Mathological Dialectics (The Evolution of God): Below, written April 2012 in Bakersfield, CA, by Allan Ralph Andrews, born September 13 th 1939 in Long Beach, Ca, 4:03 AM to Jean (Thompson) Andrews (remarried in 1954 as Mrs. Paul Colaluca) and Ralph B. Andrews (Son of Alice (Smith) Andrews and Allen Andrews). David Deutsch has recently written “The Beginning of Infinity,” (Viking, 2011). Here he develops the critical rationalism of Karl Popper that suggest that science is all about the simplest possible explanation for the observed that can be confirmed, that is

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Mathological Dialectics (The Evolution of God):

Below, written April 2012 in Bakersfield, CA, by Allan Ralph Andrews, born September 13th 1939 in Long Beach, Ca, 4:03 AM to Jean (Thompson) Andrews (remarried in 1954 as Mrs. Paul Colaluca) and Ralph B. Andrews (Son of Alice (Smith) Andrews and Allen Andrews).

David Deutsch has recently written “The Beginning of Infinity,” (Viking, 2011). Here he develops the critical rationalism of Karl Popper that suggest that science is all about the simplest possible explanation for the observed that can be confirmed, that is effective as an explanation with the broadest possible reach. Current skepticism tends to reject many of the explanations that have this reach simply because they seem too broad. This is not good philosophy.

Models that seem most successful are those that can accommodate the duality of reality, its ability to generate particles that are also waves, to locate position without

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speed, etc. Relational dialectics has suggested a model for communication that pairs novelty to predictability, openness to closure, autonomy to connection, impartiality to favoritism. This is similar to the system of antimonies of Immanuel Kant: infinite to finite, indeterminate to determinate, simple to complex, necessary to contingent. It is also similar to the trigram system of the Chinese I Ching: Heaven to Earth, Fire to Water Gorge, Mountain to Lake, Penetrating Wind to Thunder. It seems to be applicable to many things, for example tempers in art: romantic to realistic, cubist to baroque, impressionist to post-impressionist, classical to expressionistic, stages of evolution: mutation to phenotypic result, natural selection and extinction to replication and feedback homeostasis, speciation and genetic isolation to recombination and population genetics, set points and adaptive peaks to maladaptive gene expressions.

These eight sided systems, cube, octahedron seem to develop around an axis of three primary oppositions: energy flux to information systems, private

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phenomenology to public space time, boundless integration to local quantum mechanical particle physics.

The materialistic world known to science is rooted in four of the six, the opposition of thermodynamic energy to mathematical structure potential and information systems. At the level of the small, these systems are described by quantum mechanics, an at the level of the large, by space time relativity. To complete this system, and to expand it beyond the material realm known to science, all that is needed is an infinitesimal being from within phenomenological monad that turns energy into passion and information into knowledge, integration into pleasure and disintegration into pain, the private into here and now time and the public into space time relations and associations of that private here and now time. Finally, all of this is bound together in the boundless one.

In respect to the I Ching systems, the private infinitesimal is young son yang and the public is young daughter yin, the particulate is middle daughter yin and the everything one is middle son yang. Energy is old son yang and

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information is old daughter yin. From these three polarities, all other things are created. The primary source of creation is the Heaven Trigram where the old son yang is the dance of energy flux and the middle son yang is its boundless extension and integration, while young son yang is its creative extension into the endless generation of monad of infinitesimal generative phenomenological now. This is mirrored in the information systems of old daughter yin to propogate the manifest world of particle physics in middle daughter yin and space time relativity in young daughter yin. The result is a Heaven Trigram equivalent to the God of Alfred North Whitehead, but with a Hindu twist, Shiva as the dance of old son yang, Vishnu as its boundless extension and integration in Brahman Nirvana middle son yang, and Brahma as its creative expression in an infinity of avatars in young son yang. Out of this creation comes the adaptive peaks of the Wind Trigram Form of The Good, the “eternal objects” of Whitehead’s metaphysics that generate hierarchies of systems in Water Gorge Trigram that are experience by the attached phenomenological mind in Mountain Trigram as “prehensions” and in Earth Trigram as “actual occasions,”

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in Flame Trigram as open “processes” and in Thunder Trigram as “events” and recombined in Lake Trigram and various forms of “nexus.” Here we see a metaphysical calculus in Heaven Trigram generating expanding circles of algebraic theory in Wind and set theory in Water Gorge and group theory in Lake. From this comes the arithmetic of the measurable world in Earth and the prediction of emergent form in the statistics and probability theory of Thunder, finally measured in the analytic geometry and trigonometry of Mountain and the topology of Flame.

Young son yang is the imaginary number and young daughter yin in the statistical norm in real numbers. Old daughter yin is the zero point between the rational negative and rational positive numbers and old son yang is a fluctuating dance of irrational unknown exponential functions. Middle daughter yin is variously a root, a fraction, a wave function of the above and middle son yang is an endless expansion of the systems of formulas for integrating all of the above into something complex and orderly and harmonious and creative in the extreme,

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thus the highest form of the good and the beautiful. But since all of this integration is spun out of the void, emerges from the circle that expands out of the zero point, it is at once God and Nirvana, at once everything and nothing depending on your point of view.

So the book you wish to use depends on the way you decide to look at it. Hinduism tends toward the schizotypal and the Heaven Trigram romantic and Western Materialism toward the Earth Trigram depressed and realistic. Existentialism tends toward a Flame Trigram sadism and Rationalism toward a mechanistic masochism. The classical point of view tends toward the paranoid and its expressionistic market opposite toward pragmatic histrionics. Philosophy and logic tend toward the skeptical and the negativistic and their dogmatic opposite toward a borderline point of view that sends the believer to heaven and the disbeliever to some terrible hell.

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The astrological evidence presented by Richard Tarnas in “Cosmos and Psyche” supports some sort of masochistic fate, a divine mechanism that we are captured in. In contrast, the tone in Michael Talbot’s “Holographic Universe” and Ernest Holmes “This Thing Called You” supports the supernatural and the romantic (emphasizes the Heaven Trigram magical). Lawrence M. Krauss, in “A Universe from Nothing,” describes and emerging cosmos that seems to belong to the Thunder Trigram of the chaotic and the histrionic (facing catastrophic exhaustion). David Deutsch, in “The Beginning of Infinity” is more philosophical and skeptical, ready to reject and mythical dogmatic resolution to the final questions.

My guess is that all are true in measure. I imagine that there is a continual expansion of energy out of the zero point that endlessly expands the possible, so that anything possible is true somewhere and somehow. Even so there is also a principle of integration and harmony that allows the development of systems and of local unions of systems that might be called mind or

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buddhamind or god and that all of these integration systems tend to fuse as somepoint in some way. But, if these systems are to take on concrete form they must attach to the concrete and to some extent disintegrate, unravel their connection to the boundless whole. At some point this must cause a certain amount of limitation, loss and suffering. Attachment to local pleasure must come at the expense of cosmic bliss. Which is what the great saints and Buddhas have been saying from day one.

The result is a real world of visible events in Earth and Thunder that generate mental events in more complex organisms in Mountain Trigram mind and choices in Fire Trigram. The infinitesimal phenomenological monad that attaches to this mental complex is some kind of atom of pure creative generativity, an Atman, Pneuma, Jiva, a bit of the Creative Spirit which emerges in the boundless possibility of the Heaven Trigram and integrates with cosmic mind and cosmic harmony in the Wind Trigram, and order which is shadowed in the astrological systems of Water Gorge cosmic government and Lake Trigram

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systems of birth and reincarnation, and association of creative monads together to generate astral bodies, complexes that allow them to attach to local minds and find rebirth in the world as described by Talbot in the “Holographic Universe.”

Allan Andrews, April 25th 2012, Bakersfield, CA.

What we find then is an open pluralist system emerging from an infinite flux that makes everything possible that generates emergent evolution in various forms, but also generates a systems that isolate and develop set points and organic patterns that grow like wood, hence Wind Trigram is also Wood trigram. These patterns develop attachments to local finite evolving systems. The result is complex associations that play between the plural in Flame and monotheistic astrology in Water Gorge, between the possible in Heaven and the realized actual in Earth, between the emergent in Thunder and the Set Point Pattern in Wind, between a complex synthesis of

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birth and rebirth and soul atom association in Lake and the local skeptical mind of the attached soul in Mountain.

Something quite different now: The five elements of Chinese mythology are five of the twelve sides of a mythical dodecahedron that can be imposed upon the cube octahedron wheel of the eight trigrams. Start with the center which is Wind Trigram and make that the Noble Gas Pentagon. Put the lower edge of the pentagon on Earth Trigram and create a new pentagon called Soil, next to Soil make four more pentagons: Salt, Sunlight, Rain, and Pottery in that order. Now put the Music pentagon on the opposite side of the emerging dodecahedron from Noble Gas and add Fire Pentagon opposite to Pottery Pentagon and Wood Pentagon opposite Soil Pentagon and Water Pentagon opposite Salt Pentagon and Metal Pentagon opposite Sunshine Pentagon and Earth Pentagon opposite Rain Pentagon. Now you have created the Dodecahedron of the Five Elements and their Five Opposites. Now Salt Pentagon dominates Mountain Trigram and Water Pentagon dominates Lake Trigram. Earth Trigram is the place

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where Metal Pentagon and Soil Pentagon and Earth Pentagon come together and Heaven Trigram is the union of Sunshine, Rain, and Wood Pentagons. Fire Pentagon dominates Fire Trigram and Pottery Pentagon dominates Water Pit Trigram. Wind Trigram is dominated by Noble Gas Pentagon and Thunder Trigram is dominated by Music Pentagon. Which gets its sound from the neighboring pentagons, for you can make music by striking metal and wood, fire crackles and water burbles and rocks from the earth make sounds when they strike things. But salt and sunshine are silent, and also misty rain, and the clay you use to make pots, till it is properly fired (thus getting its sound from the fire that melts it). This illustrates how the five Chinese elements can enter into a dodecahedron that can be imposed upon the octahedron, cube of the trigrams.

