•*W 3§»r- u r 0 * &#$fife«*M«i*tf "t. <i V -$Kf£>r viH&iS&i ijp«te"i^**< i lie Tw*nty-*«cond Vetr, Nth 1ft. God's Gift RocbMtcr. VS. ITM. !Md«3r DteemlKr *. J*M. f Anna, the wife of have been overseas Master Tris-pine branches aw} swiefc wi^s^&** , --KraiatByea»anlatheAW j tan; have met men of foreignroses, .sweet,wflliams, Jiliea; *ndM«rie. . , blood. What saith.tibiatoken?" Jwhen they had broken their faat,j . ,..-,., _ ^ - "Itisthcfleur-de-lis,ti»e.«3rm-jT*fctantoldhistoid i E«UML<2»ari» Richar^bol of France; and I should judge "Ye have heard of the rising Gravenor, masterdyery stood byjfrom it ^att&ecbJMwofJ^^ "of that* the carvecl oak cbestf'and as itaParentage on one if not on both i d was opened an ordor of ming- led balm and lavender stole into the oak wainscoted room. Through the diamond paned win- dow she looked out on a white ^ v e n it *o the wandering woman Awrilfc^ltaltgft *.l i Ther AncientOrder of Hfbeml _*m of Australia-have dedraetHo- "•nlwBCgl ** *y* ax*£v)m&**- •«w4^i* mighty gathering when the Bis- hath fought for the wrong Rose, So one who loved it may have •ty; for, though it was bat early October, there bad been a heavy fall of snow, across which the •ells pealed merrily. Gently, reverently. Mistress An aa drew out of the chest a white •ilk hood, all lined with blue; a frock of the same color, and tiny curl, a baby's ringlet, dark aa night,soft as silk, curling like the tendrils of a vine, which twined around the childless wo- man's fingers as she lifted it from its velvet lined case. 'The Lord B^ve and*the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the same of the Lord!" said Dame Anna, the good Christian. Then the heart of the mother spoke: "My little Rose Mary!-my dear Mttle Rose! If God had spared ye, j e would be a tall maid now, my comfort and my joy." She sighed; then the voice of Sis, the hired girl, broke on the stillness. "Mistress, Tristan, the min atrel.who hath come down to see the Mysteries, would fain speak wi' ye. And, Mistress,in his arms he bears a babe." "A babe, my girl? Nay, nay "Pis more likely an instrument «f music What hath a handsome young harper to do with in fants?" "He saith that he saved the babe from bein' froze to dead) aear the Red -Rock, where the woman who was journeyin' wi R lay dead," answered Sis. "Tne poor woman was carried into a reedman's cot; but Tristan had pity on the child and brought it here, knowin' that no children to bide antS the danger was over, past." "So, so!" said the dame. ' 'Leave the child here for a time, kind Tristan, I will ask counsel of my goodbman. I—". She oaus ed.for, roused by the fire, the strange faces and strange scene, the lost child had hidden its face in Anna Gravenor's bosom, and was calling". ''Mian,mum,mnm!'' "Blesstbee, twilF ro hardwi 1 her if muna doesn't keep thee, Thon shalt be called Margot, and wear her little clothes," mar- mured Mistress Gravenor.soft- ly. And over the dark, handsome face of the minstrel flitted smile; for he knew that "In her heart the pain was stilled, And the empty place was filled." T h e annua) rirsrtt^ sides. Also it may well be that hop left hiscathedral, the noble tion-ef affiant w wv ^^"^A^V^A*.^ one near o f kin to it is in trouble his castle, the farmer his farm, t o Guards was held Tuesday even- arai,&y<Hiey, serve under crossed Keys. YWrafclm SttuPrewdent John Cot' have heard, too, how ;Cromwell ter in the chair., The following} The only Indian mission In the, deceived *em; how they died by *§£* *«$««., AreMoceaaof Quebec is at I*»r4 A IU , A # + I I * the sword, by hunger.hy torture. Onat.,T.JR.«aJk«efirsb^ lienten. e tw, whew there it a colony of A^T nt^ Yet did some few escape, and ojtjfttt, If. T. ESMJ &Wl*eat., & Huron Indiana of mixed blood, g^"* m this remnant was Father Cuth- Mackey;lst Sergeant* ESenneM- bert I was minstrel to the army T> 2aA ?&SS^ **• .¥«key; 3rd and when it was disbanded, the Rev. Father here agreed to ta**W.]