Variational Shape Detection in Microscope Images Based on Joint Shape and Image Feature Statistics Matthias Fuchs Infmath Imaging, University of Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck, Austria http://infmath.uibk.ac.at/˜matthiasf Samuel Gerber SCI Institute, University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 http://www.cs.utah.edu/˜sgerber Abstract This paper presents a novel variational formulation in- corporating statistical knowledge to detect shapes in im- ages. We propose to train an energy based on joint shape and feature statistics inferred from training data. Varia- tional approaches to shape detection traditionally involve energies consisting of a feature term and a regularization term. The feature term forces the detected object to be opti- mal with respect to image properties such as contrast, pat- tern or edges whereas the regularization term stabilizes the shape of the object. Our trained energy does not rely on these two separate terms, hence avoids the non-trivial task of balancing them properly. This enables us to incorpo- rate more complex image features while still relying on a moderate number of training samples. Cell detection in mi- croscope images illustrates the capability of the proposed method to automatically adapt itself to different image fea- tures. We also introduce a nonlinear energy and exemplar- ily compare it to the linear approach. 1. Introduction Variational approaches to detect shapes in images are based on functionals which map shape geometries to an en- ergy that reflects how well the given shape corresponds to the image features. Mumford and Shah [18] proposed to use the mean intensity of the region defined by the shape compared to the intensity of the background as such a fea- ture. This idea can be extended to regions of homogeneous patterns as in Chan and Vese [1]. A second important fea- ture are the edges in images. Kass et al. [13] proposed the Snakes approach to fit curves to the edges of an image. Both formulations require an additional regularization term in the energy functional to ensure that the corresponding variational problem is well-posed. This term measures the regularity of the boundary of the detected region. A general Figure 1. Mumford-Shah segmentation of a cross. Left: Relative regularization parameter α = 1. Right: Relative regularization pa- rameter α = 5. The arrows indicate areas where the regularization contracts the curve too much. form of these energies is E α = I + α R , (1) where I denotes the fit-to-data term, R the regularization term and α > 0 the regularization parameter. The fit-to- data term assigns small energies to shapes which fit to the image features whereas the regularization term favors “reg- ular” shapes. In the approaches cited above this regularity is ensured by penalizing the length or area of the boundary. This forces the shape boundary to be bounded. The regularization term is necessary to ensure the well- posedness of the variational problem associated with the en- ergy functionals. In Figure 1 we illustrate the influence of the regularization parameter α in the Mumford-Shah func- tional. This example indicates that the correct choice of the regularization parameter is important to obtain satisfy- ing segmentation results. These traditional methods have difficulties to correctly detect shapes that are partially occluded, on cluttered image background, or on images corrupted by too much noise. A common solution to this problem is the use of shape priors. The idea of using statistics of shapes as a basis for shape detection was introduced by Cootes et al. [5]. More recent approaches are Chen et al. [2], Cremers et al. [7], Fang and 1

Variational Shape Detection in Microscope Images Based on

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Page 1: Variational Shape Detection in Microscope Images Based on

Variational Shape Detection in Microscope Images Based on Joint Shape andImage Feature Statistics

Matthias FuchsInfmath Imaging, University of Innsbruck

6020 Innsbruck, Austriahttp://infmath.uibk.ac.at/˜matthiasf

Samuel GerberSCI Institute, University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT 84112http://www.cs.utah.edu/˜sgerber


This paper presents a novel variational formulation in-corporating statistical knowledge to detect shapes in im-ages. We propose to train an energy based on joint shapeand feature statistics inferred from training data. Varia-tional approaches to shape detection traditionally involveenergies consisting of a feature term and a regularizationterm. The feature term forces the detected object to be opti-mal with respect to image properties such as contrast, pat-tern or edges whereas the regularization term stabilizes theshape of the object. Our trained energy does not rely onthese two separate terms, hence avoids the non-trivial taskof balancing them properly. This enables us to incorpo-rate more complex image features while still relying on amoderate number of training samples. Cell detection in mi-croscope images illustrates the capability of the proposedmethod to automatically adapt itself to different image fea-tures. We also introduce a nonlinear energy and exemplar-ily compare it to the linear approach.

