()I/()'0/2,.O() , ALPROTECTION AGENCY,'· OfficeofPestlcide Program,s ' , '.kegistrationDivision (7505P) Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20460 "NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: '- Registration' ,,-2L,'Reregistration • (imder FIFRA,asamcitded) .... ,'.. ' .. "LQveiatld Products, inc. .J i .b.Bbx1286: ' , ' " EPA Reg:Nlimber:' 34704-124 JAN 9 2009 Term ofissuance: ' Name of Pesticide Product: . . ".:. . . . .' . 'Clean .;. . . . . . - \n apcordancewith FIFRA 4(g)(2)(C)providedycm: , (il1data required for registration/reregisqation review of your ',', of similar products to . • " ... " •.• -,'.. -,' J your!ecords.SubIllif "'. ' ' " h;oi",nrp",jl'\' '1' "re:l¢as'e the prorlricffOl" shlpmertt :, , carteellationin the' ",,', ".;.- '.' . ',', ':",

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

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Page 1: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

()I/()'0/2,.O() , ALPROTECTION

AGENCY,'· OfficeofPestlcide Program,s '

, '.kegistrationDivision (7505P) Ariel Rios Building

1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20460

"NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: '-Registration'

,,-2L,'Reregistration • (imder FIFRA,asamcitded)

.... ,'.. ' ..

"LQveiatld Products, inc . .Ji.b.Bbx1286: ' , ' ',Gt:eeley,~080632-1286

" EPA Reg:Nlimber:'


JAN 9 2009

Term ofissuance: '

Name of Pesticide Product: . . ".:. . . . .'

. 'Clean Crop~~wV()L4Ester"

.;. . . . . . -

\n apcordancewith FIFRA sectio~ 4(g)(2)(C)providedycm:

, (il1data required for registration/reregisqation review of your prod~ct wh~n ',', tegist.r~ts of similar products to subnlitdata~ .

• " ... " •.• -,'.. -,' J

encto~txlfoi' your!ecords.SubIllif "'. ' ' " prpl!JJ).~~m~,!'~l;,~()~;~ttil~rf~e;"C(}"'I"rI h;oi",nrp",jl'\' '1' "re:l¢as'e the prorlricffOl" shlpmertt:, , ,ftl,l~sle;b5if(Hiilori~;,;ar:e';1;;l1i ,~'¢Qmp'l~~~~v.titl)};Jbl¢t:~gist,r~ttieln, ,~:Ubje¢no carteellationin accor~ce,

Ojtitie~leaiSefoi~slriplrrierit.of the' prodlict:~ol1~titutes ~ccePtance ()fthe~e ",,', 'J'~ ~uu'~v~.,..,.


'.' . "~':;.', ',', ':",

Page 2: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

.... .

~. ':... ' .. :. . L~ . :_.~ .

..' ·.··.·page'2·.· . . EPA Reg. No. 34704-12,4

'~::. ',',. <' " ';' ..

c.' '. Perthe' acute toxicity review, a Note to Physician that reads "Aspiration pneumonia hazard, '9ontai~s petroieum distillate" must be added to the labeL

.; I:'

...... ',~L: ·· •... ···l>:er)h~·acute toxicity review,theHazards to. Humans and Domestic Animals must he . ireVisecl to rdld: " . ' . . .... :··:.··'~·(;A UTION~:.· .i ;~ .. : ,- . "~ '" . . .' '::':~',-,

" . . "Haqllfu1, ifswatiow~d. '. Hamiful if absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation . . "Av()i~lcontact :witheyes,skin,or clothing. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact

'mayt'atiseallergicreactions in some individuals." . . .

.. e. . Per the acute toxicity. revi~~ and the RED, the handler PPE section must he revised to read:

.. . .. '.' "Some 'materials that . are .chemical-resistant to this product are made of waterproofmatepa1.

. "')f:YQlf"warit'moreoptions, follow the instructions for category AOli an EPA chemical;. . . ·'.:;i~sistance;~ategoiyselection chart ..

,,:i~;i;':;:"(;i~~,(>.'([';>:;" ':. •... .. . . ' '. ~"" ·.·t ..

·_~.'}\lnri.i~ers, Ibaders·,.applicators,flaggers, and other haridlers must wear: .' ". .' • ..... ..' '.' ':~:JjqI{g;,sl,¢t::y~'shi.rt·ap.4Jongpants;shoes . and socks, chemical':resistantg1Qves( e~c~p~{6r··· .• ··•· . ·pH<it~)~diilli1ical .. tesfstantapfon for mixing or loading,' cleaning up ,spills: breqUipfuent; or .' ..

. ()~herWise :exposed to the concentrate. . .. ' . .

, S~eenglneerillg,controls for additional requirements."

. "", . " .'.; -,,' : .. ~. :' .. ' ,

. -

······h:. 1: ..... .


