Vol. 52 The Spectator McPJaerson Collego, Knnsas, November 16, 1967 No. 11 Ensemble concert scheduled for Nov. 16 Proficiency lt?Sl will he given 11>c Enl:lish Proficiency Test will be by the Englisl) l>epartnienl Salurd:Jy, Nov. 18. al 8 n.m. in Mohler 212. 4th annual Fair begins tomorrow at 9 a.m. Tho sou l-stirring b o r s o{ Sousa's ''Sl.lrs and Stripes For. C\'Cr," and the relruhing re- (rnins o! Wolters "Autumn Sil· houetle" will be two or tho numbers prc9e0ted by the Mc:- Phcrson College Wind Ens• ble in its !lrsl concc(l Thu,... day, Nov. IG. la Brown Audllorlum on tbe Mc· College c•mpcs, Md llitl be open lo t he public ll11h no acbnwlon charso. E:>ch Mcl'h<non College SI clo!ll must P"5S the exruninnlion sntisfactorily licloro npplyillfl for i;radu.ltlon or !or cntr:mcc 11110 the tcllChcr .WC.llion P<'Ol:T"" Ry SUSAN Pl.ERSOS As It lms !or the past thrcc years, the lntcmalionol Fair once ogoln tunr Friendship !l oll into "" intllnUltional m3J"k. N pince when It OPCOS Its ga!Jy dN.'Oratcd boo011 tomorrow al 9 o.m. Prof. Robert ReTcll. assistant prnlcssor ol music, will raise his baton !or the.opening num- ber nl 8 p.m. Pro! . Revell b;is o progrnm ol dh·crsilfod band music ar- ranged !or the concert. The 31· Piece ensemble wlll begin the Pn>;ram with a concert mordl, "Proud lleritoge." F'rucobaldl' s 1 su1te Ancfcn· nc" •ill follow, and then • 1 M1rt. rlkne" from "El Cid" will be Pla1«!. All Sludcn !s who grodunte tween now ond Moy: 1009, and who hove not pm•iously 1>0JSt1l the test are to il al this time. " 00 English RC\ •icw" will be offered durlllJI tho inler-tcm1 In Jll1lWJ,Y !or lhosc who did no1 m c o t the necessary The., .... In Its lourlll 'J'ar and sponsored by Mcl'bc.- Collcge YM· Yl\ 'CA. .. m bring for'Cltn lmportl lrom %l . cou.n· lrlts to Ibo Coll<ge campus. Tbe will be P"5<alcd Prc-cnrollincnt to e11d Nov. 24 Ot l* r nunibers which will bo Picsenlcd are . '\')plritual 'rrom Symphony No. 5\i" by GilllJ: s"1ndnrds. . Tho English Prof iciency Test :ind " 00 Eaglish Review" will no! be ollcrcd ognln until next Vendors '11 the F:iir'a SC\·en lcstlvt: boot hs will offer their wnfl'S lo the pUblic l[OCll 9 a.m. until 10 p.m .. F'ridoy and S:ltur· day. Nov. Ji·J8. Pre-cnrolllnenl !or the second semester m '"'-1 be completed by Nov. U . Students moy sob their lacul· nd\ •i£ers lo plan l h c I r sc ulcs· for the second se· er. Pfo.enrollmcnt i.nslll'CS lhc student ·or pl..,.,,ncnt in the classes be prefers. Wildlife film lo · he s hown at Junior HS Robert Davidson will present the film "Tbe Vanishing &lo." Nov. 21, nt 7: 30 p.m. in the Junior lllgh School Auditorium. This will be the second pro- grnm ol the Audubon \VildlUe series, sponsored by Centr>! College. Two other lllms ore schedulod ror the ..,rics. 'Ibey nrc '"111c to u,... .. by c. p. Lyons, J an. 18: and "Lru!d That I Love," by E. Mellillan, 1 8. Season l lckcts: arc $6 pe r lamily, $2,50 per student or $3.50 !or Uic non-student. Tk k· els !or a sinGlc . pcrf ormoncc \\i ll be fl .2S. "Andonto Con )!Olo" from Schubert's 5th Symphony: Charles Carter's "Overture for Winds". Portraits" by J en· kins: "S:lrobnndc and Bourr cc" by Handel: "Autumn Silhouel· te" by Walters: and "Ch'Crture in Bb" by Caesar Giovannini. "The program II ci1ade ol s lridly bud musJc," Prof. l lA!- ve:U s:Ud. and w oe l ttl we ha\ •c a P""ram •mlOl<d that •ill appeal (0 C\'Cf)'ODC". Pro! . Revell bcgon his teach· Ing c:uttr in 1963 niter having been a professional musician in various bonds and orchestras for a period o! Cl!tccn yea rs. . Uc look bis. undergraduate wort at Northeastern State COi· lege, Tahlequah, Okin., and rceived hb fllil>lcr's degree nt Tulsa University. lie has been doing wort toward his doctor's degree al the University o! Oklnhoma. 'VIP's' will be shown tomorrow al 8 p.m. Eliiabcth Taylor •nd RichoP! Durton itnr in the "V.1.P' s" which wlll be shown tomorrow nii;bt •I 8 p.m. in° Brown Audi· torium.• fall Cafcleria will serve Thuuksgi\ •iug dinner llc<:aUJe meat stildcnts "111 not go hOmc for ThanksgMng, sevcrnl nctivilk!s have been plann«I to cttn\e n ! o.th•e tpir U. The CAl<lerla ' ls planalai a huUel dinner for Tbanu1h-lng Day, No\'. 23. The rood ICM'td will be lndlllooal Tbaalcqovlcg c.,.. twt<•1 anc1 clresslaK. era•· berry uucr:, nnd pumpkin and mlaet:tneat pica. Bolted ham ruxl yams, roa.'1 bee!, lri5h poUotoes, Clam New· berg, IU!llon green beans, hut· tered corn. cheese and mc"t trays, ossor!td 1141ods. bot rolls, and chocolate pie will also ho scrvi.l. The cafcterin will begin sorv· ing the bullet al p.m. ruxl will close :i t 6 p.m. A cb4r;c of $1.75 plus UJX will be re- quested lrom guests. Afl campus ol/lccs wlll he closed on Tlrllnk$giviJl; Day. Mohler llrul tneludlng the camp. us swllchboartl, llarnly . ll a ll and the library wlll be closed. T'nc Student Unloo \\ ill "'main cpcn. A total or worth of mcrchnndlse hns been purchas- ed on consQullcnt lrom SC\'cn import cornp.:ink!s. Tho Items are repr<SCnlatlves or t ht ::frl And CUUure ol lhclr oat.Ive cowotrlos. African tribal mukl, a 5pcar gun from 'hl· "'lln, Uudd•hs of l 'ariOUI II.us, hnnd cnrvlnp. plcca or pollcty and brass, Jentry, aDd dolls drt:H<" d in nath'e C01tumcs are only n or lhe goods for sale.. INTERNAnONAL FAIR. Cholnn•n Ron Adklnl, rldil, .... Lolllr n .. cb. c.1.. l •kcs 1n .. nlo17 of llenu lo bo anld ., Ille ID!enuallooal F•lr NOY. 17-18. A.ulJUac b Alap F!M7. 8opb. , M•.rtoa, low• . Some ot &he to be aold •re, rrom loll lo 'r f1 hl, mHk from llalU, a sal•d set rrom Ille Pblllp- a Baddba from Japan, a 1pear aua from Tahran and a leaLbcr pu.rse from l\torocco. This year's chalm1an, &n Adkins, sr. Long °"'1ch, Cnlll., !eels oplomlstlc llbout the Fai r's outcome. "\Vo have some excel· lent nrticlcs !or lho prico, U that's nny indication ol IUC· ccss," Adkins A.lding the prospect o! a 811C· ccsslul rnlr Is the hard wort ol ' k committee membc111 and othc111 'Poet Grower to spea associated with tho event. Woric boglill fn J une, and much ol It l . - at le05l U10 phylllcal labor-- to Reportina c ass at 1:30 will .mi be "'1na on as lhlp. ping crotcs ara unpacked and Paul Engle, pocl grower lo th e world. is schooulcd to spook to the Report.Ing dMs tocby •l I :JO p.m. in Room :!Ill Molllc'r lloll . Engle wos :>lso scheduled to show lilms in Brown •Auditorium last C\'er.inj: and was to glvo a l ecture in thla morning's Con· vocnllon. R...,alty he returned from a lttture trip to W aruw, Paris, WeM t Ucrlln, Copcnh•l(<'ft and other EutoJK"nn cllles. Uc la a ltd.urn for t he W. Cols&oa Ltl $lh nureau Jn Srw Yon:. Engle nlso heads poetry then pnckod agnln. workshop nt the University or The !S counlrlee will be ...,.. Iowa, Iowa Cily. lloowse the rc-..i ho the bootlll et C-. \\'Orkshop hns tralnod poets Ira! the Far £aol.. Jlrtl. from all mies nnd from some •In, Scandlda•l•, Lalla, Amorl· !orylgn countries, he bus enrnod ca, Alrlc1, • nd lndla. tho llll<! ol "Poet c ...... oer." Anothtr booth wtll si- alleles llis degrees include 3 Dacho- ol !orcl511 countries with alldcs lor ol Ans from Coo College, donl!!J,'d by who have O!<far lloplds. lown, and a vli!lcd the counlrklJ. M:ister ol Arts from the Uni· Pn><ccdll from the Fair wlll \'Crslty ol I owa. go lOlthc many gpcdal pro)octs Earth." •n ortnlnnl of .\ICY. book of poem.1 ulCd n1 his , U...lt. "°" lbe Y al• Serles ol Yo••1<r Poets pr1u tn 1m. Dchal e tennis Inter-term courses, .. seminars Four nntl<>nal lcllowshipcs J . • have bcom awnrtlcd to ltlm : one aave practices lrom Ford Fourlfallon. • one f Or tOUrD . l from the Rockefeller Found .. amen S lion and two lrom the Guggcn· Colk!go d ob a t o tcnrru ho•·e been partlclp,iUng in practice debates In prepara· lion cur u1>eomlng ' taumamcntl. pre-enrollment B7 LUcu.£ PETRE Pre-enrollment is In praccss !or the seminars nrd courses to be ol!ered · thlough the As- IOC! oted Colleges ol Central Kon· sns during the Janua ry inter· tenn ibrcnk. • Although • the cour ses are of· on SC\" Ual collcie camp. uses, •11 students 1noy particl· pnto lo nny ol the inter-term o!lcrings. Maoy malo students will utra hours !or U-.c sclectlve wrvlcc requi rement o( n SC· mcstu hours ...-..h Clllondar ye:>r. All .McPherson Collell• stu· dents will enroll !or th<ir on ond oil campus COUl'll's at Mc- Pherson. cards may be filled out t.hrou:h the \'ari<)us advisers. Tbe """' ol ...,... dw'lag lhe wlU bo , .... ,... to $!S a .......... ,_., Some C'OllrlOS win corry .,. aclcll1lona.t trip Ice or Olber charJ<. Students who stay lor the scc- cnd scrncstcr will h;avc n room and bo.ird r..,. of $25. who come only !or the will be cb•r;od McPberson Collcgc al udenls lli ll be cxpoct· cd to st:1y in donni!orles. Fo\lr addWoaal t..'OUn<"i nol Prttioustr llsled ..-,. Inter wnn ollcrlap will be Conduct· <d b7 McPbonoa College: E•K· Usb Review (ao ettdll>, Read lag lmP"Y<mcM (.. ettdll ), llcplnlaf llllacrok-u (Z hours or crcdll) , and Coatem,.mry ll'orld (% bours ol crcdll !. Of the 40 courses lllld semi· Mrs :0 be oC'crcd Lhrougb AC CK• .Mcl'l'Crson llill be conduct· Ing, in oddition lo t bc lour nl· re.:idy menllooed, fh'C olhtrs. ODO lo tlatte boars of credit m.l;J' be rec:dYect llaroaP Ille Gears• Bern•rd Sllaw Workshop. 11<pcoc11ai - ,.,,., ma:.r &<$- sins ..... •Umdtcl. Raymond Goold! oulr.aiit pro- fessor ol Elllllish. llelhruiy Col· . .. 1n · process k-gc, will the niomln:; or acllJ<!IT'Jc scsskn This Is a stU<ly ot Gcorco Dernnrd Shaw :is o dr:tmolist Md critic, The AfU:-nooo ut vorUbc,p seulon • ·Ill be tough& by Cluarlrs Fischer. a.ulJhwt proreu or or EngUsb :and lhcal<r, Colle:ge. '!::tls • i ll lc.V'olYc a sludy, dhcu .. lon ••·I .!anon· stratJon or (hf' pr Jbl PnJ• Of staiecraU and make.up tor one of Sb.aw"s ni:tjor but k.-utr -.. .. •"Orb, "Cudido." llcl\cn:"S.'ll Jor tho lull per- formance and productiu.i oi "Condld.,: ' ., .Ill be led b; U oy1 Frercr. insln:<tOr In dramatics. Konsat W ct leynn UrJ\'Crsity, during •he tvcning session Each ol thc three s::sslolt\' 14i ll moet !or •brot hours !'\"cry doy of the 10-da)• period. Leslie Frulry, Jr.. • uit.Jant pr o!oJSar or physics. will con· duct !he Pb,-slao &mlaar. g;,-. Ing no credit. '"1e purpose of this s<minar wlll be to build helter v.--orking rebUonships f>e.. twccn inslnictors. students m:t· In phy•lcsat the ACCK schoola, nnd the lwo st•le uni· \'CrslUcs. lor Ph)'fl· cal fAtu1 :n.U·m wi!I rrov1c;i: nn opportunily for lcadcrsillp and obsttvatiDn. Or. Doris COppock, professoi· ol 1 olzys!col r.ducotion. will Jcltd !h;s tcrTL1141(. . Two study tour s, lo t he lnnt r City ;ind Sttnla:.r ha Urb1111 Ult, will be ollcrcd thrOURh )lcl' l l<lrson. Chicago will bo u$Cd :is , laboratory. Thia course will be uncior the ol Dr. Doyton Roth· r ock, ol educnllon and PSYChology, and )lonroe Hugh· banks. assiJl4nL in c:fucatio:I. Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, Pl<>- !ossor ol soc'.ology a.'ld lnnguage, and Robert Keim, o..istanl in JOdolocy, wlll "°"' duc:t lhc In Urf>on l..Jfr. l l<llm Foundation. Skate <.:luh to 'plan party with Cci1tral The Skating Club hos piaMcd n &knlini 1>3rt llith Central Colklge WednCfdny, Nov. 22, nt 8 p.m. McPherson 3lld Central Col· !ego st udents ,.;u be their lirst prlvnto 1iarty nt the McPherson Holl·1\·llan10. " Partlclpotlon is much bcUcr this yeor with "" average ol 40 stud<!nta allcndlng tho f>.'.lr· ties eoch mcnth. No mc:nber· &hip b requirod lo this club , ond everyone ls in,.itcd to •t· tend.'' fla1or Dubbtc. Ir. Mt . J oy, Pa .. nresJdcnl ol the dull . suted. Pror. Fr aley. osa!.slant pro- fessor in 1 >hy1lcs , 13 1Qo club's adviser, and Dr. Dor!s Cop· J>Od<, prolouor ol , physic•! eciucaho. , !or 141lmCll , II lhe as· 1IS1nnl •dvls<r. Tbe lint pradke dtllale ..... lltld at lldUay J>e. hatenr l\"Oflt llellau7, Kula• ll'cslyaa, and Md'bttaoa "'- tended. The Mcl'h<noa ''"'""' •oa •De ol four reaML Another practiC<l debate 1' 'U Monday, Nov. 6, nt S..lbcl Cok-gc. McPherson tied In its two' rounds. · The llM toumomcnt "111 be 111 S<Juthwcstcrn College Dec. 8-9. Mc P- t.u lwn d eb•le l Hms. MaryUa Sht:pberd, fr, Fort &oil, ond Du1atloe Smllh, •Ph. McPbenoa, compow oee tf'am.. Mt'1nbttl: ot o&ll er tcom are Jim J-. Ir . C... oord, M•n .. aDd Mike Ziemann, • •. ll<rlla, Ottmany. Tho dcb3t<n am coacbod by Bob Green. asslstanl prol euor Jn Engllsh. lie encourages any student Interested · in public spcakin2 to dcb:lle. No previous experitoee in ddlate ls nttes- snry.

