r k n sri I > 5H i V > w V THE SUN SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 1885TWELVE PAGES HAIIONES HOUR WORKSHOP 5 win tm innin 1W4T nrxavaa- LI niir nn- llakunra iIcrD II spa rAlei FCVrte to hn Hrtleele- In Ike M tiItTkr Queer let ufltooka hat Mitld lii Ki j IiiiiiiiMajaae nl the Coining 1letIi Ci New LejIlitflre- Lct11tt1u1 Oct 22The echoes of the shoiiU ut IOOB cuatrymen hove reached the North und all I tho nation limB hrul a cllmpeo ot flit iloturf iuocntua is the farmoreoldlor I Is making tlirnuuh VltvlnU Homo Idoa cf the excltomunt nttuiulinc politics hero Is trained from tim worts of f tho nttondnnce of Indies on horiu bnok and nt the mnotlnus wherever Qen Ii hits ioiio atiii front thn nntonlMilncnows that for tim first limo In the history of the Couth tho solid Hack vole U about to bo di- vided ¬ Dili yotuuonc la Now York State who dos not Know tho Virulnla pooplo or- who bua not boon hero durlnc n poUt Icnl cAintialtfu can piopcrly estimate the dtuiiuo of tlio excitement undur which tho work ot olodlonoonrur Is carried ou Tim ku > nole of the Bltuntion Is this That John H Vlsrt In Ktxjnklosot tho troublo bo twouu the vrhltea and colored peoplo In Diitt- vlllo oikllud that a niuwsacro which all Virgin Uns know deMtrxes no such nnmo that In Conuru he und Mahoue lime boeu the politi- cal ¬ nlllos aud fflouds uf Julia Sherman Jnuioa 0 llliilno awl thu otUurs who are constant iratorsuf the bloody shirt and that Mahone- la tho tilatform I ha drew up for tliu Ileiiublloan pony lu VIrulula cbaractorUod tbo Uouio crib thnt In to iithe laudownors taxpayers buxlnrss nion doctors preachtra law em and whit mon rinornlly as tnurdoroni ballotbox- tulTir and n ° nHnlns Ttifire you lime the lluatloti Innnuuliell TLiu light at Iho polls nud ilurlnu Utu campaicn Ia whothnr tbo puuplo- ot VlrKinla subscribe to ttto nplthets or not Tha bloody shirt wan for years considered here tn be OUR of this thlucs nuro 3nrr to tho- uccuss it not thu oxisluiicHuf iiNoithurn lie put lloan and tbn wnvltiu of It was endnred ns- carpotbrtlf rule and othnr products of the war were mainly lu Modnatuiud Blluncu Hut Urn mitiiory of tin war In time row fnltilur and fainter the vnrpathauitern dlsapimnrod till trea4 and poverty vuntHhcd iMfnre tim march of onturprlce end Uio uxoiciao of thi lit und loyalty to the hag wh re tim poinilatloti Is- Aniorlcan to a fur eit nter extent than In the North became tar more hearty and cuiioral than bofor tim nar Plum and title WIIA > curs ego Ihn eight of the bloody shirt bconmo pain- ful ¬ nil so it Is today 1 tin men of the Smith am hmiKry for thu InMntimnit of Northnrn- capllnl I in tile Ji inliiliiu I I icttoim und In I tb du- voo ment of agriculture and mvnuftctuioD Thnt want the title of Juropran ImmlciHtlon turned in their illreitlon nUo and thoy long nco paw that tho ru liius of tboin titan who kont aloof from the war WliuIi It rnucd but who Want to i luvho it now that It Is over wern hurt ini ttiotn t in thplr nniknts bv MiUrfMireH i tilitiL I them In tlio crnt of the world nt large Uonsn- nucntlv tlmt Virginian l IK linr hU nfnnloil at liuiuo Wilt ullioi hlniolf with llaluo Shuttua- ui Co us Mahono has iloun It is not a inre miisttoii t ot politics I It IB n question of justlco ot Vlruiulnii lfiruf irva tion that in bilupine thu nnrunt Indian lu tho Old Dominion out on hnrsitbnck to ride and ehfur for len Lei and that i Ia Icnxint tn Ml- AViua email itudlancus toinnoHedof tiproes Fur thx fist timo In ttitf history uf Inu SUU each pnrtjs uuiMtn H t wholly nnnitcd front tho othur In thn putt joint mu tlliis oro- alwiiys ti hold nnd tliu joint duhitta of thu can II- t datvs in nhlcli cacti nrjued with tho otlior- boforo tho cronds worn famous and intureatinu- cpecticlua t That is douH away with now Witero the oUKBtlon bnfore thn VOTCr3 IK as to wliitlicr Ihu decent ouii of the Mutu diii rot- obooallod murderers 01 not joint rinbucj could not bn timpor ilely curried on Tho can dl lat8 for Unernor nliteut meet on thusamo platform this Unto Tug Suss nipnrtor tnw In the little xlllnca of Vtlievlll 517 whit rann on horseback tn- thn touring rain Iroltme liehlml Le ant all thn ladltti of Lint whiLe liouquliiilds chfovInK them front tbn windows and balconlas whllo in a little room in town 125 nezmwa anti ton or twelve white meu Ustnni toMahouus IliaD Frank rl Ulalr Y > thn wan called n doubtful county lu politics It Is not doubtful now Tlirt IB a oampln of the scenes every day nil through tliu rjtati It Is Intelligence end ro siiontttoliitv arrayed aicainst ietnuraaca and I unnratltlon- Malionii wns n Democrat until a llttln whim tt o nnd ho mtH John Ifrvind so woro thn H- opubllntns K iu rally Mithone and Viie wutu built disappointed olllo teulcuiB and llioylutt tInt Democrat on tl at account What are known as thu original lti publlctn the HonveseB llalloy Calhihsn Uczendorf Wick hum tit 0 Luwlce mid John Atnblur Smith hitvi till been thrown ovtirbnnrd by tlio Ma- honeltaf becauaa they would not eiro Ma houuo enila or Btoip to his Iniqnlllis Tho- ar nil suprmrtlm FilKhntli Lta Tor Uovarnor- Mahouo sits like a upldor In hU web ut home in Iulcrfahitri lltlitir un umlemround UuhL lila hnusn l hC his uolltlcjl orkxhop lila wile and rtauuhtur are In Hitropo and so whim his dorks am urnpptui Uitters amid inillir i ireuI- UIH down hUira ha U ion MUK Miiiora In tile l parlor likli hum with thii voices of poll tlclnns from Inybreuk till lonirnftpr niiilnluht Tin billlttrd tooni lookn likn tliH mailing room t ot a ncwbiiapirnxl il ll liiunt lialosof circu- lars ¬ anti bti8 of pilntdl matter ol v ory rinrt I are hnunnd tti on th floor nnd Ill In rU tabln- If I t cioei ilonil ut Milund accomnllco in politi- cal t trlckirv calls Ito Is lOut with lav- ish ¬ hoipitnllty Tbai urn no bett rook8 in Virginia amlid thprn is no llnor winu cfllnr thin IIih mnconinianiii lImit thn chief oD icti of In turtst are his uriutu books Fowhnvoavoi- rieuiiil bctneen tlicir co ore but thuoo iio have speak of them lu vhlspers an of thlnuK- Eiipornntunil anti dntiii Otis to ba faiit ilia- cusKlni They are Ilkn time hooks limo than tnrdH iini l to keep In Cilia iturlnr the revolu- tion which were callud the Hooks of Itlond They era snppcwod to contain the nnmusof- rmiirlr nil tlm voters I In Virginia not intro y in lieu limit with bio rnphliitl notns showin lhu political record of rivli titan his family nut oclal connection tile pncuniart worth relig- ious Iwllff nfl it he hna any his criminal record Malione dlroita certain rlrcittarn and prlvatu letters to bit lent to tho addn > s a- ho irets from those books with nrKUinnrit to Bull what ho deenn lImo tempnntmnnt ant In- olinntion of th recipient lie has ftrirnninnts on all iIdos of all the Isiitioi of the campaign and is for oue thing to one set of votorn timid for thn contrary thing to another That IIH lice Bomn mnrvHlloiis honks tharn fan bn no tioubt for hlu lluulonnnts hoiibl of iheirexisttinca It is not BO certain that thoy aro an complete mind peculiar us is Bald but It would not do to nx- Drc sn doubt ot that tic r for limit liepuhlcans and Democrats have filth in limo full stoiy The word went around pilult ly hid t wne- kfllit that Milmoimo lout tlon up tim for Wiatm for Governor unit that VVfau too lied Income convinced of the hopiiluasuabs ot uirivlnir for elect lout limit mill tried to poobtOiti I Ilin up- rlnlriL fir Lou ut ilrflt and noatt timmy fniislit it with ridlcuU but It was of no nra tMuirovei Lee gnus the tmoplo aro wild with untlnislasm- llntlro nelKlibrirhoortH nm emptied of men nnd the women tuna slnsularly cneruntlo women who aro paid to tiMe kpt thsir sons ant hits bnnda In llio war bug nftor thom muu liullet il U- oticlit to bo onird are tattling with the eamo rent and mini nut y fur Virclnla I and her pDlitl I t I cal eavior Joo now an thai did fut Virginia and tIe tnnfgiUracr Ihen- Itiit Mnhouels far front giving lip tlio fldit All ha over really rxred for i Ii what he Mi- llaflin rotnni to thu Uuitod SLuU8 SUUII- Hrrhlch can only ba uoi by Uie I stact I rim of u He- Tiuhllcan Lcclslntiirp It Is churailinstlo ot tile moaning to oiiunly utve up the llulit for the head of ttio ticket liii has tent out nn uc knnwluJuii In such av ar as to make thin I > inncrniH cortHln It la u nutiio on tnirpoaa tn blind them and ho hopes they wilt continue to rally around Lou burrahloe and rldliu about fnnvtful In their ontliUBlnsui ot tbu danger time tneal cninlldatns for the Ligisia turn are in In the mean time hu sits at home taklmrln Northetn moner with one liand anti putting II out with the oilier writing letters inlllnar clrr tilars and working away with a cool hend mind a hrcwd attuning mind such as- no othrr Vlrelnlnn In politics tea boast of Tile olectlon Is tacit Important and as far ae- VirutnliiB last fntnrfiBta irn inn ilfinnnila an LBOH uncross than on thu success of the Ui- mntrnry in the Lfelslfttura Not only I Is a Unllitd HIatus Bcnittnr to IM clinnJii lint the minor ofHc s all Uiroucli tlie that die tab fllleil Unhonu dlclsted Ut his LoEislnturri tIme election of tIme present Jiidtfis of time Court of- Aiteahe four ytars ago mnl time least that cart ba suU of thorn is that most of them lire nut fit to hold Huth uluocs Tlmy buy ojht years yet to eerie Jim Stem nnmod time men who were to be County Judge IB thenlnotrnlne onuntlnaof the RIMe 11mm bat thorn In Hlchmond polnllni his bony linear nl name after name and ordering Ihn JurlcesI- xntnd Mon mluht urge what they pleaaar- iaiiilnst Isle nominees that they wera drunk krl I thnt they nern tble n that they were lllltnrntn all went for nniisht That bony nntnr pointed still to the nnniei and that tin- T Idling vole cliii arderetl them lectart The cxlslature now tobo eected will elect both tin Cinint y and time Ciicult Judeaii the iatte- Judgwm being new ruputublo compet tvut men J Tccl or Two Drink n r iv York Wklskey ie u uetv Iliiveu M- Pollcmnnn Ku ono JloCarthy found James > lnKiu car lupMlur ul tie New Turk aud hew lUvin- Killrtad it New tion l iuitp In the glitter In Well p t rUt n I lila ilht Ire 1 i ojlre nan I iUD tin with aliw if tip elms ml I whea McKeon stoid tii he- sirnii 4 HI pilit insnsnxe itit I blaekcnid his eyei- tli n waiailifituLokaiwhen I i be Cit to the Chure- harcteaiin I 4ld Illlu mini Mujrlhy was vary tlreil- at Ii ut l I smmm iId clii UlivTiUikron flu I aft I f r I tioe imornan tsm the Tonibi yeUr ji j t IK i n i lir itii IIP t 114 ii u townaia vliueii f lnr i alli in rl llaiitlinafilleiilntnlhiliaiilot t I lli t lialtieeiidiu julaiil l iubllf ell kUnieoy I ti i ill ii o I ie Oliliur It only firiIt1 i I lain n Uuitlnl i of chit r tie woud uut hO sifl hi sitt If be i4 150 I bu cib mute i uuc Ourin held ii- J 1 HORATIO gSTJUOVJt fOK TUB IKKST- Tk Aged JKaUeaaan Raknkaa its Heamblt rca Appeal lo Sccllonnl Prrjndlee- JJ rrnillu flatlty tie rdllor of Me tllco oMcrtw I received your note About making an Ad- dress ¬ In tho course ot tho pending election I wish I could do so but ago and 111 health put- t out ot ray rower I find It necessary to avoid all aisomMlo I illondoJ otto antI It was followed by serious njury- I fool a deop Internet In tho rendlnc election ns I fear there ore designs that threaten serious evil to our country The elections this year ore State olegtlons but attempts nro mndo to call iiibllo attention from Stato allah and to re- kIndle tho passions ot our country which were so violent during tho war botwren tha North antI the South SInce Its conclusion and time estoratlon ot more cordial relationships there has been growing confidence In tho porma fence of our Union Intercourse has Increased rndo nnd commerce have grown up to a vast extent On numerous occasions particularly whon meetings hmo ooeurrnd between tho collIers ot tho North and Bouth tho friendly eollncs dlstilayed have done much to remove he passions anti prejildlcea but suddenly the topubllcnn party aro aroused to efforts to re- new ¬ tho passions ot sectional prejudice and lint and this la done by men who hold jiroiu bent positions as citizens and officials Senator Sherman of Ohio who stands In the ront ranks ol the Republican party was so oated ns a man anti a leader to monk an ad- dress ¬ In which wits sot forth the position ol tutu organization Tho first word expressed the prejudices and hates which wcroso hurtful durIng tbo late war nod which all patriotic men hoped wore dying out To do no InjusUlce to tho sinker and to show In his own Ian mmtgo his Durnose to arouse hoirlblo feeling letweun tho ortb and the South I extract a paragraph Ituiiiylu unkind but It Is natural for us to recall whit Hint anine nun mil nt Lincoln Draitt I and the Tar nIl I the nholillmi of ilavery Within thirty ears mm the inpulilkaii party nas a bnclv aholltlon arty lliti oln wa an1ape Urant was n butcher aiiil the Union nuldlers were MLincoln hireiinir lh- var was tile eutn ot all rrlmes tat tliesa iiuntf men tinw- se k tit hldu tier oppoiltluit to the wai itt Our abuse of lltKnln ftiii I true by fulsome entry und rali4 A party that within ala yenrsnf Itntirritnizitton overthrew lie potvrrln ditinlnant llemocratld party nnd for went four yeari afterward conducted the operations of A great Unwrnmvnt In Kaee auil In war with Ucl- meucea m to a itt tlio mtiport nil Hciule Jinc eviii of- tmuenilti cmi fairly claim tit be wi thy of the cotfl dencu and support of I the 1rcat b id if tIe people Title may be thin natural language of those who follow thin lead of 11 r bhertnnn hut I do not boltato It explains tho foollnes uf time Atuarlcan poopln Tho woids amy not in accord with thn ltiiKuaee of Lincoln or the dyinc words Qrunt ThoSnnator who utternd the nbon paiaun pli U iiromlnnnt as n candidate for tint rrosidontlalomcp Otto It be that the Ainrilcnn nuojiltt urn wlllliii lu plitce In tic chair of ieorkn Wimhlnetou one ituiinutud by b uhi tirmi mmilom alit pasBlotm i > iu tniH umcttou is nn election uoiuntm to glvm thu pnoplo ot Olell btatn of time Uliinn all opportunlly II to nut t lu thn I mt ti rests of t heir lo- cality ¬ an vnll as to uluct HOIII oIllctulH of llio Union tutU it bucomvan duty to nis juiUuKint- uiiin Ihn ability and ildtlity wllh which otch cttttd I ditto Mould liullorin tint dillix 1 I of f rums Hta tint which lift suets Tliu IJoiuocmllo purty In time State itie i uainest iu the HiiiiiHitt of thone the lino soluutoil ns time rUmlnid Ifaicrs Moat nf I them h ivi limit nxperiiifij I In I tho tuml lions fur which they art numed Thuy liavo gal nod honorable inpulatious uud ulll I r cnlte- nnthusitistlQ huppoit tit tins cow I utk mmiwcm Ion My fiitnillHrlty nllli I the nlTitlrs of f tim o Mulo tumbles mo to nay that they ciin better eeret- ini nenpliiitf Koa York than tlirmn who seek pnrly ponorby appnale to pmslon und preju- dice ¬ I pnriuistly liona that this whole Utiin- ocratlctlolet wIll bnelactid I biilinMi that toy I Ulll I I and hln aseochatue will I etiUo to uuholil time litinor mint InlurosU of Nav York and not eenk- tu uroiiit part y strllu Iiy nnponln to prejudice and suullonal liatrud Hf i titiilly yours Uriua Ot t 23 HUBAIIO aiVMOLU ftEsThTItqG THE lAir IXemovlnsl naMallpetx lilant TTnaler Dlfl- lcultl I MoelrenL- MoNTnlmAri Oct 4The first casa before time newly constituted health Court was tried today and a man war fined 10 mind costs for nrclKctingtn report a case ol sinnllpox In his amlly This morning the asnistatit medical lioalth nflloar aecnmpanied by a squid of canl- tnry polloe went to a houso In St Martin to forcibly rmuuove a cull sufftirine from small ¬ pox Time parents dnflud the ofllciaJs and called In thu assistance of the noUhbors Po- lice ¬ reitiforcomonts were procurua but the be slczod household trite too strone for the police and they wcro forced to retire Fun orally will bo arrested at midnight by a strone foroa of arms pnllivi unit tho child will be removed to time hospital TItle altum noon the health ofllclnls went to romovo n child from n houo In tit Jamas- Mran Tho fattier ri lHtn l dii a knlfn and nltuiiiptud to htuh thi tin ilth oIfler but was ovorpowerttd rum child vrd thiii rfinoxod- Thn rittirns it time llinlth Olflro todny show that thuii mini thii tyfour tenths fiori fniHll pox lu this i oILy ytmleiilriy two In Cotnnu hi- 1riiti to i in Hio Oum ii egoim mum two i in ht ilonrl 1 lind IMII In St t 1 lonli Itnttfitt villl Igms A number of cases nrn njporfd from Ln Prairie In ono ftmily cilia tismmmn html dloil und lour oihotx hMti icfl takin with the dis- ease ¬ Omit of this puplU of St Ixiurllt Coilesp about covert niika Ironi the city has dlod and another has been titkun frlcU Thx prlust who boa c urge of tho mit Inn turned ths tin pi l Is nil out ltliout their brealtast with thn Intuntlon- of HiMidlrc thorn to a Fciol In Toronto TuriityUvoof I ito pupils nlll lca > o touiuhtlu- cliarjo of thu priest for that city VAIIIV CitY link Oct 2Th rumor of smallpox In tho t unity of Urn Iluek ten mites bouth of TOHUI Uily hus lumen conflrmod Time uinmlnur sijrt hu found In Duck nud two of hor elm idrun u mmmii let aicmttml y sick vtlth time disease Htops will lQtnken nt orcn to prevent tim imirmial of the rontntlon- BpmMviltD Mass Oct t4A cnae of nm- lUrnant smallpox wee dlBcoverml In Ward 8 In this fily tonicht In the pfrnon of n yonn- iFrcuchCanadian who canin Irota Monti oat four dijH nco He nlll probably tie Many persons luio linnn o powd to the dangers of this dluaasuby contact with this ulforar qtj4tTJIffl1r AXO IOKT- Fltllnar Honor IlcitoorJ tgon G XTilahtllB ton Ikllela Ule Kenevolcnt Mrea- rPintADEiruiA Jet 24 This afternoon a aimmittoo eouiDOsed of K R Macintosh tjecrntary and Trcisursr and Charles OnIon well Haaond VlceIrvslilent ot tbo Interna- tional ¬ Typographical Union and Jetties Welsh 1rcallont and Jacob Chaser Finsnclal- Sacrctnrr of riillndelphU Uuiou Ko 3 