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Page 1:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

“Beyond the Kit” FB Event

Before event: graphic of “join us in 30 minutes”

Hello everyone!

I am super excited about this event tonight!!! Thank you all for taking time out of your evening to join me and learn more about some of the products that Young Living offers “beyond the starter kit”. Tonight will be a mix of live videos, written information (most of the info will be presented this way so that you are able to read it, take notes, refer to it later, etc.), and some fun giveaways so you can try new products right away.

Each slide that I post (and video) will be numbered from #1 on, so that you can easily reference back to them later and also are more easily able to follow along as new slides are posted. Feel free to ask questions on any of the slides, and if I am not able to answer your question right away, I will go back through all the information after the class and answer questions then. Also, feel free to save your questions up and ask them at the Q&A video at the end.

A little necessary red tape before we get started:

The information contained in this event is meant for educational and informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and it should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. I am an Independent Distributor with Young Living, and these are some of the things that I have chosen to do to take charge of my own personal health and that of my family. You are free to make your own decisions for the health care of you and your family based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. Statements made here have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Products mentioned here from Young Living are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This event is not connected to or endorsed by Facebook in any way.

Graphic of “learn more about what YL has to offer”

#1 – An Introduction

Do a short live FB video introducing myself

- Alicia Dragic, Independent Distributor with Young Living … GAPS Practitioner

- started with YL almost 2 years ago, needed a non-toxic, healthy alternative for my boys, both with special needs

- essential oils have changed our lives …

1. sleep … as in, all night

Page 2:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

2. health … as in, went from sick kids from Sept. to May … rarely sick now (and the house smells a whole lot better now than it used to when everyone was sick!)

3. we do not have ONE SINGLE TOXIC PRODUCT in our home … everything is “green” and EO based

4. after working 15 years in a hospital setting, I have since been able to come home with my boys

Tonight we’re going to talk more about some of the products from Young Living that are among my favorites, they may be yours too. Please feel free to ask questions, share your experiences, etc.

In the comment section below this video, please comment on what you would like to learn about tonight or just introduce yourself Looking forward to talking with you all in our Q&A at the end of the class!



Did you know that Young Living has hundreds of different products, not just essential oils?

This kind-of came as a news flash to me. For several months, I was completely immersed in essential oils: trying new oils, learning about oils, finding oil protocols online, etc. I had my Ningxia Red sample packets in my starter kit for MONTHS after I got my kit without trying them (I know, I’m crazy … now I go to events with my demo kit to show the starter oils, and all my Ningxia packets are missing because I’ve drank them lol).

But on a more serious note, Young Living has much more to offer beyond essential oils. And the best part about all of their other products is that many of them actually incorporate essential oils INTO the product: the best of both worlds. For instance, they have supplements, skin care products, antioxidant and anti-aging products, weight management products, personal care products, even make-up … all infused with the purest essential oils in the world!

Tonight we will talk about some of Young Living members’ favorites … and this will just scratch the surface! I highly recommend taking time to look through your product guide or visit your Virtual Office and look through some of the things that Young Living has to offer.

Graphic of “Did you know?”


So let’s get started!

Before we get to supplements or beauty products, let’s talk about some of the essential oils that are member favorites that are not included in the current Premium Starter Kit.

First up is CEDARWOOD.

I am starting with cedarwood because it is one of my all-time favorite essential oils. If I had a choice, it would also be included in the Premium Starter Kit.

Page 3:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

What are some of the benefits of cedarwood essential oil?

SESQUITERPENES – Cedarwood is amazingly high in this compound (over 90%). Sesquiterpenes are wonderfully oxygenating for the body and have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. It may help to stimulate and oxygenate the pineal and pituitary gland in the limbic system of the brain, which can help to elevate your mood and reduce stress.

SLEEP – Cedarwood helps to support the body’s natural production of melatonin, the hormone that helps us to fall asleep at night. (This was one of the big reasons that I wanted to use cedarwood for our family, as my children were terrible sleepers – which meant no one slept).

EMOTIONS – Cedarwood has a calming effect on the body, especially when combined with lavender (diffused, applied to the bottoms of the feet, or mixed with Epsom salts in a warm bath). This can help when you are feeling angry, have nervous tension, or are stressed.

