Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness Volume 7 Issue 71, April 2018 Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

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Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

Volume 7 Issue 71, April 2018

Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

A Letter from the Editor:

According to the calendar Spring is upon us. I keep hoping that one day Mother Nature will prove it. Instead she is sending us more snow in the next couple of days. The good news is that IT WILL NOT LAST. The bad news is that I may end up having to shovel more snow. sigh

As we move through the seasons, though, I find that I am constantly excited for the next one that is just around the bend. I am thankful for the fact that I live in a place in this world where we have four seasons, instead of just one or two. This means that I am able to enjoy the best parts of each season and have a variety of things to enjoy as a result. As an Aquarian, I am constantly requiring change of some kind so that I don't get mentally bored. The changing seasons helps with that a lot!

This month's newsletter is quite wonderful. My deep thanks go out to all of the contributors who make it possible for this newsletter to be so much more than just the Trent show or the Deerhorn Shamanic Services show. That would get exhaustive and boring way too quickly. So thank you!

Feel free to forward this on to whomever you may think might get enjoyment out of it. I like when it goes viral! And if you are not yet on the list to receive FLIGHT via email once a month and would like to be on said list, drop me a line at [email protected] and request a free subscription to FLIGHT. It shall then be so!

Enjoy the read!

Trent DeerhornEditor

Upcoming Events

Heart Song Singand/or Play Alongs!

With Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!Third Sunday's of each month, from 2-4pm(next one Sunday, April 15, 2018, 2-4pm)

at Varsity Sobey's Community Room(8th Street East and Cumberland)

Gathering around with folk songs, singand play alongs of all kinds!

Feel free to bring your favourite interactive songs,acoustic instruments and the will to sing along

and/or co-creatively listen as we share our rolesas artists of the whole in the public Eye!


Heart Songs with Infinite Potential Sing and Play Alongs

with Bruce, Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!4th Friday's of the month, 7:30pm - 9:30pm 

(next one is Friday, March 23) at d'Lish by Tish Cafe 



BELTANE Public RitualApril 29 2018

2:30Gabriel DuMont Park

715 Saskatchewan Crescent W, Saskatoon, SK 

Potluck social to follow (No nuts/legumes/seeds/soy)

FREE to attend DONATIONS welcome

Next ritual will be June 10 2018

2:30Gabriel DuMont Park

PlusCWAS Provincial AGM

Apr 21, 2018 Rusty MacDonald Library

1:00 pm (tentative)

Pass The Feather Community Get TogetherSharing Circle and Pot Luck

3rd Saturday's of the month from 

( November 18, December 16...)

2pm - 5pm... pot luck at 4:30 pm

co-hosted by Victoria, Brian and Bruce

at Yoga Sanctuary in The City

(219A 21st Street East, Saskatoon, Sk)

Co-creating art from heart to heart with fellow student practitioners 

of beauty way inter-plays for children of all ages! 

Sharing gifts of poetry, story, song, dance, drum, yoga, 

reiki, qi gong, laughter, animation, improvisation, etc...

Give as you can of currency, time, expertise, and/or food shareables. 

Come as you can and leave as you need.


House Concert

Address: 211 Ave D North, Saskatoon, SK

Date: April 28th, 2018

Time: 8:00 pm DOORS CLOSE AT 7:55

We are an eclectic musical Trio that performs labels and originals. The three part harmonies are haunting.

Price: $20/person

Early bird Discount: $15/person if registered by April 13th!

For Tickets Contact the TRODKA Trio Booking office at (306) 978-5300

Ticket Sales CLOSE April 26th!

This performance may contain: Mature Subject Matter, Course Language and Sexually Based Themes. Viewer Discretion is Advised!

There will be an intermission during which snacks and drinks will be served.

TOON TOWN’S PAGAN SUMMER FEST.Friday June 22 to Sunday June 24 2018

WELCOME TO THE SIXTEENTH YEAR OF FESTIVE FUN!This is an all-inclusive three day, two night camp-out festival, in the Saskatoon area.

