V.1' V1' v 'f'.l V V f"-\ ement f- "ement to Independent THURSDAY IndependentEnterpriseTHU- RSDAY MAIiCIi29 JD45f A 3ITHA A- 3ITHA CLUB The CLUB- The Tabltha"'club met at. e wie'of at.- wie'of Mrs Ed Gehrke last.Th.ursJ lyeveningwlth last.Th.ursJ- ly.'evening'.wlth. Mrs Paul Mrs.Paul Senkf C Senkf- C John Rice 'tihd'.Mrsv Ella jigham Ella- jigham assistant hostesses The 4b 'The- 4b memb'er5. ntertalnd' their fits Jids.at1 hus- Jids.at1 a pot suppers Those fsent' Those- fsent' were Mr and Mrs Lester Snussen1 Lester- Snussen1 tte ahd i Mrs Paul Senk l'Mr 'and'Mrs Ernest Mattson fnndMrsWE Gster/Mr1. and Norman and- js'Norman Anderson js'NormanAnderson Mr and John and- s'Jphn Rice Mrtkan 1 Mrs jEd Mrs.jEd thike jEd- thike Mr. and Mrs.-Erlct.Brock- an Mrs.Erlct.Brock- an Mr and Mrs Henry 'Schock rs Ella Bingham Misses Lillie id Lillie- id Frieda Reimers Miss Oscar osen .Oscar- osen arid daughter Re fy Lien iemperMax Uen- iemperMax Gerlach.ind Mr. and rs.'SeUnar and- rs.'SeUnar Peterson INNER,1GUESTS" Mr.1 and Mrs Albert Harl.irid were psts'at.a dinner Sunday lor Mr lor.Mr ad' Mrs Ben INNER 'BenTomlin.- INNER FOR SON and Henry Schock .en rtalned at-a'dinner Sunday even ig-m.-hpnor'of. feve- nigm.hpnor'of. their igm.hpnor'of.their son Pvt Har- d Har- d -Schock Har- Schock whc- left whcleft' Sunday night to night- to his station at 'Ft.-Geo. wide 'Ft.Geo.t- eade Md teadeMd 'GuesU were 'GuesU.were Mr and Irs and- Irs Joe IrsJoe' Beesofv Irene.'and' Bud alph"Os.te'r/aU--'oriPayette/ tid iss tid- iss Darlene Baer Later ithe'evening'Mr of'Weiser'Later- ithe'evening'Mr aftd"jMrs WE jter W.'E.- jter called AR EXECUTIVE OARD'MEETS At the executive theexecutive board meeting the Idaho Daughters 'of the nerlcan the- nerlcan Revolution Mrs -E- Mrs'E A EA be.eler1' .of-.Caldwell was .of.Caldwellwas' appointed succeed appointed- succeed Mabel' Gupton ef 'Nanv .L as state regent C. llerrt.-of C- .llerrt.of L'ewistonewas' named to ccced to- ccced Mrs.-.Wheeler other ap otherap intments' ap- intments' Included Mrs Franklin Bales 'Franklin- Bales of Caldwell to succeed Mrs irley 'Ma'thl en Of Nampa as cor ponding secretary Mrs W. C. auldihg C- .auldihg of Blackfoot succeed rSoNettA 'succeed- rSoNettA Borsch Twin Falls as dltbr as- dltbr Mrs Ruth''Gilbert-of 'Nam- 'to 'Nam- 'to succeed Mrs E'L Parker of wiston of- wiston its historian arid historianarid Mrs Ti Evans'of'.Pocatello to succeed s F M Ayers of Ppcatellb''as 11-J 'irlan 11J- 'irlan Holdover officers Holdover'officers are Mrs areMTS.I tie MTS.I- ne. Anderson of Boise irecbrdirigj r'etary.i irecbrdirigj- r'etary.i Mrsy' /H'Stowell Mrsy'H'Stowell ofj .in' Falls .trcasur'er'Jt'Mrs' iC 'ltL ,11'of/Payette chaplain.and Mrs itp- Schrocder itpSchrocder' of M6scowJ"regls- i M6scowJ"regls- i ivj'fThe.sme'mbers who a ttjehdecl m ttjehdecl- m Pary tte' weJ-frMrsrHe'nry'Ash'- ft weJfrMrsrHe'nry'Ash- 'ft Mr8.'OiP.i LattieVMr.s- Hif LattieVMr.sHif od Hif- od Mrs C/D Stearns Mrs./Ed/ Mon Mrs.Ed- Uon Mfs.-rJoh4McKinney and siV "an- dsi.V. Patch.'J Y -J AND'MA'fcLUB ifhe Parand.'Ma'dub met'last Fri evening Fri- L''Evening at the ho'itje.'ol Mr/drid. is' Mrdrid.i- s' Emmttt' Brubaker'i-'Mrs''D'6r6-1 'Cassldj''antl Mr.and 'Mrsv'Ben sit weret guests 6Mllife'cIjb.vM 1 Mrs Joe Ofdham 'wef .Ofdham.'wef e""wlrirlefs.1 nlrjh-icor e""wlrirlefs- .1nlrjhicor and Mrs Cassl'dy"'arid iv Cassl'dy"'aridi- v Sherpr held Sherprheld low r. Payetle announce the marriage of their of- their daughter Letha Harper .SP.- Q .SP.- Q 3/c Lieutenant Claude B. Claude- B. Softerbeck sbnofMrl andMrs H B..SolteilbccfciOf1Payette. The wedding'took .The- wedding'took place the Metro pdlltarj Methodist church at Wash ington Wash- ington D C.t March 19 at .liw i m i- m. with the RQV Edward Q. Latch officiating Latch- officiating at an Impressive.Military candlelighted Impressive.Military- candlelighted ceremony The church was"'decorated church- was"'decorated with Easter lilies gladiolus.and palms The1 maid of honor of- hohof 'was Frederica L Kesler SP Q. 3/c and best man was Captain Harold Captain- Harold emp'letbn whoflew from Denver from- Denver for the ceremony Lieute'n' ceremonyLieute'n' ant Commander Gordon gave the brldeliri the- brldeliri marriage Iriithe."absenc& of her of- herlather There Were forty guests present guests'- present. rf P The bridal' couple marched from the from- the church through an- aisle anaisle flank ed'wlthirmy fla'n- ked'wlthirmy pe'rspnflel btr'.one- Side btr'.one6lde and Navy on''the Navy"on''the other Mrs Solterbec:1 MrsSolterbec:1 graduated from the from- the Payette high Payettehigh school and jit- tended jit- i'tended the Chenard School of Art Ih' Art- lh' Jallfbrnia and designed dresses for dresses'- for Je in Parker. Lt. Solterbsck graduated Solterbsck- graduated from the Payette high school'and high- school'and Oregon State college and Is andI- s. affiliated with .th Chi Phi frar ernity frar- ernity. He spent the past three yeaTs three- yeaTs In Northern'.Islands and help ed help- ed build the Alcan the'Alcan highway and recently 'and- recently returned from the Alec the'AleU' tlans 'AleU'- tlans. 'M THEBIBLE SPEAKS By SPEAKS- By R. L.'Dalzell .In the foregoing articles we have beea h'ave- beea studying the iquestlor.of''the ten iquestlor.of''thet- en. commandments'.being' -in force today and today'and' binding upon Christians was fa lost till theseed'should'1 come'VQalv'3il9it theseed'should'1- come'VQalv'3il9it Verse IS tells us' that us- 'that that Seed Is 'Chhstr so when He came'we'tari look'for' the'law to cease 'to'- c"ease Verses 24 25 Wherefore the LAW the- LAW WAS OUR 'SCHOOLMAS TER SCHOOLMAS- TER to bring us unto Christ that we'mlgbt.be'Justified that- we'mlgbt.be'Justified by1 faithBut after that faith1 is conic WE conic'WE ARE NO ARE- NO LONGERUNDER A SCHOOL MASTER SCHOOL- MASTER. Again vif i-e .W'led'iof theSpirit .W'led'iof- the'Spirit. YE ARE NOT UNDER THE'LAWA'- UNDER- THE'LAWA' GalNSllS LAW fHeb .Gilj that a new.a'bet- er new.a'bet- er coyenahtV'was' established lifoh',1 estaollshe'dlifoh',1 better'prpmlsps"'i lifoh',- 1better'prpmlsps"'i ahdtliithe last verseV.he .lasf- verseV.he hath old i. ma'de''the.'first.oldi- . arid to''vanish a way We find Weffnd hat the"flrstcovehant" was the ten the- erit commandments tExji commandmentstExji 34:2S beut.,4I3) 'JIEff-TOOK1 AWAY THE 'AWAY'- THE FIRST THAT liE MIGHT ESTABLISH 'MIGHT- ESTABLISH THE SECOND Hefr.1 83. in theGalttonlctWchaptcr fourvcrSesv the.'Galtton'lctWchaptc'r.f- ourvcrSesv 21 hroufett PaUl plo tures plo- tures this vcrVthlng The fnerxmentionedare/-"tHs 'Thetwb'wd- fnerxmentionedare"tHs two cove pants cove- .nahts tonq'fron Mou'ntSlriai bear Hi bearr11- Hi children'unto'bbhda'ge,1 which is. Hagariv Neyfcrthele'ss what with the 'salthl- the'Seriptiires vCasti' out vCasti'out tha.1 bond Mrs Itors Mrs.- Itors Mrs.-A- P .Meccha'n'an l daughr'l ters daughr'l- ters. i Colleen Mrs Jim Davis ana Mrs anil- Mrs Jack Hahi- 'gimand'.daughter Hah- i'gimand'.daughter LaD'onna arid Patty arid- .Patty prcrup were Boise vis Wednesday vis- Wednesday. 1 Mrs Leo Shererreturned Sun day .Sun- day evening 'from 'a -tenday visit With visit'- With her daughter arid sari Mrand Mrs "puke''WelllnRton and "puke''WelllnRton- and Infarit son Bennyi a't' pgdcn Utah:1' Mrs Eva Baker.received' the hews the''Bad- hews' this hews'this weekof the death pf her brbther-lri'law her- .brbtherlri'law V. \ti V.ti Robinson Mrs Olive Wright Robinson'sis WrightRobinson'sis the sister the- sister of Mrs Baker 'and lived v n some n- Payette'some' years agoShe Is noW living how- 1living in Sacramento CaUf Mrs Alta Standlsh.whd went to Walla to- Wala' Walla Wni recently'to'Visit her recently'to'Visit- her'brother Captain Oliver Stepall and Stepall- and family has accepted i posltlqn the posltlq- natthe McGraw hospital there. Mr there.- Mr tod'Mrs..Curtis' Walters tod'Mrs..Curtis'Waltersaobkv their Waltersaobkv- their little'sonStephen to Boise Wednesday .Bois- eWednesday for'"mecllcal itt'eritioa Miss Bessie Rich Is now employed at employed- at the Rite store Mrs Karl Thornton left Friday for Frtdnjf- for" Everett Wn.j where she will visit wlli- visit her' husbands Ater' Mrs Ar thur Ar- thur Ferguson arid family Mn family.