There is currently a widespread interest in indexing and extracting taxonomic information from large text collections. An example is the automatic categorization of informally written medical or psychological diagnoses, followed by the extraction of epidemiological information or even terms and structures needed to formulate guiding questions as an heuristic tool for helping doctors. Vector space models have been successfully used to this end (Lee, Cimino, Zhu, Sable, Shanker, Ely & Yu, 2006; Pakhomov, Buntrock & Chute, 2006). In this study we use a computational model known as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) on a diagnostic corpus with the aim of retrieving definitions (in the form of lists of semantic neighbors) of common structures it contains (e.g. “storm phobia”, “dog phobia”) or less common structures that might be formed by logical combinations of categories and diagnostic symptoms (e.g. “gun personality” or “germ personality”). In the quest to bring definitions into line with the meaning of structures and make them in some way representative, various problems commonly arise while recovering content using vector space models. We propose some approaches which bypass these problems, such as Kintsch’s (2001) predication algorithm and some corrections to the way lists of neighbors are obtained, which have already been tested on semantic spaces in a non-specific domain (Jorge- Botana, León, Olmos & Hassan-Montero, under review). The results support the idea that the predication algorithm may also be useful for extracting more precise meanings of certain structures from scientific corpora, and that the introduction of some corrections based on vector length may increases its efficiency on non-representative terms. Keywords: LSA, latent semantic analysis, predication algorithm, taxonomy, discourse evaluation, knowledge representation. Actualmente existe un amplio interés en la indexación y extracción de información provenientes de grandes bancos de textos de índole taxonómica. Por ejemplo, la categorización automática de diagnósticos médicos o psicológicos redactados de manera informal y su consiguiente extracción de información epidemiológica o incluso en la extracción de términos y estructuras para la creación de preguntas-guía que asistan de forma heurística a los médicos en la búsqueda de información. Los modelos espacio-vectoriales han sido empleados con éxito en estos propósitos (Lee, Cimino, Zhu, Sable, Shanker, Ely, & Yu, 2006; Pakhomov, Buntrock, & Chute, 2006). En este estudio utilizamos un modelo computacional conocido como Análisis Semántico Latente (LSA) sobre un corpus diagnóstico con la motivación de recuperar definiciones (en forma de listados de vecinos semánticos) de estructuras habituales en ellos (e.g., “fobia a las tormentas” , “fobia a los perros”) o estructuras menos habituales, pero que pueden formarse por combinaciones lógicas de las categorías y síntomas diagnósticos (e.g., “personalidad de la pistola” o “personalidad de los gérmenes”). Para conseguir que las definiciones sean ajustadas al significado de las estructuras, y mínimamente representativas, se discuten algunos problemas que suelen surgir en la recuperación de contenidos con los modelos espacio-vectoriales, y se proponen algunas formas de evitarlos como el algoritmo de predicación de Kintsch (2001) y algunas correcciones en el modo de extraer listados de vecinos ya experimentadas sobre espacios semánticos de dominio general (Jorge-Botana, León, Olmos & Hassan-Montero, in review). Los resultados apoyan la idea de que el algoritmo de predicación puede ser también útil para extraer acepciones más precisas de ciertas estructuras en corpus científicos y que la introducción de algunas correcciones en base a la longitud de vector puede aumentar su eficacia ante términos poco representativos. Palabras clave: LSA, análisis de la semántica latente, algoritmo de predicación, taxonomía, evaluación del discurso, representación del conocimiento. Using Latent Semantic Analysis and the Predication Algorithm to Improve Extraction of Meanings from a Diagnostic Corpus Guillermo Jorge-Botana, Ricardo Olmos, and José Antonio León Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) The Spanish Journal of Psychology Copyright 2009 by The Spanish Journal of Psychology 2009, Vol. 12, No. 2, 424-440 ISSN 1138-7416 Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to José Antonio León. Departamento de Psicología Básica, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain). Phone: +34-914975226. Fax: +34- 914975215. E-mail: [email protected]. 424

Using Latent Semantic Analysis and the Predication ... · There is currently a widespread interest in indexing and extracting taxonomic information from large text collections. An

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There is currently a widespread interest in indexing and extracting taxonomic information from large text collections. Anexample is the automatic categorization of informally written medical or psychological diagnoses, followed by theextraction of epidemiological information or even terms and structures needed to formulate guiding questions as anheuristic tool for helping doctors. Vector space models have been successfully used to this end (Lee, Cimino, Zhu, Sable,Shanker, Ely & Yu, 2006; Pakhomov, Buntrock & Chute, 2006). In this study we use a computational model known asLatent Semantic Analysis (LSA) on a diagnostic corpus with the aim of retrieving definitions (in the form of lists ofsemantic neighbors) of common structures it contains (e.g. “storm phobia”, “dog phobia”) or less common structures thatmight be formed by logical combinations of categories and diagnostic symptoms (e.g. “gun personality” or “germpersonality”). In the quest to bring definitions into line with the meaning of structures and make them in some wayrepresentative, various problems commonly arise while recovering content using vector space models. We propose someapproaches which bypass these problems, such as Kintsch’s (2001) predication algorithm and some corrections to theway lists of neighbors are obtained, which have already been tested on semantic spaces in a non-specific domain (Jorge-Botana, León, Olmos & Hassan-Montero, under review). The results support the idea that the predication algorithm mayalso be useful for extracting more precise meanings of certain structures from scientific corpora, and that the introductionof some corrections based on vector length may increases its efficiency on non-representative terms.Keywords: LSA, latent semantic analysis, predication algorithm, taxonomy, discourse evaluation, knowledge representation.

Actualmente existe un amplio interés en la indexación y extracción de información provenientes de grandes bancos detextos de índole taxonómica. Por ejemplo, la categorización automática de diagnósticos médicos o psicológicos redactadosde manera informal y su consiguiente extracción de información epidemiológica o incluso en la extracción de términosy estructuras para la creación de preguntas-guía que asistan de forma heurística a los médicos en la búsqueda deinformación. Los modelos espacio-vectoriales han sido empleados con éxito en estos propósitos (Lee, Cimino, Zhu,Sable, Shanker, Ely, & Yu, 2006; Pakhomov, Buntrock, & Chute, 2006). En este estudio utilizamos un modelo computacionalconocido como Análisis Semántico Latente (LSA) sobre un corpus diagnóstico con la motivación de recuperar definiciones(en forma de listados de vecinos semánticos) de estructuras habituales en ellos (e.g., “fobia a las tormentas”, “fobia alos perros”) o estructuras menos habituales, pero que pueden formarse por combinaciones lógicas de las categorías ysíntomas diagnósticos (e.g., “personalidad de la pistola” o “personalidad de los gérmenes”). Para conseguir que lasdefiniciones sean ajustadas al significado de las estructuras, y mínimamente representativas, se discuten algunosproblemas que suelen surgir en la recuperación de contenidos con los modelos espacio-vectoriales, y se proponenalgunas formas de evitarlos como el algoritmo de predicación de Kintsch (2001) y algunas correcciones en el modo deextraer listados de vecinos ya experimentadas sobre espacios semánticos de dominio general (Jorge-Botana, León,Olmos & Hassan-Montero, in review). Los resultados apoyan la idea de que el algoritmo de predicación puede sertambién útil para extraer acepciones más precisas de ciertas estructuras en corpus científicos y que la introducción dealgunas correcciones en base a la longitud de vector puede aumentar su eficacia ante términos poco representativos.Palabras clave: LSA, análisis de la semántica latente, algoritmo de predicación, taxonomía, evaluación del discurso,representación del conocimiento.

