Various Letter Format (2)

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  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Interview Call Letter

    October 31 2006

    Dear Mr./Ms.______,

    his has reference to !o"r a##$ication, indicatin% interest in see&in% em#$o!ment 'ith o"r com#an!. (ethan& !o" for the same.

    (e 'o"$d $i&e to #ersona$$! meet !o" for a disc"ssion on ___________ at __________ at the fo$$o'in%address) __________________________________________________ _____________________(e ho#e this time and *en"e is s"itab$e to !o". +f it is not, 'e re"est !o" to %et in to"ch 'ith Mr._________indicatin% s"itab$e date and time for the same.

    he com#an! 'i$$ reimb"rse !o" the e-#enses inc"rred b! !o" for this meetin%. As #er o"r %"ide$ines, !o"

    'i$$ be entit$ed to 2nd c$ass A.. to and fro train fare / c$ass airfare.

    (e are enc$osin% o"r com#an! a##$ication form and re"est !o" to fi$$ the same and brin% it a$on% 'ith !o"'hen !o" come for this *isit. his 'i$$ faci$itate the inter*ie' #rocess.

    o he$# "s coordinate this meetin% effecti*e$!, 'e re"est !o" to confirm to "s !o"r a*ai$abi$it! for thismeetin% either b! fa- or on #hone. O"r fa- no. is ___________ and o"r board te$e#hone no. is 12266601100. ind$! as& for Mr. ________ 'ho 'i$$ be !o"r contact #erson thro"%ho"t the #rocess.

    (e $oo& for'ard to meetin% !o".

    ind e%ards,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Letter of Initial Offer

    October 31, 2006

    Dear Mr. / Ms. .............,

    (e$come to 4Or%ani5ation Name7

    +t %i*es "s %reat #$eas"re to offer the ro$e of _____________, for 'hich !o" inter*ie'ed 'ith "s.

    his 8ob, as e-#$ained to !o", is in the Mana%ement 9rade ______ of o"r com#an!. he com#ensation and

    other benefits that !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to are stated in the enc$os"re to this letter. (e re"est !o" to %othro"%h the same and ret"rn the enc$osed d"#$icate co#! of this letterin acce#tance of the same.

    Accordin%$!, 'e 'i$$ arran%e to iss"e to !o" a detai$ed letterof a##ointment on the date of !o"r 8oinin% "s,'hich 'e a%reed bet'een "s 'i$$ be an! da! on or before ________.

    he ro$e, in 'hich !o" 8oin "s, is a *er! im#ortant one 'hich 'i$$ entai$ dea$in% 'ith im#ortant and sensiti*einformation, records and s"ch other matters of the com#an!. o" 'i$$, therefore, be re"ired to si%n a :odeof ond"ct and ;ecrec! A%reement of o"r com#an! at the time of !o"r 8oinin% the com#an!.

    (e $oo& for'ard to !o" 8oinin% o"r team. (e are s"re that !o" 'i$$ ha*e a bri%ht career 'ith o"r com#an!.

    (e ta&e this o##ort"nit! to 'e$come !o" and !o"r fami$! into the fo$ds of o"r com#an!.

    ind e%ards

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Letter of Regret

    October 31 2006

    Dear Ms / Mr. ,

    his has reference to the meetin% 'e had on ____________.

    (e a##reciate !o"r ta&in% time off to meet "s at ________. (e had detai$ed de$iberations 'ith reference to!o"r #rofi$e 'ith o"r re$e*ant mana%ers. At #resent, 'e do not ha*e a s"itab$e #osition matchin% !o"rsincerit! and e-#erience.

    (e are therefore "nab$e to offer !o" an immediate #$acement in o"r com#an!. ?ositions matchin% !o"r#rofi$e are $i&e$! to come "# in the f"t"re. (e ha*e therefore #$aced !o"r #rofi$e on o"r data ban&. (e 'i$$, atthe a##ro#riate time, %et in to"ch 'ith !o" to ree*a$"ate !o"r interest.

    (e ta&e this o##ort"nit! to 'ish !o" %ood $"c&.

    =est e%ards,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    ;trict$! onfidentia$

    Reference Check Letter

    October 31 2006

    < Name of the com#an!/referred #erson>

    Dear Mr., Ms.________ ,

    (e are in disc"ssion 'ith Mr. _____________ and 'e are e*a$"atin% his s"itabi$it! for #$acement in o"r

    or%ani5ation as ___________.

    +n the co"rse of his meetin%s 'ith "s, he s"%%ested that 'e co"$d see& em#$o!ment reference from !o"considerin% that he has 'or&ed in !o"r or%ani5ation bet'een _________ and __________.

    (e ha*e a form to faci$itate eas! ca#t"rin% of !o"r information. (e, therefore, re"est !o" to fi$$ the sameand ret"rn it to "s in the se$faddressed en*e$o#e.

    (e ass"re !o" of ho$din% the information #ro*ided b! !o" in strict confidence. ;ho"$d !o" #refer to %i*e thisinformation o*er #hone instead of fi$$in% it, !o" can contact Mr.____________ on te$e#hone no. __________.

    han&in% o",

    =est e%ards,

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  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    'hatsoe*er for s"ch termination b! %i*in% !o" a 3 monthsG notice in 'ritin% or an e"i*a$ent of 3 monthssa$ar! in $ie" thereof.

    c he om#an! a$so reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t an! notice or sa$ar! in $ie" thereofon the %ro"nds of miscond"ct, or e*en in the case of reasonab$e s"s#icion of miscond"ct, dis$o!a$t!,commission of an! act in*o$*in% mora$ t"r#it"de, or an! act of indisci#$ine or inefficienc! or for $oss ofconfidence.

    13. +nitia$$!, !o" 'i$$ be #osted at ___________ and re#ort to ___________or an! other #erson nominated b!the com#an!. o'e*er, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be transferred to an! other De#artments / Di*isions / @actories ofthe om#an!, an!'here in +ndia. Not'ithstandin% !o"r initia$ a##ointment in this om#an!, !o"r ser*icesma! be assi%ned b! the om#an! to an! other om#an! of the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#. o" ma! a$sobe assi%ned s"ch other d"ties as ma! become nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion of theMana%ement in an! =ranch or Office of the om#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or to an! of its other Associateom#anies.

    1C. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to !o"r bein% medica$$! e-amined and fo"nd fit. he Mana%ement has theri%ht to %et !o" medica$$! e-amined b! an! "a$ified medica$ #ractitioner d"rin% the ten"re of !o"r ser*ice. +ncase !o" are fo"nd medica$$! "nfit to contin"e 'ith the assi%nment for 'hich !o" ha*e been em#$o!ed, !o"'i$$ $ose !o"r $ien on the 8ob.

    1. his a##ointment is a$so s"b8ect to a satisfactor! re#ort from !o"r former em#$o!ers, based on thereferences %i*en b! !o".

    16. o" 'i$$ a"tomatica$$! retire from the ser*ice of the om#an! on attainin% the s"#erann"atin% a%e of H!ears. o" 'i$$ be e-#ected to #ro*ide acce#tab$e e*idence of !o"r date of birth at the time of 8oinin% thecom#an!.

    1F. A$$ other standard and %enera$ r"$es, #ractices and #o$icies of the om#an! as e-istin% no' and 'hichma! be amended from time to time 'i$$ be a##$icab$e to !o" and !o" 'i$$ be e-#ected to abide b! the same.

    1H. +n the e*ent of the ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment enactin% an! $a' conferrin% the same or simi$ar benefits ase-tended to !o" "nder this letter, !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to s"ch benefits 'hich are more beneficia$ of the

    t'o, b"t not both. his sha$$ be at the discretion of the mana%ement.

    1. o" are re"ired at a$$ times to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ards the 'or&of the om#an! and/or its ;"bsidiaries or Associate om#anies, in case of an! breach of disci#$ine/tr"st,!o"r ser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o" are a$so re"ired to si%n the;ecrec! A%reement "#on !o"r 8oinin%. A$$ in*entions, im#ro*ements, disco*eries made b! !o" either a$one or'ith other #ersons, 'i$$ become the so$e #ro#ert! of the com#an!. o" 'i$$ ens"re that #atent #rotections areobtained for s"ch in*entions/im#ro*ements and disco*eries in +ndia or e$se'here and assi%n the same to thecom#an!.

