Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways in California Rebecca Ghanadan a, *, Jonathan G. Koomey b a The Energy and Resources Group (ERG), 310 Barrows Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3050, USA b End-Use Forecasting Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Stanford University, 1 Cyclotron Road, MS 90-4000, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Abstract This paper develops and analyzes four energy scenarios for California that are both exploratory and quantitative. The business- as-usual scenario represents a pathway guided by outcomes and expectations emerging from California’s energy crisis. Three alternative scenarios represent contexts where clean energy plays a greater role in California’s energy system: Split Public is driven by local and individual activities; Golden State gives importance to integrated state planning; Patriotic Energy represents a national drive to increase energy independence. Future energy consumption, composition of electricity generation, energy diversity, and greenhouse gas emissions are analyzed for each scenario through 2035. Energy savings, renewable energy, and transportation activities are identified as promising opportunities for achieving alternative energy pathways in California. A combined approach that brings together individual and community activities with state and national policies leads to the largest energy savings, increases in energy diversity, and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Critical challenges in California’s energy pathway over the next decades identified by the scenario analysis include dominance of the transportation sector, dependence on fossil fuels, emissions of greenhouse gases, accounting for electricity imports, and diversity of the electricity sector. The paper concludes with a set of policy lessons revealed from the California energy scenarios. r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Energy scenarios; California; Energy forecasting No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future (Wilson, 1975). It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all (Poincare, 1913). 1. Introduction In early 2001, electricity blackouts and high-energy prices in California brought energy issues to the forefront of public attention. While the visibility of the crisis highlighted numerous immediate inadequacies in the state’s energy system, it also revealed deeper needs for innovative and systematic approaches to energy analysis—both within California and in other domestic and international contexts. The crisis illuminated the relevance of alternatives to business-as-usual (BAU) trends and possibilities for expected and unexpected change. Consideration of alternative energy pathways is critically important to California’s uncertain and chan- ging energy context. Alternative pathways are increas- ingly important if California is to adequately balance its energy needs with other economic, social, environmen- tal, and land use interests, especially with a growing population and economy. Successful long-term energy policy and planning requires systematic information that connects current choices and uncertainties with their potential implica- tions for the future. In California, a substantial body of information exists on specific dimensions of its energy system, such as market analyses, energy and price forecasts, and energy efficiency studies. 1 In addition, an abundance of articles and reports have sought to analyze and interpret the implications of California’s electricity crisis. In many cases, however, the available energy literature offers highly specific information ARTICLE IN PRESS *Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-5106432243; fax: +1-5106421085. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Ghanadan), [email protected] (J.G. Koomey). 1 A detailed summary of California energy references is provided in Appendix B. 0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2003.11.011

Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways

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Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142



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Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energypathways in California

Rebecca Ghanadana,*, Jonathan G. Koomeyb

aThe Energy and Resources Group (ERG), 310 Barrows Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3050, USAbEnd-Use Forecasting Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Stanford University, 1 Cyclotron Road, MS 90-4000, Berkeley,

CA 94720, USA


This paper develops and analyzes four energy scenarios for California that are both exploratory and quantitative. The business-

as-usual scenario represents a pathway guided by outcomes and expectations emerging from California’s energy crisis. Three

alternative scenarios represent contexts where clean energy plays a greater role in California’s energy system: Split Public is driven

by local and individual activities; Golden State gives importance to integrated state planning; Patriotic Energy represents a national

drive to increase energy independence. Future energy consumption, composition of electricity generation, energy diversity, and

greenhouse gas emissions are analyzed for each scenario through 2035. Energy savings, renewable energy, and transportation

activities are identified as promising opportunities for achieving alternative energy pathways in California. A combined approach

that brings together individual and community activities with state and national policies leads to the largest energy savings, increases

in energy diversity, and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Critical challenges in California’s energy pathway over the next

decades identified by the scenario analysis include dominance of the transportation sector, dependence on fossil fuels, emissions of

greenhouse gases, accounting for electricity imports, and diversity of the electricity sector. The paper concludes with a set of policy

lessons revealed from the California energy scenarios.

r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Energy scenarios; California; Energy forecasting

No amount of sophistication is going to allay the factthat all your knowledge is about the past and all yourdecisions are about the future (Wilson, 1975).

It is far better to foresee even without certainty thannot to foresee at all (Poincare, 1913).

1. Introduction

In early 2001, electricity blackouts and high-energyprices in California brought energy issues to theforefront of public attention. While the visibility of thecrisis highlighted numerous immediate inadequacies inthe state’s energy system, it also revealed deeper needsfor innovative and systematic approaches to energyanalysis—both within California and in other domesticand international contexts. The crisis illuminated therelevance of alternatives to business-as-usual (BAU)

ng author. Tel.: +1-5106432243; fax: +1-5106421085.

sses: [email protected] (R. Ghanadan),

ov (J.G. Koomey).

front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


trends and possibilities for expected and unexpectedchange. Consideration of alternative energy pathways iscritically important to California’s uncertain and chan-ging energy context. Alternative pathways are increas-ingly important if California is to adequately balance itsenergy needs with other economic, social, environmen-tal, and land use interests, especially with a growingpopulation and economy.

Successful long-term energy policy and planningrequires systematic information that connects currentchoices and uncertainties with their potential implica-tions for the future. In California, a substantial body ofinformation exists on specific dimensions of its energysystem, such as market analyses, energy and priceforecasts, and energy efficiency studies.1 In addition,an abundance of articles and reports have sought toanalyze and interpret the implications of California’selectricity crisis. In many cases, however, the availableenergy literature offers highly specific information

1A detailed summary of California energy references is provided in

Appendix B.

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oriented to expert audiences or provides news-basedinformation that gives little insight into the deeperdriving forces or broader consequences of existingconditions. Available information is often poorlyequipped to explore processes of change, aggregateoutcomes, and unexpected results. Thus, the challenge isto develop techniques and information sharing that canconnect available information, immediate concerns, anddesired outcomes for effective decision-making.

This article presents energy scenarios as a usefulmethod for exploring energy choices in California froma long-term and systematic perspective. Considerablediscussion and analyses have focused on global and USenergy scenarios,2 however this study is unique indeveloping and analyzing energy scenarios for Califor-nia. The significance of California’s energy choices bothinside and outside of the state makes this study relevantto a broader domestic and international audience.Within the US, California is the most populous andeconomically productive state and has been a leader innational energy policy. California is also the fifth largesteconomy in the world, ranks tenth in terms of primaryenergy consumption, and approximately fifteenth interms of greenhouse gas emissions.3 With a history ofbeing on the vanguard of energy policy and with one ofthe most scrutinized set of electricity sector reformpolicies enacted in the world, California’s energy choicesand outcomes promise to continue to influence thedirection of deregulation and energy policy in US andother countries.

This paper develops and evaluates four Californiaenergy scenarios that explore a range of possible futureenergy pathways. The BAU and three alternative energyscenarios developed in this paper combine narrative andmodeling methods to illustrate alternative contexts andanalyze potential outcomes. The BAU scenario repre-sents a pathway guided by outcomes and expectationsfollowing the energy crisis. Three alternative scenariosrepresent contexts where clean energy plays a greaterrole in California’s energy system: Split Public is drivenby local and individual activities; Golden State givesimportance to integrated state planning; PatrioticEnergy represents a national drive to increase energyindependence.

The first section of this paper introduces the energyscenario approach and situates this method within thecontext of energy analysis. It contrasts energy forecastsand scenarios and provides a foundation for usingscenarios to explore a range of possible energy pathwaysfor California. The second section uses a distinctmethodology to develop the BAU and three alternative

2For example see Interlaboratory Working Group (2000), NEP

(2002), Reddy et al. (1997), and World Energy Council (2000).3Greenhouse gas emissions estimate is based on the following data

sources: CEC (2002f), EIA (2001f,h), and LAEDC (2001).

scenarios around critical uncertainties in California’senergy system. In the third section, the implications ofthe scenarios are examined using energy modelingtechniques to quantitatively evaluate future energyconsumption, composition of electricity generation,energy diversity, and greenhouse gas emissions asso-ciated with each scenario through 2035. The paperconcludes by presenting a set of critical issues and policyimplications illuminated by the analysis.

There are many opinions about the plausibility ofdifferent energy scenarios in technical, economic, andpolitical terms. This article does not claim that thescenarios presented here are the most likely or mostdesirable, as predicting the future with accuracy is notreally possible (Craig et al., 2002). Instead, this articleshould be read as an exploratory exercise aimed atdeveloping a set of scenario analysis tools and initiatinga discussion on alternative future energy pathways. Thedetails of this analysis are important, and there is likelyto be a range of opinion on the plausibility of differentelements comprising each scenario. However, the broad-er intention of exploring current opportunities andchallenges should not be lost to differing opinions on thedetails. It is our aim that this paper opens the doorwayfor greater discussion, debate, and comparison frommany perspectives on alternative energy pathways inCalifornia.

2. The scenario approach

This paper integrates aspects of strategic planning andenergy analysis to develop scenarios that are exploratoryand analytical. The development of scenario methods asa strategic management and organizational learning toolwere pioneered by the business community in the 1960s.Strategic management studies of scenarios have de-scribed how the process of developing well-researchedand plausible stories about the future can facilitateorganizational learning and generate critical insightsinto strategic decision-making. Many of the notablefigures in this area come from a core group of ex-RoyalDutch/Shell scenario planners who have played aprominent role in articulating scenario techniques to awider audience.4

In energy research, scenarios are most commonly usedto characterize an envelope of expected future condi-tions or quantify savings potentials from policy,technology, or behavioral changes. Scenarios havegained prominence within the fields of climate changeand energy efficiency. Notably, the Climate ChangeEmissions Scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC) play an influential role in both

4A well-known example is Schwartz’ book, The Art of the Long

View; one of the most popular books on the topic of strategic scenarios


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climate change science and policy (Nakicenovic andSwart, 2000). The report, Scenarios for a Clean Energy

Future, prepared by an interlaboratory working groupof US national labs, also represents a substantive use ofscenarios in interdisciplinary energy analysis. It analyzesthe effects of three different public-policy scenarios onthe growth of energy consumption and carbon dioxideemissions over the next 20 years (InterlaboratoryWorking Group, 2000). Both of these examples reflecta growing effort by energy researchers to addressuncertainty and incorporate broader dimensions ofsociety and technological change into their scope ofanalysis.

In this paper, the term ‘‘energy scenarios’’ refers to aset of illustrative energy pathways that are created usinga distinct scenario development methodology andquantitatively analyzed using energy modeling tech-niques. The scenario stories provide a set of alternativecontexts for exploring different ways that the future mayunfold. Energy modeling evaluates the systematicchanges and impacts resulting from each scenario on

Fig. 1. Energy scenarios examine a range of possible outcomes that are

grounded within system dynamics of the energy system. Combining

stories and models, scenarios qualitatively explore diverse contexts and

quantitatively evaluate potential outcomes.

Table 1

Contrasting energy forecasts and energy scenarios

Forecasts—What is likely?

Approach Rational focus on analysis and outcomes

Objective To develop most likely pathway and characteriz


Methods Analytical models and driver variables

Treatment of uncertainty Probabilistic methods, statistics, and transparen


Important actors Reliance on experts, state and national planning

California’s energy system over the next few decades(Fig. 1).

