Village Changes Up Fourth of July Lineup_ Hit N Run Not Included

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  • 7/29/2019 Village Changes Up Fourth of July Lineup_ Hit N Run Not Included


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    Village changes up Fourth of July lineup: Hit N Run not included

    Saturday February 2, 2013 | By:Jennifer Lysiak, Lancaster Editor | News

    LANCASTER- For those who have attended the Village of Lancaster Independence Day Celebration for the last few years you may have come accustom to

    seeing Buffalos own popular band, Hit N Run playing on the Fourth of July, but this year Hit N Run will not be a part of the celebration lineup.

    Lead vocals and guitar player, Mark Valentino, who started Hit N Run, was at Mondays night Lancaster Village Board meeting where he asked the board the

    business reasons as to why Hit N Run would not have the opportunity to play again on the Fourth after doing so for several years.

    I think weve done very well and Im sure you agree with that, Valentino stated to the board. Were part of the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame and weve done

    opening acts for Frankie Valli and Poison.

    Village of Lancaster Special Events Director Jennie Smith said the band was offered a contract for July 5, because that was what the village had available and

    they were unable to perform.

    We also offered the Taste of Lancaster and the beginning of Fourth of July, in the afternoon, and theyre not able to do that, said Smith. So, unfortunately w

    cant accommodate [them]. We wanted them on specific dates that theyre not available.

    Smith said they can entertain a contract for 2014.

    Valentino did verify that the band was not available Friday, July 5.

    This isnt about Hit N Run, because Im able to get two shows for about 50 percent more money in Clarence and Cheektowaga, remarked Valentino. It is

    basically about whats most cost effective and what the best thing is for the residents of Lancaster and the taxpayers. If it made good business sense to bookanother band, if the band was less expensive than us, I wouldnt be here today.

    The band that was hired on the Fourth of July, Breakaway, will be paid $850. Valentine said he put a bid in for $140 per person, and with a six-person band

    thats $840.

    Village Trustee Edward M. Marki told Valentino that the night the board went over this; the board knew the band was not available for the fifth and he objected

    to it and asked the board to reconsider.

    Smith said she did not know they were booked and the village has always paid Breakaway $700 for other events and it has increased to $850 for the Fourth.

    Its a premium day. Its a holiday and thats why they requested more money, remarked Smith.

    Valentino still questioned as to why if the band did such a great job on the Fourth of July would the village try to push them to another date.

    Village Trustee William C. Schroeder said the village has the right to choose any venue they wish.

    Youve played the Fourth of July for a number of years and there are probably just as many people who want to see your band, and you do have an excellent

    band, as there are other people who want to see a different band, Schroeder stated to Valentino. You were offered other opportunities that you could not

    accommodate and the reason why they wanted you on the fifth is because they knew you were popular and you could compensate perhaps a lesser evening

    attendance wise. So, you were the draw on the fifth. I personally agree with Mrs. Smith. She made a decision to change bands and here we are arguing over


    Village Clerk/Treasurer Michael Stegmeier said there were some emails that came through his office indicating that some residents would have preferred to see

    different band.

    They wanted a change of venue and I dont think there is a thing wrong with that, commented Schroeder. I would think from a business point of view he wa

    getting a compliment, because we wanted him to come in on a night that we didnt think we could bring in as many people. We knew he would be able to helpus out with that.

    Smith said they wanted to change the entertainment around and this is why this years celebration will also include a country night with West of the Mark.

    In addition, Valentino presented the board with a petition with about 300 signatures, not all from Lancaster, agreeing that Hit N Run should be a part of the

    villages entertainment on the Fourth.

    Smith said those who sign the petition were not aware of what they were signing and when it comes down to it Valentino is upset because three members of Hit

    N Run quit and created Breakaway.

    Village of Lancaster Mayor Paul M. Maute said the board understands his concerns and when it comes down to it he was offered time slots.

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    Im not going to bicker and bicker about a band, remarked Maute.

    The issue was eventually brought to a close to move onto a scheduled public hearing.

    The next Village of Lancaster Board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 11, in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 5423 Broadway, in



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    2013-02-02 | 19:52:20

    desperate attemptHow in the hell is this even news?! Mark Valentino and his band, "Hit N Run" played at the Hyatt this NYE, previously played by another local band that had

    the venue of the Hyatt for years prior. Should that band have started a petition?! Bottom line: It burns Valentino that Breakaway got that gig. A talented band

    with 3 former Hit N Run members that all quit to "break away" with the recent losses of fan favorite Kelly Wahl and Joe Suplicki, drummer...the band is

    suffering. Fans know it, bar owners and barbacks at local establishments know it and this is a desperate attempt to reclaim their "popularity" twitter speak


    2013-02-02 | 20:08:39

    Drama Queen

    OMG! This is hysterical!! Mark Valentino has often said that he hates drama, and consistently DENIES that he tries to block former band members from gettin

    shows. Can someone say, "busted!" This wouldn't be as big of an issue if it was a random band without former Hit N Run members in it!! Can the drama, Mark

    People are on to you. Consider your chicken hatched.

    2013-02-03 | 05:07:50

    What Mark and Marki fail to mention is that Hit N Run always played Lancaster for 1000.00. So why did he suddenly offer a discount to Lancaster? And why

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  • 7/29/2019 Village Changes Up Fourth of July Lineup_ Hit N Run Not Included


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    not do the same to get his Friday at St Martha's back from the Boys of Summer? churches are non profit. Shouldn't they get a better deal than a municipality?

    2013-02-03 | 11:22:10

    Never hiring Hit N Run again

    After reading the past two Hit N Run related articles, I am very disappointed that our venue paid Hit N Run so much. If I knew we could of booked them for

    $840.00 I would have done so. It's convenient that Mr. Valentino only cares about the Lancaster Taxpayers on a year that a rival band was booked over Hit N

    Run. He has made it obvious that he does not care about other communities or churches in Western New York. I will never book Hit N Run again. I think they

    need to re-evaluate their worth to ALL venues and not just Lancaster.

    2013-02-03 | 13:51:32

    Done With Hit

    I am still trying to wrap my head around this whole story. So Hit

    2013-02-03 | 14:30:40Another Option???

    Hey Lancaster...Kelly Wahl's new band will be up and running by then. All star, quality, drama free musicians that want nothing more than to make music and

    entertain. Should I start a petition?! lol.

    2013-02-03 | 14:58:32


    What's the matter Mark? It's ok when you take gigs from someone but it's not ok when someone takes yours? lol Your not the band you used to be get over


    2013-02-03 | 15:26:55


    I cannot believe this is even news...venues change bands all the time. I commend Lancaster for a new fresh fourth ofJuly celebration! My family and I have

    avoided the village for the last two years as were we bored and tired of the "same 'ole same 'ole" entertainment. Im very excited to attend this year as I am a

    huge country fan as well as a faithful pop rock fan who has been out often to see both West of The Mark and Breakaway...incredible talent in both these bands

    and I'm positive he Lancaster residents WON'T be the least bit disappointed! Thank you again to our wonderful board members for listening to the emails and

    comments of your residents. I'm very pleased!2013-02-03 | 15:44:17


    I find extremely hard to believe that ONE single person can think that since he lives in the Village, his band is the only band that is allowed to play in the Village

    Sorry Mr. Valentino, but there are other bands out there that not are not only better sounding than you, especially now that Kelly left, but also come with less

    drama, and do not think that the WNY music scene revolves around them. I am looking forward to seeing the new band this year and can't wait to see how

    many other events in the area you won't be playing anymore once people see this and see your true colors..... I know that Hit-N-Run has been around WNY

    for a very long time. Mr. Valentino, but maybe its time you hung up your microphone, put your tail between you legs, and walk away from all of this while you

    are still able to walk without a cane with the extremely small amount of pride you have left.

    2013-02-03 | 15:46:38

    Thank You

    Thank you to the Village of Lancaster. My family and I moved here back in 2009 and we have taken part in the whole day of events every year. From the

    parade, to the carnival and the fireworks, we have always had a great time. When we heard there was going to be new entertainment this year, we couldn't hav

    been happier. While Hit2013-02-03 | 15:52:52

    N Run has done a commendable job in the past, they are certainly not the same band we fell in love with. Bringing in 2 new bands is a welcomed move and my

    wife couldn't be happier that you have added a country nite with West Of the Mark! And promoting Break Away to the 4th of july is a good move. We have

    seen them at the Taste Of Lancaster the last 2 years and they were excellent. Even in the 100 degree day last year. Can't wait for the 4th of July this year. Thank

    you, Collins Family - Lancaster, NY

    2013-02-03 | 16:01:15

    West Of The Mark is awsome! Thank you for adding Country Nite : )

    2013-02-03 | 16:54:43

    West Of The Mark must be where Valentino is playing on the 4th - WEST of Lancaster

    2013-02-03 | 20:53:43

    Grow up and act your age Mark. If you would put half as much effort into trying to make the music scene a better place as you did trying to get your former

    band mates thrown out of a show, people wouldn't have such a jaded opinion about you. You think you rule the bars and beer tent scene, and rule them with a

    Iron Fist. Now that it's out for all to see that you would play such a high profile show for only $840.00... which is a far cry from your standard $1500.00 fee....

    don't be surprised when people in charge of booking entertainment for events and clubs start booking you for the $840.00. That's the price you set for yourselfand your band. By all means please enjoy your day off on the 4th of July because I know my friends and family will be.