&rw: 1stprpofal.^(per; ^ /^* n f ^ ^ S^^^JSSSmlSr^ ship with metoFrance, there tofndjCkirpl.,^ SS^MSS off£3Tfv2? ffitfJu Suit •. 2Ki ft B ^ e ^a M « g ^fe 4 M h ^L#^;racJ^STWKi.*&**£*•on- A nSofw^rS S 6 broulhf?h1S|S^^K 4 ^NffSbtS^^ ^ ^ * * M *** ** that a dying man TOtedtete *JLJ&£g£y£&SriSg££tt& ' " s ^ ™ - ^ ^ swiSa*-^ shrivedfnaihwman^aluf T B e M^jr*J^^^mmm, rt ' r~T~T7 _ , ,• mTtSr ha* *«aT- good Father want with his life in Sergemitat Arras^Bvam tarus- One hundred and four£*J«iat» ffi^J$* ^ n ^- his hands: and whea he casSteea, M, T, Byan^ M,fflferriaon,pnests and twenty nunikftTur- wnf ' aa * bade be said that the tram vzg&f&yrm. ^^ * i.-^-v inxhaotnerflay for the foreign v John Crosby, of Fordham, one]' The ftstiliatiott ^ t h e » w l y W ^ n » o f Peru, Bolivia,. T « r ^ Th«]*l««H>eW« II Fordham lay bathed in the Jane sunshine. Birds were flying round the wondrous tower of the great church, as two travelers made their way to the House of the Golden Banner. Both were men, but o n e was considerably older than the other, and had the grave and studious bearing of golden fleur-de-lis?" a scholar. "This ancient city is sadly changed," aaid the youngerof the two. "Before~the dissolution •'nuns and friars were as plentiful in the streets as are roses in the hedgerows today. Now we see neither robe of black, white or brown ;and the town seems silent like unto an empty house. Nath- prayed"onlhehea7^ Gravenor hath •'the Golden Banner." Ibeen a mother in Israel to the -The wonh went home to M i s ^ P 6136 ^ *§«tbfi»MF«*-«w4 tress Anna'8 heart; and she straightway went down into the hall, and there near the big wood fire was seated a handsome youth with what seemed a bundle on his knee. This bundle was wrap- ped in a long brown cloak, whose hood was drawn over a small dark head. "Fair greeting Mistress Grave- nor!" said Tristan Leroy, the minstrel. "1 have brought yea rosebud, thinkin'.that, ifye and Heaven will it, ye may live to see a sweet rose. I was crossin Chorley waste last even when the snow had fallen, on my way to Fordham. where I sun to Bingjour shoes, and play in the Mysteries, when I caraeon a woman, an Egyptian, lyin'still and frozen,at the mouth o'a little hole—a hole, but bi* enough to hold .a babe-or a dog, knowing somewhat of surge: former King, Henry of Agincourt (if memory play me not false), was so- nobly entertained by Thomas Gravenor that he made his houso privileged, vowing that no guest therein should be harm- ed or touched so long^hs the Gold- ea Banner with the emblazoned elephant and castle floated over it. Thus far the dead King's edict hath been honored, but I doubt if it will be much longer in these evil times, especially since Master Richard hatn slept" with" his forefathers. Yet may we warn her: and when we have bided with her a few days we must shake the dust: of Fordham from S' knowing somewnat oi surgery, .. « TJ *„ "7"?J knelt by the wanderer, a n d l m t ^ - - Gol ^Jg! Dn "r; •*» bed her hands, and put my cloak "And I trust the maid and her adopted mother will fare forth wjth ua, by Oar Lady's grace," said the elder man. Amen! There is the house o: younger wavfarer.who was rone older. He pointed as he" spoke toS a . !™M hen V»ihn hands to t)u* ffNMitmancEtnn witf* Ifo l*Arul-l*riScan 8* man Fordham, one] .....—„„,,„ „. „„.,„,.,., , , _-. , . of Cromwell's spies; and a plot elected officers will taakeipjaea on del Fuego and EatagonUi. was on foot to take Mistress the 1st meeting in January for Gravenor. of the House of thelwhich an interesting; programme Bishop BreypfctVicar-Abostot. Golden Banner, and have her has been arranged. Ah invitation ic of McKenxie, aocompankdby bum't for treason. So we two is extended toO'CounelPa Own Fath«rjpaUie^ ; ;0|^'mk'Shm 1 come to save ye Dame. Margot put her arms around her adopted mother. ''Whither thougoest.I will go; thy people shall Be my people, and thy God my God." said she. Anna Gravenor