. '-':",,'

:,,)t:::{{;;;i;:.~,:,r<'~R;:?,{]l1.~;t~il~~~s;~R.eqllirem~nts for Pastures, Perennial. yrasslatJ,ds, Rangel~~~and:NoI.1i9rop:; .. ', .

, .....

:~Tliefolrowirtg revisions must be made to the ditectipns [or use: ' ..... . '.-. . '. th.e'JnaximumaPl'lication rate foromame~ta1 turf (L~ Ihsae,pel.'acre,per.i:,~ ..... '~I-'I"~,,,~u'vUI differsfrom.the lTI~imum application rate, fornori~crop sites (2';(j Ibsa~:p~;. "/"'.':,

.... ~ ... ~~·.··w·,·,·.·,. . ..... . ... ·.SP=i*1$~:J!~~:!S_~~~~~;t~;.(",\ ".~~~."',~'",~.

. , ,

Page 3: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

. . .: . . -.' .. ' .~.:>., .'.

· '.'Ornamental Turf: . . ". '. I.,inlited t02 applications per year.

. Maximurirof 1.5 Ibs ae per acre per application. . The maximum season a1 rate is 3.0 lbs ae per acre, excluding spot treatments."

'~'N"~D:'Gr~pSit~>: '" '. . :fQst~erge.nce(~ua1ari9perennial weeds):' .t.im,it¢d.';to 2appli9~tioIisper,year. '. '. ·.,M~#1uindf2;OJbs 'aeper acre per application~ : :MiIilinUfu of 30 days 'between applications.

'. ···.Po'stetrtergence (woody plants): Limited'to 1 application per year.

·.MaximUm of4;() Ibs ae per acre per year." '. '.'. . . .

••· •• ·:SUl>~i.~~~iS~ing mi.sCiPility··study.·

""', '.

'. the.folloWing statem~nts to the labeling: . . ....

> ./'T .... . ' '15" 0".· .. •· ""

.: .:.: ..

: ,,"

". ...' ". irtcerta}n portions of G~Hfornia, Oregon andWasllii1gt()nis,sul'j~~~t(r::~' .'

!!A!l~!,J'4~~~~.~Or~""'lQ,d12·~.4).j:~i;~~~~~~Z~ti~~~~~~~~~·'~~~~r~~;~[~~l~l;:'~ :. ~:"',

', . ...

. . . . ,0'·.·· ..... " ... , . '., ., ... ,',::,': .;~>~Itt;3:iii~~:(" .n1"'''nll''\1lit>~lp;1~pS enc1Qseq for your recOrds; " Supmitc)1ieHYC9Py'gftJf(f¢Yi$," ",

.. ·,"·.z.~it;l::~;e~~~ic:~~~I~~br!~~~li~~,~ff~~'Z~~~\~J::'.'/~f ",.~.l.'.'V"""'::<''''.l~'''''''''.''''V'' shipment ()fthe product oonstitutesayceptance of these cOh9itiQruf

..... -

'.'.' .. (.

. :. :~.' '.-": "' .

• j."

Page 4: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

.... , -

.:~.- .. : .. :;".;.

'.-: ,.:-.-< ,,-: ~-"" ", ,"



.' .

J.QII(volati'lElemulslflabie forll'lul~tlonfor·c()i1trol '. ofbr~a~leaf~eedsln corn; Wheat,b~rley, rye, . ··C?at~, ~or~hum, and non-crop areas.

Acn\rE INGREr>I~~T: ..... ••.. ,:lsoOctYl (2~9thylh~1) ester of·

. ·2;4-Dichlorophenoxyac:etic acid ......•.••....•....•••...... 65.5%' If'jERT INGREDIENTS •••••...•••.....••..•••.....••.......•. ~

TOTAL 100.0%

'Isomer.specific by A9AC Method No. ,6.2r5~.279 (13th Ed.) . 'Equivalent tei' 43.4% 2,4:.0 acid or 3.B pounds per gallon ..

; .. :.,; .. -" .....

·....,Ep.A~e;G. f',JO: 34704:-124. . ". EPA.ESr;NO.37507~MT-1(Lot No. begins 04)