    2013-02-03 | 21:07:25

    Reality check

    Guys, while it's always gratifying to watch a bully get taken down, and funnier when their own ego makes it happen, the whole cover band war is only the tip of

    the iceberg. The real issue is an official local government meeting, to address legitimate issues for the village, was co- opted to grandstand for a trustee worried

    more about being re- elected to a job instead of actually DOING e job.

    2013-02-03 | 21:08:09

    Reality check

    Guys, while it's always gratifying to watch a bully get taken down, and funnier when their own ego makes it happen, the whole cover band war is only the tip of

    the iceberg. The real issue is an official local government meeting, to address legitimate issues for the village, was co- opted to grandstand for a trustee worried

    more about being re- elected to a job instead of actually DOING e job.

    2013-02-03 | 21:33:06

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    It says above "The band that was hired on the Fourth of July, Breakaway, will be paid $850. Valentine said he put a bid in for $140 per person, and with a six-

    person band thats $840." So is he not using a soundman anymore? lol More like $100.00 a member and the rest to the soundman. He would never go ou

    to a gig without a soundman.

    2013-02-03 | 21:47:45

    The town or village picks up the tab for the sound and light production.

    2013-02-03 | 23:17:51


    Never could understand why they are so popular to begin with?

    2013-02-03 | 23:23:05

    More OptionsThere are plenty of other bands that should be allowed to have the opportunity to play the well attended events. Why is it not in the event planners best interest

    to support the local music scene and let other talented groups play?

    2013-02-04 | 05:39:47


    Perhaps they were just sick of a dude wearing tube socks and hearing the same old, dreadfully boring set list. Quit being a whiny weasel and realize that

    sometimes people can take gigs from you, not by being a bully, but by being a better and more entertaining band. Dooooo-sssshhh.

    2013-02-04 | 08:26:47

    The Fall

    So sad when bands comedown from the top and they do not fall gracefully. Mark desperate attempt to secure a gig is by far the most humorous act on the

    WNY music scene.

    2013-02-04 | 09:32:48


    Someone should tell Ed Marki that there are more important issues to deal with in this town.......he should resign for being a pawn for an ego maniac......

    2013-02-04 | 09:37:47tax dollars wasted

    I agree that more important issues should be addressed at Board meetings. Mr. Marki, you should be ashamed of your self.

    2013-02-04 | 10:46:37

    Haha Kelly Wahl front a band...she was the reason I stopped going to see Hit n run. Horrible voice and looked miserable. Rest of the bad is good. Breakaway

    not bad. Love the keyboard player but the bass player annoys me. He thinks he is gods gift to music. Never some of the members were in Hit N run.

    Interesting. Think the family and I will skip Lancaster this year all together. Much cheaper to stay home and have a BBQ with the neighbors.

    2013-02-04 | 11:01:25

    The childishness

    OMG I can't people can act so childish. People seem to have forgotten how to have some respect for their fellow human beings. I understand that not everyone

    likes everyone else but there are ways to express your opinions without being so disrespectful. I am a fan of HNR, Breakaway, and many other local bands. Bu

    the comments from some of these bands and their fans both here and on social media is shocking. It makes me seriously consider whether I want to go see any

    of these bands anymore. Wow...seriously disillusioned!!

    2013-02-04 | 11:20:00Tired of being bullied

    To the above comment. Maybe all the other local cover bands have had enough of the bulling that Mark had done throughout the years. He has also bullied club

    owners and events. So if you see other bands coming to the defend of a new band, they are just sticking up for the new kid in school that gets pushed around b

    the bully. I can not feel bad for Mark, he brought this upon himself.

    2013-02-04 | 11:30:07

    way to screw your band members

    I just figure this out. If Hnr usually chages 1500 for a performance and they are now asking for 840 that is 660 diffrence. If they do 75 (which I know there is

    more( shows a year that equals a reduction of 49500 divid that number by 6 and that is 8250 a member. If I was them I would me very pissed that his big

    mouth just cost them about 687 a month.

    2013-02-04 | 11:57:41


    "Lead vocals and guitar player, Mark Valentino, who started Hit N Run" MARK DID NOT START HIT N RUN - HE AUDITIONED AND THEN TOOK


    2013-02-04 | 12:08:41ANOTHER FYI



    2013-02-04 | 12:58:58

    It's great that Mr. Valentino's scheming has been brought to light. However, it should be left at that. This post is getting out of hand and should be saved for the

    WNY Music website if you need to vent. Hopefully the bar owners and event planners will finally understand what's been going on. Great for Lancaster to

    change things up and I hope they continue to do it in the future and others follow suit.

    2013-02-04 | 13:24:55


    2013-02-04 | 13:39:36

    I like how it he bragged to the board the same way he brags his audiences over and over again. Were part of the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame and we

    ve done opening acts for Frankie Valli and Poison. I'm sure he was just getting warmed up on that stuff. I would call him a narcissist but that just gives

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    other narcissists a bad name.

    2013-02-04 | 14:44:30


    I once heard that he opened for a Male Stripper Show and he showed his ass to the woman and he had thongs on. That is very gross

    2013-02-04 | 14:52:42

    Brilliant !

    Witness the dumbing down of Amerika....

    2013-02-04 | 15:01:21

    Out of control

    Wow this has gotten out of control. While I may or may not agree with some of the comments on here people need to remember to respect one another. Some

    people are bullies and the best thing to do is let karma get them. However just because one person is a bully doesn't make it acceptable to bully other people foexpressing their opinions that may be contrary to your opinion as long as they do so in a courteous manner. 2 wrongs do not make a right.

    2013-02-04 | 15:59:15

    cover bands suck

    learn to write your own music. Let Mustang Sally finally fade away.

    2013-02-04 | 16:02:50

    So this will now turn into cover band vs original band? Let us know how that 3-4-5 blues riff you wrote turns out.

    2013-02-04 | 16:04:33

    Kelly Wahl DRAMA FREE???? hahaha

    Kelly Wahl is far from drama free, look at all her facebook posts, slamming all female singers and god knows what, best thing to do there is stay away from


    2013-02-04 | 16:16:55


    3,4,5 blues? I bet you play a mean rendition of save a horse ride a cowboy. amirite?

    2013-02-04 | 16:23:57Well I can say I opened up for Frankie Valli, Poison, Firehouse, The Kinks, The Rascals, The Tokens, Blue Oyster Cult, Steppenwolf, Asia, The Little River

    Band, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, The Shwartz Bah Miztfa, and many more. And once had my picture taken with Jon Bon Jovi.

    2013-02-04 | 16:43:17

    Why does the comments have to be monitored? It's a free country last I knew and we are still free to voice our opinions. It's about time the dirty dealings of the

    Buffalo music scene came out in the open. The next thing is to expose how the booking agents stop bands from playing clubs and double dip their commission

    with the band and the club owners. If the comments here offend you then don't read them.

    2013-02-04 | 16:45:39

    It says MetroWNY at the top of the page so you may want to hang up and call the correct newspaper.

    2013-02-04 | 16:48:26


    95 gigs x 1500.00. hope you guys are claiming all of that.

    2013-02-04 | 16:58:42

    TerriableWow. Fairweather fans if you ask me. I have to laugh about Kelly not being drama free!!!! Glad I wont be seeing anymore of the "haters" at the shows.

    2013-02-04 | 16:59:43


    I bet this is one person writing all these posts!!!!

    2013-02-04 | 17:21:17

    Edward Marki

    I am very disappointed that my heard earned dollars are being wasted at Board Meeting discussing bands. Edward Marki needs to focus on the real issues that

    Lancaster is facing. If you do not redirect yourself Mr. Marki, I will be more than happy to vote in someone that will.

    2013-02-04 | 17:23:55


    Mark has burned many bridges in the music scene. Don't flatter yourself that this is just one person. Karma is a funny thing. Beautiful to witness. I don't know

    who this "Terri Able" is, but she sounds like a concubine groupie.

    2013-02-04 | 17:33:21

    lol...wrongYou seem to know so much about the music scene. Nothing like anonymous posts to rip one person apart. will knock on your door soon Im sure!

    2013-02-04 | 17:35:03


    OK Ill give it 2 people.

    2013-02-04 | 17:41:03

    lol...wrong again...