whispered, "Amen!" FatherCuthbertnow* fljuoke. "Mychild,"saidhe, "Tristan hath related your story; and it Thursday 15—Si ChrJitiana Friday^IC-Bmberdliy _..fa*t may be that I can throwfighton Saturday 17~Ember day fast the past. Whilt show me the Margot unwound thechain.and gave the priest the yellow lily. he turnedf -it-over iir hfa^ han% »nd1»uched/*'pigaalr*hic3i:tui5ri. ed back and disclosed the CELandadate. As I thought!" s*id the priest. '.'CUD. stands forShrlste* pher Darrell.Earl of Rossett, my Band. Weaitlf Ciarck Cil««tr Sunday ll-^Sfe. Daniel riMj Ttmpl*. aHTon ! af£«if !napy/sr*ar> < jJdhn Iteill^ tofacaJaat yearaof ai» Jai* has lef| |[ontw»t ftiW&$\m BMlob itt^- *-*"*"• -^-" roiaaiofta,---^ TueMty IS-St hm^^ -^^-^.- Wm*S$^kJMV&#¥'M, # now light tricity, th«eArrr»| pUsdfrointhar -v% flfc ^B ajiBfit*K- •" J t e ^ $ a k j & th^aCam^l**!!^, illl.next wilt-be•j|«*-Wili6n"-|W§ Cb;,' in their 1 'acreanilrig comad AnJQpheawal in Barktown, his fidelity to Peter, . You, my daujfhterrarft^ f&dy Esperance Darrell. You were nanaed after your mother, Esperance de Guy- don of Provence of France. When a babe you were given to Cassie, a faithful Egyptian, who was bid to ask some wealthy and childless dame to have pity upon you. The one who did this was old Nurse Margery, who feared for you when the King's guards came for her master. The poor wondering woman would bo on her, way tathji town..when God took her and m his good provi- dence found y« a home. Thanks be to God." ' These are good tiding*, Fm ther. to ill but Tristan, 7 ' said elected the minstrel. I have loved thii damsel for »ii»iimtoj.wi Fa*tow Robert. tlN*^ari» 'So- dfear brother, who died on th"ejThe"Thre7 Marc»nboBaph«ft?ra; ^rSffi^SSSl'!?? 15 * block on Tower Hill because of]al Gymastai Howard and North fe^S^ijRK*!*'MUX HalghtACo., pww^lan^ ^Tht MQicyctiva and•j^pstfNmk del.gbtforaU.Oieoharnjlngcom ^ ^ ^ t m ^ M ^ M years. Now I must say good-bye to hope; for I am only a minstrel Margot looked at Mistress An- around her. But she was dead. 0 f t « than Tristan Leroy, grown Doubtless the bitter night and ?J d - en He pointed as he spoke to weakness had been too much for!™ fiT e a tmansion ' Wlth its »«*- ,'v altraaon » «-**»!,• her. Then I heard a litUe cry. It,' 8 ? !J? ndow ? ^ nd mmy ^ ,e8 'lr W X^?^ "" 6 ' came from the whole in the side. ,8tand,n « •» Tt8 ^ een garden. I was. but,a o'Red Rock; so I felt round itJwith dye sheds and dyers'cot and drew out a babe. It clung totafresclnstered round it like chfi- me; I stumbled over the waste dren round a mother. until I gamed Jock, the reed-| Tristan lifted the knocker ofjWhi^her^thou jroest J man's cot, where his good wife the outer door, and in due time- * • - ' mothered the child, gave it hot it was opened by a tall and beau- 'when jjjj,' ahnrralf»ary^fjhithu?th> pic* S sketch •'Street Urchins Atthe BM W^ley'.bb^r^d.« ##m AlMteTir CdnteaV' and the ends with the Mooreoacope ^ t ft M wSm*'&%&&& tht ben to office: Grand Knight, Hushes; Depot? Wta, T.CdnikMPj cl Tha^Tj|l»hta<>f(^»n3ilmliav*jMffl^ ' Wm, F.Sh»fer; JL^^.., r _ Henry Carer; Advocate. James MLE. Q'GrtAJFZ Warden, Eugetfe F. Bopp; Itiaidejgu»fd.Gedr)Wf'A Gibney; Outside Guard, Nicholas and sheltered floved -ye tetterfbn r>f^g^i^^SS3SS^SS^ «a» leftNew <M6ther Anna, that gayer swains. What; I said t o j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W«lf I will fM»*° 1 ^** e VUIIVCUUUH, »1HI1N tl. it ^.^^ i—... oood J ather, your blessing!' in*rWm!f> fl «» w«,.T <•**.** nv ily well knbwnm religious lift, convention, insr committee, Wm. J. CawyiDr, I N MEMORIAM, amil*Tee"TSf™lur brotliera^ arc a^ttrt. of at. it**, ( ;Bar. & milk.warmedit.husbeditto8leep. tiful maiden, fair faced and darkf i H 5 nd i n li** 1 ? * h * ¥** r * M tePWVwXmW?r 1 Nti~'~B. ife&F^' . . Twar a bonnie bairn-brown haired. a $ th ? P" 6 ? 1 sf f et an^hebleBs- J.Frattk Forristal, John H.Leha-^? 