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Page 2: User Guide - Table of Contents 1 - marketplace.magento.com€¦ · both Magento 1 and 2, connects Magento web store and physical stores in real time. ... • Coherent you interface

User Guide - Table of Contents 1

ConnectPOS – High-speed Magento POS for Omnichannel Retail

Copyright © 2017 SmartOSC Corporation

Table of Contents

About ConnectPOS ................................................................................................................................ 5

Main ConnectPOS features ................................................................................................................. 5

Technical specifications ...................................................................................................................... 6

Flow chart of ConnectPOS functionality .............................................................................................. 7

Setup ConnectPOS ................................................................................................................................ 8

Install API On Your Magento ............................................................................................................... 8

Activate API ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Go To X-Retail Cloud .......................................................................................................................... 8

Setup Outlet ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Make Your First Sale ........................................................................................................................... 8

Browse Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Access Browse mode of ConnectPOS .................................................................................................. 9

Select Website, Outlet and Register .................................................................................................. 10

Add Product To Cart ......................................................................................................................... 10

Supported Product Types .............................................................................................................. 10

Custom Options ............................................................................................................................ 10

Add product by barcode scanning ................................................................................................... 11

Add product by searching ............................................................................................................... 11

Add product by browsing through categories ................................................................................. 12

Add product by Custom Sale .......................................................................................................... 13

Add Complex Products ................................................................................................................... 13

Edit order ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Remove product ........................................................................................................................... 14

Item Adjustment ........................................................................................................................... 14

Add Customer ...............................................................................................................................15

Save order / Retrieve Saved Order ................................................................................................. 16

Send Order To Customer’s Wish List ............................................................................................... 17

Add Order’s Note ........................................................................................................................... 17

Discount for the whole cart ........................................................................................................... 18

Clear Order ................................................................................................................................... 18

Add Shipment .............................................................................................................................. 19

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Checkout mode .................................................................................................................................... 21

Payments ......................................................................................................................................... 21

Select payment method ................................................................................................................ 21

Using TYRO payment gateway ...................................................................................................... 22

Reward Point (or Store Credit) ....................................................................................................... 22

Print And Send Receipts ................................................................................................................... 23

Print Receipt ................................................................................................................................. 23

Email Receipt................................................................................................................................ 23

Print Gift Receipt .......................................................................................................................... 24

Update Magento stock ..................................................................................................................... 24

Multi Inventories ........................................................................................................................... 24

Reprint Receipt................................................................................................................................. 24

Register (Cash Drawer) Functionalities .................................................................................................. 26

Open A New Shift ............................................................................................................................. 26

Make manual cash transaction ...........................................................................................................27

Close Shift .........................................................................................................................................27

Print Shift Report ............................................................................................................................. 28

Order list.............................................................................................................................................. 29

Refund and Exchange ........................................................................................................................ 31

Data Functionality ................................................................................................................................. 33

Download data .................................................................................................................................. 33

Update data ...................................................................................................................................... 33

Switch to Offline mode ...................................................................................................................... 33

Set up the Magento Backend .................................................................................................................35

Tax Setup ..........................................................................................................................................35

Product Tax Class...........................................................................................................................35

Customer Tax Class ........................................................................................................................35

Address for Calculating Tax ............................................................................................................35

API Configuration ..............................................................................................................................35

License Key ...................................................................................................................................35

ConnectPOS Configuration .................................................................................................................. 36

Product & Category .......................................................................................................................... 36

Show Disabled Product ................................................................................................................. 36

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Show Out Of Stock Product .......................................................................................................... 36

Product Type ................................................................................................................................ 36

Product Visibility ........................................................................................................................... 36

Sort Products Based On & Sorting Type .......................................................................................... 37

Search Product .............................................................................................................................. 37

Custom Sales in ConnectPOS ......................................................................................................... 37

Sort Categories Based On & Sorting Type ....................................................................................... 37

Customers & Orders .......................................................................................................................... 37

Search Customer ........................................................................................................................... 37

New Customer .............................................................................................................................. 38

Search Order ................................................................................................................................ 38

Outlet & Register .............................................................................................................................. 38

Outlet Name................................................................................................................................. 39

Outlet Status ................................................................................................................................ 39

Tax Calculation ............................................................................................................................. 39

Allow Guest Customer .................................................................................................................. 39

Paper Receipt’s Template.............................................................................................................. 39

Cashier (Or User) .......................................................................................................................... 39

Store View .................................................................................................................................... 39

Register ........................................................................................................................................ 39

Warehouse ................................................................................................................................... 40

Outlet Address ............................................................................................................................. 40

Payments ......................................................................................................................................... 40

Pairing Tyro terminal with ConnectPOS ......................................................................................... 40

Checkout.......................................................................................................................................... 41

Allow Split Payment...................................................................................................................... 41

Allow Partial (Layaway) Payment .................................................................................................. 41

Show Discount Incl Discount Per Item ............................................................................................ 41

Receipt ............................................................................................................................................ 41

Select Template............................................................................................................................ 41

Template Name ............................................................................................................................ 41

Logo............................................................................................................................................. 42