This shows how many symbol systems and structures can provide the same functions. The symbol systems of the Heaven Trigram tend to be polytheistic (some forms of Hinduism, for example). Those of Water Pit, Water Gorge are usually more monotheistic, thus Islam, or

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focused, thus, the Buddha, Dharma, Sanga sequence of Buddhism focuses everything on Buddhamind Oneness pointing to a Nirvana Void One. Systems that emphasize a cosmic mind, or systems, work better in Wind Trigram, while Lake Trigram joys in the dogmas of the universal churches and their dualism, that dams their rivals to various hells and elevates themselves to heaven: Christianity, Ancient Persian Religion, Mahayana Buddhism, etc. Mountain Trigram tends toward debate and skepticism (opposite of the dogma of Lake) and Earth toward atheism and materialism (opposite of the magical thinking of Heaven), Thunder is more pragmatic and hedonistic (opposite of the Classical virtues of Wind), Fire/Flame is existential and experimental (opposite of the absolutism, the inquisitions, the heavy hand of Sultan and Pope in Water Pit/Water Gorge).

Civilization passes slowly from its primitive aboriginal condition centered in Heaven Trigram magic toward the writing and culture based monarchy and aristocracy, the noble castes of Wind Trigram. Finally democracy arrives with utilitarian Earth Trigram, along with industrial

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revolutions, communication revolutions bring market based Thunder Trigram and set the species up for new Heaven Trigrams as it explores space. There is also a movement from Fire/Flame through Mountain Trigram, Water Pit and Water Gorge and finally Lake Trigram, as raiding external proletariats, like the Greeks, settle down and build city states, thus changing Fire Trigram warlike competition to Mountain Trigram debate. Soon universal states develop like the Roman Empire, in Water Pit/Water Gorge Trigram, they dissolve into universal churches and imitative empires like the Byzantine and the Russian Orthodox in Lake Trigram, setting the stage for new rounds of external raids in Fire/Flame like those of the Saracen and the Viking.

But what if all of this is indeed just a shadow of something deeper. This was the point of view of Ernest Homes who decided to view it from the point of view of a simple opening on the individual. If we set ourselves up in the Flame and Fire Trigram, the whole system of metaphysics is spread out before us. The mountain trigram turns on young son yang in the Pneuma of the

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creative spirit, which is the entrance of the infinitely creative Heaven Trigram into the mind through the indwelling jiva of phenomenological awareness. Mind connects with universal mind in old daughter yin as the information systems of psyche enter the orderly systems of Water Pit and Water Gorge that collectively order Lake Trigram. Finally the middle daughter yin of the body, of mother nature opens up the world of emergent evolution in Thunder Trigram. We have three systems to study this, Science in Earth Trigram materialism, philosophy in Wind Trigram metaphysics, and finally religion in Lake Trigram church and dogma. Ultimately our freedom in Flame Fire Trigram allows us to rule the three gunas, the rajas guna of old son yang creative change, the tama guna that rules the middle daughter yin of the body, and the sattva guna, the young son yang that connects the jiva soul to Christ Mind and Buddha Mind in Wind Trigram. It is this vision that Ernest Holmes offers as the simple key to this complex whole in his works like “This Thing Called You.”

Allan Andrews, April 26th 2012, Bakersfield, CA

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The complex relationships of dodecahedra and octahedral can be simplified in a tetrahedron of four parts, the open spot, the Fire Element that gazes on the Air Element, the metaphysical, the Water Element, the ideological and mythical, and the Earth Element, the material and scientific. But even more simple in the triangle of the Mountain Trigram, the simplifying mind that looks to infinite creativity in Heaven Trigram becoming the creative spirit in young son yang fertilizing old daughter yin in the order and system of Water Pit Trigram an the collective unconscious of Lake Trigram to generate the manifest world of Earth and Thunder through the medium of the Body of middle daughter yin.

The key notion here is the fundamental duality of the individual discovering his origin in the transcendent as it collectively responds to the individual in generating its reaction in the manifest world. But this has a higher meaning: the fundamental unity of all things in divine mind as the good that moves from Wind Trigram to Water Pit Trigram perfection, the true that enters Wind Trigram from Mountain Trigram in the discovery of the

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pure enduring principles, and finally the beautiful that flows from the creative abundance of Heaven Trigram into the ideal set point that is Wind. This is the Father Mother God as the creation of beauty, the Son as the word, logos of truth, of Buddha as enlightenment, and finally the Holy Spirit as the good, the wholesome perfection of all purposes in the endless integration of the boundless.

Allan Andrews, April 26th 2012

The purest pleasure belongs to the boundless one, but this pleasure is diffuse and weak, it is the pleasure of deep sleep. To strengthen the pleasure, soul seeks wakefulness and attachment, this can generate passionate, concentrated, pleasure, but at the expense of addiction and attachment and potential pain and suffering. To gain a body that is integrated enough to assure continued pleasure, the soul monad associates with other soul monads to create attachment structure, attachment bodies that facilitate their attachment to

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favorable organic bodies in the finite realm. Typically they will seek wild, unexplored places, like this universe because there is less competition for the bodies available, but the risk of the colonization of such remote areas is the potential domination by demonic beings and possible entrapment in various forms of hells and purgatories. Salvation from such entrapment is provided by contact with savior beings, angels, messengers from the realms of organized spiritual virtues, equivalents of the paradise of heaven in Dante’s Divine Commedia. Mythological versions of this story are common in the theology of many human religions: Hinduism, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant Christianity, Ancient Persian religion, Islam, Chinese Taoism, Chinese, South Asian, Japanese, and Tibetan Buddhism, Jewish Theology in various Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed variations, Pythagorean belief, Ancient Egyptian religious forms, mystery religions in Ancient Greece and Rome, etc. and etc.. Various Native American systems including Mayan, etc..

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This salvation process is one of the most pleasurable experiences available. The intense energy released in the process of reintegrating awareness to the central whole can generate a high degree of creative integration associated with Buddhist and Christian Compassion and Islamic beneficence. Thus, salvation from suffering, from hells, salvation of this type is considered one of the highest levels of spiritual experience. It is the message of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and the Christian Gospels, the Books of the Buddhist Tripitaka, etc.

So the infinite flux (Heaven Trigram) that makes the improbable probable generates the most perfect improbable (Wind Trigram) that is the Platonic Form of the Good, Alfred North Whitehead’s Eternal Objects, the set points of the order of all things, the Buddhamind, Christmind, Cosmic Mind, this emerges out of old son yang (God Shiva, the destroyer) into middle son yang (God Vishnu, the preserver, who preserves this into the boundless everything void that is Brahman and Nirvana and the Hen One of Plotinus, the God of Spinoza’s Ethics) which forms the old daughter yin, the Law of Mind out of

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young son yang (God Brahma the creator that generates the infinity of avatars of Vishnu in the atman jiva pneuma monads of the infinitesimal). Young daughter yin, the cosmic systems in relativistic space and time emerge out of the Water Pit Water Gorge Trigram that is the collective unconscious and the Dharma that is spun out of the Karma of old son yang in Lake Trigram recombination generates by complex associations of souls in astral bodies ruled by astrological systems in Water Pit Trigram generating evolutionary emergence in Thunder Trigram and the physical and natural result in Earth Trigram out of the quantum mechanics of middle daughter yin in the Soma, the Body that provides the basis for the prehensions, the empirical mind of the individual, the attached monad in Mountain Trigram emerging out of the competition of monads in Flame Fire Trigram generated from the three gunas of sattva guna young son yang and rajas guna old son yang manifest in tamas guna middle daughter yang and the dance of Shiva in old son yang allows the monad of the phenomenological self in young son yang to court middle daughter yin experience in the Soma, the physical body to which it chooses to attach.

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Young son yang involves the inner phenomenology and young daughter yin involves relativistic public time and space. Middle daughter yang is the particle events known to physics and middle son yang is the everything whole that is an object of mythology and worship. Old son yang is pure energy from without and passion from within and old daughter yin is pure information from without and knowledge from within. Thus, we have six utter opposites known in six utterly different ways, private within and public without, science fact parts and religious myth wholes, a dance of flux in energy and enduring logical patterns in information systems. From these oppositions in yang and yin is generated the supersystem of all things. Heaven as supernatural magic and Earth as natural science, Wind as metaphysical ideals and Thunder as practical contingency, Flame as open alternatives and Water Pit as cosmic fate derived from the astrological government of birth and rebirth, Mountain as skepticism and logical debate and Lake as complex systems of belief, of birth and death, as the roots of astrology in the mythology and dogma

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generated from complex associations in the literature that emerges from the collective unconscious.

