V George Los Interactive PDF

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These images to the right are called line drawings. In class we focused on warming up our hand by con-tinuously drawing while switching up our technique by putting more stress on the wrist, hand or fingers. We were able to clustrate using lines and forming images. It was some-what challenging creating the im-ages below using only 100 strokes because I had to think out what I was going to draw and then make sure I evenly disperesed my lines so I could create the full image. As time went on in class, I became better at “mastering” my craft by gaining a stronger understanding of line use and shape.

I made the image below using adobe illustra-tor and the bamboo pad and stick. Instead of creating an outline to make the image, I used a number of lines in succession to develop an image. As for settings, I used landscape composition, the brush tool (size of 1.0) I found using lines to create an image easier to perfect, where as when you start outlining an object to create it, it becomes harder to fix whereas creating an image in a sense “from the outside in” with the lines is less challeng-ing to change.


Don’t knock it till you’ve try it


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I created the image to the left using the bamboo stick and pad on Adobe Illustrator with different brush sizes and strokes to draw the flower in the vase by placing it in the center of the page. I also used differ-ent shades from white to black, focusing on distinct colors in between there to represent shadow. For this drawing, I also used the line drawing method before coloring everything in and again, it made it a lot easier to go back and make adjustments where needed later. I used layers as well and put the vase on a second layer behind the flower in order to make the image more interesting. Concept: For the image to the left I wanted people to see a flower sitting inside of a vase. The only message that I’m trying to convey is that the flower should be the focal point of the image as a whole and that this teapot was under some form of lighting as you can see the different shades of grey representing shadow. Composition: I am controlling the eyes in this picture by drawing them to the flower sitting directly in the center of the vase and page. Also the rest of the image is either drastically black or drastically white and the teapot has a variation of shades in-between those two colors.


Faded Grey

Petals of shading

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Craft: This image was also created on Adobe Illustrator using the bamboo pad and brush.

Concept: For the image to the left, I wanted people to see a bottle. During a critique on one of our

monday classes, someone said that this image reminded them of the Stanely Cup trohpy because of

the bottle’s shape and the streamers coming out of the side.

Composition: I am controlling the eyes in this picture by drawing them to the Stanley Cup trohpy in

the middle while the background is more plain with a couple of lines to give it a place and make it

more interesting.



“Hopefully the Stanley Cup finds its way back to Chicago this year!”

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The picture to the right is of a shining moon that is creating some shadow amonst the water and mountains. There are different shapes featured in this image and I think that

helps make everything stand out more also adding a sense of uniqueness. I used different brush sizes and different hand move-ments to create different style strokes. I found this picture on the internet but added my own elements to it as well. To create this image, I used monochromatic colors which means that the colors in this image are all different shades of the same color.

Adding value to a picture with color.

Crescent Moon in a Starry Night

8 3

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Ferocious -RAWR-By Kalea Phillips

This artwork was created by a fellow classmate dur-ing week two which focused on the shading aspect of drawing. When I look at this picture I see a ferocious tiger with a lot of detailing. When looking closely at the tiger you can almost see the fur having some type of texture because Kalea used the line method when drawing this.


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The picture to the left is a paint can spilling onto the floor. I am using the complementary colors purple and yellow to bring dimension to the picture. Complementary means that the colors sit opposite of each other on the color wheel which makes a lot of sense because yellow and purple are very different. Using these complementary colors makes it easier to bring contrast to the image and also saturation which adds intensity to an image.


Something about purple...

Vibrant Spill

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“Wings of Steal!”

By Kalea Phillips

The image to the left is another drawing created by a fellow classmate. This picture uses monochromatic colors meaning that Kalea used the color blue and then used other shades that stemmed off of that blue. When looking at this image I see a bird that is flapping its wings to fly. My eyes are drawn to the bird because it is filled with vibrant blues while the background is all shades of darker colors.