Scenarios are distinct from forecasts in that theyexplore a range of possible outcomes resulting fromuncertainty; in contrast, forecasts aim to identify themost likely pathway and estimate uncertainties. As aresult, forecasting models are most effective underconditions when information availability is extensiveand understanding of governing dynamics is high.However, when systems are less well defined andinterrelationships between factors are less stable andpredictable, energy forecasts have shown themselves tobe poorly equipped to characterize processes of change.A recent review of energy forecasts over the last 50 yearsin the US showed that historical forecasts have routinelyfailed to represent actual conditions by systematicallyoverestimating consumption and underestimating un-certainties (Craig et al., 2002).

This paper integrates stories and models into a set ofscenarios that explore alternative energy pathways forCalifornia in a way that highlights a range of possibleconditions and maintains consistency with physicaldynamics of the state’s energy system. Drawing fromGallopin and Raskin, scenario narratives provide‘‘texture, richness, and insight’’ while models offer alevel of ‘‘structure, discipline, and rigor to the analysesof socioeconomic, resource, and environmental condi-tions’’ (Gallopin and Raskin, 1998). Scenarios do nottry to account for every possible outcome, rather theyfocus on developing a set of insightful lenses forexploring processes of change (Table 1).

3. Developing the exploratory scenarios

The objective of developing scenario storylines is tocreate bounded contextual frames for exploring thefuture energy system from different perspectives. Thissection reviews the development of four Californiaenergy scenarios using a six-step process adapted from

Scenarios—What could be?

Focus on process, strategy, and learning

e To develop a number of insightful pathways that explore


Qualitative stories evaluated by models

cy of Exploration of critical uncertainties, and separation of

predetermined and uncertain elements in crafting stories

agencies Group facilitators, strategists, problem-solvers

Page 4: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 2

Six-step process for developing scenarios

1. Define a focal issue

2. List important forces in the environment

3. Evaluate forces by importance and uncertainty

4. Select a scenario logic

5. Develop scenarios around critical uncertainties

6. Evaluate the implications of the scenarios

Adapted from Schwartz (1991).

Table 3

Examples of important factors in California’s energy system

Future form of power purchase/market structure

Dominance of economic costs versus other metrics (air quality, energy

diversity, etc.)

Agents of leadership—public, municipalities, state, federal

Prominence and interpretations of security-energy linkages

Reliance on electricity imports from other states

Perception of distributed generation benefits/costs

Balance between supply and demand focus

Strength of state energy regulatory authority

Public view of energy choices as personal responsibility versus

paternalistic provision

Strength of community, consumer, non-government organizations

Relative growth and composition of the state economy

Level of interest in energy infrastructure improvements

Target of technology support—R&D, demonstration projects, market

pull/push, institutions

Motivation for developing hydrogen based technologies and


Facility of interconnection for distributed generation

Fuel price and supply volatility versus stability

Electricity cost recuperation of long-term contracts

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421120

Schwartz (1991) that is outlined in Table 2. This processinvolves identifying, prioritizing, and negotiating themost interesting, uncertain, and important elements inthe state’s energy system.

This section develops four different scenarios toexplore underlying tensions, opportunities for change,and ways that uncertainties may play out in differentways in California’s energy system. It aims to show thesignificance of each scenario and elaborate underlyingassumptions. This methodology is one of many possibleapproaches that may be used to generate many potentialstories. The four scenarios presented here aim to giveinsights into potential energy pathways in California.

Step 1: Defining a focal issue. The first step indeveloping scenarios identifies a unifying question oridea to define what the scenarios will explore. Scenariosprovide alternative organizing frames for evaluating andassembling information relevant to the focal issue,where each scenario represents a different perspectiveon the issue. In our analysis, the focal issue poses a set ofquestions about clean energy and possible alternativepathways in California:

California Energy Scenarios Focal Issue—How mightcleaner energy pathways develop in California? Whatwill be the drivers of change over the next decades?How could California’s energy system differ frombusiness-as-usual expectations?

The focal issue reflects an important set of uncertain-ties in California’s future energy pathway. Profoundchanges in California’s energy pathway, accelerated byderegulation and the state’s energy crisis, challenge thelikelihood of BAU pathways. These transformationshighlight the relevance of exploring alternative energypathways.

Step 2: Determining the important factors in the

system. Armed with a compelling focal issue and systemto investigate, the next step elaborates a list of importantfactors in California’s energy system. The goal of thisstep is to define the universe of interactions and elementsthat may be considered in the scenarios. It is useful fordetermining what information is relevant to the analysisand where there are gaps in understanding. Used in aparticipatory context, this step can be used to bringmultiple perspectives to bear on a single focal issue. Ouranalysis created a list of over one hundred important

factors shaping California’s energy system. Table 3presents a truncated list of some of the many importantfactors.

Step 3: Evaluating forces by importance and uncer-

tainty. The highly interconnected nature of social,political, economic, and technical dimensions of thestate’s energy system means that the list of importantfactors created in step two is long and composed ofinterrelated concepts. Step three identifies and thenevaluates driving forces underlying factors listed in steptwo. Fig. 2 presents these fourteen driving forces. Thefigure evaluates each driving force by relative impor-tance and uncertainty in the state’s energy system. Thedriving forces in the upper right of the figure are themost important and highly uncertain and are labeled ascritical uncertainties in California’s energy system. Theyinclude: the relevance of energy diversity, relativeattention to oil and transportation, long-term promi-nence of energy and security, types of clean energyactivities, and role of distributed generation. The criticaluncertainties form the basic themes and tensions for thescenario storylines.

Step 4: Selecting the scenario logic. In developingscenarios, critical uncertainties illuminate and organizethe foundational themes for the scenario storylines, witheach scenario engaging with the critical uncertainties indifferent ways to generate alternative energy pathways.Step four describes a logical relationship between thefour scenarios that is linked to three basic questionsabout the importance of energy diversity, the role ofgovernment involvement, and scale of primary influencein California’s future energy pathway. The scenariologic chain and key branch points are shown in Fig. 3.At the first point of divergence, each of the threealternative scenarios represents a context where energy

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Fig. 3. Scenario branch points in California’s future energy pathway.

The logic connecting the alternative energy scenarios to the BAU

energy pathway is linked to three fundamental questions that form

central points of divergence and relation for the energy scenarios.

Fig. 2. Identifying and evaluating driving forces in California’s energy system by importance and uncertainty. The most important and most highly

uncertain driving forces are categorized as critical uncertainties in California’s energy system. The five critical uncertainties highlighted in this figure

form the underlying themes of the scenario storylines.

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1121

diversity gains prominence compared to BAU condi-tions. At the second point of divergence, clean energyactivities in Split Public are led by active segments of thepublic rather than government policies or activities. InGolden State and Patriotic Energy, government playsprominent roles in leading new clean energy activities.At the third point of divergence, Golden State is drivenby forces internal to the state’s energy planning context.An era of energy leadership and cooperation emergesfrom integrated state energy planning. Patriotic Energy

is a scenario driven by external changes to the US energypathway under an increasingly hostile and insecureinternational world order. Together the scenariosexplore a range of different potential driving forcesand contexts for change.

Step 5: Develop stories around critical uncertainties.Step five composes storylines for each scenario describ-ing how the future may unfold. Each story illuminatesdifferent dimensions of the unifying focal issue. To-gether the scenarios reflect many of the driving forceswith potential to reshape California’s pathway. None ofthese stories represents an ideal outcome or realizationof the full potential of clean energy. Instead thescenarios explore different contexts where new prioritiesmay emerge. These stories aim to inspire discussionabout alternative future pathways and expand explora-tion beyond BAU forecasts.

4. Base case storyline—BAU scenario

The BAU scenario depicts a world formed by theconvergence of historical trends with outcomes andexpectations following California’s energy crisis in2000–2001. In the BAU context of post-deregulationuncertainty, California develops neither an integratedlogic nor a unified vision for the future and insteadreflects crisis-inspired growth of the electricity sectorand continuation of historical trends in the residential,transportation, commercial, and industrial sectors. Stategovernment struggles to establish a clear regulatory

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5The California Energy Commissions Emerging Renewables Buy-

down Program offers $4500/kW or 50% off the system purchase price

of new small-scale renewable energy electricity-generating systems

(CEC, 2002e).

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421122

framework, harmonize intra-agency and intra-branchpower struggles, and address concerns beyond immedi-ate issues. Without energy in the spotlight, individualsrevert to pre-crisis preferences and activities.

Changes in the residential, transportation, commer-cial, and industrial sectors are shaped by incrementaltrends rather than totally new activities. Steady growthin population, development of the economy, and percapita transportation activity characterize the BAUpathway. The state economy grows at a rate slowerthan in the late 1990s, but steadily enough forconsumers to increase the size of their homes, buy newcars, drive more, and use bigger and better appliances.

Public opinion about energy reflects little personalconnection to energy choices and outcomes. Consumersexpress the attitude, ‘‘let’s pick up where we left offbefore the crisis’’. Bigger cars and SUVs continue togain market share, and people generally feel entitled toconsume what they can afford. Hybrid and electricvehicles slowly gain visibility in the BAU scenario, butgains are largely isolated to wealthier urban andsuburban areas of the state and remain marginalcompared to overall activity.

The transportation sector reflects increases in trans-portation activity and population growth without majorchanges to transportation technologies. Competitivelypriced alternative transportation options remain limited.Instead, light-duty trucks and sport utility vehiclescontinue to gain popularity and become an increasingshare of total passenger vehicles. The overall nationaltransportation policy context remains resistant toincreases in vehicle fuel economy and alternativetransportation technologies. As a result, the nationalfuel economy standard of gasoline and diesel passengerand freight vehicles does not change and the overall fueleconomy of California’s passenger vehicle fleet de-creases.

Under BAU conditions, the private sector completesconstruction of a large fraction of the natural gas powerplants approved during and immediately following theenergy crisis. Long-term electricity contacts negotiatedduring the energy crisis define much of the compositionof electricity generation over the next 10 years. Therelevance of this expectation is evidenced by a recentstudy showing that an estimated 60% of the long-termelectricity contracts negotiated with the Department ofWater Resources during the energy crisis were fornatural gas power plants that had not yet been built(Bachrach, 2002). The BAU scenario incorporatesassumptions of significant new electricity capacityadditions using the levels of capacity additions fromthe California Energy Commission’s 2002 Electricity

Outlook (CEC, 2002b, Tables I-2 and II-2-1). Limitednumbers of state-supported renewables projects main-tain capacity levels similar to historic levels, howeverelectricity diversity decreases overall.

5. Alternative storyline 1—Split Public scenario

In the Split Public scenario, a motivated segment ofthe public contests the BAU world around them andbegins to organize and initiate clean energy activities onindividual and local levels. Responding to calls forpublic leadership, self-labeled ‘‘progressive energy en-thusiasts’’ promote activities in the domains where theyexert influence and control—in households, consumerpreferences, and communities. Split Public highlightspublic interest as a critical agent in California’s futureenergy pathway.