Included are meals, crafts, guest speakers, drum circles, circle dancing, rituals, and MORE!Tickets on sale starting April 1, with different early bird prices

APRIL 1 - 30$70.00 Adult

$55.00 Child (12 & under)Group Rate offer for 4+ people

$10.00 off each ticket.MAY 1 - 31

$80.00 Adult$65.00 Child

Group Rate as aboveJUNE 1 - 12

(Unless sold out)$100.00 Adult$80.00 Child

No Group RateContact Ave Riddler atphone (306) 329-4719

email [email protected] http://toontownspagansummerfest.yolasite.com

We are excited to announce a partial sponsorship provided by the folks from the wonderful home of our event Ancient Spirals! http://www.ancientspirals.com/

If you are interested in being a merchant at this event please contact us!

Household Hints and Handy Tips

Rock Talk by Ave Riddler

We’ve explored how the environment can affect a crystal, and how even the work you do with that crystal can affect it, now it’s time to talk about what you as its caretaker can do to help these powerful healers. You’ll find tons of differing suggestions on how to clear, charge, cleanse, program, and even store your crystals. Some things are valuable to note such as if a mineral is water soluble; because to cleanse it with water would result in

some of your crystal washing down a drain, or into the garden if you take your crystal cleansing water outside. I did that with my first piece of halite! (I highly recommend learning some basic science behind the mineral itself before you start physically cleansing a crystal) some won’t react well to water, some salt will break down, some will be altered by exposure to direct sunlight. Heck some are radioactive or toxic in other ways if the surface is disturbed, so taking a scrub brush to it to remove dust could result in sickness. I’d never say you need to be a scientific expert, but it is a step in the right direction to at least learn if a salt bed under your display will cause pitting and wear down your minerals, or if you will wash them down the drain by soaking them in water! That being said, once you have put in some basic research you can use smoke, light, water, salt and even other minerals to help clear and cleanse the energetic body of the crystals, just be sure to adapt to whatever method is best for the actual make up of the mineral!

I have heard people become VERY worried about this step if they feel they have neglected it, or if say they have a quartz counter top in their kitchen…I long ago realized that while we can help these mineral friends of ours, by exchanging their gifts and aid with our offering of clearing and cleansing, for the most part they can and will clear and charge themselves; especially if you have a grouping or selection housed together in the same place. Because some of those clusters, or points, or spheres will be of minerals that will clear and cleanse a space, including the crystals within that space! A smart move could be to intentionally get a cluster or sphere of a crystal that does clear and cleanse other crystals and let that one party with the rest of your minerals! (Examples being citrine, clear quartz, amethyst, carnelian, kyanite, or selenite) If you are able to leave those crystals and minerals within a space that gets some exposure to natural light that too will help clear and cleanse the mineral. So no you don’t have to regularly hose down that huge quartz counter, or granite flooring with a salt water cleanse (or some other method you choose), but you CAN as part of an energetic exchange, and a thank you. And yes that counter top, or flooring is indeed a healing aid in your life! You may walk on it, or prepare food on it, but the mineral is still sharing its energetic gifts with you and your home.

One thing I do try to caution people away from, is using harsh chemicals to clean dust and grime off a crystal or mineral. It might be nice to see the crystal all shiny and polished looking, but try to use more natural methods. Some chemicals are harmful to the energy flow of the crystal! I recall a very long time ago as in HIGH SCHOOL, before I had tuned into the rocks in my head; I walked into this AMAZING mineral supply store, in Banff. This store was wall to wall displays of all kinds of quartz, and fossils, and jaspers, and agates, even meteor samples, there were ambers of so many beautiful kinds, there were more minerals in that one store than I had even heard of at the time!!! I felt like a kid in a candy store, it was bliss! This store though was not at all focused on any kind of metaphysical aspect of the stones, to them they were just a science, and back then I was hardly aware that there was a metaphysical aspect and that there was a reason I used to call rocks PRITTY, instead of pretty. Yet somehow the longer I was in there the worse I felt, it felt like my brain was being ripped apart, I could feel screaming inside my head, and back then couldn’t “hear the stones” well enough to understand why; until I turned a corner and came around to a display where one of the staff members was polishing some beautiful HUGE clear quartz points with WINDEX! OH MY GODS NO! Even back then before I understood and knew what I know now, I knew somehow Windex was the WRONG thing to use for that task. I had no idea why, just that I was horrified and sickened to see it. Years later I managed to return to that amazing store, which had added some bits and blurbs about the metaphysics of some of the minerals they have in their store. I was relieved to see not a Windex bottle in sight, I even asked a clerk and learned that they have since opted for more natural cleansers. THANK YOU!

