Na~e: .\( £_V Period: / Date: World History - Schenck Reading for Meaning: INDIA How can I make meaning while I read? #6 This year you will be asked to read a lot. Unfortunately, just reading is not enough. Your brain does not automatically absorb and process new information while reading - it needs your help! You have to push it to understand and make meaning of the texts you read this year. For this history reading assignment, I want you all to try a strategy of "History Textbook Note Taking" (described here) that some of us worked with last time. Current Reading Assignment: 6.2 "India's Vedic Age", 6.3 "Hinduism", and 6.4 "Buddhism" (pages 206 to 227) Location: Online Textbook accessible via SV Portal (Directions for access on the main page of my website and located in Portal.) Due Date: February 1Ph Completion: History Textbook Note Taking (attached) Grading: Grades will come from the Note Check Quiz on the chapter. You get to use whatever notes you take here on the quiz. If you do poorly on the Note Check Quiz, then we need to go back to the notes you took and figure out how to make better meaning while reading this year. See me if you need help determining this!

£ V. BLUE Subheading: A V-j a,n '-1 f-e.. Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading: ..- V READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL

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Na~e: .\( £_V Period: / Date: World History - Schenck

Reading for Meaning: INDIA How can I make meaning while I read?


This year you will be asked to read a lot. Unfortunately, just reading is not enough. Your brain does not automatically absorb and process new information while reading - it needs your help! You have to push it to understand and make meaning of the texts you read this year. For this history reading assignment, I want you all to try a strategy of "History Textbook Note Taking" (described here) that some of us worked with last time.

Current Reading Assignment: 6.2 "India's Vedic Age", 6.3 "Hinduism", and 6.4 "Buddhism" (pages 206 to 227)

Location: Online Textbook accessible via SV Portal (Directions for access on the main page of my website and located in Portal.)

Due Date: February 1Ph

Completion: History Textbook Note Taking (attached)

Grading: Grades will come from the Note Check Quiz on the chapter. You get to use whatever notes you take here on the quiz. If you do poorly on the Note Check Quiz, then we need to go back to the notes you took and figure out how to make better meaning while reading this year. See me if you need help determining this!

History Textbook Note Taking: Your textbook has RED ''headings" and BLUE "subheadings" throughout each section to help you make bett er meaning while you read. You need to use them to help you determine what is important enough to write down and what you should be taking away from each section. The idea here is to take these headings and turn them into questions you need to answer during and after reading. This should help you make better meaning and connections while reading.

EXAMPLE for first part:


A. RED Heading; The Origins of the Indo Aryans

1. BLUE Subheading: The Vedas Turn the blue sub heading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

Why are the Vedas important to the Inda-Aryans? (tied to both headings)

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

Priests used the songs and chants in t he Vedas for ceremonies and to praise their gods of nature. They were written in a sacred language called Sanskrit this is still a sacred language today.

New vocab and definitions from this blue subheading:

~ • Veda = a collection of hundreds of sacred hymns from the Aryans

• Include yellow highlighted key terms and any other words you need to remember (Le. were new to you, or you determine important)

Make a connection to what you read (to your personal experiences, another text, ideas from class, etc.):

The sacred scriptures (connection to the Vedas) in the three monotheistic religions we studied previously were the Torah, Bible, and Quran.

Ask a question (What does your learning make you wonder, think of, etc.?):

I wonder what these chants sound like in Sanskrit?

2. BLUE Subheading: A V-j a,n '-1 f-e.. Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

..- V

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading: ( one. '-/CU.. v,u. de.d to looc.. 1-\.F (.)f' bt. rt.ml nc\!o c:,f-)

• nom o.ds -= :peope. Who movt. ~ plt>xtL, to o\o.tJL I no . 1 ~b...Yl.e..n t- ho~ .1

3. BLUE Subheading: 1 ~ Gmw+h o-6 Ve.die. C)vi·11·z.o._t;-;ffi'L Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

...) I

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

lJ m (Lnu ~o dl1Y1\..,j ~ Soo 8.C.

