Valuation APC Candidate Submission Documentation Getting Started Guide Version 03 Introduction Welcome to the RICS APC Candidate Submission Documentation. This documentation is made up of 8 template Six of the templates are for first time candidates undertaking Graduate Route 1, 2 and 3 or Adaptation 1 two templates are for referred candidates from any of the aforementioned routes. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED THE CORRECT TEMPLATES FOR YOUR PATHWAY AND BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE SAVE THIS FILE TO YOUR COMPUTER. RICS have made these templates so that the final assessment documentation and submission process can be streamlined and remove any of the unnecessary repetition of standard data whilst also updating the templ for the continuous improvement of the process. All of the templates also have a coordinated look and fe will assist candidates, supervisors, counsellors and the assessors. The majority of the templates are locked to retain their functionality and design, however templates 4, to allow candidates to expand upon the number of entries they may wish to record. If you are intent on of the unlocked templates please ensure you follow the simple guidance on this page along with any helpf relevant template page. There are also some first time only functionality within some of the templates on template 1). Please review the data input requirements before overtyping any items already in the ce your own data the 'content help' functionality may disappear. Please note, if you corrupt any part of the templates RICS do not provide any technical support and yo simply have to download the templates and start again. Here are some simple tips to get the most out of these templates: 1. System requirements: Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, 2003 or 2007. Initial file size is circa 600k (it will easily fit on to a memory stick and is easy to email). Best working screen resolution is 1024 x 768 (or higher). The data inputted and integrity of the templates is the candidate's responsibility. Back up your templates regularly. Any data loss is the candidate's responsibility. 2. Navigation: You can navigate through the templates, use the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen. Then use the Ex bars as you would expect to use them normally. You are advised to start at Template 1 and fill in your personal details and then work through each temp 3. Data Entry: You are gently restricted in the data you can enter into the templates. This has been designed into the purpose to limit data entry repetition and also to ensure that the integrity of the templates is maintai Data can ONLY be entered in the yellow cells and built-in dropdown menus are available in the green cell Below is an example of the yellow and green cells within the templates:


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RICS 2008 - GSG.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

Page 1


APC Candidate Submission Documentation

Getting Started Guide Version 03


Welcome to the RICS APC Candidate Submission Documentation. This documentation is made up of 8 templates.Six of the templates are for first time candidates undertaking Graduate Route 1, 2 and 3 or Adaptation 1. The remainingtwo templates are for referred candidates from any of the aforementioned routes.


RICS have made these templates so that the final assessment documentation and submission process can be streamlined and remove any of the unnecessary repetition of standard data whilst also updating the templates to caterfor the continuous improvement of the process. All of the templates also have a coordinated look and feel whichwill assist candidates, supervisors, counsellors and the assessors.

The majority of the templates are locked to retain their functionality and design, however templates 4, 5 and 8 are unlockedto allow candidates to expand upon the number of entries they may wish to record. If you are intent on increasing the capacity of the unlocked templates please ensure you follow the simple guidance on this page along with any helpful hints and tips on therelevant template page. There are also some first time only functionality within some of the templates (i.e. the referral sectionon template 1). Please review the data input requirements before overtyping any items already in the cells as once you enteryour own data the 'content help' functionality may disappear.

Please note, if you corrupt any part of the templates RICS do not provide any technical support and you will

simply have to download the templates and start again.

Here are some simple tips to get the most out of these templates:

1. System requirements:Microsoft Windows.Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, 2003 or 2007.Initial file size is circa 600k (it will easily fit on to a memory stick and is easy to email).Best working screen resolution is 1024 x 768 (or higher).The data inputted and integrity of the templates is the candidate's responsibility.Back up your templates regularly. Any data loss is the candidate's responsibility.

2. Navigation:You can navigate through the templates, use the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen. Then use the Excel scrollbars as you would expect to use them normally.

You are advised to start at Template 1 and fill in your personal details and then work through each template from there on.

3. Data Entry:You are gently restricted in the data you can enter into the templates. This has been designed into the templates onpurpose to limit data entry repetition and also to ensure that the integrity of the templates is maintained.

