· Pacify 'fhe . W arriors, . I _, The Spectator Sla"Qghter J Til e Warriors No. 17 Co.ming . : Friday, F eb: ;-Game, St<'r· lla: at McPherson. ·Hall Will Lecture . Satunlay, F<b. 8 - Slude.nt · Rttltal, Urown Aud.Horium. · Saturday, f'eb. 8 - German club costume 9 p.m. For Cultural ·Series Dave Lonl'aneck.er, Dean Hummer, an" J erry WIUlams, ntw A t.udcnta at Mcl' hcr1on College, pause to discuss their· uprrJcnces •• new s tudents at J\lacoU crc. DoubUcss. they tlnd utc at AhcoUcic d.Ufc.r c. nt from what the,. · were used to befor e. · · Enrollments Complete -For Second Semester Enrollment at McPherson Col· 1ri:e for the second gcmestcr t otaled 5 77 student$, the rcgis- tror"s bllice reported this week. This 43 fewer 1Ludcnls as compared wl lh lhc first se. S 1udents P art ici pate In Practice Teaching Student teachers began sec· ond semester student teaching fcb. 3. ' meste. r's t.nroUmtnl of 620 stu. dents. Forty.a.ix o( the students are special students. Eight students returned lo Ma· college. They arc: Da\"c Long· aned:er. Vernon Adams. Sig· fried Benson. Marjorie Keck. J oyce Eickenberry, Gar y Wil· son. D:wc Ankenman, nnd Low· ell Flory. · Mondny, F"cb. JO - Cu .Hurul Gordon Hall, J edurcr. Tut'Sduy, Feb. 11--Gamt, Mc- Pherson at Otta• -:1. Fridliy, Feb. H- Game, C ol E at . McPherson. Saturday, F eb. 15 - Debate Tournament. Saturday, Feb. IS - S k u l c party. Saturday, Feb. tS-VaJenUne party, Stulkot linion, i :30 p.m. Mac Musicians Will Present Stu dent Recital A student recital has b cc n scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in Brown Audi- torium. Students from all nrca.s ol lhc music department will perform. Ruth · Ann Emmert. Adel. lo. wa: Lee Ha rris, Jennings, l ...i .• and 1 >0s.ibly J ane Hossler. 'l\k· ron, Ohio. will' be ,:ocal sal oists. Jim Neher. Cabool, Mo .• will play a tubn solo; Jim Burnell, McPherson. will play trumpet: and Warren Harden oC son will gh'e a trombone solo. By Robert Crabb United States. McPherson College will pre· Mr . Dall h., been a sent Gordon D Hall in Brown (UeSt oo lhe ' 'Today" allow oa Auditoritim ns 0 one in a ser ies · and has been feat. or programs as part or the Cult· W"<d In ... erel articles of lhe ural Series. The program will Saturday Ev<nlng PosL begin at 8 p.m. Feb. 10. In an arliclc by Roul Tunley Mr. Hall Is a veteran of lhlrly· published In lho Dec. 8, 1962 on< monlhs In lhe Pacillc lh.,. issue ol lhc Snturd.ay Evening a1"r and lhe Aleullan l5lallds Post, Mr. llall ls described as Campalp durl.o( World War IL "A crusader who names names, Since l!M6, Hall baa bectl a tt· Hall lectures Nldcly about the search student and a CODSU!lanl danger Crom groups thal have In lh< field of ln1"maUonol losl !ai lh in democracy." laUoOJ and ulremlst groups In Roul Tuney-nlsa calls Mr. Hall lhe United Stales. . "A one-man task !orcc, who Hall has been a Cree lance nails the "hate boys" w i l h "Titer with mnny or his works their y; orst scourge-exposure.' ·· appearing in such publications As speaker o! national repute, as the ll nrvard Busmess Re· his audiences have included \"iew, and the Christian Rcgisl· men's and women's clubs, Rot· er. He hos written the book, ary and Kiwanis, high school, "The llate Campaign Against college, and universities, church the Uni ted Notioas," which was groups and appearances on na· published by the Beacon P ress tional radio and tclevision. Inc. The lat<maUonal Allain D<· Mr. Hal is alsa a consultant parlm<•l of lhe G<n<rol F<d· to the conslitucnl bodies of the eraUon of Women'• Clubs baa Nationni Council •I the Church· aald lhls ol Mr. Hall: "Mr. es ol Christ and to lhc Nalional