Verve Training Doc

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  • 7/30/2019 Verve Training Doc


    IntroductionThe reason for creating this Training Document is to inform everybody in our

    down lines exactly what Vemma is about, how the company works and all of the littlequirks which help promote and sell the product. Most importantly, we need to be able towork as a team. Everybody in Verve/Vemma has the responsibility of being able toexplain and promote this opportunity in their own in due time. We understand that youmay not be able to explain it all but remember, we were once in the same position as you.Although, we did not have these documents that we are providing to you in order to makelearning this business model easier, we strongly encourage you to study and learn thedetails within this document. With that being said, lets begin

    What is Vemma?Vemma was started in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2004 by the companys founder and

    CEO, B.K. Boreyko. In 8 years the company has expanded to over 59 internationalcountries.

    B.K. is an icon in the health and wellness industry as well as the networkmarketing industry. He actually brings a lifetime of network marketing tothe table, growing up with his parents who created multi-million dollar

    distribution networks.

    BK Boreyko's father passed away of heart disease and his mom ofcancer, the 2 leading causes of death and disease in the UnitedStates. Following this BK went out with the goal to create asupplement that would help prevent the onset of these diseases. Hecontacted a group of scientists, headed by M.D. and Ph.D. Dr.Yibing Wang, to create this perfect combination of vitamins andminerals. BK's main goal is to promote a product that helps otherslive longer, healthier lives, as well as help people reach financialfreedom through personal development.

    The company now consists of more than 100,000 brand partners, andupwards of 1500 which are college students that are spread dominantlyacross Arizona and the West Coast, along with Michigan and the Mid-West. Verve was released in July 2011 and has just recently hit thecollege/high school markets outside of Arizona.

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    Vemma is an acronym that stands for: Vitamins-Essential-Minerals-


    There are 12 full-spectrum vitamins, 65 plant-sourced minerals and over40 anti-oxidants all condensed into a 2 oz daily dose located in each of

    VEMMAs products.

    The Verve Energy Drink was designed to capture a generation of peoplenot solely interested in supplementation, but those who use energy drinksand its 5 billion dollar industry. This is one of the many reasons that thetiming to take advantage of this business opportunity is now!

    There is a huge void in what is available for our generation regardingsupplementation. There is not a product that comes even close to whatVerve can offer.

    Also, Vemma will be co-partnering with Childrens Miracle Network as afundraiser to help over 17 million children a year.

    Did you know that you would have to eat all of the following fruits andvegetables to receive everything in the VEMMA formula which is in each and everyVerve?

    1 orange to equal the amount of Vitamin C 5 avocados to equal the amount of Vitamin E 2 stalks of broccoli to equal the amount of Iron

    28 eggs to equal the amount of Vitamin D

    cup of spinach to equal the amount of Vitamin A 2 cups of peas to equal the amount of Thiamin 9 medium bananas to equal the amount of Riboflavin 31 oz. of cheddar cheese to equal the amount of Vitamin B-12 3 large potatoes to equal the amount of Niacin 30 cups of tomatoes to equal the amount of Folate 1 large watermelon to equal the amount of Vitamin B-6 19 medium mushrooms to equal the amount of Pantothenic Acid

    This is in just ONE can of verve/2 oz serving of VEMMA

    Because it is liquid we are getting 98% absorption vs. hard composite pills that give usanywhere from 10-20% absorption.

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    Sponsors andCredibility

    The credibility and notoriety this product has received is astounding!

    Mens Journal

    Mens Journal named the original Vemma formula (which is in a Verve)the Best Available Super Juice.

    Miss Fitness Magazine

    Named Verve product of the year!Dr. Oz

    Dr. Oz. argues that Vemma is the best multi-vitamin available becausewhile you are getting your daily dose of Vitamins and Minerals, you arealso getting Mangosteen (the super fruit from southeast Asia), alongwith the legendary healing powers of Aloe Vera and Green Tea (which arealso in a Vemma/Verve)


    Verve is the official energy drink of the Phoenix Suns and the CharlotteBobcats

    Phoenix Suns Stadium has a Verve lounge where members ofVemma are free to go if they attend a Suns game.