Data can ONLY be entered in the yellow cells and built-in dropdown menus are available in the green cells.

Below is an example of the yellow and green cells within the templates:

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RICS 2008 - GSG.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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4. Copying & Pasting dataWhen copying and pasting data into Excel you can often bring along unwanted formatting picked up from other softwarepackages. Therefore for your templates to work properly follow these simple suggestions:

2. In the template double click the destination cell and where the cursor is blinking paste by right clicking and selecting 'Paste' or by pressing the keys 'CTRL' and 'V'


3. In the template click a cell once to highlight it, then right click, select 'Paste Special' and then select 'Values'

5. Inserting rows into Templates 4,5 & 8This is possibly the trickiest thing you will have to do with the templates, but follow these simple steps and you shouldnot experience too many problems.

1. Using template 4, between rows 13 and 30.2. Click any of the yellow cells in row 203. Either right click and select 'Insert' then select 'Entire row'. This will insert a new row for you.4. Highlight Cells C19 to F19 and right click and select 'Copy'5. Highlight cell C20 and right click and select 'Paste'6. Job done.

Note:a. Do not try entering before row 14 and after row 29 as the summary box at the bottom of each years PD will not calculate properly.b. Replicate this process as many times as you need for any of the unlocked templates. c. Printing ranges may be affected by adding new rows. You may need to adjust print ranges etc. See standard MS Excel help if you are unsure of how to do this.

Please note, if you corrupt any part of the templates RICS do not provide any technical support and you will

simply have to download the templates and start again.

6. Built-in Help:Each template has specific built-in help. The built-in help can be accessed by placing your mouse pointer over any of thesmall boxes (with a question mark in them) at the left and right hand edge of the templates. There are a range of differing types of help that are denoted by different colours, as follows:





Built-in help boxes do not appear on any printouts as they are set outside of the default print ranges.

7. Printing the templates:Printing these templates could not be easier.On Excel's top menu, click FILE > PRINT and then click OK.Each template will print on A4 paper in Portrait or Landscape.If you wish to print anything else, use Excel's normal printing options.

8. Security / Passwords:Most of the templates are protected (locked) in whole or part and this has been done to retain the integrity of the templates and any Excel formulae that has been used in the delivery of the template automation.

Getting started LockedTemplate 1 LockedTemplate 2 LockedTemplate 3 LockedTemplate 4 Unlocked (Allowing for additional rows to be inserted)Template 5 Unlocked (Allowing for additional rows to be inserted)Template 6 LockedTemplate 7 LockedTemplate 8 Unlocked (Allowing for additional rows to be inserted)

If when entering data, the template prompts you for a password, you are trying to use the template incorrectlyand it is suggested you review the built-in HELP to familiarise yourself with what data you can and should beentering into each template.

1. Highlight the text you want to copy and either right click and select 'Copy' or press the keys 'CTRL' and 'C'

Blue: These contain the introductory text for each individual template.

Yellow: These contain general guidance and hints and tips about filling in the templates correctly.

Black: These contain specific guidance for Graduate Route 3 and Adaptation 1 candidates.

Green: These contain guidance regarding built-in dropdown data selections.

Template Explanations. Details and key items to consider when using each template.
General Guidance. General hints and tips about the functionality or how to fill in the templates correctly.
Graduate Route 3 and Adaptation 1 Candidates. Specific hints and tips about the functionality or how to fill in the templates for these specific APC routes.
Dropdown Selections. Guidance on using the pre-edited drop down data selections correctly.
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RICS 2008 - GSG.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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9. Referred Candidates / Transition Arrangements & Referred Candidates:Please review template 2 which will list the relevant documentation that you will need to submit to RICS at final assessment.

The checklist in template 2 will automatically adjust itself on the basis of your selection relevant to your personal situation.