llall'1 direct and p-lse pre. Council w h i ch is the olllcial oenlaUoa, his abWly lo capture Portestant Church Council in the lhe undivided alleDlioa of hll audience, and lo bold lhan ls Imprest Ve." lllr. llall's topic " ill be entitled "The Extremist G r o u p s in America" and an cthibition oC current propaganda will be on display before a nd during, as wcll as aller his prcsculation. ll Is also his practice lo allow Umc !or qucsli on period. Sludenls who do not have a sc...,n Cultural Series ticket will be able lo purchase tickeL• for $1.25 inst.cad o! lhe regular $2, by getting them through Paul Wagoner's of£ice. Ticket$ must bo purchased not later lhan Friday, Feb. 7, al 5 p.m. Program to Feature Biology P rofessors Biology department will present a prog ram o v e r KTVH T.V., Feb. 14, al 7:30 o. m. Dr. Bur kholder •• prol essor ol biology, and Dr. Jkcnberry, BS· sociatc pro!cssor or biology, arc plannini; the proirarn. All arc teaching In clcmenlary schools. Marjorie Spears, Wat. erloo. la., is teaching at Wash· ington S<.'hool; Helen Jacoby. Gcllysburg, Pa., Is leaching at Wickersham. · Dan Thompson, McPherson, is teaching at Park School: Joyce King. McPherson, Is leaching at Uncoln School. Alie"' Pauls, In· ma n. is tCachiog a t Jnman. Those who enrolled at Macoi· le:e for the first time ure: Eu- gene Wilson. J ames Stohl, Bob Thomns. Dal Young Kim. Con- _nic Clark, Dean Hummer. Jo. Ann Recd. Ralph Barr. Delbert Sheets. Howard Garwick, Eric Shupe, Jasper Coller. Edward Holmberg, Eugene Brandt. Ro. berl Klein, ind Jerry Wiiiiams. P iano soloists will be Charles Dadisrnnn, Nevoda. Iown, und Nancy Miller of llocky Colo. Togas, Lederhosen In _ Or 4e.r. · .. Leap Year Party Ends Activities At German 'Kostuine Karnival' Three students are teaching in llulchinson. They arc Peggy Baker and Sylvia Griggs. both of ll utchinson; and Margaret Deitz, ol Hav'r'. Frederick P repares A Cappella Concert An A Cappella choir concert has been scheduled fr/( Friday, Morch 6, by Professor. Fred· crick. The theme or the con· cert will be ."Songs or l h c Scosons.'t Heart Sister Weck. sponsored giving. A biol will be gh· cn • c each day loi: a week and then annuolly, by the Womens Oun· the heart sister will be revealed. cil, will go inlo !ull·swing Mon· A Lcop Year Party in lhe day. Feb. 10. Slud<nt Union 1 5, from All MacoUege wom<n 1ludenls 8:30·11:30 p.m. "ill climax lhc . and faculty m<mben clttw acUviUes of Hearl Sisttt W<Ck. names In Cbap<l loday !or lhcir 1be party will be a "rlrl ask Stt«l heart si ster. boy" dance llith Jlenrt Sisler acth 1 ities wlll take atttre. a change ol pace this year in Committees !or ll eart Sisler lhal thei • will not involve gilt Week arc as !ollows: Publicity, . Harriett Swlni:cr, chairmen, Con- Mac To Host nie Weddle. and Rayna Hnmm: Food, Pat Pitts. chairman. and Sheryl llollis: Decorations, J DD Tobias. chairman and Ellen Sell: Program, Roberla Albin, chairman, Gcncllc Mohler. und Dcunnn Johnson: Cha1 >0I Ex· change; Judy Fox, chulrmnn, · and Lois Fruth. I Korean Author By Ed Mohler Costumes ranging from Ro. man togas lo Tyrolean ledcr· hosen will be in order tomor· row night as the German Club presents 11$ annual Kostumc Karnivnl. Tho Ccsl will be in the Sludcnl Union. Th• clanee .. 10 start al 9 p.m. 1'ilh music provided by Larry Blair and lhe Starllthlen. Plana have bec:n made for rdrcah· Convocations Calendar Tu<Scla.y, II - Vounghlll Kani. noted Korean author, ls tcolaUvcl1 scbedul<d lo -•k. Frld17, Feb. 14 - Assembly. Dr . Deane M.a1 oU, Auocl1Uon ol Amcric:Jln Colleg<s and t,Jnl· ,·erslUes Consultant.. 