1 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY B.Sc. (Industrial Microbiology) BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

· Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,

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Page 1: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,



B.Sc. (Industrial Microbiology)


BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

Page 2: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


Department of MicrobiologyDr. H. S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar

Revised scheme of B.Sc. program in Industrial Microbiology under CBCS systemEffective from July, 2014

I Semester (July 2014 – Nov 2014)Courses Title Instructors L T P C

Core MIC C 111 Fundamentals of Industrial Microbiology

NK 2 0 0 2

MIC C 112 Instrumentation, Tools and Techniques in Microbiology

SKC 2 0 0 2

MIC C 113 Laboratory Course NK, SKC 0 0 2 2

II Semester (Dec 2014 – April 2015)Courses Title Instructors L T P C

Core MIC C 211 Principles of Biochemistry SKC 2 0 0 2MIC C 212 Molecular biology and Bacterial

genetics YB 2 0 0 2

MIC C 213 Laboratory Course SKC, YB 0 0 2 2

III Semester (July 2015 – Nov 2015)Courses Title Instructors L T P C

Core MIC C 311 Soil Microbiology YB 2 0 0 2MIC C 312 Air & Water Microbiology and

BiostatisticsRM 2 0 0 2

MIC C 313 Laboratory Course YB, RM 0 0 2 2

IV Semester (Dec 2015 – April 2016)Courses Title Instructors L T P C

Core MIC C 411 Microbial Physiology SKC 2 0 0 2MIC C 412 Immunology and Medical

Microbiology RM 2 0 0 2

MIC C 413 Laboratory Course SKC, RM 0 0 2 2

V Semester (July 2016 – Nov 2016)Courses Title Instructors L T P C

Core MIC C 511 Agricultural Microbiology RM 2 0 0 2MIC C 512 Dairy and Food Microbiology SK 2 0 0 2MIC C 513 Laboratory Course RM, SK 0 0 2 2

VI Semester (Dec 2016 – April 2017)Courses Title Instructors L T P C

Core MIC C 611 Industrial Microbiology NK 2 0 0 2MIC C 612 Fermentation Technology and

government regulationNK 2 0 0 2

MIC C 613 Laboratory Course NK 0 0 2 2

*NK: Dr. Naveen Kango; YB: Dr. Yogesh Bhargava; SKC: Dr. Shivendra Kumar Chaurasia; RM: Dr. Rajesh Mondal.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

Page 3: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 111 Fundamentals of Industrial Microbiology

Unit-I (6 hours)

History of Microbiology, Contributions of Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Edward Jenner, Waksman, Alexander Fleming, Scope and importance of Microbiology.

Unit- II (6 hours)

Bacteriology: Structure of different cell components of Eubacteria. Characteristic features, classification and importance of Actinomycetes, Mycoplasma and Cyanobacteria.

Unit-III (6 hours)

Morphological features, classification (taxonomy) and characteristics of (Slime moulds) Myxomycetes (Slime moulds), Oomycetes, Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes.

Unit- IV (6 hours)

General Morphological features and ultrastructure of viruses; Classification of viruses. Related viral agents, viroids and prions. Life cycle of RNA and DNA viruses. Lytic cycle, Lysogeny; one step growth curve. Unit- V (6 hours)

Industrial Microbiology- Concept and scope. Nature and range of industrial products from microorganisms. Concept of industrial strains, Strain development. A general knowledge of microbes used in production of food, dairy, chemicals (solvents), bioactive molecules (antibiotics; enzymes).

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 4: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 112 Instrumentation, Tools and Techniques in Microbiology

Unit-I (6 hours)

Microscopy and microscopic techniques: Principles and application of light microscopy, dark field, phase contrast, fluorescence and electron microscopy. Micrometry, Camera lucida.

Unit-II (6 hours)

Microbial growth and mutation; Culture media: preparation and types - defined, differential, selective and enrichment culture media.

Unit –III (6 hours)

Isolation techniques: Pour plate, spread plate, streak plate, serial dilution method. Methods of purification of microbial cultures. Maintenance and preservation of microbial cultures, Lyophilization, Cryopreservation etc.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Sterilization: Principle and methods of sterilization, physical and chemical agents of sterilization; Disinfectants, Antiseptics, Phenol coefficient.

Unit – V (6 hours)

Principle, working and applications of spectrophometer, pH meter. Centrifugation: types and applications, Design and use of fermenter.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 5: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 113 Laboratory Course

Practical’s/ Experiments based on :

Fundamentals of Industrial Microbiology and Instrumentation, Tools and Techniques in Microbiology

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C0 0 2 2

Page 6: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


B.Sc. II Semester

MIC C 211 Principles of Biochemistry

Unit-I (6 hours)

Carbohydrates – Classification, structure, properties and function. Homo and Hetero – polysaccharides. Starch and cellulose; structural and storage polysaccharides.