    The Phoenix Suns deal with Verve puts the team in adistributor role

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    Bobcats Sports and Entertainment (BSE) President and ChiefOperating Officer Fred Whitfield announced the organization hasentered into a new multi-year marketing partnership with VemmaNutrition Company.


    On October 10th, 2009, the Phoenix Coyotes launched the 2009-2010 NHLhockey season with Verve, their official energy drink

    World Famous Businessmen who believe in Vemma and Network Marketing

    Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, and Darren Harding

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    Whos Buying and

    Why?The typical consumers of Vemma and Verve are adults, parents, college students, and

    high school students

    Adults and Parents This demographic is mostly working with the Vemma formula, but

    sometimes Verve. Adults and parents most likely are taking amulti-vitamin already. As mentioned before, Vemma is the best

    multi-vitamin available. So whether they are buying Vemma toimprove their health or to make a little secondary income, they willbe helping someones business grow.

    Most adults who become involved in Vemma are looking for thatway to make a secondary income because the key to true wealth ismultiple forms of income.

    College and High School Students College students are going to graduate college with a great degree

    but only 50% of those graduates are going to be employed in a jobthat they are qualified for. The other 50% is going to be eitherunemployed or underemployed.

    Examples of Underemployed Chemical Engineer at Ace Hardware Marketing degree working at Reebok Mathematics degree working at McDonalds

    66% of college graduates end up living in their parents homesagain.

    Most of us are making a $20,000+ a year investment in college.After 4 years we are down $80,000+ and we still only have a 50%gamble that we are actually going to make it.

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    Our generation is looking for a way out. We were always told to goto college, get a degree, fill out a resume, and hope to get a job.This system is flawed.

    Whos to say that we cant go to college and get a degree, but atthe same time be social and work hard to build a residual incomethat we can lean on for the rest of our lives!

    Most students work in food service or manual labor, getting paidminimum wage and working for a boss that gets paid to constantlycorrect everything that you are doing wrong.

    We are an evolved generation and we look for ways to make lifeeasier for us. You can work hard in Vemma and it will help youyour whole life.

    Work hard now while others wont, so we can live thelives later that others cant.

    One thing that we make sure to mention is that Verve will cureeven the worst of hangovers! You can ask any Brand Partner (overthe age of 21 of course) and they will all contest to this being themagical cure.

    The reason behind the curing of hangovers is because whendrinking alcohol, the body excretes all of the nutrientswithin an individual. With this being said verve replenishesall of these vitamins and minerals allowing for a headachefree morning.

    Word of Mouth

    AdvertisingRather than spending hundreds of millions of dollars per year on marketing and

    advertising, Vemma spends nothing. Vemma has no marketing or advertising departments, theyalso do not have any billboards, commercials, or print ads. Vemma PAYS US as brandpartners to do their marketing for them. We use the most effective form of advertising; word ofmouth.

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    We like to use the example of seeing a new movie in relation to word of mouthadvertising.

    If I go and see a new movie that has just been released into theaters, forexample Transformers, and I really like that movie, the first thing that Iam going to do when I leave that movie is GO AND TELL A FRIENDabout that movie and how much I liked it.

    Accordingly, that friend I told is going to trust me because I am theirfriend and I am standing in front of them with a personal testimonial abouthow much I enjoyed this movie. People trust testimonials.

    And now because my friend went to go see that movie, lets say twoweeks later, I get a check in the mail for the producer of that movie for a

    few dollars and a note saying, Hey. Thanks for telling your friend to gosee this movie. It means a lot to us because word of mouth advertising isthe most effective form of advertising.

    This is essentially how Vemma pays us as brand partners We are not trying to get consumers to spend more by purchasing

    this product.

    We are trying to get people to redirect their dollars from red bull,monster, coffee, mountain dew, etc. to a healthy alternative likeVerve or Vemma.

    With the onset of things such as DVR, consumers will go out of their way to findtheir way around commercials and advertisements. People will fast forward throughcommercials, mute/turn down the radio for ads, or even flip past any ad that does notcatch their eye in a magazine. This is why word of mouth advertising is the mosteffective way to market this product. People trust other peoples experience with aproduct. They are more likely to believe you if you personally used the product, asopposed to a commercial or advertisement about that product.