Using Latent Semantic Analysis and the Predication Algorithm toImprove Extraction of Meanings from a Diagnostic Corpus

Guillermo Jorge-Botana, Ricardo Olmos, and José Antonio LeónUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

The Spanish Journal of Psychology Copyright 2009 by The Spanish Journal of Psychology2009, Vol. 12, No. 2, 424-440 ISSN 1138-7416

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to José Antonio León. Departamento de Psicología Básica, Facultad dePsicología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain). Phone: +34-914975226. Fax: +34-914975215. E-mail: [email protected].


Latent Semantic Analysis (Henceforth LSA) is acomputational model that analyzes semantic relationshipsbetween linguistic units automatically. It is currently oneof the key computational models in cognitive psychology,especially in psycholinguistics, where its usage is especiallyhigh because of its suitability in a range of applications. Itwas first described by Deerwester, Dumais, Furnas, Landauerand Harshman (1990) as a means of information retrieval,but it was Landauer and Dumais (1997) who demonstratedits ability to account for phenomena related to knowledgeacquisition and representation.

LSA constructs a vector space using an extensive corpusof documents, taking into account meaning and not grammar.A word or a combination of words is represented by a vectorin this “semantic space”. To establish the semanticrelationship between two words or documents, LSA usesthe cosine of the angle between the two. A cosine close toone reveals a strong semantic relationship. A cosine closeto zero reveals no semantic relationship between the twowords. This same principle can be applied when examiningthe semantic relationship between two documents or betweena document and a term. Furthermore , the LSA model usesvector length or modulus of the term, which shows howwell-represented the word is in the semantic vector space.In any case, the interpretation of vector length has beenthe subject of some disagreement (Blackmon & Mandalia,2004; Blackmon, Polson, Kitajima & Lewis, 2002; Rehder,Schreiner, Wolfe, Laham, Landauer & Kintsch, 1998).

Psychologically speaking, inference processes in the LSAmodel have been formulated as the indirect relationships,the relationships between one set of words and another,beyond simply coinciding in documents (Landauer, 2002;Lemaire & Denhière, 2006; Mill & Kontostathis, 2004). Withspaces drawn from LSA, it has even been possible to studythe rate of knowledge acquisition relating to a term usingexposure to documents in which it does not appear (Landauer& Dumais, 1997). For example, knowledge regarding theterm “lion” is acquired by reading documents, even those inwhich this term does not appear, regardless of whether ornot they have anything to do with the semantic field of lions.This study concludes that acquisition of this type of inferentialknowledge is greater for high frequency terms. In summary,these latent links between words might explain why languagelearning seems to take place much more rapidly than directexposure to it would seem to allow (Landauer & Dumais,1997). This fact can even be extrapolated to the modelingof overly literal interpretation of meaning in disorders suchas autism (Skoyles, 1999) or problem solving processes(Quesada, Kintsch & Gómez-Milán, 2001).

Semantic spaces formed using LSA have also offeredpleasing results in a synonym recognition task (Landauer& Dumais, 1997; Turney, 2001), even simulating the patternof errors found in these tests (Landauer & Dumais, 1997).LSA shows that antonyms share a degree of relative

similarity, which has led to the modeling of the psychologicalnature of antonymy as a type of synonymy and not in termsof the existence of absolute opposites (Landauer, 2002).

As with word recognition models based on artificialneural networks (e.g., Mandl, 1999; Rumelhart &McClelland, 1992; Seidengberg & McClelland, 1989), LSAvector space models contain a single vector representationof each term1. This has also been used in an attempt toemulate the phenomena of homonymy and polysemy. Whilstthere are certain etymological differences betweenhomonymy and polysemy, they share a common definition.We say that two words are homonyms if their signifier isthe same, in other words if they comprise the samephonemes or graphemes, or their phonetic or written formscoincide. One of the ways that has been used to identifythem is to break this single vector representation rule andconsider each meaning or each grammatical condition asa representation in the semantic space. Wiemer-Hastings(2000) and Wiemer-Hastings & Zipitria (2001) experimentedwith a method that discriminated between the differentmorphological roles played by words with similar spellings.For example the word plane may take the value of verbor noun. The author’s aim was to introduce them into theLSA space in differentiated forms, and to achieve this,each word was flagged with a termination that identifiedit as being one form or another. For example, plane-VB

and plane-NN were inserted into the corpus to denote verbor noun. The result is that corpora flagged in this wayperform worse than those that are not flagged, and thishas been confirmed in other studies (Serafín & DiEugenio,2003). This suggests that LSA takes advantage of the usageof words in different contexts. If each meaning is previouslydifferentiated and is processed in a different way, thevariability in usage of the orthographic representation ofa term in LSA diminishes, and the vectors that representit are less rich. Besides, this endorses the idea that it seemsreasonable to think of a single mental representation of aterm, and not the differentiated representations of its usesand meanings.

Nonetheless, Deerwester et al. (1990) indicate somelimitations of LSA in representing the phenomena ofhomonymy and polysemy, and the disambiguation of eachof its meanings depending on the context. These authorsstate that although the phenomenon of synonymy is faithfully


1 In fact, in the models proposed by Seidengberg and McClelland there are two entries, one phonological and another orthographic.The two ideally interact with the semantic and contextual layer, but there are no representational differences for the different meaningsa term might have. In Mandl’s case, the LSA vectors themselves and their single representation are the network input.

represented by LSA simulations, the same is not true withpolysemy. A term, even if it has more than one meaning,is still represented in a single vector. This vector has certaincoordinates. Since it has several meanings, these arerepresented as an average of its meanings, weightedaccording to the frequency of the contexts where it is found.These authors provide the key: “If none of the real meaningsis like the average meaning” it may create a bias in therepresentation, producing an entity that does not matchany actual term usage. This recalls the criticisms leveledat prototype-based models which proposed the existenceof a prototypical form, which was the sum of the typicalfeatures of the members of that category. The criticismargues that if the prototype is a cluster of features of acategory, and bearing in mind the variability of the typicalelements, paradoxically the resulting prototype used toestablish similarity is in fact a very atypical member (Rosch& Mervis, 1975). This, however, is not the only criticism.Since the meanings of a signifier are extracted based on acontext, we may find that the less frequent features nevergain enough weight to emerge in this context, and the mostcommon meaning dominates. Following this line ofargument, it seems plausible to think that LSA models arefairly efficient at representing some effects observed inpolysemy and homonymy, but they alone are not capableof representing the phenomenon in all its aspects andextracting the exact meanings of each usage.

These and other criticisms such as LSA’s inability torepresent some categorization phenomena (e.g. Schunn,1999) have led authors such as Burgess (2000), to respondto Glenberg and Robertson’s (2000) criticisms by arguingthat LSA is only a model of acquisition and representationand not a model of language processing. According toBurgess, LSA serves as a starting point from which modelsof processing might be proposed, and algorithmsimplemented to simulate psycholinguistic processes.Therefore the model of knowledge provided by LSA shouldbe biased by a context that acts as a facilitator of somecontent, and thus simulate the processes observed in realsubjects. One of these proposed algorithms that utilize LSAknowledge representation is that carried out by Kintsch(2001). The author explains how using independentrepresentations of the actual context greatly simplifies thetreatment of different meanings of words. Beyond decidinghow many meanings and usages a term has or when oneand not another should be retrieved, Kintsch points outthat the only thing we need bear in mind is a single vector-term and a process that generates the meanings that emergefrom this vector in each context (predication algorithm).Other proposals based on this approach are a simulationof the use of prior knowledge and working memory forcomprehension of texts (Denhière, Lemaire, Bellissens &Jhean-Larose, 2007) and the modeling of web navigation(Juvina & Oostendorp, 2005; Juvina, Oostendorp, Karbor& Pauw, 2005).