Unit-II (6 hours)

Amino acids – Classification, structure and properties. Proteins – classification, structure and properties. Primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. Structural and functional proteins.

Unit-III (6 hours)

Lipids Structure and functions; Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, Fats, waxes and complex lipids; Biological role of lipids and and lipoproteins, β-oxidation of fatty acids.

Unit-IV (6 hours)

Enzyme- Classification, Mechanisms of enzyme action; co-enzymes, cofactors, competitive and non competitive inhibition Allosteric regulation of enzymes.Isoenzyme, Factors affecting enzyme activity.

Unit-V (6 hours)

Transport of Molecules – Active and passive membrane proteins. Bioenergetics: Mechanism of ATP generation.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 7: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 212 Molecular biology and Bacterial genetics

Unit-I (6 hours)

Structure of DNA, variation from Watson and Crick model. DNA replication, enzymes involved in DNA replication, Concept of genes.

Unit-II (6 hours)

Structure of RNA and their types. Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Genetic code, Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Unit-III (6 hours)

Regulation of gene expression; positive and negative regulation Lac operon and Tryptophan operon. Concept of cyclic AMP, CAP (catabolic activator protein)

Unit-IV (6 hours)

Types of Mutagens, Molecular basis of Mutation, Types of mutation, DNA damage and repair mechanisms.

Unit-V (6 hours)

Genetic recombination in bacteria: transformation, transduction and conjugation, plasmids, Cosmids, Transposons, Overlapping genes; Genetic mapping.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 8: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 213 Laboratory Course

Practical’s/ Experiments based on :

Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular biology and Bacterial genetics

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C0 0 2 2

Page 9: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


B.Sc. III Semester

MIC C 311 Soil Microbiology

Unit-I (6 hours)

Soil as a dynamic ecosystem; Concept of soil in relation to microbes. Physiological adaptation in microorganisms. Factor affecting soil population.

Unit-II (6 hours)

Biogeochemical cycling of Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Iron cycle. Role of microorganisms in recycling of minerals.

Unit-III (6 hours)

General account on microbial interaction: Neutralism, Commensalism, Amensalism and Mutualism (Synergism and Symbiosis). General note on Mycorrhizal association.

Unit-IV (6 hours)

Nitrogen fixation by Biofertilizer – Bioinoculants and their importance, Mass cultivation of Rhizobium organic farming.

Unit-V (6 hours)

Solid waste disposal. Methods of disposal of agricultural waste. Biodegradation and Biodeterioration.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 10: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 312 Air & Water Microbiology and Biostatistics.

Unit – I (6 hours)

Techniques of analysis of microorganisms in air – settling plate technique, Air samplers. Microorganisms in outdoor and indoor environment. Indoor air quality.

Unit – II (6 hours)

Control of microorganisms in air – filtration, laminar flow. Major allergic and hypersensitive reactions caused by air borne microorganisms

Unit – III (6 hours)

Sources of water, distribution of microorganisms in water, methods of purification of water. Water borne diseases. MPN analysis.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Liquid waste disposal. Nature of domestic and municipal waste and sewage. Sewage treatment. Biological oxygen demand (BOD). Trickling filter.

Unit – V (6 hours)

Basic idea of probability. Normal binomial and Poisson distribution. Mean, Mode and Median. Chi–square test. Experimental and logarithmic functions.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 11: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 313 Laboratory Course

Practical’s/ Experiments based on :

Soil Microbiology, Air & Water Microbiology and Biostatistics

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C0 0 2 2

Page 12: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 411 Microbial Physiology

Unit – I (6 hours)

Biochemical properties of cell membrane Diffusion gaseous exchange, Osmosis, Plasmolysis Passive and Active transport mechanisms.

Unit – II (6 hours)

Photosynthetic microbes, Oxygenic and Non oxygenic photosynthesis, Electron transport system Cyclic and non cyclic photophosphorylation, Calvin cycle. Photosynthetic system of purple bacteria, green bacteria and cyanobacteria.

Unit – III (6 hours)

Respiration, glycolysis, Krebs cycle Fermentation, pentose phosphate pathway. Nitrification and denitrification.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Methnanogens and methylotrophs, sulphur utilizing bacteria. Sulphate reduction pathway. Economic importance of methylotrophs and sulphur utilizing bacteria.

Unit – V (6 hours)

Physiology, adaptation and importance of specialized groups of microorganisms including psychrophiles, thermophiles, halophiles, acidophiles.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 13: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 412 Immunology and Medical Microbiology

Unit – I (6 hours)

Concept of Immunity – its types. Cell mediated and humoral immunity , Components of immune system, Factors affecting immunity.