1. Introduction

Variational approaches to detect shapes in images arebased on functionals which map shape geometries to an en-ergy that reflects how well the given shape corresponds tothe image features. Mumford and Shah [18] proposed touse the mean intensity of the region defined by the shapecompared to the intensity of the background as such a fea-ture. This idea can be extended to regions of homogeneouspatterns as in Chan and Vese [1]. A second important fea-ture are the edges in images. Kass et al. [13] proposedthe Snakes approach to fit curves to the edges of an image.Both formulations require an additional regularization termin the energy functional to ensure that the correspondingvariational problem is well-posed. This term measures theregularity of the boundary of the detected region. A general

Figure 1. Mumford-Shah segmentation of a cross. Left: Relativeregularization parameter α = 1. Right: Relative regularization pa-rameter α = 5. The arrows indicate areas where the regularizationcontracts the curve too much.

form of these energies is

Eα = I +αR , (1)

where I denotes the fit-to-data term, R the regularizationterm and α > 0 the regularization parameter. The fit-to-data term assigns small energies to shapes which fit to theimage features whereas the regularization term favors “reg-ular” shapes. In the approaches cited above this regularityis ensured by penalizing the length or area of the boundary.This forces the shape boundary to be bounded.

The regularization term is necessary to ensure the well-posedness of the variational problem associated with the en-ergy functionals. In Figure 1 we illustrate the influence ofthe regularization parameter α in the Mumford-Shah func-tional. This example indicates that the correct choice ofthe regularization parameter is important to obtain satisfy-ing segmentation results.

These traditional methods have difficulties to correctlydetect shapes that are partially occluded, on cluttered imagebackground, or on images corrupted by too much noise. Acommon solution to this problem is the use of shape priors.The idea of using statistics of shapes as a basis for shapedetection was introduced by Cootes et al. [5]. More recentapproaches are Chen et al. [2], Cremers et al. [7], Fang and


Page 2: Variational Shape Detection in Microscope Images Based on

Chan [8], Gastaud et al. [9], Leventon et al. [16], Rous-son and Paragios [20, 21] and Tsai et al. [23]. Shape priormethods use training data to compute shape statistics. Thesestatistics define a likelihood functional that maps a shape toits probability w.r.t. the shape statistics and replaces the reg-ularization term in the traditional variational formulation.This regularization ensures that only shapes which seem tobe “reasonable” with respect to the training statistics are de-tected.

Again, the above approaches define energies of theform (1) where R includes the statistical prior information.The regularization parameter determines the influence ofthe shape statistics. A high weight stabilizes the shapedetection but might render it impossible to detect shapeswhich are very different from the training shapes (but stillcorrect), whereas a too low weight introduces the danger ofgetting wrong results in case of noisy, cluttered or occludedimage data. The correct choice of the parameter is not triv-ial and application dependent. Multiple (possibly time con-suming) tests are often necessary to validate the weightingparameter. This situation is illustrated in Figure 2. There wemanually annotated the cells in the central cluster in the im-age and estimated the mean and the covariance of the shapeparameters of the training shapes. Then we minimized theSnakes functional with a regularization term defined by thestatistics of the training data and compared the results forregularization parameters α at three orders of magnitude.As in the previous example we observe that this approachgives satisfying results for a correctly chosen regularizationparameter but fails in case of too small or too large valuesof α .

The cited approaches further limit themselves to the useof only one kind of image feature, e.g. image contrast oredges. A combination of multiple features would again re-quire each of them to be weighted with respect to the otherand thus introduce even more parameters.

In this paper we propose an approach which does not re-quire the explicit choice of a regularization parameter. Sim-ilar to the above works on shape priors, we train statisticson annotated data. In contrast to limiting the statistics toshapes only, we incorporate the corresponding image fea-tures from the training data. This allows us to learn thefull-fledged segmentation energy and not only a regulariza-tion term. Furthermore, we avoid the choice of regulariza-tion parameters. Our method is capable of incorporatingan arbitrary number of different kinds of image features.The relative importance of the various features is automati-cally learned from the training data. I.e. the trained energygives high weight to combinations of features it learned tobe representative for a class of objects and does not considerfeatures which vary a lot across the training data. The com-putational effort to evaluate the resulting energy for a givenshape is comparable to the methods mentioned above and

the number of required training samples is very moderate.