- Mn and Mrs Sterling McQIrilsy 6fvCduncil McQIrilsy- 6fvCduncil Mr and rMr.s''Cv J.-Re'l- mere J.Re'l- mers' spent Wednesday evening ot last'week ot- last'week atu'.the'hprae cf'Mr and Mrs'Jt and- Mrs'Jt DRelmefs Albert Conbv.er underwent "a trial or'pperatlori'-li3ustFrlda'y--flt nia- or'pperatlori'li3ustFrlda'yflt th Holy1 Rosary Holy- 1Rosary. hospital In'Ontario Mrs.Karl Thorntp'n returnwl ast Thursday ast- Thursday from pat'eSvlUi Tex'a where h'as'.b'eeri witrihcr 'rius band Pr.fvate Harojd -Schoc.k HarojdSchoc.k arrived h6rntipri'.Ma'rchi arrived- h6rntipri'.Ma'rchi 15th' from Camp WqUers in Texas to spend his fur fur Jo'uglr fur- Jo'uglr With this Withjhls parents Mr and Mrs and- Mrs. Henry 'Schock 'On Wednesday eyenihg-'for'tyfone Wednesday- eyenihg'for'tyfone friendr.and'rela'T1 tlves friendr.and'rela'T1- tlves from and Payette'held fl.homecoming Payette'heldf- l.homecoming at the Beacon'Jnn in honor ini- honor of honorof Harold The evening 'Theevening was Spent was'- Spent dancing and at midnightre'- freshments midnightre'f- reshments were served He left'on 'Mr. and Mrst3. Uj.Cwiton left last Thursday for Denver Colorado where Cojb'nido1- where they vtill.-spentj'a week on business and businessarid visiting their laugh tf- dAug- htf .v' i iMrs C C Hainllton wa8'Jtnn"ay-vt rival last week from IdahQ Fall Laii'd'.Js'spending a' few days Visiting days''Visiting at the atthe' homefpf her brother E White Mr.'an'd 'Mrs.'Hainljton recently 'Mrs.'Hainljton- recently old farm property nar property'- 1nar Idaho Falls 1 Miss Mina Slaughter MinaSlaughter of .OriUrlo' spent .OriUrlo- 'sperit Wednesday night t tho.hbmc' of Mrs. Robert Fqrsman Miss Mary Alk'e' Pierce b'f Me rldiari.was.the Me- rldiari.was.the dinner guestoJ'Mrs.- Henry guestoJ'Mrs.- Henry Ashcroft Tuesday eVening.t The sOas- Searson sOasSearson family has move has1- move from the Sodja placijtto the I.Woshoeidlstr'ict the.- I.Woshoeidlstr'ict j M fi 'Aj i' frprna'ii i'- frprna'ii arid sort 'it tl a. lag hntiWai'givenat Slwi'M cast out'tli' cast- out'tli' r'efor riot Christians 'riot- Christians -ttftfay Christiansttftfay Nowhere during binding -upon1 bindingupon1 Sunday Match 25th for Fort Ged G..Meade Ge'd- .G..Meade Maryland Mrs Geo'rBe'La'ngford of Port and Port- and Ore visited wlth" her slsl'ci rndXhusbaridf-Mr slsl'ci- rndXhusbaridfMr and Mrs Merrill yij.- l. 1-- Mrs Emma Slaughter tof Ontario speht.last Ontario- speht.last Week as a 'guesf of Mrs Robert Mfs- .Robert 'Forsmftn Mrs Vernon Reed of Pendleton Ore and Miss Larosa' Ropers Larosa'Ropers of. Ontario of- .Ontario' visited over the week at .weok'tr.d- at the homepf Mr and \V S Rogers S- .Rogers. FOR SALE Dakota Ccr- DakotaCcr tiffed Ccr- tiffed Blue Tag Bliss Triumph and war and- war approved seed potatoes L. J/ Josephsori J- Josephsori Phone 'G32. FrUl.tljtnd or 0-J or- .0J Payette Mn 'and Mrs Harry Young tid fSmlly of Formosa JKafisas drnved W drnved- W Payette rfCfntl.yiiQ''make- their homeThere.- c arid Mrs Bg'ycl'McMUrchlei attended their dinner 'brldgej'club Saturday evfniflK' at the home of homeof \v ofv Mr.'and v- Mr.'and Mrs.'Glen HutWnspli M Ontario Lawrence Schtiltz' who 'hiis- been 'hiisbcn working bcnf- Worktng in SalfXake Clty .stopp't-d' over .stopp'td'- over last overlast' Thursday and spent until here with hls.sistcr Mrs 4 Henrjf arid tamlrj/-wW en route en- route to his home fy Seattle Mlss'Ethel'BucIt b'f.Caldwelfcorh'.v mcncrd'her.du'tles f.i\ the'blffJpe1"'b Selective Service Sel'ectivc.Servicp' here Thursday She has been 'emjilpyed as assistant clerk af1'the office CAldwell officeCnldwell. Mrs Ella Schbper.'l'ialspn'.of fleer of fleer- of thftQPA of Boise wa pin over night over- night guest of airs Bt-fnard East mart East- mart Tuesday nIght i and Mrs Brooks Laiidon are th parents of ft baby girt borrt'on Wednesday borrt'on- Wednesday' evening of this week at Ontario Mrs RhiiJh rHardin- RhiiJhrHardin it on Wed nesday.'eyenlng'bf Wfd- nesday.'eyenlng'bf 'thls/ wcec 'thlswcec for Oregon 'for- CorvallUOregon where CorvallUOregonwhere sh' 5 will rpsutiie her.-st die i't Oregon'Slft'tf tollegei'and will graduate in' June Mrs HajrdwVwilt Visit or'a- ffv or'affv da f With .friends-.in' Portland -enrbute Portlandenrbute Slie ha's'&een In' Payete'for"thf past sever'dT past's- ever'dT weeks TlsiUriVat'rthj1 home ot t paftnts 'Mr'- artd'Mri'i 'Mr'artd'Mri'i W Br'ainard f \f 'i Lt .ahd/lMrs.- Rodney .ahdlMrs.'Rodney' Jphnston jflnd trsl/'Tdin Ddvles 'wer 'Surid y1 Cpuper'arid iarnlly" list weeki Sh left fOr her."h'orheMnoda'y mprtilngj ll'Mr..a'ndMrslLynnKnlsht'of C&s- ca'dei' C&- sca'dei' peAtthe'week.erid.ln Pay Visiting -fMrs- yisltingfMrs Knights fMrsKnight's' re-nW Jlrf and tyrs R Ii Daharsh .Miss'Maxine'-Iiennnrd ofSpok' n .Wnl arrived iasti'.Thursda -.and iasti'.Thursda.and spent'untii .an- dspent'untii Sunday with sister Mrs Leohard-D'anref arid'tamllj'- 'itBotf arid'tamllj'- 'itBotf FisX:6fyale'called Saturday atl'the''home pf'h co'iusiri E/ d Ed Fisk Ijob Is.'the sbnpfli W Flsk of Vale Ore Just complete hiboottrainingat San pf Ir..and'iMrs Cailfv ff t v d V Japk Marshall f "AurilTIONAtii NE\V'lPLV Moui'H V 'AtUi 'MargarVt' olennisky' nter olennisky'nte'r Wubu nte'r- Wubu. JVnwfi'W 'iM Mts .ewtbn.Forgex In'.a'hospital terttrf'Wwt B-/8t land i tod- i -ft Jit f. r L- iJ- LiJ R.TFB fit'4i tnf if\W m j Boise erinsT Ir.p aiabctf -l 'M' W' M W'M pettg-'t return.to'hfliqrne\ffijfy' in e .ine Saturday .in- Sa'turday. and hire tts Itiq.- tts. Mn'rvin Johiison- CpJ JohiisonCpJ. 'ttofl rctcrstm Mrs i Pajmraajf j"ut jouiv' j- wwi jwwi I-CUTHIH wr OTlltTe aurme ssiin1" and firs 'andtosaatianJ- Us. Jack Marshall 'cntwtainqdly "tff 6 \f fn fA at' .4 pinochle party W Mrs Harry spencer a SRI a. SRI.- a. 230 tea Tuesday Wt n6pri Sf pm Sd TkeeX trt Sa 3 W \ffl Wffl SWJP and D o.toet' Tuesday evening at the e'of the- e'of Mrs James GJbtxm Miss jf Miss- jf Alice Pierce of Meridian gave ry'taterest'lng talk Palestine Mrs Robert Fisher showed her nances that nancesthat waS ag'al"nst"u Which was Which- was contrary to1 us AND TOOK IT aid Halloci H'-ii.2c7 MSt Jlfnmy.J hJison of Wtl ms 'F W1' At'iit vlsJtPd.lirlelly wltli Mrp'-fW wltli- Mrp'fW parent Ar find Mri Art ilobn- jFcttntly ilobn- jFcttntly Hd was f-n. route td 'Ktainj td- 'Ktainj ytnh."Mrt/JohnSoh. Is ih CdUWnja.-.jrtth. .hir parent Floral mKt Tuesday April .S'ftt'.thg home of Ms.'NeW Hanson hold'Easier'.sunrise Hanson- hold'Easier'.sunrise jprvlce.v'ttricll 'h.ci luck dlnrfprTli plant u plant- u r-t- -i t.--t.--i --i-J t I nil.- -J nil.J OUT J- OUT OF THE WAY NAlLiiiiLT'r' after the services breakfasf'WJH and Seed eXChangl .will'also be hd j iVi i WAIl T7bMrv t the i-onnt'bedDlt Mr find Mrs .T E i J T b ,86ryi d young People ion jDeople- .ion. KPER-.SOLTERBECK tr and Mri E" F Harper q Alsi'Jjrook visited from until from- until Sunday In Boise PTA meeting wiiib beld'.Mon "i tr'iiv" ill memng wiu D neia Mon 0 Mon- 0 ll f f8" S- W SW Sf U" April 5tninstead of the of Christ In .Fruitland .or-In Weiser. ynj- night ynjHfa MaJe W -be' Wbe' V' KD Vl'Jro 'iH .b the up'p rigrades 'Wf' rigra'de- s.'Wf' l v i j.- j.E frazier of Fniitland'announce the marriage of the ir daughter Inez Frazjcr'bf the W'AC to 6/Sgt/ Kelly 6SgtKelly tfl Buff dip New dip- Nfew York November 17 1944 .at Berwyn Mel Both MelBoth are etatloncd at Bolllnu at- Bolllnu Field Washington p. G arid visiting her parent oii a 'ZO-diy.furlough a- 'ZOdiy.furlough iV v .ifr /v .ifrv i' t S t- S 7M" vf \tv 't ll ,1 c- v"/'vj c- v"'vj A.-W- i1 A.Wi1 1 4 i'1 n' 1" \\"r"\'W 1""r"'W 11,111J R1I 'I1' C if'Mf\ .I mr' Ilfw.\\I)4t'i' I"I"'I"1 \1tJ -\1 'l'ii'I'IJ'i IN'\i\C' i"fql I" I" I"I" I I 1\ I ld'i'\'i'i\1"I f/I 'I 'i'/ f"l.'ii'irII'f' '- i'f"l.'ii'irII'f' .r 1 /1 1" 1'- 'i" 1''i" j t 1",0 'r I" i p- .l entl .Ente pris \j prisj 'i/i :1" H r f if J I r oj I" r.1J oi 0 "I 'T'- I 'y I \J UB anno nce m f Mrs Meccha'n Mil 1\0" U.CQ.i'iton.left \ft U.CQ.i'iton.left- ft club at the atl1e d P. Ic'oll ters.Ic'oll n M I t 'Ihur ay Denver",701 do' f t Mrij' E lGehrke last Tin1 1 to First Lieutenant rS Del 'PreH1t" Mrs L\Ck Ji ni- niwhere Vt hey"Vt spend a eek e enln wllh son f' r 'gdnlartd' nughter the IL dJ..U2h- IL i e 'an4' Mrs B Soltex'beck" 0 Payette 'he , wcrl-'Doise r. n h 1' o.h t t h stesses wedding i".t'ook' pla .Meto' it rj W clI,1f. sday > J" 'I f.rs.c I\lI U O "wl\s"t\n ai' tlg a1- a,5s a1a,5s t t 1 l'th 1r 1i.u. 