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Vol. 52

The Spectator McPJaerson Collego, ~IcPhcrson, Knnsas, November 16, 1967 No. 11

Ensemble concert

scheduled for Nov. 16

Proficiency lt?Sl

will he given 11>c Enl:lish Proficiency Test

will be :idminlst~ by the

Englisl) l>epartnienl Salurd:Jy,

Nov. 18. al 8 n.m. in Mohler 212.

4th annual Fair begins

tomorrow at 9 a.m. Tho soul-stirring b o r s o{

Sousa's ' 'Sl.lrs and Stripes For.

C\'Cr," and • the relruhing re­

(rnins o! Wolters "Autumn Sil·

houetle" will be two or tho

numbers prc9e0ted by the Mc:­Phcrson College Wind Ens•m·

ble in its !lrsl concc(l Thu,...

day, Nov. IG.

la Brown Audllorlum on tbe Mc·

Pbe~ College c•mpcs, Md

llitl be open lo the public ll11h

no acbnwlon charso.

E:>ch Mcl'h<non College SIU·

clo!ll must P"5S the exruninnlion

sntisfactorily licloro npplyillfl for

i;radu.ltlon or !or cntr:mcc 11110

the tcllChcr .WC.llion P<'Ol:T""'·


As It lms !or the past thrcc years, the lntcmalionol Fair

~'ill once ogoln tunr Friendship

!loll into "" intllnUltional m3J"k.

N pince when It OPCOS Its ga!Jy

dN.'Oratcd boo011 tomorrow al 9 o.m.

Prof. Robert ReTcll. assistant

prnlcssor ol music, will raise

his baton !or the. opening num­

ber nl 8 p.m.