HEALTHY HAIR GROWTH – Cedarwood is wonderful for helping to support healthy, strong hair growth. I apply a drop of cedarwood and a drop of lavender in my palms, rub them together, and then massage the oils into my scalp every night before I go to bed. This helps me to have restful sleep as well!

** I highly recommend looking up cedarwood essential oil in your essential oil reference book or app to learn more about all of its properties and ways that you can use it in your daily life. So many good things!

Graphic of cedarwood


** Woo-hoo!! Time for our first giveaway!! **

I have a 5ml bottle of cedarwood essential oil to give to one of you tonight! Please comment below with your favorite essential oil that is NOT in the Premium Starter Kit and why you like it for a chance to win.

Graphic of “favorite oil”


Let’s talk about a trio of essential oils that are big member pleasers.


Besides smelling amazing (especially when diffused with spicy oils like cinnamon or Thieves), orange essential oil has many health benefits for you.

Page 4:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

Orange essential oil is cold-pressed from the rind of the fruit (instead of steam distilled like most of Young Living’s essential oils). It is high in monoterpenes (up to 95%) which help to restore cellular function in the body to its normal, healthy state.

ANXIETY – Orange, like many of the citrus oils, is wonderful to diffuse (or add to your water) when you are feeling a little down. A great mood booster, it also is calming and helps relieve occasional stress.

GLUTATHIONE – One of our body’s key antioxidants is glutathione, which is often low in many of us. Orange essential oil helps to support the body’s natural production of glutathione, which is key in many processes in the body related to detoxification, methylation, and more. VERY important to our health and well-being.

KEEPING THINGS MOVING – Orange essential oil can help to support the normal movement of the bowels.

COMPLEXION – Orange is wonderful for helping with a dull or oily complexion and can help to give you a healthy glow. While many citrus oils should not be worn on our skin if we are going out in the sunlight (they are “phototoxic” or “photosensitive”, meaning that they can cause us to burn more quickly), Young Living’s orange essential oil is not phototoxic, as it is cold-pressed from sweet orange oil, not bitter orange. If you are planning to apply any citrus oil to your skin (including orange) before going out in the sun, only apply it to a small area prior to sun exposure to see how you individually react to it.

My favorite diffuser blend with orange essential oil:

3 drops Thieves essential oil

2-3 drops of Idaho balsam fir OR Northern Lights black spruce

3 drops orange essential oil

** This helps to promote a healthy immune system in the wintertime, but honestly, I start the diffuser and just stick my head in the mist and inhale deeply because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to feel bad after that! It’s a wonderfully mellow and happy blend.


OK – there’s no way that I can go into all of the things that you can use tea tree oil for (and even harder to discuss them all compliantly). Please look up tea tree in your reference guide asap if you haven’t already done so. This is an essential oil that should be a part of every household.

The leaves of the tea tree have been used for centuries by the aborigines in Australia to heal cuts, wounds, and skin infections. With twelve times the antiseptic power of phenol, it has some strong immune-building properties. It has also been used traditionally after a poisonous snake bite. This is actually where the term “snake oil salesman” comes from, as tea tree oil was also known as “snake oil” for the anti-venomous effects. The oil was brought to the USA, where it was sold, often by less than stellar salesmen trying to make quick money. People would buy what they thought was “snake oil” but

Page 5:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

was actually a useless liquid that was not tea tree oil. They were bit by a snake, used the oil and died because it was not what they thought it was. Thus, the term “snake oil salesman” was born.

Tea tree oil is also wonderful for the respiratory and immune systems, muscles, bones, and skin. It promotes cleansing and purity. Tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) is a key ingredient in one of my favorite Young Living blends, Melrose, which is wonderful for helping to support a yeast-free body and healthy skin.



Not joking. It was first released last year at the Young Living convention in Dallas, Texas, at which time they diffused the oil throughout the building via the ventilation system (that alone was worth flying to Texas for!) It smelled amazing.

Even better, though, was when I got my first bottle. I can’t explain how mellow this oil makes me feel. And while I have many favorite oils, I can honestly say this is among my top 3. I get panic attacks if I even contemplate it going out of stock.

But enough about me! Why is NL black spruce so great?

D. Gary Young sums it up nicely: Northern Lights black spruce is like the frankincense of North America. So think of all the wonderful properties that frankincense offers. Northern Lights black spruce offers all of these, is less expensive, and smells incredible.

Immune Support. Skin Support. Emotional Well-being. A very high frequency which helps to support an elevated frequency in the body, which equals health and wellness. NL black spruce is reported to have a higher frequency than even rose essential oil.