    That's because it's MULTIPLE people in the music scene that have been screwed over by Mark. Once this article hit facebook and

    thread has taken a life of it's own. Mark has many people that know how he operates. Now the mainstream media and taxpayers know too. Way to shoot

    yourself in the foot, Valentino.

    2013-02-04 | 19:22:11

    Looks like Mark's GROUPIES are starting to come out. Poor pathetic things.

    2013-02-04 | 20:19:00

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    The Facts

    The fact is Mark displayed himself in an unflattering manner. ~ The secured petitions ~ He spoke with members of the press ~ He attended a board meeting ~

    He challenged the boards decision to bring in other entertainment. After all that, why would Lancaster want anything to do with him again? Why go through all

    that hassle again? He was not respectful of the board decision. This is very sad for a grown man to grovel over.

    2013-02-05 | 00:31:48

    That's why we should hire FLIPSIDE, no drama with those guys !

    2013-02-05 | 00:35:29

    Regardless of the meeting

    2013-02-05 | 01:03:40

    hire FLIPSIDE

    Mark made the mistake of showing his true colors. He's usually always nice to your face but don't turn your back on him. He's all about Mark. Does not matterif you are a groupie or a bar owner. He'll use you and spit you out. Don't give him the chance.

    2013-02-05 | 06:24:50

    Hit n run is still a better band than breakaway. Their singer isn't that great and their bass player doesn't speak to people that sees hit n run and he deletes people

    on facebook just because they go and see hit n he's no better. Kelly Wahl a fan favorite and no drama?? HA! She can't hit the high notes without

    sounding like shes gargling and drama free is a joke - just look at her facebook page within the last month bashing other musicians.

    2013-02-05 | 07:02:39

    Good morning, Mark. Don't be late for work while you falsify comments.

    2013-02-05 | 07:32:38

    Hit N Run is Better than Break Away? Are you honestly serious? Have you even read this whole page? Mark can't sing and has run out of people to call to

    keep his band "fresh" after people quit. He has scraped the bottom of the barrel and come up lucky for the last time. Wait for the next version...a monkey

    beating a snare drum, an orangutan hitting the high notes, and using karaoke music beds.

    2013-02-05 | 07:38:32

    Scott has something Mark never had, versatility! Whoa! Someone got deleted off FB??? Are you in high school? Correct me if Im wrong, a person has a right

    to choose who he/she speaks to. Mark opened his mouth and shoved his foot down his throat this time. All his manipulation is finally coming to the surface!Bottom line, Lancaster hired Breakaway, get over it! I can not wait to see real natural talent and not cheesy talent. Lancaster is in for a treat!

    2013-02-05 | 09:07:55

    The guy is a total dooossssshhhhhhh. He will stop at nothing to stop others from playing anywhere. Why don't people wake up, realize they have some horrible

    musicians in the band, and go see others around town that are way freakin better than them. Snap out of it people, seriously! He steals others bands email

    addresses and under cuts everyone. i cant wait to sit back and watch his dynasty crumble. Go ahead Mark, just try to get the money you are used to getting.

    Freakin retard!

    2013-02-05 | 09:25:23


    Seriously about the deleted thing? I could copy and paste a email from Mark regarding me not coming to shows. HE DOES NOT WANT ANYONE

    AFFILIATED WITH HIT N RUN TO SEE ANY OTHER BAND. So if you want to go there Mark, I have the proof. And you know the bass players name.

    Does it hurt hearing his name roll off your tongue? YES IT DOES, BECUASE HE WON

    2013-02-05 | 09:29:46

    OMG! Please share that email!2013-02-05 | 09:53:28

    Hey Mark, "You see that flash of light in the corner of your eye? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear."

    2013-02-05 | 09:57:16


    Happy 4th of July ....Breakaway. Love your band.

    2013-02-05 | 10:05:59

    angry tax payer

    Ed Marki has done a great disservice to the tax payers of Lancaster by putting his special interest in front of the village and alienating people in the

    process....resign and show some ethical responsibility.

    2013-02-05 | 10:13:41


    The Village of Lancaster won. This is not a battle between bands or musicians. This was about what the Village thought was best for the holiday weekend.

    Mark brought the rest on himself by making it personal.

    2013-02-05 | 10:47:24quid pro quo

    How many Sabre tickets did you get Ed. Usually Mark tries to buy people off by giving them something.

    2013-02-05 | 12:08:40

    How is this news?

    They will laugh all the way to the bank, with 3 other shows in line behind Lancaster. All the comments here are from haters that have been very unsuccessful with

    their band. If they understood that aggressiveness Mr. Valentino has they would understand what it takes to market a successful band. While Kelly was a very

    good singer, where is she now? Breakaway? looking at their calender, not too much going on there either. All said and done, they will probably play a bigger

    better show anyways.

    2013-02-05 | 12:14:49

    Looking at the Hit n run calendar also shows that the people in that band HAVE NO LIFE outside the band. And people wonder why Mark's marriage is in th

    toilet. Wake up!!

    2013-02-05 | 12:57:44

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    Too funny

    Hit N Run, nope. More like Swing and a Miss. Grow up Mark - You've had your 15 minutes. Now the community sees you as you really undeserving

    child. Maybe if you hold your breath, they'll give in.

    2013-02-05 | 13:09:50

    Re: How is this news?

    Just a fyi. Kelly Wahl is NOT with Breakaway. She should not even be apart of this conversation. Also just because a band so not have a lot on their schedule

    does not mean that they are unsuccessful. Some bands choose not to play as may shows.

    2013-02-05 | 13:18:28


    Sorry Mark. I know you'd like to think all of these posts are coming from ex-bandmates (all of which have QUIT your band), but sorry to tell you, you're wron

    (AGAIN!!) Never been in your band, for which, I'm grateful. You can quip all you want about being a successful business man, but your shady businessdealings are all coming to the surface now!!! With that being said, now that you're only charging $840 dollars for a high profile gig for the 4th of July in

    Lancaster, I suspect that your "going rates" will decrease significantly. That was due to your narcissistic ego. In doing so, you not only screwed yourself, but

    your bandmates as well (but I guess that's really nothing new). Calling groupies and sending text msgs/emails when you don't see them out at a gig, is pathetic.

    Sending spys out when they go to other bands and asking for a head count of HNR fans there with names included; pathetic. Bar owners threatening to give

    your scheduled gigs to other bands because you no longer can bring in the draw that HNR used to...priceless. As for your "loyal friends"...they're quickly

    learning that the Emperor is wearing no clothes! You lies to your "friends/groupies" are quickly catching up with you. Only a matter of time before your "non

    band" dirty laundry comes out. With no one to blame but yourself. So let me ask ya this...was it worth it?

    2013-02-05 | 13:34:00

    Bar Owner

    You guys live in fantasy land - December was our month EVER with HitnRun... I'll gladly take what every shows I can get!

    2013-02-05 | 13:57:32


    this argument is about integrity...of which Valentino has keep writing...Mark

    2013-02-05 | 14:06:46Honestly..

    People... take a step back and look at what is going on here. What the hell is wrong with you people ? Said it before and ill say it agin... witness the dumbing

    down of Amerika...

    2013-02-05 | 14:07:16


    funny...dunno what bar "owner" that was from, but I certainly know it wasn't an establishment HNR has had at least 3 gigs a month at...spoke to that bar owner

    personally, as well as a bouncer and bartender from the same establishment (not to mention a band member from another band that a certain "owner" said he'd

    give some of Mark's gigs to if he didn't start getting his crap together)...heard the same story from all. Hysterical how it doesn't match yours Mark. Keep

    lyin...I've got my s*%t shovel ready!!! Maybe if you "Don't stop Believin" you're lies will become true?! Nah. Doesn't happen with narcissistic pathological liars

    2013-02-05 | 14:08:04

    THIS IS TAZ FROM BEEAKAWAY- People enough already. This has gone too far and gotten way out of hand. I will be calling the Metro to have this story

    and subsequent childish and hateful comments removed. I'm somewhat ashamed at how so-called adults are acting like a bunch of children over this.

    2013-02-05 | 14:12:40Taz

    Good luck Taz... I already tried that yesterday.

    2013-02-05 | 14:14:39


    Thank you Taz for taking the high road.

    2013-02-05 | 14:18:27


    all the hateful comments here could not equal the hate he has spewed behind the scenes against other musicians in this town. Not even close!

    2013-02-05 | 14:36:43


    WOW! A voice of reason,thank Taz!This is all so ugly,right or wrong,one side or another, this is private stuff,especially the finacials,if you don't dig the band

    (any band)don't go see them,easy fix.Too many great players in this town to see to get caught up in all this mess.

    2013-02-05 | 14:45:51

    DramatinoWhat an egotistical ass! You wasted a village board meeting on that! Listen buddy you aren't the only game in town

    2013-02-05 | 14:45:54


    Is all pure gold! Keep it up!