    Red bull spends over $900 million a year in advertising and marketing alone.Vemma spends zero with the exception of paying us to do it for them. Word of mouth

    advertising is the way that Facebook and Myspace came about. No one ever advertisedthese things. Friends told friends who told friends who told friends to check it outand thats why they have been so successful.

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    What Sets Vemma

    Apart?Vemma is a very particular company that sets itself apart from the rest of the competition.

    The single most unique part of their business structure is that it works with a BinaryCompensation system. What this means is that a Brand Partner cannot have more than two teamslocated directly under them at any given time. Other Mult-Level Marketing Companies haveanywhere between three and eight teams located directly under them which makes it extremelydifficult for any member to make the business profitable for them. A result of this two teamsystem there is a complex of interdependence created between each and every Brand Partner (inorder for me to make money I need to make sure that you make money!). This is what creates a

    team like attitude between all brand partners which not only helps create leaders but also createsteam players. Aside from this, Vemma has no sign up fees, no deactivation fees and actually hasa 30-day empty can refund, what this means is that if within 30 days a Brand Partner does notlike the business model or how it works for them then they can send back their empty cans andwill have all money (aside from shipping costs) returned to them. While returning your cans isalways an option, only 2% of orders are actually sent back to Vemma which just goes to showthe quality of the product.

    How You Get Paid!There are eight different ways that Vemma pays its Brand Partners and each BrandPartner is paid on a weekly basis for 4 consecutive weeks followed by a 1 week grace period.This grace period gives time for the Brand Partners next shipment to be received and marks thetime in between the rank advancement periods. Payment can be sent in two different ways; thefirst type of payment is through paychecks that will be sent on the weekly basis while the secondmethod is direct deposit which can be setup under theMy Accounttab in your back office. Theterm QV stands for Qualifying Volume and has the same meaning as reward points, this issimply the amount of points each product is worth.

    Fast Start Bonus The fast start bonus is the only type of immediate income paid out by Vemma

    and also happens to be the most simple. For every Brand Partner that youPERSONALLY enroll, you will receive an additional $20 on your nextpaycheck. For a Brand Partner to qualify to start making money they must (1)be purchasing 120 QV worth of product every month and (2) must havepersonally enrolled a brand partner on both their left and right legs.

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    Cycle Bonus This is the largest source of LONG TERM income and also happens to be the

    most complex but dont worry its not all that hard to understand. In order toqualify for the cycle bonus there must be a ratio of QV on both the left andright legs. It does not matter which but on one team there must be 360 QV(Power Leg) and the other team must have 180 QV (Profit Leg). Assumingeach Brand Partner you are enrolling is worth 120 QV then you will need a1:2 person ratio from the profit leg to the power leg to make maximumincome. For every Cycle Bonus completed you will be paid $22-$25 on amonthly basis and the payment will be made on that same week of eachmonth.

    Enroller Matching Bonus The Enroller Matching Bonus is paid out to Brand Partners who (1) are

    qualified with 120 QV (2) have personally enrolled 4 active Brand Partnerswith at least one enrolled on both legs. When qualified, the Enroller will bepaid 10% of the enrolled Brand Partners Cycle Bonus earned amounts.

    Second Tier Matching Bonus is paid if the Brand Partner follows all aboverequirements with the exception of having 6 personally enrolled active BrandPartners. When this happens the Brand Partner will earn on 10% on their 6personally enrolled Brand Partners Cycle Bonus earned amounts, as well as10% on these Brand Partners personally enrolled Brand Partners Cycle Bonusearned amounts.

    Limitations: A Brand Partner cannot earn both Enroller Matching Bonus andthe Second Tier Matching Bonus on the same downline Brand Partner.

    Tier Matching Bonus Cap: Earnings of Matching Bonuses up to $5,000 USDin a 4 week rank advancement period will not require additional structure orrank qualifications. Although, if the Matching Bonus exceeds $5,000 USD ina 4 week advancement period then the Brand Partner must earn and maintainthe Paid As rank of Platinum or higher.