\ u ' New vocab and definitions from blue subheading: (ol'\~ ~ou... V\..Uc;Ul-d +n loot u_p .. J • C I c. v1s -= ~ ps ot 'W1l 0 Lt w Vlo S-li,i eve.

Lt.Ator I I

Make a connection to what you just read (to your personal experiences, another text, ideas from class, etc.): ? l(..,11.if t. 11:10 , m c...~ h<. !

\.J.t Lt OJ'lJ'U .. O 1) 'f''--1\/ I 01..LS ½ +tno....-+ ~D../ ~ a..+lv....r e,v:5 I ' -...J

~ .tO,/l ':1 h.u.., , Of\ +t r,v,'l Cl.A 6 ---\-N.. a,.; 't\~ Ar ii-J:J +'f-,b--tS ~(\ \$\().m ~t. f\Omo..o--o +uo.

B. RED Heading: _ ll..:....;...,;vu_=--=to.s~_tL _ _ S_y-;,_ ...... st._JUY\ __________ _

1. BLUE Subheading: Two ti nd S of Co.._s.~ Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:


READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

:,.1r Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

e oc..Ll.a-FO-ti on =-1d· 0--ti-'


~ New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• C1)..()t-e.. =- Li ¥W ,:Soc..,\..·a..1. t-1 o..ss Into w h\(b c:.. 7)€..r'SOn, S b~ D I

• Bva..hVY1i ns :::. 1)rt~St 5 I

• k'...svia.:tv--1 y o.s = ( (A.,u.fS or- wo..,,-f'i'crs

C<P\-t;,o_;.: • Vo_ts'v-t -..: o.s = I a.v-0ownus, 60-n ~ , YY\udn~+s 11 \IO-( .

\ bW<-S 1 • S u..clro..A ~ -{;0,...r V"'f"I wort: 1 VY\ a...n u._ ~ LaJocr \ I tc,_ ~~t·cJ•1(.f'if1CiJ ei-,nin(.l.fs I

• 1) OJ 1 + s { 1 Lu--rtf.lu. c.h o.b l.Q.-5 '' ) ~ di rh.,\ \ o ~ ~ ,, cJ •. ta .. r-.., . .'~ tiJ, Ld-~

~ . --pu...r.e. ::: cle..o..,, . q-o-oc\ I u

Make a connection to what you just read (to your personal experiences, another text, ideas from class, etc.):

\VVJJ ~-~ oh A..Q..Ar\'W'"\ ~ V'A.L o-L Mhu\..Ld 11 c_u.ql,Lv1 ti ~ Q vV V

o3 5cJ,. 0-~ I Ju CL V\ e..vo $ ) o:oc..t,~ 1 ~-h..' - lof.A-+ WCu--f VV\.D-Y L VLCU--~ h .. '

2. BLUE Subheading: £voLu...+,'oV"' 06 #'U- C{lS't:L s~~ Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

H ow 0-J--O #u. C.0-SU S y 5Q.rf\ c..\r-0-nq t.. fuy-n OJ\ 0-..t.n-+ +; n\LS tt -to c.\ "-A..\·~ J

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughf

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

~+v..o..Ll..A.( p.g-o pl!. ~e. bo\n I.Yl1't> 0-... c.o.stL +- c.o-0d..rlt

,1 ch().f\9r- ;_-1:,. ____,, u-- l r,~ -tod°:j lo..w ~ orb1,:,k, C.osl:.t.-0 d. t sc.r, m, n o..ti Ct'\ t to\.:J eo..n1 ~ c\ ~ on c a..s ~

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading: . +vitor"1 = ().fl _ 1dtal ~v protx1Std t..¥(J•llYl~-hDl\.

