TRAINEE RECORD (Documentation for monitoring and Reviewing progress) Purpose and structure 1 Trainee: Saad Ajmal PG Dip The PPD documentation is designed to track and monitor your progress against the Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training – England. It is a springboard from which you will create the opportunity to reflect on your development as a professional teacher or trainer and become more aware of your progress. The process is designed to support you in becoming a more effective teacher. It is ‘owned’ by you though other professionals

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(Documentation for monitoring and

Reviewing progress)

Purpose and structure


Trainee: Saad Ajmal

PG Dip

The PPD documentation is designed to track and monitor your progress against the Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training – England.

It is a springboard from which you will create the opportunity to reflect on your development as a professional teacher or trainer and become more aware of your progress. The process is designed to support you in becoming a more effective teacher.

It is ‘owned’ by you though other professionals will contribute it.

Subject Skills Audit. This is your starting point…………………………………

As a teacher or trainer in the sector you will be teaching a specific subject. To teach that subject effectively you are expected to have up to date subject specialist knowledge, skills and understanding. An essential


Subject Skills Audit. This is your starting point…………………………………

As a teacher or trainer in the sector you will be teaching a specific subject. To teach that subject effectively you are expected to have up to date subject specialist knowledge, skills and understanding. An essential

Reviews. You will have at least 3 reviews with your tutor and 3 with your mentor. The purpose of the meetings is to review your progress on your initial teacher training programme. Topics likely to be discussed include observations, teaching practice and academic progress. However your progress against the professional standards will definitely be discussed. For this to take place you will need to complete the appropriate parts of the Review form. It is important that the reviews are seen as part of a continuous process of review and you don’t just wait until your review meeting to put together some thoughts. You are expected to do this on a continuous basis. The review is to be seen as a periodic opportunity to discuss issues in person with your personal tutor or mentor. PPD slots will also be allocated to working on this aspect of your progress so that you have dedicated class time with colleagues and tutors to develop and reflect on your practice.

Teaching Practice – self-grading

For various purposes we need to grade your progress over the course. The evidence for these grades will come from your tutor, your observations, your mentor, your academic progress and importantly, from yourself. These grades are given at the start of the course, after one observation and one piece of completed academic work, mid-course and at the end of the course.

You will be invited to attend a tutorial with your course tutor and we ask that you bring with you the completed review for that specific grading point. These review forms start from page 18 of this record.

Take time to complete each review reflectively so that a realistic action plan can be devised with targets to help develop your academic progress and your practical teaching skills.

Name Saad Ajmal Course PGDE in ESOL

Date of Birth 28/10/1986 Dateof Entry

September 2015

Gender Male Personal Tutor

Hilary Woodhead

Ethnicity Asian Mentor Isabelle Cook

Employer Horton Housing Association Location Bradford, West Yorkshire


Subject skills audit

What are your strengths? (include reference to your industrial/professional experience, specialist qualifications, teaching experience, membership of professional bodies and anything else which give you confidence in your ability to teach your subject)In addition to my degree, I have a CELTA teaching certificate from Cambridge in TEFL, obtained in 2012. I have over 3 years’ experience in teaching English/EFL/ESOL, and during my practice I have amassed great skills, ideas and theories in my subject specialism ESOL. I am confident in dispensing knowledge, have a great personality and good rapport with my students. I am a great team-player, liaising with my colleagues/staff and sharing ideas. I am a member of Cambridge English Teacher.

What do you need to know more about to teach your subject more effectively? (Be specific – you might want to refer to the detail of the criteria you teach/your students are assessed against)Despite having experience, there is always scope for improvement. I intend on developing my teaching styles, keeping up-to-date on research/theories within language acquisition. I would also like to increase my knowledge of assessment materials (summative). How to test students’ learning accurately, that reflects what they have actually learnt and use this information to collate data to improve learning within the class.