I think we can help these powerful healers, by offering the effort and time required to clear and cleanse a crystal, as well as try to properly house them, I just don’t think they will be ruined if you fall behind in the effort. This is after all a mutual partnership, an exchange; the crystals will more readily be able to help you, if you also help them. There is one exception to this, perhaps you wish to work with a crystal after it’s been inactive for a long time, or even paired off with other crystals and minerals than may not fit into the plan you have in mind, you may want to clear and cleanse it to “clean” it of any lingering ambient energies it has gathered and collected over time.

(Notice how I did not get into PROGRAMMING your crystals yet…stay tuned!)

Until next month! Rock on.


Drifting between sleep and wakefulness, The in-between place, where dreams wait to unfold.Heed the beckoning, That sweet enticement to set aside the shackles Of physicality and fly with all manner of dimensional beings, Who have been eagerly awaiting your return.

Relax; breathe.Feel the cares of the day dissolve;The softening of your body as muscle tension eases.

The lines begin to shift and blur; One more breath as you pass through the veil That separates this reality from the next.Look. You are still connected to your body.

This is where you come alive; This part of your spirit That travels to other worlds, Other dimensions,

While your body sleeps.Your spirit craves these nourishing connections And the knowledge gleaned From the places you visit; And from the beings you meet.This is where you play.This is where you learn.This is where you reconnect.

No fear, only glorious adventure.

You come alive as you float and fly, Dissolve and reassemble, weightless and free.The energies feel warm, inviting, Wholesome, healing, restorative.Your nightly travels take you wherever your Spirit needs to go, Realigning with your resting body Moments before you become fully awake.

Then, there comes a day,When you lay down in your bed,Weary to the bone,Waiting for sleep to overtake And refresh you,Make you ready for the next day’s work.

But death has other plans;It arrives to escort you Through the Veil for the last time;Your last big sleep.

The tether between your body and spirit breaks;The frayed ends pull gently apart and Float away, one from the other, As the colourful light of your energy Flows from the ends, Gathers like energetic cloudsThat dissipate into the Void.

The days of awakening in your bed are over.You are free at last.

Do you remember now?You’ve always known how to travel, How to leave your body and return, Enriched, Bursting with stories Of adventure, knowledge, and wisdom.

This is the final journey,The one you’ve been waiting for All your life!

I can see your huge grinAnd smiling eyes!

Your hair blows back As your speed matchesThat of the speed of Light!

Infinity never looked so inviting!

Things to Know27. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

Say Yes to Evolution

By Claire Netzach

Don’t worry—I’m not referring to survival of the fittest or any such biological reference to evolution. I’m talking about the evolution of your soul toward its ultimate purpose. That’s all!

I read an article recently about conscious evolution. It made the important distinction that enlightenment or reaching a higher plane of awareness is rarely instantaneous. It takes “inspired intention and consistent, diligent effort,” and exercising our power of choice.

If you have made any kind of commitment to becoming all you were ever meant to be—all that your soul committed to when it incarnated as a human—you have taken the first step in saying yes to evolution. The trick is to keep saying yes. It is a constant practice.

If you’re not sure where to begin, I suggest you spend some time meditating or looking inward in whatever way feels most natural to you, and determine what matters most. One way of ensuring that you are on the right path is to orient yourself to your ‘North Star’. Can you say on a conceptual level where you want to go? If you can and it resonates with you, point yourself in that direction, and take the first baby step, or make a tiny change, that moves you in that direction.