1 ' 1 *- eyes like stars, fair face, round! "Welcome, Messire TTOtan! ed ( * eraM i e nly ^l d tend ^ «»»• hmbs,black fringe o' hair, a coo-lAnd you also, Messirel'^ahesaid , Ye . m r^ *" ^ m oar C $*K ing laugh,a soft kiss. Said Jock's sweetly. el - sald Dame Cravenorj "and wife: ^How some childless dame, "peacebe with vou daughter!" $ ¥ n we ^L" t»l»«Up *<» France, would love it! Then my t h o i i g t t a l w J2eTOlY^ffi5TSos «I have exch ^ ? , d my substance tamed to the House o' theGold-X a ! f n , "ffi- r **1rtA^S**„ ^erns, and Pathe? Cuthbert en Banner; and when m o r n th4t 5 a ^ n 8 0 ^ B XSk^p^ C h a 9 ^ n '''^*^^' o U o ^ W I ^^^K»ffij^^^ ,. - ^ -«. broke! bore this baby here. Will i n t he p^^e of Grace?by] "Fora season, friends-for afc* 4 ^ SS ftSHS ^J^flffiS^ «^^ AL****,^l£&$ have it, Dame? name Pat| f er Cu ? hbertof the OrVseteoo/' answered the priest! w a a w i t t a i i M M r A t N ^ Sa&fe^tS^^fS^SSSM He put the little one on her lap der of St. Benedict. ButI was al-| then Imeanto gowhere 6od r.a«rlii ai#ti.«ai*e mamimm^ ^T\^^ a ^!^^W!!!^^^M ^"W? 1 ^ Athab«»ca,ia atill in FVapc*. M 8 itortW*olr r<*«, l' rl isfii ri^Vn^iM^it^^ w*wii* „,_ education in Ii weakling ye found EggjJ^K M MTSCI Re^ Louis XO>Hern ( 0.5, P^K a \ »W« *r than younger and-a*..^ c fflto %._,, 4 »« A r •ym^f^lm^-^'p, %m^4*rH PitM 3 studiea in dogma and S<jrrritures. - "* J * Father O f Hem cornea of^a fafa- York for Rome'Mu(rrenn«ff, Main twM^Cki ' " •-' ' W-0eiJ&MiaiAnatolia •Hgic roT)S< The election of the First Dia- ^f .$k second «*m V'i battahon major. Ja«bWC«thoHc burial «*»•"' it* ^3 wahi. There are ten companies of the ^ , mppMwrr. as he "spoke, and. Anna Gravenor so brother to the Earl Rossett calls." And even a s he said this'from our midst otur mtthy brother looked at it curiouslj-. The the North. Tell Dame Anna this he was aware that he might re-'jr*me< Kee'er, be it, Egyptian had kept it as sweet before I eat her salt or rest be-ft 1 ™ "to th e land that he called) Resolved, thit we rimewly CO4«<>1< and clean as a pet Iamb. Its frock neath her mof."__ __ ibisown," tojwjtness, it - ittigh^tfc 4i» &^«y^rf«wtfwttierlir^ lit (which reached just below its As he uttered tne"1ast words a\ eafe ' fDrtbe Faith of Ms ^'"^^ Bffl5c ^ a Md tolt ^y^^anderif^ *H "*«**# feet was of a creamy frieze, its comely widow came into the hall- theTS ' levied with Christian rewgasfioa t o S * ™ ^ ^ ' ^ ' - ^ , ."' f «,i >ov 29 which causedthe tntfrt andergarmentsof fair linen, al! p iaceand said: "Father, enterll "Margot," said Tristan Leroy !beM " tMt Io8 *' *"«* «*«**** * Ww * 1 SSa3e FrankJ KM! h. «ft -- tri ? tK, - n ' f t h e dw « , » | n»'•»«* of fine texture. Round its fat and Blessed are they who are perse-suddenly, l 'l am the adopted i,tf*K*to*toBto* hpon them # iustace r r?red Weimar K f M dimpled neck was a thin gold cate d for righteousness sake, of the Comte de Guydoti, your *"*??• , "»t«««» «***«*»•. *• Boniface, Geor««Kalb h. f St ehain of foreign workmanship, when the house can no longer grandad. He loved first my anK*"* 011- m th9 &*****«**>&»,§<*& Micnae i 8 U Ma er K if St from which depended a strange she lter those who suffer for aursic,and then me. We witt all go " ? * fette^iifflt.^^.1^ PatiF,Jcf Zirk K of St golden ornament fashioned like Holy Father the Pope, its roof to the old chateau and te«^.edta.iteO«*rti«Jtoiq!«l. . «wr.«"» *™!*«T • . - _ l * flower. shall not cover me." 'andlrfiall hrhiff with m^thi Ow«a W«dEr»r*i)d« . , .,. . shall not coyer me." 'andlahal! bring with me"the "See!'/ cried Mistress Anna! So the priest and Tristan step-child 6+his daughter Esgerance hddmgit upforinspection. "Yepedinto the hall, iU green with aa God 1 ! own most beautifij A. 3. ltimmfitl\>,'B*ic% of Michaelrtjan a iai mar, ;aad all the contents of the hoaMJfa, Ryan had a narrow through the window ~, •&?% iter h of St. _ Claus h of St.1 ThewarfcefHadtkl t HolyRo-CathoU« flail fat nowfapnar«ai4 v**^l .^k^::A : T ^#^¥ >; V >•* •* aaji^-tfi. r * f ^ ^M a7 ^