Pro!. Revell b;is o progrnm ol dh·crsilfod band music ar­

ranged !or the concert. The 31·

Piece ensemble wlll begin the

Pn>;ram with a concert mordl, "Proud lleritoge."

F'rucobaldl's •1su1te Ancfcn·

nc" •ill follow, and then •1M1rt.

rlkne" from "El Cid" will be


All Sludcn!s who grodunte ~

tween now ond Moy: 1009, and

who hove not pm•iously 1>0JSt1l

the test are to l~c il al this time.

" 00 English RC\•icw" will be

offered durlllJI tho inler-tcm1

~ In Jll1lWJ,Y !or lhosc who

did no1 m c o t the necessary

The., .... In Its lourlll 'J'ar

and sponsored by Mcl'bc.­

Collcge YM· Yl\'CA. .. m bring

for'Cltn lmportl lrom %l .cou.n·

lrlts to Ibo Coll<ge campus. Tbe ~occrt will be P"5<alcd

Prc-cnrollincnt to e11d Nov. 24

Otl*r nunibers which will bo Picsenlcd are . ' \')plritual 'rrom

Symphony No. 5\i" by GilllJ:

s"1ndnrds. .

Tho English Proficiency Test

:ind " 00 Eaglish Review" will no! be ollcrcd ognln until next

Vendors '11 the F:iir'a SC\·en

lcstlvt: booths will offer their

wnfl'S lo the pUblic l[OCll 9 a .m.

until 10 p.m .. F'ridoy and S:ltur·

day. Nov. Ji·J8.

Pre-cnrolllnenl !or the second

semester m'"'-1 be completed by Nov. U .

Students moy sob their lacul·

nd\•i£ers lo plan l h c I r sc ulcs· for the second se·

er. Pfo.enrollmcnt i.nslll'CS lhc student ·or pl..,.,,ncnt in the

classes be prefers.

Wildlife film lo ·he shown at Junior HS

Robert Davidson will present

the film "Tbe Vanishing &lo."

Nov. 21, nt 7:30 p.m. in the

~lcPhcrson Junior lllgh School

Auditorium. • This will be the second pro­

grnm ol the Audubon \VildlUe

series, sponsored by Centr>! College.

Two other lllms ore schedulod

ror the ..,rics. 'Ibey nrc '"111c Rl~hl to u,..... by c. p.

Lyons, J an. 18: and "Lru!d That

I Love," by E . Mellillan,

~larch 18. Season l lckcts: arc $6 per

lamily, $2,50 per student or

$3.50 !or Uic non-student. Tk k·

els !or a sinGlc . pcrformoncc

\\i ll be fl .2S.

"Andonto Con )!Olo" from

Schubert's 5th Symphony:

Charles Carter's "Overture for Winds". "Pu~ll Portraits" by J en·

kins: "S:lrobnndc and Bourrcc"

by Handel: "Autumn Silhouel·

te" by Walters: and "Ch'Crture

in Bb" by Caesar Giovannini.

"The program II ci1ade uµ ol

s lridly bud musJc," Prof. llA!­

ve:U s:Ud. and woe lttl we ha\•c

a P""ram •mlOl<d that •ill appeal (0 C\'Cf)'ODC".

Pro!. Revell bcgon his teach·

Ing c:uttr in 1963 niter having

been a professional musician in

various bonds and orchestras

for a period o! Cl!tccn years.

. Uc look bis. undergraduate

wort at Northeastern State COi·

lege, Tahlequah, Okin., and re·

ceived hb fllil>lcr's degree nt

Tulsa University. lie has been

doing wort toward his doctor's

degree al the University o!


'VIP's' will be shown

tomorrow al 8 p.m.

Eliiabcth Taylor •nd RichoP!

Durton itnr in the "V.1.P's"

which wlll be shown tomorrow

nii;bt •I 8 p.m. in° Brown Audi·

torium .•

fal l •

Cafcleria will serve

Thuuksgi\•iug dinner

llc<:aUJe meat stildcnts "111 not go hOmc for ThanksgMng,

sevcrnl nctivilk!s have been

plann«I to cttn\e n !o.th•e


The CAl<lerla ' ls planalai a huUel dinner for Tbanu1h-lng

Day, No\'. 23. The rood ICM'td

will be lndlllooal Tbaalcqovlcg

c.,.. twt<•1 anc1 clresslaK. era•·

berry uucr:, nnd pumpkin and

mlaet:tneat pica.

Bolted ham ruxl yams, roa.'1

bee!, lri5h poUotoes, Clam New·

berg, IU!llon green beans, hut·

tered corn. cheese and mc"t

trays, ossor!td 1141ods. bot rolls, and chocolate pie will also ho scrvi.l.

The cafcterin will begin sorv· ing the bullet al ~:30 p.m. ruxl

will close :it 6 p.m. A cb4r;c

of $1.75 plus UJX will be re­

quested lrom guests. Afl campus ol/lccs wlll he

closed on Tlrllnk$giviJl; Day.

Mohler llrul tneludlng the camp.

us swllchboartl, llarnly . lla ll

and the library wlll be closed.

T'nc Student Unloo \\ill "'main cpcn.

A total or ~.000 worth of

mcrchnndlse hns been purchas­

ed on consQullcnt lrom SC\'cn

import cornp.:ink!s.

Tho Items are repr<SCnlatlves

or tht ::frl And CUUure ol lhclr

oat.Ive cowotrlos. African tribal

mukl, a 5pcar gun from 'hl·

" 'lln, Uudd•hs of l 'ariOUI II.us,

hnnd cnrvlnp. plcca or pollcty

and brass, Jentry, aDd dolls

drt:H<"d in nath'e C01tumcs are

only n le~· or lhe goods for sale..

INTERNAnONAL FAIR. Cholnn•n Ron Adklnl, rldil, ....

Lolllr n .. cb. c.1.. l•kcs 1n .. nlo17 of llenu lo bo anld .,

Ille ID!enuallooal F•lr NOY. 17-18. A.ulJUac b Alap F!M7.

8opb., M•.rtoa, low•. Some ot &he J~m• to be aold •re, rrom

loll lo 'rf1hl, • mHk from llalU, a sal•d set rrom Ille Pblllp­

pln~. a Baddba from Japan, a 1pear aua from Tahran and

a leaLbcr pu.rse from l\torocco.

This year's chalm1an, &n

Adkins, sr. Long °"'1ch, Cnlll.,

!eels oplomlstlc llbout the Fair's

outcome. "\Vo have some excel·

lent nrticlcs !or lho prico, U that's nny indication ol IUC·

ccss," Adkins sta~.

A.lding the prospect o! a 811C·

ccsslul rnlr Is the hard wort ol

' k committee membc111 and othc111

'Poet Grower to spea associated with tho event. Woric boglill fn J une, and much ol It

l . - at le05l U10 phylllcal labor--

to Reportina c ass at 1:30 will .mi be "'1na on as lhlp.

~ ping crotcs ara unpacked and

Paul Engle, pocl grower lo

the world. is schooulcd to spook

to the Report.Ing dMs tocby •l I :JO p.m. in Room :!Ill Molllc'r

lloll. Engle wos :>lso scheduled to

show lilms in Brown •Auditorium

last C\'er.inj: and was to glvo a

lecture in thla morning's Con·

vocnllon. • R...,alty he returned from a

lttture trip to Waruw, Paris,

WeMt Ucrlln, Copcnh•l(<'ft and

other EutoJK"nn cllles. Uc la a

ltd.urn for the W. Cols&oa

Ltl$lh nureau Jn Srw Yon:.

Engle nlso heads • poetry then pnckod agnln.

workshop nt the University or The !S counlrlee will be ...,..

Iowa, Iowa Cily. lloowse the rc-..i ho the bootlll et C-.

\\'Orkshop hns tralnod poets Ira! Euro~. the Far £aol.. Jlrtl.

from all mies nnd from some •In, Scandlda•l•, Lalla, Amorl·

!orylgn countries, he bus enrnod ca, Alrlc1, • nd lndla.

tho llll<! ol "Poet c ...... oer." Anothtr booth wtll si- alleles

llis degrees include 3 Dacho- ol !orcl511 countries with alldcs

lor ol Ans from Coo College, donl!!J,'d by st~ni. who have

O!<far lloplds. lown, and a vli!lcd the counlrklJ.

M:ister ol Arts from the Uni· Pn><ccdll from the Fair wlll

\'Crslty ol Iowa. go lOlthc many gpcdal pro)octs

· ~wom Earth." • n ortnlnnl of .\ICY.

book of poem.1 ulCd n1 his ,

U...lt. "°" lbe Y al• Serles ol

Yo••1<r Poets pr1u tn 1m. Dchale tennis

Inter-term courses, ..

seminars Four nntl<>nal lcllowshipcs J . •

have bcom awnrtlcd to ltlm: one aave practices lrom Ford Fourlfallon. • one f Or tOUrD . l from the Rockefeller Found .. • amen S

lion and two lrom the Guggcn· ~1crhor1on Colk!go d ob a t o

tcnrru ho•·e been partlclp,iUng

in practice debates In prepara·

lion cur u1>eomlng ' taumamcntl. pre-enrollment B7 LUcu.£ PETRE

Pre-enrollment is In praccss

!or the seminars nrd courses

to be ol!ered · thlough the As­

IOC!oted Colleges ol Central Kon·

sns during the January inter·

tenn ibrcnk. • Although • the courses are of·

I~ on SC\"Ual collcie camp.

uses, •11 students 1noy particl·

pnto lo nny ol the inter-term

o!lcrings. Maoy malo students will ~

utra hours !or U-.c sclectlve

wrvlcc requirement o( n SC·

mcstu hours ...-..h Clllondar

ye:>r. All .McPherson Collell• stu·

dents will enroll !or th<ir on

ond oil campus COUl'll's at Mc­

Pherson. P~l cards

may be filled out t.hrou:h the \'ari<)us advisers.