Header ......................................................................................................................................... 42

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Customer Info ............................................................................................................................... 42

Order Info ..................................................................................................................................... 42

Show Row Total ............................................................................................................................ 43

Show Sub Total ............................................................................................................................ 43

Footer .......................................................................................................................................... 43

Footer Image ................................................................................................................................ 43

Order Barcode .............................................................................................................................. 43

Barcode Symbology ...................................................................................................................... 43

Powered Text ............................................................................................................................... 43

Integration ....................................................................................................................................... 43

Warehouse Extension ................................................................................................................... 44

Reward Points Extension ............................................................................................................... 44

Known issues / FAQs ............................................................................................................................ 45

I cannot see products in ConnectPOS ............................................................................................ 45

Avoid dialogue boxes when printing – Silent printing ...................................................................... 45

I get a blank page when I start the ConnectPOS ............................................................................. 46

I cannot see my receipt ................................................................................................................. 46

Further information .............................................................................................................................. 47

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User Guide - About ConnectPOS 5

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Copyright © 2017 SmartOSC Corporation

About ConnectPOS

Developed by SmartOSC, ConnectPOS is the high-speed

Magento point of sale for omnichannel retail. It matches with

both Magento 1 and 2, connects Magento web store and

physical stores in real time.

ConnectPOS works on PC, Mac and iPad.

ConnectPOS works well with a wide range of peripherals:

• Barcode scanner

• Credit card Reader

• Receipt printer

• Cash Drawers

• Touch-screens

For further information on recommended peripheral devices,

please go to www.connectpos.com/hardware.

Main ConnectPOS features

• Coherent you interface for quick performance

• Support Magento’s product types: simple, configurable, bundle, group, virtual product, including

simple or configurable product with custom options

• Support “Custom Sale” product which is product does not exist in Magento database

• Support all product’s pricing in Magento: catalog price, tier price, group price, special price and

product’s custom price directly in POS

• Keep track on product stock and product details

• Search products by configurable fields, by scanning barcode

• Search and edit existing customers, as well as creating new ones

• Track customer’s lifetime sales and interacting with customer’s wish list

• Provide powerful order’s functions: note, save order, reload order, send to customer’s wish list,

duplicate order, mark order as fulfilled, …

• Support discounting per item and whole order

• Support refund and exchange items from POS screen

• Support unlimited dummy payment methods and Tyro payment gateway

• Support multiple payments in one order (split payments) and partial payment (layaway)

• Support multiple types and templates of receipt

• Provide an exclusive feature for Outlet, Register, Shift in retail

• Support multiple Outlets with separated stocks (require integrating with 3rd party Multi Inventories


• Provide order statuses which are exclusive for retail

• Integrate with Reward Point and Multi Inventories extension

• Auto-update product’s stock after placing order online or offline

• Provide a set of yous, roles, permissions for whole retail system

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• Support End of Day report

Technical specifications

• Browser compatibility: Firefox or Chrome (recommended, other browsers are just not guaranteed

to work).

• Barcode scanning compatible with standard USB/KBW scanning devices

• Receipt Printer: ConnectPOS works with any receipt printers supported by Windows and Mac.

• Supported receipt print sizes: 80mm (3 inches), 58mm (2 inches)

• Cash drawer: ConnectPOS does not interact directly with any cash drawers, but can be configured

to control a cash drawer via a receipt printer.

• Card Reader: support all terminal devices which are verified by Tyro payment gateway

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Flow chart of ConnectPOS functionality

ConnectPOS supports the following workflow below to create an order:

Figure 1. ConnectPOS Usage Flow

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Copyright © 2017 SmartOSC Corporation

Setup ConnectPOS

Figure 2. Setup ConnectPOS

Install API On Your Magento

After purchasing or registering Free Trial from ConnectPOS website, you will receive the API package to

install to your Magento. Refer to our “Install Guide” document for instructions of installing API on your

Magento site.

Activate API

After API is installed completely to your Magento, go to the API configuration in your Magento to activate

it. For more details, refer the “Install Guide” document.

Go To X-Retail Cloud

Since ConnectPOS is a hybrid cloud solution, so you should go to our cloud at

http://accounts.connectpos.com/ to setup your Outlet

Setup Outlet

From X-Retail Cloud, navigate to left menu bar > ConnectPOS settings > Outlet & Register and setup at

least 1 outlet here. Refer to Outlet & Register Configuration section in this document for more details.

Make Your First Sale

After settings up Outlet, just open ConnectPOS from top menu bar. See sections below for more details of

ConnectPOS’s usage.

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Browse Mode

Browse mode is the default screen which displayed when you enter ConnectPOS after selecting a register.

The browse mode is optimized for quick order and checkout process.

Access Browse mode of ConnectPOS

Log in the cloud with youname (or email) and password, then click on ConnectPOS from top bar menu.

Figure 3. Access ConnectPOS

Upon click, ConnectPOS will load. For the first load, it will take some time to synchronize your Magento

data (Magento products, customers, ...) into the browser database, depending on the amount of data.

