Village Church Village Church Village Church Village Church United Church of Christ United Church of Christ United Church of Christ United Church of Christ February 24, 2013 February 24, 2013 February 24, 2013 February 24, 2013

Village ChurchVillage Church - Wellesley, Massachusetts 2nd... · And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from ... please contact Viola Morse at [email protected]. ... A

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Village ChurchVillage ChurchVillage ChurchVillage Church

United Church of ChristUnited Church of ChristUnited Church of ChristUnited Church of Christ

February 24, 2013February 24, 2013February 24, 2013February 24, 2013


February 24, 2013 10:00 AM PRELUDE WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP Martin Copenhaver *HYMN NO. 403 “My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less”

New Century Hymnal SOLID ROCK


O mighty God, our hearts are troubled and our minds are in confusion. We have attempted to forge our own path in the wilderness of life, and we have found that path to be lonely. We have separated ourselves from your way of peace, and we have stumbled and fallen amid shadows and thorns. With humility we turn to you anew. Forgive us for relying only on ourselves and not on you and one another. Lead us in the true path where the light is good and the friendship is warm. O merciful God, guide us, we pray, for we open our hearts to follow you...


*RESPONSE IN SONG “God Loved the World”

ANTHEM “Pater Noster” Igor Stravinsky

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen.

SCRIPTURE Luke 8: 22-26 (Page 841, pew Bible)

*HYMN NO. 172 “Jesus Calls Us, o’er the Tumult” New Century Hymnal GALILEE

Students may now leave for classes.

SERMON “Where Is Your Faith?” Martin Copenhaver MUSICAL MEDITATION PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Kathy Musser

OUR LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

PRAYER RESPONSE “We Yearn, O Christ, For Wholeness”


During the offering, please sign and pass the fellowship book, which is located at the end of each pew.

Invitation Offertory “God So Loved The World” Bob Chilcotte

God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that who so believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life, God so loved the world.

*Doxology and Presentation Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below Praise God for all that love has done, Creator, Christ, and Spirit One. Amen.

*Dedication *HYMN NO. 193 “In the Cross of Christ I Glory”

New Century Hymnal RATHBUN

*BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “Christ, We Praise Your Majesty” J. S. Bach *Those who are able, please stand.


Pastoral Care If you have any pastoral needs or know of any in the Village Church family, please call Kathy Musser at 781-235-1988, ext 14. Care Kits If during the worship service you find you need a tissue, cough drop, or a drink of water, please ask an Usher to help you. Hearing devices amplify sound anywhere in the Sanctuary. They are available at the back of the church. For assistance, please speak with an Usher. The Chancel flowers are given today in loving memory of Ann Stewart Laub from Eric, Tammy, Victoria and William Laub. Fellowship Hour 11:15 am, Village Common Please join us for coffee and fellowship. Information for visitors is available at the Welcome Table. Providing hospitality today is the Board of Finance. Please take a moment to thank them. Laying on of Hands 11:15 am, Burtt Chapel We invite you to join us for a brief time of this sort of healing prayer. A Pastor and some of our Worship Deacons and others, will circle you with this tangible sign of Christ’s healing spirit and blessing. You may come to receive a laying on of hands. You may come to lay hands on another.

Do You Know About the Caring Connection? 11:15 am, Parlor Have you ever received a meal from the church as you were recovering from surgery? Has a church member given you a ride to church, or taken you to a doctor’s appointment, or run an errand for you? Caring Connection is the network here at church that has made that happen. Come to the parlor after 10 am worship today to find out some of our newest ways to care for one another. Sign up if you would like to help with any of them, as we update our lists. Come and let us know if there is a need out there we can respond to. Nancy Calderwood, Roxy Leeson, and Susan Hoffman, coordinators, look forward to seeing you there. Cherub Choir Rehearsal 11:15 am, Cherub Choir Room. 7th & 8th Grade Youth Group 5 pm, Youth Room High School Youth Group 7 pm, Youth Room For information about youth programs, contact Pam Emslie at 781.235.1988 x15 or [email protected].


Men’s Bible Study Tuesday, February 26, 7 am, Abernethy Library Martin Copenhaver will gather with men of the church each Tuesday morning in Lent.. The focus of the study will be the Gospel of Luke. No experience in Bible study necessary. There will be no (or minimal) preparation expected. All men of the church are invited. Youth Choirs Rehearsal Dates:

Youth Choir: February 27, 6:15 pm; March 13, 20 6:15 pm; March 24, 8:45 am;

March 27 , 6:15 pm; March 31, 8:15 am Junior Choir: March 3, 10 and 17, 11:15 am; March 24, 8:45 am; March 31, 8:15 am

Performance Dates: Youth and Junior Choirs:

Palm Sunday, March 24, 10 am Worship Service Easter Sunday, March 31, 9 am and 11 am Worship Services

Congregational Meeting A Congregational Meeting has been called for Sunday, March 3, 2013 during 10 am worship in the Sanctuary to vote on the recommendation of the Pastoral Residency Oversight Committee to call John Allen and Audra Teague as new Pastoral Residents to serve among us from August 19, 2013 to June 30, 2015. Cereal Sunday Sunday, March 3 Just one box of cereal per Village Church family per month and we’ll fill the Wellesley Food Pantry cereal shelves for a year! Food may be dropped off anytime in the designated box in the Cloister and in the basket at the Village Common entrance.

