Vignesh It Ppt

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  • 7/31/2019 Vignesh It Ppt


  • 7/31/2019 Vignesh It Ppt


  • 7/31/2019 Vignesh It Ppt


    Browser, short forweb browser, is asoftware application used to enable

    computers users to locate and accessweb pages.

    Or you can simply say, A Web browser

    acts as an interface between the userand Web server.

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    A Web browser acts as an interface between the user and Webserver.

    Software application that resides on a computer and is used tolocate and display Web pages.

    Web user access information from web servers, through a client

    program called browser.

    A web browser (or web clients)is a software application forretrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources onthe World Wide Web.

    An information resource is identified by a Uniform ResourceIdentifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other pieceof content.

    Hyperlinks present in resources enable users to easily navigate theirbrowsers to related resources. What is a browser ?

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    Some browsers can be also used to save information resourcesto file systems.

    Web browsers are fully customizable. You have option ofchanging the size of the text and style of the font that is displayed.

    The browser carries out the following tasks on behalf of the user:

    1. Contacts a Web server

    2. Sends a request for information

    3. Receives the information and

    4. Displays the information on the local system

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    The history of the Web browser dates back in to the late 1980s,

    when a variety of technologies laid the foundation for the firstWeb browser, WorldWideWeb, by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991.

    Microsoft responded with its browser Internet Explorer in 1995

    (also heavily influenced by Mosaic), initiating the industry's

    first browser war.

    Opera first appeared in 1996; although it have only 2% browser

    usage share as of April 2010, it has a substantial share of the fast-

    growing mobile phone Web browser market, being preinstalled

    on over 40 million phones.

    In 1998, Netscape launched Mozilla . Its an competitive browserusing the open source software model. History

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    The browser main functionality is to present the web resourceyou choose, by requesting it from the server and displaying it on

    the browser window.

    The resource format is usually HTML but also PDF, image and

    more. The location of the resource is specified by the user usinga URI (Uniform resource Identifier).

    The prefix of the URI determines how the URI will be interpreted.The most commonly used kind of URI starts with http: and

    identifies a resource to be retrieved over the Hypertext TransferProtocol (HTTP).

    Many browsers also support a variety of other prefixes, such

    as https: for HTTPS, ftp: for the File Transfer Protocol, and file:for

    local files.

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  • 7/31/2019 Vignesh It Ppt


    Features Bookmarking options

    A refresh and stop buttons for refreshing and stopping theloading of current documents

    Home button that gets you to your home page

    All major web browsers allow the user to open multipleinformation resources at the same time, either in differentbrowser windows or in different tabs of the same window.

    Major browsers also include pop-up blockers to preventunwanted windows from "popping up" without the user's consent

    Furthermore, most browsers can be extended via plug-ins,downloadable components that provide additional features.

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  • 7/31/2019 Vignesh It Ppt


    Components of a Web Browser

    The user interface - this includes the address bar, back/forward

    button , bookmarking menu etc. Every part of the browserdisplay except the main window where you see the requestedpage.

    The browser engine - the interface for querying and

    manipulating the rendering engine.

    The rendering engine - responsible for displaying the requested

    content. For example if the requested content is HTML, it is

    responsible for parsing the HTML.

    Networking - used for network calls, like HTTP requests. It has

    platform independent interface and underneath

    implementations for each platform.

    UI backend - used for drawing basic widgets like combo boxes

    and windows. It exposes a generic interfaace that is not platform


    Data storage - This is a persistence layer. The browser needs tosave all sorts of data on the hard disk, for examples, cookies.

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    User Interface Most major web browsers have these user

    interface elements in common:

    Back and forward buttons to go back to the previousresource and forward again.

    A refresh or reload button to reload the current resource. A stop button to cancel loading the resource. A home button to return to the user's home page An address bar to input the Uniform Resource

    Identifier (URI) of the desired resource and display it. A search bar to input terms into a search engine A status

    bar to display progress in loading the resource and alsothe URI of links when the cursor hovers over them,and page zooming capability.

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    Windows InternetExplorer (formerlyMicrosoft InternetExplorer; abbreviatedto MSIE or, more

    commonly, IE), is aseries of graphical webbrowsers developed.Internet Explorer

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    The Firefox WebBrowser is the faster,more secure, and fullycustomizable way tosurf the web. Mozilla isa global communitydedicated to buildingfree, open sourceproducts like theaward winning Firefoxweb browser andThunderbird emailsoftware. MozillaFirefox

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    Netscape Officialsite...includesdownloads andtechnical information.

    Download nearly anyversion of NetscapeNavigators forWindows, Mac, Linux,and OS/2 available onthe Internet from one

    simple andcomprehensivearchive.

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    Opera gives you the fullWeb experience

    everywhere Opera isextensible in a thirdway via plug-ins,relatively smallprograms that addspecific functions to

    the browser. OperaMini, offered free ofcharge, is designedprimarily for mobilephones, Opera

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    Its a browser. Its

    a platform. Its an

    open invitation toinnovate. Whether

    on a Mac, PC,IPhone, or iPodtouch, Safaricontinuouslyredefines thebrowser,

    providing themost enjoyableway toexperience theInternet. Safari

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    Searching is fastand easy withGoogle's webbrowser.

    Google Chrome is abrowser thatcombines aminimal design withsophisticatedtechnology to makethe web faster,safer, and easier.Google Chrome

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    Plug-ins & Extensions Plug-in(also called add in or

    add-on) is a set of software components that addsspecific capabilities to a larger software application.

    Web Browsers typically use plug-ins to expand therange of formats they can display (E.g. acrobatdocuments, adobe flash content).

    It enable 3rd party developers to create capabilitiesto extend an application.

    It reduce the size of applications & separate sourcecode from an application because of incompatiblesoftware licenses.

    Extensions differ slightly from plug-ins

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    The same distinction between plug-ins and extensions is inuse by other web browsers, such as Microsoft InternetExplorer, where a typical extension might be a newtoolbar, and a plug-in might embed a video player on the

    page. Since plug-ins and extensions both increase the utility of

    the original application, Mozilla uses the term "add-on" asan inclusive category of augmentation modules thatconsists of plug-ins, themes, and search engines.

    A helper application is an external viewer programlaunched to display content retrieved using a webbrowser.

    Some common examples include Windows MediaPlayer and QuickTime Player for playing streaming content

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    Targeted attacks on Web applications andWeb browsers are increasingly becomingthe focal point for cyber criminals.

    Most browsers support HTTP Secure and offerquick and easy ways to delete the webcache, cookies, and browsing history.

    Traditional attack activity : motivated bycuriosity and a desire to show off technicalvirtuosity.

    Current threats are motivated by profit:identity theft, extortion, and fraud, forfinancial gain.

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