ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) [email protected] Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN

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Page 1: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN
Page 2: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


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Page 3: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN



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Page 6: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


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2) Challenger “NE-VIP” 18-Month Car Detailing & Protection Program at 30% off (Original price $6,980)=��

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000, depending on car capacity) �� �� !"NO�� !"#$%&'()*+=E��ARIPMMJAVI

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Page 7: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


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Page 8: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


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From time to time, members may receive

promotional or advertisement materials /

leaflets from commercial companies together

with HKSGOA’s mailing publications and

reports. Please note that the Association does

not accept any liability arising from any

misrepresentation in the materials/leaflets.

Members are reminded to satisfy themselves

with the accuracy of information contained

therein before acting on it.

Page 9: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


Hong Kong Senior Government Officers AssociationList of Duties of Council Members - 2009 / 2010

1. Strategy Group P. C. So, Philip Kwok, Keith Yuen

2. Spokesman P. C. So, Philip Kwok, Keith Yuen

3. SCSC P. C. So, Philip Kwok, S. K. Chan

4. Privatization Chris Liu, Charles Hung, C. M. Choi

5. Pay Trend Philip Kwok, S. K. Chan, K. M. Bok

6. Office Mgt. Philip Kwok K. K. Lam, K. Y. Ma

7. Support W. M. Poon, C. M. Choi, Evans Iu

8. Council Sec. Steven Wong, C. F. Wong, Tong To

9. Vetting Inward Corr. Keith Yuen, Chris Liu, Tong To

10. Newsletter K. Y. Ma, K. M. Bok, Chris Liu

11. Social K. P. Kui, Edwin Fung, Evans Iu

12. AGM K. K. Lam, Charles Hung, C. P. Sham

13. Membership & Welfare Charles Hung, C. W. Lau, Joe Wong

14. Complaints S. K. Chan, K. P. Kui, C. P. Sham

15. QAC & Housing Allow Edwin Fung, Chris Liu, K. M. Bok

16. Medical Keith Yuen, S. K. Chan, Tong To

17. Staff Suggestion Edwin Fung, Joe Wong, K. W. Pau

18. Retirement & Pension C. M. Tang, K. K. Lam, K. Y. Ma

Pay Adjustment Mechanism P. C. So, Philip Kwok, Keith Yuen

& Pay Level Survey

Fringe Benefit Review & P. C. So, Philip Kwok, S. K. Chan

Related Matters

Contingent Events P. C. So, Philip Kwok, Keith Yuen

* LEGEND : (Bold type) Convenor (underling) Deputy Convenor


Page 10: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


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Hong Kong Senior Government Officers AssociationList of Executive Committee 2009/2010

Chairman Mr. SO Ping-chi General Manager 2852 4406 (Tel)

E��F E�� F Marine Department 2544 9241 (Fax)[email protected]

Senior Vice-Chairman Ir KWOK Chi-tak, Philip Senior Structural Engineer 3162 0582 (Tel)E�� !"F E�� F Housing Department 2762 9230 (Fax)

[email protected]

Vice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel)E�� F E�� F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax)

[email protected]

Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN Sai-kwing Consultant, Department of Health 2958 6405 (Tel)E�� F E����F [email protected] 2771 9686 (Fax)

Treasurer Ir LAM Kam-kuen Retired engineer. Adjunct 9674 6581 (Tel)E��F E�� F Professor of HKU 2550 0362 (Fax)

[email protected]

Secretary Mr. HUNG Chuen-ka, Charles Senior Maintenance Surveyor 2761 7759 (Tel)E�� F E�� F Housing Department 2761 7751 (Fax)

[email protected]

Assistant Secretary Mr. WONG Hung-lok, Steven Senior EPO, EPD 2872 1683 (Tel)E�� !F E�� F [email protected] 2591 0636 (Fax)

Immediate Dr. POON Wai-ming Sr. Medical & Health Officer 3661 3063 (Tel)Past-Chairman E�� F Department of Health 2667 3565 (Fax)

[email protected]

Council Members Mr. KUI Kin-ping Senior Fleet Manager 2307 3614 (Tel)E��F E�� F Marine Department 2307 3620 (Fax)

[email protected]

Mr. LIU Chi-ho, Chris Senior Architect 2867 3322 (Tel)E�� F Architectural Service Dept. 2524 7981 (Fax)

[email protected]

Mr. WONG Chun-fai Sr. Structural Engineer 2161 6001 (Tel)E�� F Housing Department 2761 6207 (Fax)

[email protected]

Ir BOK Kwok-ming, Aaron Chief Engineer 2762 4968 (Tel)E�� F Highways Department 3188 6614 (Fax)

[email protected]


Page 11: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN


Council Members Mr. SHAM Chung-ping, Alain Sr. Ass. Dir. of Public Prosecutions 2867 2331 (Tel)E��F E�� F Department of Justice 2845 1609 (Fax)

[email protected]