0~• dr $c.r1 0 1 1 no,_+, l)Y) : t-Lnj lA.St 1Yt cJ-n\JU\~ q0 di.~lj!e,d ffi~~OY\L,1

evo\u .. :h CV"\ = -\--o cJ--10...h~ cvt,,r" -h V'Y\ e. 0b ~opLt/~ 5 •• • •• 0 •• & &4-& ••+ ••+ tt • tt t t tt. t•. tt. •• .... •• 0 00 0 0 •• OOe 00 0 0 IO O 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 00. 00. 0 tt t+t tt t &t t t tt t aa O aa oao 000 00 a•• 0 • 00 I &e 00 0 tO t t tt t tt ttt ••• 00 .. •• O •• a O 00 00& •• O •• O O IO 00 t t t& t tt ••• ao O 00 O • ae O 00 ooe 00 O

A. RED Heading: Tiu ( oof-s of fh·r1d ~

1. BLUE Subheading: Ve.-cl.-c A~ &bi,(/ (JJ1.d Pro..tf-, UAL-,

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

rd-u.aJs +o pleoy gods J,h .:5(lC,r-iha.s ol

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• .so.. r.,n ti &<l = o{f-tri" n q.s


2. BLUE Subheading: F3 r{lh yn(jJJti-nl_ Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

rt I, 3, tJ1I\ o-f +h~ Ve.di~ Cl.@Ll h{l/.)..Ld rn pnu h Qflcl v,tuaJs ~ +h.L aods


New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• Br{l}-,m/J.Yli:$-IJ'J = rtt,g,·rrn.. Dt- rifua/s da.Y7nq Ved1<!_ a.ge • Schol (LrS = vVell -R-du.i!aftcf hishr, ()..ns / p.€Op/e.

B. RED Heading: !he. f VDlu.titrn [){ f./,f1dU1.5-nL

1. BLUE Subheading: Ne,w Tellch, nqs J


Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

What ,w fe.tuh1A tJS. Wlf£ Z>tVf- {){ ULrL<j J l .. • '-d J ' fT<.A' L iuY>L ?

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

-flri.L lip11Ylwh{),d5 are +£11._ !oJn'ihngs of- ld/'3/ JI-; n. d LL +ell lhVS - d 1.ai w / U..p!: 1 d lll 'th I n J hf/ wro /'/':f, dr.

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• a u..,rus =- +v->, n~e,,.s + fttl.Lht..rs u1 tb ndLLis.-hL u

• Vtdot, ltNh ll{J(J.fU.4had~ = J-/,vidu holy scr,phu€S ;. I

2. BLUE Subheading: ---'£=-,1-(.k_·c.,_P_rr-lJtl' __ l4....--_________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

, /2_().fll°-i OJ[(}_ ~ WIOY{}_/ lvu/hVJ I -w. loi; o.J ft; ~ Vt~p e~t

• ).A. a VJ 11 bh 0/1)._ft}_ ~ lo y o.l'hj fD 6M7' ~'I r dA.dy New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• ei:it -=- Lcm,o 5to vy ~ he.t-lJ es +old , t1 v~rS-fl-u J

• i3hO-: {l-<)t)..,ti - C,,f(J_ = 1-/--,ndLL holy tu,,1- w , dtas abou .. i .... -rne SDLLI I/

C. RED Heading: Be/,'e_, fs Aho11./- (rod

Turn the RED heading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next RED heading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

• -+vi W'l i's one 5 U(Yf me, , s p Ir, hioJ 'hJye,e__ blowYJ

(),~ Bra.J,m{LJ, I a.Ji gods a.re. /?ov»t£ o/ hir}\-, tVlnj f){./3on 'has a. soul 'fhatls prJ/t of /3Y12'1n1.aA. New vocab and definitions from RED heading:

• Er 11.hMtUt = /+r'r1du s lLf)rl.ln e 6J.sm, c fn ,c e_

• &n'v0- ~ g /Jd of! /J{)WU( ~ha...n1-e. .1 /J./ld dairit..L.hd"J{..._

; /11 t-h 'nd ui~ ( {JJtV_ for fJ'L of BrtLh nt 11..A. J

D. RED Heading: BeJ, Pk Ahi)l)_f J.__1 ft 1. BLUE Subheading: Rtihf /lCYlll f,.(n{ flVld k-b.f ,ri,{)_,;

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

k.iifrna dtf-wwun~) h ow a_ ~O,t /.2 flbM -i

hlld /!JJf11Vt/L (tv, I dtet/5) =- rlh,rth i'nf-o a_ /owtr casft /lVl d VI ll Vl./3 a