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    Momentum Bonus Momentum Bonus is paid out when a Brand Partner has 500 reward points

    consisting of Auto-delivery and/or Builder Pack orders from enrollershipvolume on each side of your business. These reward points must be fromBrand Partners that you have personally enrolled, or from people that yourpersonal enrollments enrolled and so on. The dollar amount paid for theMomentum Bonus varies from rank to rank, as you rank advance the amountpaid for the Momentum Bonus will increase Bronze- up to $100, Silver- upto $200, Gold- up to $300, Diamond- up to $400, and Platinum will bedescribed in the Platinum Club.

    Builder Pack Flag For any Brand Partner who chose to begin their business with a Builder Pack

    will be able to earn Momentum Bonus at the purchased level (Silver Pack =Silver Momentum Bonus, Gold Pack = Gold Momentum Bonus). The Builder

    Pack Flag will be honored for 90 days from the day they enroll with Vemma.

    For Example: A Brand Partner Purchases a Silver Builder Pack, oncethey are qualified with 500 reward points consisting of Auto-Deliveryand/or Builder Pack orders from enrollership volume on each side oftheir business, they would be paid at the Silver level (up to $200)instead of Bronze level (up to $100). Once the 90-day Flag ends, theBrand Partner would be paid normally as qualified.

    Platinum Club The Platinum Club allows for a Brand Partner to be eligible for the Platinum

    Club Car Bonus option. If a Brand Partner is active and qualified with 120reward points and purchases a Silver or Gold pack within the first 60 days ofbecoming a Brand Partner and has been Paid As Platinum or above for twoconsecutive 4 week rank advancement periods then they will be eligible for acar (either a BMW or Mercedes-Benz with Mini Cooper and Motorcyclesexcluded). If a Brand Partner chooses to opt-out of the of the Platinum ClubCar Bonus option, the Brand Partner will receive the Cash Bonus optionwhich is 50% of the Car Bonus.

    Paid As rank of Platinum, Star Platinum, Executive or Star Executive areeligible for the $400 Platinum Car Bonus. Paid As rank of Presidential orStar Presidential are eligible for $600 Platinum Car Bonus. Paid As rank ofAmbassador or above are eligible for $800 Platinum Car Bonus.

    See the Compensation Plan in the Back Office for additional requirementsand limitations.

    Global Bonus Pool See Compensation Plan

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    Rank Advancement Bonus The Rank Advancement Bonus is paid out to Brand Partners who qualify for a

    new rank. In order to be qualified for the Rank Advancement Bonus for ranksSilver through Star Executive the Brand Partner must maintain the new rankfor two consecutive 4 week Rank Advancement periods. In order to bequalified for the Rank Advancement Bonus for ranks Presidential throughPinnacle the Brand Partner must maintain the new rank for six consecutive 4Rank advancement periods, these are all paid as a one-time bonus. Thesehigher bonuses must maintain a minimum of one Paid As Star Platinum intheir personally enrolled downline on each side of their business. The RankAdvancement Bonus dollar amounts are located on the chart below.

    See the Compensation Plan in the Back Office for additional requirementsand limitations.

    How to Break EvenIn order to break even when ordering two cases of Verve per month is actually quite

    simple. What you need to have is approximately 5 Brand Partners on one team and 6 BrandPartners on the other team assuming that they are all buying the two cases per month. Keep inmind that any Brand Partner is only worth half of their total QV in their first month and it

    doubles as soon as their second month begins. For example someone in their first month ofpurchasing Verve is only worth 60 QV and in their second month they are worth the full 120QV. Now, the first way that you will be paid is through Personal Enrollments, in order to beeligible to earn money we must have one Personal Enrollment on each side which will earn you$40 ($20 x 2 sides). The next source of income will be from the Cycle Bonus, by having a 5:6ratio you will have 600QV:720QV (720-(360 x 2 cycles) because each cycle requires 360 QV onone side and 600-(180 x 2 cycles) because each cycle requires 180 QV on the opposite side).These two cycles will earn you another $44-$50 of residual income that will be paid everymonth. The final source of income comes from the momentum bonus, in order to be qualified forthis you will need to have 500 points on each side that originated from your own personalenrollments or yourself, this will pay out $100 per month totaling $144-150 worth of residual

    income with an additional $40 dollars of immediate income. In order to qualify for themomentum bonus you must achieve the 500 points per side within one rank advancement period(one month).

