends Alcoholics Anoiiymous (AA) five to seven times a week.Respondent states he had been sober for approximately 235 days as of the date ofthe affidavit" May 15, 2017. He also attends a follow-up care program at CoastalRecovery Center where he is completmg theur mtensive outpatient treatmentprogram. He has provided a letter from the Center regaTdiiig his continuedparticipation in outpatient treatment and stating respondent appears to becommitted to "tife-loag recovery in abstinence based recovery priaciples."

Respondent explains that he progressed from being a social drinker to an alcoholicin 2013 and began attending AA "off and on" at that point, with some periods ofsobriety, including one twenty-month period. At the time, he was living inNorthern Virginia and had the support of sober friends and an AA sponsor.Respondent states he was "highly successful" while working m the NorthernVirginia/DC area where he "excelled" in positions with Westlaw/ThomsonReuters. However, when TTiomson Reuters downsized, respondeQt lost faisjob.He took and passed the Virginia bar examination and established a solo practice inNorthern Virginia, while maintaining his license to practice law in South Carolina.

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However, in August 2015, respondent moved from Virginia to Myrtle Beach tocare for fals elderly mother. He took a job with a criminal defense firm, but lefttheir employ m January 2016. Respondent neglected to participate m AA after herelocated and soon relapsed, "culminatmg with bin^e drinking in the summer of2016. " At his family's insistence, he scheduled himself to be checked in to aninpatient treatment facility. However, on tfie day he was scheduled to report to thetreatment facility, he was charged with the crime that is the basis of thisdisciplinary action. Respondent was highly intoxicated at the time of the incidentand when he checked in to the treatment facility later that day. He completed atwemy-eight day inpatieat program followed by two mottths of intensive oulpatienttreatment. Respondent has submitted a letter from the treatment facility regardinghis participation in treatment while hospitalized.

Respondent notes that in nearly thirty-four years of practice as an assistant solicitorand a private practitioner, no client or any other party has lodged any type ofcomplaint gainst him relating to his work.

In 1997, this Court imposed a four month suspension on respondent after he pledguilty to simple assault and battery for pull'ing down a woman's bathing suit whileshe was sunbathing at the beach in 1994. In re Parrott, 325 S.C. 162, 480 S.E. 2d722 (1997), The opinion notes respondent had been involved in a similar mcidentin 1989, but was not prosecuted. Respondent covered his face in both incidentsand fled when the women put up a stmggle. He had no prior connections witheither woman. In mitigation, respondent offered the testimony ofapsychidtristwho testified respondent was suffering from nan adjustment disorder with mixedemotions and problems with conduct" The psychiatrist opined a "psychosexualdevelopment arrest" caused the assaults. It was also the psychiatrists opinionrespondent was "developmentalty arrested at ifae adolescent stage and liis actsshowed the type of sexually immature behavior normally associated with thatstage. " The psychiatrist believed respondent's developmental problems occurredbecause of family problems when respondent was growing up, tihat the acts wouldnot recur, and that respondent was responding well to treatment and counseling.

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Respondent acknowledges his prior disciplinary history, but points out he hadno further instances of such behavior since the offense in 1994. He states thatsince that time, his career and personal life have been rewarding, noting he "largelyraised" his three daughters on his own when they were younger.


Respondent admits tfiat his criminal conduct reflects adversely on his honesty,trustworttiiness, md/or fitness as a lawyer and that the criminal act involved moralturpitude ill violation of Rules 8.4(b) and (c) of the Rules of Professional Conduct(RFC), Rule 407, SCACR. Respondent further admits his failure to notify theCommission on Lawyer Conduct of his arrest constituted a violation of Rule8J(a), RFC, which requires a lawyer arrested for or charged by way of indictment,information or complaint with a serious crime to infomi the Commission onLawyer Conduct in writing within fifteen days of being arrested or charged. Rule1.0(o), RFC, defines a serious crime as including a crime which reflects adverselyon the lawyer's honesty, tmstworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects.

Finally, respondent admits he is subject to disciPline Purelwltto ?eJ°il?T!i?g,Rules'for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement, Rule 413, SCACR: Rule 7(a)(l) (itshalli be a groimd for discipline for a lawyer to violate or attempt to violate theRules of Professional Conduct or any other mles of this jurisdiction regardingprofessional conduct of lawyers); Rule 7(a)(4) (it shall be a ground far^disciplrefor a lawyer to be convicted of a crime of moral turpitude or serious crime); andRule 7(a)(5) (it shall be a ground for discipline for a lawyer to engage in conducttending to pollute die administration of justice or to bring the courts or the legalprofession mto disrepute or conduct demonstrating an unfimess to pmctice law).


We hereby suspend respondent from the practice of law in this state for ninemonths from the date of this opinion. Respondent shall pay the costs incurred byODC and the Commission on Lawyer Conduct in the investigation and prosecutionof this matter. Respondent shall also enter into a two y«ar monitoring contractwith Lawyers Helping Lawyers and file aimual reports of his compliance with theconti-act with the Commission on Lawyer Conduct.

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Within fifteen days of the date of this opinion, respondent shall file an affidavitwith the Clerk of Court showing that he has complied with Rule 30, RLDE, Rule413, SCACR.




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