What can you do to update your knowledge, skills and understanding? (Again be specific. The sort of things you could consider are shadowing other teachers and trainers, including those working for other organisations, reading/researching particular topics, finding out about current developments in your own industry/trade/ profession etc.)Updating my knowledge and skills is important in my language specialism. Teaching languages requires high aptitude, and to keep updated I can regularly look at current developments (I am a member of Cambridge English and TES both online and magazine).I enjoy reading about new strategies and current issues in education and ESOL and SLA.In order to improve and develop my skills in teaching styles I can observe my colleagues who are well experienced, liaising with colleagues sharing ideas, reading the Cambridge/ESOL magazine as well as looking at the TES website for ideas. I also follow blogs of other English/ESOL teachers as well as having my own and enjoy reading about their ideas and teaching styles.Testing students’ learning can be challenging. In order to improve my skills in this field I can look at my institution’s assessment criteria, and previous tests/exams. There are many organisations that provide assessments for EFL/ESOL including Cambridge, Oxford and Pearson. They also provide assessment examples for use and I could have a look at these to reflect and implement teaching styles/learning in the in my teaching that would enable my students to feel more confident in summative assessments. I would also like to practise forming my own assessments which I have done before, and use the same strategy looking at previous tests.



Professional Standards

(Education and Training Foundation, 2014)

Teachers and trainers are reflective and enquiring practitioners who think critically about their own educational assumptions, values and practice in the context of a changing contemporary and educational world. They draw on relevant research as part of evidence-based practice. They act with honesty and integrity to maintain high standards of ethics and professional behaviour in support of learners and their expectations. (Education and Training Foundation, 2014)

The 2014 Professional Standards: set out clear expectations of effective practice in education and training; enable teachers and trainers to identify areas for their own professional

development; support initial teacher education; and, provide a national reference point that organisations can use to support the

development of their staff.

What’s in the standards?As a professional teacher or trainer you should demonstrate commitment to the following in your professional practice.


Professional Standards

Professional values and attributesDevelop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training1 Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of

learners2 Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs3 Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and

knowledge4 Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn5 Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion6 Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners

Professional knowledge and understandingDevelop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice7 Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area8 Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-

based practice9 Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and

assessment drawing on research and other evidence10 Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning11 Manage and promote positive learner behaviour12 Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities

Professional SkillsDevelop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners13 Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to

enable progression14 Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a

safe and inclusive environment15 Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use16 Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to

overcome individual barriers to learning17 Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting

goals that stretch and challenge18 Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely

feedback to support progression and achievement19 Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through

collaboration with employers20 Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through

collaboration with others


Criteria to support the holistic assessment of teaching against the Professional Standards

These descriptors are based on The Professional Standards for Teachers and trainers in Education and Training-England (2014).

The descriptors will be used to: support tutorials and meetings with mentors by providing benchmarks against which current levels of achievement can be agreed and future targets for

improvement can be set support trainee self-assessment and reflection by helping them to identify their own strengths and areas for development formally assess the quality of a trainee’s teaching against the Professional Standards at defined points throughout the course (all judgements should be made

on a best fit basis, using a range of evidence, including input from mentors and placement providers).Professional Standard Grade 1: Excellent Grade 2: Good Grade 3: Adequate Grade 4: Emerging Insufficient

evidenceProfessional values and attributesDevelop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training1. Reflect on what

works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners.

On-going insightful reflection ensures that the trainee is consistently challenging and developing their practice to ensure that all learners are treated equally and make excellent progress.

Frequent thoughtful reflection is used to develop and adapt teaching to ensure that all learners are treated equally and make good progress.

Some considered reflection on practice ensures that the needs of most learners are met most of the time and that learners have access to equal opportunities.

There is evidence of some reflection on practice but its impact on learners and the teaching choices made are not always evident. Not all learners have equal opportunities all the time.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs.

The trainee consistently questions, evaluates and critiques their position and their practice. They actively engage with areas that are pertinent to the wider educational field. They regularly discuss and share their perspectives and are keen to learn from others.

The trainee questions and evaluates their position and their practice. They demonstrate engagement with areas that are pertinent to the wider educational field. They discuss and share their perspectives and are willing to learn from others.

The trainee sometimes questions and explores their role and their practice. They demonstrate an understanding of some key, current educational topics. They are able to discuss these topics in detail and recognise that they can learn from others.

The trainee demonstrates some capacity to explore their role and practice. They are aware of some key, current educational topics. They are able to discuss these topics and sometimes demonstrate that they can learn from others.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm

Teaching and learning are characterised by enthusiasm and passion for the subject area. This fully engages and captures the interest of learners

Teaching and learning are characterised by enthusiasm for the subject area. This engages learners so that they become fully involved in

Teaching and learning are characterised by a positive approach to the subject area. Most learners are engaged most of the time. Clear links are made

Teaching demonstrates a broadly positive approach to the subject area. Some learners are engaged some of the time but this is

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


and knowledge. so that they are motivated and challenged. Consistently clear, integrated links are made between the subject and other areas and to prior and future learning. Learners recognise and can articulate the importance of their learning to their wider development.

lessons. Clear, integrated links are made between the subject and other areas, links to prior and future learning are made. Learners are able to discuss the importance of their learning to their wider development.

between the subject and other areas, links to prior and future learning are made. Learners broadly recognise the importance of their learning to their wider development.

inconsistent and limited. General comments linking to future or prior learning but these are not specific enough or integrated. Learners are unclear as to the wider purpose of their learning.

