DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 User’s Manual

User’s Manual - Delfi · 2007. 10. 18. · USER'S MANUAL . DATALOGIC S.p.A. Via Candini 2 40012 - Lippo di Calderara di Reno ... Viper™ – V1.30 Kyman™ – V1.30 Rhino™ –

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  • DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2User’s Manual

  • DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2


  • DATALOGIC S.p.A. Via Candini 2 40012 - Lippo di Calderara di Reno Bologna - Italy DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 Ed.: 04/2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Datalogic reserves the right to make modifications or improvements without prior notification. Datalogic shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein, nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material. Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © Datalogic S.p.A. 2003 -2004

    822000361 (Rev. A)

  • iii


    1 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................... 1 1.1 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 ......................................................... 1 1.1.1 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 with DL Keep Connecting™ ............ 1 1.1.2 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 Stand-Alone..................................... 3

    2 INSTALLATION............................................................................................ 4 2.1 Minimum Configuration Required.................................................................. 4 2.2 Installing DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 onto PC............................. 4 2.3 Authorization ................................................................................................. 5

    3 DL MOBILE CONFIGURATOR™ ENTERPRISE 2 FUNCTIONING............ 7 3.1 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 Overview ......................................... 7 3.1.1 Menu Bar ...................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2 Tool Bars and Status Bar............................................................................ 10 3.2 Starting DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 .......................................... 14 3.2.1 Creating a New Configuration ..................................................................... 14 3.2.2 Loading a Configuration from File ............................................................... 17 3.2.3 Loading Configuration from Terminal .......................................................... 17

    4 DEFINING A CONFIGURATION ................................................................ 21 4.1 Device Type ................................................................................................ 21 4.1.1 Cordless Card ............................................................................................. 22 4.2 Application .................................................................................................. 23 4.3 Radio Properties ......................................................................................... 24 4.3.1 Radio Settings............................................................................................. 24 4.3.2 TCP/IP Settings .......................................................................................... 30 4.3.3 System Files ............................................................................................... 31 4.4 Direct Connection Options .......................................................................... 31 4.4.1 Serial Connection........................................................................................ 32 4.4.2 FTP Connection .......................................................................................... 33 4.5 BIOS ........................................................................................................... 34 4.5.1 Console....................................................................................................... 35 4.5.2 Devices ....................................................................................................... 37 4.5.3 Power Management.................................................................................... 38 4.5.4 Activities...................................................................................................... 39

    5 ON LINE ACTIVITIES................................................................................. 40 5.1 Download .................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Upload Configuration .................................................................................. 42 5.3 View Remote............................................................................................... 43 5.4 Scheduler.................................................................................................... 44 5.4.1 Creating a New Schedule ........................................................................... 45

  • iv

    5.4.2 Modifying an Existing Schedule .................................................................. 49 5.5 Terminal View ............................................................................................. 50

    6 DL KEEP CONNECTING™........................................................................ 52 6.1 KC Manager................................................................................................ 54 6.1.1 Sessions ..................................................................................................... 54 6.1.2 Hosts........................................................................................................... 57 6.1.3 Users........................................................................................................... 59 6.2 Network View .............................................................................................. 61

    7 TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES .............................................................. 62




    1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 DL MOBILE CONFIGURATOR™ ENTERPRISE 2 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 is a Windows-based utility tool allowing to configure and monitor a radio frequency network terminal with DL-TCL Terminal Emulation. If used in combination with the DL Keep Connecting™ service, it provides a professional network management solution to monitor, manage, route and maintain the terminal installation, ensuring the connection and the operability in the safest way. DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 can be used in two different ways: • DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 with DL Keep Connecting™ • DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 Stand-Alone 1.1.1 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 with DL Keep

    Connecting™ DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 can be used together with the DL Keep Connecting™ Service, providing a high level network management solution. For more details about the DL Keep Connecting™ installation and behaviour, please refer to the DL Keep Connecting™ User’s Manual.

    Figure 1 – DL Keep Connecting™




    Available features are:

    • DL Keep Connecting™ Configuration From a single DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 station it is possible to access and configure several DL Keep Connecting™ services, so that the network administrator can manage all the network services from a single station. The whole configuration of a single DL Keep Connecting™ service can be easily copied to other ones. Vice versa a single DL Keep Connecting™ gateway can be accessed by different DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 stations providing, for example, local and remote network monitoring. Once DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 is connected to a DL Keep Connecting™, it is possible to set all its parameters, defining:

    • Session: it is a user application made of a list of hosts, generally sharing the same emulation type. Each Session can be configured to map one or more function keys.

    • Host: for each session it is possible to add one or more host servers and define for each host the emulation type, the routing method, the connection time-out and optionally an automated script file to be executed after the connection.

    • Network Management DL Keep Connecting™, in combination with DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2, allows the network manager to: - monitor all the portable terminal connections through DL Keep Connecting™; - set a viewing filter on terminal type, host connection, session; - connect directly to a terminal showed in the terminal view list through the DTP

    protocol; - pause and restart a terminal; - pause and restart an host or a session; - trace the terminal activity.

    • Local and Remote Terminal Configuration DL Keep Connecting™, in combination with DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2, gives the network administrator the complete control of the configuration of all terminals allowing to update the configuration “on air” and in a transparent way for the user: - direct updating through serial port or via radio of all the application parameters

    or the whole application; - scheduled updating via radio of the configuration or the whole application of

    terminals included in a range of IP addresses. Specials rules are available to set new IP addresses and terminal names;

    - terminal remote disk browsing, uploading, downloading or deleting files through serial port or via radio;

    - remote application execution; - remote terminal reboot; - bios parameters update through serial port or via radio; - complete firmware update through serial port.




    1.1.2 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 Stand-Alone When using DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 as a stand-alone enhanced configurator program, it allows both direct serial and radio terminal configuration, respectively through the DTP (Datalogic Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocols.

    Figure 2 – Stand-Alone

    Once the Datalogic terminal has been uploaded with the DL TCL™ terminal emulation, the user can change all the program parameters like: - scanner parameters; - fonts, beeper and backlight; - lines relocation, scrolling modes, keyboard re-mapping; - log files and printer settings; - radio and TCP/IP parameters; - low-level bios parameters of the terminal. Then, the configuration can be uploaded onto the terminal by using an RS232 cable or directly through the radio connection.




    2 INSTALLATION 2.1 MINIMUM CONFIGURATION REQUIRED In order to install DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2, it is necessary to have at least the following: • PC with a Pentium processor; • One of the following operating systems:

    Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows XP

    • One free serial port; • 64 MB memory for Windows 98/2000/XP; • Internet Explorer 6.0 or later; • Hard disk with at least 100Mb free space to run; • VGA video controller; • The following bios version or above for PDC terminal:

    F7400 – V1R10 F7400-E – V2.00 Viper™ – V1.30 Kyman™ – V1.30 Rhino™ – V. 1.30


    2 ONTO PC To install this software follow the instructions given below:

    - Launch the installation .exe file;

    - Installation starts automatically. The installation program runs an installation wizard suggesting the destination folder and prompting the program folder name.




    2.3 AUTHORIZATION When running the program, the following dialog box appears warning that the program license will expire in 30 days, if not registered.

