“The views, opinions and findings contained in this report are those of the authors(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other official documentation.” Presented by: Jennifer Wood, R.G. March 29, 2018 USACE NWK LEVEE SAFETY & NATIONAL LEVEE INVENTORY & REVIEW

USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

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Page 1: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

“The views, opinions and findings contained in this report are those of the authors(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other official documentation.”

Presented by:Jennifer Wood, R.G.

March 29, 2018


Page 2: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

OUTLINE USACE Levee Safety • Portfolio of levees• Risk & Risk Framework• FY18 Activities• Risk Assessment Results and Communication• Risk Management Activities

National Levee Database• One central dadabse• Levees in KS

Levee Inventory and Review• Authorization• I&R levees • Key Activities • Timeline• Current Status


Page 3: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to


Levee Safety Program – Mission is to ensure levee systems provide benefits to the nation by working with sponsors and stakeholders to assess, communicate and manage flood risks to people, property and environment

Coordination with other Corps of Engineers Programs•Planning•Flood Risk Management (Silver Jackets, FPMS, etc.)•Civil Works Project Management (specific authorized projects)•Regulatory Program•Emergency Response•Missouri River Recovery Program•33 USC 408 Alterations•Dam Safety


Presentation Notes
LS is just one piece of Flood Risk Management.
Page 4: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

WHAT LEVEES ARE WE TALKING ABOUT?Authority/ Portfolio Miles (Estimated) Identified in the

NLD?Condition Assessed?

Characterized Benefits and Flood


Federally authorized, USACE Operated and Maintained

4,000 Yes Yes Yes

Federally authorized, USACE Constructed, Local O&M

8,000 Yes Yes Yes

Non-USACE levee (locally constructed, local O&M) accepted into USACE Rehabilitation Program (P.L. 84-99)

2,200 Yes Yes Yes

Non-USACE levees outside of USACE programs identified from state inventories; FEMA programs;

~15,000 Yes ? ?

Non-USACE levees in state or community not identified

unknown No ? ?


Presentation Notes
USACE Portfolio, top 3 boxes
Page 5: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to


Framework for decision making to inform actions related to levee systems

Transparent decisions under conditions of uncertainty

Levee system approach is primary to all activities

Levee segments and features are integral to excluding flood waters from the leveed area

Page 6: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to


Page 7: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

FY18 LS ACTIVITIES• Routine Inspections – Federal and Non-Fed levees• Work by Other Reviews – technical review of project located w/in 300-500 ft of

levee centerline• Section 408 reviews• Periodic Inspections/SLRAs –

• Fairfax-Jersey Creek• Lawrence

• Periodic Inspections• Osawatomie• Auburndale • North Topeka• Soldier Creek RB2

• Communication of Risk information • Communicate to levee sponsors• Upload all levee system summaries and risk characterization into the NLD

• Support to other internal/external programs

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Page 8: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

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Page 9: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

RISK MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIESManagement measures should be focused on the factors driving the risk for the levee system


Page 10: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to
Page 11: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

One central database:

EngineeringLocation; inundation maps, cross section; attributes

DashboardProgram goals, metric displays, and critical information reporting

Condition and Risk Information

Inspection; Screening; Consequence; Performance Data

LISLevee Inspection and other field collection data

LSTLevee Screening Tool

Federal/State/TribalData provided by Federal, State and Tribal Partners

Risk Screening

Inspection/Field CollectionDashboard






Shared Tools

Critical Data

Presentation Notes
One Database concept: Inspection fields and data within NLD Web reporting within NLD; Dashboard Performance Data Information from Screening Tool FEMA Accreditation information
Page 12: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to


Page 13: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to


Page 14: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

KS Dashboard

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Page 16: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

LEVEE INVENTORY & REVIEW FACTS USACE has authorities (via WRRDA 2014) to

conduct ongoing levee inventory & one-time levee review on all non-federal levee systems

USACE has an approved FY 18 budget to conduct levee inventory & review for non-federal levee systems

NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio.