11 t.cnt.a· tlv<ty scheduled lo speak. mcnt and PolitJcal to the Director of Olllce ol Civil JnromuaUon lo Korea. 87 Krehbiel Younghill· Kang, distinguished auihor and lecturer, will speak in chapel on Feb. I. · His eloquent. provocali\"C pint· form mnnncr has won him ac· lie ,..., bona ID Korea and cloim ns "a man with poet ry .Sopholl!ores Apply For Scholarships Abroad menla and a spedal proiram. The music for lhls program will be provided by the Beth· any College German M a I e O..rus, under the o! Robert Davi.. The program, publicity, and decorations hove been planned . by lhe Ge rman Club st.cerl1111 committee - Bob Slater, soph· omore, Denver: Dale Marrs, SOP homo re, Ravenna, Neb.; and Professor Robert Porter. 1b<y have been uslslff by a committee "! art, studcnls headed by Win( Kee Kwok, aopbom=. from ROiif Koef. .No admission will be cba'rged, but donations lo d<!lray the ex· penses or the ent•rtainment, dccorationa, and refrcshmenla will be appreclalecl. t. Tbc German Club ls expect,. Ing a large lum-oul and is couraging all student$ lo come in costume. · ,,iwt ucal<d Jn the Ort•nt, , In lhe in ·his heart ."' Am<rlcas and Europe. ,\mong his· books arc "Th c K-nng has served on the sla(( , Grass Rool"" tScribncrs>. "Ensl ol lhc Encyclopaedia Brilannii:a, Goes West,"' "The 11 u PP Y MClropolilan Museum o( A' r I, Grove." He has received a Gu!!· Vale University Ubrary, and gcnhcim Award ii> crcoti••e wnl : College undergraduates have One lull and two partial until Feb. 15. lo apply !or nine scholarships arc offered scholarships being ollercd by !or st uily at each ol the three Uic Institute or" Europeon Stud·' centers. The lull scholarships ics ut ils centers in Paris, Vi· for Viennn and Frciburg o re enna, and Frciburg, West Ger· valued al $2.380: that !or Paris '. many. is valuc.i al $2. 650. S<\'Cral university !acuities in- ing and several Europclln lilcr· eluding presidency ol Tongyang ary prucs. ll'ocguko College at Seoul. · · Jll s book "Au Pays du Malin Duridg the war Im worlu;d !or Catme .. ...;..lveil "Le Prix Ual the United States Gove. Inmont pcrlne' Kaminsky" 81 t1'e bcsl agencies as an Orientation Lecl· book ID translallo• 1n · 1937 ID urer in military posla, principal economic ""81Ysl In Board . ol Economic Warfare and Jan:uai:e «>nsul tanl - 1o the Army's Edu· ration Division. Alter the war , Voun1ldD Kaut wa1 Chief of Publle1l10D"a for the Attiertcaa Mlllta_rY Gov....,. France. H. G. Wells. said o! Kang, ··uere i. a really great writer. '" Pearl S. Buck also once slDled thal " Younghm Kang is one of the most brilliant ol the EasL" The for Utt year Partial IChOlanhips al each ft.e awarded on center arc "' al-! at $1,000 ud · the ol .ac:hlev.,. $500. . ment, fi nancial need, and rec· The !utr scholarships, Include ; · omm<nd•Uon by "the appllcaat'• all Mslc COS\$ !or luiliOn, room, • u. s. coUec• or university. most meals, round-trip trans: They are intended jlSPCCioll .Y . aUanlic pasiagc Cfom New York, !or oulslanding sluilcnl$ w h o a nd h•"O !lcld trips in Europe. "i ll be juniors nexl year in Fllll IDl«malloa Dd -lk:a· history. ..,.,utical ·.Cience. int.er· lion forms are anllable from nallonnl relations, lilcrature . the tnslllute of Emvpeu Slcid· "philosophy, P5fChotogy, and !Cl, 35 E. Wecker Drive, Clll· Germon and French languages. caio, Ill. Earl Miller accepll a plclure of Mr. IJ. II, Fabaeatock for Fabaeatock Rall fnm Prot .... r 8. M. Dell. Mr. Fabaea- itock bu !>ffD called "Mr. Mof'llenft Collore" becaue et the foci tllal It wu lar1el7 UU"toarll Ida pldaace lbat •""lYed the PHI la' Ille late 1800°•· . A story ol lhe picture was run la Ille IHI baue qi Ibo si;.clalor. (Photo-Carlos Oieen>

