Usefull Stuff Datastage

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  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage



    I have numeric values embedded with string values for example:

    tokyo(2!",sfo(#$%" etc I want only numeric values from the strings.

    &or tokyo(2!" output should be 2! &or sfo(#$%" output should be #$% do we have

    any function or a method in 'atatage #.! parallel )ob developer to achieve this*

    SOL: Hi +a)ish, If all your data have the same format with what you give below, like

    all the numbers are being placed inside ( and ", then you can use &I-' function.




    &I-'(ol/ame, 0(0, 2" 1 the result would be:



    to remove the ", we can use the convert function, so the nal code would


    3/4+5(0"0,00,&I-'(ol/ame, 0(0, 2""


    Hi +a)ish,

    If all your data have the same format with what you give below, like all the

    numbers are being placed inside ( and ", then you can use &I-' function.

    'ata: tokyo(2!" sfo(#$%" &I-'(ol/ame, 0(0, 2" 1 the result would be:

    2! #$%

    6lease note that this is only applicable if all your data has the same

    format with what you provided as sample data. 7ll numbers are enclosed in ("

    and after the alphabet characters

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    2SOL)8se nested onvert(" functions9 the inner one returns the original string with

    numeric characters removed, the outer one removes all those from the original


    onvert(onvert(%!2;#$, , In-ink.5hetring", , In-ink.5hetring"

    2Q)I had a le which is split into # parts due to si?e constraints. o I want to read all

    the # parts into a single into a single tables by using a single datastage )ob. an

    any one please assist me*

    1SOL" Hi 5o read all les into single le dene following path in se@le.


    Hi, olution for this problem is

    5o read all # les into a single )ob 5ake one &lat le and mention &ile name like 5his


    x: &ile is split into


    /ow give it like this in le /ame: &ile*.txt It reads all # les in a single )ob.

    2SOL)Bou put your # dataset lesCse@uences les in one datastage )ob and then

    you passe all # output link into a funnel and from funnel you link out only one linkout which contains all your # les

    3SOL)3r use a single se@uential le with &ile name in 6attern mode (all parts have

    to follow a pattern in their names"


    I have a re@uirement where I have to fetch few les from a folder of similar pattern

    and having same metadata and then need to apply some transformations on it and

    then I have to produce same no of les fetched from the source folder and place

    them in target folder.

    x: dir! has 2!% les and i need to fetch some

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    3SOL). &irst read all the les that are to be processed.

    2. 7ssign 8ni@ue I' or number to each le.(se@uential".

    . 'esign a )ob. ;. 8sing loop activity read each le and process.

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    "Bou put your # dataset lesCse@uences les in one datastage )ob and then you

    passe all # output link into a funnel and from funnel you link out only one link out

    which contains all your # les


    I have a re@uirement where I have to fetch few les from a folder of similar pattern

    and having same metadata and then need to apply some transformations on it and

    then I have to produce same no of les fetched from the source folder and place

    them in target folder. x: dir! has 2!% les and i need to fetch some

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    A Initiali?e 4ariables A

    vvent'etail 0 0 v6artitiontart !$%%%% v6artitiontop !$%%%%

    SOL)A111A A et all )ob parameters from specied ini le into 6aram-ist A

    A111A 6aram-ist Ket6arameter7rray(p6arm&ile" 9 A get parameters from the .ini leIf 6aram-ist ++3+ 5hen all '-og&atal(rror occured getting parameter

    array from le 1 : p6arm&ile, 3p6erfube" nd pssbaseBear

    Ket6aram(6aram-ist, pssbaseBear"

    pssbaseDonth Ket6aram(6aram-ist, pssbaseDonth"

    p'wh'b Ket6aram(6aram-ist, p'wh'b"

    p'wh8serid Ket6aram(6aram-ist, p'wh8serid"

    p'wh6asswd Ket6aram(6aram-ist, p'wh6asswd"

    8Q)6lease let us know more information,

    ventually you have a column as integer or decimal and u are sending a character

    which is not correct or if you are sending a integer and you have decimal in your

    target then the format is not correct, you have had 0.0 a point. &or the second

    suggestion is concerning if you are using >.< you will not have this issue on #.!. Lust

    let me know more information about your )ob and all warning you get so then I can

    solve it more easy for you.

