Viewbook 2012-13

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Simpson College Viewbook 2012-13

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Page 1: Viewbook 2012-13


“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

edith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m

working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been

accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I

found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at

BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro

Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job

backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged

children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.”

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 1

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

edith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m

working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been

accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I

found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at

BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro

Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job

backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged

children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.”

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”


“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

this is such an exciting and important time in

your life.

w o u l d n ’ t i t b e g r e a t t o l e a p a h e a d a f e w y e a r s a n d s e e


2 S I M P S O N C O L L E G E

Page 2: Viewbook 2012-13


“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

edith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m

working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been

accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I

found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at

BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro

Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job

backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged

children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.”

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 1

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

edith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m

working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been

accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I

found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at

BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro

Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job

backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged

children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.”

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”


“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

this is such an exciting and important time in

your life.

w o u l d n ’ t i t b e g r e a t t o l e a p a h e a d a f e w y e a r s a n d s e e


2 S I M P S O N C O L L E G E

Page 3: Viewbook 2012-13

A few years from now … did you find the job you wanted? Were you accepted into the graduate program of your choice? Did you develop the confidence to pursue your dreams?

What if you found a college that cares as much about your future success as you do?

W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 3

Page 4: Viewbook 2012-13




4 S I M P S O N C O L L E G E

Page 5: Viewbook 2012-13

Four years ago, was like many high school seniors. He knew he would go to college, but didn’t know where and wasn’t sure what he would study.

A high school football coach recommended Simpson. Once there, a business professor influenced his future.

“He convinced me that I should go into accounting,” Alex says. “I love it. I got several job offers. My friends at bigger universities have had a little more trouble finding jobs. All of the employers I’ve talked with think very highly of Simpson grads and they are willing to hire us because of Simpson’s reputation.”

Alex will work at the Principal Financial Group as he prepares for his Certified Public Accountant exam.

“Not only did I get a great education at Simpson, but I met a lot of people and built a lot of relationships with people in many different industries,” he says.

“ B e c a u s e o f S i m p s o n , I ’ m g o i n g t o b e a C P A . ”

SOLID REPUTATIONThis is where you will find professors who will take the time to know you and work alongside you to help achieve your goals.

This is where you will find classes designed to provide what employers and graduate schools are most interested in.

This is where you will find the guidance to match your specific talents and gifts to an academic major.


W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 5

Page 6: Viewbook 2012-13

Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science

Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management

International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion

Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies

Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary

Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems

Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International

Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychol-

ogy Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin

American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/

Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer

Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary

Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics

Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human

Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy

Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and

Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry

History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy

Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Health-

care Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine

Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry

Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science

Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music

Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World

Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social

Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial

Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal

Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management Interna-

tional Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion

Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American

Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/

Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies

Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History

Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy

Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching

Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law

Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training

Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmen-

tal Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Math-

ematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre

Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration)

Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting

Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science

Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Manage-

ment International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psy-

chology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management

Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy

Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies

Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History

Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical

Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Adminis-

tration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry

Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communica-

tion and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemis-

try History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy

Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare




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Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science

Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management

International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion

Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies

Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary

Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems

Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International

Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychol-

ogy Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin

American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/

Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer

Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary

Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics

Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human

Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy

Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and

Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry

History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy

Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Health-

care Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine

Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry

Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science

Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music

Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World

Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social

Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial

Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal

Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management Interna-

tional Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion

Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American

Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/

Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies

Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History

Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy

Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching

Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law

Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training

Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmen-

tal Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Math-

ematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre

Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration)

Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting

Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science

Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History Interdisciplinary Studies International Manage-

ment International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psy-

chology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Administration Human Resources Management

Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy

Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication and Media Studies

Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemistry History

Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy Physical

Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare Adminis-

tration Human Resources Management Latin American Studies Philosophy (Ethics Concentration) Social Work Women’s Studies Dentistry Engineering Law Medicine Nursing Optometry

Pharmacy Physical Therapy Theology/Ministry Veterinary Medicine Accounting Actuarial Science Applied Philosophy Art Athletic Training Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communica-

tion and Media Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Education English Environmental Science Exercise Science Forensic Science/Biochemis-

try History Interdisciplinary Studies International Management International Relations Management Marketing Mathematics Music Music Education Music Performance Philosophy

Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Religion Sociology Sports Administration Theatre Arts World Language and Culture Studies Art History Coaching Healthcare

MajorsAccountingActuarial ScienceArt EducationAthletic TrainingBiochemistryBiologyChemistryComputer Information

SystemsComputer ScienceCriminal JusticeEconomicsEconomics and FinanceElementary EducationEnglishEnvironmental Science-

BiologyExercise ScienceForensic Science/

BiochemistryFrenchGermanGlobal ManagementGraphic DesignHistoryIntegrated Marketing

CommunicationInterdisciplinary StudiesInternational RelationsManagementMarketingMathematicsMathematics-HonorsMultimedia JournalismMusic

Music EducationMusic PerformancePhilosophyPhilosophy-AppliedPhysical Education K-8Physical Education 5-12PhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologyReligionSpanishSociologySports AdministrationStudio ArtTheatre Arts

Minors/ProgramsAccountingArtBiologyChemistryCoachingComputer ScienceCriminal JusticeEconomicsEnglishExercise ScienceForensic ScienceFrenchGermanHistoryHuman ResourcesIntegrated Marketing


Latin American StudiesManagementMathematicsMultimedia JournalismMusicPhilosophyPhysical EducationPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologyReligionSecondary EducationSocial WorkSociologySports AdministrationSpanishSustainability StudiesTheatre ArtsWomen’s Studies

Pre-Professional ProgramsDentistryEngineeringLawMedicineNursingOptometryPharmacyPhysical TherapyTheology/MinistryVeterinary Medicine

The Simpson Curriculum has led the way nationally in helping students develop the skills that employers and graduate schools demand from tomorrow’s leaders.

Our students dig deeper and work on projects that provide a hands-on understanding of the subject. You will be encouraged to take advantage of community partnerships, internships, Study Abroad opportunities and independent research.

In doing so, you will develop skills to prepare you for the exciting, fulfilling and successful future that you want.

You may know what you want to study. You may wish to sample a few courses before determining a future direction. You will find what you want here. We can help you choose. We pride ourselves on it.

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14:1t h e r a t i o o f s t u d e n t s t o p r o f e s s o r s

o n t h e s i m p s o n c a m p u s .

h o w d o e s t h a t c o n t r i b u t e t o


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Most of our professors hold the highest degrees in their fields. They are accomplished experts, and they will be teaching your classes, not graduate assistants.

Our smaller class sizes mean you will get the personal attention you deserve. Simpson professors invest the time to get to know you as a person – your hopes, your dreams.

Someday, they may be writing recommendations on your behalf to employers and graduate schools.

Wouldn’t you want them to know you?

At Simpson, they will.

discovered the value of a Simpson education while she was applying to medical school. On one trip, she was allowed to sit in on a class at the prestigious Rush Medical School in Chicago.

“I basically knew everything they were talking about, and everyone else was lost,” she says. “That’s a real example of how the professors at Simpson have prepared me. I definitely have confidence that I can take it to the next level and be successful.”

Jacki was accepted to Rush and plans to become a doctor.

“ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n , I a m p u r s u i n g

a m e d i c a l d e g r e e a t R u s h M e d i c a l S c h o o l

i n C h i c a g o . ”

“ T h e b e a u t y o f S i m p s o n i s t h a t y o u d o n ’ t h a v e t o c h o o s e a m a j o r t h e f i r s t d a y y o u s t e p o n c a m p u s . W e

a r e c o m m i t t e d t o h e l p i n g y o u . ”

- Brian Steffen, Professor of Communication Studies


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The Student didn’t know how much she

enjoyed research until she arrived at Simpson.

She joined a team with Clint Meyer, assistant professor of biology, that studied natural wetlands as well as cicadas.

“It’s been phenomenal,” she says. “I would not have gotten this experience anywhere else. We’re a great team. I can go to him for anything.”

