USF Students and Sustainability

USF Students and Sustainability. Student Group 2010 The survey focused on: Demographics Climate change awareness Environmental action Environmental action

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USF Students and Sustainability

Student Group 2010

The survey focused on:• Demographics• Climate change awareness• Environmental action • Environmental action at USF

Concern for the Environment•Nearly 80% influenced by environmental factors in everyday behavior•Over 40% have been active in a group or organization•Almost 50% have ‘voted or worked for candidates because of their position on environmental issues’•Of 14 proposed actions, 13 were supported by more than 50% of the student body.

Student Environmental Organizations Family Tree

Sustainability and GIFT

• Funding for green projects beginning next semester– Via a $2 fee on tuition prices

• Ideas for budget:– retrofitting water fountains to fit reusable water

bottles– providing re-usable water bottles to all incoming

students• Need more ideas on how to use their budget

Student Challenges

• No required course• No knowledge of organizations• No incentives/motivation• No central organization• Lack of unity/responsibility• “Lack of participation and apathy from USF

students” –Kelly Cook

Campus Challenges

• Disconnect between Student organizations and USF/administration

• Lack of funding• Organization members graduating • Limited publicity/recognition• Absence of faculty involvement• Lack of consideration from administration


• Freshman seminar on environment• Sustainability in student orientation• Sustainability in CORE curriculum•More accessibility• Sustainability coordinator• Build stronger environmental community

Freshman Seminar

•Optional environmental sustainability seminar

• Combined with a CORE course

• Incorporated with an environmental class

New Student Orientation•Would be available to

freshman and transfer students

• Raise environmental awareness among all new students

• Possibly an online course similar to the alcohol information course

Sustainability in CORE

• Could be incorporated easily• Already multiple classes with environmental

focuses•Would open up environmental education to

all students• Best way to promote sustainability:


•Sustainable Business•Sustainable Architecture•Green Media•Religion and the Environment•Environmental Ethics•Environmental Law •Environmental Policy•Humans and Environmental Change

Classes already offered:

Increase Accessibility

•Make it easier for students to live sustainablyo put a compost next to every trash cano organic/sustainable products in the campus

markets• Put on more environmental eventsoAdd on to Earth Day celebrationso Club fair mainly for environmental clubs and

organizationso Sustainability/Environmental Workshops

Sustainability Coordinator

• Staff and/or student member who can actively participate with student sustainability efforts

• Help bridge gap between student and faculty efforts

• A student or student assistants•Organize weekly newsletter -online

First Steps

• Build community around environmental majors• ENVA/ENVS honors program• Create a website for environmental departments– Strengthens involvement from environmental

majors– Provides a single resource for clubs, faculty, and

students• Faculty support