'yash- 'yash,1rs. Le rI SUIrI all 5t. CI\ f CIf onl Id Q FI1 I "I I"I Jne b r ,1m r .n e Th se" 1n se"1n oh cr" 19IIIt leI tl y r vlst'r d' 'j dlng nfew s I ds t PO Ck n u Cku r1 Les r1Les er R V. at homer f h r' brot t'r lbert v.e 1r a i' ofl iaUr g inlp esslve .mlt ry Mr and puke llnR-r 11 Mr. and Mrs narn t n t e 'M Ern andl lihte'ceremo y..Th De\ j t' p dcn old the r p 1 r. an Mrs Mr'and was decorated mab ncl Mrs W. E s e 'I'he"mald Baker c lv d' t "l nd SI MlnaSI .lghtl'r o O1t. rlo JS rm I1 on'1 s Ed Q. L P. tlew th b r s rtt tho home 1 fS 'J hn It e. 'I n. BroCk 'bes "lJ an Cap.t brother In'-l wV blns6n o n brrt r man 0" d s Erl Templet n Robinson Is ML s J\.Uc Pierceof an Me- an. nd s. 't D nve fb ih ceremo / 1 ute'n7 slst r Mf Iy d rldlan' WIUI the Inn r.g estor Mrs "I" 'Mrs."I" xs Bing am" e J 'M1J car car'ant" ant"cominAnder g ve Payett lsom yearsago'Sh tIS et nlng\ I' d Frie a 'j 'Uen brld\ 1ri marr ge iI'i1th 'absellc o sl S'ar n ha Q d. dl/-ughle\ .R r..1r' I1d r..1r'I1d rh i fort gU ts Mrs Mt Stan Sh whO tint'to movrq th pl ce l e 'emper" ax.Ger c .lli"t n 4" 1 I. f WaUiWn rec ptly to"vISit 'I t II 1,1\1' JoS 'S I r t 1/ Tl e arcl d ft rJ hr C ptaln pUrer S e all n1.trIo.II3Jau f. r"o 1- chu.r h hro gh .na k- nd t mlly .a pos Uql1 w. k 1\ 1'I u 't o INNtR GUESTS 'ed 'wJth army trone lild n. Mrj'and A1ber Ita 'lmd yereand Navyon" the t er nd' Mrs CurtIS W\I rs'lQ Jk" Mr o Pe dle-On Jsts at'l\ at'ldinner sun ay f r. Mr Mr solter eclc' rlduated' f.r q1 lIttle son Stephen tq rosa np rs :1d'.Mrs. 1 ye te ntWednesday for 'medlcat 'medlcatUetitlol1" "lsl ed o\'rr th w .t'r.d Ch nard o -r tmpl yed and Mrs d esses 'at s orl' Mrs Henry hU9k en J an Soltel'b ck rs' rs'Karl C"r- rtalned at' a' dinner unday gra.du ted lgh v reU wh re jtffl.'d Ta 19-.lnJ1Qnor of the on" a t' scho l"aJ\d Qr goIi np rQved s ed .P I 'SchO le t I nd' g Is 'atlJlat c h ffn Ferg son t"Phon 652 Fr\JlUa\ d "r turn hlss atlon tf e y'UO.J e de d',9 ests w re an Northern Islands ILnd'1 ef1- of CduncU nd frs p r. ntl- tri Ui t rs" oe , e on4 Irene Iant\ ric the "hlghwIIY"/ "hlghwIIY"nnd m t o f tnlly Fo osa J f1S\S alph I Os er al Dt\"ayette'i r ce Uy ro 1t' f'- eu- f'eu Last week 1\Vthfho e cf' Mr" a tt "r cfnt tQ akl" thtlr'i' aer of eise er 'r DR lmers" ' home 1 e 1 r" I the venIng 1rf ci"MrSY und rwent tri lo' , lo'I t I Dqyd' rcMur We' t cal ed , rr'opcratiori"I tFrlday t the Inttend the r d nr ridge'Club AI E. IVF E.IVF 11 H BIBLE "Sp'E KS Roft7. I o t I n :1 'I r ir a e ti r\ I rI OARD 'M S' U L. IDa L.IDa ell Tliur&d Y On n lo 'i b ar Iee lng in tr oln' art.IC oln'art.IC es w havewbere'ish has 1i 1 wI.'rnce ScI lIltz 'h s' .b ell 'I ug ters' f "t b en uc\y ng.the q\ e qe tlo d h. n' Lake PJ d 'd''- l1er1cnn r E. Aj ,1elng 'i fOlfe Pr \at -S HarojdS hoik' imH' d T ursday sn and"sn nt ntInti. Ch st1nt1 h6m ti'Ma'rc'h 5th' Tuesday here 11s IiL ter rti s eed Mabe am W J have found that the.'Bible tea W 'teaW lt rs T II Henr hiHnrHenr S oCk nnd tamlry 'hit1 egent'jand" s. C ch s 'us ihnf th e w e.'givet lrIly J u' h' u'h' wIth hIs pt\ ftits oni )1:1 eatUe.\ llern eatUe- .llern 'Of L'ewistotL 3S p ed o t th "J ws Ex ,20:2 1ld" that It Mil nenry"'Sch k. rdn sd y. 1 fls tl1 1 uck of C ell"t.o I" Vlteel r' O er/ P- erP wa.o IY the ed 'sho d ve.nlhg" tort ne frit'nds and vela me cr4 her uU s t flt e otf eY'.o intr 1 rs Fra klm cQme" Gal 3 :19 /V :19V rsef 6 t lls us U\ s from Welser Pajzette' h Jd S le t1"- I t1"I cr heF r tp'sda C'a1dwe1l'-to. .succee C'a1dwe1l'to..succee that'th t Christ w/"l g' g'at Beac n'Jnn S e bC n E'mp' PXed "assL tatt n/r cl.ln w an look for the law to'honor 'T11 \V s ofl.ce'I .ldweJ1. s. e se 25-'Wh refote pen datci11 midnight re 1f. s I11 Scl10Per tI JsoI'I' officer nuJc ng Blackfoot to "syc e SCHOOI.MAfreshmentS Heleft pn' 1 1 R n rs oVl.'r- rs. Netta 'BaISc S nday d o. n ht 9 Pl t1 fd 9 tbr s uthG bertofNa we.tltigb bel,1st fled b OMe'iieMary falth'But'OMe'iieMary rd t -sl1ccediMrs. E J ot afterttha\ flllthlls aftertthaflllthlls corne WE.ARE of .1.tt Port.1.tt nd D ook re i hlstor an 'anli' rs LONGERU 9ER SCH Q-r. l hd 5jtec. W1.U "h r slsl the bl hy bor n Evansi of ro atello 'Ag IJ \'JtJe IJ.'JtJe C" led 'IQf an Sband 'Mr l\f rrl1 WCdnescl y V nlhg I's 'Ay rs .of P cateno as lI"'t e Spirit A E U P CoujJ r" and aniUY w et l On arh Uoldoy r or lcer.s a Ms THE m Mrs Unrdin.-Jrft d rso o e tH g J J.I' h t Ii new 1,1' bc I' ut l'd Mrs Lynn Knight ot Knight'ot as" I nd .eynln Or\:1 I,1i t or' e aryl M PO" i' St well of ter ov 1ant h' e ta1JI \1ed on eMe sPent the eek" end eek"eid n CO hef r U il Falls asur O Mr l' b er."prpl11l ps'\ a ps'a \II'I.the I. st' SiUn" Mrs l'\lght" \'l'nls l'lght"'l'nls rcs herl tudl lJ.l t Or gor1 'S 4t 'r III o'Pa tte d rlS Verse he he"lath ma eI'the first old andMrs 1'\ ItO 1- 'ItO' Sc ro d M sco t gIs- t \'iln Ii l W f nd Mi Maxlnf Jt'Iltlllrd of SJ Okrr "tU'IJdln\'lI "Is t or p 'f i. I r. T e. rnembers W O e de the "flrWc venant" W ' Wn 1r vd lasts Th rsda and tli .cl P'd&.1 rSJr.tI nL' nrout pnY.et .wete- Mrs .weteMrs. enry' Ash en 34:2 spent untiL Su dat th' Sl e ha Jt n it Panttl' tpr tlr inttlg Deut 4 J3) IErr"T OK' L n rd D'anr t and 'fl mn s vei 't- 'twl.'eks 'rlllitlng.'I\.t' th q"D'j s\ E sE 'I1I.E"FIRS ,1o ts'k Or" \nfeenlli Or"nfeenlli rn'tu d IJ .r/ j-jt .rjjt i 1 d.MI'I Mrs 'Joh , tc I1f1eYI 11l\ 1 SEC9 hIteil' at Ithe Ptne pf' tI Ei' c 'Dra1niT I I"J 'S t Y. Pat B 3.'ln' the qaltnn'lett'r/ bapter Bobj .t4e noIW t 'an4\ Jqbn 011 I I. tour."e 21t ro gh' al.ra I'pl.p 'V 1 ; rej a d hats \1lpl Just1lpl te\ teand"l 1rsIr rnV yes were lu h I AND MA LUD .U 1s ve Y't ing" etwq o- h oh boot training It I.S nIDJ lW' afternoon 'tu Qf r tr "nn .MTs rrl'J Pa andMacl et.1as F- l rl F- lrl nep.me tI med are 'm two c Ye "j" "I f.,1' ' t 1 1. i' I' I" venlng ,11d nl\nts"onff\ol1 bear I A r Emin tt" Drubaker.'FMrs tI tQ hilt lllldren' tinto' b nq t'te Ann TI NA' 1 M'i 'Mafg' f' f'nt r'- MS r'- MS dt' and tMrsBen lIagarl"TNe"crthe1 s 'Wb t WUb ror' "i bfMio at card ed SdI fvCIi rre st of'tJr I b.\ f the .rl tures R stl9uti thl i\i s hl1. 6g In' )1 PI l l 'lng f Yh 'g f. it4 'hp 9 e' Ofd a 1'\ rs 1'rs v"pp1 li d. er t t q 't n urt r1I1' flon\ labet flonlabet s. Mt 91'1m IFelly and tr I\n r tss y d h v that 'a I\en.a.t He e p t "tq refurn to' hr homer rJ m- \ Davis m.Davis 1J' all ,10th. t'ld.19 Mrvint- 'ld.19 I" Jo t.'t not por IJ s n.CH t,1ort I"cters n 'fChr4 t 1\.qo aJl r.r'l1nd \rr r.r'l1ndrr Garland hetr dIWan ob1mdttll\t 'D" 1i I , r" I the 1's 5op entertatned plnJfill"ar.tt. r ll r. SI1'f r 'f.t" r.s ent 1,11) 'eaJ' d J 6' find an'Qna k .eptntr or i'Saturday' f 'en1f1 i uest "v"ere Air Mr" Cl r c J\lmJ..aod Jj a,2:30" esd b.ter1b mjbeln'g cPJ11IL'lndrd' t.okl.'e the t'nlan Airs J hri 'rjt 1nO\'l. Mrs l H OCI .lt" t.2/c" loring'Mrs Tom Davies ot D1itt11.ot. San ko.ihmtnqmel1 Likewise 11 w ere Irtav 'f.PPCrson nd' daughter Mt 'r I\rll. t J Nim n Willi n COi ,91,1 and i r RO I1e.r jtlis'l l J IJt..the cross df we tWd it lilnd 't.rrs "n l' Ep ersdni 'i and I\m5\'Fj ld Al'1i t.S1tl'd 1611' "nto 1 oCdA q 1. Easier ec Ch1 ught that C.ht st ah mu t' r.in jol i St rd Air 1"d' 1tl h * r1d ao m- Itloilf.'Yere m- Itloilf.'Yere d Ik e mem 'I1e ce ed to .b1n iPresa1o Itutht' .tordilIJlcJ 1 11 \t f. D Ir.cent V' w s" t1g so e ti1.J1e d r1ng h t ci9 0:1 Airs 0:1lrs. snni' tuiherfotd" ne e hm q. I\ tlrri Itlrri Utah Milll Johnoh C/ tlirte t 11 uId w ask When 1he re setveit lt Ii late hour Clillforl 3tt'h 'Fj 'fue- da e"enl g t Dble'tel \1- Dble'tel1 0'1,1 10'1,1 2 1.4-B .Dlot- I'fhe' .DlotI'fhe' 3'q. I'fhe'3'q. ng people I' the Conge 'Flo III' rlul N uesdn PrU (1 o.f aU\e , 1' Ob M S" Ung SUng o'llt t hnnd T tng Q O ql-I ali n l and ijtpfIst dttitc1'H.I Wiflj,31I-HIHI 101.J1t rts Net t Pl rce Met 1'1 nn e4 that.as against U hold la'.iler' unrlse rv1ce1 Iirtc:1.11"tth J\-IUck dll/rf r' 'I11 ery t resting on P esth e breakf .st" will wU also J1 1 fd ter/ottr TIf NA1L1iarr 'b i .senthe 'ounid'Je Ie tr p es Palestine whlc ere lto UI.GROSH'Blnte th.3VI'7 If'rultla.n l'annout1ct' h enjo'cd quests were Miss lYE ARE NOT UNDEl I'II lJiW AiiJrtlSA fJtUItLA."iD dnU h' r h'r f th t nQ frs Da ldson af fe Y u'ma have tr e bo let on this Mrs.I\ ri Mrs.Iri Alslibtr ok fromhVAC t l1i n fa.l n. Mrs Jet tsop And tlaug r su ject Just 'rt e P. 0 Box 185. Thursday un U SU11d f ,17 ruJ 1and and Mis na w er You'l\re cordJ.a.Ui in .ed W will lierdMonkrwyn th 8t .tl n d IL' IIlt nd th 1\'lces" of tl1 l'\ur h tday night eld o hi1st'lIll' tI nd'rl Wf leering nI ht M Ic'.Wu.