••. :. NET~ C0N1"ENTS 2Y2GALLONS(9.46 L)

~~~~~rl~~~~if~~:l~~~:~:r;;li:ta··1 '~i to this prodUC!~e li~;ed ~Iow. IfY~~ . lmSIfUICUlJII. for c/itegoryE·on. the EPAi:tieinical .

"~:~;:~ii)\l{~~[1~~&~c!1~~~;i~~:~~~~i·~(~F~{;;itta"g~~~~ ~rid otherhailCllera must wear: long-' . socks; .plus. cnemical resistant gloves,

to Citrus, applying with any handheld cleaning up spills or equipment, or other·

.. resistant apron when applying posthar­or loading, cleaning up spills or equipment, or

·;dlt~.erwise,exp,osEld totheeoncentrate. .

lC.I<ISe'J.CC)CKIJ·11thatm~eisth~r.equire~enisIiSiedinthe WPS ... ·70.240(d)(6): ......... , "'.., .

:in:~~a#y:'Mixersa'nd' .. diinot us,e· a·maeh.ini""1 "'/s".m,lOrr"'A and pump) to transfei the con- .

. ~hemi98l-resistanfapron in addition

i~ capa~itY: Am~cilaniC~isyst~m (probe

~ACCEPTED witbCOMMENtS· In EPA Lerterofttetk

---S JAN 2000 UDder the Federal Insecticide • Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act as amended, for the pesticide registered under EPA Reg. No

", .. : .... ".' :-.' >:.-:.::. ~.', '.',~'.:. -. ':

:,':- .

, USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS··.· .. Users should: .. .. .. ... .. .., ..... '. . . ..

Wash·hands before eatfng, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using· . tlie toilet. . ...... . .. . . . Remove clothing/PPE immediately if pesticide gets iriside. Then wash

thoroughly and put on clean clothing. If pe.sticide gets·on skin, wash immediately with soap and water. .

Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing. . ~.: . .

Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no·such . instructions forwashables exist; use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash . .PPE separately from other;laundry. .. .

FI~~TAI.[).' ... · ... if.~allC?wed: .~.~:~t~~fsrX~~!~()r}e.nt~~:.~r:~octor:.i~~:~t~~r':~{;~~~J;t: ,,('

• Have s· persohsipa glass ofwater)f able to swallow ... .• Do not inducjl vomiting unless told to dose by the' poison •

control center or docJ()(.· .... ..... .. ....~: •. ;; .... • D6 nor ive an irib mOuth.to an unconscious erson.:' .

if on skin- Take off contaminated clothing,... ..... . .. or clothing: • Rinse skin immediately With plenty of wate~ fOr 15;20· .. .

minutes.· .. .. , : ,.. .. . .. . . ..

• Call a ison· control center or doctor for treatment advice: if in eyes: • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and. gently with water for .

15 -20 minutes, .. .. .•.... . • Remove contact.lenses, it preserit;afierthe.firSt ·s. minutes,:;

thencontinuerinslngeye( ' ..•.•...•. ~. ...: : i ';,L /; t. -Callaoisoncoiitroc:enter or doctor fiirtreaimehta "'cer~};,

Klnh~kid: .i~~~r:~~~h~~~;t~m~i.~I:';~,H;~y:~~,~~i~~~~··' giveartificialrespirtitiori, preferably by;rri9uth,to~m~(j! possibl~.;:<. '.' ..' :'.'.;: ·.'n:'::·::· , .. <,i'

... Call a· poison contrOl 'center.or doctor,.kir jurthertreatmeril'·.: advice.' . .... . .... ' .. ;: '..... . ., .... , .... > ....

",":: " FOR A MEDICAL EMERGENCY INvoLviNGTHISPRODucn::ALL: ... . . 1:.a~01 7976 ... ...... ; . ... .' .. ,.. .... .. .' Have.the ~redu~t container or label withyo~ when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment

PHYSICAL OR rTlUISLlJ".'U"'.,U fClr;tr,en.,f",·"r;na .the contentS of this container. If the con:

anion·:refllllat)le DeSticicle·'c:lin·taiile·,·r-. a,,·, emptied, ttie probe must be rinsed COMBUSTABLE. Do not use 6(storenearheat or ~n;';"""I";';;d

L\. ,,-..

• \J.. . .. {)

is '.used in a manner that. meets the ·,r~lnlll""n""'nr~ Iillte(jin)thI3.VI'or~(el Prot.,eti,.," Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesti­

handler PPE requirements may be 'reduced or

. . . DIRECTIONS FOR USE,;. ...., .. , It is a violation of Federal law to use·thisproduct iri a marmerinconsistentwitti its'. i; .. labeling.· ... .. .. ,", ,;.;, .. f,:'.

Page 5: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

·.LOWVOL4 .. ' EPAREG.·NO. -34704-124'