4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners learn.

Consistently makes use of creative and original resources and strategies. Demonstrates flexibility, adaptability, changes pace, approach and teaching in response to learners.

Often makes use of creative and original resources and strategies. Demonstrates flexibility/ adaptability that takes account of the progress made by learners through the use of a range of well-chosen teaching strategies and varied pace.

Manages the learning environment and resources to enable learners to make progress. Sometimes shows flexibility to take account of learner progress; uses a variety of teaching strategies, matches pace to learning.

The management of the learning environment and resources does not enable all learners to make progress. Seldom demonstrates flexibility/ adaptability; sometimes matches their teaching to learners’ progress. Pace is not always appropriate.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion.

Consistently and highly effectively encourages all learners to develop a deep understanding of diversity and its impact. Situations are approached from a wide range of stand-points taking account of varying beliefs in a sensitive and embedded manner. Actively seeks ways to include all learners in all activities.

Consistently and effectively encourages most learners to develop an understanding of diversity and its impact. Situations are approached from a range of stand-points taking account of varying beliefs. Actively seeks ways to include most learners in all activities most of the time.

Encourages learners to develop an understanding of diversity and its impact. Situations are approached from different stand-points taking account of varying beliefs. Ways to include most learners in most activities are sought.

Tries to help learners to develop an understanding of diversity and its impact but this is not always successful or effective. Situations are approached from different perspectives but this is often unconvincing. Tries to include some learners in activities some of the time.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners.

Works effectively and consistently as part of a broader team and understands the value and importance of working and learning from others. Contributes to that team in a highly effective way.

Works effectively as part of a broader team, understands the importance of working with and learning from others. Contributes to that team in a positive way. Builds and maintains good working

Works as part of a broader team and understands the importance of working with and learning from others. Builds and maintains solid working relationships with colleagues and learners participating and

Some attempt is made to work as part of a broader team but the value of this is not always fully appreciated. Maintains some form of working relationships with colleagues and learners but

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


Builds and maintains excellent working relationships with colleagues and learners participating fully and engaging in a range of activities at the placement.

relationships with colleagues and learners and participates in the wider activities of the placement provider.

engaging with the placement setting beyond the classroom.

this is not always solid. Opportunities to become involved in the wider activities of the placement settings are not taken.

Professional knowledge and understandingDevelop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice7. Maintain and

update knowledge of your subject and/ or vocational area.

Understands the need to, and is committed to, constantly updating and developing subject specialist knowledge and knowledge of the education sector. Is proactive in finding and engaging with a broad range of CPD opportunities and actively collaborates with colleagues in a highly effective way to expand knowledge and understanding.

Understands the need to constantly update and develop subject specialist knowledge and knowledge of the education sector. Is positive in engaging with a range of CPD opportunities that are offered and collaborates effectively with colleagues to expand knowledge and understanding.

Recognises the need to update and develop subject specialist knowledge and knowledge of the education sector. Engages with CPD opportunities when they are provided and will sometimes work effectively with colleagues to expand knowledge and understanding.

Is aware of the need to update and develop subject specialist knowledge and knowledge of the education sector but does not act on this. Will engage with some CPD opportunities when they are explicitly provided but does not use these to their full advantage. Will occasionally work with colleagues to expand knowledge and understanding but this area requires development.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice.

Demonstrates high and sustained levels of engagement with suitable professional and educational literature. Maintains a detailed and developed understanding of changes to the specific subject area, the sector and the individual placement setting. Application to practice is highly effective and demonstrates a deep understanding.

Demonstrates detailed levels of engagement with suitable professional and educational literature. Maintains a good overview and understanding of changes to the specific subject area and/or the sector and/or the individual placement setting. Application to practice is effective and demonstrates a thoughtful understanding.

Demonstrates detailed levels of engagement with suitable professional and educational literature. Maintains a good overview and understanding of changes to the specific subject area and/or the sector and/or the individual placement setting. There is some clear application to practice that demonstrates a solid understanding.