    20. o" are re"ired to de*ote !o"r tota$ attention and abi$ities e-c$"si*e$! for the b"siness of the om#an!.o" 'i$$ res#ect, obe! and conform to a$$ the re%"$ations from time to time framed and iss"ed b! theom#an! and made a##$icab$e to !o". o" sha$$ not, 'hi$e in the em#$o!ment of the om#an!, be en%a%ed

    in an! other em#$o!ment, cond"ct b"siness 'hatsoe*er or ho$d an! office of #rofit or acce#t an! otheremo$"ments 'itho"t #re*io"s consent in 'ritin% of the om#an!. =reach of this condition co"$d $ead toimmediate termination 'itho"t notice.

    21. D"rin% the co"rse of !o"r em#$o!ment and if the nat"re of !o"r b"siness so re"ires, the om#an! ma!send !o" for s#ecia$i5ed trainin% 'ithin +ndia or o*erseas in order to enab$e !o" to #erform more effecti*e$!.+n s"ch an e*ent !o" 'i$$ be re"ired to e-ec"te a trainin% bond 'ith the om#an!.

    22. his offer of em#$o!ment is based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication for em#$o!ment. +f, atan! time in f"t"re, it comes to the &no'$ed%e of the mana%ement that an! of this information is incorrect oran! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d then !o"r em#$o!ment based on this letterof a##ointment is$iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice or an! com#ensation in $ie" thereof.

    23. he emo$"ments/benefits d"e to !o" 'i$$ be $iab$e/s"b8ect to ta- in accordance 'ith the #ro*isions of the+ncome a- Act and "$es made there"nder as a$so other a##$icab$e $a's, if an!, as ma! be in force fromtime to time.

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Letter of Performance Increment! " #

    October 31, 2006

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Letter of Performance (Increment) 2

    October 31, 2006

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Letterof Promotion

    October 31, 2006


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    October 31 2006

    Dear __________,

    +t is 'ith a sense of dee# re%ret that 'e acce#t !o"r letterof resi%nation dated 2Fth October 2003e-#ressin% !o"r intention to resi%n from the ser*ices of the om#an!. his 'as #$aced before the seniormana%ement of o"r com#an! 'hich has decided to acce#t the same.

    (e #$ace on record o"r a##reciation of !o"r dedicated ser*ices to the com#an!.

    o"r $ast date of ser*ice 'o"$d be 2Fth No*ember 2003, and !o" 'o"$d accordin%$! be re$ie*ed, effecti*e

    from the c$ose of 'or&in% ho"rs on the same da!, s"b8ect to c$earance of a$$ d"es and s"bmission of thec$earance certificate.

    (e than& !o" for !o"r ser*ices to o"r com#an! and 'e 'ish !o" a$$ the best in !o"r f"t"re endea*o"rs.

    =est e%ards,

    Letterof $ran%fer

    1Fth October 2006

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Dear Mr._____________

    his has reference to the disc"ssion 'e had 'ith !o" re%ardin% !o"r mo*e to _________as_____________.he mo*e 'i$$ be effecti*e _________ and !o"r ser*ices in this assi%nment 'i$$ be deemed to be contin"o"s,'itho"t an! brea&.

    (ith effect from 1st Jan"ar! 200C, !o" are transferred on a contin"o"s ser*ice basis from to4Or%ani5ation Name Oi$ td. (e confirm that, !o" 'o"$d be deemed to ha*e been in contin"o"s ser*ice 'ith4Or%ani5ation Name Oi$ td. 'itho"t brea&. ?ri*i$e%e $ea*e and other stat"tor! benefits en8o!ed b! !o"'o"$d contin"e to accr"e to !o" ta&in% into acco"nt the date of !o"r 8oinin% A+; 4om#"ter Aided+nformation and esearch ;er*ices ?*t. td.

    ?$ease ret"rn the d"#$icate co#! of this letterd"$! si%ned b! !o", as a to&en of !o"r acce#tance.

    (e 'ish !o" a$$ the best for !o"r f"t"re assi%nments.

    o"rs faithf"$$!,@or A+; 4om#"ter Aided +nformation and esearch ;er*ices ?*t td.

    (e ha*e #$eas"re in confirmin% the abo*e arran%ement. o" 'i$$ contin"e to be %o*erned b! 4Or%ani5ationName ;taff e%"$ations in force.

    o"rs faithf"$$!,@or 4Or%ani5ation Name O+ D

    Offer Letter & Summer $raining

    October 31 2006

    Dear Mr. / Ms. ________,

    his is 'ith reference to !o"r inter*ie' 'ith "s on October 21 2006.

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    +t is o"r #$eas"re to inform !o" that "#on assessment 'e ha*e fo"nd !o"r s&i$$s and com#etencies matchin%o"r re"irements. Accordin%$!, 'e offer !o" this o##ort"nit! to team 'ith o"r com#an! for a #eriod of_____months. D"rin% this #eriod, !o" 'i$$ be desi%nated as :;"mmer rainee.

    o" 'i$$ be #aid s. 1F,000/ 4"#ees ;e*enteen ho"sand on$! as sti#end d"rin% this #eriod. O*er andabo*e this, !o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to reimb"rsement for act"a$ e-#enses inc"rred b! !o" on tra*e$, boardin% and$od%in% 'hene*er the #ro8ect 'or& assi%ned to !o" entai$s tra*e$, boardin% and $od%in%.

    Detai$s and sco#e of !o"r #ro8ect 'i$$ be #ro*ided to !o" on !o"r first da! of trainin% at the com#an!. K#ons"ccessf"$ com#$etion of !o"r trainin%, !o" 'i$$ be iss"ed a certificate b! 4Or%ani5ation Name. o" 'i$$ bere"ired to s"bmit a co#! of the detai$ed #ro8ect re#ort before com#$etion of !o"r trainin%.

    o"r trainin% #eriod 'ith o"r om#an! 'i$$ entai$ dea$in% 'ith im#ortant and sensiti*e information, recordsand s"ch other matters of the com#an!. o" 'i$$, therefore, be re"ired to si%n a :ode of ond"ct and;ecrec! A%reement of o"r com#an! on the first da! of trainin%.

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions of this offerand ret"rn the same to "s.

    =est e%ards,

    Letter of Appointment & Management $rainee

    October 31 2006

    Dear < @irst name of em#$o!ee>,

    @"rther to the inter*ie' !o" had 'ith "s, 'e are #$eased to a##oint !o" as Mana%ement rainee in o"ror%ani5ation.

    he terms and conditions %o*ernin% !o"r trainin% are %i*en be$o')

    1. rainin% #eriod)

    o" 'i$$ be on trainin% for a #eriod of months effecti*e date of startin% of this #ro%ram, 'hich 'i$$ be

    indicated to !o".

    2. onso$idated ;ti#end

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    A s"m of s. _______/ 4"#ees ___________ on$! #er month 'i$$ be #aid to !o" as sti#end.

    o" 'i$$ not be entit$ed to an! other benefits, a#art from the abo*e.

    3. Notice #eriod d"rin% trainin%

    he om#an! reser*es the ri%ht to terminate ser*ices of trainees on %ro"nds of miscond"ct or breach of the

    terms and conditions of the Knderta&in% to be f"rnished b! the trainee as #er c$a"se 6 of this letterand / or*io$ation of an! r"$es and re%"$ations or standin% orders of the om#an! b! %i*in% se*en ca$endar da!snotice or "#on #a!ment of sti#end in $ie" thereof.

    C. ?ostin%)

    +nitia$$! !o" 'i$$ be #osted at M"mbai. o'e*er d"rin% this #eriod of trainin%, !o" can be transferred to an!other de#artment/di*ision of the com#an!, an!'here in +ndia or o*erseas. o" ma! a$so be assi%ned s"chother d"ties as ma! be nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion of the mana%ement, in an! branch oroffice of the com#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or associate com#anies.

    . o" 'i$$ be re"ired to si%n an Knderta&in%c"m+ndemnit! =ond / A%reement on 8oinin%.