together with a large delegation of pri liters called upon Mr Qno W Ohllds mind presented to him n hand comely framed sot of resolutions possnd by the Cijnvaiiilnn of them IntelmUiuiii Typourupbkal Union whlih met In New York on Juno 1 l llio reAolntlniiuare printed on whitn satin in pilipla Ink The work Is priiiounccil to bu one of time most perfect spnciuiuus of f thn typo grnplilciil art extant Tho rrsultitlons coumy to Mr Ohllrta time high appreciation ot the typngraphlcul frntvrnlty for his kimlnnssand- phllanthropla work and elect him an honorary mmnber lie being this oul > peruou la the UnlMirt Stat so honorod Mr Mnclntouh dolhorad tie testimonial in a neat speech anti Mr Challis in accepting It expressad tils gratitude and kind whites for the craft which hail honored him so highly After thin vresentatlen the dalecntlnn was en terlnlnod at a banquet at which ColM Itlcbarda- Mucklr mule a anecelt reviewing this life anti Pbllnnthroplo works of Mr Ohllds whIch he traced back for nearly a quarter of a century fHUF aiKOXKH IN THIS KKV Bourn Yke Colored Lswywa rali ulk Carolina Coaa lag lo Zew Aurk to Lecture COLUMBUS S 0 Oct 21Piof D A Btroker the wellknown colored lawyer and educater of this city ties received a tatter from a number ol prominent Pamocrta and Jteoub- llcans of New York city Inviting him to repeal In tbat city bU Uctur on Time Now outb which attracted much attention recently In Detroit lloaton and other Northern cities The letter tieltfufd by Algernon B Hnllhan Coro- ner M J 11 i ileisanier time Item Slephan Jlerrltt the Itev tr unmeant Crnh Uapt Alexaailert- Jjacon ii Hunry Uargb W B iJarrlck Coraullus Van Colt 1L H Van Allvn Illchniil T Green cad Itmors It Is utnl rstncd to ba thwmauU faatatlon nf a desire to Introduce into the cam palf In New Yerk views which will anlacenlKe time bloody shirt utlotnicrs of bhurman Hoar and Kornkar Irof HtroUsr hits nrcnnted mime Invitation med will lay for New York on Monday to fulfil It Krceiilfcn In Arekdvatcnn Fnrrar Mrs P A Llndley gave a reception to Arch ¬ deacon Karrar at her residence tn Ihtioe Kirr yammer djy Tbs hnun wai decorated with fltiweri wiiiioit- ftuoie preeeal wart tbister 4 Arlaur thauncsy U lie ew ornellui anilerbiit Mr and Ure mi rum W KindMr apiS Mre iia > xl Jidigy l Kleld the lIar Hr- I litany cud the Rat Mr iieriee A tpaclal uala- bruuKht tIm gmmmIirnbICto w Ipik for Nuft rlloleue1 BI utike Puer The OeraoeratliJ n naral Corosnltlneofn- uiaJd fish Cviiutr ace uonitiiaied UfUhain Meaidew or Mil erlnteadent of tha foor Pr mite mecca lull aomlo Lieu liaruiaaiMS tits factions la Muiihfl14 WARNE1UNDALLTI1E REST- ir VURIZAXIMKI1 ii ra ua JtN Wa wno our URANT IFAHUS DKlQHlIt- Threiilenlnc Eipe nr lied Tnciinc In tk- Onlllr ini Aeklas mke Immrenl to Jttfiind- Calllna nn the Omul Monument Commit tee itud Cknlrtsmn Arthur to Ne lo It- W 8 Warner who Is accused of attempt fng to defraud the Marino National Bank by conspiracy with Ferdinand Vard a director of the bank was arraigned for tho second time joforo United States Commissioner Shields yesterday attcrnoon A messenger was tent to District Attorney Jlartlno to got the checks drawn by Ferdinand Ward upon which the prosecution depends to make out It case Mr Warner who sat with Brotherinlaw Work smiled whan It waa apparent that time checks were not In court CommltslonerShleld looked around far tin big ledger of the Marino Rank with Individual deposits from O to 55 Deluding the nrhttn account of Ferdinand Ward It could not be found nail an adjourn- ment ¬ was taken while CommUslonor Shields bustled around searching for It Mr Shields toll George S Spencer etcashlor of Grant Ward that ha bolltnodho hail It but Mr Spen- cer ¬ assured him that ha hadnt Finally tho ledger wits unearthed In tho District Attor ¬ neys office About the time It was found William N run coy of Mr Marlines office arrived with the nine checks lie Bald that jury ham boon obtained In Wards case anti that time trial couldnt BO- on until he brought bark the chocks so be urged the lawyers lo hurry through with thorn Mr Spencer was called to testify to the sig- nature ¬ which ha said was In the handwrltlug of Ferdinand Wart The checks yare put lu ldeneo BB exhibits TIn chocks wore nil signed by Ferdinand Ward mind seven of them wore payable to War- ner ¬ nnd endorsed by him The oilier wore payable to Ward hlmsolt and worn drawn on hn First National Hank anti deposited In the Marino Uank unnof them for ThUOO dated Mar 5 18b4 was drawn when Waul had nn bal- ance ¬ lit ttin tint National to moot It and was used to mnkun false balance In bin favor at the Marine hank Against tills Ink balance were drawn u 71000 chock In Warners favor dated the same day anti an 81000 check In Warners favor diiluil May 1 The amount of the lle oIlier eiuekn to Wurnnr order drawn on the llarluu Bank in 11811700 No other evidence being at hand yestermty this oxuinlnallon was postponed till tomorrow lit I 1 Id In tue Star District Attorney Dorsboltnora- ncwpimpor appeared yostwrdny thla udltorlal- aitlclo GIVE HACK Trm MOSKY In veilrdavii war wo paid thnt flinty nf tliono Into White tattle I UM money nt trait t Vsrt wont were k ion mitt that ult would 1m known lo day wu mi- ytlnl ail air Uioitn unit that irirj cent vt lhes ac cmsrd protlts cull hi trnitd Let It iiUobuktirmn that their ran all he recovered by imrfal oflnw lh law of Iew Virit ursttde anieans- j > it hich they can Ite tuLijit from Ihofe who hao them It la fur limo e ho halo theism consider well uliat lamar tty U lift tti K> staIn that there vrrrn no prott or any Klitd- mitiK lit tile Oral nt itrnnt A tVmrt 1 mien were em rum trartt th < re w ero no tiiet tilntloni Ultra moore nn Hitler rlftfi t ttio few uiutert iltnic mt Ihe nrlnritjeltn I lot- li liniH nn sums itul my them ti fel lull pvrnoiK In tonic I ltntftUCM HI liui iv tit tie iVf of nine hunilrvij per mum year waret tamt out of d Ieolltt lot t cat nil if cimim > lit nn 5 kind I lie flcpnltorp core cit tier nnetcpnt or iruHt > We will hut inWrttn lh I tfnflt Wail will tie fill iii If tiltS loch iii to cuimujel l ti emit tO ill ii Sprite rie tetime oftlie tic cnnnvt l be 4jU lint th9 lnno rnt hnnli ml Kind tn hai a tic pointed out lo them fur uuiluln tlio wrong la whlclt thtvlia- ntinlulnirl a t len nlicttur lhr rlll not hr Injured tij- rv tliuilini Tie him is alrealr reeultot tot cit III none lute putt it rick II I Unnlv tltrfe wicked galitn w- aek lo litvn rcvtonrt lluruwillbe noiiutitlon atxtut lit litioul ill Tile exisr t uniouitt of RO caf eJ rollli con- j coiuiiuted lo a tarlltin l Lot curth man ketp n nlr rem urn for lit ure ol ItU money and give but It tie rest tic thould not vriBti tu keei It itt wai ninotent f nronir unt flnilliiiriinw limv great ti o wrnni ii In whlcb lie tilt tUiled lie tliuuld lehilled wllh joy at t balug all to- anili It tI e mini itilt lbs ctw wItI Tot b compelleil to Rpettk nrtin but U will fpeak aroma tent acatn 1C reatltuilun it redlPed- rimt an honor to tlilHcltr If lie hanker tnt mner chant nnt treat corpinntlnn who bay till motley In theirCDlTera nhould tflvelt tiackl It wilt Situ lie way me ISO to nhoni U belotifi und miit mililler n loSe luart wile hrokeu bj lIe grief of nronii whoee the wa4- clunjtil by the lliadumi that It teat will though tn hU grIn win again tin piece In Umpiupl 4t art lie lined Ln ha e- Ton who wl H to build a monument on the Rlar M- e to U that the money unit back A nmnament- Buuit eland not en rock alit Ittnuit Itund on litllillc Virtue on b people conpeluiic and a natluna inorala There can tie no nmnnincut on any other foundation titan ttil e rli ueh built oC I orphjr ant ileuzntd bv- Anireln hlmlelf nnlM It re ln on trim cut honor it n lit e a it inbol or amman coil not A ttencou ttt renown See to It fiiitlytnen yftt multi ilunier A Arthnr- llanilinic at your head tint Did mune > II lent t ack tire tan tie no monument tn leum limit limit lucre where he was ireg1cl d wn to Khante a id death untii mba wronir I li rltfhttd sri jti iice done 1 I mean ovary word In tho article aald Jfr- Uorstiolmer rstvrduy I hio thus names and shrill continue to lot the iuillty knnw that 1 am in possession of tlicni II they do tint innlto lettliutlnu lo time Grunt fnmlly I will cxixiba thorn I will oni Dollhom to gIve back tbolr nicksJ gains by litmus of law How soon ulll you dUuItu this nitnos I cannot say If thus husltatu ory soon pnrhnt1- o thelftit clause of tutu artlclnmoan that thcro are gmitlty once nruonu th Grant tnonu mint fund committee 1 I h ivo not compared my list of names with ttnsum run them conirultteebiit I holievu that thnro- ar1 mcitnbert of thnt as oolatoti who ivan pn- cajMl In thin wroii and nro now In vo i8tlon- fipoll 1 luipa hester A Arthur its Irosl limit of tbon < Oiatloii wit tee on mr attic and I huts tItus press will itAhim mo Ihe nowtpa parts If tummY will run bn u tiower In ferreting out ill wicked Bpuculatore C4NDIZJA IRS UATK TO WORK 1te Tomb Court I Tninmnnv Tkla Felt anuS lle H IKnifl Stow rut Jeerr llHrilanD Pat Dlvvor the Tamraany candidate for Alderman In the Second district and Tommy Uaher the candidate for AiBumbly were anchored for tho afternoon yosterday In the Tombs Court A big lonsHhoreman from Front street caught the candidates on their canvass In the morning and brought theta along with him to time Tombs to get out his son who had been locked up over a week In default of a 700 bond for ralslne a row in a saloon lit Front street The Court said U would not lot tho young man co and the candidates looked at one another with blanched facts The fatherg- rmiw sail I tiKViir before naked a faror of politician the fathnr tuiid bursly Itll do no harm to give me mr boy Tim fattier was despatched to brlnz Coroner KPonaity to give a bond for tite young man The Court said it would not take the Coroners bond II waia public official and could not act ns liondBtnan Somebody jiuggoeted that tlivy ask Dick Knaba a wealthy Gorman of Ueotre atTest to give the 17 < W bond end he did it very Blllliuly fend the uunu man wiis let KO This went on dnrlne the whole sitting of this court Anmntarof people who said they had frlunda locked np besoucht Divver and hatter to get titan out The candidates rot out seven tirUor tr only and thus had bean arrntuil for trivial offonces liafnm leaving Mr Divvrr buIld to a reporter of THE HUN All tills is wholly distasteful to me but yonu got tn do It down In this district or youll boo many vote Walsh anJOIisirdo It ansi tvhiv nhouMnt I I would not accept the noiiilnuiifui of Alderman at all If It were not for time fact I but I was heat out of It last titus hythi mattruRs house vote If you vwra to look up Fatty Walsh and his friends anti myself anti my friends In two rooms until alter elec- tion ¬ antI let a fair square election be had In the Second district you ueuld find all the de- cunt respectable neoplu voting my ticket at the polls and only ilia thieves blfihblndari and cutthroats votlnit Walshs The two Justices sitting In time Tombs this fall are from Tammany Hall and Fatty Walsh or Jerry Hartifan stsnd no tort of show with them One ofFattys upporters got out a poor roan by dint of pure cheek yeBterdar but the Court did not know that be was for WaliD Weinberger Muilcnl fleSh Ludwig Weinberger of 145 Btanton treat absrf with aalUnf Honor lash Buiidiy waa arraifewd- fer trial ysstarday Policeman llo su said b ta hail found felt usa in laa ashen allUiik M a UMe on vhlak wise boltie Ha saw iii gtuus ld you lick up Ihe bottle t Lawyer Friend sited M I Oi i tliv policeman replied pro4ucliiir a larife co- liV 011 tier it hi rlsnil yane the bottle to Mr Wliiberirer who to rued a icritv on In Mpni Then he itood trie I hem ii on time liik The molar uf wheels before time Ceuri trot Ill illiiuee of the roam Stilt strains afOiliiilln Up- Ih uomden ainlrs tail out uf taa boltla4 lilwlUi Wclmmlrmer WI dmictmrmced Or oat Mcmurlul hued Prof H T Greener has reauested tho pres- ence ¬ of a number ef tie inemberi of the Kiecytlre and Qentral roiuinltteei at a ipeclal meeting to be held al tim afire of the fiunl on Tueiday afterneoa of nail week It I li propoinl tn a < npl loin plan to iiinke a ca- mviii of tIme prado i ml dlWrnlit liranfhel of buiintli- farueliuih titus anJ Bra > ten I ei I ii cciii molt a ap- aointnl lii iiiet it timid Juice dueLled la pill a hire I ICru citf It at mlii a root ilk llrrarl Uvmsn t o Ifia- ulicrlilloni jnitnlu ere at ° Arthur w Dillon Cliii i ilir HinJU eiooniliiilale < ito Uraul 101st u3uTt4 ArhIflCiel almur Ilesisre CouikUe Wholesale l and retail grocer of title and lielf bi Inn cltUs In ths Mete have orisiilail a Orocxn- froterllv Asioclatlon with lieadnuarters at 54 Wlill till sirest In Ill VielasU rcnsSlM tea rehaimiM oirujel L iud of the laws goriiioC the > ale of oaiimari < rins Tte diode the boa pievMf 4 in uieinUr wllli big rubber eiautpa- w lu 4mlthuhi Itlitaf on them wilt nulia I auiast- ubicautaiumcoltouiuraariiia iws TIIRORI or xrotcuox- 0n atenaeet Cadeeite ajnelktoM ky the VlrcUlat HynaW- LLTNorrnuno Vft Oct 24In the Virginia Syaod last night the complaint ot the Ilev 6 F lamsey atalnst limo Abinedon rroebytery was decided The first specification was that the resbytory hid done complainant personal wrong In condemning him without trial and on this point tho vote stood fOr sustaining tho complaint 11 for not sustaining It HG On the charge that the action ottha Presbytery In con- demning ¬ Ramseys low that Dr Woodrowa theory ot evolution Is not contradictory ot Scriptures wes unnecessary and prejudicial to the church tune members voted to sustain the complaint throe to sustain It In parts and 187 not to sustain It at all Thus liamsoy was de eated on all points Groat Interest was manifested tn the pro- ceedings ¬ of the Synod by all denominations of Christians tile doctrine ot evolution never having been accepted or preached In tItle State before The whole session has been taken up with this trial Itamsey alter his defeat arose and tn a voiCe trembling with emotion announced that but two courses of procedure seamed open to him first to renounce the utlsdlctlon of the Southern Frnabrterlan- tiurcb or eeeona to appeal to tho General Assembly CiumimTON B 0 Oat 24In the Presby ¬ terian Synod at Chester yesterday A lottor was submitted from Woodrow protesting utalnsti- ls removal from the Perkins professorship at he Thoolotficnl Hemlnary as unconstitutional It was referred to the Seminary Commute who late at night submitted a majority and nimbi tty report the formerdlsapprovlngnf the action nf the directors In removing Dr Wood row This debate wits finished late last night and the majority report In favor of Woodrow was adopted The dehnto In the Presbyterian Synod at Chester on the Woodrow question was closed ato last night by the adoption of the following resolutions UsvtmeO vhnt mba FImoul Aliapprnvathit action of the action uf tIme unnnl ot Directors requesting tIme reiluna lieu ot Irof t limn Uoiidrow aa not lueurnd by the action of controlling H> noils tier h > soy statement made luy Prof Wnndrow previous to their action Carried bv a vote of SI In SO Ret ltA That the Synod disapprove nf the removal nf- r > Woodrow trout th prnfresorahlp as unconslllu- UooaL Carried by a vote of 7U to OJ PJJSOV DOWNKSa 1KAYElt UBKTlffO- He Run he Veiiilil Nay to kla Rrolkresl On- Hnd Hln No Muisii BOSTON Oct 24 Nono of the opponents ot Parson Iownos attended the weekly prayer mooting last evening There wera strangers enough pranout to crowd the vestry The pas br suggested that the platform might bo used foraaating room and several ot his followers gathornd around him there Mr Uotrnis then mail pasDitges from tho suvontli chapter of Luke bvlnnlni at limo twuntyfourth vorao oath verse bo nu applicable to his ease Hu dwelt In plnuntlon on time mom important orfofl After llnlshlnK tile ruadluu of tile Scriptures he remirLcd that If auj of his con irvKittlon hint slnnud hu uonlJ Kity to thorn Uo and ala no moru tint Qo und sin more Irayur and exhortation bolns next In order hu mnmburs of dim church inlnud In prryui for their pastor n klnt that IoU mlcht civn hint Etiimuth lo Nlnuil up iindor the grunt trials which now seuin to lio wulunlnu him itonu It was several times necr snry for the pastor to kpiak a word of restraint to the more exclt ble who ware inclined to buiomo iloniiucll- toiv in tholr prat r4 niul exhortations In- closlnu the inrotlni Mi Downvs paul him want- ed it undnratnoil that he lid riot proposn to rn- ltn butt If HID nwiiorti ot thu church or those who clitlin to own It viri alum to otuti thou iloorn for him to go out ho ehould go trusting in I he Lord lie cnutlnned hia followers to give no heed to rtfpurtM whkhgo flvlnii about but tn patiently await the outcome of thu pendIng trial Ho tintS in said been able to sit quietly by nnd bear himself slandered nnd lied about and he thought ho had como tn like It He had con II lonco in Judge Allen believing that tin had a clear hound and he did riot fear the result 4JJDIICTLYO A YOU mi GIRL ALWclltodo Jeweller unit kla Bail Arreelcd- oei ia Aerlona Ckararr- MILWAUKKB Oct 24A despatch from ilndlson siys that A II Van Cott and his son Charles have been arrested on n chirgo of Incline Emma Tluntlor tho fifteenyearold daughter of Q W Iluutley a laadlnj business man and prominent church member Young Vim Colt had ptuviously boon iirrestcti and lad given ball on a cbargu of botrayiut time girl It Is assorted that later tho oldur Van 3ott pnrsumlad the girl to go to Chicago untlur a protniao that thor t ho would bo Hicrutly marriott to tim boy Frank M Doran n relative of the Huntoy family Tent to Chicago to flail this girl hut it Is mtid sho wasso socuruly hidden hat lIla mission Wits fniltlii It is nNo- fhaltfoil thai on Wmllmsduy Slits won rumoc tl from item Chicago hidiiiir titmice