“You can get your feet dirty – learn what you like, learn what you don’t like – and the professors are there with you the entire way.”

The Professor “I’m a bug guy,” says. “A lot of people roll their eyes and snicker about that, but it was when I was out in the field doing research that I really became hooked on the subject. That field experience took what I learned in textbooks right out there into the real world.”

It’s this enthusiasm for his subject that Meyer passes on to his students.

“I love it when you can see the light go on in their head and they say, ‘Wow, this is really interesting.’”

Simpson excels at research. We believe in hands-on learning. Our students present their research findings throughout the country. It’s all part of building your resume and giving you real-world experience.

Our professors and students work and learn together.

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says, “Participating in math competitions helped me apply what I learned in the classroom. It will be helpful in the workforce, because I’ll be given a bunch of different problems that don’t have an easy solution. I’ve already done that.”

“ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n , I a m w o r k i n g

f o r a g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c y i n W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . ”

Unique ways to learn:The Culver PubliC PoliCy CenTer fosters civic engagement and community service through hands-on learning and real-world experiences. Each year, five students with a passion for politics, history or public service will receive a minimum scholarship of $14,000 and serve as Culver Fellows.

The iowa hisTory CenTer is committed to preserving and promoting the state’s history and encouraging a public conversation about the story of Iowa. There are many opportunities for students to participate. Five Iowa History Center scholarships are awarded annually.

simPson urban sTudies insTiTuTe provides students with the resources to conduct research in urban areas. The organization supports cultural immersion experiences and creative activities in the Des Moines metropolitan area.

The simPson Forum brings interesting and unique perspectives to campus in a variety of forms, including speeches, workshops, films and lunch talks.

PubliC Forum debaTe Program is the first of its kind to be offered at the college level in Iowa.

annual evenTs including the McBride Lecture, the George Washington Carver Legacy Ceremony, the Matthew Simpson Lecture and the Culver Lecture are among the popular annual events that bring prominent speakers to campus. Past speakers or recipients have included George McGovern, Mark Shields, the Iowa Tuskegee Airmen, Clarence Page, the Rev. Gregory Boyd and Andrea Elliott, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist.


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You can learn more by exploring another country than by reading about it.

A firsthand understanding of other cultures will make you a well- rounded student and will put you in a better position to compete in the global marketplace.

The “Simpson Experience Abroad” program gives students and faculty members the opportunity to spend a semester studying abroad. Destinations include Argentina, Australia, London, Germany, Tahiti and Thailand.

In addition, our popular May Term provides students a chance to participate in an intensive, three-week long, faculty-led international travel course.

Our alumni say that studying abroad was an unforgettable experience that helped shape their future.

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P A S T E X P E R I E N C E SH A V E I N C L U D E D :

A r g e n t i n aA u s t r a l i a

E n g l a n dG e r m a n y

T a h i t iT h a i l a n dN a m i b i a

C h i n aB r a z i l

N o r w a yD e n m a r k

P e r uD o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c

P o l a n dS p a i n

N e w Z e a l a n dN o r t h e r n I r e l a n d


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grew up outside of Aurelia, Iowa, a community of about 1,000 people. There were 25 seniors in his graduating class. He had never traveled outside of the United States.

His freshman year at Simpson, Jordan signed up for a May Term trip to China.

“It was definitely one of the best experiences I had at Simpson,” he says. “I was just amazed at the differences in our cultures. We went over there and we were treated like rock stars. That was pretty cool.”

There was a practical benefit as well.

“I’m a business major, and China is one of the world’s growing markets. In international business, just being familiar with the Chinese culture is huge.”“ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n ,

I ’ m s t u d y i n g f o r m y M B A a t A r i z o n a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y . ”

MAY TERMThe Simpson academic calendar features two, four-month semesters. This is followed by a three-week period called May Term.

Our students and faculty love May Term. It gives students the opportunity to take a specialized class and earn credits outside their major, or they may choose to accept an internship during this time.