Tbe """' ol ...,... dw'lag lhe lo~ wlU bo ,....,... to $!S a..........,_., Some

C'OllrlOS win corry .,. aclcll1lona.t

trip Ice or Olber charJ<.

Students who stay lor the scc­cnd scrncstcr will h;avc n room

and bo.ird r..,. of $25. rrioos~ who

come only !or the intrr~erm

will be cb•r;od ~. McPberson

Collcgc aludenls lli ll be cxpoct·

cd to st:1y in donni!orles. Fo\lr addWoaal t..'OUn<"i nol

Prttioustr llsled ..-,. Inter

wnn ollcrlap will be Conduct·

<d b7 McPbonoa College: E•K·

Usb Review (ao ettdll>, Read

lag lmP"Y<mcM (.. ettdll) ,

llcplnlaf llllacrok-u (Z hours

or crcdll), and Coatem,.mry

ll'orld (% bours ol crcdll!.

Of the 40 courses lllld semi·

Mrs :0 be oC'crcd Lhrougb AC

CK • .Mcl'l'Crson llill be conduct· Ing, in oddition lo tbc lour nl·

re.:idy menllooed, fh'C olhtrs.

ODO lo tlatte boars of credit

m.l;J' be rec:dYect llaroaP Ille

Gears• Bern•rd Sllaw Workshop.

11<pcoc11ai - ,.,,., ma:.r &<$­

sins ..... •Umdtcl. Raymond Goold! oulr.aiit pro­

fessor ol Elllllish. llelhruiy Col·

. .. 1n ·process k-gc, will ~ the niomln:;

or acllJ<!IT'Jc scsskn This Is a stU<ly ot Gcorco Dernnrd Shaw

:is o dr:tmolist Md critic, The AfU:-nooo ut vorUbc,p

seulon • ·Ill be tough& by Cluarlrs

Fischer. a.ulJhwt proreu or or

EngUsb :and lhcal<r, ~lrPhrn<on

Colle:ge. '!::tls • i ll lc.V'olYc a

sludy, dhcu .. lon ••·I .!anon·

stratJon or (hf' p rJblPnJ• Of

staiecraU and make.up tor one of Sb.aw"s n i:tjor but k.-utr

-.. .. •"Orb, "Cudido."

llcl\cn:"S.'ll Jor tho lull per­

formance and productiu.i oi "Condld.,: ' .,.Ill be led b; U oy1

Frercr. insln:<tOr In dramatics.

Konsat Wctleynn UrJ\'Crsity,

during •he tvcning session Each ol thc three s::sslolt\' 14i ll

moet !or •brot hours !'\"cry doy

of the 10-da)• period. Leslie Frulry, Jr.. • uit.Jant

pro!oJSar or physics. will con·

duct !he Pb,-slao &mlaar. g;,-. Ing no credit. '"1e purpose of

this s<minar wlll be to build

helter v.--orking rebUonships f>e.. twccn inslnictors. students m :t·

;orln~ In phy•lcsat the ACCK

schoola, nnd the lwo st•le uni·

\'CrslUcs. Mctho~• lor Tuch!~ Ph)'fl·

cal fAtu1:n.U·m wi!I rrov1c;i: nn

opportunily for lcadcrsillp and

obsttvatiDn. Or. Doris COppock,

professoi· ol 1olzys!col r.ducotion. will Jcltd !h;s tcrTL1141(.

. Two study tours, Tc•rbln~ lo

the lnnt r City ;ind Sttnla:.r ha

Urb1111 Ult, will be ollcrcd

thrOURh )lcl'll<lrson. Chicago

will bo u$Cd :is , laboratory.

Thia course will be uncior the

lc•~rihip ol Dr. Doyton Roth·

r ock, J>r<>l~r ol educnllon and

PSYChology, and )lonroe Hugh·

banks. assiJl4nL prol~r in


Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, Pl<>­

!ossor ol soc'.ology a.'ld lnnguage,

and Robert F~ Keim, o..istanl

prol~sor in JOdolocy, wlll "°"' duc:t lhc Scmln~r In Urf>on l..Jfr.

ll<llm Foundation.

Skate <.:luh to 'plan party with Cci1tral

The Skating Club hos piaMcd

n &knlini 1>3rt llith Central

Colklge WednCfdny, Nov. 22, nt

8 p.m.

McPherson 3lld Central Col·

!ego students ,.;u be hoklin~

their lirst prlvnto 1iarty nt the

McPherson Holl·1\·llan10.

" Partlclpotlon is much bcUcr

this yeor with "" average ol

40 stud<!nta allcndlng tho f>.'.lr· t ies eoch mcnth. No mc:nber·

&hip b requirod lo this club, ond everyone ls in,.itcd to •t·

tend.' ' fla1or Dubbtc. Ir. Mt.

Joy, Pa .. nresJdcnl ol the dull. suted.

Pror. Fraley. osa!.slant pro­

fessor in 1>hy1lcs, 13 1Qo club's

adviser, and Dr. Dor!s Cop·

J>Od<, • prolouor ol, physic•!

eciucaho., !or 141lmCll, II lhe as·

1IS1nnl •dvls<r.

Tbe lint pradke dtllale ..... lltld at lldUay ~ J>e.

hatenr l\"Oflt llellau7, Kula• ll'cslyaa, and Md'bttaoa "'­

tended. The Mcl'h<noa ''"'""' •oa •De ol four reaML

Another practiC<l debate 1''U

Monday, Nov. 6, nt S..lbcl Col·

k-gc. McPherson tied In its two'

rounds. ·

The llM toumomcnt "111 be 111 S<Juthwcstcrn College Dec.


McP- t.u lwn d eb•le

lHms. MaryUa Sht:pberd, fr,

Fort &oil, ond Du1atloe Smllh,

•Ph. McPbenoa, compow oee

tf'am.. Mt'1nbttl: ot ~ o&ll e r

tcom are Jim J-. Ir. C... oord, M•n .. aDd Mike Ziemann,

• •. ll<rlla, Ottmany.

Tho dcb3t<n am coacbod by Bob Green. asslstanl proleuor

Jn Engllsh. lie encourages any

student Interested · in public

spcakin2 to dcb:lle. No previous

experitoee in ddlate ls nttes­snry.

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. Page i Tlie Specta~, 1'0\', H. 1K1 .

Siude.nt expresses new ivay · o/ life ·


We get Jeitere · • • ,

Stud~nt want~ Jio 'hippie CIU!lt editorial

Is dre~s code_ a '~eak· link?'

involvement o~ cmnpu~ Dtar lltll!Dr:

•I fully realiu lhat the ld03 o1 M~ Colltp bav!DC

....._ - sh..i.nt .U... a1alMlarcl in. the Growl, the . ·'RlpPleo·· baa betll muc:b over 1 ne und «nplwlud. bul a!ie.- I rtad

student ha~dbook, states. that on every.S , ~y, ~oon en -edilodal In last ~·· ·and on IWI i!rel!ll-up· ocCIUl!ol]s: Senllnel ent1tkd ''What Makes

A. M- • .L-" wear 11hl ... ~· drel!ll or 11.,0rt A v..., <Illa Oo ~." I ~~ ....,. '" decided I ~ !>aVe lo write

coal nndldr sweater; slacks or ermudas. 4 1eucr to the ao<alled " WP.