and that nil a- cuunoi now be found A II Van Oott is well known In Milwaukee yhora linwau for Todd tho liiidmu juwellrr and owned a largo block at Etat Water mnli- ftc iiidiu ctrtHtH bicral tiindB unilo inure hut Bundled from biirglHrd nnd assorted that tie lund man nilibuil of 10 OUJ north nl d tmonils- Whon Hr Vnn Cult bit Inro h wont tim Jhi- puiro nnd fur voral IHIH did a i rum bin I uue until the irrpat lire nnallowfU uti the lurgttr tart of tile fortunn In IcISU he wnt to Madison where ho opnund a jcwolry loro and enplurtid must of the business of tint town The totally has lived in good stylo thom Tha young man lo vary fond of auuatlo sports and has spent n good dual of bin time saltIng on tile lakes The father bail mi tha chaijcu of uu- ductlnn was fixed at 1000 and tho eons bail atSSUU They will lime a prelimiaary exami- nation ¬ on next Thursday A LiscroHic IN fUR DA UK The EalMtnlnanttuI Furatekeri lo tue Tench era bjr dMriell P fservlae aTvelcrilux- ChloUerinff Hall was as dark yaitordny af- ternoon ¬ us ever It wit at midnight and yot It was crowded to the doors with an audlenco n- fu intolllifant and delighted persons ns over- came toxothor in the city Over the stage shone a great square of brilliant light and Into this and out of U again there constantly lashed a most peculiar and startling tot ot pic- tures ¬ scenes of flashing comets ot fearful conflagrations la the sky of bloodred uphoav- alsof flame from the sun and of exquisitely pretty vialet and orangecolored etars anti moons as softly beautiful ns colored lanterns In the gardens of a mikado Each view as It mail Its appearance Illustrated whatever topic time lecturer who thrilled lime hearers with his discourse wee expatiating upon Mr Uarrott I Burvlt6 Secretary of the American AstronomicalHoclety was the lectur- er ¬ his Bubjimt being The Wonders of the blur Depths lii is a slender young man wall a Byronlc countenance who spooks with u clear enunciation n full soil voice situ most un ¬ common earnestness as If the startling discov- eries ¬ mode with the ulescopu impienked him aa strongly today a they did when bis appe- tite ¬ was Unit whetted for the pursuit of that branch ot knowledge Ills peculiarity ax a lecturer lies also in the fact that being a jour- nalist ¬ trained to bring out tn its full strength whatever t Is moat luwrefttlnrin tha topic he treats his lectures are never lor an instant tiresome anti even technical knowledge Is put plotureiqnely Ymttrdays lecture was before the Teachers Asaoolation of the city of Now York an orttanl ration numbnrlng 2000 or 3000 teachers of this city and vicinity hut mainly from the publlo schools of time metropolis They are very en terprlslnx in their own behalf and constantly refresh tbemselvos with entm tain menu by leadlnc lecturer sharing the cost stoning themaelvna end the enjoyment with their irieud whou they summon by invitation run anDucizra NATTDVST OAUB A Latkarar flornca An Ike lYe T from CMlae flieS la thy Aaratr CIOO- Mlllard E Beach a laborer of Cadlllan Mich received a number of teller offsrlaic him bargain In counterfeit iiieney lie cine an to this klty Init week aud atoppwl al Ibe Vaafl rWll llelit In Forty second llrttt The day chef he arrlrad e use whine ecu he did not tong cast to Iii hotel suit aAld thai he repr- stulsd Julio Aiulerson fts times who tat urillsn Ibs litters Ha took heart to tIe Kenwood llolel Dowcry and nayard street where he Introduced him to a men with a satchel who said liwasjhn AnSerine Ih lire tout a car au4 aatmi up I m a aalxu lu a alret which fieaih duel nut remember Ihe coo with a- aateli ardered luiuithlDf u drink smut tlieu mutt out a low Cl nets ant siteS Kiaoh lo cuiupars it with one he- kuew to lie guud Iteacil call lhe > were juit alike cud he was told lied time cvuiitarfella Wet printed frum the Uoisrinueiii ilatii II l wee utfertd die > worth ui inein for < I6O orach eeld he imlr had tloo and pisceS ibai amount oa ths table The sea with tie umul ptrkeil It up and toll Mm In- wuull send flffu worth of nndlT tn till adareil at Ca41IUc This other tuau this escoftad him he tie strait ant laid rood nlht Alter lltarh mind fut to Ins inlet he suipeclad that something mlfht b wrong and weal to 1ullee Head quaitcrs lie ssv ay aaierlptloii of the man within aalchel auuut nfl Vrldaynlilit Dttecllva UlNilKht ar 0114 JaIls filler a m4dl af fd map an the Bower- yrarurckud tutu put yesterday friint lU nun Ulller nail He ties a bartender at 31 Kuriylh Uriel lImit that hahad eaaersiemi Meaili kfare At tha iffsrapo Har bet i OUtS Haafh eonklat awar that Miller as really Ibeman but Juillt e uKeilly tielil him for elawiaalw- utul 4tIJO Jesb wsa tailS 10 IW ii a WlttU PLAYERS DISSATISFIED THE RVLK9 OF TltU WKrT AORfKXEffT too AflhstTk4NZ The In > m aed AMerlnaui seuelatlnn Raid In heyr Oa rrench 4 TkreaeelTee Cklo sa- nefenteil aS Cincinnati Otkcr games The notion of the Innffuo find American Association In combining under a new national agreement In order to cat down salaries ot base ball players and also in refusing to give the Eastern Leaaue protection under the now agreement has not gIven entire satUfaotlon A careful canvass monn the ball players In this vicinity shows that many are inclined to make a stand against the now rules They day that the managers through time coon try wilt soon find out that a mistake las boon made by ousting the Union associations just at tho time when they needed their assistance to carry out the new rules By refusIng to rooonnlre the Eastern taamo they have left at least one place of refuge for the players There Is nothing to prevent the Eastern League clubs combining A player said yesterday and offering the best of the League stud American Association play- ers ¬ more money than thesAoreanlratlnnsoan pity thnm under the new rules and thus turn tho tables on theso organizations which barrel out the Eastern find Houthern Laaitnes to that the LOOKUO end American Association might gather In all their Rood players The members ot the Metropolitan and New York Clubs are not anxious to make an oven fight at present It Is evident however that when the proper time arrives they wilt speak In thvlrownbubalr Homo of thorn said yester ¬ day that they had set their prices for next year and If thn mnnruinra diet not pay them they could get lilacea aomnwbor else Itwn am blnckllstod said one what rood would It do either the Leaira or Ameri- can ¬ Association 1 Wo can got all the work wa want lu other asROclatlonn and got moro momiy for It than the two larger organlzatlonn will pay It In not thin name that makes a club hut tile players and should the best players of the League refuse to play for the monoy offered thorn and loin the Eastern LnafttiP the league can do nothing If they are blacklisted It will bn only n nncntlnn of time when they wilt bo reInstated an the League organIzations with ¬ out pliutirs would amount to nothing hutch umn ns Oltourke Dtmsley Qerhnrdt anti other hluhprlcort players who have boon getting salarIes of 3000 or more must next season phty for 12000 mind If the mnnitcora nee fit thfy taunt take hiss Theso arm time men who will feel time reduction Site most strongly Wo haves no olce in tIme inattrr they say nnil mtitit either take what Is offered UR 01 bo buick llstud lint If It comes to the point wo- wllUro on time black list rather than suhmlt to Urn mitrnco which Is now being fnrc41 upon IIR- Thu action of Manager liurniu of Ihu Itiltl more Climb In slunltiK the tuo planis of the Nntlnniil Club hefore time now Natlonitl ncrm- rniiit luiil bon adopted Mill do him I little Ko d- llio Nation m uiui rs tay I that thn I Haiti nidtxians will nothi mtblsm to pront l imy their ac- tion ¬ for in time first pines the min cnnnot ha field under these coiitmctH and then again thuy lmo ohnnuodtbuir minds about playIng In liahlniorr Nearly 2010 people wiuru prooomit itt tho Wash IniTttin lark urounila llrookljn yvstordny to flume thin rnliirn cumes btituean time Jim onklyat mind Now York tmtmi the glInts schedtilnd for Wpilnmdiy lit New York hnIni bonn prnt luitled hr rain An necident to ltattklmcnrmc wire who was tliuiTVii out of u wacon obllcnil htu- iI en liintu mimi to 1ortor ptuhnl itunln for Ilrooltlyn iml Wnlch for New York Kelth r- sldu llDldeil up to In mark tilts brooKlyn tditm eBluoclally iiluln loo o In that nispuct orrors- Khlnc th vIsitors all the runs they scored Jwobmruors by Mufollan nnd Hwartwood- earnod nnu run In time third InnlnuH time othoi two bMne thin result of errof At time colt of this sixth Innlnee it wee itUni dark hut th bovnth was commi nopd- axntundld douhlu they by Terry cutting off tile flint two mun llnn WnrJ made a sinule tilt which by llotnlfng8 haul error nnnhlud hInt to jet round home Then Connor was lilt by the pitcher and n wild pitch citxt another run kitten btcimo too dark for further piav5 P Manmi the game was cnlled back to the sixth Inning leaving the result a draw nt 3 to- t This came mclii bo playod off at Wanhlngton Park on Tuosdny when some ot the Drooklyn players who have to leave town will be ro Placcd by Mutropolltitns This will ba the last appearance of the Now York team on the field this Boaeon saw vets BIIOOKtTJf iiRPO A n StaPOiIC- uiuor I lat I h 0 1 0 u 0 IMnVney 31 b o O I 0 0 1 illlrspie I f u 0 0 0 1 VlrLlellan I li 1 1421St- artwoodlb Hlchardfnii cf ml 1 0 O O 2 s 0 o heteibrookIh a I a 2 llolulutf c fo u o ll I Corcoran r f o o n I n ni- Drikiley McTamy I f1 o o n 1 c l o li J o- Weltli Smith a I u 1130Ir- nplil I p ll 1 I o 1 J- Herliardt c 1 0 4 2 2 Mail l 4 3 1erryrf o 1 I u Wartea l o u 2 0 Iortcr p 0 1 u 5 3 Total a 61814 5 Tetata3 u is 1110 New tork 2000 I 0 12 Brooklm u I I 1 o ilS Earned rimft Vetr York Oj Brooklyn I Biturr or- ruuroituv York liro iKlyti J liMdini erron > etv- trkr I Brooklyn T filnuk mil New York ii Brook Iyt lIme gimo between ho St Louis Brown champions of lit I American Aismocint ion and tint ChicnuoB chnrotlons of thr Lwtsu which was plujfcil at InoiDiinti yesterday was limo do tri onn I In I llio Penis bftvifon the two citihs fur this championship I of the writ I mid Itthiiltud lu un pnsy Mfttury for llioSt Ltuila team It waa Claikiion tiny to pitch but ho appeared on tile grounds five minutes lute utnl dipt Alison otderml MoCoruiick who pitt bed justitday Into thoi buy Hut two Ii Its- were inaiie ofT JlifVirmlrk yeslnrd Tnilny- hu was hit fi r n total nf sixteen I mimsousim nnd t thlf- lth I time misurabo ii old I mig of time Ulitcigoi ile- pltiuil Iho canii Thu Chlcacos took n lind of two runs In tlio Irat Inuinuon hits by Mundny- nnd Kelly and nn error of liarUoy In thn third limIng Wxlch male a thrrtebacxer anti rrussad time iilutu tbromi lalrytnphemm i l poor ilnlding liarklay und Comlskoy mada hits anti Dnrklny scored while Comlskey was foroeil out by Itobinson Uobinson stole sncond and mimi homo on u p ssud ball Time Bt Louis Otith won in the fnurlh Inning by hItting Mci- eramm ck safely Ihn tiinas Toe fielding the Laaguo chainpiona in this inning wus thin worst Feet tier for sonin titan The result wns six runs for thus BL Louis team only trro nf which Wmum U earned Jn thtm flfth iunlugUiu Chicago main two unenrned runs butt thoy lund no dianne tnoverrnmo tho lead of th lronrHiiuntn aol tho gamut thuroaf ter was devoid of Interest The last hull of the oichth Inning was riot plnicd on account of darkursn but it is count Bii in limit score aa tIlt Ml LouIs dub haul tno- Bimo without playing their half Tho scale H mil 0 O 4 1 2 I O JS- ClilCifo ZU0020UU 4 line Mlist JmiiH u Chlcnio 0 errors St Lout io chicaco IT At the Polo grounds yesterday the Metropo- litans ¬ dufnnturt limo Jaspers of Mnnlmttnn Ool loge In afilxiunliifLanie by this score Uetroiiollla I a I 0 0 llrJ- urptr tl 0 i 1 I 0 14- At lllrlirnnood Te tr rdsy the RUlcewoods beat the Sicily Club by 10107 Today the New York Club will play the Rltolly Club at time lattnra cronnfls nn Ionir Island sod the Metropolitans will play time lildjowood- ClubatUhluowood The bane bill season onnod at Ilotiolcen yes tnrdny In a game between th Jersey Jibes and Jluubokett Chubs Time Blues won by lii to 11 Aftor tlio game both clubs dUbanclcd for the season f30000 m BKE JVJH- llux omeo iteecIpi far tko Flrat Three Week f her Am rtea tieaitM lomb appeared at Wallaeks lust night for the Sail lime uatll ibe returns en April lr tier trip through the West Her audiences liav beeu nearly thu lain all Ihrouuh tier hire weeks performance roam aeiednt thttee In Ilia city who nndentaml French and know a mod thug whan thmy sa it Steamy prsons want thin >urlit after uliut and paisid rack oilier In the corridors or met at Itelmoutui cclii they letS aa tkoifu they UlonrrJ t the hum I icIly soil could haidly Sep finin bnwliiic Mo manarer I Is ovar aatieiWJ asloairu- hh bnuae ha roiMU for inure slid e JUlrlc iran li not sattiHtd Hut Ihe follonlni ncttrea ahotThic the bums office ncelpts which wire imuiihefl oelrr4ai would take molt luen happy even If they dlil have I a pay for aetaruhKh prkel JiHIo l i Th Sell tilt teak nf four Iterfornl uicve pall S74J13S2 the follntrlnir leech pi4lll III M and Hi third ivkVmimlmCbmi acme tile receipt far Illla west calm lo l to dialed up Orau uapea to tie much rKhtr than he in now Jadlc tour will tat her anioar elba placea to Han Kram lien and Uealco Kha will ploy at lilt Stir Ibee tre for three WeSi when ike returne aad will appear la- the following pticea In which she has tieS jet hern- eeni Laflranta Dachae la Cells llrletie 115 rlchole Tla iartalvniie La Jtouaielle MLA Owiaiue end Lee hrtrtionnleri N By that tIme a- new lennrand a new tiartloite will have imported by Mr Urauto support liar Cr a eaonr Klale coral The eleventh competition for the marks win badge was sbet yesterday at Creedoit tolloar hag are the beet letal soiree i O W loti Thirteenth HrflroerU 4t T It nreenlanl- Tnenlr third Keglnlunt 441 J M Mifcevln TUlrlttuih- Reglmint 41 MtiHutt Twelfth Iliglineut 44 A Key WalgkJa a read ed barter This sttld a Canal street bsrJnare leer chapi tapping Ills lisad prualvtly with an enormoua Iron key that surfeited a rroii butwcen a erector and a monkey wretciu this nyc a fair Ides ci lii ffOiitJ- Uuti in ltwiiwmikhui Ills lstt lIlly Yliti it case tiiiul feur aim tui lielul lou of mba 14 Srlulswrtl Jamb hut emomid ho lime tit ilati bmirk ltsclug Snot I 11C5t- 5 ii eai I lie ili WI tOri dowl teSS Tiui C tim it w hilt aim cc ii tilt TI boil f list trk- ucuil tequimesi eStotiiia 1pm c kimid Iluot tlioaOO lila chief a a poiicmnsm nil II holi 5 hey lit mlii lii Omega ay a ilaTO Ii Sw lii Sepia IhIt is- lilelloul wIth a ICY ill loch teuy hut you cm limit Ii your imnstiet I try wits tmhe inrhe html croci a ierllsmm monni ci- Us tetenmillle art in a poem set lall en com m- lprui to wdjlu e tumid aimS e qosrtr Im tort 5C if iusite ti cruel lie OuutOiitlut if a i ill hutiC mert- Ysjeu1 with pledge Iuemterp Ii ream hit uieieueI eu- fIli tstii emfelt IluIrcIuso I lhriuii I ii feulur ut 5 Cr1- 1or tuwimetre Wliluui hut eacerrut ii Wimtu Sb 14 3ail wee dmuolialieml testis 011 yarn ogo JLetttiUMK JOCXKX CLVD JIACfS- CoU flesiieILJhCJlmfluuime OpraisrB- rQvajbae staid tint Class Tf la- WABtrtNcrroH Oat 24The Yrcnthcr wits line and the track good The first race waa for the Iv y City Stakes one mile for twoyparoltte- Lho winner to be sold at auction for 13000 TIm totting was 7 to 5 against Klkwood 3 > < to t against Frank Ward 0 to 1 ajtaluat Hostile H- and l to 1 each against Walt a White amid LIttle Minnie In the lower turn Jlotti U weut to the front and won by n length 1ranlc WnrJ second a neck ahead of Walt a Whllo Tune 14514 Mutual pools raid I33CS Bought by owner for 11505 The second event was k dash of seven fair oncn for horses beaten In lulllne races nt this meeting the winner lo bo eold at auction Inc 12 TOO The betting was 13 to 10 againit Uuuen Esther R to 1 nsalnet John 0 i C to I suiUiiHt Uberto 0 to 1 nKaln Mittla II 10 lo 1 ekcn- acalnat lto etts and HotneMmle 1J lo 1 ntnln Darbura sad lit lo 1 each mgu trial Loid J > irtio- Iat Dennis anti Itlchard L When ueartni the finish om J forged in the front mini vrnu bv a head Ubnrto socond Hosetto third lltnc 183- Uutual pools paid I1U05 The third event was a handicap swoii ntnkos of tJO each one tulle andtbrenolkcblho The bettIng won U to 1 each aealust Juan JUoiiktlns and Swift 6 to 1 airitlnst nlft 7 to 1 munch auialnst Uool and toe and Enlamn 10 to 1 against Leroy and 1Jto 1 a alnstKIUtf Clooit- Dn the straight Jim Dautitat took thin beau nut finished winner by four lengths Swift Beoind- linltma thud Titus 3 2i Uutuul jiools huh i4u3 Jim fottrth event was n dash of one mile for horses that hnd run nud nut won at title nieet- ini The betting wIts 3 to 5 ou Col Hiiraitue 1 to 1 ncnlnst lllct T to 1 nKnlnstCol Clark 8 to 1 against Uciislo and 10 to 1 ttunlnst Harefoot tAil tfraaut won by four longtime Col Clark eoconil Idea third limo 114 Mutual pools patti I7S3 Thu fifth event was a fine handicap xtooplo- ohnao over till regular ci > tir t IIIIISP J40 Tho betting was 1 to 6 ou juoloc C to u lutnlust Jim MeOowan and 6 to 1 airalnwt Tllfmd fjuimiuru won bv flilii IniiutliB Jim MoCiiiwiin hojond Time 6ll Mutual tools pitld tlia Tho sixth event nits One tiiilo for tiuntlnmen riders welter we I if 111 overweight allnnndI- UIHH 250 The butting was 6 lo 5 on VI Clark 7 to in on Ecuador anil 10 tu 1 nuninat- Mnrdaunt rite start was pr oi Kcund ir Iwlnic out lengths behind < l lilittk bud olT with Mordaunt second nud Ltiiiador laat AL LImo juarter Jlordttunt went to tilt float and held It- o the limit miln when Cut CKII A uijnt to the front and iii ld It to tIme lltiisli un luiujtha- ihrnd of Mnrdnunt second > uador third limn 151 Mutual pools ptltl tllijj ifritieKtTiu Titnr RIlXTh An Extra Pall BfewllHir In Jerome Perk JKilclnB In 2iiEluntl