Using Grails to power your electric car

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  • 1. Using Grails to poweryour Electric Car

2. Small Intro Marco Pas (1973) Education in Chemistry and thenmoved to Transportation & Logisticsto finally IT.. what is next? Software Engineer Burgundian lifestyleWikipedia tells us :enjoyment of life, good food,and extravagant spectacle 3. Agenda What the heck am I trying to solve!! How on earth did we solve it? What are our plans for the future? 4. Disclaimer.... 5. Electric Cars vs Electric Vehicles 6. Convention Fueling != Electric Vehicle Charging EV Charging Challenges: Impossible to store & forward electricity Charge often (Limited Range) Time to charge (from minutes to hours) Compatibility (plugs, charging cables) 7. Not kidding... !!Range Anxiety Reducer :) 8. Public EV Chargers in numbers 2011: EU 12.000 2020: EU 660.0002011 2020Denmark 280 5.000Germany 1.900 150.000Italy 1.300 125.000Netherlands 1.700 32.000United Kingdom 703 122.000 9. EV Chargers in the wild 10. Charging ProcessBack OfficeValidation / Verification Is the card valid? Electricity pricing? How much can I charge? Who is the customer? Did you make a reservation? . 11. Stakeholders involved in EV Charging 12. How to manageall those(different kind of)Chargers?Stakeholders?Processes? 13. Requirements Implement a platform that enables EV Infra management: To monitor a Charge Point (CP) network Supports remote management Track charging sessions Including charge authorization &transaction storage Multi-tenancy 3rdparty integration using Web Services (SOAP / REST) 14. Schematic overview of a Charge Point 15. Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Open protocol between charging stations and a managing centralsystem aka back office Asynchronous Based on SOAP (v1.2) Working group with support from all manufacturers! 16. Agenda What the heck am I trying to solve!! How on earth did we solve it? What are our plans for the future? 17. Release 1.0!! SOAP ~ Contract First with Grails was not that easy, so we moved to a pure JAVA/Spring OCPP application 18. Jackson JSON Mapperpublic class JsonMapper extends ObjectMapper {public JsonMapper() {super();/*** De-Serialization options JSON -> OBJECT*/// - ignore unknown fields - otherwise the construction of the object will fail!this.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);// - make it possible to also construct empty objectsthis.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);/*** Serialization options OBJECT -> JSON*/// properties with non-null values are to be included in the resulting JSONthis.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL);}} 19. Jackson JSON Mapper JSON Object Object JSONresources.groovybeans = {// a preconfigured Jackson JSON mapper with defaultsjsonMapper(JsonMapper){}}def jsonContent = {name: John Doe}Person person = jsonMapper.readValue(jsonContent, Person.class)Person person = new Person(name: John Doe)def jsonContent = jsonMapper.valueToTree(person) 20. Theming support Login-Logout & user configurable themes Using Spring Security Core PluginConfig.groovy// make sure we can act on security eventsgrails.plugins.springsecurity.useSecurityEventListener = true// executed when a user succesfully authenticates into the applicationgrails.plugins.springsecurity.onInteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent = { e, appCtx // .. code intentionally emitted .. //session.theme = MyNameOfTheTheme}page.gsp 21. Chargepoint Overview 22. Pool Overview 23. Nokia Maps Heat Map 24. Technical Debt Client was very happy but.... shame on us: Tightly coupled Poor test coverage Spring project & Grails project Adding functional value is just to much fun! But... ready for round 2.. Thanks to Grails we could refactor with great ease and speed! 25. Release 2.0 Guidelines: Focus on creating a modular platform Test Driven Development Use Grails for everything!! Minimize the use of plugins!!! 26. Grails CXF Plugin WSDL Contract First & Code First Wire Interceptors Logging, Security Support for versioning@GrailsCxfEndpoint(address=/myCustomSoapService/v2/) 27. Annotated example@GrailsCxfEndpoint(address=/centralsystem/ocpp/v1/5,wsdl = wsdl/ocpp_15_centralsystem.wsdl,expose = EndpointType.JAX_WS_WSDL,soap12 = true,inInterceptors = ["logSoapInboundInterceptor", "setReplyToSOAPHeaderInInterceptor"],outInterceptors = ["logSoapOutboundInterceptor"])@WebService(name = "CentralSystemService",targetNamespace = "urn://Ocpp/Cs/2012/06/",serviceName = "CentralSystemService",portName = "CentralSystemServiceSoap12")@GZIPclass CentralSystemOcpp15Service implements CentralSystemService {// ... code intentionally omitted// ... contains the methods that needs to be implemented due to the implements} 28. Demo Create a contract first webservice using Grails CXF plugin Source WSDL: CustomerService.wsdl Steps: Create grails project Install CXF plugin Use WSDL2JAVA to generate web service implementation Create Grails service that implements the web service interface Test using SOAPUI 29. AMQP - Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Asynchronous and synchronous message exchange Enables modular platform architecture 30. RabbitMQ an AMQP implementation Grails RabbitMQ Plugin High-level abstraction for sending and receiving messages Fallback to Spring Templateclass MessageReceiveService {static rabbitQueue = helloQvoid handleMessage(message) {// handle message}}class MessageSendController {def sendMessage = {rabbitSend helloQ, Hello!}} 31. RabbitMQ Synchronousclass MessageSendController {def rabbitTemplate // use the Spring rabbitTemplate directlydef sendMessage = {def response = rabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive helloQ, Hello Worldprintln response}}class MessageReceiveService {static rabbitQueue = [queues: helloQ, messageConverterBean: ]void handleMessage(Message message) {// determine the reply queuedef returnQueue = message.messageProperties.replyTo// return the response to temporary return queue..rabbitSend returnQueue, Hello there}} 32. Demo Send and Consume a message via RabbitMQ Steps: Install RabbitMQ plugin Configure Grails app to use RabbitMQ Create code to publish and consume a message 33. Testing Functional & Unit Testing Build-Test-Data Spock Load & Performane Testing BadBoy / Apache JMeter 34. Some stuff we have used Grails Plugins Spring Security Export RabbitMQ CXF Fixture Spock Build-Test-Data Non-Plugins Twitter BootStrap Jackson JSON 35. Agenda What the heck am I trying to solve!! How on earth did we solve it? What are our plans for the future? 36. Release 3.0 Additional protocol implementation in JSON Eliminating the verbosity of SOAP! To ([, , , {}])940http://[2, 19223201, HeartBeat, {}]940http:// 37. Release 3.0 Using WebSockets for full-duplex communication 38. WebSockets Defines an API establishing a "socket" connections between aclient and a server Providing full-duplex communicationchannel over a single TCPconnection HTTP upgrade byProtocol Negotiation Firewall friendly! (port 80) No reconnect handling or guaranteedmessage delivery 39. WebSocket handshake Client Request Server ResponseGET /mychat HTTP/1.1Host: server.example.comUpgrade: websocketConnection: UpgradeSec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chatSec-WebSocket-Version: 13Origin: http://example.comHTTP/1.1 101 Switching ProtocolsUpgrade: websocketConnection: UpgradeSec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat 40. WebSocket API Hooks 41. Asynchronous Application Development Polyglot, Simplicity, Scalability, Concurrency Distributed Event Bus WebSocket support VerticlesServer.groovyvertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler { req ->req.response.headers().put("Content-Type", "text/html; charset-UTF-8");req.response.end("Hello from vert.x!");}.listen(8080)vertx run Server.groovyvertx run Server.groovy -instances 4 42. Thank you!![email protected]://