1 Vehicular Communications: Survey and Challenges of Channel and Propagation Models Wantanee Viriyasitavat †§ , Mate Boban , Hsin-Mu Tsai * , and Athanasios V. Vasilakos ? Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University, Thailand § Department of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway NEC Laboratories Europe, NEC Europe Ltd., Kurf¨ ursten-Anlage 36, 69115, Heidelberg, Germany * Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan ? Department of Computer Science, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract—Vehicular communication is characterized by a dynamic environment, high mobility, and comparatively low antenna heights on the communicating entities (vehicles and roadside units). These characteristics make the vehicular prop- agation and channel modeling particularly challenging. In this survey paper, we classify and describe the most relevant vehicular propagation and channel models, with a particular focus on the usability of the models for the evaluation of protocols and ap- plications. We first classify the models based on the propagation mechanisms they employ and their implementation approach. We also classify the models based on the channel properties they implement, where we pay special attention to the usability of the models, including the complexity of implementation, scalability, and the input requirements (e.g., geographical data input). We also discuss the less-explored aspects in the vehicular channel modeling, including modeling specific environments (e.g., tunnels, overpasses, parking lots) and types of communicating vehicles (e.g., scooters, public transportation vehicles). We conclude the paper by identifying the under-researched aspects of the ve- hicular propagation and channel modeling that require further modeling and measurement studies. I. I NTRODUCTION The most important characteristics that separate vehicular communications, and therefore the vehicular channel mod- eling, from other types of wireless communications are: a) diverse environments where the communication happens; b) combinations of different communication types: vehicle- to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle-to- pedestrian (V2P), etc.; and c) the objects, both static and mobile, that affect the vehicular communication. In combi- nation, these characteristics result in complex propagation environments that are a challenge to model. Fig. 1 shows how the small- and large-scale signal statistics vary rapidly in a typical urban environment, due to the dynamic environment, low height of the antennas, and high mobility of vehicles. Looking into the propagation characteristics, Fig. 2 shows that the built-up nature of the environment causes the signal traversing from the transmitter to the receiver to interact with a large number of surrounding objects. Even for single bounce (e.g., first-order) reflections and diffractions in urban environ- ments, the number of resulting rays at the receiver is large. 500 600 700 800 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 Time [s] Received Power [dBm] Fig. 1. Received power measurements at 5.9 GHz for V2V communication in an urban environment. High density of objects, combined with the high mobility of the communicating vehicles and their surroundings, shows that capturing the characteristics of vehicular channels is far from trivial. While a number of existing mobile channel models have been extensively used for cellular systems, they are often not well suited for vehicular systems, due to the unique features of vehicular channels pointed out above. For instance, differences in the relative height of the transmitter and receiver antennas could lead to significantly different signal propagation behav- ior. The operating frequency and communication distance in vehicular communications also differ from those of cellular systems. Vehicular communication systems are envisioned to operate at 5.9 GHz and over short distances (10-500 m), whereas currently deployed cellular systems operate at 700- 2100 MHz over a long distance (up to tens of kilometers) [1]. There exist a number of surveys on V2V channel models. For example, Molisch et al. [1] describe key issues in V2V channels and summarize the V2V channel measurement stud- ies in various scenarios. The authors classify V2V channels based on their implementation approach and discuss the ad- vantages and disadvantages of each approach. Mecklenbrauker et al. [2] review both the V2V and V2I propagation channels, arXiv:1505.06004v2 [cs.NI] 26 May 2015

Vehicular Communications: Survey and … Vehicular Communications: Survey and Challenges of Channel and Propagation Models Wantanee Viriyasitavat† , Mate Boban‡, Hsin-Mu Tsai ,

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Page 1: Vehicular Communications: Survey and … Vehicular Communications: Survey and Challenges of Channel and Propagation Models Wantanee Viriyasitavat† , Mate Boban‡, Hsin-Mu Tsai ,


Vehicular Communications: Survey and Challengesof Channel and Propagation Models

Wantanee Viriyasitavat†§, Mate Boban‡, Hsin-Mu Tsai∗, and Athanasios V. Vasilakos?

†Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University, Thailand§Department of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway‡NEC Laboratories Europe, NEC Europe Ltd., Kurfursten-Anlage 36, 69115, Heidelberg, Germany

∗Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan?Department of Computer Science, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Vehicular communication is characterized by adynamic environment, high mobility, and comparatively lowantenna heights on the communicating entities (vehicles androadside units). These characteristics make the vehicular prop-agation and channel modeling particularly challenging. In thissurvey paper, we classify and describe the most relevant vehicularpropagation and channel models, with a particular focus on theusability of the models for the evaluation of protocols and ap-plications. We first classify the models based on the propagationmechanisms they employ and their implementation approach.We also classify the models based on the channel properties theyimplement, where we pay special attention to the usability of themodels, including the complexity of implementation, scalability,and the input requirements (e.g., geographical data input). Wealso discuss the less-explored aspects in the vehicular channelmodeling, including modeling specific environments (e.g., tunnels,overpasses, parking lots) and types of communicating vehicles(e.g., scooters, public transportation vehicles). We conclude thepaper by identifying the under-researched aspects of the ve-hicular propagation and channel modeling that require furthermodeling and measurement studies.


