LECTURE 12 – 15 : INVESTMENT PERSPECTIVE OF HR : WHY SHOULD ORGANIZATIONS INVEST IN HR ? The answer lies in the contribution of high performance work practices. Many studies have shown the substantial economic benefits of adopting high-commitment or high-performance work practices in contrast to conventional ‘scientific’ management typical of ‘modernist’ organizations. Often described as ‘Japanese” management practices, the case for implementing such approaches is strong. The “assembly plants which had adopted flexible or lean manufacturing methods and associated employment-relation practices far outperformed others using mass production methods. These high commitment work practices are characterized by • Suggestion schemes, Quality Circles, Problem-solving groups or other forms of employee participation in idea generation • Employee participation in decision making • Freedom of expression • Extensive teamwork including self-managing teams • Reformulation of work to make best use of upgraded skills. Participation and involvement means that power shifts from middle managers to further down the organizational hierarchy – those closest to the customer or the production process. Companies operating such approaches include Levi Strauss,

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The answer lies in the contribution of high performance work practices. Many studies have

shown the substantial economic benefits of adopting high-commitment or high-performance

work practices in contrast to conventional ‘scientific’ management typical of ‘modernist’

organizations. Often described as ‘Japanese” management practices, the case for implementing

such approaches is strong. The “assembly plants which had adopted flexible or lean

manufacturing methods and associated employment-relation practices far outperformed others

using mass production methods.

These high commitment work practices are characterized by

• Suggestion schemes, Quality Circles, Problem-solving groups or other forms of

employee participation in idea generation

• Employee participation in decision making

• Freedom of expression

• Extensive teamwork including self-managing teams

• Reformulation of work to make best use of upgraded skills.

Participation and involvement means that power shifts from middle managers to further down

the organizational hierarchy – those closest to the customer or the production process.

Companies operating such approaches include Levi Strauss, Motorola and Honeywell. What is

common about high performing companies in their agenda to create relationships with

employees which support their business objectives. Employee relations are therefore a priority

and ‘to push the execution of employee relations policies down to the lowest level possible,

compatible with t he organization’s overall values.’ Corporate values are most clearly visible in

reward policies which are sometimes used to instill specific values. Profit-related pay and share

ownership are obvious manifestations of value statements about the worth of the people to the

organization. Similarly, formal communication transmit values, through usually more is

understood by behavior of the people conveying the message then by the words used.

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Despite the evidence from the organizations which practice Total Quality that these practices

work, diffusion seems to be slow. The main barrier appears to be that traditionally the focus of

management has been on the financial and strategic aspects of the business, rather than on

employee relations. Since high-commitment work practices require major up-front

investments, such as in training and higher rates of pay, a willingness to take risk that these

measures will pay off is required; and many management teams are risk averse. Political and

power barriers can get in the way of implementing high-commitment work practices.

How can HR help to implement high performance work practices?

I By creating a culture which is supportive of high performance

High performances does not occur in vacuum. The organization’s culture must be conductive

to productivity and the quality improvement.

II By influencing attitudes

HR professionals can be effective in bringing about change through their cross-organizational

influence, ability to design structures and processes which support the business strategy and

helping to create the culture changes through values and communication which supports new

ways of working. HR can help set up benchmarking visits to organizations which are achieving

outstanding results through people. Skillful use of data can stimulate the need for change


III By designing and implementing HR processes which support the business strategy

At a practical level to create the conditions for high performance, HR processes such as reward

systems need to be aligned to the new ways of working. The following HR processes are

typical of ‘vanguard’ companies described by O’toole:

Highly selective recruitment

Extensive training and skill development

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Contingent or performance-related pay , at high rates

Employee share ownership

Benefits tailored to individual needs

Providing some degree of employment security

Sharing information about a firm’ goals and results.

Performance management

Managing performances is perhaps the key responsibility of the line managers and an area

where a partnership between line and HR can be most beneficial. Hr can help managers to

understand how to define roles in the light of business drivers and how to identify the

capabilities required to do the job. The key performance indicators for each role should derive

from business drivers and are then built into role processes. This makes each job role

responsive to the changing business environment.

The four key elements of performance management are:

A common understanding of the organizations goals

Shared expectations of how individuals can contribute

Employee with the skill and ability to meet expectations

Individuals who are fully committed to the aims of the organization

In managing performances mangers should ensure that the employees are appropriately

focused into roles, developed and managed.

Job fit and job design – what role can HR play?

HR can develop assessment processes to ensure that the ‘right’ people are selected for roles.

HR can work with the line to develop self-assessment process. The pace of change is so fast

that job description, which create boundaries, are inappropriate. Important responsibilities fall

between the gaps and the most job descriptions are not current for more than few months. What

is needed is a broad role description, with some ‘fuzzy’ boundaries to allow for growth.

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Dealing with poor performance

In some organizations, poor performance is handled by simply passing on the underperformer

to another department. HR needs to be able to support managers in understanding how they can

achieve high standards with slim resources. HR can provide valuable training and other

resources to ensure that managers have the skills to coach and develop other people, as well as

appraise performance.

Designing effective appraisal and development processes

Appraisal requires excellent interview and counseling skills if the process is to be motivating

for those involved. It relies on managers and employees having a relationship in which

discussing performance is not seen as a burden or a threat. Usually appraisal are taken only as

an administrative tool, thus there is no link between personal development and business

strategy. HR can help by designing processes which are user friendly and effective like, 360°


Helping line managers to set appropriate measures

Success criteria should be such that makes a positive difference to the organization. While

measure undoubtedly send strong symbolic messages about what is valued, the question of

what is being measured and therefore considered important is increasingly be called into

question. Targets need to be set for the deliverables which are required but not at the expense

of how the deliverables are to be achieved. If measures are set around ‘soft’ targets such as

behavior, care must be taken that they are taken seriously and also understood well.

Reward Strategies

Since 1990’s the dynamic link between performance and reward has been a topic of debate.

The need of flexibility and cost effectiveness has lead to organizational restructuring of various

kinds; including flatter structures with their focus on teamwork, broader roles and non-

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traditional work arrangements. Implementing a flatter structure is meaningless unless there is a

degree of consistency between what is expected of employees in terms of working practices

and systems, processes and the resources needed to do the job. All human resource systems

especially pay; need to reinforce the forms of skilled performance required of individuals.

However most of the companies believe in following the preferred model of paying market

rates alongside schemes that recognize individual short-term performance but not long term


This is among the most challenging responsibility of human resource specialist, as there are

many factors to be taken into account before revising a compensation system to make it reflect

the diverse aspects of behavior, skills and experience which lead to the sort of performance

organization requires. Many organizations are experimenting with more flexible packages

which include elements of variable pay, linked to job performance, competence skill

development and desired team and leadership behavior.

The symbolic power of reward systems

Reward schemes are required to meet both the organizational need of managing its salary bill,

along side ensuring that it is getting good performance from its employees as well as the

employee is been appropriately recompensed for their efforts. Reward schemes carry enormous

symbolic significance for employees, as they are the powerful means of teaching employees

what is actually valued in the organization, as well as what is not. As such they have a greater

impact on employee attitudes and behavior than rhetoric or values statements which encourage,

team work.

In theory, reward schemes are designed to be motivating, offering appropriate incentives for,

and recognition of, desired performance. Whether schemes which focus exclusively on the

financial aspects of reward achieves this aim is open to debate.

The need to revise reward strategies

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In an attempt to move towards the performance culture, many organizations have introduced

pay schemes which have intended to reflected performance in the job more than the job grade

itself. In these changing times, reward schemes quickly becomes sources of discontent. In

flatter structures in particular, there is often considerable pressure for reward system to be

revised. However, in traditional hierarchical structure, being promoted was the only way of

gaining status as well as earning more money or breaking through the ceiling for a grade. In

some organizations, eligibility for promotion was based on age and experience rather than

performance. In flatter structure where promotion is most unlikely, thus pay is obviously

performance based. There’s no perfect pay system, thus a good system should be customized

and tailored as per the need and the objective, rather than adopting any off-the shelf solution.

Performance-related pay

Incentive schemes and performance-related pay continues to provoke debate. However some

researches propagate the ineffectiveness of performance-based reward, recognition and

incentive systems on the following grounds:

There is no data to show long term benefits

They setup internal competition

Reward systems undermine teamwork and cooperation

They often reward those who are lucky and pass by those who are unlucky

They create cynic and losers

While devising such schemes care should be taken about their responsiveness to the business

drivers, the changing technology, the new skills needed and the fact in a new environment,

people need to perform on different parameters. In response to these business drivers some

basic questions need to be answered:

• What, for instance, are t he critical roles, task, skills, which should be rewarded?

• What are the new working practices that t he organization wishes to encourage?

• Will team working be more critical to achieving business goals than individual


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• Is having one system the only way of thinking about the revised system?

Many organizations want people to be keen and willing to take on broader responsibilities,

learn new skills and develop wider competencies. In addition, technology is bringing about a

more fundamental change, switching the nature of the way work is carried out from directive

tasks to process-driven activities.

In some organizations only outputs are assessed for bonus purposes while in others inputs are

also taken into account. Typically, the new areas of providing incentives include ‘soft’ areas

such as making creative suggestions, receiving positive feedback from customers, team

working and demonstrating leadership. To support this approach there is usually an emphasis

on competencies and various feedback mechanisms are used.

Other trends……

I Competence-based pay (CBP)

Many organizations are experimenting with the competence-based pay (CBP), also known as

knowledge- or skill0based pay which takes the notion of performance-related pay in a

particular direction. CBP- works on the basis of rewarding the skills an individual possesses

and actually uses. The downside of such schemes of such schemes

That they tend to be very complex. The emphasis on individual competence can lead to a

failure to reflect sought after organizational business goals such as team working and quality.

II Team-based pay

It provides financial rewards to individual employees working within a formally established

team. Payments are linked to team performances or the achievement of agreed team objectives.

One of the drawback is that every scheme is unique, it’s not possible to adopt some broad

recommendations from other organizations, nor are such schemes easy to design or manage.

For effective success of such a scheme it necessary that team stands alone with the agreed

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targets and standards, have autonomy, are composed of people whose work is interdependent,

are stable, are well established and make good use of complimentary skills. The three basic

elements of a team-based reward package (assuming that the basic pay is right) are:

1. The individual element, the basic salary but varied in relation to performance or


2. A team element related to the achievement of team targets.

3. An organization element related to the business performance measured as a profit, or

added value.

According to Danny Chestennan, corporate development advisor at Kent County Council,

‘individuals should be rewarded for their contribution to teams, and the teams for the way they

develop individuals’.

III Flexible benefits

Given the way the work environment is changing, continuing to offer benefits that are based on

the ‘job-for-life’ assumption is unrealistic. The important thing is to find out how people

perceive their benefits and whether these are valued appropriate to both the company and the

employee needs. Items in this scheme include pensions, healthcare, childcare vouchers, annual

leave, life cover and dental insurance for employees and their partners. Further emphasize

should be there to ensure proper communication of these schemes by HR team.

How do people want to be rewarded?

The latest rewards techniques followed are as follows:

Profit (gain) sharing

Flexible benefit

Bonuses payable

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Bonuses payable in terms of extra leaves rather than pay

Bonuses payable towards prestigious qualification

Long term incentives

Deferred incentives

Extending private health schemes to all employees and their families

Longer holidays

Sponsored holidays

‘Free” family holiday in company owned cottages

Enhanced early retirement

Research suggests that intrinsic motivators such as the chance to do something worthwhile, to

have a development stretch, to increase job satisfaction are all as important as the financial

package and represent ‘psychological’ rewards.

IV Recognition

In many organizations the scope for modifying the reward system may appear limited.

Recognition schemes take on a special significance since they are a symbolic way of

reinforcing the ‘new’ behaviors and the performance needed in the organization.


Strategies for Training & Developing People

The workplace is being radically reshaped in a number of ways. People are now expected to

have a wide range of skills in areas such as customer relations, business awareness and

leadership. The impact of technology on people’s jobs is becoming ever more apparent, leading

to a growing importance attached to the soft skills as well as the ‘hard’. Peter Cochrane, head

of Research for BT and a well-known futurologist, suggests that ‘the future belongs to highly

skilled professionals working long hours on short contracts who won’t have time for the daily

life, which will create opportunities for others.’

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In this period of rapid change, the need for employees to continuously update their skills, and

develop new ones, has never been greater. Paradoxically, the pace of change and the

demanding workloads of most employees act as a deterrent to conscious development.

Development strategies need to take into account the reality of most people’s working lives

and the fact that conventional training is only one way in which people can develop.

Development solutions can take many forms and strategies should ideally be as innovative as

employees are now required to be.

In creating a Development strategies, it is important as ever to start with where the business is

going and what that suggests in terms of the skills which will be needed. The Development

strategies should be guided by a vision and set of values. What is the philosophy which will

underpin development – do want people to be self sufficient or do u see development as a

partnership between the individual and th4e organization. Abroad philosophy can be

communicated to employees as it provides the rationale for the choice of elements in the


The question which Development strategies need to answer is how do we ensure that people

are developed to their full potential and maximum effectiveness?

Development needs to be focused on areas which are relevant to the individual and the

organization. One employee for instance might need a rapid injection of job related skills due

to a change in technology. Another may have reached the stage in his or her career when a

Development stretch, such as major new responsibility or an MBA programme might provide,

is required. While a Development strategy should be sufficiently flexible that it can adapt to

individual needs, organizational priorities may take precedence. This is where having a guiding

framework and criteria for decision making can be helpful.

In any Development strategy there are likely to be three areas of focus:

Organizational level – where corporate requirements such as induction, quality

improvements, leadership, customer care and culture change programmes are addressed

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Departmental business unit level – where job related training and development is likely

to take place

Individual level – where people are usually motivated to close the gap between there

current and desired capabilities

It follows then that to ensure an optimum return on the time and other resources in

development that those activities are well targeted. Making a difference can be measured at a

number of levels. Donald Kirkpatrick’s evaluations framework suggests four levels –

1. Reactions - what do participants think about the activity at the time?

2. Learning how have skills, knowledge or attitudes improved as a result of the


3. Behavior – how does participants changed behaviors affect their constituents

example their work group?

4. Results – how do these improved behaviors, skills and knowledge translate into

bottom line impact?


One way of finding out what is needed to carryout some form of development needs analysis

based on the existing work force there are many ways of doing this. Which includes surveys,

using existing data such as appraisal information, sampling of specific groups, bench marking

with “world class” organization to identify obvious gaps. The analysis should provide answers

to the questions:

What is needed and why?

Where is this needed?

By whom?

How will this best be provided?

How m much will this cost?

What will the expected return look like?