B. W~men· abaJI w~ar suits, . "&kirts and pies" on the ~lcPhersoo O>U~o campus. ' sweaters, or dresses; heels and hose. ·

1 wlD llOt stve ..., -· 1e1

Enn thou1.h thia rule ia so . stated it c.an be - 1 ui "'raid el -

cl.early 1.een that It is not being enforced LI aome -· OlllJ i..- r doll't studenbl wear .blue jeans, cut-Offs, etc. to the lllblk 11 11 _,._

To ~n with, ' happen to Sunday noon dinn.er. ~ the editorial was In a It ia not for me to decide, nor do I want the Je11Se "aaked lor," ao I cOMOt

task at deciding whether this rule should be en- ~vie!:' .:'::~bis.:!: forced or noi. Rather it Is my personal feeling that Wt.at true. a nue whlc!i la ao·stated in the Growl .should either I'll ...... cw tor - --be. enforced or dropped fro'm the handbook. p1o McP...,_ 11 prou,. dllll,

· Aa the old ada1e atat.a, "A chain: is ooty ·~ HI p1ease . 1oa.., ... Rll. We .... I - M.1 el 1WI' ,...,-. strong LI lta weakest link.I' Therefore, it would oltd ~ iw mlll>I

be wise to remove all "weaat link.S" In the band- tanrlate tt111-1e·i1e -book, beea. use they tend to make such a handbook wllal - · ~ .. """'*'·

As- for .,tillt - ' 111ppjff" totally worthM!ss. . , .,..., Ibey aren't c1n1t dodsen Charles Fran , !r., Denvllle, N. l. or aoU-Ameri=ls; they attn't


Homeless,. pen~/leSs vegetarian ivt:ilks .as pray~r for peace

even '"IDPl>lel." Tboy ore jlisi By EMANuEL tlNlQUE • ...,,., ruJl)I fir.e Youtlli mtn who Wrikr"• Nok: I am n student at McPherson ~e and ~ ~ to l!lcc ta be lhq center • • to express a new movement a new way <>€.life. ot· attention and io make ulem· feel an urge · - - · - r tl'I h~poetry selves k~. tin °"'! light . t 1 wish to express It In tlie ooly ~•Y., <¥W bu· have •· P"""""bl aid c d their . Thls Js not n movement to' whldl I· om, !he sol,c. =or ~

•-r- . wo'Y or ll!e prescrlb<d· ln,·the .belJ•C or God• men 0-°:"~ t~ ta llle '.'lfip- ci.mmondmenl$ • • apPll$4ble to moder!! ,.D. • pies'" or to :myooe else on thls Thls poem Is an ot~pt· to clarify D>J' dlsbclleC In !also CM1llQI: Don"l tzy so hon! to gocb, and o belief In the tr.uths o1 Ille. · · • be noticed nnd a lot more pea- • ' · pie will noUce you.· Abo, don"l Prosre-,o .•l;Ver~a~. , . .- . lrY so hard ·to gain recccnlUon, To stnte the goal' of life for~me, anct >""' moy Just rccclvc I.he To state the rewards across t~e. sea. reco&!lillon yoci _,,, to crnve.

The sea of time I ·row alone. 1 lenve the old nJld never go home.

Editor1 1peak · ,,. · . c:t. ....tfttor staff . The home of righteous, rehglo.u~ fa~e. ;:,pe'l.;aa The home of deceit and a fnlsif1ed .,~. welcomes letters ' A god that all will fall· before. . .

T1le ~ _.. _, He hangs, you hang; and all deplore. • 'M. t 111..._ wetconi'ts lellcn 1o the · • • • • ovemen

-· ...... -·· you lo _,_ ,_ .ie...~la prtn1.

"--" - lellen -be alped ..- elven lo 11>e edYor. nAmff may be wllbhtld from PriJll. U clellnd.

Fischer, Wagoner appear on television

Townrds truth nnd a place. in lif~. . From under the curtain of rlonfied strife .

Strif& with no menn!ng yet s!'Upldity J?revails. L~ck of desire, nccepta11ce if one faifs.

Can vou not see what is here for you 1 Something worthwhile, something that's true.

It requires you give, yet ask not"from, them. They who will curse you, and y~u they II candemn;

Still you must give, al!d ·exa'!lple to ~e. • And your goal will be worth 1t, you w1lf ~e.

Oiarles W. F°IScher, nsalstanl pro{..- In Enalish and ~ kr, and Paul Wagoner. :>sSOCl­ale diroctor ol development. ap­poorod on television ·Nov. 10.

1bey were In tho "Commut>- The pnth yoJ must follow is covere~ with ice .. . 11,y W'mdow" section oC '"Good- And the rules you must follow are fair, .but prec1t1e. morning, Kaosas"' bro:ldcllSled

.. In this "'O!'ld,

You Ml given as you cive, ·And you nre forgiven

by °"""""' 12. KTVll. llutdr a Polle: rl. non Altacbmoat to pa- la 1111 llln.e pin. imoo-W1cbllo, Knnsas.

people or places. For .. ·orlct peace, she bcllcves j. short three wd one-half

Of courage and Tove, respect and trust. Ambition, yet sincerity, don't yield to lust.

Aa you fo!Wive. Wt\lle you go your ·way, · ~ eaob ilm!l)l day,

•You .er.le YOU! tuwre, As you live."

Thi• Is Pence Pilgrim's phi­

~ ol peace In poclly.

Peace PllCrlm. • Jlmndem,

peanlltw, 111 ..... - ~ ......... .....,, .. , eball ..-In •• -....1111111-.... ... ~ ...... W"7.,_ ..... llltaaWl_SIYft_

- fU11as ..W 1. am st­food."

Owning only a navy blue tun­ic and the It.ems In Ill bultlinll pod<ets, • baa 1r ..... 1oc1 well over 25.000 miles oo foot Ice world peace.

Qe atarted wa!ldnl !ft 1911! and compleUd ber 25,000 mlles in J.9U.

When • lll'llt bepl wllldnl as • PflYll" tor World _., btt actlvWel, ID ocdw ol Jm.. portanc:r • • _.. WiJdn&, .... big lind ~ ieUua. Now tho ordor Is revenod Ciic:e abe has .i:-t>od her WaJk.iDI eoaJ.

Ber m.in II f...- .. lier b7a ___ .,... .....

-""-•C'tea-...._., ..... __ _ - .......... la - ... i-.... - ... , .. _ --Ber acldraf .is Peace f'ilSrim. Colosne, N. P o.ni Dello­err. n.-... ......... ~

'"Ibla lit Ille - o1...-:Qnr­como evil .W. eood. ~ will> tnllll, -' ...... willa love." <By llvlllt all Ille ~ thlap um. • bolleved. aba reallaed Ibo tblllllomeat rl. evil ·in ber llCt. •

"Pralu...,. .... • . ...__ tbem," ... ...... -. ........... .......

To ~Ive coafUcla Ibo ad- wo need to work for a law mioolo dmma IUustratlng the vlo<t. "Have • ,_ oltJeellYO lllld order al1UAtloo; ta ·wo.!!> ror uses and pos.iblllties ol puppets ll>e .-lvf!lg "' ......_ ""' as muob pe8Cdlll <Ondlllonlnc was gken by Prof. Tiscbor.

Keep humble and kind, · to nil you should meet. And the food of life's truth will be the meal you'IJ