Mr. IU Po-lung, Evans Sr. Landscape Architect 2761 7566 (Tel)E���F Housing Department 3152 2060 (Fax)

[email protected]

Ir TANG Chung-ming Ch. Structural Engineer (Acting) 2626 1476 (Tel)E�� F Buildings Department 2523 7841 (Fax)

[email protected]

Mr. TO Ngan-fat, Tony Dental Officer, Department of Health 9436 8232 (Tel)E�� F [email protected]

Mr. FUNG Kwai-wing, Edwin Marine Officer, Marine Department 2852 4381 (Tel)E�� F [email protected] 2581 1765 (Fax)

Dr. CHENG Wo-wing Fisheries Officer, AFCD 2873 8337 (Tel)E�� F [email protected] 2870 0324 (Fax)

Mr. WONG Chuen-fai Senior EPO, EPD 2872 1700 (Tel)E�� F [email protected] 2816 5710 (Fax)

Dr. PAU Ka-wai, Charles Sr. Agricultural Officer, AFCD 2150 6710(Tel)E�� F âï|é~ì]~ÑÅÇKÖçîKÜâ OTPS=RPVP=Ec~ñF

Ir CHOI Chun-ming Senior Engineer, Drainage Services Dept 2159 3403 (Tel)E�� F [email protected] 2833 9162 (Fax)

Co-opted Council Members Ir CHEUNG Kin-keung, Martin Ass. Dir. (Project) 1 2129 3956 (Tel)E�� !F E�� F Housing Department 3152 2056 (Fax)

[email protected]

Dr. LAU Chi-kin, Vincent Senior Dental Officer 2552 7389 (Tel)E�� F Department of Health 2553 0813 (Fax)

[email protected]

Ir LAU Chi-wan Retired Assistant Secretary (Safety) 9232 2376 (Tel)E�� F [email protected]

Ir LIU Tso-wing, Jerry Senior Civil Engineer 2829 4448 (Tel)E�� F Water Supplies Dept. 2802 2579 (Fax)

[email protected]

Ir MA Koon-yiu Retired Engineer 9421 6942 (Tel)E�� F [email protected]

Page 12: ENFVice-Chairman Dr. YUEN Kwok-wah, Keith Dental Officer (Orthodontics) 2810 2777 (Tel) E FE F Department of Health 2530 3437 (Fax) keithkwyuen@netvigator.com Vice-Chairman Dr. CHAN



Post-Service Outside Work for Directorate Civil Servants


Arising from the public concern over the approval given to Mr Leung Chin-man to work for a private

developer after retirement, the Chief Executive appointed an independent Committee on Review of

Post-service Outside Work for Directorate Civil Servants in September 2008 to review the existing

policy and arrangements.

As pointed out by Mr. Ronald Arculli, Chairman of the Review Committee, the issue involves the

protection of the public interest and the protection of an individual's right to work. The HKSGOA has

made our submissions on several occasions during the consultation period and given our comments on

the Report, which was published on 10 July 2009, to the Secretary for the Civil Service.

Summary of our comments:

� All civil servants are themselves members of the general public and should be regarded as such.

There should be no basic contradiction between the protection of the public interest and the protection

of an individual’s right to work.

� As pointed out in the report, actual ‘deferred reward’ should be tackled by the existing law (such as

the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance).

� A blanket lifetime ban, specific or total, is not in the best interest of the community for limited

human resources to be put to good use. This is most true in the professional grades, such as medical

doctors, dentists, engineers, etc.

� The current length of the minimum sanitization period (6 or 12 months) in the Hong Kong’s Control

Regime is noted to be the longest when compared with all overseas control regimes.

� The present control periods for Directorate Pay Scale (DPS) D1 to D7 (i.e.2 years) and D8 (i.e.3

years) are long enough to restrict their employment. Any further lengthening of the period from 2 to

3 years for DPS D4 to D7 and from 2 to 5 years for DPS D8 is totally unnecessary.

� The imposed requirement for the applicant should be clearly stated on the conditions of approval.

� Pension payments were earned by civil servants employed on pensionable terms for their services

rendered during their past service in the government, and as such, the suspension of monthly pension

payments to retired pensionable civil servants (directorate and non-directorate)working on a full-

time and paid basis in the sixteen specified subvented organization is unreasonable.

� The extension of the public disclosure arrangement to cover junior directorate civil servants at DPS

D1 to D3 is totally unnecessary.

� All restrictions applied to civil servants must be equally applicable to all Politically Appointed



Civil Servants are part and parcel of our community, to whom we are all strive hard to serve. The

Directorate Civil Servants, in particular, are valuable assets in the society. Their senior positions reflect

the recognition of the community for their knowledge, skills and experiences. Their post-service

employment will fill the communication gap between the private sector and the Government, thereby

further enhancing the efficiency of the Government and better utilizing the limited human resources as

a whole. Any unnecessary tightening of their employment prospects will not only deprive the individual’s

right to work, but also cause detrimental effect to the industry in the long run.