Learning a combination of shape and image features wasproposed by Cootes et al. [3] in their work about ActiveAppearance Models. There, the complete intensity distribu-tion inside the shapes is learnt whereas in our work we con-sider features obtained by integration over the shape bound-ary. The idea of learning an energy from multi-dimensionaltraining data and leave the work of selecting important fea-tures to the learning process is also similar to machine learn-ing approaches acting on raw pixel values of image data (cf.LeCun et al. [15, and references therein]). In comparison tothese methods our approach requires significantly less train-ing because we use shape knowledge and intelligently com-puted image features.

Another approach related to ours was proposed by Cre-mers et al. [6]. There, the authors learn a kernel densitybased on shape and image features. In contrast to our work,they focus on level set representations of shapes and theintensity distribution within shapes. They also considerthe distributions of the shapes and the image features sep-arately, whereas we treat them jointly. An approach tosolve the problem of choosing the optimal regularization pa-rameter for a given image was presented by McIntosh andHamarneth [17]. They minimize a quadratic functional forregularization parameters which yield convex detection en-ergies. In our setting, the problem of the optimal regular-ization is equivalent to the selection of the image featuresthe shape detection is based on. This is related to Law etal. [14].

The outline of this paper is as follows. In the next sectionwe introduce the shape-to-feature map which, for a givenimage, maps a shape to a vector of image features deter-mined by this shape. The shape-to-feature map is used tolearn an energy based on shape and image feature statis-tics. For the results in this paper we concentrated on fea-tures which can be expressed as boundary integrals alongthe shape outline. Section 3 is dedicated to the training ofan energy for a given image, a given set of training samplesand a given shape-to-feature map.

The subsequent section is devoted to experimental re-sults. We applied our method to the detection of objects inbiologic microscope images. These results were obtainedby gradient and intensity based image features together withnormal density estimates. In Section 5 we outline the ap-proach we used to minimize the learnt energy. In the lastsection of the paper we exemplarily demonstrate the use ofnonlinear density estimates to learn a shape statistic withtwo modes. We use this energy to detect shapes in artificialimage data and compare them to the results obtained by thenormal density estimate.

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Figure 2. Edge-based segmentation with shape regularization. Top, left: Manually annotated training shapes. Top, right: Detected shapeswith relative regularization parameter α = 1. bottom, left: Detected shapes with relative regularization parameter α = 0.1. bottom, right:Detected shapes with relative regularization parameter α = 10.

1.1. Notation and preliminaries

In the following we always assume u : Ω → R d to be a(possibly vector valued) image defined on a 2-dimensionaldomain Ω ⊆ R 2. If d = 1 then u can be interpreted asa gray-scale image. Let γ be a closed planar curve in Ωwithout self-intersections, i.e. γ : S1 →Ω, injective. We as-sume γ to be piecewise differentiable. We refer to γ as ashape. The shape γ is completely determined by a shapeparameter p ∈ Rm. This is denoted by γ(p). In our case pparametrizes the medial axis of the shapes, but it might aswell be a list of the coefficients of a B-spline curve or anyother kind of shape parametrization.

Finally note that our work is presented for the planar caseonly, but generalizes to higher dimension very easily.

2. Shape-to-feature map

We call a map F ,

F : Rm → R n , p→ F(γ(p)) , (2)

which maps a shape parameter to a vector of features of theimage u a shape-to-feature map. I.e. F depends only onthe shape γ(p) but not on p itself. It is important to note,though, that F does depend on the image u. To simplifynotation and because we chose u to be fixed throughout thepaper we do not denote this dependence.