From my own experience, I can tell you that once you make a conscious commitment to reaching your potential, the opportunities to say yes will arise again and again. And they may not look the way you might expect them to.

Saying yes to evolution doesn’t necessarily mean becoming a monk or a hermit. It doesn’t necessarily mean making some kind of grueling pilgrimage like hiking the Camino de Santiago. It can mean those kinds of life altering commitments; but it can also mean saying yes to having that difficult conversation with your parents or siblings about how you want to redefine your

relationship with them. It can mean signing up for a free web seminar that resonates with you and which will fundamentally shift your perspective in a way you couldn’t have predicted. It can mean committing to walking outside every day and seeing what wisdom Nature has to offer you.

In my life, those moments have come in many forms: moving from one city to the next; taking a leap of faith in a love relationship; going on a retreat that I couldn’t really afford, but trusting my impulse and doing it anyway; giving a gift to a woman I didn’t know, but discovering through that initial connection that she is a deep soul sister and we have important work to do together; finding a crystal that eventually revealed itself as a critical tool in my magical arsenal and a material link to my lineage.

And where am I now? Still on a path of evolution, which means there is much farther to go. I am now whole for the first time in many lifetimes of being incomplete on a soul level. I have a crew of magical creatures in nearby realms whom I can call on to protect and heal me and which (I’m just discovering) can also heal others. I have more understanding of my own magical bloodlines and how that impacts my purpose on this Earth. And some of this knowing came from mundane places. I called a healer that I had heard about from a friend. I signed up to take a course. I picked up a rock in a field. I carried a piece of driftwood home from the ocean.

Today, I’m feeling called to teach the same course myself as one of a leadership team for an organization I didn’t know existed four years ago. I am taking teacher training and leading women’s circles and discovering my ability to do distance healing. This after being told by others I am a healer, but only recently being able to imagine what they were talking about.

And all those yeses spill over into other aspects of my life, too. I have more leadership opportunities, more partnership opportunities, more allies, more peace in my family, more joy from raising my kids, and more vitality and purpose overall.

Look carefully at where you have the opportunity to choose. Do you habitually say no in those moments? What might happen if you say yes? You could be

forever changed. The world around you could be forever changed. And you could be one step closer to being all you were meant to be, and all your soul committed to before you were born. Go for it—it’s why you’re here, and the world desperately needs all you were born to be.

From the Flower Spirit Cards by Melanie Eclare

Ragged Robin

My message is one of magical inspiration

The Ragged Robin's flower spirit lightheartedly expresses its joy at the magical inspiration in life. If you don't already, now is the time to start believing in things you cannot see. There is a whole invisible, energetic, pulsating world around us and within us of which most of us are completely unaware. How many of us can see auras? These are fields of energy vibrations around each of us that reflect our current

state of health and can be seen by some people as different bands of colour. We all have an innate ability to see, feel and hear a lot more than we allow ourselves, or take time enough to feel.

The delightful fairy-like flower of the Ragged Robin is nudging you to get in touch with your undeveloped sensitivities. See if you can gradually begin to enhance your ability to see, feel and believe more than ever before. Life become so much more satisfying and enriching if we can see the purpose in everything that happens and trust in a higher power. If we believe in angels, then we can call on them in times of difficulty and learn from their messages. Trust the messages you receive from the flower spirits. The Ragged Robin thanks you for trusting it and asks you to expand your awareness even further and begin exploring new worlds beyond your previous ken. Try for yourself to suspend disbelief or judgement and allow your imagination to run wild. Let magical inspiration guide you to open out to concepts, beliefs and worlds that you knew, but forgot, were there.


by Ave Riddler

A long time ago I sang. I sang loud. I sang proud. I didn’t care who was listening I sang. On stage, privately, with friends or family, I was in musicals, I was in choir. I recall walking down the

streets with other friends who sang, and we would sing! I was fearless and bold. I auditioned for things, even though I was no professional, was for the most part self taught, I couldn’t read a song sheet, or really understand what those little black notes on the paper meant, and I couldn’t play a note on any kind of instrument, I still sang. No music was left unexplored, some I left alone after learning my limits, but still I sang.