The residential, transportation, and commercialsectors become sites of new activities. Hybrid andelectric vehicles, solar water heaters, energy efficientlights, solar home systems and municipal renewableenergy projects proliferate in up to 50% of householdsand communities in California by 2035. Municipalenergy campaigns and directed renewable energy in-itiatives become important new avenues for interestedcitizens and organizers to extend public influence. SanFrancisco becomes a leader in municipal, commercial,and residential solar and wind energy generation. Inaddition, cities become key arenas of organizing climatechange mitigation policies, and many California citiesreduce carbon dioxide emissions to below 1990 levels.

Despite dynamism in certain areas, the reach of SplitPublic is limited by a lack of additional cooperation bystate government, national policy, and the privatesector. Without state government and private sectorengagement, industrial energy and larger-scale electri-city generation are outside of local control and remainunchanged from the BAU scenario. In addition, withoutchanges to national transportation policy, vehicle fueleconomies stagnate and fuel cell technologies remain inthe domain of research. Split Public is a scenario thatexplores how a set of energy activities motivated byindividual and community interest can influence Cali-fornia’s energy pathway.

The relevance of this scenario is highlighted by actualpublic-initiated energy activities since the energy crisis.For example, the California’s Energy Commission’sEmerging Renewables Buy-Down Program has receiveda dramatic increase in interest from electricity customerssince the energy crisis5 (CEC, 2002e). In addition, inNovember 2001, residents of San Francisco passed citypropositions B and H which are expected to providefinancing for 60 MW of solar and 30 MW of wind power(California Solar Center, 2002a, b). The state alsorecently eliminated a sunset clause on net meteringauthorization, thereby extending authorization for

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systems up to one megawatt indefinitely (CaliforniaLegislative Counsel, 2002, Assembly Bill 58). In addi-tion, much of the demand reduction during theelectricity crisis is attributed to voluntary energyefficiency measures by individual households. All ofthese activities point to the importance of public actionin California’s future energy pathway.

6. Alternative storyline 2—Golden State scenario

Golden State is a scenario of coordinated activity onindividual, local, and state levels. Rallying aroundCalifornia’s historic sense of pride in progressive energytechnology and policy, earlier fragmentation and crisisgive way to a new era of cooperation in energy andresource planning. The lessons learned from theelectricity crisis become significant driving forces fornew visions about the future. Golden State combinesactive state energy policy with individual and commu-nity activities.

The collapse of a prominent energy company,decreasing shareholder confidence, and concerns overcorporate accounting draw attention to the importanceof achieving a balance between energy sector reform,individual actions, and state-led policy in California’senergy pathway. Golden State is simultaneously anaggressive scenario for diversification of the electricitysector and a moderate scenario for individual and localclean energy activities.

Golden State incorporates the residential, transporta-tion, and community-led activities of Split Public.However, these changes are adopted more slowly thanin Split Public through participation and public out-reach to reach levels of 30% of households by 2035.Golden State combines these activities with a progres-sive state energy policy and planning mandate focusedon diversification and emissions reductions in itselectricity sector. To achieve these objectives, stateagencies undergo significant reorganization to consoli-date, integrate, and reassert authority to collect energyinformation and initiate long-term policy and planning.

New natural gas power plant construction decreasesto half of the construction levels proposed in the BAUscenario. A 20% Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)becomes the flagship energy policy to create viable andcompetitive renewable energy markets. The state meetsand maintains the 20% goal by incorporating significantnew renewable-based electricity generation primarily inthe form of wind, geothermal, and biomass to servefuture demand and to decrease imports. Consequently,California leads the nation in achieving renewableenergy targets and setting carbon dioxide emissionsreductions commitments in electricity generation.

While Golden State makes a leap forward in terms ofparticipatory planning, without additional national

policy support, it is unable to realize more extensivechanges in the transportation sector. Golden State doesnot create sufficient market-pull or push to develophydrogen-based fuel cell transportation technologies.Golden State adopts existing alternative transportationtechnologies like hybrid, electric, and natural gaspersonal vehicles and public transit vehicles to levels of30% by 2035. However, lacking national transportationpolicy, the fuel economy of gasoline and diesel passengervehicles and freight vehicles continue to stagnate.Increasing activity and population offset many of thegains in fuel economy from alternative transportationactivities.

Golden State explores how an extensive set ofrenewable energy activities in electricity generationtogether with individual and community activities mightaffect the future of California’s energy system. The newCalifornia RPS is an indication of greater state interestin diversification of the electricity sector. Passed into lawin September 2002, the California RPS is one of thestrongest state RPS policies in the country (CaliforniaLegislative Counsel, 2002, Senate Bill 1078). It mandatesthat the fraction of renewable energy-based electricitysold by utilities and private retailers in the state increase1% per year to a 20% renewable market share by 2017.The policy promises to be the catalyst of dramatic newchanges in California’s electricity sector and suggestsgreater state-level intentions to support renewableenergy in the future. Golden State is an insightfulscenario for exploring a pathway of diversified electricitygeneration.

7. Alternative storyline 3—Patriotic Energy

independence scenario

Facing a world of international insecurity, PatrioticEnergy reflects a national drive for greater energyindependence. Patriotic Energy is a world of aggressiveenergy activities and policies, particularly in thetransportation sector, as the country seeks to reduceits dependence on imported oil. National policy andpatriotism create powerful drivers for an energyindependence movement within the US. This nationalvision creates a complete reframing of issues of energy,resources, and the environment, creating new alliancesand reinterpretations of the American way of doingthings.

In Patriotic Energy Independence, the availability of acontinuous flow of cheap oil becomes increasinglythreatened. With numerous forces converging to chal-lenge the political and economic conditions in the US,maintenance of good relations with oil producersbecomes an increasingly critical foreign policy challenge.In this changing world, decreasing oil dependencebecomes a central pillar of national security policy. In

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6While a small set of options are considered in this study, there is a

significant opportunity for additional scenario analysis efforts to

develop more comprehensive scenarios that would include the results

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421124

the near term, the US focuses on the development ofdomestic energy resources—national coal, oil, andnatural gas are exploited with the best availabletechnologies. Development of a hydrogen economybecomes a unifying national vision for the future.

Massive government investment is directed at devel-opment of an oil-independent transportation system.The President calls upon the US public to embrace thenew American dream and buy new low-oil consumingcars. Existing hybrid and electric vehicle technologiesbecome critical features of the near-term strategy forreducing transportation oil consumption. Nationalenergy policy mandates increases in fuel economystandards for passenger and freight trucks. Critical tomid-term strategy, the US provides substantial supportfor research, development, and commercialization ofdirect hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The first fuel cellvehicles are available for commercial sale in the middleof the analysis period; by 2035 they comprise 75% ofpassenger vehicles on the road.

Renewable energy becomes a strategic resource forgenerating electricity, for producing hydrogen gas, andfor freeing up domestic natural gas for high value uses.Patriotic Energy reduces new natural gas power plantconstruction to 50% of the BAU scenario, fillingadditional capacity needs with renewable energy-basedgeneration. A national RPS is implemented thatmandates 20% renewable energy-based electricity mar-ket share by 2020. California becomes ideally positionedto lead US states in the production of renewable energy-based electricity using wind, geothermal, and biomassand to a lesser extent solar and small-hydro.

Patriotic Energy Independence reflects conditionswhich radically reframe individual activities. It incorpo-rates the residential and commercial sector activities ofSplit Public; however in this case, they are motivated bya sense of civic responsibility. Solar home systemsbecome symbols of household patriotism. Smart cars,hybrids, electric, and later fuel cell vehicles dominate theroads. Diversification beyond fossil fuels becomes adriving force and strategic priority across individual,community, state, and national scales. The relevance ofthe Patriotic Energy scenario is reinforced by thecurrent foreign policy context that has increased thevisibility of energy and security concerns, making oildependence and energy diversity active topics of stateand national energy policy discussion (Kerry, 2002;McNulty, 2001).

of studies that have appeared since the California crisis reached its

peak. For example, a report sponsored by the Energy Foundation and

the Hewlett Foundation that appeared in late 2002 (after the main

scenario analysis for this study was completed) contains many

examples of cost effective efficiency technologies, including savings

potential and cost estimates for options in the residential, commercial

and industrial sectors that could be incorporated into a more

comprehensive scenario exercise (Rufo and Coito, 2002).7The sources used to develop the California Energy Database are

referenced in Appendix B.

8. Basis for scenario modeling

The scenario modeling exercise draws on the contextof the scenario narratives, identifies a set of plausiblepolicies and choices for each scenario, and examines theimplications of each scenario for future energy con-

sumption, composition of electricity generation, energydiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions through 2035.The BAU scenario serves as a reference scenario andpoint of comparison for the alternative scenarios and isbased on assumptions reported in state planningliterature. The alternative scenarios are based aroundsets of plausible policies, choices, and patterns that arecoherent with the context of each scenario narrative.

The scenario elements are modeled using explicitassumptions of how energy, technology, and activityparameters change over time. This approach linkscontextual narratives to specific physical changes inuse patterns, technology attributes, and demographicdrivers. Economic factors (e.g. costs of alternativetechnologies, fuel prices, etc.) are incorporated indirectlythrough the choice of market penetrations for differenttechnologies. The long time horizon of the scenarios isassumed to be sufficient for technologies that are notnow cost competitive to become competitive throughtechnological change, research and development, mar-ket pull programs, and other public policies. A detailedtreatment of background assumptions and justificationfor the scenario elements is summarized in Appendix A.We do not estimate the costs of the alternative scenarios,a complex task that we leave for future work.

Table 4 presents modeled elements of the BAUscenario. Table 5 reviews the modeled elements of thealternative scenarios. It is important to recognize thatthe scenarios are not intended to incorporate everyactivity that might be possible under each scenario.Rather, the scenario analysis associates a small, specificset of activities to each scenario that are consistent withthe narratives and provide an opportunity to explorecritical uncertainties in California’s future energy path-way.6

9. The analytical framework

The scenario modeling is founded on a detailedsectoral database of historic and forecast data forCalifornia7 and integrated with the scenario-basedmodeling platform, Long Range Energy Alternative

Page 9: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 4

Overview of business-as-usual scenario elements


Logic Post-deregulation world characterized by crisis-inspired growth of electricity sector, continuous trends in other

sectors, and existing technologies and policies

Residential Increasing population and households, 1.3%/yra

Steady economic growth, raising personal incomes

Household computers and printer use reaches levels of TVs and VCRs, by 2035

Refrigerator sizes increase, 0.2%/yr

Greater use of household air conditioning, 70% by 2035

Natural gas efficiencies improve for space and water heating technologies, 1.7%/yr

Transportation Increasing population, 1.3%/yr

Vehicles driven with same number of passengers per vehicle (ex. 1.6 people/car)

People drive more miles per year, 0.4%/yr

Increasing popularity of light duty trucks/SUVs relative to cars, reaching 44% by 2035

Modest penetration of hybrid and electric cars and light duty trucks, 5% by 2035

Modest penetration of hybrid, electric, and natural gas buses, 13% by 2035

Constant passenger vehicle average fuel economy for gas and diesel vehicles

Air travel per person increases, 1.7%/yr

Energy intensity of air travel decreases, �0.7%/yr

Freight activity per person increases, 0.4%/yr

Constant composition of freight activity, % rail, road, water

Constant freight vehicle fuel economies

Commercial Increasing commercial floorspace, 1.5%/yr

Constant relative composition of building types

Saturations of commercial end uses remain the same

Electricity intensities increase overall, 2.0%/yr

Natural gas intensities decrease overall, 1.1%/yr

Industrial Increasing industrial value of shipments, 4.0%/yr

Industrial sub-sector shares of total industrial value of shipments change slightly

Electricity and natural gas intensities decrease overall, variable %

Electricity generation Natural gas is significant fraction of capacity additions, 81% of additions 2000–2035b

Renewables are moderate fraction of capacity additions, 19% of additions 2000–2035c

Imports make up capacity shortfalls above natural gas and renewables additions

Minimum import level set to current level of fixed-coal generation imports (30 TWh)d,e

aAll annual percentages refer to an average annual rate of change over the scenario horizon of 2000–2035.bBAU scenario uses CEC’s ‘‘most likely’’ and ‘‘baseline’’ scenario categories to derive capacity additions (CEC, 2002b, Table I-2 and II-2-1).cRenewables is used here to refer to renewable energy based electricity generation and does not include large hydroelectric generation. In these

analyses, this category includes primarily wind, geothermal, and biomass, and to a lesser extent landfill gas, digestor gas, municipal solid waste, small

hydro, and solar.dMinimum import level for the BAU is equal to the average level of imports from utility-owned, out-of-state coal generation with exclusive sales to

California between 1998 and 2000 (CEC, 2002a).eAll other BAU elements are based on assumptions and expectations derived directly or through interpretation of state data and reports that are

summarized in Appendix B (Table 14).