TInt rvwdiiurtureot tim Arrnnlcau Jcckoy Club In holding nn extra lull mootlm will doultless bo sucoosrful If the firma October weather coiUinutB With thin horses now on their way Irma tlm WashiiiEton races nddoil to tlmmmso itt Jtroinu 1ark nnd pro i octle uuer- rlllas fiom Brighton tho Qultli of incoiB should be laruo euoULli nud tim iiunllty good unouc- ho furnish tbo best of sport Tiio niustint111- jotIn on Tuosdtty and continue on Thursday Saturday anti election day Thin prociannnn for ant dty will Include lout rnrcn on tim tint and a teaplochaue or hutdle race Thu opun log events nlll be n dash of threequarters of a mile for till ago a handicap Bwrtirjlnkps one mile another handicap sweepstake otto utile aud n qitnrtor a telling lube ono ratio and nncsixtoiMith ant a liunilitap Htocplochnsu over tIme full COMM Thus nddid monoy will amount to flyfto for tIme llrnt day mind about an 0iu ily lilmral uvnraco lor in e others In KiiKland the Nnwmnriet Ilmiclitnti mnct leg will ilntorwit rucniioHrs Ilji QiinbridK- sliitd to bo run Tuoadny with attract the i tcu- ators but the Critom lint on Monday nnil tIme Den burst Ilate on Tuoadny will be watched mmeclosal by turfmon Thoy arms tIm llnal Important twoearold stakes of th sermon and boys a bearing the posKlblo winner of next years Derby Tins Crltnrlon la at three qtiarteroof a mile and thus Dewhurat 1latn nt- sovenulKlithsof mile tray 1isimtt Mopbls to Bt lljrlau DevIl to lay benton Sunrise arid other fleet anti strong youngsters are tn the evonts Columbia College Crrnva iliac on the Ilnrlvm The boating teen of Columbia College took advnntnge ot tIme tine wontlier ytater li > for A rare lie tneen etr itth eights Tliere wera four eutrlen S3 K7 and 88 TIe LI ewe lucre not dim idol imy names hut were pIcked here sat then and at time loch mo nent sev- eral ¬ inea Mho wen expecud to row tunti to appear and their places taut to be tilled from the oarmncn who came to look on Tie crews were aa follou 3lluuw raranne m mlno 2 real mellcnl n llould tia- nilnei 4 Harris 87 aril a ScOur 87 inlneO Lawrence BO lartelt 7 Simnudl ti7 inlncs itrukc- Mecklcham Sarl loxewaln Villa Virile W art IMltow Ftnilli 87 liawu 2 > Jrn rJ HO iKlnen J- R< hn lrr 87 arlfl 4 lli hiU t V7 irlKl S li >rklti- KStlnilifDUVitrJ MTliruj7 DI nul i 5 UU I ujkI- N ioiiur 8S i linllltll cn ivilM MTrcM I t FS fur 7iiis Iul eii W7 ivntij 2 11 ler tT uilnti Jane ui ny ni hut ice 4 liomu H7itl i ut i rnrli Vt torte 0 UarrniMiOirta T lirt rt mill otrolie LHK k wool H7 tn ill LOX4tnlu itinlntr i nt Prism Srt Bow ollemler SH mine 2 lirlfii xs larl d- I rmpM > eC lau 4 IJmi cL Hs miiief A f > rtltt- r lurid b i Ilihma M7 Itim 7 ItrrkKltll S- 7iniie alrodf Itice A7 CaiillMi cease iii Ualker- t 7 uiluiec- Sir I T loodMln wa rlm en refuft FIle coure wan one mile up Urn riierfnmi Uulikiiti aeuuc nde- f ntniimif sIt at the toll hriu e at I Shut street omit LltrU- llarnnr it 4I U itun omucils wer plftred 1n the water A Ih i root lonk heIr JilHi e toil inilled away down tin rlrir tilt colleen tell wtnl aiifrt m tliu aartteaaa of each rrrt A rlrnm Utincli ciurlej the referee aid a cinwd uf nnd tut i lo the itftrliitK point In thediav fur IHIinu H4 not I MS J 07 3 uuilKH cnuutllltt trout tho > ew iiirk side At the word RO iW umk the lesul no1 wi mint lumiuiud lto the miami At H l oinbi Ham Kridrc tlHwK tlrrt 54 n dolt nimbi H7 tnu or- tlirre Icuirltia brhlnd and > J filaltilr nntuf Ihe rica 1h flultu mu iu llui anuio order lvery one though- tS tlie winuiiiK craw fl n tailed In brtti form thnnjllie oilier crew I lit IHJ eirvke sctined to liar 119 ftrc lu It Tint wai 101 Itiken Still who pulled lout In 84 who MI nrareotna hr lile- effurt hat Jim ILK the boat ironed the tile he fell Aortas hid onrlna faint It wa i tiy inoajcntar licwevcr sod be was re dy to cheer vvjiwii r 4e miami coma RrlckCon Ke nek Ilncea Time attendance at BrIghton Beach yesterday was borer Tile firet race wnH forapnrse of SIX aeltlnir- allowflncep 4ae niP and n furlfltig olgtil slattera- 1oolaKiack Sack 553 rater l 10 OolUd Ji Jim None fo Held SJi Alii n uon by a leugtb and a tell in 2uih I1 JLni tine stcnnd Clack Jack Hunt Slit timntepsmlt1SO place t27O Jim Nine pat ellen heeond Kace riuee simm selilnfrallowMieee inie null and a fimrinzltt aeTen itartera roolf Taxirathererfno- lllhfililu ISO Illckor Jim HO Klohba fJi iumee Cr ticM f3l IiQjioma showed the WAV to the half mimlue lube when ninnrv Jlvi lie veteran brvan tn close elm fluid flnnllr he Him by built a Ungtlt in tQ Kluhb- aront > UmiiFlha tlilrd Mutual paid 5u4 JO lilao- ifltW tInhmba pill fJO- Th rd 1 are riiri roo of whIch C100 tn etcnnd- llAiinlis unite lieatf iciest vterlere looiiimpsy 97n- I aranit I i5it heuttik hum Hill aUlai 8li told Ji- tlrlc Itrac cnpturid tnc fret heal by n neck In 1 It V Turel iououud Ilililibro thIrd time eecoinl beat ital won I Ir Mollly ulton hi tun Ifntfths In l4Ti Tiller arpiKul Iarninf tutu the tOil Ill VnNJ H lronfnon- U heat SOul ICS li > heIr a leiuith In I I mm4 iirir a HIM ponl MulutlK pad 571 10 plnce JT Uric a Hrac path IS dii lu UM run ctf Mull UalUm paid till imcr8e till Iniirlli Rare 1erse f2T1 lOT maidens of elI ave e tea furloiiirst twehe ntaleri l ilIC lit Rcljin- SIOO iMriifl t7 aellllan C Pmma Mlkttt 4H- Itnia till flallUlttt nil hr lair a Irimtll lu I 3JU- llarnet KCIHI Thrrca third Muluals paid 52 vaj- jplecilli Uametrald uao The luit rice wit poitpoped on account of hue dark- ness The Cricket Seueo- nTiftytwa r zssr flrstolovon matches have been played I ly tha cricket clubs of New York total llrookljrn tills seainn btildei the two matches lIen York ajalnit tlie lentlenienof Faflan I alit teW York aEalnn PUIIa- AalptUa Oct of U ally mo the ltateo titanS Clob- plareil 11 via S bUM 4 dra l3 The VlanhalMu Club plaint snot iS Ion 1 drill The M lcurjelflubp- lnreiM troll Moll I The Sm critIc Club a Haw or- Kaniulto i nith headquarter In eiitral laO played S won I lest 4 The at raattonils f Urooklya playads watt LI tilt 1 drown I rho New York tillS lost J alt lliej Payet Tht rover I Xitnartnf Phew tiurt playad- i MI n I loll a and the llrnikl u ZInarl loll 5 The Mftten Island stir nd ltteh played II won ft heel I isO Ike Jo n tore wiin V out of 4 II f > in the prifeiilunsl fog ths Manhattan Club kenill III Ills beth III balllnr auil nwlllie Ills baltllil serrate tr lute riot u m far aiiiilnii with a Ulal film feer of 3iH runs male Tola Athletic Cnolrslt NEW HAVEN Oct 24The fall meeting of the Tale Athletic Aisnclatlon woe held tuulcy al tbs Val Odd The winners ward The loojinUfliiliSBlrrel OT time lOTjeeooad- Cirxe 57 threw Hie hatnnur WI I fell Ui incuts tad put the abut 33 feet e lucusi TtiohlllelilcicloriffKlil fa lime 112 Unit uillerau llradiina to lime 7uuu Hit I IJO aril buiillu reabrulir 89 time IbV Hiinnln breed Iuiiuipt 11 uddinitou bit 1M ft 51 Uiclies- Kiiiinliiv hIgh lmuunulmlonllm H5feit S> Inchei- lowerloir Yule e rei rd t5 Juili TheSWyarlidalll II LnJdlnjften b7 lime 24iS- e4 ond- illir I J0 ante utiiitthuutmV Sutmi Un u 57s itcoiuli- la I the tufofwar bitMt ii Maud A3 05 fulled et- iVlllKlltl fonlliilll Aotra- rihi TM KlrersW niMl Ihil tr wet ruth d- ifeili Li tie II S 1 liiiti of Ncmn mirt > I > titerho l In > t iNtral iurk lu in aiMojntlou tame Ii ft ur gele tt none lime avail wre Hckoa 11 l utter lJ Qarndr amid Ewiibeaby Kilerei Mr Johnion Jo yumsei lart pesmer4sy the hirooblya 11111 Cmtl titular tii Atoejiran ItUjitip nmuie iuyiui C he gaiu- oilh mumtere IililOir 41 rurtvmsro lureal mmli rump 11014cr tmachet duuwii 01CC tiiitO four p111051 sau- diiriullmu 11th luuiCiu it tuiwtu Iii cell uiToiiC lIne Ipuite htammtbt Vvr tmrtlr 11111 DaIc uailsa1pid too ieeet miii tall mu smrorr 0 lii luirhieuj ml diusmo- ouul 150 tmP4 lie soil Ills poSit SeetcMr itu4i humus out lit tuII UANLAN GETS A JUCKhG- an Tint on orHIM HOAT 4N1 TKKMKR- ttJAS 3JIIC 1IIHKK1HLK HACK rae vnmratton Isle IIVe a Itchy those kta nefoot IVrmrr tnr Lexilii Abrud When tko Ah4rit Oecnrral Juiaur- Tltov Oct 24Tiuie ntlemoon tin great nliilloscull rice for tlio championship amid a htuko of 2000 was rowed off Pltmnuni Islnnd south of tlilncltv lnitvmemi luI ward iiiitilan of Toronto rind Jobrj 1 omer of HcKotsport ls- Thetis was n Ihofiiut fronhot In the rlvttr tImId limo wesL shore tho most iluslinblo euurao wan FolocUil bt Toonior who won limo tots Ileforo- llio nioii loitod hum poiltloiis lliinlin wumum I 110 Ititni ito itt oddiiof lu lol but c huii tin pi mi tlnim core annoumed ftoiural omi lots hub miido tinnitrh Hnntan still hind a slight emil Al hue tart Itanlan took time water llrit and at 10U yards from the start led by twit fisit- roomar by a nrodlelous effort throw nlniii Ma before another 100 yards wits cotuiHil and to the surprIse of tho crowd challtinupd niul immissed tile champion At the halfmllo Point 1oumot had a lend of two boat IciiiitlH uid- baoniuil to be rowing steady and pat log ttoko At the tiirntnu buoy Toomuiut with foul lon lhj- nhond and nuotlng his buoy In good style made a beautiful turn strtlKhtenlng for homo nt least five loinMhi ahead of tho Ctna linn ecullar When Ilanlan roiuhoil UU atnkiloat one of his sculls buoama ontitiiKlrd In llio rope nttached to the rimy nnd In endnavorltu to loosen It ho tlppiul out and had to be aUtod Into n rowboat anchnrud nnar by Tonninr contlniisd on his way hnmi and when opposite alnieo thninuof pooplo a im long from thn Hnlnh stopped tobilthe lila man with vatordlppnd fiom the river whim hIs rlitt land Ho llnl hcd lolsuroHIn 2111 1 halt Ian reintorod liUsholl and pnddlud down tn hia boat liouso being jcnrod nt all the way bin cried like nn Infant when approachpil by- a Hun roporliir mind sxld but for thourfonu rate circumstance nt tho turning Imoy ha would havo boon victorious Ho donlnroii time accident an ho put It for tald ho Ilmimy nlll- sav 1 nm a Courtney Tcemertf boat liouso only forty feat mityxy from ilnnlann WitS thn scions of unusual ox- cltninout Tnainnr vita abliI on for nspuuch- nnd from time roof of bis boat liouso thankod ho naaflinblavu and said ho tried hard to wIn time raco arid would In futtiro m ikn livery oltuirt to win any ricn In wtilnli his entered It In- istlniatcd thnt 7 OOU changed linndx Tnomer- Doltnxcs tho unllKlon nl lliOHtnkolioit wt nn- nccldunt tout many of tile spectators tire of Ihe oplIm lout t Hint it Wits I lutuntional ou ilutnI ills hart Uitnlau snys his accIdent was causod by the strone currunt nrco iiis UKtt ciunnrn- Tkry llnil the Cheek to Work u llrltlah- tiuvat lit thn lIufTumtl house llMrroum harry rubtir n bunco stocier thou to bo in ptrtncishlp with Kid Miller nn eminent mart In limo business until the Kid pnlrad off with Oharloy Norton Then Foster bnuim working with Huch tarry u very good artist at bunco null until vnry recently the two have been doing well Their trotisors hno been tnijKous their hats now anti tlmlr dlninonds- na line as arty tlmt sic fltishod around the fashionable whlskoy shops lint yestcrda the two OUHK men looked sad they bad bnon dis- appointed ¬ In n very promising enterprise und thIs Is how It all camo about William Liudo wealthy mlddloaeod Erg llshmitn loft London to travel for itium health and landed nt tho Hoffman Honsn six weeks- lisa uftui having first boon to Australia Im tom nnil Garry saw him cooted hlH English sovereIgn and the cordiality with which Foster spoke to him and shook his hand on Friday afternoon Biirpnsfd tuid grntlllod Mr Mndovery much Mi Llndo nil not yet know the bunco etoerf Mr Foster was charmed und so sorry tltmtt Mr Lludn should not recog nizo him lint Mr Foster was determlnoi not to let that prevent him from upturning the courtislussbuwn him by Mr Llmlo In London lie could rover forget the lianuy hours spent on the London Stock Ezchnnge with Llndo nnd Ills frlHiids and they must go amid have n drink During tbfl drink Vontnr mentioned that ho was Smith Ji of the ble linMou dry goods firm of SmIth be laud just conic ever on the Etruiria with Emma Nevada and tmmn charm Inif llttto creature had given him two beantKul books Mr Liudo must have one of thosit books and thuy must mnet again to discuss n Yankeo entnrpriBa out of which Limio was to make a lob of tnoaoy They mot yBtrday inornina in the TTolTrana Houou corridor nt 11 oclock lint In blatravals Mr Ltndo had learned that some uteri wore bad and ho unljosoiuod btmsair to Abe Jacobs the short and stout dutecllvo of the Hoffman House Without havmxanyof that bIrds sluaplncss Tncubs huts all tutu ovlu ella ring Ho he ulnkiid his eye when Smith Jr was described muttered Harry Fester and anxiously inuulrcd for Hueh harry Jacobs was in limo bitcneronnil ynstorrlny whim hmltli Jr enmo Into tlio Hoffman lions barroom and hotmlUid wimon Hueh was Intro- duced ¬ to Llndo 03 cay brother who wants to go in wlttm no- Jlr Llndo nemnd pleased to meet the other Smith and mid thy munt alow him to Intro ducu ills friend Jncotyi Jacobs appeared with wrath In botli yos aud a short black club in him right baud In language that would ba- underload nurwhtiro in Now Yoi k ha told the partners that thoy wore not yet fly nnough to work the Hoffman Douse anIwbmt Smith Jr asked how lie dared Insult them iMforo tnxlr friend Llndo Jacobs lilt both of them with the lIttle club und rapidly throw them out IllllcllnthUc lllci le Contest BOSTON Oct 114A novel feature Inbicydlnv was a hill climbing contetl this afternoon al Cerry HiU- Brooklloe There Uai been notcatefUie klo4lu2Ccw England for two year Tlien there were ten smarten of whom Sari Irmj tin itor rider WM the arty one wh rode t i In top Tte teiifUi t tba a cnt ut Carry HID U2SOO fed and the avaraie crud one feet la 141 Ca the 1141 trIO feet the rIle I ii one toot jn 7 83 THam were awe creole to dnr one for trlcrclo said the other for all llylee af blcyee sell ouipetltor Is liaveona trial pump stud not allowed to step and tlien slant drama Flyniff eterti wtre altuwnS llirve prle war oUered- for biryrU Slut two nor lricleaT- tia rider atarted flnfflr at IntermIt of nra ar ten minute Tliere were eiergn OMte Ut > ftiuoti let c > cle > nud Larch on blrjrclev Tfie rood wttujn excellent cvmlHlaa and tlw feel was apcoinptlvtiel with toiniiatm tIre ca by each of time etsitari The > pe4 of time wt difficult portlunH of the aieent wae ae sot aiahriek walk smut eieu the tncycln cUuitied aiou aa taaily aa could a inaii yvlth A stat lane The prize winner Ward- m54crlesW W Slept Smote MtaU tlnw S Bile 24 IiIlsc C K Whltlln ljnn Cnliunnlex S- Wm a Uai radon Cjqhmrflium tttuysl Mall scui 115 I J llllnui Uorcbtlter iguailraatX- co OtdOJbdt Crocker neirton Victor 4Sl 191- 6Clcll TraShing ti Rufohk iam- kPtnnaoxunu Oat 24The fall trotting meeting M BnBulk Park aloaed U day Tbatiaokwas in good couilltton The lummariei are I 5 ClusSsrilu II 1 11 1 Monlton S tSj Cheater 4 H 1 rrank a 6 lu Iulu S 4 41 raulitan 7 Ot Buck f 77 TlineJ 3J IIJ2 2 3IV- t lu Ilainnir Butuin 111 WTK 3 t 3 Time h24tJ7h4 222- Ilie two ilecldinr louts In the HnrnUhed 3 30 delI race rriteriUr ware won Vr Pilot May lloaliy aaoo- TJILO a3 Velure 7ebmoIl pmKnnirD Oct 21The Tnfts College elaraa ptayeA ibeAialient alevenat Ambarat today La ISc Iotrcothehets feothsll cut At time bmighsniag- of 0 commd half Tulle priutesled the gain on a d- CtllOll Cf smr roth the refer It sore etermding2l 10 0 I ttlf seer Tb gem wlit I rptyedT- me Wiimmilil diTch defesled the tdaisetUettl losS tot of laclmuiugs tvell 1 ttabeLI it WULtaauaIOwD- to miay by a ecmr ut 11 to 6 SPORTING Nona tart cututaa ot one mile EaiflUb llyl liM be pre- pared ¬ at klieepihoid Bay The Kingi Cnuntr Wheelmrn have arcenfed fer a Inn red e la Coney imIsad l an oteuttlout day Mr frank Workt reiing truing mare Stella bas shown gruel epwed on the track and road The rnioo familiars will mi through a Ung contra of training bifore thti striie tic froU laurel m time Ei l- tnlHM W N Crawford inS Ed Hither liaTatronetn KrvtucXy to Old a plot for fhullas lo winter lu Jsy4ijelsee it- atlll la Cleveland John knlflnn Ihe fnjtlib pufllt tatter known as the HI tonnerMe on bli 0a t hull cull ill ry lo make- S maUli with Iadily Itynu or Onniinli t MiCaffray Mr Ualdwlns Stud Mr Acmes face horsed are now oa their way luUallfuruia > lr lUicrfiu urLutconbitfiilneul- of Bfi Ilireabead re > Lhe >l tituuiuu ltd Iuu ufco Mr Felmoiita at Slats wmtl be tlie eleifenlh Dotty winner till ounlel Into America uiuned the tint win lierof tie Derby waJ lajuuitiJ b > CuL iluuuitl uf- glnla > If 111 I7K- OImr nKCilmnn of this city and nm niierrcro of Sun yraucuoo the loi g ilwtanoc riiintr ITC niatrhtd lo run Iwetty nillei ou Jfiaukifiviug Ds j at boa IfaucUbO tom a Slake of MO here Campbell the chaniiloa of ftreron inJ Jasmine Itlley a multi pug mmmcl are mail Net tn Ivht with email gluvpe lx bUon prime ring ruled for IIUA a bide ut I iurC scud Oritfen in three wevai William VuHoon and Joe SCion era mMrnel to nrretla at faltlaie temb lhiUd l lim beat week ill I lmjo a eWe ne gait cellar itu I clbuw uie fall catch aa- cutetLcan and the tImid full tu be tueied for The Diidjle ittlgbl yagilmet Wvuut tttark af ton Inn Ear land wlio sub bu 1 on tIe t Ity of bearer I le a wel must inca St ttitra all I li S toil tI l iticbei lit Inul ill ainl S tid lie scm cii lu ceoditlun I ICJ uuuu mote Ilr will iu lulo training aaeoon aaaeullableiilnce ran I be funndfur him anil Mill ti clialtstugs suit I erraitr hielliiartltUs with Jock lieni4iiy cr any otbtr middle weight la tliU ceututmll7 James McLavgalln heads lh hat af wlnnlnc Jockeys en far thlf > ear lie tot won SJrti ei alIt of JTI inoilntli A MiCATIIijr railiee utxl with TS eta lif ael Luv incur tilled wliuieie nUt of 311 VVetllrri 37 out u- ltw nod fete Moriihy r6uutot baum Nu otlierout ot tie 11 paciial uSerS has muuMed Ill winners Ma- U ijuIlmm ridiii veto liglit act At Niwhiugtoa bsj- e 1111014 evalcs at Itch ugiiula I

