f r?"S r- - WMWiumm -- "pf U" , s - .,' A." ' R I J It ' ?h C5W ,0 iM) i?.1 '.M Vol. XlV.-x- No 2201. HONOLULU, II. I., FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 22, 1889. 60 OEHT0 SUBSCRIPTION PER MQNTH ' V - - x" PC THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed ami published at tho ortlco '.Juoon direct, Honolulu, II. uvery .ifturnoon (Sundays cxcptcd). Subscription. 50 conti per Month. Addross all Communications Daim; dUMittriN. Advertisements, tc ensure insortlon, ihoiild lie handed lu boforo one o clock p. t. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. tfiswspaper, Book and .lob Printing of ill kind. douii on the moat favorable urms. Joll'Teluphono..... No. 250 Mutual Telephone.. No. 200 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary, Vn interesting and comprehensive iiihliciuion, contains 33 columns of jading mattei on local top cs, and u complete resume of Honolulu aid Island Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed m the Kingdom to send to friend.. i broad. MubHCi'lptliMi: Island $4 00 year 5 00 " V'orei in Goiniruasion ineconants. ijf.tj.li " iA-- ' Jo' a. General Commission Agents. ti7o ly HONOLULU Q. W. MACFABLANE & Co. I'OKTBItil AND OOMMISSIO . MEUCHAtfTfa, Honolulu. U. 1 jueou udet, Itiitf GONSA.LVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants U Bouvor blouK, Honolulu . iWtBWER M OOUPANY, im (Limited) hKBHAL YlttUCAHTIIiH AND COUUS-'O- H AOUNU- - .iur jK urifi' uas. 1.' !., Jr. .. .I'icsiuuui Jo iiiuuugv ,' ,.nch.u Treasurer Oi secretaij i uiiiiOToua: don. Ui H. Bisuop. a. 0. Allen, H. WATiJBIIOUSK. dJa ly T. WATKUHOUSE, JOHN importer aud Dealer in General iierchaudise, liueon at., Honolulu. 1 5. N. Ciwtlo.-- J. B. Athertou-- U. P. (Jabtle 6l OOOiSK, ClAflTLH Shipping and Commission llercbants. Importers and Dealers in ueueral Uerohaadisu, So 80 King at. Uoaoiuiu J Glum SprectcU. Wm. G. Irwin. la win Sb Company, Wri. tiugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 WILDER Dealers OO., Ik Lumber, I'alnts, Oils. Nails, Sal, and Building Mausrlalb of every kind, cor. Fort, aud queen sts., Honolulu. ' GBINBAUM & OO., MS. Importers of Geuoral Mer- - flhandiseaud Conioiisslon Merchants, Ui.uolulu, aud iai Califotnii street, dan Frauclsco, Cal. J Lower. F. J.,Lowrey O. SI. Cooke. AS OOOKE, (suceeaors to Luwers & Dickson.) mporters and s in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, D'ort street, Honolulu O LUSO UAWAIIANO. persons who want to eommuni ALL with the PmtUL'uesu, eliliOi fur busiiieas, or for proounug wuikmeu jorvants or any other Uelpo, vvili tiud u tlio most protlUblo way to adverilsu in tho Luso Htfwaiiauo, tue new organ ot the PiTtuguuHc colony, which Is pub. lished ju Hotel streei, ami inly charge-reasonab- le rawn (or a.lveriisimnts H. G. CRABBE, DEALER Wm and GRAIN, 81 King Street, oppo.ite the Old Station Hoiue. Mutual "JColepliouo No. t. 87 tf MES. M. B. CAMPBELL, .XroBiuu.lcliitr &" Ssot Has commenced the buaincss of Dross, making, Cutting aud Fining, at her resi- dence, No 18 Ucretaula street, opposite ike Hotel. The patronage of tho ladies is respeotfullT solicited, tiatibfactlou guaranteed. sepKMy Professionals. T M. MONSARRAT, fj Attorney at Luw & Notary Public 140 Merchant Btreet, Honolulu. tf Alfred Magoon, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17U 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly STEAM CANDI FACTORY A.JVX XJA.IC33KY. P. HOHN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook und Baker. 1 Hotel St. "SW" Telephone 71 Mrs. L. G. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Batbs 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec H0LLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Streot, William's Block, Hono 216 Honolulu, H. I. II. M. BKNSON. O. W. SMITIt. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 13 &1 10 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocrlcke & Sccchlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, 1 2 TENNER & CO. Jluiinractiirlns Jewellers, , NO. 03 AOKT 8TBKJET. Constantly on band a largo assortmen if every ilescriptinnof .lewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, M Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker . Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. iLiivj; Strvci, Sttonolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y Company's Olllee. I Particular attention paid to all kind of repairs j,in-ll)-fi- 9 Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, ( Proprietors. F. I. CUTTER, J Ufllce, &1 King strrui, Telephone No SO. Husulence elepbone No 'JOli. Gen'l JExprcsslng Ui'iiylilB Piano and Fui niiure moving a speiuahy V"agons meet all incoming steamers. 1uly 25 ly PASTURE for HORSE AT Halekou, Kuneohn, Koolaupoko, bH'3 acres of gooa pature land, all enclosed p'enty ot water Apply to Charles I Hiram, at the King'b Stables, Honolulu, or at Halekou. feb-28H- ly Hustace& Robertson, DBAYM.KN. A hit orders for Cartage promptly at-- t. tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllco, adjoining K. P. Adums & Co.'s motion room 0'i2 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Richard CayforA VETERINARY Shoeing Forge, 70 &. HI XUue Mtreet. Shooing, from $1.50. Horsoa and Cattle Treated foi all Diseases. Rojldcnco: Chamberlain House, next Kawaiahao Church. X. O, BOX 40M. BeUTelepkoneffia2aBcle358 BEAVER ak, SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours The Finest Brand of SJW! - GWasaToBco jVl-mvy- s on Hand. M. J. NOL'JTK, Proprietor. TUB Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING bTHEET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Eetail Butchers AND NAVY CONTKACTOHS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, fpF Pork, ITisli, Vcgetublcs, Szc, SCc. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to 'm. MeCandlcfs), So. a tucon t : : 1'IhIi 3Iarlcot, Honolulu, H. I. tt3?Family and Sliipplng Oulerscare-full- y attended to. Livestock furnisbed to vessels at short nolicc. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, IIUTUIIKIt. Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fic-'- Every Day. jg-- noted Satisiigcs nro made bj the every btst machinpr", and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness und dispatch, and hit prices are as low as anywhere in the city. tS?" Try Ma Bologna Sausages."8 oct.0-8- New Zealand Mullet (Star Brand.) 8 In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins. Fresh Supplies by each Niw Zea- land Steamer. For Sale by J. E. Brown & Co., 17 Sole Agents. f1' The Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for salo Steam Family and Black, mith Coal and a gcHeral assortment of 415. Bar iron. FltJVIVOE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Rue do Dunkerque, - - - Paris. xCxeoiites Imb nts for every defcriptioi. t French, Itelglan, Swiss Germ in, am Engliph Ooods. ai the best Manilla, tunui1' l.iwot I'rlco-- . f'ominiM-tnn- , Two-and.- a Half por rent. All Trade and dab allowed to Clients. Original Invoiceb forwardid when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paria Hanker, payable on delivery ot Shipping documents; or, dhecWothc manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nnd S1U, for Homo and Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Fliinnolf, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glas,and Chlna.waro, Clocks, Watches, Jewollry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plat- Musical Instrument, Fans, Eccletlastical and Optical Goods. Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stori'S, Books Artistio Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery. &o., &o. 180 ly B, Spring and Summer Dress Goods ! IMMENSE VARIETY AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street. Honolulu. IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor. Latest lYelties ia Fancy Wast Materials At very low prices; Fancy Figured and Solid Color Satines, In the latest shades and newest patterns ; Solid Color and Fancy Figured Chambrys, In light blue, pink and navy blue; English Fancy Figured Muslim? and Fancy Crinkles, A new assortment of Novelty Dross Ginghams, Chailles and Cretonnes, "Which wo offer at bedrock prices; iMew Fancy Striped White Goods, In light bluo, black and red stripes ; Nansooks, in white and cream, striped and plaids; Victoria & Persian Lawn & India Linens, Open Lace Stripe & Lace Plaids, Dotted & Figured Swiss, in white & ecru A new assortment of Hamburg & Swiss Embroideries, Yoke Embroideries and Edgings, White and colored ; Wliito Muslin Tuelsiugr, iu uev IUnic- - lisyiiM; Also an assortment of Olioice IMnilixievy Ac Fancy Ribbons STATEWIET OF 1 HE ut aa i Life Insurance OF NEW YORK. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. o For the year ending Dec. 31, 1888. o Total Assets, - $126,082,153 56. Increase in Assets !J7,275,301 G8 Surplus at 4 per cent $7,940,003 CH Increase in Surplus $1,645,022 11 Policies in forco 1C8,3C9 Increase during year '. 17,420 Policies written 32.G0G Increuso during year 10,301 Kisks assumed $103,214,201 32 Increase during year $33,750,792 95 Risk in force $482,125,184 30 Increase during year $51,490,251 85 Receipts from all sources $20,215,932 52 Incroaso during year $3,090,010 00 Paid Policy-holde- rs $14,727,550 22 THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: Bonds and Mortgages $49,017,874 02 United States and other securities $48,010,70-- 14 Real Khtato and I.nans on collateral $21,780,125 34 Cash in Banks and Trust Companies at interest $2,813,277 00 Intciest accrued, Premiums deferred and in trniiMt, etc . . . $3,248,172 40 $120,032,153 I have carefully examined tho forogoing statement and find the same to bo correct. A. N. WATEIUIOUSK, Auditor. From tho Surplus abovo stated a Dividend will bo apportioned as usual. Risks Year. Assumed. 1881 $ 34,081,420 1885 40,507,139 1880 50,832,719 '1887 ,.. 09,457,408 1888 103,214,201 New York, January 23, 1889. Board ol" S. E. Sproulls, L. May, L. Robinson, O. llariiuinii, S. D. Babcock, H. W. Smith, G. S. Coo, R. Olvphant, R. A. McCurdy, G. Y. Baker, J. O. Holdon, J. Thompson, .II. C. von Post, D. Olcott, A. II. Rico, F. Cromwell, F. It. Starr, J. T. Davids, ROIIKIIT A. GltANNIriH, . Iraao F. Lloyd William J. Easton, . Fui:m:mo Soiiiiokdku. Fwnioio Ciiomwkll, Ticnsuicr, Wm. y. Riciiakdh, Comptioller, 8. M.U., 195 2w Risks Outstanding. Surplus. $351,789,285 $1,743,771 308,981,441 5,012,034 393,809,203 5,013,508 427,028,933 0,291,442 482,125,181.... , 7,'.llU,Utl,l TrtinlceH: R, Sowoll, II. II, Rogers, 8. V. R. Cruger, J.Sv.AuoliincloBs, O. R. llendoison, T. Morford, G. Bliss, v W. Babcock, R. W. Pcckliani, P. B, I'luinl), J. II, Herrick, V. I). Washburn, V. P. Dixon, S. FUli, R. A. Grannies, A. I). .Itiillinrd, N. O. Miller, C. 13. Miller. Vieo-Prcsiden- t, . . ,2nd Vice-Presiden- t, .Secretary, . .Assistant Secretary. John A. Fonda, Assistant Treasurer, Wm. P. Sands, Cashier, WALTJ'.It R. GlLLETTK, M.D., S. B. ROSE, General Agent Hawaiian Islands, William II. C. Bahtlktt, L.L.D., Actuary. EuAbTWB O, Bkni:dict, Assistant Actuary. GUBTAVUH WlNfaTON, E. J. Maush, M.D., Medical Directors, Wm, G. Davieb, Solicitor. 50 The 'Dailu Bulletin Weekly Summary," Will be Issued on March 2CtU. J8 Columna ol Interesting Nowa. The Boat Paper to Send Abroad. Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, - $28,002,205.00 Flro rUks taken at current rales and settlement mado in Honolulu. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent. July 20 88-l- y Union Flro A. Marine Insurance Company of N. Z. Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimitod Liability. Fire and Marino risks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july 2ii 88-l- S TJ N Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July an.88.ly MEGDJEBimG General Insurance Company, Marine risks ou Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. july S0.88.ly A. H. MSEMANN, Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 13 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs. W HONOL.UL.U IBON WORK8, aTijiJii Steam engines, BUgar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings- ; machinery of every description made to ordor. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Alex. M Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel St., next to General Post nice, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes &. Scales repaired. Also. Sowing Jlneliliics at reason- able ruteH. Bell Tel. 124. P. O. B. 490 WALKER & REDWABD, Contractors & XXulldors. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to, 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o N . 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap y GEORGE LUCAS, SSniXsSii. and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing MillB, .bspla nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackuts, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited NTERPRISr PLANING MILL. r Alakeu, near Qncen. HUM I. Telephone 55. ) SUGAR PLANT I FOR Pf SALE Tho Entire Plant of tho Slap Mill Conor, Mala: Is offered For Sile. The Machinery is in perfect working order and consist of One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Traih-carrlo- r, Etc., complete, 1 Pair of Boilers Gx20, I Doublo Effect 6 and 7 feet Pans, 1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Dlako Pump, 3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine. Together with the usual assortment ot Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers And other Machinery usually found In a well nppolnted mill. Also, a number of k Caue Carta & GenT Plantation Implements. Delivery will bo given afler next crop lins been harvested, say about July 1, 1889. tSTFor further particulars apply to JOHN HIND, Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii, nu.y.'.l-8- a FIRE, LIFE, and MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,268,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Eire and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now Tork Lifo Insuranco Co. Asseto, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGcER HONOLULU. Genoral Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly EQUITABLE Society or tho United Btatea. THE LEADING COMPANY. NowRuiInewln 1887 -- Applications $138,023,105 retuied for 23,720,317 Total Incomo 23,240,040 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,256 Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In tho above and wst imporUat point the Equitable &f Uie list of Life Campenics. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Oencral Aaent for Hawaiian Islands. Juno CASTLE & COOKE, Lifo, Fire &. Marino Insur'oe Agenla. AOBNTS FOE Tub New KnglaaA MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y, of Boston. Tho J2tna Firo Insuranco Co. of Hartford? Conn. The Union fire and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Calo. lUlly Prussian National Insurance Comuv KSTAIJLIBnKD 1845, CaP"al. 9.000.000 Relehsmarki npiIB undersigned, hanng been ap. for , rt"a ar?.cntTof. the ab0T0 Company Islands, is prepared to accept risks against Fire! onBulldla. Fumlturo, Merchandise, Bugtt Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Piyabls Hoselult. ily,y-H- - "mtpgBS?&. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emmi St The undersigned liejrs to inform the public of tlicsu Islands that he Is ranking Shirt ly McuHnremeHt! Directions forpelf.measurcmentviB be given on application. While Shirts, Oversairts & Nlgbt Soik A fit guwMteo by making a saapl. bhlrt to evsry order. Island order sollclted-B- tll Telephene 419 r A.M. mmsMh JUUW IWT" 3 '3