    Figure 3 – License Validity Duration

    To register your license select the Register option from the program “Help” menu and complete the License window by filling in the requested information:

    Figure 4 – License Window

    Licensed to

    It requires to type the user name. Serial Number

    It is the number provided on the DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 package.




    Key Number

    It is the authorization key the user must get from Datalogic S.p.A. by sending an e-mail request with the following information: - addressee = [email protected] - subject field = Authorization request - text body = Authorization request

    Serial number: NNNNNNNNN PC hardware dependent number





    3.1 DL MOBILE CONFIGURATOR™ ENTERPRISE 2 OVERVIEW The DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 main window appears as follows:

    Figure 5 – Main Window

    On the left side, there is the Configuration Tree allowing to navigate the terminal configuration and manage the remote files (see chapter 4). It consists of three main branches: - Terminal Configuration provides all the parameters necessary to configure the

    terminal (see chapter 4 for details). - On Line Activities when connected to the terminal, it allows performing

    several operations on-line (see chapter 5 for details). - Keep Connecting available only when connected to a KC Host PC. The

    parameters of this branch allow configuring the DL Keep Connecting™ service (see chapter 6 for details).

    The right side of the window is a work area where defining the value of the parameters to be set for each branch of the configuration tree.

    Configuration Tree Work Area




    3.1.1 Menu Bar The menu bar provides the major functions managing the system communication. Select the desired option from the menu by clicking on it within the pull-down menu. File Menu

    The File Menu manages the following options:

    New = starts the “New Configuration Wizard” (see par. 3.2 for details) Open = opens a dialog box where browsing for a previously saved

    configuration file to be loaded Save = saves the current configuration file with a new name Save as = saves the current configuration file with a different name Close = exits the program Actions Menu

    The Actions Menu manages the following options:

    Connect to KC = opens the following dialog box for connection to one or more KC Host PCs (see Chapter 6 and relevant manual for details):

    Figure 6 – Connecting to KC

    To enable the connection it is necessary to type the IP address of the KC Host PC in the “Host Address” edit box. Then, type the user name and password and the number of the port to be used for connection.

    Download Application = downloads onto the remote terminal all the files

    related to a specific application including the configuration files




    Download Configuration = downloads on the remote terminal only the configuration files related to a specific application

    Load Configuration from Device

    = uploads from the remote terminal to the PC all the configuration files present on the remote disk. These configuration files, if correctly uploaded, will be immediately used by DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2

    Tools Menu

    The Tools Menu manages the following options:

    Options = opens the following window:

    Figure 7 – Options Window

    The “Enable Logging” check box allows creating a LOG file for all the FTP transmissions to the terminal (see the relevant manual for further details). All these operations are saved to the LOG.LOG file located in the main folder of the DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 installation path. The “Enable Trace” check box allows creating a LOG file tracing the radio traffic between the terminal and the KC Host PC. All these operations are saved to the TRACE.LOG file located in the main folder of the DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 installation path. The “Remote file viewer” defines an application to be used by the the DL Mobile Configuration to display and modify the remote files.

    Show Log = opens a dialog logging the operations performed between the terminal and the program

    Show Trace = opens a dialog box tracing the radio traffic between the terminal and the KC Host PC.

    View Remote = reports the details of the remote terminal file system in the work area of the main window.




    Help Menu The Help Menu manages the following options: Contents = opens the program help on-line Register = open a dialog box where registering the program (see par. 2.3 for

    details). This option will disappear, as soon as the program is registered.

    About = provides information about the software version

    3.1.2 Tool Bars and Status Bar

    Several Tool Bars are available depending on the item selected within the configuration tree structure: - Main Tool Bar - Download Tool Bar - View Remote - DL TCL™ Tool Bar - Scheduler Tool Bar - Terminal View Tool Bar - KC Tool Bar The Status Bar provides information about the terminal being configured (download type, terminal model, laser type) on the left side, while the right side displays the current date and time Main Tool Bar

    = starts the “New Configuration Wizard” (see par. 3.2).

    = opens a dialog box where browsing for a previously saved configuration file to be loaded on the current program session.

    = saves the current configuration with a new name.

    = downloads on the remote terminal all the files related to a specific application including the configuration files.

    = downloads on the remote terminal only the configuration files related to a specific application.

    = uploads from the remote terminal all the configuration files available on the remote disk. These configuration files, if correctly uploaded, will be immediately used by DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2.

    = opens a dialog box allowing to connect to a KC Host PC.




    Download Tool Bar

    = stops the downloading procedure.

    = reboots the terminal after downloading.

    View Remote Tool Bar

    = connects to the terminal to show the remote file system.

    = downloads the selected remote files (sends the files to the terminal).

    = uploads the selected files (receives the files from the terminal).

    = it downloads and opens the selected remote file (available in the terminal) using the editor specified on the “Remote file viewer” field of the options window (see par. 3.1.1 for details).

    = creates a new folder on the remote terminal disk.

    = deletes the selected remote files.

    = an application file (available in the terminal) is remotely executed.

    = reboots the remote device.

    DL TCL Tool Bar

    = adds a new Host.

    = deletes the selected Host.




    Scheduler Tool Bar

    = adds a new schedule.

    = deletes the selected schedule.

    = saves the current schedule.

    Terminal View Tool Bar

    = opens a dialog box tracing the radio traffic between the terminal and the KC Host PC.

    = closes the dialog box tracing the radio traffic between the terminal and the KC Host PC.

    = starts the connection of a terminal, previously stopped.

    = stops the connection of the terminal.

    = activates a filter to visualize only specific terminals within the list.

    = starts a connection between the DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 program and the terminal via FTP protocol.

    = allows defining a schedule for the selected terminal (see par. 5.4 for details).

    Keep Connecting Manager Tool Bar

    = copies settings of the selected KC Host PC.

    = pastes the copied settings to the selected KC Host PC.




    = refreshes data received from all or a specific Keep Connecting Host PC to which the program is connected.

    = terminates the connection between the program and the selected Keep Connecting Host PC.

    = enables/disables the “Stay Alive” command (see chapter 6 for details).

    = adds a new session within the selected KC Host PC.

    = deletes the selected session and all the related Hosts.

    = adds a new Host to the selected session.

    = starts the connection to the selected session, if previously stopped.

    = stops the connection to the selected session, if previously started.

    = starts the connection to the selected Host, if previously stopped.

    = stops the connection to the selected Host, if previously started.

    = deletes the selected Host from the session.

    = adds a new user.

    = deletes the selected user.

    = opens a dialog box where defining or changing the password for the selected user.





    Selecting the “New” option from the File menu or clicking on the icon activates a wizard guiding the user to define a new configuration or load an existing configuration from a file or from the terminal:

    Figure 8 – Starting Wizard

    3.2.1 Creating a New Configuration After selecting the “New configuration” option from the wizard opening window (see Figure 8) the following dialog box appears allowing to select the device type, the keyboard layout and the laser type of the terminal to be configured. These choices will be automatically stored in the “TerminalConfiguration/DeviceType” branch within the Configuration tree (see par. 4.1).

    Figure 9 – Device Type




    After defining the device type parameters, click on the “Next” button to enter the following dialog box:

    Figure 10 – Configuration Type

    There are five possible configurations:

    - Disk C: to configure the main start-up sequence generally contained on the internal C: drive. (radio driver configuration, laser…). It downloads all the Disk C files with the selected configuration or the configuration files only. If downloading the configuration files only, there is no control that the downloaded files will match the right terminal configuration.