    I am getting a warning in my )ob while converting string to decimal : /umeric string

    expected, got 1! . 8se 'ecimal default value. an anyone help me how to avoidthis. I need sign value in decimal eld.

    1SOL) Hi, in source iCp format is !21)une12%%$,but i need in target like this format

    !211%=12%%$,How can we change I tried like this... i have used transformer stage in

    tringtodate function,but i didn0t get corrct oCp...defalut i am getting system oCp.....

    Ohat is actual process 2" Hi, I think I3/4 or 33/4 internal functions can be

    usedHI , Oe can use AtringtodateA function in stage variable then we can reverse

    the stagevariable to desired format . testdatetring5o'ate('-ink2.'ate,Pdd1

    Pmmmm1Pyyyy" naldatetestdateF$,2G:010:testdateF=,2G:010:testdateF!,;G

    9Q)I have a some data where the tate column may have a tate spelled out or anabbreviation 3r the state column may contain a country. o I do a lookup in a

    country lookup to see if the tate is a country and place it in the country column. I

    also do a tate lookup to see if the tate column has an abbreviation like 67, /L and

    then I pul the state.. Here is the problem. 5he state lookup table has an integer to

    lookup based on a number it also has the tate 7bbreviation and tate spelled out.

    5he 7bbreviation column is 2 har. I use this to see if any rows in the tate olumn

    of my data contain a state abbreviation. Ohat is happening is Ohen /epal comes

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    in as the state and looks up against the abbreviations it Datches on / and so I am

    getting /ebraska as the state when I don0t expect it. 'espite the fact that /epal

    does not e@ual /. I have tried changing the metadata in 'atastage so the

    7bbreviation is read into a < character eld and it does the same thing. It still thinks

    /epal is e@ual to / 7nyone have any idea what is going on here*

    9SLO)/epal will not match / unless you take only the rst two characters 2"

    Beah, that0s what I would have thought but 'atastage is not doing that. 'atastage is

    only looking at the rst 2 chars I guess because that0s the length of the lookup key.

    ut I changed the lookup key length to < and it still messes up.I got around this by

    putting anything in the state column len(tate" Q < into a diMerent eld to use for

    my look up. It works ne. I can0t gure out why 'atastage is acting as expected but

    I see strange things like this all the time." It is the problem with eld width check

    ur eld width it is taking 2 only thats why this problem coming

    10Q)Hi, 7ll I have a !% les, which is created by datastage. basically this is re)ect

    le from !% diM )obs running in ! se@uencer. now i wand to check for the data in thele and if data found then i want to email this le. how can i achieve this rek.

    10SOL)Bou can do it in unix or in 'atastage. In can loop through the list of all le

    names. 7nd do the following. if test 1s Ri then mail 1s ub)ect emailSremoved Q


    2"Hi +ocky, 7nyways in order to send an email initially please congure the email

    server in your 'atastage server. 7fter which you can congure it to send email from

    'atastage or from -inux server. would write a routine to check if the le has

    records, if it does, then create another routine to send the email with the

    attachment. Bou might be able to use the email stage but if not you can use thebasic command 'endDail(" which you can customi?e and send the attachment

    that way....

    11Q)Hi, is there any limitation in datastage when passing environment variable as

    parameters in xecute command activity stage in a se@uencer, in my )ob i am using

    execute command activity stage to fetch some values from a le and the command

    i am using is cat dirCsubdirClename, when i hard code the entire path its working

    ne , but when i pass environment variable to dene my directory and sub directory

    , it throws an error , is there any other way of acheving this

    11SOL)5here is a specic place holder for parameters. If that does not work, youcan even provide in command option itself. 'o a cross check on the value that0s

    been passed on to the parameter.

    !" Bou can verify from the 'irector log. Ohat is the error you are getting....cross

    check the value of parameter. It should be same as that when you hard code

    it (which in your case is working ne".

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    2" Hi , I have cross checked the values of parameters ,there is no issue with the

    values. I get the following error 7ctivityEexecute1command:xecutable 6ath

    cannot contain parameters I get this error when I compiling my )ob , as I said

    earlier its working ne when I hard coded the values mentioned in

    parameters.I am using ' #.%.! and Oin 2%% 3

    " Bou can use 8ser 4ariable 7ctivity 1 dene a user variable and set its value

    e@ual to parameter. 8se this user variable in execute command activity

    12Q)Hi 7ll,

    I always use 5ransformer stage for adding new eld with initial value (e@: adding

    reated'ate column with urrent5imestamp(" in each of record". ut after doing the

    stress test, I0ve found that this could be problem for the performance. Is there other

    way to do the same without using 5ransformer* I0d tried to use Dodify tage but

    unfortunately it can0t be done if not derive from Inputolumn.

