CURRENT STATE OF ICT IN DEPED - CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION (FOR SCHOOL HEAD, SUPPLY OFFICER) SY 2015-2016 This assessment tool aims to gather data on the current state of ICT implementation in DepEd CAR. School Name School ID Name of School Head Designation Contact Number of School Head Name of School Property Custodian Contact Number of School Property Custodian *** Google Map Location (x and y coordinates) 1. ICT IN EDUCATION PLANS, POLICIES and STRATEGIES a. Is there an ICT Strategy in your SIP? ___ Yes ___ No b. What is the timeline of your SIP? ___ 2. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE a. Number of Functioning ICT Equipment used for ADMINISTRATIVE Tasks TYPES SOURCE

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SY 2015-2016

This assessment tool aims to gather data on the current state of ICT implementation in DepEd CAR.

School Name

School ID

Name of School Head


Contact Number of School Head

Name of School Property Custodian

Contact Number of School Property Custodian

*** Google Map Location (x and y coordinates)

1. ICT IN EDUCATION PLANS, POLICIES and STRATEGIESa. Is there an ICT Strategy in your SIP? ___ Yes ___ Nob. What is the timeline of your SIP? ___

2. ICT INFRASTRUCTUREa. Number of Functioning ICT Equipment used for ADMINISTRATIVE Tasks


DepEd MOOE LGU Others (Specify)Desktop PCLaptop / Notebook / Netbook PCMobile Phone (incl. smart phones)Tablet PC

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Multi-function printer (print, copy, scan, etc)Printer only (stand-alone)Flatbed ScannerDigital Camera (include DSLR, if any)ProjectorLaminating MachineSwitchRouterAccess Point

b. NUMBER of Non-Functional ICT Equipment used for ADMINISTRATIVE Tasks


DepEd MOOE LGU Others (Specify)Desktop PCLaptop / Notebook / Netbook PCMobile Phone (incl. smart phones)Tablet PCMulti-function printer (print, copy, scan, etc)Printer only (stand-alone)Flatbed ScannerDigital Camera (include DSLR, if any)ProjectorLaminating MachineSwitch

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RouterAccess Point

c. Number of FUNCTIONING ICT Equipment used for INSTRUCTION (Classroom)


DCP (specify Batch) LGU Others (Specify)Desktop PCLaptop / Notebook / Netbook PC

Thin Client (specify number of Host PCs and Thin Clients)e.g.a. Batch 24 – 1 Host PC, 6 Thin Clientsb. Batch 27 – 8 Host PCs, 42 Thin Clients

Interactive White BoardMobile Phone (incl. smart phones)Multi-function printer (print, copy, scan, etc)Printer only (stand-alone)Flatbed ScannerDigital Camera (include DSLR, if any)ProjectorLaminating MachineSwitchRouterAccess Point

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3. Internet ConnectivityNo ISP Provider Connection Type Bandwidth Type

(for wireless: 2g, 3g, 4g, LTE)

Bandwidth Size (mbps)

No users connected Monthly/Daily Cost

Fund Source Usage (Administrative, Instructional, Others)

e.g. 1 PLDT DSL – copper wire 5mbps 15 4000/month MOOE

e.g. 2 Smart Pocket Wifi 3G 500kbps 5 50 per day MOOE Instructional

4. GSM Signal (Mobile Phone Signal)No Provider Signal Strength (1-5)

e.g. 1 Smart 1

5. Office Automation/Productivity/Multi-media SoftwareNo Office Automation/Productivity/ Multi-

mediaVersion and Edition

Year Acquired No of Users/License

Subscription – no of years (for subscription based only)

License Type/Edition

6. Special Solutions and Other ServicesSpecial Solutions Package Purpose Software/Platform used Maintenance Cost

e.g. Automated Fingerprint Identification System Daily Attendance Log MS Access -

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7. ICT Trainings, ICT LAC Sessions ConductedTitle of Training/LAC Session Conducted By Number of Hours Area (ICT Skills, ICT Pedagogy)

