Vector Algebra and Calculus 1. Revision of vector algebra, scalar product, vector product 2. Triple products, multiple products, applications to geometry 3. Differentiation of vector functions, applications to mechanics 4. Scalar and vector fields. Line, surface and volume integrals, curvilinear co-ordinates 5. Vector operators — grad, div and curl 6. Vector Identities, curvilinear co-ordinate systems 7. Gauss’ and Stokes’ Theorems and extensions 8. Engineering Applications

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Page 1: Vector Algebra and Calculus - University of Oxfordsjrob/Teaching/Vectors/slides6.pdf · Vector Algebra and Calculus 1. Revision of vector algebra, scalar product, vector product 2

Vector Algebra and Calculus

1. Revision of vector algebra, scalar product, vector product

2. Triple products, multiple products, applications to geometry

3. Differentiation of vector functions, applications to mechanics

4. Scalar and vector fields. Line, surface and volume integrals, curvilinear co-ordinates

5. Vector operators — grad, div and curl

6. Vector Identities, curvilinear co-ordinate systems

7. Gauss’ and Stokes’ Theorems and extensions

8. Engineering Applications

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6. Vector Operator Identities & Curvi Coords

• In this lecture we look at identities built from vector operators.

• These operators behave both as vectors and as differential operators, so that the usual rules of taking the derivative

of, say, a product must be observed.

• We are laying the groundwork for the use of these identities in later parts of the Engineering course.

• We then turn to derive expressions for grad, div and curl in curvilinear coordinates.

• After deriving general expressions, we will specialize to the Polar family.

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Identity 1: curl grad U = 0 6.2

• U(x, y , z) is a scalar field.


∇∇∇×∇∇∇U =

ı k

∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z

∂U/∂x ∂U/∂y ∂U/∂z

= ı






+ () + k ()

= 0 .

• ∇∇∇×∇∇∇ can be thought of as a null operator.

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Identity 2: div curl a = 0 6.3

• For a(x, y , z) a vector field:

∇∇∇ · (∇∇∇× a) =

∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z

∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z

ax ay az







= 0

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Identity 3: divergence of Uv 6.4

• Suppose that

– U(r) is a scalar field

– v(r) is a vector field

and we are interested in the divergence of the product


• For example

– U(r) could be fluid density; and

– v(r) its instantaneous velocity

The product would be the mass flux per unit area.

• The product Uv is a vector field, so we can compute its divergence ...

∇∇∇ · (Uv) = U(∇∇∇ · v) + (∇∇∇U) · v = Udivv + (gradU) · v

• In steps:

∇∇∇ · (Uv) =


∂x(Uvx) +

∂y(Uvy) +



= U∂vx∂x+ U∂vy∂y+ U∂vz∂z+ vx∂U

∂x+ vy∂U

∂y+ vz∂U

∂z= Udivv + v · gradU

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Identity 3: curl of Ua 6.5

• In a similar way, we can take the curl of the product of a scalar and vector field field Uv.

• The result should be a vector field.

• And you’re probably happy now to write down

∇∇∇× (Uv) = U(∇∇∇× v) + (∇∇∇U)× v .

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Identity 4: div of a× b 6.6

• But things get trickier to guess when vector or scalar products are involved!

• Eg, not at all obvious that:

div(a× b) = curla · b− a · curlb

• To show this, use the determinant:∣

∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z

ax ay azbx by bz


∂x[aybz − azby ] +

∂y[azbx − axbz ] +

∂z[axby − aybx ]

= . . .

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Vector operator identities in HLT 6.7

• We could carry on inventing vector identities for some time, but it is a bit, er, dull.

• Why bother at all, as they are in HLT?

1. Since grad, div and curl describe key aspects of vectors fields, they often arise often in practice.

The identities can save you a lot of time and hacking of partial derivatives, as we will see when we consider

Maxwell’s equation as an example later.

2. Secondly, they help to identify other practically important vector operators.

• We now look at such an example.

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Identity 5: curl(a× b) 6.8

curl(a× b) =

ı k

∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z

aybz − azby azbx − axbz axby − aybx

⇒ curl(a× b)x =∂

∂y(axby − aybx)−

∂z(azbx − axbz)

This can be written as the sum of four terms:





− bx






∗+ by∂

∂y+ bz



ax −


•+ ay∂

∂y+ az




•: ax∂bx∂x add to term1, sub from term4

∗: bx∂ax∂x : sub from term2, add to term3


∇∇∇× (a× b) = (∇∇∇ · b)a− (∇∇∇ · a)b+ [b · ∇∇∇]a− [a · ∇∇∇]b

[a · ∇∇∇] can be regarded as new, and very useful, scalar differential operator.

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Definition of the operator [a · ∇∇∇] 6.9

• This is a scalar operator ...