    SOL)Bou can use also column generator. Bou add new column eg:mydate and you

    give it your current date.&or modify stage you have to dene in your output your

    new column manually and it will work, you do not need to map your input to your

    output, )ust give the same name to out put as your specication name, it should


    If I use column generator, do it will automatically combine with the original record**

    I will check it out, thanks for the enlightment 9p 7s as I know, copy stage can only

    add new column with the existing value, not with new valueBes 7rash, I0d tried it

    with columngen and it works as I want 9" ut still it only accept staticChard code

    value in generator value. Is it possible if I want to get value from Lob parameter or

    routine*If you target is ', you don0t even have to deal the reate'ate in

    'atastage, rather you can handle in 'ata ase itself. Ohich will have even more

    appropriate timestamp.

    13Q)8/-7I&I'CC I have dates like this: 2%!!1%212! that need to be converted

    to timestamp. Ohat is the best way to covert this date*

    SOL) Bou can concatenete do this: 2%!!1%212! : %%:%%:%%.%%%


    tring5o5imetamp('ate5otring(2%!!1%212!,0Pyyyy1Pmm1Pdd0":00:0%%:%%:%%0,Pyyyy1Pmm1Pdd Phh:Pnn:Pss"

    14Q)Good Day everyone

    I have the following data that re@uires me to validate that every D4 comes either

    after an / or an other D4. what would be the best way to validate that * Is there

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    anyway to dene a temp4alue what will hold the value in the previous cell in order

    to compare the value in the previous cell with the one in the current cell* / ,D4

    ,D4 ,/ ,D4 ,4/ ,4/ ,4/ ,/, D4 ,4/ 4/ 4/ / D4 D4 D4 D4 D44/ 4/ / D4 D4

    / D4 D4 / D4 / D4 D44/ 4/ 4/ / ,

    SOL)Bes. In transformer, you can use stage variable to hold the previous value andcheck for the current records value 2)6rev4alueurr4alue urr4alueInput.&ield If

    urr4alue0D40 7nd (6rev4alue0D40 or 6rev4alue0/0" 5hen logic!0 lse 0-ogic20

    5hanks 'eepak, but I0m still have a little bite of confusion: by doing

    6rev4alueurr4alue urr4alueInput.&ield It looks like both 6rev4alue and

    urr4alue will always have the same value which is the Input.&ield right* if that0s the

    case, I0d be comparing the same value over and over which will result in true . an

    please explain a little bit*

    Hope the following clears your doubt. 6rev4alueurr4alue If urr4alue0D40 7nd

    (6rev4alue0D40 or 6rev4alue0/0" 5hen logic!0 lse 0-ogic20urr4alueInput.&ield ither case, while assigning the 6rev4alue, the urr4alue will

    be holding the value of previous records value. -ater urr4alue will be assigned with

    the urrent records value. 5he urr4alue will hold its value until the next

    assignment, which is only at next record. -et me know, if you need any further


    5hanks so much 'eepak for your explanations. I tested it , it works. I0m new to using

    this tool, I have a lot to learn, and I appreciate everyone0s help on this forum


    I need to run a multiple instance Lob > times simultaneously(in parallel".I know oftwo methods to accomplish this !.7 script using ds)ob command and a loop. 2.7

    Lse@ containing as many )ob activities as the number of parallel run of the )ob i

    want. Lust want to know if there is any other way to accomplish this ,preferably not

    using a script.