V ak, Spring Summer MILLINERY MARINE · complete resume of Honolulu aid Island Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed m the Kingdom to send to friend.. i broad. ... STEAM CANDI FACTORY

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Page 1: V ak, Spring Summer MILLINERY MARINE · complete resume of Honolulu aid Island Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed m the Kingdom to send to friend.. i broad. ... STEAM CANDI FACTORY

fr?"S r- -


-- "pfU" , s -

.,'A." '

R I J It' ?h

C5W ,0 iM)i?.1




V -





Is printed ami published at tho ortlco

'.Juoon direct, Honolulu, II. uvery

.ifturnoon (Sundays cxcptcd).

Subscription. 50 conti per Month.

Addross all Communications Daim;dUMittriN.

Advertisements, tc ensure insortlon,ihoiild lie handed lu boforo one o clockp. t.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

tfiswspaper, Book and .lob Printing of

ill kind. douii on the moat favorableurms.Joll'Teluphono..... No. 250

Mutual Telephone.. No. 200


Weekly Summary,Vn interesting and comprehensive

iiihliciuion, contains 33 columns of

jading mattei on local top cs, and u

complete resume of Honolulu aid Island

Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed

m the Kingdom to send to friend..

i broad.MubHCi'lptliMi:

Island $4 00 year5 00 "V'orei in

Goiniruasion ineconants.

ijf.tj.li " iA-- ' Jo'a.General Commission Agents.

ti7o ly HONOLULU



Honolulu. U. 1jueou udet,



Wholesale Grocers & Wine MerchantsU Bouvor blouK, Honolulu

. iWtBWER M OOUPANY,im (Limited)



.iur jK urifi' uas.1.' !., Jr. . . .I'icsiuuui Jo iiiuuugv,' ,.nch.u Treasurer Oi secretaij

i uiiiiOToua:

don. Ui H. Bisuop. a. 0. Allen,H. WATiJBIIOUSK.

dJa ly

T. WATKUHOUSE,JOHN importer aud Dealer in Generaliierchaudise, liueon at., Honolulu. 1

5. N. Ciwtlo.-- J. B. Athertou-- U. P. (Jabtle

6l OOOiSK,ClAflTLH Shipping and Commissionllercbants. Importers and Dealers inueueral Uerohaadisu, So 80 King at.Uoaoiuiu J

Glum SprectcU. Wm. G. Irwin.

lawin Sb Company,Wri.tiugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

WILDER DealersOO.,

Ik Lumber, I'alnts,Oils. Nails, Sal, and Building Mausrlalbof every kind, cor. Fort, aud queen sts.,Honolulu. '

GBINBAUM & OO.,MS. Importers of Geuoral Mer- -

flhandiseaud Conioiisslon Merchants,Ui.uolulu, aud

iai Califotnii street,dan Frauclsco, Cal.

J Lower. F. J.,Lowrey O. SI. Cooke.AS OOOKE,

(suceeaors to Luwers & Dickson.)mporters and s in Lumber and all

kinds ot Building Materials, D'ort street,Honolulu


persons who want to eommuniALL with the PmtUL'uesu, eliliOi

fur busiiieas, or for proounug wuikmeujorvants or any other Uelpo, vvili tiud utlio most protlUblo way to adverilsu in

tho Luso Htfwaiiauo, tue new organ ot

the PiTtuguuHc colony, which Is pub.lished ju Hotel streei, ami inly charge-reasonab- le

rawn (or a.lveriisimnts



81 King Street, oppo.ite the Old StationHoiue.

Mutual "JColepliouo No. t.87 tf


.XroBiuu.lcliitr &" Ssot

Has commenced the buaincss of Dross,making, Cutting aud Fining, at her resi-

dence, No 18 Ucretaula street, oppositeike Hotel. The patronage of tho ladiesis respeotfullT solicited, tiatibfactlouguaranteed. sepKMy


T M. MONSARRAT,fj Attorney at Luw & Notary Public

140 Merchant Btreet, Honolulu. tf

Alfred Magoon,J ATTORNEY AT LAW.

17U 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


P. HOHN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook und Baker.

1 Hotel St. "SW" Telephone 71

Mrs. L. G. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Batbs

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Streot, William's Block, Hono216 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,13 & 1 10 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocrlcke & Sccchlk's


Rickecker's Perfumes and ToiletRequisites, 1 2

TENNER & CO.Jluiinractiirlns Jewellers, ,

NO. 03 AOKT 8TBKJET.Constantly on band a largo assortmen

if every ilescriptinnof .lewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

MManufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

. Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

iLiivj; Strvci, Sttonolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y

Company's Olllee.

I Particular attention paid to allkind of repairs j,in-ll)-fi- 9

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, (Proprietors.


Ufllce, &1 King strrui, Telephone No SO.

Husulence elepbone No 'JOli.

Gen'l JExprcsslng Ui'iiylilBPiano and Fui niiure moving a speiuahy

V"agons meet all incoming steamers.1uly 25 ly


AT Halekou, Kuneohn, Koolaupoko,bH'3 acres of gooa pature land, all

enclosed p'enty ot water Apply toCharles I Hiram, at the King'b Stables,Honolulu, or at Halekou. feb-28H- ly

Hustace& Robertson,

DBAYM.KN.A hit orders for Cartage promptly at-- t.

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllco, adjoining K. P. Adums & Co.'smotion room0'i2 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.


Shoeing Forge,70 &. HI XUue Mtreet.

Shooing, from $1.50.

Horsoa and Cattle Treated foi

all Diseases.

Rojldcnco: Chamberlain House, nextKawaiahao Church.

X. O, BOX 40M.



Tho Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

The Finest Brand ofSJW! -

GWasaToBcojVl-mvy- s on Hand.

M. J. NOL'JTK, Proprietor.


Meat Company81 KING bTHEET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Eetail Butchers



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, fpF Pork,ITisli, Vcgetublcs, Szc, SCc.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to 'm. MeCandlcfs),

So. a tucon t : : 1'IhIi 3Iarlcot,Honolulu, H. I.

tt3?Family and Sliipplng Oulerscare-full- y

attended to. Livestock furnisbedto vessels at short nolicc. my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fic-'- Every Day.

jg-- noted Satisiigcs nro made bjthe every btst machinpr", and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness und dispatch, and hitprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

tS?" Try Ma Bologna Sausages."8oct.0-8-

New Zealand Mullet(Star Brand.)


In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.Fresh Supplies by each Niw Zea-

land Steamer. For Sale by

J. E. Brown & Co.,17 Sole Agents. f1'

The Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for salo

Steam Family and Black, mith Coaland a gcHeral assortment of

415. Bar iron.FltJVIVOE.

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Rue do Dunkerque, - - - Paris.

xCxeoiites Imb nts for every defcriptioi.t French, Itelglan,

Swiss Germ in, am Engliph Ooods. aithe best Manilla, tunui1' l.iwot I'rlco-- .

f'ominiM-tnn- , Two-and.- a Half por rent.All Trade and dab allowedto Clients. Original Invoiceb forwardidwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParia Hanker, payable on delivery otShipping documents; or, dhecWothcmanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nndS1U, for Homo and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Fliinnolf, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glas,andChlna.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jewollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- Musical Instrument,Fans, Eccletlastical andOptical Goods. Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stori'S, Books ArtistioFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. &o., &o.

180 ly B,

Spring and Summer Dress Goods !


POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,104 Fort Street. Honolulu.

IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor.

Latest lYelties ia Fancy Wast MaterialsAt very low prices;

Fancy Figured and Solid Color Satines,In the latest shades and newest patterns ;

Solid Color and Fancy Figured Chambrys,In light blue, pink and navy blue;

English Fancy Figured Muslim? and Fancy Crinkles,A new assortment of

Novelty Dross Ginghams, Chailles and Cretonnes,"Which wo offer at bedrock prices;

iMew Fancy Striped White Goods,In light bluo, black and red stripes ;

Nansooks, in white and cream, striped and plaids;Victoria & Persian Lawn & India Linens,

Open Lace Stripe & Lace Plaids,Dotted & Figured Swiss, in white & ecru

A new assortment of

Hamburg & Swiss Embroideries, Yoke Embroideries and Edgings,

White and colored ;

Wliito Muslin Tuelsiugr, iu uev IUnic- - lisyiiM;Also an assortment of

Olioice IMnilixievy Ac Fancy RibbonsSTATEWIET OF 1 HE

utaa i Life InsuranceOF NEW YORK.

RICHARD A. McCURDY, President.o

For the year ending Dec. 31, 1888.o

Total Assets, - $126,082,153 56.

Increase in Assets !J7,275,301 G8

Surplus at 4 per cent $7,940,003 CH

Increase in Surplus $1,645,022 11Policies in forco 1C8,3C9

Increase during year '. 17,420Policies written 32.G0G

Increuso during year 10,301Kisks assumed $103,214,201 32

Increase during year $33,750,792 95Risk in force $482,125,184 30

Increase during year $51,490,251 85Receipts from all sources $20,215,932 52

Incroaso during year $3,090,010 00Paid Policy-holde- rs $14,727,550 22

THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS:Bonds and Mortgages $49,017,874 02United States and other securities $48,010,70-- 14

Real Khtato and I.nans on collateral $21,780,125 34Cash in Banks and Trust Companies at interest $2,813,277 00Intciest accrued, Premiums deferred and in trniiMt, etc . . . $3,248,172 40


I have carefully examined tho forogoing statement and find the same tobo correct. A. N. WATEIUIOUSK, Auditor.