V THE PAGES PLAYERS 5 Cadeeite iIcrD...cusKlni They are Ilkn time hooks limo than tnrdH iinil to keep In Cilia iturlnr the revolu-tion which were callud the Hooks of Itlond They era

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Page 1: V THE PAGES PLAYERS 5 Cadeeite iIcrD...cusKlni They are Ilkn time hooks limo than tnrdH iinil to keep In Cilia iturlnr the revolu-tion which were callud the Hooks of Itlond They era

r k n sri I> 5H i V > w



5 win tm innin 1W4T nrxavaa-LI niir nn-


II spa rAlei FCVrte to hn Hrtleele-In Ike MtiItTkr Queer let ufltooka hatMitld lii Ki j IiiiiiiiMajaae nl the Coining1letIi Ci New LejIlitflre-

Lct11tt1u1 Oct 22The echoes of theshoiiU ut IOOB cuatrymen hove reached theNorth und allI tho nation limB hrul a cllmpeo otflit iloturf iuocntua is the farmoreoldlor IIsmaking tlirnuuh VltvlnU Homo Idoa cf theexcltomunt nttuiulinc politics hero Is trainedfrom tim worts off tho nttondnnce of Indies onhoriu bnok and nt the mnotlnus wherever Qen

Ii hits ioiio atiii front thn nntonlMilncnowsthat for tim first limo In the history of theCouth tho solid Hack vole U about to bo di-


Dili yotuuonc la Now York State whodos not Know tho Virulnla pooplo or-

who bua not boon hero durlnc n poUtIcnl cAintialtfu can piopcrly estimate thedtuiiuo of tlio excitement undur whichtho work ot olodlonoonrur Is carried ouTim ku > nole of the Bltuntion Is this ThatJohn H Vlsrt In Ktxjnklosot tho troublo botwouu the vrhltea and colored peoplo In Diitt-

vlllo oikllud that a niuwsacro which all VirginUns know deMtrxes no such nnmo that InConuru he und Mahoue lime boeu the politi-cal


nlllos aud fflouds uf Julia Sherman Jnuioa0 llliilno awl thu otUurs who are constantiratorsuf the bloody shirt and that Mahone-la tho tilatform Iha drew up for tliu Ileiiublloanpony lu VIrulula cbaractorUod tbo Uouiocrib thnt In to iithe laudownors taxpayersbuxlnrss nion doctors preachtra law em andwhit mon rinornlly as tnurdoroni ballotbox-

tulTir and n °nHnlns Ttifire you lime thelluatloti Innnuuliell TLiu light at Iho pollsnud ilurlnu Utu campaicn Ia whothnr tbo puuplo-ot VlrKinla subscribe to ttto nplthets or not

Tha bloody shirt wan for years consideredhere tn be OUR of this thlucs nuro 3nrr to tho-uccuss it not thu oxisluiicHuf iiNoithurn lie

put lloan and tbn wnvltiu of It was endnred ns-carpotbrtlf rule and othnr products of the warwere mainly lu Modnatuiud Blluncu Hut Urnmitiiory of tin war In time row fnltilur andfainter the vnrpathauitern dlsapimnrod tilltrea4 and poverty vuntHhcd iMfnre tim marchof onturprlce end Uio uxoiciao of thi lit undloyalty to the hag wh re tim poinilatloti Is-

Aniorlcan to a fur eit nter extent than In theNorth became tar more hearty and cuiioralthan bofor tim nar Plum and title WIIA > cursego Ihn eight of the bloody shirt bconmo pain-ful


nil so it Is today 1 tin men of the Smitham hmiKry for thu InMntimnit of Northnrn-capllnl Iin tile Ji inliiliiuI Iicttoim und In Itb du-voo ment of agriculture and mvnuftctuioDThnt want the title of Juropran ImmlciHtlonturned in their illreitlon nUo and thoy longnco paw that tho ru liius of tboin titan whokont aloof from the war WliuIi It rnucd but whoWant to iluvho it now that It Is over wern hurtini ttiotn tin thplr nniknts bv MiUrfMireHi tilitiLI

them In tlio crnt of the world nt large Uonsn-nucntlv tlmt Virginian lIK linr hU nfnnloil atliuiuo Wilt ullioi hlniolf with llaluo Shuttua-ui Co us Mahono has iloun

It is not a inre miisttoiit ot politicsI It IB nquestion of justlco ot Vlruiulnii lfiruf irvation that in bilupine thu nnrunt Indian lu thoOld Dominion out on hnrsitbnck to ride andehfur for len Lei and that iIa Icnxint tn Ml-AViua email itudlancus toinnoHedof tiproes

Fur thx fist timo In ttitf history uf Inu SUUeach pnrtjs uuiMtn Ht wholly nnnitcd fronttho othur In thn putt joint mu tlliis oro-alwiiysti hold nnd tliu joint duhitta of thu can II-

tt datvs in nhlcli cacti nrjued with tho otlior-boforo tho cronds worn famous and intureatinu-cpecticluat That is douH away with nowWitero the oUKBtlon bnfore thn VOTCr3 IK as towliitlicr Ihu decent ouii of the Mutu diii rot-obooallod murderers 01 not joint rinbucjcould not bn timpor ilely curried on Tho candl lat8 for Unernor nliteut meet on thusamoplatform this Unto

Tug Suss nipnrtor tnw In the little xlllncaof Vtlievlll 517 whit rann on horseback tn-

thn touring rain Iroltme liehlml Le ant allthn ladltti of Lint whiLe liouquliiilds chfovInKthem front tbn windows and balconlas whllo ina little room in town 125 nezmwa anti ton ortwelve white meu Ustnni toMahouus IliaDFrank rl Ulalr Y > thn wan called n doubtfulcounty lu politics It Is not doubtful nowTlirt IB a oampln of the scenes every day nilthrough tliu rjtati It Is Intelligence end rosiiontttoliitv arrayed aicainst ietnuraaca and

I unnratltlon-Malionii wns n Democrat until a llttln whim

tt o nnd ho mtH John Ifrvind so woro thn H-opubllntns K iu rally Mithone and Viie wutubuilt disappointed olllo teulcuiB and llioylutttInt Democrat on tl at account What areknown as thu original lti publlctn theHonveseB llalloy Calhihsn Uczendorf Wickhum tit 0 Luwlce mid John Atnblur Smithhitvi till been thrown ovtirbnnrd by tlio Ma-honeltaf becauaa they would not eiro Mahouuo enila or Btoip to his Iniqnlllis Tho-ar nil suprmrtlm FilKhntli Lta Tor Uovarnor-

Mahouo sits like a upldor In hU web ut homein Iulcrfahitri lltlitir un umlemround UuhLlila hnusn lhC his uolltlcjl orkxhop lila wileand rtauuhtur are In Hitropo and so whim hisdorks am urnpptui Uitters amid inillir i ireuI-UIH down hUira ha U ion MUK Miiiora In tile

l parlor likli hum with thii voices of polltlclnns from Inybreuk till lonirnftpr niiilnluhtTin billlttrd tooni lookn likn tliH mailing room

t ot a ncwbiiapirnxl il ll liiunt lialosof circu-lars


anti bti8 of pilntdl matter ol v ory rinrtI are hnunnd tti on th floor nnd Ill In rU tabln-

IfI t cioei ilonil ut Milund accomnllco in politi-calt trlckirv calls Ito Is lOut with lav-ish


hoipitnllty Tbai urn no bett rook8 inVirginia amlid thprn is no llnor winu cfllnr thinIIih mnconinianiii lImit thn chief oD icti of Inturtst are his uriutu books Fowhnvoavoi-rieuiiil bctneen tlicir co ore but thuoo iiohave speak of them lu vhlspers an of thlnuK-Eiipornntunil anti dntiii Otis to ba faiit ilia-cusKlni They are Ilkn time hooks limo thantnrdH iinil to keep In Cilia iturlnr the revolu-tion which were callud the Hooks of ItlondThey era snppcwod to contain the nnmusof-rmiirlr nil tlm voters IIn Virginia not intro y inlieu limit with bio rnphliitl notns showin lhupolitical record of rivli titan his family nut

oclal connection tile pncuniart worth relig-ious Iwllff nfl it he hna any his criminalrecord Malione dlroita certain rlrcittarnand prlvatu letters to bit lent to tho addn > s a-

ho irets from those books with nrKUinnrit toBull what ho deenn lImo tempnntmnnt ant In-olinntion of th recipient lie has ftrirnninntson all iIdos of all the Isiitioi of the campaignand is for oue thing to one set of votorn timid forthn contrary thing to another That IIH liceBomn mnrvHlloiis honks tharn fan bn no tioubtfor hlu lluulonnnts hoiibl of iheirexisttinca Itis not BO certain that thoy aro an complete mindpeculiar us is Bald but It would not do to nx-

Drc s n doubt ot that tic r for limit liepuhlcansand Democrats have filth in limo full stoiy

The word went around pilult ly hid t wne-kfllitthat Milmoimo lout tlon up tim for Wiatm

for Governor unit that VVfau too lied Incomeconvinced of the hopiiluasuabs ot uirivlnir forelect lout limit mill tried to poobtOiti IIlin up-rlnlriL fir Lou ut ilrflt and noatt timmy fniislit itwith ridlcuU but It was of no nra tMuiroveiLee gnus the tmoplo aro wild with untlnislasm-llntlro nelKlibrirhoortH nm emptied of men nndthe women tuna slnsularly cneruntlo womenwho aro paid to tiMe kpt thsir sons ant hitsbnnda In llio war bug nftor thom muu liullet il U-

oticlit to bo onird are tattling with the eamorent and mini nut y fur VirclnlaI and her pDlitlI t I

cal eavior Joo now an thai did fut Virginiaand tIe tnnfgiUracr Ihen-

Itiit Mnhouels far front giving lip tlio flditAll ha over really rxred for iIi what he Mi-

llaflin rotnni to thu Uuitod SLuU8 SUUII-Hrrhlch can only ba uoi by UieI stact I rim of u He-Tiuhllcan Lcclslntiirp It Is churailinstlo ottile moaning to oiiunly utve up the llulit for thehead of ttio ticket liii has tent out nn ucknnwluJuii In such av ar as to make thinI> inncrniH cortHln It la u nutiio on tnirpoaa tnblind them and ho hopes they wilt continueto rally around Lou burrahloe and rldliuabout fnnvtful In their ontliUBlnsui ot tbudanger time tneal cninlldatns for the Ligisiaturn are in In the mean time hu sits at hometaklmrln Northetn moner with one liand antiputting II out with the oilier writing letters

inlllnar clrr tilars and working away with acool hend mind a hrcwd attuning mind such as-no othrr Vlrelnlnn In politics tea boast of

Tile olectlon Is tacit Important and as far ae-VirutnliiB last fntnrfiBta irn inn ilfinnnila anLBOH uncross than on thu success of the Ui-mntrnry in the Lfelslfttura Not only IIs aUnllitd HIatus Bcnittnr to IM clinnJii lint theminor ofHc s all Uiroucli tlie that die tabfllleil Unhonu dlclsted Ut his LoEislnturri tImeelection of tIme present Jiidtfis of time Court of-Aiteahe four ytars ago mnl time least that cartba suU of thorn is that most of them lire nutfit to hold Huth uluocs Tlmy buy ojht yearsyet to eerie Jim Stem nnmod time menwho were to be County Judge IBthenlnotrnlne onuntlnaof the RIMe 11mm batthorn In Hlchmond polnllni his bony linear nlname after name and ordering Ihn JurlcesI-

xntnd Mon mluht urge what they pleaaar-iaiiilnst Isle nominees that they wera drunkkrl I thnt they nern tble n that they werelllltnrntn all went for nniisht That bonynntnr pointed still to the nnniei and that tin-

T Idling vole cliii arderetl them lectart Thecxlslature now tobo eected will elect both tin

Cinint y and time Ciicult Judeaii the iatte-Judgwm being new ruputublo compet tvut men

J Tccl or Two Drink n r iv York Wklskeyie u uetv Iliiveu M-

Pollcmnnn Ku ono JloCarthy found James>lnKiu car lupMlur ul tie New Turk aud hew lUvin-Killrtad it New tionl iuitp In the glitter In Wellp t rUt n I lila ilht Ire1 i ojlre nan I iUD tin withaliw if tip elms mlI whea McKeon stoid tii he-

sirnii 4 HI pilit insnsnxe ititI blaekcnid his eyei-tli n waiailifituLokaiwhenI i be Cit to the Chure-harcteaiinI 4ld Illlu mini Mujrlhy was vary tlreil-at Ii ut l I smmm iId clii UlivTiUikron

flu I aft I f r I tioe imornan tsm the Tonibi yeUrji j t IK i n ilir itii IIP t114 ii u townaia vliueiif lnr i alli in rl llaiitlinafilleiilntnlhiliaiilottI lli t lialtieeiidiu julaiil l iubllf ell kUnieoy

I ti i ill ii o I ie Oliliur It only firiIt1 iI lain n Uuitlnli of chit r tie woud uuthO sifl hi sitt If be i4 150 Ibu cib mute i uuc Ourin held ii-



Tk Aged JKaUeaaan Raknkaa its Heambltrca Appeal lo Sccllonnl Prrjndlee-

JJ rrnillu flatlty tie rdllor of Me tllco oMcrtwI received your note About making an Ad-


In tho course ot tho pending election Iwish I could do so but ago and 111 health put-t out ot ray rowerI find It necessary to avoid all aisomMlo I

illondoJ otto antI It was followed by seriousnjury-

I fool a deop Internet In tho rendlnc electionns I fear there ore designs that threaten seriousevil to our country The elections this yearore State olegtlons but attempts nro mndo to calliiibllo attention from Stato allah and to re-

kIndle tho passions ot our country which wereso violent during tho war botwren tha NorthantI the South SInce Its conclusion and time

estoratlon ot more cordial relationships therehas been growing confidence In tho pormafence of our Union Intercourse has Increasedrndo nnd commerce have grown up to a vastextent On numerous occasions particularlywhon meetings hmo ooeurrnd between thocollIers ot tho North and Bouth tho friendlyeollncs dlstilayed have done much to removehe passions anti prejildlcea but suddenly thetopubllcnn party aro aroused to efforts to re-


tho passions ot sectional prejudice andlint and this la done by men who hold jiroiubent positions as citizens and officials

Senator Sherman of Ohio who stands In theront ranks ol the Republican party was sooated ns a man anti a leader to monk an ad-


In which wits sot forth the position oltutu organization Tho first word expressedthe prejudices and hates which wcroso hurtfuldurIng tbo late war nod which all patrioticmen hoped wore dying out To do no InjusUlceto tho sinker and to show In his own Ian

mmtgo his Durnose to arouse hoirlblo feelingletweun tho ortb and the South I extract aparagraph

Ituiiiylu unkind but It Is natural for us to recallwhit Hint anine nun mil nt Lincoln DraittI and theTar nIlI the nholillmi of ilavery Within thirty earsmm the inpulilkaii party nas a bnclv aholltlonarty lliti oln wa an1ape Urant was n butcheraiiil the Union nuldlers were MLincoln hireiinir lh-var was tile eutn ot all rrlmes tat tliesa iiuntf men tinw-se k tit hldu tier oppoiltluit to the wai itt Our abuseof lltKnln ftiiiI true by fulsome entry und rali4 Aparty that within ala yenrsnf Itntirritnizitton overthrewlie potvrrln ditinlnant llemocratld party nnd for

went four yeari afterward conducted the operationsof A great Unwrnmvnt In Kaee auil In war with Ucl-meucea m to a itt tlio mtiport nil Hciule Jinc eviii of-

tmuenilti cmi fairly claim tit be wi thy of the cotfldencu and support of Ithe 1rcat b id if tIe people

Title may be thin natural language of thosewho follow thin lead of 11 r bhertnnn hut I donot boltato It explains tho foollnes uf timeAtuarlcan poopln Tho woids amy not in accordwith thn ltiiKuaee of Lincoln or the dyincwords Qrunt ThoSnnator who utternd thenbon paiaun pli U iiromlnnnt as n candidatefor tint rrosidontlalomcp Otto It be that theAinrilcnn nuojiltt urn wlllliii lu plitce In ticchair of ieorkn Wimhlnetou one ituiinutud byb uhi tirmi mmilom alit pasBlotm

i> iu tniH umcttou is nn election uoiuntm toglvm thu pnoplo ot Olell btatn of time Uliinn allopportunllyI I to nut tlu thn Imtti rests of their lo-


an vnll as to uluct HOIII oIllctulH of llioUnion tutU it bucomvan duty to nis juiUuKint-uiiin Ihn ability and ildtlity wllh which otchcttttd I ditto Mould liullorin tint dillix1 I off rums Htatint which lift suets Tliu IJoiuocmllo purty Intime State itiei uainest iu the HiiiiiHitt of thonethe lino soluutoil ns time rUmlnid IfaicrsMoat nfI them h ivi limit nxperiiifij IIn Itho tumllions fur which they art numed Thuy liavogal nod honorable inpulatious uud ulllI r cnlte-nnthusitistlQ huppoit tit tins cow I utk mmiwcm IonMy fiitnillHrlty nllli Ithe nlTitlrs off tim o Mulotumbles mo to nay that they ciin better eeret-ini nenpliiitf Koa York than tlirmn who seekpnrly ponorby appnale to pmslon und preju-dice


I pnriuistly liona that this whole Utiin-ocratlctlolet wIll bnelactid I biilinMi that toyIUlllI I and hln aseochatue willI etiUo to uuholil timelitinor mint InlurosU of Nav York and not eenk-tu uroiiit part y strllu Iiy nnponln to prejudiceand suullonal liatrud Hf i titiilly yours

Uriua Ott 23 HUBAIIO aiVMOLU

ftEsThTItqG THE lAirIXemovlnsl naMallpetx lilant TTnaler Dlfl-

lcultl I MoelrenL-MoNTnlmAri Oct 4The first casa before

time newly constituted health Court was triedtoday and a man war fined 10 mind costs fornrclKctingtn report a case ol sinnllpox In hisamlly This morning the asnistatit medicallioalth nflloar aecnmpanied by a squid of canl-tnry polloe went to a houso In St Martin toforcibly rmuuove a cull sufftirine from small ¬

pox Time parents dnflud the ofllciaJs andcalled In thu assistance of the noUhbors Po-


reitiforcomonts were procurua but the beslczod household trite too strone for the policeand they wcro forced to retire Fun orally willbo arrested at midnight by a strone foroa ofarms pnllivi unit tho child will be removed totime hospital

TItle altum noon the health ofllclnls went toromovo n child from n houo In tit Jamas-Mran Tho fattier ri lHtn l dii a knlfn andnltuiiiptud to htuh thi tin ilth oIfler but wasovorpowerttd rum child vrd thiii rfinoxod-

Thn rittirns it time llinlth Olflro todny showthat thuii mini thii tyfour tenths fiori fniHllpox lu thisi oILy ytmleiilriy two In Cotnnu hi-

1riiti to iin Hio Oum ii egoim mum two iin ht ilonrl1

lind IMII In Stt 1lonli Itnttfitt villlIgmsA number of cases nrn njporfd from Ln

Prairie In ono ftmily cilia ttismmmn html dloilund lour oihotx hMti icfl takin with the dis-ease


Omit of this puplU of St Ixiurllt Coilespabout covert niika Ironi the city has dlod andanother has been titkun frlcU Thx prlust whoboa c urge of tho mit Inn turned ths tin pil Is nilout ltliout their brealtast with thn Intuntlon-of HiMidlrc thorn to a Fciol In TorontoTuriityUvoof I ito pupils nlll lca > o touiuhtlu-cliarjo of thu priest for that city

VAIIIV CitY link Oct 2Th rumor ofsmallpox In tho tunity of Urn Iluek tenmites bouth of TOHUI Uily hus llumen conflrmodTime uinmlnur sijrt hu found In Duck nudtwo of hor elm idrun u mmmii let aicmttml y sick vtlth timedisease Htops will lQtnken nt orcn to preventtim imirmial of the rontntlon-

BpmMviltD Mass Oct t4A cnae of nm-lUrnant smallpox wee dlBcoverml In Ward 8 Inthis fily tonicht In the pfrnon of n yonn-iFrcuchCanadian who canin Irota Monti oatfour dijH nco He nlll probably tie Manypersons luio linnn o powd to the dangers ofthis dluaasuby contact with this ulforar

qtj4tTJIffl1r AXO IOKT-

Fltllnar Honor IlcitoorJ tgon G XTilahtllBton Ikllela Ule Kenevolcnt Mrea-

rPintADEiruiA Jet 24 This afternoon aaimmittoo eouiDOsed of K R Macintoshtjecrntary and Trcisursr and Charles OnIonwell Haaond VlceIrvslilent ot tbo Interna-tional