    6. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to)

    a o"r ha*in% sec"red a certificate of com#$etion as dec$ared b! !o"r +nstit"tion / Kni*ersit!.

    b o"r bein% e-amined L fo"nd medica$$! fit. 4?$ease ha*e !o"rse$f medica$$! e-amined b! a %enera$#h!sician, as #er the standard e-amination $ist enc$osed and if referred f"rther b! an! s#ecia$ist. he same'o"$d ha*e to be fi$$ed in and certified b! the #h!sician and sent to "s direct$! b! _____ 4date. he feesinc"rred for the same 'o"$d be reimb"rsed on !o" 8oinin%.

    F. o"r #erformance 'i$$ be re*ie'ed #eriodica$$! d"rin% the trainin% #eriod. +f !o"r #erformance does notmeet 'ith the re"irements of the trainin% #ro%ram, !o"r trainin% #eriod 'o"$d be e-tended b! a ma-im"m ofsi- months 'ith an interim re*ie' after three months.

    H. On s"ccessf"$ com#$etion of trainin%, based on !o"r #erformance d"rin% and at the end of the trainin%#eriod, !o" 'i$$ be confirmed in the ser*ices of the om#an! in the a##ro#riate cadre de#endin% on s"itab$eo#enin%s.

    . o" are re"ired to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ards the 'or& of thecom#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or associate com#anies and in case of an! breach of disci#$ine/tr"st, !o"rser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o" 'i$$ a$so be re"ired to si%n the;ecrec! A%reement on !o"r 8oinin%.

    10. o" 'i$$ a$so be %o*erned b! the standard terms and conditions a##$icab$e to the mana%eria$ cadre of thecom#an! as e-istin% no' and as ma! be amended from time to time.

    11. ;ho"$d there be a need for an! modification in one or more benefits e-tended to !o" thro"%h this letter,

    b! 'a! of enactment of an! $a' b! the a##ro#riate ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment, !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to thehi%her of the benefit4s b"t not both.

    12. his a##ointment has been made based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication for em#$o!mentand s"bse"ent inter*ie's. +f, at an! time in f"t"re, it comes to $i%ht that an! of the information is incorrect oran! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d, then !o"r em#$o!ment is $iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice.

    13. o"r a##ointment is 'ith effect from __________

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions of thisa##ointment and ret"rn the same to "s.

    (hi$st 'e$comin% !o" to the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#, 'e 'ish !o" %ood $"c& and a *er! bri%ht career

    'ith "s.

    =est e%ards,

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  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Letter of Confirmation " Management $rainee

    October 31 2006

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    #ro*ided b! the om#an! e*er! !ear. +f !o" indicate !o"r desire to o#t for this scheme, the om#an! 'i$$contrib"te 0B of this amo"nt and the ba$ance 'i$$ be ded"cted from !o"r sa$ar!. @or more detai$s, !o" canrefer o"r or#orate Attire ?o$ic! on o"r _________site.

    12. a his order of a##ointment can be terminated on either side b! %i*in% three monthGs notice or #a!mentof sa$ar! 4basic in $ie" thereof.

    b he om#an! reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t assi%nin% an! s#ecific reason'hatsoe*er for s"ch termination b! %i*in% !o" a 3 monthsG notice in 'ritin% or an e"i*a$ent of 3 monthssa$ar! in $ie" thereof.

    c he om#an! a$so reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t an! notice or sa$ar! in $ie" thereofon the %ro"nds of miscond"ct, or e*en in the case of reasonab$e s"s#icion of miscond"ct, dis$o!a$t!,commission of an! act in*o$*in% mora$ t"r#it"de, or an! act of indisci#$ine or inefficienc! or for $oss ofconfidence.

    13. +nitia$$!, !o" 'i$$ be #osted at ___________ and re#ort to ___________or an! other #erson nominated b!the com#an!. o'e*er, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be transferred to an! other De#artments / Di*isions / @actories ofthe om#an!, an!'here in +ndia. Not'ithstandin% !o"r initia$ a##ointment in this om#an!, !o"r ser*icesma! be assi%ned b! the om#an! to an! other om#an! of the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#. o" ma! a$so

    be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties as ma! become nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion of theMana%ement in an! =ranch or Office of the om#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or to an! of its other Associateom#anies.

    1C. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to !o"r bein% medica$$! e-amined and fo"nd fit. he Mana%ement has theri%ht to %et !o" medica$$! e-amined b! an! "a$ified medica$ #ractitioner d"rin% the ten"re of !o"r ser*ice. +ncase !o" are fo"nd medica$$! "nfit to contin"e 'ith the assi%nment for 'hich !o" ha*e been em#$o!ed, !o"'i$$ $ose !o"r $ien on the 8ob.

    1. his a##ointment is a$so s"b8ect to a satisfactor! re#ort from !o"r former em#$o!ers, based on thereferences %i*en b! !o".

    16. o" 'i$$ a"tomatica$$! retire from the ser*ice of the om#an! on attainin% the s"#erann"atin% a%e of H

    !ears. o" 'i$$ be e-#ected to #ro*ide acce#tab$e e*idence of !o"r date of birth at the time of 8oinin% thecom#an!.

    1F. A$$ other standard and %enera$ r"$es, #ractices and #o$icies of the om#an! as e-istin% no' and 'hichma! be amended from time to time 'i$$ be a##$icab$e to !o" and !o" 'i$$ be e-#ected to abide b! the same.

    1H. +n the e*ent of the ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment enactin% an! $a' conferrin% the same or simi$ar benefits ase-tended to !o" "nder this letter, !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to s"ch benefits 'hich are more beneficia$ of thet'o, b"t not both. his sha$$ be at the discretion of the mana%ement.

    1. o" are re"ired at a$$ times to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ards the 'or&of the om#an! and/or its ;"bsidiaries or Associate om#anies, in case of an! breach of disci#$ine/tr"st,!o"r ser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o" are a$so re"ired to si%n the

    ;ecrec! A%reement "#on !o"r 8oinin%. A$$ in*entions, im#ro*ements, disco*eries made b! !o" either a$one or'ith other #ersons, 'i$$ become the so$e #ro#ert! of the com#an!. o" 'i$$ ens"re that #atent #rotections areobtained for s"ch in*entions/im#ro*ements and disco*eries in +ndia or e$se'here and assi%n the same to thecom#an!.

    20. o" are re"ired to de*ote !o"r tota$ attention and abi$ities e-c$"si*e$! for the b"siness of the om#an!.o" 'i$$ res#ect, obe! and conform to a$$ the re%"$ations from time to time framed and iss"ed b! theom#an! and made a##$icab$e to !o". o" sha$$ not, 'hi$e in the em#$o!ment of the om#an!, be en%a%edin an! other em#$o!ment, cond"ct b"siness 'hatsoe*er or ho$d an! office of #rofit or acce#t an! otheremo$"ments 'itho"t #re*io"s consent in 'ritin% of the om#an!. =reach of this condition co"$d $ead toimmediate termination 'itho"t notice.

    21. D"rin% the co"rse of !o"r em#$o!ment and if the nat"re of !o"r b"siness so re"ires, the om#an! ma!

    send !o" for s#ecia$i5ed trainin% 'ithin +ndia or o*erseas in order to enab$e !o" to #erform more effecti*e$!.+n s"ch an e*ent !o" 'i$$ be re"ired to e-ec"te a trainin% bond 'ith the om#an!.

    22. his offer of em#$o!ment is based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication for em#$o!ment. +f, at

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    an! time in f"t"re, it comes to the &no'$ed%e of the mana%ement that an! of this information is incorrect oran! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d then !o"r em#$o!ment based on this letterof a##ointment is$iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice or an! com#ensation in $ie" thereof.

    23. he emo$"ments/benefits d"e to !o" 'i$$ be $iab$e/s"b8ect to ta- in accordance 'ith the #ro*isions of the+ncome a- Act and "$es made there"nder as a$so other a##$icab$e $a's, if an!, as ma! be in force fromtime to time.

    2C. he om#an! $a!s em#hasis on a$$ stat"tor! com#$iances and !o" sho"$d ens"re com#$iance 'ith*ario"s stat"tes in !o"r area of o#erations inc$"din% +nsider radin% e%"$ations.

    2. o"r a##ointment is 'ith effect from the date of 8oinin%, 'hich sho"$d in an! case be not $ater than___________________.

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions of thisa##ointment and ret"rn the same to "s.

    (hi$st 'e$comin% !o" to the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#, 'e 'ish !o" %ood $"c& and a *er! bri%ht career'ith "s.