    2013-02-05 | 14:55:02


    What an egotistical piece of crap! Wait a second I think I've got one of those wind up monkeys that crashes the cymbals together! He could be your new

    drummer! LOL! Why don't you record another lame ass live CD of OTHER PEOPLE'S SONGS since you can't write your own! A cover band recording a

    live CD of covers! What a joke!

    2013-02-05 | 14:57:29

    Bottom line

    The guy has done enough over the years to deserve this response.

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    2013-02-05 | 14:57:43


    Oh people PLEASE keep hammering this jackass! It's been a LONG time coming! LOL!

    2013-02-05 | 15:11:03

    You all

    Should be ashamed of yourself's. This drama you all speak of that you say Mr. Valentino brings upon himself. Look what you all are doing. Grown adults talkin

    like your in a school yard. Have your opinion about the subject but to call names, bring personal bushiness of someone you think you know and then talk about

    his marriage...? Shame on all of you! I hope you all can look in the mirror a be happy with yourselves. Besides the fact that I am sure Not a one of you know th

    complete story. Nor do I. I just cant believe that you can be so judgmental.

    2013-02-05 | 15:15:02

    Stir the potI just have too. Why don't all you "stumblebum" kiddies go back over to wnymusic and do this? You know, you can continue the whole "we are sooo superior"

    argument because we don't play covers and discuss how it was great it was that all your moms friends showed up at Niches! My goodness, you all

    sound like jilted girlfriends or jilted somethings. Even if he's a scumbag, hiding behind a keyboard is no way to act. Get your own band out there and get

    the shows like both Breakaway and HNR band obviously work very hard to do. All you are is embarrassing the Buffalo Music scene at this point.

    2013-02-05 | 15:20:46

    Our Rights

    We Are all entitled to our oppinons. This America damn it. On the verge of losing our leagally owned guns now our freedom of speech. What's next??? Say

    whatever you want!!!!!! To whoever you want !!! About whatever you want!!!!

    2013-02-05 | 15:29:50

    Our Rights...

    Was the statement false, or put in a context that makes true statements misleading? You do not have a constitutional right to tell lies that damage or defame the

    reputation of a person or organization........some stuff on here is just plain hearsay.

    2013-02-05 | 15:41:24

    StumblebumIron Mike, is that you? lol

    2013-02-05 | 15:41:26

    tell that to Mark

    tell that to Mark. He's bashed every band out there at one time or another. You obviously don't know the worm.

    2013-02-05 | 15:41:28

    2013-02-05 | 15:47:57

    Petitions? This has gone to far

    2013-02-05 | 16:17:40


    For years Mark has threatened not playing at bars, lawn fetes ,etc for booking former members of his band (ex: Perfect Game, Breakaway)and always denied

    it. Well the truth is now out. What goes around comes around as they say. Way to go Mark!

    2013-02-06 | 08:45:22

    I guess the people will not be denied. Post away2013-02-06 | 09:05:54




    2013-02-06 | 09:14:40


    I received this yesterday. If this ever going to stop? From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 8:49 PM To: Subject: Please Support

    a local band that supports us To anyone who may be interested in helping out: The Lancaster/Depew Ponytails and Heat Organization is writing this letter to

    town officials in support of one of our famous Lancaster town bands, Hit N Run, who not only has been a band that has played the 4th of July in our town

    for many years but has also played at the Ponytail League Spring Fundraiser for the last 5 years helping us raise over $15,000 each year for the girls who play in

    our league. Please, if you would like to send a word of support for Hit N Run to continue being involved in the Lancaster 4th of July festivities, please take

    some time to write and mail a letter for support as well. Your letters should be addressed to the Mayor and Trustees of Lancaster, mail the hard copy to the

    Village Hall at 5423 Broadway, Lancaster NY 14086. Thank you so much for the support, John Raab President Lancaster/Depew Ponytails

    2013-02-06 | 09:42:35I am ashamed of an Accredited Journalistic Institution allowing Many off topic comments to go unmonitored. Looks like a tabloid! AT Least he stood up ON

    PUBLIC Record and put his name on it! Unlike any of the circling Vultures posting here. What next his home address and phone number here? Dan Ruggiero

    2013-02-06 | 09:50:06

    Just so you know

    This is the same guy who tells clubs that if Breakaway plays there that his band wont and will cancel dates if they dont cancel thiers! Does Club Paradise rings a

    bell Mark? Your band is all hype. You post pics of these events that have guaranteed draws and you claim that your bands brings the crowD JUST BECAUSE

    YOUR PLAYING. Hows the AUD working for ya? Also your buddy Phil at Macaroons wont let Breakaway play there and why is that? Because Mark will

    stop playing there is they play plain and simple.This band dont draw on thier own that is why thay hook up with gigs where there are going to be people

    anyways and then claim how great they draw. They do it at lawn fetes, events lik this and when Macaroons holds und raisers. Then they post pics and brag. I

    GUARANTEE you the reason they didnt go for the July 5th date was because they wouldnt generate a crowd and then people would see what they really


    2013-02-06 | 10:17:32

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    The people posting here are vultures? Mark Valentino is a vulture. If you really knew him and all of his shady dealings you would agree. If bands (and there is

    MANY) that he has screwed over and lied to want to come on here and vent they have the right. Until Valentino takes money out of your pocket you have not

    right to comment.

    2013-02-06 | 10:29:10

    he brought this on himself!

    I am appalled at how Mark has reached a new Pathetic!! Mark ONLY cares about Mark!! To all of his so called friends/fans and groupies. You need to realiz

    one thing, Mark has NO loyalty to ANYONE!! As soon as you stop going out to see him and his band, he has NO use for you. As a Lancaster resident who

    pays taxes, I am glad to see there will be a new venue. Listening to the same music and how he thinks he is so amamzing is getting very old!! Mark also forgets

    about who stepped up to the plate when his old band members waled away from him. You all remember.....Perfect Game right? Well as I remember it, Mike

    Schill, Taz AND Bruce all stepped up to the plate along with The Wilczak boys and gave his band the dedication and loyalty he so badly wanted! Then when hfinally reached the top, he kicked them to the curb. If that is not a piece of shit then you need to tell me what is. Mark has screwed a lot of people in the music

    industry over and over and over. Here is one for you Mark, if you want the fourth of July gig so bad, PLAY FOR FREE THEN, if you are SOOOOOOO

    concerned about your community then give us a 100% tax cut!! How about instead of acting like a child, you stop your desperation and GROW UP!! If you ar

    as good as you think you are, you should have no problem getting another gig and as you quoted in numberous media avenues......go get double from other

    towns or churches!! From what I hear about you Mark, you are a has been!!!!!

    2013-02-06 | 11:21:10


    Keep it classy Valentino. Unbelievably pathetic.

    2013-02-06 | 11:28:48

    You realize, of course, this all plays into his hands. He will find a way to play martyr and whine how everyone is picking on him. And will swing this into support

    for himself. Do you REALLY want him gone? Ignore him. Don't go to shows, ask to be removed from his mailing list. See other bands or stay home. Don't get

    me wrong, he's the plague, but he will turn over bashing to his advantage

    2013-02-06 | 11:30:12

    Keep it classy Valentino???? Are you kidding me????? if he was going to "keep it Classy" he WOULD NOT be throwing a temper tantrum because he did notget his way!!! I could care less what Mark Valentino's groupies or so called friends think bottom line.......STOP going to his gigs and then see where you rate o

    his 'friend" card. HE HAS NO LOYALTY!!!!!!!! so you defend him all you want, he has made way too many enemies due to his selfishness and pride!! He did

    this to himself!!!!!!!

    2013-02-06 | 12:03:22

    Keep it classy Valentino. Unbelievably pathetic.

    ^^^^ That was meant as a slam, not a compliment.

    2013-02-06 | 12:06:23


    HE PLAYS THAT ROLE VERY WELL. He will do something and try to figure out a way to blame others. This does not just apply to music, he does it on his

    baseball team too. So, we are with you all in your way of thinking.

    2013-02-06 | 12:28:08

    Put your money where your mouth is

    All of you musicians complain about how he steals gigs, and tells club owners he won't play there if they hire a band. Well, put your money where your mouth isIf all you bands rally together and tell a club owner that you will not longer play there if they hire Hit N Run than your problem will be solved. But NONE OF

    YOU WILL DO IT because NONE OF YOU HAVE THE BALLS. All you will do is sit here and complain. Get off your asses and do something or SHUT


    2013-02-06 | 13:13:57

    what a jerk!

    ever see his license plate? something along the lines of # 1 singer. More like # 1 jerk

    2013-02-06 | 13:48:43

    RE: put your money where your mouth is...

    This is really the way to go, but just a bit more passively. It worked for Breakaway. They got stonewalled at a few clubs, the said "oh well " and moved on.