Unit – II (6 hours)

Antigen – Types and properties, haptens . Epitopes.Types of Immunoglobuligs – types properties and structure, Monoclonal antibodies-production and application.

Unit – III (6 hours)

Antigen- Antibody reactions; Serology; Immunodiagnostics ; Widal, VDRL, ELISA, Coomb’s test, complement fixation.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Important diseases caused by vibrio, clostridium, Neisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance.

Unit- V (6 hours)

Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza, Polio. Chemotherapy and control of viral diseases. Mycoses – types and treatment, Antifungal drugs.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 14: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 413 Laboratory Course

Practical’s/ Experiments based on :

Microbial Physiology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C0 0 2 2

Page 15: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


B.Sc. V Semester

MIC C 511 Agricultural Microbiology

Unit – I (6 hours)

Soil fertility, Pesticides and their impact on soil fertility, Importance of crop rotation, Influence of available nitrogen on soil fertility.

Unit – II (6 hours)

BIofertilizers and their application in agriculture. Mass production of biofertilizer – Rhizobium and Azotobacter.

Unit – III (6 hours)

Microbiology of stored products, spoilage of cereal grains and oil seeds during storage. Method of controlling storage losses in cereal grains and oil seeds.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Microbial diseases of crop plats with special reference to Wheat, Rice, Groundnut, and Potato.

Unit – V (6 hours)

Control of plant diseases – Chemical control, Biological control, Biopesticides (IPM) Concept of integrated pest management. Bacterial insecticides.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 16: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 512 Dairy and Food Microbiology

Unit – I (6 hours)

Microorganisms in food, food inspection microorganisms important in food microbiology – fungi, yeast bacteria; General characteristics, classification and importance of microbes associated with food.

Unit – II (6 hours)

Principles of food preservation, physical methods of food preservation – asepsis, Pasteurization, canning, desiccation, low temperature, anaerobiosis filtration.

Unit – III (6 hours)

Chemical preservation of food – Salt and sugar, organic acids, use of SO2 ethylene and propylene, acids, wood smoke.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Source of Microorganisms in milk , Microbiological examination of milk, standard plate count, microscopic count, methylene blue reductase test. Methods of preservation of milk. Disease caused by milk associated bacteria.

Unit – V (6 hours)

Food spoilage mechanism, spoilage of fruits and vegetables, meat (and poultry). Food borne diseases, microorganisms associated with Indian fermented foods.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 17: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 513 Laboratory Course

Practical’s/ Experiments based on :

Agricultural Microbiology and Dairy and Food Microbiology

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C0 0 2 2

Page 18: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


B.Sc. VI Semester

MIC C 611 Industrial Microbiology

Unit- I (6 hours)

Historical development of industrial microbiology. Screening for economically important cultures (primary and secondary), Preservation of microbial cultures.

Unit- II (6 hours)

Industrial production of organic acids- Lactic and citric acids. Enzyme production – amylase, protease.

Unit- III (6 hours)

Industrial production of amino acids : L- lysine and glutamic acid Industrial production of vitamins – Vitamin B12 and Riboflavin.

Unit –IV (6 hours)

Production of alcohol, wine, beer and acetic acid. Industrial production of antibiotics– penicillin and streptomycin .

Unit- V (6 hours)

Industrial production of cheese, Butter milk. Leavening of bread. Fungi and bacteria as a source of single cell protein.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 19: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 612 Fermentation Technology and government regulation

Unit- I (6 hours)

Fermentation equipments, Principle types of fermenter – The batch fermenters, continuous stirred tank fermenter (CSTR), fluidised bed fermenter; packed bed fermenter.

Unit – II (6 hours)

Solid state fermentation, Strain improvement, product recovery methods

Unit – III (6 hours)

Characteristics of fermentation media, scale up of fermentation processes, Immobilized biocatalyst, shaking devices, aeration devices, Computer control in fermentation processes.

Unit – IV (6 hours)

Indian government programmes for biotechnology development. Government regulation of recombinant DNA research. Patenting and IPR. Role of International organization in biotechnology.

Unit –V (6 hours)

Hazardous industrial wastes, Regulation for disposal of bio-hazardous materials. Disposal of solid and liquid waste from fermentation industry.

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C2 0 0 2

Page 20: · Web viewNeisseria, Entrobacteria. Bacterial chemotherapy. Mode of action of antibiotics; Drug resistance. Unit- V (6 hours) Important viral diseases – AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza,


MIC C 613 Laboratory Course

Practical’s/ Experiments based on :

Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology and government regulation

BSc. Syllabus (Industrial Microbiology) July 2014

L T P C0 0 2 2