I trained my voice into a fairly vast range, could sing along with almost every character in the Andrew Lloyd Webber cast of the Phantom of the Opera. I thrilled to sing as a soprano for one song during a school choir performance only to switch to a tenor for the next. I can recall our choir teacher sitting at the piano playing a note for me to sing back as we tried to define the range I had, the surprised looks he’d cast my way as we went first higher and higher, then lower and lower.

For some reason as high school ended I became self conscious about my singing; I let one person put a damper on my song. I stopped singing as freely, started to sing only quietly to myself. Because of one person. Even when that one person was no longer part of my life, I slowly silenced my song, struggled with feeling like I couldn’t and shouldn’t sing. I felt the loss, but anytime I tried to sing out loud, I would get emotional and nearly cry, so I slowly stopped.

I would occasionally find the courage (sometimes, as I got older, because of a drink or two) and I would try again to sing where others could hear me. But it was always scary and I would be a mess after. Gradually because I wasn’t using it, I lost a large portion of that range I had trained myself to have, the higher notes escaped my reach, which resulted in becoming even more emotional and sad when I would try to sing. I also dealt with a health problem which caused damage to my lungs, and suddenly even when I was alone and singing I could no longer hold a note like I used to, which resulted in becoming even MORE self conscious and emotional when I did try to sing in front of anyone. Even if the person I was trying to sing in front of was supportive and encouraging me to try, I would hear the weakness, hear how far I was from what I once could do, and I would quit.

Gradually over the years less and less people even knew I used to sing.

It was through my faith, and in ritual, and within the circle that I first raised my voice loudly enough to be heard again. Leading a chant in circle was different than trying to sing along with a musician or a band. I was always nervous to lead those chants, lead those songs, but suddenly I was sharing my song with others. Even around the camp fires at fest I would share that song with others. It was bittersweet because I loved to sing even in that more limited format, but I missed the SONG.

It’s only been recently, that I have started sharing my voice, my song outside of those safe places, those circles of magic and chants. Started singing along with others in more public

locations and at musical community events. I have in fact started to attend these events, knowing that I can safely share my voice with this community. I can feel my lips shake as I open up to sing, I can feel fear and doubt that I should even join my voice with the others, yet still I try. My song is still quiet, and unless you really listen for it you’d not hear me, yet still I try. I can still hear what has resulted from years of letting my song be dampened, the loss of that beautiful range, but suddenly I am singing again. Each time I join my song with the song of that community I find it less fearful, more natural. My lungs grow stronger with each note I hold, each song I join into. It feels like rediscovering a part of me that I had buried for way too long. I am also starting to sing loudly within my home and car, singing along with songs and musicians I once used to be able to match note for note, retraining my voice, seeking if not that long ago lost range, but to at least reclaim part of that upper range I once had.

A long time ago I sang, and will again!

Thought for the Day:

The greater the emphasis upon perfection the further it recedes.

Haridas Chaudhuri - Mastering the Problems of Living

Extremes in Our World that You should Know:

What city claims to be the   sunniest place   in the U.S.?       

  Yuma , Arizona      ...   In this city in Arizona, the sun shines for an average of 11 hours a day.   The usual forecast is sun for 90 percent of the year, averaging a total of 4015 daylight hours each year.     

Paraprosdokians:First time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them. Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected and is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them). 

If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong. 

Thoughtful Quotes by Nikola Tesla:From www.magicalquote.com

There are many great scientists, but certainly one of the greatest is Nikola Tesla, who is often referred to as "the man who invented the 20th century". He is less famous than Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison, but his contribution to mankind is simply immeasurable.