The most important characteristics that separate vehicularcommunications, and therefore the vehicular channel mod-eling, from other types of wireless communications are:a) diverse environments where the communication happens;b) combinations of different communication types: vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P), etc.; and c) the objects, both static andmobile, that affect the vehicular communication. In combi-nation, these characteristics result in complex propagationenvironments that are a challenge to model. Fig. 1 shows howthe small- and large-scale signal statistics vary rapidly in atypical urban environment, due to the dynamic environment,low height of the antennas, and high mobility of vehicles.Looking into the propagation characteristics, Fig. 2 showsthat the built-up nature of the environment causes the signaltraversing from the transmitter to the receiver to interact witha large number of surrounding objects. Even for single bounce(e.g., first-order) reflections and diffractions in urban environ-ments, the number of resulting rays at the receiver is large.

500 600 700 800






Time [s]



d P




Fig. 1. Received power measurements at 5.9 GHz for V2V communicationin an urban environment.

High density of objects, combined with the high mobility ofthe communicating vehicles and their surroundings, shows thatcapturing the characteristics of vehicular channels is far fromtrivial.

While a number of existing mobile channel models havebeen extensively used for cellular systems, they are often notwell suited for vehicular systems, due to the unique features ofvehicular channels pointed out above. For instance, differencesin the relative height of the transmitter and receiver antennascould lead to significantly different signal propagation behav-ior. The operating frequency and communication distance invehicular communications also differ from those of cellularsystems. Vehicular communication systems are envisioned tooperate at 5.9 GHz and over short distances (10-500 m),whereas currently deployed cellular systems operate at 700-2100 MHz over a long distance (up to tens of kilometers) [1].

There exist a number of surveys on V2V channel models.For example, Molisch et al. [1] describe key issues in V2Vchannels and summarize the V2V channel measurement stud-ies in various scenarios. The authors classify V2V channelsbased on their implementation approach and discuss the ad-vantages and disadvantages of each approach. Mecklenbraukeret al. [2] review both the V2V and V2I propagation channels,












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5.297 5.2975 5.298 5.2985 5.299 5.2995 5.3

Fig. 2. Simulation of propagation mechanisms in an urban area. Reflectionsand diffractions are shown for randomly selected communication pairs.Objects in the scene: buildings (black lines), vehicles (blue lines), reflectedrays (green dashed lines), diffracted rays (magenta dash-dotted lines).

with the main focus on the impact of different vehicularchannel characteristics on the design of a vehicular wirelesssystem. Cheng et al. [3] survey V2V channel measurementand models, including the model classification based on theimplementation approach. In addition, the authors also suggestguidelines for setting up a V2V measurement and developingrealistic V2V channel models.

We survey the state of the art in vehicular channel modelingwith a particular focus on: i) usability of the models forsimulation at different scales (e.g., link-level vs. system-level)and taking into account the amount of geographic informationavailable; ii) specific issues that need to be considered for theactual deployment of vehicular communication systems; andiii) providing guidelines in choosing a suitable channel model.Because the rollout of vehicular communication systems thatis planned in the coming years in EU, U.S., Japan, and othercountries1, large-scale evaluation and fine-tuning of standard-ized protocols and applications before their deployment hasbecome the primary focus of simulation campaigns. For thisreason, we pay particular attention to the usability aspectsof vehicular channel models. In other words, we investigatewhether or not the state of the art models can be used forefficient simulations of vehicular communication systems ona large scale. Using an appropriate channel model is criticalfor accurately evaluating vehicular protocols and applicationsbefore the actual deployment. To that end, we provide guide-lines for choosing a suitable channel model, depending onthe type of protocol/application under evaluation, availablegeographical information, and time constraints with respectto the simulation execution.

1with the finalization of Release 1 standardization package by ETSI andCEN/ISO following the EC mandate M/453 [4] and the recent announcementby the U.S. Department of Transportation to move forward with V2Vcommunication [5]


A. Environments

The radio propagation is strongly influenced by the typeof environment where the communication occurs. In case ofvehicular communications, the most important objects thatinfluence the propagation are buildings, vehicles (both staticand mobile), and different types of vegetation. A combinationof different object types, as well as their number, size, anddensity, has a profound impact on the radio propagation.While identifying different object types is not difficult, theclassification of vehicular environments that they create is nota trivial task. Therefore, the environments where vehicularcommunication occurs are most often qualitatively classifiedas highways, suburban areas, and rural areas. Fig. 3 showsthe most often analyzed propagation environments. Varyingpresence, locations, and density of roadside objects as wellas the velocity and density of vehicular traffic significantlyimpacts the signal propagation in these environments. There-fore, the classification of environments should be taken witha grain of salt, because it is not uncommon to have anurban area that has open spaces akin to highways, or neigh-borhoods with low-rise buildings which could be arrangedsimilar to a typical suburban setting. This is confirmed bynumerous measurement studies, which have reported highlyvariable and often contradicting path loss exponents for thesame environment: 1.6− 2.9 on highways [6]–[8], 2.3− 3.5in suburban environment [8], [9], and 1.8 − 3.4 in urbanenvironment [8], [10]. Similarly, mean delay spreads rangingbetween 140− 400 ns, 80− 104 ns, and 150− 370 ns havebeen reported for highways, suburban, and urban scenarios,respectively [11]–[13]. Therefore, designing the propagationmodels with a specific environment in mind cannot ensurethat the model will accurately apply to a different environmentof the same “class”. For this reason, the preferable methodis to design propagation models that take into account thespecific objects in the environment, along with their accuratedimensions and locations.