\ rid Ic'.Wu.rid' i'e 1i1tn h r' SOIlI'ER EC \1J1" 1 iIi'ix by upper de day furl 11 q a r I ,1 t 1' 1"1 d'- j d'- j 1' \\'f. 1''f. t'f :1' I" * \1" 1 j\ it" II I i" /,1\ i",1 "t ,1"t I 'd IIt It" I\ 1 1 JI' I"l'i l r" f 'I I ft 1 I II' f II'- f ' I Il c i e CLUB- e Tabithit e"of the- e"of Ed'Gehrke Mrs 'Senkr.- Mrs. John Ella- .pgham .Th- eentertaind' fits- qb ds.at' a sett' Those- 'sett' Lester- tiussen andiMrs Paal'Senk' Ernest and WE Ostex and- ss 'Narman s. and- s. Rice Mr and Ed- ehrke Erick brook- an and'Mr9 1Llllie- Id t car car- osen Refit Lien- temperMax rs.'Sel ahd- rs.'Sel sac g w INN w- INN R GUESTS- Mr. psts were- psts for Mr.- ad' een Tomlin Mr SON- Mr and g even- g Pvt.Har- Pvt.Har- d return atFtGeo 'at'Ft.Geo.- wide Md.'Guests and- rsJoe and alph"Oster alVof't Payette atid atid- Iss Weiser Later Later- the' evening 'Mr aid Mrs W E E- yter Mrs P/ H Stowell L of- L in 1 'allstreasureri'Mrs' chaplain and to irP YRtiewele"Airs 1HenrteAsh f 1HenrteAsh- f t Airs 'C P Mzs.YR C D Mrs E' AR E- AR XEGU TIVFr OARD'MEETS- At 'ther- ter'ican lieeler'of" E- .lieeler'of" Caldwell- MCaldwell appointed- succeed abel as'state Mrs Lewistoril as' t9- Other ccee ap- ccee Mrs Wheeler inttiteittS''induded Franklin- Bales tosucceed'Mrs Mdthiwnoft' as car rs 1 of Twin as- ditbr Ruth Oilbert RuthOilbert ofNam- ofNamt- &'succeedMrs. Mrs succeed- s 'as tlte UNDER- trianl. are THEt- ie. Andersop i abet dpori better prpr l s"'t and 4 iii the verse last- verse. made"the away that the- ten Ex ,9i131 tfila'r TOOK 'AWAY'- THAT. i FIRSTMIOU'I MMcKintieyr d vb"--Iieix sL Patch 'G Oaltian' letter'6a- ' pier letter'6a'- pier. 21' 31l at4 AND CLUB tures'this verh'thing'Ttre'twd wo- wo- Che andMa'club met last Fri men Frimen mentioned ore t'th cove cove- 'evening home of Mr sirid on fro Mount Sisal Fy Brubakerl Nlrs lyoroa' un o' bbndiige'whlch 'lassidy'and flag e trthels' ss' wre of the cItiboMr 5criptii es ti I'MrSJoe .atnRCrdwfniicrs uhd her sbrY a ila Cassfd and Boise sufferln ritnl Kelly'Mrs hi h scor diabett s g tva giveir at Slaw is Jimm bii'.hlydAtft lbt 'tq re ur11 ? 3' out 'tWefoxe' r obs' Jo tilea C < Wanda Ilobiisoi rs AS rYisr 4' I 'firsir 2505 fir and Mrs Rutlietf6rd Rutlietf6rdf- irs. entertain sit wit beans dry we any one keeping 1 everting (3uests4vere and Mr Clare lc a 'tifternbpli s Q Jariara Dctr- ca Dctr- ca oi'in Mrs of'San being to keep rite tin land John Fit Sirltinam MrA.aid 1falloctrab' i14. 2i c. g nowhere Fpp son And Af S nsiscd Calif Airs Rodeoy tlis'sld Qf the dp' find ithnd Mrs R. ElSpersdtir ams 'leldaAr1i,3 viftcci l e kaitlt notoit of e u dl q4 dec etrtg'taught Christfafts m keep m- keep tisfA4is. John strrftord rind Iift f1rfS Iohn- Itions'ivere used They ceased bd i Presfoi bit arid Snitrecently some kir that ge during ilrti tefseshrrtents eiuu Itirs.Jaltnon tihte- t ilibuld' 'FtOmet' Tlte- ''FtOmet' Bfble'tellS'u.Col 14-16r f lit parents.- ni The 1-gong. of Floral ruin t1it rttr 'ae g ou the haiidwriting of ordl- rjf ordl- rjf gave"nanceS'that us gat lonitl and.IlapfIat S Hanso- n'cry'interesting will axtersunrise services Arid With a dirlrfrr' abreakfast''and plan- tabreakfast''and OLT'l T- -114 W 11' NAIL IT eft hangt held on which'.werevery A beseryed find TO HCROSS Since th av enjoyedGuests i TIIE I their d Frazier You'may a free booklet R t O/Sgt Buffalo t. vv rife in at Weller You Are invi'-ed PT 'a4 be Md stationed'at attend the too Church dat fl l1Ing J Chrisf'irr I r uitland".oz irr om Music will Music.will be and are herparent 1trt11.ched rgde ce And Mirs Davidson Me- Me- r4 Mr9Petetsoni daughter 'rultland daughter- 'rultland Leona Attu ER Attu- ER SOLTERBEC1 SOLTERBEC1- Tr o4 u rr A. daugh- ters Mrs.Jini Mrs ana- Mrs. Mrs'Jack gan liahi- gan aftd'daughter and- MrS vis- itorS Mrs 4- Mrs. Sherer returned Suit- day a I en day yvithher' visit- 'yvithher' Wellington Wellington- and Uta Uta- 'Mrs re'cetvd' the'sadH- ew's' Ztei' iii-law the- sister lived 'in 'in- Payette ago She : tow- living Standish tow to- wWalla recently 'to''Wil- thit Stegall- and it postign- it the there.- Mr. Waiters agok' agok- 'their Boise- Wednesday atthe emplpye- datthe. Friday- for' will- visit Ar- Ar- thur Steriinq hscQlr ley' ofl ley'- ofl Cduncll Airs a. Rci Rci- mere of- Last at MrsrJu or trial- or pperatlan' at THE Rosltryhospital in' Ontario ev nhrig' Mrs csrl'Thornton r Mt e c t afe ilh Te is the we'1 ave Been tvitri' her 1 ivlio ha questioq of announce SP ' of Mrt and Mrs Mrs.- H. of The- wedding took it' the Wash- ington D ? p with'the Roy.'Edward G hatch- officiating eandlelightedcereniony LmpressiveMillthry- eandlelighted'cereniony. church- was' gladiolus and T he' of- honor SF.- Q. best Captain- Harold' froth- Denver Lleuten- 'ant gave the- brlde' her of- her father guests'- present. i 4 .y couplmarched church'through' an ed flank- ed Side- and on' from from- the and'Itt- and'Itt'- tended Art- ih' dresses- for Joan Softerbeck- graduated high- school'and the fra- fernity three- years and- recently tUdytng.the 'Alec- .tUdytng.the the bandy - and We.'have the Bible'tea- Bible'teahtimcror4'Ma'i ch ches'ias hUfur- ches'ias these were gfveri lou to the JewsfEx ,20:2)'And' Ifenrq'Schock psi"till theseed'should- us' forty friend'sand 3:191 Terselti Terselti.- that fives h came Pacette'held- came' we can e Beacon inn eease'Verses in- eease'Verses 25- 25Wherefore the- LAW we' that- we' itigbtbei Justified faith.'But'- after ARE- NO SCHOOL- MASTER e Pf in Salti" d- otter tamll y en- route iishome tits Ethe' Buck Caldwel eomw rnenced herduties tr the'oftl au''of iihere' In CAldwell- .spent re-1' Mrs officer- freshmenis left pn'- Sunday G. Meadelltaryland Mrs land'Ore Port- .land'Ore a'Isitedtwith' and slstc'M- and f3ttsbaftd 1vlrsMerrill thisteeek Couper'a id'family"last week Sh'Ontarlo her mbrning1j R a ph lfirrdin oft Wed- Mr and nesdas Casnesdas .eyening'of.his meek 'for'- cade creek in Pavettalciorva11L4 Oregon eie v.here'eie will will'- Visiting Kttigltts.it entss trlresunte her.'studtesitlt Oreabtt'Sta't- and Ji Miss gpok rf rf- Wn Thursday and- spent her klster Leonard D'anff r I3o1 turday ther'home ofrhlg sdrs 'pf H Tale Ore And .andattrs uw.,1A les unday at.San'Diegp' guests 4 A J , * f A Ja t4 F r tL1'11tU I q1 { Gtennisky'f nter- at' po o r. VednPSday WUbur ey 'spjt i 'Mr'q end tltinid 11 rs' 4eatdriForg'ey'is v1tcd guesta.tvtri S/ irf 'and- Of the O A. waspin aver- night d Easty- liras Mr and are bort'On- collegeand i1r dayb iriep'ds' iii fnr'tlle pa st' st'- sgverdt' af the a Let paieht'Mr ald'Mrs z Brainardi' Lt slid Mrs Mrs fa U Caitol Colorado- where III on- business ter laugh- ter i r' "C wgs an "ar 'r rivaIlASt '- rrivaIlASt Idaho i brOtherF Albert Br Hamilton recently4dld Hamilton- recently4dld their near property'- near Or ttrlo' ttrlo's- pent night.At ihehorne'- of q. mer- idtari.was. ggestof Ti 6sday moved'from place to Wbshoe the.- Wbshoe district J. s rf'T ' oft Ontario- spent.aast gUcst''of' Mrs- .Robert ot'sn an Mra of- .Ontario SAfE North Cer- tiffed and- war 'J oi 440-J 4tYd famllkof arrived arrived- In' Pagttq.recnt1,1''ta'rtiake Jr Mr J- rMr acid McMtirr le 0) t t ' . " . " ' ' . . ' ' ; , ' , . ' ' ' . ' ' ' . - ' ' . ' ' ' . ' ' - , ' ' ' * , ' . ' ; ; > ' ' ? 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payettecounty.infopayettecounty.info/news/1945/03/1945_03_29_13_pie.pdf · V.1' V1' v 'f'.l V V f"-\ ement f-"ement to Independent THURSDAY IndependentEnterpriseTHU-RSDAY MAIiCIi29