In recent years, May Term classes have featured learning experiences such as Australia and the Great Barrier Reef, Borneo, Madagascar, the Dominican Republic, as well as Dallas, Texas, to study the area where President Kennedy was assassinated.

Courses taught on campus have included, “The Art of Mathematics,” “Introduction to the Creation of 3D Movies & Graphics” and “The Art and Science of Humor.”


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your timeO N C A M P U S .

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“I LOVE IT! I c o u l d n ’ t i m a g i n e

a b e t t e r p l a c e . ”

- Julia Warfield, junior

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y o u k n o w


your FIRST DAY …

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We help make the transition fun. You’ll find volunteers eager to help you move in. You’ll be invited to activities to meet new students like yourself.

Jump right in.

residenCe liFeWe offer five residence halls, seven apartment-style complexes and a variety of themed houses based on common interests. Each offers fully furnished amenities, air conditioning, free laundry and 24/7 wireless internet access.

greeK liFeGreek Life offers students the chance to make friendships and connections they will enjoy their entire lives. Seven Greek organizations, six of them nationally affiliated, are available at Simpson.

FraTerniTies: sororiTies:Alpha Tau Omega Delta Delta DeltaKappa Theta Psi Kappa Kappa GammaLambda Chi Alpha Pi Beta PhiSigma Alpha Epsilon

inTramuralsMost of our students are involved in one of more than 60 intramural activities, everything from croquet and kickball to ping pong and pool. Get involved!

What are you interested in?There’s a good chance that one of Simpson’s 75 student clubs and organizations is devoted to it. Examples include:• StudentsinFreeEnterprise(SIFE)usetheirbusiness

skills to serve the community.• Iowa’sdynamicpoliticalprocessdrawsnational

attention. The presidential selection process begins here. Consider joining the College Democrats or College Republicans.

• CollegeActivitiesBoard(CAB)providesmanyentertainment and social gatherings throughout the year.

• Simpsonishometotheoldestcontinuouslypublished college newspaper in the country.

• StudentGovernmentAssociationgivesstudentsavoice in campus decisions.

To see the full list, go to www.simpson.edu/clubs-and-organizations

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Simpson excels in the arts – and you don’t have to be a music, art or theatre major to participate.

In fact, students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and try something new.

You can, of course, major in art, theatre or music, but part of what makes the Simpson experience so enriching is that you can still participate in those programs as a non-major.

You never know what might happen. Maybe you’ll find yourself on stage! Anything is possible at Simpson.



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Mike Fisher, a 2006 Simpson graduate, transformed the West Marshall Marching Band in State Center, Iowa, from a 12-student ensemble to an award-winning band.

So when Fisher left to become a principal at another school, West Marshall looked for someone to build on the tradition.

They looked to Simpson College.

A Simpson music professor recommended graduating senior

to Fisher, who recommended him to West Marshall officials.

“Simpson played a huge role in helping me get an interview and the job,” Ryan says.

“ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n , I ’ m t h e n e w m u s i c t e a c h e r

a t W e s t M a r s h a l l H i g h S c h o o l . ”


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LET’S GO STORM! few moments demonstrate the tremendous campus spirit more than feeling that surge of adrenaline and the roar of the crowd when one of Simpson’s athletic teams go to battle with an archrival.

We celebrate success here as well. We have captured 20 national team and individual titles in the past 25 years.

Simpson athletes compete at the NCAA Division III level in the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

Our facilities are top-notch and getting better. In the summer of 2011, Simpson installed a new football field turf and track surface that is considered to be the highest performing and most innovative in the industry. Exciting improvements are underway for the expansion and renovation of Cowles Athletic Center.

It’s all about putting you in the best position to succeed.

S i m p s o n t e a m s h a v e w o n n e a r ly 9 0 I I A C

c h a m p i o n s h i p s , t w o D i v i s i o n I I I n a t i o n a l

c h a m p i o n s h i p s , a n d h a v e p r o d u c e d m o r e t h a n 2 5 0 A l l -

A m e r i c a n s a n d n e a r ly 5 0 A c a d e m i c

A l l - A m e r i c a n s .