V lie - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1908-july-1911-december... · Gravenor, masterdyery stood byjfrom it ^att&ecbJMwofJ^^ "of that* the carvecl oak cbestf'and as

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Page 1: V lie - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1908-july-1911-december... · Gravenor, masterdyery stood byjfrom it ^att&ecbJMwofJ^^ "of that* the carvecl oak cbestf'and as

• * W


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" t . <i V -$Kf£>r viH&iS&i ijp«te"i^**<

i lie Tw*nty-*«cond Vetr, Nth 1ft.

God's Gift RocbMtcr. VS. ITM. !Md«3r DteemlKr *. J*M.


Anna, the w i f e of

have been overseas Master Tris-pine branches aw} swiefc wi^s^&**,--KraiatByea»anlatheAW j tan; have met men of foreignroses, .sweet,wflliams, Jiliea; *ndM«rie. . , blood. What saith. tibia token?" Jwhen they had broken their faat,j . ,..-,., _ ^ -

"Itisthcfleur-de-lis, ti»e.«3rm-jT*fctan told histoid i E«UML<2»ari» Richar^bol of France; and I should judge "Ye have heard of the rising Gravenor, masterdyery stood byjfrom it ^at t&ecbJMwofJ^^ "of that* the carvecl oak cbestf'and as itaParentage on one if not on both i d was opened an ordor of ming­led balm and lavender stole into the oak wainscoted room. Through the diamond paned win­dow she looked out on a white v e n it *o the wandering woman

Awrilfc^ltaltgft *.l i Ther AncientOrder of Hfbeml

_*m of Australia-have dedraetHo-"•nlwBCgl ** * y *

ax*£v)m&**- • « w 4 ^ i *

mighty gathering when the Bis-

hath fought for the wrong Rose, So one who loved it may have

• ty; for, though it was bat early October, there bad been a heavy fall of snow, across which the •ells pealed merrily.

Gently, reverently. Mistress An aa drew out of the chest a white •ilk hood, all lined with blue; a frock of the same color, and tiny curl, a baby's ringlet, dark aa night,soft as silk, curling like the tendrils of a vine, which twined around the childless wo­man's fingers as she lifted it from its velvet lined case.

'The Lord B^ve and*the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the same of the Lord!" said Dame Anna, the good Christian. Then the heart of the mother spoke: "My little Rose Mary!-my dear Mttle Rose! If God had spared ye, j e would be a tall maid now, my comfort and my joy."

She sighed; then the voice of Sis, the hired girl, broke on the stillness.

"Mistress, Tristan, the min atrel.who hath come down to see the Mysteries, would fain speak wi' ye. And, Mistress,in his arms he bears a babe."

"A babe, my girl? Nay, nay "Pis more likely an instrument «f music What hath a handsome young harper to do with in fants?"

"He saith that he saved the babe from bein' froze to dead) aear the Red -Rock, where the woman who was journeyin' wi R lay dead," answered Sis. "Tne poor woman was carried into a reedman's cot; but Tristan had pity on the child and brought it here, knowin' that no children

to bide antS the danger was over, past."

"So, so!" said the dame. ' 'Leave the child here for a time, kind Tristan, I will ask counsel of my goodbman. I—". She oaus ed.for, roused by the fire, the strange faces and strange scene, the lost child had hidden its face in Anna Gravenor's bosom, and was calling". ''Mian,mum,mnm!''

"Blesstbee, twilF ro hardwi1

her if muna doesn't keep thee, Thon shalt be called Margot, and wear her little clothes," mar-mured Mistress Gravenor.soft-ly. And over the dark, handsome face of the minstrel flitted smile; for he knew that

"In her heart the pain was stilled,

And the empty place was filled."

The annua) r i rs r t t^ sides. Also it may well be that hop left hiscathedral, the noble tion-ef affiant w wv ^^"^A^V^A*.^ one near of kin to it is in trouble his castle, the farmer his farm, to Guards was held Tuesday even- arai,&y<Hiey,

serve under crossed Keys. YWrafclm SttuPrewdent John Cot' have heard, too, how ;Cromwell ter in the chair., The following} The only Indian mission In the, deceived *em; how they died by *§£* * « $ « « . , AreMoceaaof Quebec is at I*»r4 A I U ,A#+I I* the sword, by hunger.hy torture. Onat.,T.JR.«aJk«efirsb^ lienten. etw, whew there it a colony of A ^ T nt^ Yet did some few escape, and ojtjfttt, If. T. ESMJ &Wl*eat., & Huron Indiana of mixed blood, g^"* m

this remnant was Father Cuth- Mackey;lst Sergeant* ESenneM-bert I was minstrel to the army T> 2aA?&SS^ **• .¥«key; 3rd and when it was disbanded, the Rev. Father here agreed to ta**W.]&rw: 1stprpofal.^(per; ^ / ^ * n f ^ ^ S^^^JSSSmlSr^ ship with me to France, there tofndjCkirpl.,^ S S ^ M S S off£3Tfv2? ffitfJu