From tho Surplus abovo stated a Dividend will bo apportioned as usual.

RisksYear. Assumed.1881 $ 34,081,4201885 40,507,1391880 50,832,719

'1887 ,.. 09,457,4081888 103,214,201

New York, January 23, 1889.

Board ol"S. E. Sproulls, L. May,L. Robinson, O. llariiuinii,S. D. Babcock, H. W. Smith,G. S. Coo, R. Olvphant,R. A. McCurdy, G. Y. Baker,J. O. Holdon, J. Thompson,

.II. C. von Post, D. Olcott,A. II. Rico, F. Cromwell,F. It. Starr, J. T. Davids,


Iraao F. LloydWilliam J. Easton, .

Fui:m:mo Soiiiiokdku.

Fwnioio Ciiomwkll, Ticnsuicr,Wm. y. Riciiakdh, Comptioller,

8. M.U.,

195 2w

RisksOutstanding. Surplus.$351,789,285 $1,743,771

308,981,441 5,012,034393,809,203 5,013,508427,028,933 0,291,442482,125,181.... , 7,'.llU,Utl,l

TrtinlceH:R, Sowoll, II. II, Rogers,8. V. R. Cruger, J.Sv.AuoliincloBs,O. R. llendoison, T. Morford,G. Bliss, v W. Babcock,R. W. Pcckliani, P. B, I'luinl),J. II, Herrick, V. I). Washburn,V. P. Dixon, S. FUli,

R. A. Grannies, A. I). .Itiillinrd,N. O. Miller, C. 13. Miller.

Vieo-Prcsiden- t,

. . ,2nd Vice-Presiden- t,

.Secretary,. .Assistant Secretary.

John A. Fonda, Assistant Treasurer,Wm. P. Sands, Cashier,WALTJ'.It R. GlLLETTK, M.D.,

S. B. ROSE,General Agent Hawaiian Islands,

William II. C. Bahtlktt, L.L.D., Actuary.EuAbTWB O, Bkni:dict, Assistant Actuary.


E. J. Maush, M.D., Medical Directors,Wm, G. Davieb, Solicitor.


The 'Dailu Bulletin Weekly Summary,"

Will be Issued on March 2CtU.

J8 Columna ol Interesting Nowa. The Boat Paper to Send Abroad.

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, - $28,002,205.00

Flro rUks taken at current rales andsettlement mado in Honolulu.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent.July 20 88-l- y

Union Flro A. Marine

Insurance Company of N. Z.

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimitod Liability.

Fire and Marino risks taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july 2ii 88-l-

S TJ NInsurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July an.88.ly

MEGDJEBimGGeneral Insurance Company,

Marine risks ou Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.july S0.88.ly

A. H. MSEMANN,Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs.

W HONOL.UL.U IBON WORK8,aTijiJii Steam engines, BUgar mills, boilers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings- ;

machinery of every descriptionmade to ordor. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Alex. M Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next to General Postnice, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes &. Scales repaired.Also. Sowing Jlneliliics at reason-

able ruteH.Bell Tel. 124. P. O. B. 490


Contractors & XXulldors.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to, 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o

N . 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap y


and Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing MillB, .bsplanade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackuts, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Alakeu, near Qncen. HUMI . Telephone 55. )


FOR Pf SALETho Entire Plant of tho

Slap Mill Conor, Mala:Is offered For Sile. The Machinery

is in perfect working orderand consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Traih-carrlo- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair of Boilers Gx20,I Doublo Effect 6 and 7 feet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Dlako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment ot

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundIn a well nppolnted mill.

Also, a number of

kCaue Carta & GenT Plantation


Delivery will bo given afler next croplins been harvested, say about July 1,1889.

tSTFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii,

nu.y.'.l-8- a


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,268,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Eire and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now Tork Lifo Insuranco Co.Asseto, $85,000,000


Genoral Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly



or tho United Btatea.


NowRuiInewln 1887 --


$138,023,105retuied for 23,720,317

Total Incomo 23,240,040Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,256Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In tho above and wst imporUat pointthe Equitable &f Uie list of

Life Campenics.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,Oencral Aaent for Hawaiian



CASTLE & COOKE,Lifo, Fire &. Marino Insur'oe Agenla.



of Boston.

Tho J2tna Firo Insuranco Co.of Hartford? Conn.

The Union fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Calo.lUlly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comuv

KSTAIJLIBnKD 1845,CaP"al. 9.000.000 RelehsmarkinpiIB undersigned, hanng been ap.for ,rt"a ar?.cntTof. the ab0T0 Company

Islands, is prepared toaccept risks against Fire! onBulldla.Fumlturo, Merchandise, BugttMills etc., on the most Favorable TermsLosses Promptly Adjusted and Piyabls


ily,y-H-- "mtpgBS?&.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emmi St

The undersigned liejrs to inform thepublic of tlicsu Islands that he Is rankingShirt ly McuHnremeHt!

Directions forpelf.measurcmentviBbe given on application.

While Shirts, Oversairts & Nlgbt SoikA fit guwMteo by making a saapl.bhlrt to evsry order.Island order sollclted-B- tll Telephene 419

r A.M. mmsMh





Page 2: V ak, Spring Summer MILLINERY MARINE · complete resume of Honolulu aid Island Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed m the Kingdom to send to friend.. i broad. ... STEAM CANDI FACTORY










FMciJ to 'idt i

But atabffckeiSect tor Party,tit Kirft efelh

FRIDAY, JLi:CU 2D, 18S9.


A correspondent of the Hilo"Record " whose communication tothntvigorous little Mieet we publish-

ed yesterday, seems to think thatHonolulu has ha. I more 01 the pub-

lic money than she should have had.to the detriment of 'Ililo and othercountry places. That it. our opinion,too, and we arc pleased to see the"Record" standing up for the-right-


oI,the distlict which it reproe"nt$.V.V ciuinot endorse u entiling which

appeals in our vunthtut cuntenti'oc-:tr- y,

hut think none less of it becauseits views do nol always cbirae tawith our own. J I standi for--

for which wo commend it. and. wtffcs

the view of widening publicity w

make it a point to reproduce all iti,content that are not of purely localinterest.

"it appears "to u that Honolulu,for a lonji erie$ of years past, hasreceived iioin Hie public treasury a

largei proportion of I lie rovenue- -

thau in e(iiil:d)lc disbursementwiMilil hae admitted of. and we

cannot in lainu'ss blame countrydistricts t(ji'tcoinp(aiiiiuK that) theyhrf!Lv'Be?n neglected. Honolululives on the country, and not thecounliy un Honolulu. The producewe ezSp'ot'tVuutV'nhiuh is our wealth,comes from the-- . Country, not fromHonolulu. Honolulu is a distribut-ing centre for the country, and nota producing ccntic. The countrycan live without Honolulu, but Ho-

nolulu cannot live without the coun-

try. The bulk of the ieenue comesindirectly, 'tV W 'sine from the

jitstice. The Hilo people wantmore of Inc public money, and theyhave a light to want and demand it.Other country places have the samerigh V,'(U4 rif(thvy. iVte Wish 1 1 ll4y twill

send men to the next Legislaturethat will honestly and persistentlystand by them.3We'.ffelifJtluce in Me pr65,l'rtlufi?U

syn editorial articln-- i f)in' th'HiitA'Ruyjnly'J upon Kilo's ajiteiiwhich certain needs are specified as.vvbfkVtliat should be undertaken bj'tbfe'abVbPiiment'.iVfilLsBmflVllo'--'

ledge of the, sfnbjwtiis 'liot sulllcicnt

.WIVm.HS. l.r an opinion asuto'whetiitTathu. article is Teueonnble orotherwise, but weeommeru! it to theattention of those who arc in a posi-

tion to judge.

PakcnUUaaii iiuivst..yc befrn"pray-in-g

for lain HiuuuiUew days, andaure enough last night and cailythis morning a few slight showers

ell. !Xow, if other nationalitieswould pitch in perhaps we might getheavier showers. Supposing theJapanese, Portuguese Hawaiiansand others, took their turns I thinkthe much uccd rjiiu--u w,ould, auralycoma Wl?qn(jie(ut, .piafiioKfHi.cufitora-- , a vJiW-- S

tling'perforniance might tempt theproper windsclonvnoo'the reluctantclouds toJSvJ'ytwae state. X

.YttSWPTlbflL!'.i..lo fl I"

LoiTou Isui.uitix: I


ominjiiilcatiaii fnifb',.. I ,..,-..;- - ,

land." The wiitcr seems t

what herJa,wrj;jng..,aA)iitvbut I amnot sure that he is not rclvipgtpo

hays abo'iit' .certain lafmV'611 thirtisland producing "grapes may be.sound. It certainly appears to befl0 MV3SWlt$utftlH iil9'j'flJit'l-fu- l

if actual expci uncut will supr

den very nttlyiiithuiri'0llccs and,lfe.Jl!.BJi;irt(ViJttMlM',i vJwo you.imebtulem 10 cuinvaie inc .soil nicy jnaKii

Mi)):urp.v.,IUiXUj:iantl.v,TUonioii',BoilthejliiTilu aad,dit, 'thatiBIr.flracUonahl 'Is riglifstbtt'th'd'gra.liii'ji

'of Uie jaud

He can 11 nd a lUnYid theoiisers toagreillf 111 nVljut" die's llbjcnow osC

flhe'prwclityr vlne-g- i owcr wlib js 'of

diTOTTiTCYrn1lf(l?Twlll always betn the oiieracticaliian in Wfefprj

HnlWiMl much, that at

iiiuiizi lie sjjv:ttiv ui. aiiw ,.. ....v.ytejea,.?it onjwUoraWo-'I'expt'ils-

iurliijjt'thd'fi'i'rft!"yttlr, JViliV 't'lfeytihwiwUojuf-hiugJy;-. DuWhgHlfi?

ltoteuhr ..n'p'itiist ptjioynHwoleft witnQiit(irl!Uion,tand'iiot ono

neacly,, of lm!tivo,humlrd'fiipliireguiles your 'borit'BpcnidiMl',Apcaks of,lilaHjfiMW''HeUUd mot. tiinS-- lrntoH ivnulrl end in the satnu nil v.

,"-".--- "X UeqieiJU'Ufl .viriuiy;, nuv iiuiinugshort of actual expciimcnt will con- -


Editor 'Bvlietk n this mam- - "Eohor BcirxTtt.'-The,,- P. C. A,"ing's issuo of thol,P. C. Advertiser" suggests Hint air injunction oughtthero appeal nn article by "One to be applied for to restrain thewho pays," which looks tuoic like a tongue of n squalling Palace. Squatcroak froni somu party who was not infiit. I would suggest that ouomaking quite so much out of tho also be applied for to restrain theexohaugo business as he wis before tonguo of the big infant who squallsthe advent of silver, than it does out "Ah" in nearly every tone inlike an attempt to enliijhten the the Hotel parlois from morning topeople on the currency question. I night. One Infuctkd.

"One who pays complains in thefirst part of his ictter because goldwon't stay in the country, and thengronW in the latter part hrcause wehave a currency that will, illyou, Mr. Editor", kindly tell me whatthat gentleman fvrfit HkoY Per-hap- ?

exchange at 8 per cent, pre-

mium would suit him better andthen he could sign himself


vineyard Ito know



Km whs lt ixirtiv AVhethcr rightoc a, X Ukc tt that I am one ofbcetf "'sujust personages" referredw iu youc'article headed "Kxamin-a.tiwu"- of

Teachers." 1 should haveiMfvtd that ou call us in plainKaaiish. examiners, and not in what.Mrs. Partiugtou would say is "high-flt:ti- n

illusion." I shall by nouaean say that the writer of yourarticle did not know what lie waswriting about, but I am constrainedto believe that it was wiitten bysome one who was not thoroughlyconversant uith the questions as awhole, nor with the method of con-

ducting the examinations.The writer seems a little inconsis

tent, for, alter stating that the ques-tions were "easy enough," ho goes onto say that some of them were"posers," and gives as a typicalexample the. one as to how the can-

didate would teach a class of begin-ners how to count ten.

Now. Air. Editor, the examinersarc simply men, (not "august per-

sonages"), and aic extremely liableto err.