B. Link Types

In addition to the nature of the propagation environment,it is also important to distinguish between different linktypes, as they exhibit vastly different propagation properties.In V2V channels, the transmitter and receiver antennas areusually mounted on the vehicle rooftop and both vehicles aremobile, whereas in V2I channels, the base station (or accesspoint) is stationary and may be elevated. V2P communicationlinks are envisioned to support Vulnerable Road User safetyapplications [14]. Differences in mobility, shadowing, andrelative height of the transmitter and receiver antennas createsignificant differences in reflections, diffractions and scatteringpatterns of the transmitted waves [15].

C. Vehicle Types

Different types of vehicles (e.g., personal vehicles, commer-cial vans, trucks, scooters, and public transportation vehicles)

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(a) Urban area: high-rise buildings, moving vehicles, parkedvehicles, occasional foliage.

(b) Suburban area: low-rise buildings, moving vehicles,frequent foliage.

(c) Highway. movingvehicles.

Fig. 3. Qualitative classification of typical vehicular communication environments and dedicated propagation obstacles.

have distinct dimensions and mobility dynamics. Therefore,models for the propagation characteristics of one vehicle typeis not readily applicable to other types. Distinct features ofvehicle types have an impact on the propagation modelingeven if the vehicle itself is not the transmitter or the receiver.For example, the additional attenuation caused by a large truckblocking the line-of-sight (LOS) between the transmitter andthe receiver can be more than 20 dB higher than the attenuationcaused by personal vehicles [16], [17].

D. Objects

Regardless of the link types, vehicular propagation en-vironments also consist of a number of different types ofobjects that impact the signal propagation. The level of impactvaries depending on the object type, the link type, and theenvironment. For instance, mobile objects (i.e., vehicles onthe road) are more important for modeling vehicular chan-nels in highway environments, because the communicationbetween the transmitting and receiving vehicles on highwaysusually happens over the road surface. On the other hand,in urban environments with two-dimensional topology, thecommunicating vehicles are likely to be on different streets.In this case, along with mobile objects, accounting for staticobjects is critical for modeling vehicular channels, since bothtypes of objects are sources of shadowing, reflections, anddiffractions [18].

A number of measurement campaigns have also indicatedthat the LOS condition is a key factor in modeling V2Vpropagation channels. For example, measurements performedby Tan et al. [13] have shown that, regardless of the prop-agation environment (e.g., highway or urban scenarios), non-LOS channels have noticeably larger root-mean-square (RMS)delay spreads than that of LOS channels. This is due to thestronger signal attenuation and multipath effects caused by anincreasing number of reflections and diffractions.


In this section, we give an overview and recent advances inthe vehicular propagation and channel modeling. The modelsdescribed in this section are chosen mainly based on theirusability (e.g., scalability, database input requirements, exten-sibility to different environments) and ability to realistically

model a wide range of environments. By and large, the modelspresented in this section have been validated against mea-surements. We classify the models based on the propagationmechanism they model, the implementation approach theyemploy, and the channel properties they implement.

A. Propagation Mechanisms

Key distinguishing aspects of vehicular channels are varyingpath loss across space (e.g., different environments) and time(e.g., different time of day), potentially high Doppler shift, andfrequency-selective fading caused by both mobile and staticobjects. Because modeling all of these aspects is a complextask, the most common approach thus far has been piecemealmodeling, wherein the problem is split into manageable partsand modeling is performed on one or more parts.

1) Large-scale propagation: The most commonly usedlarge-scale propagation model for vehicular channels is thelog-distance path loss model [15], with the associated pathloss exponent being estimated based on empirical measure-ments. Cheng et al. [9] fit the dual-slope log-distance modelwith suburban channel measurements. Similar approaches areused in various scenarios, including highways [6], rural andhighway scenarios [7], urban intersection scenarios [10], andgarage scenarios [19]. In addition, other large-scale models areused. Geometry-based Efficient propagation Model for V2Vcommunication (GEMV2) proposed by Boban et al. [16] usesdifferent types of path loss models for LOS and non-LOSconditions (the two-ray ground reflection model [15] and log-distance path loss, respectively), whereas the model proposedby Maurer et al. [18] uses the ray-tracing techniques [20] tomodel the large-scale propagation effects.

2) Small-scale fading: In addition to large-scale propaga-tions, a number of models have been proposed to accountfor the small-scale signal variations caused by multipathpropagations and Doppler effects due to mobility of vehiclesand objects in their surroundings. Similar to the large-scalepropagation modeling, the small-scale fading is usually mod-eled using well-known distributions such as the Weibull [21],Nakagami [9], and Gaussian [16] distributions with parametersestimated from the measurement data. For instance, in theGEMV2 model [16], the small-scale fading is modeled usingthe Gaussian distribution with varying standard deviationdepending on the number of vehicles and density of objectsin the area. Ray-tracing techniques have also been used to

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estimate the small-scale fading in various environments [7],[18].