Figure 4. ConnectPOS User Interface

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Select Website, Outlet and Register

ConnectPOS is designed for omnichannel; thus, it can work with multiple registers and outlets at the same

time. At the first time ConnectPOS is opened, you can choose the website, then Outlet and Register that

you want ConnectPOS to run on.

Figure 5. Outlet Selection Screen

While using ConnectPOS, you can easily switch to other outlets by clicking on hamburger icon (at top left

corner), then click on “Change Outlet” to open Outlet Selection screen.

Once an Outlet is chosen, ConnectPOS will use specified data from your Magento’s storeview which is

assigned to Outlet in configuration such as product data (name, price,..), currency setup, date time format,

customer data…

Add Product To Cart

You can add a product to cart either by scanning a barcode or by typing in a search query using the search

field. ConnectPOS can be configured to use the attributes you wish to search (see Configuration section).

Supported Product Types

ConnectPOS supports almost all product types from Magento, including: Simple Product, Simple Product

with custom option, Configurable Product (with additional price setup (fixed amount or percentage),

Configurable with custom option, Group Product, Bundle Product, Virtual Product, Virtual product with

custom option. It even let user add a product not existing in Magento database yet with Custom Sale.

Type of custom options supported: Text: text field, text area; Select: drop-down, radio

buttons, checkbox, multiple select; Date: date, time, date & time (except File: file)

Custom Options

ConnectPOS also supports Custom Options tab for a Simple, Configurable or Virtual product. It will be

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Copyright © 2017 SmartOSC Corporation

similar to a complex product: a popup will display when you add a product with custom options to the cart.

The SKU field from a Custom Option product is not similar to a default SKU from Magento,

and it will not be used in search or barcode scanning.

Add product by barcode scanning

Place cursor in Name/Product ID field and read the barcode figured on the product package, the barcode

scanned will display on the search field. The search will run automatically (standard configuration) and if it

returns only one result, the item will be added as an order line in cart with quantity equal to 1.

Figure 6. Add Product to Order

If the product is found existing in the current order, the system will increase the quantity by 1 and the Total

will be automatically recalculated. The search keyword will be selected after product entry, ready for the

next scan/search.

Scanning a wrong barcode will display that no search results for barcode was available.

Figure 7. Search Field

The field used for barcodes need to only contain unique values for being able to add products

on barcode scan.

Add product by searching

By entering the product’s name or PRODUCT ID in the search box, you will be able to find the product that

matches completely with your search keyword.

If there is only one item that matches search query, it will be added to the current order instantly.

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Figure 8. Auto search – Auto add

The system will list results for keyword search.

Figure 9. Auto search - suggestion list

Clicking on the product on the suggestion list will add this product to the current order with default

quantity 1. Quantity can be added by scanning/searching for product again, or by editing quantity directly

in order view – see below.

Add product by browsing through categories

For ConnectPOS, you can easily browse product through categories to add to cart. The categories are also

displayed in multi levels so that you can easily look for the expected one while browsing.

Same as above, the grid of products belong to selected category will display on the left pane, and you just

need to click on product to add it to cart.

Figure 10. Categories

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Add product by Custom Sale

If a product does not exist in Magento database yet, you can still add it to the cart by creating a dummy

product and setting its price – named “Custom Sale”.

After clicking “Customer Sale” button, there will be a pop-up to allow you enter product’s name and

product’s price to add new product to cart as usual.

Figure 11. Add Custom Sale Product

Add Complex Products

Complex products are Configurable products, Group products or Bundled products. Adding the above

complex products works both in online and offline mode.

Figure 12. Popup for Configurable Product

When a complex product is selected to add, the product will display a selection popup. Here you can

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configure what type of the complex product you wish to add.

The complex product price will be calculated right away.

Edit order

In the ConnectPOS interface, you can edit order information.

Remove product

When hovering or selecting an item in the order list, a small cross appear in the left side. Click on this small

cross if you want to remove the product from the current order.

Figure 13. Delete Item In Order

The product will be deleted from the current order with all the quantities.

Item Adjustment

Item Adjustment in cart allows you to update quantity, apply custom price, split items into other rows,

and give discount per item. Note that you should click on item row to open the menu of “Item


Figure 14. Item Adjustment

Update Quantity

The product quantity can be updated in three ways:

1. By adding more products through barcode scan or search (i.e. see section 2. Create product)

2. By clicking on product in Product listing view

3. By changing the number in the quantity field of each item row

If quantity value changed, the system will automatically recalculate subtotal for product with the new

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quantity value.

Apply Custom price

You can override current product’s price by enter new value into “Price” field

1. Open menu of “Item Adjustment”

2. Click on price field for the product which you wish to change.

3. Enter amount that you wish to be the new price (e.g. “199.99”).

The custom price is displayed including or excluding tax based on setting at: Magento Back-

end > Settings > configuration > Tax > Calculation settings > Catalog Prices (including tax or

excluding tax). Catalog price is incl/excl tax of order

While editing custom price, price which is entered by you will be treated as including or

excluding tax based on setting: Magento Back-end > Settings > Configurations > Tax >

Calculation settings > Catalog Prices (including tax or excluding tax) but Catalog price is

incl/excl tax of store (improvement for next version: editing custom price should be catalog

price, incl or excl tax of order, not store)

Split Items

When menu of “Item Adjustment” is opened, you can enter the quantity of item to split from current


Discount per item

User can enter a fixed amount or percentage amount to give a separated discount for each item, just by

clicking on the cell in Discount field of each item.