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Increasingly hard measures of the impact of development activities are required. Kirkpatrick

suggests the following guidelines to implementation when trying to assess the impact of the

training on business results:

Use a control group

Allow enough time for results to be achieved

Measure both before and after training

Repeat the ,measurement at appropriate time

Consider the cost of evaluation versus the potential benefit

Be satisfied with the evidence if absolute proof isn’t possible to attain

Marilyn Mc Dougall and Angela Mulvie carried out a study of how companies measure the

impact of HRM to bottom line. They found that many organizations make access to

management knowledge and skills available on a general basis to employees as a part of a

philosophy of continuous learning participants are therefore not expected to produce improved

bottom line results


The need to ensure that training and other forms of development are tailored to the business

requirements as well as to those of individuals evident in the wide spread use of competency

based development process. These should ensure that Development opportunities are targeted

to meet specific objectives for the relevant individuals. Some organizations are offering

managers 360 degree feedback based on a range of competencies.

Competencies can be used to develop self assessment questionnaires and other feedback

processes to ensure that individual needs are understood. Ensuring that development

opportunities are appropriately targeted may prove more difficult. It is useful to identify short

list of priority areas of management Development for the short, medium and long term. In the

medium term there may be significant merits in standardizing role description using

competencies to define the skilled component of each role. In the short term, management

Development effort may perhaps produce best effect when applied to specific business

objectives and particular groups or individuals according to relevant criteria such as:

Business needs

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The current short to medium term business strategy. If the current main business

priority is maintaining quality standard it may seem inappropriate to put effort into

change management and leadership.

The biggest obstacle in terms of management skills or behavior to achieving the overall

business goals, i.e. does the lack of certain competencies prevent the organization from

maximizing opportunities or actually cause operating problems?

The specific priorities of different business groups

What managers would like to develop

Cultural priorities

Building to strengths

Focusing Development on areas which people consider strengths may seem contradictory.

However there is reasonable amount of research evidence to suggest that people are

motivated to even higher levels of performance when they are working on areas in which

they feel they are effective.

Prioritizing resource allocation according to different development needs

How do the strengths and development needs of managers, high fliers and directors differ?

Roffey Park has carried out research into the effects of the changing workplace or

employees for a number of years. Two surveys carried out in 1998 highlight the needs

employees perceive with regard to the skills required to do their jobs. One survey, the

Management Agenda was completed by a cross-sector population of managers mainly

based in UK. The sample was a good mix of juniors, middle and senior managers as well as

people who were running their own companies. The other survey was a focused look at the

needs of high flyers in 400 organizations.

The survey asked both groups about their current skills and strengths. In both surveys, the

information supplied was a self assessment and may be viewed differently by people

reporting to the individuals surveyed. The top skills of the ‘Agenda’ group reflected the

broadly ‘people management’ aspects of their role and were as follows:




People management

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The high flyers had a similar range of skills and strengths but there were some different

priorities in terms of job focus. For nearly half of this group, developing strategy is their key

priority with other responsibilities for managing a team, building and maintaining relationships

with clients and managing the financial side of the business. These priorities reflect the

business focus and direction setting so often associated with high flyers. Similarly, the

emphasis given to managing a team and managing relationships with clients suggests that

people related activities are important. However, the high flyer group as a whole placed little

priority on issues relating to customer satisfaction and quality management or training and


Not surprisingly, the current skills and strengths of the high flyers reflected their priorities to a

large extent as follows:


Managing people

Strategic thinking






The survey asked both groups what they believed were the skills they needed to develop to

equip them for their current role (i.e. short term). The agenda group’s needs were as follows:

Political/influencing skills

Strategic thinking skills

IT skills




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Change management

This group appears to be mainly in implementation roles, with an emphasis on raising or

maintaining quality. Ideally, these managers should have opportunities to improve processes

across their organization. Without making this overly complex, senior managers can improve

the efficiency of services while developing themselves at the same time. They may need help

in project management skills, including dealing with third parties s work is increasingly put out

to tender. The art of managing a flexible workforce is somewhat more challenging than

managing a directly managed staff.

Development needs of high flyers

The skills people felt would equip them for future success were diverse. The main areas were

as follows:



Managing people




Interestingly rather at odds with current management trends, this group does not see the ability

to coach and develop others as crucial to future success. This may reflect the pragmatic reality

that in many organizations promotion to senior positions has not depended on a manager being

an effective ‘people person’. However as many organizations are attempting to integrate

culture change objectives with succession planning, this may change. A number of the

organizations are now screening candidates for senior roles on the basis of how they

demonstrate leadership behaviors.

Supporting manager’s development

1. Creating a self-development culture

Development should be seen as primarily the individual’s responsibility but encouraged

and supported by the organization. A newsletter which regularly focuses on development

achievements will convey the message that development is taken seriously, especially

when directors contribute. Similarly, where people set themselves development targets they

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should be encouraged to identify the organizational benefits (including bottom line) of

what they are planning to do. That way, people’s development can be more clearly

understood and celebrated in terms of its contribution to organizational effectiveness.

In the medium term, reward systems should be enhanced and reflect people development.

Managers should be rewarded on the achievement of people development targets and

individuals should ideally be offered a small bonus or a slightly higher salary if their

improved skills enhance their contribution. The appraisal scheme can be supplemented, if

this has not yet happened, with a development planning process. This again calls upon line

managers to be willing and able to hold development discussions with individuals.

2. Enabling development through competencies

People should be encouraged to move jobs around the organization, acquiring different forms

of experience. Competencies can be helpful in facilitating this process in that job requirements

can be defined in ways which enable people to undertake a realistic self-assessment. Job

profiles can be updated and specific technical competencies defined. This way, a data bank of

people requiring specific forms of development can be matched against available options.

There may also be opportunities for job swaps and secondments if resourcing is a problem. The

increased mobility of staff can also be supported by greater awareness of the roles of different

business groups. This can be encouraged by briefings hosted by different business groups at

their workplace.

Methods of learning on the job

1. On the job

It seems that most senior managers learn best by experience. On the job learning is

therefore likely to be the primary source of development. Given the importance of this form

of learning, it is essential that managers are able to support people with their development

as well as their current performance.

2. Training

Training can be helpful for both awareness raising and skills development. There are clear

benefits, for instance, in raising senior managers’ awareness of the strategic issues for their

organization through briefings and networks. The majority of managers, however, consider

that most of their development took place on the job, or outside work.

3. Mentoring and coaching

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In many organizations, tools are now provided to encourage self development, including

the use of development centers and resource learning centers.

Many organizations such as British-American tobacco, have trained managers in coaching

skills and the trend towards the ‘line manager as developer’ is well established. In some

companies, managers’ ability to help others to develop is now taken into account when

bonuses are being allocated. Learning groups are increasingly being used in a number of

organizations such as ICL and the former Glaxo-Wellcome. These can enable individual

needs to be met in work context.

Some organizations are introducing peer mentoring to address both organizational needs

for teamwork and greater collaboration and individual needs for support. Peer mentoring

involves two, three or more individuals agreeing to have development relationship with one

another. This is primarily a development relationship with the clear purpose of supporting

individuals to achieve their job objectives. HR can help such relationships to be established

through creating a mechanism whereby peers can identify likely peer ‘resources’. Often

this is through the use of a database on which information is stored about people who have

specific expertise and are willing to act as peer mentors. These can be matched against

people who express specific needs.

4. Learning opportunities using computers

Many pundits predict a huge growth in on-line learning in next few years. This is driven by

shortage of time to attend training and the increasingly global spread of organizations

which make training solutions costly. Research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and

Development (1999) found that only one quarter of organizations used the internet or

intranet for training and development, but forecast that there would be a 70 percent

increase in the early years of the millennium. Similarly, CD-ROM usage is expected to

grow by 60% as per the respondents in the CIPD survey.


Development is a process of enhancing an individual’s present and future effectiveness. In

the present case, we are viewing effectiveness in the context of the employee’s career. And

by career we mean, the individually perceived sequence of attitudes and behaviors

associated with work-related experiences over the space of person’s life. Thus development

in the career entails changing both perceptions and behavior (or skills).

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More specifically, the targets of development are the four outcomes that measure career

effectiveness: performance, attitudes, identity and adaptability. These outcomes can be

broken down by time-frame and locus of concern, as shown in the following figure:

Performance and attitudes focus on the short term: attainment of present work goals and

present feelings about the career, such as involvement commitment and conflict.

Adaptability is the extent to which the person is preparing to meet future career demands.

Identity is a measure of the congruence of integration of the person’s self-perceptions

overtime (i.e., a measure of how the person sees the parts of the career fitting together or

“making sense”). Any activity that enhances one or more of these four career outcomes

constitutes development. Training, coaching, increased effort and self-improvement to

increase job performance are development. Socialization, job experiences, counseling, peer

interactions and other activities that alter or clarify career attitudes are development. Job

assignments, education and other learning that broadens the person’s skills and abilities

enhances adaptability and thus also development. And finally self-examination, self-

assessment, feedback, counseling and other activities that clarify and focus self-identity are

also development. Too often, however, organizations define development as working only

on the top left-hand corner on short-term, task-related skills. Too seldom are attitudes,

adaptability and identity the focus of plans for development.

In addition to considering the four career outcomes as goals of developmental activities, we

can also examine various strategies for attaining these goals. In their review of

organizational training and development processes, Wexley and Latham propose certain

basic developmental strategies that organizations use. The first strategy is cognitive and is

conceived with altering thoughts and ideas. The second is behavioral, entailing the attempt

to change behavior directly. And the third is environmental and consists of interventions

aimed at immediate work environment of the individual.

If we combine the career goals and these three basic strategies, we obtain a matrix of

possible combinations of development strategies aimed at particular career outcomes, as

shown in the table. (Since the performance category is so important, it has been subdivided

into technical, interpersonal and conceptual skills.) The specific activities listed are not

meant to be exhaustive and some cells may represent somewhat incompatible combinations

(e.g. cognitive approaches to developing interpersonal skills). Furthermore, several

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activities are found in more than one cell, as a given activity can produce multiple



The need for employee at all levels to be involved in ongoing development – of new skills,

exposure to new experiences and learning to learn - is apparent. HR can work towards

creating a culture in which learning is valued and supported, and where the enhanced skills

of the individual are put to good use. In such a development culture the pressure to measure

a return on every development activity maybe less strong than in a culture which believes

that any offline activity is a cost. Individuals can take responsibility for managing their

development. After all, it is in their interest to do so, but the organization can help ‘kick-

start’ the process by providing people with the opportunity to understand what to develop

and how.

Ironically, pressure of work in some cases is so strong on the company ethos so ‘macho’

that people are always prepared to learn, especially through training. Various innovative

approaches such as ‘just-in-time’ training, using on-line resources, can help, but sometimes

the best form of development is when individual take themselves to a residential training

programme and make time to reflect. Senior managers in particular are important role

models in both leaning and valuing learning. They set the tone and need to be willing to

exercise some old fashioned command and control with regard to development.

Encouraging people to prioritize development, whose returns to the business may not be

immediate, over short-term business demands, at least occasionally, may well produce

larger returns in the long run.



Before we move on to the core of the issue, we must define what disability or being disabled


“Someone who is disabled has an illness, injury or condition that tends to restrict the way they

live their life, especially by making it difficult for them to move about.”

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Thus, the employee, who is working for the organization, will be termed disabled if he/she is

suffering from an injury or illness which affects or restricts them from performing their job

effectively. There can be two types of disabled employees

I. Disabled - while employed : i.e. the person was fit and sound during the start of

employment relationship, however, during the tenure of his/her service he turned

disable, which can be either:

a) On-the-job: This is during the work hours while working at premises.

b) Off-the-job: This is not at work premises, but surely after the start of

employment relationship.

II. Disabled - prior to employment: Here the employer is well aware of the disability yet

employ the person for the job.

I Disabled – while employed: There can be short- and long-term disability (STD and

LTD).While dealing with such a case the employer must follow the following procedure.

The Interactive Process, whereby through an informal open discussion with the disabled

employee, the precise job related limitation imposed by the employee's disability are being

realized and how those limitations could be overcome with a reasonable accommodation. Even

if the department's ability to accommodate the employee's disability seems doubtful, the

department must still conduct a good-faith interactive process.

There are four levels of possible accommodation:

1. Job Accommodation: Modification of job duties, job environment and/or work


2. Modified Work: Lateral transfer into an existing position for which employee is


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3. Transferable Skills: Transfer to "demoted" position or position of lesser

terms/conditions ("last resort accommodation.").

4. Alternate Work: However, consideration should be given to his present salary

and the distance of the new work place from his residence.

Consider the preference of the individual to be accommodated and select and implement the

accommodation that is most appropriate for both the employee and the employer. The

employer should not accommodate the employee in case:

1. The disabled employee cannot perform the essential functions of the job; and that no

reasonable accommodation exists.

2. The person would create an imminent and substantial danger to him/her self or to others

by performing the job; and there is no way to remove or reduce the danger.

In such a scenario employer may use medical separation and also appoint a rehabilitation

counselor for the disabled employee.

II Disabled prior to employment: There could be any form of disability namely

i) Mental health

ii) Physical Disability

iii) Learning Disability

which the employer is aware of prior to employment. But still considers their employment as a

part of social responsibility, alongside trusting their capability to perform the task fit for them.

The trend of employing disabled as well as keeping provisions for employees disabled after

employment is gaining momentum which can be due to:

i) Realization of social responsibility by employers.

ii) Government intervention

iii) Trade benefit schemes, tax benefits etc.

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Reasons for this change

Disability Confident employers will have access to a wider talent pool. Technological

developments and increasing use of flexible working mean that organisations are able to create

enabling environments where more disabled people can contribute to business success.

Engaging with potential employees (disabled)

Attracting talented disabled candidates can be problematic. Experience of leading

employers suggests that multiple (project based) recruitment tends to attract more

disabled candidates than single-post advertising.

Employer needs to build a brand which symbolize welcome and fair treatment.

Consider offering work experience and internship opportunities to disabled people.

Sector based initiatives can help to change people's views of working in a particular


Take for example, in ITES sector companies like Hero Ites, a part of Munjal group, openly

mentions the special invitation to disabled in it’s employment advertisement.

Similarly there’s a lot of potential to hire these people in the sunrise sectors like banking,

software,etc though companies like Satyam, Infosys… have taken initiative yet lot has to be

done. Considering high staff turnover and an acute shortage of skilled workforce, qualified

technical people who are disabled can be good alternative. Unfortunately when it comes to

recruitment, employers tend to look the other way if the job candidate is a person with

disability. Top of the charts in the IT job market include vacancies for software developers,

programmers, web designers, database and system administrators, graphic artists and system


But still the percentage of disabled employees is very low. Most employers are reluctant to

employ the disabled because of concerns regarding safety regulations, the need to modify

premises such as installing ramps, disabled-friendly toilets and extra medical costs.

Even if they are employed, the system that is being followed in the organization does not work

in their favour. There is, however, concern that some management practices, even those

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imposed without prejudice on all employees, might have a disparate effect on the health and

performance of some disabled employees.