Typographical Union and JettiesWelsh 1rcallont and Jacob Chaser Finsnclal-Sacrctnrr of riillndelphU Uuiou Ko 3 togetherwith a large delegation of pri liters called uponMr Qno W Ohllds mind presented to him n handcomely framed sot of resolutions possnd by theCijnvaiiilnn of them IntelmUiuiii TypourupbkalUnion whlih met In New York on Juno 1

lllio reAolntlniiuare printed on whitn satin inpilipla Ink The work Is priiiounccil to bu oneof time most perfect spnciuiuus off thn typogrnplilciil art extant Tho rrsultitlons coumyto Mr Ohllrta time high appreciation ot thetypngraphlcul frntvrnlty for his kimlnnssand-phllanthropla work and elect him an honorarymmnber lie being this oul > peruou la theUnlMirt Stat so honorod

Mr Mnclntouh dolhorad tie testimonial in aneat speech anti Mr Challis in accepting Itexpressad tils gratitude and kind whites forthe craft which hail honored him so highlyAfter thin vresentatlen the dalecntlnn was enterlnlnod at a banquet at which ColM Itlcbarda-Mucklr mule a anecelt reviewing this life antiPbllnnthroplo works of Mr Ohllds whIch hetraced back for nearly a quarter of a century

fHUF aiKOXKH IN THIS KKV BournYke Colored Lswywa rali ulk Carolina Coaa

lag lo Zew Aurk to LectureCOLUMBUS S 0 Oct 21Piof D A

Btroker the wellknown colored lawyer andeducater of this city ties received a tatter froma number ol prominent Pamocrta and Jteoub-llcans of New York city Inviting him to repealIn tbat city bU Uctur on Time Now outbwhich attracted much attention recently InDetroit lloaton and other Northern cities Theletter tieltfufd by Algernon B Hnllhan Coro-ner M J 11i ileisanier time Item Slephan Jlerrlttthe Itev tr unmeant Crnh Uapt Alexaailert-Jjacon

iiHunry Uargb W B iJarrlck Coraullus

Van Colt 1L H Van Allvn Illchniil T Greencad Itmors It Is utnl rstncd to ba thwmauUfaatatlon nf a desire to Introduce into the campalf In New Yerk views which will anlacenlKetime bloody shirt utlotnicrs of bhurmanHoar and Kornkar Irof HtroUsr hits nrcnntedmime Invitation med will lay for New York onMonday to fulfil It

Krceiilfcn In Arekdvatcnn FnrrarMrs P A Llndley gave a reception to Arch ¬

deacon Karrar at her residence tn Ihtioe Kirr yammer

djy Tbs hnun wai decorated with fltiweri wiiiioit-ftuoie preeeal wart tbister 4 Arlaur thauncsy Ulie ew ornellui anilerbiit Mr and Ure mi rum WKindMr apiS Mre iia > xl Jidigyl Kleld the lIar Hr-IIlitany cud the Rat Mr iieriee A tpaclal uala-bruuKht tIm gmmmIirnbICto w Ipik

for Nuft rlloleue1 BI utike PuerThe OeraoeratliJ n naral Corosnltlneofn-


Cviiutr ace uonitiiaied UfUhain Meaidew orMil erlnteadent of tha foor Pr mite mecca lull aomloLieu liaruiaaiMS tits factions la Muiihfl14


ir VURIZAXIMKI1 ii ra ua JtN Wa wnoour URANT IFAHUS DKlQHlIt-

Threiilenlnc Eipe nr lied Tnciinc In tk-

Onlllr ini Aeklas mke Immrenl to Jttfiind-Calllna nn the Omul Monument Commit

tee itud Cknlrtsmn Arthur to Ne lo It-

W 8 Warner who Is accused of attemptfng to defraud the Marino National Bank byconspiracy with Ferdinand Vard a director ofthe bank was arraigned for tho second timejoforo United States Commissioner Shieldsyesterday attcrnoon A messenger was tent toDistrict Attorney Jlartlno to got the checksdrawn by Ferdinand Ward upon which theprosecution depends to make out It case

Mr Warner who sat with BrotherinlawWork smiled whan It waa apparent that time

checks were not In court CommltslonerShleldlooked around far tin big ledger of the MarinoRank with Individual deposits from O to 55

Deluding the nrhttn account of FerdinandWard It could not be found nail an adjourn-ment


was taken while CommUslonor Shieldsbustled around searching for It Mr Shieldstoll George S Spencer etcashlor of GrantWard that ha bolltnodho hail It but Mr Spen-


assured him that ha hadnt Finally tholedger wits unearthed In tho District Attor ¬

neys officeAbout the time It was found William N run

coy of Mr Marlines office arrived with the ninechecks lie Bald that jury ham boon obtainedIn Wards case anti that time trial couldnt BO-

on until he brought bark the chocks so beurged the lawyers lo hurry through with thorn

Mr Spencer was called to testify to the sig-


which ha said was In the handwrltlugof Ferdinand Wart The checks yare put luldeneo BB exhibits

TIn chocks wore nil signed by FerdinandWard mind seven of them wore payable to War-ner


nnd endorsed by him The oilier worepayable to Ward hlmsolt and worn drawn onhn First National Hank anti deposited In theMarino Uank unnof them for ThUOO datedMar 5 18b4 was drawn when Waul had nn bal-ance


lit ttin tint National to moot It and wasused to mnkun false balance In bin favor at theMarine hank Against tills Ink balance weredrawn u 71000 chock In Warners favor datedthe same day anti an 81000 check In Warnersfavor diiluil May1 The amount of the lleoIlier eiuekn to Wurnnr order drawn on thellarluu Bank in 11811700

No other evidence being at hand yestermtythis oxuinlnallon was postponed till tomorrowlit I 1 Id

In tue Star District Attorney Dorsboltnora-ncwpimpor appeared yostwrdny thla udltorlal-aitlclo

GIVE HACK Trm MOSKYIn veilrdavii war wo paid thnt flinty nf tliono Into

White tattle IUM money nt trait t Vsrt wont werek ion mitt that ult would 1m known lo day wu mi-ytlnl ail air Uioitn unit that irirj cent vt lhes accmsrd protlts cull hi trnitd

Let It iiUobuktirmn that their ran all he recovered byimrfal oflnw lh law of Iew Virit ursttde anieans-j > it hich they can Ite tuLijit from Ihofe who hao themIt la fur limo e ho halo theism consider well uliatlamar tty U

lift tti K > staIn that there vrrrn no prott or any Klitd-mitiK lit tile Oral nt itrnnt A tVmrt 1 mien were em rumtrartt th < re w ero no tiiet tilntloni Ultra moore nn Hitler

rlftfi t ttio few uiutert iltnic mt Ihe nrlnritjeltnI lot-li liniH nn sums itul my them ti fel lull pvrnoiK In

tonic IltntftUCM HI liui iv tit tie iVf of nine hunilrvijper mum year waret tamt out of dIeolltt lot t catnil if cimim > lit nn 5 kind I lie flcpnltorp core cit tiernnetcpnt or iruHt > We will hut inWrttn lhI tfnflt Wailwill tie fill iii If tiltS loch iii to cuimujel l ti emit tO illiiSprite rie tetime oftlie tic cnnnvt lbe 4jU

lint th9 lnno rnt hnnli ml Kind tn hai a tic pointedout lo them fur uuiluln tlio wrong la whlclt thtvlia-ntinlulnirl

atlen nlicttur lhr rlll not hr Injured tij-

rv tliuilini Tie him is alrealr reeultot tot cit III

none lute putt it rick II IUnnlv tltrfe wicked galitn w-

aek lo litvn rcvtonrt lluruwillbe noiiutitlon atxtutlit litioul ill Tile exisr t uniouitt of RO caf eJ rollli con-j coiuiiuted lo a tarlltin lLot curth man ketp n nlr

rem urn for lit ure ol ItU money and give but It tie resttic thould not vriBti tu keei It itt wai ninotent f

nronir unt flnilliiiriinw limv great ti o wrnni ii In whlcblie tilt tUiled lie tliuuld lehilled wllh joy at tbalug all to-

anili IttI e mini itilt lbs ctw wItI Tot b compelleil to Rpettk

nrtin but U will fpeak aroma tent acatn 1C reatltuilun itredlPed-

rimt an honor to tlilHcltr If lie hanker tnt mnerchant nnt treat corpinntlnn who bay till motley IntheirCDlTera nhould tflvelt tiackl It wilt Situ lie way me

ISO to nhoni U belotifi und miit mililler n loSe luartwile hrokeu bj lIe grief of nronii whoee the wa4-clunjtil by the lliadumi that It teat will though tn hUgrIn win again tin piece In Umpiupl 4t art lie linedLn ha e-

Ton who wl H to build a monument on the Rlar M-e to U that the money unit back A nmnament-

Buuit eland not en rock alit Ittnuit Itund on litllillcVirtue on b people conpeluiic and a natluna inoralaThere can tie no nmnnincut on any other foundationtitan ttil e rli ueh built oC Iorphjr ant ileuzntd bv-

Anireln hlmlelf nnlM It re ln on trim cut honor itn lit e a it inbol or amman coil not A ttencou ttt renown

See to It fiiitlytnen yftt multi ilunier A Arthnr-llanilinic at your head tint Did mune > II lent tacktire tan tie no monument tn leum limit limit lucrewhere he was ireg1cl d wn to Khante a id death untiimba wronir Ili rltfhttd sri jti iice done

1 I mean ovary word In tho article aald Jfr-Uorstiolmer rstvrduy I hio thus namesand shrill continue to lot the iuillty knnw that1 am in possession of tlicni II they do tintinnlto lettliutlnu lo time Grunt fnmlly I willcxixiba thorn I will oni Dollhom to gIve backtbolr nicksJ gains by litmus of law

How soon ulll you dUuItu this nitnosI cannot say If thus husltatu ory soon

pnrhnt1-o thelftit clause of tutu artlclnmoan that

thcro are gmitlty once nruonu th Grant tnonumint fund committee 1

I h ivo not compared my list of names withttnsum run them conirultteebiit I holievu that thnro-ar1 mcitnbert of thnt as oolatoti who ivan pn-

cajMl In thin wroii and nro now In vo i8tlon-fipoll 1 luipa hester A Arthur its Irosl

limit of tbon < Oiatloii wit tee on mr attic andI huts tItus press will itAhim mo Ihe nowtpaparts If tummY will run bn u tiower In ferretingout ill wicked Bpuculatore


1te Tomb Court I Tninmnnv Tkla Felt anuSlle H IKnifl Stow rut Jeerr llHrilanD

Pat Dlvvor the Tamraany candidate forAlderman In the Second district and TommyUaher the candidate for AiBumbly wereanchored for tho afternoon yosterday In theTombs Court A big lonsHhoreman from Frontstreet caught the candidates on their canvassIn the morning and brought theta along withhim to time Tombs to get out his son who hadbeen locked up over a week In default of a 700bond for ralslne a row in a saloon lit Frontstreet The Court said U would not lot thoyoung man co and the candidates looked atone another with blanched facts The fatherg-rmiw sail

I tiKViir before naked a faror of politicianthe fathnr tuiid bursly Itll do no harm togive me mr boy

Tim fattier was despatched to brlnz CoronerKPonaity to give a bond for tite young manThe Court said it would not take the Coronersbond II waia public official and could notact ns liondBtnan Somebody jiuggoeted thattlivy ask Dick Knaba a wealthy Gorman ofUeotre atTest to give the 17 <W bond end he didit very Blllliuly fend the uunu man wiis letKO This went on dnrlne the whole sitting ofthis court Anmntarof people who said theyhad frlunda locked np besoucht Divver andhatter to get titan out The candidates rotout seven tirUor tr only and thus had beanarrntuil for trivial offonces liafnm leavingMr Divvrr buIld to a reporter of THE HUN

All tills is wholly distasteful to me butyonu got tn do It down In this district oryoull boo many vote Walsh anJOIisirdo Itansi tvhiv nhouMnt I I would not accept thenoiiilnuiifui of Alderman at all If It were notfor time fact I but I was heat out of It last titushythi mattruRs house vote If you vwra tolook up Fatty Walsh and his friends anti myselfanti my friends In two rooms until alter elec-tion


antI let a fair square election be had Inthe Second district you ueuld find all the de-

cunt respectable neoplu voting my ticket at thepolls and only ilia thieves blfihblndari andcutthroats votlnit Walshs

The two Justices sitting In time Tombs thisfall are from Tammany Hall and Fatty Walshor Jerry Hartifan stsnd no tort of show withthem One ofFattys upporters got out apoor roan by dint of pure cheek yeBterdar butthe Court did not know that be was for WaliD

Weinberger Muilcnl fleShLudwig Weinberger of 145 Btanton treat

absrf with aalUnf Honor lash Buiidiy waa arraifewd-fer trial ysstarday Policeman llo su said bta hail found

felt usa in laa ashen allUiik M a UMe on vhlak wiseboltie Ha saw iii gtuus

ld you lick up Ihe bottle t Lawyer Friend sitedM I Oi i tliv policeman replied pro4ucliiir a larife co-

liV011 tier it hirlsnil yane the bottle to Mr Wliiberirer who

to rued a icritv on In Mpni Then he itood trie Ihem iion time liik The molar uf wheels before time Ceuri trotIll illiiuee of the roam Stilt strains afOiliiilln Up-

Ih uomden ainlrs tail out uf taa boltla4 lilwlUiWclmmlrmer WI dmictmrmced

Oroat Mcmurlul huedProf H T Greener has reauested tho pres-



of a number ef tie inemberi of the Kiecytlre andQentral roiuinltteei at a ipeclal meeting to be held altim afire of the fiunl on Tueiday afterneoa of nailweek It Ili propoinl tn a < npl loin plan to iiinke a ca-mviii of tIme prado i ml dlWrnlit liranfhel of buiintli-farueliuih titus anJ Bra > ten I ei I ii cciii molt a ap-

aointnl lii iiiet it timid Juice dueLled la pill a hireIICru citf It at mlii a root ilk llrrarl Uvmsn t o Ifia-

ulicrlilloni jnitnlu ere at ° Arthur wDillon Cliiii ilir HinJU eiooniliiilale < ito Uraul101st u3uTt4

ArhIflCiel almur Ilesisre CouikUe

Wholesalel and retail grocer of title andlielf bi Inn cltUs In ths Mete have orisiilail a Orocxn-

froterllv Asioclatlon with lieadnuarters at 54 Wlill

till sirest In Ill VielasU rcnsSlM tea rehaimiMoirujel L iud of the

laws goriiioC the > ale of oaiimari< rins Tte diodethe boa pievMf 4 in uieinUr wllli big rubber eiautpa-w lu 4mlthuhi Itlitaf on them wilt nulia I auiast-ubicautaiumcoltouiuraariiia

iws TIIRORI or xrotcuox-0n atenaeet Cadeeite ajnelktoM ky the

VlrcUlat HynaW-

LLTNorrnuno Vft Oct 24In the VirginiaSyaod last night the complaint ot the Ilev 6 Flamsey atalnst limo Abinedon rroebytery was

decided The first specification was that theresbytory hid done complainant personalwrong In condemning him without trial andon this point tho vote stood fOr sustaining thocomplaint 11 for not sustaining It HG On thecharge that the action ottha Presbytery In con-demning


Ramseys low that Dr Woodrowatheory ot evolution Is not contradictory otScriptures wes unnecessary and prejudicial tothe church tune members voted to sustain thecomplaint throe to sustain It In parts and 187not to sustain It at all Thus liamsoy was deeated on all points

Groat Interest was manifested tn the pro-ceedings


of the Synod by all denominations ofChristians tile doctrine ot evolution neverhaving been accepted or preached In tItle Statebefore The whole session has been taken upwith this trial Itamsey alter his defeatarose and tn a voiCe trembling with emotionannounced that but two courses of procedureseamed open to him first to renounce theutlsdlctlon of the Southern Frnabrterlan-

tiurcb or eeeona to appeal to tho GeneralAssembly

CiumimTON B 0 Oat 24In the Presby ¬

terian Synod at Chester yesterday A lottor wassubmitted from Woodrow protesting utalnsti-ls removal from the Perkins professorship athe Thoolotficnl Hemlnary as unconstitutionalIt was referred to the Seminary Commutewho late at night submitted a majority andnimbi tty report the formerdlsapprovlngnf theaction nf the directors In removing Dr Woodrow This debate wits finished late last nightand the majority report In favor of Woodrowwas adopted

The dehnto In the Presbyterian Synod atChester on the Woodrow question was closedato last night by the adoption of the followingresolutions

UsvtmeO vhnt mba FImoul Aliapprnvathit action of theaction uf tIme unnnl ot Directors requesting tIme reilunalieu ot Irof tlimn Uoiidrow aa not lueurnd by theaction of controlling H > noils tier h > soy statement madeluy Prof Wnndrow previous to their action Carried bva vote of SI In SO

Ret ltA That the Synod disapprove nf the removal nf-r> Woodrow trout th prnfresorahlp as unconslllu-

UooaL Carried by a vote of 7U to OJ


He Run he Veiiilil Nay to kla Rrolkresl On-Hnd Hln No Muisii

BOSTON Oct 24 Nono of the opponentsot Parson Iownos attended the weekly prayermooting last evening There wera strangersenough pranout to crowd the vestry The pasbr suggested that the platform might bo usedforaaating room and several ot his followersgathornd around him there Mr Uotrnis thenmail pasDitges from tho suvontli chapter ofLuke bvlnnlni at limo twuntyfourth voraooath verse bo nu applicable to his ease Hudwelt In plnuntlon on time mom importantorfofl After llnlshlnK tile ruadluu of tileScriptures he remirLcd that If auj of his conirvKittlon hint slnnud hu uonlJ Kity to thornUo and ala no moru tint Qo und sin

moreIrayur and exhortation bolns next In order

hu mnmburs of dim church inlnud In prryui fortheir pastor n klnt that IoU mlcht civn hintEtiimuth lo Nlnuil up iindor the grunt trialswhich now seuin to lio wulunlnu him itonu Itwas several times necr snry for the pastor tokpiak a word of restraint to the more excltble who ware inclined to buiomo iloniiucll-toiv in tholr prat r4 niul exhortations In-closlnu the inrotlni Mi Downvs paul him want-ed it undnratnoil that he lid riot proposn to rn-ltn butt If HID nwiiorti ot thu church or those

who clitlin to own It viri alum to otuti thou iloornfor him to go out ho ehould go trusting inI h e Lord

lie cnutlnned hia followers to give no heed tortfpurtM whkhgo flvlnii about but tn patientlyawait the outcome of thu pendIng trial Ho tintSin said been able to sit quietly by nnd bearhimself slandered nnd lied about and hethought ho had como tn like It He had con IIlonco in Judge Allen believing that tin had aclear hound and he did riot fear the result


ALWclltodo Jeweller unit kla Bail Arreelcd-oei ia Aerlona Ckararr-

MILWAUKKB Oct 24A despatch fromilndlson siys that A II Van Cott and his sonCharles have been arrested on n chirgo ofIncline Emma Tluntlor tho fifteenyearolddaughter of Q W Iluutley a laadlnj businessman and prominent church member YoungVim Colt had ptuviously boon iirrestcti andlad given ball on a cbargu of botrayiut time

girl It Is assorted that later tho oldur Van3ott pnrsumlad the girl to go to Chicago untlura protniao that thor t ho would bo Hicrutlymarriott to tim boy Frank M Doran n relativeof the Huntoy family Tent to Chicago to flailthis girl hut it Is mtid sho wasso socuruly hiddenhat lIla mission Wits fniltlii It is nNo-fhaltfoil thai on Wmllmsduy Slits won rumoc tlfrom item Chicago hidiiiir titmice and that nil a-

cuunoi now be foundA II Van Oott is well known In Milwaukee

yhora linwau for Todd tho liiidmu juwellrrand owned a largo block at Etat Water mnli-

ftc iiidiu ctrtHtH bicral tiindB unilo inurehut Bundled from biirglHrd nnd assorted that tielund man nilibuil of 10 OUJ north nl d tmonils-Whon Hr Vnn Cult bit Inro h wont tim Jhi-puiro nnd fur voral IHIH did a i rum binI

uue until the irrpat lire nnallowfU uti thelurgttr tart of tile fortunn In IcISU he wnt toMadison where ho opnund a jcwolry loro andenplurtid must of the business of tint town Thetotally has lived in good stylo thom Thayoung man lo vary fond of auuatlo sports andhas spent n good dual of bin time saltIng on tilelakes The father bail mi tha chaijcu of uu-ductlnn was fixed at 1000 and tho eons bailatSSUU They will lime a prelimiaary exami-nation


on next Thursday

A LiscroHic IN fUR DA UK

The EalMtnlnanttuI Furatekeri lo tue Tenchera bjr dMriell P fservlae aTvelcrilux-