    Think about it, he only plays 5 clubs, 3 of them maybe loyal to him, 2 of them (the Cove and the Aud) do what they want. So what? There are lots of other

    places to play.

    2013-02-06 | 13:51:05


    As a member of the WNY music community... This is the funniest stuff I've read in a long time. And. It's only funny because it's true.2013-02-06 | 14:14:52

    and further more..

    Does this band Hit n Run have a draw outside of the buffalo area? I dont think so and you know because cant have captive audiences out there. Really does thi

    band ever play shows that dont captive audiences?

    2013-02-06 | 14:22:05

    RE: put your money where your mouth is...

    I get your point. Phil from Macaroons has his head planted so far up Mark's butt. Hit N Run is always first priority there.

    2013-02-06 | 14:59:05


    to Dan R. nobody can deny the fact that Valentino screwed or tried to screw other bands over every chance he got. Wake up Dan, he's a snake.

    2013-02-06 | 15:06:22


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    see you in hell valentino. I'm sure you'll have a steady gig down there. Make sure you give the devil a break on price. he's very sensitive to getting screwed.

    2013-02-06 | 15:13:36

    They helped you out

    3 members of Breakaway helped you out when all your band members walked out on you. This is how you say thank you?

    2013-02-06 | 15:56:10

    heres an idea..

    Why dont we all put our money where are mouth is and stop attending any bar or venue that Hit n Run plays. So dont go see them at Macaroons or The Cove

    or the Aud or anywhere! Then these bars will get the message that we the people that support bands will not spend our money in you venue if you have Hit n

    Run as your band. Bar owners have it bad enough as it is and they cant afford to lose anymore business so it can be done!

    2013-02-06 | 16:10:25

    Just wondering....Was going to the town board, wasting taxpayers money just trying to screw over 3 former band members, which the $10.00 difference in the price more than

    indicates, worth the firestorm your arrogance created Mark? I hope this does you in!

    2013-02-06 | 16:10:44

    Just wondering....

    Was going to the town board, wasting taxpayers money just trying to screw over 3 former band members, which the $10.00 difference in the price more than

    indicates, worth the firestorm your arrogance created Mark? I hope this does you in!

    2013-02-06 | 16:10:53

    Re: heres an idea..

    Great idea.

    2013-02-06 | 16:11:44

    Just wondering...

    Was going to the town board, wasting taxpayers money just trying to screw over 3 former band members, which the $10.00 difference in the price more than

    indicates, worth the firestorm your arrogance created Mark? I hope this does you in!

    2013-02-06 | 17:23:37LOL

    The real travesty is Jennifer Lysiak's writing. Please tell me she is not a paid writer. I'm a big part of the WNY music community, and although I don't appreciate

    the comments, Mark brought this on himself. I have a difficult time with everyone ragging on his band though. I don't know how anyone can say Dan, Guy or Pa

    aren't talented? The only thing people should be saying about them is how much patience they have staying with Mark.

    2013-02-06 | 17:29:35


    Mark, maybe an apology would be in order for being an idiot. Now you have to go thru life wondering who are your friends and who really are disgusted by

    your presence. Would it really matter to you anyway?

    2013-02-06 | 17:45:22

    He has to wonder who is friends are? Are you serious? He has no REAL friends. People hang on because he takes them to Sabres games, and Bills games. He

    will hand out club's booze for free to all his "friends" when hnr is in da house. He also wines and dines anyone that could possibly hire him and his band. As far

    as the other members of his band, they know exactly what the deal is. They are hired help. It is MARK'S band and that is the end of it. Also the paycheck isn't

    too bad either when you look at what they are charging and playing so much. But if they have to now honor the $840.00 price tag that Mark threw out there,let's see how many actually stick around. Pat the current/former keyboard player was the lead guy when Mark's band all revolted against him for skimming

    money off the top and they were fed up with Mark's arrogance and ego. They went on and formed Perfect Game and did well without Mark. And that is

    something that Mark does not like - when former members have success. Also makes you wonder if the pool of available keyboard players that would actually

    play with him was drained after the guy from Breakaway left him. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm

    2013-02-06 | 20:52:39

    Temper Tantrum

    Waaaaaaaaaa I lost a gig to a band that has former members in it! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa I used to be their friend until they figured it out that I'm a big fat liar and

    jackoff. Do us all a favor Mark - just let it go! Why do you insist on screwing EVERYONE that used to play in your precious band? Can somebody please

    explain this? I don't understand. Is it a power trip? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Can't wait to see what happens when you tire of Dan and Guy.

    mean why would they be any different then the other people that have quit your band?

    2013-02-06 | 20:56:25

    Mark must have been that kid in the sandbox that wouldn't share his tonka trucks with any of the other children and now he's mad that they have there own

    tonka trucks now.

    2013-02-06 | 21:21:37I think that we all agree on here that his bands mates are great guys (well, except for Pat, only kidding Pat, even thou you're a prick I can still stand you). Dan,

    Guy and Al are class acts. No one has a problem with any of them. This is ALL ABOUT MARK. Just the way he likes it ALL ABOUT HIM. How do you lik

    all the attention now?

    2013-02-06 | 21:28:06

    Hey Mark


    2013-02-06 | 21:31:53


    Does anyone know the old members names? Beside Bruce Decker, Mike Schill, Kelly Wahl and Taz? I heard there was tons?

    2013-02-06 | 21:50:18

    Wake up dan??

    Wake up Dan? Are you kidding me Ive had my hand close to and near Buf. music since the Early Big Wheelie Days. Oh the Stories.and this one gets

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    added to them. What I am saying is or what was not clearly stated by me earlierWe can Agree or Disagree about how Mark handled it. (I Think a different

    tact might of been more beneficial). My issue is with how this has played out in the comments. Yours and others Personal attacks look like a bunch of Jilted

    lovers to read about. I agree with the statement Put Your Money where your mouth is.: Yet NO ONE will take ownership of the comments they make here

    (Sign by So and so). What did you or any one do to overcome the challenge of Mark standing in your way as you claim? I would ask my self 1. What have

    I/ we done as a group to grow our audience to challenge the king? Answer is NOTHING by a majority of the acts. Yet one band figured it out by not hiding

    behind the excuse Mark stopped me. 2. Mark knows his Audience and what they want and are willing to pay for to come out to see and hear the band. Do yo

    or the other bands know what your audience wants and to grow it?? 3. To bad mouth his band members because Mark wronged you ??? Is poor taste, a

    disservice and unfair to the musical abilities of Dan, Guy, Pat, Al and Annette. They are just employees of the band. Workers not the decision makers. As a

    member you shut up do as you are told and you get paid for it. If not you are gone. Simple. 4. You start another business after leaving me. Now more

    competition I have to protect what I have and what I worked hard to build. Makes sense to me. Its just business. And business is not easy or fun

    sometimes it is out right nasty. 5. "It's not fair I can't play this venue..." Did you Get to work and get better, make your band wanted by the other club owners?This is how you challenge it. Don't whine about it. 6. Did you get to be so good with a large draw that the venue can not refuse you. No matter what or where?

    Did you Level the playing field on your own terms? Like I said before One band Figured that out.

    2013-02-06 | 22:20:42

    What's forgotten

    This is a small town that has a few big fish (musically) in it. Hit

    2013-02-06 | 22:45:55

    Previous Band Members

    Jimmy Gleason, Chris Novak, Tommy Herr, Renee Harris, Joe Suplicki, Jeff Kocher, Kenny Wilczak, Bob Wilczak...

    2013-02-06 | 23:04:26

    Jeff Jess, Lewis Reczek, Ric Stave, joe Gerardi, Dan Offhaus, Marilyn Furr, Mark Ricci, Joe Betz, Frank Vito, dave Principale, Steve Truisi, Bruce Decker,

    Pat Brayman, Jay Kuzara, Mike Schill, Dave Mucha....and that is the tip of the iceberg

    2013-02-06 | 23:06:29


    Narcissism is a generalized personality trait characterized by egotism, vanity, conceit, or selfishness. Go see a Dr. for your problem Mark. Your narcissism isdestroying you. Im being serious.

    2013-02-06 | 23:09:26

    Dan Kaplin (was brought back), Pat Annunziata (was brought back) THAT TOTALLY COUNTS

    2013-02-06 | 23:13:44

    Two Dans would be awesome

    2013-02-06 | 23:30:09

    Figured it out??

