Summary of Presentation The purpose of the Foundational Skills Standards Presentation is to build an understanding of the Foundational Skills Standards and to identify how the standards can be integrated into classroom instruction. The Kit provides many resources that can help educators implement the Foundational Skills Standards. All materials, including additional language resources, can be found at http://www.illinoisliteracyinaction.org/foundational-skills.html Foundational Skills Standards Presentation Contents Optional Presentation Resources 1. Foundational Skills Standards PowerPoint: The PowerPoint is designed for Grades K-5 and is an overview of the four Foundational Skills Standards. 2. Handouts That Can Accompany the PowerPoint Research Base (Not necessary to print for participants but to be used in conjunction with one another) o Appendix A – Foundational Skills Section (p. 17-22) o Both And Literacy Instruction K-5: A Paradigm Shift (Liben and Liben) o Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (Institute of Education Sciences) o Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (Institute of Education Sciences) ISBE Foundational Skills Standards Glossary Center on Instruction Subskills Guide What’s the Difference?: Phonemic Awareness vs. Phonological Awareness Grade Level Foundational Skills Strategy Guides (K-5) Additional Language Resources 3. Additional foundational skills resources are not part of the basic presentation. Presenters can use any of the following resources to enhance the presentation and to meet the needs of the audience. They are located at http://www.illinoisliteracyinaction.org/foundational-skills.html . Essential Elements of a Literacy Program “Chart of Pillars” Definition Brochure for Educators What the CCSS Says (And Doesn't Say) About Kindergarten (article from David Liben) Foundational Skills Standards Presentation

· Web view(Slide 6 is a repeat of slide 5 without the animation) Slide #7 Share the evidence base cited in the notes regarding the connection of reading comprehension to early literacy

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Summary of PresentationThe purpose of the Foundational Skills Standards Presentation is to build an understanding of the Foundational Skills Standards and to identify how the standards can be integrated into classroom instruction. The Kit provides many resources that can help educators implement the Foundational Skills Standards. All materials, including additional language resources, can be found at http://www.illinoisliteracyinaction.org/foundational-skills.html

Foundational Skills Standards Presentation ContentsOptional Presentation Resources

1. Foundational Skills Standards PowerPoint: The PowerPoint is designed for Grades K-5 and is an overview of the four Foundational Skills Standards.

2. Handouts That Can Accompany the PowerPoint Research Base (Not necessary to print for participants but to be used in conjunction with one

another)o Appendix A – Foundational Skills Section (p. 17-22)o Both And Literacy Instruction K-5: A Paradigm Shift (Liben and Liben)o Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd

Grade (Institute of Education Sciences)o Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (Institute of

Education Sciences) ISBE Foundational Skills Standards Glossary Center on Instruction Subskills Guide What’s the Difference?: Phonemic Awareness vs. Phonological Awareness Grade Level Foundational Skills Strategy Guides (K-5)

Additional Language Resources

3. Additional foundational skills resources are not part of the basic presentation. Presenters can use any of the following resources to enhance the presentation and to meet the needs of the audience. They are located at http://www.illinoisliteracyinaction.org/foundational-skills.html . Essential Elements of a Literacy Program “Chart of Pillars” Definition Brochure for Educators What the CCSS Says (And Doesn't Say) About Kindergarten (article from David Liben) Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers Teacher's Guide Early Literacy Instruction by Elfrieda H. Hiebert & Taffy E. Raphael (updated in 2013)

Foundational Skills Standards Presentation

Prepare for Facilitation1. Read the following Facilitator’s Guide

Choose animated or non-animated slidesHide duplicates

2. Make copies of handouts to be used.3. Ensure that the presentation room includes internet access and presentation board.

Presentation Time Considerations:

How Much Time Do You Have?

Use These Slides

Use These Activities Use These Handouts

Note: The following are suggestions for presenting the Foundational Skills Standards Presentation. The presenter should use their best judgement on the audience needs when planning the presentation.

120 Minutes All slides All activities Use all handouts, resources, and activities that match the needs of the audience.

90 Minutes All slides All activities Reduce the amount of time spent on exploring each suggested subskill and activities that support them

60 Minutes All slides Eliminate exploration of resources. Any turn and talk activity must be monitored to fit the time allotted for the presentation.

Eliminate time spent perusing any of the following:

Subskills Activities that support subskills Activities that engage participants in

turning and talking and sharing out

Foundational Skills Standards Presentation Facilitator’s Guide

Slide #1 – Title Slide Welcome and IntroductionsHave participants share any of the following:

Name and current role Fun Fact: Dream vacation location or the last book they’ve read How they were taught grammar, vocabulary and conventions when they

were a student.

Slide #2 – Hidden Slide This slide is to be hidden, but will remind presenters of the materials needed for the presentation.

Slide #3 ObjectivesBriefly share the objectives for the session. Today’s outcomes will include Identifying the Foundational Skills Standards, research that allows participants to gain insight into the mastery of Foundational skills and the intended instructional outcomes of these standards. Opportunities to view strategies for each grade level’s use will also be accessed.

Slide #4 Share the left side of the screen and ask participants what they feel is the real cause of reading gaps in the US. Share the left side of the screen after participants have had a chance to share some thoughts.