Basically what happens is old son yang, the God Shiva, dances out an infinity of patterns that fertilize the potentials in the eternal womb of Santa Sophia, holy wisdom in old daughter yin (Mother Kali). From this emerges an ever more perfect sequence of goodness, of ideals for the integration of all things as beauty, coming from Heaven Trigram, as morality going into the governing systems of all things in the feed back mechanisms, the Dharma-Karma of Water Pit Trigram, endlessly recombined in the collective unconscious deeps of Lake Trigram birth and rebirth. Finally entering the truth that is local mind in Mountain Trigram and local freedom in Flame, out of this comes the shadow of the good, the actual occasions, the events of Earth Trigram, evolving and emerging in Thunder Trigram.

A series of books is helpful in understanding what is involved: Lawrence M. Krauss, “A Universe From

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Nothing,” Arnold Mindell, “Quantum Mind,” Paul J. Nahim, “Dr. Euler’s Fabulous Formula,” James P. Carse, “Finite and Infinite Games,” Ernest Holmes, “What Religious Science Teaches,” and “Your Invisible Power,” “The Science of Mind,” John Gribbin, “In Search of the Multiverse,” Richard Tarnas, “Cosmos and Psyche,” Alfred North Whitehead, “Science and the Modern World,” Brian L. Weiss, “Many Lives, Many Masters,” Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe,” Gregory Bateson, “Steps To an Ecology of Mind,” David Deutsch, “The Fabric of Reality,” and “The Beginning of Infinity,” Dianne Hennacy Powell, “The ESP Enigma,” Richard S. Broughton, Parapsychology, The Controversial Science,” Roger J. Woolger, “Other Lives, Other Selves,” Gottfried Whilhelm Von Leibnitz, “The Monadology,” Immanuel Kant, “The Critique of Pure Reason,” Johann Gottlieb Fichte, “The Science of Knowledge,” “The Vocation of Man,”

Existence is a tetrahedron of the four Greek elements, “Fire,” a symbol for the vacuum, the opening in the order of things, the endless expansion of nothing described by

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Krauss in “A Universe From Nothing. “Water” is the complexity, the improbable that is made probable by infinite flux, it is “The Esp Enigma,” described by Dianne Hennancy Powell, the Jungian “synchronicity” in “Cosmos and Psyche,” by Tarnas and it generate the complex cycles of birth and rebirth, the recombination on a deep level, described by Woolger in “Other Lives, Other Selves.” The process teases the improbable out of the possible. The improbable is symbolized by “Air.” It is the mathematical order called the “Form of the Good” by Plato and “Eternal Objects,” by Alfred North Whitehead. The teasing of mathematical order out of this realm of “Eternal Objects” generates the systems theory described by Gregory Bateson, which is the source for the emergence in the world of the Earth element, the symbol for the intersection of middle daughter yin quantum mechanics, younger daughter yin space time relativity, old daughter yin mathematics and systems potential to generate the Earth Trigram world measured and investigated by science as described by David Deutsch.

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Ernest Holmes describes how the law of mind, the feed back system that emerges from the realm of Air as it generates Earth, creates the Water element, he calls this aspect of mind “race thought,” Jung called it the collective unconscious.” If Holmes describes the law of mind (this is the Dharma of the East that reacts to the Karma that is the activity of the Fire element), the emergence of the Air Element into Fire, Water, Earth through the Thunder Trigram are described in John Gribbin’s “In Search of the Mulitiverse,” in respect to physical science, and in Bernhard Rensch’s “Evolution above the Species Level,” and in the papers submitted for the Univesity of Chicago Darwinian Centennial, edited by Sol Tax at the life science level, and for the social sciences in Arnold J. Toynbee’s “A Study of History.” There are many references to the processes by which the mind becomes the source of the salt crystallized by the water element and dissolved in the collective unconscious, one of the better discussions of the process by which this salt aspect of the water element relates to the heaven aspect of the earth element can be found in the Quantum Mind by Arnold Mindell.

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The expanding circle, sphere that is defined by pi as the infinite curve of the boundless seeking to integrate each infinitesimal monad of the now is the symbol of the realm of Eternal Objects, of the Air Element of the Wind Trigram that penetrates to the core of all things. This sphere is the Sun, as Aton, as the symbol of the One. The symbol “e” represents the natural expansion of the energy released by emergent processes and “i” represents the root that turns inward from the external world of information to the internal world of knowledge, from external energy to internal passion, from external integration and disintegration to internal pleasure and pain, from external time and space to internal dreamtime voices and visions. Hidden in this relationship is what Ernest Holmes calls “Your Invisible Power,” and James P. Carse calls the “Infinite Game.” Just as you cannot know the position and speed of an electron at the same time, so you cannot know the scientific truth about an object in the realm of actual occasions and its relationship to metaphysical and theological truth at the same time. God is hidden in the infinite future and the infinite past

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and only God’s shadows enter the realm of visible time and space.

Whether God created the world or the world created God, whether God created Man or Man’s brain created

God, are irresolvable questions because they exist in the realm of complementary transcendence, in the realm of the irresolvable complementary relationship of the infinite and the finite, the open and the closed, the simple and the complex, the necessary and the contingent. They cannot be resolved because they are an endless process and the observer and the observed, the knower and the known, the thinker and the thought belong to that endless cycle. This is what Holmes attempts to explain in mystical and theological terms in “This Thing Called You.” Thomas Merton does the same in respect to Catholic Theology, in his “Seeds of Contemplation.”

The Earth Trigram belongs to ordinary arithmetic. Old daughter yin provides the zero point center from which

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the units of time and space are calculated on a rational basis into the normal curve that is young daughter yin in the individual separate units that are middle daughter yin. Ultimately, science will transform these units into atoms, subatomic particles, quantum events, which can be measure on the axis of time and space that curve into the speed of light defined universe of Einstein’s relativity in the summation of young daughter yin. But the endless progression of thermodynamic energy, its expansion in “e” leads to the thermodynamics that is old son yang. The calculus of its functions and integration in “pi” of the endless curves of everything (middle son yang) is the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in the imaginary number of the dreamtime monad of subjectivity that is top son yang, generating the creativity and subjectivity of the Heaven Trigram as the complement to the predictable and knowable Earth Trigram. Heaven Trigram is the realm of dreamtime creativity, of the Unknown God that becomes what he/she becomes. This is the realm of the boundless and the immeasurable, of the theology and the metaphysics of the transcendental, of the Eternal Christmas of the Heart. Life is a constant complementary interaction

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between the meaningless facts of the left hemisphere world of the expanding nothingness of science and the meaningful mystery of the right hemisphere world of the growing significance of the infinite game integration that is the source of love and bliss in the discovery of the circle that endlessly expands to beautify and illumine and include all things in the Buddhamind that is the Aslan Narnia Jesus of the Sufi One Allah Brahman whole.

Bakersfield, CA. Allan Ralph Andrews, May 4th 2012

Now let us consider Euler’s “e” to the “i” x pi power plus 1 = 0. If we look at the cube of personality disorders and I Ching trigrams, the imaginary number, square root of -1, is the young son yang, schizoid personality disorder and the = sign is its dependent personality disorder young daughter yin opposite. The number 1 is the narcissistic personality disorder that is middle daughter yin, with pi as the avoidant personality disorder middle son yang opposite, the circle drawn according to pi is forever avoiding the straight path, while the number one

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is forever asserting itself as the only on. The imaginary number is endlessly withdrawing into its imaginary complex inner roots, while the equal sign sets out measurable parameters in the public world of relative time and space, a world where we are dependent upon public measurements to find our way. Finally zero describes the compulsive personality disorder world of old daughter yin that continues to add measurements until there is nothing left at all but the measuring stick. The opposite of the compulsive world of old daughter yin is the antisocial personality disorder of old son yang that continues to expand itself in the natural log base “e” regardless of its effects upon other entities around it. It is irregular and refuses to conform to all rational rules and conventions.

The numbers set out the trigrams. The realistic trigram of Earth and science belongs (the realm defined by middle daughter yin 1 and oldest daughter yin zero and youngest daughter yin and the system of equivalent (=) ratios, the natural numbers) to arithmetic and the coordinate systems and measurements described by

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natural real numbers. This is finite realm inhabited by realism and the depressive personality disorders. Its opposite is the realm of calculus and the schizotypal personality disorders, a realm ruled by curves lines in middle son yang pi and progressions in old son yang “e” and the imaginary number plane in young son yang.

Emerging from this realm of magic is the Wind Trigram that belongs to metaphysics and penetrating necessity in imaginary numbers and pi rooted in the zero point axis of the wheel of all things. This is the realm of Higher Algebra, of Euler’s Formulas, of Mathematical Proofs and systems, and the Classical basis of Mathematical Idealism, the Eternal Objects of Alfred North Whitehead.

This kingdom is ruled by the paranoid personality disorders. The opposite of this kingdom is the realm of histrionic personality disorders and pragmatism, of business and economics. This is the realm of probability and statistics. It is ruled by narcissistic middle daughter yang number one and dependent youngest daughter rational number equivalents, as well as oldest son yang “e” progressions that generate the principles of probability and statistics and rule the realms of

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contingency. If Heaven Trigram is magical and romantic, and Wind is classical, if Earth is realistic, this the realm of expressionism (particularly the histrionic variety).

