Vincent Smith & Simon Rycroft Taxonomy & Scratchpads

Vincent Smith & Simon Rycroft Taxonomy & Scratchpads

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Vincent Smith & Simon Rycroft

Taxonomy & Scratchpads

Page 2: Vincent Smith & Simon Rycroft Taxonomy & Scratchpads

Biological taxonomyFindability, relationships (ontology) & tagging

• Scale• Metadata

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• Multi-host Drupal (5) site• Drupal customized for taxonomists• Communities apply for a site • 65+ sites, 750+ users, 130k nodes• Taxonomy central to many features

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Import / ExportExcel Template (CSV file)& uBio (XML feed)

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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(Our) Taxonomy Importhttp://svn.scratchpads.eu/viewvc/trunk/sites/all/modules/taxonomy_import/

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ManagementTaxonomy Manager & Taxonomy Core


• Principle good, but no one uses it• Confusing and slow (HCI issues)• Major cross browser issues (Firefox)• Requires a number of “fixes”…

• Flexible metadata on terms (core)• Treat synonyms as full terms (core)• Link nodes as term attributes (e.g. biblio)• Improve manager HCI (drag-and-drop)

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Search & BrowseNavigation for finding tagged content


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Automatically creates a mini-menu (block) of a vocabulary that is configurable for default term

• Intuitive• Small footprint

• Integrates with a term’s page



Augments default search with a tab for terms searches (includes term autocomplete)


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• Quick & intuitive• Two step submission• Fast (but could be quicker) • Encourages tagging

AutotaggingAutomated tagging of content

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Untagged node

Use or ignore discovered tags (drag & drop or add)


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Mega-VocabulariesSites with a million plus terms

Current Taxonomy Problems

e.g. http://catlife.myspecies.info(2 million+ terms)

• Taxonomy LeftandRight module• Implements nested sets• Over rides 3 taxonomy core functions

- taxonomy_get_tree- taxonomy_overview_terms- taxonomy_select_nodes

• PHP requires too much memory for large hierarchies• Very slow, especially above 50k terms• Some sites with 300k terms (unusable)• 1.8 million known species (6-80M est.)

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• Very fast (in use with 2 million terms)• Solves insertion problem with decimals

Possible Solution


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Sprint ExpectationsWhat we are looking to achieve

• Import and export of terms (TCS-XML?) from a repository

• Improved & flexible term metadata

• Handle synonyms as full terms

• Link nodes as attributes of terms

• Term and metadata management

• Permissions on terms (low priority?)

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Search & Browse 2Split Layout TreeMaps

e.g. http://scratchpads.eu/progress

• Intuitive• Small footprint

• Integrates with a term’s page• Potentially integrates multi-site content