With the advancement in technology, the potential of these employees can be enhanced to a

higher level. For example, speech device can be used as a tool to support the person who is

verbally impaired. Similarly, visually disabled can convey through special computers. Thus we

need such things along with training for the disabled employees as well as the normal

employees to help them adjust to the changes, and their differently-abled employees. Though,

this may seem as an investment but the benefits are far reached and rewarding. Return on

investment is far greater considering people with disabilities tend to be appreciative and loyal

employees, because they have difficulties finding jobs. Their commitment to work has to do

with their self-esteem. This notion of work, as a prideful activity, is something they definitely


Cost to keep disabled employee (employed)

Employers experience multiple direct and indirect benefits such as retaining qualified

employees, considering

i) the cost of training the new employee

ii) productivity of retained employee is higher

iii) cost of accommodation is lower than inducting new employee

iv) Employers want to retain valued and qualified employees.

There are lot many industries which have a scope of employing disabled employee. its just the

initiative which is required, considering Titan, Tata group which is one of the world's largest

timepiece manufacturers started introducing disabled employees to it’s facility since 80’s .

"Titan was clear that these people are an intrinsic part of our society and need understanding,

support and opportunities, not charity or misplaced compassion," says Mamatha Bhat. Thus,

the capable candidates of 18 -24 yrs were adopted and proper measures were taken to get them

into main stream, like

i) ergonomically designed workspaces

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ii) training to enhance technical competence

iii) non-discriminating policies, effective grievance handling, counseling etc.

With time, Titan has realized that the disabled members of its family are more loyal and far

more focused on the job. Despite the physical shortcomings of these employees, productivity

and quality had never been an issue. Titan's children of a lesser god

are no longer classified as disabled, merely 'differently-abled'.

Thus, such an investment is worth not only for it’s return in terms of loyalty earned. But,

employers should consider their responsibility towards the society and help in making these

people self dependent and getting them into the main stream.


EAPS are used to make professional help available to the employees. Typical EAPS offer

assistance to employees in such areas as alcoholism, drug abuse, emotional stress, family

problems and financial indebtedness.

Although research findings tend to vary, it is believed that EAPs are valuable contributors to

both employees and employers.

First of all, giving employee assistance is simply the right thing to do from the standpoint of

humanity, and there are some cost-benefit arguments in favor of EAPS. Certainly, the

resolution of personal problems tends to make the employee a more effective contributor to

employer objectives. That is, money spent on abating alcoholism among the workforce is

perceived to be cheaper than money spent on ineffective performance, lost time, illness and

death on the part of employees suffering from the disease of alcoholism.

Characteristics of an effective EAP

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The EAP should be staffed with competent professionals who respond to employee

problems with empathy and who know what services are available in the local community.

The EAP should be accessible to all employees 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

The EAP should be advertised to all employees so that all are aware of the program.

The EAP should be available to all employees and their dependents.

The EAP must guarantee complete confidentiality.

The EAP staff members should be willing to meet at any location where the employee or

dependent feels comfortable.



The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) has recently seen the human resources that

it selects, trains, and retains move from a supportive to a strategic role in organizations. This

occurred because in Strategic Management sources of competitive advantage were no longer

sought in the external, but in the internal environment of a firm, namely in its resources,

particularly its human ones. Accordingly the field of HRM reconsidered its own role, resulting

in the emergence of a new distinct discipline termed Strategic Human Resource Management

(SHRM). It intended to link HRM with the strategic management process of the organization

A shift in thinking in Strategic Management about the location of sources of competitive

advantage has put the spot light on human resources as the strategic resource in a firm.

Initially, sources of competitive advantage were sought outside of the firm, i.e. in a superior

positioning of a firm in attractive markets and keeping contenders out. In this view, the role of

the human resources was one of implementation and support. More recently a new school of

thought, called the resource-based view of the firm argued instead that the source of

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competitive advantage lies within the firm, in unique resources that cannot be imitated by

competitors. Because these resources, capabilities, and competencies are dependent on people

and in the case of capabilities and competencies located in the minds of people human

resources are deemed valuable if not the "the key strategic resource". This shift in Strategic

Management has elevated the role of human resources from a supportive to a strategic one

In light of this elevated status for human resources in the Strategic Management field, many

have reasoned that the HRM function had acquired a new strategic role as well. Bartlett and

Ghoshal (2002) explain that rather than being supportive - by focusing on recruiting, training,

and taking care of benefits - HRM's role became strategic: building and using human capital to

ensure competitive advantage. The notion of the HRM function being strategic is embodied in

the distinct field (Dyer, 1985; Dyer and Holder, 1988; Fisher, 1989; Schuler and Jackson,

1987) of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). Rather than being supportive it

consists of (1) "linking [HRM] with the strategic management process of the organization," and

(2) "emphasizes the coordination or congruence among the various human resource

management practices (Wright and McMahan, 298)." In other words, rather than executing

strategy formulated by others, it attempts to be involved in the formulation of the strategy.

These attempts consist amongst others of (1) use of the label 'strategic,' (2) linking role

behaviors to strategy types, (3) linking competency profiles to core competencies, (4) using HR

measures to justify performance contribution, (5) adapting strategy tools to encompass the

HRM function.

Human capital has long been held to be a critical resource in most firms. Human resource

management (HRM) is one of the principal mechanisms by which managers integrate the

actions of individuals to keep their behavior congruent with the interests of the firm. Business

leaders now recognize that the human resource (HR) function has a direct impact on bottom

line results and must be aligned with corporate goals. Both academics and practitioners agree

that as the dynamics of competition accelerate, people are perhaps the only truly sustainable

source of competitive advantage. Therefore, effective management of human capital may be

the ultimate determinant of organizational performance.

Rather than focusing on particular HR practices that are used in isolation, strategic human

resource management (SHRM) researchers look more broadly at bundles of HR practices that

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are implemented in combination. SHRM researchers have established a broader perspective

that is oriented toward managing the workforce as a whole since the era of SHRM was ushered

decades ago. Since that time, behavioral perspective has emerged as the predominate paradigm

for the research (Fisher, 1989; Schuler, 1989; Snell, 1992). According to behavioral

perspective, different strategies require different behaviors and different HRM practices to

elicit and reinforce those behaviors. This view of the link between strategy and HRM provides

a clear explanation for why such management should be linked to strategy. To date, a growing

body of empirical evidence supports this perspective.

HRM has evolved over the years from a disjointed collection of employment practices. If we

are to develop a more parsimonious depiction of the field as a whole, an overarching construct

is needed to describe how particular patterns of practice fit together. Control is an important - if

sometimes neglected - facet of organizational design. In the past, the construct of control has

been used as a lens for combining HRM practices. A control perspective is consistent with the

behavioral perspective in many ways; for instance, control systems mold the emergent

behavior. Accordingly, this study used the concept of control to integrate HRM practices and

place them in the strategic context of firms.

Strategies are only a means toward an end. According to contingency theory, a close link exists

between business strategy and HRM methods. This theory holds that HRM methods are

determined by the type of business strategy a firm follows. It moreover assumes that the

companies that closely coordinate their business strategy and HRM practices achieve better

performance than the companies that do not. To date, there is an extensive research exploring

the links between competitive strategy and HRM strategy. However, one of the areas that is

conspicuous by its absence is, based on control perspective, the links between HRM control

and business strategy, and their effects on performance. Further effort is needed to direct

toward closing the gap.

The focus in this study is on the performance effects of HRM control and interaction of

business strategy with HRM control. As such, this research contributes to knowledge about the

effects of HRM control on firm performance and, importantly, illuminates how HRM control

moderates the relationship between business strategy and firm performance.

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Business strategy determines the direction in which the enterprise is going within its

environment in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Strategy is a declaration of

intent, which is concerned, with the long-term allocation of significant company resources. It is

a means of addressing critical issues or success factors at level of the business as a whole or an

aspect of it.

Thus, strategic decisions aim to make a major and long-term impact on the behavior of the


Business objectives, plans, financial projections, target for shareholder value or key result areas

(KRAs) are the outcomes or expressions of strategy.


Corporate level

Strategy is likely to be concerned in general with the composition and performance of the

portfolio of businesses that make up a company.

In particular, corporate strategy is concerned with: -

The company’s mission

The cohesiveness of that portfolio

Mergers, acquisitions and divestment

The ethos of how to manage and control the business.

Business unit strategy

Strategy is concerned mainly with answering the question ‘where and how are we going to

compete in order to earn sustained high returns?’

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This means making decisions on the business can develop superior effectiveness, a superior

cost position and superior quality, coupled with the ability to meet customer’s real needs.

It puts corporate strategy into effect at the competitive level and refers to definition of the

business, growth and profitability objectives, product/market scope, marketing approach and

competitive position.


It is generally assumed that strategy formulation is an analytical, systematic and rigorous

process. But this is not necessarily so.

According to Mintzberg, strategy formulation is not necessarily a rational and continuous

process. He believes that, rather than being consciously and systematically developed, strategy

reorientation happen in brief quantum leaps. Strategies are not always deliberate. In theory,

strategy is a systematic process. ‘First we think, then we act. We formulate then we implement’

In practice, ‘a realized strategy can emerge in response to an evolving situation.

Analysis of the concept of business strategy as a basis for HR strategy has to take into account

not only the different levels and styles of strategy but also of the diversity of ways in which

strategy is formed.


Business strategies are not necessarily expressed in writing, although there are advantages in

doing so from the point of view of having a defined point of view of having a defined point of

reference for planning and control purposes.

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Strategic management and control companies are more likely to prepare formal, long- term

strategic plans.

Financial control companies will rely on one-year budgets with interim reforecast as required.

A business unit may have a formal strategy but it is more likely (especially in the case of a

financial control company) to have an unwritten strategic orientation which is based on an

assessment of future market opportunities.


It involves following considerations:-

Mission and strategy

Formal structure

Human resource system (HRS)

Organizations exist to accomplish some mission or set of objectives. Change in the mission or

objectives are more of incremental in nature as the organization adapts to changing customer

tastes or competitive threats. To accomplish its mission or objectives, the firm must decide

what optimal structure is needed to carry out its objectives. Once the nature of the structure is

decided upon, it must attract and retain sufficient number of people to carry out the tasks

needed to see that its objectives or strategies are effectively implemented.



HR strategy can be used as an integrating force, linking various strands together into an overall

strategic thrust which complements and is consistent with the overall business strategy. In

some circumstances this may be highly desirable; for example, when Book club Associates, a

leading mail order book club, embarked on a programme of sustained growth and

diversification, it developed an integrated HR strategy aimed at achieving significant cultural

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change in four main areas: communications, involvement, performance management, and

reward management. The links between each aspect of this strategy were emphasized and new

communication channels were developed and used to ensure that everyone knew and could

discuss the implications of the business strategy.

The key requirements of HR strategy are that it should be:

Justified from the business strategy, i.e. in alignment with the business strategy

Imaginative and innovative

Clear and actionable

Selective, focusing on priorities


Strategic HR thinking may indeed concentrate on one area such as resourcing or performance

management, although it would be important to ensure that the implications of change in one

direction are considered for other aspects of human resource management. For example, the

development of a performance management system raises questions about career development,

training and performance related pay.


Of all the requirements of HR strategy referred to above, perhaps the most critical is that HR

strategy should be justified by business strategy. Without this, top management and line

managers as of little relevance to the real priorities of the business will see HR strategies, and

the credibility of the HR function will be in doubt. It is therefore; instructive to consider the

views of senior executives on how they rank HR issues among the key business issues that

their organizations face.

Organizing and managing HR strategy development

Effective integration of HR strategy is best achieved if the personnel director is closely

involved at top management level with the formulation of business strategy. One would expect

the head of the personnel function to be a member of an executive and management committee,

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or at least to have access to the CEO, in order to obtain information about the direction

business strategy is taking and make contributions at an early stage on any HR Implications.

HR strategies should be based on information concerning:

The business strategy and plan

The external environment, with particular reference to the supply of people (demographics)

and the availability of skills

The internal environment, including the implications of product development and new

technology, the requirement for increased flexibility and the need for new skills and multi-


HR issues related to productivity, motivation, communications, commitment, involvement,

employee relations etc.

HR strategy areas

There are specific aspects of HR strategy, which, collectively, will form the building blocks of

overall HR strategy development. No two organizations will face quite the same issues, and

each will address in its own way those issues that it does face

First however, a human resource management strategy should provide answers to three

fundamental questions, which relate to all the specific aspects discussed below:

1. How are we going to acquire and retain the number and quality of people required to

meet the forecast needs of the organization?

2. How are we going to ensure that we have a well-motivated and fully committed


3. What actions will be needed to train, develop, and fit people for greater responsibility

and responsiveness to change and the resulting demands for different skills and



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A starting point in the development of a human resource strategy is often the identification

of the long-term human resource requirements of the organization. These provide the basis

for more detailed human resource planning processes. The aim of these strategies should be

to ensure, On the one hand, that the achievement of corporate objectives will not be

inhibited by human resource shortages or inefficiencies and, or other, that impending

surpluses can be dealt with in good time with the minimum individual hardship and

disruption to employee relations.

At this stage broad questions need to be answered concerning:

Human resource requirements:

- How many employees are needed? – Over what period? – What kind of abilities and skills

will be required?


- What is available now inside the company?

- What would be made available from inside and outside the company?


- What is the company’s experience in retaining staff?

- What are the problems and how can they be overcome?

Human resource utilization:

- How well are human resources used in the company?

- What is the scope for increasing productivity?


Motivation strategy should aim to increase the effective contribution of members of the

organization in achieving its objectives. Motivation strategy will refer to the performance

management and reward systems, and in particular to the type and scale of financial

incentives which are to be provided. But it will also be considered with other processes

which should yield favorable attitudes, including job design, participation, joint objective

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setting, career development, and nay other processes relating to the individual’s need to

achieve and maintain a sense of personal worth and importance. Motivation is also affected

by the quality of leadership in an organization: therefore the selection, training, and

development of effective leaders should be part of the strategy.


A human resource development strategy is concerned with the longer-term programmes

needed by an organization to improve operational performance at all levels, in accordance

with the additional demands which the business strategy will place on people in future. The

strategy will provide continuous development processes linked closely with the

programmes designed for the organization as a whole to implement its product, technology

and market development strategies.

The associated training strategy will be concerned particularly with the development of

new or existing competencies and with multi-skilling. For example, it will take account of

the introduction of new technology and of increased demands for `knowledge workers’ and

for `systems technicians` on production lines. The training strategy may be linked to the

reward strategy by the development of skills or competency- based payment systems.


The aim of on organization should be to ensure that an effective organization is maintained

which will respond appropriately to changes in its internal and external environment and

make the best use of the individual and collective capacities of its members. The main

strategic areas in which organization development takes place are:

The implications of change and the actions required to ensure that the organization

will continue to function effectively when subjected to pressures resulting from


Changes in organization structure as well as values and culture development

programmes, and changes in organization climate and management style

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The proper integration of increasingly diversified activities which are likely to

result from change

Team development

The management of conflict

Work on planning and objective-setting processes for individuals and teams

How can HR strategies be fully aligned?