ti•• P1alai °' -~··" ol Ille !"~· as ls possible. '!be College will be -1· To evokl amCllctl, lbe -.. Each mornlnl ~ PDcrlrn ed on .the pr<>gram- the second

~~~...,:;""!.~:'a:" : . ·rbea with the Pl' and med!-· Friday o1 each month al 7 o.~ .~lnke-up p1ctures o11....k.J .. Ulles wllh silent -.,,tlveoea. The f'l'Ql?'ll1I Is design<d lo 111- may he ordered

· From this time alone, obe baa form the audience ol variowl Unlll lhe ~ abe ~. ill ~to know God ... Ille ''Qft. aopecta "' tbo Colk!ge. Sellion - bad ~ pldaftS

hJcll ahool. tbo «ill niilioua tlve {....,., tbo ~ IJCl'ftl', taken durtni the mMNtl ,_ tl'lllnlnr sbe l'fCC!ived - tile Ille lntelllgmce oC tile lllliftrse." A commlllee composed o{ Dr. slon IDllY go lo Don'• Sludlo Golden Rule. At lhla time .._ J . Jadt Molhom, pmddonl. ol iumpoc! lolether all tl*lp be- Her moat imp>rtallt advice ls the .eou...,: Dr. •Mel'lin ·E1rantz, In downtown McPbenon lo yonc1 ber comprebenolon llOd lo tak.e time lo be, lo enloY dean rJ. acadanit; atfairs; Roi>- order prlllis. called them "God." the ~ <Wblle aile ;. llvln& ert Bare!!, assial;ult professor 1 si.wv ..,. 11aa - ...., btte. She looka ._ delllh as in niuslc; and Paul Waeoner Becaute af .- -


Ma calendar nan.i.r. NoY. 11 - Md'btt·

IOll Oollfce Wind Emati>~. a ........ ~dllorium. e p.m. i~: 'flo•: 11 - [nterna.

Ilona! Fair, Frleodlbip Hall, t a.m. - 10 p.ln.

!4ovle, "VIP's" erown Audl­talium. 7:30 p.m.

-· hllee Pllpta -- a liberation to hilbet' livinl. a cbainnaD ot the c:ormniunc ond two - are•~ • . ".l\.lllPlni <mr'' lalo.a l!llirilllal assodate ctiroctor" of ~velop. aud dolJl)I In procenlas mak6-' lh1111D1 laaer. -·· --.,. reakn which unites all lhalo ment. la In c:harge af planning up pk:lw'H, Ille QuadrJlll*le lo God'• Ian Md lllldlllc a who baw. lived en earth. the programi. for the year.

-._,, N..,, U - ~ Uonal Fair, Frtendlhlp ffall, I ·a.m. - 10 p.m.

Student .dress code will be .eTJ/orc~d

Tbo lllldenl clrm ataDdanl rtiemcl (o la llAled Ill lie Growl. lbe siudeot band boat. and Is elfeclift ID all caqua bullllata. wllll lbe ~ of the NlideDce i.111.' no ._._..1a.w. ..... .... ~IDllll ........

all liaMa.

.. ... lliml - cloald 1111.-willllicb,clla. . be-

1be next fll'Olll'3lll will be &la!! .... ·-,.__ -no.,. I Ill 7 un. for~.-·

&1ada7, Nov. It - <Flillneil!oclt Open "Bouse, ~ p.m.

Tltead117, Nov. a - MOY . Coblnet meetlrlJ. Quiet Room,

Sludent Union, 6 p.m. WodDeodar, NOT. -!blfilC

party, ~ • p.m. ~. - ; a- ·Rim'

Thonltsglving. Cla,lsea receseed Ali cloy.

The s~ .. Vol. 5%, No. 11; N..,. 11, -~

·..:io:~· =---=-~-· 111:: =.-=.-:.= c.--=: ~ -:.·s:-r-=.~ _., .. --..... ·~--11 .... a.:..-....,;_ .. 11.&:a. ........_ ... ..__ ..... ___ _ ....... -----------Loot -----------~-*-!' ......... ----------......,...._ ___ _

............. -- -== ==- . -=-= =-= -­---._._ ----

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.The Bpeetator, Bn, le, 1H'1, Page I

Dogs~ lose final game. to warriors 32~0 . .

~ucks J~~lds ·-Otta-iv~ bikes C-C title; . flrSt pQSlbOll .1 H ' · '

.., .......

TM struaaJu for 11 ... t ploce Appell sets course re~ord on the hanCd>oll ladder "'•) • •

)ld'b<rsOll Co~. &Jldois Woodbury S<O<ed on a 41-yotd' Slrrling led llcl'benon in to-d>lfd lhoir 1967 Cood>all tc_,n run In the third period. Hr a1:;o tal o1r.....,. iainln& 394 191a1 ol· f'l;.lir by losinc lo lhc Strrlina odded the extra poinl. frnsh-c yards l'O!Tlpared to

Oolltit Warri~rs 32-0 In °'." Col·'> bide inlettep!od 3

P 0

ss the llulklogs" rte. ·-

Ill' s1001um. ~ thrown ·by McP•· - n ~··rt·r· McPherson compleled 7 oC 19 ·~.., .,_ ' PMOCS. whlkl Sterling complclo.:I

Thi• le•""5 the <Bui In bock Phil Aldinger and ran 43 4 o( lhc 9 Ibey attempted. )Isl pince in the Knasas Collcgo yards for another Warrior Bob DcTour, second In KC. Aihl<iiC Conference wllh o 0.0 touchdown. AC punting, k1ckod six times ""°rd. Sterling's final score cruno for • 41·YMd overage.

Wi\1!11 Cooper ran 2G yards Slorllng's Spolls, first in punl· nround end. Ing, averaged 42 yanls on live


been "<Oetinulnr slDcc Oct. "1l' - -...s win t'OlllJnue ...ii n.c. u t whfn a l"'l'hY 'lr!B be pramtcd lo the lop man: ~·

GlirTy l.A!IMD. Jr, .... -.: . lad., ...... ""' ... - .. Ole .-

-dball -· ud Coach Do• • ~ldrll ,.. .. bl - d. Tbe llllrd PoSltlon ,.... !lllc<I by Ron Rob­bins. Jr. Mc.'Pheroon. ·

Cooch Art filly wns fourth, John Belser. soph. Elllllhcth· lown. Pn .. was fifth, nnd Lnrry DoTour. sop'h. McPherson. held si.ib pos!Uon. Strling finished the sc:iaon

rlJi o * I mnrl<. lcaviJli them ;, ,..-.. 1h pince in the eooC.r· ..... . SJtt!ioJ b:lllbad<, Du Tbomp.

.. J('Ored hro &oachdh'U ror lllt If anion, - la Ille -~ plod ... U.yard .... -tad llld -.r °" • S77ara ,;tdJOut lrom 4oartm>ack .Ter­rr Woodbury ill Ille l'IDal quar-

/I. 23-yord poss lo SIO\·e ~.,. ton. an a.rord run by Bob Dc­Tour nnd o pass interl~ ~I on ertin: put the Bui~ dogs on Ibo Warriors' 6-yord line.

Then QWJrterbnck Aldinger ran Lwo quarterback sneaks nnd rcnchcd the one-yard line. On the founh piny he throw n JlllSS which fell incomplete. This was

All · Stater joins basketball squad

All-Slll!Cr for Tonganoxie lllgh School In the State <lass A Basketball Tournament in his senior year. st- Puttho!!, 3

6'3" forward on McPherson Oo~ lcgc's bnskcll>nll' sqund, helped lend Tonganoxie lo fourth pince in tho slolc toornruncnt.

The nexl 11Crson on the ladder was Jim Rnkm. sr, Bloom. Co~ lo..-cd by tDr. W..ity DeCollr· sey.

Co30h DY.'1;111 Mc5)>3Cldcn: Ron lleadl~. soph. M~r­'°"' 3nd St:t'n llor'owatl. jr, Ne­wort:, Del: ""'"' ninth. lenth and tle\~uth on the laddor.

TOP TEN. The !Int ten m.., lo crou lbe l1Dlab - at U111 KC\C cross-coa.nlry meet ~re.... h'6ot row, left to rtsbt. lla.nW. OU. 6lh. !C':OO: !°IPl>Oll. KWU, lit. 15:N: Dall!. TC. 2Dd. J5:4': and G.f'3Tes. TC. Slb. lS:st. Back rew, Ha1dacnrs... OU, 1&11, 16:01; Willbms. SC. IOt.b. ll:IZ: Woodrow. sc. Stll, l f:R; Eld, OU, 3rd, 15:4'; !krYldo, KWU, ttll, l f: IO; &lid Mc<,'rttJT, Ster. c . 4lh, 15:51 .•


Woodbury. Gnry Dick and . the only Bulld<G scorillJl thrent Henry Cooper each scor<;<1 once. ol !he game. •

Six basketball tea~s to compete in tournament

Peru state will ~de- Mondny's lnsl i:amc al 8:30 p. fe>d its champk>nship al lhe m. 5t<-.nth Annual Jaycee In it>- · Teams defeated Monday will l>lional ~ge Basltetbl>ll piny al 4:30 p.m. WcdncsdO>'. Taumamcnl al . the McPberoon nnd learns dcleatcd Tuesday High School Roundhouse, ll!on- 1<ill plzy at 6:30 p.m. day-Wednesday, INov. %7·29. Tuesday winners ·will play for

Conipeting will be ~lcPlierson, the championship nt 8:30 p.m .. Btlhnny, Sterling. •Kansill WC$- Wcdncsdny. lo)·an Univenity, Peru Stale 1111d SI. Mary of the Plains.

McPherson will piny Storli~ al 6:30 p.m. Monda¥. and Beth· Ill)' will play hl'WU al 8:30 p.m. m. •

Al 6:30 p.m. , Tblay Peru SUte plays the winner. ol Mon­c!zy's fint game. SL Mary of tbt Plains meets the wlnntr ol

Students Welcome to

No"Fge ViHage 41 1 L Euclid

WestToAAW 1 Block South



"'""' $lose~ - ­.. w..,.. -L.ny L ,.._..._ Meblor Hen

Cooches and bnsketball team members ore selling 100 tickets nl the reduced price of $1. After these tickets ""' sold. the price will be ~1.25 lo" students. .

For -hii;h school students and ·under lbc price will be 75 ccnts bolh before lbc game and at lho gate.