    - DL TCL™: to configure the DL TCL™ application in addition to the disk C content. DL TCL™ (Datalogic Terminal Emulation Client) is a software providing VT100, VT220 and IBM5250/3270 Telnet terminal emulation on Datalogic RF portable terminals having an hardware architecture based on the DOS operating system (see DL TCL™ User’s Manual for details). It is possible to download all the DL TCL™ files with the selected configuration or the configuration files only. If downloading the configuration files only, there is no control that the downloaded files will match the right terminal configuration.

    - MCL: to configure the MCL application in addition to the disk C content. MCL is part of the MCL-Collection, a set of tools allowing to build, deploy and manage batch and wireless applications for terminals of all types. It is possible to download all the MCL files with the selected configuration or the configuration files only. If downloading the configuration files only, there is no control that the downloaded files will match the right terminal configuration.




    - WebClient: to configure the WebClient application in addition to the disk C content. WebClient is a Web browser allowing Datalogic Portable Data Terminals to access Internet or Intranet resources and programs in TCP/IP networks (refer to the WebClient User’s Manual for further details). It is possible to download all the WebClient files with the selected configuration or the configuration files only. If downloading the configuration files only, there is no control that the downloaded files will match the right terminal configuration.

    - Site Survey: to configure the Site Survey application in addition to the disk C content. Site Survey is an application package written in “C” for Datalogic RF portable terminals having an hardware architecture based on the DOS operating system. The Datalogic RF portable terminal with Site Survey is able to identify the service area of a Datalogic Access Point (refer to the Site Survey User’s Manual for further details). It is possible to download all the Site Survey files with the selected configuration or the configuration files only. If downloading the configuration files only, there is no control that the downloaded files will match the right terminal configuration.

    The Configuration Type selection will be automatically stored in the “TerminalConfiguration\Download Selection” branch within the Configuration tree (see par. 4.2). The last step of this procedure displays the following dialog box where defining the radio type installed on the terminal. For example, if the terminal is equipped with a Cisco 340/350 radio card, select the “IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi” Radio Standard first and then the Cisco 340/350 Radio Brand.

    Figure 11 – Radio Properties

    After clicking on the “Finish” button, the user may complete the configuration by selecting the desired branches from the Configuration tree.




    3.2.2 Loading a Configuration from File After selecting the “Load Configuration from File” option from the wizard opening window (see Figure 8), the following dialog box appears allowing to define a correct

    filename or search for a previously saved file by clicking on the button. The configuration files have an .XML format.

    Figure 12 – Loading Configuration from File

    Then, click on the “Finish” button to enter the main window. 3.2.3 Loading Configuration from Terminal After selecting the “Load Configuration from Device” option from the wizard opening window (see Figure 8), the program checks the presence of an existing configuration in the terminal and automatically tries to load it on the host. The following dialog box appears allowing to select the server to be used for connection:

    Figure 13 – Server Selection




    If selecting the DTP server and clicking on the “Next” button, the following dialog box appears for defining the DTP protocol communication parameters (COM port and baud rate):

    Figure 14 – DTP Communication Parameters

    While selecting the FTP server and clicking on the “Next” button, the following dialog box is displayed allowing to define the FTP protocol settings (Host Address to which communicate, User Name and Password):

    Figure 15 – FTP Communication Parameters

    After setting the desired parameter value and verifying the communication between the terminal and DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 (see par. 2.3), connect the terminal to the PC and launch the communication program.





    When uploading/downloading a configuration or an application from/onto a terminal running an old firmware version, an error message appears warning that no uploading/downloading process will be allowed.

    Figure 16 – Uploading Error Message

    Contact your local Datalogic technical support for an update of the terminal firmware. When ready, click on “Next” to start automatically the configuration loading process. If the device synchronization completes successfully, the following dialog box will be displayed.

    Figure 17 – Successful Configuration Uploading

    Click on the “Finish” button to exit the wizard and enter the main window.




    If the device synchronization should fail, the previous dialog box will appear as follows:

    Figure 18 – Failed Configuration Upload

    In this case, click on the “Back” button to retry the remote connection. Otherwise, choose “Cancel” to end the wizard ignoring all operations.




    4 DEFINING A CONFIGURATION The Terminal Configuration branch, displayed on the left side of the main window (see par. 3.1), allows defining the value of all the parameters necessary to create a new configuration or change an existing one. The following list gives the main parameter branches to be used: - Device Type - Application - Radio Properties - Direct Connection Options - BIOS 4.1 DEVICE TYPE The parameters displayed when selecting this branch define the main characteristics of the terminal onto which the application and configuration files will be downloaded:

    Figure 19 – Device Type

    Device Type

    It defines the type of terminal to be connected to the Host PC. Keyboard

    It defines the keyboard type of the terminal previously selected. BarCode Input

    It defines the Scan Engine installed on the terminal previously selected. When configuring Rhino™, it also allows selecting the DL Cordless Card™ as 433 MHz radio card.





    It defines the display type of the terminal previously selected. 4.1.1 Cordless Card


    The “Cordless Card” branch is available only when configuring the Rhino™ terminal.

    Figure 20 – DL Cordless Card™


    It defines the address of the DL Cordless Card™ to be connected. Terminator

    It defines the character sent as terminator of the data string.




    4.2 APPLICATION The parameters displayed when selecting this branch define the general characteristics of the PC application:

    Figure 21 – Application

    Configuration Name

    It defines the name for the current application. Source for Configuration Files

    It defines the path of the files to be downloaded onto the terminal. Download Selection

    It defines the application to be download (Disk-C, MCL, DL TCL™, WebClient or Site Survey) onto the terminal. (The default path is suggested by the application. It is recommended not to change this default).


    When selecting DL TCL™, WebClient or Site Survey as application type, further parameters will appear for configuring the application to be downloaded onto the terminal.




    4.3 RADIO PROPERTIES This branch contains all the parameters defining the Radio Card installed, the TCP/IP settings and displays two system files.

    Figure 22 – Radio Properties

    Radio Standard

    It defines the Radio Standard (for example 802.11b Wi-Fi): Radio Brand

    It defines the supported radio card for the specified Radio Standard. 4.3.1 Radio Settings Once the radio model has been selected, each radio can be configured with specific parameters. This section permits to modify the most important parameters contained in the radio configuration files (NET.CFG, CSCPKT.INI or PACKET.INI) The following image shows an example for the CISCO Card, since the parameter settings are specific for each radio card model.

    Figure 23 – Radio Settings




    The following table lists all the radio parameters available for each radio card model:

    Radio Card Model


    IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi Cisco 340/350

    - Infrastructure = specifies whether the system operation uses an infrastructure or a peer-to-peer/ad hoc network

    - ATIM duration = (for ad hoc network only) specifies the length of time for ATIMs (Announcement Traffic Indication Message) following a beacon (this value must be non-zero for PSP ad hoc operations). Constant Awake Mode is 0.