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hit the ground running at Simpson – literally.

He competed on the cross country and track teams. At the same time, he was pursuing a double major and a double minor, as well as serving as a member of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and president of Sports Management Club.

His hard work paid off with two summer internships with United States Track & Field in Indianapolis, Indiana. And this fall, he will begin work toward a master’s degree in sports management at Illinois State University.

“Thanks to the connections of my professors at Simpson, I was able to land an internship at United States Track & Field, and then make my own connections,” Matt says. “Using these connections, I have put myself in a better spot for my future career.”

“ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n , I ’ m s t u d y i n g

f o r a m a s t e r ’ s d e g r e e i n s p o r t s

m a n a g e m e n t . ”


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SERVING OTHERS IS IN SIMPSON’S DNAOur students are known for accepting the responsibility to make the community and the world a better place.

Others have noticed. Newsweek magazine ranked Simpson among the nation’s top 25 schools for the most service-minded students, faculty and policies.

Each year since its inception, the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll has recognized Simpson for its commitment to community service.

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mother and brother graduated from Simpson College, so she was determined to follow a different path.

“But when I came on campus, I just instantly felt the sense of community and that I really belonged here,” she says.

Julia is a junior majoring in integrated marketing communications. She has embraced Simpson’s philosophy of serving others.

She traveled to Denver, Colorado, with a May Term class. While there, the class helped feed the homeless, worked for a food bank and spent time with special needs adults.

“It’s really cool to get involved and realize the difference you can make,” she says.

“ I ’ m J u l i a W a r f i e l d , a n d I ’ m c r e a t i n g m y o w n S i m p s o n S u c c e s s S t o r y . ”

Opportunities to Serve:

The CenTer For voCaTion and inTegraTive learning (Cvil) coordinates the volunteer efforts of students, faculty and staff, who each year contribute more than 50,000 hours of their time doing everything from picking up litter to assisting the elderly.

religious liFe CommuniTy (rlC) is a student-led collection of ministries that strives to intentionally promote and share a spirit of caring on campus and beyond. Volunteer projects have included everything from feeding the homeless to helping disadvantaged youth in Toronto.

CamPus day is an opportunity to grab a rake! This is a proud campus tradition that began in 1890. One day each spring, Simpson cancels classes and students, faculty and staff join forces to paint, mulch, rake and perform other tasks. We have fun doing so, and it helps make our beautiful campus shine even brighter.

susTainabiliTy is important to Simpson. Our students take care of organic gardens on campus. We offer the free use of bicycles. Our hydration stations reduce the need for plastic bottles. All of these were student-led initiatives. The Environmental Awareness Club promotes sustainability and environmental awareness on campus.

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L a s t y e a r t h e S i m p s o n c o m m u n i t y c o n t r i b u t e d m o r e t h a n 5 0 , 0 0 0

v o l u n t e e r h o u r s , a v a l u e o f $ 7 6 3 , 5 1 0 t o t h e l o c a l e c o n o m y .


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Your Place to Live, Learn and Play.Our new, $14 million Kent Campus Center promises to become a popular destination for students and a regional showcase, with an Au Bon Pain café bakery, Red Mango smoothies and a coffee shop featuring Starbucks products.

The renovation of the Blank Performing Arts Center added 17,000 square feet and space for specialized classrooms.

We’ve remodeled Pfeiffer Dining Hall and revamped the menu, to include The Kitchen, My Pantry, Fresh Market, Baker’s Crust, HearthStone Ovens and The Mongolian Grille.

The campus community is excited about the plans to renovate and expand the Cowles Athletic Center and Carse Fitness Center.

Whether walking to class with other students, cheering on the Storm or enjoying a musical recital in a plush auditorium …

It’s all part of what a great college looks and feels like.

You can feel the Simpson spirit everywhere on campus.

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BEAUTIfUL CAMPUS, IDEAL LOCATION Our gorgeous campus sits on 85 tree-shaded acres in Indianola, Iowa, a growing community of 14,800 just south of Des Moines, Iowa’s capital city.