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1125

Planning System (LEAP),8 to create multi-sector end-use model of energy supply and demand in California.The California LEAP end-use model is used tocharacterize the composition and structure of energy,fuel use, and greenhouse gas emissions for each scenariobetween 2000 and 2035. The structure and composition

8LEAP, is an accounting and scenario-based energy-modeling

platform developed by Stockholm Environmental Institute Boston

Center for energy, environment, and emissions applications. http://


of the base year, 2000, is founded on existing state-levelinformation and is consistent with overall fuel balanceand technology and end-use estimates of the magnitudeand composition of energy and fuel consumption. Thebase year ensures a common starting point for thescenarios and grounds the analysis in the reality of thestate’s existing energy system.

The California energy scenario model considers fivedemand sectors: transportation, commercial, industrial,and other, and one fuel transformation sector: electricitygeneration. Primary fuels are used directly by demand

Page 10: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 5

Overview of alternative scenario elementsa

Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

Logic Consumers and communities

champion clean energy

Integrated planning emerges from

earlier crisis

Uncertain international order

inspires drive for greater energy


Agents of change Household and consumer

behavior, local organizing,

municipal activities

System planning, state energy

policy, dialogue and consensus

building, priority to state

management of resources

International security concerns,

government-private sector research

and development, assertive

national policy and planning

Residential Activity level of 50% of public by


Activity level of 30% of public by


Activity level same as Split Public,

motivated by patriotic interest in

decreasing US fossil fuel


Solar water heaters Solar water heaters

Efficient lighting Efficient lighting

Solar systems, 1 KW Solar systems, 1KW

Line drying, 25% Line drying, 15%

Transport Light trucks/SUV fraction of

passenger vehicles decreases from

37% to 25% by 2035

Light trucks/SUV fraction of

passenger vehicles decreases from

37% to 30% by 2035

Light trucks/SUV fraction of

passenger vehicles decreases from

37% to 20% by 2035

Penetration of alternative people-

moving vehicles:

Penetration of alternative people-

moving vehicles:

Complete phase out of full-gas/

diesel passenger vehicles by 2035:

Hybrid and electric cars and

light trucks, average

penetrations 50% of stock by


Hybrid and electric cars and

light trucks average

penetrations, 30% of stock by


Hybrid and electric, 60% of

stock of passenger vehicles by


Hybrid, electric, and natural gas

bus combined penetrations, 50%

of stock by 2035

Hybrid, electric, and natural gas

bus combined penetrations, 30%

of stock by 2035

Direct-hydrogen fuel cell, 75%

of stock of passenger vehicles by


No change in US passenger and

freight vehicle fuel economy


No change in US passenger and

freight vehicle fuel economy


Increased US freight fuel economy


Commercial Municipal initiatives lead to 600

MW wind and 1200 MW solar by


Municipal initiatives lead to 360

MW wind and 720 MW solar by


Activity as Split Public, motivated

by patriotic interest in decreasing

US fuel dependence

Industrial Same as BAU Same as BAU Same as BAU



Natural gas provides 81% of new

capacity additions

State Renewable Portfolio

Standard of 20% by 2017

National Renewable Portfolio

Standard of 20% by 2020

Renewable energy sources provides

19% of new capacity additions,

primarily as wind, geothermal, and


Renewable sources provide 48% of

new capacity additions, primarily

as wind, geothermal, and biomass

Renewable sources provide 54% of

new capacity additions, primarily

as wind, geothermal, and biomass

Imports reduced by >8% Imports reduced by > 40% Imports reduced by >40%

aA detailed explanation of key assumptions and justification for the scenario elements is summarized in Appendix A (Table 13).

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421126

sectors and to generate electricity. The level of electricityconsumption by the demand sectors determines theoverall quantity of electricity generated each year. Thecomposition of electricity generation is determined usingexplicitly assigned technology categories, attributes,merit order, system load curve, and import/exportspecifications.

Each individual supply and demand sector is disag-gregated to the level of end uses and technologies whichconsume, generate, or transform fuels (Table 6). Themodel structure is influenced by the type of state-level

data that was available for each sector. Technologiesand/or end uses are characterized by a set ofspecific parameters, including: market saturation, fuelconsumption, energy efficiency, energy intensity,and demographic and/or activity drivers.The modeling framework accommodates policies andchanges associated with the scenarios and aredirected at specific technologies and end uses. Theenergy scenarios are modeled by combinedchanges in activity, structure, and energy intensitiesover time.

Page 11: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 6

Composition of modeling framework: supply sectors, demand sectors, primary fuels

Sector/fuels Categories Sub-categories Activity parameters

Residential 6 end-use categories 86 technologies Households (# hh)

(e.g., air conditioning) (e.g., forced gas heating) Saturations (%)

Unit energy consumption (E/yr)

Transportation 3 categories 38 technologies Population

(passenger, air, freight) (e.g., hybrid gasoline-electric cars) Passenger miles traveled

Freight miles traveled

9 end-use categories Air miles traveled

(e.g., light trucks) Share of miles traveled (%)

Commercial 11 building types 10 end-use categories Floorspace (ft2)

(e.g., food stores) (e.g., interior lighting) Shares of floorspace (%)

Saturations (%)

Energy intensities (E/ft2)

Industrial 31 categories 5 fuel categories Value of shipments ($)

(e.g., printing and publishing) (e.g., natural gas) Category shares (%)

Energy intensities (E/$)

Other 3 categories 2 fuel categories Gross state product ($)

(e.g., street lights) (e.g., electricity) Population

Energy intensities (E/$; E/person)

Electricity generation 18 technologies 9 fuel categories System load curve

(e.g., steam turbine) (e.g., biomass) Capacity (MW)

Base year output

Maximum capacity factor

Efficiency (%)

Fuel shares (%)

Merit order (1st–5th)

Planning reserve margin (%)

Transmission and distribution losses (%)

Primary fuels Natural gas, Oil products, Coal, Nuclear, Hydro, Geothermal, Biomass, Wind, Solar

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1127

10. Energy and greenhouse gas emissions calculations

Energy consumption for each demand sector iscalculated using a set of equations built aroundtechnology energy intensities, saturation data, andactivity drivers within each sector. Energy consumptionin the residential sector is calculated as the product ofthe total number of households, the saturation of theend use in residential households, the technology shareof the end use, and the unit energy consumption of thegiven technology. Total energy consumption is the sumof individual consumption of each of the different end-use technology categories. Transportation consumptionis calculated from the total passenger, freight, and airmiles traveled, technology shares of transportationactivity, and technology fuel economies. Commercialconsumption is based on the total commercial floor-space, the share of commercial floorspace of eachbuilding type, the saturations of end uses within eachbuilding type, and the fuel intensities on a square footbasis for each end use. The model calculations ofindustrial consumption are based on the total industrial

value of shipments, sub-sector shares of total industrialvalue of shipments, and fuel intensities per shippingvalue for each sub-sector. The other demand sector iscomprised of agriculture, streetlights, and transporta-tion, communications, and utilities. Similarly, consump-tion is calculated from the activity parameter and fuelintensities per unit of activity.

Electricity generation is calculated to meet electricitydemand requirements of the individual demand sectors.The electricity generation module uses explicitly speci-fied technology categories and attributes as well as aspecified merit order, annual system load curve, andimport and export requirements to meet the total annualelectricity demand resulting from each set of scenarioassumptions. The base year composition of generationtechnologies and generation output of California’spower sector is built from existing state-level powerplant data. For these analyses, electricity losses fromtransmission and distribution were assumed to be 10%,and capacity additions were based on an optimal reservemargin of 15%. New capacity additions are added eitherexogenously or endogenously to the generation sector.

Page 12: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Fig. 4. Combined energy consumption of demand sectors in 2000 and

for each scenario in 2035 in petajoules (1015 J)/yr. Energy savings of the

alternative scenarios relative to BAU are also indicated for 2035. Note

that combined energy consumption corresponds to final energy

consumed within the demand sectors and therefore implicitly includes

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421128

Exogenous capacity additions are planned additionswith a specific quantity and type of capacity added at aspecific time in the future. Endogenous capacity addi-tions are specific technologies that are built as needed tomeet the electricity consumption requirements asspecified by the demand sectors.

The greenhouse gas emissions associated with fuelconsumption in California were estimated using averageemissions factors for each sector and fuel type, accord-ing to IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gasinventories and 1996 Tier 1 average emissions factors.The Technology and Environment Database (TED)within the LEAP modeling platform directly links eachtechnology within the supply and demand structure toan average emissions factor based on its sector and fueluse. Total greenhouse gas emissions were calculated interms of global warming potential in units of carbondioxide equivalents.

electricity generation including imports from outside of the state.

11. Quantitative modeling results

The quantitative scenario modeling results explore theimplications of each scenario for future consumption ofenergy, composition of electricity generation, energydiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions. It is importantto recognize that our discussion does not aim toadvocate any particular scenario or make any distinctclaims about how the future will actually unfold.Rather, the results demonstrate a subset of the manyactivities and outcomes that are possible. We acknowl-edge that there are considerable uncertainties inherent inthis type of analysis (particularly for scenario exercisesextending over several decades), and the results must beconsidered in this context. These analyses represent anexercise that illustrates possibilities for the future in away that strives to be quantitative and transparent.These scenario results aim to catalyze continueddiscussion of future choices and decisions that willshape California’s future.

12. Combined energy consumption of demand sectors

The combined final energy consumption of Califor-nia’s residential, commercial, industrial, and otherdemand sectors is expected to increase steadily overthe next decades under BAU conditions. The composi-tion of state energy consumption reveals that thetransportation sector makes up more than 50% ofenergy consumption in 2000 and continues to increase inabsolute and relative terms under BAU conditionsthrough 2035 (Fig. 4). The remaining energy consump-tion is split between industry, residential, commercial,and other demand sectors, in decreasing order.