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    Placement Strategy

    Placement strategy is one of the most important factors of building your Vemma/Vervebusiness. Rather than trying to build 2 by 2 by 2, we are going to focus on something called

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    POWER BUILDING. It is much more effective and much more efficient in building yourbusiness, especially with young, high school and college students. Our businesses built 100% onexcitement! And thats what we are trying to create with this type of placement strategy.

    The GREEN circles represent your PERSONAL ENROLLMENTS. As we know, you need atleast one personal enrollment on each side of your business. In order to POWER BUILD, we aregoing to build ONE LEG AT A TIME. Note that your upline is in PURPLE as well as youruplines personal enrollments. For example, your upline has placed you on his LEFT LEG.Therefore, you and your upline are going to work together to drive that left leg. You are helpingeach other and your friends create excitement, as well as set each other up for SUCCESS.

    When driving the left leg, you are going to place your first few personal enrollments down thatleft leg. Along with making sure that your enrollments place their first few enrollments down thesame leg.


    rule needs to also be applied to everyone in your downline. Every new person should enroll 2and help those 2 each enroll 2 down on leg in order to create what we call a RUNNING LEG andcreate MOMENTUM. When this one leg has enough momentum, you are now ready to switchlegs and begin building your other leg A.K.A your PROFIT LEG.

    When starting your PROFIT LEG, you want to start it with one of your own PERSONALENROLLMENTS. And now you are going to repeat the same process from your POWER LEG.But, now you are the upline and you are in this case going to be helping your personalenrollment build THEIR OWN power leg down the right side. Enroll 2 on the right, and helpthose 2 each enroll 2. REPEAT THE ABOVE PROCESS. Now by creating a running leg for youprofit leg, you have now successfully helped these new enrollees create a power leg of their own!

    DO NOT EVER ENROLL SOMEONE ON THE INSIDE LEG WHEN ITS TOO EARLY. Asseen above, with the symbol, someone has enrolled a brand partner too early on the insideleg. Not everybody has the ability to enroll a new brand partner. Sometimes, new membersstruggle. So when we throw someone like that on an inside leg, they have NO MOMENTUM.

    Also, as an UPLINE, it is your responsibility to help your new member build at least one legunderneath them. Now lets say, the brand partner highlighted in RED enrolled a brand partneron the INSIDE LEG. Now lets say this same brand partner QUITS. Now the brand partnerdenoted by the red symbol has NO MOMENTUM and NO HELP FROM THE UPLINE. Thisbrand partner has a hard road ahead of them. They either need to build everything on their ownand deal with most likely a constant struggle, or they will consequently QUIT.


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    The Power ofDuplication

    The power of duplication is one thing that we strive on in the network marketingindustry, especially in Vemma. The chart below is what I have found to work best at displayingthe true power of duplication. This is a business model projecting the amount of income that

    could potentially be made based on the absolute minimum amount of work. This is showing thatif within the first month of a new Brand Partners they enroll two people (one on their left teamand one on their right) and quit working then what potential they have for income. Now, we musttake into consideration that we are trying to enroll leaders into Vemma and if you have alreadymade the commitment to purchase the product then you should be committed enough to enrollingthe bare minimum amount of two Brand Partners (worth 120QV each). The second month isshowing that if the initial Brand Partner does not enroll any additional people and simply helpsthe people they have already enrolled complete the same thing then they will still be spendingmoney on the product but it will be less than the first month. At this pace of enrolling two peopleand then supporting those people it will take approximately 4 months to finally be getting yourmoney back! Although at this painstakingly slow pace you must pay attention to the amounts

    being earned MONTHLY in the later months. All of the numbers listed on the right side of thissheet is MONTHLY revenue and even if for some reason your business grows at a slower pacethan this it is inevitable for you to reach that point if you stick with it. It is not a question of if itis going to work, it is a question of whether it is going to work for you. This is something I wastold in the beginning days of my Vemma career and have proven to be 100% true. There areBrand Partners in Arizona making $100,000 a year while others are making $60,000 a month!These people are being paid in the exact same manner as everyone else is and we need toremember that in time we too will reach these levels of income if we stick with it.

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  • 7/30/2019 Verve Training Doc


    AnyQuestions?Chase Bartlett

    [email protected]