Demonstrates an awareness of suitable professional and educational literature. Maintains some overview and understanding of changes to the specific subject area and/or the sector and/or the individual placement setting. There is limited application to practice that demonstrates some understanding.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice

There is a consistent and developed engagement with educational research and

There is a consistent and measured engagement with educational research and

There is a solid engagement with educational research and literature. Engagement with

There is evidence of some attempts to engage with educational research and

Insufficientevidence to make a


in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence.

literature. Engagement with theory results in its considered and thoughtful application to practice to develop the breadth and range of teaching approaches. There is evidence of considered and developed reflection and evaluation made in relation to theoretical understanding.

literature. Engagement with theory results in its some examples of thoughtful application to practice to develop teaching approaches. There is evidence of considered reflection and evaluation made in relation to theoretical understanding.

theory results in some level of application to practice to develop teaching approaches. There is evidence of some reflection and evaluation made in relation to theoretical understanding.

literature. There is some limited application of theory to practice to help develop some aspects of classroom practice. There is some limited evidence of reflection and evaluation made in relation to theory.


10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning.

Works in a highly effective and sustained way with others to reflect on and assess practice. Works collaboratively in a proactive and enthusiastic way to trial, improve and develop approaches and practice.

Works in an effective and consistent way with others to reflect on and assess practice. Works collaboratively in a positive and adaptable way to trial, improve and develop approaches and practice.

Works well with others to reflect on and assess practice. Is prepared to work collaboratively in a positive way to trial, improve and develop approaches and practice.

Has demonstrated some evidence of the ability to work with others to reflect on and assess practice. There are limited attempts to improve and develop approaches and practice by working collaboratively with others.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour.

Consistently has exceptionally high expectations of learning, engagement and behaviour. Acts as an exemplary role model and explicitly models in a very effective way. Manages the learning environment in a highly effective way to create a positive and proactive learning environment and develop autonomy and skills in learners.

Has high expectations of learning, engagement and behaviour. Acts as a good role model and actively models effectively. Manages the learning environment in an effective way to create a very positive learning environment that supports the development of autonomy and skills in learners.

Usually maintains high expectations of learning, engagement and behaviour. Acts as a good role model. Manages the learning environment to create a positive learning environment that often supports the development of autonomy and/ or skills in learners.

There is some evidence that expectations of learning, engagement and behaviour are sometimes appropriate. An attempt to act as a good role model but this is not always effective. Some attempt to manage the learning environment to create a positive learning environment.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities.

Demonstrates a clear and developed understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a teaching role and its professional responsibilities. Maintains excellent and detailed levels of current knowledge linked to statutory

Demonstrates a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a teaching role and its professional responsibilities. Maintains levels of current knowledge linked to statutory frameworks, policy,

Demonstrates some understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a teaching role and its professional responsibilities. Works towards maintaining levels of current knowledge linked to some aspects of: statutory frameworks;

There is evidence of some limited understanding of the roles and professional responsibilities of a teacher. There is some evidence of working towards maintaining a limited understanding of some aspects of: statutory

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


frameworks, policy, curriculum, assessments, and institutional requirements.

curriculum, assessments, and institutional requirements.

policy; curriculum and assessments; institutional requirements.

frameworks; policy; curriculum and assessments; institutional requirements.

Professional skillsDevelop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners13. Motivate and

inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression.

Motivates and enthuses learners, developing their subject specific knowledge, independence and employability skills in a positive and integrated way. Accurately and sensitively identifies and builds on strengths whilst supporting and developing weaknesses through highly effective target setting so that learners achieve highly and make excellent progress. Consistently highlights and develops transferable skills and encourages learners to recognise and apply these to a range of different contexts.

Motivates learners, developing their subject specific knowledge, independence and employability skills in a clear and recognisable way. Identifies and builds on strengths whilst supporting and developing weaknesses through effective target setting so that learners achieve well and make good progress. Helps to develop transferable skills and encourages learners to recognise and apply these to different contexts.

Helps learners to develop their subject specific knowledge, independence and employability skills. Identifies and builds on some strengths whilst supporting and developing some weaknesses through appropriate target setting so that learners achieve and make expected levels of progress. Takes some opportunities to develop some transferable skills and encourages learners to recognise these.

Helps learners to develop some limited aspects of their subject specific knowledge, independence and employability skills. Evidence that there is some attempt to build on some strengths whilst supporting and developing some weaknesses through limited target setting so that some learners make some progress. Takes some opportunities to identify some transferable skills.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment.