The options available are:

2006 APC 1st AttemptFirst time ever candidates coming forwards for final assessment

2006 APC Referred (post Dec 08)Referred since December 2008 candidates coming forwards for final assessment

2006 APC Referred (pre Dec 08)Referred before December 2008, but less than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwards for final assessment

2006 APC Referred (pre Dec 08)+3yrReferred before December 2008, but more than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwards for final assessment

2002 to 2006 APC 1st AttemptFirst time ever, but submitting a mixture of 2002 and 2006 competencies, candidates coming forwards for final assessmentPLEASE NOTE - You will ONLY be assessed on 2006 competencies

2002 to 2006 APC ReferredReferred, but submitting a mixture of 2002 and 2006 competencies, but less than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwardsPLEASE NOTE - You will ONLY be assessed on 2006 competencies

2002 to 2006 APC Referred +3yrReferred, but submitting a mixture of 2002 and 2006 competencies, but more than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwardsPLEASE NOTE - You will ONLY be assessed on 2006 competencies

2006 APC Referred (pre Dec08) G3A1Graduate 3 and Adaptation 1Referred before December 2008, but less than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwards for final assessment

2006 APC Ref. (pre Dec08) G3A1+3yrGraduate 3 and Adaptation 1Referred before December 2008, but more than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwards for final assessment

2002 to 2006 APC Referred G3A1Graduate 3 and Adaptation 1Referred, but submitting a mixture of 2002 and 2006 competencies, but less than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwardsPLEASE NOTE - You will ONLY be assessed on 2006 competencies

2002 to 2006 APC Referred G3A1+3yrGraduate 3 and Adaptation 1Referred, but submitting a mixture of 2002 and 2006 competencies, but more than 3 years since referral, candidates coming forwardsPLEASE NOTE - You will ONLY be assessed on 2006 competencies

For more information please see the RICS website.

10. Technical Support:

It is also suggested that you review the relevant RICS APC candidate's guide and the built-in help on each of the templates.

11. Document owner:Should you need to discuss this template with RICS please contact:RICS Membership OperationsT: 0870 3331600E: [email protected]

RICS DO NOT offer any technical support. If you damage the template it is suggested you download it again and try again.

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RICS 2008 - T1.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 1

Select a Route

Candidate Declaration


Candidate name: Candidate Name

Date of birth: dd/mm/yyyy

Employer / organisation Enter employer/organisation name here

Graduate Route: Select a Route

RICS membership number: 1234567

Assessment session: Session 2 (Autumn) Year: 2009

Date registered on APC: 1/1/2006

Specialist area: Select specialisation

Any special considerations: Select

Previously referred candidate? No

No. of previous APC attempts? N/A

Critical Analysis title: N/A

Critical Analysis date: N/A

Declaration - Select a Route - 2006 APC 1st Attempt

We the undersigned confirm that:

The following documentation is a true and accurate representation of the candidate's own training and experience.

All documentation is present and has been prepared in line with the 2006 APC Candidates guide (latest version)

The candidate has met the competencies and levels as per the 2006 APC Requirements & Competencies guide.

Template 1: Candidate Declaration Template 7: **Not required**

Template 2: Candidate Checklist Template 8: **Not required**

Template 3: Candidate Achievement Record Transition: No transition requirements

Template 4: Professional Development Record

Template 5: Education / Professional Membership Record

Template 6: Experience Record

CA: Critical Analysis

RR: **Not required**

Candidate: Candidate Name Signature RICS No: 1234567

Supervisor: Name Signature RICS No: 1234567

Counsellor: Name Signature RICS No: 1234567

Please attach a clear, professional

and recent photograph of the candidate.

(Note: Passport sized and in the last 6 months)

Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Date: dd/mm/yyyy

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 2

Select a Route

Candidate Checklist


Candidate name: Candidate Name

RICS membership number: 1234567

Session: Session 2 (Autumn)

Year: 2009

Submission Content: Transition Arrangements

Please select your current

situation relevant to your

* Include tabulated dividers clearly indicating the document section titles. recorded training & experience?

* Bind your submission, in 4 separate copies, in the order listed below. 2006 APC 1st Attempt

Template Title

1 Candidate Declaration X

2 Candidate Checklist

3 Candidate Achievement Record

4 Professional Development Record

5 Education / Professional Membership Record

6 Experience Record

CA Critical Analysis

Referred candidates - Details noted below when applicable

RR **Not required**

7 **Not required**

8 **Not required**

Transition Arrangements - Details noted below when applicable

No transition requirements

Important reminders

- Have you kept a copy? (Copies will not be returned) Yes

- Have you obtained proof of postage? Yes


Your submission must be sent in accordance with the list above. Incomplete submissions will be

returned and your interview will be deferred until the next round of assessments.