Indianola is a charming community with a downtown square a few blocks from campus. Students can find a movie theater, restaurants and shops all within walking distance.

Indianola is also the home of:• AnewYMCAsettoopenin2013.• Anationalhot-airballoonfestival.• Greatbikeandhikingtrails.

• LakeAhquabiStatePark.• DesMoinesMetroOpera.

Simpson has been part of Indianola for more than 150 years. We celebrate tradition and history, but we’re not bound by it.

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Y O U ’ L L f E E L A T


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, a 2012 graduate, was not sure what to expect when he chose Simpson College.

He was from Phoenix, Arizona. He had never been to Iowa.

“The people here are amazing. Expect to be asked to come home with other students to meet their families. It’s just a great atmosphere, a great place to learn.

“You’re challenged and you’re pushed, but at the end of the day, when you walk across that stage for graduation, you feel prepared and ready for life.”

“ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n , I ’ m p r e p a r e d

f o r a c a r e e r i n l a w e n f o r c e m e n t o r

m i n i s t r y . ”


Jordan Creek Mall30 Min.

Lake Ahquabi10 Min.

Wells fargo Arena30 Min.

Des Moines International Airport 20 Min.

Principal Park 26 Min.East Village Shopping 27 Min.Civic Center 27 Min.Pappajohn Sculpture Park 29 Min.


W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 2 7

Y O U ’ L L f E E L A T


Page 28: Viewbook 2012-13

Our central location puts us in a perfect position for networking and internships.

In fact, we guarantee – that’s right, guarantee – an internship to every qualified student.

how Can we do This?We have great relationships with Des Moines area companies. They know of Simpson’s excellent reputation because many of them employ Simpson graduates.

We also have an extensive network of Simpson alumni who are grateful for the education they received here and want to give back by hiring our students as interns.

why does This maTTer To you?An internship is a great way to get a head start in the competitive job market. The connections you make may lead to your first job.

It’s an added value of a Simpson education, and another way we demonstrate our commitment to your success.


Jay Byers, CEO of the Greater Des Moines Partnership, the chief economic and community

development organization, is one of thousands of proud Simpson alumni.

thePOSSIBILITIESA few of the many places Simpson students have held internships in recent years:

The White HouseCleveland IndiansWells FargoSports IllustratedMeredith CorporationUnited States GovernmentKPMGIndianola Veterinary ClinicPrincipal Financial GroupBlank Children’s HospitalNationwide InsuranceGreen Bay PackersEdward JonesPeace Tree Brewing Co.Iowa Events CenterState Farm InsurancePrincipal Charity Classic Golf

TournamentPioneer Hi-Bred InternationalInstitute of Genetic Medicine at Johns Hopkins UniversityIowa Governor’s Office

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In 2010, during her sophomore year,

transferred to Simpson from anotherschool.(About100studentsayeardothesame.)

That same year, Justin Nostrala, an associate professor of art at Simpson, was talking to a graduate who was working for the Meredith Corporation. The company needed a graphic design intern.

He recommended Constance. Two years later, Constance turned that internship into a job as a graphic designer.

“It definitely helped get my foot in the door and get something on my resume,” she said. “The professors really care enough to get our names, and our work, out there in the world.” “ B e c a u s e I c h o s e S i m p s o n , I ’ m

w o r k i n g a s a g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r a t M e r e d i t h C o r p o r a t i o n . ”

THE BEST Of BOTH WORLDSAt Simpson, you will belong to a safe, nurturing community that’s dedicated to your success and personal growth. Close to campus is a vibrant capital city that’s exploding with future opportunities for you.

A Thriving Market. Des Moines ranks …

#1 in the country as best city for young professionals (Forbes)

#1 for home renters (Time magazine)

#1 in “Richest Metro in the Nation” (U.S. News and World Report)

#2 in “Best Cities for Jobs” (Forbes)

#4 in “Best Place for Business and Careers” (Forbes)

#10 “Most Educated Young Workforces” (national trade publication)


W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 2 9

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• Strongreputation• Preparingstudentsforfuture

success• Personalrelationshipswith

professors who care

• Hands-onexperience• Guaranteedinternships• Servicetoothers• First-classfacilities• Vibrantandengagedcampuslife

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WORTH IT!W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 3 1

sent each of their three children to Simpson.