Tesla was a quiet and modest inventor, a genius who lived and suffered for his inventions and who did not receive the majority of recognition for his work. This mysterious man brought to the world a system of alternating current (what powers every home on the planet), radar, radio, x-rays, transistor, and many more things that we are using in the present. However, as the years pass the significance of Tesla's inventions are increasingly gaining in importance.

26. Fights between individuals, as well as governments and nations, invariably result from misunderstandings in the broadest interpretation of this term. Misunderstandings are always caused by the inability of appreciating one another's point of view.

From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean Smith

Cultivation means practice, realization means attainment. Also, cultivation means practicing the cause, realization means learning the effect.

Chih-I (538-597) Stopping and Seeing

Things you may NOT have known about Canada:

Reflections from the Shaman's Hut by Trent Deerhorn

We are Human

Human comes from the core word "Hu", which means "of the earth". From this word also comes words such as "Humour", "Humility", "Humanity" and so on. When I do Shamanic healing, a very large part of what I am doing is reconnecting the heart and mind of the individual with the energy of the earth. We are all of this earth. NONE of us were here "first". As human beings we need to allow ourselves to reconnect as often as possible to the earth. This may look like a walk in the woods or in a park, or spending time barefoot on the earth, or gardening, or laying on a beach and enjoying the sun, sand and waves. There are multitudes of methods.

Why does this feel so good? Energetically, the earth and the human brain run on the same frequency. As we connect with nature, we connect with our natural selves. As we connect with our natural selves we are able to find calm, peace, serenity. When we are tense, nervous, on edge etc we are NOT in a natural state. Yes, these things can have external causes, but how to heal them starts within one's self.

Taking time to breathe is an important factor. Often when people are angry they think that taking 10 breaths will help. The thing is that they are often laboured breaths full of hostility, which only serve to blow air on an already burning flame. Those breaths actually need to be

long, slow and plentiful. Not just 10. Do 100 if you need to. Also, sit down. When we sit we are able to trigger our relaxation responses. When we are driving and feeling tense it helps, when at a red light, to simply take your hands off of the steering wheel. Lay your hands on your lap. Breath gently. This relaxes and calms you and your thinking becomes much clearer, which is ultimately needed for when we hit the gas again. A simple exercise like that can create a connection to the earth even though we are not out in nature as such.

In the healing work that I do, I work with energy flow, with sound as it affects that energy flow, and with the medicine shield (our protection from toxic energies around us and from others). One of the most effective ways of reconnecting a person with the earth during a treatment is to softly drum and chant. It takes one back to our primordial roots, opens one up for a healing journey within, and grounds us to the earth, where all healing takes place in the first place.

As humans we can learn, very quickly, some very messed up habits when it comes to our inner realities and our responses to our external stimuli. Humans are complex and much of human behaviour is actually dependent upon circumstances that are presented to us. We all like to think that a moral code will prevent us from doing nasty things, but truly in the right circumstances, any one of us could be convinced to do bad things for justifiable reasons. This is why we HAVE to learn to center and ground ourselves and to connect with the earth. Doing so helps us to remember that we are, indeed, human, and as such we have a responsibility to ourselves and to each other. Now THAT is where true healing can have a chance to hard wire within!

For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at www.deerhornshamanic.com

Encouragements for Personal Development:

Taken from Meditations with James Van Praagh

When you are unaware, or live life as an unconscious person, it's as if you are on automatic pilot, paying little attention to how your actions affect your life and other people. One of the most important lessons to learn is to be true to yourself. In order to do this, you must be centered in your own self-awareness

According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2018:

All for Asparagus

Asparagus takes a few years to establish, but once it does, it can produce tender spears for decades. It begins as a tiny black seed, but to start a patch, use 1-year-old crowns (roots). Within weeks, small spears will emerge; leave these to encourage deep roots. Asparagus grows quickly, as much as 10 inches in 24 hours! During the growing season, it becomes tall and ferny; female varieties form red berries. As the weather cools, the ferns die back; cut dead foliage to the ground. Do not harvest for 2 years. Starting the third year, spears can be harvested for 4-8 weeks beginning in early spring.