Please post your documents to:

* These documents should be bound together using spiral binding.

* Include a contents page and this checklist.

Candidate(enter 'X' to


RICS(office use only)

Candidates in England, Scotland & WalesRICS Membership OperationsSurveyor CourtWestwood wayCoventry. CV4 8JE

Candidates in Northern IrelandRICS Northern Ireland9/11 Corporation SquareBelfast. BT1 3AJ

Dropdown list available
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Candidates in England, Scotland & WalesRICS Membership OperationsSurveyor CourtWestwood wayCoventry. CV4 8JE

Candidates in Northern IrelandRICS Northern Ireland9/11 Corporation SquareBelfast. BT1 3AJ

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 3

Select a Route

Candidate Achievement Record


Log Book SummaryCompleted by the Candidate, Supervisor and Counsellor

The competencies listed below are those that the candidate believes they are competent in and wishes to be assessed against and relate directly

to the minimum requirements as stated in the APC/ATC Requirements and Competencies Guide (2006).

Number and Competency Title

Dates Achieved

Supervisor Counsellor

Level dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy Assessor Use

Mandatory Competencies Met

M001 Accounting principles and procedures 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

M002 Business planning 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

M003 Client care 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

2 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

M004 Communication and negotiation 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

2 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

2 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

3 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

M006 Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution proced 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

M007 Data management 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy Summary of total number

M008 Health and safety 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy of competency experience

2 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy days recorded to date.

M009 Sustainability 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy 0

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M010 Teamworking 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy 0

Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book Summary (cont) Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title Level

Dates Achieved Year

Supervisor Counsellor1 2 3 4 5

dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy Assessor Use

Technical - Core Competencies Met

T044 Inspection 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

3 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

T083 Valuation 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

3 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

T057 Measurement of land and property 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book Summary (cont) Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title Level

Dates Achieved Year

Supervisor Counsellor1 2 3 4 5

dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy Assessor Use

Technical - Optional Competencies Met

Select From Dropdown List 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

3 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Select From Dropdown List 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

3 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Select From Dropdown List 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Technical - Optional Plus Competencies Met

Select From Dropdown List 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

3 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Select From Dropdown List 1 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book - Year 1 Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Technical - Core Competencies

T044 Inspection 0.0

T083 Valuation 0.0

T057 Measurement of land and property 0.0

Technical - Optional Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Technical - Plus Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book - Year 2 Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Technical - Core Competencies

T044 Inspection 0.0

T083 Valuation 0.0

T057 Measurement of land and property 0.0

Technical - Optional Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Technical - Plus Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book - Year 3 Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title


25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Technical - Core Competencies

T044 Inspection 0.0

T083 Valuation 0.0

T057 Measurement of land and property 0.0

Technical - Optional Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Technical - Plus Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book - Year 4 Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title


37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Technical - Core Competencies

T044 Inspection 0.0

T083 Valuation 0.0

T057 Measurement of land and property 0.0

Technical - Optional Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Technical - Plus Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567

Log Book - Year 5 Valuation Template 3

Number and Competency Title


49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

Technical - Core Competencies

T044 Inspection 0.0

T083 Valuation 0.0

T057 Measurement of land and property 0.0

Technical - Optional Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Technical - Plus Competencies

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Select From Dropdown List 0.0

Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Dropdown selection available
Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 4

Select a Route

Professional Development Record


Year 1Date Hours PD Split?

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

0.0 Total

Note: 96 hours in total required for Final Assessment (minimum 48 hours per year)Hours Total / Split

0.0 Personal0.0 Technical0.0 Professional

Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to your declared competencies.

Subject (objective, reasoning and outcome)

Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 4

Select a Route

Professional Development Record


Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to your declared competencies.

Year 2Date Hours PD Split?

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

0.0 Total

Note: 96 hours in total required for Final Assessment (minimum 48 hours per year)Hours Total / Split

0.0 Personal0.0 Technical

Subject (objective, reasoning and outcome)

Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 4

Select a Route

Professional Development Record


Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to your declared competencies.