Problems with LSA in extracting meaning: workingtoward precise, representative definitions.

There is currently a widespread interest in indexing andextracting taxonomic information from large text collections.One pertinent example is the automatic categorization ofinformally written medical diagnoses, followed by theextraction of epidemiological information or even terms andstructures needed to formulate guiding questions as a heuristictool for helping doctors. Vector space models including LSAhave been successfully used to this end (Lee et al., 2006;Pakhomov et al., 2006). Nonetheless, results from this typeof models are at the mercy of the vectorial dynamics involvedand the representational bias of some terms.

One of the main limitations of LSA is that it involves noanalysis of word order relationships, nor of the roles termstake on within a given phrase. Perhaps for this reason, LSAis demonstrably more efficient at paragraph level, where wordorder plays a lesser role or is irrelevant (Kurby, Wiemer-Hastings, Ganduri, Magliano, Millis & McNamara, 2003;Landauer, 2002; Rehder et al., 1998; Wiemer-Hastings, Wiemer-Hastings & Graesser, 1999). Another limitation is that thevectorial sum calculation to represent structures involvingseveral terms is often conditioned by how much or how littlethe terms are represented in the corpus. This makes it unlikelythat the resulting vector represents their true meaning if anyof the terms have a much lower occurrence. This is the case,for example, of predicate structures. Figure 1 shows a graphicalrepresentation of the predicate structure “the winger crossed”,with the argument (A) “winger” of much lower length thanits predicate (P) “crossed”. Owing to this difference, the endresult of the predication [P(A)] will be dependent on thedominant content of the predicate (P).


Figure 1. Centroid method. Bias in the vector sum due to lengthor modulus of the predicate vector.

Kintsch (2001) proposes that the exact meaning of apredicate depends on the arguments that go with it, andthat both predicate and argument are constrained by asyntactic order that introduces a bias into each of them. Ifwe take the previous example, the verb “to cross”:

Our paths crossed.The lines crossed.The pedestrian crossed.The winger crossed.

All these phrases have the verb to cross as a commondenominator, while this same verb takes on differentmeanings. We all know that in “our paths crossed” the verb“to cross” does not have the same meaning as in “the wingercrossed”. The same verb acquires one or other set ofproperties according to the arguments that accompany it,in other words the properties that give meaning to this verbare dependent on the context formed by its arguments.

Let us take the proposition PREDICATE [ARGUMENT],assuming that the predicate takes on some set of valuesdepending on the arguments. Both PREDICATE andARGUMENT would be represented by their own vectors.To calculate the vector that represents the whole proposition,the common form of LSA would simply calculate a newvector as the sum or the “centroid” of the ARGUMENTvector and the PREDICATE vector. Thus, if therepresentation of the vectors according to their coordinatesin the LSA space were:

PREDICATE vector= {p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,…,pn}ARGUMENT vector= {a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,…,an}

Then, the representation of the whole proposition would be:

PROPOSITION vector = {p1+a1, p2+a2, p3+a3, p4+a4,p5+a5,…, pn+an}

This is not the best way to represent propositions, as itdoes not take into account the predicate’s dependence onthe arguments. In other words, to compute the vector ofthe entire proposition we do not need all the properties ofthe PREDICATE (to cross), only those that relate to themeaning of the subjects (paths, lines, pedestrian, winger).What the centroid or vectorial sum does using the LSAmethod, then, is to take all the properties - withoutdiscriminating according to arguments - and add them tothose of the argument. Among the resulting effects is LSA’spoor ability to represent the phenomenon of polysemy(Deerwester et al, 1990). All the properties of the verb “tocross” should be taken into account when it comes tocalculating the new vector. If, as in the above example, theargument has a much lower vector length than the predicate,and other arguments are better represented in the predicate,the vector that represents the predication will not capture

the actual intended meaning. The meaning will be closer tothe sense of the predicate most represented in the LSA space.With this simple vector sum method, the length of the term-vectors involved dictates which semantic properties the vectorrepresenting the predication will take on.

Therefore we can assume that the centroid method failsto account for the true meaning of certain structures, andtends to extract definitions of a given structure that aresubordinate to the predominant content. For the sake ofargument we have chosen to name this problem Predominantmeaning inundation.

Another common problem is that even when the pertinentmeaning of the structure has been retrieved, the list ofpertinent terms is not representative enough for the possibledefinition to cover all aspects. A previous study (Jorge-Botana et al., under review) confirms that when extractingsemantic neighbors we obtain only neighbors that have lowrepresentativity in the semantic space, meaning thatextraction of neighbors with the cosine needs to be corrected.The neighbors extracted using the cosine normally have aperfect positive association with the term they are extractedfrom, in other words in the corpus the neighboring termsalways occur with the term in question, but never in itsabsence. This capacity for representativity of terms, phrasesand paragraphs has also been formalized in previous studiessuch as that of Kintsch (2002). Kintsch compared differentstructures from the texts (headings, sub-headings andparagraphs), in order to find structures that themselvesrepresent the other parts of the text. It can be thought ofas extracting the abstract representation of the macrostructure.Even in the field of academic assessment, it has beensuggested that the simple measure using the cosine is notenough to determine the extension of knowledge the authorhas of a trial, and should be enriched with some othermeasure of representativity (Rehder et al., 1998). We havedecided to name this representativity problem for semanticneighbors Low-level definition. In summary, if the definitions(in the form of a list of semantic neighbors) do not showsome degree of representativity, the sense retrieved will betoo restricted.

Thus, to obtain a good definition of a structure such as“paranoid personality”, we need to retrieve semanticneighbors that both match the structure and are representativeto an acceptable level. For this reason we must bear in mindthe impact of the aforementioned effects, defining them inorder to operationalize the aims and general procedure ofthis study: Predominant meaning inundation and Low-leveldefinition.

General aims

The aims of this study are concerned with solving theproblems described above, but this time in a semantic spacethat represents clinical diagnoses and descriptions.


For the first problem (Predominant meaning inundation),we will use an adaptation of the predication algorithm(Kintsch, 2001) to filter out irrelevant content. The differencebetween applying this type of algorithm on generalist corpora(where it has already been applied) and scientific corpora(used for the first time in this study), is that the formercontain representations of terms with different meaningsthat are totally independent of one another, forming purepolysemic structures. In contrast, this type of entries seldomappears in scientific corpora, as all content is restricted tothe topic in question. However, it is possible to simulatethe extraction for some structures where a particular termmay express different meanings, even though these are notcompletely independent of one another. As in the example“a bird is a pelican” (Kintsch, 2001), “storm phobia” mayrepresent one such structure in which the meaning of theword “phobia” takes on one of a range of meaningsaccording to the context, in this case the word “storm”.With the use of this algorithm we predict that the contentretrieved from this type of structures is closer to what isin fact sought.

For the second problem (Low-level definition), wewill use a correction to the neighbor extraction mechanism.Whilst semantic neighbors are normally extracted usingthe cosine, we will correct the measure by introducingvector length as a modulating factor. The aim is for thesesame neighbors to have a more representative content inthe semantic space used, and not be constrained to a near-perfect positive correlation with the term in question2.Combining this technique with the cosine method, wepredict that the terms extracted will better cover all topic-related content.