    - SSID = sets the Service Set Identifier of the specific wireless network

    - Station Name = specifies a readable name for the station used for diagnostic purpose

    - Power Save Mode = specifies the Power Save Mode, where CAM corresponds to Constant Awake Mode, PSP to Power Save Mode and FASTPSP to Fast Power Save Mode

    - World Mode = allows the radio card to automatically inherit channel configuration and output power properties from the access point to which it is associated. NOTE: enable the World mode when the radio card needs to automatically match the country configuration of the access point to which it is associated.

    - SECURITY – Authentication Type = determines the security level of the wireless network. If set to “Open”, it allows the client, regardless of its WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) settings, to authenticate and try a communication with an access point. If set to “WEPOpen”, the client uses full encryption. The “Access Point Encryption by Station” parameter must be set to full WEP encryption and the “Accept Authentication Type” parameter to Open.

    - SECURITY – Leap Enable = turns LEAP (Cisco’s version of Extensible Authentication Protocol) On or Off.




    IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi Lucent W-Card 11

    - Wireless Network Name = sets the Service Set Identifier of a specific wireless network. When this parameter is omitted, or is specified as an empty string or as “ANY”, the radio card may connect to any network

    - Station Name = specifies a readable name for the terminal used for diagnostic purpose

    - Card Power Management = enables or disables the radio card use of the Power Management. Specifying Y enables Enhanced Power Management, specifying 2 enables the Standard Power Management, while specifying N disables the Power Management

    - Maximum Sleep Duration = specifies the maximum time the radio card is allowed to consecutively spend in DOZE state, which is used to determine the Listen Interval on the station’s Power Management scheme.

    - Receive All Multicasts = specifies whether the radio card must receive all multicast frames (with addresses specified by the protocol stack) when using Power Management.

    - SECURITY Enable Wep: specifies if WEP data encryption is enabled.

    - SECURITY Transmit Key Id: if WEP encryption is enabled, you can select one key for wireless data transmissions from the list of WEP Encryption Key Values.

    - SECURITY Key 1/2/3/4: 5/13 character string or 10/26 digit hex number depending on encryption type, keys are either 40 or 104 bits long. 40 bit keys are supported only on the Silver and Gold cards, while 104 bit keys are supported on the Gold card only. The keys can be specified in ASCII or in hex format. In case the ASCII format is used, a key must be either 5 or 13 characters. In case of the hex format, a key must start with '0x' and followed by 10 or 26 hex digits. Up to 4 keys can be specified. When multiple keys are specified, the form as well as the length of the keys have not to be the same. If the Card does not support 104 bit keys, the length is truncated to 40 bits without warning.




    IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi Artem ComCard 11

    - Wireless Network Name = sets the Service Set Identifier of a specific wireless network. When this parameter is omitted, or is specified as an empty string or as “ANY”, the radio card may connect to any network

    - Station Name = specifies a readable name for the terminal used for diagnostic purpose

    - Card Power Management = enables or disables the radio card use of the Power Management. Specifying Y enables Enhanced Power Management, specifying 2 enables the Standard Power Management, while specifying N disables the Power Management

    - Maximum Sleep Duration = specifies the maximum time the radio card is allowed to consecutively spend in DOZE state, which is used to determine the Listen Interval on the station’s Power Management scheme.

    - Receive All Multicasts = specifies whether the radio card must receive all multicast frames (with addresses specified by the protocol stack) when using Power Management.

    - SECURITY Enable Wep: specifies if WEP data encryption is enabled.

    - SECURITY Transmit Key Id: if WEP encryption is enabled, you can select one key for wireless data transmissions from the list of WEP Encryption Key Values. You can also use the encrypted keyword file 'keyword.dat' by selecting 'E'. The keyword file must be generated by the 'keyword.exe' tool. The tool saves the key in encrypted form to the 'keyword.dat' file. For safety reasons it is recommended to use the 'E' setting.

    - SECURITY Key 1/2/3/4: 5/13 character string or 10/26 digit hex number depending on encryption type, keys are either 40 or 104 bits long. 40 bit keys are supported only on the Silver and Gold cards, while 104 bit keys are supported on the Gold card only. The keys can be specified in ASCII or in hex format. In case the ASCII format is used, a key must be either 5 or 13 characters. In case of the hex format, a key must start with '0x' and followed by 10 or 26 hex digits. Up to 4 keys can be specified. When multiple keys are specified, the form as well as the length of the keys have not to be the same. If the Card does not support 104 bit keys, the length is truncated to 40 bits without warning.




    IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi Symbol Spectrum

    24 High Rate

    - ESS ID = sets the Service Set Identifier of a specific wireless network

    - Connection Type = sets the type of radio connection used: 1 Access Point, 2 Reserved, 3 Pseudo IBSS, 4 IBSS (Ad hoc)

    - Performance Index = selects the power saving mode by inserting a number between 0 and 5, where 0 sets the consumption of most power at maximum speed, and 5 sets the consumption of least power at minimum speed

    - SECURITY Encrypt Enable = This value either enables or disables encryption. Y = Encrypt Enable; N = Encrypt Disable (default)

    - SECURITY Encrypt Key index = indicates which among the 4 encryption keys is to be used for data transmission

    - SECURITY Key 1/2/3/4= the encryption keys can be specified in hex format: either 5 or 13 bytes in hexadecimal. I NOTE: the bytes has to be separated from each other through a space character.

    - SOCKET NUMBER (available only for Rhino™) = indicates which among the 2 sockets is to be used for mounting the PCMCIA radio card.

    - PORT_TYPE = indicates the radio functioning mode, where 1 = Infrastructure mode, 2 = Reserved, 3 = Pseudo IBSS (Symbol proprietary adhoc mode), 4 = IBSS (adhoc mode).

    IEEE 802.11 Symbol Spectrum 24

    - ESS ID = sets the Service Set Identifier or the specific wireless network

    - Power Management = turns on or off the Power Management

    - SOCKET NUMBER (available only for Rhino™) = indicates which among the 2 sockets is to be used for mounting the PCMCIA radio card.




    Open Air Proxim 7000

    - Domain = sets the network domain; this must match the domain of the server or Access Point to be connected to. It is a number in the range 0-15

    - Subchannel = sets the subchannel to be used when the terminal works as Master. It is a number in the range 1-15.

    - Channel = sets the channel to be used when the terminal works as Master. It is a number in the range 1-15.

    - Inactivity Seconds = sets the amount of inactivity time in seconds after which the driver puts the station to sleep

    - Inactivity Minutes = sets the amount of inactivity time in minutes after which the driver puts the station to sleep

    - Peer to Peer = turns on or off the ability to communicate with other RangeLan2 peers

    - Roaming Configuration = sets the roaming speed, where 0 corresponds to Slow, 1 to Normal and 2 to Fast.




    4.3.2 TCP/IP Settings The parameters available in this branch are useful when configuring the terminal belonging to a network. In particular, they permit to modify the most important parameters contained in the TCP/IP configuration file (SOCKET.CFG).

    Figure 24 – TCP/IP Settings

    IP Address

    It defines the Machine IP Address. The value (dhcp if working with Site Survey) indicates that the IP Address is assigned by the DHCP server. Subnet Mask It defines the Machine Subnet mask. Do not define this parameter value when working in DHCP configuration. DNS Address It defines the Domain Name Server. Do not define this parameter value when working in DHCP configuration. Gateway Address It defines a gateway (if any). Do not define this parameter value when working in DHCP configuration. DNS Suffix It defines the Domain Name Server Suffix. Do not define this parameter value when working in DHCP configuration.