Running counter to this axis, the axis of God in Heaven Trigram, Eternal Objects and the Form of the Good in Wind Trigram, actual occasions and measurable objects in Earth Trigram, and their shadows, expressions, continent aspects in Thunder Trigram (note the similarity to Alfred North Whitehead and Plato’s Divided Line).

Flame (or Fire) Trigram takes old son yang and young son yang to the narcissistic excess of middle daughter yin. This is the opening in all systems, the realm of art and design, of the mathematics of topology, this is cubism in art and the sadistic personality disorder in behavior. It is competition and natural selection and extinction in the realm of biology. The opposite of this realm of the open is the Baroque realm of the mechanical and the closed, of Water Pit Abysmal Trigram. It is the realm of absolutistic government and law, of the police. It is the

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masochistic personality disorder as the complement to the sadistic personality disorder. It is rational numbers and set theory and logical proofs in mathematics. It is ruled by old daughter yin zero and the young daughter yin = sign integrated and turned on itself by the middle son yang circles ruled by pi. Mountain trigram is the realm of trigonometry and analytic geometry, set out by the imaginary number plane, by middle daughter yin in 1 and old daughter yin in 0, extended into imaginary numbers by young son yang. It is the realm of philosophy and logical debate and empiricism, of negativism in personality disorders and impressionism and formalism, of conceptualism and abstraction in art. It is the realm of the simple.

Its opposite is the Lake Trigram, the realm of group theory in mathematics, of complexity, set out by the progression in e of old son yang, in equivalent relations and series of young daughter yin, and the inclusive circles defined by pi in middle son yang. This is the realm of literature, of Marxist and Hegelian dialectic, of religious dogma and ideology. It is syncretism, post-

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impressionism, symbolism in art. It is the Jungian collective unconscious and the complement to the empirical mind of Mountain Trigram. In biology it is syngamy, recombination, and population genetics. In behavior it is the borderline personality disorders (in which personality lacks good boundaries and generates complex fusions and dependencies).

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, Ca. May 5th 2012

The narcissistic one, the middle daughter yang, becomes the verbal ego, the fact and language oriented area of the left hemisphere of the cerebrum and the avoidant pi, becomes the middle son yang, that bends everything into circles of meaning and integration, this is the myth generating right hemisphere of the cerebrum. The square root of minus one, the imaginary number plane, is generating out of the future predicting planning areas in the executive areas of the frontal lobe, the centers for young son yang. Young daughter yin, the rational number association scales, belong to the cerebral

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association areas of temporal lobe (sound), occipital lobe (vision) and parietal lobe (space) in posterior area of the cerebral cortex. Zero point old daughter yin, central point in the information axis is in the hippocampus of the cerebral cortex, old daughter yang, and the progression of attention is in the amygdale, thalamus, hypothalamus and brain stem areas, underneath the cerebral cortex of the brain. Thus, the axial nodes of the brain correspond to the axial nodes of the world. Here is another complementary relationship between observer and observed, knower and known that involves process, where neither element is superior or prior to the other.

Consider some of the typical trinities. For example those of Buddhism. The trinity of suffering, flux, and no-self, or the suffering coming from the narcissism of 1 and the flux coming from the greed of e progressions and the no self coming out of the = of all attached things, for which the solution is the Sanga, or community of all (=) dependence in the Dharma (zero) compulsive adherence to the Buddha of nirvana-buddhamind compassion in the inclusive circle of pi. Or the trinity of the dance of Shiva

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in antisocial destruction in the progress of “e” as Karma, and the boundless inclusiveness of that in Vishnu as the Brahman One in the boundless circle of pi and finally Brahma as the creativity of the square root of minus one in the complex number/ imaginary number plane. Atman is that imaginary number root discovering itself as part of the Dharma zero axis of the wheel of all flux that belongs to the ever inclusive pi curve of the Brahman One. The imaginary number is the logos mind of Christ in the Christmans manger and Aslan in Narnia as part of the information potential of the Whole Spirit in Zero and the inclusive circles of God as inclusive love in pi. The trinity system of Ernest Holmes in the science of mind is the trigonometry of 1 as the narcissistic ego body and zero as the blank information mirror on which it is reflected as a shadow of the activity of imaginary and complex numbers in the creative spirit of complex and imaginary numbers, as described in Quantum Mind (see above). In a sense, Buddha is the schizoid discovery of the pure sattva guna of the imaginary number root within the antisocial karma activity of rajas guna in e progressions and the tamas of the body in 1 narcississim. Following the Zero path focal compulsion Dharma of the pure law,

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Buddha sees the pure compassion of the ever expanding Nirvana pi circle of love that extends out endlessly gone gone gone utterly beyond in to avoidance of all desire and attachment to the world.

May 5th 2012 Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield CA.

Arnold Mindell develops these ideas in Quantum Mind. On p.36, he discusses counting, the middle daughter yin of our system as 1 and the younger daughter yin as a rational system of numbers. This sets up the Earth Trigram realm. “Consensus reality” is what Mindell calls it. It was called “Actual Occasions” in the terminology of Alfred North Whitehead. The negative number field that Mindell discusses on page 82, opens us up to the realm of Mountain Trigram, the mind as the observer, what Alfred North Whitehead calls “prehensions.” The complex number field, on page 99 opens up the Wind Trigram, the realm of Alfred North Whitehead’s “Eternal Objects.” The imaginary number belongs to the root of minus one, to what we call youngest son yang. Youngest son yang rules four sectors, the Heaven Trigram that belongs to Alfred North Whitehead’s “God” and is the

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realm of Arnold Mindell’s dreaming, “the dreamtime” of African and Australasian aboriginal thought, the Wind Trigram, equivalent to Plato’s Form of the Good, and the Mountain and Fire/Flame Trigrams that are the equivalent of the Pneuma/Psyche/Soma and Sattva/Rajas/Tamas trinities that rule the mind and will. On page 101 Mindell shows how a + ib = complex number shows the object perceived by the mind and made a part of its Non-Consensus Reality. In Alfred North Whitehead terms, the Actual Occasion is “a” and its perhension (perception in Mountain Trigram mind) is “b” and its subjective (Heaven Trigram imaginary element) is the first part of “ib.” The “+” element is activity in the rajas guna, in old son yang mathematical development (what we call Fire/Flame Trigram) and the ideal form of this is the entire equation a + ib = which is pure Eternal Object, pure algebra, pure Wind Trigram mathematical idealism rooted in the complex field coordinates rooted in the zero point that is the core, the central axial point of old daughter yin, the systems and law giver, the Dharma order, the pure law of mind, the Psyche core of rational subjective mind (see Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes, where the charts in the

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appendix show the pure trigonometry of these relationships). On page 125, Mindell begins to chart the death of Nature, of the Earth in Earth Trigram, as a result of her separation from Non Consensus reality in Heaven Trigram (the imaginary number and complex number field, the dreamtime self). The uncertainty and complementary relationships described in the chapter that begins on page 203 are the Flame Fire Trigram aspect of our system, where old son yang “e” generates progression that pull the novel from imaginary numbers and complex number fields in “dreamtime” Heaven Trigram to generate the observations, the prehensions, the trigonometric calculation and analytic geometry of Mountain Trigram. With calculus and pi comes the interconnectedness of all things that allows the realms of set theory and group theory to generate the collective order of things in Water Pit Abysm Trigram and Lake Trigram water element, the synchronicity of Jung’s system. This is the realm ruled by middle son yang and the Brahman Nirvana Sufi Allah One, the God of Spinoza’s Ethics.

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The God of Spinoza’s Ethics is pi and the monad of the Monadology is the imaginary number root of minus one. Cartesian analytic geometry contributes the zero point coordinates and the result is the Form of the Good, the mathematical ideal in Euler’s formulas and equations. Old daughter yin is the wisdom, the Santa Sophia, the Dharma, the perfect rational order potential in all systems and all things, the psyche and the nous of platonic philosophy. Young son yang is the creative element of the complex number field that generates the stimulus, the Atman of Atman, Dharma, Brahman, the Sattva of Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, the Pneuma of Pneuma, Psyche, Soma. This is Brahma as the Creative Spirit.

Pi is Vishnu as the Brahman one that integrates all of this in the boundless curves of calculus. Old son yang is the mathematical progressions that develop all of this out of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable to base “e.”

Allan Ralph Andrews, May 5th 2012, Bakersfield, California.

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On page 20 of Roger Penrose, “The Road to Reality,” you will see the basic trigonometry of this system where zero in oldest daughter yin represents the “Platonic mathematical world,” and the imaginary number square root of minus one in youngest son yang represents the “mental world” and 1 in middle daughter yin represents “the physical world.” Everything in “The Road to Reality” is simply an expansion of this system into the Tamas Guna of the physical, the Soma of the physical, that expands the Wind and Mountain Trigram into the Earth Trigram through the progressive activity of base “e” and old son yang in the Heaven, Fire/Flame, and Thunder Trigram to generate the order and synchronicity of water element in Water Pit Abysmal and Lake Trigrams. It is one and the same with the “Perennial Philosophy” of Aldous Huxley and the Platonism and Stoicism of Cicero, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and Plotinus. The One of Plotinus is the pi of integration and middle son yang. The mind and reason of Plotinus is the zero axial point and the coordinate fields and systems of old daughter yang and the phenomenological observer, the monad soul, is

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the imaginary subjective element, the complex number field rooted in the square root of minus one creativity of the private monadology and phenomenology that is the dreamtime self. The Road to Reality is simply the emergence, the development of the calculus of progressions in “e” into the Earth Trigram and the Thunder Trigram of the natural world. Through the trigonometry in the appendix to Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, and the coordinates and trigonometry of physics in the Road to Reality and the mathematical extensions of the equations of Euler in “Dr. Euler’s Fabulous Formula,” we see the Mountain Trigram, Earth Trigram, Wind Trigram systems that is extended Water Pit Trigram and Lake Trigram to generate the order shown in “Cosmos and Psyche” by Tarnas.