    =est e%ards,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    1. o" 'i$$ be #aid a conso$idated amo"nt of s._______ 4"#ees _______on$! #er ann"m.

    2. he abo*e conso$idated amo"nt 'i$$ consist of the fo$$o'in%)

    a s. _________ #er ann"m as fi-ed #a!, andb s. _________ #er ann"m as *ariab$e #a! 'hich is $in&ed to !o"r #erformance and that of the com#an!.

    3. his a##ointment is for a #eriod of t'o !ears effecti*e date of !o"r 8oinin% and ma! be rene'ed on am"t"a$ basis. his arran%ement is 'ith effect from _______ and 'i$$ be *a$id for a #eriod of _______!ears/s.

    C. +n this ca#acit!, !o" 'i$$ be $ocated at ____ and 'i$$ re#ort to _______ or an! other #erson nominated b!the com#an!. o'e*er, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be transferred to an! other De#artments/Di*isions of theom#an!. Not'ithstandin% !o"r a##ointment in this com#an!, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be reassi%ned to an!other com#an! of the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#.

    . o" ma! a$so be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties as ma! become nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion ofthe Mana%ement in an! =ranch or office of the om#an! and/ or its ;"bsidiaries or Associate om#anies.

    6. o" 'i$$ be e$i%ib$e for 1H da!s $ea*e #rorated #er ca$endar !ear. o'e*er, $ea*e 'i$$ be a$$o'ed s"b8ect to

    e-i%encies of 'or&.

    F. o" 'i$$ be #ro*ided com#rehensi*e Accident/ Medica$ ea$th +ns"rance for !o"r and !o"r s#o"se.

    H. +t is c$arified that in addition to the abo*e, !o" 'i$$ not be entit$ed to an! other benefits.

    . his a##ointment can be terminated b! %i*in% threemonth notice on either side or #a!ment in $ie" ofshortfa$$ in this notice #eriod.

    10. o" sha$$ obser*e a$$ r"$es and re%"$ations of the com#an!.

    11. D"rin% the ten"re of the assi%nment 'ith the com#an!, !o" 'i$$ not en%a%e!o"rse$f in an! other assi%nments or %ainf"$ em#$o!ment 'itho"t consent of themana%ement.

    12. o" are re"ired to maintain the hi%hest order of secrec! 'ith re%ards to the'or& or confidentia$ information of the om#an! and/ or its s"bsidiaries orAssociate om#anies and in case of an! breach of tr"st, !o"r a##ointmentma! be terminated b! the om#an! 'itho"t an! notice.

    13. he om#an! $a!s em#hasis on a$$ stat"tor! com#$iances and !o"r sho"$dens"re com#$iance 'ith *ario"s stat"es in !o"r area of o#erations.

    ind$! si%n a co#! of this letterin acce#tance of the abo*e mentioned terms and conditions and ret"rn thesame for o"r records.

    =est e%ards,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    'ormat of (ork )*perience Letter


    o (hom +t Ma! oncern)

    his is to ertif! that Mr/Ms .........., 'or&ed in o"r or%ani5ation as.................. in o"r .............. De#artment at ............from...............................

    (e fo"nd him/ her sincere, hard'or&in%, technica$$! so"nd and res"$t oriented d"rin% his/her ten"re. ......hasa friend$!, o"t%oin% #ersona$it!, a %ood sense of h"mo"r and 'or&s 'e$$ as #art of a team. (e ta&e thiso##ort"nit! to than& him/her for his/her contrib"tion and 'ish him /her s"ccess in his/her f"t"re endea*o"rs...

    @or o


    'ORMA$ O' $)RMI+A$IO+ L)$$)R

    ____/D/___ Date_____________

    Mr/ Ms. _____________________________________________________________________

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    Dear Mr./ Ms. _____________,

    his has reference to o"r letterdated _________ thro"%h 'hich 'e had as&ed !o" re#ort bac& to d"t! 'ithinCH ho"rs of recei#t of this letter. he letterhas been de$i*ered to !o" on _____________ . o'e*er, neitherha*e !o" re#orted bac& to d"t! nor has there been an! comm"nication from !o"r end re%ardin% !o"r


    (ith this bac&%ro"nd 'e re%ret to inform !o" that 'e are forced to remo*e !o"r name from the ro$$s of thecom#an! 'ith immediate effect.

    (e re"est !o" to contact the acco"nts de#artment F da!s after the recei#t of this letterfor the sett$ement of!o"r d"es, if an!.

    @or. om#an! name


    Confirmation Letter

    ____/D/____ Date) _________

    Mr. =harat ?ate$,

    Dear Mr. =harat,

    onse"ent to the re*ie' of !o"r #erformance d"rin% !o"r #robation, 'e ha*e the #$eas"re in informin% !o"that, !o"r ser*ices are bein% confirmed as _____________________ 'ith effect from 12th Ma! 200F.

    A$$ the other terms and conditions as detai$ed in !o"r a##ointment letterremain "nchan%ed.

    (e $oo& for'ard to !o"r *a$"ab$e contrib"tions and 'ish !o" a$$ the *er! best for a re'ardin% career 'ith theor%anisation.

    ?$ease si%n the d"#$icate co#! of this letteras a to&en of acce#tance of the same.

    @or om#an! Name


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    APPR)CIA$IO+ L)$$)R

    ___/D/___ Date_____________

    Mr/ Ms. _____________________________________________________________________

    Dear Mr./ Ms. _____________,

    (e 'ish to #$ace on record o"r a##reciation of the %ood manner in 'hich !o" ha*e hand$ed the

    res#onsibi$ities entr"sted to !o". (e ho#e that !o" 'i$$ contin"e to mo*e ahead on the #ath of e-ce$$ence.

    A co#! of this letteris bein% #$aced in !o"r #ersona$ fi$e.

    @or om#an! Name


    Memorandum of ,ndertaking)

    +, ____________, ;/o ;ri _______________________, A%ed) ___ !ears, /o___________________________________________________________________ 4?ermanent address tobe mentioned, #"rs"ant to m! se$ection L a##ointment as _____________________ at________________________Knit, do hereb! e-ec"te this =ond/ Memorand"m of Knderta&in% 4hereinafterreferred to as MOK for con*enience in fa*o"r of M/s --------------------------------------4hereinafter referred to as :Compan. for con*enience and a%ree and hereb! %i*in% m! f"$$ consent asfo$$o's

    1. + hereb! a%ree to ser*e the :Compan. in the #osition L sa$ar! offered to *ide Offer $etterDtd._____________ for a minim"m #eriod of 1 (ONE) year commencin% from the date ofe-ec"tion of this MOK.

    2. + do hereb! a%ree to the e-istin% r"$es and re%"$ations of the :Compan. and r"$es andre%"$ations framed / amended from time to time.

    3. + do hereb! a%ree that d"rin% the said #eriod of 2 (TWO) years+ sha$$ not $ea*e the :Compan.for an! reason 'hatsoe*er. + a$so a%ree that in the e*ent + intends to $ea*e the :Compan. foran! reason 'hatsoe*er #rior to the com#$etion of the said minim"m #eriod of 2 (TWO) yearsfrom the date of e-ec"tion of this MOK, + 'i$$ com#ensate the :Compan. b! #a!in% an amo"nt

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    e"i*a$ent to s"m of : ;ix Months tota$ emo$"ments at the rate of emo$"ments $ast dra'n b!me.

    C. + do hereb! "nderta&e that d"rin% the ten"re of m! 'or&in% 'ith the :Compan., + sha$$ ser*e the:Compan. faithf"$$! and di$i%ent$!, de*ote m! 'ho$e time and sha$$ com#$! 'ith a$$ directionsand orders of the :Compan. and / or its Officers and / or a"thorities "nder 'hom m! ser*icesare #$aced b! the :Compan. from time to time. @"rther + sha$$ not di*"$%e or disc$ose an! of thesecrets of the om#an! and en%a%e m!se$f and / or ha*e an! concern 'ith an! other firm /

    om#an! or b"siness or or%ani5ation at an! time d"rin% the ten"re of m! ser*ice 'ith the:Compan.. +n case + fo"nd %"i$t! of committin% ins"bordination, ins"$t or disobedience to an!of m! s"#eriors, %ross ne%$ect of 'or&, non#erformance, care$essness, dama%e of e"i#ment,interferin% 'ith the records of the :Compan. etc., + sha$$ be $iab$e for an! disci#$inar! actioninc$"din% dismissa$ b! the :Compan. and in s"ch e*ent the :Compan. sha$$ not $iab$e to #a!to me an! com#ensation as mentioned in $a"se 3 of this MOK.