Although ·th is product is much less volatile than butyl or isopropyl esters. at high 'temperatures (above 95°F.) vapors from this product may injure susceptible plants

.;growing'nearI:lY. DO'nofuse ina greenhouse. Flush sprayer out on suitable non­: crop:area after·use. Do not 'use the same spray equipment for applying other mate-. rial{to.2;4-0 'susCeptible crops as injury may result. . '\ .

'" AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS 'Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard; 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the.protection.of agricultural. workers. on farms, forests, nurseries, and green­holi.ses,: and .handlers Of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for lraining;.deginlar)1inaticiri,·notification, and·emergencyassistance. It also con­tains)pecific .instJ;uctions andexc~~tions pertaining to the !l~tements 9nth.is

. lab~l!lbourper~onai protective,~uipme.nt (PPE)andrestricted'entryintervai. :.ThereqOir~ment~ in;this 110x onlyapply:touses of this product that are'covered ··.bytlieWorkerPiotection·.Standard: . . .

. Dei riot enier or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry intelYal(REI)bf 12hours; '. ..... .' .

. '. PPE required fcir early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker ". : .:::' Pro.lectioflStandard and. that involves contact with anything that has been treat­

..... Eid"such.asplants, soil; or water is: coveralls, chemic!ll-resistant gloves made ':of anywater:proC\f material, shoes plus socks.


beggarticks .bitterweed blueweed, Texas broom'weed buckbrush burdock burhead carpetweed catnip' chamise chicory cocklebur coffeeweed cornflower 'coyote brush ·croton· . 'dandelion doCks dogfennel elderberry fanweed galinsoga garlic, wild goatsbeard hemp, wild iewelweed

jimsonweed' . lambsquarter loco; big bend . mallow, Venice' manzanita' marshelder

. milkVetch morningglory,

annual mustards nettles . onion, wild . pennycress peppeiweed, field pigweed -

. plantains pooijae rabbitbrush' ,

: radish, Wild ·.ragweed·

rape': wild redstem sage, 'coastal sagebriJsh, big sagebrush, sand salsify

sand shinneryQak shepllerdspurse ... sicklepod . srnilrtweed . sneezeweed, bitter sowthistle;. a'nnual spanish needles . sumac sunflower sweetclover tansymustard tansyragwort thistle, bull ..

. thistle, musk thistle,' RuSsian

. tumbleweed velvetleaf .• verva.ins, .. '

,vetch ...... : •. · . water plantain.

..:Nillow.· Witchweed wormwood yellow iocker . yellow starthistle

5'. ~.'

.. 't.. .

NOTE: Local conditions, crop varieties and application regulations vary and may affect use of this herbicide. Consult'local agricultural experiment station or exten­sion service weed specialists and state regulatory agencies for recommendations

'A \/ariety oUactors including weather conditions (e.g., wind direction, wind speed, in your area . . 1emPElrature, relative humidity). and method of application (e.g., ground, aerial, air-

. .' ". •. .. .... ·.:blast,.::chellligatioD);c.an:inf.luence·pesticid.e .. ' dri.ft. The applicator must evaluate all Aenal applications may be of use for control of weeds on certain crops where there·' • ',.' , '; ~.' ..- .. f . 'dSk' .... d' h' h' . . , . Id Ifti'" 00- ,.,' ':;;\(,;.

!f~~~~II'~~~~~~f~~~~~~'~E· ~~~lt~~~~1:~~~i~~~:~'l~ri~ ><:," , :.<' ·.;i·>Wheriap·pIYing sprays that contain' 2,4-0 mixedwith'other active ingredients that Treating Small Areas: TWo tablespoonfuls of LOWVOL:4 in 1Y.! galliins . .,(water ;:;: .. ':;,' '.' :. ~ req'uire a Medium or 'inore fine spray, apply only 'as a Medium or coarser spray is abOut equal to I¥.. quarts in 100 gallons. . ... '.' '.,.; .. , +.~<" ~. - "(ASAE'staridard 572) or a~volume mean diameter of 300 microns or greater for '" .... . . .... ;r,.:l!!>ilining!itomizei nozzles;: TO PREPARE THE SPRAY: (1) Filithespray tank':atiouthalffuli ~ith ~water,thEm .' 'i'c' .. Wind Speed •... '. . . add the required amount of LOW VOL 4 with agitation, and finally the rel>t ofth~ .. ...':Do·not . at wind greaier than 15 mph. Only apply this product if the water. NOTE: LOW VOL 4 in water forms an emulsion owhichtendS,to. SE!PaTete .. ) . . . wind favons deposition and there are not sensitive areas (includ- unless thEi mixture is keplagitated.(2) If oil is added, first mixthe:'L<?WVO~4:iind '. ..