Graphic of orange/tea tree/NL black spruce


The next essential oil up is: JOY

JOY is an essential oil blend that used to be included in the Premium Starter Kit. It is one of Gary Young’s original blends and it used to be called “Love”. When it is inhaled, it can help us remember loving memories, open blocks that we may have to giving/receiving love and loving ourselves. When we have grief, our adenoids and adrenals shut down; Joy helps to support those glands.

It includes:

- Bergamot – Soothing to the endocrine system and to hormones. It is calming and helps relieve anxiety, stress, and tension.

- Ylang ylang – Helps balance male-female energies. Supports feelings of self-love, confidence, joy, and peace.

Page 6:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

- Geranium – Helps support hormonal balance, liver and kidney function, and removing toxins from the body that disrupt balance. It may help ease tension and stress and balance emotions.

- Rosewood – Helps relax the body and creates a feeling of peace and gentleness.

- Lemon – Uplifting to the mind, mood, and physical energy.

- Mandarin – Appeasing, gentle, and promotes happiness. It also has sedative properties, which is helpful for stress and irritability.

- Jasmine – Very uplifting to the emotions; it can support confidence, energy, and optimism.

- Roman chamomile – Helps reduce irritability and minimizes nervousness.

- Palmarosa

- Rose – Posesses one of the highest frequencies of essential oils. It helps to support balance and harmony in the body. It is thought to attract love and enhances the frequency of self-love, bringing joy to the heart.

** Emotional blockages to love may produce a dislike for the fragrance of this blend. If you find you dislike the smell of Joy (or any essential oil), try this protocol:

1. Rub Harmony essential oil blend between both hands in a circular, clockwise motion.

2. Put one hand over the navel and the other over the thymus (above the heart).

3. Hold for 20 seconds. Change hands and repeat.

Graphic of “joy”


Here’s another trio of essential oil favorites:


Progressence Plus is a natural progesterone supplement made with essential oils and wild yam extract that supports overall women’s wellness. Some of the benefits that it provides include supporting women’s natural cycles. It can be used on all women over 12 years of age.

It contains:

- USP Progesterone Derived from Wild Yam Root –Has harmonizing properties and supports the female reproductive system and overall wellness.

- Seven essential oils: copaiba, sacred frankincense, cedarwood, bergamot, peppermint, rosewood, and clove

Page 7:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

Wild yam can be supportive when dealing with abuse and trauma (mental, emotional, and physical), supports a healthy endocrine system, supports the natural aging process, and promotes women’s overall well-being. It also maintains healthy, smooth skin.

How to apply Progessence Plus:

- Apply 1-2 drops daily along the neck where the skin is thin for best results. You could also apply it along the forearms. You can use the oil blend up to twice daily. For me, I like to apply a drop on my ankles once weekly. That is just enough for me! Listen to your body and use as much as it needs.

Next we will discuss: ENDOFLEX

This is another essential oil that is wonderful for supporting the endocrine system, in particular the pineal and pituitary glands, the parathyroid, thymus, thyroid, and adrenal glands. It may help to alleviate occasional hot flashes and helps to support metabolic function and a healthy weight. It helps to support the thyroid for metabolic and hormonal balance.

It contains:

- Spearmint – Helps to balance and increase metabolism; it also supports the burning of fats and toxins in the body

- Sage – Helps to support the estrogen and progesterone-testosterone balance in the body.

- Geranium – Helps to support hormonal balance and the health of the liver and kidneys

- Myrtle – May help to promote thyroid function.

- Nutmeg – Helps to support the adrenal glands for increased energy

- German chamomile – Helps to support the liver and the pancreas.

This essential oil blend may be applied directly over the gland you are wishing to support or the Vitaflex points on the feet or hands. I apply it directly over my thyroid and thymus (one drop daily in the morning, with an extra drop sometimes mid-afternoon). I will also apply a drop over my adrenal glands (the glands that sit on top of your kidneys; this is just under your ribs on the sides of your lower back).

Finally, let’s talk about: ABUNDANCE

Abundance is an essential oil blend that we may overlook initially. It smells amazing, but better than that, it helps to promote abundance and prosperity in our lives. It also is a very powerful support for the immune system, which may lead to an abundance of health as well!

