Far Eastern University Diliman Sampaguita Ave. Quezon City Using Computer with Internet as an Educational Reference Become more Smarter For FEU Diliman Students In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in English 3 Submitted to Ms. Aleli Dorado De La Trinidad, Kenneth Alvarez, Renz Etang, Darwin Cordero, Hans Russel Ortega, Jay 1

Using MKT12 Computer With Internet as an Educational Reference Become More Smarter for FEU Chapters 1 5Diliman Students

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Page 1: Using MKT12 Computer With Internet as an Educational Reference Become More Smarter for FEU Chapters 1 5Diliman Students

Far Eastern University Diliman

Sampaguita Ave. Quezon City

Using Computer with Internet as an Educational Reference

Become more Smarter

For FEU Diliman Students

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in English 3

Submitted to Ms. Aleli Dorado

De La Trinidad, Kenneth

Alvarez, Renz

Etang, Darwin

Cordero, Hans Russel

Ortega, Jay

April 14, 2015


Page 2: Using MKT12 Computer With Internet as an Educational Reference Become More Smarter for FEU Chapters 1 5Diliman Students

Table of Contents

Title Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Acknowledgement 3 Executive Summary 3

Chapter 1 - Background of the Study 4-5

Chapter 2 - Research Problems and Objectives 6

Statement of the Problem 6

Objectives of the Study 6

Scope and Limitations of the Study 7

Significance of the Study 7

Operational Definition of Terms 8

Chapter 3 - Review of Related Literature 9-10

Chapter 4 - Research Methodology 11

Research Design 11

Research Instruments 11

Data Gathering Procedure 12

Sampling design 12

Participants and Respondents 12-13

Chapter 5 - Conclusions and Recommendations 14-16

List of Figures 17

References 19

Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae 20-16


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We would like to thank Ms. Aleli Dorado and Ms. Reynancia Mutya for giving us an

opportunity to do this kind of study. We would also like to thank them for helping and guiding us

to finish our research, and thank you for teaching us the lesson and technique on how we can do

our research paper. We would also like to thank the teachers of FEU Diliman Elementary to

allow us to conduct survey to be able to complete and finished our task. We would also like to

thank Ms. Misty Kate De La Trinidad for giving us an information and technique based on her

experience on doing research paper.

Executive Summary

This paper titled “Using Computer with Internet as an Educational Reference Become more

Smarter “ is a study done by Marketing students particularly MKT12 in partial fulfillment of the

requirements by our professor Ms. Aleli Dorado.

The researchers focused on gathering information whether the students uses computer

with the Internet in effective and efficient way and whether students become more smarter and

sociable in accessing computer with the Internet. Effective and efficient in a way that the

students will be able to determine their limits and be aware of the consequences that might affect

their studies if they will not discipline themselves in using with the Internet. Access with the

Internet gives us excellent information that people would want to know and discover. In addition,

the effect to us could be advantages and disadvantages if we do not use it effectively.


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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Children today can use modern technology to help them with their studies. Computers

have been specifically useful, for they allow us to manipulate items such as text in Microsoft

Word and using search engines in doing home works, reports and projects to meet the needs of

individual students.

The main objective of this research is to determine the pros and cons of using computer

technology of FEU- Diliman Grade 6 students.

            The effects regarding the use of computer technology of FEU-Diliman students towards

their study motivated the researchers to pursue in resolving the cons by developing a strategy

that will help the students enhance their knowledge in using computer technology.

Computer has a big advantages and disadvantages for all of us especially to students. It is

used to perform different tasks quickly and easily. It is also used as a great educational tool.

Students can gather all sort of information via internet. There are different websites like

Wikipedia to provide free resources for students regarding their subjects. In addition, students

should be aware in using these guide or resources to avoid serious offenses.

The researchers also consider the parents in the study to determine if they are aware to

their children on how they used the computer efficiently and effectively. Whether their children

used computer as their educational tool or used it for playing different addictive games, parents

should be mindful to their children on what they are doing for them to guide.


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In this research, the parents will be able to determine whether the use of computer

technology helps their children become smarter or could distract their studies.

Based on the results of this study, it was indicated that all of the grade school students of

FEU Diliman are capable in using computer with internet access as a reference to their school

works. However, some of the students are favorable to use other references like books in the

library than using the computer because according to them they were attracted to play computer

games. In addition, there was a grade school student who has a limited time to use the computer

because his parents wanted him to use computer efficiently. Regarding the case, the researchers

proved that the parents were aware and conscious on how their child use the computer in

effective and efficient way.