    SOL" Hi, I think you can go for a se@uencer by which you have a start loop and end

    loop and place the )ob activity and give the details about the )ob .I hope it works

    ne(Bou can use loop in your stage It0s more easy" an looping activity be

    independent* Is that what you mean to say* -ooping will not be simultaneous, it willbe one at a time. Bou would be better oM using se@uencer to manage. Dake sure

    you follow the rules for multi1instance )obs and parameteri?e le names, etc

    7s I know, you can create your single )ob and active multiple instance, and then use

    it in your loop and run it, i had the similar )ob before and it worked ne, Bou can use

    diMerent parameter and run them independently as you hopelet me know if you

    have more @uestion and if you would use it :1"

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    16Q)I don0t understand why my where clause is not working: /7DE3/ like 0Oells

    P0 the )ob goes to completion but my records are getting re)ected. Hi friend I 5ried

    the same thing in my pc . It0s working ne .....ould you please provide some more

    details.... 7" 5hank you for responding. I have found out that the where clause in the

    lter stage is case sensitive. 7nd my le is in all 76. ie, /7DE3/ like 0OellsP0

    doesn0t work, but /7DE3/ like 0O--P0 works. 'o you know if there is any wayto not have it case sensitive* 8se 866+(" or -3O+(" function on /ameE3ne and

    put the value accordingly in the -IT Hi,use upper(" or lower(" to check it out once.I

    have tried it and its working ne. Bes, you can use uppercase in yr transformer and

    then do your lter 7s long as Oells is not O-- you should be ok

    A"S)y applying a conversion to 8pper case to /7DE3/ then applying the like

    0O--P0 will satisfy even a column with mixed case names. hances are all names

    are converted to 866+ case before they are written to the /7DE3/ column. If

    they are not all 866+ case and you use the 866+(/7DE3/" like 0O--P0 any

    index on /7DE3/ could be nullied. heck out the table and see if all /7DE3/

    columns are upper. Hello good morning Bour table table name is 76.......In'atabase table values should be case sensitive. (eg: emp table,dept


    17Q)I am getting a warning in my )ob while converting string to decimal : /umeric

    string expected, got 1! . 8se 'ecimal default value. an anyone help me how to

    avoid this. I need sign value in decimal eld.

    SOL)Bou got this because you are sending a character to a numerical type such int

    or decimal, 5he other reason could be, because you are ending int to decimal then

    u have to send the correct format, mean . is missing ( this happened only in >.< and

    not in #.!" -et me know more about your )ob and your warning log to help 2)you/ope , I am getting warning when I am trying to do it from H7+ to decimal but

    this warning is not coming in case of varchar to decimal.3) Lust check the length of

    char and decimal, as char data can be padded with default value which is not

    accepted by decimal type . 5his can be one reason not sure4) saurabh, it is the

    same as i said before, and that could have some many reason, but i )ust gave u

    some example, and here is the example of ur case :1 " if u are doing a transypage

    for a date or decimal etc.... it s always advised to do it from varchar, because when

    you use char, for the null character 'atastage interpret it on -inux as a haracter it

    s why u are getting this warning5) 5ry to trim that char eld while moving to a

    decimal eld="I already did trimming and all before moving it to decimal eld.7nyways I was developing it on >.< version , while I moved to #.! it is resolved

    18Q" I have data coming in where the -ast/ame column may also contain a uUx

    like Lr or r or III If the last name has a suUx it would be separated with a comma

    like ... mith, Lr I need to extract the Lr or r or whatever it is after the comma and

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    put it in another column called suUx I also have another set of data where the users

    did not use a comma and those last names look like mith Lr 5he last name column

    may contain a second middle name then the last name then Lr or r... -ike -astname

    0'oe mith Lr0 where the name is Lohn 'oes mith Lr In 5his case I need to extract

    the Lr or r or whatever it is at the end of the name and put it in another column

    called suUx I am using 'atastage #.! on Oindows in a parallel )ob 7ppreciate thehelp 5hanks

    SOL) &irst check for comma and separate the uUx using &ield function. If you don0t

    nd any comma take the last eld based on space as separated and check for pre

    dened values. (Lr, r, II, III* etc". 6re dened values need to be built by you for

    accurate results. Bou can always use the @uality stage with uropean /ames to

    segregate it 'eepak, thanks for the help but can you show me the syntax for the

    &ield function or were to nd it. I have not used the eld function and do not see it

    on the 6arallel guide.ount(QInput.&ieldV,Q'elimiter tringV" 1 5his gives you the

    total count of the 'elimiter.

    g: ount(Input.&ield,,"

    &ield(QInput.&ieldV,Q'elimiter tringV,3ccurrence" Kives the eld based on the


    g: &ield(Input.&ield,,,!" gives you the 2nd eld of the input based on comma.