'rel,idllntiial areas, bodies of water, known habitat for nontar- the oil and then add this mixture to the water. However,\'IIlth adequate.agltatl.ol1;!h~:·.· .' ,·nel;'I"r..,..!· i250 feet downwind. If applying a Medium oil can be added lifter the LOWVOL4is mixed inthe'watar>(3)..llStrSight oll.is,~, .

• ".,-".,-",... . the downwind edge of the trealed field. used,' a solution is formed an~ separatiQi<doe~ .no.tqc~ur;o.onot~lo:W~I)Y:~~te(: ...• :,.' ., to ge1.lnto the Oil-herbicide mixture to aVOid formation' of an !"vert emulSion.;.; .. ::: "," ::,.', '.~ "

·~~~l~~~.;~J;~t~~~~~!~\~~~~;~~.I; .. ",,,m,,~.iE:,itifal~~~~~~ . t~~~i~i~~~a~i~~~f::. · . i) and other ponditions; .such aSi~ .~ry;ij!)"!l~eas.wrere;kll.I.!~,~lffic.~U;;IJ.~.~!gti,~r:~~ ~ ommerided rates.Wheriused. as a selec.tive'sprayoncrops,thE(stage:of.gro.Wth .of· ~', the crop must be. c~ilsidered. S6rriew.clody'plants andw~~dsai'~ hardtc:i.killa~d .•..

drift may occ:ur to food,.forage, or: thereof rendered unfit for. sale, use

. . .. limited to, cOtton, okra, flow~ soybeans (vegetative .stage),

· ather Vegetables, or tobacco. · visible may injure susceptible'

repeat applications may be necesSary.:' '. ' .. " . " . ..

SMALL GRAINS General Restrictions: . .... '" '. ...... '. The preharvest interval (PHI) is 14 days. Limited to 1.751bs aa/acre per crop' cyCle: Postemergence: Limited to one postemergence application per crop cycle. Do not exceedS. maximum of 1 :25 Ibs aa/acre perapplication. ...... .. :' . •. J': ... , ... Preharvest: Limited to one preharvest application per cr(jpcyCie . .oonolexce~d a.. . maximum of 0.5 Ibs ae/acreper application. ..' ....•... '. ". ,'. '..:"':'.:.>" :',

. SpririgWheat anciBl\rley; Apply:¥.. !01P!nt pera~e(.?t'r4?Ib.a~N;Spr~y.)~.~rTc, .

. ~"

. grain is' infull.tiller. stage'(usually~rt0'8ini::hes ,tall)~iJtfj~tg~eJI) when weeds aresmall.ponotapp.lY.bllf~retl)etlll.e!:s.~g~~.or;fr~ , '.

rral.·'[e"U/,[9n,,,,,,,s·.ro[ t~1~1;~~~~:~~;:~~t:~~~(D~i'Dl~rn . "",um' must not exceed dough stage. Higher, r.ates,up t02, :pir1~.}IE1r~\:r.~:(. ~(;;!b.~tlo/ A) <rl)S

his'r9<'lUirc:irh"nl .. doc:isn'o! __ .;",.,_ .. ,_'.,.'" ~ righ~,..,,,.l;~tt!,~ro~.~~~~~~~~~.i.j!~'t~........ . , .. · swath will' be displaced down- Wi!lterWheat and Rye: Apply V. to.1 pintperarirE;l(.2to:'4?,lb.aEilAi)ri'.thllspring;~:: : ! ;:<,,;~:

affulltiller stage but before the e~r1yb~rstl!.g~ ... , .... " , .... "';. ".;i:;:2~~':;;~~~':<f},~:;d1'<; Spring Seeded Oats: Apply¥.. pint par acre (.2Ib-a~/A)at ttiefulltiUer~tagG'~!Ji~J:'I ;>iF before the.early bOotstage .. Oats are less. tolerant t02,4-D than whea!~r·b.flr.!ey' .• ;: <.'~; and are more likely.\o suffer some injury. ..... '" ...... .' ." Y":""':,::;' . :','

Page 6: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

'.EPA,Je~~'X~~7~4-124. p.reha~~ttrl!8t~en{~pPly 1to 2'piritsperacre (.47 to ,9S'lb ae!A)';"hen grains

.,: ., . are iritlie. hard dough slage to control large weeds Ihat may interfere wilh harvest ',' Bestresults'will'be'obiainedwhensoil moisture is sufficient to cause succulent.

.. :,', 'Weea groWth, NOTE: '00 not fescrtreaiedstraw to livestock:

'~ORNFIElDiSWEE~ AND POP '. General restrictions

b a .,--~~~~ln~°r:t~h:noXy"typeherbicideth~t .provides post~merg9~~phritrOl pf .:' •. Q' ' .. ' many susCeptible annual and .' perennial broadleaf~eds: L9V{V()!,: :4 may , be. applied prior to planting soybeans to provide foliar burn~.WI1 control 01 susceptible annual and perennial broaaleal weeds. and certain broadleal covercrops'such .as those' listed on this label, LOW VOL 4 should only.be applied prlilplanUq:soY,beans in situations such as raducedtillage production ,systems, WherEiemerged 'weeds are present. Apply only according to .the application instructions give.n below, Do . not use any tillage operations between applicaiion of LOW VOL 4 and planting 01 soybeans, '