Add Customer

You can select if the order should be checked-out with a guest account (default), or an existing customer

or a new account. Customer data of your Magento webstore and physical store(s) are synced in real time,

making it easier for you to manage. You can use built-in promotion system of Magento to offer

promotions for customer groups.

Besides default Guest Checkout, there are 2 other options to checkout with: Existing Customer or Create

New Customer.

• Checkout as Guest is selected by default to save operation time. In case of checkout as guest, the

customer information will not be saved. No action is needed for Guest checkout.

• Checkout as Existing User: you can link current order to other orders from online shops and enrich

the customer history. The existing customer can be searched through customer ID (figured on a

customer card) or email/telephone number.

• Checkout as a New Customer: you can enter the customer information quickly, even in Offline

Mode and select the customer group for the new one. The information will be synced immediately

to Magento customer database.

Follow these steps to add a specified customer (either existing customer or a new one) to order:

1. Click “Select Customer” button on top bar menu of POS screen

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2. Try to search customer from Magento database, if searching returns no customer, you can click

“Create New” button to create a new one

Figure 15. Search Customer

3. While creating a new customer, fill all fields in “Account Information” tab (the “Address” tab can be

left blank)

4. Then click “Save” button to add the customer to the order

Figure 16. Create New Customer

Save order / Retrieve Saved Order

In case a customer wants to postpone an order for later checkout, you can save his current order. Follow

these steps to save an order:

1. Add items to your basket

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2. Click the Save Order button on the top of ConnectPOS interface.

3. The order will be saved to the current register

Figure 17. Save Order

If you want to retrieve a saved order, click the “Onhold Orders” button which is next to the left of “Save

Order” button on top bar. The saved order is now viewable in the Onhold Order List of current register.

Note that saved orders are created and stored in local computer which is running

ConnectPOS on a specified register. Saved orders is not synced online that means other

computers cannot see them even if they’re working on same register.

Send Order To Customer’s Wish List

One Omni channel feature of ConnectPOS is it can interact with online customer’s wish list. Items in an

order can be sent to customer’s wish list for later online purchase or items in wish list can be added to

order for direct in-store purchase.

To send items in order to customer’s wish list, first you should add items and add customer to order, then

simply click on “Send Order” button which is next to the right of “Save Order” button.

Figure 18. Send Order To Customer’s Wish List

To add items from customer’s wish list to cart, simple do the followings:

1. Click customer’s name in order to open Customer’s pop-up

2. On customer’s pop-up, click “Others” tab to see customer’s wish list

3. Navigate to the item that customer wants to add to cart and click “Add To Cart” button

Add Order’s Note

Order’s Note is helpful for you in case there is something special on current order. To add order’s note,

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please click on the “Add Note” button next to the right of “Send Order” button.

Figure 19. Send Order To Customer’s Wish List

Discount for the whole cart

The full order can be applied a discount directly from the order view window.

1. Click into the discount field

2. Enter coupon code from Magento or the amount in percentage or flat amount you wish to


Figure 20. Discount Full Order

The discount will be applied as a voucher code to take advantage of Magento’s existing promotions setup,

and give correct calculations in the full order flow.

Tip: Create common used discounts as a voucher, and store it as barcodes, and then use

barcode scanner for quickly adding discount.

Clear Order

Click on the “Trash” button at top right corner of POS screen if you want to delete the existing order.

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Figure 21. Clear Order

A confirmation message will be displayed.

Figure 22. Confirmation Pop Up

After clicking “Yes” button, the current order will be removed and the ConnectPOS will be ready for new


Add Shipment

In ConnectPOS, you can offer home delivery for in-store purchase.

Follow these steps to add shipment to order:

1. On sell screen, click the “Truck” icon at bottom bar to open shipment form. The shipment form will

list all addresses of current order’s customer, and you can also add a new shipping address

2. Hover mouse over addresses to edit or use as shipping address. User can also click “Add new

Address” button.

3. Input shipment amount (which is calculated manually)

4. Click Save then order will have shipment amount

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Figure 23. Shipment Form

5. If you want to edit shipping information, simply click “Truck” icon again

Figure 24. Order Has Shipment

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Checkout mode

When you finish adding items to an order, you can click the bottom-right “PAY” button, and the layout will

be switched into Checkout screen.

The Order list is still visible but grayed out, so the cashier can concentrate on the payment information. If

your cashiers need to change the order items, they can switch back by clicking “Back” button.


Select payment method

Available payment methods (which are setup in configuration) are displayed when you enter Checkout


Figure 25. List Of Payments

ConnectPOS supports multiple payment methods for one order (split payment) and partial payment (lay-


If customer pays by cash, you can enter the amount in Cash in box, the Remain/Balance will be calculated

automatically to give you the value of change or remaining amount.