    'eepak, I have nally tried this and got one le correct. 5he le with name like Lohn

    'oe, Lr I managed to separate the Lr from the name with &ield([email protected],,,1!"

    that gets me the last name and &ield([email protected],,,2" get me the suUx I have a

    second source that does not contain a comma so its like Lohn 'oe Lr 7nd some

    names have multiple &irst and last names -ike Lohn 7lexander mith 'oe Ohere

    mith 'oe are in the last name eld other times there is like names like 'e -a

    Kar?a I have not been able to gure out the ount function to get me where I need

    to be and also I need to make sure I am pulling out Lr or II or III and not the last part

    of the last name I0m thinking I need a stage variable to get the ount on the

    occurrences of the spaces and then check to see if the last string in the name is Lr,

    r, II or III does that sound right.

    Kood practice is to use a Information 7naly?er to nd out the pattern of the last

    names. 7nd pull out all the set of possible uUx that you need to pull put and have

    it as a lookup or if the count is small enough, hold it in stage variables to do thetransformations5hat0s all good but I can0t seem to remove the Lr, r I,II or III because

    all the delimiters are spaces

    #) -ets do it again. :&irst consolidated the list of uUxes. -oad it in to a lookup

    table or in stage variables. eparate out the last eld based on space. ince

    all the words in last name can be separated out based on space even if they

    have separated out of comma. 'o a lookup with the consolidated list. If you

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    $" greatn i see you are still following this post,

    i am not saying you are wrong , i )ust suggested what was written as performance

    from ID, yes, you are right there is the diMerent way to create a )ob, but i )ust give

    some idea for performance , if it s not interested forget it

    20)Q I need to implement the below logic in 'atastage, If only ! record is read with

    a particular K+61I',then its 5B6 is changed to +7. If more than ! record A is read

    with the same K+61I', then they aren0t change. How do I do this, any help really


    SOL) "o$ %&'( 'ear on yo&r re*&!re%en$+

    Is your re@uirement to change the 5B6 based on the K+61I'* If so, use sort stageto add the lusterTeyhagne column based on the K+61I'. ort it again by

    'escending based on the K+61I' and lusterTeyhagneolumn. If you get two

    continues !s then its +7.

    1) Hi 'eepak, 5hanks for the reply, now my out put looks like below Dy output

    now looks below K+61I' Teychange

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    Hi 7s you see when you have % after sorting 5hat mean you have more than !

    records o then you can make your changeX

    Kood that you already got it xed. ut anyway, the solution with your previous

    approach would be, to sort the records based on Teyhange in opposite order. o

    that your %0s comes rst. /ow, &or those records whose Teyhange !, you need touse tage variable to check the previous values to see if its !. If so then you need

    ot assign 0+70.

    21) Q Hi, Dy re@uirement is I need to get the output in a eld as

    lenameEcurrenttimestamp.dat.g? in the derivation of transformer I have given

    0lenameE0:currenttimestamp(":0dat0:0g?0 am getting the output as lenameE2%!!1

    %1%$ !;:2:;; but my re@uirement should be this way lenameE2%!!%%$1%22$;!

    which am unable to get.. even i have tried to concatenate with the parameter

    currenttimestamp but this is not possible an any one help me in this regard 776

    as its urgentXXXX thanx in advance21SOL)8se 5imestamp5otring function to convert its format

    If you are using datastage server, in transfomer server you can do it easily by


    but if you are using the datastage px do as deepak say in above Bou transtyp it to

    string and then you use convert(010,00,yourstring" it should be 3T

    22Q" Hi , I am working on datastage v >.

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    DD1'' and if it is not the case you will get such warning the other thing is if you are

    getting the data as i said in above BBBB1DD1'' but the date is wrogn ex: 2%!%1%21

    ! 0 which does not exist in real time" you get that warning

    24Q)Hi 7ll, Dy @uestion is how to remove a duplicates in record. for example the

    input column having string like %%7%%%%%%'%!7%!7%!%!%%7%% i want theoutput as %%7%%%%%%'%!7%! Here you have to take two numeric and one

    alfabat as one value N:%%7 How can we design the code to sort out the above


    24SOL)5his is on similar lines what 'eepak mentioned. 5his worked for me. 5ry it:

    'ene stage variables and their derivations in following way, a 1 '-ink2.inputF!,G

    - 1 If '-ink2.inputF;,G aT(en a E.e a:'-ink2.inputF;,G' 1 If

    Index(b,'-ink2.inputF>,G,!" V %$(en - e.e b:'-ink2.inputF>,Gd /

    Index(c,'-ink2.inputF!%,G,!" V %$(en ' e.e c:'-ink2.inputF!%,Gand so on..