    . + do hereb! "nderta&e to $ea*e from the ser*ice of the :Compan. if + fo"nd medica$$! "nfit tocontin"e the ser*ice an! more and + 'i$$ not be entit$ed for an! com#ensation.

    6. + do hereb! "nderta&e that + am not entit$ed to $ea*e the em#$o!ment 'ith an! notice #eriodd"rin% the #eriod of minim"m %"aranteed ser*ice as #er this MOK and entit$ed to $ea*e theem#$o!ment b! fo$$o'in% the d"e #roced"re #rescribed in the terms L conditions of m!a##ointment, on$! after ser*in% the said minim"m %"aranteed #eriod as #er MOK.

    F. + do hereb! "nderta&e that the re$e*ant #ro*isions of the ;taff "$es and re%"$ations of the

    :Compan., 'hich are not contrar! to 'hat been e-#ress$! referred to in the #resent MOK, sha$$be bindin% on me.H. + do hereb! "nderta&e that after com#$etion of 1 (ONE) yearof a%reement, + sha$$ be deemed to

    contin"e in ser*ice 'ith the :Compan. "nti$ termination b! either side.

    + dec$are that + am e-ec"tin% this MOK in fa*o"r of :Compan. 'ith m! o'n 'i$$ and consent in #resence ofthe fo$$o'in% 'itnesses on this the _______ 4date da! of ____________ 4month 2006 at ______________4#$ace.


    (itnesses 4'ith address



    $RA+S')R OR)R

    O''IC) OR)R

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    On e-i%encies of 'or& and administrati*e reasons, Mr. __________, _________ 4EM? No) ___________ ishereb! transferred and #osted to 'or& at ____________Knit, _____________'ith immediate effect. e isdirected to e#ort to 9enera$ Mana%er, _____________ immediate$!.

    Accordin%$!, 9enera$ Mana%er, _______'i$$ re$ie*e him.


    4hro"%h 9enera$ Mana%er, _________

    o,Mr.EM? NO) _____,

    9enera$ Mana%er, _____________ 9enera$ Mana%er, ___________

    Accts. De#artment, O, _______________





    ;"b) han%e of desi%nation and Enhancement of sa$ar! e%.

    +n a##reciation of !o"r ser*ices, the Mana%ement is #$eased to desi%nate !o" as ____________ andenhance !o"r e-istin% month$! sa$ar! b! s. ________/ i.e., from s. ________/ to s _________/ 'itheffect from _________.

    onse"ent on the chan%e in desi%nation and increase of !o"r sa$ar!, !o" are ad*ised to e-ec"te a bond forthree !ears.

    (e ho#e better #erformance from !o" in comin% !ears.

    (ish !o" best of $"c&,

    o"rs faithf"$$!,@or Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited,


    R)LI)1I+2 OR)R


    Dear Madam,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    ;"b.) etter of re$ie*in%ef.) 1. !o"r resi%nation $etterdated

    2. his Office $etter dated

    As intimated to !o" *ide o"r $etter 2ndcited abo*e, !o" are hereb! re$ie*ed on _______________ AN.

    (e 'ish !o" a$$ s"ccess in !o"r f"t"re endea*ors.

    han&in% o",

    o"rs faithf"$$!,@or Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited,

    Mana%er 4?LA

    Pice ?resident 4@ ;r. Mana%er 4?"rchase Acco"nts De#t.

    S3O( CA,S) +O$IC)

    o Dt)


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)



    S3O( CA,S) +O$IC)

    +t has been re#orted that !o" ha*e introd"ced one Mr. A Pen&a 9o"d, ;/O ?enta 9o"d /O "chana#a$$!4?= No) 1F2162 for cro# $oan of s. H,000/ for the season 20060F. On !o"r initiations, cro# $oan of s.H,000/ 'as %ranted and che"e 'as %i*en on 10.03.200F. (hen the amo"nt has become o"tstandin%, on

    *erification b! o"r fie$d staff it is fo"nd that no cane 'as c"$ti*ated in his area and the said Mr. Pen&a 9o"dhas not s"##$ied ane to the @actor! d"rin% the season 20060F and a$so that the said Pen&a 9o"d e-#iredon 01.12.2006. On f"rther *erification it is $earnt that the che"e 'as de#osited in the Dist oO#erati*eentra$ =an& imited, Meda& on 1.03.2006. +t 'as fo"nd that !o" ha*e endorsed on 'ithdra'a$ form of theban&, 'hich 'as in the name of Mr. A Pen&a 9o"d and recei*ed the amo"nt of s. H,000/. +t c$ear$! sho'sthat !o" ha*e acted 'ith an "$terior moti*e for a 'ron%f"$ %ain. hereb! !o" ha*e cheated the com#an! andmisa##ro#riated an amo"nt of s. H,000/ and ca"sed $oss to the com#an!. o"r abo*e acts amo"nt tomiscond"ct "nder the Mode$ ;tandin% Orders a##$icab$e to !o".

    ence !o" are hereb! ca$$ "#on !o"r e-#$anation 'ithin EE 43 da!s from the date of recei#t of thisnotice, 'h! a##ro#riate disci#$inar! action can not be ta&en a%ainst !o" for the abo*e miscond"cts, a#artfrom initiatin% rimina$/i*i$ #roceedin%s. +n case no re#$! is recei*ed 'ithin the sti#"$ated time, it 'i$$ be#res"med that !o" ha*e no e-#$anation to s"bmit and f"rther action 'i$$ be initiated a%ainst !o".

    D! 9enera$ Mana%er 4?rocess

    9enera$ Mana%er, Meda& ?resident, !derabad.

    II S3O( CA,S) +O$IC)

    R)2 POS$ (I$3 AC4 ,)0

    o oMr. Pen&at edd!, Mr. Pen&at edd!,Job O#ted Em#$o!ee No) C0C10H ;/O ;atti edd!,entrif"%a$ O#erator ?$ot No) 1H, ++ @$oor,?rocess De#artment, Ja!a$a-mi Na%ar o$on!,Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited, ?hase No) +,

    M"t!am#et, Met#a$$! Knit. oad No) 10, =eeram%"da,Meda& Dist. 02 032

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)



    ;"b) ++ sho' ca"se notice of #"nishment re%.ef) 1. har%e sheet dated 2F.11.200F iss"ed b! M/; Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars

    imited, Met#a$$!.2. En"ir! re#ort of ;ri. a%niah , En"ir! Officer, !derabad.

    II S3O( CA,S) +O$IC) O' P,+IS3M)+$ ISS,)

    his has reference to the char%e sheet dated 2F.11.200F iss"ed to !o" b! the "ndersi%ned and s"bse"entDomestic En"ir! cond"cted a%ainst !o" on the char%es $e*e$ed a%ainst !o" in the char%e sheet dated2F.11.200F. No' the En"ir! Officer has s"bmitted his re#ort, ho$din% !o" %"i$t! of miscond"cts a$$e%ed inthe char%e sheet dated 2F.11.200F. o#! of the en"ir! re#ort is enc$osed. he mana%ement has caref"$$!e-amined the en"ir! re#ort, the en"ir! #roceedin%s and other connected doc"ments. +n *ie' of the %ra*it!of the miscond"cts, the Mana%ement has #ro#osed to a'ard the #"nishment of termination of !o"r ser*ices.

    ?$ease sho' ca"se 'ith in three 43 da!s from the date of recei#t of this notice as to 'h! the #ro#osed#"nishment of termination of ser*ices can not be a'arded. +n case no re#$! is recei*ed 'ithin the sti#"$atedtime, it 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" ha*e no e-#$anation to s"bmit and 'i$$ be #roceeded f"rther.

    9enera$ Mana%er.

    Enc$) as abo*e

    (AR+I+2 L)$$)R

    Mr. ;at!anara!an

    A%ric"$t"ra$ Assistant,EM? NO) 20302,ane De#artment,Meda&.

    Dear ;ir,

    ef) 1. O"r char%esheet No) ND;/MD/E;/1F dated 06.0.2006, iss"ed b! the9enera$ Mana%er, ND;, Meda&.