    4.3.3 System Files This section displays and allows modifying two system files: NEWAUTO.BAT and NEWCONFIG.SYS. The modification will be saved locally in a temporary directory and will not affect the configuration files in DLFILES directory. It is strongly suggested not to modify these files during normal functioning. These files will be not saved when exiting the program or opening a new configuration file.

    Figure 25 – System Files

    4.4 DIRECT CONNECTION OPTIONS The Direct Connection Options branch contains information about the communication between the PC and the remote terminal. The DTP Client Protocol runs on a terminal connected to the PC via serial interface, while the FTP protocol allows a radio communication between them.




    4.4.1 Serial Connection This branch allows configuring the parameters of this new Datalogic communication protocol.

    Figure 26 – Serial Connection Options

    Communication Port

    It defines the RS232 port to be use for communication. Baud Rate

    It defines the baud rate (up 115200 bps). Server Number

    It defines a server number identifying the terminal to be connected to the PC (default = 100 for RS232 interface). Failed Timeout (mSec)

    It defines the time, after which the client (PC) fails the current operation. Retry Timeout (mSec)

    It defines the time, after which the client (PC) retries the current operation. Use this Profile as Default for Direct Connection

    If checked, it selects the serial connection as default communication protocol. This selection automatically disables the FTP connection.




    4.4.2 FTP Connection This branch allows configuring the parameters of the FTP radio communication protocol.

    Figure 27 – FTP Connection Options

    IP Address

    It defines IP address of the terminal working as FTP Server. User Name

    It defines the name used to identify the FTP Server terminal. Password

    It defines the password to type for connecting to the FTP Server terminal. Fail Time Out

    It defines the time, after which the PC fails the current operation. Use this Profile as Default for Direct Connection

    If checked, it selects the FTP connection as default communication protocol. This selection automatically disables the serial connection.




    4.5 BIOS


    The BIOS parameter group is not available for F7400 and F7400-E terminals.

    The BIOS group contains all the parameters which are usually set directly from the terminal by using the BSETUP program. These parameters are selectable only when uploading a configuration from a terminal or from an .XML file containing its parameters. When clicking on the BIOS branch from the tree structure, you will be presented with the following window:

    Figure 28 – BIOS Setup

    When uploading a configuration, the following dialog box appears requiring to enter the password protecting your terminal BIOS parameters.

    Figure 29 – BIOS Password

    Once the desired BIOS parameters has been set, it is possible to download them onto the terminal through the downloading buttons available on the Tool Bar. After downloading, the terminal will be automatically rebooted.




    Send BIOS Parameters

    It allows transmitting/not transmitting the configuration of the BIOS parameters to the device connected when downloading the configuration and/or application files. 4.5.1 Console

    Figure 30 – Console Settings


    The terminal has a compatible display adapter and allows the application to write on a virtual display. On the other hand, the use can see only a portion of this virtual display at a time, which is called physical display. The scroll parameter controls which portion of the virtual display is seen by the user. Fixed: the physical display follows the cursor vertically, long lines are automatically

    wrapped. The keyboard has no effect on the physical display position. Virt: the physical display follows the cursor vertically; by enabling the “scroll control”

    mode* the arrows allow both a vertical and horizontal scroll of the logical display.

    Track: the physical display follows the cursor both vertically and horizontally; by enabling the “scroll control” mode* the arrows allow both a vertical and horizontal scroll of the logical display.




    Software: the physical display position is fixed. It can be moved only by the application software.

    * The “scroll control” mode is not the same as the scroll parameter. When in “scroll control” mode, the arrows allow scrolling the physical display on the virtual one (see the terminal relevant manual for further details).

    Bklighttout or Light tout (depending on terminal)

    It defines the timeout (in seconds) for the terminal backlight. Keyautorep or Autorepeat (depending on terminal)

    If enabled, it starts an automatic repetition of the keys by keeping them pressed. Kbdclick Kdb freq (depending on terminal)

    If enabled, it activates the keyboard click. Clickfreq or Click freq (depending on terminal)

    It defines the frequency (hertz/100) of the keyboard click. GreenLED

    It manages the functioning of the terminal Green LED. Scroll: causes the LED to be lit when the keyboard is in “scroll control” mode. User: causes the LED to be managed by the application. Alpha: causes the LED to be lit when the keyboard is in Alpha mode. See the terminal relevant manual for further details about “scroll control” mode and Alpha mode.




    4.5.2 Devices

    Figure 31 – Device Settings


    It defines the clock frequency when the Automatic parameter of the Power Management group is set to ON. Com1

    It defines the type and use of COM 1. Keyboard

    It enables/disables the keyboard as a wakeup source. RTCalarm or RTC (depending on terminal)

    It enables/disables the RTC alarm as a wakeup source. PCMCIA

    It defines the use of the radiofrequency module, where: Disabled: causes the PCMCIA to be always disabled. Enabled: causes the PCMCIA to be powered when the terminal is ON. Wake Up: causes the PCMCIA to be powered when the terminal is ON or

    SUSPENDED. It wakes the terminal when it detects traffic on the radio network.

    Always On: causes the PCMCIA to be powered when the terminal is ON or SUSPENDED. This selection speeds up the terminal transition from SUSPEND to ON.




    4.5.3 Power Management

    Figure 32 – Power Management Settings


    It enables/disables the automatic power management. If set to OFF, all other Power Management parameters have no meaning. If ON, the Power Management proceeds as follows: - after the high-low tout selected time, the CPU automatically reduces its clock

    frequency and passes from High speed to Low speed - once the CPU is in Low speed and no activity occurs after the programmed

    timeout it enters the SUSPEND state. The CPU resumes operations when a WAKEUP event occurs, or when the SCAN or the ON/OFF keys are pressed.

    - when the CPU is in SUSPEND and no WAKEUP event occurs after the programmed time, it enters the OFF state through which all peripherals are disabled. The CPU resumes operation only when pressing the ON/OFF key.

    Low Speed

    It defines the clock frequency in IDLE state. High-lowtout or High-Low (depending on terminal) It selects the period without Primary activity (see Activities group) before passing from High speed to Low speed. Low-sleeptout or Low-Sleep (depending on terminal) It selects the period without any activity (see Activities group) before passing from the Low speed to SUSPEND. Sleep-offtout or Sleep-Off (depending on terminal) It selects the period without any activity (see Activities group) before passing from SUSPEND to OFF.




    4.5.4 Activities The primary activities cause the CPU to pass to High speed, while the secondary ones allow the CPU to stay in Low speed if they are already in this state.

    Figure 33 – Activity Settings

    Com1 It indicates the level of activity for UART/IR interface. LCD It indicates the level of activity for video operations (excluding cursor blink). Keyboard It indicates the level of activity for keyboard. Disk It indicates the level of activity for all accesses to flash disk (boot and non-boot). PCMCIA It indicates the level of activity for radio frequency module.




    5 ON LINE ACTIVITIES The On Line Activities branch displays information about the activities started by clicking on the related icons. The main activities to be performed are listed below:

    - downloading both the configuration and Application files or the configuration files only;

    - uploading the configuration of a specific device (only if previously updated using the DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2);

    - browsing for the device Disk to view, edit, upload or download specific files.