ChloUerinff Hall was as dark yaitordny af-


us ever It wit at midnight and yot Itwas crowded to the doors with an audlenco n-fu intolllifant and delighted persons ns over-came toxothor in the city Over the stageshone a great square of brilliant light andInto this and out of U again there constantlylashed a most peculiar and startling tot ot pic-


scenes of flashing comets ot fearfulconflagrations la the sky of bloodred uphoav-alsof flame from the sun and of exquisitelypretty vialet and orangecolored etars antimoons as softly beautiful ns colored lanternsIn the gardens of a mikado Each view as Itmail Its appearance Illustrated whatever topictime lecturer who thrilled lime hearers with hisdiscourse wee expatiating upon

Mr Uarrott I Burvlt6 Secretary of theAmerican AstronomicalHoclety was the lectur-er


his Bubjimt being The Wonders of the blurDepths lii is a slender young man wall aByronlc countenance who spooks with u clearenunciation n full soil voice situ most un ¬

common earnestness as If the startling discov-eries


mode with the ulescopu impienked himaa strongly today a they did when bis appe-tite


was Unit whetted for the pursuit of thatbranch ot knowledge Ills peculiarity ax alecturer lies also in the fact that being a jour-nalist


trained to bring out tn its full strengthwhatever tIs moat luwrefttlnrin tha topic hetreats his lectures are never lor an instanttiresome anti even technical knowledge Isput plotureiqnely

Ymttrdays lecture was before the TeachersAsaoolation of the city of Now York an orttanlration numbnrlng 2000 or 3000 teachers of thiscity and vicinity hut mainly from the publloschools of time metropolis They are very enterprlslnx in their own behalf and constantlyrefresh tbemselvos with entm tain menu byleadlnc lecturer sharing the cost stoningthemaelvna end the enjoyment with theiririeud whou they summon by invitation

run anDucizra NATTDVST OAUB

A Latkarar flornca An Ike lYe T from CMlaeflieS la thy Aaratr CIOO-

Mlllard E Beach a laborer of Cadlllan Michreceived a number of teller offsrlaic him bargain Incounterfeit iiieney lie cine an to this klty Init weekaud atoppwl al Ibe Vaafl rWll llelit In Forty secondllrttt The day chef he arrlrad e use whine ecu hedid not tong cast to Iii hotel suit aAld thai he repr-

stulsd Julio Aiulerson fts times who tat urillsn Ibslitters Ha took heart to tIe Kenwood llolel Dowcryand nayard street where he Introduced him to a menwith a satchel who said liwasjhn AnSerine Ihlire tout a car au4 aatmi up Im a aalxu lu a alretwhich fieaih duel nut remember Ihe coo with a-

aateli ardered luiuithlDf u drink smut tlieu mutt out alow Cl nets ant siteS Kiaoh lo cuiupars it with one he-kuew to lie guud Iteacil call lhe > were juit alike cudhe was told lied time cvuiitarfella Wet printed frum theUoisrinueiii ilatii IIl wee utfertd die > worth uiinein for < I6O orach eeld he imlr had tloo and pisceSibai amount oa ths table

The sea with tie umul ptrkeil It up and toll Mm In-wuull send flffu worth of nndlT tn till adareil atCa41IUc This other tuau this escoftad him he tie straitant laid rood nlht

Alter lltarh mind fut to Ins inlet he suipeclad thatsomething mlfht b wrong and weal to 1ullee Headquaitcrs lie ssv ay aaierlptloii of the man withinaalchel auuut nfl Vrldaynlilit Dttecllva UlNilKht ar0114 JaIls filler a m4dl af f d map an the Bower-

yrarurckud tutu put yesterday friint lU nun Ulllernail He ties a bartender at 31 Kuriylh Uriel lImit thathahad eaaersiemi Meaili kfare At tha iffsrapo Harbet i OUtS Haafh eonklat awar that Miller as reallyIbeman but Juillt e uKeilly tielil him for elawiaalw-utul 4tIJO Jesb wsa tailS 10 IW ii a WlttU



The In >m aed AMerlnaui seuelatlnn RaidIn heyr Oa rrench 4 TkreaeelTee Cklo sa-nefenteil aS Cincinnati Otkcr games

The notion of the Innffuo find AmericanAssociation In combining under a new nationalagreement In order to cat down salaries otbase ball players and also in refusing to givethe Eastern Leaaue protection under the nowagreement has not gIven entire satUfaotlonA careful canvass monn the ball players Inthis vicinity shows that many are inclined tomake a stand against the now rules Theyday that the managers through time coontry wilt soon find out that a mistakelas boon made by ousting the Unionassociations just at tho time when theyneeded their assistance to carry out the newrules By refusIng to rooonnlre the Easterntaamo they have left at least one place ofrefuge for the players There Is nothing toprevent the Eastern League clubs combiningA player said yesterday and offering the bestof the League stud American Association play-ers


more money than thesAoreanlratlnnsoanpity thnm under the new rules and thus turntho tables on theso organizations which barrelout the Eastern find Houthern Laaitnes to thatthe LOOKUO end American Association mightgather In all their Rood players

The members ot the Metropolitan and NewYork Clubs are not anxious to make an ovenfight at present It Is evident however thatwhen the proper time arrives they wilt speakIn thvlrownbubalr Homo of thorn said yester ¬

day that they had set their prices for nextyear and If thn mnnruinra diet not pay themthey could get lilacea aomnwbor else

Itwn am blnckllstod said one whatrood would It do either the Leaira or Ameri-can


Association 1 Wo can got all the work wawant lu other asROclatlonn and got moro momiyfor It than the two larger organlzatlonn willpay It In not thin name that makes a club huttile players and should the best players of theLeague refuse to play for the monoy offeredthorn and loin the Eastern LnafttiP the leaguecan do nothing If they are blacklisted It willbn only n nncntlnn of time when they wilt boreInstated an the League organIzations with ¬

out pliutirs would amount to nothinghutch umn ns Oltourke Dtmsley Qerhnrdt

anti other hluhprlcort players who have boongetting salarIes of 3000 or more must nextseason phty for 12000 mind If the mnnitcora neefit thfy taunt take hiss Theso arm time menwho will feel time reduction Site most strongly

Wo haves no olce in tIme inattrr they saynnil mtitit either take what Is offered UR 01 bo

buick llstud lint If It comes to the point wo-wllUro on time black list rather than suhmlt toUrn mitrnco which Is now being fnrc41 upon IIR-

Thu action of Manager liurniu of Ihu Itiltlmore Climb In slunltiK the tuo planis of theNntlnniil Club hefore time now Natlonitl ncrm-rniiit luiil bon adopted Mill do himI little Ko d-

llio Nation m uiui rs tay Ithat thn IHaitinidtxians will nothi mtblsm to pront limy their ac-tion


for in time first pines the min cnnnot hafield under these coiitmctH and then againthuy lmo ohnnuodtbuir minds about playIngIn liahlniorr

Nearly 2010 people wiuru prooomit itt tho WashIniTttin lark urounila llrookljn yvstordny toflume thin rnliirn cumes btituean time Jim onklyatmind Now York tmtmi the glInts schedtilnd forWpilnmdiy lit New York hnIni bonn prntluitled hr rain An necident to ltattklmcnrmc wirewho was tliuiTVii out of u wacon obllcnil htu-iI en liintu mimi to 1ortor ptuhnl itunln forIlrooltlyn iml Wnlch for New York Kelth r-

sldu llDldeil up to In mark tilts brooKlyn tditmeBluoclally iiluln loo o In that nispuct orrors-Khlnc th vIsitors all the runs they scoredJwobmruors by Mufollan nnd Hwartwood-earnod nnu run In time third InnlnuHtime othoi two bMne thin result of errofAt time colt of this sixth Innlnee it weeitUni dark hut th bovnth was commi nopd-axntundld douhlu they by Terry cutting off tileflint two mun llnn WnrJ made a sinule tiltwhich by llotnlfng8 haul error nnnhlud hIntto jet round home Then Connor was lilt bythe pitcher and n wild pitch citxt another runkitten btcimo too dark for further piav5P Manmi the game was cnlled back to thesixth Inning leaving the result a draw nt 3 to-t This came mclii bo playod off at WanhlngtonPark on Tuosdny when some ot the Drooklynplayers who have to leave town will be roPlaccd by Mutropolltitns This will ba the lastappearance of the Now York team on the fieldthis Boaeon

saw vets BIIOOKtTJfiiRPO A n StaPOiIC-uiuor


lat Ih 0 1 0 u 0 IMnVney 31 b o O I0 0 1

illlrspie I f u 0 0 0 1 VlrLlellan Ili 1 1421St-artwoodlbHlchardfnii cf ml 1 0 O O 2 s 0 o

heteibrookIh a I a 2 llolulutf c fo u o ll ICorcoran r f o o n In ni-

DrikileyMcTamy I f1 o o n 1

c l o li J o-

WeltliSmith a I u 1130Ir-nplil


p ll 1 Io 1 J-

Herliardtc 1 0 4 2 2

Mail l 4 3 1erryrf o 1 I uWartea l o u 2 0 Iortcr p 0 1 u 5 3

Total a 61814 5 Tetata3 u is 1110New tork 2000 I 012Brooklm u I I 1 o ilS

Earned rimft Vetr York Oj Brooklyn I Biturr or-

ruuroituv York liro iKlyti J liMdini erron > etv-

trkr I Brooklyn T filnuk mil New York ii BrookIyt

lIme gimo between ho St Louis Brownchampions of litI American Aismocint ion andtint ChicnuoB chnrotlons of thr Lwtsu whichwas plujfcil at InoiDiinti yesterday was limodo tri onn IIn Illio Penis bftvifon the twocitihs fur this championshipI of the writ I midItthiiltud lu un pnsy Mfttury for llioSt Ltuilateam It waa Claikiion tiny to pitch but hoappeared on tile grounds five minutes luteutnl dipt Alison otderml MoCoruiick whopitt bed justitday Into thoi buy Hut two Ii Its-were inaiie ofT JlifVirmlrk yeslnrd Tnilny-hu was hit fi r n total nf sixteen I mimsousim nnd tthlf-


time misurabo ii old I mig of time Ulitcigoi ile-pltiuil Iho canii Thu Chlcacos took n lind oftwo runs In tlio Irat Inuinuon hits by Mundny-nnd Kelly and nn error of liarUoy In thnthird limIng Wxlch male a thrrtebacxer antirrussad time iilutu tbromi lalrytnphemmi l poorilnlding liarklay und Comlskoy madahits anti Dnrklny scored while Comlskey wasforoeil out by Itobinson Uobinson stole sncondand mimi homo on u p ssud ball Time Bt LouisOtith won in the fnurlh Inning by hItting Mci-

eramm ck safely Ihn tiinas Toe fielding theLaaguo chainpiona in this inning wus thin worstFeet tier for sonin titan The result wns sixruns for thus BL Louis team only trro nf whichWmum U earned Jn thtm flfth iunlugUiu Chicagomain two unenrned runs butt thoy lund nodianne tnoverrnmo tho lead of th lronrHiiuntnaol tho gamut thuroaf ter was devoid of InterestThe last hull of the oichth Inning was riotplnicd on account of darkursn but it is countBii in limit score aa tIlt Ml LouIs dub haul tno-Bimo without playing their half Tho scaleH mil 0 O 4 1 2 I O JS-

ClilCifo ZU0020UU 4

line Mlist JmiiH u Chlcnio 0 errors StLout io chicaco IT

At the Polo grounds yesterday the Metropo-litans


dufnnturt limo Jaspers of Mnnlmttnn Oolloge In afilxiunliifLanie by this scoreUetroiiollla I a I 0 0 llrJ-urptr tl 0 i 1 I0 14-

At lllrlirnnood Te tr rdsy the RUlcewoods beatthe Sicily Club by 10107

Today the New York Club will play the RltollyClub at time lattnra cronnfls nn Ionir Islandsod the Metropolitans will play time lildjowood-ClubatUhluowood

The bane bill season onnod at Ilotiolcen yestnrdny In a game between th Jersey Jibesand Jluubokett Chubs Time Blues won by lii to11 Aftor tlio game both clubs dUbanclcd forthe season

f30000 m BKE JVJH-

llux omeo iteecIpi far tko Flrat ThreeWeek f her Am rtea tieaitM

lomb appeared at Wallaeks lust night forthe Sail lime uatll ibe returns en April lr tier tripthrough the West Her audiences liav beeu nearly thu

lain all Ihrouuh tier hire weeks performance roam

aeiednt thttee In Ilia city who nndentaml French andknow a mod thug whan thmy sa it Steamy prsonswant thin >urlit after uliut and paisid rackoilier In the corridors or met at Itelmoutuicclii they letS aa tkoifu they UlonrrJ tthe hum I icIly soil could haidly Sepfinin bnwliiic Mo manarer IIs ovar aatieiWJ asloairu-hh bnuae ha roiMU for inure slid e JUlrlc iran li notsattiHtd Hut Ihe follonlni ncttrea ahotThic the bums

office ncelpts which wire imuiihefl oelrr4ai wouldtake molt luen happy even If they dlil have I a pay foraetaruhKh prkel JiHIo l i Th Sell tilt teak nffour Iterfornl uicve pall S74J13S2 the follntrlnir leechpi4lll III M and Hi third ivkVmimlmCbmi acme tilereceipt far Illla west calm lo lto dialed up Orau uapeato tie much rKhtr than he in now

Jadlc tour will tat her anioar elba placea to HanKram lien and Uealco Kha will ploy at lilt Stir Ibeetre for three WeSi when ike returne aad will appear la-

the following pticea In which she has tieS jet hern-eeni Laflranta Dachae la Cells llrletie 115

rlchole Tla iartalvniie La Jtouaielle MLAOwiaiue end Lee hrtrtionnleri N By that tIme a-

new lennrand a new tiartloite will have importedby Mr Urauto support liar

Cr a eaonr Klale coralThe eleventh competition for the marks

win badge was sbet yesterday at Creedoit tolloarhag are the beet letal soiree i

O W loti Thirteenth HrflroerU 4t T It nreenlanl-Tnenlr third Keglnlunt 441 J M Mifcevln TUlrlttuih-Reglmint 41 MtiHutt Twelfth Iliglineut 44

A Key WalgkJa a read ed barterThis sttld a Canal street bsrJnare leer

chapi tapping Ills lisad prualvtly with an enormouaIron key that surfeited a rroii butwcen a erector and amonkey wretciu this nyc a fair Ides ci lii ffOiitJ-Uuti in ltwiiwmikhui Ills lstt lIlly Yliti it casetiiiul feur aim tui lielul lou of mba 14 Srlulswrtl Jamb hutemomid ho lime tit ilati bmirk ltsclug Snot I 11C5t-

5 ii eai I lie ili WI tOri dowl teSS Tiui C

tim it w hilt aim cc ii tilt TI boil f list trk-ucuil tequimesi eStotiiia 1pm c kimid Iluot tlioaOO lilachief a a poiicmnsm nil II holi 5 hey lit mlii liiOmega ay a ilaTO Ii Sw lii Sepia IhIt is-lilelloul wIth a ICY ill loch teuy hut you cm limit Ii yourimnstiet

I try wits tmhe inrhe html croci a ierllsmm monni ci-Us tetenmillle art in a poem set lall en com m-

lprui to wdjlu e tumid aimS e qosrtr Im tort5C if iusite ti cruel lie OuutOiitlut if a i ill hutiC mert-Ysjeu1 with pledge Iuemterp Ii ream hit uieieueI eu-fIli tstii emfelt IluIrcIuso I lhriuii I ii feulur ut 5 Cr1-1or tuwimetre Wliluui hut eacerrut ii Wimtu Sb 14 3ailwee dmuolialieml testis 011 yarn ogo


CoUflesiieILJhCJlmfluuime OpraisrB-rQvajbae staid tint Class Tf la-

WABtrtNcrroH Oat 24The Yrcnthcr witsline and the track good The first race waa forthe Iv y City Stakes one mile for twoyparoltte-Lho winner to be sold at auction for 13000 TImtotting was 7 to 5 against Klkwood 3 >< to tagainst Frank Ward 0 to 1 ajtaluat Hostile H-

and l to 1 each against Walt a White amid LIttleMinnie In the lower turn Jlotti U weut tothe front and won by n length 1ranlc WnrJsecond a neck ahead of Walt a Whllo Tune14514 Mutual pools raid I33CS Bought byowner for 11505

The second event was k dash of seven faironcn for horses beaten In lulllne races nt this

meeting the winner lo bo eold at auction Inc12 TOO The betting was 13 to 10 againit UuuenEsther R to 1 nsalnet John 0 iC to I suiUiiHtUberto 0 to 1 nKaln Mittla II 10 lo 1 ekcn-acalnat lto etts and HotneMmle 1J lo 1 ntnlnDarbura sad lit lo 1 each mgu trial Loid J > irtio-Iat Dennis anti Itlchard L When ueartni thefinish om J forged in the front mini vrnu bv ahead Ubnrto socond Hosetto third lltnc 183-Uutual pools paid I1U05

The third event was a handicap swoii ntnkosof tJO each one tulle andtbrenolkcblho ThebettIng won U to 1 each aealust Juan JUoiiktlnsand Swift 6 to 1 airitlnst nlft 7 to 1 munchauialnst Uool and toe and Enlamn 10 to 1

against Leroy and 1Jto 1 a alnstKIUtf Clooit-Dn the straight Jim Dautitat took thin beau nutfinished winner by four lengths Swift Beoind-linltma thud Titus 3 2i Uutuul jiools huhi4u3

Jim fottrth event was n dash of one mile forhorses that hnd run nud nut won at title nieet-ini The betting wIts 3 to 5 ou Col Hiiraitue 1to 1 ncnlnst lllct T to 1 nKnlnstCol Clark 8 to

1 against Uciislo and 10 to 1 ttunlnst HarefoottAil tfraaut won by four longtime Col Clarkeoconil Idea third limo 114 Mutual poolspatti I7S3

Thu fifth event was a fine handicap xtooplo-ohnao over till regular ci > tir t IIIIISP J40 Thobetting was 1 to 6 ou juoloc C to u lutnlust JimMeOowan and 6 to 1 airalnwt Tllfmd fjuimiuruwon bv flilii IniiutliB Jim MoCiiiwiin hojondTime 6ll Mutual tools pitld tliaTho sixth event nits One tiiilo for tiuntlnmenriders welter we I if 111 overweight allnnndI-UIHH 250 The butting was 6 lo 5 on VI

Clark 7 to in on Ecuador anil 10 tu 1 nuninat-Mnrdaunt rite start was pr oi Kcund ir Iwlnicout lengths behind < l lilittk bud olT with

Mordaunt second nud Ltiiiador laat AL LImo

juarter Jlordttunt went to tilt float and held It-o the limit miln when Cut CKII A uijnt to the

front and iii ld It to tIme lltiisli un luiujtha-ihrnd of Mnrdnunt second > uador thirdlimn 151 Mutual pools ptltl tllijj

ifritieKtTiu Titnr RIlXThAn Extra Pall BfewllHir In Jerome Perk

JKilclnB In 2iiEluntlTInt rvwdiiurtureot tim Arrnnlcau Jcckoy

Club In holding nn extra lull mootlm willdoultless bo sucoosrful If the firma Octoberweather coiUinutB With thin horses now ontheir way Irma tlm WashiiiEton races nddoil totlmmmso itt Jtroinu 1ark nnd pro i octle uuer-rlllas fiom Brighton tho Qultli of incoiB shouldbe laruo euoULli nud tim iiunllty good unouc-ho furnish tbo best of sport Tiio niustint111-jotIn on Tuosdtty and continue on ThursdaySaturday anti election day Thin prociannnnfor ant dty will Include lout rnrcn on tim tintand a teaplochaue or hutdle race Thu opunlog events nlll be n dash of threequarters of amile for till ago a handicap Bwrtirjlnkps onemile another handicap sweepstake otto utileaud n qitnrtor a telling lube ono ratio andnncsixtoiMith ant a liunilitap Htocplochnsuover tIme full COMM Thus nddid monoy willamount to flyfto for tIme llrnt day mind aboutan 0iu ily lilmral uvnraco lor in e others

In KiiKland the Nnwmnriet Ilmiclitnti mnctleg will ilntorwit rucniioHrs Ilji QiinbridK-sliitd to bo run Tuoadny with attract the i tcu-ators but the Critom lint on Monday nnil tImeDen burst Ilate on Tuoadny will be watchedmmeclosal by turfmon Thoy arms tIm llnalImportant twoearold stakes of th sermonand boys a bearing the posKlblo winner ofnext years Derby Tins Crltnrlon la at threeqtiarteroof a mile and thus Dewhurat 1latn nt-sovenulKlithsof mile tray 1isimtt Mopblsto Bt lljrlau DevIl to lay benton Sunrisearid other fleet anti strong youngsters are tnthe evonts