It is worth noting that the propagation characteristics ofvehicular communications are highly dependent on the exis-tence of the LOS path, as indicated by empirical measure-ments (e.g., [6], [16]). As a result, the large- and small-scalepropagation characteristics are usually modeled separately forLOS and non-LOS links. Mechanisms to differentiate the linktypes (e.g., LOS, non-LOS due to vehicles, non-LOS due tobuildings) are included in recent models [6], [16], [19].

B. Channel Model Implementation Approaches

Depending on the implementation approach and the avail-ability of geographical information, the models can be classi-fied based on their implementation approach as follows.

1) Geometry-based (GB) models:• Ray-tracing models [20] are the most commonly-used

geometry-based deterministic (GBD) models for the ve-hicular channel modeling. Ray-tracing methods requirea detailed description of the propagation environment toproduce the actual physical propagation process for agiven environment in order to accurately calculate thechannel statistics. The model proposed by Maurer etal. [18] is an example of a model that is based on ray-tracing. It calculates the channel statistics by analyzingthe 50 strongest propagation paths between the transmitterand the receiver. A more scalable RAy-tracing DataInterpolation and Interfacing model (RADII) is proposedby Pilosu et al. [22]. RADII uses a combination of pre-processing ray-tracing techniques to compute the averageattenuation of each region of interest (ROI) and uses aninterpolation technique to compute attenuation betweenconnected ROIs offline, so that the simulations can use alookup table without the need of recalculating the channelstatistics.

• Simplified geometry-based models take into account thegeometric properties of the surroundings, at the sametime simplifying geometric calculations by extractingsome of the channel statistics either from measurementsor simulations. Examples of these models have beendescribed by Cheng et al. [9] and Sun et al. [19]. Inthese models, channel parameters are estimated separatelyfor a given measurement scenario. For instance, two setsof model parameters are estimated for two suburbanenvironments in Cheng et al. [9] and several sets ofparameters are estimated in a parking garage environmentby Sun et al. [19], depending on the LOS/non-LOScondition and the locations of the transmitter and thereceiver. Karedal et al. [7] propose a more complex modelthat takes into account four distinct signal components:LOS, discrete components from mobile objects, discretecomponents from static objects, and diffuse scattering.Model parameters were extracted from measurements inhighway and suburban environments. Abbas et al. [6]designed a model that differentiates LOS and non-LOSconditions of a link based on a Markov chain probabilisticmodel. The transition probabilities between conditions

are estimated from the probability distributions of theLOS and non-LOS components measured in differentenvironments. Mangel et al. [10] developed a channelmodel that incorporates relevant information about streetintersections (e.g., street width, existence of buildingson intersection corners, etc.). The model is fitted to themeasurements that the authors performed at representativeintersections. Boban et al. [16] developed the GEMV2

model, which uses outlines of vehicles, buildings, andfoliage to distinguish three types of links: LOS, non-LOSdue to other vehicles [23], and non-LOS due to buildingsor foliage.

2) Non-geometry-based (NG) models: Most NG modelsconform to the following recipe: measuring the channelcharacteristics in a specific environment and adjusting theparameters of the path loss, shadowing, and the small-scalefading accordingly. One of the most widely-used NG models isthe tapped-delay line (TDL) model. Each tap in this model rep-resents signals received from several propagation paths; eachwith a different delay and different type of Doppler spectrum.Based on an extensive measurement campaign performed inurban, suburban, and highway environments with two levels oftraffic density (high and low), Sen and Matolak [21] proposeda TDL model for each region. The Markov chain techniqueis used to model the multipath component whereby the non-stationarity property of the model is incorporated by adding thepersistence process which accounts for the finite “lifetime” ofthe propagation paths. Similarly, Wang et al. proposed a TDL-based channel model with birth/death processes to account fora sudden appearance of a LOS component [24].

C. Properties of the Model

Since the focus of this paper is on the usability of themodel for the protocol and application evaluations, we identifybelow the most important properties that enable the usabilityof the model. Based on these properties, Table I qualitativelysummarizes the state of the art propagation and channelmodels.

• Spatial and temporal dependencyWhile the small-scale fading models account for thetime-varying signal attenuation due to propagationeffects (e.g., reflections and scattering), measurementshave demonstrated that the variation in signal attenuationis strongly correlated over both time and space. Thisspatial and temporal dependency arises from the staticand dynamic physical world features, respectively. Inother words, different communication links in an area areaffected by the same effects (generated by, for example,obstructing objects and ambient noise/interference).These links exhibit similar characteristics due to spatialcorrelation. On the other hand, mobility of vehicles andvarying traffic density lead to the signal attenuation thatis correlated over time (i.e., temporal dependency). Theability of a channel model to include the spatial-temporaldependency is shown in Table I.

