Video Games sales in the U.S in 2008 totaled over $21 billion

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  • Video Games sales in the U.S in 2008 totaled over $21 billion
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  • Early computer and video games were developed five decades ago running on platforms such as oscilloscopes, university mainframes and EDSAC computers. Tennis for two (1958), Spacewar (1962), Pong (1972)
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  • Oscilloscope Games Not photorrealistic Hypermediated Called attention to the interface Frenetic pace
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  • Film Crossover from video games to other cultural industries like Hollywood (i.e. Final Fantasy, Doom, Lara Croft, etc.)
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  • Film Directors are going to gaming: John Singleton (Boyz N the Hood), Bryan Singer (X-Men), John McTiernan (Die Hard), et al.
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  • Video Games like Grand Theft Auto have been the focus of news media (i.e. 60 Minutes, Guardian, NY Times, etc.).
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  • It is not for kids anymore. The average age of the video game player is 30
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  • female game characters: wise old women (fantasy), objects waiting for male rescue or fetichized subjects of male gaze
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  • Narratology Literary theory and narratology have been helpful to understand cybertexts and videogames
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  • Narratology Narratological approaches used Aristotelian Poetics Russian formalism poststructuralism
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  • Videogames Stories? Narratology Games? Ludology
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  • Roger Caillois founded the College of Sociology as a reaction to the Surrealist movement that was dominant in the 1920s College of Sociology SurrealistCollege of Sociology Surrealist sought to move away from surrealism's focus on the fantasy life of the unconscious and focus instead more on the power of ritual and other aspects of communal life. sought to move away from surrealism's focus on the fantasy life of the unconscious and focus instead more on the power of ritual and other aspects of communal life. Caillois left France in 1939 for Argentina. During the war he was active in fighting the spread of Nazism in Latin America. He was responsible for introducing authors such as J.L. Borges or Alejo Carpentier to the European public. Caillois left France in 1939 for Argentina. During the war he was active in fighting the spread of Nazism in Latin America. He was responsible for introducing authors such as J.L. Borges or Alejo Carpentier to the European public.1939J.L. BorgesAlejo Carpentier1939J.L. BorgesAlejo Carpentier
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  • Play occasion of pure waste: waste of time, energy, ingenuity, skill, and money. a free and voluntary activity that occurs in a pure space, isolated and protected from the rest of life.
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  • Play 1. free 2. separate 2. separate 3. uncertain 4. unproductive 5. regulated 6. fictive
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  • Types of Game ludus are games containing a rule that specifies a winning condition while paidia are play-activities with rules but no winning condition
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  • Matrix of Games agon games are games based on direct competition between players. agon is the ancient greek word meaning contest or challenge. alea are games that based on chance, games that we consider forms of gambling. Latin name for the game of dice mimicry refers to role-playing games, such as "playing house". Mimsis in Aristotles Poetics is translated as make-believe. Mimicry is incessant invention. ilinx (vertigo) games centered on the pleasures of movement. Greek for whirlpool.
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  • Videogame as Narrative 1) all literature is to some extent indeterminate, nonlinear, and different for every reading 2) the reader has to make choices in order to make sense of the text 3) a text cannot really be nonlinear because the reader can read it only one sequence at a time, anyway.
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  • Ergodic Literature nontrivial effort is required to allow the reader to traverse the text from the Greek ergon & hodos, "work" and "path."
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  • a text can never be reduced to a stand-alone sequence of words. There will always be context, convention, contamination -Espen Aarseth
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  • Pacman--------------- Fully two-dimensional Completely Opaque Nothing behind or beyond the interface Immediacy of the experience can come only through acknowledging the medium
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  • Videogames Repourposed TV set
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  • Fantasy RG Books Photorrealistic attention to detail Antiquated prose and poetry Videogames Myst remediates several media on several levels Cinematic POV
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  • Sex & Violence Computer games attacked because they remediate immediate media (TV & film) Books are not attacked
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  • Hierarchy of Immediacy Text (book) Graphic (comic book) PhotographyTVFilm Cybersex or teledildonics hypermediacy
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  • Red Light Center
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  • Second Life
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  • Reciprocal Remediation Computer graphics refashion photography Photography refashions computer graphics
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  • Pedro Meyer
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  • Desire for immediacy Every photo is a failed attempt Digital photography complicates and mocks the desire for immediacy
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  • If photographs are images, and films are moving images, then video games are actions
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  • computerized visuality is no longer about light but is instead about space. computerized visuality is no longer about light but is instead about space.
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  • in film, the subjective perspective is marginalized and used primarily to effect a sense of alienation, detachment, fear, or violence.
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  • first-person perspective holds forth the possibility of action that makes it such an uncomfortable technique in cinema, but such a natural arrangement in gaming
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  • since gaming is an action and not an image, realism should be imagined on different terms. a better kind of realism for gaming would follow the model of neorealism in film in which a film's neorealisticness depends on its narrative and not its form (e.g., its degraded style)
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  • an index for the very dominance of informatic organization and how it has entirely overhauled, revolutionized, and recolonized the function of identity
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  • the opposite of history, not because the game fetishizes the imperial perspective, but because the diachronic details of lived life are replaced by the synchronic homogeneity of code pure and simple
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  • Godards cinema, broadly speaking, is within the modern tradition established by Brecht and Artaud, in their different ways, suspicious of the power of the arts- and the cinema, above all- to capture its audience without apparently making it think, or changing it. - Peter Wollen
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  • Counter cinema 1.Narrative straightforwardness (transitivity) vs narrative intransitivity (gaps, elipses, digressions, episodic constructions, disjuncture, excess). 2.Identification vs Estrangement 3.Transparency vs Foregrounding 4.Single vs Multiple Diegesis 5.Closure vs Aperture 6.Pleasure vs unpleasure 7.Fiction vs Reality