General procedure

We will take a semantic vector space produced by LSA,using a psychopathological corpus to extract content indifferent ways. We will begin by extracting neighbors forisolated terms, without any other accompanying term thatmight modulate their meaning toward a sub-category. Thiswill provide a baseline and give us an idea of thepredominant content of the terms. In addition we will extractthe neighbors, correcting the cosine using vector length.This will show the effect of the correction on neighborsretrieved, and indicate how we might avoid the problemof Low-level definition described in section 3.

Secondly we will extract semantic neighbors forstructures such as “airplane phobia”, where the first termmodulates the meaning of the second. As a baseline wewill use the centroid (simple sum of vectors - see figure1) and predict that the content extracted will be very similarto the predominant content extracted previously (problemreferred to as Predominant meaning inundation). We willalso use an adaptation of the predication algorithm (Kintsch,2001) to improve the results. To avoid the problem thatterms in the list are not sufficiently representative of thesubject matter (Low-level definition), we will also apply acorrection to the cosine using vector length.

Lastly, all neighbors extracted from each of the complexstructures using each of the different methods will becompared (using an ANOVA) with definitions extractedfrom digitalized texts relating to mental disorders. In thisway we will be able to see whether different meaningsextracted under each condition are better matched to themeaning sought - in other words whether the predicationalgorithm really is sensitive to the nuances that each ofthe arguments introduces into the predicate.


Semantic space for testing

For this experiment a domain-specific corpus wascreated: a scientific corpus based on the classification anddescription of mental disorders following the DSM-IVstructured classification system, together with 900paragraphs of digitalized psychopathology obtained fromInternet. After cleaning up the corpus and applying theentropy-based pre-process (see Nakov Popova & Mateev,2001 for a review), the semantic space is defined by 5,335terms in 959 paragraphs. We used a dimension reductioncriterion saving the 40% of the accumulated singular value(Wild, Stahl, Stermsek & Neumann, 2005), leaving us with187 dimensions. The average cosine of similarity betweenterms was 0.018, and the standard deviation 0.074. BothLSA and the predication network are calculated usingGALLITO, an LSA-based application implemented using.NET (C#, VB.NET) integrated with Matlab technology.The system used to extract the examples shown below isavailable at http://www.elsemantico.com and can be usedto test the different ways of extracting semanticneighborhoods3.


2 Perfect positive correlation: Relationships where the neighbors always occur with the term whose neighbors we seek to extract,and never in its absence.

3 Both the GALLITO application and the system for extracting semantic neighborhoods is available at the Latent Semantic AnalysisInterest Group’s website www.elsemantico.com.

Simulation I: Structures of a single term


One way to show the meaning or meanings of a wordis by listing the semantic neighbors closest to the word,thereby bringing together all the terms that are distributedin its vicinity. In this way, we obtain both the dominantmeaning of the word, although this may be in the form ofa scale, as well as other less common meanings. To extractthese semantic neighbors we need a procedure that calculatesthe cosine between this term and other terms in the semanticspace, and keeps a record of the n greatest values in a list.The end result will be a list of the n most similar terms tothe selected term. At the same time, we can alternativelygive priority in this list to the neighbors that are bestrepresented in the semantic space. To do so, we proposeusing vector length to correct the formula that compareseach pair of terms. Vector length is good measure totransform the cosine for several reasons. Its use may bevery efficient if we wish to ensure that the neighborsextracted are not firmly tied to the term in question, butnonetheless maintain their relationship with the word.Although some authors have identified this measure withfrequency or familiarity (Blackmon & Mandalia, 2004;Blackmon, Polson, Kitajima & Lewis, 2002) others considervector length to be a richer, more complex measure thanfrequency itself, especially when working on a scientificcorpus (Rehder et al, 1998). These authors draw our attentionto the protocol of LSA in specific domains (such as ourown) in order to understand what vector length in factrepresents:

A)The analysis is composed solely of fragments thatrepresent a specific domain. Thus words that are notused in this topic cannot affect the measures, vectorlength included.

B) Less common words from the texts (includingtechnical terms) are weighted during the pre-processusing Entropy or IDF. This gives them a higherweighting than the more common terms, theassumption being that these will be the words thatdifferentiate one text from another. Weighted wordsincrease the vector length.

C) Before the analysis, the high frequency words in thelanguage such as the function words (stop words)are eliminated. Based on these observations theauthors summarize as follows: Vector length is astrong positive function of the number of less common

(technical) words in the domain, a moderate positivefunction of common words in the domain, and afunction that is not related with words that do notbelong to the topic in question. Therefore, in domain-specific corpora, weighting based on the vector lengthmay sometimes be a way to select terms thatadequately represent the content of the topic inquestion, as well as having a minimum frequency.This avoids them being tied only to the term inquestion and only involved in perfect positiveassociations. In other words, it avoids terms that co-occur only in the same documents as the term inquestion, and that never occur in its absence.

Based on these observations, two different ways ofextracting semantic neighbors are proposed.

(1) COSINE: Similarity = Cos(A, I). (2) CORRECTED COSINE or Confidence = Cos(A, I)* log (1 + VectorLength(I)),


A = The vector that represents the term whose list ofneighbors we seek to extract.

I = The vectors that represent each of the terms in thesemantic space.

Formula (1) is the simple comparison of vectors usingthe cosine. In formula (2), ‘neighbor’ vector length isintroduced as a correcting factor4. Thus the second formulagives the most representative terms from the semantic spacepriority when it comes to consider neighbors, but does nottotally exclude the rest.

Extraction of neighbors

The neighbors extracted using the cosine measure withoutcorrection show that the dominant meaning of the term“phobia” is “social phobia”. This is clear because theneighborhood extracted is related with social phobia: theSpanish terms for “social”, “public”, “shyness” and“blushing” (see figure 2-left), and because components ofother types of phobia are absent. In contrast, with thecorrection based on vector length, the closest neighborstend to designate content that is more common to all typesof phobia (see figure 2-right). The first positions holdSpanish terms for concepts such as “avoidance”, “exposure”,“specific”, “agoraphobia”, “phobia” and “crisis”, and terms


4 This second formula makes reference to the level of confidence that the neighbors extracted reach a minimum level of representativityin the semantic space. Or put another way, given a similarity between the term in question and a term from the semantic space, to whatextent can we be sure that the similarity is not due to the chance appearance of the second.

such as “situations” and “fear” move to higher positions.In contrast, more concrete terms such as “blushing”,“shyness”, “humiliating”, “girls”, “embarrassing”, “shops”and “meetings” lose their status, all of them being termsmore closely linked to the dominant meaning in this semanticspace: social phobia. With the correction based on vectorlength a more representative neighborhood of topics relatedto the key term is obtained. Definitions using this type ofextraction have a broader range in hierarchical terms thanthose using the cosine without correction. In this way weavoid what we called Low-level definition.

In the other example, the neighbors of “storms” extractedwith the cosine seem to be terms at the same level withinthe definition, in other words “cliffs”, “bridges”, “injections”,“airplanes” and “snakes” (see figure 3-left). These can belooked on as types of situations that phobics fear. However,using the correction based on vector length, the neighborsobtained better represent the general topics ofpsychopathology and designate higher categories such as“fear”, “sub-type” or “phobia” (figure 3-right). Note toohow the term “storms” itself is not among the first positions,replaced instead by terms whose meaning is more general.If we only considered in mind the most local co-occurrences(such as the cosine), “storms” would be the neighbor most

closely related with “storms”, as they evidently coincide ineach of the documents. However, as preference is given toother characteristics of the possible neighbors, terms withlower but more representative contingencies gain ground.Thus the Low-level definition effect is again avoided.