• Temporal variance and non-stationarity

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ModelPropagation scale

Environment Implem. Properties of the channel models

Large Small approach Spatial- Non- Extensi- Applica- Antenna Scalabilitytemporal stationarity bility bility config. & linkdepend. complexity

Sun et al. [19] Log Distance - Parking GBD - - - - - Large, O(1)garage

Fayziyev et al. [33] Measurement- - Tunnel GBD - - - - - Large, O(1)fitted impulse res.

Abbas et al. [6] Log Distance -* Highway GBS - - - - - Large, O(1)

Sen and - Weibull Urban, NG X X - - - Large, O(1)Matolak [21] highway

Wang et al. [24] - Rician All GBS X X X X - Large, O(1)

Cheng et al. [9] Dual-Slope Nakagami Suburban NG - - - - - Large, O(1)Log Distance

Mangel et al. [10] Log Distance Nakagami (LOS) Intersections GBD X - X - - Large, O(1)Normal (NLOS)

Karedal et al. [7] Log Distance Simplified Ray-Tracing

Rural,highway GBS X X X - X Medium,

O(R+V )

Boban et al. [16] Two-Ray (LOS) Normal+ All GBD X X X X - Large, O(V )Log Dist. (NLOS)

Pilosu et al. [22] Preprocessed Preprocessed All GBD X X X X X SmallRay Tracing Ray Tracing > O((R+V )2)

Maurer et al. [18] Ray Tracing Ray Tracing All GBD X X X X X Small,> O((R+V )2)

NG: Non-Geometry-based model, GBS: Geometry-Based Stochastic model, GBD: Geometry-Based Deterministic modelR and V denote the number of roadside objects and vehicles, respectively.*Only spatial correlation of shadow fading is considered.+Signal deviation depends on the number of vehicles and static objects in the area.

In addition to the spatial and temporal correlation, mea-surements have revealed that vehicular channels exhibitthe strong non-stationarity; i.e., in addition to a change inthe channel state, the channel statistics may also change,especially if the channel involves vehicles that travelat high speeds. The non-stationarity of the model alsoarises from static and mobile objects that could cause asudden appearance/disappearance of the LOS component.Table I classifies the channel models based on their abilityto simulate the non-stationarity property of vehicularchannels2.

• Extensibility to different environmentsWith regards to the applicability of a model to differentenvironments, we distinguish between the channel modelsthat were calibrated by extracting the pertinent parametersfrom measurements at a specific set of locations andthose that have the ability to model effects beyond thosecaptured at particular locations. Since the former cate-gory depends on measurements, these models can giveno accuracy guarantees for locations with considerablydifferent characteristics. On the other hand, models thattake into account geometry-specific information of the

2Note that all of the models in Table I can simulate the temporal varianceproperty of the channel.

simulated area can give some insights for environmentsbeyond those characterized by measurements. For thisreason, we indicate the extensibility of the model inTable I to describe whether or not the model can begeneralized to other propagation environments beyondthose that were used to generate the model.

• ApplicabilitySince the primary purpose of vehicular channel mod-els is to support the realistic development of vehicularand ITS-related applications, we analyze the ability ofmodels to take into account application-specific scenar-ios. For example, instead of analyzing general highwayscenarios, Bernado et al. [25] performed measurementsand subsequently developed channel models for differentapplications on highways: merging lane scenarios, trafficcongestion scenarios, scenarios in which a car approachesa traffic jam, etc. While the classification by propagationenvironments can be used to identify some practicalapplications, there exist certain applications that requirethe dedicated channel characterization (e.g., pre-crash andpost-crash warning [25]). In Table I, we identify thechannel models that can be applied to other use-casesin addition to the ones they are originally calibrated for.

• Antenna configuration

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Related to channel model’s ability to incorporate small-scale fading is the ability to support different typesof antenna configurations that exploit the positive andcounter the negative effects of small-scale fading. There-fore, we include the information about the model’s abilityto support different antenna configurations (e.g., Multiple-Input Multiple-Output antenna configuration).

• ScalabilityIn addition to the properties of the channel itself, wealso classify the models based on their efficiency, whichin turn determines the model’s scalability. Given theincrease in demand for efficient evaluations of vehicularapplications, it is necessary for channel models to beable to support large-scale simulations. Efficiency of themodel depends largely on the complexity of the mech-anisms employed for calculating the channel statistics.In general, models that utilize the ray-tracing techniquescan provide good accuracy but do not scale well. Thescalability properties of the channel models are assessedqualitatively and shown in Table I.

D. Comparison of Selected Channel Models

Figure 4 shows the comparison of the received power resultsobtained for a V2V measurement campaign performed in thecity of Porto with four models: the GEMV2 model [16],two models proposed by Cheng et al.3 [9], and the log-distance path loss model with log-normal shadow fading4. Theparameters for the log-distance path loss model have been setto approximate the values extracted from the measurementdata. Note that the actual locations of vehicles surroundingthe communicating vehicles during the measurements areunknown. In case of the GEMV2 model, this implies that theirlocations cannot be used in the model itself; instead, simulatedlocations were used, thus reducing the estimation accuracy ofnon-LOS links.