In getting up many questions ondivers subjects, it would be a mar-vel, indeed, were all these questionsto be the very best that could bo put.That tin; examine! arc animated bya desire to be fair and to do the bestthey can, I think no one will deny.It may be that sonic of them arc incommon pai lance, and what youreditonal would seem to indicate,"cranks."ollappily, modem pathological sci-chu- ti

furnishes a more appiopriatealfil'cvcu a mom euphemistic phrasetjjfij.1, ili'ts vulgar word, and classesall .those who are inclined to be"cranky" in a "neurotic State."

Maudsley, an acknowledged au-

thority P4n the subject, tells usth:ftj6(iMifrfcdi&positiou to neurosismay lead to many forms of mentallopVifJcduefeiirnud'A!vcn to hopulessinMilyr 158 "TSfttf informs us thatmi mill lis Vit; fiii(iies 'of a neurotictendency have been noted as greatliteriu,l'irien1,,Ja-ftists"'in- 'reformers.They uax.ei,..in..au .unus.uid .degree,the strange gift' iff exploring the by-prtt-

bfth'e meiital and' moral life,and of throwing side-light- s, as itwere, mum .tiing--s that. tjpA tyoad-minde- d

philosophers cannot atnvc atby tlieir.ieasonmg und.iuductiou

Now, my niemori' does not serveme a!t,irt$es'er1ty',as' Iw whether'tli'e1qi,Ut'iJfliV," iiV,,(i'ie' 'jiteplsp form Tri,s(ii'ciJly6u pqV'it M'a's eyer presented

to applicants for teachers' certifi-cates.jl.a- m

stjlVt rfurther doss toko6Jv?rTflYtUsi- - or "ol I' put it" '1 ambJnJtJftJvoinpitiiou that I didnot."However, ft? silly a nueslionas re si'ems, ,6 .xiimjnjRfs must beread to defend it, or back sijuaic

aks to count or deal with ten.'"ll"Ub frot'Wi'atteif lis-'- tlie'prcl'iSoform. ,,0.f the uvstion, Now, itwould appear,. to .evenly baJanuredywfully flevolopeu,' rounded outniinll 'of 'the writer of 'lour n'rVlfcle',

that this question is simply si.ly. If

cmtMo'HyictloiS that the'iftifflifHWfcfi nu,t!itflisJlnSh:f7'Bec.?flian mneatly



?l.,!ftJitftt!ifrvf,,n!.,irot,Sto that genius, a

iiyiy'flir&Urng1,' uVL'ry'ltaeJifijfny experience 'ictiowh- - now prone

and persistent is the tendency in the!afilyi Mental"? lite olMhfl (JlVRtlJ tptjiinl; W.rf0jfttnnrt luftlat tldehliinTawhich they represet. In countingtcLu.beginiuiigrwith ilc tj,itee,elo"., 4llouvt onnl8bten .'to rtntiy-na- y

to iiiosf-chifdrcnran- not theontiic siutM ileti ajjy, ,o;) try toteach very young children iVlm??.1"

4 Mfiyca. w wmyfiw '

tttb'c'iH re'iitiinuer. miist be' 'seeh'gcvhe,riasiin.onscnljlc, to be, fullycoiuprcliondcd.

That cape1 LOpatka has any "po- -

l.HWeitHPPn'l'lV0" 'HA t'l"i (V'ltui'.i

neith'ei has Capo Horn, Good Hope,nor any. tftlier'i!apO 'uf"ll, ".Mtyjl I'"1wlieics, Ue,o1u,y,ctjonJo jjifttIiuieb-tipii.'- ii

.jAViltQr.ttv isCFiiiDiUunii.oodHope-fMb- t.RoquO'y.'fJoriiioriH'Lo-patka?.I- f

tho. candiilatc. fails on the.laht, only one credit out of fifty is

iiiiyii.lifiiii.Tnt""i , "I i iitL.Uti.n(ii. 1 ne iiumK-iHJiWM- ipno.greuicr man

"'"" " " "" " "1 1 !... 'I'li lniia wiiin "i'".j















" "- -

writer ,of the tiiticlo was nusitiform-- ,

tliuiMiiu'viiHiitas. to euo, thali Jive isof live and fifteen? If the "augustllWWfr,Shdiflc?Hl,MeAt1l UM(1JW.V''

u0;i)V.viiHilvc ,to.tlie ,eandiditt'S,it was a grievous fault, not being iugcrtril'luHtcfnbr thrbu (854? &7 rgC9ie",c" ,11"1

thciloaid. , t y .,Oni: or TiiK Kh'ahi.n'CUs.

vince me that I am. tF YOU WAN f A SERVANT,Cwmiovvm, I X aUvcrlUe in tho "Daily Uullctin."


JUAXtJtf. BTJLLBMi' BWOfctJIW, JH, X, W5AtRCtt. i&


Eonni: BfLLtTts: Although Iemiiely agree with,Tno. M. Hornerin the premises set forth in hia

in your issue of yester-day under heading of "Home-steads," 1 am forced from a com-

mon sense view to disagree with himin tho concluding portion, whereinho takes occasion to lug in the en-

tirely too much Haunted "rum"question. Those concluding sen-

tences utterly iob tho prcccding'ic-mark- s

of their pith aud logical force,for to any calm, dispassionate mind,they make his premises appear butas the means ef ventilating his

principles.When will the advocates of the

abolition of liquor learn the truth,that constant, bombastic platitudesare not arguments, and, instead ofadvancing the cause, have the un-

deniable effect of stultifying thevery ineaii3 through which they hopeto accomplish their end. Examplefollowed by mild persuasive aigu-nicnt- s,

showing both c.iuse andeffect, will do mote to quench theappetite for drink than all ithceloud, empty nothings, oven if theyconic from the pen of llacon, ortiiple from off the tongue of a De-

mosthenes. Constant hammeringmakes the subjret thieadbarc, whilstexample and tact unite the. fibresand give strength to the fabric. Forhumanity's bake let the prohibition-ists cut loose from such childishmodes of argument.


tatW- -


the Police Court yesterdayAllien iucinmiult was tried on achaige of selling spirituous liquorswithout a license. A number ofwitnesses were examined, who testi-fied that the defendant had soldbeer on three oi'iaions on Sunday.The Couit found him guilty and im-

posed a line of ft.100, with 83.30cn-,t- The defendant noted anappeal.


alternoon, the OatiuCollege Athletic Association w ill holdji series of athletic sports at. Kapio-lan- i

I'.nk, commencing at 1 o'clock.The liiiinbui of contestants, whohave enteted lor each of the twety-tw- o

events on the. piogramme. isvery huge, and, although the timelorliaiuiiig has been somewhat short,yet some very good records are ex-

pected. Neat programmes will bedistributed in the Grand Stand.

Two special cars for intendingvisitors will leave the corner of Portand King htreets at 12:1.") o'clock,and, returning, will leave Waikiki at5:10. Private conveyances will be

j allowed within the Park enclosureon presentation of tickets.

' SUPREME COURT DECISIONS.The,fplloning decisions have been

lilodtio'K11. , KJl'.CT.IH'.XT .SLIT.

Chas. It. Bishop, S. M. Damon,C. M. Hyde, C. M, Cooke, J. O.(irirtiir, trustee under the will ofBIVslW:i P.. Bishop, deceased ys.Khla(;ic) sltid Makaoni (w). Inbatio'o, special Icrin March 1889, be-

fore' t'h'e live justices, hi this casethe trustees of Mrs. Bishop's estateseek to lccover of dclendants, thepossession of a p.uccl of landJ of an aerc'in extent, situ-ate in Kaka.iko, Honolulu, near theImmigration Depot. v " t'

At the January term 1S.SU, a mixedjury retuiiicd a venlict fov defend-ants. Plaintiffs excepted to Illeverdict and moved lor a new trialwhich wast 'refused pro Ibrinu by. thepresiding justice (Bicketton) towhich refusal Ihu case conids' hvexceptions to the full Court. ' l

The decision of the lull Courtconcludes as follows: "TheejghJ,of the whole evidence fs so clearlyand decidedly in favor of tlfo plauiJtills', 'tlult"we fuel lliafthe jdry'mdsteither llavc'iiifhiilidoistood its'effbc't'or luwe'actcd', whun tliuy rctiirn'ell a'veulictfor (lfeijilai.fs,'" flOrti' tjfmdb'ias'or prejudice, ' and w'c' feel, 00ligedo, sqt a,side the venlicj. and,order a pew liial, which i's'"(J9iie ac-

cordingly." P. Neuiiinnii aiulJ. L.Kaulukou for 'plUilitilfs; Ci CmmkIi-to- n

and S. K. Ka'ne fdr 'defe'ndanls.j)i:si:inix(i i;(ixlh'AgT ncrvicu.

C Afong vs. Kalo (k). Desert?ing contract servlcu-'o- f C'.1 Afliiic1.

ht banco, special tevurftrarcli '188ft,before the live justices. Appeal frouthe Police Couit. Honolulu. 011

lion of law,wj;c'rp, (Viq (c(cud(pV jyacharged with refusing to serve uiuurIuh contract. Tho Police1 ITu slice'

f ordered defendant to retufn' td theservice of Cj Afug,-Jin- jfpho rcfused to retorn"lb be'1 committed to"prison, .ilioia to rclituiu utlianllaboruntil iio consent to serve according



to ...y.i on his schooner, in place, ofthe plantation at Hilo, tho placewhere he agreed to wiiik ifndurhis'contract. The full Court is of opin-ion that the Police Justice wag, right

judgment of thu owcr Cpar.nlltrmcd. J, A, Magoon for plain-til- f;

J, H. Barenaba for defendant.



We have stated that the Rev.Whancbufeter aroso with dignity


was tho dignity born of mental passion and porplesity.and it found ex--pression in tho spasmodlo movementsof his expressive eyebrows; therestless glance of his dark eyes ; thefirmly set contour of his mouth, andthe heaving of his capacious bosom.Ycsl the Hey. Amos Whangb listerhad a bosom ; but what was con-

cealed therein no man knoweth savehimself. AVhen his inward commo-tion had somewhat subsided, and liehad cleared his throat by suudiymuscular movements and noises, hedelivered himself thus:

"Mr. President and .gentlemenI do not wish to find any fault, butit seems to me there should be moreharmony amongst us than there is.1 think'tlial Vice-Preside- nt Strange-way- s

committed an indiscretion inmentioning or even alluding to anyparticular" nationality. Our desireshould bo to draw all into our fold,or at least such portions as wo caninfluence to conic over to our poli-

tical side." (Dick Blunt interruptedhero with the rcmaik that "it is allfish that comes to our net," aud thespeaker then continued). "Thegodwill of any nationality cannot begained by abuse, aud the Germansaic ceitainly not more opposedto the Calathumpiaii Party than arethe Portuguese whose votes will tellto a much larger extent. Then thereare the French, whoe sensibilitiesare touched on the canal question ;

and lastly the Britons whine oirswe cannot count upon with anydegree ot certainty. Wcguiding tiicAmerican vote it. is equnlU uiicet-tai- n.

except the New England volewhich wc claim as a matter ol rihland lor value received. Hearingall these contingencies in mind, ourpolicy is to .issiunc the lole ol "allthings to all men ;' and at the sametime praise God and keep our powder dry."

Mr. Theo. Gag congratulated theItev. Mr. Whaugbustcr upon hisspeech. It was full of sound policy,and shows the rev. gentleman to bea man of the woild and a cute poli-

tician.Tintriimpct the tailor did not know

what to make of the speech, but itsounded all light.

Angus McTavish felt "dumfoond-cre- d

;" but "thocht it was nae saebad, as he had iveard waurspeeches."

Dick Blunt "did not like thespeech. lie had been accustomedto plain square dealing, and nomealy-mouthe- d palaver: He mightnot be a navigating politician of thelawyer pei suasion; but he knewsomething ot political economy, andwanted to sec questions decidedupon their merits. He could nol be'all things to all men,' nor would hedeceive an j-

- man by pretending tolike him if lie felt otheiwise."

This speech of Dick's did notmeet with approbation ; and thechairman asked the backslider whyhe joined the organization, it not towork iu its interests in every way todefeat the enemy.

"I joined to defeat tho enemy,"replied Dick, "but I want to givethem a fair (leal."

"Nonsense" said tile chairman,"everything is fair in war." (Thechairman was one of those militarymen who had nevi'r smelt gun-powder in his life; and, how he gotthe litre of "general," nubody evercould understand.)

