U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter By Marco Santos, Irving Hernandez & Nestor Aviles

U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

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U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter. By Marco Santos, Irving Hernandez. & Nestor Aviles. John F. Kennedy. President from January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963. He was the 35 th President Born in May 29, 1917. In Brookline, Massachusetts. Came from a wealthy Irish Catholic family - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

By Marco Santos, Irving Hernandez

& Nestor Aviles

Page 2: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

President from January 20, 1961

- November 22, 1963. He was the 35th President Born in May 29, 1917. In

Brookline, Massachusetts. Came from a wealthy Irish

Catholic family His grandfather John E. Fitzgerald

was involved in politics He had 9 siblings and he was the

second oldest

John F. Kennedy

Page 3: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

Castro and Nikita Khrushchev had an alliance Allowed Eisenhower plan on the invasion of

Bay Pig in Cuba in 1961. The main goal of the invasion was to

overthrow Castro and formed a non-communist government friendly to the US

Which was executed by Cuban exiles without any kind of air support which did not succeed

JFK Foreign Policy

Page 4: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

Agreement prohibiting nuclear testing

between the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States

It only allow testing underground as long as the amount of radiation is not harmful

Since then 116 countries have signed that contract


Test Ban Treaty

Page 5: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

Origin: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, July 26, 1963; Treaties

and Other International Agreements Series #5433; General Records of the U.S. Government; Record Group 11; National Archives.

Purpose: To form a peaceful agreement to maintain peace between the countries who had the capacity of using nuclear weapons.

Value: It talks about the situation and the worries of the countries and the way the chose to handle things

Limitations: The agreement was mainly based on the fear that a nuclear war could come up which can cause irrational thinking at the moment of making decisions

Test Ban Treaty OPVL

Page 6: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

Origin: "John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address. U.S. Inaugural

Addresses. 1989." LBJ Presidential Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

Purpose: The speech giving by President Kennedy and his plans for his new term as president of the US and his intentions on how we would approach deal with foreign affairs.

Value: Kennedy shows how he would try to deal with the situation and how he would change the white house foreign policies.

Limitations: The speech was given by President Kennedy but interpretation from the audience plays a big role and also the fact that sometimes they have other people writing their speeches.

JFK Inauguration Address OPVL

Page 7: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

Born on January 9, 1913. He was a republican

congressman and vice president of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

He ran for presidency in 1960 but lost to John F. Kennedy.

Then in 1968 he won but resigned in 1974 instead of being impeached for a Watergate affair.

Richard M. Nixon

Page 8: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

However during his presidency he began to

ease the relationship the United States had with Russia, he also opened diplomatic relationships with China.

The cold war had grown out of control by the 1960’s and assured the destruction of both countries. President Nixon and his National Security Advisor did not want to win the cold war but manage it.

Nixon’s Foreign Policies

Page 9: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

The United States decided to improve their relationships

with China, since the Chinese began working with the United States, Russia had no choice but to cooperate as well or be isolated from China.

The relationships with Russia improved and they signed the SALT 1 treaty, Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty, which set limits on production and deployment of ballistic and antiballistic missiles. Nixon also negotiated and signed agreements on science, space, and trade.

Even though the relationships in between Russia and China eased, the relationships in Vietnam were not changed. Nixon could not change relationships with North Vietnam and the war continued against the North

Nixon and China

Page 10: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

Became president of the United States

after the assassination of John F Kennedy on November 22 1963.

The main initiative behind President Johnson was the Vietnam War. During his presidency there was over 500,000 American soldiers in Vietnam.

He was committed to maintaining an independent South Vietnam. He wanted to win in Vietnam because he was afraid if he lost Vietnam that the rest of Southeast Asia would fall to communism.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Page 11: U.S. Foreign Policies From Kennedy to Carter

In 1964 Johnson wanted a congressional

resolution to allow him to expand the war effort, as he deemed necessary.

President Johnson continued believing that he should not send American Boys to fight in a war that Asian boys could do, but in the end over half a million American soldiers were in Vietnam fighting.

Johnson’s Foreign Policies