In setting business strategies, line managers need to be fully in tune with what their customers

say they want from the organization. The same is true of HR strategies, except that such

strategies may have to be attuned to the needs of each organizational unit. HR and line

managers need to think through the kind of culture needed in each unit if the people in that unit

are able to deliver the business strategy.

What makes a difference to the delivery of business strategy is people’s behaviors. So, for

instance, all the ‘customer focus’ training in the world is of no use if clients perceive that the

company’s representative is rude to them over the phone. HR needs to think through the

behavioral character desired of employees. This: includes both behaviors, which the company

wants to encourage, and dysfunctional behaviors, which the company wishes to stop. HR also

needs to think through the HR processes, which are aligned to that behavior. This will include

issues such as recruitment, training, resources, location, working environment etc.

Working through these issues with line managers in a systematic way helps line managers to se

the link between managing the cultural aspects of the organization and achieving business


Major action plans can establish what the HR team needs to do next to make the change

happen. These plans need to be developed with the management team and can be both short

and long term. Changing the structure, for instance, can be a short-term measure while

changing the culture can take several years and may need to be phased.



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Strategic planning is a key tool for HR. Tony Grundy defines HR strategy as ‘the plans,

programmes and intentions to develop the human capability of an organization to meet the

future needs of its external and internal environment’. HR strategy may be planned, emergent

or some combination of these. Research by Tyson and Witcher as well as Grundy suggests that

emergent HR strategy may be damaging by organizational effectiveness. Other research

projects also suggest that the more planned and timely the implementation of HR strategies, the

more value is perceived to be added to the business.

There are many reasons why many HR teams do not take a planned approach. Some HR teams

may prefer working in an emergent way and would rather wait until there is a clear business

strategy on which to model the HR strategy. This may be a long wait and opportunities for

adding value may be missed. Some teams fear criticism of being seen to create their own

policy in the absence of business strategy, on the one hand, or being seen to drive business

strategy, on the other. The sheer complexity of the links which need to be managed between

HR strategy and organizational effectiveness amy mean that the overall focus of the delivery is

diffuse and therefore not appreciated. Similarly, periods of ongoing change and active

organizational politics can cause the links to be undermined. This may be a question of

ownership of the HR’s strategy and where it sits in the organization structure.

However, Lam and Schaubroeck’s research suggests that leaders in firms with relatively highly

formalized HR planning are more likely to perceive its usefulness compared with those firms

where the Hr strategic objectives are less clear. In strategic HRM, planning needs to go beyond

being focused on operations and control.whether a formal or informal approach is used, the

important thing is to keep the plan simple. As Hr teams move towards a strategic HRM

approach, the need for integration among the different HR practices increases. These clear

objectives are than likely to be useful in strategic planning activities, helping the organization,

to enhance organizational performance, rather than simply being a means of making the case

for more resources.

HR planning is critical to the effective development of strategy since it should identify gaps

and surpluses in capabilities as well as issues of utilization of talent. Indeed so central is this

identification of organizational capability considered by some researchers that they argue for

an enhanced role for HR planning in overall strategic palnning. Various researchers have

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suggested that the most effective links are made when HR strategy as such disappears and is

more fully integrated into other resource strategies supporting the operational management


This would mean that the role of Hr would be to facilitate the development of an organizational

strategy, which is owned and developed by line managers. This would probably be issue based

and directly linked to the business strategy. Indeed, Grundy argues that the key role of a

strategic HRM function is to facilitate Organization and people strategy, together through joint

coordination with line management of strategic programmes such as management development

and succession planning.

The effectiveness of HR planning very much depends on the organizational context. HR

planning objectives are likely to be contingent upon different competitive strategies and

different organizations will therefore be unlikely to use identical approaches to similar issues.

However, unless the objectives are clear, building commitment to the strategy among line

managers and employees is difficult. Lam and Schaubroek suggest three different kinds of Hr


Operational: which seek to identify current capabilities and with short term

requirements in mind.

Traditional: which attempt to incorporate forecasts about the numbers of employees

and their skill types to meet longer-term demands. This type of planning needs to take

account of career development, succession planning, external recruitment and appraisal

data. It can establish whether it is possible for the organization to achieve its strategic


Strategic: which is where HR planning provides valuable data and is carried out as an

integral part of the overall strategic planning process. This involves line managers in

developing and evaluating HR practices since this approach recognizes that those who

are most knowledgeable about the workforce should be involved in building

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commitment of the strategy across the organization. Often the main thrust of strategic

HR planning is finding ways to establish and maintain core competencies.

Typical objectives associated with different areas of HR responsibility includes:

Maximum strategic impact

Align HR practices with business objectives

Conduct development programmes to support strategic changes

Carry out job analysis for long-term objectives

Improve HR adaptability on changing environment

Enhance workforce capability and innovation


Improve coordination between various HR functions

Improve team effectiveness

Improve HR project management

Develop compensation and benefit programmes

Coordinate any potential HR problems

Integrate diverse HR functions and operations


Communicate HR policies inside the organization

Improve management acceptance of current HR policies, improve employee

involvement and understanding of HR

Conduct job analysis for long-term objectives

Communicate HR policies outside the company


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Clarify budget and resources availability

Manage personnel-related costs

Improve HR budget control

Improve HR resource procedures and control

Review Hr operations procedures

Alignment through organization development

Corporate strategy usually involves reviewing the business the organization is in, or wants to

be in and its relative competitive positioning in the market place. This allows a strategic intent

to be developed. A review is then carried out of the human capabilities through which

competitive advantage can be achieved, enabling the organization to compete in a distinctive

and sustainable way.

The decentralized structure has led to a wide range of management practices in different

business units and little sharing of good practice across the organization. An organization

development team at the center of the organization has the challenge of helping to bring about

change as well as creating greater coherence across the organization while not diminishing the

autonomy of the business units. This delicate balancing act is achieved by ensuring that the

heads of the different business units are fully involved in developing the OD strategy and can

perceive the potential value added by the unit to their own operations.

The OD team is aiming to focus its delivery on a few key areas. These include strategy and

planning, orgainsation and management culture and values, people and performance. Learning

and change will be at the heart of al OD activities and provide inner coherence to the OD

strategy. The team consists of experienced OD practitioners who have both internal

consultancy and business experience. The OD strategy is as follows:

Our focus is on:

Change in organizations and culture

Organizations and team effectiveness

Leadership and management processes

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Organization learning and corporate knowledge

Our outputs will be:

Involvement in major change initiatives

Supporting business management and major functions- developing change skills in the


Evaluating organization effectiveness

Our methods include:

Consultancy and facilitation

Project management

Education and training

Backed up with

New management tools and processes

Diagnostic audits and surveys

Seminars, case studies and information networks

Best practice action research

Clear lines of communication exist between the OD team and those responsible for providing

training, management and leadership development and succession planning. While at any point

in time, the specific focus of the team’s activity within this general remit will be tailored to the

needs of a particular business unit, the core thrusts remain the same and have a corporate

perspective. The team can then pursue major corporate projects while working within different

business units to help them achieve their local OD objectives, such as managing a specific

change process.

The clarity of outputs means that the team will be able to measure their achievement and gain

client feedback which can feed further into the ongoing development of strategy. It could be

argued that a coordinated organizational strategy such as this could be the joint staring pint for

developing corporate strategy.

Aligning the structure of HR with the organizational strategy

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In recent years, many central HR teams in large organizations have decreased in size. There

has been a noticeable shift to consultancy-type roles with many HR responsibilities devolved to

the line. Operational HAR roles have been the most endangered with parts of the operation,

such as pay and even recruitment outsourced. Many; organizations have experienced problems

with quality and the current trend appears to be too take back into the centre the areas of

operations which leave HR most exposed if they go wrong. This includes areas such as

executive compensation and bonus arrangements. To some extent, these consultancy-type

relationships have left HR with less direct power, but where the influence of HR is strong, the

function is seen as central. The converse is also true. The most common HR structures appear

to concentrate the strategic roles in the corporate centre, leaving operational support to the line

being provided through divisional support units. Where such developed support units exist,

they sometimes report back to the head of HR, and are therefore clearly marinating a strong

professional link, while other units report to the divisional director, maintaining only a dotted-

line relationship with the head of HR. In some cases, call centers and help desks have been

established to ensure that operational HR support of some kind is available to line managers

who may not have a regular HR contact. Unisys has established an international on-line service

centre which provides solutions to HR issues in a way which meets ‘local’ as well as corporate


As units devolve, there can be tension which the HR function attempts to resolve in different

ways. The centre can come to be seen as increasingly peripheral as most strategic decision

making takes place in the business units. This can be particularly challenging when HR

attempts to take a corporate perspective on the development of high potential talent, for

instance, since business heads can be reluctant to share information with the centre which

might cause them to lose a ‘star’ employee to another region.


Empowerment has become a cliché and a discredited one at that in some quarters. The main

reason according to Barbara Ettore is the myths surrounding it. If empowerment is supposed to

be defined as an employee’s ability to solve problems, take decisions based on those decisions,

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management has encouraged the tint two but has failed to allow the third. Often the real

dilemma for executives is whether to trust employees. The management assumption is that

workers cannot fully understand the impact of their actions on the organization’s bottom line.

This assumption is based on the relative lack of information received by workers which would

give them a clear insight into how their actions affect the whole operation, stretching from the

business strategy and work processes to customers, shareholders, suppliers, etc.

This is where empowerment without alignment with strategy and information is likely to

backfire. Yet the benefits of empowerment can outweigh the risks. Empowered orgainsation

are more likely than others to respond quickly to ideas and suggestions, enable managers to

make their own decisions without having to rely on headquarters and put customers’ needs

first. Empowerment needs to be aligned to the strategic aims of the organization so that

employees can direct their solutions to real business issues. Typically, employees need to be

clear about what the customer wants, the part their own role plays and what shareholders are

looking for. Characteristically, in empowered organizations, good ideas are rewarded

effectively and authority is appropriately delegated as far down the organization as possible.

Systems are a supportive framework rather than a set of constraints and employees work to

broad principles rather than rules. Companies like Levi-Strauss, Hewlett-Packard and

Nordstorm are among high-performing orgainsation which practice aligned and informed

empowerment. But, as Ettore points out, ‘as with all initiatives, if management is not

committed and if HR is not a strategic function, it will fail’.

Aligning training and development to business strategy

Benchmarking is often used to identify organizations considered to be best in class on

particular aspects of their strategy or implementation. Training and development benchmarks

often focus in the amount of money invested in T & D activity. These figures vary widely

among employees but US surveys during the last decade suggest that a disproportionate

expenditure, i.e. those who spend more than 1.5% of their payroll on T & D, is made by just

0.5% of all US employers. These few organizations recognize that having a workforce with

high skill levels is a primary source of competitive advantage. In these exemplary

organizations, T & D is strongly aligned to the strategic leadership and planning processed of

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the business. The primary focus of such training is on creating readiness and flexibility through

training supervisors, managers and executives since it is these individuals who set the tone for

the rest of the orgainsation.

Typical of the ‘best practice’ benchmark organization is that they:

Create a systematic link between business strategy and the T & D system. T & D

targets, are reviewed at least annually to ensure that they are still on track with

changing business requirements.

T & D executives take a full part in the strategic planning process, ensuring that

strategic goals take into account the availability of the talent needed to carry out the


Information support systems are also integrated into the strategic planning process.

Links between training and development activity and the business strategy depend very much

on whither training is integral part of the HR strategy and whether this is itself fully aligned to

business needs. Depending on the type of competitive strategy in use, different analytical links

can exist. Strategies geared to the life cycle of the organization need employees and especially

management styles to be adopted to changing conditions. Those which focus on competitive

positioning through differentiation are likely to place a greater emphasis on process innovation

and specialization of distinctive skills. Similarly, strategies focusing on realizing strategic

intent are likely to competency definitions which help ht orgainsation to compete effectively.

Research carried out in the UK (Poole and Jenkins, 1996) suggest that core elements in the

development of competitive advantage in respondents’ organizations were:

Management development

Career development

The development of high-potential employees

Support for continuous training and retraining

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Clearly, human resource development as well as management is an essential plan for building

sustainable competitive advantage. Training can help in the creation of a more productive,

skilled and adaptable workforce.

Strategic alignment through competencies

Ensuring alignment relies on excellent performance management so that people are clear what

their roles are, what is expected of them and how that might change. A competency framework

is a useful way of aligning HR processes to the business strategy. In this section we look at

some processes for defining and using competencies.

Competencies area often defined as ‘a particular attribute that people have that collectively

helps to develop the capability of the individual and the organization’. If you adjust

competencies so that they are continually aligned to the business strategy, the likelihood of

people’s behavior being in line with what the business needs at any point in time is high. If

these are reflected in the performance standards the organization is seeking to achieve, the link

between skilled behavior and outputs is evident.

They are a means of describing the kinds of behaviors and approaches which should enable the

organization to achieve its business objectives and should draw employees’ attention to things

which need to be commonly applied. So, for instance, as organizations require people to work

across boundaries, there is a need to clarity on what effectively cross-boundary team working

looks like. Defining the competency can b\help those involved become aware of the

applications for the way they work. By definition, competencies are temporary and need a

review process built in to check that they are still linked with current business strategies.

General competencies are a means of ensuring consistency across the orgainsation through the

creation of a common language to describe performance. In addition, professional functionally

specific technical competencies to make up the typical competence framework.

Performance management of the 1990s has focused on activity management. Competencies

should be a means of defining where the 20% of effort needs to be put in order to achieve an

80% return. However, if competencies are used mechanistically, or are not ‘owned’ by the

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people for whom they have been defined, it is unlikely that they will produce the benefits of

clarity since they will not be used. There is an increasing awareness that people’s needs must

be taken into account if they are to be motivated to carry out activities to a high standard. A

competency framework needs to be a means of addressing both organizational requirements for

performance and individual needs for development, achievement and recognition.

The skills for future success

Dave Ulrich suggests that organizational skills springs from capabilities such as speed,

responsiveness, agility, learning capacity and employee competence.

The kinds of skills which individuals are likely to find useful in changing times seem fairly

common to organizations of all sectors. Research has found a remarkable similarity among

respondents in recent surveys who recognize the need to develop high-level political

influencing skills. This is the ability to make things happen by understanding the informal

system, and bringing about change without formal authority. Strategic thinking is needed at all

levels, so that people can understand the implications of change and work in partnership with

the organization to deliver strategic solutions. IT skills, financial and broader business

awareness should enable staff to understand the mechanics of what the organization needs to

do as well as take shrewd risks based on informed judgment. Leadership and change

management should be core skills for any manager, especially those in senior positions.