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Page 1: payettecounty.infopayettecounty.info/news/1945/03/1945_03_29_13_pie.pdf · V.1' V1' v 'f'.l V V f"-\ ement f-"ement to Independent THURSDAY IndependentEnterpriseTHU-RSDAY MAIiCIi29

V.1' V1' v 'f'.lV V f"-\



"ement to IndependentTHURSDAY







The Tabltha"'club met at. e


wie'of Mrs Ed Gehrke last.Th.ursJlyeveningwlth

last.Th.ursJ-ly.'evening'.wlth. Mrs PaulMrs.Paul SenkfC

Senkf-C John Rice 'tihd'.Mrsv Ellajigham

Ella-jigham assistant hostesses The4b


4b memb'er5. ntertalnd' their fitsJids.at1

hus-Jids.at1 a pot suppers Thosefsent'


fsent' were Mr and Mrs LesterSnussen1

Lester-Snussen1 tte ahd i Mrs Paul Senkl'Mr 'and'Mrs Ernest Mattson

fnndMrsWE Gster/Mr1. andNorman


js'Norman Andersonjs'NormanAnderson Mr and


s'Jphn Rice Mrtkan 1 Mrs jEdMrs.jEdthike


thike Mr. and Mrs.-Erlct.Brock-an

Mrs.Erlct.Brock-an Mr and Mrs Henry 'Schockrs Ella Bingham Misses Lillieid


id Frieda Reimers Miss Oscarosen


osen arid daughter Re fy LieniemperMax


iemperMax Gerlach.ind Mr. andrs.'SeUnar


rs.'SeUnar Peterson

INNER,1GUESTS"Mr.1 and Mrs Albert Harl.irid were

psts'at.a dinner Sunday lor Mrlor.Mrad' Mrs BenINNER



and Henry Schock .enrtalned at-a'dinner Sunday evenig-m.-hpnor'of.


nigm.hpnor'of. theirigm.hpnor'of.theirson Pvt Har-d


d -SchockHar-

Schock whc- leftwhcleft' Sunday nightto

night-to his station at 'Ft.-Geo.


eade MdteadeMd 'GuesU were'GuesU.were Mr and


Irs JoeIrsJoe' Beesofv Irene.'and' Budalph"Os.te'r/aU--'oriPayette/tid



iss Darlene Baer Laterithe'evening'Mrof'Weiser'Later-

ithe'evening'Mr aftd"jMrs WEjter


jter called

AR EXECUTIVEOARD'MEETSAt the executivetheexecutive board meeting

the Idaho Daughters 'of thenerlcan


nerlcan Revolution Mrs -E-Mrs'E AEAbe.eler1' .of-.Caldwell was.of.Caldwellwas' appointedsucceed

appointed-succeed Mabel' Gupton ef 'Nanv

.L as state regent C.



.llerrt.of L'ewistonewas' named to



ccced Mrs.-.Wheeler other apotherapintments'


intments' Included Mrs FranklinBales

'Franklin-Bales of Caldwell to succeed Mrsirley 'Ma'thl en Of Nampa as corponding secretary Mrs W. C.auldihg


.auldihg of Blackfoot succeedrSoNettA


rSoNettA Borsch Twin Falls as



dltbr Mrs Ruth''Gilbert-of 'Nam-'to


'to succeed Mrs E'L Parker ofwiston


wiston its historian aridhistorianarid Mrs Ti

Evans'of'.Pocatello to succeeds F M Ayers of Ppcatellb''as 11-J


'irlan Holdover officersHoldover'officers are MrsareMTS.Itie


ne. Anderson of Boise irecbrdirigjr'etary.i

irecbrdirigj-r'etary.i Mrsy' /H'StowellMrsy'H'Stowell ofj

.in' Falls .trcasur'er'Jt'Mrs' iC 'ltL,11'of/Payette chaplain.and Mrsitp- SchrocderitpSchrocder' of M6scowJ"regls-i

M6scowJ"regls-i ivj'fThe.sme'mbers who a ttjehdeclm


m Pary tte' weJ-frMrsrHe'nry'Ash'-


'ft Mr8.'OiP.i LattieVMr.s- HifLattieVMr.sHifod

Hif-od Mrs C/D Stearns Mrs./Ed/


Mrs.Ed-Uon Mfs.-rJoh4McKinney andsiV

"an-dsi.V. Patch.'J Y -J

AND'MA'fcLUBifhe Parand.'Ma'dub met'last Frievening

Fri-L''Evening at the ho'itje.'ol Mr/drid.is'

Mrdrid.i-s' Emmttt' Brubaker'i-'Mrs''D'6r6-1

'Cassldj''antl Mr.and 'Mrsv'Bensit weret guests 6Mllife'cIjb.vM1 Mrs Joe Ofdham 'wef.Ofdham.'wef e""wlrirlefs.1


.1nlrjhicor and Mrs Cassl'dy"'arid



v Sherpr heldSherprheld low r.

Payetle announce the marriage oftheir


their daughter Letha Harper .SP.-Q


Q 3/c Lieutenant ClaudeB.

Claude-B. Softerbeck sbnofMrl andMrsH B..SolteilbccfciOf1Payette. Thewedding'took


wedding'took place the Metropdlltarj Methodist church at Washington

Wash-ington D C.t March 19 at .liw i


m. with the RQV Edward Q. Latchofficiating

Latch-officiating at an Impressive.Militarycandlelighted

Impressive.Military-candlelighted ceremony The churchwas"'decorated

church-was"'decorated with Easter liliesgladiolus.and palms The1 maid ofhonor


hohof 'was Frederica L Kesler SPQ. 3/c and best man was CaptainHarold

Captain-Harold emp'letbn whoflew fromDenver

from-Denver for the ceremony Lieute'n'ceremonyLieute'n'ant Commander Gordon gave thebrldeliri

the-brldeliri marriage Iriithe."absenc& of


herlather There Were forty guestspresent


present. rf P

The bridal' couple marched fromthe

from-the church through an- aisleanaisle flanked'wlthirmy

fla'n-ked'wlthirmy pe'rspnflel btr'.one- Sidebtr'.one6ldeand Navy on''theNavy"on''the other

Mrs Solterbec:1MrsSolterbec:1 graduated fromthe

from-the Payette highPayettehigh school and jit-tended


i'tended the Chenard School of ArtIh'

Art-lh' Jallfbrnia and designed dressesfor


for Je in Parker. Lt. Solterbsckgraduated

Solterbsck-graduated from the Payette highschool'and

high-school'and Oregon State college andIs


s. affiliated with .th Chi Phi frarernity

frar-ernity. He spent the past three


yeaTs In Northern'.Islands and helped

help-ed build the Alcanthe'Alcan highway andrecently

'and-recently returned from the Alecthe'AleU'tlans




SPEAKS-By R. L.'Dalzell

.In the foregoing articles we havebeea


beea studying the iquestlor.of''theten

iquestlor.of''thet-en. commandments'.being'-in forcetoday andtoday'and' binding upon Christians

was fa lost till theseed'should'1come'VQalv'3il9it

theseed'should'1-come'VQalv'3il9it Verse IS tells us'that


'that that Seed Is 'Chhstr so when Hecame'we'tari look'for' the'law tocease

'to'-c"ease Verses 24 25 Wherefore theLAW


SCHOOLMAS-TER to bring us unto Christ thatwe'mlgbt.be'Justified

that-we'mlgbt.be'Justified by1 faithButafter that faith1 is conic WEconic'WE ARENO


SCHOOL-MASTER. Again vif i-e .W'led'ioftheSpirit

.W'led'iof-the'Spirit. YE ARE NOT UNDERTHE'LAWA'-

UNDER-THE'LAWA' GalNSllSLAWfHeb .Gilj that a new.a'bet-er

new.a'bet-er coyenahtV'was' established lifoh',1estaollshe'dlifoh',1


1better'prpmlsps"'i ahdtliithe lastverseV.he


verseV.he hatholdi.

ma'de''the.'first.oldi-. arid to''vanish a way We findWeffnd

hat the"flrstcovehant" was theten

the-erit commandments tExjicommandmentstExji 34:2S

beut.,4I3) 'JIEff-TOOK1 AWAYTHE



83. in theGalttonlctWchaptcrfourvcrSesv

the.'Galtton'lctWchaptc'r.f-ourvcrSesv 21 hroufett PaUl plotures


tures this vcrVthlng Thefnerxmentionedare/-"tHs'Thetwb'wd-

fnerxmentionedare"tHs two covepants

cove-.nahts tonq'fron Mou'ntSlriai bearHi

bearr11-Hi children'unto'bbhda'ge,1 which is.Hagariv Neyfcrthele'ss what withthe 'salthl-the'Seriptiires vCasti' outvCasti'out tha.1 bond



Mrs.-A-P .Meccha'n'an l daughr'l


ters. i Colleen Mrs Jim Davis anaMrs


Mrs Jack Hahi-'gimand'.daughter

Hah-i'gimand'.daughter LaD'onna arid


.Patty prcrup were Boise visWednesday



Mrs LeoShererreturned Sunday


day evening 'from 'a-tenday visitWith


With her daughter arid sariMrand Mrs "puke''WelllnRtonand

"puke''WelllnRton-and Infarit son Bennyi a't' pgdcnUtah:1'