Each of the alternative scenarios demonstrates energysavings compared to BAU in 2035, with PatrioticEnergy showing the greatest energy savings, followedby Split Public and then Golden State. The largestcomponent of these savings is derived from thetransportation sector with residential and commercialsector activity savings making up smaller shares.Alternative scenario activities in the industrial and otherdemand sector activities are not developed in thesescenarios and represent an opportunity for future work.

The absolute and relative size of transportationenergy consumption brings to light the dominant rolethe transportation sector plays in defining California’soverall energy pathway. Even under conditions of activetransportation reform, the overall potential for stateenergy savings is constrained by increasing per capitadriving activity, growing population, and other forms ofnon-road transportation such as shipping and air travel.It is perhaps surprising to note that even under theconditions of 50% and 30% penetration of hybrid andelectric passenger vehicles by 2035 in Split Public andGolden State, transportation energy consumption con-tinues to increase. These scenarios point to the criticalimportance of transportation policies and activities inCalifornia for managing levels of absolute energyconsumption in the face of continued trends ofincreasing population and driving activity. These resultsshow that transportation is California’s greatest energychallenge in terms of overall energy consumption.

Residential and commercial savings are also achievedin the alternative scenarios through energy efficiencyand renewable energy activities. In our analysis, small-scale and distributed renewable energy-based electricitygeneration by households and commercial sectors arereported as demand offsets at the residential andcommercial levels rather than within the state-level

Page 13: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 7

Combined energy consumption: rates of growth, relative savings, and composition

Base year BAU Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

2000 2035 2035 2035 2035

Energy consumptiona (PJ) 6200 10,800 9600 10,000 8300

Growth rate (avg. annual % 2000–2035) — 1.6% 1.3% 1.4% 0.80%

Scenario savings

Savings (PJ) in 2035 — — 1200 800 2500

Savings vs. BAU (%) in 2035 — — 11% 7% 23%

Consumption share

Residential 15% 10% 9% 9% 11%

Transportation 51% 55% 52% 53% 44%

Commercial 10% 10% 11% 11% 13%

Industrial 22% 23% 26% 24% 30%

Other 3% 2% 2% 2% 3%

Totalb 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

aCombined energy consumption corresponds to final energy consumed within the demand sectors; electricity generation and electricity imports are

represented within the consumption of each demand sector.bConsumption shares may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1129

electricity generation sector. Of the residential activities,adoption of solar water heaters has the greatest impact,representing more than 65% of total residential energysavings in 2035, followed by solar home systemscomprising 19% of savings, efficient lighting 11%, andgreater clothesline use 5%. Even an activity as mundaneas use of clothes line drying for a quarter of householdactivity has a measurable effect on residential energyconsumption, one reminder that wide-spread, smallactions in a populous state like California can havemeasurable impacts (Table 7).

Fig. 5. Composition of electricity generation by fuel source in 2000

and each scenario in 2035. Natural gas generation is expected to

significantly increase in the BAU and Split Public scenarios. Golden

State and Patriotic Energy reduce electricity imports and expand

renewable energy-based generation to continue to meet 20% targets

primarily from wind, geothermal, and biomass (biomass category also

includes small amounts of digestor-gas, landfill gas, and municipal

solid waste).

9Renewables refers to renewable energy based electricity generation

and does not include large hydroelectric generation.10Biomass also includes small amounts of digestor-gas, landfill gas,

and municipal solid waste.

13. Electricity generation

The form of California’s future electricity sector ishighly uncertain, and each scenario explores differentconfigurations of key variables. The BAU scenarioexplores post-energy crisis expectations leading to asignificant fraction of new capacity being derived fromnatural gas. Split Public mirrors the electricity sector ofthe BAU scenario; the scenario’s local and individualactivities are assumed to be unable to exert influenceover state-level private sector investment and stateelectricity planning. Golden State explores conditionsof assertive state renewable energy policy. PatrioticEnergy reflects a national drive to develop non-fossilfuel energy resources. All of the future scenarios showincreases in natural gas-based electricity generation.Increases are most dramatic for the BAU and SplitPublic scenarios. Golden State and Patriotic Energyincorporate growing shares of electricity generationfrom renewable energy sources and a reduction ofimports.

In 2000, almost 40% of the electricity generated toserve California consumption was derived from natural

gas (Fig. 5). Out-of-state electricity imports made up thenext largest share, followed by hydro, nuclear, renew-ables,9 and coal/oil. The share of natural gas generationincreases in BAU and Split Public to approximately 53%of generation. In contrast, Golden State and PatrioticEnergy show increased shares of renewable energygeneration, captured primarily as wind, geothermal,and biomass10 catalyzed by state or national RPS policiesimplemented early in the scenario timescales. GoldenState implements and exceeds a state RPS; Patriotic

Page 14: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 8

Composition of electricity generation in the base year in 2000 and scenarios in 2035

Base year BAU Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

2000 2035 2035 2035 2035

Generation (TWh) 286 534 520 522 509

Generation shares (%)

Natural Gas 38% 53% 53% 50% 47%

Renewable (non-hydro) 8% 10% 11% 20% 23%

Hydro 19% 12% 13% 12% 12%

Nuclear 11% 6% 7% 7% 7%

Coal/oil 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Imports 22% 18% 17% 10% 11%

Totala 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

aConsumption shares may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

12 It is important to note that the link between energy diversity and

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421130

Energy also exceeds a national RPS making California aleader in renewable-energy based electricity generation.

The role of electricity imports is an important variablein California’s future power sector. Fig. 5 shows that in2000 electricity imports accounted for slightly more than20% of generation. Between 1998 and 2000, the fractionof imports relative to total electricity generation servingCalifornia electricity needs has ranged between 22% and30% (CEC, 2002a). In this analysis, the dispatchmethodology of the scenario modeling platform exam-ines the annual magnitude and composition of powergeneration and imports so as to meet a specified annualsystem electricity load curve. However, our analyses donot examine instantaneous cost and demand patterns,which would be required for a more detailed analysis ofimport conditions.

The BAU scenario sets a minimum level of importsequivalent to the current level of fixed-coal electricityimports.11 In this case, imports in addition to thisminimum level occur only when the state cannot meetelectricity demand with in-state generation. The BAUapproach explores the potential for electricity generatedfrom new natural gas capacity to decrease overall importlevels, suggesting that the level of proposed newconstruction in the post-energy crisis conditions has thepotential to dramatically change the context for importsand for possible new renewable energy capacity particu-larly in the near term. The way that conditions andtrade-offs for imports and capacity additions willactually play out is uncertain, however they clearlyindicate the importance of examining system-wide effectsinherent in the proposed capacity additions emergingfrom the post-energy crisis context. Split Public reflectsthe same power sector and import assumptions as theBAU scenario with a slightly lower overall level ofgeneration due to electricity conservation and self-generation in residential and commercial sectors.

11Fixed coal imports serving California have averaged around

30,000GWh or 12% of demand between 1998 and 2000 (CEC, 2002a).

Golden State and Patriotic Energy represent a differentapproach to future power sector development. Bothscenarios reduce overall electricity import level. Thisassumption is consistent with the logic that Golden State’sintegrated state planning places high value on develop-ment of a diversified generation system that can bemanaged by the state. Increases in renewable energygeneration and reductions in imports become importantplanning criteria in Golden State and a part of the state’sstrategy for meeting and exceeding its RPS policy. Underthese conditions, imports decrease significantly from 20%in 2000 to 10% in 2035. Patriotic Energy also demon-strates a decrease in imports. In this scenario, renewable-derived electricity from states rich in renewable resourcesbecomes an important part of a national strategy toreduce the fossil fuel dependence of the nation’s electricity-sector and free up available fossil fuels for high value uses,such as heating and industrial processes. Californiadevelops its renewable-based generation primarily in theform of wind, geothermal, and biomass (Table 8).

14. Implications for energy diversity

Energy diversity plays a role in supply security,financial risk, energy planning, and the environment.In California, increasing energy diversity is also linkedto decreasing relative fossil fuel dependence. With thelarge fraction of state primary energy consumptionattributed to oil and natural gas, and the state’s share ofcoal consumption unlikely to increase, energy consump-tion will only become more diverse if a greaterproportion of state energy consumption is made up ofnon-fossil fuels.12 The analysis of the energy diversity ofeach scenario provides one indication of the extent to

decreasing reliance on fossil fuels is not true in every energy system; it

is only because of the particular circumstances of California with

already large oil and natural gas fuel shares and limited potential

growth of coal fuel shares that this claim can be made.

Page 15: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Fig. 6. Category shares of primary energy consumption in 2000 and

for each scenario in 2035. Primary fuels as well as primary energy

associated with electricity imports and energy savings (relative to the

BAU scenario in 2035) are included as separate category shares.

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1131

which the scenarios present alternatives to BAU futuresdominated by fossil fuel use.

The composition of primary energy consumption isused as the primary basis for assessing the energydiversity of California’s energy system. Fig. 6 shows thelargest fuel fractions of overall primary energy consump-tion to be attributed to oil and natural gas. Fossil fuelsaccounted for 75% of primary energy consumption in2000, and their share increases under BAU conditions tonearly 80% by 2035 (Table 9). The alternative scenariosdemonstrate a decrease in the fraction of fossil fuels, withSplit Public and Golden State showing decreases in fossilfuel shares to 71% and 73%, respectively, and PatrioticEnergy showing a dramatic reduction to 52%. Demon-strating the dynamic of decreasing fossil fuel shares,energy diversity increases in Split Public, Golden State,and Patriotic Energy. In the BAU scenario, the oppositeis true; fossil fuel shares increase, and energy diversitydecreases between 2000 and 2035.

A simple index for diversity, based on the classicHerfindhal measure of market concentration, provides amethod to quantitatively examine the relationshipbetween category shares and energy diversity (Neff,1997). The diversity index is calculated as

H ¼ 1=X

x2i ;

where xi is the category fraction from source ‘‘i’’. Valuesof H range between 1 and the total number of categories,and the higher the value of H; the greater the energydiversity. This analysis uses eight categories to calculateenergy diversity, making the maximum possible value ofH to be eight and minimum value to be one.13 The eight

13Maximum diversity is achieved when all eight categories have

equal shares, or H=8=(8�(1/8)2)�1. Minimum diversity corresponds

to conditions when one category has a 100% share, thus


categories used in the calculation include: oil products,natural gas, coal/coke, hydropower, nuclear, renew-ables,14 electricity imports, and energy savings. Theargument for creating a category for electricity imports isthe generally different risk profiles of electricity importsand in-state electricity generation. Creating a separatecategory for energy savings makes it possible toincorporate both supply and demand opportunities forincreasing energy diversity, recognizing that fossil fuelconsumption can be displaced by supply shifts towardnon-fossil fuels like renewables or demand changes toachieve energy savings through energy efficiency orconservation.