Entrepreneurial skills and creative thinking should enable people to find innovative solutions

and make things happen.

Training may be a part of the answer, but in many cases need to be developed on the job

through effective use of mentors, peer coaching, challenging assignments and learning review

processes. Competency-based approaches to development may make it possible for people to

have learning opportunities in different parts of the organization from areas to which they had

access in the past. Helping people to develop skills and employability calls for a strategic

approach, with a longer term perspective but firmly rooted in the here and now. Trials of

different approaches, well evaluated to assess what works, can deliver results in the short term

and avoid the danger of paralysis while officials wit for the way ahead to become clear.

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Delivering best value and through employees

So if change under Best Value is to be managed skillfully, a partnership approach between

management and HR is called for. The business strategy for delivering Best Value needs to be

clear and the HR strategies which support this must be directly linked to the business intention.

Key targets for strategic activity with regard to employees include:

Improve communications

Clarity career tracks

Develop people

Provide feedback and recognition

Ensure balance

Involve people

Most importantly, developing an open, problem-solving climate can not only equip people for

learning what is appropriate in the short term but can also provide the basis for ongoing change

in the longer term. This involves understanding your current culture, breaking established

patterns which are counterproductive, setting new standards and giving people the chance to

exercise new skills. In addition, some sacred cows may need to be challenged. New ways of

working which are positive and moving in the ‘right’ direction should be stabilized and

achievements celebrated. People’s roles should be linked to the business imperative so that

everyone knows where they fit in, and what role they have to play in ensuring successful

service delivery which really represents best value. As Davin Ulrich says:

The successful organization will be those that are able to quickly turn strategy into action: to

manage processes intelligently and efficiently: to maximize employee contribution and

commitment; and to create the conditions for seamless change.


Strategic Integration

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Strategic integration is the process of linking human resource management policies and

activities to explicit business strategies. This integrating process will aim to match available

human resources to the ever changing requirements if the organization. It will also establish the

competencies required at all levels in the organization to ensure that business strategies are

implemented and will then take the human resource development initiatives required to provide

those competencies. Finally, it will provide the levers required to manage strategic change.

A coherent approach

The history of personnel management, in fact management generally, over the last two decades

is littered with techniques and nostrums such as management by objectives, job enrichment,

OD (organization development), systematic training, career planning, job evaluation, merit

rating, assessment centres, psychometric tests, performance related pay, performance

management, quality circles and competency analysis. These have usually been introduced

piecemeal and have too often failed to make any real impact on performance. Each of these

techniques can play a part in improving organizational effectiveness but not if used in isolation

and without the full backing of top management as something they recognize as being

important in helping them to get things done.

A coherent approach means linking and, as necessary, coordinating the various techniques

available to ensure that added value is obtained from their combined impact. For example, a

performance management system will generate data on development needs, indicate where

competency-related training is required, provide the basis for performance related pay, help

managers to lead their teams more effectively, clarify the results expected of individuals and

teams and assist with career and management succession planning. A coherent approach to

human resource management, is however, only possible where the whole top team works

together in developing and managing the process. In this situation, the human resource

professional acts as an enabler and facilitator, providing ideas, drawing the threads together,

and helping his or her colleagues to put the ideas into practice.

Change management

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Human resource strategies should help the organization to move forward in the direction set by

business strategies. They do this first, by providing various levers for change through the

introduction of integrated resourcing, human resource development, performance and reward

management systems and secondly by seeing that change is managed properly.

Change management programmes should be managed by the top but their implementation

requires the support and involvement of people at every level in the organization. They are

sometimes related to abstractions such as participation or culture and are based on the belief

that the place to begin is with the knowledge and attitude of individuals. In fact, at Beer,

Eisenstat and Spector point out : ‘Individual behaviour is powerfully shaped by the

organizational roles that people play. The most effective way to change behaviour, therefore,

is to put people into a new organizational context which imposes new roles, responsibilities

and relationships on them’. They suggest a six step approach to effective change:

1. Develop commitment to change through joint analysis of business problems.

2. Develop a shared vision of how to organize and manage for competitiveness.

3. Foster consensus for the new vision, competence to enact it, and cohesion to move it


4. Spread revitalization all departments without pushing it from the fop, i.e. don’t force

the issue, allow departments to find their own way to the new organization.

5. Institutionalize revitalization through formal policies, systems and structures.

6. Monitor and adjust strategies in response to problems in the revitalization process.


In each area of human resource management it is necessary to develop flexible structures,

climates, systems and organizations which enable the organization to respond readily to

change. Organizations need to embrace the motto ‘constancy towards ends but flexibility

about means’. Greater operational flexibility must, of course, be achieved within a

strategic framework which maintains a strong sense of direction, but there is usually plenty

of scope within that framework to develop organization structures which are adaptive and

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receptive to innovation. The thrust towards functional flexibility which can be achieved by

one and more of the following approaches:

Work-based-job related flexibilities concerned with multi-skilling and the removal

of demarcation boundaries

Contract-based-employee contracts which specify flexibility as a key aspect of

terms and conditions and job descriptions which specify outputs but do not attempt

to hamper employees by over-rigid descriptions of how they are expected to

achieve results

Team-based-the use of project teams, task forces and autonomous work groups

Organization-based-the use of contract workers and part-timers

Time-based-the use of flexible hours : daily, weekly and annual.


Peters and Waterman wrote that if they were asked for one all-purpose bit of advice for

management, one truth they could distil from all their research on what makes company

excellent, it would be: ’Figure out your value system. Decide what the company stands for’.

And Selznick emphasized the key role of values in an organization when he wrote: ‘The

formation of an institute is marked by the making of value commitments, that is, choices which

fix the assumptions of policy makers as to the nature of the enterprise, its distinctive aims,

methods and roles.

Successful companies are value driven, whether those values direct the beliefs and actions of

the chief executive officer or whether, preferably, they permeate the whole organization. Each

aspect of human resource management discussed in this book can be enhanced if it is

underpinned by a set of values which may refer to such areas as care and consideration for

people, care for customers, competitiveness, enterprise, excellence, financial flexibility,

growth, innovation, market/customer orientation, performance orientation, productivity,

quality, social responsibility and team work.


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The effectiveness of any aspect of human resource management depends largely upon the

extent to which it will increase commitment, motivation and, ultimately, performance. A

strategy for commitment is therefore necessary to support each aspect of the overall human

resource strategy. The aims of a commitment strategy will be:

Identification – Increasing the identification of every member of the organization with

the mission, goals and core values of that organization.

Mutuality – developing unity of purpose and a shared belief that what is good for the

individual is good for the organization and vice versa. Mutuality therefore involves

integrating the needs of these who work in the organization with the needs of the


Individual creativity and energy – Unleashing the latent creativity and energy of

individuals throughout the organization. Note the emphasis on individuals. While

good teamwork is vital, and a commitment strategy will aim to enhance it, what must

not be inferred from the development and application of such a strategy is that the

organization wants to create a colony of clones who will slavishly conform to norms

and standards imposed on them by the company. As John Harvey-Jones 4 says, it is

‘the individual’s unique and personal contribution that matters’.

Ownership of change – Managing change by getting people to ‘own’ it. This means

trying to ensure that those affected by change feel the project is their and not one

imposed upon them by outsiders which will conflict with their values or be detrimental

in any way.

The reality is that organizations are faced with an increasingly unpredictable world. Change is

not susceptible to a one-off programme that will lead to calmer times. Yet to survive and

thrive, businesses cannot afford simply to be buffeted by uncontrollable forces, in the hope that

luck will be on their side. Success will not happen by change but through continuous strategic

processes that will ride these choppy waters. (It has been said that the Japanese in top

management see themselves as White water rafters) Some characteristics of these processes


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A recognition that short term decisions have long term consequences

The processes are value driven. Strategic decisions have a sense of direction,

related to a vision of what could be

This ‘what could be’ has to be based on the distinctive capabilities of the firm

It is not just a ‘wish list

Strategic decisions have implications for resources – not least the human


Levels of Managerial Activity

Let us now look at the human resource system as they affect the strategic activities of the

organization. To define our focus it is necessary to add one more degree of complexity to the

frameworks already presented. To do this we use Robert Anthony’s definition of the three

levels of managerial work:

1. Strategic level – deals with policy formulation and overall goal setting, its objective

is to position the organization the best possible way to deal effectively with the


2. Managerial level – focuses on the processes by which the organization obtains and

allocates the resources needed to carry out its strategy and objectives.

3. Operational level – the day-to-day management of the organization is carried out at

this level.

Professional execution of the operational and managerial level activities is a necessary

condition, but, not sufficient basis for an effective human resource organization. The strategic

level activities, however, begin to separate the truly well managed companies from


Strategic selection

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The selection process includes all activities related to the internal movement of the people

across positions as well as to hiring. The process matches available human resources to jobs in

the organization. Three strategic concerns are particularly important.

1. design of a selection system that supports the organization strategy eg if a company

plans to diversify in the next vie years, a careful analysis should be made of the

types of people who will be needed to staff the new business

2. monitoring the internal flow of personnel to match emerging business strategies

3. matching key executives to business strategies

Strategic appraisal

The performance appraisal process is the key to an effective human resource system.

Companies must develop a performance appraisal system that is supportive of their business

strategy because there is a link between such a system and total performance for the firm.

Excellent managers and companies simply recognize that an integral part of management is the

process of evaluating performance.

Strategic rewards

Among the rewards that are deemed to be important are the following:

Pay in its many forms such as salary, bonuses, stock options, benefits and perquisites


Career opportunities, a long term chance for growth and development

Positive feedback from clients


Strategic Development

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Activities designed to ensure that individuals are properly equipped with skills and knowledge

to carry out their jobs fall into the management-development category. Development that

occurs in organizations takes the form of on-the-job training, job rotation mentoring, formal

training etc.

Strategic integration is necessary in order to provide congruence between business and human

resource strategy so that the latter supports the accomplishment of the former and, indeed,

helps to define it. The aim to provide strategic fit and consistency between the policy goals of

human resource management and the business.

Problems of integration

However, integrating the two is easier said than done for the following reasons:

1. Diversity of strategic processes, levels and styles – as described above, the different

levels at which strategy is formulated and the different styles adopted by

organizations may make it difficult to develop a coherent view of what sort of HR

strategies will fit the overall business strategies and what type of HR contributions

are required during the process of business strategy formulation. In other words, it

may be difficult to focus HR strategies.

2. The evolutionary nature of business strategy – which may make it difficult to pin

down the relevant HR strategies.

3. The absence of written business strategies – which adds to the problems of

clarifying the strategic business issues which human resource strategies should


4. The qualitative nature of HR issues – business strategies tend, or at least aim to be

expressed in the common currency of figures and hard data on portfolio structure,

growth, competitive positioning, market share, profitability etc.

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HR strategies may deal with quantifiable issues such as resourcing and skills acquisition but

are equally likely to refer to qualitative factors such as commitment, motivation, good

employee relations and high employment standards. And as John Purcell has written: If it were

possible to demonstrate that ‘enlightened’ or progressive approaches to the management of

people were invariably associated with higher productivity, lower until costs and improved

profit, life would be easier for the human resource planner. As it is, little can be proved

because for the complexity of the variable and the impossibility of monitoring and measuring

all the relevant dynamics and relationships.

Approaches to dealing with these problems

These are serious problems and it may be difficult for the HR strategist to overcome them

completely. But the attempt should be made and the following approaches are available.

1. Understand how business strategy is forms

The HR strategist should take pains to understand the levels at which business

strategy is formed and the style adopted by the company in creating strategy and

monitoring its implementation. It will then be easier to focus on those corporate or

business unit issues which are likely to have HR implications.

2. Understand the key business issues

The key business issues which may impact on HR strategies include:

Intentions concerning growth or retrenchment, acquisitions, mergers,

investments, divestments, diversification, product/market development

Proposals on increasing competitive advantage through productivity, improved

quality/customer service, cost reduction

The perceived need to develop a more positive, performance-oriented culture

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Other culture management imperatives associated with changes in the

philosophies of all organization in such areas as moving from ‘control’ to

commitment’, mutuality, communications, involvement empowerment,

devolution and team working.

Business strategies in these areas should not be over-influenced by HR factors; HR strategies

are, after all, primarily about making business strategies work. But the business strategy must

take into account key HR opportunities and constraints.

Business strategy, therefore, sets the agenda for HR strategy in the following areas:


Skills acquisition and development

Culture, values and attitudes



Performance management


Employee relations

While these may all arise at business unit level, there are a number of strategic issues which

exist at the corporate level and are likely to have a decisive influence on HR strategy. These


Corporate mission

Corporate values, culture and style

Organizational philosophy and approach to the management of people

Top management as a corporate resource

Some organizations such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Marks & Spencer will have clearly

articulated strategies in these areas. Others will not, until events force a re-evaluation of the

mission, values, philosophies and structure of the organization, as has happened in such

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companies as British Airways, BP, Thom EMI and ICL. These changes have often taken place

following the appointment of a CEO with a new vision of where the organization should be

going and how it is going to get there.

3. Establish methods of linking business and HR strategy

Business and HR issues influence each other, and in turn influence corporate and

business unit strategy,. It must be remembered, however, that in establishing those

links account must be taken of the fact that strategies for change have also to be

integrated with the changes in the external and internal environments. This is

illustrated in a model developed by Professor Andrew Pettigrew and his team at the

centre for Corporate Strategy and Change, Warwick University

This model shows in general the relationship between HR and business strategy and the

environment, but how can specific links be achieved? To achieve a link in rigorous terms

would require a means of quantifying the resources allocated to human resource development,

both overall and at the level of each element of HR strategy, and then measuring and

comparing the marginal return (in terms of higher profit) on investing in each element. But, to

echo Purcell’s point, such an approach is unlikely to be practicable. The link must therefore be

judgmental, but it can still be rigorous. Conceptually, the approach would be develop a matrix,

for each of the key elements of business strategy, identifies the associated key elements of HR


While it may seldom, if ever, be possible to devise a complete expression of these relationship

in matrix form, at least this approach will ensure that the implications and interrelationship of

business and HR strategy are analyzed systematically. The following is a disguised example of

a real life statement of business strategy which has been distilled into an HR strategy

statement, which in turn has been expanded into an expression of its key elements.

Implementing Strategic Human Resource Management

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One a manager has used these frameworks to identify the scope of the human resource

function in a particular organization the task becomes one of implementation. The following

steps should prove helpful as guidelines for task.

1. The task that the organization needs to support its strategic objectives should be

identified at the strategic, managerial, and operational level.

2. Gaps in the delivery of service to clients at the present time should be identified. Just

as it is not possible to reward managers solely for how well they meet long-term goals,

so a human resource system must have its operational house in order before it can

afford the luxury of concentrating on the formulation and implementation of a human

resource strategy.

3. If the organization has no process by which it emerges in strategic planning at the

corporate or business level, it will not be possible for the human resource function to

develop a strategic thrust since the human resource strategy flows from the corporate or

business strategy.