There are differences between neighbors extracted withthe two methods. Extraction of neighbors using the cosineseems much more concrete and restricted to terms that arenot very representative in the semantic space, whilst thatobtained with the correction based on vector length is moregeneric and represents content more representative of theknowledge domain. Thus both meanings can be extractedto complement each other. Whilst the first method detectssimilar relationships in terms of levels of concretion, thesecond establishes relationships with those terms that providemore information about the complete domain. Anotherobservation that may be drawn from this simulation is thatthe usage of correction based on vector length seems morebeneficial for words whose vector length is small (“storms”),although it may also provide information on the mostrepresentative words in the corpus (“phobia”).


Figure 2. Neighbors of phobia with the cosine on the left and the corrected cosine on the right. The 21 semantic neighbors are orderedfrom greatest to lowest similarity in a clockwise direction (phobia is the most related term, then social, etc.). The grey area representsthe vector length of each of the terms on a scale of 1 to 5. Greater areas represent terms with greater vector length and representativityin the semantic space.

Figure 3. Neighbors of storms with the cosine on the left and the corrected cosine on the right. The 21 semantic neighbors are ordered fromgreatest to lowest similarity in a clockwise direction. The grey area represents the vector length of each of the terms on a scale of 1 to 5.

Simulation II: Two-term predicate structures(centroid and predication algorithm)

Theoretical framework of the predication algorithm.

The predication algorithm developed by Kintsch (2001)seeks to resolve the limitations of the centroid or vectorsum method when extracting the meaning of predicatestructures. As explained in section 2, this method isdependent on the vector lengths of predicates and arguments,and normally favors only the predominant content of theterms. What the predication algorithm does is to bias thevector length, adding an adequate context for the argumenttype we are predicating. This context comprises the semanticneighbors of the predicate, which are also related to theargument. This is what Kintsch (2001) refers to when hepoints out that in any predication the predicates becomedependent on their arguments, and this approach shouldbe adopted in some way in models that attempt to formalizeclause processing. The procedure is both ingenious andsimple, although its use is hard to implement owing to thedifficulty in identifying this type of structures and theircomponents. Returning to the example from section 2 (“thewinger crossed”), the steps we need to follow might be asfollows:

1. Identify predicate (“to cross”) and argument (“winger”)within a proposition. P(A).

2. Extract the n semantic neighbors closest to thepredicate (P). Given a semantic space, the cosines of Pshould be calculated with each of the terms that make upthe semantic space. Once this step is performed, the first n

terms closest to P are selected (the choice of n is open tothe type of model sought and to empirical observations).

3. The cosines between each of the n chosen neighborsof P and the argument (A) are calculated.

4. A connectionist network is implemented with the termsP, A and the n selected neighbors of P as nodes. Besidesthis, there are inhibitory connections between the n neighborsof P (which compete with one another for activation) andexcitatory connections between each of the n neighborswith argument (A) and predicate (P). The strength of theconnections is established according to the base value ofthe cosines calculated in steps 2 and 3. In short, the aim isto objectively locate those semantic neighbors in the vicinityof the predicate (P) which are also pertinent to the argument(A), and a network is implemented to this end. This networkneeds no previous training, as the corpus that was processedwith LSA is what creates it.

5. The network is run and left to settle into a stablestate. For this we can use Kintsch’s own (1998) CI model.

6. The final step is to calculate the vector P(A) withthe vector sum of the Predicate (P), plus the Argument(A),plus the k terms that receive most activation in the network- in other words, those that receive more excitatory activationfrom Predicate and Argument and least lateral inhibitionfrom the terms in their own layer. k again depends on thetype of model in use and the empirical observations carriedout a posteriori. Once this is done, we will finally obtaina vector P(A) which will have the meaning covered by thepredicate and its accompanying argument, as the final sumwill also incorporate vectors of terms that are pertinentneighbors of the predicate and hence of the argument too.


Figure 4. Graphical representation of the predication algorithm.

Figure 4 shows how results might look using the predicationalgorithm for the proposition “the winger crossed”. The semanticneighbors extracted from the verb “to cross” might include“intersect”, “ball”, “lines”, “center” and “traverse”. Of thesesemantic neighbors those that would finally be most stronglyactivated are those that receive greater excitatory connectionsfrom both sides. In other words, given their connections withPredicate and Argument, the words that have high cosines onboth sides will be those that are most strongly activated, andwill send inhibitory connections to the rest. In this hypotheticalcase, the terms “center” and “ball” will be most stronglyactivated, since they are the terms most closely relatedsemantically to the argument “winger”. Thus, “ball” and“center” will be the words that are added to the Predicate (P)“to cross” and the Argument (A) “winger”, to give the vectorof the whole proposition. In this way, a bias is imposed onthe standard centroid method such that it contemplates thelinguistic phenomenon that the meaning of the predicate isdependent on the information provided by its arguments.

Kintsch (2000) shows the algorithm at work and checksthe final meaning of predications such as “The bridgecollapsed”, “The plan collapsed” and “The runner collapsed”,as well as an example better suited to taxonomic or hierarchicalstructures - “Pelican is a bird” and “The bird is a pelican”.Besides this, Kintsch illustrates how the predication mechanismitself may be useful for modeling the understanding ofmetaphors Kintsch (2000), and even investigates the differencebetween metaphors that are simple and difficult to understandbased on the predication parameters (Kintsch & Bowles, 2002).


Our aim with this network study is not to reproduce thenetwork proposed by Kintsch (2001). Our network contains

some implementation differences, although the operationscarried out are functionally similar. In our study we attemptto assign connection weights according to the cosinesobtained and activation of nodes according to a rule thatfavors bilateral activation from both Predicate and Argument.

The version of the predication network implementedhere comprises 3 layers, although two of them (the firstand third) have only one Node (see figure 5). These nodesin the first and third layers are those related to the Predicate(1,0) and the Argument (3,0). The central layer consists ofas many Nodes as Predicate neighbors are to becontemplated in the algorithm, subject to empirical factors.Each Node in this second layer represents a term from thesemantic neighborhood of the Predicate. Besides this, theNodes in the central layer have two activation mechanisms.The first is the inter-layer activation mechanism, ensuringthat each node is activated by both members of thepredication, increasing its similarity index with each ofthem. Each of the connection weightings between a predicateand one of the central nodes is represented by the cosinebetween the predicate and the term each central noderepresents (W00, W01, W02, W04...W0N). Similarly, theconnections between the argument and each node in thecentral layer (W00, W10, W20, W40...WN0) will beequivalent to the cosine between the terms of each of thecentral nodes and this argument. The second mechanismis that of lateral inhibition (intra-layer), whereby each nodeis inhibited by every one of its neighbors in the centrallayer. In this way, each node competes against the others.

Once the Inter- and Intra-layer activations are calculated,a global activation index will be obtained for each of the nodesin the central layer. Ordering these from highest to lowest,the first n nodes are chosen. With the terms that representthese nodes plus the predicate and argument terms, the centroid


Figure 5. Network, layers and nodes.

is calculated, in other words the sum of all vectors of theseterms, thus obtaining the resultant predication vector P(A).