    2. En"ir! e#ort of the En"ir! Officer dated 22.0.2006?$ease refer to the char%e sheet 1 stcited and en"ir! cond"cted b! the En"ir! Officer a%ainst !o". heen"ir! Officer has s"bmitted his en"ir! re#ort and findin%s. (e ha*e caref"$$! #er"sed and e-amined the

    en"ir! re#ortdated 22.0.2006 and a$so ta&en into consideration of !o"r #ast record.

    he Mana%ement has come to a conc$"sion that !o" are habit"a$ absconder to !o"r d"ties and !o" deser*e#"nishment for the abo*e miscond"ct. o'e*er, the mana%ement has ta&en a $enient *ie' and !o" are

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    hereb! %everel. warnedand ad*ised not to re#eat the same in f"t"re.

    ?$ease note the same and act accordin%$!.

    o"rs faithf"$$!,@or Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited,

    9enera$ Mana%er.

    ?resident, or#orate Office, !derabad.


    R)2 POS$ (I$3 AC4 ,)0

    oMr. Pen&at edd!, Mr. Pen&at edd!,JO? No) C0C10H ;/O ;athi edd!,entrif"%a$ O#erator ?$ot No) 1H , ++ @$oor,?rocess De#artment, Ja!a$a-mi Na%ar o$on!Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited, ?hase No) +,M"t!am#eta, Met#a$$! Knit, oad No) 10,


    Meda& Dist. 02032


    ef) 1. har%e ;heet dated 2F.11.200F iss"ed to !o".2. o"r e-#$anation dated 0C.12.200F to the abo*e char%e sheet.3. he en"ir! re#ort dated 1o.0C.200HC. ++ ;ho' a"se Notice dated 23.0C.200H. o"r e-#$anation dated 12.0.200H to the ++ ;ho' a"se Notice.

    o" ma! reca$$ that a har%e;heet dated 2F.11.200F 'as iss"ed to !o". (herein miscond"cts "nderc$a"se 20 4a, 4f, 4h, 4&, 4$ and 4- of Andhra ?radesh Mode$ ;tandin% Orders a##$icab$e to theOr%anisation 'ere iss"ed to !o". As !o" ha*e dis#"ted the miscond"cts thro"%h !o"r e-#$anation dated0C.12.200F, a Domestic En"ir! 'as ordered and he$d, &ee#in% in *ie' of the ?rinci#$es of Nat"ra$ J"stice.

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    +ns#ite of ser*ice of notice on !o", for the reasons best &no'n to !o", !o" did not choose to attend theen"ir!, $ea*in% no o#tion to the En"ir! Officer to ho$d an e-#arte en"ir!.

    he En"ir! Officer after min"te$! e-aminin% the e*idence on record, has s"bmitted a re#ort ho$din% !o"%"i$t! of miscond"cts "nder c$a"se 20 4a, 4f, 4h, 4&, 4$ and 4- of Andhra ?radesh Mode$ ;tandin% Orders.

    he Mana%ement has #er"sed the re#ort of the En"ir! Officer and after f"$$! satisfied 'ith the re#ort a

    ;econd ;ho'a"seNotice dated 23.0C.200H of termination 'as iss"ed to !o". +n ans'er to the ;econd;ho' a"se Notice, !o" ha*e come o"t 'ith 'i$d and ima%inar! a$$e%ations. After caref"$ e-amination of!o"r re#$!, it is fo"nd that the same is neither con*incin% nor satisfactor!.

    o" ha*e stated in !o"r re#$! that !o" are a #rotected 'or&man. ="t it is not tr"e. Knder "$e 63 of the A ?+nd"stria$ Dis#"tes "$es, the stat"s of #rotected 'or&man can be c$aimed on$! 'hen an a##$ication is madeb! the Knion and 'hen the em#$o!er b! #ositi*e action reco%ni5es and %rants in 'ritin% the stat"s of?rotected (or&man to the Office =earers of the Knion. eco%nisition of s"ch stat"s 'i$$ arise on$! 'henem#$o!er in 'ritin% %rants stat"s not other'ise.

    o" ha*e stated in !o"r e-#$anation that !o" ha*e not recei*ed the en"ir! notice, 'hich is not correct.En"ir! Officer has sent a e$e%ram on 21.03.200H informin% the date, time and *en"e of en"ir!, besidessendin% a $etter b! o"rier.

    +t is a$so not a fact that the mana%ement has #romised before the o$$ector that !o" 'o"$d be ta&en bac& intos"r*i*e. +n fact the Mana%ement #romised to e-amine the matter.

    herefore, !o" can not sa! that the ?rinci#$es of Nat"ra$ J"stice are *io$ated.

    he Mana%ement has a$so ta&en into consideration of !o"r ser*ice record. ho"%h there are no ad*erseremar&s, b"t in *ie' of the %ra*it! of the miscond"cts estab$ished in the en"ir!, !o"r ser*ices are hereb!terminated 'ith immediate effect.

    @or Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited,

    9enera$ Mana%er.

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    $)RMI+A$IO+ 67 )MPLO7)R



    ef) o"r a##ointment $etter dated ______________

    +t has been obser*ed b! the Mana%ement that !o"r #erformance is not "# to the mar&. ence !o"r ser*ices

    are not re"ired b! the Mana%ement.

    As #er $a"se _______ of !o"r a##ointment order dated ________, either #art! sho"$d %i*e t'o monthsnotice for terminatin% the ser*ices.

    Accordin%$!, the mana%ement iss"e t'o months notice and !o" 'i$$ be re$ie*ed from o"r ser*ices 'ef____________.

    ?$ease ma&e a note of it.

    @or Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited,

    Mana%er 4?LA

    ?resident, Pice ?resident 4@,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    MO)L RA'$ O' A C3AR2)"S3))$



    It ha% 8een reported again%t .ou that on0000000000000at0000000000000000.ou00000000menti on clearl. that act of act%of mi%conduct alleged!

    $he act a% alleged a8ove which have 8een committed 8. .ou amount to mi%conduct% which9 ifproved9 would warrant %eriou% di%ciplinar. action again%t .ou0

    Accordingl.9 .ou are here8. re:uired to %how cau%e within000000000000da.% of the receipt of thi% letter a%to wh. .ou %hould not 8e di%mi%%ed or otherwi%e puni%hed0

    Should .ou fail to %u8mit .our e*planation a% re:uired9 it will 8e pre%umed that .ou have noe*planation to offer and the matter will 8e di%po%ed of without an. further reference to .ou0

    Since the charge% leveled again%t .ou are of grave and %eriou% nature9 .ou are here8. %u%pendedpending further proceeding% and final order in the matter0

    $he receipt of thi% letter %hould 8e acknowledged0


    Authori%ed Signator.

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    (arning Letter


    Mr/ Ms. _____________________________________________________________________

    Mr./ Ms. _____________,

    his is in contin"ation to o"r $etter dated _____________, 'hich 'as sent to !o"r $ast &no'n address, b!re%istered #ost, ca$$in% "#on !o" to s"bmit a 'ritten e-#$anation 'ithin CH ho"rs, for !o"r contin"ed absence,

    'itho"t an! intimation . (e note 'ith re%ret that !o" ha*e neither res"med !o"r d"ties nor ha*e !o"e-#$ained the reason for !o"r contin"ed, 'i$$f"$ and "na"thori5ed absence.

    As #er the terms of !o"r a##ointment $etter, it is c$ear$! indicated that absence for a contin"o"s #eriod'itho"t #rior a##ro*a$ of !o"r s"#erior, 4inc$"din% o*ersta! on $ea*e/ trainin% 'o"$d res"$t in !o" $osin% !o"r$ien on the ser*ice and the same sha$$ a"tomatica$$! come to an end 'itho"t an! notice or intimation.

    o" are hereb! informed that !o" ha*e $ost !o"r $ien on !o"r ser*ice as a ________________________ andit is deemed that !o" ha*e abandoned the em#$o!ment of !o"r o'n accord. he re$ationshi# bet'een !o"and the o. has ceased to e-ist 'ith effect from ___________________.

    o" ma! co$$ect !o"r f"$$ L fina$ sett$ement d"es, if an!, from the Acco"nts De#artment.