It contains: orange, frankincense, patchouli, clove (the essential oil with the highest level of antioxidants), ginger, myrrh, cinnamon bark, and spruce.

Page 8:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

It targets: the immune and respiratory systems and helps to support emotional balance.

It may be worn on the wrists, behind the ears, and on the neck and face. I like to place a drop in my palms, inhale deeply a few times, and then rub it around and behind my ears. As it attracts abundance, it may be placed in your purse, wallet, or places you regularly visit. Try adding ½ bottle of Abundance to 5 gallons of paint when painting your office or place of business.

Companion oils:

Acceptance, Awaken or Release may be used first to help release the emotions that stop us from receiving abundance.

Then apply Abundance.

Follow that with Envision, Into the Future, Joy, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation (my favorite), or Live With Passion.

** Interesting, while Joy has the same frequency as our heart, Abundance has a frequency of approx. 78 mHz, which is the same frequency as the brain.

Graphic of these 3 oils


It’s time to talk about ROLLER blends baby!

One of the first roller blends that I heard people RAVING about when I first started with Young Living (I bought my starter kit in the summer, and I want to say that around November was when I remember thinking that this oil was mentioned an awful lot) is:


I am also sorry to say that this was not an oil blend that I jumped to buy and use right away. Like I mentioned, I first tried it at an oil class in November, approx. 4 months after starting to use essential oils. My skin was still quite sensitive and I still was likely pretty toxic, and applying Deep Relief to my forehead for head tension caused me to shriek a little and rub in a lot of carrier oil!

Fast forward to several months later and to my tolerance of applying essential oils to my face, and I bought Deep Relief. It is now my go-to oil for neck and shoulder tension. Like my sister says, “It’s like a massage in a bottle”.

Deep Relief offers an “icy hot” kind of sensation and is cooling after having been applied for a few minutes. It is fast and goes deep.

And best of all, it comes ready to go in a roller for quick and easy application. LOVE.

Page 9:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

Deep Relief contains: peppermint, lemon, Balsam fir, copaiba, clove, wintergreen, helichrysum, vetiver, and palo santo essential oils, along with fractionated coconut oil for dilution.

This oil blend can be very supportive of the nervous system, muscles and bones.

Graphic of Deep Relief


On the topic of roller bottle blends, let’s talk about three more. Honestly, if you are looking for an answer to your “what do I get next?” question, I would highly recommend Deep Relief as well as these next two rollers.


This is my #1 essential oil MUST HAVE. I may have several of these rollers hidden around my house at this moment, just in case.


Tranquil can stop my son’s meltdown within 5 minutes. Sometimes it’s almost instantaneous. You can actually see his body relax and he will sigh. For that reason alone, this is my all-time favorite oil blend. I love the way it helps my darling boy be able to face his fears and lose the anxiety that sometimes comes with his life.

Tranquil is a very simple blend: just 3 essential oils. But they are powerful.

Lavender – This essential oil comes in your starter kit and is known as “the swiss knife of essential oils” for all the ways that you can use it. It is also very calming and balancing to the body.

Cedarwood – We just talked about this essential oil a few slides ago and all of its sought-after properties.

Roman chamomile – This is the secret special ingredient in Tranquil. Roman chamomile is calming and relaxing. It helps to promote sleep and relieve stress. It can help to eliminate anxiety, irritability, and nervousness. It helps to stabilize emotions, dispel anger, and soothe the mind, creating an atmosphere of peace and patience.


This is yet another one that I am sorry to say that I waited a while to get. It was actually a Zyto scan that I had that made me finally stop and purchase this oil roller. If you are looking for enhanced respiratory support, this just may be the blend for you.

Breathe Again contains: 4 different kinds of eucalyptus (staigeriana, globulus, radiata, and eucalyptus blue), laurel, rose hip, peppermint, copaiba, and myrtle.

Page 10:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

It may be applied every 15 minutes as needed to either the chest or under the nose. It is prediluted with coconut oil.

Lastly, another popular roll-on is:


While you received a 5ml bottle of Stress Away in your Premium Starter Kit, goodness knows with all the stress in the world that you probably already ran through the entire bottle already. The Stress Away roll-on comes in a 10ml bottle with a roller top already attached. It also makes a nice gift!

Stress Away helps to support the body through not only emotional stress, but also physical stress. It can be very helpful diffused or rolled on when needing that extra support.