ViewScan Premium PDF ouputarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v48-17r.pdf · 2019. 11. 16. · A t German 'Kostuine Karnival ' Three students are teaching in llulchi

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  • ·Pacify 'fhe .

    Warriors ,

    . I _,

    The Spectator Sla"Qghter JTile Warriors No. 17

    Co.ming . : • Friday, F eb: ;-Game, Stn and has been feat. or programs as part or the Cult· W"Tbc German Club ls expect,. Ing a large lum-oul and is ~n· couraging all student$ lo come in costume.

    · ,,iwtucal. "Ensl

    ol lhc Encyclopaedia Brilannii:a, Goes West,"' "The 11 u PP Y MClropolilan Museum o( A' r I, Grove." He has received a Gu!!· Vale University Ubrary, and gcnhcim Award ii> crcoti••e wnl:

    College undergraduates have One lull and two partial until Feb. 15. lo apply !or nine scholarships arc bei~ offered scholarships being ollercd by !or stuily at each ol the three Uic Institute or" Europe on Stud·' centers. The lull scholarships ics ut ils centers in Paris, Vi· for Viennn and Frciburg o re enna , and Frciburg, West Ger· valued al $2.380: that !or Paris '. many. • is valuc.i al $2.650. •

    Snsultanl -1o the Army's Edu· ration Division.

    Alter the war , Voun1ldD Kaut wa1 Chief of • Publle1l10D"a for the Attiertcaa Mlllta_rY Gov....,.

    France. H. G. Wells. said o! Kang,

    ··uere i. a really great writer.'" Pearl S. Buck also once slDled thal " Younghm Kang is one of the most brilliant ml~ds ol the EasL"

    The ldlol~ for Utt year Partial IChOlanhips al each ~-63. ~Ill· ft.e awarded on center arc "'al-! at $1,000 u d

    · the ~I+ ol ac.ia~ .ac:hlev.,. $500. . ment, financial need, and rec· The !utr scholarships, Include ; · ommffD called "Mr. Mof'llenft Collore" becaue et the foci tllal It wu lar1el7 UU"toarll Ida pldaace lbat M~coll••• •""lYed the PHI dep~ la' Ille late 1800°•· . A story ol lhe picture was run la Ille IHI baue qi Ibo si;.clalor. (Photo-Carlos Oieen>

  • The gp'ectnto:,' Pnge 2 '/ ,,. .

    Can Cq~leges ) pictate T11e .Scholiast

    Strident Moral (:odes? Stu-Co .J?-eporter Disagrees

    . . . • . •f

    With . -Campus Conservatives n. Nor11.m. Siar. Norlhem

    lllinois• Unlv•rslty, 0.Kalb, JIJ.,

    says II seems people obey "!leS· reaiilalions and Jnws btcausc they fe:ir the ronscquenccs or

    bcing caught

    II Is loo '1UI an llSIUml>tloe lo .., that "mo~! party.coors" W .. oftnilcllttrs" do •ot now lltal what Utey .... •om. Is ._. II Is · a flacrant vlolatloti ol uyooe•1 moral cOdc.

    Then th es e people, when caught, have tho nudactiy lo lcll the unlverslly lhat I.his is not a Viclorlan Al!,e ond no one should lrcnl them ns high sch'?"I· ers.

    An even wilder Juslilication is UU.: "Oh, It's been going on !or so long now lhal there's nolliing that can be done aboul ll .. It . -ebould Jtlsl be llccepted as n rcalily.'" Murder quoll!ies und'. er I.hat logic. ·

    Tbe -lhne lo JilllUy •n •clioa,

    Is before It Is perpetrated, not a/ltt. Al~mpts to JOSll(y a/~r Ute ad become a fnlallc Rarch for exc:ues.

    But Jet's return to the qucs-llon oC the uni\•ersily diclnting the· morals or students.