    @or ____________,


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)



    MO)L PRO"'ORM 'OR 2)+)RAL C3AR2)"S3))$




    +t is re#orted a%ainst !o" that on ________4date at ________4time !o"_____ 4mention c$ear$! the act oracts of miscond"ct a$$e%ed.

    he acts, as a$$e%ed abo*e to ha*e been committed b! !o", amo"nt to miscond"ct 'hich, if #ro*ed, 'o"$d'arrant serio"s disci#$inar! action a%ainst !o".

    Accordin%$!, !o" are hereb! re"ired to sho' ca"se 'ithin _______ da!s of the recei#t hereof as to 'h! !o"sho"$d not be dismissed or other 'ise #"nished.

    ;ho"$d !o" fai$ to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation as re"ired, +t 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" admit the char%es andha*e no e-#$anation to offer and the matter 'i$$ be dis#osed of 'itho"t an! f"rther reference to !o".

    ;ince the char%es, $e*e$ed a%ainst !o", are of %ra*e and serio"s nat"re, !o" are herb! s"s#ended #endin%f"rther #roceedin%s and fina$ orders in the matter.

    he recei#t of this $etter sho"$d be ac&no'$ed%ed.


    MO)L S3O( CA,S) +O$IC)



    o" ha*e been absentin% from d"t! 'itho"t $ea*e sinceQQQ..and as s"ch ser*ices are $iab$e to beterminated accordin% to the r"$es of the com#an!.

    o" are, therefore, ca$$ed "#on to sho' ca"se 'h! !o"r ser*ices 'i$$ not be terminated "nder $a"seQQQ.of the ;tateQQQMode$ ;tandin% Orders Act O ertified ;tandin% Orders r"$es of the com#an! /estab$ishment for s"ch contin"ed / habit"a$ absence.

    A,$3IRIS) SI2+A$OR7

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    MO)L S3O( CA,S) +O$IC)



    +t has been re#orted a%ainst !o" as "nder )

    OnQQQQatQQQQQQ.!o",QQQQ..QQQQQ..4detai$s of a$$e%ed miscond"ct he act4s a$$e%ed toha*e been committed b! !o" amo"nt to miscond"ct.

    Accordin%$!, !o" are hereb! ca$$ed "#on to s"bmit !o"r 'ritten e-#$anation and sho' ca"se 'h! disci#$inar!action sho"$d not be ta&en a%ainst !o".

    o"r e-#$anation m"st reach the "ndersi%ned 'ithin CH ho"rs. ;ho"$d !o" fai$ to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anationre"ired, the matter 'i$$ be dis#osed of 'itho"t an! f"rther reference to !o".

    AKO+;ED ;+9NAO

    SIMPL) (AR+I+2 L)$$)R




    o"r e-#$anation dated QQQQ.. in re#$! to sho' ca"se notice datedQQQ. as been fo"nd to be


    o" are accordin%$! hereb! 'arned.

    o" are f"rther ad*ised in !o"r o'n interest to be ca"tio"s and not to re#eat s"ch an act in f"t"re.

    AKO+;ED ;+9NAO

    S$)R+ (AR+I+2 L)$$)R



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    ;EN (AN+N9

    o"r e-#$anation dated re#$! to sho' ca"se notice / $etter of char%e datedQQ.has been fo"nd to be"nsatisfactor!.

    he %ra*it! of miscond"ct committed b! !o" is s"ch that it 'arrants se*ere #"nishment. o'e*er, 'e areta&in% a $enient *ie' this time and ha*e decided to a'ard !o" this stern 'arnin%.

    ;ho"$d !o" re#eat an! s"ch thin% in f"t"re or commit an! other miscond"ct 'e 'i$$ not hesitate to ta&e strictdisci#$inar! action a%ainst !o".

    AKO+;ED ;+9NAO





    o"r $ea*e record sho's that !o" are in the habit of absentin% off and on and in s#ite of the fact that !o"ha*e been *erba$$! ad*ised and are 'arned for im#ro*in% !o"r attendance !o" ha*e not sho'n an!im#ro*ement. o" 'ere a%ain absent on QQQ. (itho"t an! a"thori5ation. o" are bein% %i*en anothero##ort"nit! to correct !o"rse$f and in case !o" do not sho' an! im#ro*ement 'e 'i$$ ha*e no a$ternati*e b"tto ta&e a serio"s *ie' of !o"r action. On !o"r abo*e absence !o" are bein% stron%$! 'arned.

    AKO+;ED ;+9NAO

    (AR+I+2 L)$$)R 'OR I+S,6ORI+A$IO+



  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    +t has been re#orted that toda! at 0.00a.m 'hen !o"r s"#er*isor as&ed !o" to doQQQQQQQ!o"ref"sed to carr! o"t the instr"ctions and sho"ted at him. +n !o"r e-#$anation !o" ha*e admitted !o"r mista&e.A$tho"%h drastic action co"$d ha*e been ta&en a%ainst !o" for ins"bordination, b"t 'ith a *ie' to reform !o",!o" are bein% %i*en another o##ort"nit! and 'e ho#e !o" 'i$$ be *er! caref"$ in f"t"re in s"ch matters. o"are bein% 'arned.

    AKO+;ED ;+9NAO



    Mr./ MsQQQQQQQQ..Em#.NoQQQQQQQQ.Desi%nationQQQQQQ..

    +t is re#orted a%ainst !o" that on ________4date at ________4time !o"_____ 4mention c$ear$! the act oracts of miscond"ct a$$e%ed.

    he acts, as a$$e%ed abo*e to ha*e been committed b! !o", amo"nt to miscond"ct 'hich, if #ro*ed, 'o"$d'arrant serio"s disci#$inar! action a%ainst !o".

    Accordin%$!, !o" are hereb! re"ired to sho' ca"se 'ithin _______ da!s of the recei#t hereof as to 'h! !o"sho"$d not be dismissed or other 'ise #"nished.

    ;ho"$d !o" fai$ to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation as re"ired, +t 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" admit the char%es and

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    ha*e no e-#$anation to offer and the matter 'i$$ be dis#osed of 'itho"t an! f"rther reference to !o".

    ;ince the char%es, $e*e$ed a%ainst !o", are of %ra*e and serio"s nat"re, !o" are herb! s"s#ended #endin%f"rther #roceedin%s and fina$ orders in the matter.

    he recei#t of this $etter sho"$d be ac&no'$ed%ed.




    Mr./ MsQQQQQQQQ..Em#.NoQQQQQQQQ.Desi%nationQQQQQQ..

    (hereas the char%es amo"ntin% to %ross miscond"ct 4s and indisci#$ine a%aint !o" ha*e been $e*e$ed inaccordance 'ith om#an! ;er*ice "$es / ;tandin% Order NoQQas #er char%esheet datedQQQ..sent to!o".

    No', therefore, !o" are hereb! #$aced "nder s"s#ension 'ith effect fromQQQ"nder c$a"sesQQQ..of the@actor! / om#an! "$es / ;tandin% Orders. o"r s"s#ension has been considered necessar! in order tomaintain #ro#er disci#$ine in the @actor! / om#an! / Estab$ishment and to cond"ct #ro#er en"ir! a%ainst!o".

    o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to recei*e s"bsistence / s"s#ension a$$o'ance of sQQ. D"rin% the #eriod ofs"s#ension.

    +O$IC) O' ISC3AR2) $O A+ )MPLO7))

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)



    his has reference to the char%e sheet dated_________ iss"ed to !o" L en"ir! he$d thereafter. (e ha*e

    d"$! considered the re#ort of the en"ir! officer and are satisfied that the char%es as $e*e$ed a%ainst !o"ha*e been #ro*ed a%ainst !o" in the en"ir!.

    +n *ie' of the serio"s nat"re of miscond"ct committed b! !o" L f"$$! #ro*ed a%ainst !o", it has been decidedto dis#ense 'ith !o"r ser*ices. o'e*er, on com#assionate %ro"nds considerin% e-ten"atin% anda%%ra*atin% circ"mstances, the mana%ement, instead of dismissin% !o" from ser*ices has decided to im#ose$esser #"nishment of dischar%e on !o" 'ith immediate effect from____________

    o"r fina$ #a!ment of d"es inc$"din% 'a%es for 1 month in $ie" of notice 'i$$ be made to !o" in the office onor before____________ d"rin% office ho"rs on an! 'or&in% da! after !o" hand o*er the char%e.