Presentation Notes
This is an effort to expand the national levee database to include all non federal levee systems, regardless of who owns them. Right now the nld only includes USACE program levees. There are two parts. Ongoing inventory effort and one time review (inspection and risk assessment).
Page 17: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to

WHAT LEVEES ARE WE TALKING ABOUT?Authority/ Portfolio Miles (Estimated) Identified in the

NLD?Condition Assessed?

Characterized Benefits and Flood


Federally authorized, USACE Operated and Maintained

4,000 Yes Yes Yes

Federally authorized, USACE Constructed, Local O&M

8,000 Yes Yes Yes

Non-USACE levee (locally constructed, local O&M) accepted into USACE Rehabilitation Program (P.L. 84-99)

2,200 Yes Yes Yes

Non-USACE levees outside of USACE programs identified from state inventories; FEMA programs;

~15,000 Yes ? ?

Non-USACE levees in state or community not identified

unknown No ? ?


Presentation Notes
Where do we start? This is what we know and what we don’t. The top three boxes are all levees in Corps programs. Either federally built or nonfederally built and in our rehabilitation program. The bottom two boxes are what this effort is focusing on. The 15,000 number comes from the FEMA Midterm Levee Inventory effort (or MLI data). This was FEMAs first crack at trying to identify unknown levees. It was a desktop review or several data inputs, (lidar, topo maps etc). It was intended to put out a wide net and capture anything that could be a levee. This data has not been vetted and is several years old at this point. With this effort we would review and refine that data. We would also want to include any levees that the states know of that are not included in the MLI list. The success of the last box would depend on how much the states know and their participation in inventory. This effort is focused on all non federal levees. The levees included are a mixed bag of privately owned, city owned, drainage dostrict owned, and even orphaned.
Page 18: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to


Locate: Upload basic information for all known levees in the National Levee Database

Inspect: Assess the condition of the nation’s levees by conducting field inspections

Characterize: Conduct levee risk assessments to evaluate and communicate the nature of flood risk posed

Share information. Develop a levee system summary


WRRDA 2014 – Title IX, Section 9004

Presentation Notes
All work efforts associated with the inventory & review of our nation’s levees fit within the risk framework where we strive to make risk-informed decisions through RA/RM/RC activities. USACE has moved to risk informed decision making on their portfolio Locate: Inventory Inspect: boots on the ground, USACE levee inspection system Characterize: Screening level risk Assessment. Characterize the “risk”. Risk is three parts Share information on the NLD to better inform the public. Risk characterization summary would be public info. Transparency is often the key to action. We want people behind the levee to know their risk and get involved with decision makers in ways to reduce risk.
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Page 20: USACE NWK Levee Safety & National Levee Inventory & Review...NLD indicates over 8,000 levee systems (roughly 15,000 miles of levees) beyond USACE portfolio. 16: This is an effort to
Presentation Notes
Levee Summary page included description, owner/operator/sponsor, the last inspection rating. Population and structures in leveed area. (was the FEMA HAZUS database, recently switched to the National Structures Inventory) During a levee screening this information is reviewed by an economist. The NLD will pull the updated info out of the LST and use that. Every levee should have an Levee Safety Action Classification (LSAC) and a Risk Characterization Summary that helps explain the LSAC and communicates what the significant risk drivers are.
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Initial Mtg & Letter to Gov.

Levee Prioritization & Coordination w/ Levee O/O

Kick-Off Mtgs& R-o-E

Surveys, Inspections &

Risk Assessments*

Brief Results & Complete


Nov ‘17 Dec-Feb March Spring Fall

*Surveys / Inspections will be weather dependent

Capture and Document Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Timeline is dependent on # of levees under review & complexity of each levee.

Presentation Notes
The plan is for this to be a multi year effort, but funding comes year by year. We currently have funding for this year. Still unknown for next year. This is the ideal plan for the rest of this year.
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For Official Use Only

Presentation Notes
There are about 87 possible levees in KS identified in the FEMA MLI data, 18 of those have 0 population. These are the top priority based on population identified behind the levee. Yes: Wichita Salina Parsons
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Jennifer Wood, R.G.

(816) 389-3686

[email protected]

U.S. Army Corps of EngineersKansas City District

Inventory and Review Liaison, KS