4. In terms of staffing the function, the organization will need to provide for people

trained as business generalists so they can better respond to line management concerns.

5. The reward and control systems should be altered to support the strategic human

resource function. Just as managers need to be rewarded for both performance of

operational and managerial short-term objective as well as for progress against strategic

goals, there should be a similar system to drive the human resources function.

6. Systematic links should be designed between the human resource function and the line

organization. Although the debate rages on over where strategies for managing change

are playing an increasingly important parts in human resource management.

The Internal Environment

Competitive pressures have accentuated the need for managements to concentrate on

innovation, quality enhancement, customer service and cost reduction. This has influenced the

way which organizations have been structured and managed. The need to be more responsive

to external events has resulted in a greater emphasis on operational flexibility, and the need to

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make managers more accountable for results has resulted in more decentralization and

devolution of authority.

The impact of new technology, especially information technology, has enabled

organizations to eliminate layers of management and supervision in the interests of a quicker

and more flexible response to new demands, increased accountability and, of course, cost

reduction. Cellular manufacturing systems, for example, have encouraged the creation of

autonomous work groups, which reduces the need for supervisory and quality control staff as

well as enhancing team accountability and, importantly, cohesiveness.

The new ‘flexible fir is one in which teamwork is more important but it also means the

setting of core groups of employees consisting of managers, technicians, knowledge workers

and multi-skilled craft workers. These groups are supported as and when required be

contracted staff and part-timers. The creation, development and control of teams of core

workers operating in a state of constant change places even greater demands on all managers

and it is these demands which have accentuated the need to adopt a human resource

management approach.

What makes strategic HRM ‘more strategic’ that HRM?

Strategic HRM has become topical in recent years but definitions as to what is meant by the

term very widely. Shaun Tyson defines FR strategy as the intentions of the corporation, both

explicit and convert, toward the management of its employees, expressed through philosophies,

policies and practices’/ Typically, strategic HRM bridges business strategy and HRM and

focuses on the integration of HR with the business and its environment. Researchers

distinguish between ‘hard’, traditional HRM and ‘soft’. ‘Hard’ HRM reflects a contingency

approach based on the assessment of the best way to manage people in order to achieve

business goats in the light of contextual factors. ‘Soft’ HRM focuses on a high-commitment-

high-performance approach to the management of people. One of the key elements of soft’

HRM is the internal approach to the management of people. One of the key elements of ‘soft’

HRM is the internal integration of HR policy goals with each other. In the UK, David Guest

incorporated the HR policy goats of strategic integration, commitment, quality and flexibility

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into a model. He suggests that these HRM policy goals are a package which Purcell considers

to have six common elements:

Careful recruitment and selection.

Extensive use of systems of communication.

Team working with flexible job design.

Emphasis on training and learning.

Involvement in decision making.

Performance appraisal with tight links to contingent pay.

The main rationale for strategic HRM thinking is that by integrating HRM with the business

strategy, rather than HR strategies being a separate set of priorities, employees will be

managed more effectively, organizational performance will improve and therefore business

success will follow. This is itself may not be enough. Tony Grundy suggest: Human Resources

Strategy in itself may not be effective. Integrating Corporate Strategy and HR matters into an

‘Organization and People Strategy’ may prove more successful. Some researchers have argued

that technical HRM focuses on building company’s performance, while strategic HRM creates

competitive advantage by building HR systems which cannot be imitated.

Strategic HRM therefore has a clear focus on implementing strategic change and growing the

skill base of the organization to ensure that the organization can compete effectively in the

future. Indeed, strategic HR departments are future-oriented and operate in a manner consistent

with the overall business plan in their organizations. Such departments assess the knowledge,

skills and abilities needed for the future and institute staffing, appraisal and evaluation,

incentives and compensation, training and development to meet those needs. This also suggests

that facilitating organizational learning, both for implementing change and in helping to

develop strategy, is a key element to strategic HR.

According to this approach, people are a key resources and a critical element in a firm’s

performances since they build organizational effectiveness. Tony Grundy defines

organizational effectiveness as : ‘The capacity of the organization to adapt rapidly to its

external environment and to meet market and other external demands and with good resulting

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business performance.’ What remains unclear is how organizations can achieve consistently

superior performance via HR strategy necessarily so. As Johnson comments: ‘Strategic

decisions are characterized by the political hurly-burly of organizational life with a high

incidence of bargaining and a trading off of costs and benefits of one group against another; all

within a notable lack of clarity in terms of environmental interests and objectives.

Goold and Campbell also emphasise the variety and ambiguity of influences which shape

strategy: Informal understandings work alongside more formal processes and analyses. The

headquarters agenda becomes entwined with the business unit agenda, and both are interpreted

in the light of personal interests. The sequence of events from decision to action reversed, so

that ‘decisions’ get made retrospectively to justify actions that have already taken place.

Strategy formulation is not necessarily rational and continuous process, as was pointed out by

Mintzberg. He believes that, rather than being consciously and systematically developed

strategy reorientations happen in brief quantum leaps. Strategies, according to Mintzberg, are

not always deliberate. In theory, he says, strategy is a systematic process. “First we think, then

we act. WE formulate, then we implement’ in practice, ‘ a realized strategy can emerge in

response to an evolving situation’ and the strategist is often ‘a pattern organizer, a learner if

you like, who manages a process in which strategies, and visions, can emerge as well as be

deliberately conceived.

Articulating business strategies

Business strategies are not necessarily expressed in writing, although there are advantages in

doing so from the point of view of having a defined of references for planning and control

purposes. Strategic management and strategic control companies are more likely to prepare

formal, long-term strategic plans, but financial control companies will rely on one year budgets

with interim reforecasts as required.

A business unit or independent company may have a formal strategy but it is more likely,

especially in the case of financial control company, to have an unwritten strategic orientation

which is based on an assessment of future market opportunities. In Mintzberg’s phrase, these

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organizations ‘craft’ their strategies, being responsive situations as they emerge while still

taking a view on the general direction in which they are going.

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Traditionally, performance appraisal has been used as the guide for employee performance.

Performance appraisal also known as ‘performance evaluation’, ‘merit rating’, and

‘performance assessment’ is a process of recording assessment of employees’ performance,

potential and development needs. According to Wayne F Cascio (1995) performance appraisal

is defined as “the systematic description of job related strengths and weaknesses of an

individual or a group”. Performance appraisal is a system of review and evaluation of an

individual’s (or team’s) performance. Lately it has been supplanted in more and more

companies with performance management (PM), a more comprehensive human resource

management process.

Within the recent past there has been a shift from traditional annual performance appraisal to

continuous performance management . The obvious reasons behind this have been the

inadequacy of Performance appraisal in serving as a performance enhancement tool.

Performance appraisal is known to be a contentious and unpopular activity of Human Resource

Management. It is contentious because employees do not readily accept their manager’s

assessment about their performance, and managers feel uncomfortable when they have to

defend their judgment. It is unpopular because managers do not want to play the role of a

judge; besides they have feelings of guilt if their evaluation is critical of their employees’


There could be other reasons for performance appraisal being unpopular:

Many a times appraisal is based on hunches, opinions and reflects what appraiser can

readily recall since real performance measurement takes time and follow up.

Employees are often less certain about where they stand after the appraisal than before


Employees don’t know what constitutes performance or what precisely is expected out

of them.

Many a times employees don’t take appraisals seriously because they feel it is an

annual or six monthly ritual undertaken by the organization.

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With these problems with the conventional performance appraisal, there was a transition in the

approach, organizations started moving towards developmental performance appraisal. This led

to additions in the definition of performance appraisal also. Fletcher has defined performance

appraisal more broadly as activities through which organizations seek to assess employees and

develop their competence, enhance performance and distribute rewards. Fletcher holds that as a

set of practices (and as a part of performance management), performance appraisal has now

become part of a more strategic approach to integrating HR activities and business policies.

Later on, a new field of study has emerged in the form of performance management, which is a

holistic approach towards management of employee and organizational performance.

Performance management is a means of getting better results from the organization, teams and

individuals by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of

planned goals, standards and competence requirements. It is a process for establishing shared

understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to managing and developing

people in a way that increases the probability that it will be achieved in the short and longer

term (Armstrong, 1998).

Performance Management becomes essential because most of the contemporary organizations

possess some or the other of the following features:

A diversity of locations, units, programs, projects and specialized disciplines.

Complex cultural interactions and varied tasks and problems.

Interdependence and dynamism – what one segment of the organization does, affects

the total organization.

Decentralization and empowerment.

Some of the benefits of an effective Performance Management system are as follows:

It creates a culture of excellence in the organization that inspires every employee;

aligns organizational objectives to individual aspirations;

equips people with the skills and the infrastructure necessary to perform their duties and

imbibes teamwork;

clears growth paths for specially talented individuals;

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provides new challenges to rejuvenate plateauing careers;

Performance management systems are widely recognized as a key business strategy for driving

strong business results. Through goal setting, performance appraisal and feedback, continuous

training and development efforts, and performance related pay, Performance Management can

help companies incorporate strategy into individual employee efforts and turn their potential

into desired results.

Performance Management can assist in motivating employees for good performance and can

strengthen their commitment to the organization. Furthermore, it can assist in organizational

processes that are important to organization’s long term success such as organizational

learning, knowledge management, change management and succession management.

Performance management is necessary to develop a ‘performance consciousness’ and it can be

used as a powerful employee development tool. Effective performance management makes

people aware of where they stand and also helps in retention of star performers. The thrust of

an effective Performance Management System (PMS) has been identified as the ability to

understand and reinforce the desired work behavior by all employees.

The performance management process links individual job performance to the attainment of

organization’s vision, mission and goals. Performance management is a continuous process

that involves supervisors and employees in the identification and evaluation of key job

performance objectives and competencies that contribute to the achievement of organizational

goals. Employees who understand what they are trying to accomplish and how their work fits

into the work of the organization as a whole are more likely to perform at a higher level. With

this in mind, the performance management process is designed to:

• Provide supervisors and employees with a method to identify individual job performance

objectives and discuss their alignment with organization objectives;

• Provide supervisors and employees with a forum for ongoing communication and feedback

on the attainment of individual objectives and performance in core competency areas;

• Facilitate the identification of areas for improvement needed by employees to perform more

effectively on the job;

• Provide employees with the opportunity to collaborate with their supervisor to develop a

personal job performance development plan.

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The goal of performance management is to help employees improve their performance and

their effectiveness. Performance is the results accomplished by an employee in meeting

specific objectives or the development of competencies necessary for effectively doing a job.

Performance management is a continuous process of supervisors and employees working

together to:

• Set performance expectations linked to organizational objectives;

• Establish criteria against which individual and unit performance can be measured;

• Identify areas for competency improvement;

• Provide performance feedback;

• Continually enhance performance.


Workforce alignment, the concept of aligning the contributions of individual employees with

corporate goals, is one of today’s hottest business topics, on the mind of every business

manager from the CEO to the HR director. Yet for all of the urgency associated with workforce

alignment, many organizations are stymied in their attempts to achieve it.

Pay for performance plays an essential role in achieving workforce alignment. Many leading

companies practice this compensation management discipline with varying degrees of success.

Typically they rate their managers on a bell curve annually, assigning an overall performance

rating from “Exceeds objectives” to “Does not meet objectives.” At many companies, the

“Does not meet objectives” generally have to go, while others are awarded bonuses, raises and

stock-option grants commensurate with their rating.

Unfortunately, although most organizations profess to subscribe to pay-for-performance

philosophies, many simply cannot execute. There is a broken link between senior executives’

desire to differentiate pay based on performance and line managers’ ability to do so. Relating

compensation to individual performance for tens or hundreds of thousands of employees across

large global companies is nearly an impossible task today. Complexity in compensation

processes creates apathy among managers who do not see themselves as compensation experts

and instead take the path of least resistance.

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Hence, the companies use the “peanut butter” approach to compensation distribution, spreading

merit increases, bonuses and stock options equally across the employee population. Top

performers are not given rewards commensurate with their contributions, and under-performers

are over-compensated.

Shockingly, the peanut-butter approach is used in company after company, where employee-

related compensation spending consumes up to 80 percent of each operating expense dollar,

according to industry research. This reality practically screams for a pay-for-performance

solution that keeps compensation expenditures in line with the allocated budget — a system

that makes managers compensation experts and, above all, makes them believe in the pay-for-

performance process and take ownership of it.


Today’s business environment provides a stark backdrop for the ongoing disconnect between

corporate performance and individual compensation. Unfortunately, in all too many

companies, workforce misalignment is the norm. Despite strong commitment from senior

executives to differentiate pay based on performance, managers throughout the organization

have a difficult time doing so.

Meanwhile, economic pressures conspire to force organizations to do more with less. As

compensation funds shrink, how are limited resources best used? Every day newspapers are

filled with the latest news on lower-than-expected earnings, mergers, acquisitions and

corporate restructurings, all of which beg the question: Which employees will be chosen to

stay, which will go, and how shall the remaining ones be motivated?

Without a connection to compensation, performance management lacks the element of

execution. How can companies ensure that employees will actually be financially rewarded for

meeting performance objectives? Adding compensation to the equation brings the required

element of execution to performance management, ensuring that it is a true pay-for-

performance strategy that can deliver tangible business results.

Clearly, there are no companywide common denominators for compensation practices, let

alone guidelines or systems for implementing them. Faced with this constant state of flux,

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many managers quickly give up on attempts to become compensation experts, and instead

muddle their way through the compensation planning process as quickly as possible to “get it

over with.”

What’s Needed

“Getting it over with” does not constitute the proper respect due to employee-related

compensation. What’s needed is a system for implementing pay-for-performance that balances

compensation expenditures with available financial resources.

Compensation management technology applications play a critical role in supporting pay-for-

performance initiatives that ultimately lead to workforce alignment. These systems provide the

structure, processes and knowledge required to make pay-for-performance initiatives

successful at all levels of the organization. Among the benefits of on-demand compensation

management applications include:

Employee differentiation, which puts an end to the peanut-butter style of compensation


True manager self-reliance, in which managers can leverage drill-down analytics and

situation-specific advice and guidance to help them become self-sufficient and confident in

administering their group’s compensation. In turn, this boosts their ownership of the pay-for-

performance corporate mandate.

Situation-specific advice and guidance: Far more sophisticated and personalized than

previous-generation knowledge management technologies, today’s most advanced systems

provide the infrastructure to harness and share knowledge within the enterprise, delivering it on

an individualized basis.

Strong, direct return on investment: Because compensation consumes such a large

portion of corporate budgets, administering it can significantly improve process efficiency.

This, in turn, can result in increased profitability and productivity, saving dramatic amounts of

time and effort.