The most notable result of these analyses is the loss ofenergy diversity between 2000 and 2035 under BAUconditions evidenced by the decreasing index values(Table 9). Significant increases in natural gas powergeneration and dramatic increases in transportation andoil consumption are the primary factors responsible forthe loss of energy diversity. In contrast, all threealternative scenarios show gains in energy diversitycompared to the BAU scenario. The most diversescenario is Patriotic Energy, followed by Split Public,and then Golden State. Energy diversity gains in GoldenState are achieved through diversification of the powersector and to a lesser extent through transportation andresidential activities. Split Public achieves greater energydiversity than Golden State largely through energysavings associated with greater activity in residentialenergy efficiency, renewable-based power generation,and hybrid and electric vehicle use. Patriotic Energy isthe most diverse scenario as a result of sweepingtransportation changes, diversification of the powersector, and residential and commercial efficiency andrenewable energy activities.

These results show that the key dynamic of increasingenergy diversity is to reduce natural gas and oildependence through energy savings and renewableenergy activities. Transportation and electricity genera-tion, with their direct association to oil and natural gasconsumption, are critical sites for diversity activities.Households, community, and industry also have a roleto play. An integrated approach combining technology,policy, and individual choices is needed if the energydiversity of the state is to increase over the next decades.

15. Implications for greenhouse gas emissions

With a large population, driving-intensive lifestyle,and high level of economic activity, California accountsfor a significant level of greenhouse gas emissions. Theaverage Californian is responsible for about three times

14Renewables include wind, solar, geothermal, small-hydro, bio-

mass, digestor gas, landfill gas, municipal solid waste, and hydrogen.

Page 16: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 9

Primary energy consumption and scenario diversity index

Base year BAU Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

2000 2035 2035 2035 2035

Diversity index, H 3.27 2.99 3.72 3.48 4.90

Primary energy consumption (PJ)a 8241 14,243 12,888 13,641 11,993

Electricity importsb 8% 7% 7% 4% 4%

Oil products 44% 48% 40% 43% 24%

Coal and coke 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Natural gas 31% 31% 30% 29% 27%

Hydro 7% 5% 5% 5% 5%

Renewables 4% 6% 6% 12% 21%

Nuclear 4% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Savings vs. BAU (2035) — — 10% 4% 16%

Totalc 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

aTotal primary energy accounts for direct consumption of primary fuels by demand sectors and electricity generation (i.e. it accounts for natural

gas used to generate electricity, not electricity itself).bThe primary energy consumption associated with electricity imports is estimated assuming 33% conversion efficiency of primary energy to

electricity that is then imported into California from other states.cConsumption shares may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

Fig. 7. Greenhouse gas emissions in California, the US, and the world,

on a gross and per capita basis in 1999. California emissions estimates

include only in-state emissions. Accounting for electricity imports from

outside of the state is estimated to increase gross state emissions on the

order of 7–14% in 2000. Sources include (CEC, 2001f; EIA, 2001f, g;

US Census, 1999c).

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421132

the carbon dioxide emissions of the average worldcitizen15 (Fig. 7). If California were a country, it wouldrank approximately 15th in terms of total carbondioxide emissions. Including out-of-state fuel generationin the form of electricity imports, a measurablecomponent of which are derived from coal, Californiawould assume an even greater share of global emissions.

Reducing absolute and per capita emissions willrequire alternatives to current trends. To exploreopportunities for change, this analysis investigates thegreenhouse gas implications of the scenarios andconsiders their potential for mitigating emissions. Ouremissions calculations are based on 1996 IPCC tier oneemissions factors and fuel consumption in each sector.We first focus on in-state emissions, and then treat theemissions from imported electricity in a sensitivityanalysis (emissions from imports are subject to asubstantial amount of uncertainty).

Fig. 8 shows the magnitude and composition of in-state greenhouse gas emissions by sector in 2000 andeach scenario in 2035. In-state greenhouse gas emissionsin 2000 are estimated to be 431 million metric tons ofcarbon dioxide equivalents. This value is estimated toincrease more than 81% by 2035 in the BAU scenario.Split Public, Golden State, and Patriotic Energy showlower rates of emissions increases. Comparing scenarioemissions to 1990 levels provides a reference to KyotoProtocol targets. Using a California Energy Commis-sion estimate of 1990 gross emissions of 425 millionmetric tons carbon dioxide equivalents (CEC, 2002f),BAU, Split Public, Golden State, and Patriotic Energyemissions in 2035 are 84%, 59%, 66%, and 12% above

15This estimate is based on 1999 values presented in Fig. 7.

1990 levels (Table 10). These results illustrate thesensitivities of the small set of activities incorporatedinto each scenario for emissions reductions; these resultsshould not be viewed as indicative of the full potentialfor greenhouse gas mitigation in the state. Comprehen-sive mitigation scenarios would require a much moredetailed set of modeled mitigation activities than areincorporated into these scenarios as well as an analysisof the combustion and non-combustion related emis-sions and sinks.

Looking at sector shares, greenhouse gas emissions inCalifornia are dominated by transportation. In 2000, thetransportation sector accounts for more than 50% ofemissions (Table 11). Transportation emissions continue

Page 17: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 10

Total in-state greenhouse gas emissions (million metric tons CO2


% Change % Change

1990a 2000 2035 2000–2035 1990–2035

BAU 425 431 780 81 84

Split Public 677 57 59

Golden State 706 64 66

Patriotic Energy 476 10 12

aSource: (CEC (2002f).

Fig. 8. In-state greenhouse gas emissions by sector in 2000 and

scenario in 2035 in million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents.

In-state emissions are estimated to increase more than 81% by 2035 in

the BAU scenario. Split Public, Golden State, and Patriotic Energy

demonstrate more moderate increases of 57%, 64%, and 10%.

Accounting for electricity imports from outside of the state is

estimated to increase total state emissions on the order of 7–14% in

2000 and 4–12% in 2035. Note these scenarios do not represent the

complete suite of multi-sector emissions mitigation activities that

might be possible in California’s future energy system. As a result, the

sensitivities of emissions reductions relative to the BAU scenario are

the most meaningful dimension, rather than absolute magnitudes of

scenario emissions profiles.

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1133

to increase in the BAU, Split Public, and Golden Statescenarios. Only the Patriotic Energy scenario shows adecrease in transportation emissions. It is interesting tonote that even the 50% and 30% penetration of hybridand electric passenger vehicles in Split Public andGolden State are not sufficient to offset increasingemissions due to population growth, freight growth, andincreasing driving activity. Only in Patriotic Energy,where fossil fuel powered cars and light duty trucks arefully displaced by fuel cells, hybrid, and electric vehiclesand aggressive freight fuel economy standards areadopted do transportation emissions decrease in abso-lute and relative terms. These results suggest thattransportation needs the greatest attention if the stateis to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions. Animportant step in this direction is the passage into lawof a much debated bill in July 2002 requiring the

California Air Resources Board to adopt regulations toreduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by motorvehicles (California Legislative Counsel, 2002, AssemblyBill 1493). This new law promises to create a base ofauthority and information that will be needed to beginto address the emissions from cars and trucks inCalifornia.

Another important result is the potential for decreas-ing emissions associated with diversification of thestate’s power sector to incorporate a greater share ofrenewable energy. In the BAU scenario, in-stateemissions from electricity generation in 2035 increaseby 108% from 2000 levels as a result of increasingelectricity demand and increasing shares of natural-gasgeneration. Golden State has a more diversified genera-tion sector and demonstrates an 87% increase inemissions compared to 2000. This difference is primarilyattributed to a decrease in the expected natural gascapacity additions in Golden State as a result ofelectricity savings in residential and commercial sectorsand an increase in renewable energy generation to makeup this difference in capacity.

Imports from outside the state are an important andchallenging dimension of California greenhouse gasemissions accounting. Between 1998 and 2000, Califor-nia imported between 22% and 30% of its electricityrequirements; 10–18% of state electricity demand wasserved with imports from the Pacific Northwest andsouthwest and 10–12% from investor-owned, out ofstate coal generation plants that supply electricityexclusively to California (CEC, 2002a). These emissionsare a critical part of accurate accounting of California’sinventory of greenhouse gas emissions. In particular,imports from out-of-state coal-fired power plantsserving California demand represent a measurablecomponent of emissions associated with California’sactual energy services.

To make a first level approximation of greenhouse gasemissions for electricity imports, we use a set of simpleassumptions to estimate the high and low emissionslimits which would bracket the actual value of importemissions. The low emissions limit assumes conditionswhere the only imports emissions come from fixed-coalgeneration. The level of fixed-coal imports is assumed toremain constant at approximately 2000 levels through-out the scenarios (30,000 GWh). The low emissions limitassumes that the 10–18% of electricity requirements thatare imported from the Pacific Northwest and Southwestare non-emitting, and the rest are from coal-fired powerplants. The high emissions limit assumes that all importsare from coal-fired power plants. Import levels varydepending on the scenario import assumptions.

Based on low and high emissions limit calculations,electricity imports would increase electricity sectoremissions estimates in the range of 48–99% in 2000and 23–72% in the BAU scenario in 2035 (Table 12).

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Table 12

Greenhouse gas emission estimates for in-state electricity generation and electricity imports (million metric tons CO2 equivalents)

Base year BAU Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

2000 2035 2035 2035 2035

In-state electricity generation emissions 63 131 128 118 110

Electricity imports emissions estimatea

Low emissions limitb 30 30 30 30 30

% of in-state electricity emissions 48% 23% 23% 25% 27%

High emissions limitc 62 94 86 54 54

% of in-state electricity emissions 99% 72% 67% 46% 49%

Estimated increase in total state emissions

from electricity imports accountingd

Base year, 2000 7–14%

Scenarios, 2035 4–12%

aCalculations use electricity generation emissions factor for coal-derived electricity of 92.644 metric tons CO2/TJ coal consumed and 33%

conversion efficiency for coal-fired power plants.bLow emissions limit assumes the first 30,000GWh of electricity imports come from coal derived electricity (equivalent to year 2000 fixed-coal

imports), any additional imports assumed non-emitting.cHigh emissions limit assumes all electricity imports are derived from coal-fired power plants, actual emissions associated with imports would fall

somewhere between the low and high emissions limit.dValues represent the increase in total state emissions that would result from including the range of low and high emissions estimates for electricity

imports in 2000 and all of the scenarios in 2035.

Table 11

In-state greenhouse gas emissions and change by sector, 2000 and 2035 (million metric tons CO2 equivalents)

Base year BAU Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

2000 2035 2035 2035 2035

In-state emissions 431 780 677 706 476

Sector emissions

Residential 33 33 26 29 26

Transportation 244 464 370 406 188

Commercial 14 21 21 21 21

Industry 74 129 129 129 129

Other 2 3 3 3 3

Electricity generationa 63 131 128 118 110

% Change 2000–2035

Residential �1% �23% �13% �22%

Transportation 90% 52% 66% �23%

Commercial 49% 49% 49% 49%

Industry 73% 73% 73% 73%

Other 17% 17% 17% 17%

Electricity generation 108% 104% 87% 75%

Total 81% 57% 64% 10%

aElectricity generation emissions are only for in-state emissions and do not include emissions associated with imported electricity. Accounting

for electricity imports from outside of the state is estimated to increase total state emissions on the order of 7–14% in 2000 and 4–12% in 2035

(see Table 12).

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421134

Recognizing that non-fixed imports from the PacificNorthwest and Southwest come from hydro, naturalgas, coal, and other sources, the actual emissionscontribution of imports would be higher than the lowlimit. Accounting for electricity imports from outside ofthe state is estimated to increase gross state emissions onthe order of 7–14% in 2000 and 4–12% in 2035 (see

Table 12). These values represent the increase in totalstate emissions that would result from including therange of low and high emissions estimates for electricityimports in 2000 and all of the scenarios in 2035.