Field and pop: :' Mixing Instructions . . .' . ' , ,: Do not use', crop 'as fodder for 7 dilys following application, The preharvestCompatible crop oil concentrates, agricultural surfactantsand fluid.fertilizers 'int~ivill . 7 days, Do not exe,eed a maximum of Sibs ae/acre per crop cycle, approved for use on growing,cr()ps m.ay increaseJheh~rtlici~al.effec:tivE1~~sol ..

BIl~ij!Jl~~UJIIll![g!1!JlQ·il.;,.ljl' to one pre plant 'or preemergence' application' LOW VOL 40n certain weeds and maY'De added to the spray tank, Read,and·fol-·: ,01 .1,oib.ae/acre perapplicetion', .... .... low all directionsaild precautions onthislalielarid C!ri,thelabel,of.each.pri;duct·· .' to'. ona :. postemergenceapplieation per crop cycle, added to ,the spray mixture, ': .. . . . .. " .. , .

per application.- . . . . : .' . .' . •... '. . . . .

·:::ffi1~~~~~~IT:~:~~'lj.~to~·.t~o'·bne~:·preha~~t!3PPli~tion p~rcrop cx~le,Maximum of 1,5 ·.Application Proi:edures' .•. ",:.' .... .• •.•..•.... '.' ... , '.' . ':'. : .... ~; . Apply usingalr6r ground eqiJipmeni in sulii6ient gallonage to obtain adequ~ts cov~ ." .. '" .

. ' erage of wee,ds •. Use 2 or more gallons ofw~ter Peracrein.~erialequipir1ent,and .' 10 or more gallomfotspray mixture' per acrelor·ground eqUipment. :'. .' .. '

aIlSHa". 'bindweed"

Maximum Rate. Per Acre

2 pints (.951b ae)

When to Apply . . (Days prior to planting soybeans)



~~)~r6~~~s';~r;,allfioWer~d ..II~e.Omttnu:~ce·:C,',.u.aparrtl':C··~krl:~y:'co. 'm.·.:.: .. ~.~rl . . blntercup, 'smallflowered" Carolina geranium' . . 'rriorningglolY,.annual. :. cinquefoil, common mousiitail " .. : .' .' ...

and rough mustard; wild' clOver; red". . oniori,. wild' cOCklebur, common pennycress, field dandelion" peppergrass~. dock, curly" plantains eveningprimrosG, cutleaf

'These species are only partially controlled:

I~ general; weeds ~hciuld be.smal;;'aC~\leIY ~;owi~g~~~~~i6i,~tr extremes in climatic conditions; diseases, or insect dilm!l.ge at the til!l .... The reSponse, olindiViduaJ.w~~ds.s~ies toLoY.i:Y9!i~is'y8riabl~r local'iicilinlyor ~tate AgnclilturaFEXterisiciris&rViceor.cr~p. ~tisultanJ,I,

'~:~i~:~~~~~:~~iri£~~~bfe~~i~t~:'~iRIi.~~~:!~;fi~I~{~r~i~~SIy ~:.;:,~j~;:~:.~~.' .' treated with LOW VOL 4 may 'occur"W~ther or nO,t, soybean mJuryoccurs.lloo..·t~~,: •.

extent ol.the injurywill depend on' weather (temperature;andral.n.fall)Jrom~~r~lf.,:. cide' application untilsoybeariemergence:and ~agrori,?h]ic.factors"~~ch';as~ttiEi;: '" amount 01 weed.vegetation and previou'scrop ·residuepres.ent .lnJury IS:!T1O~el~ke-, . Iy under cool rainy condiiions and where there is less weed vegetation ana Crop residue present at the time of application, P.oi1OI:apply;L~\'VV()~ 4,~s, d~flb~" on this label unless you are prepared to accept soyb",an.'II1Jury, II1clud!ngl()~. of:: ~~~. ., ... , ""~ .

. ' . D~not apply Lowvo0,,":' : ..... ,h,,: 0';' , .. ;'~Ih .. r coi1lditi,ons ,;.,',r,h'A,,""t.,miiRrAIi'rA .. sions or. wind 'favOr arift from trA,~tA(Hlt"e!iS

. Liv~stock GrazingRe~triction: DOn()t'I~~;~i:~a~~~~~~~i'c;;;l~;'i~d1~:dI~I;~~hlr;();:. trom 'grazing treated tields, Livest0cl<sl tieated cover crops,' ' .

Page 7: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4



. LOW VOL 4 " EpAREG~NO. 34704~124 . General. Restricti.one: Limited to 2i1pplications per. YElar. Maximum.of 2.0. Ibs

. ae/acre per application: Minimum of2fdays betWeenapplicanons .....•... : . '.' ". spring'irom the:tillerto early .boO!stage. Do not sprayinbooi stage. New spring Apply 2 to 4 pints (.9~.to.1 :4 Ibae) of LOW ,(OL4'per .aqre. in the.smpunfofwater·· :~~dil19smiIY,b~·irEilltEld~th. the: 19werraieaft9.r.the graSseshaveafieaSt five ". needed for uniformapplicatior1,'Treat when weecWareyciung andgro\Virig\\iell::Do:,· .