"Superlative nonsense" echoedthe Vice-Preside- trying at thesame time to adjust his shiit collar.

"Uncalled for bosh, "shouted Gagthe planter, "tho man is oil hischump."

"You should he guided by my ex-

ample Mr. Blunt," said Bcv. A.Whaugbustcr mildly, "my cloth isnot likely to lead you astray."

"Blunt is a blamed fool," yelledhong Tom in such thundering tones,that many of the members put theirfingers in their ears to save thedrums of those organs from seriousinjury.

J he chairman, with a rap on thetable, called out "order!" and an-nounced that "the subject for nextmeeting .would be of a differentnatuic; and he hoped that membersupon that occasion would preserve11101 c harmony ajnong themselves."

All the members who had takenpart in the irregularities then apolo-gised to Ut chair, except Dick Bluntwho moved his pqal anil squattedbetwixt the Scotchman and thetailor,

The Chairman announced that nextmeeting would He held' pursuant tonotice as buforo; and he called uponthe Itev. Whaugbustcr for a partinghymn or melody of some kind,

Rev. A. Whaugbustcr had hisvcrbo rfcady and written as follows:Steer our ettol o'er the bijloyyii,

Steer liqr bluntjy, tiini her. H.iilW '.,Ia'iu'u all jpairt to, vc9niV1t; wiljowfc-f-- ,

'TiB iio who lotus that bowaib. '

i i

' 'Living .iii Japan is very cheap.You can rent a big lioiiho, keep three.servants, liavo a (hive every day andlive off the fat of the land for ,5Qper week, in addition to tlii tho

Tho defendant claimed that, .natlveb will Uiko .off their, hats.lp

i).,..:i ;in last year and the neltsshipped to London to he made into

IfurRrt if) UlbVfashion continues thumonkey race will he thinned outuiniizingly iu tho next two or threo..rarjwuVt illJa-ntiJi- 1o muniito'. ) hi.

rJHF. ONLY LIVETaPER f1 Honolulu "iTiu Dully llullLtlu."

50 cents per mouth.

.A- - -- iTi ,. . .

Auction Sales by Levis J. LcYoy,

Auction Sale of






From Imported Stock.

Bvunlerof the t'Miaicesiif Qls MaJMljM"E'taiu I will at Public Auction

On Monday, Rflarch 25,AT 1!J O'CLOCK XOOSi,

At the Piddoek In rcor of the Hon .T I.Dowsctt's olllcc, Queen street,

24 Horses, Mares and Colts,

(More or Le?) :

Fiom Well-know- n Imported Stock.

Ti:it3IW CASH.


LEWIS J. LEVEY,1!)3 St Auctioneer.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Household FurnitureOn "Wednesday, March 27,

AT lO O'CLOCK A. 31..

Al tile ol Mr Ki uiikS Dodge,Up t sinla slrecl near tho lec Woik,I w it s 1 n 1'uhMe .Miction.

Ths Entire Housoli'd Furniture,

i Wester mayor Piano,In llrut class condition;

r.iirj:e nail Sni'ill Ilujjs,I'msli Tup Center Talile,W inker Ai tnelmirs mid Hockcrs,

I Ladies B.W. Cylinder-to- p Writ'g Desk,

LiiiiiU'c, Pictures, Tallies,Spiing and Wiic Mauiuftes,

1 Ash Bedroom Set,Moquilo Mel, Pillows,Uhill'.i As.li 1'rili, Ciirlnin,

1 "White" Automatic Sewing Machine,

Dining Cliuira, Meat Safe,

GROCKERY and GLASSWARE,New Bnby Caiiinge,1 lMrh Itutrlgorator,Siiililio. Garden tool-- ,

tstov rvacl UtoiisilN, IStc.

203 Gl

JAS. F. MOKGAlif,Auel Kincer.



On Monday, April 3th, 1889,At the .uiclinti room of James F.

Morgan, tin- - uiiilcrtimiuil will soil atnuuiiuii by finli-- i of the Supreme Couitin thu iiniitHr of C.itle it Cooke vs

r. O, Smith, of .V. F. Cooke,

Ten (1) Shares,Old Issue;

Of the Capital Stock of the Haiku

Sugar Company,

Of the pur vnlne of $500 Lneh, numberedfrom 4,10 to 44 boih iiteluolvp. Saidhllre' rri' assigned to C.iillu &, C'onke

us cnl'tiifriil emrity upon certain nolesof tho I'.i ilic .Nnvijjiitiou Co, and arenow soul upon default in paymentthcrcol.

D.Uod Honolulu. 22, 18S3.OA&TLE & COOKE.

Wsi R. Castle, Attmuey. 201 td

Real m Estate !


Two Valuable Lots,Situate on Kiiluoltulnm Plains to

ho fold.

I,ot7a'o. 107 on Government mapof Kulaokahiia l'luini", with colme andout.buililiiiv's, shndo mid choice fiuitlues. Tills lot has a froniairo oflOl.flfeet on Uerctaniu Ktrcet aud depth ot148.1 feul. CotiHRe now occupied bi-ll r. D. Lyons.

Jhnt So, S4 on fald map with housoHint ami lino fruit audtliudo tree This lot fmnts on Youngsheet 101.(1 feel mid has a depthof 118,4 feet mill adjoining lot 107 atuiu luir,

Thou low adjoin th-i- i viiluahlo pro.peny owned mid ocuuplc.t hy Mr. W,Muurtcn, nod ro thu property of Mia.Nane.y Vlrt.

ceyi'liuj will he sold either in parcelsor us a whole. Ln fin (her informationanply to AV.M. O. SMITH,201 tt Atiimiuy lor Nuncy Wilt.



ILL post up I'ookb (dally), makeup .iceounu and nniirlurlv lillla

foi Mitdi nur.iei tt. do urn !;.u- - ,n,i,.,.f Ijoolskiupeib ALo intend to all niher

otlliu iniiiict.ii (Joniiiiiinleutiuiu lefl inlliii oilieu ol - Colbuin A C,or 1'. O. Hox4-.'ii- ,

win meet with prMn.ilu'triitidii,

i "01 !t

'PHE DAILY BULLETIN is a l,ioi L evcnlntrimpor T. per mouth.

SITUATION' WANTEDi .I it, i i .r.

BV u coiiipiMi'u'inYiii JiusiiYoiUi)'a? jipjfikeepprrplir-tlv,")-a-- i In


a p iimiiiinn. U(iodi(,l,vienei 'Applyto J. Hutching

ua ou


rpHE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERX "The Daily Bulletin." 50 ccntBpur mouth.



All &oods at Greatly Reduced Prices


lemrcants in All Departments.

J t Received a Fresh Lot of


:siuLU,Karmsarag "i ' '"' .i'.j1""" -- '",.' i . .


--K2AT FISHSk.'S-'Sa- -



Our $2.50 Parasols i'or $1.25.Our $3.50 Parasols for 32.00.

Our $4.50 Parasols for $2.75.Our S5.50 Parasols for $3.30.


Similar Reductions Ladies' Hats, Embroideries and Laces.

Jau-19-8- 9


Prices we prates for Oeo Ml Only !

ru D !?a

OF- -




CHAS. J. FISIIEL,Tlio Licadin;.' Milliiiory House.


Z3T BAIIGAINS "2 Now Line of sSf BAKGAINS -- j

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower Prices than ever before. New imoice of


KovoltioH unci Fancy Goods, In Variety.


--Juat Kuiifivcd- -



NICK Cottagi'on Punchbowl Mree'

near llu- - Mi.rinon ( hurch, i

line health localltv, ijuiia nuiuhliorhoo 1.

Inquire of A.'VOOKL,18(i tf At IC(1. Hoir-ch'i- fiei V: Co.'j.


COMFORTABLY Furnish,if re- -

& quired. Apply at "Chambei- -

lain House." King meet, opposite Ka.waiahuo Seminary. 181 H

jlO LETLARGE and Comfort ihlnA Ilou.-e- . ou Punchbowl

btroet, between I'aluce Walkand Buretania street. Apply to

DK.-.T- . S. MdGltBW,170 tf Hotel street.

Carriage For Sale Cheap.

1 NKW Cutuudcr Car.ilfiL'o iiibt llnished

aud Iiundtoinely tiin first clus hiyle inui ho immediatelysold to close an usignin nl, ciiu bo ovenat W. II. Pagu'tf carriage muuufactury,No. 138 FOrt ttreet.



COPIES of thu Hauaiian Directery1888.'J reevntly published hy

the McKcnncy Directory Co. for sale.Price ?UC0.


Cottage FovLIS


Sale Cheap.

i .STORY Cottage,J. new, contiiinTii

ili:illivE narloi.

ulning.ioom, 4 l;it- -

ehen, lutthrooin and water-olose- t, vcrandas, stable, wiignn.shcd, chicken housomid yard, flower garden, etc. Lot ll.jx100 tcet, and leased loi adjoining 70x71feet, Bllluuu at Kiiimliumi, mauka uiduof King btreei. Apply at


Furnished Lodging House.

f ONG established iu a de.JLJ sliahlo locality iu Hono-lulu, with uncxpirtil ieabo of

8H years at low icntal Isoilered, (onaecoiii-.- i of ill. health), without houus, toparty buying the iiiruliuie at a lairvaluutlou; thyiu uru 2:! toomsou, ihupreinisu? well fnruished, yielding ahandBotnu levciiuu Apply at




Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary SurgemHmid plntimaci at Hawaiian

Hotel lulile- -. eoinei Hotel mid Richard,stieel. Mjii-riiili- e liciitmenS ia all dik-eiii'- f.

ot d nubile iinimals. Orders forpl.intiition and i.mch promptlyitt undid t . Mutual Telenhono 54.I . O lio 32(1.

Club House Dining ltooi

Lincoln Block fe

mh-18.8- 9

King Street.

Having secured the services of aFii'Mt 4JIiihh Vook

Aud made many other cliungcs In themiinngement wo are now pre- -

partil to put up the

Best Bill of Fare in Honolnln.198 !lm

Real Balbriggan.


Caution to Purchasors.

All Hosiery exported from BalbrfflaatiIroland, hy Smyth & Co. (L'd), hus this.Trade Miuk ou each aiticle,

By au Act of Parliament )tnr5""Tias6edit in made a felony to uso tho word Bal.briggan on goods ot maiuifaciuieillheie either hy fitftinping on goods,wrapper, label iw ticket, unlciu (thoiilace whcie uviuufnctiucd is also statedin equally largo letters iib tho wordBalbriggan.

SMYTH & CO. (L'd),Tho Origlnul Balbriggan Hoieis,

Per W. 0. BproulL

I have now on hand a Largo Assort-ment of

3-ent- s ISal-li- o,

In al) colors and styej, . ,

Specially made to my oulor and pattern,

801 tf W. O. HI'ROMJL.



Page 3: V ak, Spring Summer MILLINERY MARINE · complete resume of Honolulu aid Island Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed m the Kingdom to send to friend.. i broad. ... STEAM CANDI FACTORY






Ht3.VJ!il!lXMl''llHilUJWWW(W TOJJa1t'JaaIJlpjl?JwlVlJ)MLJ'JUJ;M'nlJWfllll.lul'J'Jlwa? jit J3

fMltj jguTTitfitt



Seln iMur.r from Hannlei.Stiiir l'olo from IIuiiiuMiaSclir Ka Mol from KnhohiluleStmr V U Hall lumi Hawaii ami MaulStmr Kaala from iilanae ami Waialua

Utl'MKlUHfcJj.Mar !i2

Bgtuo John D Sprecl.ch for San Fran-cisco at 2 p in

Stmr Iwalanl forl.ahalna ami llama-ku- a

at 10 a inStmr U n Bishop for Walanne, Waialua

ami Koolau at 1) a mStmr Lchua for llnniakmi ami llllo porta

at i p m


Stmr Tele for Lalinlnu, Knkalau andPaaullo at U a m


From Kanaa, per stmr Jas Makco,Mar 21 S V Wilcox, O A Peacock awl12 deck.

For Kapaa, per almr Jas Makcc, MarL1 S W Wilcox.

For Walnianalo per stmr J A Ciim-iniui- t,

Mar 21 lion .1 A Cummins, CaptKoss, Capt Tripp, Major rio.ward, Mis-ses Dowsett, Miss Ro)crts,Miss Lemon,T r Scvcihi and others.