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Chapter 2

Research Problem and Objective

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine if the children are becoming more sociable

and used the computer with the Internet in effective and efficient way.

1. What are the websites that are commonly used by the students?

2. Why do parents allow their child to use the Internet?

3. How many hours do children spend in using the Internet for their studies?

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this research is to gather information about the percentage of the

students who uses the Internet for their studies.

1. To know the website that is commonly used by the students as a reference

for their studies.

2. To understand the reasons why parents allow their child to use the com-


3. To determine how many hours does a children spend in using the Internet

for his or her studies.


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Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the determining if the students prefer to use the internet as their

educational tool for their studies and whether they use it effectively and efficiently.

The study covered on FEU Diliman students from Grade 4 to Grade 6 as well as their parents

as the target population as primary source of information and data needed for the success of the

study. The respondents were chosen because of ideas and experiences in using the Internet as an

educational reference.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the research study will advance and will lead the awareness of

the guardians of the students particularly in the field of using the Internet as their educational

reference. . The information gathered in this study will be useful to students, parents or guardians,

teachers and future researchers for the advancement of the educational activities. This study will also

contribute to basic information and will serve as a guide to produce valid and best results.

Students. With this study, students will be aware on the pros and cons on using the Internet.

This study will also help the student to limit the use of the Internet and use it in effective and

efficient way.

Parents. This study will help the parents to determine if their children become smarter when

their students use the Internet as an educational reference. This study will also help the parents to

uplift their awareness and be more mindful to their children.

Future Researchers. This research paper can provide future researchers a reference material

about topics similar to this one.7

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Operational Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following terms are hereby defined technically.

Internet – is a World Wide Web browser used to gather excellent informations.

Children – students from Grade 4 to Grade 6 students of FEU Diliman Basic Education

Parents – guardians of the students from Grade 4 to Grade 6 students of FEU Diliman Basic


Computer – electronic device used by the students to easily do their school works in a more

convenient way.


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Chapter 3

Review of Related Literature

This chapter consolidated information from various books, journals and sites which were

found relevant to the study at hand to determine the effects of using computer technology

towards the studies of children.

Reasons for Technology Use

According to Peck & Dorricott's summary (1994)

Reasons include technology's potential to assist with educational goals such as:

1. Individualization

2. Increasing proficiency at accessing, evaluating, and communicating information.

3. Increasing quantity and quality of student’s thinking and writing.

4. Improving student’s ability to solve complex problems but which appears to develop in

a more focused manner when productivity tools are available.

5. Nurturing artistic expression.

6. Increasing global awareness.

7. Creating opportunities for students to do meaningful work.

8. Providing access to high-level and high-interest course.

9. Making students feel comfortable with the tools of the Information Age.

10. Increasing the productivity and efficiency of schools.


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Computer Technology in a Convenient Way

According to Hornbeck (1990) Technology has an excellent power to help the students to do

their work in a convenient way. With the use of computer technology, students were able to

access information via internet. Programs that were installed in computers such as Microsoft

Word help students to easily type and also print out hard copies of their works. It also saves time

than copying information on a paper using a pen. Revising and editing their work are made

possible with computer technology.

Teachers toward Computer Technology

According to Kopp & Ferguson, (1996) teachers need a strong system of professional

development and ongoing support to their students. Nowadays, most of the students were

exposed on using computers for educational purposes. Teachers should guide and give advises to

their students on how to use computer technology advances in effective and efficient way.

With a view to develop an insight into the problem, the researcher studied the related

literature available in the field of the problem. It helped in framing out the design of the research.


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Chapter 4

Research Methodology

Research Design

The research method used in conducting this study was descriptive method approach wherein the

study focused to find out if the children become smarter when they use computer towards their

studies. The researchers conducted a survey if the students prefer using computer as their

educational tool or not. Researchers conducted a quantitative research to determine the number

of students at FEU Diliman who agreed that computer technology became a big advantage as an

educational tool toward their studies. The researchers conducted the study to the twenty students

of FEU Diliman who will answer the entire question in our survey questionnaire. Researchers

used survey method to easily gather information needed in the research paper.

Type of Research

The researchers use Quantitative Research to collect and interpret all the data that we need in our

research paper. This helped us easily gather opinion from our respondents about the benefits that

they gain from using computers and to understand if students are truly becoming smarter when

they use computers for educational purposes.

Research Instruments

The researcher used survey questionnaires to formulate simple, direct and effective conclusion in

our study.