There are some unresolved issues concerning thecalculation of the predication algorithm, which are subject toempirical observations and possibly dependent on the typeof semantic space being processed. The first issue is choosingthe number of neighbors of the Predicate selected to configurethe network - the first n neighbors are those that will participatein the network. Kintsch and Bowles (2002) acknowledge thatthis size may vary considerably depending on the relationshipbetween predicate and argument, recommending that n shouldbe around 20. This figure rises to 500 in the representationof predicative metaphors, given that the relationship betweenpredicate and argument is looser and the crucial terms thatare pertinent to both are not often found among the first 100neighbors of the Predicate. In our case we have set n as 10%of the total number of terms in our space. Our decision toadopt a variable figure initially (it may later be reduced) isbased on the observation that n is also linked to the size ofthe semantic space. A second issue is the number of activatedterm nodes (k) whose vector is taken to form the finalrepresentation of the predication P(A). Kintsch and Bowles(2002) suggest that the figure that gives best results is around5. Considering a greater number introduces an unnecessaryrisk, as the resultant semantic representation (the meaning)would be clouded by the influence of spurious values. Incontrast, taking only a very small number would mean theloss of crucial information. We follow this recommendationand make k equal to 5. Another significant issue open to debateis the node activation rule, particularly concerning the partof this activation that derives from inter-layer connections.The activation value of each node derived from the inter-layer connections may be calculated using only the cosinesof the predicate and argument with each of the nodes. It mayalso be corrected by manipulating values such as vector lengthof Predicate and Argument, standard deviation between bothcosines or the vector length of the neighbors of the Predicatethat are introduced into the network.

In this case we will use some of these parameters inour formula. P represents the predicate, A the argumentand i each of the term nodes from the central layer. Theweight of the inter-layer connections are Cos(P,i) andCos(i,A), Cos(P,i) being the cosine between the vector ofthe Predicate Term (P) and the Vector of each Term Node(i),

and Cos(i,A) the cosine between the Vector of each TermNode(i) and the vector of the Argument Term(A).

The most basic form of excitatory activation of the nodeswould be

Inter-layerA = Cos(P,i)+ Cos(i,A).

In other words, each central node will be activated moreor less depending on the activation received from bothconnections (based on the weights of both connections).

However, after exploring several possibilities with theparameters described above (vector length of Predicate andArgument, standard deviation), we chose to use the followingformula:

Inter-layerA = Cos(P,i)+Cos(i,A)*(1+log(VectorLength(P))+(1/(SD(Cos(P,i), Cos(i,A))+0.5))

The justification for using this formula is as follows.The difference between the vector length of the predicateand of the argument may be excessive, favoring the formerand preventing the predication algorithm from extractingthe true meaning. For this reason the formula should becorrected, multiplying the cosine between each Node andthe argument by a weighting based on the vector length ofthe Predicate. In this way, the argument plays a greaterrole in activation, its participation being directly proportionalto the vector length of the predicate. At the same time, thecorrection based on standard deviation is introduced in orderto promote activation of term nodes whose two cosines(between Predicate and Argument) are similar - in otherwords, not to promote nodes that receive unilateral activation.


We will use the last formula from the previous sectionto extract lists of neighbors for two-term structures in whichthe first will act as predicate and the second as argument.The structures to be used are “fobia a las tormentas” (stormphobia) and “personalidad de la pistola” (gun personality).In addition, we will extract neighbors of these same complexstructures with the simple sum or centroid, using theseconditions as a baseline. As in simulation 1, we will usecorrection based on vector length, for both forms of extractionincluding those that use predication5 and those that usecentroid. The lists of neighbors will be extracted in fourways, using the following combinations (see table 1):


5 Once we have obtained the vector that represents the predication P(A) - in other words, the vector sum of the predicate (P),argument (A) and five nodes with highest activation - we then extract the twenty-one first semantic neighbors of P(A). We apply thecorrection based on vector length during this extraction process. It should be borne in mind that the node activation formula takes intoaccount the vector length of the predicate, but that this formula does not represent what we refer to in this section as the correctionbased on vector length. The correction based on vector length is applied after calculating the predication vector.

Extraction of neighbors

To begin with, we extract the semantic neighbors ofthe proposition “fobia a las tormentas” (storm phobia). Theleft-hand graphic in figure 6 shows how using the vectorsum of both terms (from now on centroid) we observe thePredominant meaning inundation effect. The essence ofthis problem is that the neighbors extracted belong to thedominant subject matter of “phobia” (“social”, “shyness”,“public”, etc.) even when we specify that the phobia relatesto storms. The predominant sense of “phobia” may be seenin Figure 2, where we show that neighbors of “phobia”alone are related to the domain of social phobia. Using thepredication algorithm (right-hand part of figure 6), thispredominant sense gives some ground to meanings morein line with specific phobias, (“spaces”, “cliffs”, “bridges”,“snakes”, “specific”) - more coherent with “storm phobia”.

As for the correction based on vector length (figure 7-right, corrected predication), we can see that the neighborshave greater vector lengths, allowing the definition of thepredication to contain more representative terms and thusavoiding the problem of Low-level definition. Nonetheless,this other form also produces a definition containing termsrelated to the predominant sense such as “social”(Predominant meaning inundation).

In view of the neighbors extracted with the more efficientpredication methods, the idea that the bias introduced whenrepresenting this predication reveals its true meaning seemsto lose weight. In the case of “storm phobia”, the term for“storms” introduces parameters that modulate the general,dominant meaning of “phobia”. In this case, the phobia musthave connotations which differ from those of “social” phobia,but must conserve the general meaning common to all phobias,a meaning that might be defined using terms such as “fear”


Table 1Structure for analysis of examples

Correction based on vector length

No (normal version) Yes (corrected version)

Predication No (Centroid) Uncorrected centroid Corrected CentroidAlgorithm Yes (predication Alg.) Uncorrected predication Corrected predication Alg.

Figure 6. Neighbors for “fobia a las tormentas” (storm phobia): Centroid without correction on the left and predication without correctionon the right. The 21 semantic neighbors are ordered from highest to lowest similarity in a clockwise direction. The grey area representsthe vector length of each of the terms on a scale of 1 to 5.

Figure 7. “Storm phobia” neighbors: Corrected centroid on the left and corrected predication on the right. The 21 semantic neighborsare ordered from greatest to lowest similarity in a clockwise direction. The grey area represents the vector length of each of the termson a scale of 1 to 5.

or “situational”. This common general meaning seems morepalpable when the representation of the predication iscalculated, and its neighbors are extracted taking into accounttheir vector length. Using this method, the meaning of thepredication makes reference to more representative terms.

From the further examples simulated we have chosenone which is closer to natural language and not simplytaxonomic in nature.