    -et us know if any error you get

    25Q)H! A

    Oe have created a se@uence )ob which has )obs in it. Ohat I want to do is that if

    any data is re)ected and written into the re)ect le in the rst )ob then the second

    and third )ob should not be executed

    25SOL)Ohat you are using to re)ect the record * if you are using a 5ransformer

    then in the contraint you can abort the )ob after the rst row. /ow when the )ob is

    aborted in the se@uencer you can use the status for any purpose like the second

    and third )ob will not be executed. Oe have re)ect le at lookup stage in the )ob.

    Ohat we have to do is 1. In case there are any re)ect records, then send these

    records in a particular format via mail(&or which we have written a shell script which

    is run after execution of rst )ob " 2++e@uirement is that 1 in case this mail is sentvia shell script then the next )ob in se@uence should not be executed. 5ransformer

    has 7bort after n rows option

    8se )ob activity to execute the Dain Lob. 8se xecute command 7ctivity to check for

    the number of lines in the re)ect le. If the /umber of line is greater than ?ero, send

    a return code as ! ()ust example" else %. 8se /ested ondition with

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    ustom(conditions" to check the return code, based on that, either you can execute

    the mail /otication or the execute the other )obs

    ompletely agree with 'eepak, 8se )ob activity to execute the Dain Lob. 8se

    xecute command 7ctivity to check for the number of lines in the re)ect le. If the

    /umber of line is greater than ?ero, send a return code as ! ()ust example" else %.8se /ested ondition with ustom(conditions" to check the return code, based on

    that, either you can execute the mail /otication or the execute the other )obs.

    In the se@uence )ob, after your rst )ob use a execute command stage and using the

    wc 1l unix command you can check for the number of lines in your re)ected le.

    7nd as said by 'eepak, you can then decide whether or not to run the remaining

    )obs in se@uence depending on the line count that you get as output of execute

    command stage

    26Q)6osted by +a)esekhar on Dar # at =:2= 6D Hi, I am using 'atatage 4ersion

    #.!, wanted to develop a parallel )ob. Here is the logic that I wanted to implement:'b2 nt tage (ource" 1 5his has date as a column in it. I have a reference table

    'b2 nt stage which I will use to do lookup and get few columns. I want to pass the

    date of '2 ource stage to '2 +eference tage and get the desired results. '2

    reference table will have a @uery which will use the date of '2 ource stage.

    elect .ol!, +.ol2 &+3D .5ab!, +.5ab2 OH+ .5ab!.ol!+.5ab2.ol! and!.'ate Q .5ab2. 'ate I can do all this in a single @uery suing a '2 nt stage

    but I am dealing with huge data, I am not sure of the performance if I do so. an

    any one please tell me is there any better way to implement this*

    26A"S)How big your +eference 'ata and source data is* Its is always better to use

    the one single @uery in the '28' stage and pull out the output and do complextransformation after that. &or the performance improvement, Bou need to make both

    the ource and reference table has be properly indexed or portioned on the right

    keys which you are )oining.

    27Q)Ohat is syntax le* Bou me compiler* Bou0ll need to map the compiler path to

    the nvironmental variables. Bou need to compile the routine using ZZ compiler.

    reate a 3b)ect le and link the ob)ect le from the 'atastage routine. (If you

    choose ob)ect method" Bou can check the Danager guide on how to link the ob)ect


    27SOL)'id u get this error during compilation or during runtime* /ot able to open

    ! le ** does not mean that your le is not there XXX

    Hi all , 5he issue got solved . 7ctually instead of providing directory path, I gave

    directory path plus le name . ut now , It gives error if I pass only one key ()oin

    key" column in output out of two les .since the les are )oined(inner )oin" on these

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    columns it shud allow to select any one key column from any one le . Hi divya, It

    was run time error . Kot resolved, the path provided Oas for le, but re@uired was

    directory path ,7nd you don0t need the other columns at all* Ohat is the exact error


    28Q)Hi 7ll, Is there anyone who could kindly tell me the main diMerence between5ansformer tage and asic 5ransformer tage* In addition, I0m using ' >.