8. ICT ExpensesICT Expenses Amount (in Peso)

ICT Equipment and Peripherals

Software Applications Licenses

Hardware Maintenance Cost

Professional Development

Other ICT Expenses



Employee Number DepEd Email

Position/Title Gender

SDO/RO Birthdate

Division Ethnicity


Highest Educational Attainment

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With National Certification (NC) on ICT(Specify NC Level, Acquired Date, Expiration Date)Other ICT Certification/s (Specify NC Level, Acquired Date, Expiration Date)


a. HARDWAREICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Computer Set-upProjector & Peripherals PrinterScannerBasic computer troubleshooting

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Configure a network/Troubleshoot internet connectivity issues

b. SOFTWAREICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Windows Operating SystemMicrosoft Word/Word processing softwareMicrosoft Excel/Spreadsheet softwareMicrosoft PowerPoint/Presentation softwareMicrosoft PublisherMicrosoft PaintVideo Player (VLC, Windows Media Player, etc..)Design graphics for tarpaulins, program paper, etc.

Create reports and documents following recommended formats(e.g. IPCRF, WFP, AP, PPMP, etc.)Create Audio Video presentations


c. INTERNET & LEARNING RESOURCESICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Internet search

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Determine reliability of websitese-mailOnline collaboration tools (google apps, microsoft 365, etc.)Video conferencing applications (skype, google hangouts, viber, etc.)Cloud storage (google drive, dropbox, iCloud, etc.)Finding resources for administrative tasksOnline professional learning communities

d. Positive use of ICTICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Copyright lawsFair UseCreative CommonsOpen Education ResourcesProper citation/attributionSoftware licensingCyber ethicsCyber safety



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Name Contact Number

Employee Number DepEd Email

Designation Gender

School Name Birthdate

School ID Ethnicity

Grade Level Taught


Area of Specialization

Date of Appointment

Highest Educational AttainmentWith National Certification (NC) on ICT(Specify NC Level, Acquired Date, Expiration Date)Other ICT Certification/s (Specify NC Level, Acquired Date, Expiration Date)Main Internet Access (Home, School, Internet Café, Others)

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4. ICT Skillsa. HARDWARE

ICT Skill on I think I can help train other people

to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Thin Client Computer Set-upProjector & Peripherals PrinterScannerBasic computer troubleshooting (reformatting, re installation, peripherals)Configure a network/Troubleshoot internet connectivity issues

b. SOFTWAREICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Windows Operating SystemDownload and install software/applicationsMicrosoft Word/Word processing softwareMicrosoft Excel/Spreadsheet softwareMicrosoft PowerPoint/Presentation softwareMicrosoft PublisherWindows Steps RecorderMicrosoft PaintVideo Player (VLC, Windows Media Player, etc..)Design lessons where students use ICT to create posters, brochures, newslettersDesign lessons where students use ICT to create videos, podcasts and other digital mediaDesign lessons where students use ICT for problem solving (using graphing/spreadsheet tools)

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Design lessons where students use ICT to create videos, podcasts and other digital mediaDesign lessons where students use ICT for problem solving (using graphing/spreadsheet tools)

c. INFRASTRUCTUREICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Internet searchDetermine reliability of websitese-mailLRMDSWebsite creationLearning management systems (edmodo, moodle, schoology, etc.)Online collaboration tools (google apps, microsoft 365, etc.)Video conferencing applications (skype, google hangouts, viber, etc.)Cloud storage (google drive, dropbox, iCloud, etc.)Design lessons where students use ICT to take online assessment/submit work onlineDesign lessons where students use ICT to publish their work. (ex. through blogs, websites, etc.)Finding resources for teaching and learning onlineE-learning (MOOCs like Coursera, Edx, etc.)Online professional leaning communitiesDecide which ICT tool is most appropriate/effective for the lesson/competency

d. Positive use of ICTICT Skill on I think I can help

train other people to use this

I consider myself an expert in using


I use this often I know about it I've never used this

Copyright laws

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Fair UseCreative CommonsOpen Education ResourcesProper citation/attibutionSoftware licensingCyber ethicsCyber safety

5. ICT and Pedagogy

Capability Priority for DevelopmentOBJECTIVES Sli

ghtly Capable

Moderately Capable


Highly Capable

Very Highly Capable

Low Priority

Moderate Priority


High Priority

Very High Priority

1. Used technology in teacher-led and student centered learning experience to develop higher order thinking skills and provide opportunities for collaboration with content experts, peers, parents and community.