    • When a student eaters North· em he agrees to many stipu-lborale o u r · "He believes that individuals pttsent dlrttllon and, or. lo give cnn be trusted lo own prop-us new ld•n.• about your de· erty ... " perhaps, the liberal sires. thinks people can not be trusted

    Don Mcrrymon's efforts with lo own properly. rcgortl to nllernnti\'C food plans UaIOrtuaately, the cdilor hu hn\'C met with some limited demonstrated a desire to quote .success. The administration, in a typf'Cal coq.servaUve. I am the person of President Bitting. ob,·lously opposed to connn·a-er, hos promLCicd to bring up tfre Ideology, but if I mUJt see the question wilh the campus nny conservative propaganda. J food scn 1lcc. would much railler see aome-

    J 11u11Posc It Is nice to have thing that demonstrates some Dr. f'lory bnek on cumpus and lntclUgcnt thought.

    In' Slud•nt Cow1cll m~llngs, William Buckley used so m e 'bu! I hove noUced that the .good sound logic in his nrgu. .. intcUectun.I conKn:au,·~" ments: I disagree with ttis basic (quote mnrks slgnlly a Joke) premises, but at Jenst he on our c:.mpus feel they now docsn·t spend his time putting

    .. big •"'Ords together in a ridiai. lou• fashlon - and he seldom quotes Patrick Henry.

    Thal last ronunen1 is meant for another weak thinking con. servalive - Bill Lawrence. 1 made the mlst.o.ke or wasting my time, and rend his !tiler to tho editor in last week's paper.

    Belo"' we be(ta lo •ll•rk somooae'1 tdllorlal policies. ~1,: Lawrence, IUPPOle we go bnrl; llDd coual tbe poilllcal cdllorl•ls or an edJt.or, and then do some seriout thlnklnr before we d"" scribe their tdltorlala as llt'ing "loo llbtraJ orleakd."

    One Ume there wos u dis· cusalon or clvlJ rights dtmon. 1lrallon1 tlf this ls too lilwral. you 11ced nt0re than n colltge tducaUO,P, Mr. Lawrence), one about an ouulaallon henomeri'On here or els'e-whero in the world?

    •Quasi-Platonic -Tham

    llow about your watt;:' Oh. we always boil lhnl. Or

    al . least lhe cook docs. · Do you check On him ofteaf Well, lo leJJ lhe truth. no. Do yoa carTJ boiled water

    ·lato the llelcl with ·YOU! • No. H's too much bother. They

    lold us hot ten wns OK, and J usually drink I.hat I! I get thirs-ty. EYery now and I.hen. when ii' ... really hot, we drink !rom lube wells. They're pretty deep

    and should be sore. Has anyone ever tested the

    water to be sure! Do you know ho"' deep they arc, or how deep ls 100 ,.er cent saJe?

    No. They're probably about lfoO !eel deep. but I rCBlly don't know. Desirlcs. on n long train tri1> You hnvc to drink .some-times, nnd I gel damned tired o! len. So I drink lube well water.

    What about the Jo:Une pills Jn your travel kit?

    Did you ever taste those, Doc? I don'l like lhcm. AndJ don't lhink lube well waler is thnl dnngcrous.

    Can you give me a brief J~a oi your Job and bow tb1ngs are going'/

    We're engineers and construe.

    ·. tion workers. building s m a 11 bridges ·and cuhterts. The work is good, but sometimes can be frustrating as hell.

    i just can·i leach some or these people anything. They have U1e .best equipment and know.how to do U1e job right, I spend' hours explaining lo lhem, and it doesn't do any good,

    When I'm not there they don't take CJlre or the cquipmenl, they don'I folio~· my advice. lhcy don't· use the tools I've brought lo . them. It's really !ruslraling.

    I se-e • • •. Condensed from Pence Corps

    Volunteer - Charles Herron, M. D.

    Three Maeollegc women ho\'e been appoinled by Miss Mary Ann Robinson, de.an or .women. lo fill vacancies on t1ie Wo-men's Council.

    They arc: Deanna Johnson. freshman ! r o m McPherson: Rayno Hnmm, freshman from Rocky Ford, Colo.: and Judy Hoover, sophomore from OC'n-vcr.