Suit •. 2Ki ftB^e^aM«g^fe4Mh^L#^; racJ^STWKi. *&**£*•on-A

nSofw rS S 6 b r o u l h f ? h 1 S | S ^ ^ K 4 ^ N f f S b t S ^ ^ ^ ^ * * M *** ** that a dying man TOtedtete *JLJ&£g£y£&SriSg££tt& '"s^™-^^ swiSa*- shrivedfnaihwman aluf TBeM^jr*J^^^mmm, rt ' r~T~T7 _ , ,• mTtSr ha* *«aT-good Father want with his life in Sergemitat Arras^Bvam tarus- One hundred and four£*J«iat» ffi^J$* ^n^-his hands: and whea he casSteea, M, T, Byan M, fflferriaon, pnests and twenty nunikftTur-w n f ' a a* bade be said that the tram vzg&f&yrm. ^^ * i.-^-v inxhaotnerflay for the foreign v John Crosby, of Fordham, one]' The ftstiliatiott ^ t h e » w l y W ^ n » of Peru, Bolivia,. T « r ^ Th«]*l««H>eW«

II Fordham lay bathed in the

Jane sunshine. Birds were flying round the wondrous tower of the great church, as two travelers made their way to the House of the Golden Banner. Both were men, but one was considerably older than the other, and had the grave and studious bearing of golden fleur-de-lis?" a scholar.

"This ancient city is sadly changed," aaid the youngerof the two. "Before~the dissolution

•'nuns and friars were as plentiful in the streets as are roses in the hedgerows today. Now we see neither robe of black, white or brown ;and the town seems silent like unto an empty house. Nath-

prayed"onlhehea7^ Gravenor hath • ' the Golden Banner." Ibeen a mother in Israel to the

-The wonh went home to M i s ^ P 6 1 3 6 ^ *§«tbfi»MF«*-«w4 tress Anna'8 heart; and she straightway went down into the hall, and there near the big wood fire was seated a handsome youth with what seemed a bundle on his knee. This bundle was wrap­ped in a long brown cloak, whose hood was drawn over a small dark head.

"Fair greeting Mistress Grave­nor!" said Tristan Leroy, the minstrel. "1 have brought yea rosebud, thinkin'.that, ifye and Heaven will it, ye may live to see a sweet rose. I was crossin Chorley waste last even when the snow had fallen, on my way to Fordham. where I sun to Bingjour shoes, and play in the Mysteries, when I caraeon a woman, an Egyptian, lyin'still and frozen,at the mouth o'a little hole—a hole, but bi* enough to hold .a babe-or a dog, knowing somewhat of surge:

former King, Henry of Agincourt (if memory play me not false), was so- nobly entertained by Thomas Gravenor that he made his houso privileged, vowing that no guest therein should be harm­ed or touched so long^hs the Gold-ea Banner with the emblazoned elephant and castle floated over it. Thus far the dead King's edict hath been honored, but I doubt if it will be much longer in these evil times, especially since Master Richard hatn slept" with" his forefathers. Yet may we warn her: and when we have bided with her a few days we must shake the dust: of Fordham from

S' knowing somewnat oi surgery, .. « TJ * „ " 7 " ? J knelt by the wanderer, a n d l m t ^ - - G o l ^ J g ! D n " r ; • * » bed her hands, and put my cloak

"And I trust the maid and her adopted mother will fare forth wjth ua, by Oar Lady's grace," said the elder man.

Amen! There is the house o:

younger wavfarer.who was rone

older. He pointed as he" spoke toSa. !™M h e n V»ihn hands to t)u* ffNMitmancEtnn wi t f* Ifo l*Arul- l*riScan 8*

man Fordham, one] — .....—„„,,„ „ . „„.,„,.,., , , _-. , .

of Cromwell's spies; and a plot elected officers will taakeipjaea on d e l Fuego and EatagonUi. was on foot to take Mistress the 1st meeting in January for Gravenor. of the House of thelwhich an interesting; programme Bishop BreypfctVicar-Abostot. Golden Banner, and have her has been arranged. Ah invitation ic of McKenxie, aocompankdby bum't for treason. So we two is extended toO'CounelPa Own Fath«rjpaUie^;;0|^'mk'Shm1

come to save ye Dame. Margot put her arms around

her adopted mother. ''Whither thougoest.I will go; thy people shall Be my people, and thy God my God." said she.

Anna Gravenor whispered, "Amen!"

FatherCuthbertnow* fljuoke. "Mychild,"saidhe, "Tristan

hath related your story; and it Thursday 15—Si ChrJitiana Friday^IC-Bmberdliy _..fa*t

may be that I can throw fight on Saturday 17~Ember day fast the past. Whilt show me the

Margot unwound thechain.and gave the priest the yellow lily. he turnedf -it-over iir hfa^ han% »nd1»uched/*'pigaalr*hic3i:tui5ri. ed back and disclosed the CELandadate.