CARGOES FROM ISLAND PORTS.Stmr Lcluia 2413 bgs sugar, 30 hd cat-

tle aud S!l) pkjis snds.Stmr I'elc 4710 bgs sugar.Stmr .T A Cummins 1200 bgs sugar.Stmr Ewa 500 bgs lieu.Schr Mary 775 bgs sugar.


The Mokolil will be dueand the Llkellke Sunday.

The suhrKosalind sailed Mar 21st forSan Francisco with 8,231 bags sugar,weighing !)2.,118 pounds. Domesticvalue, $40,4S0,12.


The Hawaiian Band will give apublic concert this evening at theHawaiian Hotel, commencing at7:30 o'clock. Following is the pro-gramme:

I'AKT I.Overture Poet and Peasant PuppeGalop First Heart Throbs... EilenbergWaltz Gypsy Baron StraussMedley JJorth and South Moses

Miklnolia, Alna Hau, Kokolii.

l'AKT II.Selectiou Bells of Corncvillc (now) . .

PianquctteWaltz Dorothy (new) CollierDance Old Gold (new) BogettiMarch The Sanito (new) Procter

Hawaii 1 onol


The usual entertainment by theBlue Ribbon League will be given

evening at the Y. M. 0. A.Hall, commencing at 7:30 o'clock.Everybody is cordially invited toattend. Following is the pro-

gramme:Piano Solo Mrs T. C PorterHeading Miss Addio PcteisonSong Miss Bemlcp ParkeRecitation Mr. A. V. Gear

, (MissM. K. Bcckwithyuel I Mrs. E. C. DamonAddress Prof. H. W Peck


The present Board of Trustees ofthe Kaumakapili Church have beendesirous of obtaining the resignationof the Rev. J. Waiamau, their pas-

tor The reason for this is thatthey blame him to a considerableextent for the recent financialtroubles connected with the church,but which have been satisfactorilysettled. Last Sunday morning theKing attended service at the Church,and made a speech in which he stat-

ed that the pastor was not to blamein the matter, nor was he (theKing.) He had been called uponfor advice by the old board of trus-

tees and had given it.On Wednesday evening there was

a meeting of the church members,when a proposition presented by thechurch deacons from the Board ofTrustees, calling for tho resignationof the pastor, was rejected by a voteof 41 to 2G. There is now sometalk among the members of thechurch to elect a new Board ofTrustees.

"the kaala.The steamer Kaala left Honolulu,

Thursday morning, for Waialun.The weather was so very roughthat tho steamer did not arriveoff that place until after dark.Capt. Underwood was unable to see.the shore lights owing to a heavyiog, consequently laid off Waialuaall night. Shortly before midnightsomeone telephoned into town thatthe Kaala was in a disabled condi-

tion, had no steam up, and was

drifting. At live minutes past oneo'clock this morning the steamerWaimanalo was dispatched to herassistance.

There was no necessity for send-

ing the Waimanalo, for the Kaalawent into Waialua early this morn-

ing. Capt. Underwood did not at-

tempt to make the port during thonight owing to the fog, and further-more he had steam up all the time.Tho Kaala left Waialua early thismorning and was to touch at Wai-aua- o

for sugar, returning to Hono-

lulu this evening.


FitlDAY. March 23.Three drunks had to pay the

usual 80.Paliala, n prisoner, charged with

larceny of S17 pleaded guilty andwaB Hued 810 with one month's im-

prisonment at hard, labor, j


Two valuable lots on tho plains aroofl'orctl for sulo.

Tin: Hum.i'.tin will foe published alnoon

Tun barkontino Eureka sails forGray's Harbor, Slato of Washington,next Monday.

Ti:n Bhares of llniku Sugar Com-pun- y

will bo sold at auction by Mr.Morgan on tho 8th of April.

Tun Hawaiian Tramways Com-

pany have made some alterations intheir time table which appear clsc- -


A CliiN'AMA.s, Nim Sin, has beencommitted for trial in tho SupremoCourt for assault with n stick on apolice olliccr.

The Hawaiian band will give apublic concert at. tho Hotel thisevening. Four new pieces are downon the programme.

Tin: annual meeting of the Ha-waiian Jockey Club will ho held onMonday evening, April 1st at 7:30o'clock at the Hotel.

J. P. Bowkn says tho Europeaneating house has not been sold orleased to Messrs. Pratt and Abbott.The latter aro running it on trial.

Miss F. J. Noltc, Mrs. J. F. Bowler,Messrs. Schmidt, Thrower, Ilubash,It. Moore and Berger will assist at thoHonolulu Arion concert next Thurs-day evening.

The "P. C. Advertiser's" sprinterwill not bo ablo to participate in theathletic sports alteruoon.Ho is not able to satisfactorily an-

swer the question, "How's your poorfeet?"


A business meeting of the Hawai-ian Academy of Music will be heldthis evening at 8 o'clock at tho par-lors of tho Hotel. Signor Campo-bcll- o

will explain tho object of theacademy.

Mn. John Ititson announces thatho is prepared to post up books, makeup accounts and quarterly bills, andalso attend to all other office busi-ness. Mr. Ititson has had much ex-

perience in this line.


Drill Co. D Honolulu Rifles, at7:30.

Drill King's Own, at 7:30.Hawaiian Tribe No. I, I. O. R.

M., at 7:30.Servico at St.Andrew's Cathedral,

at 7.Hawaiian Council No. 089 A. L.

of II.,at 7:30.Public Band Concert, at the Ha-

waiian Hotel, at 7:30.Busine&s meeting, Academy of

Music, at the Hotel, at 8.Meeting Pioneer Club at usual

time and place.


Williams, the photographer, hason exhibition in his art gallery, anew study of the Volcano fromthe brush of Jules Tavernier. Thepainting represents the New Lakebefore the collapse of 1887, viewedfrom a point about 100 yards belowthe main floor of the crater, showingIlalemaumau on the right. It is anearly morning view, just betweenthe setting of the moon, and therising of the sun. A mild delicioustint pervades the surroundings,softening the lurid glare of theflames, and creating an exceedinglywierdlike and beautiful effect. Tothe left is the bluff christened bythe artist "El Capitan" because ofits close resemblance to the celebratedbluff of that name in the YoscmiteValley. This new creation, for itsdelicacy of outline, correctness ofperspective and remarkable finish, iscertainly the finest view of the Vol-

cano that has yet come from thebrush of that gifted artist. Artlovers should avail themselves of theopportunity to Yiew this truly artis-tic creation.


The town of Ililo has one of thefinest situations for the building upof a city there can be found on theseislands. A line natural harbor, shel-

tered from all, except the northwinds. The finest of all water, suf-

ficient, not only for the supply of alarge population for drinking andhousehold purposes, but also for anunlimited supply of water-pow- er forthe driving of machinery. A wideand extensive tract of good agricul-tural land at its back. A heavyforest of koa, ohia, and other woods,suitable for lumber, railroad ties,fence posts, and fine cabinet work,

rthe like of which is not to be foundon any other island of the group, Awell drained and well watered situa-tion. Fanned during the day witha gentle trade breeze off the sea,andduring the night with the cold airdirect from tho snows of MaunaKca, its climate is unsurpassed byany in the world. Malarial feversaro almost unknown, and what arcoccasionally found arc of a verymild type Its situation and cli-

mate make it eneof Nature's healthresorts, Thus much for soino of ournatural advantages.

Now, what do we want to makeIlilo what it ought to be? We willfirst note what we consider tho gen-

eral Government ought to do forthis place, and that, too, as soon asit is possible for that to be done.

First, our harbor needs improv-ing. As it is, we are exposed to thenortheily swell which at times makesa lauding almost impossible even ontho Waiukea side of the harbor, Toremedy this diUlculty it will ba

Mitt- - M.t&LEffintf ttotfottfUJ., &.,, i.

necessary for tho Government tobuild up a rip-ra- p breakwater on thoreef. This will, without doubt, costa largo sum of money, and cannotbo done at once, but year by yearthe work might go on, and in timeit would be done.

A tramway from tho mainland, atCocoanut Island, and crossing saidisland on to the outlying rocks couldbe built without a great deal of ex-

pense, and the rock taken over it towhere it was needed for the filling inof the breakwater. Year by year afew thousand dollars could be spent onit, and before many years have pass-ed Ililo would have one of the finesthnrbors in tho Pacific. It needs nodredging to enable the largest shipsto enter it, the channel is both wideand deep, and with our ordinarywinds easy of entrance and depart-ure. Wc feel that it is a duty thatthe Government owes to this island,to commence, at least, the improve-ment of Its only harbor. So far ithas hardly spent a dollar on im-

provements in our harbor. A light-hous- o

is maintained on l'aukaaPoint, a buoy placed on the north-ern end of the reef, and that isabout all.

Second, we need, and the Govern-ment ought to put up for us a wharf,or wharves on the Waiakca side,where large ships could lie and dis-

charge or take on freight. There isdeep enough water within a few feetof the shore on that side for ourlargest steamers to come alongsideof a wharf. All freight now arriv-ing at our port has to be "lighter-ed" ashore at considerable expense.This fact alone tends to preventvessels coming into our port. Ourforeign trade lias increased rapidlyduring the past few years, and wewish to be able to say to the vessels,"Come here, and we will give youquick dispatch," which wc cannotdo now, as we have no suitablewharf accommodations, and is athing that we must ask for at thenext Legislature.

We might go on to speak of thewator supply necessary for our town,but as an appropriation has beenmade for water works for us eventhough it is insullicient, yet we willnot say anything about it at pre-sent. These are sonic of the needsof Ililo, which we think ought to besupplied by the general Government.In some future issue we will try andenumerate some of the needs whichwe must supply ourselves.


A full to overflowing house of theDebating Club listened to the de-

bate on "Marriage is not a failure,"last night. The two oratoricalgiants who led the two sides of thedebate were Mr. Laffcrty and Mr.Liming. The first named gentle-man vindicated the proposition, go-

ing right back to Buddha, Confu-cius, and others of his venerableprogenitors, for support. His op-

ponent, not having the same respectfor those antique gentlemen, arguedfrom visible and undeniable facts onthe negative side of the proposition.The other speeches were mostly insupport of Mr. Lafferty's position,viz., that marriage is not a failure.Mr. Luning stood almost alone, twomembers only standing up in hisdefence ; but he showed his abilityto maintain the fight against the bigodds opposed to him. His openingaddress took the "cake"fr argumen-tativeness, and his closing speechdemolishedithe entire bakery by anoratorical broadside. One fact wascertainly made evident, that "Orni-thorynchu- s"

is not only "a bird witha bill" he has a tongue also.

It may be here said for generalinformation, that a man does notnecessarily argue according to hisconvictions in the Debating Club.Members often speak against theirown views, for tho sake of discus-sion.

Our Sunday laws was the subjectannounced for the next debate, theprecise proposition being that theSunday laws should be repealed.Mr. A. Vogel and Mr. P. L. Har-

rington were appointed leaders.


for rent nt the Music DcPIANOS Hawaiian Mews Co.107 lin

11"USICAL Instruments of every des.Lu criptlon, for biio cheap at theMusic Department, Hawaiian News Co.

QHEET Music and Music Folios,KsJ latest editions Soiib and Instru.mental Folios at the Music Department,Hawaiian .News uo. 1U7 im

nan 1:


Saturday's and Sunday's Running.

On SATUKDAY, tho 2lld lust., the1:30 r. m., car from Palamu and all carsleaving after that hour will run throughto alklki.

On SUNDAY, the L'lth lust., thu OsHOA. m , car from Palamu and all carsliavl g after that hour will run throughto Walkiki.

Alterations In Timo Tabic.

On and After Monday, 26th March '89

The 5:!!0 a. m oar from 1'alauia willnot run

A cur will mil from Palama atlljlOl- - m to the Ititle Haiigc only.

Tho 10:50 trip from Oahu Collegewill hu replaced by one at 1 :00 i m.

JO I at

IF YOU FIND ANYTHING,JL adYertlno it in tho "Dnily Bulletin."


Soman if the Forty -


Hew York Life

BUSINESSPremiumsInterest, RcntB, etc.

Total Income. .