Follow The

Bulldogs In The



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Arthur Fulmer Car Stereo ·

and · Stereo Tapes

We Have A Wide Selection

Of Tapes At


STANLEY'S FASmONS JUNIOR SHOP --• Juniorlte Sportswear • Thermo Jae Sporl!lwear •Jo J unior

V"uit The Shop W ith You In Mind i

Tbe Lat tn PMWona were l.tld -by J llll BDll, aoph, Mt> PKrloa, a ad Lance U UDKet'­

lon!, Jr, WlllcH 8...,.., Pa .

G'.cnn Appell of Knnsns Wes· le~an Uni1•ersl!)' scl n coonso record In. l~ :t>I 'Jlllnules In lho Knns.1s College Alldolle Confer· cncc cross-country ml~t wldch wns won by Otlnwo Univcndcy

F·3 still nndcfcatccl, le.ids in volleyball

, Nov. t4. Pullholl, o freshmi>n, won a trophy his Jwilor yonr !or mak· Ing llwl mosl rebounds in one acn90n.

l.D hJs JWIJor and - year, ho was Kkdff lo be la Ibo

"Big S.ne Le-"· COlllisUag of &op ~ ... nted by t b e coaches ill lbdr COlll._.

The nl c c t was nm on lho three-mite McPhorron coorsc and was won by Ottawa wilh a low Iota! ol 62 Po:nts.

i..·wu was 90<00d 1<ith 70,

Third floor Pnhncstoclc re­mains undolooted In lntromurnl VG!lC)Wll 4nd lends .tbc le.'\l:UC. nic standulp from the bq:in. ning ol lho SCU>n throui;h Nov. 9 arc .. co11o ... s: Soothwcstern third with llO, T:l­

L bor founh with 86. and Md'bcr,

0 · son lllin 1•itb 100.

lie was • IUlrtc< on bis bi:h 11<bool varsity team for throe years Gnd was a captain his senior year.

" I WOS one ol lhe shortest players on oor team in high 1Chool, ns oor tnllcst player was 6' 10" , Putlholf stoled.

Jn hb 1f'nlor year be an.rag. cd IS- pomi. per pme and pulkd dOWll U AYerap ol Jl reboundt.

"Sieve Is a hanl nibounder ond o good shooter. He should h:lvc o &ood year," b ea d llosketboH Cooch Don ·W"idrie rui1cc1.


Tum W

F-3 --------- 21 C..Urts - -·--·---- 15 M·l ----·-··--·-· lS &I -·-·------- ~ F·2 -·- ··-··-------·---- 8 M·I -----·--··-·- ··--· G 11-3 ---··---···-- · ·-- 3 F-t - ---·-··-·------ •• 3 M·2 -·r·--·--·-- 3 8 2 · · ·--··--------·-- 2

· EBA\:JQWS Gifts • H1llmark C.rd• Picture Fromln11 ~

108 N. Main

Skyway Lu1r1race


3 Boker . placed sixth with 124

3 points. Sterling sevmth with 1'5

7 iind College ol Emporia eighth

9 with 188.

10 Eld, Horris nnd Jlulehcr:tfl 12 p:iccd the Otlnwn team. They 13 plnccd third, sixth and seventh 11 among individunl runners. 12 "~ Appell. whose rtt0nl<lireuklng

MALM ,, 10 • Complete

· Auto Service· Including Class

ZG'I N. Mala Come Browae Anytime " " 210 E. Euclid

·~ CH 1-4035 <Pl I


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See.king your ideniity, man? Find ii fa.st wilh a ring more personal than 3 signet. Two engraved Gothic letters an be in1un1ly

.-- ----------------- , ~t in 1his handsomd s1cr1ing moun1ing. No need to order. See it - set it - gel it todayl Get one for the girl In your Ille, 100. All popula r sizes and half sizes. Neaily all leltcrs always in stock.

The Best Place To·

Eat and Relax

In McPherson Is


1109 si. . ... $1 t .95 Ott.er loitl\11.-\~ $4.9'


time paced lhe KWU harriers to srromt place, led throughout lhe race.

Tho previous record. 15:31 mlnutos, was set by the KWU S1100dstcr In the ·~lcPl'Jerson 'ln­v1U1llonal moot Oct. 8, whlc!t w03 won by Wcolcyan.

Ron SmUh ·was lho fll'Sl Moo ~rton runner lo croaa Ille finish line. lie ~ e~ wl:h n time ol '16' 13 minuleL

Other McPbersoa ~ were D3ve Sbepbml. 11:31; lllth; W • y n e llesltett. 16:S4, 2Znd; Dave Smllh. 16:'1, Mtb: SlC>'O ~. ~7:01, 3lnd; lllld Prentis •Portor who dropped out ol lho rocc bccnu.e ol an ft>­jury.

Competing In eieht other mcot.t this year, lbc McPh<r'­son hnrrlcrs won !our, placed socond In two nnd pfoccd lblrd In lwo.

FARRAH Slim ~d


Slack Jeans That

Never Need Ir011iug -­

ATallable Ia

e Hoi)aack •Cord

• Cordury


e Twill•


Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - archive.mcpherson.eduarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v52-11r.pdf · Vo l. 52 The Spectator McPJaerson Collego, ~IcPhcrson, Knnsas, November

.. Pap' ii, Tlie Spectatqr, Nov. 16, 1967.

Fo.rme~ student perfo~

in 'Hansel and Gr~ter . By .JAN fl'<LE ahr- _.. lo be done, ar.d

.vthur • Campbell, former Jllc. we are 11CY« saUlllod with a

.J1ieiss su~vejs .C:hurch of ~he Br~th~en

.in· paper presented a t ,.convention . , Pbcrloo otudtat from Grem performance." _

111 IVIAN SELL Dr. LareU E. Weill, pld ..

l eor ol aodolocY. - ooe of a llUllP ol IOCloloPils. pbycbolo.

1111& and diurdlmen who met In .Alimta, Ga., Oct. %7411 at .. COIMldloo for Ibo Society !or the lldealJllc Study ol Rellclon, Ille.

..... - 0.-:, 1' _.._ The .church llOYemlllOlll ...

erleitlalJy very limPle. U bas a bicameral ~ture - one house .with ~ lrom local cburcbes md Ibo other with reprttentaU- lrom dil­lricll. Tiie dlltrlcta 'are com· parable tt. 11418.

~ io ipllltazy aervice, there

wu ·a looline tbat Bre1brai

lhould wort< 1i<1iveb' for 11 war­ltlS wptld.

wdl W. - ........,.. Tiie Bre- Mounlain, Iowa, ~'l!JCI Hamel Be le S-.. ..-...a. ttptr.

u.r.. ...... - UWe-.,.,.. la In the Nov. 2 Qlildren"• '!1loaltt ~ ............ ~Baaotl ..., tslllb......, cbardaee la ....,.. production oC "Habsel and .G..C. . Grelel" llacc be ...,._Jot 1

dll... cl." .,,._,. la Ille pro{-...i thta.

Worid War U faund them bet.. let ~ with a prq;ram of oltcrnatlvc c!Ylllan senice. The proeram induded re11e1 lllld re. coostnlCUoa, IOCial actloo to. won! in1Jrov<d race reJatloos and ~lion in political life and economic Tefonns.

The IOCIOlld problem, wbicb Campl>dJ u. performN • ltt.

Dr. WeilS (eels may be doselY u- ""' ., !be A - 1be ~ plays t.tf 1111 O\'<f.

rel• led to the fir1t, la that ... for Ille lnftllal llotaler ace audience ol 900 Although

what ·Was <I growth In ii>ember- troupe. audl""""5 havo ""'icd Crom

1be Brtlbren did their bcol

no - et !be ,,_ II lo eVOid ""4nee. 1be ftrlt part

le --- rdtcloa aad ft- • ol the JDlh century W81 11 period

llllom - · , ol austttlty, rigid tradltJoo::ililn1

llh!p hos bea>lnc a l!balply ..,_ &rpericnoo worSJng bocbtagc 5(11).1500. ' , I

celer3ted 1oa. on theater produdions al the The McPhenOll Amerlc:in A>-

Md a atmbom eaort lo rtm:llo With the changes t.bot will !n-0

cvitably tal<c place, comes the chance t.bot 111me ol the most chcriahe<I trlldiUOGS will bo lost. Boptlsm. love least Md elder· lhlp are under&Qing alteration.

The C!XliMDllon, Dr. Weiss College bclpcd Campbell it! this IOClallon .d Unlversi~ \\'Omen autos, may bo found in an· :ictlng opportunity with tho Na- IJ)OllSOns tho National <hlklren·s owcrs lo tbt following QUtfl.lons: Uooal Ol!ldrto's ~ As- Thtaler here. The 4 p.m. per-

"'CGuld tho Brethren. "ith all IOClalioo, a.ntcrcd In Dallas, lonnances are hi Brown aud;.

n- etl8>dlnc "'!ft!....,.,.. apart trom Ibo world. bearil metd>ers read papers l a lbe allempt to remain Ibey• bad written on IUbjccta apart ,,_ lbe WorW, t b •

~ to Ibo IOciel,y'1 ~- - .._....., ~

their ·laudeble new b~·mind- Texas. toriwn. odnesa, appear much ICll COO· Mier one "'Cd< of preporallon lid<!nl nnd a.rtnln ol. thclr val- the company wool on tour with

ues. 11nc1 thu.s prove poorer pur· the pnxluc:llon 111 Ibo """ oe Art Department voyors ol. the Ideas they have September. '!be last perlonn-

Dr, Wells read his P4PO!". to o11ec1" ancc oe ."'11ru11e1 and Gretel." exhibits works ~. btP<r -· !•n­ip mlqJou - lbooloeleel Dr. Wdu Ullo two ua.,.