    When connected to a KC host PC, it is also possible to perform the following activities:

    - defining a scheduled update of a single terminal or a range of terminals;

    - viewing a list of all the terminals connected to the KC Host upon which it is possible to perform different operations.

    Figure 34 – On Line Activities




    5.1 DOWNLOAD

    The download branch shows a page within the main window work area displaying the files to be downloaded onto the terminal.

    To start the downloading procedure click on one of the related buttons

    from the Tool Bar (see par. 3.1.2). The button stops this procedure at any time.

    Figure 35 – Downloading Files onto Terminal


    When uploading/downloading a configuration or an application from/onto a terminal running an old firmware version, an error message appears warning that no uploading/downloading process will be allowed.

    Figure 36 – Downloading Error Message

    Contact your local Datalogic technical support for an update of the terminal firmware.






    This procedure requires that an application has been already downloaded onto the terminal by using DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2.

    The upload branch shows a page within the main window work area displaying the file transfer process from the terminal to the PC. To start the uploading procedure

    click on the related button from the Tool Bar (see par. 3.1.2).

    Figure 37 – Uploading Files from Terminal


    When uploading/downloading a configuration or an application from/onto a terminal running an old firmware version, an error message appears warning that no uploading/downloading process will be allowed.

    Figure 38 – Uploading Error Message

    Contact your local Datalogic technical support for an update of the terminal firmware.




    5.3 VIEW REMOTE By clicking on this branch, a page appears on the work area of the main window reporting the details of the remote terminal file system. It is possible to see all files of the remote terminal with their sizes and attributes. The “Modified” column shows whether a file has been modified after the download procedure.

    Figure 39 – View Remote Files

    The selection of this branch automatically add new icons on the Tool Bar, which are to be used for managing the remote file system (see par. 3.1.2).






    This procedure requires a connection to a KC Host PC (see chapter 6).

    The Scheduler branch allows downloading a specific application or a configuration onto one or more terminals at a scheduled time. The configuration/application files are transmitted to the terminal via FTP protocol. When clicking on the Scheduler branch, the user is presented with the following window listing all defined schedules:

    Figure 40 – Schedule List

    For each schedule the following information is available: - Name logical name of the schedule. - State current status of the schedule. - Begin Date starting date and time of the schedule. - End Date ending date and time of the schedule; as soon as the date and

    time expire, the scheduled operations will no longer be performed.

    - Device Type model of the terminal upon which the scheduled operations will be performed.

    - Laser Type terminal laser type. - Key Type terminal keyboard type. All columns may be ordered according to your needs by dragging each of them from the current position to the desired one.




    5.4.1 Creating a New Schedule


    This procedure requires defining the correct Application and the Radio Properties parameters compatible with the terminal (see par. 4.2 and par. 4.3 for details).

    By clicking on the button, available on the Scheduler Tool Bar, a wizard is started allowing to define all information necessary to schedule the download on one or more terminals. The schedule refers to the terminal type selected for the current configuration. If you need to set a schedule of a different terminal, select the model through the Device Type parameters within the configuration tree.

    Figure 41 – Scheduler Wizard - 1

    The first window of the Scheduler wizard allows assigning a name to the schedule and setting the amount of time through the “Start Date and Time” and “End Date and Time” during which the programmed operations can start upon terminal connection. Once the “End Date and Time” has expired, no operation can be performed. Three different operations can be performed: - Downloading Application downloads on the terminal the complete

    application, including the configuration files, via FTP protocol

    - Downloading Configuration downloads on the terminal the configuration files only, via FTP protocol

    - Downloading DL TCL™ downloads on the terminal the DL TCL™ application files, via FTP protocol




    When downloading the DL TCL™ application, it is necessary to define the Source directory containing the DL TCL™ file and the terminal Destination directory where it will be downloaded. The information given in the lower part of this window cannot be edited; it reports only the current status of the schedule and details about the terminal. Clicking on the “Next” button enters the following window allowing to define the IP address of the terminal(s) through the Scheduler wizard:

    Figure 42 – Defining Terminal IP Address

    Digit a range of terminal IP addresses in the Start and End edit boxes. If only one IP address is required, the Start and End parameters must share the same value. Once all terminals available within the defined range have been listed by clicking on the “Details” button, it is possible to select those requested for the schedule. Just click on the terminal IP address number from the table on the left and click on the

    button to visualize the address in the table on the right, listing the terminals to be used by the current schedule. The arrow buttons move simultaneously all the listed terminal IP addresses from a table to the other one.


    Selected Terminals




    Once the terminal address(es) has been selected, click on the “Next” button to enter the following window:

    Figure 43 – Defining Rule

    It allows defining the rule for setting the IP address of the terminal(s) selected in the previous window. DHCP A DHCP server assigns a dynamic address to the terminal. BOOTP The terminal address is assigned by a BOOTP server. Use Terminal IP Setting It maintains the terminal IP setting. In case the terminal has a DHCP address, this option turns the DHCP dynamic address into a static address, which is the one selected in the TCP/IP Settings (see par. 4.3.2).




    Select IP from File It allows loading and editing a .txt file listing the terminal IP address(es). It is also possible to create a new file through the window displayed when clicking on the “New” button:

    Figure 44 – Defining IP Address from File

    Click on the Add button to display the edit box where typing the desired IP address. Then, click on the “OK” button to confirm the selection and make it appear in the table. Save the operation as a .txt file by clicking on the “OK” button.




    Once the terminal IP address(es) have been defined through one of the procedures described before, click on the “Next” button:

    Figure 45 – Defining Terminal Name

    It allows defining the rule for setting the terminal name parameter of the terminal configuration. The terminal name is the identification name used by the monitoring software of the DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2. It corresponds to the Device Name defined in the Emulation parameter group of the DL TCL™ parameters (see DL TCL™ User’s Manual for details). By selecting the Default value, the current device name is used, otherwise it is possible to select another name from file. Then, click on the “Next” button to display the following window:

    Figure 46 – Defining Station Name

    It allows defining the rule for setting the station name parameter of the terminal configuration. The terminal name is the identification name used by the driver of the current radio.

    Finally, click on the “Save” button to complete the Schedule definition. 5.4.2 Modifying an Existing Schedule An existing schedule can be modified only if the programmed operations are not in progress. It is possible to change all information requested by the wizard and to add or delete the terminals selected for the selected schedule.






    This procedure requires a connection to a KC Host PC (see chapter 6).

    The “Terminal View” window lists all the terminals currently connected to the KC Host(s). Unlike the Network View (see par. 6.2), the terminals are not displayed within the session and Host branch they belong to, but they are simply listed in the table:

    Figure 47 – Viewing All Terminals Connected to the KC Host

    For each terminal the following types of information are reported: - IP Terminal IP address - Name Terminal logical name (defined through the DL TCL™ application) - Kc Name of the Keep Connecting Host the terminal is connected to - State Status of the connection. - Log Traces the radio traffic between the selected terminal and the

    Keep Connecting Host, if set to D = disabled, if E = enabled. - First Connection Time of the first connection - Last Connection Time of the last connection - Type Terminal model - Key Terminal keyboard type - Laser Terminal laser type - Session Name of the session the terminal is working in - Host Name of the Host the terminal is connected to




    The first column shows the “-“ symbol when a terminal manages a single session. The “+“ symbol indicates that the selected terminal is working in “multiple session” mode (refer to DL TCL™ User’s Manual for details) managing different applications simultaneously. By clicking on it, the symbol turns to “-“ and as many lines as the number of applications managed by the terminal are displayed below the line of the terminal selected. All columns may be ordered according to your needs by dragging each of them from the current position to the desired one.