Mrs Eva Baker.received' thehewsthe''Bad-

hews' thishews'this weekof the death pf herbrbther-lri'law

her-.brbtherlri'law V. \tiV.ti RobinsonMrs Olive Wright Robinson'sisWrightRobinson'sis thesister

the-sister of Mrs Baker 'and lived v nsome n-

Payette'some' years agoShe Is noWliving

how-1living in Sacramento CaUfMrs Alta Standlsh.whd went to


Wala' Walla Wni recently'to'Visither

recently'to'Visit-her'brother Captain Oliver Stepalland

Stepall-and family has accepted i posltlqn


natthe McGraw hospital there.Mr

there.-Mr tod'Mrs..Curtis' Walterstod'Mrs..Curtis'Waltersaobkv


their little'sonStephen to BoiseWednesday

.Bois-eWednesday for'"mecllcal itt'eritioa

Miss Bessie Rich Is now employedat

employed-at the Rite store

Mrs Karl Thornton left Fridayfor

Frtdnjf-for" Everett Wn.j where she will


visit her' husbands Ater' Mrs Arthur


thur Ferguson arid familyMn

family.-Mn and Mrs Sterling McQIrilsy


6fvCduncil Mr and rMr.s''Cv J.-Re'l-mere

J.Re'l-mers' spent Wednesday evening otlast'week


last'week atu'.the'hprae cf'Mr andMrs'Jt


Mrs'Jt DRelmefsAlbert Conbv.er underwent "a trial


or'pperatlori'li3ustFrlda'yflt th Holy1


1Rosary. hospital In'OntarioMrs.Karl Thorntp'n returnwl ast


Thursday from pat'eSvlUi Tex'a

where h'as'.b'eeri witrihcr 'riusband

Pr.fvate Harojd -Schoc.kHarojdSchoc.k arrivedh6rntipri'.Ma'rchi

arrived-h6rntipri'.Ma'rchi 15th' from CampWqUers in Texas to spend his furfurJo'uglr

fur-Jo'uglr With thisWithjhls parents Mr andMrs

and-Mrs. Henry 'Schock 'On Wednesdayeyenihg-'for'tyfone

Wednesday-eyenihg'for'tyfone friendr.and'rela'T1tlves

friendr.and'rela'T1-tlves from and Payette'heldfl.homecoming

Payette'heldf-l.homecoming at the Beacon'Jnn inhonor


honor ofhonorof Harold The evening'Theevening wasSpent

was'-Spent dancing and at midnightre'-freshments

midnightre'f-reshments were served He left'on

'Mr. and Mrst3. Uj.Cwiton leftlast Thursday for Denver Coloradowhere


where they vtill.-spentj'a week onbusiness andbusinessarid visiting their laughtf-

dAug-htf .v'i iMrs C C Hainllton wa8'Jtnn"ay-vtrival last week from IdahQ Fall

Laii'd'.Js'spending a' few days Visitingdays''Visiting1 at theatthe' homefpf her brother

E White Mr.'an'd 'Mrs.'Hainljtonrecently

'Mrs.'Hainljton-recently old farm propertynar

property'-1nar Idaho Falls 1

Miss Mina SlaughterMinaSlaughter of .OriUrlo'spent

.OriUrlo-'sperit Wednesday night t tho.hbmc'of Mrs. Robert Fqrsman

Miss Mary Alk'e' Pierce b'f Merldiari.was.the


rldiari.was.the dinner guestoJ'Mrs.-Henry

guestoJ'Mrs.-Henry Ashcroft Tuesday eVening.t

ThesOas- SearsonsOasSearson family hasmove

has1-move from the Sodja placijtto theI.Woshoeidlstr'ict

the.-I.Woshoeidlstr'ict j M fi 'Aj i'



frprna'ii arid sort 'it tl a.lag hntiWai'givenat Slwi'M castout'tli'

cast-out'tli' r'efor riotChristians

'riot-Christians -ttftfayChristiansttftfay

Nowhere during

binding -upon1bindingupon1

Sunday Match 25th for Fort GedG..Meade


.G..Meade MarylandMrs Geo'rBe'La'ngford of Port


and Ore visited wlth" her slsl'cirndXhusbaridf-Mr

slsl'ci-rndXhusbaridfMr and Mrs Merrillyij.- l. 1--

Mrs Emma Slaughter tof Ontariospeht.last

Ontario-speht.last Week as a 'guesf of Mrs


.Robert 'ForsmftnMrs Vernon Reed of Pendleton

Ore and Miss Larosa' RopersLarosa'Ropers of.Ontario


.Ontario' visited over the weekat.weok'tr.d-

at the homepf Mr and \V SRogers


.Rogers.FOR SALE Dakota Ccr-DakotaCcr


tiffed Blue Tag Bliss Triumph andwar

and-war approved seed potatoes L. J/Josephsori


Josephsori Phone 'G32. FrUl.tljtnd or0-J


.0J PayetteMn 'and Mrs Harry Young tid

fSmlly of Formosa JKafisas drnvedW

drnved-W Payette rfCfntl.yiiQ''make-theirhomeThere.- c

arid Mrs Bg'ycl'McMUrchleiattended their dinner 'brldgej'clubSaturday evfniflK' at the home ofhomeof \vofvMr.'and


Mr.'and Mrs.'Glen HutWnspli MOntario

Lawrence Schtiltz' who 'hiis- been'hiisbcnworking

bcnf-Worktng in SalfXake Clty .stopp't-d'over

.stopp'td'-over lastoverlast' Thursday and spent untilhere with hls.sistcr Mrs 4

Henrjf arid tamlrj/-wW enroute

en-route to his home fy Seattle

Mlss'Ethel'BucIt b'f.Caldwelfcorh'.vmcncrd'her.du'tles f.i\the'blffJpe1"'bSelective ServiceSel'ectivc.Servicp' here ThursdayShe has been 'emjilpyed as assistantclerk af1'the office CAldwellofficeCnldwell.

MrsElla Schbper.'l'ialspn'.of fleerof

fleer-of thftQPA of Boise wa pin overnight

over-night guest of airs Bt-fnard Eastmart

East-mart Tuesday nIght

i and Mrs Brooks Laiidon areth parents of ft baby girt borrt'onWednesday

borrt'on-Wednesday' evening of this week atOntarioMrs RhiiJh rHardin-RhiiJhrHardin it on Wed


nesday.'eyenlng'bf 'thls/ wcec'thlswcec forOregon 'for-CorvallUOregon whereCorvallUOregonwhere sh' 5 willrpsutiie her.-st die i't Oregon'Slft'tftollegei'and will graduate in' JuneMrs HajrdwVwilt Visit or'a- ffvor'affv da fWith .friends-.in' Portland -enrbutePortlandenrbuteSlie ha's'&een In' Payete'for"thf pastsever'dT

past's-ever'dT weeks TlsiUriVat'rthj1 homeot t paftnts 'Mr'- artd'Mri'i'Mr'artd'Mri'i WBr'ainard f \f 'i

Lt .ahd/lMrs.- Rodney.ahdlMrs.'Rodney' Jphnstonjflnd trsl/'Tdin Ddvles 'wer 'Surid y1

Cpuper'arid iarnlly" list weeki Shleft fOr her."h'orheMnoda'y mprtilngjll'Mr..a'ndMrslLynnKnlsht'of C&s-ca'dei'

C&-sca'dei' peAtthe'week.erid.ln PayVisiting -fMrs-yisltingfMrs KnightsfMrsKnight's' re-nW Jlrfand tyrs R Ii Daharsh

.Miss'Maxine'-Iiennnrd ofSpok'n.Wnl arrived iasti'.Thursda -.andiasti'.Thursda.andspent'untii

.an-dspent'untii Sunday with sisterMrs Leohard-D'anref arid'tamllj'-'itBotf

arid'tamllj'-'itBotf FisX:6fyale'called Saturdayatl'the''home pf'h co'iusiri E/ dEdFisk Ijob Is.'the sbnpfli W Flsk ofVale Ore Just completehiboottrainingat San pf Ir..and'iMrsCailfv

fft v d V Japk Marshall f

"AurilTIONAtii NE\V'lPLVMoui'H V 'AtUi 'MargarVt' olennisky' nterolennisky'nte'rWubu

nte'r-Wubu. JVnwfi'W 'iM

Mts .ewtbn.Forgex In'.a'hospital terttrf'Wwt B-/8t landi

tod-i-ft Jit f. r L- iJ-LiJ R.TFB fit'4i tnf if\W m jBoise erinsT Ir.p aiabctf-l 'M' W' MW'M

pettg-'t return.to'hfliqrne\ffijfy'in





and hiretts

Itiq.-tts. Mn'rvin

Johiison- CpJJohiisonCpJ. 'ttofl rctcrstm Mrsi Pajmraajf j"ut jouiv' j- wwijwwi I-CUTHIH wr

OTlltTe aurme ssiin1" andfirs'andtosaatianJ-

Us. Jack Marshall 'cntwtainqdly "tff 6 \f fn fA at' .4 pinochle party W Mrs Harry spencer a SRIa.


a. 230 tea Tuesday Wt n6pri Sf pm Sd TkeeX trt Sa 3 W \fflWffl SWJP and D

o.toet' Tuesday evening at thee'of

the-e'of Mrs James GJbtxm Missjf

Miss-jf Alice Pierce ofMeridian gave

ry'taterest'lng talk PalestineMrs Robert Fisher showed her

nances thatnancesthat waS ag'al"nst"u Whichwas

Which-was contrary to1 us AND TOOK IT

aid Halloci H'-ii.2c7MSt Jlfnmy.J hJison of Wtlms 'F W1' At'iit vlsJtPd.lirlelly wltli


Mrp'fW parent Ar find Mri Art ilobn-jFcttntly

ilobn-jFcttntly Hd was f-n. route td'Ktainj

td-'Ktainj ytnh."Mrt/JohnSoh. Is ihCdUWnja.-.jrtth. .hir parent

Floral mKt Tuesday April.S'ftt'.thg home of Ms.'NeW Hanson


hold'Easier'.sunrise jprvlce.v'ttricll 'h.ci luck dlnrfprTli plantu

plant-u r-t- -i t.--t.--i --i-J t I nil.- -Jnil.JOUT


OUT OF THE WAY NAlLiiiiLT'r' after the services breakfasf'WJH and Seed eXChangl .will'also be hd jiVi i WAIl T7bMrv t the i-onnt'bedDlt Mr find Mrs .T E i J Tb ,86ryi d young People




KPER-.SOLTERBECKtr and Mri E" F Harper q

Alsi'Jjrook visited fromuntil

from-until Sunday In Boise

PTA meeting wiiib beld'.Mon"i tr'iiv" ill memng wiu D neia Mon0Mon-

0 ll f f8" S- WSW Sf U" April 5tninstead of theof Christ In .Fruitland .or-In Weiser. ynj- nightynjHfa MaJe W -be'Wbe'


KD Vl'Jro 'iH .b the up'p rigrades




i j.-j.E frazier ofFniitland'announce the marriage oftheir daughter Inez Frazjcr'bf theW'AC to 6/Sgt/Kelly6SgtKelly tfl Buff dipNew

dip-Nfew York November17 1944 .atBerwyn Mel BothMelBoth are etatloncd atBolllnu

at-Bolllnu Field Washington p. Garid visiting her parent oii a'ZO-diy.furlough



iVv .ifr /v.ifrv i' tS


S 7M"

vf\tv't ll ,1



v"'vj A.-W- i1A.Wi11



n' 1" \\"r"\'W1""r"'W 11,111J R1I 'I1' Cif'Mf\ .I mr'Ilfw.\\I)4t'i' I"I"'I"1 \1tJ -\1 'l'ii'I'IJ'i IN'\i\C' i"fql I" I"I"I" I I1\ I ld'i'\'i'i\1"I f/I 'I 'i'/f"l.'ii'irII'f' '-i'f"l.'ii'irII'f' .r 1 /1 1" 1'- 'i"1''i" j

t 1",0 'r I"i

p-.l entl .Ente pris \jprisj 'i/i


H rf



r ojI" r.1J


0 "I 'T'-I 'y


\JUB anno nce m f Mrs Meccha'n Mil 1\0" U.CQ.i'iton.left\ft U.CQ.i'iton.left-ft club at theatl1e d P. Ic'ollters.Ic'oll n M I t 'Ihur ay Denver",701 do'

f t Mrij'E lGehrke last Tin1 1 to First Lieutenant rS Del 'PreH1t" Mrs L\Ck Ji ni-niwhere Vthey"Vt spend a eek

e enln wllh son f' r 'gdnlartd' nughter theIL dJ..U2h-ILi e 'an4' Mrs B Soltex'beck" 0 Payette 'he , wcrl-'Doise r.

n h1'

o.ht t h stesses weddingi".t'ook' pla .Meto' it rj W clI,1f. sday >

J" 'I f.rs.c I\lI U O "wl\s"t\n ai'tlg a1- a,5sa1a,5st t 1 l'th 1r 1i.u. 'yash-'yash,1rs. Le rISUIrI all 5t. CI\ fCIf onl Id Q FI1 I "II"IJne b r ,1m r .n e

Th se" 1nse"1n oh cr" 19IIIt leI tl y rvlst'r d' 'j dlng nfew sI ds t PO Ck

nuCku r1 Lesr1Les er R V. at homer f h r' brot t'r lbertv.e

1r a i' ofl iaUr g inlp esslve .mlt ry Mr and puke llnR-r 11 Mr. and Mrs narn t n


'M Ern andl lihte'ceremo y..Th De\ j t' p dcn old the r p1 r. anMrsMr'and was decorated mabncl Mrs W. E s e

'I'he"mald Baker c lv d' t "l nd SIMlnaSI .lghtl'r o O1t. rloJS rm I1on'1 s Ed Q. L P. tlew th b r s rtt tho home 1fS 'J hn It e. 'I n.