0.0 Professional

Year 3Date Hours PD Split?

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

0.0 Total

Note: 96 hours in total required for Final Assessment (minimum 48 hours per year)Hours Total / Split

0.0 Personal

Subject (objective, reasoning and outcome)

Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 4

Select a Route

Professional Development Record


Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to your declared competencies.

0.0 Technical0.0 Professional

Year 4Date Hours PD Split?

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

0.0 Total

Note: 96 hours in total required for Final Assessment (minimum 48 hours per year)Hours Total / Split

Subject (objective, reasoning and outcome)

Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 4

Select a Route

Professional Development Record


Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to your declared competencies.

0.0 Personal0.0 Technical0.0 Professional

Year 5Date Hours PD Split?

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

0.0 Total

Note: 96 hours in total required for Final Assessment (minimum 48 hours per year)

Subject (objective, reasoning and outcome)

Dropdown selection available
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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 4

Select a Route

Professional Development Record


Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to your declared competencies.

Hours Total / Split0.0 Personal0.0 Technical0.0 Professional

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Select a Route

Education / Employment & Professional Membership Record


Education RecordPlease detail your academic qualifications gained during your further education years and list any relevant grade / level of that membership that you hold.

Degree / Diploma Name Type of Study

dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

Employment RecordPlease detail employment positions held and record the current / most recent first.

Position held

dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyydd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

University / institution(please include country)

Date Started

Date Completed

Employer(please include country)

Competencies covered during employment(simply list competency reference numbers)

Date Started

Date Completed

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Select a Route

Education / Employment & Professional Membership Record


Professional Membership RecordPlease detail any other institutions that you are a member of.

Professional Membership Institution Membership Status Date Achieved


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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 6

Select a Route

Experience Record


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Mandatory CompetenciesM001 Accounting principles and procedures

M002 Business planning

M003 Client care

M004 Communication and negotiation

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Please record your summary of experience / training completed against your declared competencies. Note: Record against ALL declared Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 4).

M001 Accounting principles and proceduresLevel 1

M002 Business planningLevel 1

M003 Client careLevel 1

M003 Client careLevel 2

M004 Communication and negotiationLevel 1

M004 Communication and negotiationLevel 2

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Level 1

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Level 2

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RICS 2008 - T6.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 6

Select a Route

Experience Record


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Please record your summary of experience / training completed against your declared competencies. Note: Record against ALL declared Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 4).

M006 Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures

M007 Data management

M008 Health and safety

M009 Sustainability

M010 Teamworking

Technical - Core CompetenciesT044 Inspection

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Level 3

M006 Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures

Level 1

M007 Data managementLevel 1

M008 Health and safetyLevel 1

M008 Health and safetyLevel 2

M009 SustainabilityLevel 1

M010 TeamworkingLevel 1

T044 InspectionLevel 1

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 6

Select a Route

Experience Record


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Please record your summary of experience / training completed against your declared competencies. Note: Record against ALL declared Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 4).

T083 Valuation

T057 Measurement of land and property

Technical - Optional CompetenciesSelect From Dropdown List

T044 InspectionLevel 2

T044 InspectionLevel 3

T083 ValuationLevel 1

T083 ValuationLevel 2

T083 ValuationLevel 3

T057 Measurement of land and propertyLevel 1

T057 Measurement of land and propertyLevel 2

T057 Measurement of land and propertyLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 6

Select a Route

Experience Record


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Please record your summary of experience / training completed against your declared competencies. Note: Record against ALL declared Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 4).

Select From Dropdown ListSelect From Dropdown List

Level 1

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 6

Select a Route

Experience Record


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Please record your summary of experience / training completed against your declared competencies. Note: Record against ALL declared Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 4).

Select From Dropdown List

Technical - Optional PLUS CompetenciesSelect From Dropdown List

Select From Dropdown List

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

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RICS 2008 - T6.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 6

Select a Route

Experience Record


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Please record your summary of experience / training completed against your declared competencies. Note: Record against ALL declared Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 4).