. l~vEls.·Peteh~i!l1 weEl9.regrowth maybe tre!lted in the fall. . .... . not use on creeping grasses'such'as bent !!ridStAugustirie except f~rspot treaF .' Do.nCl\.graze. da.:ityanimals·clO· treated areas within 7 days after application. Do not' ing, nor on newly:seeded tUrfuhtii grass is well establisheq. Aeseeding of treated graze meat' sllimals 'on ireated are'aswithin'3 days' beforeslilughter. 06 not cut areas should be delayed following treatment.With spring application, reseed in the

. '.: .tr~iedgra,ss.!or hay withiri. 30 days after application. fall; with. fall application, reseed in the spring. Legumes are usually damaged or killed so do not treat areas where the legumes are desired. Deep-rooted.perennial

.. . NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS ·The requiremenis in this liox apply t6 uses of this produci that are NOT with in the scope oltha Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, or greenhouses.

.. USE;.·REQUIREMENTS .FOR PASTURE, RANGELAND AND NON-CROP : AREAS. OTHER THAN .TURF: Do not enter treatment areas until spray has dried or dust hassElttled .. r=or early entry. to ·tieatment areas; wear eye'protec­:tit;iri,c.hemi~l.resistahtgloves; long sleeved shirt, longpanis, socks and shoes.

. . '. : ... Tt,JRF USE:REQUIREMENTS:.qo not allow people (othElr than.·applicator)·o( pals on treatinent area during:application.'Do not.ente·rtreatri1ent areas until

< . ,.spray h~dried.' ,<": " .... " . .... .... ." • :: . NOT,E:'For·applic.ationto turf:bei~g grown for sale or other commercial use as

-: :soo,or for eommercilll seedproducticin, or for research purposes, follow AGAI-' CULTURAL: USE REQUIREMENTS on this label.

··RANGELANDAND GRAsS PASTURES .GeneraIRes1rictions:· 'Postemergence: For susceptible annual and biennial broadleaf weeds: Use 1.0


":, .. :.'.~.;.:;.;i ... , ... ::.<.:,:.::~~~~~~r:!~~t8~~~~ot~::.grlb~~:~~~:IYpeSrU:~~~i~;~nbienniai and perennial . _ ' : ~.,.~ f'ti(difficultto control weeds and.woody plants: Use 2.0 Ibs ae/acre per application.

;;:. '.Spot,trEiatirient:"Use 2.0 Ibs ae/acre. "~",;;,,,,'.:MaXlmuiTloUwo applications per year. Maximum of 4.0 Ibs aelacre per year.

::ii;~~:i:,i{j~t:a~l~j~T~!~~id:sW:~~~~i:lr~i~~~i~: . Requirements . for.: ~he Worker .. ;'",:e,,,',' otectlonSta:ndard'area hcable',·' .

'f1iJ;}f:'~:l.".~P,Ji~~i@h:~~~,~km.~!Tr:l@i~~~~~~i~~~~i~r;~:,~Yr:~m~\[c:~~~y~:~~~·' . ~,'·:~1·;'.:-";";~·.~~.01).J?llntgraSSfjs;· ~Ifalfa,'~clover OG other legumes or on r)ewly seeded pastures.

~'0~~!(1i~~mli!a~~~~I;:i;;,~;:;:';; ;:. :'i'} '.,.:; . ;,::. '.: : ... ' 9fiYater:nEleded for unifcirm·application.If the weEids are young and growing active' !});' ~ . ::.~J ~ ... ) ",~' 1y,::2 p~.~~fp~r" acr~;(wi~.! :prQYi~e-.po~tr.oL.of som~ specie$. Deep-rooteg perennial 't:i:,;::',';·".;:'· .:;:~Eilldsm~yre~Uire'repeated treatments in the same year or in subsequent years ..

~';. .'; WlktGariic:liriCiWild.Onion: Apply 4 pints per acre (1.9 Ib ae/A), making three

weeds may require repeated treatments in 'the same season or in subsequent years. For turf, the maximum number of bro.adcast applications per treatment site is 2 per year. .

GENERAL WEED CONTROL General Res1rictions: Postemergence (annual and perennial weeds): Limited to 2 . applications per year. Maximum of 2.0 Ibs ae/acre perapplication.-Minimum 0130

. days between applications." .": ". .... .... '.' Postemergence (woody plants)· Limiteelto 1 application per year,Maxi rTlumot4.0:·· Ibsae/acre per year. " .. ' '. .'. .... ..... . . .... .,; '. Applications to non-cropland areaS are not applicable to treatment oftXirriniEirci~1 ': . timber or otherplai1tsooiriggro""rilorsale.orothefcomm.erCiai ~se; or for. eam: ....• mercial seed production. or for research purposes. '. . Along fencerows, roadsides, industrial sites, around farm bUlldmgs and similar areas; use1to 2 quarts (.95 to 1.4.lbaej' of.[OW,VOI.: 4 in 100 9!!lIons of water per acre Thoroughly wetall foliage to run·off. .' . .