[a · ∇∇∇] ≡



∂x+ ay

∂y+ az




• Notice that the components of a don’t get touched by the differentiation.

• Applied to a scalar field, results in a scalar field

• Applied to a vector field results in a vector field

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Identity 6: curl(curla) for you to derive 6.10

• Amuse yourself by deriving the following important identity ...

curl(curla) = grad(diva)−∇2a


∇2a = ∇2ax ı+∇2ay +∇

2az k

• We are about to use it ....

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♣ Eg using Identity 6: electromagnetic waves 6.11

• Background: Maxwell established a set of four vector equations which are fundamental to working out how eletro-

magnetic waves propagate. The entire telecommunications industry is built on these!

divD = ρ

divB = 0

curlE = −∂


curlH = J+∂


• In addition, we can assume the following

B = µrµ0H

J = σE

D = ǫrǫ0E

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Example ctd 6.12

Question: Show that in a material with no free charge, ρ = 0, and with zero conductivity, σ = 0, the electric field E

must be a solution of the wave equation ∇2E = µrµ0ǫrǫ0(∂2E/∂t2) .

Answer:divD = div(ǫrǫ0E) = ǫrǫ0divE = ρ = 0;⇒divE = 0

divB = div(µrµ0H) = µrµ0divH = 0 ⇒divH = 0

curlE = −∂B/∂t = −µrµ0(∂H/∂t)

curlH = J+ ∂D/∂t = 0+ ǫrǫ0(∂E/∂t)

But curlcurlE = ∇∇∇(∇∇∇ · E)−∇2E, so

curl [−µrµ0(∂H/∂t)] = −∇2E


∂t[curlH] = −∇2E








= −∇2E


∂t2= ∇2E

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Grad, div, curl and ∇2 in curvilinear coords 6.13

• It is possible to obtain general expressions for grad, div and curl in any orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinate system ...

• Need the scale factors h ...

• We recall that the unit vector in the direction of increasing u, with v and w being kept constant, is

u =1




where r is the general position vector, and

hu =



and similar expressions apply for the other co-ordinate directions. Then

dr = huduu+ hvdv v + hwdww .

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Grad in curvilinear coordinates 6.14

• Using the properties of the gradient of a scalar field obtained previously,

∇∇∇U · dr = dU and dU =∂U

∂udu +


∂vdv +



It follows that

∇∇∇U · (huudu + hv vdv + hw wdw) =∂U

∂udu +


∂vdv +



• The only way this can be satisfied for independent du, dv , dw is when

Grad U in curvilinear coords:

∇∇∇U =1







∂vv +





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Divergence in curvilinear coordinates 6.15

• If the curvilinear coordinates are orthogonal then δvolume is a cuboid (to 1st order in small things) and

dV = hu hv hw du dv dw .

• However, it is not quite a cuboid: the area of two

opposite faces will differ as the scale parameters are

functions of u, v , w .


h (v+dv) dww

h (v) dww

h (v) duu


The scale params arefunctions of u,v,w

h dv

h (v+dv) duu


• So the nett efflux from the two faces in the v dirn is



av +∂av∂vdv

] [

hu +∂hu∂vdv

] [

hw +∂hw∂vdv


dudw − avhuhwdudw



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Divergence in curvilinear coordinates /ctd 6.16

• Repeat: the nett efflux from the two faces in the v dirn is



av +∂av∂vdv

] [

hu +∂hu∂vdv

] [

hw +∂hw∂vdv


dudw − avhuhwdudw



• Now div is net efflux per unit volume, so sum up other faces:

diva dV =


∂(au hv hw)

∂u+∂(av hu hw)

∂v+∂(aw hu hv)




• Then divide by dV = huhvhwdudvdw ...

Conclude: div in curvi coords is:

diva =1



∂(au hv hw)

∂u+∂(av hu hw)

∂v+∂(aw hu hv)



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Curl in curvilinear coordinates 6.17

• For an orthogonal curvi coord system

dS = huhvdudw .

• But the opposite sides are not of same length!

Lengths are

hu(v)du, and hu(v + dv)du. u





h (v+dv) duu

h (v) du




au (v)

• Summing this pair contributes to circulation (in w dirn)

au(v)hu(v)du − au(v + dv)hu(v + dv)du = −∂(huau)


• Add in the other pair to find circulation per unit area









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Curl in curvilinear coordinates, ctd 6.18

• To repeat, the part related to w is:









• Adding in the other two components gives:

curla(u, v , w) =1







u +








v +









• You should show that can be written more compactly as:

Curl in curvi coords is:

curla(u, v , w) =1


huu hv v hw w∂∂u



huau hvav hwaw

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The Laplacian in curvilinear coordinates 6.19

• Substitute the components of gradU into the expression for diva ...