Brennan, a 2008 graduate, is attending Palmer Chiropractic College in Davenport. Brody, a 2009 graduate, recently graduated from Duke Divinity School and has begun serving as a Methodist minister in Iowa. Molly, a 2011 graduate, is teaching in the Fort Dodge area.

Talk about results.

“You kind of get what you pay for,” Dr. Tubaugh says. “If you want to achieve, you’ve got to go somewhere that is good and that has a reputation for putting people into jobs after they graduate.”

“ P e o p l e w h o g r a d u a t e f r o m S i m p s o n g e t p o s i t i o n s . T h e y w i l l f i n d j o b s . W h e n t h e y a p p ly t o g r a d s c h o o l s , t h e y w i l l g e t

i n , b e c a u s e i t ’ s S i m p s o n , a n d t h a t m a k e s a d i f f e r e n c e . ”

fINANCIAL ASSISTANCEThroughout our history, Simpson has firmly believed that financial barriers should never stand in the way of bright, motivated students. We know a college education is one of the most important investments you and your family will make. For this reason, we want you to be comfortable with the financial assistance process. We’ll do everything possible to help you and your family make the Simpson experience a reality.

99% of Simpson’s full-time students receive financial assistance to help fund their education.

Costs for the 2012-2013 academic year are:

Tuition and fees: $29,529Basic Residence Hall Costs: $3,860

Standard Board Charge: $4,103

Total Comprehensive fee: $37,492


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Page 33: Viewbook 2012-13

APPLYThere are several ways to apply for admission to Simpson:

• Applyonlineatwww.simpson.edu• UsetheCommonApplication(applyatcommonapp.org)*• Completeapaperapplication

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis beginning early fall and continuing on a space-available basis. Once your file is complete, an admission decision will be sent within two to three weeks. Admission to Simpson College is based on your academic record, extracurricular activities and potential for success in a rigorous liberal arts curriculum. 

*First-year applicants only.

FirsT-year sTudenTsYou can apply for admission after six semesters of high school work. First-year applicants are evaluated by considering the following:• Collegepreparatorycoursestakenandgradesreceivedin

those courses• Rankinclass• Officialresultsofstandardizedtests(ACTand/orSAT)• Recommendationsfromhighschoolprincipalsorguidance

counselors• OtherrecommendationsasrequestedbytheOfficeof


TransFer sTudenTsFor many students, the Simpson Experience begins as an upperclassman. When that happens, we understand that you are not new to college, just new to us. Transfer applicants are accepted on the basis of:• Successfulcompletionofacademicworkatanaccredited

college or university• Highschoolrecordandstandardizedtestresults(ifapplicable)

So when it comes to transferring to Simpson, understand that we offer streamlined, personal guidance every step of the way.

graduated in April 2012. She’s now a full-time aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C., where she keeps sharks healthy and helps raise baby sea turtles.

“My love and drive to work with marine wildlife came from the experiences I had at Simpson,” she says.

Those experiences included a May Term trip her freshman year to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Then she served an internship at Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines. That led to an internship at the National Aquarium, which led to her job.

Dana was encouraged at Simpson to declare an interdisciplinary major, which allowed her to choose courses in environmental science, biology and journalism.

“ S i m p s o n i s a n u r t u r i n g c o m m u n i t y . P e o p l e o n ly

t e l l y o u y e s . S i m p s o n a l s o p r e p a r e d m e t o b e a l e a d e r , t o n o t b e a f r a i d

t o g i v e m y o p i n i o n a n d m y i d e a s . ”Notice of Nondiscrimination:

Simpson College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, creed, religion, disability, genetic information, veteran or veteran disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally protected characteristic in admission, access to, treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 3 3


Page 34: Viewbook 2012-13

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-



T h e r e i s n o b e t t e r w a y t o l e a r n a b o u t S i m p s o n t h a n t o

s e e i t i n p e r s o n .