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Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher distributed three copies of our survey questionnaire to three students of FEU

Diliman. Each questionnaire is consisting of 10 simple questions to quantify and help us tally the

data that we gathered.

Sampling Design

The study covered on twenty (20) FEU Diliman students from Grade 4 to Grade 6 as well as

their parents as the target population as primary source of information and data needed for the

success of the study. The respondents were chosen because of ideas and experiences in using the

Internet as an educational reference.

Participants and Respondents

The participants of our study are the Grade 4- Grade 6 students of FEU Diliman.

Table 1.1 Research Objectives, Data Gathering Procedure and Research Instruments

Research Objectives Data Gathering Procedure Research Instruments

The researcher needs to find

out if the computer is

beneficial to the students of

FEU Diliman

Quantitative Survey

To determine if it easier for Quantitative Survey


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them to study with the use of


To know how they often use

the computer.

Quantitative Survey

To determine what they

usually do when they use


Quantitative Survey

To know if their parents block

the sites that can distract from

their studying.

Quantitative Survey

To know if it is important to

them as a child to use


Quantitative Survey

To know the difference of the

children before and now when

it comes to studying their


Quantitative Survey

To know if they are

comfortable when they use

computer other than


Quantitative Survey


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Chapter 5

Recommendation and Conclusion

The objective of the study is to find out if the children become smarter and more

sociable when they use computer in the study of Basic Education of FEU Diliman from

Grade 4 – Grade 6 . We conducted a survey that will satisfy our data we need in our

research paper.

DIRECTIONS: Circle the best answer for the following items below.

1. How often do you use the computer?

1. Never-0

2. A few times-7

3. Once a week-3

4. Everyday-10

2. What do you usually do when you use computer? (circle all that apply)

1. Playing computer games-15

2. Surf the Internet-20

3. Chatting-10

4. Other ( please indicate)

3. How comfortable are you when you use computer other than printed reference?

A. Extremely comfortable-6

B. Very comfortable-4


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C. Slightly comfortable-7

D.Not at all comfortable-3

4.Please check the following computer tools/programs you know how to use (check all that


1. Microsoft Word-20

2. Microsoft Excel-5

3. E-mail-10

4. Microsoft PowerPoint-15

5. Other ( Please specify)

5.Do the computer give benefits to your study

A. Always-5

B. Never-5

C. Few times-10

D. Not at all


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Instructions : Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following

statements by placing a check mark in the appropriate box.

Strongly Agree

Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. Do you think all the children become smarter and sociable when they use computer.

10 4 6

2.Is it important to you as a child in your generations to use computer? 7 6 4 3

3.Is it easier for you to study with the use of computer? 5 9 4 2

4.Do you think all the children becomes smarter and sociable when they use computer?

7 6 5 2

5.Should parents block the sites that can distract you from studying? 10 8 2

Some of the children’s says that most of them are more comfortable when they use computer in

their studies. But other’s says is not beneficial to them because they not usually use computer

when they have activity, seatwork, assignments and etc . in their studies.


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List of Figures

Figure I. Children were asked how often did they use computer.35% of them says that they use

it a few times .15% of them says that they use computer once a week and 50% of them says they

use it everyday ……………………………………………

Figure II. Children asked what they usually do when they use computer. 75% of them says that

they use to play computer games when they use computer. 100% says that they use computer to

surf with the use of internet. 50% of them use computer for chatting with their friend, family,

relatives and etc.

Figure III.Children asked what how comfortable they are when they use computer other than

printed references.30% of them says that they extremely comfortable when they use

computer.20% of them says that they are very comfortable when they use computer.35% of them

says that they are slightly comfortable and 15% of them says that they are not at all comfortable.

Figure IV. Children asked what are the tools/program they know how to use? 100% of them

know how to use Microsoft Word. 25% of them know how to use Microsoft Excel. 50% of them

use now electronic mail and 75% of them know how to use Microsoft Power Point.

Figure V. Children asked the benefits gives them to their study. 25% of them says they give

computer benefits as always.25% of them says they have been never give them benefits to their

study. 50% give them benefits a few times.

Figure VI. Children asked if they are become smarter or more sociable when they use

computer.50% of them strongly agree, 20% of them are agree, 30% of them are disagree and no

one answered strongly disagree.