2. Integrated extensive and multidisciplinary ICT learning resources appropriate and aligned with the learning goals.

3. Modelled safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information to students in all ICT-based learning activities.

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RUBRIC LEVEL SUMMARY*** Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers classroom observation tool rubric***

LEVEL NAME DESCRIPTION1 Not Evident The teacher does not demonstrate the indicator.2 Building The teacher demonstrates a limited range of separate aspect of the indicator.3 Organizing The teacher demonstrates a limited range of loosely-associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator.4 Developing The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator that sometimes align with student

developmental learning needs.5 Applying The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator that usually align with student

developmental learning needs.6 Consolidating The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator consistently aligned with student development that

supports students to be successful learners.7 Integrating The teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator to create an environment that addresses individual

and group learning goals.8 Discriminating The teacher applies deep knowledge and understanding of the indicator discriminately to contextualize teaching and

learning processes within the discipline to meet individual and group learning goals.9 Synthesizing The teacher strategically applies exceptional knowledge and understanding of the indicator of foster a teaching and

learning culture that values informed feedback, critical thinking and life-long learning.

Descriptors Novice/Beginning Proficient Highly Proficient DistinguishedNot Evident 1

Building 2Organizing 3 3Developing 4 4 4

Applying 5 5 5 5Consolidating 6 6 6

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Integrating 7 7 7Discriminating 8 8Synthesizing 9

Focus Area 1: Patterns of Classrooms Use -The teacher integrate technology with the teaching and learning process

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Teachers rarely use technology to supplement instruction, streamline management functions, and present teacher-centered lectures.

Students use software for skill reinforcement

Teachers occasionally use technology to supplement instruction, streamline management functions, and present teacher-centered lectures.

Teachers frequently use technology to supplement instruction, streamline management functions, and present teacher-centered lectures.

Teachers frequently use technology to direct instruction, improve productivity, model technology skills, and sometimes direct students in the use of productivity applications for technology integration.

Students sometimes use technology to access, communicate and present information.

Teachers regularly use technology to direct instruction, improve productivity, model technology skills, and frequently direct students in the use of productivity applications for technology integration.

Students frequently use technology to access, communicate and present information.

Teachers regularly use technology in teacher-led and some student-centered learning experiences to develop higher-order thinking skills and provide opportunities for collaboration with content experts, peers, parents, and community.

Some students can evaluate and analyze data to solve problems using technology.

Teachers consistently use technology in teacher-led and most student-centered learning experiences to develop higher-order thinking skills and provide opportunities for collaboration with content experts, peers, parents, and community.

Many students can evaluate and analyze data to solve problems using technology.

Teachers model how to integrate technology in a student-centered learning environment where technology is used to solve real world problems in collaboration with business, industry, and higher education

Learning is transformed as students propose, assess, and implement

Teachers seamlessly integrate technology in a student-centered learning environment where technology is used to solve real world problems in collaboration with business, industry, and higher education

Learning is transformed as students propose, assess, and

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solutions to problems.

implement solutions to problems.

Focus Area 2 – Content Area Connection -The teacher uses appropriate ICT resources for teaching and learning to address learning goals. T1-T3 (0-3 years in service)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9The teacher does not use any available ICT resources for teaching and learning.

The teacher utilizes ICT learning resources which are inappropriate and failed to address the learning goals.

The teacher utilizes ICT learning resources which are loosely-aligned with the learning goals.

The teacher utilizes ICT learning resources which are occasionally aligned with the learning goals.

The teacher utilizes ICT learning resources which are generally aligned with the learning goals.