3 4 S I M P S O N C O L L E G E

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Daily VisitsThe personalized attention you will receive at Simpson starts from day one. Let us help you plan a visit to campus based on your personal interests. You will experience firsthand Simpson’s welcoming faculty, active campus community and discover why students are excited about their decision to attend Simpson. Visits are offered Monday through Friday and select Saturdays.

Visit DaysVisit Days are a great way for you and your family to spend a day on campus exploring all that Simpson has to offer. You will have the chance to tour campus, eat in our dining hall, meet with faculty and coaches, and talk with students about their Simpson Experience. For a full listing of our upcoming visit days, go to www.simpson.edu/first-year-students/upcoming-events.

Fly-In ProgramIf you live more than 300 miles from Simpson College, take advantage of this great opportunity to check out campus and experience a day in the life of a Simpson student. Stay overnight, eat on campus and participate in a variety of activities. Simpson will reimburse a portion of the cost of your flight and provide transportation to and from the airport.

To learn about other visit opportunities or to sign up for your visit today, visit www.simpson.edu

Arrange a campus visit by calling the campus visit coordinator in the office of admissions at 800-362-2454.

Admissions office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. During the school year, the office is open on designated Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.



SIMPSON.”- Stacy Bergeson, junior

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“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

edith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m

working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been

accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I

found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at

BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro

Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job

backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged

children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.”

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U 1

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

edith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m

working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been

accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I

found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at

BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro

Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job

backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged

children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.”

“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”


“I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines

elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National

Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to

become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des

Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpret-

er.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m

singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organiza-

tion in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to

Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.”

“I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching

physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.”

“I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to

teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study

podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an

international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the

south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a

non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m

returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to

be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High

School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the

Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to

become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting

half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school

softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a national agency in Washington, D.C.”

“I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m pursuing a master’s degree in sports

management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in social work.” “I’ll be teaching history

at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a physical therapist with the Cleveland

Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.” “I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the

new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Meredith.” “I’m going to study for a master’s

degree in philosophy.” “I’m working at the Principal Financial Group.” “I’m an aquarist at the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C.” “I’m working with children at Orchard Place in Des

Moines.” “I’ll be studying in Boston to become a minister.” “I’m going to teach philosophy.” “I plan to become a police officer.” “I’ve been accepted into an MBA program.” “I’m going to

work a year at AmeriCorps.” “I’m getting half of my tuition paid to study podiatric medicine in Des Moines.” “I’m going to law school.” “I found a job in television news.” “I’m going to be a

CPA.” “I’m going to be a high school softball coach.” “I’m going to be an international interpreter.” “I’m the project coordinator at BirdDog Jobs.” “I’ll be doing computer work for a

national agency in Washington, D.C.” “I’m studying organic farming in the south of France.” “I’m singing with the Des Moines Metro Opera.” “I’m conducting research for Pioneer.” “I’m

pursuing a master’s degree in sports management.” “I’ll be working with a non-profit organization in Atlanta.” “I’ve got a job backstage at a Broadway musical.” “I’m specializing in

social work.” “I’ll be teaching history at a high school in northern Iowa.” “I’m returning home to Mexico to serve underprivileged children.” “I’ve got an internship to work as a

physical therapist with the Cleveland Indians.” “I’m going to be a nurse.” “I’m going to be a veterinarian.” “I’m starting my own business.” “I’ve been accepted to Rush Medical School.”

“I’m working at Wells Fargo.” “I’m the new band director at West Marshall High School.” “I’ll be teaching physical education at a Des Moines elementary school.” “I got a job at Mer-

this is such an exciting and important time in

your life.

w o u l d n ’ t i t b e g r e a t t o l e a p a h e a d a f e w y e a r s a n d s e e


2 S I M P S O N C O L L E G E