    In addition, it is possible to set a filter through the toggle button to visualize information regarding only the terminals selected within the list. The information about the other terminals will be not displayed. By releasing the button, all terminals and the related characteristics will be available again. For each terminal it is possible to activate a connection with DL Mobile

    Configurator™ Enterprise 2 by clicking on the button and to inspect the terminal contents via FTP protocol. All activities managing the terminal remote file system can be started by the related buttons available on the Tool Bar (see par. 3.1.2 for further details). Whenever necessary, it is possible to start/stop the connection of the selected

    terminal by means of the and buttons.




    6 DL KEEP CONNECTING™ DL Keep Connecting™ is a Windows NT/2000/XP service designed to centralize and route the connection coming from Datalogic radio frequency terminals, and to address them to a list of hosts. DL Keep Connecting™ is able to manage the connection to different host types through the main terminal emulation protocols: Telnet VT100/VT220 or IBM5250/3270. From the terminal side, the DL TCL™ terminal emulator has to be loaded and correctly configured to connect to the server through the DL Keep Connecting™ service. When using the DL Keep Connecting™ service, a new software layer is introduced in-between the standard client/server architecture allowing the mobile terminal to “keep connecting” to the host. This intermediate layer is made of a Windows NT/2000/XP server or workstation with DL Keep Connecting™ service started and with an active connection to the network. Its main task is to manage the incoming connection from terminal side and to replicate it to the proper host. In this way, it acts as a server for the mobile terminal network and as a client for the host to which the terminal will connect. Connecting DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 to the KC Host PC allows setting the DL Keep Connecting™ service before the communication with the terminal is started. To perform this operation only one user at the time can connect to the KC Host PC by filling in the following dialog box. It appears by selecting the “Connect to KC” option from the Actions menu:

    Figure 48 – Connecting to a KC Host PC




    To start the connection it is necessary to fill in all the items listed below:

    - Host Address logical name or IP address of the Host PC loading the DL Keep Connecting™ service.

    - User Name user name. When connecting to the KC Host PC for the first time, the User Name is: Admin (case sensitive). See par. 6.1.3 for details.

    - Password password defined for the user. When connecting to the KC Host PC for the first time, the Password is: Admin (case sensitive). See par. 6.1.3 for details.

    - Port number of the virtual port used by the KC Host PC for connection. The default value (55000) can be restored through the dedicated button.

    Once the connection is activated, a new “Keep Connecting” branch will appear within the configuration tree structure, containing two groups providing all parameters for setting the DL Keep Connecting™ service:

    - KC Manager

    - Network View When connected to a KC Host PC, it is always possible to terminate the connection, or refresh it through the related buttons on the Tool Bar (see par. 3.1.2).

    Furthermore, pressing the toggle button maintains the connection of DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 station with DL Keep Connecting™. This command is not effective when the user is connected to the KC service as Administrator (see par. 6.1.3). Being the Administrator of the KC Host PC, the connection cannot be interrupted during the service configuration.




    6.1 KC MANAGER The KC Manager branch is displayed, as in the following example, if the user is connected to the KC Host PC as “Power User” or as “Administrator” (see par. 6.1.3):

    Figure 49 – KC Manager

    KC Manager defines the management of each Keep Connecting Host PC. It allows adding, deleting and configuring sessions and defining the number and settings of the Hosts connected to each session. When selecting a Keep Connecting Host PC it is also possible to copy its settings by

    means of the icon; then, select another KC Host PC and paste the copied

    settings by means of the icon. This procedure guarantees the connection to the server even in case of shut-down of a KC Host. Furthermore, KC Manager defines the permission level to be assigned to each user when connecting to the KC Host PC. 6.1.1 Sessions Clicking on the IP address of the session displays a table on the window right side listing all sessions available for the selected KC Host PC. For each session is defined: - Name session logical name - Host Type host emulation type used by the session - Load Type routing method for accessing hosts - State session status

    KC Host







    To add a new session to the current one(s), simply click on the button; while click on the session name on the table or on the corresponding branch within the tree structure to modify an existing session. Selecting a session opens the following window:

    Figure 50 – Session Configuration

    The window right side provides all the parameters managing the current session: Session Name It defines the logical name to be assigned to the current session. Host Type It defines the Host emulation type used by the session. Load Type It defines the routing method for accessing the hosts: Load Balance the system divides the terminal number equally among all the

    available hosts. Depending on the number of clients actually connected to each host, DL Keep Connecting™ decides to which server it will connect.

    High Availability before connecting to an host, DL Keep Connecting™ checks that the TCP/IP services are active and running on host side. If these conditions are not satisfied, DL Keep Connecting™ searches for the next host in the list. In case of server failure, an automatic switching is guaranteed, providing a real system backup.

    Host List

    Keyboard Re-mappingSession Options




    Time Out It defines the amount of inactivity time in seconds after which the session is terminated. Description It defines a description of the current session. The window left side displays a list of the Hosts connected to the session and a list of terminal keys re-mapped. Host List This table displays the name and IP address of the Host(s) connected to the current session. It is possible to add a new Host to the current session through the button on the Tool Bar (see par. 6.1.2 for more details about the Host configuration); while clicking on the Host name enters the Host window where changing the Host settings (see par. 6.1.2 for details). Key Re-Mapping By right-clicking on this area, a short-cut help appears allowing to add or delete a key re-mapping. This command allows re-mapping the function of the F1..F20 and arrow keys of the terminal working in this session. When adding a key re-mapping the following dialog box appears:

    Figure 51 – Key Re-Mapping

    - Initial Key defines the terminal key to me re-mapped - Final Key allows to digit the string mapping the initial character. It is

    possible to insert one or more Additional Characters available by

    clicking on the button. The buttons available on the Keep Connecting Manager Tool Bar (see par. 3.1.2) allow to remove the current session, or to start/stop it. The start and stop commands are also effective on the Host(s) connected to the selected session.




    6.1.2 Hosts The Host branch allows modifying the characteristics of the selected Host or performing the following operations through the related buttons available on the Keep Connecting Manager Tool Bar (see par. 3.1.2 for details): - removing the current Host from the session - terminating the Host connection - activating the Host connection The addition of a new Host is only allowed from the Session branch (6.1.1). All parameters are available in the window displayed by clicking on the Host branch or on the Host Name from the Host List of the Session window:

    Figure 52 – Host Configuration

    The window right side provides all the parameters managing the current Host: Host Name It defines the logical name to be assigned to the current Host. Host Type It is a read-only property reporting the Host emulation type used by the session. IP Address / Name It defines the logical name or IP address of the current Host. IP Port It defines the port number used by the Host for connection to the KC Host PC. Description It defines a description of the current Host.