As I thought!" s*id the priest. '.'CUD. stands forShrlste* pher Darrell.Earl of Rossett, my


Weaitlf Ciarck Cil««tr

Sunday ll-^Sfe. Daniel

riMj Ttmpl*.

aHTon!af£«if !napy/sr*ar> <

jJdhn Iteill^ tofacaJaat yearaof ai» Jai*

has lef| |[ontw»t ftiW&$\m BMlob i t t^- *-*"*"• -^-" roiaaiofta,---^

TueMty IS-St hm^^ -^^-^.- Wm*S$^kJMV&#¥'M, #

now light tricity, th«eArrr»| pUsdfrointhar


flfc ^ B ajiBfit*K- •"

J t e ^ $ a k j & th^aCam^l**!!^,

illl.next wilt-be•j|«*-Wili6n"-|W§ Cb;,' in their1 'acreanilrig comad

AnJQpheawal in Barktown,

his fidelity to Peter, . You, my daujfhterrarft^ f&dy Esperance Darrell. You were nanaed after your mother, Esperance de Guy-don of Provence of France. When a babe you were given to Cassie, a faithful Egyptian, who was bid to ask some wealthy and childless dame to have pity upon you. The one who did this was old Nurse Margery, who feared for you when the King's guards came for her master. The poor wondering woman would bo on her, way tathji town ..when God took her and m his good provi­dence found y« a home. Thanks be to God."

' These are good tiding*, Fm ther. to ill but Tristan,7' said elected the minstrel.

I have loved thii damsel for


Fa*tow Robert. tlN*^ari» 'So-

dfear brother, who died on th"ejThe"Thre7 Marc»nboBaph«ft?ra; ^ r S f f i ^ S S S l ' ! ? ? 1 5 * block on Tower Hill because of]al Gymastai Howard and North fe^S^ijRK*!*'MUX

HalghtACo., pww lan^ ^Tht MQicyctiva and•j^pstfNmk

del.gbtforaU.Oieoharnjlngcom ^ ^ ^ t m ^ M ^ M

years. Now I must say good-bye to hope; for I am only a minstrel

Margot looked at Mistress An-around her. But she was dead. 0 f t « than Tristan Leroy, grown Doubtless the bitter night and ?Jd-en He pointed as he spoke to weakness had been too much for!™ fiTeatmansion' W l t h i t s » « * - ,'valtraaon » «-**»!,• her. Then I heard a litUe cry. It,'8? !J?ndow? ^ n d mmy ^ , e 8 ' l r W X ^ ? ^ "" 6 ' came from the whole in the side. , 8 tand ,n« •» T t 8 e e n garden. I was. but,a o'Red Rock; so I felt round itJwith dye sheds and dyers'cot and drew out a babe. It clung to tafres clnstered round it like chfi-me; I stumbled over the waste dren round a mother. until I gamed Jock, the reed-| Tristan lifted the knocker ofjWhi^her^thou jroestJ

man's cot, where his good wife the outer door, and in due t ime- * • - ' mothered the child, gave it hot it was opened by a tall and beau-


jjjj,' ahnrralf»ary fjhithu?th> pic*

S sketch •'Street Urchins AttheBMW^ley'.bb^r^d.« ##m AlMteTir CdnteaV' and the ends with the Mooreoacope ^ t ft M wSm*'&%&&&

tht ben to office:

Grand Knight, Hushes; Depot? Wta, T.CdnikMPj cl

Tha^Tj|l»hta<>f(^»n3ilmliav*jMffl^ '

Wm, F.Sh»fer; J L ^ ^ . . , r_ Henry Carer; Advocate. James MLE. Q'GrtAJFZ Warden, Eugetfe F. Bopp; Itiaidejgu»fd.Gedr)Wf'A Gibney; Outside Guard, Nicholas

and sheltered floved -ye tetterfbn r > f ^ g ^ i ^ ^ S S 3 S S ^ S S ^ «a» leftNew

<M6ther Anna, that gayer swains. What; I said t o j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

W«lf I w i l l f M » * ° 1 ^ * * e VUIIVCUUUH, »1HI1N t l .

it . ^ i—... oood J ather, your blessing!' in*rWm!f>fl«» w«,.T <•**.** n v ily well knbwnm religious lift,


insr committee, Wm. J. CawyiDr,


amil*Tee"TSf™lur brotliera^ arc

a^ttrt. of at. it**, (

;Bar. &

milk.warmedit.husbeditto8leep. tiful maiden, fair faced and darkf i H 5 n d i n li**1? *h* ¥**r*MtePWVwXmW?r1Nti~'~B. i fe&F^' . . Twar a bonnie bairn-brown haired. a $ t h ? P"6?1 s f f e t an^hebleBs- J.Frattk Forristal, John H.Leha-^?1'1*-eyes like stars, fair face, round! "Welcome, Messire TTOtan! e d

( *e r a M i e ™ n l y ^l d tend^ «»»•

hmbs,black fringe o' hair, a coo-lAnd you also, Messirel'^ahesaid , „ Y e . m r ^ *" m o a r C$*K ing laugh,a soft kiss. Said Jock's sweetly. el- s a l d D a m e Cravenorj "and wife: ^How some childless dame, "peacebe with vou daughter!" $ ¥ n w e ^L" t»l»«Up *<» France, would love it! Then my t h o i i g t t a l

w J 2 e T O l Y ^ f f i 5 T S o s « I h a v e e x c h ^ ? , d my substance tamed to the House o' theGold-Xa! f n