BroCk 'bes "lJ an Cap.t brother In'-l wV blns6n o n brrt r man 0"d s ErlTemplet n Robinson Is ML s J\.Uc Pierceofan Me-an. nd s. 't

D nve fb ih ceremo / 1 ute'n7 slst r Mf Iy d rldlan' WIUI the Inn r.g estor Mrs "I"'Mrs."I"xs Bing am" eJ'M1J carcar'ant"ant"cominAnder g ve Payett lsom yearsago'Sh tIS et nlng\

I'd Frie a 'j 'Uen brld\ 1ri marr ge iI'i1th 'absellc o sl S'ar n haQ d. dl/-ughle\ .R

r..1r' I1dr..1r'I1d rh i fort gU ts Mrs Mt Stan Sh whO tint'to movrq th pl ce l e'emper" ax.Ger c .lli"t n4" 1

I. f WaUiWn rec ptly to"vISit 'I tII 1,1\1'JoS 'S I r t 1/

Tl e arcl d ft rJ h r C ptaln pUrer S e all n1.trIo.II3Jau f. r"o1- chu.r h hro gh .na k- nd t mlly .a pos Uql1 w. k 1\1'I u 't oINNtR GUESTS'ed 'wJth army trone lild n.Mrj'and A1ber Ita 'lmd yereand Navyon" the t er nd' Mrs CurtIS W\I rs'lQ Jk" Mr o Pe dle-OnJsts at'l\at'ldinner sun ay f r. Mr

Mr solter eclc' rlduated' f.r q1 lIttle son Stephen tq rosa np rs:1d'.Mrs.1 ye te ntWednesday for 'medlcat'medlcatUetitlol1" "lsl ed o\'rr th w .t'r.d

Ch nard o -r tmpl yed and Mrsd esses 'at s orl'Mrs Henry hU9k enJ an Soltel'b ck rs'rs'Karl C"r-rtalned at' a' dinner unday

gra.du ted lgh v reU wh re jtffl.'d Ta19-.lnJ1Qnor of the on" at' scho l"aJ\d Qr goIi np rQved s ed .PI 'SchO le t I nd' g

Is 'atlJlat c h ffn Ferg son t"Phon 652 Fr\JlUa\ d"r turn hlss atlon tf e y'UO.Je de d',9 ests w re anNorthern Islands ILnd'1 ef1- of CduncU nd frs p r. ntl- tri Ui trs" oe , e on4 Irene Iant\ ric the "hlghwIIY"/"hlghwIIY"nnd m t o f tnlly Fo osa J f1S\Salph

IOs er al Dt\"ayette'i r ce Uy ro 1t' f'- eu-f'eu Last week 1\Vthfho e cf' Mr" a tt "r cfnt tQ akl" thtlr'i'aer of eise er

'r DR lmers" ' home 1 e 1r"

I the venIng 1rf ci"MrSYund rwent tri lo' ,lo'I t I Dqyd' rcMur We't cal ed , rr'opcratiori"ItFrlday t the Inttend the r d nr ridge'Club


o t I n :1 'Ir ir a e ti r\


rIOARD 'M S' U L. IDaL.IDa ellTliur&d Y On n lo

'ib ar Iee lngin tr oln' art.IColn'art.IC es w havewbere'ish has 1i 1 wI.'rnce ScI lIltz 'h s' .b ell'I ug ters' f "t b en uc\y ng.the q\ eqe tlo d h. n' Lake PJ d'd''-

l1er1cnn r E. Aj ,1elng 'i fOlfe Pr \at -SHarojdS hoik' imH' d T ursday snand"sn ntntInti.Ch st1nt1 h6m ti'Ma'rc'h 5th' Tuesday here 11s IiL ter rtis eed Mabe am

W J have found that the.'Bible tea W'teaW lt rs T II HenrhiHnrHenr S oCk nnd tamlry 'hit1egent'jand" s. Cch s 'us ihnf th e w e.'givet lrIly J u' h'u'h' wIth hIs pt\ ftits oni )1:1 eatUe.\llern eatUe-.llern 'Of L'ewistotL 3S p ed o t th "J ws Ex ,20:2 1ld" that It Mil nenry"'Sch k. rdn sd y. 1 fls tl1 1 uck of C ell"t.o I"Vlteel r' O er/ P-erP wa.o IY the ed 'sho d ve.nlhg" tort ne frit'nds and vela me cr4 her uU s tflt e otf eY'.ointr 1 rs Fra klm cQme" Gal 3 :19 /V:19V rsef 6 t lls us U\ s from Welser Pajzette' h Jd S le t1"- It1"I cr heF r tp'sdaC'a1dwe1l'-to. .succeeC'a1dwe1l'to..succee that'th t Christ w/"l g'g'at Beac n'Jnn S e bC n E'mp' PXed "assL tattn/r cl.ln w an look for the law to'honor 'T11 \V s ofl.ce'I .ldweJ1.s. e se 25-'Wh refote pen datci11 midnight re 1f. s I11 Scl10Per tI JsoI'I' officernuJc ng Blackfoot to "syc e

SCHOOI.MAfreshmentS Heleft pn' 1 1 R nrs oVl.'r-rs. Netta 'BaISc

S nday d o. n ht 9 Pl t1 fd9 tbr s uthG bertofNa we.tltigb bel,1st fled b OMe'iieMaryfalth'But'OMe'iieMary rdt-sl1ccediMrs. E J ot afterttha\ flllthllsaftertthaflllthlls corne WE.ARE of .1.ttPort.1.tt nd D ook rei hlstor an 'anli' rs LONGERU 9ER SCH Q-r. l hd 5jtec. W1.U "h r slsl the bl hy bor nEvansi of ro atello 'Ag IJ \'JtJeIJ.'JtJe C" led'IQf an Sband 'Mr l\f rrl1 WCdnescl y V nlhg

I's 'Ay rs .of P cateno as lI"'t e Spirit A E U P CoujJ r" and aniUY w et l On arhUoldoy r or lcer.s a M s THE m Mrs Unrdin.-Jrftd rso o e tH gJ

J.I' h t Ii new 1,1' bc I' ut l'd Mrs Lynn Knight otKnight'ot as"Ind .eynln Or\:1 I,1i tor'e aryl M PO" i' St well of ter ov 1ant h' e ta1JI \1ed on eMe sPent the eek" endeek"eid n CO hef r U

ilFalls asur O Mr l' b er."prpl11l ps'\ aps'a \II'I.the I. st' SiUn" Mrs l'\lght" \'l'nlsl'lght"'l'nls rcs herl tudl lJ.l t Or gor1 'S 4t 'rIII o'Pa tte d rlS Verse hehe"lath ma eI'the first old andMrs1'\ItO 1-'ItO' Sc ro d M sco t gIs- t \'iln Ii l W f nd Mi Maxlnf Jt'Iltlllrd of SJ Okrr "tU'IJdln\'lI "Is t or p 'f i.

Ir. T e.rnembers W O e de the "flrWc venant" W ' Wn 1r v d lasts Th rsda and tli .cl P'd&.1 rSJr.tI nL' nroutpnY.et .wete- Mrs.weteMrs. enry' Ash en 34:2 spent untiL Su dat th' Sl e ha Jt n it Panttl' tpr tlrinttlg Deut 4 J3) IErr"T OK' L n rd D'anr t and 'fl mn s vei 't-'twl.'eks 'rlllitlng.'I\.t' thq"D'j s\ EsE 'I1I.E"FIRS ,1o ts'k Or" \nfeenlliOr"nfeenlli rn'tu d IJ .r/ j-jt.rjjt i 1 d.MI'IMrs 'Joh , tc I1f1eYI 11l\

1SEC9 hIteil' at Ithe Ptne pf' tI Ei' c 'Dra1niT I I"J'S t Y. Pat B 3.'ln' the qaltnn'lett'r/ bapter Bobj .t4e noIW t 'an4\ Jqbn 011


I. tour."e 21t ro gh' al.ra I'pl.p 'V 1 ; rej a d hats \1lplJust1lpl te\teand"l 1rsIr rnV yes were lu hI AND MA LUD .U 1s ve Y't ing" etwq o- hoh boot training It I.S nIDJ lW' afternoon 'tu Qf r tr "nn .MTsrrl'J Pa andMacl et.1as F-


rlF-lrl nep.me tI med are 'm two c Ye "j" "I f.,1' ' t 1 1. i' I'I" venlng ,11d nl\nts"onff\ol1 bear

I Ar Emin tt" Drubaker.'FMrs tI tQ hilt lllldren' tinto' b nq t'te Ann TI NA'1 M'i 'Mafg' f' f'nt r'-MS r'-MS dt' and tMrsBen lIagarl"TNe"crthe1 s 'Wb t WUb ror' "i bfMio at card ed SdI fvCIirre st of'tJr I b.\ f the .rl tures R stl9uti thl i\i s hl1. 6 g In' )1 PI l l 'lng f Yh 'g f. it4 'hp9 e' Ofd a 1'\ rs1'rs v"pp1 li d. er t t q 't

n urt r1I1' flon\ labetflonlabet s.Mt 91'1m IFelly and trI\n r tss y d h v that 'a I\en.a.t He e p t "tq refurn to' hr homer rJ m-

\Davism.Davis 1J' all ,10th.t'ld.19 Mrvint-'ld.19 I" Jo t.'t not por IJ s n.CH t,1ort I"cters n

'fChr4 t 1\.qo aJl r.r'l1nd \rrr.r'l1ndrr Garland hetr dIWan ob1mdttll\t 'D" 1iI ,r" I

the 1's 5op entertatned plnJfill"ar.tt. r ll r. SI1'f r 'f.t"r.s ent 1,11)'eaJ' d J 6' find an'Qna k .eptntr or i'Saturday'f 'en1f1 i uest "v"ere Air Mr" Cl r c J\lmJ..aod Jja,2:30" esd b.ter1b mjbeln'g cPJ11IL'lndrd' t.okl.'e the t'nlan Airs J hri 'rjt 1nO\'l. Mrs l H OCI .lt" t.2/c"loring'Mrs Tom Davies otD1itt11.ot. San ko.ihmtnqmel1 Likewise 11 w ere Irtav 'f.PPCrson nd' daughter Mt

