Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania Translating Challenges Vadim Sapozhnikov, Calgary, Canada Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

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Page 1: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of


Translating Challenges

Vadim Sapozhnikov, Calgary, Canada

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 2: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 3: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Vilnius. In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of

Lithuania is a guide book which introduces the

reader to 23 pedestrian routes specially designed to

encompass sites of Jewish historical and cultural


Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 4: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Vilnius. In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of

Lithuania is a guide book which introduces the

reader to 23 pedestrian routes specially designed to

encompass sites of Jewish historical and cultural


• Readers will deepen their knowledge of the

Jewish community of Vilnius from its very

beginnings through the mid-twentieth century

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 5: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Vilnius. In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of

Lithuania is a guide book which introduces the

reader to 23 pedestrian routes specially designed to

encompass sites of Jewish historical and cultural


• Readers will deepen their knowledge of the

Jewish community of Vilnius from its very

beginnings through the mid-twentieth century.

• Distinguished community figures and the tragic

events of the Second World War are featured.

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 6: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Vilnius. In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of

Lithuania is a guide book which introduces the

reader to 23 pedestrian routes specially designed to

encompass sites of Jewish historical and cultural


• Readers will deepen their knowledge of the

Jewish community of Vilnius from its very

beginnings through the mid-twentieth century.

• Distinguished community figures and the tragic

events of the Second World War are featured.

• The guide is intended for a broad audience

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 7: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Vilnius. In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of

Lithuania is a guide book which introduces the

reader to 23 pedestrian routes specially designed to

encompass sites of Jewish historical and cultural


• Readers will deepen their knowledge of the

Jewish community of Vilnius from its very

beginnings through the mid-twentieth century.

• Distinguished community figures and the tragic

events of the Second World War are featured.

• The guide is intended for a broad audience.

• Both first-time visitors to Vilnius and city residents

with an interest in the history of Eastern European

Jews will glean here much more about the

Jerusalem of Lithuania that is new to them.

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 8: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Based on historical accounts, Vilnius. In Search of

Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania is richly

illustrated with documents and photographs from

government archives, libraries, museums and

private collections.

• Its appendix includes a list of Vilnius street names

at different periods of history, indices of names

and sites and a glossary.

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 9: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Based on historical accounts, Vilnius. In Search of

Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania is richly

illustrated with documents and photographs from

government archives, libraries, museums and

private collections.

• Its appendix includes a list of Vilnius street names

at different periods of history, indices of names

and sites and a glossary.

• Compilers - Irina Guzenberg, Genrich Agranovskij

Corrections and complement - Irina Guzenberg

Consultants - Vyrautas Lisauskas, Sid Laiman

Editor - Dalija Eipšteinaitė

Editor of the first edition - Birutė Sinočkina

Published by PAVILNIAI

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 10: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Based on historical accounts, Vilnius. In Search of

Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania is richly

illustrated with documents and photographs from

government archives, libraries, museums and

private collections.

• Its appendix includes a list of Vilnius street names

at different periods of history, indices of names

and sites and a glossary.

• Compilers - Irina Guzenberg, Genrich Agranovskij

Corrections and complement - Irina Guzenberg

Consultants - Vyrautas Lisauskas, Sid Laiman

Editor - Dalija Eipšteinaitė

Editor of the first edition - Birutė Sinočkina

Published by PAVILNIAI

• With support from Good Will Foundation

ISBN 978-609-95375-4-2

782 pp., 2016, with photographs, in Russian

languageAssociation of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 15: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 16: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Traces of war

• the end wall at 1 Žemaitijos St.

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 17: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987

Post break up of USSR 1991

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 18: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987

Post break up of USSR 1991

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 19: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987

Post break up of USSR 1991

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 20: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987

Post break up of USSR 1991

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 21: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 22: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City Same Street

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 23: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City Same Street

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Historic periods Same City Same Street

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 25: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City Same Street

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Historic periods Same City Same Street

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Traces of war

• the end wall at 1 Žemaitijos St.

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Tsayt (Yid.



17, 246–

247, 354,

423n, 514,

529, 680

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(«Тасит Тойра»


Торы») Ramayles

(Ramailes) (“Tasit

Toyra” – “The

giving of the

Torah”) 17, 69,

78–79, 97, 257,

304, 341–342,

354–355, 373

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фабрика калильных ламп

Крейнгеля 506–507

Teodor Kreingel’s

kerosene and

incandescent lamp making


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друзей ИВО

Society of Friends

of the Yiddish

Scientific Institute

271, 313, 515,

522, 532–534,

547, 551n, 554–


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«Ѓапоэль» “Hapoel”

(Heb. «Рабочий» ‘The

Worker’) 315, 372, 377,


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«Ѓапоэль» “Hapoel”

(Heb. «Рабочий»

‘The Worker’) 315,

372, 377, 619

«Йордан» “Jordan”

(Heb. река Иордан)


Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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[illus] The small square-shaped pad near the

intersection of Pylimo, Šv. Stepono and

Raugyklos Streets. The porters, along with

their carts, stood at the edge of the square

along Raugyklos Street. Photographer

unknown. Ca. 1917. VL.

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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[illus] The newspaper kiosk

at the same stand. In the

background – 39 Zavalnaya

St. (currently 43 Pylimo

St.). Photographer

unknown. Ca. 1917. FL

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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[illus] The newspaper kiosk

at the same stand. In the

background – 39 Zavalnaya

St. (currently 43 Pylimo

St.). Photographer

unknown. Ca. 1917. FL

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 46: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City Same Street

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 47: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City Same Street Language

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

Page 48: Vilnius: In Search of Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania

Historic periods Same City Same Street Language

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская Russian

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Historic periods Same City Same Street Language

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская Russian

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna Polish

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius Žemaitijos

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Historic periods Same City Same Street Language

Pre-war = pre-WWI 1913-1921 Vilna Жмудская Russian

Interwar = between WWI and WWII 1921-1939 Wilno Straszuna Polish

Post-war = post-WWII 1939-1940/48 Vilnius Strašūno Lithuanian

Post-war to break up of USSR 1987 Vilnius Žemaitijos Lithuanian

Post break up of USSR 1991 Vilnius Žemaitijos Lithuanian

Association of Jewish Libraries Proceedings June 2019

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Plan of the Jewish

Quarter of Vilna,


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Vilna Gaon’s family per 1765

Jewish population Census.

