Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon Guinea-Bissau) Lu|¨ s Catarino , Eurico S. Martins and Maria Ade¨ lia Diniz Centro de Botaª nica, Instituto de Investigac Ëa¬ o Cient|¨ ¢caTropical,Trav. Conde da Ribeira 9,1300^142 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract The Cufada Lagoon, in the southern part of Guinea-Bis- sau,West Africa, is a shallow lagoon with a surface area of190 ha in the rainy season. The vascular £ora and phy- sico-chemical characteristics of the lagoon were studied in December1997 end of the wet season) and May1998 dry season). The lagoon water is soft, with acid pH, low conductivityand low transparency.The maximum depth is 2.25 m in the rainy season and1.20 m in the dry season. A total of 46 vascular plant species were recorded, 32 being emergent macrophytes, mostly Gramineae and Cyperaceae, ¢ve £oating-leaved, three submerged, one surface-£oating and also ¢ve shrubs. Cluster analysis of the £oristic data shows two main groups of inventories in both seasons, grouping almost nine-tenths of the vegetation samples. The inventories in these groups correspond to two main vegetation types and can be spatially arranged. In the deepest inner part of the lagoon, Nymphaea lotus is the most important spe- cies, while Oryza longistaminata dominates in the shal- lower part. In spite of the shallow depth, the middle of the lagoon remains uncolonized by macrophytes. The main factors limiting the colonization by plants of the lagoon seem to be the low mineral and nutrient content of the water and its low transparency. Key words: Africa, aquatic vegetation, lake, limnology, macrophytes Re¨ sume¨ Le Lagon de Cufada, au sud de la Guine¨ e Bissau, en Afri- que de l'Ouest, est un lagon peu profond dont la surface atteint190 hectares en saison des pluies. On a e¨ tudie¨ la £orevasculaire et les caracte¨ ristiques physico-chimiques du lagon en de¨ cembre 1997 ¢n de la saison des pluies) et en mai1998 saison se© che). L'eau du lagon est douce, avec unpHacide, une faible conductivite¨ et une me¨ diocre transparence. La profondeur maximale est de 2.25 m en saison des pluies et de 1.20 m en saison se© che. On a rapporte¨ un total de 46 espe© ces de plantes vascu- laires,32 d'entre elles sont des macrophytes e¨ mergentes, gramine¨ es et cype¨ race¨es pour la plupart, cinq ont des feuilles £ottantes, trois sont submerge¨ es et il yaaussi cinq arbustes. L'analyse groupe¨ e des donne¨ es £oristiques montre deux groupes principaux d'inventaires pour les deux saisons, qui regroupent pre© s des neuf dixie© mes des e¨ chan- tillons ve¨ ge¨ taux. Les inventaires de ces groupes corre- spondent aux deux types principaux de ve¨ ge¨ tation et peuvent eª tre distribue¨ s dans l'espace. Dans la partie inte¨ r- ieurelaplus profonde du lagon, l'espe© celaplusimportante est Nymphea lotus , tandis que Oryza longistaminata dom- ine la partie moins profonde. Malgre¨ la faible profondeur, le milieu du lagon n'est colonise¨ par aucun macrophyte. Les principaux facteurs qui limitent la colonisation du lagon par des plantes semblent eª tre les faibles contenus de l'eau en mine¨ raux et en nutriments et sa faible trans- parence. Introduction Shallow lakes and wetlands occurring throughout sub- Saharan Africa have been studied by several authors Beadle, 1974; John, 1986; Burgis & Symoens, 1987; Dumont,1992;Talling,1992). However, most such studies inWest Africa have focused on the hydrology of these sys- tems. Floristic studies in inland African waters are not common Newton, 1986). The limnology of aquatic eco- systems inthis region shows a largevariabilityof environ- mental conditions and physico-chemical variables. For instance, John 1986) reports conductivities rangingfrom 252 # 2002 East AfricanWild Life Society, Afr. J. Ecol., 40, 252^259 Correspondence author: e-mail: [email protected]

Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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Page 1: Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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Page 2: Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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Page 4: Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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Page 5: Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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Page 6: Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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Page 7: Vegetation structure and ecology of the Cufada Lagoon (Guinea-Bissau)

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