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The alphabet to the left exemplifies vector art. Each letter began with a point and then 2 points made a line, continuing with 3 points or more to make an object (letter in this case). I created my alphabet mainly using corner lines to give it a more boxy edge. Our focus for this assignment was to first create a cohesive style which means each letter must represent a unique patter or style. The next step was to try and create volume with each letter and I did this by directing my lines in a certain way that made a few of them seem 3 dimensional. The third aspect of this project was to make each letter interesting and I did this by going back after my alphabet was created and played around with the tools on adobe illustrator a little more. After we critiqued our alphabets in class, I saw that I needed to make my images a little more cohesive and I needed to add a curve aspect to it as well. For the cohesive aspect, I went back and made sure that my letters lined up correctly and that they were the same size. I also tried making sure that they shared the same curves and edges. I then went on the change the word to describe my alphabet because I got rid of the com-plete box idea and added some curve to it.


Futuristic Letter Set


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Our objective for week eight was to create a logo for the Community Based Learning program here at Saint Xavier University. We were to focus on creating a visual representation of community and learning. This logo was to be a representation/ icon of both learning and Saint Xavier. My first thought was to make sure the colors that I used were Saint Xavier’s colors. I also wanted to make sure that I kept everything simple because this image was supposed to be scaleable to view as both a large image and small image (like the twitter images). When I drafted everything out, my logos looked a lot more like pictures with a lot of detail and I knew I had to go back and make everything a lot more simple. So going from my sketch-es to the actual finished products, the images look completely different. Looking at the third image on the before and the first image on the after, you can see just how much one logo option changed. The first thing I noticed that I had to change was making my lines thicker because when I went to see what the image looked like small you couldn’t even see the lines that boxed the letter or hit the corners of the screen. I also made sure to thicken the lines of the letters so that you could see those letters clearly even as a small image. I’m glad that I put the C B L in the middle of the picture because it brings people’s eyes to the im-portance of the Logo. when I went to see what the image looked like small you couldn’t even see the lines that boxed the letter or hit the corners of the screen. I also made sure to thicken the lines of the letters so that you could see those letters clearly even as a small image. I’m glad that I put the C B L in the middle of the picture because it brings people’s eyes to the importance of the Logo.


Saint Xavier Color Schema

Community Based Learning

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My main focus when creating these images was to

keep everything simple. While revising these log-

os I found that the most difficult part was making

sure that my logos would be readable at an avatar

size for twitter. Take make sure that my images

were readable from such a small size I made my

colors more vibrant and my the letters CBL larger.

The logo above that looks like puzzle pieces shaped like people became the new Community Based Learning logo for Saint Xavier University!


Revisions and Revisions


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Indiana University Diving

I took these pictures in the summer of 2011 at Indiana University’s diving camp. I spent 2 weeks there learning new dives and refining my older ones to prepare me for my senior year of high school diving. I ended up breaking two records that year and I owe a lot of my success from going to these camps. I was able to use the diving equipment for a D1 school along with being coached by Jeff Hubert who helped coach the United States Olympic diving team for a couple of years.

“Don’t wait to do tomorrow, what you can do today.”


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My cousin Peter Gavrilos took all these pictures of My young-er cousin Victoria and I when we were making a video for a fundraiser that I was a part of. The fundraised was forDuchenne Muscular Dystro-phy and it was organized just like Dancing with The Starts except at Oak Lawn Commu-nity High School. We raised a little over eighteen thousand dollars.

By Peter Gavrilos


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SXU Cheerleading

By Niko Velazquez

“Go SXU, Everybody yell go SXU!”


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Partners in Crime Twins by chance, Friends by choice

These pictures are of my twin brother Peter and I. I always find myself talking about him any chance that I get because he is the strongest person that I know. He has spent far too much time in the hospital and has over-come many illnesses, including kicking cancer’s but. I don’t know what I would do without him!


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“The summer before my freshman year of college my friend Michelle Dean and I went to Italy for ten days.”


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Fun on the FarmAttempting to go Horseback riding...

I took these pictures of my friend Michelle at her grandparents’ farm. We planned on head-ing over there to go horseback riding but we spooked the horses on accident so we just went around the farm taking random pictures.


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A Walk in the Park

By Michelle Dean

“My friend Michelle took pictures of me for her photography class and it was such a fun experience.”


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Prom 2012

By Susan Georgelos

Above is a picture of my date Justin Pendergast and I


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Peter and Joanna Drebos

By Valerie Georgelos


I took this picture at my cousin Joanna’s wedding. It was such a fun experience being a bridesmaid and spending the entire day with her and the rest of our family.


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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens

me- Philippians 4:13