'rI\rll. t J Nim n Willin COi ,91,1 and i r RO I1e.r jtlis'l l J IJt..the cross d f we tWd it lilnd 't.rrs "n l' Ep ersdni 'i and I\m5\'Fj ld Al'1i t.S1tl'd 1611'"nto 1 oCdA q 1. Easier ec Ch1 ught that C.ht st ah mu t' r.in jol i St rd Air 1"d' 1tl h * r1d ao m-Itloilf.'Yere m-Itloilf.'Yere d Ik e mem 'I1e ce ed to .b1n iPresa1o Itutht' .tordilIJlcJ 1 11 \t f. D Ir.cent V' w s"t1g so e ti1.J1e d r1ng h t ci9 0:1 Airs0:1lrs. snni' tuiherfotd" ne e hm q. I\ tlrriItlrri Utah Milll JohnohC/ tlirte t 11 uId w ask When 1he re setveit lt Ii late hour Clillforl 3tt'h'Fj 'fue- da e"enl g t Dble'tel \1-Dble'tel1 0'1,110'1,1 2 1.4-B .Dlot- I'fhe'.DlotI'fhe' 3'q.I'fhe'3'q. ng people I' the Conge 'Flo III' rlul N uesdn PrU(1 o.f aU\e , 1' Ob M S" UngSUng o'llt t hnnd T tng Q O

ql-Iali n l and ijtpfIst dttitc1'H.I Wiflj,31I-HIHI 101.J1t rts Nett Pl rce Met 1'1 n n e4 that.as against U

hold la'.iler' unrlse rv1ce1 Iirtc:1.11"tth J\-IUck dll/rf r' 'I11ery t resting on P esth ebreakf .st" will wU also J1 1fd ter/ottr TIf NA1L1iarr 'b i .senthe 'ounid'Je Ie tr pes Palestine whlc ere lto UI.GROSH'Blnte th.3VI'7 If'rultla.n l'annout1ct'h enjo'cd quests were Miss lYE ARE NOT UNDEl I'II lJiW AiiJrtlSA fJtUItLA."iD dnU h' rh'r f tht nQ frs Da ldson af fe Y u'ma have tr e bo let on this Mrs.I\ riMrs.Iri Alslibtr ok fromhVAC t l1i n fa.ln. Mrs Jet tsop And tlaug r su ject Just 'rt e P. 0 Box 185. Thursday un U SU11d f ,17ruJ 1and and Mis na w er You'l\re cordJ.a.Ui in .ed W will lierdMonkrwyn th 8t .tl n dIL' IIlt nd th 1\'lces" of tl1 l'\ur h tday night eld

o hi1st'lIll' tI nd'rl Wf leering nI ht M Ic'.Wu.\ ridIc'.Wu.rid' i'e 1i1tn h r'SOIlI'ER EC\1J1" 1 iIi'ix by upper de day furl 11q a r


,1 t1' 1"1


j 1' \\'f.1''f. t'f :1' I" * \1"1 j\ it" II Ii" /,1\i",1 "t,1"t I

'd IIt It"I\


1 JI' I"l'i l r"










I Il




e Tabithite"of

the-e"of Ed'Gehrke


Mrs. John Ella-.pgham .Th-

eentertaind' fits-qbds.at' asett'

Those-'sett' Lester-tiussen andiMrs Paal'Senk'

Ernestand WE Ostex and-

ss 'Narmans.


s. Rice Mr and Ed-

ehrke Erick brook-

an and'Mr91Llllie-

Id t carcar-

osen Refit Lien-temperMaxrs.'Sel


rs.'Sel sac g w





psts for Mr.-

ad' een Tomlin


Mr and


g Pvt.Har-Pvt.Har-dreturn atFtGeo'at'Ft.Geo.-

wide Md.'Guests and-

rsJoe andalph"Oster alVof't Payette atidatid-

Iss Weiser LaterLater-

the' evening 'Mr aid Mrs W EE-


Mrs P / H StowellL

of-L in 1 'allstreasureri'Mrs'

chaplain andto

irP YRtiewele"Airs 1HenrteAsh



ft Airs 'C P Mzs.YR

C D Mrs E'







.lieeler'of" Caldwell-MCaldwell

appointed-succeed abelas'state Mrs

Lewistoril as' t9-

Otherccee ap-ccee Mrs WheelerinttiteittS''induded Franklin-Bales tosucceed'Mrs

Mdthiwnoft' as car

rs 1 of Twin as-

ditbr Ruth OilbertRuthOilbert ofNam-ofNamt-&'succeedMrs.


s 'as tlte UNDER-trianl. are

THEt-ie. Andersop

i abetdpori

better prpr l s"'t and 4 iii theverse

last-verse. made"the

awaythat the-ten Ex

,9i131 tfila'r TOOK 'AWAY'-THAT.i FIRSTMIOU'IMMcKintieyr d vb"--IieixsL Patch 'G

Oaltian' letter'6a-'pierletter'6a'-pier.

21' 31l at4AND CLUB tures'this verh'thing'Ttre'twd wo-wo-Che andMa'club met last Fri menFrimen mentioned ore t'th covecove-'evening home of Mr sirid on fro Mount Sisal

Fy Brubakerl Nlrs lyoroa' uno' bbndiige'whlch'lassidy'and flag e

trthels'ss'wre of the cItiboMr 5criptii es tiI'MrSJoe .atnRCrdwfniicrs uhd her sbrY

a ilaCassfd and Boise sufferln ritnl Kelly'Mrshi h scor diabett sg tva giveir at Slaw is Jimm bii'.hlydAtftlbt 'tq re ur11 ? 3'out 'tWefoxe' r obs' Jo tilea C<

Wanda Ilobiisoi rs AS rYisr4'I

'firsir 2505 fir and Mrs Rutlietf6rdRutlietf6rdf-irs. entertain sit wit

beans dry we any one keeping1 everting (3uests4vere and Mr Clare lca 'tifternbpli s Q Jariara Dctr-



caoi'in Mrs of'Sanbeing to keep rite tin land John Fit Sirltinam MrA.aid 1falloctrab' i14. 2ic.g

nowhere Fpp son And Af Snsiscd Calif Airs Rodeoy tlis'sld Qf the dp' find ithnd Mrs R. ElSpersdtir ams 'leldaAr1i,3 viftcci l ekaitltnotoit ofe u

dl q4 dec etrtg'taught Christfafts mkeep

m-keep tisfA4is. John strrftord rind Iift f1rfS Iohn-Itions'ivere used They ceased bdi Presfoi bit arid Snitrecentlysome kir thatge during ilrti tefseshrrtents eiuu Itirs.Jaltnontihte-t ilibuld'


''FtOmet' Bfble'tellS'u.Col 14-16rf lit parents.-

ni The 1-gong. of Floral ruin t1it rttr'ae g ou the haiidwriting of ordl-rjf ordl-rjf gave"nanceS'that usgat lonitl and.IlapfIat S Hanso-

n'cry'interesting will axtersunrise services Arid With a dirlrfrr'abreakfast''and

plan-tabreakfast''andOLT'l T--114 W 11' NAIL IT

eft hangt heldon which'.werevery A beseryed findTO HCROSS Since th avenjoyedGuests i

TIIE I their d FrazierYou'may a free booklet Rt O/Sgt Buffalot. vv rifein atWeller You Are invi'-ed PT'a4 be Md stationed'atattend the too Church dat fl l1Ing JChrisf'irr I r uitland".oz irr om Music willMusic.will be and are herparent

1trt11.ched rgde

ce And Mirs Davidson Me-Me-

r4 Mr9Petetsoni daughter'rultland

daughter-'rultland Leona Attu




u rr

A. daugh-ters Mrs.JiniMrs

ana-Mrs. Mrs'Jackgan

liahi-gan aftd'daughter and-MrS vis-



Mrs. Sherer returned Suit-

day a Ien dayyvithher'




'Mrs re'cetvd' the'sadH-

ew's' Ztei'iii-law

the-sister lived 'in'in-

Payette ago She : tow-

livingStandish towto-

wWalla recently 'to''Wil-thit Stegall-andit

postign-it the there.-

Mr. Waiters agok'agok-'their Boise-Wednesday



for' will-

visit Ar-Ar-thur

Steriinq hscQlr ley'ofl


ofl Cduncll Airs a. RciRci-mere of-Last atMrsrJu


or pperatlan' atTHE Rosltryhospital in' Ontario ev nhrig'

Mrs csrl'Thornton r Mtec tafe ilh Te is

the we'1 ave Been tvitri' her 1ivlio ha

questioq of


' of Mrt and MrsMrs.-H. of The-wedding took it' the

Wash-ington D ? p

with'the Roy.'Edward G hatch-officiatingeandlelightedcereniony

LmpressiveMillthry-eandlelighted'cereniony. church-was'gladiolus and T he' of-

honor SF.-

Q. best Captain-Harold' froth-

Denver Lleuten-'ant gave the-



her father guests'-present. i 4


couplmarchedchurch'through' an


ed Side-

and on'fromfrom-

the and'Itt-and'Itt'-tended Art-ih' dresses-

for Joan Softerbeck-graduated high-

school'andthe fra-

fernity three-years




.tUdytng.the the bandy-

andWe.'have the Bible'tea-Bible'teahtimcror4'Ma'i ch

ches'ias hUfur-ches'ias these were gfveri louto the JewsfEx ,20:2)'And' Ifenrq'Schockpsi"till theseed'should-

us'forty friend'sand

3:191 TerseltiTerselti.-that fives h



came' we can e Beacon inneease'Verses


eease'Verses 25-25Wherefore the-LAW


we' itigbtbei Justified faith.'But'-after ARE-NO SCHOOL-MASTER e Pf

in Salti" d-otter

tamll y en-route iishome

tits Ethe' Buck Caldwel eomwrnenced herduties tr the'oftlau''of


In CAldwell-.spent re-1' Mrs officer-freshmenis left pn'-SundayG. Meadelltaryland


Port-.land'Ore a'Isitedtwith'and


and f3ttsbaftd 1vlrsMerrill thisteeekCouper'a id'family"last week Sh'Ontarlo

her mbrning1j Ra ph lfirrdin oft Wed-Mr and nesdasCasnesdas .eyening'of.his meek 'for'-

cade creek in Pavettalciorva11L4 Oregon eiev.here'eie willwill'-Visiting Kttigltts.it entss trlresunte her.'studtesitlt Oreabtt'Sta't-and Ji

Miss gpok rfrf-

Wn Thursday and-spent her klster

Leonard D'anffr I3o1 turday

ther'home ofrhlgsdrs 'pf H

Tale Ore And .andattrs uw.,1A les undayat.San'Diegp' guests 4

A J , * fA Ja t4 F

r tL1'11tU I q1{Gtennisky'f nter-

at' po o r. VednPSdayWUbur ey 'spjt i 'Mr'q end tltinid11 rs' 4eatdriForg'ey'is v1tcd guesta.tvtri S/ irf 'and-

Of the O A. waspin aver-night d Easty-liras

Mr and arebort'On-

collegeandi1r dayb

iriep'ds' iiifnr'tlle past'st'-

sgverdt' af thea Let paieht'Mr ald'Mrs zBrainardi'

Lt slid Mrs

Mrs fa U CaitolColorado-

where III on-businesster


ir' "C wgs an "ar 'r


rrivaIlASt Idahoi

brOtherF AlbertBr Hamiltonrecently4dld

Hamilton-recently4dld theirnear


Orttrlo'ttrlo's-pent night.At ihehorne'-of q.


idtari.was. ggestofTi 6sday

moved'from place toWbshoe

the.-Wbshoe district J. s rf'T

' oft Ontario-spent.aast gUcst''of' Mrs-.Robert ot'sn an



SAfE North Cer-tiffed and-war 'J


4tYdfamllkof arrivedarrived-In' Pagttq.recnt1,1''ta'rtiake




rMr acid McMtirr le

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