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Figure VII. Children asked if it is important to them as a child in their generation to use

computer. 35% of them says that they are strongly agree, 30% of the respondents says that they

are agree, 20% of the respondents says that they are disagree, and 15% of them are strongly


Figure VIII. Children asked if it easier to them to use computer to their study. 25% of them says

that they are strongly agree, 45% of them says that they are agree, 20% of them says that they are

disagree, and 10% of them says that they are strongly disagree.

Figure IX. Children asked if the computers should be used in school works. 35% of the

respondents says that they are strongly agree to used computer in school, 30% of them says they

are agree, 25% of them says that they are disagree and 10% of them are strongly disagree.

Figure X. Children asked if the parents should block the sites that can distract them for their

studying. 50% of the respondents says that they are strongly agree with that, 40% of them says

that they are agree, 10% of them are disagree and no one are strongly disagree.


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Renz A. Alvarez

Mobile Number: +63926-981-4223

E-mail Address: [email protected]


To work with excellence and intelligence in all things to be able to do my task or assign-ment in order to serve the company.

To work with my best and my extra ability using my own knowledge and skills. Do all the job that given to me and faced the problem that I have in any situation.



Far Eastern University (FERN DILIMAN)

Diliman, Quezon City

Bachelor of Science and Business Administration Major in Marketing


Dr. Crisigono B. Ermita Memorial National High School Nasugbu, Batangas


Wawa, Elementary School Nasugbu, Batangas


Awareness of training and the techniques concerned in learning and instruction. Ability to speak and understand the English language. Aptitude to provide control matters and keeps legal record. Judgement skills. Leadership skills


Page 21: Using MKT12 Computer With Internet as an Educational Reference Become More Smarter for FEU Chapters 1 5Diliman Students

Able to work in a team. Computer or data entry expertise.


2012-2014 Sgt @Arms Supreme Student Council Officer

2011-2014 Player Basketball Varsity (National)

2013-2014 Contestant Poem Writing (Tagalog)

2004-2010 Player Wawa Elementary Basketball


Name: Renz A. Alvarez

Address: Avon St. North Fairview, Quezon City

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: October 21, 1997

Place of Birth: Nasugbu, Batangas


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# 82-A Presidential St., Batasan Hills, Quezon City0932-6461-592 | [email protected]

CAREER OBJECTIVETo become associated with a company where I can utilize my knowledge efficiently and enhance my training experience for company’s productivity.

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTFAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY- FERN COLLEGEBachelor in Business Administration Major in Marketing AY: 2014-present

COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS AND POSITIONS HELDMember, Junior Marketing Associate (JMA) AY: 2014-present


Strong communication skills, both in written and oral.

Eager to learn

Good Team-worker

Can work with minimum supervision

REFERENCESAvailable upon request


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Darwin M. Etang

City Add: Blk.4 Lot 5 Agoncillo St.,

Sta.Lucia,Novaliches,Quezon City

Mobile: +639996917227

Email : [email protected]


To secure a cooperative education in the field of Business Administration Major in Mar-keting Management that will challenge and strengthen my education and professional skills.


Good knowledge of computer skills such as MS Word, MS Excel , MS access , power point

Strong analysis in solving problems and making solutions I always want to work with the team Good verbal and personal communication skills


Tertiary : FEU Diliman 2014 – on going

Sampaguita Ave Quezon City, Metro Manila, 

Secondary : Sta, Lucia High School

J.P. Rizal St., Sta.Lucia, Novaliches , Quezon City 2010 – 2014

Elementary : San Gabriel Elementary School

A. Bonifacio St., Sta. Lucia , Novaliches , Quezon City 2004 - 2010

References :

Available upon Request

Hans Russel P. Cordero


Page 24: Using MKT12 Computer With Internet as an Educational Reference Become More Smarter for FEU Chapters 1 5Diliman Students

N224 Smile Citi Homes 1 Zabarte Novaliches, Quezon City

Contact no.09062549459

E-mail: [email protected]


Seeking a position with a well established company where can maximize my program development and training skills.



Bachelor in Business Administration Major in Marketing SY: 2014-2017








SY: 2004-2010



Page 25: Using MKT12 Computer With Internet as an Educational Reference Become More Smarter for FEU Chapters 1 5Diliman Students

Member of Junior Marketing Association (JMA) AY: 2014-2017


Critical thinker, decision-maker and problem solver.


Excellence personal communication skills

Dedication to work and project

Time efficiency


Date of Birth : September 17, 1997

Place of Birth : Cotabato City

Citizenship : Filipino

Language Spoken : Filipino, English

Religion : Roman Catholic

Marital Status : Single


Available upon request


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