    These additions to the council make n Iota! or JS members. They represent the various ar· rangements and campus organ· lzallons.

    ' 'let's Not Get Parucky, Fellows--Tbis Could Have Some Prelly Amusing Aspecta"

    Obieclives o! the rouncil ore the promotion or good !ello\\'• ship among women studenlS. discussion of campus problems. and providing opporluniti.S !or correct social behavior. :

    Dells Donate Coffee Server To M~colkge

    A ·Walnut cnblnet ro!fee sen" er was donated to tho businc dept1rlmenl o! Marollege by Professor nnd Mrs. S. M. Dell.

    The • cabinet was designed and bulll by the boys or lhc lndustrinl arts deJ>Drlmcnl, unrl· cr· thc supervision o! Pro!. Dell.

    The Dells also donnled nn cleelrle pereolnlor. Mrs. Dell Is moilng the CUJ>S and scrvin;: dlabcs in ccr.amics.

    The corrce server was used by the , !ncully lo wclrome Dr· Flory back. and 10 welromo Dr. Miller to the stair.

    Zupkel to be Leader For Brethren Rally

    C. Wayne ZUnkel, paslor of the First Brethren Church in Harrisburg, PoM., will be lh• guest leader during Christion U!c 'Emphasis week held on · c.amPllS and at the Brethren . Church.

    The ilate for I.his ron!erence Is MaJtii 15-18.

  • Mot1iul~uilde~s Yield To Macollege Cagers

    Girls' Teani Edges Pa~t ·. Bethel S~xtet

    A venglng their single de lent or this season, the McPherson College girls' basketball teom edged 11ast the Bethel rexlcl 40· ~7. on Snlurday, Feb. I.

    ·nie McPherson 0urcd In 29 Points. 'inch1· din~ 10 lield . gonls nnd nine chnrily points.

    McPherson played well from . slarl to finish and ·hit 5-1 per · conl ·or Us ~ots from the field. Snu1hwcstcrn mndc, only 41 per . cent or Its shots ..

    Johr.i Tegeler, Geo. Czaplinski m;id Doug Knchnns were also outstanding for McPherson. not only in scoring but in ball hnnd· ling ns well. Tegeler made 17 points before going ool of the game on fouls with 9:08 minutes

    The victory gave McPhorsoo n ron£ercncc recon! ol 7·5 nod ;. seasonal mnrk or 12-9. South· "cstrm is now &-7 In the loop and S.9 lor lhe season.

    The lend chnogcd 11 l imes lhe first hair with McPherson hold- _ in~ n slim 37-36 lc:id nl the. " hall. Slowly the Bulldogs "'1r\-('(( pulling owey 'eDrly in the

    last hnll. holding leads or 42-36. 50-ll nnd then the Bulldors ral-lied lo cul McPherson's advnn-tnse to only three points, 53-50.

    l\facollege Five Subdue \ .

    Bethel College Threshers . tcPhcrsoo College dclenled Dick Welch tallled 17 points,

    the Bethel Collgc ')'hrcshers for making ; field goals hi 11 at-

    lhc scccnd time this season in !empts. George Czaplinski co~

    n lhr~·gomc series on Saturday, tribut.cd I! poinls while John Feb. I . in Newton, by the score Tegeler scored 10 Md Doug Kn~

    of 70·58. bans 8. Besides being high point

    The BulldO!fl had pttvlously man for th< Bulldogs, Enke also

    bea lien the .,..u.elhers in league was the top rebounder with 13

    ucUon on lhc borne court or the grabs.

    nuUdogs, while the Tbrc1her s As a team the Bulldogs mada

    clclcoted lh< Bulidofl _ill t h c 25 field gonis in 56 a ltcmpls

    McPherson Chris tmas Touma· for 44.G per cent, while they

    menl. - mndc 20 of 23 free throw at-

    11cls wns the lourlh consccu- U!mpts for n very line 86.9 per thre win for the Bulldogs, and cent.

    it got t11cm otc lo a Good start ~lcPhcr. Fe 1-·i 1-· in the Inst month or Jenguc ac· ~en1~~:~· : ; ; lion. Ci'• kl s 2 z

    M:irion Ehkc ngain raised his ~~~~h ; ,. ~ ~ teom high point total when he countered 23 points in .this game.