Eliash Zelmanovich, wife

Khana, son Zelman, daughter

Basia, the maid Nekhama, Fragment of enumeration form

LVIA, SA b. 3726, l. 7a.p.

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[illus] “List of pupils enrolled from

the Vilna three-grade Israelite School

into the Vilna Governorate

(Guberniya in Russian) Gymnasium.”

LVIA, f. 567, ap. 2, b. 5898, l. 4

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[illus] Certificate. Snipishki Jewish

society’s deputies pledge it upon

themselves to pay public dues on behalf

of 15-year-old Lev Tobiashevich

Borovich, so that he may continue the

course of studies at Vilna Rabbinical

School. October 6, 1869. LVIA, f. 572,

ap. 2, b. 13, l. 34

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Jatkowa St.Postcard by Ftitz Krauskopf

1916. DJ

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[illus] “Elektrit”. Induced coils

wrapping shop. 1938. HB

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[illus] “Elektrit”. Induced coils

wrapping shop. 1938. HB

[illus] Former Factory P.O. Box no. 555

territory at 16, 16А Ševčenkos St.

Former “Elektrit” today: central block in

the background used to display the

company name sign, former production

blocks on left and right. 2016

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[illus] Population [the ghetto] by age and gender for February,

March, April [1942] on the streets: Bosaczkowa (Karmelitų),

Disner (Disnos), Zawalna (Pylimo), Jatkowa (Mėsinių), Lidska

(Lydos), Straszuna (Žemaitijos), Końska (Arklių), Rudnicka

(Rūdninkų), Shawelska (Šiaulių), Szpitalna (Ligoninės),

complete with the indication of the basis of being present in the

Ghetto (yellow, pink and “protective” permits). Total population

– 16,043, including children up to 14 years old – 3,813 =

23.7%, number of adults 60 years old and older 295 = 1.83%,

Yiddish. LCVA, f. R-1421, ap. 1, b. 380, l. 2

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List of Jewish infants and

toddlers at Orphanage No.

1 at 16 Subačiaus St.

(Currently 20

Subačiaus St.). Sept. 15,

1941. LCVA, f. R-643, ap. 3, b. 4152, l.190

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[illus] The brenners carried corpses on the planks laid

down on the “conveyor” to the top part of the

“pyramid” – the future pyre. July-August 1944. VŽM


[illus] Currently, the “conveyer” has been installed in

the former bunker

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• Names conform to what is encountered in the source documents (literature, encyclopedia)

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• Names conform to what is encountered in the source documents (literature, encyclopedia)

• Avraam, Abraham, Abram, Avrom;

• Meir, Meer, Meyer

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• Names conform to what is encountered in the source documents (literature, encyclopedia)

• Avraam, Abraham, Abram, Avrom;

• Meir, Meer, Meyer

• Attempt has been made to standardize the name of a specific person, despite variations that

exist in source documents

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• Names conform to what is encountered in the source documents (literature, encyclopedia)

• Avraam, Abraham, Abram, Avrom;

• Meir, Meer, Meyer

• Attempt has been made to standardize the name of a specific person, despite variations that

exist in source documents

• Patronymic names have been maintained for many prominent figures whose names have

been Russified over time

• Трахтенберг Мендель Давидович Trakhtenberg Mendel Davidovich

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Names conform to what is encountered in the source documents (literature, encyclopedia)

• Avraam, Abraham, Abram, Avrom;

• Meir, Meer, Meyer

• Attempt has been made to standardize the name of a specific person, despite variations that

exist in source documents

• Patronymic names have been maintained for many prominent figures whose names have

been Russified over time

• Трахтенберг Мендель Давидович Trakhtenberg Mendel Davidovich

• Double names and the initials thereof spelled with a dash

• Хаес Менахем-Мониш Khaeyes Menakhem-Monish

• Перец Ицхак-Лейбуш Perets Yitskhak-Leybush

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• Names conform to what is encountered in the source documents (literature, encyclopedia)

• Avraam, Abraham, Abram, Avrom;

• Meir, Meer, Meyer

• Attempt has been made to standardize the name of a specific person, despite variations that

exist in source documents

• Patronymic names have been maintained for many prominent figures whose names have

been Russified over time

• Трахтенберг Мендель Давидович Trakhtenberg Mendel Davidovich

• Double names and the initials thereof spelled with a dash

• Хаес Менахем-Мониш Khaeyes Menakhem-Monish

• Перец Ицхак-Лейбуш Perets Yitskhak-Leybush

• Attempt to maintain Ashkenazi Yiddish pronunciation

• Франк Исайя (Иешаяѓу)-Яков Frank Isaya (Yeshayahu)-Yakov

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Монтефиоре сэр Мозес Montefiore Moses, Sir (1784–1885) 79–80, 122, 177, 221–223, 315, 597

Бегин Менахем Begin (Menakhem 1913–1992) 370, 430, 439, 486

Хейфец Яша Heifetz Jascha (Yasha, Yashen’ka, Yosif Иосиф, 1901–1987) 17, 180, 265–266, 284, 287, 402, 423–425,

475, 576, 608–609

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Сапожников Хаим Sapozhnikov Khaim 312

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