It contains: copaiba, lime, cedarwood, ocotea, lavender, and vanilla

This is one of the most balancing essential oils that I am aware of. It also smells delicious! I love to add 4-6 drops of Stress Away to a cup of Epsom salts and take a long, hot soak in the tub. I sleep like a baby afterwards (honestly, it makes a huge difference in the quality of my sleep; per my Fitbit, after I soak in Stress Away, I don’t move all night!)

Graphic of the 3 roll-ons


So, while that’s all for the essential oils that we’re going to cover tonight, there’s obviously a LOT more essential oils and blends offered by Young Living. As of June 2015, Young Living offers 90 single oils and 132 unique blends. Take time to explore the Virtual Office and also ask questions in our Facebook groups: what are people’s favorites, why do they like them, what do they use them for? The more your learn, the more you can support your health!

OK – up next is a few of Young Living’s massage oils, all infused with essential oils.

First, we’ll discuss CEL-LITE MAGIC.

Cel-Lite Magic is a massage oil that tones and nourishes the skin with pure vegetable oils, vitamin E, and essential oils. Grapefruit oil improves the appearance of skin texture (which is wonderful for “dimply” skin), and juniper essential oil helps cleanse.

Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil, grapefruit oil, cedarwood oil, cypress oil, juniper oil, wheat germ oil, clary oil, sweet almond oil, and olive fruit oil

I must admit this is one that I have not experienced yet. Have any of you tried Cel-Lite Magic, and what has your experience been?

Page 11:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

Per a testimonial of someone who uses Cel-Lite Magic, she states: “Have you ever noticed that cellulite usually has nothing to do with the weight of a person or how ‘clean’ of a diet someone may have, or even if they exercise every single day of the week? You could do all these things and unfortunately still possibly be suffering from a bad case of cellulite. Why is this? Cellulite can possibly have a lot to do with how toxic a person’s liver is, and the more toxic one’s liver is, the more cellulite they could potentially have. It also coordinates with our lymphatic system, which aids in blood circulation and removing toxins away from the tissues. Combined, these two things could potentially be vital for controlling cellulite … Introducing Young Living’s Cel-Lite Magic massage oil and yes after working through my third bottle I would call it ‘Magic’. I am just about ready to order another bottle of this amazing oil because I truly find it has helped with the appearance of my cellulite, and it smells down right amazing! Young Living’s Cel-Lite Magic is used to firm and tone areas of your body such as your thighs and butt and can even be used on your stomach!”

Graphic of Cel-Lite Magic


Up next: Ortho Sport, Ortho Ease, and Sensation massage oils!


Ortho Sport is a massage oil that combines vegetable oils with essential oils to help soothe muscle discomfort after exercise especially when used in combination with massage. It has a warming sensation which makes any massage an even more enjoyable experience. It is similar to Ortho Ease massage oil (which we will discuss next), only Ortho Sport has a higher phenol content and so the warming sensation is stronger.

It contains: fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil, almond oil, and the following essential oils: peppermint, vetiver, thyme, wintergreen, elemi, oregano, lemongrass, and eucalyptus globulus.

Extra tip: you can also add ¼ to ½ cup of Ortho Sport massage oil to a cup of Epsom salts and place in your bath water after a work out or a long, hard day!


Ortho Ease is also a massage oil similar to Ortho Sport. It is used when administering the Raindrop Technique. The warming sensation is not quite as strong as it is with Ortho Sport. However, it smells and feels amazing.

It contains: fractionated coconut oil, wheat germ oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, almond oil, and the following essential oils: peppermint, marjoram, vetiver, thyme, wintergreen, lemongrass, eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus radiata, and juniper.

Page 12:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect


Massage is a relaxing tradition that has been carried on through millennia by cultures worldwide. When you’re treating yourself or a loved one to a session of massage, adding essential oils into your routine can elevate the experience to a whole new level!

Massage helps to support circulation, increase energy flow in the body, and promote well-being.

Sensation Massage Oil inspires and encourages feelings of romance and youthfulness with the beautifully blended fragrances of essential oils. This special blend leaves the skin feeling smooth and soft.

It contains: fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil, wheat germ oil, almond oil, olive oil, and the following essential oils: ylang ylang, coriander, bergamot, jasmine, and geranium.

Graphic of the 3 massage oils


Who would like to try some Ortho Sport massage oil? You don’t have to be an athlete to appreciate it!