    Mana%er/ om#etent A"thorit!




    (e ha*e recei*ed the en"ir! re#ort that 'as he$d on_______________ a%ainst !o" conse"ent to thechar%e sheet dated______________. After %oin% thro"%h the #roceedin%s of the en"ir!, 'e find that thechar%es ha*e been #ro*ed a%ainst !o".

    ;ince the char%e 4s committed b! !o" is/are of sero"s nat"re, the a##ro#riate #"nishment is dismissa$ fromser*ice. o" are therefore, hereb! dismissed from ser*ice 'ith effect from ____________ !o" can co$$ect!o"r d"es, if an!, and sett$e !o"r acco"nt on an! 'or&in% da! d"rin% the office ho"rs from Acco"ntsDe#artment.

    Mana%er/ A"thorised #erson 'ith desi%nation

    . ) he Acco"nts De#tt. for information if necessar! action.

    OR)R O' IMPOSI+2 'I+) AS A P,+IS3M)+$


  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    his is in contin"ance of the char%esheeted dated__________ iss"ed to !o" L the en"ir! he$d in#"rs"ance thereof. As a res"$t of the en"ir!, the mana%ement is satisfied that the char%es $e*e$ed a%ainst!o" am#$! #ro*ed.

    On the bases of the char%es #ro*ed a%ainst !o", dismissa$ from ser*ice 'o"$d be rather a##ro#riate in theordinar! co"rse b"t in consideration that this for the first time that !o" ha*e been fo"nd %"i$t! of the char%e,

    the mana%ement decides to afford !o" an o##ort"nit! to im#ro*e !o"rse$f L instead of a'ardin% the e-treme#ena$t!, im#ose "#on !o" a fine of s._________ as #"nishment.

    Mana%er/ om#etent A"thorit!


    .) he Acco"nts De#t

    ?O@OMA ;K99E;ED @O A A9E ;EE O AN EM?OEE @O A=+KA A=;ENEE+;M


    @o$$o'in% are the char%es a%ainst !o")

    ?er"sa$ of !o"r attendance record re*ea$s that !o" are in habit of absentin% !o"rse$f from !o"r d"ties 'itho"tan! information and #ro#er sanction of $ea*e. o"r absentee s#e$$s are on an increase and !o"r absenteerecord for the #recedin% ________!ears are re#rod"ced here"nder.


    A=;ENE________ __________ ________________

    o" ha*e been *erba$$! ad*ised to im#ro*e !o" attendance record and not to ind"$%e in "na"thori5edabsence from d"ties. ="t des#ite these *erba$ ad*ises/re#rimands and ass"rance %i*en b! !o", !o" ha*enot sho'n an! im#ro*ement in !o"r attendance.

    he abo*e act of habit"a$ absence on !o"r #art constit"ted ma8or miscond"ct "nder certified standin% ordersof the com#an! a##$icab$e to !o" and a$so affects the 'or& of the com#an!.

    o" are hereb! re"ired to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation, if an! to this char%esheet 'ithin 3 da!s from its recei#tfai$in% 'hich it 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" ha*e no e-#$anation to offer and the mana%ement 'i$$ be free tota&e an! action that ma! be deemed #ro#er in !o" case.

    @or _________________________

    4A"thori5ed ;i%nator!

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    PRO'ORMA S,22)S$) 'OR C3AR2) S3))$ 'OR SLO(I+2 O(+ (OR4


    +t is re#orted a%ainst !o" as "nder)

    1. hat on______4date at abo"t________4time 'hi$e on d"t!, !o" in combination 'ith others,de$iberate$! s$o'ed do'n the 'or& in a concerted manner and insti%ated Mr.= L to ado#t R%o s$o'Gtactics. o" f"rther threatened Mr. D 'ho did not 'ant to fo$$o' the s"it.

    2. hat 'hi$e !o" #rior #rod"ction 'as_____ #er da!, !o"r #rod"ction on ________ and thereafter hasbeen de$iberate$! bro"%ht do'n to______ 'hich is m"ch be$o' the norma$ #rod"ction of a 'or&er ofa*era%e efficienc!.

    3. hat the abo*e acts/omissions on !o"r #art are hi%h$! ob8ectionab$e bein% #re8"dicia$ to the interestof the com#an!, 'hich has to com#ete 'ith other efficient$! r"n enter#rises.

    C. hat des#ite re#eated ad*ice not to ado#t to R%o s$o'G tactics, b! !o"r s"#erior/s"#eriors, !o" did notadhere to the act"a$ norms of #rod"ction, !o" ha*e been maintainin% ear$ier b"t instead, &e#t on

    id$in% a'a! !o"r time.

    . As a res"$t of !o"r R9o ;$o'G tactics and insti%atin% others to s$o' do'n the 'or&/#rod"ction hasconsiderab$! %one do'n, res"$tin% into $oss to the com#an!.

    6. he abo*e acts on !o"r #art constit"te ma8or miscond"ct "nder certified standin% orders no.______and no._____ of the com#an! a##$icab$e to !o".

    o" are hereb! re"ired to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation, if an! to this char%esheet 'ithin 3 da!s from its recei#tfai$in% 'hich it 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" ha*e no e-#$anation to offer and the mana%ement 'i$$ be free tota&e an! action that ma! be deemed #ro#er in !o" case.

    AKO+;ED ;+9NAO

    Appreciation Letter

    Dear 4Name of the candidate,

    + 'o"$d $i&e to ta&e this o##ort"nit! to e-#ress m! heartfe$t than&s to !o" for !o"r *er! acti*e in*o$*ement_________4eason . he hairman and =oard Members ha*e a$so as&ed me to #ass on their sincere

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    a##reciation for !o"r efforts in s"##ortin% "s 'ith the "nderta&in%.

    A%ain, than&s so m"ch for !o"r enth"siastic #artici#ation in o"r conference. + ha*e no do"bt that it 'o"$d notha*e been the s"ccess that it 'as 'itho"t !o"r #resence.

    =est e%ards,

    _______4o"r name and o"r Di%ita$ ;i%nat"re

    Re;ection Letter

    Dear 4Name of the candidate

    + re%ret to inform !o" that !o"r recent a##$ication for the ead of ;ec"rit! #osition at __4Name of the

    com#an! 'as "ns"ccessf"$.

    A$tho"%h !o" met a$$ of the mandator! minim"m "a$ifications for the #osition, the +nter*ie' =oard chose acandidate 'ith considerab$! more e-#erience than !o" c"rrent$! #ossess and a$so 'hose s&i$$ set Matchesc$ose$! 'ith the c"rrent #rofi$e 'e are $oo&in% at . + am here to con*e! than&s for !o"r candidac! .

    On beha$f of ____4om#an! name + than& !o" for !o"r interest and effort, and + 'ish !o" a$$ the best in !o"rf"t"re career endea*ors.


    _______4o"r name and o"r Di%ita$ ;i%nat"re

    Appointment 'or Interview

    Dear 4reci#ientSs name,

    han& !o" for !o"r a##$ication re%ardin% the #osition of 48ob tit$e at 4com#an!. (e are im#ressed 'ith !o"r"a$ifications and 'o"$d $i&e to meet 'ith !o" to ha*e a ro"nd of Disc"ssion . ?$ease come do'n to o"r officeand ta&e an inter*ie' an! time bet'een __ A.M to __ ?.M . ;ho"$d !o" ha*e an! "eries ,#$ease fee$ free toca$$ me _____4Mob N"m and reach me at 4!o"r Emai$ +D .

    (e $oo& for'ard to meet !o" soon at o"r Office.

    =est e%ards,

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)


    _______4o"r name and o"r Di%ita$ ;i%nat"re

    PROMO$IO+ L)$$)R

    Dear Mr. /Ms,

    (e are *er! ha##! to inform !o" that !o" ha*e been #romoted as 4desi%nation'ith effect from 4d"e date. +naccordance 'e hereb! re*ise !o"r 9ross ;a$ar! as s /.Other terms and onditions remain the same as#er the a##ointment $etter.

    ind$! si%n and ret"rn the d"#$icate of this $etter as a to&en of !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms andconditions.

    (ith best 'ishes,

    _______4o"r name and o"r Di%ita$ ;i%nat"re

  • 8/11/2019 Various Letter Format (2)
