Using Oracle

Using Oracle. Oracle Resides on Certain CPUs Computers in the GradLab Computers in ICL4 Hilly.cs.rit.edu Holly.cs.rit.edu Queeg.cs.rit.edu Log into one

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Page 1: Using Oracle. Oracle Resides on Certain CPUs Computers in the GradLab Computers in ICL4 Hilly.cs.rit.edu Holly.cs.rit.edu Queeg.cs.rit.edu Log into one

Using Oracle

Page 2: Using Oracle. Oracle Resides on Certain CPUs Computers in the GradLab Computers in ICL4 Hilly.cs.rit.edu Holly.cs.rit.edu Queeg.cs.rit.edu Log into one

Oracle Resides on Certain CPUs

• Computers in the GradLab• Computers in ICL4• Hilly.cs.rit.edu• Holly.cs.rit.edu• Queeg.cs.rit.edu

• Log into one of these machines to work on Oracle

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Set up Oracle Environment Variables• source /usr/local/bin/coraenv

– (if using bash, file is oraenv)• ORACLE_SID

– Oracle system identifier

• ORACLE_HOME– Top level directory of the Oracle system hierarchy

• PATH– Path to ORACLE_HOME/bin

• Insert batch version of coraenv at the end of your .cshrc file:– The batch version is on our ClassNotes page in file oracleEnv– Example .cshrc file is on our ClassNotes page in file example.cshrc

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Starting sqlplus

sqlplus <student>@csodb SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Dec

16 14:56:08 2003 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All

rights reserved. Enter password: <studentPassword> Connected to:Oracle9i Release - 64bit ProductionJServer Release - Production SQL>

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Change your password

SQL> passwordChanging password for chrOld password: <old password>New password: <new password>Retype new password: <new password>Password changedSQL>

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Executing a file of SQL

SQL> @ fileOfCommands.sql

SQL> @ fileOfCommands

SQL> run fileOfCommands.sql

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“Getting” a file of SQLSQL> get q76.sql 1 select s.name from sailors s 2 where not exists 3 (select s2.name from sailors s2 4 where s.rating > s2.rating 5* and s2.age < 21)SQL> list 1 select s.name from sailors s 2 where not exists 3 (select s2.name from sailors s2 4 where s.rating > s2.rating 5* and s2.age < 21)SQL> /



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Editing the sqlplus bufferLIST

shows the command buffer, and makes the last line in the buffer the "current" line

LIST nprints line n of the command buffer, and makes line n the current line

LIST m nprints lines m through n, and makes line n the current line


enters a mode that allows you to input text following the current line; you must terminate the sequence of new lines with a pair of "returns"

CHANGE /old/new replaces the text "old" by "new" in the current line

APPEND text appends "text" to the end of the current line

DEL deletes the current line

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Using an editor to modify the sqlplus buffer

Default editor is vi:

SQL> edit

Use a different editor of your choice:

SQL> DEFINE _EDITOR = "emacs"SQL> edit

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Recording a sqlplus session

SQL> spool fileForRecording.txtSQL> select * from BasicCustomerData;

NAME ARE PHONE ------------------------- --- -------- Chris Wilkens 206 555-1134 David Smith 303 555-5434 Donald G. Gray 705 555-1234 Fred Smathers 206 555-1234 Jack Jones 585 111 2222 Jeffrey Janes 206 555-1234 Lynda Johnson 703 555-1234 Mary Beth Frederick 303 555-5678

8 rows selected.

SQL> spool offSQL>

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Issuing a Unix command from within sqlplus

SQL> !cat fileForRecording.txt SQL> select * from BasicCustomerData;

NAME ARE PHONE ------------------------- --- -------- Chris Wilkens 206 555-1134 David Smith 303 555-5434 Donald G. Gray 705 555-1234 Fred Smathers 206 555-1234 Jack Jones 585 111 2222 Jeffrey Janes 206 555-1234 Lynda Johnson 703 555-1234 Mary Beth Frederick 303 555-5678

8 rows selected.