May 6th 2012, Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA

Somewhere I have the reference to a website that discusses the different kinds of immortality, none, pantheistic, weak pagan, reincarnation (strong pagan), philosophic (platonic and Pythagorean, East Asian), and finally Christian (resurrection, etc.). No immortality is the immortality of narcissism, everything is the number 1 as

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the proud body ego, which must finally die and is the source of Buddhist suffering in its death. The solution for the Buddhist and the Hindu is pi, is the calculus of the boundless curves that include everything in the ultimate compassion of the gone gone gone utterly beyond nirvana that is (in Christianity and Hinduism and Islam) the God of endless love and bliss, and is also the pantheistic God of Spinoza’s Ethics, this is pantheistic immortality, or its Buddhist Hindu Platonist equivalent. So mortality in middle daughter yin finite time span is opposed to boundless space time infinity in middle son yang pi curve calculus integration of all possibilities.

The alternative is the eternal monads of the Monadology and the eternal souls of Pythagoras and Plato and Plotinus in the complex number field centered on the youngest son yang of the square root of minus one, its opposite is the weak reincarnation of paganism in which these souls complex together in various number fields to control their connection to bodies in space and time in younger daughter space time relativity yin (it is the reincarnation of Chinese Daoist folk belief). The final

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opposite is the Karma, the cycles of reincarnation and samsara that are standard theology in Eastern Religion and philosophy as a old son yang turning of the Dharma wheel. The opposite is the wheel itself as the perfection of pi and the curve of love. This reincarnation is the Classical Idealism of Dante in his Divine Comedy and the Christian home of the Narnia series, and the descriptions of Heaven and Hell in the works of C. S. Lewis, and other Ideal visions of the like. Included here would be the ever coming Kingdom of the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg in which the ultimate Christian Father and Logos appears to sleep till the final days as a potential, a seed hidden in the Zero point that is divine rational potential in the oldest daughter yin, waiting for his/her awakening at the end of all “e” flux time in oldest son yang.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Sunday May 6th 2012

Now here is an interesting point. Oldest daughter yin is the compulsive point, she is the ever faithful Virgin Mary Queen of Heaven, she is holy wisdom, Santa Sophia, she is adherence to the true law, the true Dharma, the true

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Koran, the true Vedas, the true Holy Scriptures, the true law of Moses. She is the faith of all faiths, “In my house are many mansions” that adherence to the law of God will bring his kingdom, according to Wolfheart Pannenberg, will bring the existence of his Kingdom, allow him to exist in the visible world out of the potential of the Infinite Future. Remember how this works, infinite flux in old son yang and middle son yang makes the improbable probable in young son yang. This is the true Brahma as the creative logos word, the ultimate hope made flesh.

The idea of a written law for the Jewish community to keep them pure and holy probably goes back to the expansion of the Persian and Carthaginian Empires, described by Arnold J. Toynbee, on page 238 if Volume 5, part one of his “A Study of History.” It is probably the Phoenician alphabet and their practice of writing on scrolls that is the source of the Jewish idea of a holy book that contains God’s prophecy. The idea of a single God over a single divine king (David, Christ, etc.) may come out of the older Egyptian Empires. The notion of a war

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between Heaven and Hell, between God and Satan, seems to come out of Persia. The notion of the ever coming kingdom embodied in the trinity and the Christian Church is an attempt to accommodate these Syrian area civilization to the Hellenic notions of the Roman Empire. Even so, these symbols, however pale, are still shadows of the eternal wisdom potentials stored in the kernel of old daughter yin and drawn out by the “Infinite Game” (James P. Carse) danced out by “e” extensions in old son yang. The Jewish, Muslim, and modern Hindu traditions, even Buddhism, simply provide different version of this ancient dreamtime storyline.

Allan Ralph Andrews, May 6th Sunday, 2012

Arnold Toynbee in his “Study of History” discusses these points of view in respect to the great civilizations. He points out that Western Civilization has always been seen as focused on the technical and the scientific. It contrast, its Hellenic roots were focused on the aesthetic, and the Hindu traditions, further East, were basically religious.

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We have discussed elsewhere how this can be symbolized as a great tetrahedron of symbolic elements with China as the Lake that dissolves all things in its blood red water generating a dialectic of young daughter yin Confucianism, old son yang Daoism, and middle son yang Buddhism. In contrast India is more Wind Trigram and air element in a trinity of young son yang Atman, old daughter yin Dharma, and middle son yang Brahman One. This is a civilization of caste, of the dominant elite and elitist caste riddled aristocratic classical idealism. This is an air element filled with the golden light of the Sun as the symbol of aristocratic power. The Flame Trigram and Fire element belong to what survives of the Greek militarism of Alexander in the Moslem Middle East, a Flame Trigram and Fire element filled with war for the Green Islands it forms in the desert. It belongs to the raiding external proletariat, but its color is Green for the green oasis that is the goal of its plunder. The utilitarian trigram is the Earth Trigram and the Earth element, democratic and practical, it has made the entire blue planet its empire and therefore its color is sky and ocean blue. All metaphysics and religion, and philosophy as well, is a war between these four elemental tempers and

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the separate ideological kingdoms they have generated. The positions they represent, complex water against simple salt, necessary air against contingent thunder, infinite sky against finite earth, opening burned by flame against resisting predetermined water courses, they were long ago shown as complementary by the Critique of Pure Reason of Immanuel Kant. The attempt to resolve their differences in favor of one or the other is as empty as the attempt to resolve the position and speed of an electron, the particle and the wave.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA May 7th 2012

The relationship of the doctrines associated with these symbolic elements is interesting. According to Toynbee, they are associated with the universal churches generated in the break down process of universal states. Among the belief systems developed in South Asia is the story of the Buddha. Buddha is associated with the upper class philosophy of the ruling kings. It involves a legend of a rich prince (Buddha) who gave up his wealth out of

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compassion for the suffering of all sentient beings. This legend spread to the external states that surrounded the South Asian Empire of Asoka, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, etc.

In contrast to this air element philosophy is the universal church of the Earth element, of Western Christianity. This involves a potential David dynasty King that is supposed to rule a new empire that will include all people. This David, Christ, is associated with the poor who see themselves obtaining riches (at least spiritual ones) with the coming of his kingdom.

Both the fire and water element religions have a kingship element, the Fire element faith of Islam is based on the prophecy and holy book (Koran) of an external proletariat, who obtain royal and imperial positions as a result of the jihad, the holy war that spreads their faith. The Far Eastern model is the water element mirror image of this Middle Eastern model. It involves members of the internal proletariat, and local external proletariat, that

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mange to rise to the highest office, Emperor of China, due to the working out of the will of “Heaven.” The models for this process are found in the holy books of the Far East: Confucian Classics, etc..

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Monday May 7th 2012.

Note the four part matching of these myths supports the notion of a dreamtime, a Jungian collective unconscious symmetry, or a higher order of mythology in which all myths merge in the “Infinite Game” of James P. Carse.

It is a typical product of pi, of the curves of integration generated in the right hemisphere of the human cerebrum. These four order could be the four rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden, the magical place where the naked aboriginal nature of all humans merges in a common Adam and Eve and a common “Dreamtime.”

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It was the philosophy of Ernest Holmes and his Institute of Religious Science and Philosophy that started me on this journey when I was 13. Our idealistic classical model fits his declaration of principles (see “What Religious Science Teaches,” Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind Publications, 1974, p. 27). His One that manifests itself though out creation “generating a manifest universe that is the body of God” is none other that our complementary relationship between avoidant pi (the integration of the boundless everything in ever generating cycles of integration) and the narcissistic 1, the Soma, the quantum world of particles and atoms and natural phenomena. His incarnate Spirit (Atman) is the schizoid imaginary number root of minus one monad of internal subjectivity and its incarnation in all is the dependent distribution of this incarnation (=) throughout the world of space and time in youngest daughter yin. The eternality of the soul is the enduring compulsive zero point of oldest daughter yin and its continual emergence in the antisocial energy of “e,” as oldest son yang, is the “forever and ever expanding” principle in the declaration

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Holmes has presented on p. 21. When Holmes speaks of a Universal Spirit which is God “operating through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God, which receives the direct impress of our thoughts and acts upon it,” he is referring to Heaven Trigram (Creativity) inducing the emergence of Wind Trigram (Idealism) that allows Flame Trigram (Freedom) in Mountain Trigram (Mind) to be reflected in Water Pit Abysm Trigram (Order) and Lake Trigram (Synthesis) to generate the natural world (Earth Trigram) and its progressive evolution (Thunder Trigram). Two actions happen here, both discussed by Holmes in his writings. The creativity of the subjective source of all things working through the integrative principles of all things emerging from the action of these principles inducing the emergence of potential order at all levels allows freedom in individual expressions of this order to develop its own reflections in that order that complex within these emerging systems to generate the emerging world around us. Whitehead calls this creativity God and its ideal order “Eternal Objects,” the mental events “Prehensions” and the emerging results “Actual Occasions.” It is all the same thing with different labels depending on the labeling system you chose to use.