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Figure 26. Change and Remaining Amount

Also for Cash payment method, you can see a list of suggestion amount that customer can pay for order

(Quick cash).

If the order is fully paid, it will be marked complete as a normal Magento order. The product stock will be

updated in Magento system similar to an online order.

Using TYRO payment gateway

First TYRO terminal should be configured and paired with ConnectPOS in Settings, see here for more


At checkout screen, after selecting Tyro payment, you just need to click “Complete” button to start

processing payment.

Reward Point (or Store Credit)

In order to build customer loyalty, ConnectPOS supports paying with Reward Points (aka Store Credit).

Reward Points will be displayed on checkout screen as an option that can be selected, and only applied to a

specified customer (not a guest customer).

In version 1.0.0, ConnectPOS is integrated with 3rd party extension named “Reward Points” from

Aheadworks to handle Reward Point feature (supported version is 1.0.0 for Magento 2).

Following the steps below to spend Reward Point on an order placed through ConnectPOS:

1. Add items to order

2. Add a specified customer to Order

3. Go to Checkout screen

4. Click “USE REWARD POINTS” button on Checkout screen

5. Points of customer will be used to deduct the Grand Total that customer needs to pay

6. Click “Complete” or “Partial” button to process order

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Figure 27. Using Reward Point In Order

Print And Send Receipts

ConnectPOS will process order and display the sum-up screen. On sum-up screen, you will see the Grand

Total as well as some options in regards to receipts:

Print Receipt

Click “Print Receipt” button, then a pop-up window of your browser will appear for printing receipt.

Figure 28. Receipting Printing Pop-up

Email Receipt

Click “Email” button, then an input box will be displayed for you to enter customer’s email address. The

receipt will be sent to this address after clicking “Send” button.

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Figure 29. Email Receipt

Print Gift Receipt

Printing Gift Receipt will be the same as printing a normal receipt except it does not include prices.

The body of the order lines are based on the standard Magento setup for invoice.

Update Magento stock

In the backend, after completing checkout of order and issuing the receipt, the order will be considered as

completed. The stock of ordered products will be deducted similar to normal Magento order flow.

Multi Inventories

Multi inventories (multi warehouses) are most used when a merchant has more than one physical store

and wants to separate stock for each store.

ConnectPOS supports multiple inventories by integrating with 3rd party Inventory Management extension

from Magestore. By this way, ConnectPOS will be able to deduct product stock to correct inventory

(warehouse) of a physical store when an order is placed.

After enabling multi warehouses feature in Configuration page, you need to assign a specified warehouse

to each outlet and then products from selected Outlet will have their stocks updated properly in the

selected warehouse.

Please note that the integrated version of Inventory Management is 1.1.1 for Magento 2 (CE).

Reprint Receipt

You can through the order list also reprint an invoice for an order.

1. From sidebar menu, go to Order List

2. Find order

3. Select Receipt

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Figure 30. Reprint Receipt

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Register (Cash Drawer) Functionalities

User can access Register report and tool by clicking on hamburger icon > select Register/Shift icon from

sidebar menu

It gives access to an overview of all payment methods and is intended to be used for keeping track of the

amount of payment methods in store.

Besides, all transactions that are paid by cash and all manual cash changes done by you will be shown in

the report.

The report is by default sorted with the latest reports first.

Figure 31. Register and Shift Report

Open A New Shift

At start of your business day, you should need to open a new shift, enter the start float amount of the


Follow these steps to handle it on ConnectPOS:

1. From sidebar menu, click on Register/Shift section

2. In Shift section, you will see all shifts of register

3. If there is no shift opening, simply click on “OPEN” button on the top of left panel

4. Enter the starting amount of your shift, leave note if needed

5. Click “DONE” button

Once a shift is opened, you can start selling items in store, all order’s information will be recorded and

track in current opening shift.

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Figure 32. Open New Shift

Make manual cash transaction

1. Click on the “ADJUST” button of an opening shift

2. Select if transaction is taking money IN or OUT of cash drawer and input amount

3. Add note for transaction if needed

4. Click “DONE” button -> Transfer record will be added to list of activities

Figure 33. Cash Adjustment

Close Shift

At the end of day, or shift, you might want to sum-up amount of all payments in the current shift, follow

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the below steps to handle this task:

1. Go to current opening shift

2. Click on “CLOSE SHIFT” button, a pop-up of “CLOSE SHIFT” will appear

3. Focus on counted box of each payment gateway, fill all the counted amount of each payment

4. Then enter the amount of “CASH TAKEOUT” – that amount will be taken away from register

5. Add note if needed

6. Click “CLOSE SHIFT” button

Figure 34. Close Shift

Print Shift Report

While the shift is open, you are able to print a quick report of shift. The quick report (X-Report) contains all

information of payment, activities of shift (count to current time)

If shift is closed, you will be able to print the end of day report (Z-Report). This report includes not only all

information of payment, activities but also the counted and “take out” amount of all payments.

Tip: Print X Report when you want a quick snapshot of your cash drawer balance during shift

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User Guide - Order list 29

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Order list

From the sidebar menu, click Order List. By default, all the orders placed within the last 7 days in the

current outlet will be listed with a slider on the left side.