"Social aian.e In a Once Sep. ...iill. l'lctilt Sect - . The Cburd( of the llrethrm," to ooe ,,_ .. Ibo coaventlon.

ICboolo. Before tbe ead ol lbe prob- al tbe - · Vlt>aal­

-1v1. lbe Aaut Coll!- - ....... - la . .... la

., lbe Cbllrdl ., lbe - • - - Tbo llrdbtta .... _...... Ito - - - ftre pttdomlaal.q nll'lll lllltil

"Or arc thoy simply victims wUI be Dec. 9. ' ol the sborpl,y acceleNlted sec:· Tbe cast wW U- btc1a wwk Modem tecbnlques In ~nl·

u!Ar!J.alioo oC American soci· 00 •y- Al(lmr - - lll!I. clrawlnl. collacc. and cty?" · lbe Ma&lda"' w111c11 wm be sculpture .are cum!Otty being

· ne._ .... _.,11ie Cllllrd ., u.. a...... - ..... _. ~ ne enita. i.e.

-. mWIU7 ........ -................. -.. . . ' . l!lablllbment ol Ibo cburcb ._, CIO'ltted by Dr. Wclos. 1be chcndl ... founded in. 1109 •by .u...nder Mad<. fie WAI the le4lder ol a group oe oliht who lried to ttddlne the ~ ol Oldltlanlty Oii the balls ol lbe Hew 1Wll8rneol..

~.(!Ye years lollowing tbe Mtatililhli><'nt ol tho church,

about IOO - ml;rated to Ibo ~ reUgiouo freedom. f r o m POM1ylvanla. thoy

::::ti? _relilioo throllahout

Todio-. the dJurcb oC the Bretken baa oeariy 200,000 members.

-·· R e c e n L development.a lhow bow the once stpOiatlal Pieti.t I«! is CIOW trylnc lo cope with modern 10C!ecy •

The llrelbren oow pre/er well. ,trained semln3,.Y a:raduales. Tllo church's one ...wry does not produce u m"'1)' graduates as Art needed.

Over 132 parents ~isit Ma.c campll:s

Dr. Welsa atatod ta Ille paper Parent.I from J2 statca attend·. Choir 19 prtJ(ltll selccllons !mm llUll UIRrJlcet tro.a are - · eel Parent's •D•y. Satunloy ou '"nle BeaUtudcs"' by Van llulsc ,..., cllaarN- la a olfott le the McPherlO<I College Campus. nnd "Gloria" by Vivaldi.

aeate a WWllalpllal -...,..., Porenls came lrom ns for away Gwoodo\)11 Ditmars, fr, Grun­thtn are mulled ltttNb toward u Conncctlcul, Pennsylvania dY Center, Iowa, played "Varin·

sreater lormatlly. . and New ~ency. · Uons Scrieuses'' tor tbo p!Jll1o Included Jn thla trend are JJZ ...,..1111 ttglsturd - by Mendelssohn. W°IOOllA Acbil·

mlmeogr:ipbc;I bulletins, dlOin, thuc ~ more oo campaa lcs, Jr, McPbersoo. played a unllOD lll"ll>'Crl, ·lilanles, conies- wbo did not resister. French horn JOlo, ''Air do Cbas-aloni and robes tor choirs and Some parent.a came cnrly and sc," by I.. PU.ton!.

mlntalers. 11~ the &erling·McPhe':""' -A social hour in tbo student

Oiurtb archltecture bu shlll· lootbnll game Frida;)• 11Ycn111g. n! 1 )Jawed the eel from plo.ln to more c!Aborate Alter reslsterlng in Friend- u 00 0 concert. l>'PCI. ship Holl Salunlay morning, Durlal lbe ~1· ~- ladl·

'!be· Chum. oe the Brethren pertnts were welcomed by Dr. lllel were oPeD for '1llllal ,.r-

ne llallc--Clirtotlu ~ no longer ket1>.• ~ alooC from J. Jadl: Melhorn. ~ o1. .. 1a. no,. bad _.uoNta lo

et ... ....._ were - all other denomination•. It Is the Colle~. lnterestinf f acts •PM!< wltlt prol-ro ud Giber

la Ille _.. Tllo -New Tesla- n!P!esenled In the NallMll.I and and cenernl Wormatlon were -· ..... w ---..,. 0 ,.,. World Counclla oC Churebes. presented by Dr. Merlin I.. Larry W. Marcellus. director

tlie OM ~ The cburth Is lnterest<!C! but Frontz. ·dean or academic Al· oC id>licity and prcrilolion, was

~ at!D cautious Iowan! mergers fairs. coordinator ol the ~. M~rs

Tbe ~ """' opposed with other Proteetaot dcnomino- Parceta were enlertalllod by oC the committee weie Miss

to war, • clvorce, oath'taldng, .Uons. . . Cbarta w. Fbber - - Mary Ann ~. clean o1

and Utlp~oo. To Insure scpar. • "Goel 1o...r tbe world ,. .. :• ,_ la EllOlob ud lbeattr: women; Dr. Galen R. Snell,

...._ ~ tbo ,.,,rid. they 11 !be tvreat nn.,_ ~ Wliit ,._... ''Eftr}-mu," a dun ol mm; Dlgcne Myers,

-.i • . ~ Btetbrm al lbe Claarcb ot tbe llrdlua) dnJllll - wWa puppds. dlrtclor oC admissions; and Paul

Wllfonn.clld. 1 . ''-~ mer;i1berl .who Dr. Wdu cllft II* ., - tani The ·Music Oopartment pro- Wagener, 'llslOClate director or ""' <w....- tho .plaln larb toward Ille world • _... 1C11tcd an hour concert In the development.

were, lllh)ed to diJclpllne. to lbe 1.._r ~ 1e Hold CYtlling. The ldd'be....a Col·

Ulled as .INdillooal Oui1t1ao ~ lcie A Cappel!A performed fion. ~ were baplllm by The llrst signl ol this change 11C11'1 "Song oC Oemocracy." trlime lmmenlon, communion came &ner .World War I. The l4ken lrom a poem by Walt

wldcib ICCllht to ,.._ct the ~ bad alwll)I• oppooed Whitman. •


~ &lpptt llDd anomung of wor, but this war C>uchl them The A Cappella <l>olr .lolncd tbt ~. , \lllllC'Opall!d. Beyood lhc resist- the Mcl'hcr111n College Chai>el Drur Store

'/ 'l'llt ' llllalotr)o, u Dr. Welu ..........., .... _,...,_._ 'nlRAl JHEATRE

,.,. --- """' - ..,. w ......... _...._.Tiie

_..,...,. - lo a.a.it ;w,., --~·~laJ.

Friends I





1;1end1s ~· SAVWAY . o,.,,



NOY. 18-18

"WIKE" Manias

Dwlo Day

NOY. 1~22



NOY. 17-19



SID BACON DOD6E-RAMBi.ER Salea and Senice

109 S. Maple CH 1-0371

McPherson Business Machines Your Headquartera For1

Ro7al T)'JMlwritera Smith Corona Portable1

Victor Addiq ~· "Ew<ything For The Office But Tho s.c; .. 1ory"

109 E. Kan-. CH 1-4630

McPherson's Really

Complete Service Ope~tion

~ All Makes -

FRED McKBllA Chemlet-Oldsmoblle sto Weat Kan..a OH 1-2540


pt'tltDled bcftl Feb. J, Camp. cxhlblted at I'ooplee Slate Uwik bcU wlD perform la .. 11111 rn.m by the McPberaoo COUCllC ;\rt JUJCIU7 • Marcia. Dcpartmtat.

"~ !olldN mid tbo "'Gold- The exhibit llill ·bc d isplayed en Touch"' will be tho thiid through the month ol Novcm. porionnaoc:o. _, · bor. •

Cblldmi's Theater appeals lo "'.be followlat llDolmla b.lvc Cimpbel.l because it pYOS him ....utbaled le .IM .nlbll: Jtf.

a chance "to 11et around, to Irey Looodcl. ...., Bttmtn,

rell<I. to write, nnd to !Alk with I.a~, • lllb<ecl media collage: people." . ~ud • W(Rlu, aopb, McPhcr·

About the pley. CamP>ell .sta- - · oU. ~; Martt Ptn<>o­led " It never cet.s old. There's t'IU, Ir, llall<lllc llldct. N. J .,

' . mhc!"I media .. u.,e.

Women's Council has elate suggeetiom for coed aggre&80rs

Flirt Week finds males lcocl­ln: new roles. as female:; -. aumc the role ol. the aggressor. F'llrl Week ls Nov. l:J.IB.

lllkes to the Ku-Ku; cokes nl the !Mac Sbllclt;"st* rbtes; a Friday n1&ht movie, " V.l. P .'s;" and 11 dance Snlurday night al the Student Union are a Cow oC tho activities lbc males can loot forward to.

Lois ~ G!Jh. Jr, McPh.,-. 111n, olf Palotln1: SuzaMc Nach· ti.Pl, fr, &bier, ""*atl\'c =• !Jeure dralfine: Ron ROObins. Jr, McPho...,,, still lllo dra•·· I~: ~~ Wheeler, Jr, Lea­wood. collage.

Sculptu_ral lonns. by the Col· m ing studen~ complete tho dlsplay:.John Strom, $Ollh. Wor­tblogtoo. Mlon; Tom DcRlcco. Jr • .p.,,..· G....e, N.J.; Zosia GolaaeWakl, Jr, U l i c n. N.Y.: Dennis .Dahlqulat,. ar, Alcxwid­rln, Va.; Marie il'cnoootte: ond Cjwles <:avert. r , Greenfield, !DC! • •

SAYE MONEY • Read . Spectator Adi


Marie Wedel la Anxious To. Serve You At

Peopl~s State Bank Member F .D,LC.


W' Wieh to lnTite

. Y- To Come ~nd T..,. Our-· Great Pilla.

Tue.day Nqbt - .t.35 P~ Jnat $1.00 Open S p.m. ~ 11 p.m., Sanda,. . 'ThDl'ldaj S p.m. • 12 Midairlat Fd.fa1 a: Sahznlay

Cl-.1 M-cl&,. t . 1

. PIZZA BOY4L Hl-Wa7 56, Nartbeaat of ~e