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Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, May 7th 2012.

Now many people will think this is all junk. But I believe I an give some good rebuttals. To the Christians, I would recommend some decent scholarship on the bible. Start with the old Cambridge Ancient History series published in 1925, for example, Volume III on the Assyrian Empire. Or for something more recent try Marvin Harris and his “Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches,” in which he give evidence that Jesus was a “military messiah.” The works of Barbara Thiering are controversial, even among scholars, I personally believe she has gotten closer to the true facts than anyone else, even though she may be off in some of the details, read her “The Book that Jesus Wrote,” or “Jesus the Man,” or “Jesus of the Apocalypse,” all available from Corgi Books. If only one tenth of her ideas are true, the whole “born again” version of Jesus goes in the trash where it belongs. That said, I have to say I am a “born again” Christian but of the Spirit, and not of the letter, for as St Paul puts it, “the letter kills.” For those that are skeptics to all of this I have the following answers: read Richard Tarnas,

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“Cosmos and Psyche,” Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe,” and Diane Hennancy Powell, “The ESP Enigma,” and to those who say these results have not been verified, I recommend the Journal of Scientific Exploration Volume 21, Number 3, and the report on “Effect of Belief on Psi Performance in a Card Guessing Task,” by Kevin Walsh and Garret Moddel of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado and Boulder, where they show, as Ernest Holmes predicted long ago, that performance results are dependent on the belief systems of those participating in the test. The reality we experience is a mirror of the subjective state of the soul monads attaching to the brain state instruments that allow them to a view a world that is a shadow of the expectation systems to which they have attached.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, May 8th 2012.

Imagine a great wheel turning on the compulsive zero point of mathematical structure. Moving up to pi and

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the curves of avoidant integration is the realm of algebraic formula that divides the frontier between Wind trigram algebra and Water Pit Abysm set theory and proof. Moving down to the narcissistic one that provides the numerical atoms of the coordinate system are the coordinates themselves that divide Mountain Trigram trigonometry and analytic geometry from Earth Trigram arithmetic. The wheel turns on the energy of “e” and mathematical operations and extensions in antisocial greediness and passion, the dance of Shiva. This energy source connects with narcissistic one in all kinds of functions and mathematical operations that divide Flame Trigram topology from Thunder Trigram statistics. The known numbers on the coordinates, emerge in operations and solutions of formulas, from the realm of variables and unknowns in the boundary land of possibility that lies between the Heaven Trigram of calculus and the Lake Trigram of group theory.

Ought of schizoid young son yang in imaginary numbers comes the irrational number spoke that connects with the old son progression of “e,” the root spoke that

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connects with compulsive old daughter zero, the negative number spoke that connects with narcissistic middle daughter yin, and the complex number spoke that connects with avoidant pi in middle son yang.

Out of dependent young daughter yang in = signs comes the rational numbers connecting to old daughter yin compulsive zero, the positive numbers that connect to avoidant middle son pi, the exponents that connect to old son yang in “e,” and the real numbers that connect of narcissistic middle daughter yang 1.

The irrationals are the causation opposites of their rational number effects. The roots are the soul opposite of their exponential evolutionary developments. The negatives are the individual consciousness complements of the positives that rule space time collective associations and the complex numbers and the hidden subjective ideal complements to the real and natural numbers of the visible world. Operations and functions are the process opposites of the formula and algebraic

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expression purposes and ends. Unknowns and variables are the possibility opposites of actualities on the coordinates of analytic geometry.

The curves of pi avoidance are the wet clouds of the mathematical weather and the number atoms that surround 1 are the dry and broken parts. Imaginary numbers are light and dissociated, but rational numbers and real and positive numbers are heavy with visible associations. Mathematical heat and activity arise from the progressions emerging out of “e,” driven by passion. These drive statistics and operations and functions emerging from the unkown. But zero is the focal point that holds all the coordinates together and the formula systems, roots, and rational numbers with which they are associated. At the zero point all mathematical motion comes to rest.

All of these are metaphors for the weather of the soul and the metaphysical structure of the Eternal Objects and Forms of the Good that provide the unseen order of

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all things, as described by Plato in the allegory of the Cave and of the divided Line. Heaven Trigram is the Sun of the Good and Wind Trigram is the ideal mathematics it shines on generating the objects of Earth Trigram and their shadows in Thunder. This would be God in Alfred North Whitehead and the Eternal Objects, Actual Occasions and the Events that generate their emergence.

The lights in the cave are the open places in this system that provide the observers a chance to find their way out of their personal trigonometry of thought and placement on their personal mental analytic geometry, these are the walkways and chains, the systems inside the cave itself, structured by this abysmal water pit system and the complex relationships that support it. This is the transition between freedom in Flame Trigram and the “prehensions” that trap us in our own Mountain Trigram enslaved in Water Pit Abysm and the complexities of Lake.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, May 9th 2012

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The Four Element symbolism and Chinese Trigram symbolism we have been using is probably derived from weather cycles. A sample of this might look like this, suppose schizoid young son yang was the light and dependent young daughter yin was the tides, suppose avoidant middle son yang was the mist in the sky and narcissistic middle daughter yin was explosive flaming embers reducing everything to ashes, suppose old compulsive daughter yin was these weather cycles themselves, particularly those that freeze things and bring winter and antisocial old daughter yang was tornados and lighting storms. The Lake Trigram formed from this yin and yang would be water and its Mountain Trigram opposite would be salt, the Fire trigram would be its flames and the Water Pit Abysm would be its water drainage. Heaven Trigram would be the sky and Earth Trigram would be earth, Wind Trigram would be air and Thunder Trigram would be noise and dust. These Trigrams would be linked by four great circles. Between mist and light would be the stars as the opposite of soil between ashes and tides. Between tides and mist would be rain as the opposite of smoke between ashes and light. Between lighting and light would be the sun as the

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opposite of the moon between weather cycles and tides. Between light and weather cycles would be the noble gases as the opposite of waves between tides and tornadoes. Between tornadoes and mist would be clouds as the opposite of life forms between weather cycles and ashes. Between mist and weather cycles would be snow crystals as the opposite of fire between ashes and tornadoes.

Tornadoes would symbolize energy and weather cycles would symbolize information systems. Light would symbolize phenomenological concentration and tides would symbolize space time relativity distribution. Mist would symbolize the boundless integration of everything and ashes would symbolize quantum mechanical atomization. The sky would be the source and the earth the product, air the ideal and noise its expression. Fire would be freedom and drainage would be order, salt would be mind and water would be synchronicity. Clouds would be the possible and life would be actual form. Snow crystals would be the perfect and fire the process that generates it. The sun would be the cause and the moon would be the effect. Noble gas would be

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the immortal and waves would be mortal developments. The stars would be the transcendent and soil would be the manifest. Smoke would be the individual consciousness and rain would be the collective unconscious.

The actual system would begin with what we see. The results of this system would be the world of nature known to science. This realm could easily expand into the Water Pit realm of rational rules and mechanical systems, the Thunder realm of evolutionary emergence and the Mountain realm of empirical analysis. Only with a reach can we get to the Lake realm of complexity, synchronicity, birth and rebirth, astrology, and the paranormal, or the Flame realm of existential free will, or the Wind realm of metaphysical idealism and mathematical perfection. This hidden order would emerge from subjective dreamtime in Heaven trigram infinite flux that make the improbable probable, a mythology that is Hindu in Heaven Trigram, Buddhist, Daoist, and Confucian in Lake Trigram, Muslim and

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Jewish in Water Pit Abysm, and Christian and Platonist in Wind.

Looked at from Heaven, the freedom in Flame Trigram would be a series of hells that monad young son yang would attach itself to in pursuit of novelty and freedom, Lake Trigram would be an astrology of birth and rebirth, a purgatory in which the Dharma of the Water Pit Abysm order responds to the choices made by monad souls in Flame. The only hope of Paradise would lie in the ideal mathematics and Platonism of Wind Trigram. In the relationship between Heaven Trigram and Wind Trigram, between Alfred North Whitehead’s God and the Eternal Objects (Plato’s Sun of the Good), we find that transcendental area that Ernest Holmes focuses on it works like his “Your Invisible Presence.” This is the hope, the focus of inspiration that lifts above the misery of our everyday world.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, May 10th 2012

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The God that Ernest Holmes believed in was found more quickly within than without. The relationship between the Father and the Son described in John 5:19 was an allegory for the relationship of individual centers of spiritual creativity and the infinite, between the atman and the Brahman, the Buddha and the Nirvana Buddhamind One, between the Christ principle present in every being from within infinitesimal monad of the spirit and the one boundless infinite expanding spiritual awakening from which the individual comes. Holmes believed that the scripture saying that as the Father has life so the son has life, meant there is only one life, mind, spirit that is individualized as it is accepted, believed in, utilized in our daily life (see Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 475). Holmes believed, as James P. Carse expresses in “Finite and Infinite Games,” that the language of myth is different from the language of practical fact. The left hemisphere language of practical fact is about what has been done and is visible, the language of right brain myth is about what might happen, what is possible. In an infinite universe, there is no limit to the possible beyond mathematics and logic themselves, the fundamental laws of all things. Holmes believed that existence was a dance

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between the creative becoming of this possibility and the boundaries and limits generated by its reflection in the mirror of mathematical systems and logic that responds to it to generate the world of our experience. There is nothing in our daily experience that contradicts this vision. Science does not support this vision, because the vision belongs to the seers, the mystics, the poets, the mythic makers, not to the finite games of the physical world. It is this vision, the God of the Dreamtime, the God of the Ultimate Future (the ever coming future), that Wolfhart Pannenberg focuses on in his version of the theology of Luther.