Actively and consistently promotes equality and diversity through the creation of safe and very positive learning environments. A sensitive recognition of the needs of individual learners; learning is very effectively personalised to meet these varying needs. Ensures that all learners are included and actively involved in the learning process at all times.

Promotes equality and diversity through the creation of safe and positive learning environments. Recognises the needs of individual learners; learning is personalised to meet these varying needs. Ensures that all learners are included and actively involved in the learning process most of the time.

Is aware of equality and diversity and this is evident in teaching through the creation of safe and generally positive learning environments. There is some identification of the needs of individual learners; learning is sometimes personalised to meet these needs. Ensures that most learners are included and actively involved in the learning process some of the time.

There is some awareness of equality and diversity. There is some attempt to ensure learning environments are positive and safe. There is some recognition of the needs of individual learners; learning is occasionally personalised to meet these needs. Makes some limited attempts to include most learners in some activities.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use.

Integrates technology very effectively to enhance, vary and support learning and teaching. Highly effective use of technology to ensure that resources are produced and presented to the highest standards; that data tracking is accurate and reliable and that communications are professional and effective. Consistently updates and improves skills and supports and encourages learners to do the same.

Integrates technology to enhance, vary and support learning and teaching. Often effective use of technology to ensure that resources are produced and presented to a good standard; that data tracking is accurate and that communications are professional. Is prepared to frequently update and improve skills and supports learners to do the same.

Sometimes uses technology to enhance, vary and support learning and teaching. Sometimes uses technology to ensure that resources are produced and well presented; that data tracking is accurate and that communications are professional. Sometimes updates and improves skills, may suggests that learners to do the same.

There are some limited attempts to use technology to enhance, vary and support learning and teaching. Evidence of the limited use of technology to help create resources; track data or aid communication. Some limited attempts to update and improve skills.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning.

Embeds literacy and numeracy skills consistently and in highly effective ways. Has a detailed and developed understanding of the skills underpinning these areas and is able to develop these skills effectively in learners. Has very high expectations of all learners at all times to ensure that literacy and numeracy are developed effectively and consistently.

Forefronts and highlights literacy and numeracy skills consistently and ensures that they are addressed well in teaching. Has a good understanding of the skills underpinning these areas and is able to support the development of these skills in learners. Has high expectations of all learners to ensure that literacy and numeracy are a clear focus and developed consistently.

Identifies some literacy and numeracy skills and ensures that they are explicitly addressed in teaching. Has some awareness and understanding of the skills underpinning these areas and is able to support the development of these skills in learners. Expects accuracy in learners to ensure that literacy and numeracy are a clear focus and developed consistently.

Identifies some literacy and numeracy skills though there is limited explicit teaching of these areas. There is some awareness of the broad skills underpinning these areas but knowledge is brief and inaccurate. Expects some accuracy in learners but this is not consistently applied or challenged.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge.

Very high expectations are set for all learners at all times. Targets set for learners are aspirational and consistently provide stretch and challenge and demonstrate personalisation where appropriate. All learners are

Frequently has high expectations for all learners most of the time. Sets challenging targets that encourage stretch in learners and are personalised where appropriate. Learners are actively engaged in the

Has suitable expectations of learners. Sometimes sets challenging targets that encourage stretch in learners and are sometimes personalised where appropriate. Learners are often engaged in the learning process. Encourages learners to

Tries to have suitable expectations though these are frequently lower than they should be. Sometimes sets targets that are effective. Makes some attempts to engage learners in the learning process.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


actively engaged in the learning process at all times. Actively develops the skills in learners to enable them to identify their own strengths and areas for development and act upon these autonomously.

learning process most of the time. Helps to develop the skills in learners to enable them to identify their own strengths and areas for development and act upon these.

identify their own strengths and areas for development.

18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement.

Has a detailed and developed understanding of assessment and its impact on the progress of learners. Assessment is used in highly effective and varied ways to inform future teaching, ensure effective personalisation of learning and to set appropriate targets. Verbal and written feedback is focused, precise, considered and constructive. Assessments are highly effective, considered and appropriate for the context.

Has a detailed understanding of assessment and its impact on the progress of learners. Assessment is frequently used in effective ways to inform future teaching, ensure effective personalisation of learning and to set appropriate targets. Verbal and written feedback is often precise, considered and constructive. Assessments are usually effective, considered and appropriate for the context.