The teacher utilizes ICT learning resources which are consistently aligned with the learning goals and engage the students.

The teacher utilizes ICT learning resources which are well aligned with the learning goals and engage the students.

The teacher integrates extensive and multidisciplinary ICT learning resources appropriate and aligned with the learning goals

The teacher seamlessly integrates extensive and multidisciplinary ICT learning resources appropriate and aligned with the learning goals.

FEATURES OF PRACTICE1. The teacher is unaware of curricular materials and resources or is aware but chooses not to use or adapt materials and resources to support new learning.

1. The teacher uses poorly thought out instructional resources which are not suitable to the instructional purposes.

1. Instructional materials and resources are minimally aligned with the learning goals thus, inactively engage students cognitively to support new learning.

1. Instructional materials and resources are incompletely aligned with the instructional purposes and partially engage students cognitively to support new learning.

1. Instructional materials and resources are fairly aligned with the instructional purposes and engage most of the students cognitively to support new learning.

1. All instructional materials and resources are aligned with the instructional purposes and all students are cognitively engaged to support new learning.

1. Instructional materials are diverse and encompass other disciplines which are consistently aligned with the instructional purposes that contribute to active inquiry and collaboration.

2. Students are cognitively engaged in demonstrating new learnings.

Focus Area 3: Ethical use of digital information The teacher ensures the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9The teacher utilizes ICT but never shows

The teacher utilizes ICT but rarely shows

The teacher utilizes ICT but occasionally

The teacher utilizes ICT and frequently

The teacher utilizes ICT and regularly

The teacher utilizes ICT and consistently

The teacher models safe, legal, and

The teacher adapts and adjusts ICT-

The teacher displays an exemplary

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evidence of being aware of the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information.

evidences of being aware of safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information.

shows evidences of being aware of the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information.

shows evidences of the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information.

shows evidence of safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information.

shows evidences of safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information.

ethical use of digital information to students in all ICT-based learning activities.

based learning activities in keeping with the positive use of ICT appropriate to student’s learning needs.

practice in the positive use of ICT and consistently encourages the students to demonstrate responsible and ethical use of ICT within and beyond the classroom context.

FEATURES OF PRACTICE1. The teacher disseminates or presents digital information without giving credits to the source.

1. The teacher gives credit to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc. as sources of digital information instead of the website where information came from.

1. The teacher is inconsistent in giving credits to the source of the digital information the he/she presented or disseminated.

1. The teacher gives credit to most of the digital information used but some of these are incorrect.

1. The teacher gives credit to all the sources of digital information but some are inappropriately labeled.

1. The teacher appropriately gives credits to all the sources of digital information he/she presented or disseminated.

1. The teacher demonstrates responsible use of online and multimedia platforms by applying digital etiquette and responsible social interaction.

2. The teacher addresses issues, such as plagiarism, cyberbullying, copyright, and sharing sensitive information in the use of ICT.

1. The teacher reviews and differentiates ICT-based learning activities taking into account students’ digital literacy level.

2. The teacher monitors students responsible use of online and multimedia platforms in any ICT-based learning activities.

1. The teacher establishes a responsible and technology-rich learning environment that engages students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

2. The teacher and the students adhere to the protocols of global practices in the use of ICT.

Prepared by:Jumar B. Yago-an IT Officer I, Regional Office

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Vandolph B. Flora Computer Programmer II, Regional OfficeMarlou B. Borja IT Officer I, AbraChristian Mark Julian ICT Coordinator, ApayaoEric S. Wanson IT Officer I, BenguetHarris G. Dizon Jr. IT Officer I, Baguio CityRichard L. Butale IT Officer I, IfugaoLoida Elaine G. Tibong IT Officer I, Mt ProvinceMichelle E. Alagoy IT Officer I, KalingaSonny A. Alicmas IT Officer I, Tabuk City

References: Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 2016 (draft)Texas STARR ChartDepEd CAR ICT Assessment Tool 2014 (project of Ma’am Estela Carino, et.al)DepEd ICT Assessment Survey 2015