Figure 35. Order List Section

You can change the dates to view the orders made within a specific date range.

Figure 36. Select the date range

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Tick “Search online” to view all orders placed online and in all the outlets, including the current one.

Figure 37. Search Online Orders

The following actions can be taken:

• Search Order by client order ID, order barcode, Magento order ID, customer ID, customer's name,

email, phone number. You can search both orders placed on website and made in store by the


Tip: Client Order ID is Order ID from ConnectPOS only. It’s used for physical store, help to

create orders faster, and can be generated in Offline Mode. When an order is synced to

Magento, a Magento Order ID will be assigned to that order in addition to its Client Order ID.

Figure 38. Client Order ID and Magento Order ID

• Filter order by date, status (and search keyword)

• Selected Order

o Duplicate: copy customer and products of selected order to new order, excluding discount,

promotion of selected order

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o Receipt: allow you to reprint normal receipt, gift receipt, refund receipt and also resend email


o Add Payment: It’s a button that is only visible for order has not been paid fully. Clicking on it

will start the process filling remaining amount of order

o Mark as Fulfilled: It’s visible when order has shipment but not shipped. Clicking “this button”

will create shipment in Magento for order

o Refund: clicking on this button will start process of Refunding or Exchanging items. See below

for more details

Refund and Exchange

To process a refund in the ConnectPOS, follow these steps:

1. From sidebar menu, click Order List to view all orders

2. Select the order need to be refunded or exchanged

3. Click “Refund” button (Please note that only orders marked “Completed” can be refunded or


4. By default, all items in the chosen order are selected to process refund. Click on any item to

unselect it and click on quantity box to change the quantity to be refunded or exchanged.

5. By default, “Update Stock” checkbox is checked. Uncheck it if necessary.

6. If a customer wants to exchange for a new item, add the new item to cart

7. Click “Refunded Total” button to edit refund shipping or adjustment

8. Click Refund/Pay button to process to Checkout screen

9. Choose the payment method that the customer wants to be refunded to

Figure 39. Refund and Exchange

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User Guide - Data Functionality 33

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Data Functionality

Download data

The first time you start ConnectPOS, it will download all necessary data from Magento such as customers,

products, etc. The data is stored locally on your PC in a web browser.

Update data

The below data will be updated in real time (meaning any change from back-end will be updated to

ConnectPOS automatically):

• Product: product’s name, pricing, stock

• Customer: customer’s name, address, information, customer group

• Tax configuration: tax rate, tax rule, tax settings

• Settings of ConnectPOS (Outlet settings, Payment settings, etc)

Switch to Offline mode

A continuous check is running to see if your POS station has a connection to the internet. In case you lose

your connection, ConnectPOS will switch to Offline mode automatically and use the data it has stored

locally to make transactions. This feature enables you to handle your sales even without internet. Instead

of using the online database from Magento, ConnectPOS switches to using the local database of all

products, prices, customer data and payment methods.

The loaded data does not copy promotion price rules (shopping cart and catalog discounts) therefore

discounts for whole order (by coupon code or manually) are not available in offline mode. There are also

few features below which are not supported in offline mode:

• Refund, Exchange, and Add Payment of partially paid order, because ConnectPOS needs to

synchronize invoice with Magento

• Open/Adjust/Close Shift and tracking amount of payment in shift, due to data consistency

• Change Outlet, because ConnectPOS needs to download data from new Outlet

• Process online payment gateway

While in Offline mode ConnectPOS stores all the orders that have been made, and when Internet

connectivity has been regained, the offline orders will be pushed to Magento automatically.

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Figure 40. Offline Order In Order List

The offline order will be marked with a small yellow point on the left of order list.

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Set up the Magento Backend

Tax Setup

In Magento, the tax of items in an order is calculated based on:

• Product tax class

• Customer tax class

• And “the address for calculating tax”

Since the order from ConnectPOS does not always have a specific address (compared to Magento

frontend checkout), then it is necessary to setup “default address for calculating tax”.

Product Tax Class

Each product has its own field to setup the tax class, this field will impact to tax rule while calculating tax

for product in order.

Customer Tax Class

The tax can be set differently for different customer groups following default Magento.

ConnectPOS will follow the rules from Magento backend. The tax setup is very flexible in Magento,

and we refer to Magento online documentation for configuration hereof.

Guest Customer in ConnectPOS configuration

Guest Customer is a customer who is created for each outlet, will be used for creating anonymous orders.

It’s hidden in Magento back-end but can be configure name, customer group from Outlet section in

ConnectPOS settings.

Address for Calculating Tax

“Address for Calculating Tax” can be configured from Outlet section in ConnectPOS settings, there are 2

options to choose:

• Outlet: meaning Magento (and ConnectPOS) will take address of outlet as “address for calculating

tax” of items in order. By this way, if there are multiple outlets have different tax rates, you does

not need to create many websites in Magento to assign its storeview to Outlet

• Magento: meaning using configuration of Magento to take address for calculating tax. It can be

found at Magento back-end > System > Configurations > Sales > Tax > Tax Calculation Based On

API Configuration

License Key

After installing our API to your Magento site, please go to Configurations > ConnectPOS, input your

license key (that will be sent to your mail box when you purchase a license) and enable the API.