Has a solid understanding of assessment and its impact on the progress of learners. Assessment opportunities are provided that may help inform future teaching, ensure effective personalisation of learning and to set appropriate targets. Verbal and written feedback is adequate but could be more precise. Assessments are usually appropriate for the context.

Has some limited understanding of assessment and its impact on the progress of learners. Limited assessment opportunities are provided that may help inform future teaching, ensure some personalisation of learning and to set targets that are sometimes appropriate. Verbal and written feedback is given but lacks development. Assessments are carried out but are rarely appropriate for the context.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.

19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers.

Works collaboratively with others, in a highly positive and constructive way to improve and build upon professional skills. Actively engages with and contributes to wider CPD opportunities. Develops highly effective working relationships with employers, appropriate professional bodies and the wider community and uses the insight and knowledge gained through these to make effective improvements to practice and challenge professional

Works collaboratively with others, in a positive way to improve and build upon professional skills. Engages with and contributes to wider CPD opportunities. Develops effective working relationships with employers, appropriate professional bodies and the wider community and uses the insight and knowledge gained through these to improve practice.

Works collaboratively with others to improve and build upon professional skills. Engages with wider CPD opportunities. Develops solid working relationships with employers, appropriate professional bodies and the wider community and uses these to improve practice.

Makes some attempt to work collaboratively with others to improve. There is evidence of limited engagement with wider CPD opportunities. There is some limited attempt to develop appropriate working relationships with employers or appropriate professional bodies or the wider community.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


perceptions.20. Contribute to

organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others.

Actively and positively works with colleagues to implement, improve and develop the systems, structures and approaches of the organisation. Actively and positively executes and contributes to the quality assurance processes in place. Engages with learners and the organisation in highly effective ways to actively improve the quality of delivery, teaching, learning, relationships and other activities.

Works positively with colleagues to implement, improve and develop the systems, structures and approaches of the organisation. Adheres accurately and contributes to the quality assurance processes in place. Engages with learners and the organisation in effective ways to contribute to and improve the quality of delivery, teaching, learning, relationships and other activities.

Works solidly with colleagues to implement, improve and develop the systems, structures and approaches of the organisation. This working may require some detailed direction. Adheres to some of the quality assurance processes in place with direction and guidance. Engages with learners and the organisation to contribute to and improve the quality of delivery and/or teaching and/ or learning and/or relationships and/ or other activities.

Attempts to work with colleagues to implement, improve and develop the systems, structures and approaches of the organisation. This working will require detailed direction. Attempts to adhere to some of the quality assurance processes thought this is likely to require significant direction and monitoring. Makes some limited attempts to engage with learners and the organisation in ways that could potentially contribute to and improve the quality of delivery or teaching or learning or relationships or other activities.

Insufficientevidence to make a judgement.


REVIEW 1 - EntryName: Saad Ajmal Date:09/12/15Evidence of progress against the standards – where is the evidence to show that you have met the professional standardsCreation of blog which is regularly updated with reflection, ideas and current issues in ESOL and SLA.Saadajmal.wordpress.com

Own diary for reflection and issues I am facing in lesson planning and in classroom instruction. Reflection and feedback from mentors/tutor/peers of lessons observed and discussing with them areas for improvement.

Feedback documents reflecting outcomes, that have been met and require improvement.

Professional values and attributesDevelop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needsof learners2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners

Liaising with colleagues and those with much experience on ideas for teaching. Also internet sites, such as onestopenglish, Cambridge and BBC learn English (British Council) provide great ideas and assistance with EFL.

Registered member of Cambridge English Teacher, as well as TES, and magazine. Keep myself up to date on current issues, teaching proposals and their weekly publications. Using free resources from TES is also a great addition to being a member.

Roles and responsibilities- keeping a copy of job description in addition to keeping up to date on teacher’s responsibilities and roles, and professionalism through the Department for Education and Education and training foundation (Etf)

Professional knowledge and understandingDevelop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessmentdrawing on research and other evidence10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities

Keep a record of SOW created for my group and regularly update to make sure learners’ needs are being met and that learning is taking place.

Use of ICT, through IWBs, and involving students in using such technology for learning. (See lesson feedback from tutors)

Keep a record of what has been covered during each lesson with brief descriptions enables transparency and accountability.

Quality control is done through line manager and mentor who observe lessons at least once a month.