In the field of psychological and psychiatric pathology,suppose that we wish to metaphorically designate a violent,maladjusted personality type a “gun personality”. If wetold someone that an individual has a “gun personality”,they might understand what we are referring to if they havea domain-specific mental model similar to the one LSAuses, even without having received any kind of explanation.This pseudo-metaphorical language can be captured withthe same mechanisms that are used for predication. Themechanism for capturing the metaphorical meaning of thestructures is still influenced by the introduction of contextualbias (one term exerts influence on another) (Kintsch, 2000;Kintsch & Bowles, 2002). Here the word “pistola” (gun)introduces a bias with respect to the broad sense ofpersonality, provoking the activation of content referringto a specific type of personality - in this case an antisocialpersonality. Taking the neighbors extracted with the Centroidmethod as a baseline we can see that the structure “gunpersonality” takes on a meaning much closer to reality if

we use the predication algorithm in its corrected oruncorrected version. In the uncorrected Centroid version(figure 8-left) the first positions contain terms belongingto other types of personality disorder such as “schizotypical”,“schizoid”, “anancastic”, “eccentric” or “introverted” (inother words, we can observe the so-called Predominantmeaning inundation). This seems to be partially rectifiedif we use the Corrected centroid (figure 9-left) althoughterms such as “schizotypical”, “schizoid” or “narcissistic”still appear. However, with both versions of Predication(figure 8 and 9 right), it seems that the meaning of “gunpersonality” takes on connotations more in line with itspotential meaning. In both versions, the terms that appearin the list of neighbors belong to the category “antisocialpersonality disorders”, closer to the true meaning. In theuncorrected version of Predication it seems that the neighborsare less representative of the content. Although generalpersonality terms such as “Personality” and “dissocial” areconserved, terms such as “fraud”, “prohibition”,“falsification”, “possessions”, “extortion” and “knife” appear(low-level definition effect). Therefore, the algorithm hasbeen responsible for this mix of terms, with a bias introducedby the order (first “personalidad” then “pistola”) and therole of its constituents (Predicate and Argument). Thisbecomes clearer in the corrected predication version (figure9-right). In this version terms such as “schizoid”,“schizotypical”, “boundaries”, “narcissistic” and “avoidance”


Figure 8. “Gun personality” neighbors: Centroid without correction and Predication without correction. The 21 semantic neighbors areordered from greatest to lowest similarity in a clockwise direction. The grey area represents the vector length of each of the terms on ascale of 1 to 5. Greater areas represent terms with greater vector length and greater representativity in the semantic space.

Figure 9. “Gun personality” neighbors: Corrected centroid on the left and corrected predication on the right. The 21 semantic neighborsare ordered from greatest to lowest similarity in a clockwise direction. The grey area represents the vector length of each of the termson a scale of 1 to 5.

disappear, but general properties of personality remain suchas “pattern”, “behavior” and “personality”. Otherrepresentative terms (with a certain vector length) restrictedto the field of the antisocial personality make their wayinto the list, such as “theft”, “violence”, “property” and“aggressive”. In addition, the following positions containterms with lower vector length such as “possessions”,“fraud”, “damages” and “extortion”.


In comparison with our respective baselines(neighborhood of isolated terms or neighborhood of thetwo words using the centroid method), the two predicationmethods (corrected or uncorrected) seem to perform correctlyin terms of avoiding the effect we termed Predominantmeaning inundation. In addition, the corrected predicationmethod seems to do so avoiding the Low-level definitioneffect, although the benefit is greater in the predicationwhose argument has a lower vector length (“gunpersonality”). In the case of this second structure, thepredication algorithm seems to reveal a phenomenoncommon in natural language - that a term of a much lowerhierarchical level metonymically identifies the content ofhigher-level structures.

Experiment: comparison with real definitions


Once the lists of semantic neighbors of the compositestructures had been extracted (section 5.3.5 above), weproposed checking whether results from the differentmethods used match a sample of real psychopathologicaldefinitions. In this way we are able to analyze whether themeaning of each list resembles the content to which it refers:“storm phobia” as a specific phobia and “gun personality”as a possible means of designating an antisocial personality.This will also help to support the claims made in previoussections regarding the lists extracted with the predicationmethod in terms of avoiding both of the effects that concernus here (Predominant meaning inundation and Low-leveldefinition).


The definitions for checking the neighbors extracted from“storm phobia” will be associated with one of the followingthemes: general concept of phobia, social phobia, specificphobia and generalized anxiety. Eight definitions will besought for each of these areas. Similarly, to check “gunpersonality” eight definitions will be sought for four themes:general concept of personality disorders, schizoid personalitydisorder, avoidant personality disorder and antisocial

personality disorder. The definitions will be extracted fromspecialized texts in digital format based on the DSM-VIand ICE-10 published on the Internet. The average size ofthe definitions with which “fobia a las tormentas” will becompared is 89.62 words with a standard deviation of 41.77.The average size of the definitions with which “gunpersonality” will be compared is 72.63 and the standarddeviation is 29.32. Of these words, only those contained inthe semantic space will be taken into account in thecomparison. In other words we consider only those thatremain after the preprocessing carried out before instantiatingthe occurrence matrix. None of these definitions formedpart of the corpus used to train LSA, although they do belongto the same subject area, as they are also psychopathologicaldiagnoses based on ICE-10 and DSM-IV.


The method will be as follows: Each list of neighborsextracted from the LSA system (the lists from section 3.3.5in figures 6, 7, 8 and 9) comprise the definitions that LSAhas of a term. For example, in the experiment for “stormphobia” (section 3.3.5) we have four lists created with thefour methods: Centroid, Centroid corrected using vectorlength, Predication and Predication corrected using vectorlength. With these four lists of neighbors we draw up thefour documents from “storm phobia” (see figures 6 and 7for the list of words that make up each document). Thesefour documents are compared with each of the 8 realdocuments chosen to represent the general concept of phobia,the 8 for social phobia, the 8 for specific phobia and the 8for generalized anxiety. This allows us to later calculatethe averages of the eight scores (converting the texts andlists into pseudodocuments and using the cosine). Fromthese averages we will extract the gradients that show thedifferent meanings offered by each of the structures (“stormphobia” and “gun personality”) using each of the methods.The ideal aim would be for the “storm phobia” documentsto be closer to the definitions of specific phobia, even thoughthey conserve some similarity with the definitions of socialphobia and phobia in general. Similarly, the ideal aim forthe documents from “gun personality” is a greater similaritywith definitions of antisocial personality disorder, in additionto a similarity with other kinds of personality disorders.To objectively check that the gradients show optimumdiscrimination, we will check that the differences betweenthe similarities with each group of definitions are significant,using two ANOVAs. In each of the ANOVAs we will betesting two factors. On the one hand, the method ofextraction of neighbors (with 4 levels: Centroid, Centroidcorrected using vector length, Predication and Predicationcorrected using vector length). And on the other, the textsor groups of definitions referring to disorders (with 4 levelsaccording to the group of definitions: phobia, social phobia,specific phobia and generalized phobia).


Results and discussion

“Fobia a las tormentas” (storm phobia)

To evaluate the results a two-factor ANOVA was carriedout: (1) Method of extraction of neighbors (with 4 levels):Centroid, Centroid corrected using vector length, Predicationand Predication corrected using vector length. (2) Standardpsychopathology texts (4 definitions): General concept ofPhobia, Social Phobia, Specific Phobia and GeneralizedAnxiety. There is a main effect for the type of text (F(3,84)= 99.22, p < 0.05) and for the method (F(3,28) = 22.91, p< 0.05). An interaction effect can be observed (F (9,84) =11.32, p < 0.05) as shown in figure 10 In both centroidconditions the list extracted is most similar to the paragraphson social phobia, which seems to be the predominant contentof the term “phobia” in this corpus, even though the onlysignificant difference is between the Generalized Anxietytexts and those of the other conditions (p < 0.05). This sameprofile can be found in both the corrected and the uncorrectedversions - note that the correction hardly produces adifferential effect. Nonetheless, applying the predicationalgorithm the gradients change, producing a more markedsimilarity with the paragraphs on specific phobia. The pair

comparisons show that in the uncorrected predicationalgorithm condition (marked as uncorrected PRE), thesimilarities are greater with the definitions or texts on specificphobia compared with social phobia and generalized anxiety(p < 0.05). Besides, no significant differences were foundbetween the similarities with texts on specific phobia andthose on the general concept of phobia in this condition (p= 0.16). In the three remaining conditions we find two groups.The greatest similarities were observed for the texts onspecific phobia, social phobia and the general concept ofphobia, and the lowest for those on generalized anxiety (p< 0.05). In conclusion, the results show that the uncorrectedpredication method is the closest to the ideal gradient. Inother words it is the most discriminative method, since thelist produced is more similar to the texts that define thestructure “Storm phobia” and less similar to those whichdo not. In addition, the lists using this same method alsoresemble the texts on the general concept of phobia. Thecorrected predication algorithm method (marked as correctedPRE) together with the Centroid methods (markeduncorrected or corrected) produce documents that do notdifferentiate between texts on phobia, social phobia or specificphobia. They only discriminate for generalized anxiety texts,and therefore proved less sensitive. In general, this resultshows that using certain predication algorithm methodssatisfactory meanings emerge.