In case you have any troubles using the key, please contact [email protected].

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ConnectPOS Configuration

The configuration page of ConnectPOS extension can be accessed from X-RETAIL Cloud > ConnectPOS


This page can also be accessed by going to ConnectPOS > Sidebar Menu > Settings.

Product & Category

The “Product & Category” pane has all the settings that are considered the configuration of products and

categories in ConnectPOS.

Figure 41. Product & Category Configuration

Show Disabled Product

If enabled, ConnectPOS will show all disabled products from Magento on sell screen, otherwise disabled

products will be hidden

Show Out Of Stock Product

If enabled, Out Of Stock Product will be shown on sell screen of ConnectPOS, otherwise they will be


Note that Out Of Stock products follows the “Stock Status” attribute of product in Magento.

Product Type

Select the product types that will be included in products displayed in ConnectPOS. If you for example only

wish to search in Simple products, only select “Simple products”..

Default value: All selected

Product Visibility

Set whether filter should look at the value for Visibility set for the products. Visibility set is taken from

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Default value: All selected

Sort Products Based On & Sorting Type

Select product’s attribute that will be used for sorting increasingly or decreasingly

Figure 42. Product & Category Configuration - 2

Search Product

Select the product attribute fields that will be included in your search. The fewer fields that you select, the

faster the search will go.

Barcode: if you want to be able to scan product’s barcode, then you should also indicate which attribute

field of product will be used as barcode.

Custom Sales in ConnectPOS

This section contains settings for feature of creating new product from ConnectPOS. Tax class setting is

used to set tax class for this new product.

Sort Categories Based On & Sorting Type

Select the category position or category name that will be used for sorting increasingly or decreasingly

Customers & Orders

The configurations grouped under “Customer” pane are all related to how customers are handled in


Search Customer

Select the customer attribute fields that will be included in your search. Like product searching, the fewer

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fields that you select, the faster the search will go.

New Customer

Just for quickly creating new customer, default country should be set to the current country of your outlet.

Figure 43. Customer Configuration

Search Order

Select the order attribute fields that will be included in your search. Like product searching, the fewer

fields that you select, the faster the search will go.

Maximum result should be set for increasing performance of searching.

Outlet & Register

This section allows shop owners to manage all of their outlets and registers.

Figure 44. List Of Outlets

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Each outlet has its own configuration as below:

Outlet Name

User can enter outlet’s name in this field, it’s used to distinguish with other outlets in reporting afterward.

Outlet Status

Choose between “Enabled” or “Disabled”. Only enabled registered can be chosen on Outlet Selection

screen of ConnectPOS.

Tax Calculation

Choose Magento if you wants the tax calculation follow Magento settings at Admin Dashboard > System >

Configurations > Sales > Tax > Tax Calculation Based On (for Magento 2, this setting is located at Admin

Dashboard > Sidebar menu > STORES > Configuration > SALES > Tax)

Choose Outlet if you wants the tax calculation is based on “Outlet’s Address”. This option will help you not

have to create many websites in Magento to have different tax rates in each outlet

Allow Guest Customer

Set to “Yes” to allow creating order for non-register customer (in your Magento)

Default value: Yes

Guest Customer’s First Name & Last Name

Allow you to edit guest customer’s first name and last name

Guest Customer Group

Allow you to change customer group of guest customer. It might impact to tax calculation

Paper Receipt’s Template

Select one from the list of receipt’s templates for outlet’s order receipts. The receipt’s templates are able

to managed in Receipt section.

Cashier (Or User)

Assign your X-Retail yous to current outlet. Users who are assigned to outlet will see it on Outlet Selection

screen of ConnectPOS.

Store View

Select one from Magento’s storeviews where ConnectPOS will take data for outlet


Click on “Add Register” button to create new register. Each outlet should have at least one register

enabled, otherwise you can not process to Sell screen of ConnectPOS.

Register Name

Allow you to enter name of register, used to distinguish with other ones in report

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Register Status

Choose between “Enabled” or “Disabled”. Only enabled registered can be chosen on Register Selection

screen of ConnectPOS.

Always Print Receipt After Sale

Select whether receipt is printed as default for new orders.


This field will appear if you has integrated ConnectPOS with Inventory Management – a 3rd party

extension for Magento. This field allows you to select with warehouse with be assigned to Outlet

Outlet Address

Enter detailed address information of Outlet: Street, City, Zip/Postal Code, Country, Telephone and


This address will be used as address for applying tax rule if tax calculation of outlet is set to based on



Once opening ConnectPOS, it will display all enabled Payment Methods which are set in this pane. There

are 3 types of payment methods as below:

• Cash: Order which is created with cash payment method will be tracked in the Register

• Dummy payment method: is payment which does not connect directly to any terminal or payment

gateway, but can be used for representing as a external payment method. Dummy payment

method can be created by clicking “NEW PAYMENT” button. By default, there are 3 dummy

payment methods are Credit Card, Debit Card and Visa Card

• Tyro: is the Payment Gateway supported by ConnectPOS web-based version. See Tyro’s sub-

section below for more details on pairing Tyro terminal with ConnectPOS

Note that both types of enabled payments will be noted in the ConnectPOS report.