Professional skillsDevelop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enableprogression14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safeand inclusive environment15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcomeindividual barriers to learning17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goalsthat stretch and challenge18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timelyfeedback to support progression and achievement


19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills throughcollaboration with employers20 Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaborationwith others

Tutors comments (including evidence from observations and academic work

First assessment 68/68 very good aiming towards a distinction.ESOL module going very well due in 16/12.Placement- 45 hours logged. Going well taken on job with 30 hours’ work. Observations indicate strengths and areas to develop.

Entry Grade (and justification for grade) = 3

ACTIONS RESULTING FROM 1 ST REVIEW IssueWork on differentiation

Specific action/sLook up and read advice and info on moodle.

Issue Specific action/s


Specific action/s






REVIEW 2 – Mid-pointName:Saad Ajmal Date:14/04/2016Tutor review of progress:Differentiation read up on this and applied through task and materials. You appear more confident but still require improvement.

6 observations done and 2 planned.100 Hours completed.On track academically.

Evidence of progress against the standards – where is the evidence to show that you have met the professional standardsCreation and regular uodates of blog taking place very well. Also have added additional posts such as my views, what has been working well and general ESOL info.

Use ILPs/learner profiles to better plan and meet learners’ needs.

Lesson plans and outcomes/results show students’ enthusiasm.

Sharing of information and knowledge with colleagues and my mentor in meetings/1-1/

Professional values and attributesDevelop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needsof learners2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners

High expectations and professionalism achieved through results in assignments (distinctions) and passing observations.

Regular reading of new materials/books and research within my subject specialism. Lately have bought Fairclough’s book new edition, Language and Power. Read daily edition of times (education) and TES weekly edition.

Professional knowledge and understandingDevelop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessmentdrawing on research and other evidence10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities

Passed the prevent training online and safeguarding.Certificates on blog.

Liasise with peers and colleagues on learning programme. Most recently in meeting with mentor and managers and colleagues implements new classroom rules, shuffled students to news groups better corresponding to their ability.

Professional skillsDevelop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enableprogression14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safeand inclusive environment15. Promote the benefits of technology and support


Good use of ICT for learning and development.

Embedding of Maths and IT is prevalent (see lesson feedback)

learners in its use16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcomeindividual barriers to learning17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goalsthat stretch and challenge18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timelyfeedback to support progression and achievement19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills throughcollaboration with employers20 Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaborationwith others

Tutors comments (including evidence from observations and academic workSelf-assessment and my observation feel you are good 2.Still areas to develop.State where you could improve

Mid-way point (and justification for grade) = 2

UPDATED ACTIONS RESULTING FROM 2 nd REVIEW IssueContinue with differentiation strategies as this is a priority.

Specific action/sContinue using moodle and handouts that address this issue. Discuss with mentor and lecturer if need be.

IssueDevelop self-awareness of what English/ESOL learners requires in 2016, the changes being implemented (funding)

Specific action/sDiscuss this with mentor and organisation. What plan have they got to address issues, and how can they be overcome.

Issue Specific action/s


REVIEW 3 – ExitName: Date:Tutor review of progress:

Evidence of progress against the standards – where is the evidence to show that you have met the professional standards

Professional values and attributesDevelop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needsof learners2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learnersProfessional knowledge and understandingDevelop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessmentdrawing on research and other evidence10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilitiesProfessional skillsDevelop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enableprogression14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for


diverse groups or individuals in a safeand inclusive environment15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcomeindividual barriers to learning17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goalsthat stretch and challenge18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timelyfeedback to support progression and achievement19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills throughcollaboration with employers20 Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaborationwith others

Tutors comments (including evidence from observations and academic work

Exit point (and justification for grade) =


Issue Specific action/s

Issue Specific action/s


Mentor reviews of Progress



The purpose of the summative profile is to draw on the evidence you have produced during your teaching practice, feedback on observations, mentor meetings, reflections, peer discussions, shadowing etc. to come up with ideas on how you can continue to develop your practice now that your initial teacher training qualification is coming to an end. The focus should be on how you can continue to develop the positive impact you will have on teaching and learning.

Certificate and PG Dip in Education and Training

Name……Saad Ajmal…… Date…05/06/2015…………. Specialist Subject…ESOL…………………………..