, " f f i - r **1rtA^S**„ ^erns, and Pathe? Cuthbert

en Banner; and when m o r n t h 4 t 5 a ^ n8

0 ^ B X S k ^ p ^ C h a 9 ^ n ' ' ' ^ * ^ ^ ' o U o ^ W I ^ ^ ^ K » f f i j ^ ^ ^ , . - ^ - « . broke! bore this baby here. Will i n t h e p^^e o f Grace?by] "Fora season, friends-for a f c * 4 ^ S S f t S H S ^ J ^ f l f f i S ^ « ^ ^ A L * * * * , ^ l £ & $ have it, Dame? n a m e Pat|fer C u ? h b e r t o f the OrVseteoo/' answered the priest! w a a w i t t a i i M M r A t N ^ S a & f e ^ t S ^ ^ f S ^ S S S M

He put the little one on her lap der of St. Benedict. ButI was al-| then Imeanto gowhere 6od r.a«rlii ai#ti.«ai*e mamimm^ ^ T \ ^ ^ a ^ ! ^ ^ W ! ! ! ^ ^ ^ M ^ " W ? 1 ^

Athab«»ca,ia atill in FVapc*. M8


r<*«, l' rl



w*wii* „,_ education in Ii

weakling ye found E g g j J ^ K M M T S C I Re^ Louis XO>Hern( 0.5, P^K a \ »W«

*r than younger a n d - a * . . ^ c f f l to%._,,4»«A„ r



PitM 3 studiea in dogma and S<jrrritures. - "* J* Father OfHem cornea of a fafa-

York for Rome'Mu(rrenn«ff, Main twM^Cki ' " •-' ' W - 0 e i J & M i a i A n a t o l i a

•Hgic roT)S<

The election of the First Dia- ^ f


second «*m V'i battahon major. Ja«bWC«thoHc burial «*»•" ' it* ^3

wahi. There are ten companies of the ^ , mppMwrr.

as he "spoke, and. Anna Gravenor so brother to the Earl Rossett calls." And even as he said this'from our midst otur mtthy brother looked at it curiouslj-. The the North. Tell Dame Anna this he was aware that he might re-'jr*me< Kee'er, be it, Egyptian had kept it as sweet before I eat her salt or rest be-ft1™ "to the land that he called) Resolved, thit we rimewly CO4«<>1< and clean as a pet Iamb. Its frock neath her mof."__ __ ibisown," tojwjtness, it - ittigh^tfc 4i» &^«y^rf«wtfwttierlir^ lit (which reached just below its As he uttered tne"1ast words a \ e a f e ' f D r t b e F a i t h o f Ms ^ ' " ^ ^ Bff l5c^a M d tolt ^ y ^ ^ a n d e r i f ^ *H " * « * * # feet was of a creamy frieze, its comely widow came into the hall-theTS' levied with Christian rewgasfioa t o S * ™ ^ ^ ' ^ ' - ^ , ."' f «,i >ov 29 which causedthe tntfrt andergarmentsof fair linen, al!piaceand said: "Father, enterll "Margot," said Tristan Leroy!beM"tMt Io8*' *"«* «*«**** *Ww*1SSa3e FrankJ K M ! h. «ft - - t r i ?tK,-n ' f t h e d w« ,» |n»'•»«* of fine texture. Round its fat and Blessed are they who are perse-suddenly, l'l am the adopted i,tf*K*to*toBto* hpon them# iustacerr?red Weimar K f M dimpled neck was a thin gold c a t ed for righteousness sake, of the Comte de Guydoti, your * " * ? ? • ,"»t«««» «***«*»•. *• Boniface, Geor««Kalb h. f St ehain of foreign workmanship, when the house can no longer grandad. He loved first my anK*"*011- m t h 9 &*****«**>&»,§<*& M i c n a e i 8 U Ma er K if St from which depended a strangeshelter those who suffer for aursic,and then me. We witt all go " ? * fette^iifflt.^^.1^ PatiF,Jcf Zirk K of St golden ornament fashioned like Holy Father the Pope, its roof to the old chateau and te«^.edta.iteO«*rti«Jtoiq!«l. . « w r . « " » *™!*«T • . - _ l

* flower. shall not cover me." 'andlrfiall hrhiff with m^thi Ow«a W«dEr»r*i)d«

. , . , . . shall not coyer me." 'andlahal! bring with me"the "See!'/ cried Mistress Anna! So the priest and Tristan step-child 6+his daughter Esgerance

hddmgit up for inspection. "Yepedinto the hall, iU green with aa God1! own most beautifij A. 3. ltimmfitl\>,'B*ic%

of Michael rtj an a iai mar, ;aad all the contents of the hoaMJfa, Ryan had a narrow through the window ~,


iter h of St. _ Claus h of St.1 ThewarfcefHadtkl

t HolyRo-CathoU« flail fat nowfapnar«ai4


.^k^::A : T ^#^¥ > ; V >•* •* aaji^-tfi.

r*f^ ^ M a 7 ^