These results emphasize the importance of compre-hensive accounting of state greenhouse gas emissions.Particular attention needs to be paid to transportation,

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electricity generation, and electricity imports. Mitigationof state emissions will require systematic information,monitoring, and policy incentives. Climate changepromises to be one of the most profound challenges toCalifornia’s energy pathway. These analyses represent afirst step toward examining mitigation options for thefuture.

16. Lessons, opportunities, and policy implications

California energy scenarios are a visioning tool thatprovides an opportunity to explore the context ofcurrent choices and priorities for the future. This paperconcludes by presenting a summary of important policylessons, opportunities, and policy implications thatemerge from the scenario analysis. These ideas synthe-size scenario findings and represent a call for active andcritical examination of the context and implications offuture choices in California.

1. California is on a fossil fuel pathway. California’sBAU pathway reveals decreasing energy diversity andincreasing fossil fuel dependence. Currently, fossil fuelscomprise more than 75% of primary energy demand.Expectations of increasing numbers of vehicles, greaterdriving activity, and construction of natural gas powerplants would take California down a pathway towardeven greater reliance on fossil fuels. Scenario analysisshows that energy savings, renewable energy, andtransportation activities provide critical opportunitiesfor achieving more diverse energy pathways.

2. Transportation is the major energy consumer and

emitter of greenhouse gases in the state. Transportationaccounts for more than half of state energy consumptionand greenhouse gas emissions. This sector also bearsresponsibility for state oil dependence and local airquality and land use concerns. Cars and trucks are themost energy-intensive technology an average personowns—and California has almost as many cars aspeople. Under BAU conditions, transportation activityand energy consumption are expected to grow substan-tially faster than either population or the economy. Thesheer number of vehicles and magnitude of drivingactivity also means that small changes havemeasurable impacts. Transportation policies, consumerpreferences, or technologies that serve to increase fueleconomy, decrease driving activity, or promote alter-native fuel use offer large opportunities for reducingfuture energy consumption, decreasing pollution, andincreasing energy diversity. The magnitude,impacts, and risks of transportation activities and oilconsumption provide hearty justification for assertivetransportation policy and planning on state and federallevels.

3. The diversity of California’s future electric power

sector is highly uncertain. Natural gas generation

currently accounts for nearly 40% of generation servingCalifornia electricity demand. The future compositionof California’s power sector is uncertain, and currentactivities and expectations lead in competing directions.Long-term electricity contracts, largely for natural gas-based generation, negotiated during California’s energycrisis promise to exert a major influence over thecomposition of electricity generation over the next 10years. Post-energy crisis expectations for significant newnatural gas capacity additions also reinforce thepotential for dramatic increases in natural gas depen-dence. At the same time, the state’s new RPS policy andincreasing renewable energy activity in residential andmunicipal areas also assert the importance of renewableenergy in the state’s future. California currently hascome to a cross-roads in its electricity sector, and thenext decade will be a critical period in determiningwhether the state chooses a pathway of greater ordecreasing energy diversity.

4. Alternative pathways to BAU expectations are

relevant and deserve attention. California has a historyof being a leader in energy innovation and policy, and isrecognized for pursuing alternative pathways. The statenow faces the challenge of continuing this legacy underthe changing conditions of post-energy crisis. With acombination of public interest, industry cooperation,and policy leadership, California has enormous oppor-tunities for pursuing cleaner energy pathways on bothlocal and regional levels. As the pressures associatedwith continuing down a fossil fuel pathway continue toincrease, alternative pathways will likely be viewed aseven less ‘‘alternative’’ and more ‘‘necessary’’ in thefuture. Recognizing the value of alternatives earlier in itsenergy pathway offers even greater gains from earlieradoption. Scenarios offer a starting point for examiningalternatives.

5. Individual and community activities can and do make

a difference. The scenarios show that consumer prefer-ences, household energy use, and community activitieshave a measurable impact on reducing energy consump-tion and increasing energy diversity. Use of solar waterheaters, residential home and commercial solar electri-city generation, energy efficiency, and fuel efficient and/or alternative fuel vehicle choices are some importantways that individuals and communities can and do makea difference to California’s energy system. Communityleadership may become one of the most critical drivingforces for change in the future.

6. Imports play an important role in state electricity

generation and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy importsexert a major influence on the availability, composition,and emissions associated with electricity generationserving demand in California. With the potential fornatural gas capacity additions and the implementationof a new RPS policy, the role of electricity importspromises to be an area of extensive uncertainty.

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Consideration of the future influence of imports inCalifornia on costs, reliability, and greenhouse gasemissions are important areas of focus for the future.An area that is critically important is for state-levelgreenhouse gas emissions reductions and mitigationactivities to take into account not only in-state genera-tion but also imports, as a measurable component ofimports are derived from coal-based generation. Only byincluding all of its energy sources will accurate benefitsand trade-offs of different climate change mitigationstrategies be able to be assessed and implemented.California has the opportunity to take the lead infacilitating cooperative and planning efforts within theregion.

7. A combination of household, local, state, and

national approaches offers the greatest gains in energy

diversity. Scenario analysis shows that the greatestdecreases in energy consumption, increases in energydiversity, and reductions in greenhouse gas emissionsare achieved from combining both state and nationalpolicy with individual and community activities. Thelevel of individual responsibility and state planning areboth important factors in the state’s pathway. Californiahas vast opportunities for encouraging and facilitating acombination of household, community, and centralizedenergy activities. National policy and incentives parti-cularly in transportation also have a critical role ininfluencing California energy use. State, national,community, and individual actors share responsibilityfor shaping California’s future energy pathway.

8. A state renewable energy plan can provide a roadmap

for the future. For California to remain a leader inrenewable energy and catalyze a supportive investmentenvironment, the state needs to assert its commitment torenewable energy and transparently articulate the waysit will encourage these activities. The recent passage of aCalifornia RPS is an important step in this direction.The state now has the opportunity to develop acomprehensive, long-term vision for renewable energypolicy and planning with participation of the public,industry, and other stakeholders. The RPS provides theideal flagship energy policy for beginning this process ofcreating a state renewable energy framework and visionfor future policy and planning. The form of incentives,purchasing contracts, standardization of interconnec-tions, and utility cooperation are critically importantareas for the future.

9. Energy savings can play an important role in a

California clean energy pathway. Demand-side energysavings offer important opportunities for decreasingfossil fuel dependence, offsetting pollution, and increas-ing energy security. As a complement to supply sideapproaches, energy savings have an important role toplay in California (Rufo and Coito, 2002). Equallyimportant is the recognition that energy savings involveboth energy efficiency and decreasing energy consump-

tion, as both technologies and social choices have a roleto play in California’s energy pathway. Transportationoffers the greatest opportunities for energy savingsmeasures, for example increasing fuel economies ofpassenger and freight vehicles, development ofalternative fuel vehicles and immediate low-tech optionsof walking, biking, public transit and increasingrider numbers per vehicle. Energy savings and energyefficiency are the most secure and least environmentallydisruptive forms of energy ‘‘supply’’. Increasing theability of individual and state planners to considersavings both from technologies and increasing socialchoices is important to realizing alternative pathways.

10. Long-term visioning and cooperation starts now.California has the opportunity to learn from its 50 yearsof experience in energy policy and planning. A criticallesson from the past is that policy vision and publicleadership have inspired many of California’s mosthighly regarded energy activities. In order for a newvision to emerge, it is necessary for the public, industry,government, and other critical stake holders to engagewith the future. State leadership is needed to facilitateactive discussion, participation, and consideration ofalternatives for the future. Now is a critical time for thestate to reorganize its energy planning activities, reassertits mandate for information gathering, and incorporatenew ideas into its planning and forecasting purview.

17. Conclusions

Historically on the forefront of energy policy andtechnologies, California is, in many ways, both anexample and indicator of the potential direction forfuture energy policy. Perhaps most significantly, Cali-fornia has conducted one of the most visible and highlyscrutinized experiments in electricity deregulation in theworld. Interpretation of California’s deregulation ex-perience and the success or failure of the state’ssubsequent energy pathway will have far-reachingimplications for the future of energy policy bothdomestically and internationally.

Both the uncertainty and significance of California’scurrent energy context validate the importance of thestate’s energy pathway. Expectations of how the forcesof electricity deregulation were to shape the state’senergy system have been turned on their head by theenergy crisis. They have left in their place significantuncertainty about the future, where a unified andintegrated vision for the future has yet to emerge.California currently faces a cross-roads in its energypathway, and it is important to ask: How will the state

move forward into the next 30 years? What priorities will

shape California’s energy system? How might leadership

emerge? What can be learned for making better decisions


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The scenarios presented here respond to thesequestions and demonstrate that plausible alternativeenergy pathways do exist. They do not predict what thefuture will be or even what it should be like. Rather theyopen the doorway to possibilities. The methods, tools,and examples presented here are a starting frameworkfor beginning this discussion and an opportunity forcreative engagement with the future.


The project, which is a modified version of RebeccaGhanadan’s Master’s thesis, benefited from the supportof the Nautilus Institute for Security and SustainableDevelopment in developing the California dataset andscenario modeling framework. The project was alsosupported by the Energy Foundation through theRenewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at theUniversity of California Berkeley. We thank PeterHayes, David von Hipple, Masami Nakata, and MeganKeever of Nautilus Institute for providing the colla-borative environment for initiating this project. Wethank Daniel Kammen for his technical input to theproject design and review of the manuscript. We thank

Table 13

Scenario attributes

Split Public Golden St


Solar PVa

Household penetration, 2035 50% 30%

Total PV generation, 2035 13TWh 7.7 TWh

Implied total capacity 9 GWp 6GWp

Implied market sales growth 18%/yr 16%/yr

Assumptions Continuation of California Energy Co


Continuation of net metering legislatio


Background data and

supporting studies

CA Grid-Connected PV Capacity Inst

CA Buydown Program: 22MWp smal

(CEC, 2003b)

CA Expected Buydown Growth: addit

Study of economics of solar PV indus

doubling of production based on litera

Study of solar grid-connected PV mark

drop $4/Wp to $0.60/Wp, global PV s

production (implied learning rate of 2


Penetration, 2035

Hybrid and electric vehicles 50% 30%

the many energy researchers who provided data andinformation to the California energy dataset. Inparticular, Lynn Marshall, Andrea Gough, and GaryOcchuizzo of the California Energy Commission De-mand Analysis Office and Luk Lee from the CaliforniaDepartment of Transportation were instrumental inproviding historical and forecast demand data for theindustrial, commercial, and transportation sectors.Timothy Lipman of the Renewable and AppropriateEnergy Laboratory at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley contributed expertise and insight in developingthe transportation sector. Matthias Fripp provided dataon California wind potentials. We thank Charlie Heapsof the Stockholm Environment Institute Boston Centerfor his valuable modeling advice and assistance indeveloping the California LEAP modeling platform.

Appendix A. Background and assumptions for key

scenario elements

A detailed treatment of background assumptions andjustification for the scenario elements is summarized inTable 13.