Death-claim- s and Endowments ,

Dividends, Annuities and Purchased

Total to l'olicy-hold- s

Now Policies IssuedNew Insurance Written




MAJftOri fig,-1859- .

fourth iiial Report

Insurano bOq

OF 1888,21,127,51)0.70


Insurance, i"J.!....".'.-.'..'- . .1510,97:1,070.05



Divisible .Surplus, Co.'s New Standard $7,082,250.25fTont inoLIABILITIES, New State Standard (4 per if 79,974,159.17SURPLUS, by New State Standard (! per cent) $13,500,000.00Policies in Force 129,911Insurance in Force $119,880,505.00

PROGRESS IN 1888.Increase in Interest $ 507,758.08Increase in Benefits to Policy-holder- s 1,437,859.20lucrcaso in Surplus for Dividends 1,053,200.94Increase in Premiums 2,840,737.03Increase in Total Incomes 3,318,495.71Increase in 10,400,340.70Increase in Insurance Written 18.270,430.00Increase in Insurance in Force (50,950,909.00

Exclusivo of the amount specially reserved as contingent liability toTontine Dividend Fund.

f Over and above 4 per cent, reserve on existing policies of that class.Tho New York Life issues greater variety of policies than any other

life company, thereby adapting its contracts to the largest number of people.It has perfected Mortuary Dividend system, under which many ofits policies arc issued with guaranteed return of all premiums in addi-tion to tho faco of the policy, in case of death during specified period.

The returns on the New York Life's Tontine Policies that have maturedhave been larger than those of any other company, comparison being madebetween policies taken at same age and premium rate, and running tluoughthe same period of time.

Tho policies of the New York Life, as now issued, are notably frco fromrestrictions as to occupation, residence and travel, and claims arc paid uponreceipt and approval by the Company of satisfactory proofs of death.

In connection with those statements of tho principles, customs and suc-cess of the New York Life, wc give herewith figure showing the averageyearly business done during five periods covering the Company's entiro his-tory, and tho condition of the Company at the end of each period. Thesefigures show growth as marvelous as it has been continuous, and presentstrength and volume of business that furnish the most ample guarantees tointending insurers.


Period ofInsuranceAverage Amount

InsuranceDates Inclusive. Written Yearlv. ISiich Period.

1845-185- 9, 15 years $ 2,181,501 $ 15,281,7181800-180- 9, 10 years 16,549,701 102,132,5131870-18- 79, 10 years 22,250,981 127,417,7021880-18- 84, 5 years 42,029,979 229,382,5801885-188- 8, 4 years 90,307,193 4 19,880,505


Average AmountPremiums



AmountPaid YearlyDeath-claim- s.

ofDates Inclusive. Keccived

1845-185-9, 15 years.. ...$1800-180-9, 10 years..1870-187-9. 10 years..1880-188-1, 5 years..1880-18- 88, 4 years



Dates Inclusive. in1845-185- 9, 15 years . . ...$1800-180-9, 10 yeai . .

1870-187- 9, 10 years . .

18SO-18- 81, 5 years. .1885-188-8, 4 years. .


Number and Date.

15th Keport, Jan., 1800 $

25th Keport, Jan., 187035lh Keport, Jan., 188040th Keport, Jan., 188544th Keport, Jan., 1889

C.193 2w 79 2t

Aerated Waters!

J. E. BROWN & CO., Proprietors

to inform customers, both at Honoluluanil neighboring Islands, that all emptybottles mint he returned before ordersfor further supplies will lie executed.

SOU lw.80 2t


aL A ' '"I' Premises lately occu.5SS JL

on King street, near TliomuuSqiiAtti. Arteniun waier and modernconveniences. Apply to

A. FEHNANDKZ.200 tf At E. 0. Hall it Bon's.


rpiIK Ilotibe and Lot belong..L ing to Tlios. Newcastle,

xltuiuud on Klnnu street, be.tween Alupai and Kupioluni streets, andalso thu Cows, Wugmm and other pro.periy belonging lo Mr. Newcastle, Ap.ply to Pauoa Hiincli. Bell Tclephonoaw. 202 lw

For San

Tho New Fast Sailing AmericanTern

w.Hi.uiur, : : i Commander.

Will sail for thn above portson or about

tho 5lh instant.BffirFor passage apply to

F. A. S0HAEFER & CO,,203 St Agents,


, ).1,27:1,002.08


. a . ; nr5,517,1411.27

,,? .


JAN. 1, 1889.

" 0,423,777.13cent)

. '.





lately apaid,


a a








inForce. End of

Average Ain'tPaid Policy-

holders Yearly.

.$ 132,212.10. . . 958,759.27. . 4,059,839.99

9,213,501.48. 5,817,273.3410,900,113.38 8,951,34C17


rtftenujMAauJ&JBLJ? tM t t i?j ee&te

Average Ain'tReceived Yearly

in Interest.108,422.02. $ 37,100.14418,551.23. 317,089.08

1,489,027.10. 1,580,299.422,014,090.95. 2,010,010.023,521,298.03. 3,790,299.30


Cash Assets, State Standard.

1,707,133.21. jXn Estimate byInsurance Dopt.

13,025,501.23. .. $ 2,390,225.2138)9!)0,952.()0 . 7.0SS.5 17.4059,283,753.57 . . .. . 9,b90,573.4093,480,180.55 . .... 13,500,000.00

O. BERGER,General Agents Hawaiian Islands.

SPECIAL NOTICE.San PiiAKCifico, Cai.., 1

February 11), IStil

WK herewith certify that Messrs.Dodd & Miller are our duly au.

tliorb.ed anil only agents for the Ha.waiian iHlands for the talo of our LagerBeer In keg.

JOHN WI ELAND HUE WING CO.,100 tf John II. Wicluuil Uros.


ALL persons having chiim againstW. L, V mien hm vill please

present thcip to Cliarhn I ulghton on oriicforo June 30, 1860. 193 1m


THE partnership hcrcloforo rxlotlngM. N. Banders mil P. 1.

Cutter under tho name of Sunilur's Express Co. has heon dissolved. The busi.ness will he carried on by M. N. Sandersas heretofore, l' 1. Cutter is notautho.rlzed to collect any monies duo tho firm,either on tho express business or for thecuttagu of rubbish.2001m M. N. SANDKKS.


TO the Creditors of G, 1). Freeth,bankrupt, of Honolulu, Oahu,

tube notice:That the undersigned, Assignee of tho

Estuto of G. D. Freeth, bankrupt, ofHonolulu, Oahu, has preparatory tohis tlnal account and dividend, sub,inltted his account as Biioh Assignee and(Hod the tamo beforo Hon. A, F,Judd,Chief Justice of the Supremo Court, athis Chambers, to whom he will at 10o'clock a. M. on 8ATUBDAY, tho 30thof March 1880, apply for a settlementof said account and for a dischargefrom all liability as such Assignee, andfor an order to mako a final dividend.

And that any person interested maythen and there appear and contest thosame. OIIA8. L. CARTER,

Assignee Edtato G. D. Frcoth.Honolulu, March 2Q,18tf, JWMt

HiiijjiiMdl 1,f B (aM

5 - t". ' tin,


EEinTliis space is reserved for the an-

nouncement of the New Stock of Goods,

which Mr. Ehrlich is personally selectingat the Coast.


75 & 77 Fort St-E- GAN & CO-Hon- olulu, H. I.o


Frencl, Eiilisli ml American Dry ani Faacy Goods !

AJmo, DFluo CuHtom-mrid- o Olotliiujj-- ,

Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &cinch-5-8- 9

Boll Telephone, SO -- u 8ST Mutual '.Telephone, S'T' X


lli K?


Riesling, Etc.,




No. 24 Merchant Street, Fort Street.


--Have on hand and For Sale a Full Assortment of--

All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or


Very Fino & Very Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted

CURBS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS

Old Gin, .Brand in tho Market;EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT !

In Bulk and Case. All Branda of '.

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German 'Beer, Etc,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts.

Bitters, Liquors Absinthe,Apollinarl Kuminels,'


jimaiiuei, lumugu, xoicay,Port, Sherry,


flT All of will he sold

2170 tf


iusiueira,Hocks, Etc.






Tom Bowt






American & European Drugs & ChemicalsPliotoorrapliio ISIutoriulH,

Perfumery and Toilet Articles !


Agonts for P. Lorillard &. Co. Tobaccos, W. S, Kimball k Co.'i

Tobacoo and Cigarettes.Aerated Water Works 73 Hotel Street.

Wcli-21-8- 7

'h "rt J5 jiiA f- -4 L. Hi '". j', matdtCmlk r ' 'flW '


H t

s ;--

tr '







- - -

' SI 1



' w


SSESmMtmfllmlJSs;f. iyjtfjyiKpBHHS

Page 4: V ak, Spring Summer MILLINERY MARINE · complete resume of Honolulu aid Island Cews. It is tlio best paper oubllshed m the Kingdom to send to friend.. i broad. ... STEAM CANDI FACTORY


K trriVMr

Kfif. .


LV 'Li"W -



r.8" .




A f'ysi'




Provisions and Feed,oT CO KM UK FORT

Now Goods celvtd by every 1'ackctFresh Cullfornlii 'reduce by every Steamer. All ordur-- t tnltli fully attended toand 0 nods dullMjicil to any part of the cityoiled Satisfaction guaranteed. I'oBtunieo

Tolophone 240.' -- "aojgr-


Frozen Oysters and Calilornla Fruits, rish, Games and Vegetables on ICE by eachsteamer at tho 0. S. S. Co. A complete lino ol Crosse & and

J. T. Morton's English Canned Goods always on hand.




Ridges' Infant I'ooil, French Mushrooms Gllnnrdelll In tins, GroundChocolate, Crosse & Bluckwell Fresh Fruit In glass, Htuu'cd Olives inglass, Walnius, Filbert, I'cucnii is Brnzll Nuts, Foiled Sausnge,

Cream Cheese, Eastern Cheese, Cream Choose, Young American Cheese,Cheese, Chceso, Topo Croamory Butter In

Germam Pickle, Peialuma Table Fruits in Finest DchesaTable KnMns, Crjstal Wave Mackerel in tins, Kegs Sauerkraut, AiucrlcnuCranberry Sauce, Cape Cranberries, Hindis CodlHi, Anderson Cele-btntc- d

Miuco in glass Jacob Dold's Buffalo Hams, WhittnkersHams, Reliable & Bacon, lot of Garden heeds, Oiclly Lemons,Apples, Yellow Turnips, I'arsuips, I'otaioes & Onions, Butter,


ap-l- G Ifslsxnd Orders Solicited.




HAS JUSTKit Salmon ISolliea, lilock Codfish,Hncou, Boxes Smoked Ilcninc,

from tliu

free poll- -




Cal.' Mild

Swiss Edam Can tins,Keg-- . Salt jar,

filbCode 21b

Meal j.irw, StarOld Ham fresh

New Cal. Boll

"" "Mild Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Green Tut tic Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins. Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Poaches, Prunes, Dntes, Honey, Cercoline Flakes,


Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Rtita Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc.

And a General Assortment Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

mh-9-J 16T" Leave your orders, or ring 119. --tBfl 8G

Telephones, No. 175.

. iimitt ITT

r"H life we00 WmMSGranite, Iron




without tools la tu ko lir.il."fiirouo Is tho liou80-nlf- lt filrml. With

Uhs conincr,tflrt inil aihl to t!i" njipjranjo ofher houBo Lccplue ikan lu:it lii fiioll?j

and try to clean iiouw Ktip'io." (;nloi

ork can ha dona villi Haii)I.iii. kuiiii

and elbow aenh-- IicIoiib to ho jailDo la fubloa ud ueo Ar6uo. :.'i. 37.



SlllKETS.Knstcrn States and

of oIuhku.uox 140. No. nov.4U.

o. io














RECEIVEDSmoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &

Tins Norwegian Salt Ilerring,


"JCor. Edinburgh & Queon Sts.

8 Kaiiiai Street



and Tin Ware


"UNEA8Y Rk8TS THE HEADthai weani crown." ttnlesa It's jiollahf d with

SAPOLIO.It Im t.oll.1 r.iko of Bcourlnggotp. Tryltlnyournext homo clcauluj.

llrcu kliin can uccuro cheap comfort and raiyJfJIcf tioia tun (Arcs of houoe cleaning by tho lu.cetmcnt of few cmtu luu ruka of tiaiolio, With

bonders can be accouipllkhod In deauiui; udvcourluc. for which imriioseg It haa no iriuul,"Dirt ilcflea tho King," but It alullcatea vhcroM'rbapolio make Its appearance, and ijulckly, too. Try

cake. So, S3,

T?' '. 3a rm

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


Sheet Iron Work.