Do a short video showing how to apply it


So now that we’re feeling good and healthy from all those essential oils and our body is completely relaxed and glowing from all the massage oils, let’s focus on our next line of products: beauty and skin care products for our face.


This was the favorite product that came up in a survey of Young Living member’s, and I have to admit it’s probably my favorite beauty product that they’ve made to date as well.

It is a safe and gentle facial exfoliant and skin rejuvenator. Young Living describes it as “an advanced cleansing formula designed for normal skin. It cleans, nourishes, and stimulates without damaging the skin’s natural pH balance. Safe, gentle ingredients help to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin for a fresher, smoother appearance. Contains MSM, antioxidant vitamins, and botanicals.”

A little goes a LONG way when you use Young Living’s skin care products. I apply perhaps a dime sized amount onto my face in a gentle circular motion, and then I leave it on my face for a few minutes before rinsing. The peppermint essential oil will give your face a slight cooling, tingling sensation that is so refreshing! After exfoliating, you can rinse your face off and then apply your toner.

Graphic of satin scrub

Page 13:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect


More beauty products coming up!!

Why is it so important to consider what we put on our skin? If you have ever attended a chemical-free home class or any of the classes I teach where we discuss what is in the “other” products out there, you will understand why. So much of what we can buy online or at our local supermarket is full of chemicals that have not been tested as to safety; some have been found to be carcinogenic (cancer causing), hormone disruptors, may interfere with fertility, and so on. And yet they are still on the market and available for purchase.

What we put on our skin is even MORE important than what we put in our mouth. When we eat our food, it is digested and then absorbed via our portal vein and taken to our liver for toxins to be neutralized and our body to be detoxified. However, when we put something on our skin, it is absorbed through our skin directly into our bloodstream, where the toxins and chemicals can circulate around our body and go wherever they please.

So when we are choosing our skincare and beauty care products, we want to make sure that we are using a safe, clean, non-toxic product. What is so nice about Young Living’s products is that they are also infused with essential oils, which as we know hold benefits not only for our skin, but for our entire body and wellness in general.

Let’s discuss some of the products that Young Living offers:


It’s easy to see why this product is a crowd pleaser. With an abundance of phytonutrients, Orange Blossom Facial Wash gently removes the impurities of daily living and any remaining makeup. It can be used by persons of all skin types, but can be particularly helpful for oily or teenage skin.

It contains:

- Lavender – Soothes and softens skin

- Patchouli – Supports a younger looking you

- Lemon – Brightens dull skin

- Rosemary – Promotes toned and firm skin


- Orange blossom extract – For optimal skin emollient and helps maintain moisture

- Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) – Supports normal skin functions; promotes a decrease of oxidative stress

- Calendula extract – An excellent skin conditioner; contains high amounts of carotenoids

- Wolfberry Seed Oil – Promotes hydration, helps even out skin tone

Page 14:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

Other benefits: This is a soap-free, mild formula that is suitable for all skin types. It contains powerful antioxidants that promote a younger-looking appearance. It also provides nourishing botanicals that gently support the skin’s natural protective barrier.


Young Living offers a line of products called the “ART Skin Care Products”. Besides being infused with essential oils, these products also contain orchid extract, which is absolutely lovely for your skin. The ART Skin Care System safely and effectively cleanses, tones, and moisturizes your face to bring out your natural and inherent beauty.

The ART Skin Care System includes: a Light Moisturizer, a Refreshing Toner, and a Gentle Cleanser.

(They are also available this month as free products when you have a qualifying Essential Rewards order!!)

The ART Gentle Cleanser is the first step to healthier-looking skin. It works to gently and effectively remove pore-clogging impurities from the skin. Use it morning and night or after any heavy sweating with lukewarm water and a nickel-sized amount of cleanser. Rinse, and then pat dry. The mild foaming action leaves your face feeling clean, soft, and supple without stripping it of its natural oils.

The ART Refreshing Toner is the next step. Providing essential oils in a light, easily-absorbing formula, this toner smoothes and balances the skin after cleansing, diminishes the appearance of pores, and removes residual particles left behind after cleansing. To apply, dampen a cotton ball with toner and gently swipe across clean, dry skin.