In this paper we concentrate on a subclass of shape-to-feature maps, which is characterized by a special formof F. In particular, we consider F to be the compositionF = GH, where G : R k → R n and H : Rm → R k. Weassume that only H depends on the image u whereas G isindependent of the image and the shape. Each of the com-ponents Hi, 1≤ i≤ k, of H should have one of the followingforms:

Hi(p) =∫


ai(u)ds or Hi(p) =∫


bi(u) ·dn , (3)

where ai(u) : Ω → R , bi(u) : Ω → R 2 and n denotes theouter unit normal of γ(p). I.e. we assume each componentof H to be either the integral of a scalar function along theshape boundary or the integral of a vector field along thesame boundary. This construction enables us to evaluatecomplex image features and still give good estimates on thecomplexity of an evaluation of F for a given shape γ(p).Because ai(u) and bi(u) depend only on the image u but noton the shape γ(p) we can precompute a discretized versionof them. The computation of Hi(p) then involves

• the computation of γ(p), and

• the evaluation of a 1-dimensional boundary integral.

For accordingly chosen functions ai(u) it is possibleto evaluate a wide range of features such as intensity,histogram data and gradient information along the shapeboundary. The integral over bi(u) enables us to computethe same values over the region Γ(p) ⊆ Ω inside a givenshape γ(p). Assume a scalar function ci(u) which wewant to integrate over Γ(p). We first compute bi(u) suchthat ∇ · bi(u) = ci(u). This equation constitutes an under-determined system of partial differential equations for biwhich is trivial to solve for a given image u. Then, by thedivergence theorem,


ci(u)dx =∫


bi(u) ·dn . (4)

For ai(u) = 1 or ci(u) = 1 the integrals (3) evaluate to thelength of the boundary of γ(p) and its volume, respectively.

The map G is used to combine the values of the inte-grals Hi to get more meaningful features. In our examplesthe function G normalizes the integrals along the boundaryγ(p) and the region Γ(p) w.r.t. the length of γ(p) and area ofΓ(p), respectively. It is further possible to write the simpli-fied Mumford-Shah functional [18, 1] and the Snakes [13]functional in the form F = GH with H being an expressionof integrals as in (3).

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Figure 3. Left: The skeleton and the maximal circles of this cellshaped object are parametrized by p. The outline γ(p) is computedby interpolating the points on the circles. Right: Medial axisparametrization of a cross.

2.1. Shape representation

The shape model we use is based on the idea of parame-terizing a shape by constructing a discrete approximation ofits medial axis as proposed by Joshi et al. [12]. In our case,a shape parameter p parametrizes a tree-like skeleton con-sisting of nodes, edges connecting the nodes, and circles atthe nodes. These circles are supposed to be maximal circleswithin the shape, i.e. they touch the shape in at least twopoints. In more detail, the components of p determine

• the position and rotation of the skeleton,

• the lengths and the angles of the edges of the skeleton,and

• the radii of maximal circles centered at the nodes ofthe skeleton.

We chose this model because it is a more naturalparametrization of shapes than B-spline curves but still al-lows for complex shapes as illustrated in Figure 3.

Because we will explicitly refer to the position and rota-tion of shapes later on, we decide that the first three compo-nents of p determine these properties, i.e.

p = ( p1, p2, p3︸ ︷︷ ︸

position, rotation

, p4, . . . , pm︸ ︷︷ ︸skeleton, radii

)T . (5)

3. Energy trainingThe main contribution of this paper is the computation of

an energy E for given training shape parameters p1, . . . , pNand a shape-to-feature map F. In this section we will in-troduce the variational form of the shape detection problembased on this energy and explain two different ways to trainenergies based on normal density estimation and kernel den-sity estimation.

The energy E : Rm → [0,∞) maps an unseen shape pa-rameter p to a non-negative value which determines howwell γ(p) fits on the image considering shape and imageproperties learned from the training shapes. Small values

E(p) correspond to a good match. Hence, the shape detec-tion problem of single shape can be written as

p = argminp∈D E(p) , (6)

where D ⊆ Rm. The domain D constrains the above vari-ational problem. In all applications we chose D such thatonly shapes on the image domain Ω are considered. We fur-ther can adapt D such that shapes close to training shapes oralready detected shapes on the same image are not consid-ered in the minimization problem.