',, ' 4










this is Jubilee year it lends loAS make one look back and thinkof the llight of time, and in this way

I am reminded that I am one of theveterans in tho sale of your valua-

ble and successful medicine. Ihave- sold it from tho very first, andhave sent it into every country in

England and many parts of Scot-

land. Well do J remember tho

first circular you sent out some nine

or ten Years ago. You had come toEngland from America to introduceMother Seigel's Curative Syrup,

and 1 was struck by a paragraph in

which you used these words:"Being a stranger in a 9trnge land,I do not wish the people to feel thatI want to take tho least advantageover them. I feci that I have aremedy that will cute disease, andI have so much confidence in it that1 authorise my agents to refund themonoy if people should say thatthey have not benefitted by its use."I felt at once that you would neversay that unless the medicine hadmerit, and I applied for the agency,a step which I now look back upon

with pride and satisfaction.Ever since that time I have found

it by far the best lcmcdy for I mil

gestion and Dyspepsia I have metwith, and I have sold thousands ofbottles. It has never failed in anycase where there were any of thefollowing symptoms: Nervous orsick headache, sourness of the sto-

mach, lising of the food after eating, a sense of fulness and heavi-

ness, dizziness, bad breath, slimeand mucus on the gums and teeth,constipation, and yellowness of theeyes and skin, dull and sleepy sen-

sations, ringing in the ears, heart-

burn, loss of appetite, anil, in short,wherever there are signs that thosystems is clogged, and tho blood isout of older. Upon repeated in-

quiries, coveting a great variety ofailments, my customers have alwaysanswered, "I am better," or "I amperfectly well." "What I have sel-

dom or never seen before in thecase of any nu'dicinc is that peopletell each other of its virtues, andthose who ha e been cured say tothe suffering: "Go and get MotherSeigel's Curative Syrup, it willmaku you well." Out of the hun-dreds of ctues I will name one ortwo that happen to come into mymind.

Two old gentlemen, whose namesthey would not like me to give you,had been martyrs to Indigestionand a for many years.They had tiicd all kinds of medicine without relief. One ot the inwas so bad he could not bear aglass of ale. Both weic advised touse the Syrup and both recovered,and were as hale and hearty as menin the prime of life.

A remarkable case is that of ahouse painter named Jeffries, wholived at Penshurst, in Kent. Hisbusiness obliged him to expose him-

self a great deal to wind and weath-er, and he was seized with rheuma-tism, and his joints soon swelled upwith dropsy, and were very stiffand painful. Nothing that the doc-

tors could do seemed to reach thescat of the trouble. It so crippledhim that ho could do hardly anywoik, and for the whole of the win-

ter of 1878 and '79, lie had to giveup and take to his bed. lie hadbeen afiheted in this sorry way (orthree years, and was getting wornout and discouraged. Besides, hehad spent over i.'5 for what hecalled "doctor's btuff" without tholeast benefit. In the Spring heheard of what Mother Seigel's dilat-ive Syrup lias done for others andbought a 2s. Cd. bottle of me. Ina few days he sent mo word he wasmuch better before he had finishedthe bottle. He then sent to me fora 4s. Gd. bottle, and as I was goingthat way I carried it down to himmyself. On cettinK to his housewhat was my astonishment and sur.prise to find him out in the gardenweeding an onion bed. I couldhardly believe my own eyes, andsaid:

"Yon ought not to be out here,man, it may bo the death of j'on,after being laid up all winter withrheumatism and dropsy."

His reply was: "There is nodanger. Tho weather is (nc, andMother Seigel's Curative Syrup hasdone for mo in a few days what thedoctors could not do in three years.1 think I shall get well now."

Ho kept on with the Syrup, andl.i three weeks he was at work again,and has had no return of the trou-ble for now nearly ten years. Anymedicine that can do this should beknown all over the world.

Yours faithfully,(Signed) Hui'KUT Gkaham,

Of Graham & Son.Ilolloway House, Sunbury,

Middlesex,June 26th, 3887.

Tho above wonderful euro ofUheumatistn was the result of thoremarkable power of Mother Seigel'sCurative Syrjip to cleanse the hlootof tho poisonous humours that arisefrom Indigestion and Dyspepsia.

Mother Seigel's Curativo Syrupis for sale by all chemists and me-tllul-

vendors, and by tTic propri-etor, A. J. White, Wmited, 5,Farringdon Koad, London, Eng,

Jon, 13-88-


j$Mt64c-e-- ? 5

$ 3


-- $o$m3;m'W 3



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o 0 p 5- -

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-- i PCO CD

p aB SCD 7"


OT r


r c

ctttttttt ottftwmmmm?

LADIES NURSE.MONHOK. Indies' nurao, has

romoVcil to No 8, Kukui lunc.


I ItS STEVENSON, nccnucliciifoLit. it id Indies' nu sc. Totimonlnlsof 22 years experience at Queen Olmr.lottu Lytng.ln.llospitnl, bomlon. OilierIslnnih not ohlectcil to. Hcslilcncc,".tiiriliui lloum," vchtol sirect 1' .Bx 17 ; Muttliil Teh-- . HTI. 170 3in

Scotch Oatmeal.

COTT'S acnuhio Midlothian OatmealJ In 14 lb. tins. For salo by

J, Ei imowN & CO.,178 tf US Jlcrcliaut street.

THE0. P. SEVERIN,Photographer ,


Printing Done lor AmntcurH,

Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

66T Enhance on Fort Street. -- a12a tf

Anderson &Lundy,Xeiitifeit s.

Aitiflctiil Teeth from one to an cntiroset instil ted on gold, silver, allumiiimnanil nHibur Imscs. Grown and BridgeVnik a sntcinliy. To persons wc.trln.l?

uitilicr plates which arc a constants'iuico of irrltntioH to the mouth unittlnoai, we would recommend our Pro-ph- j

luetic Metal Plate. All operationsin accordance wiih the latest

improvements in dental science. TeethJtUicteil without pain by the use ofN'ltrous O.vido (Jut.

tg'flS Hotel atreut, at Dr. Grossman'sold fcttmd. Fob-20-8- 9


ub " Whiskey.

We have lccclvcd another invoicoof tho

Celebrated Canadian

'OLTJB" WHISKEYAnd oiler the same for sale either in

bond or duty paid.

W. C. PEACOCK & CO,182J Merchant Street. Llm

Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tele.: Boll 186.

Depot, 28 Merchant Street,

Tele.: Bell 172, Mutual 360.



Modern aiachluory.

tS 6ssx

I'nteut UIubh Vnlvu llottlew


Tho only apparatus mine; l'uriflcd Car-bonic Acid Gas, making

high class

Tahiti Lemonade,

Apollinaris Water,

Cream Soda,

Ginger Ale,

Hop Ale,laV '

Grenadino, Eto ,

HR?o5m """iTlflaaattalH


And Pine, Strong Effervescing

SODA WATER.Norn Empty Bottles to be returned

prior to new orders being executed,

BQyOrdors delivered to imy part oftho city, Island orders solicited, 39 tf

V. O. Box 351. Hell Tolo. iS74.

Hawaiian Business Ageuoy.

Corner Fort & Merchant Stteots,llonouilu, 11 1


GENERAL AGENTS,Accountants Jt OollcctoiH


Hawaiian Bull Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DopartmcntFOU TlIK


Collections will receive special atten-tion and returns promptly lnntle.

Real Estate bought, sold and based.Taxes Paid and properly saftly injured;Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices,

leaved and renad.and rents collected.Flro and Llfo Insuranco effected in first,

class InU'nncc Companies.Conveyancing a Specially Hornhls

seaiclieil and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription cnrclully dtawn and hiuid-soiucl- y

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages

in iM'ncrttl use In this Kingdom.Custom House Business transuded with

accuracy and dispatch.Loans nugott'itcd at favorable rales.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli-

cited for publishers.Skilled and Unskillod Labor furnished.Any Article purchased or sold.Inter-Islan- d Orders will rtcclve parti-

cular attention.To Lot, Furnished and Unfurnished Co-

ttages in desirable localities at reasonablerentals.

Several Valuablo Properties in andaround the city now for salo and loascon easy terms.

BSyAll business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful alten-tio- n

at moderate charges Feb-4'8- 9

FOR SALE or LEASECOT TAG K lately occu-pie- d

by .Mr. Unmev Or- -

clenstem, situate on Jumnastreet, between the mansions of lions.C It. Bishop, Jauicy Campbell and S. 15.

Dole, near Emma Square. No pianowanted, no dust, no tuio patches. Onlya few minutes walk to tho new Bito forthe Ccntial Union Church. Jo tramwaycars wauttid. Apply to

E. S. CUNHA,148 tf Union Saloon.

Whale Boats.

answer to several enquiries con-cerningIN "Whale Boat i'rames, we

have now in course of construction,:i Whale Boat Fiamcs 74 feet by 32 feetlong. These fiamcs aic bent in onepiece of oak, and held to shape, thusrequiring: llttlo tact to set them up andbuild. The full frame for such boats,including cants, 4G sections in number,is sold at $28; with large steins on keel,and ready to plank ?40. They aie notintended to be clinker built, nor as thefrail imported whale boats proper, butaic intended for rough use and durabi-lity, yet light withal, for fishing andtrading purposes. We have exportedthese iraincs and intend doing so, andmake this offer to amateurs and othersdesirous of trying their hand, withplenty of leisure and small cash to makea business. "Will bend fumes to anygiven model from 5 to 25 tons. Also onhand for Bale Surf and Pleasure Boats,Stems, Knees and Tlmbcis. MutualTelephone No 325.

DOWER & SON.70 tf Boat Builders.

FELIX 0LLERArtistic Engraver on Wood.

(Late of lint per Bros., N. Y.)

Contracts Executed on Moderate Terms.

"Specimens of work at ofllce."a

DIPLOMA.Aiit Deit., IIahpeh Bros., )

New York, April, )8s7. j

Mr. Felix Ollert was for several yearsemployed in this establishment, andfound a competent engrayer and in allrespects a reliable and upright person.

J. G. SM1THWIC1C,Supt. Eng. Dept., Harper Bros., N. Y.

CQy Orders received at J. Brown& Oo.'e,.2S Merchant street. 1001m

David DaytonWill practico in tho (ower courts of thoKingdom ns attorney, attend to collecting in all its branches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him.

Office 91 King Slreet-Fc- b Upstairs.9

qJPb bB5pJjJ 3& 'yj'U'aji

U King st. dU 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,

CORMICEPOLES,Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Bpcoiailty.


OB PRINTING of alt kinds oxecuted at the "Dally Bulletin" Office.

Australian Mail mm

he new and fine Al steel Mcnmsnjp

it, Alameda,Of tho Ocoonio Steamship Ootnpnny, wll

bo due at Honolulu from Sjdncyanil AuoMiitid on p about

April 6, '89.And will leave tor the above poil withmails itml passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agent

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho now and lino Al steel stcMXYh.iD

"Zealandia."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo nt Honolulu from SuaFrancisco on or about

April 13, '89.And will have ptompt dhpatch withmalls and passengers for the above, ports

For freight or passage, havinc SUPEIUOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applvto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Afronta

The Best Company


Life Insurance Go.OIT NEW YOXtI.

Richard A. McCurdy, President.

Tho Largest Company in ihe World

Tho Oldest Company in tho U. S.

It Gives tho Most Liberal Policiesand

Pays tho Largest Dividends.

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New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dec-f- i Pojt OKlco Box 469. 88-l-y

Honolulu LibraryAK- -

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alnkea Streets.Opon every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at tho presenttime of over Eivo Thousand Volumes.

The Reading Room Is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand periodicals. '

A Pailor is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty conts a

jionth, payable quarterly in advance.No foimallty required in joining exceptsigning tlin roll.

Strangers ft otn foreign countries andvisitors from the other Islands are wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

'lids Association having no regularmoans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it s expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to uvail them-selves of Its privileges, and all who fecinn Interest in maintaining on Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OAKTWRIGHT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAIMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.


S? Khigdom-"T- AjBulletin," 60 cents per montb.







1' r.