TULE (BULRUSH) AND OTHER RUSHES: Mix4'pints (1.4 Ib ae) of LOW VOL 4 and 1 gallon of diesel oil or kerosene, then add this mixture to 100 gallons of water. Spray to wet all foliage (400-800 gallons per acre). Addition of a wettinga9!!ht may be advisable. Apply in the spring during flower head emergence. Respray ifneed­eel when regrowth is 3 to 5 feet tall.

'.,.:' ;'<applications(fall,spririg'fall or.spring-fall-spring) starting in late fall or early spring.

····'·'·r.~ii~t:t~ig~~i~di1{~e:n~~~~:~;~:~~:BernlU~a~~Ss.:APP~Y2 t~4 pints'per •• '

.. ~~~.:Sii.i~nerY:9~an.d:~rlCi Sagebnish:Qn tiieo~k: use. 2'piriis in 5 gallons .'. f:!'!~ gfi!:l~4'g~I.lon.s:qf~t~i'iil.lus'1ga.llon pfoilper'acre. Appli·byaircraft betWeen .. Y15-and.J~ne.1?: On the'l!iIgebrush, use 2' pints in 3 gallons of oil per acre and

, " ' .. , ... ,.: ;apply b'y a,ircraft .when fOliage is fully expanded and the brush is actively growing.

i;,~:1~fJ.;lj§]~~j~~;~~ibo*i~~?at~~5~~~~~~e~!-~~f:;~~i~~r:;:~.(~~t~~ ~~~~~d2~~ I!~~ .. ~."!;";:': , ... ·;".'"."~outand;groWlng·actlVely.when treated .. Aetreatment may be needed. .

;::·t'~~~:Y'i-~::~~;·~;6~~~i~:~·M~h~a.nft~;.~ui:~rush' Coastal Sa.ge, Coyotebrush and Certain 'j"J,;~i;,~.,~.:., .. Other,Chaparl'l!l~g!es:.Use 4 plOtsper~cre 105 to 10 gallons of water. One ,'~tp\"",:,~:gallon:·c.f.fuel':oil'rnaYbe irlgll!ded.in the spray mixture for added· effectiveness . ... ,.,. ". ·:,;::.Makeapj:>licatioiis·by.,aircraftor.ground equipment to obtain uniform spray cover·

~~,~,;'age::~FOi:etfectiVe.contioi,;itie'brush .must' be' fully'leafed out and growirigactivery

'\~~;~}~~a.t~~·&~~;~~!j~ni~~Ybe;nEieded.: ... ' . . '. ' . .' . ,

. Dy·prANT,CONTROL· ·('IihF.l,.8tr!~!~n8::,BroapcaSt application; Limited to 1 broadcast application

;~'~;it;:g:;;~i:2J~6i~lie;' bioi~6a~{{II~tion· .. ' . . . ' .. ' '. '. .

~!tR)i?':'~R:~5.qep~p,IEl1;Wil?'!Ypiants'slic~ as alder,. buckbrushi elderberry, :., )low.ol)non:CfClpland~se,2 to 3 qu.arts (1.9 to 2.8 Ib ae) LOW VOL

' ..... ', ).r.itwa.ter. WeUhoro.ughly a.llparts of the plants including foliage and , . " .•.. d.:poiili of run' off. Higher volumes arenei::assarY.wherEithe brush is :~Wry:~e,ri~:Bfi.db\ter~ to~'f~ei high: Applications are more effective when applied

'" < "', ' ;);to:~ti\f~IY~r~w.ingplariis:Do:not trElatduririg periods of·severEi drou~ht or in early ,A "'; ',;: .,fa!I:'Nh9n leaVljlS have lost their healthy green .color. Hard·ta-klll species may need

\:f:;'f~f~~ti\1~?Vhe'fOIl6Win~ seaSon.: " . ;." ." •...


Page 8: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, CLEAN CROP LOW VOL 4

LO\\~l)L 4 . ..EPA REG. NO. 34704-.124


';and:tlie;foIl6~irig):;oiiditiorts of .Sale. and Limitation of Warranty .and Liability. E3Y .;~uy!rgorus!ng:'!1is proc:juct, ttiebuYe.ror user accepts the following .conditions of

..•.... '. :.8aleand.Limitation bfWarranly and Liability, Which no.employee or agent of LOVE-J:ANPP'A09UCT€),:INC.:ortrie~selier isauttiorizedto-vary inaiiyway, .

Follp~th~,. D;re~¥on~ fo.r 0Se (ji ihispr~ductcarefurIy, it is impo~sibleto eliminate ... ,,,:/ all:ri~ks.·,in~,~re[1tly':eissoci~Jed with' the use ,6fthis product Crop or other plant

.': lnjurY,:in~ffEic!iliEihess,' orother;4nintended· conSequences may result from'-such. cJisks·a:s:~$a-'her_br.crop: cpnditions, mixture' with'other chemicals not specifically: Jderitifiedin this pr09uct's label, or use 6f this product contrary to the label instruc-

.' - . tions, allotwliich are b9yoni:t the.contro!ofLOVELAND PRODUCTS, INC. and the .. ~911eir.The b~yer or us~r of ihis product assumes alf such inherent risks,

SLJbject to the foregoing inherent' risks, LOVELAND PRODUCTS, INC. warrants . ··thatthisproduct conformS to the chemical description on the label and is reason­... ' ab.ly fit forthepurRoses stated' in the Directions for Use when the product is used



'-,:USAGE, . . -. . . '. ..' . .-,,',', :." ." .

. . ,-;".",.: --. . ~.: