Variant Configuration Process Steps

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  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    A material CYCLEis created as a configurable material with Gen. Item category group as 0004and Item

    category group as ERLA. Also material CYCLEis a BOMmaterial, which has sub items.

    Go to Transaction code: MM01.Do the following:

    1.Basic Data 2 creen: et !"aterial is #onfigurable$ Indicator

    2.%o determine item category %A# in sales order, maintain a suitable item category group such as &&&2

    '."() 2 *iew: )rocurement type !+: In house )roduction$

    ."() ' *iew: trategy Group. $2-: "ae/to/order for configurable$ used for demo

    -."()' *iew: A0ailability #hec $&2: Indi0idual (euirement$

    .#lassification 0iew: Attach the 0ariant class

    Go to tab classification and select the class type *ariants/'&& as shown below.

  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    Assign the class CYCLECLASSin the assignments area.

    %he class CYCLECLASSis created with the class type 3003*ariants4 for the material cycle.

    Transaction Code: CL01.

    5ow maintain the characteristics as shown below in the screen shot.

    14 #6#7+%6(+ 24 6%+"

    '4 #6#7+"8D+7 4 #6#7+)(I9+

  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    5ow the characteristic CYCLETYRESwas created with character format.

    Transaction Code: CT04.

    Go to the 0alues tab and maintain the characteristic 0alues and description as per the reuirement.

  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    5ow the characteristic SYSTEMwas created with character format.

    o! Go to Transaction Code: CT04.

    Go to the 0alues tab and maintain the characteristic 0alues and description as per the reuirement.

    5ow the characteristic CYCLEMO"ELwas created with character format.

    Transaction Code: CT04.

    Go to the 0alues tab and maintain the characteristic 0alues and description as per the reuirement.

    5ow the characteristic CYCLE#R$CEwas created with character format. %his characteristic is allowed for

    multiple 0alues.

  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    Transaction Code: CT04.

    Go to the additional data tab and maintain the table name as S"COM3which lins ales and Distribution with

    *ariant configuration4 and field name as %&O".

    5ow we ha0e to maintain the dependencies for the class CYCLECLASS. %he dependency CYCLE#R$CEis

    created for the class. Go to dependency editor as shown below.

    Transaction Code: C'01.

    "aintain the dependency editor for pricing the material CYCLEbased on the reuired combination.

    Also we need to maintain the configuration profile for the material CYCLE.

    A configuration profile CYCLEis created for the material CYCLE and set the status as released.

    Go to Transaction Code: C'41.

  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    %he necessary settings need to be maintained for the configurable material #6#7+ to eplore in a sales order.

    ;e ha0e to create the 0ariant conditions for the characteristics maintained in the class CYCLECLASS. %hen go

    to configuration or press

  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps



    %he below specified conditions are acti0e for the material CYCLE.

    5ow let us create a sales order. As the material is a B8" material it should eplore with the sub/items and alsoshould gi0e us the screen to select the reuired material.

    )ress enter for the 0arious characteristics of the material.

    As the material CYCLEis a configurable material, we can choose 0arious options for the material as shown


  • 8/10/2019 Variant Configuration Process Steps


    %he material #6#7+ is eploded with the sub/items and the net 0alue is directly calculated based on the 0ariants

    maintained for condition type *A&&.

    %he B8" components for material CYCLEare:

    Transaction Code: CS0).

    R$M* #E""LE* TYRES are the sub/items for material CYCLE.

    This is the complete overview of the variant configuration for a BOM material.