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Vampires by Tani Jantsang"Ann Rice's Vampires - or - what does Ann Rice know? Trying to SAY something?" By Tani JantsangFirst off, Akasha is a person (human) with an inner conflict. She wants LIES, and she loathes the truth. Truth does not ever set her free. It seems to condemn her, further imprison her in her own emptiness. As if from the Mahabharata, not just scenes, but the names at times too, she messes with the red-headed twins M & M. She will NOT take a simple "no thank you" for an answer from the twins, "no thank you, we do not wish to visit you." Akasha slaughters their people and takes them prisoner. Hearing the truth then, from the spirits that M & M talk to, she doesn't LIKE it.I do not know what Ms. Rice knows, or is TRYING to say, but AMEL means "NOT dark" ("a" not and "mel" same root as melanin) and far from being just an "evil stronger spirit" compared to the others, AMEL is what we know as a type of PRINCIPLE called Lilin. Not of air, fire, earth, nor water, the Lilin are fly-the-lights. More at really fleeing from the light of TRUTH (enLIGHTenment), which results in a person being in the "obic tunnel." IN the obic tunnel, your THIRSTS and DESIRES are INSATIABLE. Your emptiness gnaws at you and you can never make it go away. Such a CURSE happens to Akasha when AMEL merges with her. NOTE the symbolism Ms. Rice uses then: like a FISH-NET? Do not fishermen use fish-nets? (And I will make YOU fishers of MEN?). If you can DO Cho "d, the weave, core, all of what she describes is pretty much like what one really intuits. Be as it may, Akasha becomes a thing she herself loathes. And the horror of it is, that she can temporarily abet her hellish, unquenchable thirst by making MORE PEOPLE just like herself. (Go out and preach the word?) Instead of choosing the truth, that this is a CURSE, Akasha decides that this is really a blessing, she is a goddess (the ELECT OF GOD?) and then, she makes MORE vampires. They are obsessed with the eternal life bullshit (aren't all christians OBSESSED with that? Yes!). NO ANIMAL, NO normal person, gives a HOOT about death or how LONG they'll live, because to be living with that fear of death hanging over your head, is to be UNABLE TO live freely. The Will of such people is: FEAR. But christians call that "love." Like the true story of Adamites or the race of Ishwara from the Puranas, Akasha and her husband really believe they are cursed - by the life-giving sun god RA - or by the sun which does indeed nourish all living things. They BURN from the sun. So did the Adamites who were "red in the face all the time," and HAD to cover up their bodies in a very hot climate. Everyone else, Polynesian, African, even Mongols and Vikings in the COLD climate, romped around naked or halfnaked, but the Adamites were all covered up. Far from even knowing WHY they cover up, they have long fallen for the LIE and accepted it: "it is more MORAL to cover up your body." LIES. How the PAIN of sun burn changed over to the false-emotion called "SHAME" - I do not know, but they do indeed seem to impart SHAME to other people, probably by making them feel self-conscious when before, they were innocent animals. You'll note that I mentioned Vikings. Very fairskinned people. YET, the sun never bothered them, they liked it. So, complexion has nothing to DO with this fact, that the sun BURNED some people.I address this to people who THINK they are not christians anymore, especially the ones who think that vampires are "satanic." So, you want to be a vampire? You mean, you want to be cursed? You want to be damned? Queen of the Damned. Isn't this what christians THINK they already are? That is WHY they feel the need for some Jesus to save them (or UFO save them, or Satan save them, or SOMETHING save them). GET IT? Would you like cancer to run in your family too? Call it a disease if you like to be scientific. Isn't it still like a CURSE? Far from something as SIMPLISTIC as being a vampire, and far from just a contagious disease called "vampire blood," the christian TRUE vampire state is a spiritual state of inner-being. And they really do go out and DESTROY everything that other people are inside, and then they offer them their empty cup with no water in it called "Jesus" and say "here, drink this," and of course, you wind up still thirsty. And true to form, for some odd reason, ONLY the people INFECTED with christianity go out and INSIST on making MORE christians, this is their all-time OBSESSION. Far from the simple, childish idea of Dracula living forever and even Ms. Rice's lucky vampires that even get immune to sun-burn after they live longer, the christian "eternal life" is a PURE fantasy. But the IDEA, is identical. I pointed out once before how Pinhead of Hellraiser fame IS JESUS. There is Jesus with his robe off, there is Jesus FOR REAL - look at him - that