Additional references

ate Patriotic Energy



9GWp 1 kW systems, 18.1

million households in

2035, based on 1.3%

population growth/yr

18%/yr 24%/yr Global PV

Market Sales Growth

since 1980 (Duke, 2002)

mmission’s Emerging Renewables (Buy-down) Program (see CEC,

n systems p1MW (California Legislative Counsel, 2002, Assembly Bill

alled: 44MWp (CEC, 2003c)

l grid-connected PV installed; 11MWp in processing, as of 9/15/03

ional 100MWp installed over next 5 years (Duke, 2002)

try learning curves estimates historical learning rate of 20% for each

ture review (see Duke and Kammen, 1999)

et potential under PV buydown scenario. By 2030 module retail prices

ales X100GWp/yr, corresponding to 9 doublings of cumulative

1%) (see Duke, 2002)

60%, 2020

(continued on next page)

Page 22: Using energy scenarios to explore alternative energy pathways


Table 13 (continued)

Scenario attributes Additional references

Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

25%, 2035

Fuel cell vehicles 0% 0% 75%

Assumptions Manufacturing costs reductions, production scale economies, technological experience curves (see Lipman

et al., 2000)

Background data and

supporting studies

Scenario study of fleet-wide vehicle manufacturing costs and retail prices, total lifecycle costs of vehicle

ownership and operation, vehicle running and upstream emissions, and emissions control and damage costs

from 2003 to 2030, based on CA South Coast Air Basin (see Lipman et al., 2000)

Scenarios (Lipman et al., 2000):

High gasoline hybrid vehicle (HEV): >80% penetration by 2030

Medium fuel cell electric (FCEV): HEV >20%, FCEV >50% by 2030

High fuel cell electric (FCEV): FCEV >90%, Battery EV B10% by 2030

Result (Lipman et al., 2000):

High HEV is win–win scenario with lifecycle ownership and operation cost savings and modest emissions

reductions versus conventional vehicles (fuel savings exceed difference in manufacturing cost of $2300–


High-volume production costs of FCEVs remain above conventional vehicles; lifecycle costs comparable at

B$1.90–1.95/gal of gasoline.

At $2.00/gal, High FCEV scenario yields slightly lower lifecycle based vehicle plus emissions plus

infrastructure costs (�0.5%) than conventional vehicle scenario. At $1.60/gal, incremental lifecycle costs

increase 2%.


Cumulative additions, 2035

Wind 600MW 360MW 600MW

Solar 1240MW 740MW 1240MW

Total generation, 2035

Wind 1.6 TWh 1.0 TWh 1.6TWh

Solar 2.8 TWh 1.8 TWh 2.8TWh

Assumptions Expansion of Municipal Renewable Energy Initiatives following model of San Francisco Propositions B and

H, expected to finance 60MW of solar and 30MW wind (California Solar Center, 2002a, b)

California municipal initiatives have large potential; San Francisco represents approximately 2% of the state

population; CA has 59 cities with >100,000 people and 15 cities >200,000 (City Population California, 2003)

Implied expansion factor: 20 12 20 Relative to San

Francisco initiatives


Total generation, 2035 520TWh 522TWh 509TWh

Natural gas (TWh) (% total) 276 (53%) 260 (50%) 239 (47%)

Renewables (non-hydro) 55 (11%) 107 (20%) 116 (23%)

Wind (TWh) (%) 18 (3%) 58 (11%) 62 (12%)

Geothermal (TWh) (%) 26 (5%) 38 (7%) 44 (9%)

Biomassb (TWh) (%) 10 (2%) 9 (2%) 10 (2%)

Assumptions Natural gas additions for BAU and Split Public derived from CEC’s ‘‘most likely’’ and ‘‘baseline’’ scenario

categories (CEC, 2002b, Table I-2, II-2-1)

Renewables generation shares based on California Energy Commission renewable energy resource assessment

scenario (60% wind, 25% geothermal, 15% biomass) (see CEC, 2003d, 26)

Continuation of National Wind Production Tax Credit, 1.5 cents/kWh

Golden State: CA Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) law as of 9/02, 20% by 2017 (California Legislative

Counsel, 2002, Senate Bill 1078)

Patriotic Energy scenario National RPS of 20% by 2020

Background data and

supporting studies

California Renewable Energy Resource Assessment estimated range of renewable generation potentials, based

on various studies (see CEC, 2003d):

Wind: 27–86TWh/yr

Geothermal: 28–104TWh/yr

Biomass: 10–28TWh/yr

Solar: 60–128TWh/yr

Study quantifying 80m wind power from 10m measurements finds US wind power may be substantially

greater than previously estimated. Winds over possibly one fifth of the US are strong enough to provide

electric power at a direct cost equal to that of a new natural gas or coal power plant. CA ranks 10th in numbers

of X class 3 sites (Archer and Jacobson, 2003)

Estimate CA on-land wind potential (AWEA, 2003): 59TWh/yr, 20GW

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–11421138

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Appendix B. Sources of the California Energy Dataset

The sources used to develop the California energy database are referenced in Table 14

Table 13 (continued)

Scenario attributes Additional references

Split Public Golden State Patriotic Energy

CA wind generation potential study (see Land and Water Fund of the Rockies, Northwest Sustainable Energy

for Economic Development and GreenInfo Network, 2002):

Based on 1992 CA data (considered conservative estimates)

CA Wind-derived on-land potential (XClass 4 sites): 45TWh/yr

CA Wind development potential land area (XClass 4): 729,000 acres

Key sites in CA include: Solano County, Altamont Pass, Pacheo Pass, San Gorgonio Pass, Tehachapi, and


aSmall-scale distributed generation of electricity within the residential and commercial sectors from solar PV and wind are modeled within

residential and commercial demand sectors themselves rather than within the electricity sector. Modeling in this way makes it possible to track the

level of electricity demand that is offset, or more accurately, relocated from within the state electricity system to self-generation within the residential

and commercial sectors. Residences and businesses are assumed to remain net consumers rather than producers of electricity.bBiomass category also includes a small amount of digestor gas, landfill gas, and municipal solid waste.

Table 14

Category Source

Residential EIA (1995, 1999b, 2000b), PG&E (1994), RLW Analytics (2000), and Wenzel et al. (1997)

Transportation BTS (2001), CalTrans (2000, 2001), CARB (2001), CEC (2000b, 2001a, 2002c, d), EIA (1999a, 2000a,

2001c, e), FHA (2001), Levin et al. (2001), Lipman et al. (2000), Mark and Morey (2000) and PG&E (2002)

Commercial ADM Associates (1997), BEA (2001), CEC (2001c) and XENERGY (2002)

Industrial BEA (2001), CEC (2001e) and XENERGY (2001)

Electricity generation Bachrach (2002), Brown and Koomey (2003), CEC (2000c, 2001b, d, g, h, 2002a, b, g, h), EIA (2000c, d,

2001a, b) and EPA (2001)

Emissions CEC (2001f, 2002f), EIA (2001f), EPA (2001), IPCC (1997) and Nakicenovic and Swart (2000)

Multiple sectors/fuels CEC (1998, 1999, 2000a, 2001b, f, 2002b), EIA (2001d, h) and Schipper and McMahon (1995)

Population and economy BEA (2001), EIA (2001g); LAEDC (2001) and US Census (1999a, b, c, 2001)

R. Ghanadan, J.G. Koomey / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1117–1142 1139

Appendix C. Scenarios resources

Scenarios resources (see Table 15).

Table 15

Sector category Source

Scenario planning and

forecasting methods

Ascher (1978), de Geus (1998), Kleiner (1990), Ringland (2002a, b), Schwartz (1991), van der Heijden (1996)

and Wack (1985a, b)

Energy and environment


Brown et al. (2001), Gallopin and Raskin (1998), Ghanadan (2002), Gumerman et al. (2001), Harris (2002),

Interlaboratory Working Group (2000), Lovins (1979), Nakicenovic and Swart (2000), Raskin et al. (1998,

2002), Ross (2001), Schipper and Meyers (1993), Shell (1999, 2001, 2002) and World Business Council for

Sustainable Development (2000)

Future energy trends Clean Edge (2002), Clemmer et al. (2001), Dunn (2000), Makower and Pernick (2002), NEP (2002), Reddy

et al. (1997) and World Energy Council (2000)

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ADM Associates, 1997. Commercial Saturation Survey. Prepared for

Southern California Edison Company by ADM Associates, Inc.

Archer, C., Jacobson, M., 2003. Spatial and temporal distributions of

US winds and wind power at 80m derived from measurements.

Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (D9), 4289.

Ascher, W., 1978. Forecasting: An Appraisal for Policy-Makers and

Planners. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.

AWEA, 2003. California Wind Energy Potential. American Wind

Energy Association. Downloaded 10/03, www.awea.org/projects/


Bachrach, D., 2002. Comparing the risk profiles of renewable and

natural gas electricity contracts: a summary of the California

Department of Water Resources Contracts. Masters Thesis,

Energy and Resources Group, University of California.

BEA, 2001. Gross State Product. US Department of Commerce, Bureau

of Economic Analysis, http://www.bea.doc.gov/regional/gsp.

Brown, R.E., Koomey, J.G., 2003. Electricity use in California: past

trends and current usage patterns. Energy Policy 31 (9), 849–864.

Brown, M.A., Levine, M.D., Short, W., Koomey, J.G., 2001.

Scenarios for a clean energy future. Energy Policy 29 (14),


BTS, 2001. National Transportation Statistics, 2000. US Department

of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, BTS01-01,


California Legislative Counsel, 2002. Official California Legislative

Information Website, search results for SB 1078, AB1493, AB 58

(2001–2002 session). Downloaded 11/02, http://www.leginfo.ca.-


California Solar Center, 2002a. Ballot Measure Archives, Overview of

Measure H. California Solar Center, downloaded 11/02, http://

www.californiasolarcenter.org/pdfs/H Release oct 22 01.pdf.

California Solar Center, 2002b. Ballot Measure Archives, Proposition

B Fact Sheet. California Solar Center, downloaded 11/02, http://

www.votesolar.org/the proposal/fact sheet.pdf.

CalTrans, 2000. California Motor Vehicle Stock, Travel and Fuel

Forecast. California Department of Transportation, http://


CalTrans, 2001. Historical State Vehicle Miles of Travel Statistics.

California Department of Transportation, unpublished data.

CARB, 2001. Emissions Factor 2000 Model Outputs (EMFAC2000).

California Air Resources Board, Mobile Source Division, http://


CEC, 1998. 1998 Baseline Energy Outlook. California Energy

Commission, P300-98-012, August, http://www.energy.ca.gov/re-


CEC, 1999. Fuels Report. California Energy Commission, P300-99-

001, http://www.energy.ca.gov/reports/index.html.

CEC, 2000a. California Energy Demand, 2000–2010. California

Energy Commission, P200-00-002, June, http://www.energy.ca.-

gov/reports/2000-07-14 200-00-002.PDF.

CEC, 2000b. California Energy Outlook 2000, Vol. II, Transportation

Energy Systems. California Energy Commission, P200-00-001v2,


CEC, 2000c. Peak Demand and Reserve Statistics. California Energy

Commission, http://www.energy.ca.gov/electricity.

CEC, 2001a. Base Case Forecast of California Transportation Energy

Demand. California Energy Commission, P600-01-019, http://

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