USA in War mood

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  • 7/30/2019 USA in War mood


    USA in War Mood..3 days ago byAnil Aggarwala0

    Today Syria is the focus of the world as the two super powers US and China may plunge in the Syria controversoy of using

    chemicals on the public in August 2013 this year. . It is important as Russiaand China may support Syria and US, France and UK

    may be against this misuse of the chemical weapons on the public.I have written a couple of articles on this website and pointed

    out as per the Theory of Mr. K.N Rao a paper produced by him Combinations of War mongering countries GLIMMER OF

    HOPE IN A STRIVE TORN WORLD. Mars connection to the 3,6,7th and 12th House/Lords shows the country troubling

    neighbors, getting involved due to aggressive behavior in boarder clashes,or getting involved in war or warlike activities

    or suffering due to secret and foreign plots. US and China will be instrumental for creating war like situations in the

    world from 19th August 2013 to 5th sept.


    In my articleWhat Stars Fortell for United States Of America and the Globe dated 6th July 2013

    link had clearly written that USA will create war like situations after 5th July 2013

    and more so after 9th Sept. 2013. I have also mentioned that this period is not condusive to bring good results for Barack

    Obama the King and the Kingdom. I have also used certain chakras and written a couple of articles on this subject. I had alsomentioned that the influence will be on all Pacific illands Indonesia, Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan and Australia could be

    worst affected by the above Transit including some parts of China. I have also mentioned that since as per the foundation

    chart the Planetary configurations are also not healthy in the Present state after5th July 2013 and worst after 6th March

    2014 when the Dasha ofMars-Saturn will come in operation.

    I have also mentioned that In the foundation chart of USA Mars is placed in the sign of Gemini in the 11th house . Mars here is

    aspecting the Saturn the 6th and 7th lord placed in the 2nd house in sign of Virgo and also having a return aspect from Saturn.

    Mars is with Lagna Lord Sun, Venus the 3rd and 10th Lord , Jupiter the 5th and 8th Lord , the dispositor of all these planets is

    Mercury Retrograde and Placed in the 12th house with Rahu-Ketu axis. Thus Mars has connection to the 3rd ,6th, 7th and 12th

    house and aspecting the 6th house , is satisfying all the Parameters to have the above tendencies as explained above.

    In Navamsha also as per Rashi Tula Navamsha it is connected to the concerned houses. Jupiter and Saturn both connected to

    Mars in Navamsha and in foundation chart,therefore the dasha ofMars-Jupiter and Mars-Saturn could surface the above

    activities as mentioned . US is capable to create and get involved in warlike situations , specially taking into consideration

    the Transit on the 9th Sept. 2013 and after the 5th Sept. 2013


    Now Read this President Obama turns to Congress to OK strike against Syria

    Read more: Read

    this also

    President Barack Obama said that America was ready to strike againstSyria, but that he would seek approval from Congress

    ahead of any military intervention.

    Now, after careful deliberation, I have decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets,

    he said. This would not be an open-ended intervention. We would not put boots on the ground.

    Im also mindful that Im the President of the worlds oldest constitutional democracy. And thats why Ive made a second

    decision: I will seek authorisation for the use of force from the American peoples representatives in Congress, he said, speaking

    in the Rose Garden on Saturday afternoon. link


    The support will come from the congress surely and Obama will soon take a decision to attack Syria after the 5th Sept. and

    around the 9th Sept. 2013 . I have already discussed at lenght the
  • 7/30/2019 USA in War mood



    Let us have a look at the foundation chart of Syria of Libra Lagna of the 13th Nov. 1970 of the coup and the chidra dasha

    running of Rahu-Mars till 23-6-2014. The chemical action was in August 2013 only after the Mars AD had started in June this

    year. Rahu is placed in the 5th house and its dispositor Saturn in the 7th house , Mars is placed in the 12th house and is the lord

    of the 7th house is a crystal clear of the situations which will emerge soon for the war like situations and a plot being hatched

    against it. We are aware of the happenings in Syria by the Govt. for the use of chemical weapons . Read this Syrian Govt. behind

    the massive chemical attack link

    France says the chemical attack near Damascus last month could not have been ordered and carried out by anyone but the Syrian


    A report presented to parliamentby Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault says the assault on 21 August involved the massive use

    of chemical agents.

    It concludes that at least 281 deaths can be attributed to the attack.

    France and the US are pushing for punitive military action, which the UK parliament rejected last week.

    Continue reading the main story

    Jeremy BowenBBC Middle East editor, DamascusI think people Ive spoken to within the Syrian regime quite like being eyeball-to-eyeball with the US. I think they believe

    President Obama is bent on attacking Syria, in fact thats what they say quite openly.

    So while they describe the US decision to refer it to a vote in Congress as wisdom, they say it should also go back to the UN and

    that any action would be illegal if it didnt get UN authorization.

    Since the Russians have said very openly in the Security Council that they wouldnt vote to authorize anything like this, and

    President Obama has said hes very comfortable going aheadwithout a Security Council resolution, that means in a sense, in

    the eyes of the Syrian regime, the battle lines are now drawn, and they are trying to get themselves ready for whatever happens.

    Damascus ponders looming US attack In pictures: Tension in Syria

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has again denied carrying out a chemical attack, telling the French newspaper Le Figaro it

    would have been illogical.

    He also warned that foreign military action could ignite the powder keg of the wider

    region. The AD Mars in navamsha is

    Deblitated and is the 2nd and the 7th lord is bound to create problems in the country and a civil war like situations . Rahu Saturn

    are also in rthe navamsha of Mars is crucial
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    . Let

    us have a look at the Planetary transit for the chart of the Syria. Moon is placed in the sign of Aries and Jupiter in the 3rd and

    being the 3rd Lord in the foundation chart and placed in the 7th from the 3rd house a bhadak sthan for jupiter is not condusive to
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    bring good results specially it is also the 6th lord and Problems from the neighbouring countries . Saturn and Rahu are placed in

    the 7th house from natal moon is also not a good situation when the Dasha of Rahu is running whose dispositor is Saturn . The

    Antar dasha lord Mars is also not placed well in the chart and is indicative of a Secret plan being hatched for an attack on the

    country. The eclipses have also taken place in the Lagna the libra sign and there are Venus, Jupiter, Sun at very close degrees in

    the nakshatra of Vishaka and in transit Jupiter is also aspecting the combination and activating the natal Jupiter. All the 3 planets

    in the asc. are very close to the MEP and hence when Jupiter reaches 23.08 degrees in transit could be a crucial parameter for the

    President Obama to attack Syria in the present scenario around the 22nd Sept. 2013 when the dasha of the Rahu-Mars-Jupiter

    will be running . If you have a look at the navamsha chart then things will become crystal clear. Hence we can say that President

    Obama will attack Syria and will be crucial for the globe , this aggressive stance take by US will continue to emit negative

    influences till Mars crosses the Libra sign and around the 5th Sept. 2014, hence the impact of this attack will be a huge one for

    the Globe and other countries may also react to this action. Russia and China may support Syria and US, France and UK could

    take an action against Syria. The Paksha Kundali of 5th Sept. 2013 is also self explainatory, Saturn and Mars influencing the

    8th house of mass deaths emerging out of the massacre . What is important here is the Globe may go through intense malefic

    happenings , once there are two groups being formed and may cause a disaster of a bigger intensity, specially when the dasha of

    Mars-Saturn starts for US and Adverse dasha of China in early

    2014 .



    3rd Sept. 2013