The main take-away from the comparison is that, if themeasurements for a specific environment are not available,then the NG models provide inconsistent results. For example,the path loss exponent for distance above 100 m in the dual-slope Cheng model is clearly too high, thus resulting inunrealistically low received power values above 100 m. If themodel’s parameters are extracted from the measurement datafor a given location, then the estimate is better as shown bythe log-distance model in Fig. 4). However, if the geographicalinformation is available, then the GBD models such as theGEMV2 model are a better choice.

E. Guidelines for Choosing a Suitable Channel Model

The models listed in Table I differ in many aspects andoffer different trade-offs between accuracy and complex-ity/scalability. Stochastic models that do not require any

3For the single slope model, path loss exponent of 2.75 and std. dev. forfading of 5.5 are used. For the dual slope model, path loss exponent of 2.1is used for distance below 100 m and 3.8 for distance above 100 m; fadingstd. dev. of 2.6 dB is used for distance below 100 m and 4.4 dB above.

4For the log-distance path loss model, path loss exponent of 2.5 andfading deviation of 5 dB are used.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700−140







Time [seconds]



er [d





Cheng Single SlopeCheng Dual SlopeLog−distance

Fig. 4. Comparison of the received power results estimated by four modelsagainst the results obtained from V2V measurements performed in the city ofPorto. Mean absolute error of each model (i.e., absolute difference for eachmeasured data point): 6.7 dB (for the GEMV2 model), 11.1 dB (for the Chengsingle slope model), 14.4 dB (for the Cheng dual slope model), and 7.7 dB(for the log-distance model).

information about the environment are simple and highlyscalable, at the expense of lower accuracy. GB models tradeoff scalability for accuracy, where the trade-off can differ quitesignificantly from one model to another. Ray-tracing models(e.g., [18]) require a detailed information about the propa-gation environment (that can be hard to collect) and highercomputational power. On the other hand, the model proposedby Abbas et al. [6] only requires information on the type ofthe environment to estimate the channel statistics. Thus, it ishighly scalable and can provide environment-specific but notlocation-agnostic channel information. Simplified GB modelsthat take into account actual locations of objects (e.g., GEMV2

model [16]) can achieve a good accuracy/scalability tradeoff,offering a large gain on scalability compared to the ray-tracingmodels, while providing sufficient accuracy and ease of use.

Ultimately, choosing the right model should depend onthe type of application and/or protocol that needs to beevaluated, constrained by processing power and availability ofthe required data (either geographical or measurements). Tothat end, the flowchart shown in Fig. 5 provides a guidelinein choosing a suitable channel model. For example, if onlysystem-wide performance analysis is required (e.g., overallpacket delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay, etc.), any typeof model (NG, GBS, or GBD models) might be suitable.However, if an application requires network topology statis-tics (e.g., the number of neighboring vehicles) or location-dependent statistics (e.g., the packet delivery rate or end-to-end delay in an area with rapid channel fluctuations), GBmodels that can model dynamic link transitions and small-scale variations should be used. For safety-critical applications,that disseminate time-sensitive information about a specificsafety event, GBD models are the best choice.

Once the channel model category for a specific applicationis identified, the suitable channel model should be chosenbased on the availability of geographic/measurement data andprocessing power. If the complete geographic information(e.g., location, dimensions, and material properties of vehicles,buildings, and foliage) is available and processing speed is notan issue, then ray-tracing-based GBD models (e.g., the modelproposed by Maurer et al. [18]) could be used for maximum

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Type of application and/or study?

NG models -  Sen and Matolak [21]

(urban highway) -  Cheng [9] (suburban)

Geog. info available?

Speed is an issue


Geog. info available?


No suitable models

Yes Yes No

Yes No

GBS/GBD -  Sun et al. [19] -  Abbas el al. [6] -  Wang el al. [24] -  Mangel et al. [10]

GBS/GBD -  Boban et al. [16] -  Karedal et al. [7] -  Pilosu el al. [22] -  Maurer et al. [18]

Detailed geog. info available?


GBD models -  Pilosu el al. [22] -  Maurer et al. [18]

GBD model -  Boban et al. [18]

Speed is an issue





System-wide analysis

Safety-critical application

Network topology or location-dependent statistics

Fig. 5. Guidelines for choosing a suitable channel model.

accuracy. If limited information about the propagation envi-ronment is available (e.g., density of vehicles and surroundingobjects) and the processing speed is important, then simplifiedGB models can be used (e.g., [7], [16]). Otherwise, other GBmodels such as [9], [24], which only require a qualitative typeof simulated environment may be used.


In this section, we discuss the recent trends in the vehicularchannel modeling, including the the need for models that areusable in large-scale vehicular network simulators. We alsodiscuss vehicular channel emulation as an alternative approachfor realistic protocol and application evaluations. Finally, wepoint out open problems in the area of propagation and channelmodeling that require further attention.

