User Profiles Overview: The User Profile provides Users with ability to edit and update their individual profile information, Follow/Friend other Users, share information (posts) on their Activity Wall, receive Notifications and review recent posts on other Users Activity Wall. Accessing your Profile: To access your profile, click on the dropdown triangle, My Profile or your photo if you’ve uploaded one. Your Profile will now be displayed; you can also link to your Activity Wall. Edit Profile: To edit or update your Profile, click on Edit Profile.

User Profiles

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User Profiles

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!"#$ &$'()*#"+,#$,)#-. 1he user roflle provldes users wlLh ablllLy Lo edlL and updaLe Lhelr lndlvldual proflle lnformaLlon, lollow/lrlend oLher users, share lnformaLlon (posLs) on Lhelr AcLlvlLy Wall, recelve noLlflcaLlons and revlew recenL posLs on oLher users AcLlvlLy Wall. /00#"")12 3'4$ &$'()*#. 1o access your proflle, cllck on Lhe dropdown Lrlangle, My roflle or your phoLo lf you've uploaded one. ?our roflle wlll now be dlsplayed, you can also llnk Lo your AcLlvlLy Wall. 56)7 &$'()*#. 1o edlL or updaLe your roflle, cllck on LdlL roflle. /07),)73 -8**. 1he AcLlvlLy Wall dlsplays: olorum posLs by Lhe user, lncludlng a llnk Lo Lhe posL. noLe - lf Lhe lorum ls secure and has resLrlcLed permlsslon access rlghLs Lhe posL wlll only be dlsplayed Lo users who have access Lo Lhe lorum, oLher users wlll noL be able Lo see Lhese resLrlcLed posLs oLvenL/calendar enLrles creaLed by Lhe user oosLs from your lrlends, lf you accepLed a user as a lrlend, Lhey can posL a commenL dlrecLly on your AcLlvlLy Wallo?our posLs lncludlng flles and phoLos - Lhese posLs can be marked, 1) Lveryone - all users wlll see Lhe posL or 2) lrlends - only your accepLed llends wlll see Lhe posL /66)12 8 9$)#16 816 9'**'-)12 81'7:#$ !"#$. 1o be added as a lrlend or lollow anoLher user use Lhe SLaff ulrecLory Lo locaLe Lhe user and Lhen cllck on Lhelr proflle llnk. lrom Lhe users roflle age selecL from Lhe opLlons - Add as lrlend or lollow. noLe - Lhe user wlll need Lo accepL Lhe lrlend requesL. &'"7)12 '1 8 9$)#16" /07),)73 ;8**. ?ou can osL dlrecLly on anoLher users AcLlvlLy Wall lf you have been accepLed as a lrlend. 1o access anoLher users AcLlvlLy Wall follow Lhe process above and selecL AcLlvlLy Wall. 8elow ls an example where !enny krlsLln has posLed a commenL on !ohn SmlLh's AcLlvlLy Wall.