In the following we explain two different approaches tocompute E. As mentioned before we assume u to be a fixedimage. Furthermore, p1, . . . , pN are the parameters of man-ually determined training shapes on this image. This meansthat we expect the shapes γ(p1), . . . ,γ(pN) to match objectson u. Finally let F be a feature map for u. Then, for a givenshape parameter p, we define its shape-feature vector q(p)by setting

q(p) = (p4, . . . , pm,F1(p), . . . ,Fn(p))T ∈ RM , (7)

where M := m + n− 3. In other words, q(p) consists ofthe features for the shape determined by p and the shapeparameter p excluding position and rotation. We furtherdenote the shape-feature vectors of the training data pi asqi := q(pi), 1≤ i≤ N.

In this paper we consider energies of the form

E(p) =− log f (q(p)) , (8)

where f is a probability density on RM and depends onthe training data p1, . . . , pN . This formulation translates theenergy learning into a density estimation problem.

For the shape detection in the microscope image we as-sume q to be normally distributed with density function

f (q) = (2π)−M/2 det(Σ)−1/2 e−12 (q−µ)T Σ−1(q−µ) . (9)

with µ ∈ RM and Σ a symmetric and positive definiteM×M-matrix. Assuming the shape-feature vectors of thetraining data to be independently and identically distributedw.r.t. f we compute maximum-likelihood estimators of theparameters µ and Σ:

µ =1N



qi , (10)

Σ =1




(qi−µ)(qi−µ)T . (11)

By (8) the energy E of a given shape parameter p is then

E(p) ∝ (q(p)−µ)T Σ−1(q(p)−µ) . (12)

There exist several interpretations of the above expression.For one, it equals the Mahalanobis distance between q and

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Figure 4. Microscope image (512×512 pixels) of yeast cells. Theimage shows training shapes as in Figure 2 and the detected cells.

µ w.r.t. the covariance Σ. Also, it can be interpreted asthe squared norm of the coefficients of q w.r.t. the principalcomponent analysis of the training shape-feature vectors. Itis further important to note that (12) with µ and Σ as in (10)and (11) is invariant under linear transformation of q. Inparticular, rescaling single components of the shape-featurevector does not change E.

4. Results

We used the proposed method to detect shapes in mi-croscope image data. We manually annotated some of theobjects on a given image and automatically detected the re-maining ones by minimizing the energy learned from theannotated data.

The data in Figure 2 involves two major challenges. Thecells on the image form a huge cluster and it is difficultto separate them with traditional methods. In addition, theshadow-like features on each cell cause extra edge informa-tion in the cells which can not be removed by smoothing.The objects in Figure 5 are more clearly set apart from eachother, but the quality of their appearance varies more thanin the first examples.

We computed the same feature map for both images.First, we smoothed the images with a 2-pixel-wide Gaus-sian kernel, denoting the result as uσ . Then we defined F


F(p) =

∮γ(p) |∇uσ |ds∮

γ(p) uds∮γ(p) u2 ds∮Γ(p) udx∮

Γ(p) u2 dx

. (13)


γ(p) ds and∮

Γ(p) dx denote the integrals over γ(p)and Γ(p) normalized by the length of γ(p) and the area ofΓ(p) respectively. In a nutshell, we compute the normalizedvalues of the absolute values of the image gradients alongthe boundary and the normalized values of the intensitiesand their first moment along the boundary and inside theshape. The first moments in (13) enable us to capture vari-ations of intensities as in the cells in Figure 4. Note thatas in (4) the latter two integrals can be transformed into aboundary integral of a vector field. This also holds for thecomputation of the area of Γ(p).

We computed the training shape-feature vectorsq1, . . . ,qN from the manually annotated objects, N = 31and N = 75 in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively. Fromthese training sets we estimated µ and Σ as in (10) and (11)to define the energy (12).

5. MinimizationThe solution of (6) was done iteratively. We chose the

problem domain D such that only shapes on the image Ωare considered and further removed all parameters fromD which corresponded to shapes which overlap with thetraining shapes. By ”overlapping shapes” we mean shapeswhose common area is above some threshold (50 commonpixels in Figure 4 and 150 pixels in Figure 5).