Clark Vaughn Tribute Sunday, March 10, 11:30 am Please join us as we honor the memory of Clark Vaughn, co-founder and director of For His Children, a remarkable ministry, at a special tribute in his memory. His widow, Melinda Vaughn, co-founder and director of For His Children, will offer a witness during both morning services. Following the 10 am service, please join friends of FHC as we honor Clark's memory with music, reflections, a slide show and more. A light lunch will be served. Any questions, please contact Viola Morse at [email protected]. Environmental Ministry Last week’s enews named the members of the Environmental Task Force, a group appointed by Church Council to look at ways for our church to save energy. The Environmental Ministry has some of the same people, but is open to anyone in the church who wishes to join (How about YOU!). Its focus is more directed to programs relating to how we as individuals and as a church can include environmental issues and actions in our individual and collective lives. There is now an area on the church bulletin board entitled "Caring For God's Creation. What Can I do?" It will have information related to our church's Environmental Ministry work, and that of the Conference and the wider UCC. The co-chairs of the Environmental Ministry are Wil Breden, [email protected] and Cynthia Curtis, [email protected]. Contact one of them to join us at our next meeting this coming Monday evening. Saying Goodbye to Kathy Musser Although none of us want to be thinking about Kathy's last day at the end of April, we do want our church community to know that plans are underway for several ways for us to say goodbye and to celebrate Kathy's Ministry with us. A letter will be sent within the next weeks with details, but rest assured that there will be opportunities to participate and to show our appreciation for all that Kathy has brought to the Village Church community. Pastoral Residency Endowment Fund A Pastoral Residency Endowment Fund has been established to receive contributions for the sustainability of our Pastoral Residency Program beyond 2015. We are grateful to the ten donors who have contributed to the Fund to date and welcome contributions from others who feel called to participate at this time. For further information or conversation about this important initiative, contact Ed Bedrosian, [email protected]. Cradles to Crayons Collection Donations through Friday, March 8 The Village Church Moms’ group is organizing a collection of children's clothing, toys and books and an afternoon of service at Cradles to Crayons. Donation of children’s clothing, toys and books can be made in the baskets in the Cloister hallway through March 8. A group of families from Village Church will sort donations and prepare packages on March 9, 1pm-3pm at Cradles to Crayons "Giving Factory" in Brighton. Anyone ages 5+ are welcome, and the only request is that there be at least one adult for every 3 children. Please RSVP (or ask questions) to Julie Barker: [email protected] or 781-690-8659.


The Rev. Martin B. Copenhaver – Senior Pastor The Rev. Kathleen E. Musser – Associate Pastor The Rev. Pamela H. Emslie – Associate Pastor

The Rev. Christina L. Braudaway-Bauman – Pastor at Large The Rev. Daniel P. Cooperrider – Pastoral Resident

The Rev. Jocelyn B. Gardner Spencer – Pastoral Resident Linda C. Smith – Pastoral Residency Coordinator

Michaela F. McDonald – Director of Children’s Ministries David R. Carrier – Director of Music

Dr. Kevin J. McDonald – Director of Youth Music Jodi M. Hitzhusen – Music Director of First Worship

Erin I. Donato – Church Administrator Leslie W. Petzing – Controller

Barbara P. Kucich – Church Accountant Tricia T. Kibbe – IT and Administrative Coordinator

Felicia R. Nadel – Administrative Assistant Donald S. Banks – Sexton

Dolphe Richard – Assistant to the Sexton Gerardo Ortiz – Assistant to the Sexton

2 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02482 781.235.1988

What’s happening in Church School today? • Kindergarten students and younger will be welcomed in their classrooms

before 10 am worship begins. The Infant/Toddler Room is located on the main floor just outside the Sanctuary to the left of the Chancel. 2 year olds through Kindergarten classrooms are located on the upper floor. Children should be picked up promptly at the conclusion of worship.

• • Grades 1-8 will worship with their parents until it is time for class, as

indicated in the bulletin. At that time,

All classes will meet in Village Hall. Classes for Grades 1-8 conclude at 11:15 or the end of worship whichever is later. Students in Grades 3 and below should be met by their parents at their classrooms. The Family Room is available for parents who aren’t quite ready to leave their infants and toddlers in childcare. In this room, parents will be able to listen to the worship service while their child naps or plays. This room is located upstairs beyond the library.