The ART Light Moisturizer is the final step. A good moisturizer forms a hydrating barrier on the skin to lock moisture and other beneficial ingredients into the skin and protect it from environmental attacks. With new active botanicals that work with all skin types to help retain and maintain proper hydration, ART Light Moisturizer also reduces the visible signs of aging, evens skin tone, and improves skin elasticity. Massaged into the face morning and evening after applying toner, this moisturizer leaves your complexion refreshed, renewed, and radiant.


This product was released at the 2014 YL Convention. It contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect the skin from external stressors that advance the appearance of gaining. Use Sheerlume daily to unveil a more radiant, flawless-looking complexion!

Graphic with these 3 products

Page 15:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect


Onto the supplements!

Young Living has a large line of supplements infused with essential oils. If you haven’t yet, I would recommend looking through your Virtual Office or your product guide and getting to know some of these. (I think I’ve said that just a few times tonight now lol … it really is a good idea!) We’re only going to cover a few of them tonight, but there are others like Sulfurzyme, Ningxia Red, Ningxia Nitro, Thyromin, Immupro, and so many more that I recommend checking out.


Multigreens is a chlorophyll supplement with benefits of bee pollen, anti-aging amino acids, kelp and choline. Health benefits may include:

- An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin K, B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium

- Excellent source of choline which supports energy production

- May support healthy blood and digestive system. Interestingly, the basic structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of heme in hemoglobin in the human body (the difference is that the central atom of chlorophyll is magnesium instead of iron).

Multigreens contains:

- Choline bitartrate – Supports healthy liver function

- Bee pollen powder – Excellent source of enzymes, amino acids and vitamin C

- Barley grass – Antioxidant rich in vitamins and minerals

- Spirulina – High in chlorophyll

- Eleuthero root extract (Siberian ginseng) – May support healthy endocrine and immune systems

- Alfalfa leaf and stem concentrate – Source of amylase and high in chlorophyll

- Pacific Kelp Whole Thallus – Main component is iodine, which is important for thyroid health

- L-arginine- an amino acid that supports healthy heart function

- L-cysteine- an amino acid that promotes glutathione production

- L-tyrosine- an amino acid that supports healthy brain and heart

Multigreens also contains essential oils such as: rosemary, lemon, lemongrass, and Melissa.


Who would like a sample of Multigreens? The first 5 people to respond below will receive a sample pack from me!!!

Page 16:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect


While it is always better to get our nutrients from whole foods, there may be times when supplements are necessary or can be very helpful. Let’s look at a few of these instances.


This supplement helps to support the body’s natural defenses and contains the well-known Thieves essential oil blend. It helps support healthy respiratory and immune systems; it is rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol. I will often take one capsule five times daily when my defenses need the extra support, especially in the wintertime. This is a good supplement to have handy in the cupboard in case it is needed.

Inner Defense contains the following essential oils:

- Clove – Promotes a healthy immune response, and may support overall wellness. It has the highest concentration of antioxidants of all essential oils.

- Lemon – Consists of large amounts of d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant, and has cleansing and purifying properties.

- Cinnamon bark – Promotes a healthy immune response and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle regimen.

- Eucalyptus radiata – Supports a healthy respiratory system.

- Rosemary – Supports overall well-being. High in alpha-pinene

- Oregano – Strong supporter of the immune system and protector of the body

- Lemongrass – Supports overall well-being and the digestive system.

- Marjoram – Helps to relax muscles and ease nervous tension.

- Thyme – One of the strongest antioxidants known to man. Supports the immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and other body systems.


Longevity softgels are a potent blend of fat-soluble antioxidants. It should be taken daily to strengthen the body’s systems to prevent the damaging effects of aging, diet, and environment. Enriched with the pure essential oils thyme, orange, and now frankincense, Longevity protects DHA levels, a nutrient that supports brain function and cardiovascular health, promotes healthy cell regeneration, and supports liver and immune function. Longevity also contains clove oil, nature’s strongest antioxidant, for ultra antioxidant support.

Antioxidants are elements that help to neutralize free radicals and lessen the day-to-day oxidative damage everyone is subject to. Antioxidants are thought to protect the skin by attaching themselves to

Page 17:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

free radicals, which minimizes the harm they do and is important for youthful-looking skin (and a healthy body).

Longevity also comes in an essential oil blend of the same name containing thyme, orange, clove, and frankincense, some of which score a very high 1,500,000 on the antioxidant ORAC scale.