    Uelhcl F1 Ft.F' KOC!hn 5 l 2 Nlc:lr.cl '4 I 2 D .Schmldt l O 1 Wall 3 3 I .-aJrb!ln " 0 2

    ~s:ehm} l ~ ~ ~ Marner O O l L.Schmldt l 3 " Ile hn

  • ~he Sp ctator11 J:'.ag~ 4

    ·~c~olarships Available For Futu;re Freshnie.n

    A competitive honor scholar- March 14, at a a.m. Tbe try141i ship program Is again belrQl or- p......iur. lllcludes &aJdaC a acr-r.t.d to future ITICJllbcrs or the ... of ' te1ta ud bavhlg • per-

    ' 1164-65 treahmnn class or r.\c- aona1 Interview. Phenon College. This marks th~ Students who ·have not pr~-ruth year of the program. viously taken the ACT rests will

    "We - lbat oompel!Uve also tnlte ~· In case or ex-~ have helped raloe trcme hardship or imposslbUlty Ille IC8demlc standards here at or attending the assignctl try. ·MaeolleJe." Mid Gay 11&,yes, dJ. out tlmes. spcclnl arrangements

    aludcat fn1111 aU.DCllnc the .,.. dlUou, other arrao&emcDta can be made for talented atudellll.

    To retain music and merit award scholarships. a student must maintain a 1.5 grade point the first two years and 2.0 the last two years..- Junior college nwnrds require a 2.0 overage.

    rector al --. .. Forty- can be made. M Co d ~ - -1 o( oar ewt'ellt Basis for selection or scholar· en n UC\ ,__ dul ranked In the Ill>' shlp winners will be high school F JI hi ~ ~ • the .ACT ICOre&." grudcs, ACT scores, other tests e 0WS p

    CompetiUve honor scholarships and scholastic achievement, llnd • with values or $1000; $800, and the personal interview. F Sh l Jn ...., are 1vallable to members !Ugh school merll awardr ol 0 r u . s or the entcrlna freshman class. ' $400 ead! aud Jwtlor collere mer-Tbe DWDber of soholsrshlps giv· U awards o( $ZOO each att grut. en will be ddermined by the ed to deservlnf lncomlnf llU-quallly or the applicants. denta. , 'l'lle amount or the scholar- A limited number or music aklp. is spread over, the !our year schOlnrships wltti a top ·value or coUece peflod. To qualify !or the $400 each are also · avnllnble. ~ "'!'Jdmum value or the Audltlons for these will be held echolanhip the swdent must at the same time as thoso !or melntaln a "B" average each the competitive honor scholar· '"""'"1er. , ships. , ~ for the ICbolanhlps Musical contestants are lo pre-

    wlll a - Fr1day, March 6, pare • selection !or audition, M I:» p.m.. and Saturday, bring. their own instrument un-

    .. con Auto Parts ,. And


    AOCESSORIES · "7 N. Aila 113 E. EacUd

    Hubbell' s. Drug

    .f.ollow the · BullClogs

    . in the McPherson

    Sentinel I



    210 E. Euclid

    CH 1-4035

    less it is too Jorge to carry, nnd submi t · a recommendation from a qunli!ied person.

    U circumstances pre\•rnt a

    VOGT SHOE SERVICE Fine Shoe Repair

    Shoe Supplies 103 E. Eucli!l

    King's Drug 207 N. Main

    Cifts And Hallmark \ Cards For Every


    Ebaugh's Gifts & '

    Accessories ios N. Main

    Student , . Accounts

    Always receive

    cheerful attention at the


    SUnday afternoon worship sor-vices at the Unruh Nursing Home and the Cedars in Mc-Pherson are being conducted by ' 'oiuntcers from the student body or McPherson College.

    Nine students - Glen Frill· ier, Carlos Green, Max Gumm, Joy Ca n non. Don Kuhlman, Lowell Vanderveer, Jim Weav-er, Jerrold Wilson. and Dory! Standn!cr - began worship ser-\'iccs In Nov. at the Unruh Nurs· Ing Hom'e and will continue. them

    ·through May. · Two visitations each month are being made by nine students to the Cedars, the Church or the Brethren Home in Mcf'ller."' son.

    Students. taking these r espon· sibilities are Roger Schrock, Jim Weaver, Jerrofd Wilson, Rick Dccmy, Galen Bollinger, Dorry Haldeman, Jim Neher, Jay Con· non, nnd Jim Stohl.