Pairing Tyro terminal with ConnectPOS

Try the following steps to connect your Tyro terminal to ConnectPOS:

1. In ConnectPOS settings, navigate to Payment > TYRO, fill your desired name into “Name” field

and enable this payment method

2. On your Tyro terminal, press the Menu button, find and open the “Integrated EFTPOS” menu.

3. Enter your admin PIN (which you can get from TYRO)

4. Select 'Authorize POS'. A Merchant ID (MID) and Terminal ID (TID) will appear on the screen

5. In ConnectPOS, input the Merchant ID (MID) and Terminal ID (TID), then click “Save” button

6. Wait a few seconds, then hit 'start' on the terminal. This will pair the Tyro terminal with your Vend


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Allow Split Payment

If enabled, you when placing order can select more than 1 payment method. Otherwise, only 1 payment

method is accepted for order.

Allow Partial (Layaway) Payment

If enabled, order can be paid partially and customer can come back next time to complete order’s


Show Discount Incl Discount Per Item

There are two main types of discount in ConnectPOS: Discount Per Item and Discount Whole Order. If

enabled, the Discount Amount in order’s information will contain both of these values. If disabled, then it

contains Discount Whole Order only.

Figure 45. Discount Amount of an Order


The receipt section is for configuration of both printed and email receipt. Receipts are managed in

templates, and each template has its own configuration that can be modified. When you modify a receipt

template, the live preview will be changed accordingly.

Select Template

Here you can select receipt template to modify or create a new one.

Template Name

Enter the name of receipt template.

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Upload outlet logo that will be printed on receipt.


It’s the receipt’s header text

Customer Info

You can choose which customer information will be displayed on receipt: phone number only, email only

or both.

Figure 46. Receipt Template Configuration – 1

Order Info

There are some options of order information that you can check or uncheck:

• Only show shipping address when order has shipment

• Show salesperson

• Show discount, shipment amount if they’re zero

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Figure 47. Receipt Template Configuration - 2

Show Row Total

Row Total can be set to display Including Tax or Excluding Tax.

Show Sub Total

Sub Total can be set to display Including Tax or Excluding Tax.


Enter footer’s message which will be printed on receipt

Footer Image

Upload footer image that will also be printed on receipt.

Order Barcode

Choose “enabled” if you want to print order’s barcode on receipt.

Barcode Symbology

When order barcode is enabled, choose barcode symbology from this field.

Powered Text

When enabled, the text of “Powered by SmartOSC 2017” will be shown on receipt.


This section allows you to integrate available 3rd extensions to ConnectPOS

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Warehouse Extension

Choose Magestore if you have Inventory Management from Magestore installed on Magento and want to

integrate ConnectPOS with it.

Reward Points Extension

Choose AheadWork if you have Reward Points extension from AheadWorks installed on Magento and

want to integrate ConnectPOS with it.

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Known issues / FAQs

I cannot see products in ConnectPOS

If you cannot see products, prices are incorrect, or other similar issues, always make sure you have tried

flushing the Magento cache.

For example it will be necessary to flush after updating Storeview, Taxes, Search features etc.

Avoid dialogue boxes when printing – Silent printing


In Chrome you can setup an instance of chrome running with kiosk-printing that suppresses dialog boxes.

Create a short cut to your Magento backend, and go in and modify the shortcut for destination with

additional parameters “--kiosk” and “--kiosk-printing”:

Figure 48. Chrome Silent Printing Configuration

Destination is set to:

\Path-to-Apps\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --kiosk --kiosk-printing


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The kiosk mode sets the short-cut to open Chrome in a fullscreen mode where the you cannot access any

menus (but Chrome can still be closed by ESC of ALT+F4, or switch to other program by SHIFT + TAB).

And the kiosk-printing suppresses all print dialogs and forces print to default printer.

Firefox silent-printing

To enable silent printing in Firefox, the following method is the fastest way to configure it:

1. In the address bar type about:config

2. Right-click anywhere and select a "New –> Boolean"

3. Write as parameter: print.always_print_silent

4. Set value to “True” by clicking enter when value is selected

Figure 49. Firefox Silent Priting Configuration

This will make Firefox print to default printer without any dialog boxes to click.

For disabling again, go back and set the parameter to “False”.

I get a blank page when I start the ConnectPOS

Refresh the browser window. It could be related to your browser loading the database of your system the

very first time.

I cannot see my receipt

Before using the ConnectPOS, you should set your browser to accept pop-ups. If not, the 1st invoice pop-up

cannot be shown and printed.

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User Guide - Further information 47

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Further information

If you have any other question, feel free to contact us at [email protected], or visit our website

https://www.connectpos.com for information on our other extensions and services.

You can create and submit tickets through our Help Center here: https://support.connectpos.com.