A. Efficient Models for Realistic Large-Scale Simulation

As the deployment phase in main ITS markets is gettingcloser, realistic channel models for large-scale simulations arenecessary for the efficient evaluation of applications beforethey are deployed in the real world. However, channel andpropagation models currently used to simulate V2V and V2Icommunication links in VANET simulators (e.g., NS-35) arebased on simple statistical models (e.g., free space, log-distance path loss [15], etc.) that are used indiscriminately forall environments where the communication occurs. As shownin Fig. 4, these models cannot capture the characteristics ofvehicular channels, namely rapid transitions between LOS andnon-LOS conditions, changes in delay and Doppler spreads,etc. Consequently, simple models were shown to exhibit poorperformance in terms of link-level modeling, particularly incomplex environments [26]. A way forward in this respectwould be to combine geometry-based scalable propagationmodels (e.g., [6], [16]), which are able to distinguish between


different LOS conditions and environments, with small-scalechannel models, which are able to provide appropriate delayand Doppler statistics for each representative environment(e.g., [9], [25]). Finally, attempts should be made to implementsuch realistic models in large-scale network simulators in orderto enable realistic evaluations of protocols and applications.

The GEMV2 model is an example of a computationallyefficient channel model that can model the signal propagationin a large set of environments (e.g., highway, rural, urban,complex intersections, etc.) and is able to simulate city-widevehicular networks with thousands of communicating vehicles.It allows importing realistic mobility data from Simulation ofUrban MObility (SUMO) and building/foliage outlines fromOpenStreepMap [27]6. Apart from the propagation-relatedstatistics, the GEMV2 model allows for the analysis of net-working related metrics, such as packet delivery rates, effectivetransmission range, and neighborhood size (see Fig. 6).

B. Vehicular Channel Emulations

Performing experiments with real hardware in realisticenvironments is inherently the most realistic approach tocharacterize wireless vehicular channels. However, the costand repeatability issues make this approach unfeasible forlarge-scale evaluations (e.g., involving tens or hundreds ofvehicles). At the other end of the spectrum is channel sim-ulation, which can ensure high repeatability, configurability,and manageability. However, designing a realistic channelsimulator is a challenge, since the simulation environmentneeds to either be highly detailed to account for all aspectsof the real system or it needs to make certain assumptionsabout the real world. Between the channel experimentationand simulation lies the channel emulation, where parts ofthe real communication systems are used in conjunction withthe simulated ones, with the main goal of maintaining therepeatability and configurability of simulation environments,combined with a high level of realism of a testbed. Oneexample is the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) WirelessEmulator [28], where the emulator takes as input the signalsgenerated by real devices, subjects them to simulated realisticsignal propagation models and feeds the signals back into thereal devices. The emulator was shown to behave realisticallyby comparing its output to the real-world measurements. Interms of the vehicular channel emulation, a detailed model forsmall-scale statistics of vehicular channels has been developedand implemented in NS-3 by Mittag et al. [29]. The authorscompared the results from the simulator with those generatedby the CMU Wireless Emulator [28] and found a good matchin terms of frame reception rate results. Therefore, providedthat the size of the system is limited (up to a few dozenvehicles), the channel emulation is a feasible approach for arealistic and reproducible vehicular channel evaluation.

C. Open Research Issues

1) Channel models for different vehicle types: Vehicularchannel measurements and modeling have primarily focused

6The source code of the GEMV2 model is available at http://vehicle2x.net/.

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Fig. 6. Visualization of a neighborhood size generated by the GEMV2 model. For each vehicle, the colored bar represents the number of vehicles it candirectly communicate with (i.e., its neighbors). Warmer and taller bar colors indicate more neighbors.

on personal cars (e.g., [6], [10], [16]). Studies dealing withother types of vehicles (e.g., commercial vans, trucks, scooters,and public transportation vehicles) are rare, despite theirconsiderably different dimensions and road dynamics. Forexample, the mobility of scooters and motorcycles is notablydifferent from that of personal cars [30]. Combined with theirsmaller dimensions and lack of roof for antenna placement,the mobility of scooters indicates that the propagation char-acteristics for scooters can be significantly different from thatof personal cars. Similarly, recent studies have shown that, inthe same environment, commercial vans and trucks experiencedifferent channel propagation characteristics from the personalcars. This resulted in different reliable communication rangesand packet error rates [31]. Therefore, further studies areneeded to investigate channel characteristics for vehicles otherthan personal cars.

2) Under-explored environments: While vehicular commu-nications can take place in any scenario, signal propagationmeasurements are usually performed in the common envi-ronments (e.g., those in Fig. 3) and measurements in otherenvironments, such as multi-level highways, tunnels, parkinggarages, bridges, and roundabouts are quite rare. For example,V2V signal propagation measurements in a parking garage hasbeen performed in one study to date [19]; similar for measure-ments in tunnels [32], [33] and on-bridge environments [25].Further measurements and modeling studies are particularlynecessary for environments with distinct applications use-cases that can occur in them (e.g., service updates in parkinggarages, cooperative awareness functionalities without GPS intunnels, etc.).