To find multiple shapes in the image we used Algo-rithm 5. In simple words, the algorithm generates ran-dom shapes and tries to improve the current detection resultp1, . . . , pM by successively replacing previously detectedshapes with new ones.

In the algorithm, by the random choice of a shape pa-rameter p we mean selecting p ∈ D as follows:

• The position (p1, p2) and the rotation p3 are uniformlysampled on the image domain Ω and in the interval[−π,π], respectively.

• We compute the mean µ4:M and the covariance matrixΣ4:M of the components (p4

i , . . . , pMi ), 1≤ i≤N, of the

training data. Then we sample (p4, . . . , pM) from themultivariate normal distribution with mean µ4:M andvariance Σ4:M .

The result of the above selection is accepted if p ∈ D. Oth-erwise a new candidate p is sampled.

We chose M larger than the expected number of shapesin the image. After stopping the algorithm we manually

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Figure 5. Microscope image (1536× 1686 pixels) of the ciliate Paramecium bursaria containing many symbiotic green algae. Left:Manually annotated symbionts. Right: The training shapes and the detected symbionts.

estimated a threshold c0 > 0 such that the shapes γ(pi) withE(pi)≤ c0, 1≤ i≤M, represented usable results. In manyapplications, the manual selection of c0 does not really posea problem, because it is done after the algorithm is run. I.e.changes of c0 can be visualized in real-time. Furthermore,techniques to estimate c0 from the distribution of the finalenergies ci, 1≤ i≤M, could be employed.

Compared to greedy techniques this approach is veryinefficient but completely avoids local minima. Thus, iteffectively demonstrates the capability of the E to detectshapes from learned shape and image features. Genetic al-gorithms or the combination of genetic and gradient basedapproaches might significantly speed up the minimizationprocess. Model based shape detection using genetic algo-rithms was investigated by Hill and Taylor [10].

For this work we did not do any further investigationson alternative stopping criteria for the algorithm but ran ituntil the result stopped to improve. An analysis of how thenumber of random samples, i.e. the number of iterations,compares to the quality of the result requires a meaningfulway to measure the usefulness of a detection result and isbeyond the scope of this work.

6. Nonlinear density estimationThe normal density estimation approach presented in

Section 3 puts limitations on the range of probability den-sities we are able to estimate properly. The energy (8) isnot limited to normal distributions, though. We illustrate

Algorithm 1 Detection of multiple shapeschoose M random shape parameters (p1, . . . , pM)ci := E(pi), 1≤ i≤Mrepeat

choose a random shape parameter p′if E(p′) < ci for some 1≤ i≤M then

if γ(p′) does not overlap with any of the shapesγ(p1), . . . ,γ(pM) then

pi := p′ and ci := E(p′)else if γ(p′) overlaps with γ(pi1), . . . ,γ(pik) andE(p′) < min(ci1 , . . .cik) then

pi1 := p′ and ci1 := E(p′)choose pi2 , . . . pik randomlyci j := E(pi j), 2≤ j ≤ k

end ifend if

until (p1, . . . , pM) stop improving significantly

the capability of the proposed method to model more com-plicated shape-feature distributions by the use of a kerneldensity estimator. For shapes, nonlinear statistics were in-vestigated by Cootes and Taylor [4]. The kernel densitywith a Gaussian kernel is given by the function

f (q) = (2π)−M/2 det(Σ)−1/2 1N



e−12 (q−qi)T Σ−1(q−qi) .