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    30Q)Hi 7ll, I am using a se@uence )ob which contains a number of parallel )obs. I

    want the se@uence )ob to get aborted, if the no records are loaded in the target

    table specied in one of the parallel )obs inside. Is there any way in 'atatage

    #.! to forcefully abort the )ob based on the resultset of a Y- @uery* Oe can check

    the number of records loaded in the target table through 7fter Y- and then how

    can we implement it to abort the )ob, if the result of the @uery is ?ero* Oe are using'atatage #.! in Oindows 2%% server environment.

    30SOL)8se the result in as a parameter in the @uery stage and based on the result

    of @uery divert the [ow to a terminator stage Bou can include a email notication

    stage to monitor it by support.

    !" !.Bou could add a 0xecute command stage0 in your se@,including a script or

    batch le. 2.Dake your @uery result on the target table as your exit code for

    the script or batch le. (e.g. the exit code % means no record has returned"

    .-ink your 0xecute command stage0 to a 05erminator stage0 with the trigger

    as +eturn4alue1(onditional" %

    2" Bou can use the +outineE7ctivity stage with: "+outine/ame

    8tility7bort5o-og (+outineVsdkV8tilityV8tility7rbort5o-og" and 7rgument

    7rbot message that you want to add in log

    " &or you specic case, this could be a solution:

    ;" !1reate a )ob that count the number of record loaded and write it into a textle /ame&ile.txt

    " 21!1call previous )ob (!1" through a Lob activity

    #" 2121then add an xecuted command to read the text le with command cat


    $" 211then add a 8serE4ariableE7ctivity stage to get the contain of the value inthe le

    !%" 21;1then use a /estedEondition with an output link wahen the

    previous value (8serE4ariableE7ctivity" is e@ual to %

    !!" 21

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    !2" and 7rgument message to add to log

    31Q)Dy input source date is in varchar(!%", and like this: Dy input source

    date is in varchar(!%", and like this: =C!C2%%!

    31A"S)U.e .$r!n$oda$e &n'$!on+

    stringtodate(0=C!C2%%!0,0Pm1Pd1Pyyyy"ince I need to populate it into '2

    table, the format will be in BBBB1DD1'',

    32Q) &.e .$r!n$oda$e &n'$!on $o 'onver$ var'(ar $o da$e+ y .o&r'e

    da$a !. !e, 2010/12/01

    y 'ode !. a. oo., ! DSL!n418+e(!reD$ :;; $(en ;; e.e




  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage



    I have a data like this: D7/H7557/ 7TI/K +I'K, / /O B3+T, /B /O

    B3+T /B /B 6-7I/3+3. /L I want to separate city and state like I/ '75757K

    L3. an i do this*

    A"S)I need to know if you )ust looking for )ust parsing or looking for cleansing as

    well. Bou can do the earlier using the 5ransformer (Day not even re@uire, if you read

    the le with delimiter". -ater would need the Yualitytage stages. 7nd the rst

    records doesn0t have the tate name as /B and second record doesn0t have the

    proper tate name as /L and your

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    ! is subtracted because you do not want to include the blank in city. tate is derived

    as ereplace(inputeld, left(inputeld, index(inputeld, 0 0, count(inputeld, 0 0""", 00"

    replace will substitute a null string in place of the city data. 5his time the 1! is left

    oM because you want to remove the last blank as well.

    34Q)Oe have atransation table,it contains Lan month transcation data and &eb

    monthtranscation data(urrent Donth". would like to run the )ob in Lan month,it

    should be display Lan month transcationdata -ike that if i will run the &eb month,it

    should be display Lan month Z feb 2 months transcation data similarly if i will run

    the Darch month,it should be display Lan Z&ebZDarch monthstranscation data


    Ohat is logic for above @ueries and let me know how to create a )ob* &or that )ob

    how many targets are re@uired* an you please help in the above @ueries in


    34SOL)Bou can simply select the data with the where class of the current year.