The goals and objectives for automated compensation analyses and delivery systems are the

same as those for any other mission-critical application: to bring the needed information to

those who must make pay decisions and do so quickly, accurately and in the form in which

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they can best use the information. Web-based compensation management applications do all of

this better than any other previous system.

Allen P. Jackson, principle at Towers Perrin, describes the following capabilities and features

of Web-based compensation management applications used to implement and administer pay-

for-performance programs. These include:

Determine the manager’s population: Before a manager can administer the compensation

plan, the population must be determined. Because it is role-based, the Web-based application

must know who is a manager and to whom the manager directly reports.

Rating employees: The manager now accesses the rating that was generated during the

performance management process or, if that process was not Web-enabled or the data are not

in machine-readable form, enters the appropriate performance rating into the application for

each employee. The system then automatically generates graphics that depict the distribution of

the ratings, both the actual distribution for the manager’s employee population and the desired


Compensation planning: Performance versus position-in-range matrix: This useful tool

contains a list of performance categories and increase percentages, and highlights one

employee. The guidelines in the range quartiles show the suggested percentage increases that

could be given by a manager to an employee depending on the employee’s position in the

range. A wide variety of variables, including market rates, traditional evaluation methods, and

newer competency-based approaches, as well as minimum and maximum guidelines, ensure

that managers are properly prepared to plan actual compensation changes.

Planning new base salaries: When the performance rating versus position-in-range matrix

is finalized, the manager can proceed with compensation planning, entering either the

percentage increase provided by the matrix or the actual dollar amount.

Planning new variable compensation: In a fashion identical to that used for base salaries,

each employee who is eligible for variable compensation is now reviewed and a suggested

amount of compensation is calculated.

Planning stock compensation awards: The manager can then decide on the award of any

stock (typically stock options) that is part of the total compensation package. When this step is

completed, managers can generate statistics for their own work group and, under certain

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conditions, determine where they stand in relation to other groups. In addition, reports are

available showing roll-ups and grouped departmental or line-of-business statistics.

Approving compensation plans: After a manager submits a compensation plan, it is

accessible to the approving manager for review and approval. The manager can then roll up for

an aggregate view of pay-for-performance and drill down to examine any one individual’s pay

plan. Group-level analytics provide visibility at each level in the management hierarchy before

compensation actions are taken.

In delivering these capabilities, the compensation management application must support

corporate requirements for a predictable total cost of ownership and for likely high levels of

ROI. Changes in objectives must therefore be easily incorporated into the pay-for-performance

system to keep up with frequent modifications to corporate objectives and compensation plans.

The application must provide flexibility for constant tuning and substantial change, or it will

need to be essentially re-deployed on a frequent basis—at a significant cost of both time and

money. System deployment needs to be reviewed carefully to monitor and measure expected


To support a broad user base, the compensation management system also must have an

outstanding capability to deliver situation-specific advice and guidance to line and senior

managers. The advice and guidance management system should offer tailored support,

instructions and learning for each company based on corporate-defined compensation

objectives, employee compensation records and compensation market survey data. Just-in-

time, situation-specific advice and guidance should be delivered to each line manager when

they need it and must be relevant to the situation under review by the manager, helping to

shape manager behavior and affect more appropriate and consistent pay decisions.

Finally, an online compensation management application that supports managers with a

situation-specific, knowledge-based administration approach helps them become experts in the

art of compensation and fosters manager ownership of the resulting decisions. Although these

managers are focused on their particular fields of expertise — whether it is sales, engineering,

manufacturing, distribution or finance — they are looked to as compensation experts during

the annual corporate compensation planning process. As a result, it is critically important that

the company striving to realize a pay-for-performance culture provide a best-in-class

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compensation management application that supports managers each step of the way. The

system must provide information for both decision-making and employee explanations, thereby

giving managers competence, confidence and ownership in their abilities and knowledge to

administer effective compensation plans.

Compensation management plays a critical role in forging a link between corporate goals and

individual performance. These solutions help organizations achieve workforce alignment by

supporting pay-for-performance initiatives with the structure, processes and knowledge

required to make them a success at all levels of the organization. As companies implement

pay-for-performance, which often starts with incremental efforts, compensation management

applications can be the catalyst for their deployment, acceptance and ultimate success.



Businesses can recapture the innovative spirit that initially launched their success. It has been

done in companies old and new, big and small, and in just about every industry you can

imagine. Each case is different, but there are three common threads. First, corporate leaders

recognized the intellectual capital and potential that resided within their own employees.

Second, they turned to the Human Resources Department to find the key to unlocking that

potential and putting that capital to work. Third, the company reaped tremendous rewards in

terms of productivity and profitability as a result. What is common to each strand of this

process is the importance of HR departments to the process of strategic innovation.

Ideas are the lifeblood of business success. Most of today's corporate giants began with little

more than a great idea and an entrepreneurial gleam in their eye. They leveraged their

intellectual capital to build financial strength. Yet, along the way, many corporations lose the

ability to innovate and take risks. Entrepreneurship gives way to entropy, and new ideas are

relegated to the suggestion box in the employee cafeteria.

It does not have to be that way.

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Businesses can recapture the innovative spirit that initially launched their success. It has been

done in companies old and new, big and small, and in just about every industry you can

imagine. Each case is different, but there are three common threads.

* First, corporate leaders recognized the intellectual capital and potential that resided within

their own employees.

* Second, they turned to the Human Resources Department to find the key to unlocking that

potential and putting that capital to work.

* Third, the company reaped tremendous rewards in terms of productivity and profitability as a


What is common to each strand of this process is the importance of HR departments to the

process of strategic innovation.

Rarely are the terms "strategic innovation" and "human resources" uttered in the same breath.

HR departments in many corporations have come to be little more than service providers-

offering basic training and rewarding performance based on formulas created out of a cookie-

cutter process. Ask yourself: How often does an HR department see its role as building

corporate-wide capabilities, as opposed to increasing the general competence of the workforce?

Look at where the innovation movements usually take their lead: In most companies, the push

to make quality a priority starts with manufacturing. Customer service efforts got their start in

marketing. How much has HR contributed?

The real question should be: How much more can HR contribute? Look closely, and it

becomes clear that the HR function has a distinctive ability to create wealth. After all, HR

departments have at their disposal the means and the tools to have a more strategic impact.

Their product is people, and it is people who are indispensable to the innovation process.

Moreover, it is people who can carry the innovation message and the innovation approach to

all corners of an organization. When HR professionals put their focus on developing employee

innovation and pushing it deep within the organization, they can drive change and growth



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There are many ways an HR Department can drive the innovation function. It can do it as the

incubator of new ideas, as the crossfertilizer of concepts and teams, or even just by focusing on

the teaching/learning dimensions of its traditional training mandate.

First, look at an example of HR "going for the gold," as an incubator of ideas by harnessing the

passion of a workforce. An example of this dynamic in action can be found at Whirlpool, the

appliance-making giant. Looking for ways to enhance customer loyalty and get beyond the

seas of "white boxes" that confront consumers when they begin shopping for a new range or

refrigerator, Whirlpool turned to its employees for new ideas. They tapped their creativity

through a new process that gave every employee accessible tools and an environment that

propelled innovation. Among the tools they established were a Knowledge Management

intranet site and an innovation database to help employees share insights and spark ideas. The

intranet site paired those who had good ideas-but perhaps lacked the business skills to put them

in action-with "innovation coaches," in-house experts skilled at working with employees to

bring their ideas to fruition.

Their efforts have paid off: Whirlpool employees have helped develop and introduce path-

breaking new products, including Polara, the first refrigerated range; the Gladiator line of

garage appliances, and the first in-sink dishwasher. Today, innovation is so deeply embedded

in the corporate culture that every employee is encouraged to participate. One senior manager

summed up the results this way: "We don't have teams to make people feel good; we have

teams to run the business here, and we feel that engages people in the business." The results

speak for themselves: Whirlpool's stock is up significantly since its employee innovation

program began, and 40 percent above that of one of its closest competitors, Maytag. (No

wonder their repair people are so lonely!)

Whirlpool's model engaged many employees in the innovation process-nearly 10,000 of them

in one manner or another. This example illustrates the important role employee-driven

innovation can play in a company's success. However, innovation for innovation's sake does

not work. A few top people sitting around an "Innovation Department" trying to think of new

ideas amounts to an ineffective echo chamber, yet having a thousand bright employees going

off in different directions, all pursuing their personal ideas about how to build a better

mousetrap, is a recipe for a different sort of disaster. What is needed is a corporate function

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designed to drive innovation in support of a company's overall goals and objectives. That is a

role HR departments are well suited to fill. When they do it right, the results benefit

employees, shareholders, and consumers alike.


Part of the HR supportive role, as mentioned earlier, can be as a cross-fertilizer of concepts and

teams. A good example of that occurred "down under" at the National Australia Bank.

It started with an idea in the head of the Executive General Manager responsible for People and

Culture, NAB's rather elegant moniker for its HR department. She began with a values-based

concept: People like to save. Considering the age of baby boomers, there is increasing worry

about retirement, but people also like to shop, which can undercut the urge to save. What the

NAB executive saw were two values in contradiction. The goal was to combine them and

allow them to work together rather than at cross-purposes.

The idea that emerged from this values-based analysis was the notion of a credit card which

automatically sent a percentage of the cost of any purchase made on the card to the customer's

savings account. What NAB did was reconcile two apparently conflicting values and come up

with a unique notion: Spend to save! What one sees here is an inherent strength of HR being

integrated into the bank's marketing/product strategy: HR's fundamental understanding of

people. In the great save versus shop conflict, the pull of an immediate object of desire meets

the intangible distance of a faraway goal such as retirement, and the immediate object usually

wins. Recognizing this conflict, NAB's "spend to save" program connected the two, so that

savings were also buttressed when the customer shopped.

Perhaps even more unique than the idea itself was the way it was developed and shepherded

through the corporate development process. The Executive GM for People and Culture pushed

this program through as part of a people project within the broad purview of HR. In fact, it

started as part of a corporate values project which involved a broad cross-section of employees

to define values that motivated them such as "humanizing values." NAB pushed the underlying

long/short-term values inherent in the "shop to save" concept from the drawing board into the

marketplace by pulling together a core, cross-functional team that originated with and was

coordinated by the HR department. The exercise demonstrated the intimate link between

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classic HR values and innovation. Corporate innovation exercises that do not make this link

with underlying values remain just that-exercises. In fact, the National Australia Bank example

demonstrates that innovation is the expression of values, a means of bringing them to life.

Another example of HR as the pivot of cross-functional development took place at Cemex, the

large Mexican-based multinational cement company. In this instance, the Cemex HR

department started with a value that is central to any organization-the strength of the promises

people make to their corporate colleagues. In a sense, one can see business as a network of

promises people make to each other, either implicitly or explicitly. Take internal meetings.

When people say they will attend a meeting at a certain time and then show up late, they are

breaking a promise, a low-priority promise, but a promise nonetheless. It undermines the

degree of trust that exists within the organization and reduces the company's ability to operate

effectively. Sometimes this can even be the result of a conflict in values (some alphatypes

seem to think that, in the corporate jungle, showing up late for a meeting demonstrates their

importance, rather than their inability to manage their own time).

Yet this conflict in values can have significant, negative implications for a company. Supply

chains are complicated these days: Immediate delivery depends upon every link in the chain

connecting seamlessly. A broken promise in one place can lead to gridlock in a great number

of places.

Cemex decided the value of its people keeping their time commitments to one another was too

important to leave to personal whim or chance. It demanded a company-wide effort. The

company's HR department addressed the problem head-on. The first thing they did was seek

out a consulting company with experience in improving the quality of promises made within

companies. Perhaps it serves as proof of the growing importance of this function that Cemex

found a firm that does indeed specialize in that. How do you get people to keep their promises?

It comes down to getting people to work together to jointly find the flaws in their working

relationship and address them collectively. For example, they will bring together departments

to map the ways they are supposed to work together and diagnose the recurrent breakdowns in

execution. They improve the process by redesigning the coordination mechanisms and improve

skills levels by training people to make contracts, ones that are more precise, realistic, and

ultimately more achievable.

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As a result of this effort and technological innovations to improve scheduling of truck routes,

Cemex was able to guarantee delivery of cement to construction sites within a 20-minute

window. Twenty minutes: That is the length of time we associate more with delivering hot

pizza than wet cement. It is even more impressive considering the industry average delivery

window is three hours!


These are examples of ways that HR serves as the cross-fertilizer of concepts and teams, or, in

the case of Whirlpool, the incubator of ideas. However, not all HR departments are in a

position to do those things. Whether they have the opportunity to do that may depend upon the

organizational structure of the company and its culture. What about the HR department that

does not have the mandate, the independence or the corporate flexibility to do that? How can

HR departments advance corporate strategy or competitive values without producing or

developing the "big idea?" Is it possible for HR departments to generate companywide

innovation by focusing on the teaching/learning dimensions of its traditional mandate?

The answer is: Some companies do it, so it obviously can be done.

General Motors, a firm for which I worked, was involved in a project that did not involve

corporate transformation, but focused instead on traditional HR functions. All large companies

have high-potential younger executives whose attitudes and cultural outlooks are still being

formed. How can their thinking be influenced? A common way is to bring them together to

listen to a few well-known gurus for a few days. Part of the core team that learned our methods

and became familiar with our tools helped set up a Discovery Center-a sort of innovation

academy-in North America.

The Discovery Center sought to further the development of talented individuals with leadership

potential within the company. Every week, high-potential GM employees would do tours of

duty at the Discovery Center, learning our tools and methods to address key strategic issues as

defined by GM's Strategy Board.

For example, the board wanted to explore emerging characteristics and requirements specific to

emerging cities in developing countries, an especially important strategic area given GM's

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massive investments in productive capacity across Asia. The team developed an original point

of view on the subject, not only through on-site study missions to factories or interviews with

luminaries, but also by directly experiencing and understanding how consumers live and what

their needs are.

The benefits of this revolutionary approach will become more and more apparent as the high-

potential young managers learning this approach reach higher levels of responsibility. GM

insiders themselves refer to their company as the big oil tanker. The purpose of this project is

to help turn the big oil tanker around. That takes a lot of people sharing a customer-focused

and values-based attitude. HR departments are in a good position to help shape and sharpen

that attitude.


Clearly, there are a great many things that HR leaders can do to help a company change

direction. They can take big dramatic steps, as they did at Whirlpool. They can bring together

teams from across the firm to address customers' needs, as they did at National Bank of

Australia. Or they can slowly change the way of thinking by influencing the next generation of

corporate leaders, as they are trying to do at General Motors.

Perhaps the question is not, "What can HR do?" The question might more properly be, "Why

don't more HR departments take a leading-edge role in corporate transformation and renewal?"

It is indicative of the state of things that in writing this article, it was difficult to find many

examples of companies where HR departments had taken a broad leadership role in fostering

innovation. HR executives should be asking two questions, "Why aren't there more? And why

isn't my company one of them?"

Perhaps part of the reason is the division within the discipline. HR is the Gemini of the

corporate galaxy-its twins are the innovation side and the enforcement side. The enforcement

side ensures the organization follows the relevant laws and regulations, but a police force is not

likely to lead a revolution. If revolution is to come, if it is to come at all, it will be from the

organizational effectiveness/development side of HR. That means, in the beginning, perhaps

only half of the discipline is a potential source of innovation. Of that half, how many have the

freedom and the opportunity to pursue innovation? How many are permitted to reach out,

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examine values, and turn them into projects that can expand a company's growth potential and

add value? How many HR executives have heard "no" so many times, they would not

recognize the sound of "yes?"




Any attribute that humans are likely to use to tell themselves ‘that person is different from me’

and thus includes such factors as race, sex, age, values and cultural norms, etc.


Narrow definitions tend to reflect Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) law and define

diversity in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion, and disability.

Broad definitions may include all the different characteristics that make one individual

different from another. It includes sexual orientation, values, personality characteristics,

ethnicity, religion, education, language, physical appearance, martial status, lifestyle, beliefs,

ideologies and background characteristics such as geographic origin, tenure with the

organization, and economic status and the list could go on.


(1) Demographic changes

(2) Global marketplace

(3) Economics

(4) Comfort with being different

(5) A diverse customer base

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(6) Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action programs.


How administrators manage diversity greatly depends on the needs of the organization. For

example, some companies may want a diversified work force in order to make them more

competitive in the global market. Diversity helps them to better understand international

markets. While other organizations consider diversity as a means to bring about greater

harmony in the workplace and an opportunity to prepare employees and volunteers to deal with

the nation's changing demographics. Regardless of the reasons, managing diversity is here to

stay. So, it's no longer an issue whether to implement diversity training, but how diversity

training will be implemented.

"Managing for Diversity" pertains to a philosophy that is purely motivated by business

purpose and market advantage. It is seen as a strategy for improving organizational

competitiveness and efficiency. It is distinctly different from policies grounded in social

purposes such as equal employment opportunity or affirmative action. It focuses on managing

the mix of individuals assigned to a task, involved in the subordinate-supervisor relationship,

or employed in the organization. It may address decisions about composition of work groups,

choice of supervisor, and training and other support for diverse groups.



Through voluntary affirmative action programs, the employer makes an extra effort to hire and

promote those in the protected (female or minority) groups. Affirmative action refers to legally

mandated written plans and statistical goals for the recruitment, training and promotion of

specific under-utilized groups. This quantitative, compliance-driven approach is remedial in

that it attempts to set right past wrongs.

There are 2 basic strategies used under affirmative action are as follows:-

1. GOOD FAITH EFFORT STRATEGY: It emphasizes on identifying and eliminating

the obstacles to hiring and promoting women and minorities on the assumption that

eliminating these obstacles will result in increased utilization of women and minorities.

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2. QUOTA STRATEGY: It mandates bottom-line results by instituting hiring and

promotion restrictions.



Women have been moving steadily into occupations, professions and managerial jobs

previously reserved for men. Their access to education and training continues to improve,

providing many with the necessary qualifications to aspire to jobs in senior management.


Motto: gender diversity is not a problem to be fixed but a strength to be leveraged.

There’s actually a very strong business case for P&G to take it up:-

P&G is into business like cosmetics, sanitary napkins, baby diapers, etc, since the

ultimate consumers or decision makers for several of our businesses are women

themselves, they are able to relate to the consumer needs a lot better than male managers.


2 years ago, shoppers stop took a call: it planned to correct the disproportionately low

percentage of women working for it. There were 2 reasons why they close to act on it.

First, they felt that women inherently possess skills like empathy, intuition and nurturing

instincts, which make them more amenable to handling functions such as customer care

and human resource.

Second, gender diversity helped them in creating a positive culture, where the behaviour

and conduct of employees tended to be more acceptable.


Mature workers are competent, dependable, strong work ethics, punctual, committed to

quality, lower absenteeism, less likely to change jobs, proven ability to take of business.

Fresher/ young people are enthusiastic, innovative and have the zeal to prove them.

An organization should try to maintain a balance between mature and young employees

because it provides the organization a competitive benefit.

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The biggest driver for a higher level diversity strategy is the need to tap the creative,

cultural and communicative skills of a variety of employees and to use those skills to

improve company policies, products and customer experiences.

One company just did that:-

The Latino employee network at FRITO-LAY, the snack food division of PEPSICO,

proved invaluable during the development of DORITOS GUACAMOLE FLAVOURED

TORTILLA CHIPS. Members of the network, called Adelante, provided feedback on the

taste and packaging to help ensure that the product would be regarded as authentic in the

Latino community. The Adelante member’s insights helped make the guacamole flavored

Doritos one of the most successful new product launches in the company’s history.


Companies today are increasingly striving for racial, ethnic and sexual work force balance

“Not because of legal imperatives, but as a matter of enlightened economic self interest”.

(1) Diversity among the workforce introduces new ideas or ways of thinking that improve

the quality of decisions and organizational outputs.

(2) To respond to competition, labor shortages, changing demographics and changing

workforce values.

(3) To show that the organization is strategically driven, well managed and quality


(4) To form better work relationships among employees

(5) To enhance social responsibility

(6) To address legal concerns.

(7) It has become necessary to recruit, train and promote diverse new groups because this

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will adapt best to externally changing sociological realities and to changing market


Ford Motor Company

The world's second largest automaker, selling vehicles in 200 markets and with approximately

345,000 employees on six continents. Ford has a well-defined diversity policy aimed at

creating an inclusive corporate culture. . For Ford, diversity is an essential ingredient in the

mix to transform the company to a team-based workplace and to help understand our customer

needs. Its diversity philosophy is based on the premise that the diversity of its workforce,

dealer network and supplier community can help it to access and serve world markets better. .

Periodic interactions among employees help in surfacing diversity-related issues of the

employees, and to promote diversity vision and values. Moreover, it has specific programs

aimed at reducing gender imbalance, respecting individual employee needs such as holidays to




Society will become more diverse and, therefore, the workforce and the marketplace

will become more diverse.

There will be more globalization of corporations, which will lead to a more global

workforce, marketplace, and economy

Diverse work teams will be a reality in organizations

Diversity will become more of a business concern than a social concern and be more

closely linked to competitive strategies

Diverse populations will make more money and spend more money and this increase in

wealth will empower diversity

Senior managers will become more involved in diversity issues because they will

realize that the diverse workforce needs to be better utilized in order to remain


More managers will face the challenge of dealing with backlash and diversity training

will be integrated more with other types of training.

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The trend of globalization is providing opportunities for Indian firms to

reach foreign markets. The business model of many upcoming industries

like the information technology sector is dependent heavily on the foreign

markets. This increases the need of professionals working in foreign

cultural settings. The merger and acquisition activity especially the cross-

border acquisitions have reached much higher levels. The trend of

acquisitions is not only restricted to the new sectors like Information

Technology, Telecom and Business Process Outsourcing, but core sector

companies like Manufacturing (For Example: Bharat Forge acquiring Carl

Dan Peddinghaus in Germany) and Mining (For Example: Sterlite group

acquiring mines in Australia) have observed spurt in such activities too. The

sheer size of certain deals in the range of 200- 300 Million dollars

(acquisition of Tetley, UK, Flag Telecom in Bermuda) indicates global

aspirations of the Indian firms. The Pharmaceutical companies have

widened their reach in world market with examples like Ranbaxy and DRL

having presence in many countries. The globalization dreams present a

new challenge for the Indian firms; the challenge to develop competent

managers who would be able to work in new environments efficiently and

will act as a bridge between the parent company and its subsidiaries.

The globalization will also bring new employees to the Indian firms, the

ones with different origin, language and national culture adding

complexities to the culture of Indian organizations. The firms thus need to

develop systems and processes not only to train managers for expatriate

assignments but also to handle cultural diversity. This task can be achieved

by well designed cross-cultural training programs which will help

employees in coping up with the stress and cultural shock while dealing

with a new culture. The need for cross-cultural training will be for both:

Indian expatriates and employees dealing with expatriates of other origins.

The cross-cultural training will also be required for the Indian companies

getting into Business Process Outsourcing as the

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clients belong to culturally different environments. Working effectively in

cross-cultural context is becoming vital competence for aspiring managers.

The present article attempts to define the possible sources of cross-cultural

differences, its impact on business practices, competencies required for the

expatriates, evolution of cross-cultural training, issues to be considered

while developing cross-cultural training and different ways of training the


Determinants of cultural differences:

There have been many attempts to define cultures and what differentiates

them. The study by Hofstede defined and differentiated between cultures

on various dimensions – viz. collectivism vs. individualism, power distance,

uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs. feminism and long vs. short term

orientation. The author classified a number of countries on these

parameters. These parameters can be defined as:

1. Power distance: degree of inequality in power between a less powerful

individual and a more powerful one in which they belong to same social


2. Masculinity vs. feminism: refers to the distribution of emotional roles

between the genders. It opposes a tough masculine to tender feminine


3. Uncertainty avoidance: is the extent to which a culture programs its

members to feel either comfortable or uncomfortable in unstructured


4. Individualism vs. collectivism: is the degree to which individuals are

supposed to look after themselves or remain integrated into groups usually

around the family

5. Long term vs. short-term orientation: refers to the extent to which a

culture programs its members to accept delayed gratification of their

material, social and emotional needs.

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The differences in cultural values were shown by the study of Hofstede

(2001), which involves 60, plus countries where each one of them was

classified on these parameters.These cultural differences may effect

motivational factors, collectivism at work place, organizational structure

design etc.Various studies have tried to study these differences. The

difference in cultures has been associated with perceptions and paradoxes.

The study by Osland and Bird (2000) lists down the paradoxes and the

reasons for them. The paradoxes arise because of perceptual schemas

(cultural myopia and lack of experience), theoretical limitations emic and

etic studies which present one sided views of the cultures (From inside and

outside the culture while ignoring the other ones.). The other reasons for

misunderstandings are tendency for observers to confuse individual and

group values, unresolved cultural issues, role differences and real vs.

espoused values. The cultural differences and varying approaches lead to

significant difference in business practices which must be recognized by

the trainers and employees receiving expatriate assignment.

How do people and practices differ across cultures :

The differences in cultures lead to significant differences in the way people

react to a stimulus. The motivational needs of the managers and

executives vary across the cultures. The motivational factors that work in

India may not be relevant in China, hence the expatriates will need to

understand the basic differences in the employee behavior. The production

facilities of firms may be similar across all the subsidiaries but the

employee behavior in these facilities may not remain the same.

Impact of dealing with a different culture

The cultural change leads to cultural shock, which is a mental state of

stress caused by acute changes in the culture. The expatriates tend to feel

lonely because all of a sudden every thing changes including the work

environment, peers, processes and to an extent organizational culture and

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value system. The employees react by comparing the new culture to their

own values and beliefs and at times are unable to accept the vast

difference between the two. The process of encountering and accepting the

new changes or in other words process of acculturation can be classified in

four stages.

Initial stage of elation and optimism

Period of frustration, depression and confusion

Gradual improvement of mood leading to optimism and


Mastery stage

Oberg described four stages of adjustment: Stage I, the initial, or

honeymoon stage; Stage II, the disillusionment, or culture shock stage;

Stage III, the adjustment, or adaptation stage; and Stage IV, the mastery

stage. The honeymoon stage is a period lasting less than two months. Here

the employee is thrilled with the new experience. The culture shock stage

occurs as the individual copes seriously with living in the new culture on a

daily basis, as a lack of understanding of the culture inhibits awareness of

what is appropriate, or inappropriate, behavior in the new cultural

environment, resulting in confusion, frustration, tension and depression.

The frustration occurs as the person begins to realize that past behaviors

are inappropriate in the host culture but has not yet learned what

behaviors to substitute. The adjustment stage is characterized by increased

ability to adapt in the new culture; and, in the mastery stage, adjustment is

about as complete as possible, and anxiety is largely gone. Rhinesmith

(1970), classified reactions to a different culture in three categories that

are flight, fight and adaptation. The flight here characterizes reactions like

rejecting new culture and people and withdrawing from any opportunity of

interacting with new people or situations that cause discomfort. The Fight is

approaching new culture with hostility and term adaptation is used for

people who undertake the process of understanding the difference and

adjusting to the new culture.

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Defining Expatriate Competencies:

The expatriates need to perform the same set of functions but in a

completely different environment which can cause lot of stress to the

person. The cultural stress will have significant impact on various aspects

of the job related behavior. Most of the expatriate failures are related lack

of adjustment in new culture. Hence while defining the competencies for

the expatriates human resource professionals also need to assess the soft

skills of employees which will be handy in the new environment like

tolerance of cultural difference, ability to adapt new culture and

interpersonal relationships. The cross-cultural skills required for successful

expatriate assignment can be listed broadly as (Hofstede, 2001):

The capacity to communicate respect

The capacity to be non judgmental

The capacity to understand relativity of one’s own knowledge and


The capacity to display empathy

The capacity to be flexible

Tolerance for ambiguity

The focus is clearly on the soft skills and emotional maturity. The people

undertaking foreign assignments must be mature and stable enough to

accept the existence of cultural differences. They should also be able to

understand the context of various situations and happening, which calls for

objective evaluation of a situation without bringing in one’s own biases and

perceptions. The cross-cultural competencies have can be viewed as

combination of three different dimensions (Black and Mendenhall, 1990)

that are self maintenance dimension (mental health, psychological well-

being, stress reduction and self confidence), relationship dimension (ability

to foster relationship with the people of host nations and perceptual

dimension (perceptions of host nation’s culture and its social systems. Thus

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perceptions have been given an important role in defining competencies.

Most often employees tend to make perceptions based little information

they receive through the media or stories. This leads to general

stereotyping causing formation of wrong notions about the host culture.

The employee should instead form opinions and beliefs related to the host

nation only after spending considerable amount of time over there.

The events which are used to form these perceptions should be seen in

depth using the back ground information like social value system, political

system and cultural values. Only then a clear picture of host nation culture

will emerge. The employees on expatriate assignments must be able to

decode various verbal and non-verbal ways of communication used in the

new culture and work in unstructured and ambiguous situations (Demers,

2002). The expatriate employees should have capabilities to deal with

alienation and isolation, willingness to communicate and empathy for

people of other cultures (Mendenhall and Odou, 1986). The competencies

required for expatriate assignments have been classified under categories

of stable and dynamic competencies in the paper by Sullivan (1999). The

author has broken the dimensions proposed by Black and Mendenhall

(1990) in stable and dynamic components. The components are listed in

the following table:

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Hence the employees should have the ability to question the perceptions

and resolve conflicts arising out of the cultural differences. The stress

management skills have been given importance because the cultural

differences and lack of proper socialization along with cultural shock causes

stress on the expatriates. The stress might also arise from living at a

distance from the family.