    These visitatioOs began this month nnd will nlso continue through May.

    111c \lo"Orship S«!r\1ices consist or scripture reading, prayer, short sermon, and special music.

    Prescriptions Compounded

    Raleigh's Drug Store .

    McPherson Laundry AND

    Dry Cleaners ... · Finest Coin-Op

    Dry Cleaning

    214 S. Mo;n Ph, CH 1-2744

    MAC THEATRE McPhei-son, Kans11

    Feb. 7.9 · Fri-Sun

    " Take Her S.he\ Mine"


    James Stewart-Sandra Dec .

    C,oming February 14th

    "Wheeler & Dealers" .

    . '

    Ch'urch ·orrers New Progra~ns For February

    Malott to Visit L

    • I

    McPherson Church or the Bre-thren morning worship schedule !or lhe month of February will be: Feb. 9, lnstallniion o! Cecil Haycock to status 'of Elder in the Chu.pi of the !)rethren, Dr Metzler 1111d Dr. Elrod presld· ing. Feb. 16, "Desert-Devil -Victory," Pastor Bomberger. Feb. 23, "The Sin 'Of Over· work," Pastor Bom~gor.

    As Consultant Dr. Deane Malott, president

    emeritus of Co~ll Universlly and former chancclor or the

    University or Knn8ns will be on the McPherson College campus Thursday and Friday, Feb. 13 and 14.

    For t'1e evening worship the lie bas beea invited by the following programs are feat· Cott•s• lo visit lbe campus In u_red: Feb. 9. School pl M~· ~ ~~t~~ uo( = SIODS · Banquet, Dr. Wayne Md· Col~ d UDI raltl tor speaking. Feb. 16, Women's '" an ve es, Fellowship SPQnsorlng represent- . While here, Dr. Malo~t. wAI ativcs form Prairie View Hos· meet with faculty, ndrrun1Strn· pital. Feb.,23, program by )'OUth live and student groups, evalu· who ottended the Brethren Youth ating strengths and .weaknesses Scmirulr. or our college. He wdl then pre-

    Fabrics lo be Feature 0£ Home Ee. l\fee\ing

    Fabrics will be the feature or the Home. Economics Chapter Meeting to be held at Cah·crt's Clothing Store, Tuesda)'. Feb. 11, ut 6:45 p.m.

    Mr.' Rl!e, the owner or Cal-vert's, will present the progra!".

    Educ'!lors lo Attend Association Meetings

    Dr. Merlin Frantz, proressor or education and PsYthology, nnd Dr. Doyton G. Rothrock, profcs· sor or educotion and psyt'nology, will attend meetings or t h e American Association of Colleges for Teacher Educa tion and the Assoclotion !or Student Tcac:h· ors in Chicago Feb. 19·22.

    Dr. James B._ Conant, well known critic or American cdu· cation, will be the featured speaker !or the meetings.


    pare a written report or l)is find· ings !or the Association of American Colleges and McPher-son College.

    The Association o! Americpn Colleges Is a society or college administrators whlch has been striving lo improve and stand· ardizc the qua)ity o! higher Cd· ucntlon in the United States nnd Cnnnda.

    Both President Bltuoger and Dean Gtlaert recently returned from a met!tlng or the assoc.

    Green's Appliance Store

    TV· Radio Stereos &


    118 s. Main CH 1-!1284

    When Cleaned by

    Ba~er Cleaners 118 E. Kaas. CH 1-0023

    Colleen Neher

    An~Barry Haldaman

    lallon held ear~r lllla year. ¥ter completing his work nt

    McPhcrsou, Dr. Malott hopes to visit Abilene, his boyhood home. ·

    Campus to Host Deb~te Tourney

    McPherson C o 11 e g e will be host to a college debate tourn. nmenl to be held Feb. 15, lOOl.

    This year's topic Is Resolved

    '1'he Feder a I Government should guarantee an opportunity

    for hlgher education to all qua!· ified high sChool students."

    A lour state area has been im•ltcd, including twenty • live

    sohools !rom Missouri, Oklo· homa, Nebraska nnd Kansas.

    J .. D.'s KWIK BURGER lOA.Mdo 12P.M.

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    Tie up her heart this Volenflnes

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