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This leaves the problem of selecting an appropriate kernelwidth, a task which is also known as bandwidth or windowwidth selection [22]. Various approaches have been pro-posed and there is no single optimal solution in practice.For our experiments we set the variance to the diagonal ma-trix Σ = diag(σ2

1 , . . . ,σ2M) ∈ RM×M . We chose the diago-

nal entries of Σ to be the average of the squared distancesfrom each training vector qi to its K nearest neighbors Qi,1≤ i≤ N, scaled by a parameter β > 0:

σ2k =




∑q j∈Qi

(qki −qk

j)2 , 1≤ k ≤M . (15)

The resulting energy E of a shape parameter p is then

E(p) ∝− logN


e−(q(p)−qi)T Σ−1(q(p)−qi) . (16)

Due to the specific choice of the covariance matrix Σ in (15),the energy (16) is invariant to scaling of the individual com-ponents of the shape-feature vectors as long as their K near-est neighbors stay the same. The energy as formulatedin (16) allows to model complex energies at the cost of in-creased computational effort (for large amounts of trainingdata) as well as the problem of selecting an appropriate ker-nel width. Note also that in principle the proposed energy isnot restricted to energies based on density estimation. Onecould e.g. use neural networks to learn an energy functionas proposed in [15].

We illustrate the performance of the kernel density en-ergy on an artificial data set. Figure 6 shows the trainingdata. Note that the corners point downward for one half ofthe training data and upward for the other half. This createsa shape distribution with two major modes. We applied Al-gorithm 5 with M = 3 to an image containing two shapessimilar to the training shapes and a third straight line shape.For the computation of the shape-feature-vectors we usedagain the shape-to-feature map (13) and pre-smoothed theimages with a 3-pixel-wide Gaussian kernel. In (15) wechose β = 10 and K = 15.

In Figure 6 we compare the results of the minimization ofthe kernel density to the normal density. The kernel densityenergy detects the two shapes corresponding to the trainingdata correctly and assigns a significantly higher energy tothe wrong result in the middle. Note that the kernel densityin energy (16) is not normalized and thus not necessarilypositive. The normal density energy accurately detects allshapes but identifies the straight line shape as the best fit(assigning a significantly lower energy to this shape). Thus,in this example the normal density estimate prefers shapesit was not trained for whereas the kernel density energy cor-rectly reflects the geometry of the training shapes.

Figure 6. Training data. The two different oriented corners repre-sent the two major modes in the shape distribution

Figure 7. Detected shapes with energy values from top to bottom.Left: Kernel density estimation: -1.99, -0.43, -1.78 Right: Normaldensity estimation: 239.05, 87.29, 184.05

7. Conclusion and future directions

We suggest a novel variational formulation to shape de-tection based on training a task-specific segmentation en-ergy. The underlying mathematical model of our method isvery general and can be easily used for a wide range of ap-plications. The proposed energy learns the significant shapeand image features from training shapes and is able to dis-tinguish them from non-relevant features.

The key advantage over existing approaches is the ab-sence of an explicit regularization term. This avoids theoften difficult task of choosing the optimal regularizationfor a given application. On the other hand, because we in-corporate shape priors and rely on a meaningful selectionof image features, our approach requires far less training

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samples than methods solely relying on learning pixel val-ues [19] and the training is computationally cheap.

Section 6 demonstrates that the proposed method can beeasily extended to nonlinear energies to detect objects incases where the normal density energy might deliver wrongresults.

In the future we would like to investigate different en-ergies. E.g. learning a kernel based on positive and nega-tive training samples is considered. A Bayesian approachto the parametric density estimation could help to mitigatedifficulties due to small training sets (over fitting). Alsononparametric techniques such as adaptive kernel densityestimation or projection pursuit density estimation couldfurther improve the performance of the method [11]. Fi-nally, the development of efficient algorithms to minimizethe learned energy is subject of ongoing research.


This work was initiated during the special semester Mathe-matics of Knowledge and Search Engines at IPAM, UCLA,2007, where both authors participated. M. F. has been sup-ported by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF, projectS9202-N12). S. G has been supported by National Institutesof Health (NIH, grant RO1 EB005832) and the NationalScience Foundation (NSF, grant CCF-0732227). The im-age in Figure 5 was kindly provided by Bettina Sonntag andMonika Summerer, Institute of Ecology, Leopold-Franzens-Universitat, Innsbruck, Austria. We thank Heimo Wolinski,IMB-Graz, Karl-Franzens-Universitat, Graz, Austria, andBettina Heise, FLLL, Linz-Hagenberg, Austria for the im-age data in Figures 2 and 4.

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