Holmes was not found of Astrology. I am. I am left defending my belief in Astrology in a world of scientific skeptics and romantic visionaries, neither of which are much interested in, or given to belief in Astrological ideas. Why should Astrology work to explain the complex patterns that Richard Tarnas uses it to explain? For me the explanation is simple. A universe that is infinite and time and space that generates and infinite of systems of universes in time and space and an infinity of

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ways of doing time and space is capable of anything mathematically and logically possible. Given this endless expansion, will do it over and over again in endless variations. It will evolve complexity upon complexity. It will evolve systems of minds and superminds more complex than any human kingdom, ant hill, corral reef, or government designed by any civilization. Holmes believed in the power of the infinite to become personal, to take an individual face, in fact, he believe that this was the Christ principle, this is what Jesus as son of God symbolized. These various superminds may be thought of as individualized centers in the reaction of infinite system to infinite creativity. Sometimes, some places these centers have certainly been in conflict. Astrology, appears to be in part, a system of harmony, like the music of a symphony that keeps the instruments from fighting with each other and creating noise rather than music. This is what the synchronicity that generates Astrology seems to be. A music of the spheres, if you will, that generates harmony, not only in the external movements of the planets, but in all the interior effects of these movements, all the gravity that turns into allurement and energy that turns into passion, as

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described by Brian Swimme in “The Universe is a Green Dragon.”

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, May 15th 2012

The primary yin to yang opposition is oldest daughter compulsive yin to oldest son antisocial yang, eternal immutable information and mathematical pattern potential with zero energy danced out by the dance of Shiva as the endless flux of energy potential in and out of all possible forms. All event patterns are eternal possibilities in the Santa Sophia that is the zero point of the field of possible mathematical form. Youngest son yang as the imaginary number root of minus one and middle son yang as the boundless circling and spiraling of all things in pi based integration are the source of this eternal perfect possibility symbolized by the Pieta of Michelangelo, where the Virgin symbolizes Isis, Santa Sophia, holy wisdom, the zero point, the perfect purity of systems potential. Implied is the dome of Heaven above symbolizing Father Osiris and the endless circle of the

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Sun that integrates all things in various degrees of astrological harmony, finally Christ symbolizes the Buddha point, the infinitesimal avatar point where the circle turns inward to generate joy and love from its integration, changing energy into passion and information into enlightenment, this is Horus generating the soul, Psyche, Pneuma compliment to the Nous of mathematical possibility in holy wisdom and the One that is the boundless in transcendent God, Nirvana, etc. This is the realm of the Wind trigram and classical perfection, it is the eternal hope of Heaven as the manifestation of the Virgin Purity of Zero energy made manifest out of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s God of the Infinite Future as it plays as creative possibility on the immutable systems potential in old daughter yin. Opposed to this immortal heaven, symbolized in the Narnia stories of C. S. Lewis, and the Brindiban stories of Krishna, is the Thunder trigram realm of evens and processes and mortality. Here eternal energy in oldest son yang dances out the probable world of emergence and change in the quantum mechanical ones of middle daughter yin and the = sign associations of youngest daughter yin.

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Oldest son (antisocial) yang provides the primary mortality, the moments of time that disappear instantly in its constant flux, middle daughter (narcissistic) yin reflects this mortality in the suffering and death associated with the mortality of the narcissistic one, the physical body that is the focus of our disintegrating life and its attendant pain and relativistic space time associations in youngest daughter (dependent) yin provide the no-self complexes that appear to endure but are nothing but chains of causal effects in the samsara, the cycles of astrology and of birth and death.

Opposed to this is the eternal mathematical potential that is the source of all form moving out of the weightless zero that is eldest daughter yin, into the boundless integration of all things in middle son yang that integrates all circles and spirals in infinitely extenden pi, and finally the personal immortality of the monad monadology soul, the jiva Jainist soul that is the being and becoming from within primary isolate atom of all beginnings, the imaginary number root of all creativity.

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This is the Buddha Christ soul that endures in its own perfect poverty, having discarded everything but its essence, perfect spiritual creation. It is this immortality that Ernest Holmes sought to the exclusion of all other. Interestingly enough, it appears to be the same immortality sought in Zen and by the Buddha and by the Catholic contemplations of Thomas Merton (See his Seeds of Contemplation).

In the cube octahedron of the world, the aboriginal areas are this old son yang dancing its dance of creation in the primitive tropical sunlight opposed to the oldest daughter yin centered in the biblical law of the Jews, and Christians, and Moslems, centered on Mecca and the Dome of the Rock, and the Jewish, Moslem and Christian Holy sites in Palestine. Torah, Talmud, Bible, Koran, all symbolize this Zero fault old daughter yin source of all things, she is the holy stone at the center of the city of Mecca. She is the tomb of Christ and the Manger of Bethlehem as well, the city of Athens and the mathematical teachings of Pythagoras, etc.. If the ancient sites of the Byzantine Empire are old compulsive

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daughter yin and the Amazon and Papua and the Congo are old antisocial son yang, than middle narcissitic daughter yin must be Paris and London and middle avoidant son yang must be Tibet and Bhutan, youngest schizoid son yang must be the Ganges in India and youngest dependent daughter yin must be the Yellow River Valley in China.

From this, we can spin out the eight cultural and religious trigrams of the I Ching, Yi Ching, of the world. The Chinese, European, and Aboriginal supporting the changing events of the emerging world of shadows and the Byzantine, Tibetan, and Hindu looking to the classical perfection of the promised kingdom yet to come, symbolized by Whitehead’s notion of Eternal Objects, Plato’s notion of the Form of the Good, and Euler’s formulation of the relationship of antisocial energy in base e and the schizoid imaginary number root of minus one and endlessly avoidant pi, in such a way that the addition of the narcissistic number one can generate a dependent equality to the compulsive perfect

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weightlessness of Holy Wisdom in the zero point of the coordinate system of all things.

Allan Ralph Andrews, May 25th 2012

Here is alternative way to look at this: Imagine the great cube octahedron of the eight trigrams described above, now assign the edge of the Flame trigram with Heaven trigram to novel causes (irrational numbers) and the edge of the Flame with Mountain to the individual (negative numbers), the edge with Thunder to actions and processes (operations and functions). Move to Mountain and let the edge with Earth be form (known numbers and coordinate fields), the edge with Wind be a the conserved eternal immortal (the field of roots from positive to negative). Let the edge of Earth to Thunder be the measurable manifest (real numbers) and to Water Pit Abysmal be the equivalent effects (rational numbers). Move to Thunder and its edge to Lake be developments (powers, exponents, logs). Move to Water Pit Abysm and its edge to Lake be collectives (sums and series in

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positive numbers) and its edge to Wind be purpose and perfection (numbers in algebraic expressions and formulas). Move to Wind and its edge to Heaven be the transcendent (transcendental numbers, imaginary numbers, numbers that extend the numbers systems beyond normal measurements). Move to Heaven and its edge to Lake be the unknown and the possible and the hidden ground of known things (complex numbers, unknown numbers, numbers that extend calculus, algebra, and other numbers systems beyond ordinary and known coordinate structure). The vertex where Wind and Flame and Mountain and Heaven is the imaginary number root of minus one and the vertex where Flame and Mountain and Heaven and Lake come together is natural logs in base e. The vertex where Heaven and Lake and Water Pit and Wind come together is the calculus of all things in endlessly expanding spirals and spheres and circles based on pi. The vertex where Mountain and Flame and Thunder and Earth come together is a positive one as the first real positive number. The vertex where Earth and Water Pit and Lake and Thunder come together is = as the symbol of the basic rational order that associates all rational things.

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And the vertex where Earth and Water Pit and Mountain and Wind come together is zero as the weightless center of all coordination and rational order. The formula for the order of this system is that of Euler that gives the pure form of the ideal (good) in Wind trigram leading to the trigonometry that orders Mountain trigram and the analytic geometry that support ordinary arithmetic and debit and credit accounting in Earth trigram. This is extended into statistics and probability in Thunder and supports groups and subgroups and matrix algebra in Lake and calculus in Heaven, extending into topology in Flame and supporting the basic rational order of logic and set theory in Water Pit Abysm, from which emerge all forms of mathematical proof and solution.

In this system, the imaginary number is the Prophet, the Christ, the Buddha hidden in the pure sattva jiva, the pure infinitesimal monad mind as the primal creative Logos and zero is the Virgin, Holy Wisdom, the Holy Ghost and the pure Dharma, the philosophers stone, the rock of the pure law. Pi is the symbol of the compassion that generates the Father Mother God, Brahman, Allah,

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Nirvana, Hen One integration and one is a particle, an atom, a measurable aspect of the quantum world. The = sign introduces all rational coordinate systems including the relativistic space and time of Einstein. All expansions of this system in e represent the infinite flux that is the dance of Shiva.