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• re,, v,c.,uno.'h trn :: rUJiY-M nf- #1e ..5l)ll/ iYlro Cl Ylllv~ 6ody • kQ...rm(l = eff eel- of o._ DerS rm 's fl cl-i oYlS , n #J,s OJ1d

1 1v, pvw,ous. l(Vt..5 • t. d., hCJ-vltvlCL = p e/3trr1 ~ d u.tiJ h w '1af- is v-i o ht

o.,lS r 1t'\c1w<S J

4 bD • >J flh , mBIL-=- o.,voidi11~ do/nq h{).rm fo M(/ I t'v 'nCf t-/,Ji//19 ~'¼lJ.l$fl" . ,J. sfnvinq 'hY vve)I b.unq

J ~

3. p J-e o s,l0r-e • +. rnot-6h(l:= lit:Jerafl ·tJn {{itedffYi) fn1n11 Ve/ncarnah"tJ;

Make a connection to what you just read (to your personal experiences. another text, ideas from class. etc.):

the Jushn Ti'vnWI fLkf!_ 3/rn Q 1'l,,JJ,,1af Q'OtS fJ.fULU >d


Cg]}J l5 /o {)_ ck ~Lf.v 1d 11 1 ·_s Yl f t,n,_, Jl?tj Y1J k/Lr-rna_,


Ask a question (What does your learning make you wonder. think of. etc.?):

2. BLUE Subheading: Th rlL PILi+JS fo H ofL~f,a_ Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

J. lc.nowltclg-l- l~o.J1vvu.Yls fv flow ) J. . wons ( do,ng

riU91ou5 ritual~ {).y,d du'Hj ) 3. dWoh{F)rz {!ov/ng &od)

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• d lV () t l -;:: fo fe;f as Id l 'H)Y (J.. f-)LLt po 5.£ , I

• yoga ::: a w 0-.L/ of s.e,etut.j niots.fttL

E. RED Heading: Tfv._ I i'YLJDO--Cf- o+ lh"ndu,5-ht... '

1. BLUE Subheading: Th£._ _g f)yea._cl of- /y--,'v-Jd u/~L J

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

Why clLd t-h'ndui>f'JL 5prtad at,,ross lnd,a.."' t~;f!/~lj READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

1. +lu 1 bl~ { fllLtpk ntw god~ as pwf tJ I-- Bt1Lh nt1Utj

J. . doe~¥ ve.,i ULil a/f&iduLa a}· rt-t,q,M ~v/lLf [ W(JYS ILA-f:1 (Lf h u,rl e IU'J'f ft hU.. lJY DJ1 y JtJfli.n)

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• sh,,rie_-= rL pltLu 'l>{ WOY~ ? AfdLe.,,a.izd to c<-.

.5/'M;(.,tf_ ob jt.e f OY fu..r l'lj

2. BLUE Subheading: fb ndu.. Tvad/h 'rm(

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

+tn'I pies , • >

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

• • • ++• ++• ..... ~·· ••• +11••·• ... ~ •+• • •• ••+ ...................... ..... ........... . . .......... ,, ........ . . ... -~. •+• .................. .. .... ......... .... ,. ........ , ..... ·~ .. -H'++ • ++• + ...................................................... .

6.4" ----------------------------,,

A. RED Heading: ____________ ________ ___ _

1. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

2. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

3. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

B. RED Heading: ________________________ _

1. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

2. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading~

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

Ask a question (What does your learning make you wonder, think of, etc.?):

3. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

4. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

Ask a question (What does your learning make you wonder, think of. etc.?):

• C. RED Heading: _______________________ _

1. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way throughl

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading;

2. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

3. BLUE Subheading: ___________________ _

Turn the blue subheading into a question to answer at the end of reading:

READ the small section until the next blue subheading ALL the way through!

Answer the question you wrote above after reading:

New vocab and definitions from blue subheading:

Make a connection to what you just read (to your personal experiences, another text, ideas from class, etc.):

Ask a question (What does your learning make you wonder, think of, etc.?):