SQL> spool offSQL>

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sqlplus helpSQL> help topics…SQL> help index…SQL> set pause onSQL> help column

COLUMN ------

Specifies display attributes for a given column, such as: - column heading text - column heading alignment - data format - column data wrapping

Also lists the current display attributes for a single column or all columns.……

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Accessing DB metadataSQL> select table_name from user_tables;


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Accessing DB metadata (cont.)

SQL> describe artist; Name Null? Type -------------------------- ---------------------------- ARTISTID NOT NULL NUMBER(9) NAME NOT NULL CHAR(25) NATIONALITY CHAR(30) BIRTHDATE NUMBER(4) DECEASEDDATE NUMBER(4)


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Help with Oracle errorshttp://otn.oracle.com/pls/db92/db92.error_search

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Setting linesize (default = 80)SQL> select * from artist;

ARTISTID NAME NATIONALITY BIRTHDATE---------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------DECEASEDDATE------------ 1 Miro Spanish 1870 1950

2 Kandinsky Russian 1854 1900

SQL> set linesize 150;SQL> select * from artist;

ARTISTID NAME NATIONALITY BIRTHDATE DECEASEDDATE---------- ------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------------ 1 Miro Spanish 1870 1950 2 Kandinsky Russian 1854 1900

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Setting pagesize(default = 24 lines)

Turns off all headings, titles and page-breaks:

SQL> set pagesize 0

Sets pagesize to 50 lines per page:

SQL> set pagesize 50

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Setting column format

SQL> column nationality format A8;SQL> select * from artist;

<12345678> ARTISTID NAME NATIONAL BIRTHDATE DECEASEDDATE---------- ------------------------- -------- ---------- ------------ 1 Miro Spanish 1870 1950

2 Kandinsky Russian 1854 1900

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Setting personal defaults with login.sql

Contents of file login.sql in sqlplus starting directory:

set pagesize 0set linesize 190define _editor=viset serveroutput on

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Most common Oracle data types• Varchar2

– Same as Varchar

• Char• Number( precision, scale )

– Precision = no. of digits

– Scale = no. of digits to right of decimal

• Date– DD-Mon-YY default format– TO_DATE( ’02/12/1948’, ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ )

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CREATE TABLE SAILORS (SailorID NUMBER(4) Not Null, Name Char(20) Not Null, Rating NUMBER(2), Age NUMBER(3), CONSTRAINT SailorsPK PRIMARY KEY (SailorID));

CREATE TABLE SAILORS (SailorID NUMBER(4) Not Null CONSTRAINT SailorsPK PRIMARY KEY , Name Char(20) Not Null, Rating NUMBER(2), Age NUMBER(3),);

Using table-level constraints:

Using column-level constraints:

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Adding constraints to tables


Viewing constraints



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Creating an Oracle Sequence(for use as surrogate key)



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Adding data to tablesInsert Into TRANSACTION Values (TransSeq.nextval, '27-FEB-1974', 8750, '18-MAR-1974', 18500, 20000, 1003, 500);

Insert Into ARTIST Values (ArtistSeq.nextval, 'Klee', 'German', 1900, null);

Insert Into ARTIST Values( ArtistSeq.nextval, &name, &nationality, &birthdate, &deceaseddate);Enter value for name: MagooEnter value for nationality: RussianEnter value for birthdate: 1939Enter value for deceaseddate: NULL/

Using substitution variables (&)

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A note on Oracle’s table ‘DUAL’DUAL is a table owned by SYS that has only 1 row, and only 1 column called ‘dummy’. The single field contains the single character X.