MONSTER. Obsessed with torturing the flesh, obsessed with blood and pain. LOOK at him as he is for REAL. Pinhead is the ultimate Grand Inquisitor, go visit Pinhead in the Hell-world and you may as well go visit Europe in the middle ages - same thing. And yet somehow, ex-christians think that this FILTH is "satanic?" We born Satanists have a problem understanding how anyone can think that way. You'd worship Pinhead? Hell, why not just worship Jesus then - it is the same thing. Pinhead at least is honest. But then, we know that the christian RACE has an innate tendency to live in a world of verbal LIES - consistently BLIND to the truths of ACTIONS. If they were NOT blind, they'd see what we see: Pinhead IS JESUS and Ann Rice is writing about christians and what christians DO to people. This would be OBVIOUS. Guess it is not easy to get mildew out of your eyes. As Ms. Rice writes, the spirit AMEL actually ceases to exist after it "saves" Akasha by making her a vampire. Isn't that like how the christian god Jesus DIES in order to ---save his people the christians? And AMEL, a piece of the core of AMEL is WITHIN all the vampires. Do not christians talk about having this Jesus INSIDE you? And when you get that, you are saved -except that you still feel this obsessive urge to GO AROUND and make MORE christians. Well, if you want to brag about how great you are because you have cancer - go ahead. But if you try to give ME cancer - then that is war. The "AMELians" can't just seem to GO HOME and be content, they have to spread their sickness around. The CHRISTians also, never can just go home and be happy, they also, have to spread their sickness around. And they both call it a BLESSING. They both do this because both of them have an UNQUENCHABLE thirst which derived at its ROOT CORE - from REFUSING TRUTH. Amelians are fiction. Christians are NOT fiction.Pinhead on the other hand, would be the best friend of Augustine and his gang, he is IDENTICAL to the christians - if the christians ever got POWER again! Dress a monster up with pins in his head and chains and leather, or dress the monster up with a halo on his head and a robe - naked, he is STILL a monster. The tendency to IDENTIFY with the true-and-EVIL personas of these characters is nothing but the desire of an inwardly WEAK and ineffectual christian wanting to become a BULLY. That is ALL this is.The obsession with blood is an age-old christian one. Blood of who? Jesus! Blood is just blood, you drink blood every time you eat steak. Somehow, in the christian BEING, a natural part of the animal anatomy called "blood" becomes something DIFFERENT than "JUST blood." I do not know exactly what this is. Could it be more of the christian male-alone, FEAR/DREAD of women who normally BLEED every month? Some psychologists think so. Women are "magical" they can bleed and still be HEALTHY. A man's ONLY experience with bleeding is when he is WOUNDED, yet he can see the woman is NOT wounded, yet she bleeds. If this is the case and these psychologists are right, then why is it that no one else feels this? Animals do not feel this either. The ritual slaughter or letting out of blood (always of an enemy) of American Indian tribes, some African tribes, and in the Cho "d-Tantra of the Warrior Lamas is a BIOCHEMICAL knowledge - when the blood is let out, the warriors get blood-lust - and so they fight better. Animals also, when the males fight and blood is let out, the female they are fighting over immediately goes into rut. This is natural, it is biochemical. But this is far from what christians are feeling or doing. On the other hand, from reading "Eunuchs for the Kingdom of God" one learns that the ENTIRE christian feeling of "being damned" came from their men having a problem with their penis! And so men like Augustine and Aquinas (hundreds of years of this straight thru christian history) got into volumes of debate over what is WRONG with them. Is their penis cursed by the devil? If so, why doesn't the devil make it hard for them to eat food then? Why does the devil make only their penises not work right. And so forth. That is what the entire hundreds of years of debate was all about: the sin of the penis. That these men feared women, and still DO fear women is no big secret either.People often ask me and wonder how people can just wantonly kill animals without feeling that these animals are feeling, sentient beings. Simple. Christians always do that, and they do that to other HUMANS too if they get the chance. It seems to be innate in them, even as children, to be CRUEL to animals, or BULLY smaller children, or their own siblings. Simple: "THOSE PEOPLE are 'damned' and so, if they are damned, you can kill them - heck - why not? If GOD hates them, then you SHOULD hate them too, and KILL them." That makes christian logic. Christians notoriously dehumanize other people, other cultures, and other races. After they destroy what these others are (cultural genocide) then the christians say "they are saved."Well, just as in Ms. Rice's story, the twins finally come home to roost. They are vampires too now, but they DESTROY Akasha. Likewise, it is not us Serpents who never were harmed or defeated, that will eventually wipe out christianity. It is the races and cultures that have been destroyed that will do it. You have only to listen to any Black Muslim and what he accuses ALL white people of (which is incorrect) to KNOW what they want to DO. Malcolm X said it well "let Jesus kiss my ass." After he went to the Islamic world, he got more clear sight of things, but he was murdered by his own former allies - other black Muslims. This is just part of the same DISEASE of christianity - to seek out and destroy what rises up. Going TO the vampires and whining that you want them to help you now because you too are a vampire, or saying to vampires that they OWE you something because they bit you is SUICIDE. And that also is just another part of the sickness - to be self-destructive and STUPID. To predator races and people who fought back as we did, it is despicable to see a person crawl and beg his VICTOR to give him something to make up for the fact that they LOST A WAR. I hate the christians, and I like the American Indians, but god-damned it! They both fought a war and the Indians LOST that war. And that is that! You DO NOT fight back by WHINING or GROVELING. And once you accept something from your conquerors by making them feel guilt - you have really set yourself up to be TOTALLY destroyed. Malcolm X knew this. As he said to a white Anglo who said she is SORRY for what her ancestors did, but SHE is not like them, she asked him, what can SHE DO to help Malcolm X. He said: "NOTHING!" TRUE. It is wise to desire NOTHING and accept NOTHING. If you look at any American Indians, they can come and go freely anywhere they choose. They can live freely in this country, no one stops them. As to Negroes? When the Jew or Slav hears their perpetual whining, what can the Jew (with a number on his arm) or the Slav (refugee from the gulag) think or FEEL? Contempt. At first they will identify with the Negro, but sooner or later, they will feel UTTER CONTEMPT because they KNOW what suffering is far beyond ANYTHING any African slave in America ever felt. You never hear Slavic people whining that those evil Tatars raped their women in a war, and now they are no longer Slavic and pure, now they have Tatar blood. You NEVER hear them moaning about it. You NEVER hear the blonde-haired Jew whining that some Slav raped HIS grandmother and that is WHY his hair is blonde. NEVER. You never hear the slanted eyed Jew whining that some evil Tatar gave him those slanted eyes. NEVER. The Scots, especially Highlanders, for years right up to now are the "niggers of England" and yet you see them fight, you do not hear them WHINING.Ms. Rice, (is she a radical feminist?) later has Akasha realizing the obvious - that crime comes from MEN, war comes from MEN. The few women who are criminals of a violent nature, would not be criminals if they did not associate with men like that. Well, the male is aggressive due to testosterone - yes. But aggression does NOT mean VIOLENCE. Our boys as children never stomped on animals, not even on BUGS or WORMS. Yet I used to see christian kids, boys AND girls feel disgust at the little animals and harmless insects and immediately seek to STOMP on them. No one taught either groups of these children to do this, or not to do this. They just DID.I would make the suggestion by knowing this thru my Tantrik relatives and what I see myself. The penis problem of these men is only the outward appearance of something deeper. They can't let go, and they can't GET OFF - or release. They can't release the most powerful psycho-physical energy in their own bodies. So they get PENT-UP. They have a desire, and a thirst, and it NEVER is satisfied. They also must KNOW (especially with all the jokes aimed at them these days in America) that they do NOT satisfy women either - which means they get the women pent-up too - and then the women turn into HAGS "here's your fucking breakfast" or the saccharin sweet hag "oh dear, you don't like this meal, but honey, this is your favorite meal. oh, it isn't? well, I'm sorry honey." And they unconsciously make something the husband HATES, but it is unconsciously on purpose. So these men have an unquenchable thirst. Many christian women use christianity as an excuse to NOT have sex with their husbands - just like the very first female nuns (Sister MELanie!) formed societies so that they would be exempt from marrying these men. These men want to DO, but they can't really DO. They go thru the motions, but something is WRONG. So it is unquenchable. And it is also the main survival instinct. Women become evil, or the enemy, because women MAKE them want to DO, but they CAN'T do. But these men constantly DESIRE WOMEN, but can't LET GO to that desire - their own main survival instinct! (Homosexual men are not like this. They have a specific desire, they satisfy it and it is finished. It is FINITE.) Somehow, this FEELING caused by the pent-up Kundalini energies makes them feel an in-general emptiness, a searching for something out there, that they lack INSIDE. Like an eternal QUEST. The truth and knowledge never liberates them from it - example: person interested in dolphins has a quest, he fulfills it thru studying dolphins and this makes him happy. The desire is FINITE in this case. The christian type seems to go from one quest to another - NOTHING satisfies him. They are a race born with something wrong with their Kundalini. OR, is it that something destroys their chakras and then they get like this? Augustine believed they were BORN like that, and he knew he was ONE OF THEM. We see they are born like that too, and we see it from outside their realm. As both the Augustine type and our people say, it is INHERITED. But this alone does not answer the question: why is it that NO OTHER ANIMAL is like this? All animals, including normal humans, have a Will, and somehow that Will is IN TUNE WITH the Greater Will that moves the entire cosmos. The christian type has a Greater Will too - and it is in OPPOSITION to the Cosmos, hence to nature, and ultimately, to their OWN natures, their own flesh. They are NOT-ZOO "S, that means "NOT biological" - but then, what are they? Tantrik doctrine calls them Preta. But that means VAMPIRE - a hungering empty soul that CAN NOT BE satisfied! But - what is that? How can it BE? Where are they FROM? WHAT ARE they? They are the living dead. They have no senses that work worth a damn, they see, but do not see, they hear LIES, never truths, they don't even TASTE really. They are as if sense-dead, hence they are DEAD - but they walk. They feel ONE desire - that CORE of emptiness. But then, this is a Preta. So what is a Preta and where do they come from? Puranas tells us they arose from a mixing of two peoples that were NOT a good mix, but then, does that mean that no other people ever did this and that of all the animals on earth, NONE of them did this either? Not even by accident? Is it that the christian RACE is the embodiment of NON-being? And everything else embodies BEING? So then, what are they? Where are they from? All the myths, all the metaphors, all the definitions (like Preta) all the psychology and even genetics CAN NOT explain them. Nature would ELIMINATE them if it were purely genetic - many species and breeds have vanished - Nature has a way.Just like the ex-christian radical feminists who would condemn ALL men, Ms. Rice has Akasha condemning all men. But does she also include male dogs and cats in her thinking? NO. Not even male MONKEYS. The Zohar calls them ultimate evil, says they can ONLY DO absolute evil. The Zohar says, they are MISSING Elohim - which means, they are missing a chunk of nature. But what? Is this testable in a laboratory? When I get clinical, I come to the conclusion that they have different brains - their brains are split off from the core-instinct-limbic centers - and that is WHY they feel so isolated and empty, it is WHY instinct is a murky mystery to them that they can't seem to get a handle on - as if they have no COMPASS inside their body to let them KNOW what to do, KNOW how to simply be HUMAN. That is the ONLY thing that makes real sense in the practical physical sense. Dr. Petersen (Mind of the Ninja) calls them a race of schizoids. Our old word "phrenes" meant bodily organs, and was applied to people who were somehow out of tune, or unlinked to their OWN bodily organs. Note: schizoid and phrenes. Schizophrenic? The old word for this malady was melancholia. Mela. AMEL? Did Ms. Rice KNOW this? What is AMAZING is that the EX-christian into Satanism can't SEE that what he is getting into as HIS OWN perception of "satanism" is just MORE christianity, but without the pretty robes and halos! It is as if the ex-christian CAN NOT see anything EXCEPT more christianity, and of course, he can not IDENTIFY with anything EXCEPT more christianity! Put Jesus in the Pinhead suit, or give him vampire fangs, and they LIKE Jesus. But we see, it is still Jesus, still the same old cursed hellish idea. The christian curse can be called "I WANNABE! BUT I CAN'T BE." The christian fish wants to be a bird. The christian bird wants to be a cat, etc. The EVIL of it is, that when they CAN'T be what they want, they would deprive YOU of being what you already ARE. And if they can't, they'd simply kill you. None of this makes sense to us. If I am hungry, robbing YOU of YOUR FOOD, when I can not eat your food! - will not make me NOT hungry! I'll STILL BE hungry! But then you'd be hungry too. Somehow, spreading the hunger around, is what christians FEED ON! SOMEHOW, this fulfills them TEMPORARILY. This makes no sense to us. It is INcomprehensible. They call it "misery loves company" but we see that misery (like when you have the flu) does NOT WANT company! Apparently, they love to spread misery - and that alone makes them happy. But it makes NO SENSE. No one, not Nietzsche, and not Bertrand Russell, not our own people, has EVER been able to fully explain this VAMPIRIC quality to the christians. Zohar comes pretty close "they are ONLY CAPABLE of absolute evil." But: ? Why? Where are they from? What ARE they?A PRIME example of how the born christian can ONLY SEE like a christian sees regarding things that are NOT satanic, is with this identification with VAMPIRES, and with brutes like Pinhead. But it goes far beyond the desire to be a FANTASY-being that (just like the god-concept of Jesus) never existed and DOES NOT exist and WILL NOT exist. Many of the people that are in MUFON and other UFO centered organizations are certifiable lunatics. Some of them are naive or gullible if they believe some other race would help them, let alone SAVE them. Sure, that could happen, but do you see any natural creature that is so altruistic that it would bother to leave its den or nest to save another species? NO? Well I do!!! DOLPHINS often save lives of humans. But no one knows WHY! But aliens: like - what's in it for THEM? Do they wish to serve man - on a dinner plate? Likewise, you'd have to be a total asshole to discount ALL claims of such encounters. The most you can say is: YOU DO NOT KNOW. If you MET an alien, and it TOLD you these things, you STILL: DO NOT KNOW! When a DOG befriends a human, you DO NOT KNOW the dog's intent. Even if the dog could tell you - you still DON'T KNOW - the dog could be lying. You can ONLY know: SELF! At least, SOME can know Self!The insidious and innate christian INBORN viewpoint can be seen in the way christians read people like Nietzsche. Nietzsche says something totally simple about the Greater Will of the Cosmos being the same Das Willen that his u "bermensch has, that same dark force in Nature that URGES you to SIMPLY become yourself by self-overcoming your PRIOR self: zygote becomes embryo, which becomes baby, which becomes child, which becomes adult. It FLOWS INTO itself - but Nietzsche points out, only if it is in tune with this same Will that DRIVES THE COSMOS - that eternally fluxing dark-force that you can't grab, or hold, or even SEE. The christian does not even SEE this sentence. He reads Nietzsche as if it means that you SHOULD (SHALT) make a CHORE out of life and strive and strive to become what you wannabe, even when you know you can not be this thing you wannabe. CHORES. Thou shalts. THAT is how the BORN CHRISTIAN reads Nietzsche. WHEN the born christian accepts that animals are also sentient, feeling beings, he has to make a new DOGMA out of it and then do the most absurd thing: become a vegetarian and REFUSE to eat animals (because they have souls). OH, but animals don't eat other animals? The born christian can not even LEARN by monkey see monkey do tactics - he can not even learn by SEEING VISIBLE NATURE all around him. Even Aquinas and his gang advised the penis betroubled flock to OBSERVE NATURE. No use. They can't observe nature when they have no eyes to see it, no ears to hear it, no mouth to taste and no nose to smell, no hands to feel, and NO HEART TO FEEL and KNOW. He feels NO in-tune-ment with nature around him. In his heart, he feels EMPTY and LOST - because he IS empty and lost; AND HUNGERING, RAVENING for what life he DOES sense in other natural creatures. He IS a vampire! He IS a werewolf: he looks normal, but when he begins to "love" something (desire to FEED on the life on what he "loves") he turns monster and DEVOURS it. And odd as it may seem, the born christian has NO IDEA he is a monster. He can love a pet cat and at the same time, tear out its claws and castrate it - completely unaware that he has just made it a not-cat. A christian cat. Something that looks like a cat, but is NOT a cat. A DECEIVER cat. Like christians are DECEIVER humans.Likewise the BORN christian can NOT grasp a concept of the dark-force in Nature (no matter if you call it Satan or not) as something that is ONE. There is always the duality in the christian. God and then SATAN. Or Lucifer, the rebel against what? GOD. These concepts are not-computable to us. It must all be a reflection of their own inner split being. God must be everything they sense is part of Nature that they can't really TAKE or HOLD (devour). And so Satan must be themselves, the vampires. And so they continue to BE christians, DO christianity, THINK christianity and WORSHIP their same old christian god - but they give it a new suit of clothing, a new label. The born christian trying to be a Wiccan has Jesus in a dress. The arrogant asshole type neo-satanist has Jesus wearing horns. And so forth. They can NOT get away from what THEY ARE. CHRISTIANS. Or: ISHWARA. PRETA. EMPTY, HUNGERING, LOST - never satisfied. NEVER at peace. NEVER relaxed or at rest. Agitated all the time, restless. Klippoth - empty husks trying to fill up the husk with something OUT THERE. Psychology might choose to call their state of being "depression" but the only cure they can give is a pair of rose-colored glasses and a "new purpose" or something NEW to "try to get into." That never lasts long. Existentialism came close by going beyond psychology and calling it a "being-state" and giving this emptiness names like angst, anome, etc. But this doesn't cure it, nor does it answer my questions: where are they from, and WHAT ARE they. I go back to the human brain - a physical organ that IS your "mind" it IS your "emotions" and perhaps the endocrine system. Something is WRONG with them. This SHOULD be easy to test if one looks at the endocrine system and the brain. And if not curable - at least it can be PREVENTED from being perpetuated. Easy solution. STOP HAVING KIDS. OR, Nature will forcibly stop you, in time.So, vampires live forever and are completely NOT of this world, not of Nature. They have some super-normal abilities, or "magical" abilities, like, they can fly. Birds can fly too. Wannabe a bird? They do not eat, and they do not breed, ergo, they are non-sexual beings. Nosferatu and the original Dracula likewise, were definitely NOT portrayed as guys any woman would want. In a word: YICH! The classic vampires only seek to make an imitation of a mate due to their own horrible loneliness. But vampires are beings with limits put on them by their own nature. Most of them in the fiction definitely cannot go to the beach and enjoy the ocean in the warm sun! Most of them are afraid of a mathematical plus sign otherwise known as a cross - gee, if you tip the cross over and make a multiplication sign out of it, is the vampire afraid of that too? They also can be killed. So what is the fascination, why do people wannabe vampires?Well, it is like when christians wannabe angels. What is the difference? Angels live forever and are not of this world, not of Nature. They have a LOT of super-normal abilities. Can a vampire simply think a thought and exterminate 100 thousand soldiers? NO. But angels can according to legend! Like birds, angels can also fly, but they have a lot up on the vampire. Angels can fly to other galaxies in the blink of an eye! Angels also do not eat, nor do they breed but angels do not get lonely - they stay happy all the time. Unlike the vampire, angels have no limitations, they can go in the sun or in the darkness. Angels are not afraid of Satanic symbols or Hindu symbols or Jewish symbols. And better still, angels can't be killed. Like the christian who thinks he is being satanic, who still considers Satan to be some kind of number 2 entity under some fantasy god, he is aspiring to wannabe a number 2 being - a vampire. Why not go for wannabeing an angel then? What is the difference? It is still wannabe. It is still fantasy. It is STILL a REFUTATION OF LIFE AND WHAT IS REAL. It is a refutation of FLESH. It is a delusion. And it is a delusion stemming from the person feeling like he is worthless shit. Maybe he feels like worthless shit because he IS worthless shit? He wants to be a BIG POWERFUL vampire, or a BIG POWERFUL JUDGING ANGEL - because he is a small, powerless, Will-less WIMP, a failure. A.E.Waite said it about people who would aspire to try to conjure up demons in order to get power over others: LOSERS he called them. Men who CAN'T get women, people who CAN'T do anything right. LOSERS. But this kind of man would use armies to force people to go against their own wills - guaranteed! He is LESS dangerous living in the fantasy world of vampires and angels - at least in his fantasy, he will never accomplish anything as REAL as gathering up an army of losers. But some of these people did do that. Witness: the christian army, the armed christian armies of the past, etc.OK so you might complain: Vampires are cute, sexy? SO IS MICHAEL LANDON, you know - The Angel!This is all SO intuitively obvious to us. So immediately obvious. It is apparently NOT obvious at all to converts to Satanism. WHY? Because they are still infected with christian values, christian ideas, and the christian mind-set. They have not come to real grips with their own religion fully, nor do they truly see what a MONSTER OF EXISTENCE their own Jesus is. Vlad Tepesh PALES in comparison with Augustine. Vlad was an ANGEL compared to Augustine. Fact is, if that damned Avar Prince Vlad Tepesh did not slaughter the Ottoman Turks, Europe probably would have NOT BEEN christian, so old Vlad made the western world safe for CHRISTIANITY. Why don't you know this? So he drank the blood of his enemies. Big deal, so did my great-grand-uncle in Tantrik