    Host Options

    Script Editing




    The window left side displays a list of the scripts edited for the current Host. Script Editing By right-clicking on this area, a short-cut help appears allowing to add, delete or move a script. This command allows defining a script to be executed automatically by the terminal after the connection. When adding a new script the following dialog box appears:

    Figure 53 – Script Editing

    - Host Question defines the operation required by the KC Host; - Terminal Answer allows to digit the string to be transmitted by the terminal as

    answer. It is possible to insert one or more Additional

    Characters available by clicking on the button.




    6.1.3 Users The Users branch manages the user rights policy and the operations that each user is allowed to perform when connecting to a KC Host PC. Three different types of “Permission” can be assigned to the users according to their rights: - Administrator is the predefined user and must be set as User Name with the

    default password (Admin) when connecting to the KC Host PC for the first time. The Administrator is unique within the system and has absolute rights. The following operations are allowed: - Managing the session and host structure - Listing all users allowed to connect to the KC Host PC - Adding a new user - Removing an existing user - Modifying the permission assigned to the ”User” and

    “Power User” - Modifying the password assigned to the “User” and

    “Power User” - Modifying the Administrator password - Viewing the active sessions and the terminals connected

    to them - Power User is defined by the Administrator. The rights managed by the

    “Power User” are more limited than the Administrator’s ones, in particular allowed operations are: - Managing the session and host structure - Listing all users allowed to connect to the KC Host PC - Modifying the “Power User” ’s password only - Viewing the active sessions and the terminals connected

    to them - User is defined by the Administrator and has no right to modify the

    session and host structure. The ”User” can: - Modify the “User” ’s password only - View the active sessions and the terminals connected to

    them The connection to the KC Host PC is allowed to one “User” or “Power User” at the time. Only the Administrator can always start a connection by replacing the “Power User” or “User” connected at that time. In case the “User” or the “Power User” forgets the password, the Administrator can assign them a new generic password to start the connection. Once connected, they can define a new personal password without being controlled by the Administrator.




    Clicking on the “Users” branch displays a table on the window right side listing all users allowed to connect to the current KC Host PC. For each user is defined: - Name user name/logical name - Permission level of permission assigned to the user - Description further description of the user

    To add a new user, simply click on the button; while click on the user name on the table or on the corresponding branch within the tree structure to modify the related characteristics:

    Figure 54 – User Options

    Name It defines the name to be assigned to the user. Permission It defines the permission level to assign to the user. Possible values are: - User - Power User Description It defines a description of the user. Password Click on the related icon available on the Tool Bar to open a dialog box where entering the password allowing the connection of the user to the KC Host PC. The branch corresponding to an “User” or a “Power User” may be deleted by means

    of the button.




    6.2 NETWORK VIEW The “Network View” branch is available for all the types of user (Administrator, “Power User”, “User”) connected to the KC Host PC(s) and displays the structure of all the KC Host(s) connected. The structure of this branch is very similar to the one of the Session branch (see par. 6.1.1) but it also displays the IP address of the terminals connected to each session. No information can be modified within this branch, since it visualizes only the terminals connected and their positioning within each session. For each terminal the following information is provided: - IPAddress terminal IP address

    - Name terminal logical name

    - Session name of the session the terminal is connected to

    - Host name of the Host the terminal is connected to within the session




    7 TERMINAL ERROR MESSAGES During the terminal normal functioning some error messages may appear on the display. The following table lists and explains all error messages: Error Message Description Error on Password A wrong password has been inserted. Connecting KC1… The terminal is trying to connect to KC HOST

    1. A similar message is also displayed when trying connection to other KC Hosts.

    Error ConnectSocket (2) A DOS error occurred Error ConnectSocket (3) No memory to perform function Error ConnectSocket (4) Connection does not exist Error ConnectSocket (5) Protocol or mode not supported Error ConnectSocket (7) No host address specified Error ConnectSocket (13) The function timed out Error ConnectSocket (14) Unknown host has been specified Error ConnectSocket (18) Bad arguments Error ConnectSocket (19) The connection has been closed by peer Error ConnectSocket (20) The connection has been reset by peer Error ConnectSocket (21) Operation would block Error ConnectSocket (22) The descriptor has not been assigned Error ConnectSocket (23) No socket is available Error ConnectSocket (24) Bad parameter in call Error ConnectSocket (26) The connection has not been established NetSocket Error Connection has been reset NetSocket Error(5) Peer has closed connection NetSocket Error(6) Connection has been closed SOCKET CLOSED The TCP/IP socket is closed. This error is sent

    after the "Error ConnectSocket" or "NetSocket Error" if no connection is active.

    Reset and free memory. An error has occurred during memory allocation. It is advised to reset the terminal.

    Are you sure to save New Password? (Y/N)

    The terminal prompts for confirmation before saving a new password.




    Error Message Description Parameters changed. Save changes? (Y/N)

    If exiting the main setup menu after changing some parameters, the terminal prompts for confirmation before updating the values.

    Wait…(saving changes) The terminal asks to wait while saving the new configuration values.

    WARNING! Default Parameters changed. If you save you need to reboot. Save changes? (Y/N)

    The configuration of specific parameters, such as IP Address and Radio parameters, requires the terminal reboot to be activated. By saving the changes, all the new configuration values will be saved and the terminal rebooted.

    Changed. System will be reboot…

    The terminal is saving new data and it will be rebooted.

    Connection closed by remote host. Warning! Session Closed by Remote Host.

    The connection has been terminated by the remote host.

    NOT AVAILABLE CONNECTION The connection is not available because it has been terminated by the remote host. This message appears only when working in Multi-Mode connection with a session still active.

    Error on GetSocket. Emulation aborted…

    A fatal error has occurred in the TCP/IP management. It is necessary to reset the terminal.

    Warning! Machine not enabled to open *.INI file. Press any key to Continue.

    At startup the program did not find the required configuration files.

    Warning! Error on *.cfg file. Press any key to Continue.

    An error has occurred on reading the configuration files. One or more parameters might not be configured correctly.

    Host Disconnected… If you want Escape press ESC else the System tries to Reconnect in about 3 seconds...

    This message appears only when the Autorun parameter (Emulation menu) is enabled. It signals that the terminal has been disconnected from the Host PC or the session has been terminated. It will try to reconnect within 3 seconds… If a new connection attempt is not required, it may be skipped by pressing the [ESC] key.

    1 General InformationDL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 with DL Keep Connecting™DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 Stand-Alone

    2 InstallationMinimum Configuation RequiredInstalling DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 onto PCAuthorization

    3 DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 FunctioningDL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2 OverviewMenu BarTool Bars and Status Bar

    Starting DL Mobile Configurator™ Enterprise 2Creating a New ConfigurationLoading a Configuration from FileLoading a Configuration from Terminal

    4 Defining a ConfigurationDevice TypeCordless Card

    ApplicationRadio PropertiesRadio SettingsTCP/IP SettingsSystem Files

    Direct Connection OptionsSerial ConnectionFTP Connection

    BIOSConsoleDevicesPower ManagementActivities

    5 On Line ActivitiesDownloadUpload ConfigurationView RemoteSchedulerCreating a New ScheduleModifying an Existing Schedule

    Terminal View

    6 DL Keep Connecting™KC ManagerSessionsHostsUsers

    Network View

    7 Terminal Error Messages