To understand the SQL, note the following:SQL> select * from tab1;


Now if you select an expression, say 1, from tab1SQL> select 1 from tab1;


If you select an expression a+b from tab1SQL> select 'a+b' from tab1;


Since DUAL has only 1 row, we can convenientlyUse it to return single values:

SQL> select SYSDATE from DUAL;


SQL> select 25000*.25 from DUAL;

25000*.25--------- 6250

SQL> select CustomerID.nextVal from DUAL;

NEXTVAL--------- 1020

Adapted from Indira Aramandla on http://forums1.itrc.hp.com/service/forums

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Single-row Character FunctionsUPPER(‘Reynolds’) ‘REYNOLDS’LOWER(‘Reynolds’) ‘reynolds’INITCAP(‘carl reynolds’) ‘Carl Reynolds’

SELECT name FROM Customer WHERE UPPER(state) = ‘NY’;

SUBSTR(‘Carl Henry’, 7, 4) ‘enry’INSTR(‘Reynolds’, ‘o’) 5TRIM(‘o’ FROM ‘oh no’) ‘h n’LTRIM(‘00047.45’, ‘0’) ‘47.45’RTRIM(‘foo’, ‘o’) ‘f’LPAD(‘Main Point’, 12, ‘*’) ‘**Main Point’RPAD(‘Carl’, 10, ‘ ‘) || ‘R’ ‘Carl R’REPLACE(‘Carl Henry Reynolds’, ‘Henry’, ‘H’) ‘Carl H Reynolds’

SQL> select RPAD('Carl', 10, ' ') || 'R' from dual;

RPAD('CARL'-----------Carl R

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Single-row Numeric Functions ROUND(3.141, 2) 3.14CEIL(3.141) 4FLOOR(3.141) 3TRUNC(99.999, 1) 99.9POWER(5, 3) 125ABS(-14) 14MOD(12, 5) 2SIGN(-48.4) -1SIGN(15) 1SIGN(0) 0

SQL> select ceil(3.141) from dual;

CEIL(3.141)----------- 4

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Date FunctionsEXTRACT(year|month|day FROM date)EXTRACT(year FROM SYSDATE) 2006

Date1 – Date2 Number of days between

SQL> select to_date('12-dec-05') - to_date('31-oct-05') from dual;

TO_DATE('12-DEC-05')-TO_DATE('31-OCT-05')----------------------------------------- 42


SQL> select sysdate, round(sysdate,'month') from dual;

SYSDATE ROUND(SYS--------- ---------18-JAN-06 01-FEB-06

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Displaying dates

TO_CHAR(number|date, ‘format’)

1 select sysdate, to_char(sysdate, 'Q') as quarter, 2 to_char(sysdate, 'DAY') as day, 3 to_char(sysdate, 'DDTH') as th, 4* to_char(sysdate, 'DDD') as DOY from dualSQL> /

SYSDATE Q DAY TH DOY--------- - --------- ---- ---18-JAN-06 1 WEDNESDAY 18TH 018

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Dealing with NULL values

NVL(column, replacementValue)NVL(payoff, 0)NVL(hire_date, ’01-JAN-2006’)

NVL2(column, ifNotNull, ifNull)

SQL> select name, nvl2(deceaseddate, 'dead', 'alive') from artist;

NAME NVL2(------------------------- -----Miro deadKandinsky deadFrings deadKlee aliveMoos alive

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Creating Aliases for Long Names

• CREATE SYNONYM <syn> FOR <whatever>;CREATE SYNONYM customer FOR jbr2389.customer;


SELECT * FROM customer

Simpler than other form:

SELECT * FROM jbr2389.customer

• DROP SYNONYM <whatever>;DROP SYNONYM customer;

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Remember:Set serveroutput on

• With serveroutput off (default):

• With serveroutput on:

• Was it successful or not?!?!?!

SQL> Execute Record_Sale( 'Dick Cheney', 'Cezanne', 'kindergarten', '8', 3550, :vReturn);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> Execute Record_Sale( 'Dick Cheney', 'Cezanne', 'kindergarten', '8', 3550, :vReturn);Entered stored procedureLooking up CustomerIDLooking up ArtistIDFinding Work recordFinding Transaction recordTesting to see if a Transaction record was foundNo valid Transaction record exists. Transaction not completed.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.