war-ritual. SO? Right out of the human skull of some enemy too. He tore out the hearts of his enemies with one slash of the knife and poured the blood from the still-beating hearts on the Tatar flag-banners. His horse saddle was made of human skin - this is historical fact and it is RECENT. I do not glorify him for that. He kicked the hell out of Communists and for that, I like the guy. But otherwise - I never knew him, or met him. So he is nothing to me. I do not try to do what he did, nor do I desire to do it. He did what any other warrior Lama in the Tatar world would do in a war like that. SO WHAT. He fought for his OWN people, to hell with others. He is like me in that respect. I never knew these gruesome details about him, not even from his brother who I did know. Some Professor of History decided to TELL ME about it. And he also let me read about it and read about what the Communists did in the end, TO my ancestor. My own reaction? I thought it was rather FUNNY. Nothing more.VAMPIRES/Jantsang Page 7In closing, I'd like to add one qualifier. The Vampire-IDEA I address here, is one of popular FICTION. Specifically, an Idea that is brought to the public by predominantly Christian writers who are not Vampires themselves. Likewise, the shape-shifter, most popular as the Werewolf, written about by writers from the Christian West. Tales of shape shifters that come from the East, especially China, show a very different picture. It is only most recently that Vampires THEMSELVES have come forth to write about THEMSELVES, and they are not like the Vampires of fiction. They are NOT Christians, they do NOT bother people, they are NOT hateful, they are NOT like anything the writers of old portrayed. Cases in point, Lady Amoura, and a personal friend of mine who is descended from Vlad Tepesh on her mother's side.This is the same kind of thing as the popular Idea of the Ninja, as portrayed on film and by writers who are NOT Ninja themselves. Ninja were shown as veritable killing machines, mindless assassins, devoid of, and incapable of, love. But this is not so, and like the Vampires who have come forth to speak for themselves, the Ninja have also come forth. Both the Vampire and the Ninja Embrace the Shadows, both love the Night. The entire Ninja path, in fact, is the Way of YIN, it is dark, and it is SOFT. It is gentle and empathic. The Ninja were peaceful Ninpo people at first. The warlike misogynist Bushido-Samurai cults tried to exterminate the Ninpo for no reason, save that they were another ethnic group called TENGU. The Ninpo fought back by developing the art of Ninjitsu. As things go, they got the bad reputation while the genocidal Bushido cult went ignored, or even praised!Since as little is known about Vampires as was once known about the Ninja, and since there is no epidemic of Vampirism, I would venture to theorize that they, too, probably were attacked, and when they fought back the legend spread. The same thing is KNOWN, as a fact, to have caused the near extermination of the animal, the WOLF. Likewise, the Orca, called a "KILLER whale." Now, whether you believe Vampires really exist is not important. You KNOW that Wolves, Orcas and Ninjas exist!, and you can clearly see what happened, all due to falsehoods and rumor-mongering.The point of this article is that people who are NOT Vampires, and have only the misleading folklore to fall back on, want to BE Vampires usually out of a feeling of weakness. They want to BE Vampires to get power, to then ABUSE that power. The same kind of thing is KNOWN to happen in the entire field of Martial Arts, which includes Ninja. Responsible teachers will not teach such people. The Art is for self-DEFENSE, not for bullies.Shows on television now, like Forever Night, Raven, and Kung-Fu show a much more accurate and compassionate view of these things. After all, if the Martial Artists, and if the Vampires were as terrible as the Christians would have us believe - we'd all be dead!!The same kind of demonization of my own race, Tatars, has occurred in the West. Yet in the Islamic world where many Tatars live, and even where they ruled, they have a reputation for extreme tolerance when it comes to religion, for just and fair rule, and for friendliness. But when provoked, they have shown to be unbeatable, and their war is swift. Then it's over, no grudges. All Turanians (Tatars included) claim descent from the Gray Wolf "Bo "rte Chino." When they live in the nomadic way, they are exactly like wolves! The same thing happened to the Jewish people in Europe when they lived among Christians. But the Islamic world never demonized the Jews.The most unique theory on Vampires and their origin, to-date, was put forth by Brian Lumley in the Necroscope series. At times, it is compassionate, but keep in mind, the hero of his stories is not a Vampire, nor is Brian Lumley a Vampire!Copyright (c) Tani Jantsang