• Much grinding gives the following expression for the Laplacian in general orthogonal co-ordinates:

Laplacian in curvi coords is:

∇2U =1
























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Grad, etc, the 3D polar coordinate 6.20

• There is no need slavishly to memorize the above derivations or their results.

• More important is to realize why the expressions look suddenly more complicated in curvilinear coordinates

• We are now going to specialize our expressions for the polar family

• As they are 3D entities, we need consider only cylindrical and spherical polars.

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Grad, etc, in cylindrical polars 6.21

• We recall that r = r cos θı+ r sin θ+ z k, and that hu = |∂r/∂u|, and so

hr =√

(cos2 θ + sin2θ) = 1,

hθ =

(r 2 sin2 θ + r 2 cos2 θ) = r,

hz = 1

• Hence, using these and U(r, θ, z) and a = ar er + aθeθ + az k

gradU =∂U

∂rer +




∂θeθ +



diva =1







curla =






er +




eθ +1







• The derivation of the expression for ∇2U in cylindrical polar co-ordinates is set as a tutorial exercise.

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Grad, etc, in spherical polars 6.22

• We recall that r = r sin θ cos φı+ r sin θ sin φ+ r cos θk so that

hr =

(sin2 θ(cos2 φ+ sin2 φ) + cos2 θ) = 1

hθ =

(r 2 cos2 θ(cos2 φ+ sin2 φ) + r 2 sin2 θ) = r

hφ =

(r 2 sin2 θ(sin2 φ+ cos2 φ) = r sin θ

• Hence

gradU =∂U

∂rer +




∂θeθ +


r sin θ



diva =1

r 2∂(r 2ar)


r sin θ

∂(aθ sin θ)


r sin θ


curla =err sin θ


∂θ(aφ sin θ)−



+eθr sin θ



∂r(aφr sin θ)







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♣ Examples 6.23


Find curla in (i) Cartesians and (ii) Spherical polars when a = x(x ı+ y + z k).

Answer (i):

• In Cartesians, using the pseudo determinant gives

curla =

ı k

∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z

x2 xy xz

= −z + y k

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♣ Example /ctd 6.24

Answer (ii):

• We were told a = x(x ı+ y + z k).

• In spherical polars x = r sin θ cosφ and (x ı+ y + z k) = r

• Hence a = r sin θ cosφr = r 2 sin θ cosφ eror in component form: ar = r

2 sin θ cosφ; aθ = 0; aφ = 0 .

• Expression for curl (earlier, and HLT):

curla =err sin θ


∂θ(aφ sin θ)−



+eθr sin θ



∂r(aφr sin θ)




∂r(aθr) −



• Hence

curla =eθr sin θ


∂φ(r 2 sin θ cosφ)





∂θ(r 2 sin θ cosφ)


=eθr sin θ

(−r 2 sin θ sinφ) +eφr


−r 2 cos θ cosφ))

= eθ(−r sinφ) + eφ(−r cos θ cosφ)

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Example Check: These two results should be the same! 6.25

• To check we need er , eθ, eφ in terms of ı, , k ...

• Use r = x ı+ y + z k and

er =1



∂r; eθ =



∂θ; eφ =




• Hence, doing the first of these, as hr = 1

er =∂



r sin θ cos φı+ r sin θ sin φ+ r cos θk)


sθcφı+ sθsφ+ cθk)

• Which gives the top row of the matrix. Grind to find the rest ...



sin θ cosφ sin θ sinφ cos θ

cos θ cosφ cos θ sinφ − sin θ

− sinφ cosφ 0



= [R]



• Don’t be shocked to see a rotation matrix [R]! We are rotating one right-handed orthogonal coord system into


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Check /ctd 6.26

• Now we convert the spherical polar expression in Cartesians ...

curla = eθ(−r sinφ) + eφ(−r cos θ cosφ) = −r [0, sinφ, cos θ cosφ]


= −r [0, sinφ, cos θ cosφ]

sin θ cosφ sin θ sinφ cos θ

cos θ cosφ cos θ sinφ − sin θ

− sinφ cosφ 0



= −r sinφ(cos θ cos φı+ cos θ sin φ− sin θk) +

(−r cos θ cosφ)(− sin φı+ cos φ)

= −r cos θ+ r sin θ sinφk

= −z + y k

• This is exactly what we got before!

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Summary 6.27

Take home messages ...

• The key thing when combining operators is to remember that each partial derivative operates on everything to its


• The identities (eg in HLT) are not mysterious. They merely provide useful short cuts.

• There is no need slavishly to learn the expressions for grad, div and curl in curvi coords.

They are in HLT, but

– you need to know how they originate.

– you need to be able to hack them out when asked.

• Ditto with the specializations to polars.

• Just as physical vectors are independent of their coordinate systems, so are differential operators.