3) Vehicle-to-X channels: Despite significant differencesbetween V2V, V2I, and V2P communications, the propagationcharacteristics of V2I and V2P channels are not as well-researched as V2V channels – for example, all models de-scribed in Table I focus on V2V communications. In additionto V2I measurement campaigns [13], [34], there are onlya few dedicated V2I channel models. Acosta-Marum andIngram [12] developed a TDL model to capture the jointDoppler-delay characteristics of V2I channels. The models arebased on extensive measurements for urban, suburban, and

highway environments. Part of the reason is that V2I systemsresemble existing cellular systems, where one of the com-municating entity (base-station) is stationary while the other(user equipment) is mobile. However, typical positioning ofstatic (infrastructure) nodes in V2I communications is uniquefor vehicular communications: on highways, road side units(RSUs) will be placed close to the road at heights considerablylower than that of cellular base stations (see, e.g., currentefforts within the Amsterdam Group: https://amsterdamgroup.mett.nl). In urban areas, the most beneficial locations arenear large intersections. Furthermore, a study performed byGozalvez et al. [34] showed that V2I communications in urbanareas is highly variable, with both static and mobile objectscreating a considerably changing channel over both space andtime. Therefore, there exists a need for further studies toinvestigate V2I channels.

In terms of V2P communications, recent studies by Wu etal. [35] and Anaya et al. [14] have explored the basic channelproperties of V2I links. Channel models for different com-munication technologies that can enable V2P communications(e.g., DSRC, WiFi, and cellular-based systems) need to beexplored further. Therefore, there is much work to be done inorder to fully understand and model the V2P communicationchannels.

4) Vehicle-to-X and 5G: As the recent research effortson future 5G cellular networks start to look more deeplyinto ITS-related applications [36], it is reasonable to expectgradual convergence of the efforts on the channel modeling forVehicle-to-X (V2X) and 5G systems. For example, as the delayrequirement becomes more stringent for many 5G scenarios,the proposed system overcomes the main obstacle for usein a vehicular setting (i.e., lack of low-latency guarantees).Initial steps needed for enabling V2X systems through 5G,along with the related requirements for channel modeling, arediscussed by Kyrolainen et al. [37]. Additionally, when appliedto highly mobile terminals, Device-to-Device (D2D) conceptin 5G systems shares many similarities with V2X communica-tions; therefore, efforts on modeling D2D channels (e.g., [38])can benefit from the existing V2V channel modeling work andvice versa.

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This paper provides a survey of recent developments inthe area of propagation and channel modeling for vehicularcommunications. We pay special attention to the usabilityaspects of the models, including their suitability for largescale evaluations of protocols and applications for future Co-operative Intelligent Transportation Systems. We first discussthe key channel characteristics that distinguish the vehicularcommunications from other types of wireless communications.Next, based on the distinguishing features, we classify andsummarize the state of the art vehicular channel and propaga-tion models based on the propagation mechanisms they modeland their implementation approach. In addition, we provideguidelines for choosing a suitable channel model, dependingon the type of protocol or application under investigation andtaking into account the availability of geographical informationand processing power available for simulation execution. Fi-nally, we discuss the less-explored aspects of vehicular channelmodeling and point out the areas where further research effortsare required.


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Wantanee Viriyasitavat is a lecturer in the Faculty ofInformation and Communication Technology at Mahidol Uni-versity, Bangkok, Thailand. During 2012-2013, she was aResearch Scientist in the Department of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU),Pittsburgh, PA. She received her B.S./M.S., and Ph.D. degreesin electrical and computer engineering from CMU in 2006 and2012, respectively. Between 2007-2012, she was a ResearchAssistant at Carnegie Mellon University, where she was amember of General Motors Collaborative Research Laboratory(CRL) and was working on the design of a routing frameworkfor safety and non-safety applications of vehicular ad hocwireless networks (VANETs). Her research interests includetraffic mobility modeling, network connectivity analysis, andprotocol design for wireless ad hoc networks.

Mate Boban is a Research Scientist at NEC LaboratoriesEurope. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engi-neering from Carnegie Mellon University and a Diploma inInformatics from University of Zagreb. He is an alumnus ofthe Fulbright Scholar Program. His current research is in theareas of Intelligent Transportation Systems, wireless commu-nications, and networking. He received the Best Paper Awardat IEEE VTC 2014-Spring and at IEEE VNC 2014. Moreinformation can be found on his website http://mateboban.net.

Hsin-Mu Tsai is an assistant professor in Department ofComputer Science and Information Engineering and GraduateInstitute of Networking and Multimedia at National TaiwanUniversity. He received his B.S.E in Computer Science andInformation Engineering from National Taiwan University in2002, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical and ComputerEngineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2006 and2010, respectively. Dr. Tsai’s recognitions include 2014 IntelLabs Distinguished Collaborative Research Award, 2013 IntelEarly Career Faculty Award (the first to receive this honoroutside of North America and Europe), and National TaiwanUniversity’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Tsai servedas the workshop co-chair for the first ACM Visible LightCommunication System (VLCS) Workshop in 2014, and TPCco-chair for ACM VANET 2013. His research interests includevehicular networking and communications, wireless channeland link measurements, vehicle safety systems, and visiblelight communications.

Athanasios V.Vasilakos (M’00-SM’11) is currently Profes-sor with Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. He has

authored or co-authored over 200 technical papers in majorinternational journals and conferences. He is author/coauthorof five books and 20 book chapters in the areas of com-munications. He served or is serving as an Editor or/andGuest Editor for many technical journals, such as the IEEETransactions on Network and Services Management, IEEETransactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions onInformation Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions onCybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology inBiomedicine, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adap-tive Systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communi-cations. He is also General Chair of the European Alliancesfor Innovation (www.eai.eu).