    There is nothing to figure out. The music business has always been who you know and who you %$@#. If you have the connections and you are a decent band

    you get to play the high profile gigs where there is a captured crowd that allows you to gather your following. Otherwise, you have to build it one by one, gig by

    gig. I blame the event coordinators and the so-called committees that have allowed Mark to bully him into playing these events year after year. And for bars like

    Macaroon's who give him endless opportunities to play at the fundraisers and beer blasts that are held there. Grooming one band and one band only to ensure

    their success. People like to say there are alot of places to play, but there really isn't anymore and when one band plays all of the 3 or 4 bars within a 3 mile

    radius during the winter and then every lawn fete,and festival within that same 3 mile radius in the summer they are bound to have an advantage. Just think ifeveryone had that same opportunity, maybe our music scene wouldn't be so sad and the patrons wouldn't be so brainwashed into thinking you have to hear

    "Sweet Caroline" to have a good time. When the music scene was in it's glory, people actually went out to see a band for what they specialized in and didn't

    expect them to be a human jutebox. Shame on you Mark for being a musician and not letting others share in the opportunities you have been blessed to have. I

    suspect that if it weren't for Breakaway having acquired some of the same connections while in HnR and being able to say they are former members of HnR,they

    would not have had the opportunity to play Lancaster's 4th of July show. With Mark getting so bent about it tells you exactly how he has continued to achieve

    his status. Without those gigs he's just like the rest of the local bands, no different.

    2013-02-06 | 23:31:57


    I have 30 already, including the current members and I know there is a lot more. Oh we really need to get a count on this.

    2013-02-07 | 00:01:37

    RE: Wake up dan??

    This amazing display of human kindness was brought to my attention today. After reading EVERY SINGLE COMMENT, I find no place on this page that

    anyone bad mouthed ANY of the current or former members. Well except for Kelly. So please explain where this was said. As for anyone not named Mark

    Valentino that has been in hit n run, they are all brothers and sisters in arms. They all have the common bond that they have played with the Devil himself andmade it out alive.

    2013-02-07 | 00:15:03

    This Is A Joke Right?

    You gotta be kidding me!!! A local cover band demanding to know why they weren't hired for a gig at a town festival? .. and this after they were offered to

    different slots at the same festival? The musician forums are gonna have a ball with this one!

    2013-02-07 | 01:10:18

    and you want to know why I don't follow the local music scene, all these commenters from bands are all just local wannabe talent, gimme a break.

    2013-02-07 | 06:53:58

    hmmm i figured it out..

    Come on you have some good points but really Caroline can't you just give it up. Just reading your comment tells everyone who wrote it. Stop it just keep on

    the subject.

    2013-02-07 | 07:48:08

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    Re; 2013-02-07 | 01:10:18

    Really the 30 names listed are just "local wannabe talent" You are funny and you just showed that you are not a musician, you're just one of Mark's cronies

    making uneducated comments. Some of those "local wannabe talent" are in the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame, when they actually inducted real talent and not

    because to many people were complaining about this ballot stuffing. He cheated the music awards, he cheated all that was pure about local music. So please

    take your "local wannabe groupie" act someplace else or the real truth about Mark's ways will be published here. Trust me, people are holding back.

    2013-02-07 | 08:32:44

    This is priceless

    but I'm running out of popcorn! The over 200 comments alone on this little blurb is a true testament to the popularity of hitnrun and you guys played right into it

    Controversy, good or bad equals dollars and I am sure it will be used this as perfect example of just how popular they are. You guys are so full of youselves as

    muscians that you still don't understand how the Buffalo music scene works and the hearsay and rumor mill is priceless. You know Mark was seen

    eating dinner with aliens the other day, that's why my band cant draw. LOL You guys sound like a bunch of jilted ex-wives whose husband gets a prettygirlfriend! Dan R hats of brother, we will talk at some point as you take the best pictures around. Not for nothing but when Hitnrun is playing on any

    particular night, why are the other places that your bands are playing not at capacity? Every other place does not close down when they play maybe it

    because you maybe great as a musician but you are terrible at promotion. My advice to you is stop worrying about the other guy, do your own thing! They hav

    been doing that for 22 years and you know what? EVERY weekend every show packed with people! They are not on public forums blasting other bands or

    making personal attacks on family members over a dumb little bar band. All you are doing is showing EXACTLY why you dont have the following or the

    band they have. Sorry perception is reality and all your words on this site have definitely been louder than your actions to date in the Buffalo music scene.

    2013-02-07 | 08:44:33


    If Mark has been doing this band for over 22 years how old does that make him? His facebook page says 43. LIE YOU ARE OVER 50 MARK. Why did

    you tell someone just last month that you were in your 30's? LIE

    2013-02-07 | 08:50:55


    See? that was a perfect comment to reinforce my point - what does it matter what his age is? Ok - Mark lies about his age (most do), I get it, now that means

    YOUR band won't draw this weekend, darn, or even worse, you dont even have a band or talent, you are one of those people that hang on or know someonein a band and think you are someone in the know, either way point proven. Sad sad sad whats next? well well well - your a big poopie head LOL

    2013-02-07 | 08:54:52


    information, Mark is not pulling in the crowds that he used to. That is a fact, he knows it, I know it and so does everyone else.

    2013-02-07 | 08:57:54


    If Mark is so good and he is the best musican in WNY why does he have to beg for vote? Just a question.

    2013-02-07 | 09:00:03


    Not pulling crowds? Facts? Show us or not true! Prove it! For a band thats not pulling crowds, I could not get any dates from them until late 2014 sooo, prove

    it! You can't can you? You are like the exwife talking to her friends still - yes, she maybe pretty but I have it good authority that she is a dude - give me a break

    2013-02-07 | 09:04:25

    Vote?Are you insane? No one cares about that stuff! Waaaa,I didn't get my Might Taco award this year, now my band wont draw people! Always an excuse isn't

    there? He draws votes to aid in popularity and drive business - get it? Has nothing to do with how good you are or the nusic. I can think of alot of muscians that

    are great at what they do and don't win their Mighty Taco award - most of these comments sound like they are comming from a 15 year old girl

    2013-02-07 | 09:08:52


    YOU SLIPPED MARK - BUSTED You said in the 2013-02-07 | 09:00:03 "I could not get any dates from them until late 2014 sooo, prove it!" YOUR A


    2013-02-07 | 09:12:51


    What are you talking about? Why would Mark be looking for dates from himself??? Oh no, the evil big bad musician that makes a lot of people money in

    fundraising by having a successful act that a lot of people enjoy might be here reading these most hateful classless comments! What should I do now? youre 14


    2013-02-07 | 09:14:14

    The KingI hate to interupt the fighting but I just had to correct something. Mark Valentino is not the King in music around here. It is Terry Buchwald and he has the outfi

    to prove it.

    2013-02-07 | 09:16:54


    I agree and Terry (I mean Elvis) has left the building! LOL

    2013-02-07 | 09:52:08

    Side Man

    Saw Valentino in his 3 Dog Night tribute band, It looked like he had no control over in that band. The Road guy was in the middle. And the other singer I think

    they said from Flipside did the bulk of the singing and talking. I wonder how he handles that.

    2013-02-07 | 10:01:06

    Just wow

    HEY! I saw ELI! great band with great line up! Was nice to see all those guys share the same stage. Totally understand your point though, I mean cmon! hes

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    obviously standing a foot more over on the left and Im sure he would quit if it was a foot and a half. Really? Still showing your age I see. Can you just drop it?

    We all get it, you hate Mark. He has obviously kicked sand on your beach blanket or worse, made you look silly because you cant book your band, act or

    whatever. You are officially the class clown minus the class

    2013-02-07 | 10:12:34

    And as someone who hates Mark, I second that. We have all made our points. And this is a nice testament to how the community really feels about his

    manipulative crap. But enough is enough.

    2013-02-07 | 10:21:30

    I dont see a community - I see a couple of bitter people that have dragged someone through the mud for their own personal failings. Plenty of other places to

    play when Hitnrun is playing yet you cant get over the fact that he is much and I mean much better at promotion then you. So explain how his dealings affect

    your band attendance on a night to night basis? This should be good - and you dont even sound like a musician, quiet honestly, I agree with other guy. You

    sound like some hanger on or girl that made a play for him and got rejected. You sound too bitter and dark to make the comments you make without havingsome sort of vendetta. Let it go or it will consume you and try and act you age

    2013-02-07 | 10:38:39

    FYI this article just appeared on several musician web boards.

    2013-02-07 | 11:10:53

    Simple Fact

    Let's make this simple. Why is Mark Valentino trying so hard and acting so desperate for one gig? Why is he doing petitions, letter, secret email, etc..?


    2013-02-07 | 11:22:20

    Simple Fact - I AGREE

    I agree. This conversation would of never happened is Mark didn't go to such extent to secure a gig. The only thing that he did not do is get a bunch of

    protesters with picket signs in from of the Village of Lancaster. By his actions, he hurt his band. If thier pay goes down, that is Mark's fault. He did this. No one


    2013-02-07 | 11:31:36

    SimpleEasy answer - because he does whatever it takes to promote and book his band er his business. He goes the distance and is dedicated to it and if other bands

    put in the same effort instead or trying to polish finger exercises from Dream Theatre, they would probably have the same success too. This conversation would

    happen anywhere you mention Hitnrun with the same group of disgruntled individuals mad at themselves for not getting it done. You can push all the low brow

    comment and say whatever you like but tomorrow night at Macaroons after you push through all the people ask yourself just how true you think all this is.