One of THE best ways to ensure a healthy body and general wellness is to make sure that your digestive system is healthy and properly supported. Taking a daily probiotic can help you to accomplish this as it helps to increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract. For more information about the importance of digestive health and how to accomplish this, please visit my website at: www.yourhealthyhomebody.com

Life 5 is a high potency probiotic formulated by Young Living. It builds and restores core intestinal health by providing five clinically proven probiotic strains including two advanced super strains to enhance intestinal health, sustain energy and improve immunity. Life 5 contains 10 billion active cultures and improves colonization up to 10 times. (Contains: HOWARU L. rhamnosus, L.acidophilus, HOWARU B. lactis, Lactoferrin, S.thermophilus, and B.bifidum).

Graphic with supplements


OK – If you’re starting to dose off, WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!! Do some jumping jacks and then look at your screen A.S.A.P.!!


While I like to make all my own cleaning products that I add essential oils to, I will admit this is one product that’s got me hooked good. It smells soooo good, and it almost makes cleaning enjoyable. It’s highly concentrated and can be used in a variety of ways:

- Add a capful to an 8 oz. glass spray bottle, fill with water, and you have a multi-purpose cleaner; I have a spray bottle like this in my kitchen and also in my laundry room to remove odors and stains on clothing. (Or, if you’re like me and you spill spaghetti sauce all over your white shirt, you can also use the multi-purpose cleaner mentioned above and spot treat your clothes in the kitchen while you’re still wearing them! Yes, that happened last night).

- Add a capful to a bucket full of warm water for washing your kitchen cabinets and cupboards --- it really makes them shine!

- Add it to baking soda for a homemade soft scrub

- In a glass spray bottle, fill it ¾ full with olive oil and ¼ full with Thieves household cleaner along with a few drops of orange essential oil – this makes a great furniture polish!

Page 18:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

- I add Thieves household cleaner instead of rinse agent to my dishwasher

- Remember that spray bottle with Thieves cleaner that you use as a multi-purpose cleaner? It makes a great air freshener too.

** The best part about the Thieves Household Cleaner is that it is super concentrated … a little goes a loooong way, and so the product can last a very long time before you need to reorder.

If you've used Thieves Household Cleaner, what are your favorite tips and ways to use it?


More Thieves products!!

If you are trying to go “green” and create a chemical-free home, Young Living makes it easy for you. They have created an entire line of chemical-free products that contain their famous Thieves essential oil blend. Powerful cleaning power without all the harmful ingredients!

The following member favorites were all released last summer:


With a plant-based formula, Thieves Laundry Soap gently and naturally washes your clothes, cleaning them without any chemical or synthetic residue. Natural enzymes and powerful essential oils add to the formula’s strength to leave your clothes fresh and clean with a light citrus scent.

It can be used in all washers, including high-efficiency, and it’s highly concentrated formula (6x) will provide around 64 loads with just 32 oz.


With naturally derived ingredients, Thieves dish soap effectively cleans your dishes without chemicals, dyes, or synthetics. The essential oils it includes – Thieves, Jade lemon, and bergamot – work with other plant-based ingredients to leave your dishes sparkling clean!


Even if you purchase organic produce, how many hands touch your food before it arrives in your home and is ready to be fed to your family? And sadly, even organic produce can contain wax and/or pesticide residue.

Page 19:  · Web viewIt contains a proprietary blend of sacred frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, clove, and other powerful essential oils, as well as alpine plant extracts that protect

Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak safely and effectively washes produce with the cleansing power of three exclusive essential oil blends: DiGize, Thieves, and Purification. When combined with other naturally derived ingredients, produce is easily and conveniently cleaned.

Just add Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak to a basin of water: soak, rinse, and enjoy eating your fruits and veggies! (Also, Young Living carries a Fruit & Veggie spray for those times when you are away from home and wish to wash your produce before eating. It’s in a small, convenient size that fits easily into your purse or pocket).


OK, so now that your “wish list” is a mile long, what is the best way to order the products that you’re interested in?

This is where Essential Rewards program comes in. Free oils with your order, reduced shipping costs, and reward points with every order that add up to free oils and free products. If you are going to order from Young Living, this is honestly the best way to do it.

Learn more about the Essential Rewards program here:


*TWO graphics for Essential Rewards!!!


Thank you all for joining me tonight! I hope that you learned some things that you hadn’t known before and are eager to try some new products. Stay tuned for a live video and a Q&A!

Thank you graphic


Q&A and live video