Columbia College Crrnva iliac on the IlnrlvmThe boating teen of Columbia College took

advnntnge ot tIme tine wontlier ytater li > for A rare lie

tneen etr itth eights Tliere wera four eutrlen S3K7 and 88 TIe LI ewe lucre not dim idol imy names hut

were pIcked here sat then and at time loch mo nent sev-


inea Mho wen expecud to row tunti to appearand their places taut to be tilled from the oarmncn whocame to look on Tie crews were aa follou 3lluuwraranne m mlno 2 real mellcnl n llould tia-nilnei 4 Harris 87 aril a ScOur 87 inlneO

Lawrence BO lartelt 7 Simnudl ti7 inlncs itrukc-Mecklcham Sarl loxewaln Villa Virile W artIMltow Ftnilli 87 liawu 2 > Jrn rJ HO iKlnen J-

R< hn lrr 87 arlfl 4 lli hiUt V7 irlKl S li>rklti-KStlnilifDUVitrJ MTliruj7 DI nul i 5 UU I ujkI-N ioiiur 8S ilinllltll cn ivilM MTrcMI t FS fur7iiis Iul eii W7 ivntij 2 11 ler tT uilnti Jane

ui ny ni hut ice 4 liomu H7itli ut i rnrli Vt torte0 UarrniMiOirta T lirt rt mill otrolie LHK kwool H7 tnill LOX4tnlu itinlntri nt Prism SrtBow ollemler SH mine 2 lirlfii xs larl d-

I rmpM > eC lau 4 IJmi cL Hs miiief A f> rtltt-r lurid b iIlihma M7 Itim 7 ItrrkKltll S-7iniie alrodf Itice A7 CaiillMi cease iii Ualker-t 7 uiluiec-

Sir I T loodMln wa rlm en refuft FIle coure wanone mile up Urn riierfnmi Uulikiiti aeuuc nde-f ntniimif sIt at the toll hriu e at I Shut street omit LltrU-llarnnr it 4 I U itun omucils wer plftred 1n the waterA Ih i root lonk heIr JilHi e toil inilled away downtin rlrir tilt colleen tell wtnl aiifrt m tliu aartteaaa ofeach rrrt A rlrnm Utincli ciurlej the referee aid acinwd uf nnd tut i lo the itftrliitK point In thediav furIHIinu H4 not I MS J 07 3 uuilKH cnuutllltttrout tho > ew iiirk side At the word RO iW umk thelesul no1 wi mint lumiuiudlto the miami At H l oinbiHam Kridrc tlHwK tlrrt 54 n dolt nimbi H7 tnu or-tlirre Icuirltia brhlnd and > J filaltilr nntuf Ihe rica1h flultu mu iu llui anuio order lvery one though-tS tlie winuiiiK craw fl n tailed In brtti form thnnjllieoilier crew I lit IHJ eirvke sctined to liar 119 ftrc luIt Tint wai 101 Itiken

Still who pulled lout In 84 who MI nrareotna hr lile-effurt hat Jim ILK the boat ironed the tile he fell Aortashid onrlna faint It wa i tiy inoajcntar licwevcrsod be was re dy to cheer vvjiwii r 4 e miami coma

RrlckCon Ke nek IlnceaTime attendance at BrIghton Beach yesterday

was borer Tile firet race wnH forapnrse of SIX aeltlnir-allowflncep 4ae niP and n furlfltig olgtil slattera-1oolaKiack Sack 553 rater l 10 OolUd Ji JimNone fo Held SJi Alii n uon by a leugtb and atell in 2uihI1 JLni tine stcnnd Clack Jack Hunt Slittimntepsmlt1SO place t27O Jim Nine pat ellen

heeond Kace riuee simm selilnfrallowMieee inie null

and a fimrinzltt aeTen itartera roolf Taxirathererfno-lllhfililu ISO Illckor Jim HO Klohba fJi iumeeCr ticM f3l IiQjioma showed the WAV to the halfmimlue lube when ninnrv Jlvi lie veteran brvan tn closeelm fluid flnnllr he Him by built a Ungtlt in tQ Kluhb-aront> UmiiFlha tlilrd Mutual paid 5u4 JO lilao-

ifltW tInhmba pill fJO-Th rd 1 are riiri roo of whIch C100 tn etcnnd-

llAiinlis unite lieatf iciest vterlere looiiimpsy 97n-

I aranitI i5it heuttik hum Hill aUlai 8li told Ji-tlrlc Itrac cnpturid tnc fret heal by n neck In 1 It VTurel iououud Ilililibro thIrd time eecoinl beat italwon IIr Mollly ulton hi tun Ifntfths In l4Ti TillerarpiKul Iarninf tutu the tOil Ill VnNJ H lronfnon-U heat SOul ICS li > heIr a leiuith In I Imm4 iirir a HIMponl MulutlK pad 571 10 plnce JT Uric a Hrac

path IS dii lu UM run ctf Mull UalUm paid tillimcr8e till

Iniirlli Rare 1erse f2T1 lOT maidens of elI avee tea furloiiirst twehe ntaleri l ilIC lit Rcljin-SIOO iMriifl t7 aellllan C Pmma Mlkttt 4H-

Itnia till flallUlttt nil hr lair a Irimtll lu I 3JU-llarnet KCIHI Thrrca third Muluals paid 52 vaj-jplecilli Uametrald uao

The luit rice wit poitpoped on account of hue dark-ness

The Cricket Seueo-nTiftytwa

r zssrflrstolovon matches have been

played Ily tha cricket clubs of New York total llrookljrntills seainn btildei the two matches lIen York ajalnittlie lentlenienof Faflan I alit teW York aEalnn PUIIa-

AalptUa Oct of U ally mo the ltateo titanS Clob-

plareil 11 via S bUM 4 dra l3 The VlanhalMu Clubplaint snot iS Ion 1 drill The M lcurjelflubp-lnreiM troll Moll I The Sm critIc Club a Haw or-

Kaniulto i nith headquarter In eiitral laO played Swon I lest 4 The at raattonils f Urooklya playadswatt LI tilt 1 drown I rho New York tillS lost J altlliej Payet Tht rover I Xitnartnf Phew tiurt playad-i MI n I loll a and the llrnikl u ZInarl loll 5

The Mftten Island stir nd ltteh played II won ft heelI isO Ike Jo n tore wiin V out of 4

II f > in the prifeiilunsl fog ths Manhattan Clubkenill III Ills beth III balllnr auil nwlllie Ills baltllilserrate tr lute riot u m far aiiiilnii with a Ulal filmfeer of 3iH runs male

Tola Athletic CnolrsltNEW HAVEN Oct 24The fall meeting of the

Tale Athletic Aisnclatlon woe held tuulcy al tbs ValOdd The winners ward

The loojinUfliiliSBlrrel OT time lOTjeeooad-Cirxe 57 threw Hie hatnnur WII fell Ui incuts tad

put the abut 33 feet e lucusiTtiohlllelilcicloriffKlil fa lime 112Unit uillerau llradiina to lime 7uuuHit IIJO aril buiillu reabrulir 89 time IbVHiinnln breed Iuiiuipt 11 uddinitou bit 1M ft51 Uiclies-Kiiiinliiv hIgh lmuunulmlonllm H5feit S > Inchei-

lowerloir Yule e rei rd t5 JuiliTheSWyarlidalll II LnJdlnjften b7 lime 24iS-

e4 ond-illirI J0 ante utiiitthuutmV Sutmi Un u 57s itcoiuli-laI the tufofwar bitMt ii Maud A3 05 fulled et-iVlllKlltl

fonlliilll Aotra-rihiTM KlrersW niMl Ihil tr wet ruth d-

ifeili Li tie II S 1 liiiti of Ncmn mirt > I > titerholIn


t iNtral iurk lu in aiMojntlou tame Ii ft ur gele ttnone lime avail wre Hckoa 11 l utter lJ Qarndr amid

Ewiibeaby Kilerei Mr JohnionJo yumsei lart pesmer4sy the hirooblya 11111 Cmtl

titular tii Atoejiran ItUjitip nmuie iuyiui C he gaiu-oilh mumtere IililOir 41 rurtvmsro lureal mmli rump

11014cr tmachet duuwii 01CC tiiitO four p111051 sau-diiriullmu 11th luuiCiu it tuiwtu Iii cell uiToiiC lIneIpuite htammtbt Vvr tmrtlr 11111 DaIc uailsa1pidtoo ieeet miii tall mu smrorr 0 lii luirhieuj ml diusmo-

ouul 150 tmP4 lie soil Ills poSit SeetcMr itu4ihumus out lit tuII



rae vnmratton Isle IIVe a Itchy thosekta nefoot IVrmrr tnr Lexilii AbrudWhen tko Ah4rit Oecnrral Juiaur-

Tltov Oct 24Tiuie ntlemoon tin greatnliilloscull rice for tlio championship amid ahtuko of 2000 was rowed off Pltmnuni Islnndsouth of tlilncltv lnitvmemi luI ward iiiitilan ofToronto rind Jobrj 1 omer of HcKotsport ls-Thetis was n Ihofiiut fronhot In the rlvttr tImIdlimo wesL shore tho most iluslinblo euurao wanFolocUil bt Toonior who won limo tots Ileforo-llio nioii loitod hum poiltloiis lliinlin wumum I110Ititni ito itt oddiiof lu lol but c huii tin pi mi

tlnim core annoumed ftoiural omi lots hubmiido tinnitrh Hnntan still hind a slight emil

Al hue tart Itanlan took time water llrit andat 10U yards from the start led by twit fisit-roomar by a nrodlelous effort throw nlniii Mabefore another 100 yards wits cotuiHil and tothe surprIse of tho crowd challtinupd niulimmissed tile champion At the halfmllo Point1oumot had a lend of two boat IciiiitlH uid-baoniuil to be rowing steady and pat log ttoko

At the tiirntnu buoy Toomuiut with foul lon lhj-nhond and nuotlng his buoy In good stylemade a beautiful turn strtlKhtenlng for homont least five loinMhi ahead of tho Ctna linnecullar When Ilanlan roiuhoil UU atnkiloatone of his sculls buoama ontitiiKlrd In llio ropenttached to the rimy nnd In endnavorltu toloosen It ho tlppiul out and had to be aUtodInto n rowboat anchnrud nnar by

Tonninr contlniisd on his way hnmi andwhen opposite alnieo thninuof pooplo a imlong from thn Hnlnh stopped tobilthe lila manwith vatordlppnd fiom the river whim hIs rlittland Ho llnl hcd lolsuroHIn 21111 haltIan reintorod liUsholl and pnddlud down tn hiaboat liouso being jcnrod nt all the way

bin cried like nn Infant when approachpil by-

a Hun roporliir mind sxld but for thourfonurate circumstance nt tho turning Imoy hawould havo boon victorious Ho donlnroii timeaccident an ho put It for tald ho Ilmimy nlll-sav 1 nm a Courtney

Tcemertf boat liouso only forty feat mityxyfrom ilnnlann WitS thn scions of unusual ox-cltninout Tnainnr vita abliI on for nspuuch-nnd from time roof of bis boat liouso thankodho naaflinblavu and said ho tried hard to wIntime raco arid would In futtiro m ikn livery oltuirtto win any ricn In wtilnli his entered It In-

istlniatcd thnt 7 OOU changed linndx Tnomer-Doltnxcs tho unllKlon nl lliOHtnkolioit wt nn-nccldunt tout many of tile spectators tire of IheoplIm lout tHint it Wits Ilutuntional ou ilutnI illshart Uitnlau snys his accIdent was causod bythe strone currunt

nrco iiis UKtt ciunnrn-Tkry llnil the Cheek to Work u llrltlah-

tiuvat lit thn lIufTumtl house llMrroumharry rubtir n bunco stocier thou to bo

in ptrtncishlp with Kid Miller nn eminentmart In limo business until the Kid pnlrad offwith Oharloy Norton Then Foster bnuimworking with Huch tarry u very good artistat bunco null until vnry recently the two havebeen doing well Their trotisors hno beentnijKous their hats now anti tlmlr dlninonds-na line as arty tlmt sic fltishod around thefashionable whlskoy shops lint yestcrda thetwo OUHK men looked sad they bad bnon dis-appointed


In n very promising enterprise undthIs Is how It all camo about

William Liudo wealthy mlddloaeod Ergllshmitn loft London to travel for itium healthand landed nt tho Hoffman Honsn six weeks-lisa uftui having first boon to Australia Imtom nnil Garry saw him cooted hlH EnglishsovereIgn and the cordiality with whichFoster spoke to him and shook his hand onFriday afternoon Biirpnsfd tuid grntlllod MrMndovery much Mi Llndo nil not yet knowthe bunco etoerf Mr Foster was charmedund so sorry tltmtt Mr Lludn should not recognizo him lint Mr Foster was determlnoi notto let that prevent him from upturning thecourtislussbuwn him by Mr Llmlo In Londonlie could rover forget the lianuy hours spent onthe London Stock Ezchnnge with Llndo nndIlls frlHiids and they must go amid have n drink

During tbfl drink Vontnr mentioned that howas Smith Ji of the ble linMou dry goodsfirm of SmIth be laud just conic ever on theEtruiria with Emma Nevada and tmmn charmInif llttto creature had given him twobeantKul books Mr Liudo must have one ofthosit books and thuy must mnet again todiscuss n Yankeo entnrpriBa out of whichLimio was to make a lob of tnoaoy

They mot yBtrday inornina in the TTolTranaHouou corridor nt 11 oclock lint In blatravalsMr Ltndo had learned that some uteri worebad and ho unljosoiuod btmsair to AbeJacobs the short and stout dutecllvo of theHoffman House Without havmxanyof thatbIrds sluaplncss Tncubs huts all tutu ovlu ellaring Ho he ulnkiid his eye when Smith Jrwas described muttered Harry Fester andanxiously inuulrcd for Hueh harry

Jacobs was in limo bitcneronnil ynstorrlnywhim hmltli Jr enmo Into tlio Hoffman lionsbarroom and hotmlUid wimon Hueh was Intro-duced


to Llndo 03 cay brother who wants togo in wlttm no-

Jlr Llndo nemnd pleased to meet the otherSmith and mid thy munt alow him to Introducu ills friend Jncotyi Jacobs appeared withwrath In botli yos aud a short black club inhim right baud In language that would ba-underload nurwhtiro in Now Yoi k ha told thepartners that thoy wore not yet fly nnough towork the Hoffman Douse anIwbmt Smith Jrasked how lie dared Insult them iMforo tnxlrfriend Llndo Jacobs lilt both of them with thelIttle club und rapidly throw them out

IllllcllnthUc lllci le ContestBOSTON Oct 114A novel feature Inbicydlnv

was a hill climbing contetl this afternoon al Cerry HiU-Brooklloe There Uai been notcatefUie klo4lu2CcwEngland for two year Tlien there were ten smarten ofwhom Sari Irmj tin itor rider WM the arty one whrode t i In top Tte teiifUi t tba a cnt ut Carry HIDU2SOO fed and the avaraie crud one feet la 141Ca the 1141 trIO feet the rIle Iii one toot jn 7 83 THamwere awe creole to dnr one for trlcrclo said the otherfor all llylee af blcyee sell ouipetltor Is liaveonatrial pump stud not allowed to step and tlien slant dramaFlyniff eterti wtre altuwnS llirve prle war oUered-for biryrU Slut two nor lricleaT-

tia rider atarted flnfflr at IntermIt of nra ar tenminute Tliere were eiergn OMte U t > ftiuoti letc > cle > nud Larch on blrjrclev Tfie rood wttujn excellentcvmlHlaa and tlw feel was apcoinptlvtiel with toiniiatmtIre ca by each of time etsitari The > pe4 of time wtdifficult portlunH of the aieent wae ae sot aiahriekwalk smut eieu the tncycln cUuitied aiou aa taaily aacould a inaii yvlth A stat lane The prize winner Ward-m54crlesW W Slept Smote MtaU tlnw S Bile24 IiIlsc C K Whltlln ljnn Cnliunnlex S-


Uai radon Cjqhmrflium tttuysl Mall scui 115 IJ llllnui Uorcbtlter iguailraatX-


Crocker neirton Victor 4Sl 191-6Clcll

TraShing ti Rufohk iam-

kPtnnaoxunu Oat 24The fall trottingmeeting M BnBulk Park aloaed U day Tbatiaokwasin good couilltton The lummariei are

I 5 ClusSsrilu III 1 111 Monlton S tSj Cheater4 H 1 rrank a 6 lu Iulu S 4 41 raulitan 7 OtBuck f 77 TlineJ 3J IIJ2 2 3IV-t lu Ilainnir Butuin 111 WTK 3 t 3 Time

h24tJ7h4 222-Ilie two ilecldinr louts In the HnrnUhed 3 30 delI

race rriteriUr ware won Vr Pilot May lloaliy aaoo-TJILO a3

Velure 7ebmoIlpmKnnirD Oct 21The Tnfts College

elaraa ptayeA ibeAialient alevenat Ambarat todayLa ISc Iotrcothehets feothsll cut At time bmighsniag-

of 0 commd half Tulle priutesled the gain on a d-

CtllOll Cf smr roth the refer It sore etermding2l10 0 I ttlf seer Tb gem wlit I rptyedT-

me Wiimmilil diTch defesled the tdaisetUettl losStot of laclmuiugs tvell 1 ttabeLI it WULtaauaIOwD-to miay by a ecmr ut 11 to 6

SPORTING Nonatart cututaa ot one mile EaiflUb llyl liM be pre-


at klieepihoid BayThe Kingi Cnuntr Wheelmrn have arcenfed fer a Inn

red e la Coney imIsadl an oteuttlout dayMr frank Workt reiing truing mare Stella bas

shown gruel epwed on the track and roadThe rnioo familiars will mi through a Ung contra of

training bifore thti striie tic froU laurel m time Ei l-

tnlHMW N Crawford inS Ed Hither liaTatronetn KrvtucXy

to Old a plot for fhullas lo winter lu Jsy4ijelsee it-atlll la Cleveland

John knlflnn Ihe fnjtlib pufllt tatter known asthe HI tonnerMe on bli 0 a t hull cull ill ry lo make-S maUli with Iadily Itynu or Onniinli t MiCaffray

Mr Ualdwlns Stud Mr Acmes face horsed are now oatheir way luUallfuruia >lr lUicrfiu urLutconbitfiilneul-of Bfi Ilireabead re > Lhe > l tituuiuu ltd Iuu ufco

Mr Felmoiita at Slats wmtl be tlie eleifenlh Dottywinner till ounlel Into America uiuned the tint winlierof tie Derby waJ lajuuitiJ b > CuL iluuuitl uf-

glnla> If

111 I7K-OImr nKCilmnn of this city and nm niierrcro of Sun

yraucuoo the loi g ilwtanoc riiintr ITC niatrhtd lo runIwetty nillei ou Jfiaukifiviug Ds j at boa IfaucUbO toma Slake of MO

here Campbell the chaniiloa of ftreron inJ JasmineItlley a multi pug mmmcl are mail Net tn Ivht with emailgluvpe lx bUon prime ring ruled for IIUA a bide ut IiurCscud Oritfen in three wevai

William VuHoon and Joe SCion era mMrnel tonrretla at faltlaie temb lhiUd l lim beat week illI lmjo a eWe ne gait cellar itu I clbuw uie fall catch aa-cutetLcan and the tImid full tu be tueied for

The Diidjle ittlgbl yagilmet Wvuut tttark af ton Inn Earland wlio sub bu 1 on tIe t Ity of bearer Ile a wel mustinca St ttitra allI li S toil tIl iticbei lit Inul ill ainlS tid lie scm cii lu ceoditlun IICJ uuuu mote Ilr will iu lulotraining aaeoon aaaeullableiilnce ran Ibe funndfur himanil Mill ti clialtstugs suit I erraitr hielliiartltUs withJock lieni4iiy cr any otbtr middle weight la tliUceututmll7

James McLavgalln heads lh hat af wlnnlnc Jockeysen far thlf > ear lie tot won SJrti ei alIt of JTI inoilntliA MiCATIIijr railiee utxl with TS eta lif ael Luvincur tilled wliuieie nUt of 311 VVetllrri 37 out u-ltw nod fete Moriihy r6uutot baum Nu otlierout ottie 11 paciial uSerS has muuMed Ill winners Ma-

UijuIlmm ridiii veto liglit act At Niwhiugtoa bsj-e1111014 evalcs at Itch ugiiula