    -ooks like you have the live transaction table. o all the every month you run, you

    are expecting to have all the data. If you think, you might go back and do the back

    data run, you can have the where class based on the Donth. 7nd passing the month

    as parameter should be decided by your design team. 7nd about the 5arget, its

    totally depends on your business logic. Bou )ob shouldn0t look complex as, the

    condition can be achieved in ' @uery level. 2) imple orcl1Vtransformer1

    Vds(or"any target in transformer if then else if monthfromdate(currentdate(""

    0)an0 then )andata else if 0feb0 then )andata Z febdata and so on upto

    december in >.< or #.% it is possible

    2) Inserting a lter (Ohere clause" while extracting from source would be little

    more eUcient than, ltering (5ransformer or lter"it out after extraction.

    3) In , and all parallel versions, it is always better to do as much in the Y- as

    possible......the database is designed for the ultimate performance so it0s not

    )ust a little betterCfaster, it is the most eUcient way to develop using

    'atatage. It0s best to do as much data conversion in the select statement

    as possible, including using the where clause to select only the data that0s

    needed......only select columns re@uired at the doing so, you

    make each of the re@uired steps in ' easier to code and manage.....and you

    reduce the number of items on the pallet. 8se Y- to it0s fullest in the selectY- and you will nd there is much less demand on ', increasing eUciency

    and throughput, and the amount of ' coding that is re@uired.

    4) /ot all the case. 'atastage are strong in 5ransformations. Oith dedicated

    68s and memory, and after all the sole purpose of the 5- is to do that. Oe

    need to dene the line based on the resource 8sage in either of the servers.

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    3verloading highly utili?ed ' servers with comparatively idle 5- servers

    may not be an advisable option

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    'atatage oMers solutions for 5- and -5 that normal Y- is not able to perform.

    5his debate will rage on for years between 5- developers and Y- coders until the

    end of time......and is outside the scope of this debate. If you wish to implement

    everything in 'atatage, go ahead....but there are trade oMs. ame goes if you wish

    to create an entire system with only Y-......

    5- has a place, as does Y-. It is the combined results of both that give 'atatage

    it0s power, among other features. It is the wise use of both that gives the 'atatage

    developer an advantage. 5here are always many solutions to a given problem, and

    while saying that it 0depends0 is certainly true based upon the environments,

    business re@uirements, and available e@uipmentCresources. 5hat being said, )ust

    because a solution worked in a given situation does not make it proper, does not

    mean that it complies with best practices, does not make it maintainable, nor does

    it make it wise. It simply means that it worked once in that particular situation. I0ve

    opened canned foods with a wasn0t very smart when can openers do the

    )ob safely and much more eUciently.....-ogical explanation would be* when a data

    was extracted from a high visible 3-56 ', for miscellaneous purpose (compared tothe actual purpose of ' itself" like nice to have reporting. Hence it was given only

    a percentage of 68 allocation and short batch window. xceeding the limit would

    block the extract option from the '. Ohen the data need to be extracted after

    couple of heavy aggregation and followed by a couple of )oins 68 and memory and

    memory usage and the processing time shot up way high beyond the limitXX

    Ohatever the hints or index or partitions we use. It was resolved simply by pulling

    the data with simple select and aggregation and )oin was made to perform in 5-

    server in the memory. Dathematically, it satised the re@uirementXX

    35Q)Ohen running a )ob, i get the following errors, LoinE

  • 8/10/2019 Usefull Stuff Datastage


    If you have columns with the same name on both input link and don0t use these

    columns in )oin key, the process generate warning.

    orry, after check, except for the two )oin keys, there is no other columns with the

    same name on input link and output link,

    36QS) In the transformer derivative for a eld i have this %% :

    -eft(+ight(7mount5otring,!>",!;" : +ight(7mount5otring,2" an anyone explain

    me the functioning of this

    SOL) !. 6ad two ?eros to the right. %% 2. Ket substring of rd to !;th position

    (skip rst character" F-eft(+ight(7mount5otring,!>",!;"G . 7ppend rst 2

    character to the last. F+ight(7mount5otring,2"G

    -ets say 7mount5otring value is %!2;#$7'&KHIL(2% characters"

    +ight(7mount5otring,!>" right(%!2;#$7'&KHIL,!>" ;#$7'&KHIL (5ake !> characters from ur right hand side"


    left(;#$7'&KHIL,!;";#$7'&K (5ake !; characters starting from

    ur left hand side"

    +ight(7mount5otring,2" right(%!2;#$7'&KHIL,2" IL (5ake 2 characters

    starting from ur right hand side" &inal functional: %% :

    -eft(+ight(7mount5otring,!>",!;" : +ight(7mount5otring,2"