The grades awarded are:

1= outstanding, 2 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = Emerging

The following table explains this a little more:

Outstanding - 1 Good - 2 Satisfactory – 3Teaching PracticeEvidence: feedback and reflections on lesson observationsPDP portfolio

Teach lessons that are mostly good with some characteristics of outstanding lessonsAll students learning the intended outcomes that are expressed in a differentiated way to provide challengeInclusive and show appropriate support techniques for those learners that need themSensitive to social and cultural diversityHigh quality questioning techniquesDemonstrate depth of subject knowledgeMake links with other subjects and wider contextDetailed and coherent planningmonitoring documentation that shows understanding of needs of learners and flexible response to individual needsReflects critically on

Teach lessons that are always satisfactory with some characteristics of good lessonsAll learners participate and are sufficiently challenged so maintain interest through motivating teaching techniquesUses subject knowledge to enhance teaching and learningUse appropriate formative assessment to improve achievementUnderstands how barriers to learning such as low levels of literacy and numeracy can be overcome in their own context and starting to put appropriate strategies in placeClear lesson planning that shows underpinning knowledge of a range of factors to take into account e.g. ECM,

Teach lessons that are satisfactory with more limited but adequate range of strategiesWrite clear learning outcomes but needs to further develop differentiated outcomes and techniques to achieve themCan sequence lessons appropriatelyAppropriate, clear documentation usedSecure subject knowledgeCan respond to questionsDeveloping assessment techniques, particularly formative onesUnderstands barriers to learningDemonstrates basic ability to reflect and plan for improvement


feedback and can demonstrate ability to create SMART objectives for own progress and acts promptly upon them with obvious improvements

embedding functional skills etc.Can reflect on own abilities and create an action plan to improve performance and act upon itCan sequence lessons and provide explanation

If trainees are not achieving “satisfactory” evidence and academically they average below 40%( 50% at PG Dip level) then they will be graded 4: not yet achieved standards

Overall the purpose of this is to show the distance you have travelled whilst on the course. The focus of how you write your evidence should be the IMPACT on teaching and training you have had and will continue to have.


What have you learnt in your modules that has specifically impacted on your teaching? – focus on 3 things in detail

1- Learning theories has enabled me to explore aspects of language acquisition and development. I know understand how I can better improve my teaching such as using Vygotsky’s scaffolding concept and I realise the issues of fossilisation occurring in language development. Also I have learned about ZPD, and its impact on development. I now create resources, tasks and activities a lot more with the students’ needs and requirements.

2- CPD and self-development- I have learned about its importance and it cannot be ignored. Also CPD has shown to be effective in developing teachers’ careers and employers look for development in recruitment and retention. I have and will continue to attend CPD sessions. I can use my blog and social media to further engage in this area.

3- Generally, the complexities of the educational system in the UK, through doing the curriculum, teachers’ role and language modules. I have been able to read up on literature and research on the ongoing political and economic interference in the education system. This has made me a stronger teacher and made me want to stay in this profession. I believe we as teachers can fight any external aggression by the power we hold with our learners. At the end of the day it is us teachers who hold the system together and reap and sew the results.

What else has had an impact on your development as a teacher? E.g. mentor, peers, research, other teachers etc.

The importance of teamwork, liaising and collaborating with colleagues and mentor. How if information, problems and solutions are shared then it makes teaching easier and less stressful.

Research, its importance in language and to keep abreast continue reading latest developments whether in the news or language websites/magazines.

Using a blog has really interested me and I have thoroughly enjoyed writing blog posts. I think it has been an excellent way of showcasing one’s skills, lessons, and development. I will continue using a blog after the course.


How will you continue to update your professional practice after this course- based on feedback from both academic work and observations?

Continue using and updating my blog and social media to interact with other teachers in my subject specialism.

Complete a dissertation module and gain a master’s in education.

Attend seminars and conferences from organisations such as Cambridge English and The British Council.

What have you done in your teaching that has impacted the learning of your learners?

I have now focused a lot on differentiation, enabling students to share knowledge in a more practical and engaging way. This has enabled me to relinquish control and let students lead on their learning and taking control of their actions.

I have adjusted and developed formative assessment through effective questioning, not just by myself, I have got students to test one another, such as using ping pong questions. Again enabling students to take control of their learning.

Do you think you do the following and how will you continue to do this once you are employed? Answer yes or no and where possible give an example:

1. Set high expectations to inspire and motivate Y – through effective SMART goals, and in class


2. Promote good progress in your learners - Y

3. Demonstrate good subject knowledge - Y Keeping abreast of language concepts and making

sure I am always confident in language forms e.g. grammar.


4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons Y -

5. Adapt teaching to respond to all your learners Y

6. Make accurate use of assessment Y

7. Manage the behaviour of your learners effectively - Y