Before clicking to next slide, ask participants to determine what skills are necessary to fix the gaps and when they should be mastered.

Slide #5 Share the content on the slide and note the connection between the research based skills and the CCSS Foundational Skills. (Slide 6 is a repeat of slide 5 without the animation)

Slide #7

Share the evidence base cited in the notes regarding the connection of reading comprehension to early literacy skills.

Slide #8 Share the research base that supports the entire presentation and the Foundational Skills from IES and Liben & Liben. These materials are synthesized and are to be used in tandem, not in isolation as they are dependent upon one another.

These can be prepared as handouts.

Slide #9 These links are provided to access the materials on slide 8.

Slide #10 HANDOUT: Appendix AHANDOUT: Glossary and Have participants review what is stated in Appendix A regarding Foundational Skills as well as how the standards are organized for each grade level (listed on slide). The Foundational Skills Standards are listed with the grade level responsibility for mastery. Documents to assist with the presentation are the Glossary and Teacher Brochure which defines components of a solid Foundational Skills program.

Slide #11 Optional HANDOUT: Center on Instruction Building the FoundationThe basis for the strategy guides and the strategy suggestions for this presentation are located in this document. It is rather lengthy to print. This document is based on an analysis that determined the sub-skills students need to achieve each foundational skill. In this document, a sub-skill is defined as a concept or behavior in which a student needs to be proficient to master the foundational skill listed in the standards.

Slide #12

HANDOUT: FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS DEFINED BROCHUREIn order to fully understand the complexity of teaching a student beginning reading skills, we must all be speaking the same vocabulary. How this presentation is organized: Each standard will have a beginning slide that defines the standard, move to subskills that are necessary for mastery and finally instructional examples that will support the implementation of the standard. Resource slides will also be included.

Slide #13 Optional HANDOUTS: Grade Level Strategy Guides This will allow participants to follow their specific standards and some strategies as they follow along in the presentation. These guides can be saved for the end as well (recommended).

Share Print Concepts Standard 1 and have participants read it.

Slide #14 ACTIVITY: Ask participants to brainstorm what they feel print concepts instruction should include…then share slide and determine if all instructional practices were included.

Slide #15 Share subskills and instructional examples for standard 1

Slide #16 Watch the video to showcase Standard 1 in action.

Slide #17 Share links and resources for print awareness (Standard 1).

Slide #18 Phonological Awareness is an umbrella term that includes a variety of skills that are the foundation for early literacy. Each component must be mastered in order for students to be proficient at early reading. As Standard 2 is considered, subskills will be listed and strategies of what classroom instruction should mirror are included in later slides but distinguishing between the specific components of phonological awareness is necessary.

Slide #19 Share with participants that educators need to teach students how to recognize that words are made up of individual sound units (phonological awareness). Begin by introducing students to larger segments of speech (words) with which they will be more familiar, and gradually draw their attention to smaller and smaller sound segments. This will prepare them to learn about the individual sounds that letters represent (the second component of this recommendation describes how to carry this out) and then recognize those sounds and letters as they are used in words.

Slide #20 HANDOUT: What’s the Difference?: Phonemic Awareness vs. Phonological Awareness

Auditory skill for students are introduced and mastered before print is

introduced. Print and letter sound correspondence should not be introduced until this phonemic awareness is solidified.

Slide #21 Share instructional examples for subskills

Slide #22-23 Share subskills of standard 2 in action

Slide #24-31 Continue sharing the subskills for standard 2 and each of the instructional practice examples. Included on slide 31 is the resource links that can be used as time allows. HIDE SLIDES IF NOT USING

Slide #32 Standard 3 is introduced. Learning to recognize letter patterns and word parts, and understanding that sounds relate to letters in predictable and unpredictable ways, will help students decode and read increasingly complex words. It will also help them to read with greater fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.

Slide #33-50 Share subskills and instructional examples/strategies to support Standard 3. Resources are found on slide 50.

Slide #51 Introduce Standard 4: Fluency. Reading connected text (multiple related sentences) poses different challenges than reading isolated words or phrases. Reading connected text accurately, fluently, and with appropriate phrasing and comprehension requires students to identify words quickly, integrate ideas in the text with their background knowledge, self-monitor their understanding, and apply strategies to support comprehension and repair misunderstandings.

Slide #52-62 View subskills and instructional practice suggestions and resources (slide 63) for Standard 4.

Slide #63-65 A word about vocabulary and its relationship to fluency: share the slide and notes with participants. Share resources to assist with further development of vocabulary across the other literacy standards (slide 65).

Slide #66 HANDOUT: Foundational Skills Defined Brochure (review from slide 12) Review the components of a high quality foundational skills program and share the foundational skills defined brochure.

Slide #67-68 Resources to support the implementation of the Foundational Skills Standards are listed hereHANDOUT: Strategy Guides for each grade level—these can be moved to earlier in the presentation so participants can use them to follow along with the standards, subskills, and instructional examples if the facilitator chooses.

Slide #69 Thank participants for their attention and participation and identify contact information if further questions/concerns need to be addressed.