    2013-02-07 | 11:32:40

    Joe Tall

    Get a Life People!!!

    2013-02-07 | 11:39:18

    RE: Cant Get Gig Till 2014

    I beg to differ. Looks like they will be off on the 4th of July.

    2013-02-07 | 11:40:20


    I can see Mark has been busy typing alot...trying to offset the negitive press. POOOOOR's everyone else'e fault. He's so nice to everyone and noweveryone is picking on him.

    2013-02-07 | 11:44:41

    and here come the 12 year olds again - shouldnt you be in school? isn't that your mama calling you?

    2013-02-07 | 11:51:55


    Ok Lets sum this up for all the new comers so we dont have to see the same redundant things you keep saying, so these very disgruntled people can move on

    and we dont have to hear from them anymore. Mark is the anti-Christ, because of him no one can draw people to watch their bands nor can they get gigs

    because he blocks everyone from playing every night everywhere. He has killed babies and made the whole scene look at hitnrun like a crack pipe that they ca

    wait to get there next hit from. Without that standard of excellence by continually drawing and making people money, my band or boyfriends band or someone I

    know in a band might not have to work that hard to get shows .bla bla bla and could get by being medicore with as little effort as possibleI am loving this

    2013-02-07 | 12:03:54







    2013-02-07 | 12:08:26


    If Mark is allowed to go above and beyond to book a gig that means we are too. Did you hear that everyone, gloves are off, we have carte blanche.

    2013-02-07 | 12:19:30

    You dont have to yell - can someone get me the how to book a gig and promote your band rule book for the Buffalo music scene? Must have missed that. You

    missed the whole point of the other guy I think. It does not matter who he lost the show too, it was enough that he lost a show and it could have hurt business,

    the rates mean nothing they change from venue to venue with multiple things factored in. Oh I forgot, youre still worried about what key you or your

    boyfriend will play Mustang Sally if Mark allows them to play somewhere right?

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    2013-02-07 | 12:24:35

    Lost gig

    Since you seem to be Mr. Valentino's Spokesperson, let me ask you this. He lost other gigs. Why didn't he protest those like the did this one?

    2013-02-07 | 12:35:10

    not spokesperson I just maybe a little closer to the situation. You have to understand I have seen him do stuff to get shows that no sane person would do. You

    cant deny they are, and have been for a very long time, the big dog in the yard - just denying that shows how delusional someone might be. This just happens to

    be the one instance where all the band politics where dragged out into the open, definitely not an isolated event no way no how. All I am saying is that from my

    perspective, a lot of rumors that are simply not true. Let me ask you this how is it hitnruns fault if one of the other 10 bands playing that night is playing for

    nobody?? You blame the wrong people my friend, if anything their ability to draw and help bars pay their bills and stay open and give other bands a place to

    play should be commended just my two cents i could care less either way to be honest. he may be jerk but he's very good at what he does

    2013-02-07 | 12:52:01Mike you werent wanted in hitnrun and you are certainly not needed here. Stop pretending to be our spokesperson and pretending youre smarter than the

    avereage bear.

    2013-02-07 | 13:39:01

    Just hire a DJ... He'll out perform every band in Buffalo

    2013-02-07 | 13:52:05

    So Who is...

    Building the rockets and performing neurosurgeries while all the geniuses are in here yakkin it up...? The dumbing down of Amerika....

    2013-02-07 | 13:56:10

    Lost gig

    Again I ask, Why didn't Mark protest other lost gigs like he did this one?

    2013-02-07 | 14:18:02

    Petitioning and arguing the decision a committee made to have a certain band play an event when it it not your own is NOT promoting your band! Seriously?

    2013-02-07 | 14:34:00pond scum

    a few people can try to stick up for mark but the fact remains, he did this to himself. he tried to steal a gig from breakaway. this is an ethical issue of which he

    has none and the people who stick up for him just don't know enough of the behind the scenes back stabbing that he has pulled. we'll accept your ignorance for

    that but you need not comment on something you know little about.

    2013-02-07 | 14:37:58


    Either the "spokesman" is Mark or his boyfriend but come on. This is not about other bands not being able to draw because gods gift to Buffalo music Mark

    Valentino is playing in town somewhere. It is about his arrogance and the fact he will do anything to prevent former members of his band aquire work in town.

    He has done this with Perfect Game and now Breakaway. It has just finally come out in the open. I have known this for years. Stop defending him so fiercely fo

    something that is so wrong!

    2013-02-07 | 14:39:20

    done with Hit

    Lets face one fact. Not everyone here is a musician and Mark is still an Ahole. Oh, thats 2 facts.2013-02-07 | 14:53:46

    Being good at what you do is one thing but doing it in an ethical manner is another.

    2013-02-07 | 14:54:02


    You don't know jack, you think you do but you are way off base. Breakaway is a very good band but that has nothing to do with it, could have Suckerpunch o

    Widow. If Mr Valentino fought that hard to KEEP a show is what I think the point was - does not matter who they hired after it. The true bottom line is as a

    band, I would much rather have that fighting to get me into events and clubs then the current misery that has been the local promoters and local bands that we

    have today. You are just like everyone else, think you can show up, plug in, play rock star for 3, 50 minute sets and go home. You can, but it will catch up to

    you and you will eventually play for no one. Go ask just about every other act in town. Those bands I mentioned work their butts off to get and keep shows.

    Honestly, if you are not a local musician than what? You have no dog in this fight or no lines in this play. Thats just being a loser at that point chiming and

    just showing how ignorant you are also keep this in mind, for 2 or 3 people that have this ax to grind against Mark, there are a lot more of us that don

    and will stick up for him. So keep spewing your hate jilted ex wife, you are just showing how pathetic you really are

    2013-02-07 | 15:04:22

    Lost gigAND Again I ask, Why didn't Mark protest other lost gigs like he did this one?

    2013-02-07 | 15:07:27


    Name ONE lost gig - go ahead, name one?

    2013-02-07 | 15:10:16

    uh huh

    Well, we are all waiting.. simple asked a question back I think it is in your court

    2013-02-07 | 15:13:53

    Lost gig

    Look at the 3rd comment from the top 2013-02-03 | 05:07:50 What Mark and Marki fail to mention is that Hit N Run always played Lancaster for 1000.00.

    So why did he suddenly offer a discount to Lancaster? And why not do the same to get his Friday at St Martha's back from the Boys of Summer? churches are

    non profit. Shouldn't they get a better deal than a municipality?

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    2013-02-07 | 15:17:18


    I know more than you think and have personnally been involved in some of the bullshit. I have no ax to grind against anyone. I just feel that Mark is not just

    fighting to keep a gig. If that were the case all of the people posting here wouldn't be here. This is about the unethical way he does this and his personal vendetta

    against people who he feels wronged him. I have been around the Buffalo music scene for over 40 years which is probably way longer than you. Again this has

    nothing to do with anyone else drawing or not drawing while HNR is playing. If you think for a minute Mark was only doing this to keep a gig you are

    delusional. I guarranty if this was any other band Mark would have taken the other gig for more money like a good businessman would. Most money gets the

    gig, thats being a good businessman. Putting money in yours and you bandmates pocket, not taking away from them to prove a point. But really, who cares!

    2013-02-07 | 15:20:24


    "Valentine said he put a bid in for $140 per person, and with a six-person band thats $840" THAT IS TAKING OUT OF HIS BAND MATESPOCKETS.

    2013-02-07 | 15:27:04

    RE: uh huh

    OK you want another band name, you got it! Widowmaker at Club Paradise the SAME night Breakaway was debuting at Dock Of The Bay. Widowmaker

    was the band for Cruise Night at Club Paradise for about 7 weeks at this point. Mark called over at Club Paradise and demanded they bump Widowmaker for

    his band. Mark deliberately took this show to draw people away from Dock At The Bay and Breakaway. The only problem is Karma bit him is the ass. A

    HUGE rain storm hit and that forced hitnRun to run for cover because they did not have a tent or any cover setup. Breakaway however, played their full show

    to a PACKED crowd at Dock in part to having a covered stage area and people helping hold down tarps - a crowd that included hitnrun members that got

    rained out. Coincidence? I doubt it. So there is your other band name you demanded.

    2013-02-07 | 15:29:00

    So not only did Mark try and mess with Breakaway that night, he also screwed Mike Hund and Widowmaker out of a gig. 2 bands with one stone on one night

    What a doosh

    2013-02-07 | 15:29:34

    He said " Im able to get two shows for about 50 percent more money in Clarence and Cheektowaga, by accepting or fighting for the Lacaster $840.00job he IS taking money out of his bandmates pocket to prove a point. Wake up!!!

    2013-02-07 | 15:30:04


    I am going to agree to disagree :) because 40 years has me by about 10 and I probably know you and you probably know me. I am not here to piss off anyone

    BUT I will say in my band, and probably yours too, there are some shows that pay a lot that we pass on because they are not worth it either because the peop

    running it dont have a clue or the crowd is dead and its no fun

    2013-02-07 | 15:39:11

    Speaking of Hund

    What about the night that Mike Hund, Tom Ryan and Rick Ryan were playing at Coyotes across the street from Mark at Macaroons? Does anyone remember

    that story? All I remember is Mark played for free and their were flyers on cars when people came out of the bar.

    2013-02-07 | 15:41:30

    other band

    If you dont like this guy, dont go see him! Lots of other talented hard working bands out there: Black widow, Stealin, Suckerpunch, That 80s Hairband,Ultraviolet just to name a few of my fovorites....

    2013-02-07 | 15:50:51


    All comments are NOT directed towards the other members of Hit N Run. DAN KAPLIN, GUY NICHOLS, PAT ANNUZIATA, AL HURY and

    ANNETTE FALASA. We have no problem with any of you. MARK IS THE ONLY ISSUE HERE.

    2013-02-07 | 15:52:47

    100% agree!!!

    2013-02-07 | 15:53:21

    I second that IMPORTANT MESSAGE

    2013-02-07 | 15:54:17


    100% agree

    2013-02-07 | 15:57:39

    Me too100% agree

    2013-02-07 | 15:58:21

    I also 100% agree

    2013-02-07 | 15:58:44

    AGREE HERE 100%

    2013-02-07 | 15:59:31


    2013-02-07 | 16:00:13

    That "special announcement" had to be said? I thought it goes without saying that we are all, well 99.9% of us here are talking about the #1singer

    2013-02-07 | 16:00:33

    What I like

    I also like the band, Mark is the only one who is a egomaniac.

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    2013-02-07 | 16:01:54

    i agree 100% also. thanks for posting that

    2013-02-07 | 16:02:41

    Dan's Hair

    Dan Kaplin has the hair of a God.

    2013-02-07 | 16:06:17

    Agree 100%

    I Agree 100% and 100% on Dan's hair. lol

    2013-02-07 | 16:10:25

    The Locks

    I think Kaplin has a weave2013-02-07 | 16:13:43

    2013-02-07 | 16:15:54

    Whole Lotta Rosie

    2013-02-07 | 16:19:17

    Calling All Angels

    2013-02-07 | 16:21:45

    I 100% agree to.

    2013-02-07 | 16:25:50

    100% agree

    2013-02-07 | 16:27:57

    he screwed over mikey hund and then called him up on stage and pretended all is cool? what a dick2013-02-07 | 16:42:38

    Silly rabbits...Kaplin doesn't have a weave

    2013-02-07 | 16:43:50

    If he did, he'd have to give up 5% of it to Mark

    2013-02-07 | 16:43:59


    Valentino is a moron. BUT the board and the Mayor see that now!!! He burned his own bridge

    2013-02-07 | 16:52:57

    Mark takes a bigger cut then the rest because it's HIS band and he has all this work to do booking the band. If you ask me you would think the band books

    itself and need not rely on having to call bars and churchs and towns. I'm sure they call him and he just puts the dates on the calendar. Then again sabres and

    bills tickets cost money. So next time he offers to take a band memeber to a game (yeah right) they may want to remember that they have already paid for the

    ticket or parking.

    2013-02-07 | 16:55:13and what everyone fails to realize is this: if there is a signed contract, and somehow Valentino's 12 year bullying tactics convince the board and the mayor to giv

    him the show, the mayor will have officially and publicly made mark Valentino the defacto mayor of Lancaster, and de-balled himself. There is no way any

    elected official in his right mind would public humiliate himself in that way.

    2013-02-07 | 16:56:31


    I agree 100%

    2013-02-07 | 17:03:04

    WHY NOT?

    Why arent these comments directed at DAN KAPLIN, GUY NICHOLS, PAT ANNUZIATA, AL HURY and ANNETTE FALASA? Would they have

    played if the lancaster board agreed to it? Of course they would. Do they play at every other gig Valentino bullies his way into? You betcha! They arent forced

    to play with Valentino, they choose to. They are talented and popular enough to perfom on thier own but dont. So I ask again, why not them? Where is their


    2013-02-07 | 17:07:13

    My OpinionI think Mark is a good performer and an excellent marketer. I give him credit for that. What I have a problem with is why this whole conversation is happening.

    If Lancaster wants to book another band, that is their prerogative. Mark should not of acted the way that he did. It is unprofessional and unethical. He showed

    disrespect towards the Western New York Musical Community. I have been in this business for many many years and have never seen a performer conduct

    themselves in such a matter. The music scene is not was it once was. Clubs in general do not bring in the volume that they used to 30 years ago. Regardless of

    who the band is. All musicians work hard and should all be proud for dragging gear out, setting up, tearing down and sacrificing personal time for a gig. Final

    words, Yes, Mark was wrong in this situation. Regardless how you look at it, he pushed to hard and in a not so flattering way.

    2013-02-07 | 17:09:56

    WHY NOT?


    2013-02-07 | 17:13:27

    re: WHY NOT?

    Maybe they need the money. Lest you forget that hitnrun has soaked every bar, organization and beer tent in the area. Let's see who will be in the next version

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    of this band. Just by hiring Pat, Al and the new girl means he's about scraped the bottom of the barrle.

    2013-02-07 | 17:23:57

    clubowners take note

    Breakaway is a better band. And apparently less expensive!

    2013-02-07 | 17:38:49

    re:clubowners take note

    Better? yes. But not necessarily less expensive. Apparently hit n run can be had for $840.(10 bucks cheaper!)... and thats on a holiday!

    2013-02-07 | 17:47:01

    ^^^^^^funny : )

    2013-02-07 | 17:51:47

    i just found this post. cant believe this is all about a cover band and a mediocre one at that. saw them once, same old cliche stuff, not impressed. i cant believe ijust wasted my time even commenting on this

    2013-02-07 | 18:15:28

    I 100% agree on the Important Message post.

    2013-02-07 | 19:09:24


    I spent an hour reading this post and could not stop laughing! I especially liked the jealous ex remarks - seems right on. Line of the night ' You are like the

    exwife talking to her friends - yes, she maybe pretty but I have it good authority that she is really a dude ' Made me literally laugh out loud. Bravo sir. You

    people on both sides of this need to drop it, you both look like a holes and there really is more animosity between people that follow the bands than the bands


    2013-02-07 | 19:11:12

    The end is near ?!?

    The ship is sinking. HnR is playing this Sat. for $700. Do the math: 6 members plus sound guy equals not a lot of $ to go around...

    2013-02-07 | 19:15:17

    700 dollars! prove or it doesn't happen. Put you mouth and integrity on the line, picture of the contract with price... at least they are playing LOL maybe you cango watch them (if you can get by all the people) and see how it is done learn from the best

    2013-02-07 | 19:17:29


    Al Hury and Pat Annun bottom of the barrel??? you just lost credibility with me...those guys are monsters! you can hate Mark but please dont show your

    ignorance, you are embarrasing yourself now

    2013-02-07 | 19:20:24


    I am going with the what guy on this one i would take either guy in my band in a second, Al is amazing as drummer and honestly Pat maybe the best singer in the

    band, just my opinion

    2013-02-07 | 19:22:59

    Where else would you rather be but right here right now?

    2013-02-07 | 19:28:51

    IMPORTANT MESSAGEAll comments are NOT directed towards the other members of Hit N Run. DAN KAPLIN, GUY NICHOLS, PAT ANNUZIATA, AL HURY and

    ANNETTE FALASA. We have no problem with any of you. MARK IS THE ONLY ISSUE HERE. Please refrain from saying anything about them.

    2013-02-07 | 19:48:53

    Pay attention dumass - I said THE NEXT VERSION. After what he has, he will have rank amateurs after Al, Pat and Dan realize, wait not so much Pat becuz

    he's back in the band after feeling the same way as the rest of the "exs" do for a second round. But I will promise you there will be bad blood or whatever. Its

    par for the course with that band. So relax there Felix I wasn't trying to make it sound like the way your crossed eyes read it.

    2013-02-07 | 19:57:34

    See? it's all good to have conversation until you call people names and which point you show how ignorant you really are my friend and then nobody can take

    anything you say or play seriously. Honestly listen to what you just said. You wait mark my words, 20 years and THIS time it will be different. Here's how the

    movie ends my uninformed friend, they will play until they dont want to anymore and they will ride off into the sunset. Hopefully, someone will be able to

    continually keep people coming out week after week for the next 20 but I can guarentee you it