April 1st: All Fool's Day/Easter

The sun dances on Easter morn.

April 8th: Orthodox Easter

To keep rabbits away, put scented soap shavings in small drawstring bags and place them around the garden.

April 15th: New Moon

Sweet April showers

Do spring May flowers.

Thomas Tusser, English poet (1524-1580)

April 22nd: Earth Day

To expose your vegetable garden to the most sunlight, plant the tallest varieties on the north side.

April 29th: full Pink Moon

Life is like the Moon, now full, now dark.

Ask the Shaman: With Trent Deerhorn

Q: The other day at the mall I noticed that there was this teenage boy whose mother was poking at him and pinching his butt. He kept telling her to stop and her response was to laugh and say, "You know that just makes me do it more." This bothered me...a LOT...but I am not sure why. Any insights?

A: Well, I have a lot of insights on this. Let's for a moment reverse the genders. How would you feel if you saw a dad doing this to his daughter? Ya. Not cool, right? Same goes for a mom doing this to her son. A child's personal space needs to be honoured. Their body is THEIRS, not anyone else's to screw with. Not stopping when he was telling her to stop is teaching him that his body is up for grabs to anyone who comes along. It is disrespectful and teaches him that "no" does NOT mean "no". That can lead to disastrous results. This is not healthy at all. That sick feeling you likely got in your stomach...that was your intuitive signal that this was a form of abuse, but why was escaping you. Next time, speak up. Champion the one being abused, whether it is a girl or a boy, because gender does not neutralize abuse.

Tidbits and Tickles:

In my senior year I reluctantly took a required psychology course. The first day, the professor commented on each student's major, trying to provoke a response. It was working - some students were becoming defensive. When it was my turn, I told him I was a music major.

"So," asked my professor, "What does your father think of you wasting your education to study music?"

"He's just thankful," I shot back, "that I didn't go into psychology."

Forum:We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to [email protected] and they will be published in the Forum Section!

Of the previous Issue:

Brian Wrote: Ink - Thank you for taking me on this very personal journey. You strike me as a very strong person and sometimes those things that hurt us make us all the stronger. While I only have one tattoo and at this time in my life, I don't want any more, I would not rule it out. Please keep doing Flight. I look forward to reading every month.

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Call me - We’ll talk!

Heart Song Arts and Crafts  with Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!

Presentations of Live Music, Special Events, Heart Song Sharing Circles, 

Workshops, Beeswax Candles, Water Kefir 'Grains' 

and Specialized Kickaboo Joy Juice Orders!

Brian Paul Di Giuseppe - Singer-Songwriter w/ Many 'Irons in the Fire' 

(Landline: 306-653-0636) Email: [email protected]

(email me to add you the heartsong email list sent every 90 days

re; live events, new releases, and more optional info/inspiration links!)

and/or have a look, listen to more links and communication here:

Facebook: Heart Song Arts and Crafts with Brian Paul D.G. and Friends

Online audio files for free listening, singing and/or playing along with...


www.soundcloud.com/by-the-fire  www.soundcloud.com/heartsongarts


and the "Brian Paul Di Giuseppe" YouTube Channel 

(hear/see "Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!" playlist)

Flight Newsletter Advertising Advertisements for Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

All ads must be in by the 20th of the month PRIOR to the issue that the ad is to be placed in. No exceptions. Send to [email protected].

Classified Ads:

FREE for article contributors

$25 for business card size

$35 for half page

$45 for full page

Events: FREE for Non-profit organizations and Article Contributors

$20 Profit organizations


$35 half page

$45 full page

Do you have a yearning to share information with people? Write an article about your area of knowledge or exploration. I accept article submissions right up to 6pm on the 20th day of each month. Your article could appear in FLIGHT: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness within a week or two! Concerned that you may not be a great writer? No worries. I'm the Editor! I can make you look like a ROCK STAR! Send submissions to [email protected].

Blessed Be!