So now you have two different kinds of immortality, the creative novel transcendent individual immortality in the imaginary number root of minus one soul, the pure schizoid element, and the perfect formal equivalent immortality of compulsive zero, the immortal law of mind and reason. You have two different kinds of mortality, the developmental collective manifest rational mortality of dependent association in = and the irrational novel active possibility that is the mortality of all forms of energy flux in the expansion of natural logs in e. You have two different ways of avoiding the conflict between the mortal and the immortal, the unification of all collective possibility in the transcendent perfection centered in the boundless integration of curving spirals in pi and its opposite in individual actions and forms in the

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manifest world of the positive and measurable real number one.

In the terminology of Alfred North Whitehead, zero is the key to the realm of eternal objects and one is the key to actual occasions. Pi is the key to God and e to the emergence of events and = to the nexi of events, and imaginary numbers in the root of minus one to the realm of prehensions. In the terminology system of Ernest Homes, imaginary number root of minus one is the creative Spirit, zero is the Law of God, and the positive one is the Soma, the physical object that is its expression. Pi is the unity of the realm of the spirit in God the Father Mother, and e is the activity of this system that moves the zero point law to do its work (the principle of freedom). The system based on = is the realm of effects that emerges from the working of this system.

Another way to view this is an infinite monadology of infinitesimal creative Buddha monads slowly integrating in a Buddhamind nirvana God system, Wolfheart

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Pannenberg’s God of the Infinite Future. This phenomenological monadology operates through the zero point mathology that is the weightless systems potential in all things. The interaction between this form potential in endless yin and the eternal energy flux of expression in emergent yang generates the real of quantum mechanical events that collective integrate to generate the realm of space time relativity. The physical aspect of this integration is the realm of astronomy and its hidden phenomenological complex aspect is the hidden realm of astrology described by Richard Tarnas in “Cosmos and Psyche.”

Astrology is the order, the dharma, the god systems impose on the emergent world to prevent chaos during the endless process of the organization of Buddhamind god through endless cycles of the emergence and evolution of astral bodies and race minds that the monad souls attach to in the generation of systems of birth and rebirth through these emerging world and world system complexes.

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Spirit, in creative infinitesimal jiva monads, works through mind systems, in natural order and mathematics, to express itself in atoms and particles, that assemble the objects of the natural world. These objects are associated in systems of astronomic time and space, that are the source of the astrological thesis of a dialectic that has emergent flux as its antithesis and the Buddhamind Nirvana whole God of compassion as its endlessly evolving synthesis. This synthesis is the fulfillment of the systems described above.

Here we see two parallel trinities. First the Pneuma, Psyche, Soma trinity, Spirit, Law, and Body. This is the descending trinity, it manifests in the world, it generates astronomy, its is the trinity of “The Laws of Evolution” in the contribution Berhhard Rensch makes to the University of Chicago’s Darwinian Centennial. The second trinity is the Hegelian Dialectic, it is the shadow of the first in the Thesis (given world), Antithesis (further revolutions in energy flux), Synthesis (further integration in the endlessly coming kingdom of Allah Elohim Theos Nirvana Buddhamind Compassion Brahman One).

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Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield CA May 28th 2012

Consider the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. Suppose this represents the dialogue of the conscious monad of the self as the seeing eye infinitesimal point that is having the dialogue with the universe that Ernest Holmes describes on page 477 of the Science of Mind textbook (Revised Edition, 1938). This schizoid youngest son yang is the self knowing mind that Holmes is describing on page 478 (op. cit.). Imagine this pyramid as a great wheel with the schizoid self pointing upward and resting on a buried cubic base that is its dependent youngest daughter yin opposite, this opposite spoke of the wheel buried in the earth beneath. Imagine another set of spokes parallel to the surface, one reaching out into the desert and the other coming forward toward the observer. The first spoke would the avoidant spoke representing middle son yang and the integration of this system with the universe. This spoke would represent the universal aspect, the transcendent spirit, the Buddha Christ spirit as the Father Mother all inclusive God

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Nirvana Brahman One. Coming toward the observer is the local particular fact, the narcissistic local object that asserts itself as the Soma, the Flesh, the manifestation of this endlessly revolving wheel. Here a number of particulars may be seen including an object like the Sphinx. This wheel turns on a vertex of the octahedron cube that points down the Nile as the compulsive law like aspect of this system, while up river lies the antisocial energy that turns the wheel, the Karma that moves the Dharma of the Law. This is the law of correspondence described on page 483 of the text written by Holmes (op. cit.). This law is the eldest daughter yin and it is turned by the eldest son yang. This eldest daughter yin is the impersonal feminine, the soul, the psyche that is the middle section of “Metaphysical Chart No. I” of the work cited above. The masculine active that turns the wheel of the law on this compulsive axis, is the Heaven Trigram, youngest son yang as the creative mind in the individual, middle son yang as the creative mind in the universal, and eldest son yang as the energy and creativity that is its power source. Its product is middle daughter yin and youngest daughter yin as the reflection generated in the mirror of eldest daughter yin, the Earth as the object

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generating the shadow that is Thunder and the emergent expression of God in the evolving world.

The second chart, “Metaphysical Chart No. II-A” shows this relationship in which the three yangs, power source, universal, and individual creative energy applications of this primal power, descend from Heaven Trigram into Lake Trigram and finally Thunder Trigram through the operation of the divine logos in Wind Trigram and the divine law in Water Pit Abysm to generate particular results in Earth. This represents the one becoming many, the avoidant middle son yang generating the narcissistic particular in middle daughter yin and her younger and older sisters, the mirror of mind and its reflection in the world.

Metaphysical Chart No. II-B. shows how the transcendent Heaven and Wind trigrams descent into the manifest Earth and Thunder trigram through the medium of the Flame and Mountain and Water Pit Abysm and Lake Trigram that are the spokes that turn the wheel of mind.

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Flame Trigram generates the images in Mountain Trigram that are reflected in Water Pit Trigram to generate the race-suggestions of Lake Trigram. Flame and Mountain are the individual use of the collective unconscious mind that is Water Pit and Lake, the trigrams of the Water Element, of the mirror of the Lake of subconscious mind.

This “mirror” is shown in the next chart, “Metaphysical Chart No. III. The Universal Conscious Mind is the realm of the three yangs, Flame, Heaven, Mountain, and Wind Trigrams. “Subjective Mind” is Water Pit Abysm and “Contemplator Reflector” is Lake Trigram reflection as a response to Mountain Trigram impression. The result is “particularization” in middle daughter yin and the Flame Trigram Mountain Trigram Earth Trigram and Thunder Trigram experience of the manifest world in Earth Trigram yin, “Unconscious Form.”

Metaphysical Chart No. IV shows the polarity between the creative spirit in schizoid youngest son yang and its

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reflection in the dependent effects of youngest daughter yin.

Metaphysical Chart No. V. shows how all these parts unite as the interaction of oldest daughter yin and oldest son yang are united in the transcendent interaction of the individual in youngest son yang and the universal in middle son yang resulting in the union of Heaven Trigram creativity in Wind Trigram perfection and Water Pit Trigram order and Lake Trigram synthesis and satisfaction.

In Metaphysical Chart No. VI, the Fire Element that is Flame Trigram stimulates Heaven Trigram to generate the cosmic egg of ideal form (Air Element) in Wind Trigram. The “Power” here is oldest son yang and the “One” is middle son yang and the “Spirit” (Conscious Mind) is youngest son yang. The resulting “Psychic Sea” is the Lake Trigram (Water Element) resulting from the action of middle son yang and eldest son yang on eldest daughter yin and youngest daughter yin producing the

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mirror of the collective unconscious, the “synchronicity” of the Jungians. This reflection is expressed in Thunder and Earth Trigrams as middle daughter yin particulars, atoms, quantum events, scientific facts, the objects manifest is the “Objective” realm symbolized by the “Earth Element.”

Holmes prefers a three part diagram that is simpler and more direct than a four part (of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth Elements) or five part system, or an eight part system of eight trigrams. Actually, the metaphysical circle can be divided many ways, and has been divided many ways. Yet, all these various ways of dividing the metaphysical circle really are only different ways of saying the same thing.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield CA, May 31st 2012

The trinity that Holmes described is centered on the Pneuma, Psyche, Soma of the Mountain Trigram. You can see this trinity in Roger Penrose “The Road to

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Reality,”(Knopf, 2004) on page 20. Penrose opposes “Mental World” to “Platonic Mathematical World” to “Physical World.” This is the Mountain Trigram of Schizoid phenomenological mind in youngest son yang and Compulsive mathematical systems in oldest daughter yin and Narcissistic physical facts in middle daughter yin. It is the trinity of the “descent of the spirit” and it is the great focus of Western empirical mind.

Eastern thought has a dialectical focus centered on the ascent of the spirit in dialectical synthesis, thus Thesis in youngest daughter yin Confucian Thought, Antithesis in eldest son yang Daoist Thought, and Synthesis in middle son yang Buddhist Thought generating the Lake Trigram of dialectical synthesis and complex formation.

The West is interested in the descent of the God of the Particular and his creation. The East is interested in the ascent of the God of the Universal and her synthesis. The Western God is male and phallic. The Eastern God is

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female and is the great womb of the Void that absorbs all things and recombines them into something new.

Allan Ralph Andrews, May 31st 2012, Bakersfield, CA