Additional Information

Competency Competency experience details Job title / Employer

If you wish you may include further information regarding the breadth and depth of experience you have had over and above your declared competencies in the boxes provided below.


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Candidate Name - 1234567

This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLYTemplate 7

Select a Route

Referral Deficiency Report


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Mandatory CompetenciesM001 Accounting principles and procedures

M002 Business planning

M003 Client care

M004 Communication and negotiation

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Record your summary of experience / training completed, since referral, relevant to your declared competencies. Note: Record against relevant Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (Deficiency report PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 8).

M001 Accounting principles and proceduresLevel 1

M002 Business planningLevel 1

M003 Client careLevel 1

M003 Client careLevel 2

M004 Communication and negotiationLevel 1

M004 Communication and negotiationLevel 2

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Level 1

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Level 2

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Candidate Name - 1234567

This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLYTemplate 7

Select a Route

Referral Deficiency Report


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Record your summary of experience / training completed, since referral, relevant to your declared competencies. Note: Record against relevant Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (Deficiency report PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 8).

M006 Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures

M007 Data management

M008 Health and safety

M009 Sustainability

M010 Teamworking

Technical - Core CompetenciesT044 Inspection

M005 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice

Level 3

M006 Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures

Level 1

M007 Data managementLevel 1

M008 Health and safetyLevel 1

M008 Health and safetyLevel 2

M009 SustainabilityLevel 1

M010 TeamworkingLevel 1

T044 InspectionLevel 1

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Candidate Name - 1234567

This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLYTemplate 7

Select a Route

Referral Deficiency Report


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Record your summary of experience / training completed, since referral, relevant to your declared competencies. Note: Record against relevant Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (Deficiency report PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 8).

T083 Valuation

T057 Measurement of land and property

Technical - Optional CompetenciesSelect From Dropdown List

T044 InspectionLevel 2

T044 InspectionLevel 3

T083 ValuationLevel 1

T083 ValuationLevel 2

T083 ValuationLevel 3

T057 Measurement of land and propertyLevel 1

T057 Measurement of land and propertyLevel 2

T057 Measurement of land and propertyLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

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Candidate Name - 1234567

This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLYTemplate 7

Select a Route

Referral Deficiency Report


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Record your summary of experience / training completed, since referral, relevant to your declared competencies. Note: Record against relevant Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (Deficiency report PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 8).

Select From Dropdown List

Select From Dropdown List

Technical - Optional PLUS CompetenciesSelect From Dropdown List

Select From Dropdown List

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 1

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Candidate Name - 1234567

This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLYTemplate 7

Select a Route

Referral Deficiency Report


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Record your summary of experience / training completed, since referral, relevant to your declared competencies. Note: Record against relevant Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (Deficiency report PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 8).

Additional Information

Competency Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 2

Select From Dropdown ListLevel 3

If you wish you may include further information regarding the breadth and depth of experience you have had over and above your declared competencies in the boxes provided below.


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Candidate Name - 1234567

This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLYTemplate 7

Select a Route

Referral Deficiency Report


Competency & level Competency experience details Job title / Employer

Record your summary of experience / training completed, since referral, relevant to your declared competencies. Note: Record against relevant Levels up to a maximum of 1000 characters per cell (approximately 150 to 200 words per Level). (Deficiency report PD / LLL should be recorded in Template 8).

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RICS 2008 - T8.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 8

Select a RouteProfessional Development Deficiency Record


This template is for REFERRED Candidates ONLY

Date Subject Hours PD Split?

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

dd/mm/yyyy 0.0 Select a Split

0.0 Total

Note: 24 hours MINIMUM RequiredHours Total / Split

0.0 Personal0.0 Technical0.0 Professional

Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to the highlighted deficiencies in your referral report.

Dropdown selection available
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RICS 2008 - T8.1208.02RICS Membership Operations - Graduate 1, 2, 3 & Adpt1 - Dec08 Templates

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Candidate Name - 1234567Template 8

Select a RouteProfessional Development Deficiency Record


Please detail the PD development title, location and key components. Include Method of Learning. Include an overview of the objective and reasoning why you are doing this PD development. Conclude with the outcome and how it relates to the highlighted deficiencies in your referral report.