“Personalidad de la pistola” (Gun personality)

Secondly, we applied another ANOVA, this time to thestructure “gun personality” with the two factors describedabove (1) Method of extraction of neighbors (with 4 levels):Centroid, Centroid corrected using vector length, Predicationand Predication corrected using vector length. (2) In thesecond factor we have the four kinds of real texts: generalconcept of personality disorders, schizoid personalitydisorder, avoidant personality disorder and antisocialpersonality disorder. A main effect was found for the typeof text (F(3,84) = 645.45, p < 0.05) and for the method ofextraction (F(1,28) = 1044.92, p < 0.05). We also foundan interaction effect (F (9,84) = 10.78, p < 0.05), representedin figure 11. The lists for “gun personality” reveal someinteresting features. The results show the usefulness ofapplying the predication algorithm to structures of this type.Whilst the lists generated by the Centroid conditions showno significant differences in terms of similarities with eachof the personality type paragraphs, both the corrected anduncorrected conditions of Predication algorithm (markeduncorrected PRE and corrected PRE) show significantlygreater similarities with the paragraphs on antisocialpersonality. In the uncorrected predication algorithmcondition (marked as uncorrected PRE) the similarities withthe texts on antisocial personality were significantly greaterthan with the other three kinds of texts (p < 0.05). In thecorrected predication algorithm condition (marked as


Figure 10. Gradients of meaning for “storm phobia”.

corrected PRE) we also find greater similarities with theantisocial personality texts, and greater similarities too withthe texts dealing with the general concept of personalitydisorders, although this last difference was only marginallysignificant (p = 0.08). Using this last condition we can alsoobserve that on some occasions the predication methodmay become more effective when a correction based onthe vector length is applied. Applying this correction weconserve the discriminatory capacity in favor of the antisocialpersonality disorders texts, but also increase the similaritywith all of the texts in general. This condition is thereforenot only as discriminative as the other predication condition,but rather is the one that covers most content related withpersonality disorders. In this way, the effect of the low vectorlength for the argument “pistola” can be mitigated usingthis correction method, thus obtaining more precisedefinitions. In conclusion, the results show that bothpredication conditions match the ideal gradient, but thecorrected predication condition performs best. On the onehand, its representation is most similar to the antisocialpersonality disorder texts, followed by the texts that discussthe general concept of personality disorders. At the sametime, it best covers the definition of “gun personality” withinthe range of personality disorders.

General conclusion

In this article we have sought to explore certain waysin which a system based on LSA and trained using diagnosticcorpora may generate definitions. These definitions takethe form of lists of semantic neighbors and have beenextracted from examples of structures that might fit wellwith certain simulations previously performed by Kintsch(2001), such as complex structures like “storm phobia” orthe terms “phobia” and “storms” separately. To extract thelists of terms separately we used the normal cosine and acorrection of the cosine based on vector length. For thecomplex structures, the centroid and the predicationalgorithm were used combined with both of the above. Theselists intuitively show how the meanings extracted vary interms of the extent to which the constituent neighbors arerestricted to a near-perfect positive association with thestructure they are extracted from (appearance of the low-level definition effect). Also in the case of complexstructures, we see the extent to which content promotedby the arguments or by the predominant meanings takeprecedent (appearance of the predominant meaninginundation effect). The results show how certain definitionsbest fit the reality of each structure.

To check these claims in a more objective manner, weselected samples of actual definitions of some disordersrelated with the target structures, and compared them witheach of the lists of neighbors obtained, taking the cosine.This procedure gave us gradients of content that match theactual definitions more or less closely.

In summary, the results show how the predicationalgorithm can be highly useful for structures of a diagnosticnature where specific characteristics such as “storm” arepredicated to a general category such as “phobia”. Themeaning can even be extracted when the argument doesnot coincide with the name of a sub-category, but rather isa simple, very well-defined term such as “gun” (in ahypothetical definition of “gun personality”). Besides this,we have observed that performing certain corrections basedon vector length may lead to these definitions covering awider range of content regarding the intended disorders,although it may occasionally cause an effect similar to whatwe have termed predominant meaning inundation. The exactconditions under which the latter collateral effect appearsmight be an area for future investigation. Nonetheless, acombination of the two forms of extracting neighbors mayhelp to extract definitions that cover a greater spectrum ofthe definition.

A theoretical conclusion that could be drawn from theabove is that phenomena found in ordinary language canalso be simulated in scientific corpora, such as thepredication of properties on some category. Anotherconclusion that may be made is that LSA models must betreated cautiously as a way of simulating semanticrepresentation, and new algorithms such as that of


Figure 11. Gradients of meaning for “gun personality”

predication must be found which mean the static matrixrepresenting the semantics of the terms are used efficientlyto simulate linguistic and cognitive processes. Broadeningthe horizons of LSA models means treating them as morethan just a theory of knowledge storage. They should moreusefully be considered as a basis for modelling informationprocessing.

The practical conclusions revolve around the form ofextracting definitions of terms from scientific domains.Although there are parallels between ontologies and modelsof scientific knowledge extracted from LSA (Burek, Vargas-Vera & Moreale, 2004; Cederberg & Widdows, 2003; Rung-Ching, Ya-Ching & Ren-Hao, 2006), only the former hasthe capacity to extract the meanings of terms based onpreviously specified relationships such as synonymy,partonymy, hyponymy, hypernymy and meronymy. However,models of scientific knowledge based on LSA have certaincritical advantages: 1) the metric is clearly specified and2) they are based on actual occurrences in language, whichmakes them plausible in their mimicry of human cognitivefunctioning (Dumais, 2003). Thus, the static knowledgerepresented in LSA may be used to create algorithms basedon human bias. With the aid of parsers, it can also detectcertain structures that allow the creation of technology toaid classification and management of large quantities ofinformation, such as the indexing of information providedby medical diagnoses (Pakhomov et al., 2006) or inassistance with searches of medical texts (Lee et al., 2006).One such form of assistance is the creation or search forquestions drawn from a query of structures similar to thoseused in this article - for example “eating disorder” or“diabetic retinopathy”. Extracting precise definitions inthe form of terms, we would be able to search, or formmenus or questions that facilitate searches, and even presentalternatives in the form of graphical networks (Jorge-Botanaet al., in press) or VIRIs (visual information retrievalinterfaces). We believe that a large proportion of futureresearch - both basic and applied - will work in this direction.


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Received July 31, 2007Revision received October 10, 2008

Accepted December 17, 2008